Research ProposalPDF Available

Covid 19 treatment via SARS-COV2 sonificacion

  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Genome sonification could be a way for a general viruses treatment.
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Covid 19 treatment via SARS-COV2 sonicacion
Hypothesis: If a virus is attracted to enter an inert state, its infestation will tend to zero.
Problem: How to make a virus be drawn into an inert state?
Solution: Making it resonate at its base frequency.
Hypothesis: The base frequency of a virus is directly related to its DNA.
Problem: How to generate a resonant sequence with the DNA of a virus?
Solution: Bring the DNA of the virus to a time series and use it to generate a sequence of sounds
audible by the virus.
Hypothesis: There are sounds audible by the virus, de(ning audible by its resonance with the
DNA of the virus.
Problem: Finding sounds that resonate with the DNA of the virus.
Solution: Create a sound (eld from the sounds generated by the virus DNA.
Covid 19 treatment via SARS-COV2 soni(cacion
Hypothesis: A resonant sound (eld can be created with the DNA of the virus.
Problem: Demonstrate that a sound (eld resonates with the DNA of the virus.
Solution: Generate the sound (eld and observe the behavior of the virus.
It is important to demonstrate that at the end of one or more sound (eld application sessions the
virus becomes inert.
An inert virus can be de(ned as one that is not capable of generating copies of itself.
It must be proven that the generated sound (eld does not a3ect in any way the human being or
its complex (eld of normal association with bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that it already
In other words, that the (eld generated from the DNA of a virus only a3ects it.

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