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Augmented reality for visualizing security data for cybernetic and cyberphysical systems



The paper discusses the use of virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality for visual analytics in information security. Paper answers two questions: “In which areas of information security visualization VR/AR can be useful?” and “What is the difference of the VR/AR from similar methods of visualization at the level of perception of information?”. The first answer is based on the investigation of information security areas and visualization models that can be used in VR/AR security visualization. The second answer is based on experiments that evaluate perception of visual components in VR.
Augmented reality for visualizing security data
for cybernetic and cyberphysical systems
Abstract The paper discusses the use of virtual and
augmented reality for visual analytics in information security.
We asks two questions: “In which areas of information security
visualization AR can be useful?” and “What is the difference
from similar methods of visualization at the level of perception of
information?”. The paper answers the first question with the
investigation of information security areas and visualization
models that can be used in VR/AR security visualization. The
paper answers the second question with the user-based
experiments that evaluate perception of visual components in
VR. Based on the experiments the classes of visual components
with different level of effectivity in VR/AR are presented.
Keywords— virtual reality, augmented reality, information
security, data visualization, visualization evaluation.
The analysis of information security events occurs mainly
visually. Events and incidents are displayed using various
visualization models. Based on visual analysis, the user decides
on the choice of the necessary countermeasures.
Along with the increase in the volume of data being
analyzed and the complexity of the architectures of computer
networks and systems, the complexity of the necessary
visualization models is growing. One of the possible solutions
may be to use 3D models of visualization in virtual /
augmented reality, along with 2D models. However, the
interfaces of virtual / augmented reality are still little studied,
so there is a need to study the perception of the components of
three-dimensional models of visualization by users and their
compliance with information security metrics.
The main contribution of the paper is as follows. First, the
areas of information security where VR/AR visualization can
be useful are given. Second, criteria for the effectiveness of the
perception of visualization of metrics by users are proposed.
Third is visualization components effectivity classification that
is based on user-based experiments in VR/AR metrics
The paper has the following structure. The analysis of
related work is provided in section II. Section III is devoted to
the consideration of information security areas that can use AR
and VR visualization. Visualization perception tests, and visual
components effectivity classification that are based on the
results of these tests are described in section V. Section VI
describes the main conclusions and formulates the directions of
future research.
Augmented reality is a relatively new direction. For a long
time, AR devices were unavailable due to their professional
orientation (pilots, racers, etc.) or their high cost, which
significantly limited their widespread use. The following
augmented reality devices are currently available: Google
Glass (2014), Microsoft HoloLens (2016), MetaVision (2017),
Magic Leap (2018). Separately, there exist AR based on
mobile devices without the possibility of human-machine
interaction for data management: Apple AR Kit (2017) and
Google AR Core (2017).
Nevertheless, a number of studies have already been
undertaken in the field of the possibility of visualization
through virtual reality as the closest technology to augmented
reality. So, a group of South Korean and American scientists
investigated ways of visualizing graph structures in various
types of spheres in virtual reality [1]. Ana Asnes Becker, Data
Journalist of The Wall Street Journal, visualized in virtual
reality the history of NASDAQ quotes [2]. Michal Koutek and
Frits Post developed the MolDRIVE visualization system,
which allows visualization and control of the molecular
dynamics experiment [3]. In 2017, the RSAC presented
opportunities for using virtual reality in cybersecurity by
companies such as Landrian Networks and ForeScout.
Landrian Networks provided insights on the use of virtual
reality in the work of situational security centers [4], and
ForeScout - in promoting the security of the Internet of
things [5]. Bob Levy introduced the Virtual Cove project,
which visualizes stock indices in augmented reality [6]. E-
Semble bv is developing emergency simulation programs to
train qualified personnel. Brown University (Providence, USA)
uses virtual reality for various scientific experiments and
training in psychology, surgery, geology, bioengineering and
other fields [7]. The Engenharia Nuclear Institute (Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil) is exploring the possibilities of using virtual
reality to ensure the physical security of nuclear facilities [8].
At the St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies,
Mechanics, and Optics (ITMO), cognitive visualization
technologies for temporal integrated networks and situational
PDP 2020 conf.
Published version:
omitted for blind review
awareness management during global mass events were
In general, studies on visualization through augmented
reality are just beginning, and no large studies have been
conducted in this area. Moreover, global comprehensive
studies of augmented reality were not conducted not only in the
field of visualization of security data, but also in the field of
data visualization as part of Data Science. This leads us to a
misunderstanding of how AR can be used in security.
Thus, there is a necessary basis for the development of
security data visualization systems in augmented reality,
however, the research itself in this area is at an initial level.
There are two main problems facing developers of AR in
1) In which areas of information security visualization
AR can be useful?
2) What is the difference from similar methods of
visualization at the level of perception of information?
In order to determine the possibilities of using AR for
solving information security problems, a study was carried out
of various areas of information protection for what support and
decision-making processes exist in them, as well as how data
visualization is applied in them.
Three classes of areas of information security were studied:
physical security, cybersecurity and cyberphysical security.
