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Association of net pterygium tissue mass (dry-weight) in determining changes in oculovisual functions and anterior corneal curvature relative to pterygium types


Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Dryweight in pterygium is more towards the fleshy appearance of the fibrous tissue. Aim: The goal of this study was to determine the predictive ability of net pterygium tissue mass (dryweight) on predicting changes in anterior corneal curvature and oculovisual functions relative to pterygium types. Methodology: A total of 93 primary pterygium patients who visited an ophthalmology clinic were selected as participants. The net pterygium tissue mass were obtained via freeze dry method subsequent to pterygium excision using fibrin glue adhesive method. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and contrast sensitivity function (CSF) were measured by using M&S Smart System II as measurement for oculo-visual function, while the changes of anterior corneal curvature was measured using corneal topography. Results: The mean and standard deviation for BCVA, CSF and SimK were 0.44 ± 0.30 LogMAR, 24.28 ± 17.66 % and 4.64 ± 4.18 D respectively. This study found that the predictive ability of pterygium dry-weight with BCVA were strong in Type I and Type III while moderate in Type II with 13.10% (R 2 = 0.131, p < 0.05) in Type I. Slight increase trend were noted in both Type II with 53% (R 2 = 0.530, p < 0.05) and Type III, with 21.60% (R 2 = 0.216, p < 0.05). For CSF, the predictive ability of pterygium dryweight were strong in all types with Type I, Type II and III reported 21.6% (R 2 = 0.216, p < 0.05), 31.8% (R 2 = 0.318, p < 0.05), 28.9% (R 2 = 0.289, p < 0.05) respectively. The predictive ability of pterygium dryweight for SimK were strong in all types with contribution of 44.7% (R 2 = 0.447, p < 0.05), 47.7% (R 2 = 0.477, p < 0.05), 39.1% (R 2 = 0.391, p < 0.05) respectively. Conclusion: Net pterygium tissue mass (dryweight) is a strong factor in predicting changes of oculovisual functions and anterior corneal curvature in relation to pterygium types.
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MOHD RADZI HILMI, PhD (Corresponding author)
KHAIRIDZAN MOHD KAMAL, PhD (Corresponding Author)
Introduction: Dryweight in pterygium is more towards the fleshy appearance of the fibrous tissue. Aim:
The goal of this study was to determine the predictive ability of net pterygium tissue mass (dryweight)
on predicting changes in anterior corneal curvature and oculovisual functions relative to pterygium
types. Methodology: A total of 93 primary pterygium patients who visited an ophthalmology clinic were
selected as participants. The net pterygium tissue mass were obtained via freeze dry method subsequent
to pterygium excision using fibrin glue adhesive method. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and con-
trast sensitivity function (CSF) were measured by using M&S Smart System II as measurement for oculo-
visual function, while the changes of anterior corneal curvature was measured using corneal topography.
Results: The mean and standard deviation for BCVA, CSF and SimK were 0.44 ± 0.30 LogMAR, 24.28 ±
17.66 % and 4.64 ± 4.18 D respectively. This study found that the predictive ability of pterygium dry-
weight with BCVA were strong in Type I and Type III while moderate in Type II with 13.10% (R2 = 0.131,
p < 0.05) in Type I. Slight increase trend were noted in both Type II with 53% (R2 = 0.530, p < 0.05) and
Type III, with 21.60% (R2 = 0.216, p < 0.05). For CSF, the predictive ability of pterygium dryweight were
strong in all types with Type I, Type II and III reported 21.6% (R2 = 0.216, p < 0.05), 31.8% (R2 = 0.318, p <
0.05), 28.9% (R2 = 0.289, p < 0.05) respectively. The predictive ability of pterygium dryweight for SimK
were strong in all types with contribution of 44.7% (R2 = 0.447, p < 0.05), 47.7% (R2 = 0.477, p < 0.05), 39.1%
(R2 = 0.391, p < 0.05) respectively. Conclusion: Net pterygium tissue mass (dryweight) is a strong factor in
predicting changes of oculovisual functions and anterior corneal curvature in relation to pterygium types.
Keywords: Pterygium, dryweight, best corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity function, anterior
corneal curvature.
