As we have reported in some papers, book chapters, congresses, and seminars (Fracalanza et al., 2009; Carvalho and
Silva, 2011; Carvalho and Souza, 2018; Carvalho et al., 2019; Pereira et al.; 2022), an inter-institutional group of
Brazilian researchers has carried out the project “State of the Art of Environmental Education Research in Brazil –
analysis of master’s and doctoral studies - 1981 – 2020 (EArte Project, which means – Environmental Education –
state of the art –) since 2008.
In its heart, the EArte Project entails the construction and maintenance of a database of theses and dissertations on
environmental education in Brazil. Moreover, the objective of this research project is to give a descriptive and
mapping overview of Brazilian Environmental Education Research (EER), regarding institutional, regional, and
educational contexts, such as universities, post-graduation programs, and the regions of Brazil where these research
studies were carried out. Furthermore, the EER databases provide information for researchers interested in more
comprehensive and interpretative studies considering their particular interests3
Since 2016 a group of researchers from different Latin-American countries has made an effort towards an
internationalization process of the EArte Project: a network of researchers in environmental education in Latin
America and the Caribbean has carried out a state-of-the-art environmental education research - “EArte Alyc”.
Researchers from Universities in Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile have taken part in this project.
The main objective is to analyze and identify panoramas and tendencies in knowledge production (meta-analysis)
in the field of Environmental Education in the Latin-American and Caribbean territory.
In an effort to open up discussions and dialogues in this seminar related to the subtheme “Sustainability Issues as
Controversial Educational Content,” a brief summary of one doctoral study and two master’s studies, carried out by
researchers linked to the EArte project, were selected. Also, some possible questions and theoretical and
methodological perspectives have been raised from the results of these studies based on the background of this
project. We are mainly interested in investigating the limits and frontiers of the field of EE research, as well as in
knowing what aspects of the dialogues with Afro- Amerindian cosmopolitics can contribute to a decolonial EE
research agenda.
These ideas have led us to follow a research question: what has been produced by researchers in Brazil on
Environmental Education, and are there any decoloniality and interculturality aspects? From this central question
we intent give shape to the environmental discourse, presenting it as dynamic and plural in the current academic production in Brazil through the presentation of three state-of-the-art studies in environmental education produced
in the context of the inter-institutional EArte project.