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مفهوم السياسة الكبرى في فلسفة نيتشه السياسية



تعتبر الفلسفة النيتشوية أحد أكثر الفلسفات جذرية ونقدية في تاريخ الفلسفة بعامة , بفعل شموليتها وامتداداتها لعديد مجالات الحياة. على المستوى السياسي , ينطلق نيتشه من نقد الحداثة السياسية , حيث قادت هته الأخيرة قادت الى انتشار الأفكار الديمقراطية والاشتراكية وما يسميه نيتشه بالمساواة العدمية , ونموذج الدولة-الأمة , التي تنتمي الى ما يسميه نيتشه ب(السياسة الصغرى). وعلى النقيض يقترح نيتشه فلسفة سياسية تقوم على مفهوم (السياسة الكبرى) حيث الدعوى لسياسة أكثر توسعية وأكثر انفتاحا أيضا. فتظهر دعوة نيتشه لمشاريع من مثل الوحدة الأوروبية ومفهوم الانسان الأسمى الذي يقابله النموذج السلبي لخاتم البشر في المشروع الديمقراطي الحداثي. ان السياسة الكبرى هي سياسة الانسان الأسمى. Summary : We can say that the philosophy of Nietzsche is one of most radical and most critical of all the history of the philosophy. Because of his exhaustiveness and its extension in diverse Domains of life. On the political level Nietzsche begins with the criticism of the political modernity, of which she leads to the democracy and to socialism, and what calls Nietzsche the egalitarian nihilism , , and the model of the nation state, which belongs to what calls Nietzsche the (small policies). On the other hand Nietzsche develops a political philosophy based on the notion ( big policy), which leads us to a more expansive and more open policy. Of it Nietzsche calls up to the European unity and the notion of the Übermensch , Which contradicts models her denial of the ( last man) in the sphere of the modern democracy. We can say that the big policy is the policy of the Übermensch.
  
        
 
         
               
      
       
        
       
       
       
 ;;;
Summary :
We can say that the philosophy of Nietzsche is one of most
radical and most critical of all the history of the philosophy.
Because of his exhaustiveness and its extension in diverse
Domains of life. On the political level Nietzsche begins with the
criticism of the political modernity, of which she leads to the
democracy and to socialism, and what calls Nietzsche the
egalitarian nihilism , , and the model of the nation state, which
belongs to what calls Nietzsche the (small policies). On the
other hand Nietzsche develops a political philosophy based on
the notion ( big policy), which leads us to a more expansive and
more open policy. Of it Nietzsche calls up to the European unity
and the notion of the Übermensch , Which contradicts models
herdenial of the ( last man) in the sphere of the modern
democracy. We can say that the big policy is the policy of the
Key word: Nietzsche ; big policy ; political philosophy ;
        
          
         
        
         
         
        
       
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1 
  
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  
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        
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    
         
      
         
       
      
      
 
       
 
        
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       
        
        
        
       
      
        
        
Nietzsche, 2011 :12
       
         
        
Nietzsche, 2011 :127
 
        
 
Nietzsche, 1913 :283
César Borgia
Friedrich II
        
          
       
       
 
        
   
       
2 
       
      
          
     
        
       
        
  Nietzsche ,1907   
       
       
       
        
  
kynast,2014 :114
       
   
         
       
         
      
         
    
        
     
          
  
         
  
        
Nietzsche, 2011 :121 
Nietzsche, 1901 :350
         
        
  
       
      
 
      
        
      
dalie,2003 :58
3 
   
       
         
       
         
         
        
        
        
      
cosmopolitique 
 
        
           
        
      
 
  
 
          
 jasper,1950 :232
       
       
      
        
         
         
        
 
(bilheran,2005 :16)
       
        
        
       
       
       
       
        
       
      
       
      
       
        
        
 
          
   
tazerout, léducation vitaliste,1946 :144
tazerout, critique de léducation,1946 :144
        
       
      
cosmopolitique      
4 
        
         
 
Nietzsche,2011 :127
 
         
  
        
     
         
 
        
  
         
         
        
       
        
        
      
       
        
    
     
jasper,1950 :232    
         
         
      
jasper,1950 :233
     
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      
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1          
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 4          
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8  
 9 
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19. Tazerout,Mohand(1946). les éducateurs
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
le surhomme de Friedrich Nietzsche: une introduction philosophique (Fréderic Clarke, Tr), paris : édition PKP. 14
  • Karl Jaspers
Jaspers, Karl(1950). Nietzsche: introduction a sa philosophie ( Henri Niel, Tr), France : édition Gallimard. 13. kynast, Pierre (2014). le surhomme de Friedrich Nietzsche: une introduction philosophique (Fréderic Clarke, Tr), paris : édition PKP. 14. Nietzsche,Frederick (1901). Le gai savoir (Henri Albert, Tr),paris : édition mercure de France.
Considérations inactuelles première série (Henri Albert, Tr),paris : édition mercure de France
  • Frederick Nietzsche
Nietzsche,Frederick (1907). Considérations inactuelles première série (Henri Albert, Tr),paris : édition mercure de France.
Par delà le bien et le mal (Henri Albert, Tr) ,paris : édition mercure de France
  • Frederick Nietzsche
Nietzsche,Frederick (1913). Par delà le bien et le mal (Henri Albert, Tr),paris : édition mercure de France. 17. Nietzsche,Frederick (jan 2011). Ecce homo, (Alexandre Vialatte, Tr), édition oeuvres ouvertes (version électronique).
les éducateurs sociaux de l'Allemagne moderne: critique de l'éducation allemande , paris : nouvelles édition latines. 19. Tazerout, Mohand(1946). les éducateurs sociaux de l'Allemagne moderne: l'éducation vitaliste
  • Mohand Tazerout
Tazerout, Mohand(1946). les éducateurs sociaux de l'Allemagne moderne: critique de l'éducation allemande, paris : nouvelles édition latines. 19. Tazerout, Mohand(1946). les éducateurs sociaux de l'Allemagne moderne: l'éducation vitaliste , paris : nouvelles édition latines.