Pterygium is a wing-shaped abnormal growth of the fibrovascular tissue characterized by a be-
nign proliferation of local conjunctiva that often crosses the limbal of cornea and extends into corneal sur-
face (Chui et al., 2011). Based on the anatomical structure, pterygium can be divided into cap (the leading
edge which also known as pterygium apex), head (the vascular area that invades the cornea) and body in
which the connective tissue spreading on top of the cornea (Liu et al., 2013; Anguria et al., 2014). At early
stage, pterygium is usually asymptomatic. However, dry eye related manifestations may be present, such
as burning, itching, and/or tearing.(Liu et al., 2013; Hilmi et al., 2019; Hilmi et al., 2019). This could hap-
pen due to unstable tears distribution (Hilmi et al., 2019). It is an established fact that as pterygium pro-
gresses, it induced unwanted corneal astigmatism, reduction in contrast sensitivity function as well as
visual acuity (Coroneo, DiGirolamo & Wakenfield, 1999; Chandrakumar et al., 2013).
Currently, the pathogenesis of pterygium is still debatable, however hereditary, inflammation
and environmental factors, including long-term exposure of ultraviolet (UV) on the ocular surface were
noted as possible etiologies (Coroneo, DiGirolamo & Wakenfield, 1999; Liu et al., 2013; Anguria et al.,
2014). There are few grading scales available in which has and can be used to classify the type of pterygi-
um. In 1997, Tan and his co-workers (Tan et al., 1997) proposed a clinical grading of pterygium which
was based on the translucency appearance of pterygium tissue. The authors described pterygium into
three types; Type I pterygium (atrophic- the episcleral vessels unobscured), Type II pterygium (interme-
diate- the episcleral vessels partially obscured) and Type III pterygium (fleshy- the episcleral vessels are
totally obscured). Other than that, pterygium also can be classified based on the size, encroachment and
extension of its tissue onto cornea (Maheswari, 2003; Popat et al., 2014; Shelke et al., 2014). Thus, this
study aimed to evaluate the effects of pterygium types on changes in oculovisual function based on the
net pterygium tissue mass (NTPM).
A cross-sectional prospective study was conducted in a University-based Ophthalmology Clinic
(IIUM Eye Specialist Clinic, IIUM Kuantan). All participants were recruited based on voluntary sampling.
Participant who fulfill the inclusion criteria were selected in this study. The inclusion and exclusion crite-
ria of this study are participant who has an established diagnosis of primary pterygium, both gender with
age range from 20 to 70 years old, both unilateral and bilateral pterygium is included, double head pter-
ygium is excluded, free from any history of ocular trauma, surgery, free from any ocular diseases and
never wear contact lenses (Mohd Radzi et al., 2017; Hilmi et al., 2019). Diagnosis of pterygium was done
by a consultant ophthalmologist (KMK). The sample size for his study was calculated by using Power
and Sample Size Calculation Software Version 3.1.2. (PS Software, Nashville, TN, USA).
Prior to study commencement, informed consent was obtained with approval obtained by Inter-
national Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) research ethical committee (IREC) (IIUM/310/G13/4/4-125)
and this study comfort to the recommendation of the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Standard op-
tometric examination were performed in all participants which includes dry refraction, auto-refraction,
best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), slit-lamp examination and contrast sensitivity function (CSF) were
measured. BCVA and CSF were evaluated using M&S Smart System II. Changes on anterior corneal cur-
vature was evaluated using Zeiss Atlas 995TM Corneal Topographer (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, US).
Freeze-dried pterygium tissue samples known as net pterygium tissue mass (NTPM) were obtained
based on methodology that has been described in detail (Hilmi et al., 2019).
All statistical analyses were done using IBM predictive analytical software (SPSS). Changes in
BCVA, CSF and SimK value between pre and 3-months post-surgical excision of pterygium (Mohd Radzi
et al., 2017). Comparison between pre- and post-surgical excision was done using paired T-test, while
Pearson’s correlation test was performed to determine the association of oculovisual functions parame-
ters (BCVA and CSF) and anterior corneal curvature (SimK) induced by NPTM relative to the pterygium
types. Comparative analysis on magnitude changes in BCVA, CSF and SimK values between all pterygi-
um types were done using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Magnitude changes in all parameters
were based on changes between baseline (pre-surgical) with 3-months post-surgical. P < 0.05 was set as
the level of significance.