For each information security process studied, the
visualization models used and what tasks they solve within the
framework of a specific process were determined.
Physical Security:
1. Organization and certification of security of buildings
and areas – development of projects to ensure the protection of
premises (installation of sensors, development of a plan of
premises, furniture arrangement, etc.), certification of
compliance of a room with a certain security class.
Visualization models: room graphs [9], visualization of
physical objects and processes (for example, camera viewing
angles), device dependency graphs [10].
2. Personnel training - monitoring staff awareness of
actual security policies.
Visualization models: bar charts for comparing personnel
indicators [11], line charts, pie charts [14].
3. Incident monitoring and counteraction - monitoring
the controlled area, controlling access of people and vehicles,
monitoring events and incidents from physical security
systems, developing countermeasures and giving instructions
to the systems.
Visualization models: maps of the controlled area, Voronoi
maps [12], graphs of transitions between areas (where the edge
is Access Control Systems), linear / pie / bar charts of
indicators of the transport and personnel.
4. Monitoring of incidents and counteraction within the
framework of urban situational centers - countering terrorist,
man-made and natural threats, as well as eliminating the
consequences of disasters by developing countermeasures and
giving orders to services.
Visualization models: city maps with overlapping bubble /
linear / pie / bar charts of statistical data [11, 14], population
movement graphs [13].
1. Risk assessment - asset assessment, threat assessment,
attack route prediction, countermeasures selection and returns
of investments calculations.
Visualization models: service dependency graphs [10], tree
maps of risk [10], attack route matrices [16], radial attack trees
[15], linear/pie/bar charts of asset metrics, geometric
countermeasure visualizations [10].
2. Network processes - active and passive traffic
analysis, firewall monitoring, network topology status
monitoring (access rights, traffic flows, connected devices,
Visualization models: linear/pie/bar charts of traffic
statistics [17], scatter plots, parallel coordinates and hive plots
[24], network and flow graphs [14], circle packing [18], trees
and radial trees for hierarchical networks, traffic flow chord
diagrams, access control matrices [19].
3. Information leaks - monitoring the actions of
employees, searching for employees at risk, tracking insiders to
gather evidence.
Visualization models: linear/pie/bar charts of statistical data
on events and risks, word clouds, interval graphs [11].
4. Social networks - identifying opinion leaders,
identifying destructive communities (e.g. HIV dissident,
destructive sects, popularizing homeopathy, etc.), identifying
illegal content, monitoring the dissemination and attenuation of
Visualization models: linear/pie/bar charts of statistical
data, user and content dependency graphs, repost trees [20].
5. Forensics - restoring the sequence of committing a
cybercrime, collecting evidence, presenting evidence in court.
Visualization models: linear/pie/bar charts of time data
[17], visualization models depending on the type of forensics
(if the analysis is within the framework of network forensics,
models relevant to the class of network processes can be used).
6. Anti-malware - development of signature and
proactive methods for detecting malware, structural analysis of
executable files.
Visualization models: linear/pie/bar charts of statistical data
[14], graphs of code blocks (for example, in the IDA
decompiler) [21].
Cyber Physical Security:
1. Built-in devices and the Internet of things - self-
organization of networks, monitoring the status of cyber-
physical networks, monitoring of individual devices of the
Internet of things.
Visualization models: graphs of networks of embedded
devices, Voronoi maps, tree maps [12], trees and radial trees
for hierarchical networks, Voronoi maps for sensor coverage
areas, linear/pie/bar charts of device parameters [11,14].
2. Cyber-physical access control - monitoring the
movement of users indoors and buildings, user authorization on
devices, security models for access control.
Visualization models: graphs of employee premises and
movements [22], triangular coordinates [23], room maps,
Voronoi maps, access matrices, parallel coordinates of access,
triangular matrices of access [19].
3. Robotic systems - monitoring the status of smart
Visualization models: maps of the area and premises [22],
graphs of drone networks, linear/pie/bar charts of CAN BUS
traffic parameters [25].
The list of visualization models used to ensure security is as
follows: graphs, matrices, triangular matrices, Chord diagrams,
interval graphs, trees, radial trees, tree maps, circle packing,
Voronoi maps, bar graphs, line/pie/bar/bubble charts,
geometric visualizations, scatter plots, parallel coordinates,
hive plots, word clouds, triangular coordinates, room maps,
terrain maps, physical objects.
Thus, the general structures and characteristics of security
data were obtained, which will allow one to formulate
approaches to data visualization in augmented reality for
extensive classes of tasks and to build universal visualization
In order to develop effective methods of data visualization,
it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the components
that make up the image. User perceptions of images in 2D and
3D vary significantly. The main differences are as follows:
(1) In 3D, the user perceives space. Due to what the
concept of size, relative position changes, the dependence of
color on lighting appears.
(2) In the 3D mode with 6 degrees of freedom, the user
begins to perceive himself as an active observer who can move
between objects and observe them from different sides.
(3) In 3D mode with basic interaction capabilities, the user
begins to perceive virtual objects as real physical objects and
gives them the properties of physical objects.