Out of 93 patients involved in this study, 50.5% (n = 47) was male and 49.5% (n = 46) were fe-
males. All pterygium were classified based on Tan’s classification of pterygium (Tan et al., 1997) which
comprised of 30 (Type I - atrophic), 32 (Type II - intermediate) and 31 (Type III - fleshy) primary pterygi-
um. All data were normally distributed based on ratio of skewness and kurtosis of within 2.50 (George
and Mallery, 2010). At baseline, the mean and standard deviation (SD) for BCVA, CSF and SimK were
0.44 ± 0.30 LogMAR, 24.28 ± 17.66% and 4.64 ± 4.18D respectively. Paired t-test revealed that there were
significant differences between BCVA, CSF and SimK between the baseline pre-surgical and post-surgical
3 months (p < 0.05), as shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Comparison of BCVA, CSF and SimK between Pre & Post-pterygium Excision (N=93)
Baseline (mean ± SD)
Post 3 months (mean ± SD)
< 0.05
CSF (%)
< 0.05
Sim K (D)
< 0.05
*Paired T-test
Based on Pearson’s correlation test, increasing trend was noted with stronger association was
found with increase of pterygium types. For BCVA, moderate association was found for type I pterygium
with 0.361 and increase steadily with 0.464 for type II. Type III pterygium was found strongly associated
with changes in BCVA. For CSF, moderate association was found in all pterygium types (type I: 0.465,
type II: 0.537 and type III: 0.564). Whereas for changes in SimK, strong association was found in all pter-
ygium types (type I: 0.669, type II: 0.626 and type III: 0.690). Correlation findings were summarised in
Table 2 below.
Table 2. Association of NPTM with Changes in BCVA, CSF and SimK (N = 93)
Correlation, r
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type I
Type II
Type III
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
p < 0.05
Based on Paired T-test findings, magnitude changes for all measured parameters were found sta-
tistically significant with increasing trends of changes towards higher grade of pterygium. Type III pter-
ygium was found induce the largest changes followed by type II and I respectively for all parameters
measured. The magnitude changes are shown in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Magnitude Changes of BCVA, CSF and SimK between Type I, Type II and Type III Pterygium
Types of Pterygium (n=93) Mean ± SD
Type I (n=30)
Type II (n=32)
Type III (n=31)
BCVA (log-
0.02 ± 0.04
0.33 ± 0.20
0.58 ± 0.21
a: < 0.05
b: < 0.05
c: < 0.05
CSF (%)
0.33 ± 0.76
15.19 ± 9.35
37.87 ± 10.00
a: < 0.05
b: < 0.05
c: < 0.05
SimK (D)
1.30 ± 0.64
2.90 ± 1.57
7.97 ± 4.16
a: > 0.05
b: > 0.05
c: < 0.05
*ANOVA: One way analysis of variance
a: Pair of Type I and Type II
b: Pair of Type II and Type III
c: Pair of Type I and Type III
Previous studies stated that presence of pterygium could lead to the changes in the appearance of
the corneal itself as well as can induce increment of corneal astigmatism (Coroneo et al., 1999), reduction
in both contrast sensitivity function and visual acuity (Oh and Wee, 2010; Mohd Radzi et al., 2017). How-
ever, it is difficult to determine the actual impact of pterygium on the oculuvisual function as each pter-
ygium is unique and different for each patient. Previous reports (Tan et al., 1997; Sandra et al., 2014)
commented that pterygium recurrence could be related to the fleshiness appearance of the pterygium.
The whitish fleshiness appearance of pterygium has been suggested as the active site of proliferation of
fibroconnective pterygium tissue (Sandra et al., 2014; Mohd Radzi et al., 2017). An attempt was made re-
cently (Mohd Radzi et al., 2019) to quantify the dry-weight of tissue known as Net Pterygium Tissue
Mass (NPTM), to signify the actual pterygium tissue mass that present on the corneal surface. Thus, this
study aimed to determine the impact of NPTM on changes in BCVA, CSF and SimK in primary pterygi-
um patients.
BCVA is an important parameter as it represents the visual status of the eye. It is an established
fact that pterygium affects visual acuity as it progresses (Maheshwari, 2007; Chui et al., 2011; Anguria et
al., 2014, Mohd Radzi et al., 2017). And it is worth to note that as BCVA affected, CSF could also be affect-
ed as anterior corneal curvature changed due to corneal compression as pterygium progresses from lim-
bus towards central cornea. Previous works (Oh and Wee, 2010; Sandra et al., 2014; Mohd Radzi et al.,
2017) had reported that changes in CSF is important factor as in some pterygium, BCVA not significantly
affected, while CSF effect was more prominent. This could be due to types of pterygium which could be
atrophic or intermediate, in which less whitish appearance presence which in return does not fully cov-
ered the visual axis. Another reason for this is the thickness of pterygium (Mohd Radzi et al., 2018) which
also contribute this notion. A thicker pterygium tissue could further signify active proliferative disorders
in which could lead to higher grade of pterygium such as type III ptergyium. Sandra et al., (2014) had
commented that type I could be less affected in both BCVA and CSF compared to type II, and recent
study (Hilmi et al., 2018; Norazmar et al., 2019) showed clear demarcation effect between type I and III,
which suggest fleshy pterygium could induce more effect on both BCVA and CSF. This current study
findings also in agreement with both studies (Sandra et al., 2014; Norazmar et al., 2019)
With regards to changes in SimK, it needs to be emphasised that pterygium morphology can var-
ies from a pterygium to another. A patient might come with smaller pterygium size, in which should not
significantly affect vision. However, clinical evidence (Hilmi et al., 2018) showed that it does not follow
specific rules such as a larger size, would likely to have worse BCVA and CSF, or vice versa. Thus, fleshi-
ness appearance is an important criteria as it could signify higher percentage of NTPM. Previous studies
(Maheshwari, 2007; Mohd Radzi et al., 2017) has reported that corneal compression occur due to indenta-
tion of corneal curvature. Although it was not stated reason of this, it can be postulated that pterygium
tissue could be the possible reason as pterygium tissue is an active proliferative tissue (Hilmi et al., 2019;
Norazmar et al., 2019; Hilmi et al., 2019; Hilmi et al., 2019). In fact, there are several studies (Azemin et al.,
2014; Che Azemin et al., 2014; Che Azemin et al., 2015; Che Azemin et al., 2016) that commented on the
angiogenesis factor of pterygium in which reflects the presence of fibrovascular components of pterygi-
um which in line with classification of pterygium itself.
This present study results revealed that there are significant correlation and relationship between
the NPTM (dryweight) on BCVA, CSF and SimK (p<0.05). Changes in oculovisual function (BCVA and
CSF) have been described previously based on the size, area, length and redness of pterygium tissue.
(Maheswari, 2007; Popat et al., 2014; Shelke et al., 2014). To the best of our knowledge, no study has been
done on evaluating NPTM (dryweight) with regard to changes in BCVA, CSF and SimK based on pteryg-
ium types. This present study would like to highlight that types of pterygium is an important factor that
needs to be evaluated in determining the caused of changes in BCVA, CSF and SimK.
Types of pterygium is an important characteristics that need to be evaluated in order to have better un-
derstanding on how does pterygium affects oculovisual functions.
This study was funded by International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) under Research Initiative
Grant Scheme (RIGS16-129-0293).
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... Second, corneal compression may occur because of the fibrovascular tissue pressing against the corneal surface. 42,43 However, our literature search revealed little information on this topic. ...
Full-text available
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the pterygium recurrence rate and corneal stabilization point after pterygium excision via the controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique using multiple corneal parameters. Methods: One hundred eyes of 100 patients who had undergone primary pterygium excision surgery via the controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique were retrospectively reviewed. Corneal stabilization points were determined over four follow-up sessions (i.e., the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months after surgery) based on changes in Simulated-K, corneal irregularity measurement, shape factor, and toric mean keratometry. Post-operative courses were followed for 12 months after surgery. Recurrence was defined as the regrowth of fibrovascular tissue 1 mm past the corneoscleral limbus. Results: No sign of pterygium recurrence and the corneal stabilization point were observed at the third month post-operation. Significance improvements in all corneal parameters were noted between the 1st and 3rd months (both p < 0.001); however, insignificant changes were noted at the following 6th- and 12th-month visits (both p > 0.05). Conclusion: The controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique may improve surgical outcomes with long-term recurrence rates equal to or lower than those previously reported. Corneal surface recovery is completed after the third month of the excision procedure.
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Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability measurement of corneal stromal thickness, sub-basal nerve plexus (SBNP) and keratocyte cell density (KCD) in laser refractive surgery patients. Methods: 120 eyes of 60 participants were recruited and both right and left eyes of the myopic subjects were measured separately. Cornea stromal thickness were measured based on the cellular morphology that differs between each corneal layer. Measurement of SBNP and KCD were done using in-vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) using corneal stromal thickness as reference. Corneal nerve parameters measured includes nerve fiber density (NFD), nerve branch Density (NBD) and nerve fiber length (NFL) while KCD were measured based the amount per area, depending on the region of interest. All images were captured and processed using ImageJTM Software and NeuronJ. All data were expressed in mean and standard deviation. Statistical analyses were performed using Predictive analytics software. P < 0.05 was set as the level of significance. Intra- and inter-observer intraclass correlation analysis were done to evaluate reliability of measurement in corneal stromal thickness, SBNP and KCD. Results: This study found no significant difference between measurements for corneal stromal thickness, SBNP and KCD measured. (All P > 0.05). Intraclass correlation analysis showed both intra- and inter-observer performance were approximately consistent and reliable (All r > 0.90, P > 0.05). Conclusion: Measurement of corneal stromal thickness, SBNP and KCD using IVCM is valid and reliable.
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Background: The goal of this study was to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of pterygium grading based on clinical translucence appearances and its reliability in clinical setting. Methods: A total of 93 primary pterygium eyes from 93 participants who visited a tertiary ophthalmic clinic were recruited in this study. Two (2) ophthalmologists and two (2) optometrists evaluated and graded the 93 primary pterygium images in randomized fashion. Graders were instructed to utilise the clinical translucence appearance of pterygium to grade them into type I, II and III. Repeatability testing was done by a single expert by comparing grading of each image on two separate sessions, with one month interval between sessions. Reproducibility was tested by comparing the grading obtained by both experts and optometrists. Results: Paired and independent T-test results showed no significance difference between graders for both experts and optometrists’ group (all P > 0.05). Intra-grader and inter-grader reliability estimates were high with intraclass correlation ranging from 0.97 to 0.98 for both groups. Conclusions: Pterygium clinical grading based on its translucence appearance is reliable and repeatable in clinical setting, easily to be graded, interpreted, and recommended for clinicians with different levels of experience.
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Introduction: This paper aimed to describe variation in apical corneal curvature between unilateral primary pterygium and normal adults utilizing simulated-K and corneal irregularity measurement corneal indices. Methods: A total of 100 participants comprise 50 unilateral primary pterygium eyes from 50 patients and 50 normal adults were recruited in this study. Diagnosis and classification of primary pterygium were done by a consultant ophthalmologist (KMK). Standard optometric examinations were performed in all participants. Simulated-K (SimK) and corneal irregularity measurement (CIM) was objectively measured using a corneal topographer. Three measurements based on best image quality for SimK and CIM were taken by single operator in a same visit. Difference for both SimK and CIM parameters between primary pterygium and normal groups were determined via independent T-test. Results: Overall mean and standard deviation (n = 120) of SimK and CIM were found higher in primary pterygium group (9.06 ± 4.49 D and 11.48 ± 3.12) compared to normal (1.63 ± 0.67 D and 0.62 ± 0.24) respectively. Independent T-test results showed significance difference in SimK and CIM values between primary pterygium groups and normal (both P< 0.001). Conclusions: Both SimK and CIM corneal indices can be an important tool in describing and predicting changes on the corneal curvature due to pterygium progression. However, it is worth to note that the detectability of changes in anterior corneal curvature is limited to 5 mm of central corneal curvature.
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Purpose: To describe an objective method to accurately quantify corneo-pterygium total area (CPTA) by utilising image analysis method and to evaluate its association with corneal astigma-tism (CA). Methods: 120 primary pterygium participants were selected from patients who visited an oph-thalmology clinic. We adopted image analysis software in calculating the size of invading pterygium to the cornea. The marking of the calculated area was done manually, and the total area size was measured in pixel. The computed area is defined as the area from the apex of pterygium to the limbal-corneal border. Then, from the pixel, it was transformed into a percentage (%), which represents the CPTA relative to the entire corneal surface area. Intra-and inter-observer reliability testing were performed by repeating the tracing process twice with a different sequence of images at least one (1) month apart. Intraclass correlation (ICC) and scatter plot were used to describe the reliability of measurement. Results: The overall mean (N = 120) of CPTA was 45.26 ± 13.51% (CI: 42.38-48.36). Reliability for region of interest (ROI) demarcation of CPTA were excellent with intra and inter-agreement of 0.995 (95% CI, 0.994-0.998; P < 0.001) and 0.994 (95% CI, 0.992-0.997; P < 0.001) respectively. The new method was positively associated with corneal astigmatism (P < 0.01). This method was able to predict 37% of the variance in CA compared to 21% using standard method. Conclusions: Image analysis method is useful, reliable and practical in the clinical setting to objectively quantify actual pterygium size, shapes and its effects on the anterior corneal curvature. Pterigión; Corneal-pterigión; Área total; Análisis de imagen; Astigmatismo de la córnea Mediciones del área total de pterigium corneal utilizando un método de análisis de imagen Resumen Objetivo: Describir un método objetivo para cuantificar con precisión el área total corneal inva-dida por pterigium (CPTA) utilizando un método de análisis de imagen evaluando su asociación con el astigmatismo de la córnea (AC). Métodos: Se seleccionaron 120 participantes con pterigium primario de entre los pacientes que acudieron a la clínica oftalmológica. Utilizamos un software de análisis de imagen para calcular el tamaño del pterigión invasivo hacia la córnea. La marcación del área calculada se realizó manualmente, midiéndose en píxeles el tamaño del área total. El área computada se define como el área desde el ápex del pterigium al borde del limbo corneal. A continuación, a partir del análisis de pixels, se transformó en un porcentaje (%), que representa el CPTA relativo al área total de la superficie de la córnea. Se realizaron pruebas de fiabilidad Intra-e inter-observador mediante un proceso, de doble repetición, con una secuencia de imágenes diferente, con separación de un (1) mes como mínimo. Se utilizaron la correlación intra-clase (ICC) y el gráfico de dispersión para describir la fiabilidad de las mediciones. Resultados: La media global (N = 120) de CPTA fue 45,26 ± 13,51% (IC: 42,38-48,36). La fia-bilidad para la demarcación de la región de interés (ROI) de CPTA fue excelente con intra e inter-acuerdo de 0,995 (95% IC, 0,994-0,998; P < 0,001) y 0,994 (95% IC, 0,992-0,997; P < 0,001) respectivamente. El nuevo método se asoció positivamente al astigmatismo de la córnea (p < 0,01). Este método fue capaz de predecir el 37% de la varianza de AC, en comparación con el 21% utilizando el método estándar. Conclusiones: El método de análisis de imagen descrito es útil, fiable y práctico en el entorno clínico, para cuantificar objetivamente el tamaño real del pterigium, así como sus formas y efectos sobre la curvatura anterior de la córnea.
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Background: Contrast sensitivity (CS) is widely used as a measure of visual function in research and clinical settings. CS is regarded as an important visual parameter, detecting subtle reductions in vision prior to significant reduction in visual acuity. Methods: We examined the agreement between the gold-standard Pelli-Robson chart and a computerized test termed the M&S Smart System II (MSSS-II) in patients with primary pterygium. Ninety-three patients (93 primary pterygium eyes) who visited an ophthalmology clinic were selected. The patients were randomly assessed for CS using the MSSS-II or Pelli-Robson chart. The primary outcome was agreement in log units between these two tests in the assessment of CS in patients with primary pterygium. Results: The mean and standard deviation of CS measurement in the two tests were comparable (1.22 ± 0.56 vs. 1.21 ± 0.57 log units, respectively, p = 0.083). The Bland-Altman plot revealed that the mean difference between the two charts was 0.0016 log units (standard deviation: 0.009 log units) with narrow limits of agreement of −0.0186 to 0.0186. Conclusions: MSSS-II provides an alternative for the clinical assessment of CS using a computerized method that describes the status of visual function in patients with primary pterygium.
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This research work outlines the methodology of a medical image grading system based on supervised learning algorithm. A total of 210 features were extracted in various color spaces and most relevant features were identified and fed into a regularized feedforward neural network. The inter-grader reliability of the supervised system was then assessed based on the manual delineation of region of interest by 2 human graders. Intra-class correlation analysis of the experiments shows excellent agreement of 0.869 to 0.954.
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Purpose: The goal of this study was to predict visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity function (CSF) with tissue redness grading after pterygium surgery. Materials and methods: A total of 67 primary pterygium participants were selected from patients who visited an ophthalmology clinic. We developed a semi-automated computer program to measure the pterygium fibrovascular redness from digital pterygium images. The final outcome of this software is a continuous scale grading of 1 (minimum redness) to 3 (maximum redness). The region of interest (ROI) was selected manually using the software. Reliability was determined by repeat grading of all 67 images, and its association with CSF and VA was examined. Results: The mean and standard deviation of redness of the pterygium fibrovascular images was 1.88 ± 0.55. Intra-grader and inter-grader reliability estimates were high with intraclass correlation ranging from 0.97 to 0.98. The new grading was positively associated with CSF (p < 0.01) and VA (p < 0.01). The redness grading was able to predict 25% and 23% of the variance in the CSF and the VA, respectively. Conclusions: The new grading of pterygium fibrovascular redness can be reliably measured from digital images and showed a good correlation with CSF and VA. The redness grading can be used in addition to the existing pterygium grading.
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GLCM texture features have been widely used to characterize biomedical images. Most of the previous studies using GLCM features to characterize biomedical images only consider single or limited color space due to the use of only one color model. To mimic human color perception, conventional RGB color model may need to be supplemented with other color space models for better human vision representation. This study is aimed to find an optimal set of GLCM features extracted from different color space for pterygium grading. Mimicking human color perception has commonly employed RGB color space, which is shown in this paper is inadequate. GLCM features when extracted in various color space show better representation of human perception (correlation coefficient > 0.6) compared to using RGB color space (correlation coefficient < 0.2).
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Background: Pterygium is a wing shaped fibrovascular growth of subconjunctival tissue encroaching upon the cornea from the either side within the interpalpebral fissure area inducing significant astigmatism. Surgical intervention for excision of pterygium leads to reduction in astigmatism which significantly improves vision. Aim: To study changes in corneal astigmatism before and after pterygium excision surgery. Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 100 eyes of 95 patients who had primary pterygium and were admitted in Department of Ophthalmology, P. D. U. Govt. Medical College, Rajkot and underwent pterygium surgery during period of October 2012 to April 2013. All patients underwent preoperative assessment for visual acuity, anterior segment examination, posterior segment examination, auto refraction and auto keratometry. After pterygium surgery, patients were assessed for visual acuity, auto refraction and auto keratometry on 1st, 7th and 45th post operative day and the results were analysed. Results: Mean astigmatism preoperatively was found to be 6.20 ± 3.58 Diopters (D) which subsequently decreased to 1.20 ± 1.27 D on 45th post operative day-showing 5.09 ± 3.32 D of change in astigmatism which was statistically significant(paired t-test, p
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Several risk factors, which include heredity, ultra-violet (UV) light and chronic inflammation, contribute to pterygium development. However, there is no report integrating these factors in the pathogenesis of pterygium. The aim of this review is to describe the connection between heredity, UV, and inflammation in pterygium development. Existing reports indicate that sunlight exposure is the main factor in pterygium occurrence by inducing growth factor production or chronic inflammation or DNA damage. Heredity may be a factor. Our studies on factors in pterygium occurrence and recurrence identify that heredity is crucial for pterygium to develop, and that sunlight is only a trigger, and that chronic inflammation promotes pterygium enlargement. We propose that genetic factors may interfere with the control of fibrovascular proliferation while UV light or (sunlight) most likely only triggers pterygium development by inducing growth factors which promote vibrant fibrovascular proliferation in predisposed individuals. It also just triggers inflammation and collagenolysis, which may be promoters of the enlargement of the fibrovascular mass. Pterygium probably occurs in the presence of exuberant collagen production and profuse neovascularisation.
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Pterygium is considered to be a proliferative overgrowth of bulbar conjunctiva that can induce significant astigmatism and cause visual impairment; this is the first meta-analysis to investigate the pooled prevalence and risk factors for pterygium in the global world. A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. International. A total of 20 studies with 900 545 samples were included. The pooled prevalence and risk factors for pterygium. 20 studies were included. The pooled prevalence of pterygium was 10.2% (95% CI 6.3% to 16.1%). The pooled prevalence among men was higher than that among women (14.5% vs 13.6%). The proportion of participants with unilateral cases of pterygium was higher than that of participants with bilateral cases of pterygium. We found a trend that the higher pooled prevalence of pterygium was associated with increasing geographical latitude and age in the world. The pooled OR was 2.32 (95% CI 1.66 to 3.23) for the male gender and 1.76 (95% CI 1.55 to 2.00) for outdoor activity, respectively. The pooled prevalence of pterygium was relatively high, especially for low latitude regions and the elderly. There were many modifiable risk factors associated with pterygium to which healthcare providers should pay more attention.