Thus, the basis of the idea and the reason for the need to
study cognitive perception in 3D lies in the fact that the
effectiveness of information interpretation is changing.
Accordingly, there is a need to study the perception efficiency
of the basic components of visualization: size, color,
transparency, etc.
In order to numerically express (and be able to compare)
the perception efficiency of various components, experiments
were conducted. Below are summarized the following key
points in their implementation.
Determination of effectiveness
The effectiveness of visualization is difficult to evaluate
and formalize. To determine the effectiveness, we proceeded
from two basic requirements for support and decision-making
systems: accuracy of information interpretation and speed of
The process of visualization and decision making in general
terms is as follows. The metric (for example, number 15) is
converted to a graphic component (for example, a ball with
volume = 15). The user examines the ball and tries to interpret
its size. He gives an answer (e.g. 14) and spends some time
making a decision (e.g. 10 seconds). Thus, effectiveness is
expressed in the speed of interpretation of the metric and
accuracy. Values are determined by the upper quantile Q3.
Their comparison for various components allows us to identify
more effective and less effective components of visualization
in 3D.
We highlight six classes of efficiency - 3 in accuracy and 3
in speed.
By accuracy:
1) Accurate - Graphic components recommended for
visualization of accurate metrics. Accurate metrics are metrics
that must convey the exact number, for example, the number of
vulnerabilities or the number of employees.
2) With errors - graphic components recommended for
use for visualizing inaccurate metrics. Inaccurate metrics are
metrics whose overly accurate interpretation may affect
decision making, although it should not. For example, the
probability of an attack or the average value of criticality.
3) Inaccurate - graphic components that give a large
error. Not recommended for use.
By speed:
1) Fast - recommended graphics components for fast
decision making.
2) Acceptable - Graphic components that are acceptable
for use for fast decision making.
3) Slow - graphical components not recommended for
quick decision making.
Thus, perception efficiency was determined by classifying
the upper quantile of the distribution density of two main
parameters, which can be used to judge the degree of
interpretation success: accuracy and speed. Speed - the
difference between the time the task completed and its start.
Accuracy is the ratio of the normalized interpreted value to the
normalized correct value.
Test Objects
We distinguish two types of visualization components with
respect to metrics: quantitative and categorical.
Quantitative imaging techniques can visualize numerical
values. Thus, two visualization objects can be compared with
each other. For example (size perception testing): “how many
times is the first ball larger than the second?”
Categorical visualization methods cannot do this. For
example, one cannot ask the question (shape perception
testing): “how many times is one object more triangular than
the second?”. But they can visualize categories (shape
perception testing): “how many triangles do you see among the
It should be noted that quantitative methods can also
visualize categorical concepts (size perception testing): “how
many large and small balls do you see?”.
We identified visualization components from Christian
Leborg's book Visual Grammar. Only those components that
can visualize metrics were taken. Then we divided the metrics
into two classes. The class of quantitative metrics includes size
(volume in 3D), color hue, color saturation, transparency, cubic
coordinate system, radial (cylindrical in 3D) coordinate system,
rotation, scaling, movement. The class of categorical metrics
includes form, primary color, texture.
Types of tests
Two types of tests were identified.
Test A is quantitative. The user was presented with two
objects that are identical to each other in everything except the
tested visualization component. For example, two static cubes,
the same size, shape, texture and transparency, but with
different shades of color. It was necessary to determine “how
many times the first object is more X than the second”, where
X is large, transparent, blue, saturated, etc.
Test B is categorical. The user was presented with 32
objects that are identical to each other in everything except the
tested visualization component. Among 32 objects there were 4
categories of objects. For example, 32 objects with 4 different
shapes. It was necessary to determine “how many objects X
and Y are together”, where X and Y are triangles, striped
objects, rotating, blue, etc.
For each quantitative component, tests A and B were
carried out. For the categorical one, only B. For each test, there
were 3 different combinations, so for one user three
measurements of perception of one component were made.
Test execution
Tests were conducted at [omitted for blind review] on
graduate students of [omitted for blind review] and university
students [omitted for blind review]. The tests were
implemented as a program written in Unity and launched in
HTC Vive VR glasses.
The subject underwent brief instruction on how to put on
and take off helmet, how to use controllers, how to enter the
answer on the virtual keyboard, how to grab and release virtual
objects, how to move. After the briefing, the subject proceeded
to testing under the supervision of an observer who observed
during the first 6 tasks. The observer could not answer the
questions of the subject related to the specifics of the tests and
interpretation of the questions. The observer helped to get used
to the technique and interaction. The first 6 tasks simulate
testing so that the subject learns how to use the headset. In
addition, the first few tasks, the subjects often delayed the
passage, playing with virtual objects and studying technology.
After passing 6 tests, the observer retired so that no one could
influence the subject.
The test subject had to complete 65 tasks:
size - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical B tests;
color tone - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical B
color saturation - 3 quantitative A tests and 3
categorical B tests;
transparency - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical
B tests;
rotation - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical B
scaling - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical B
movement - 3 quantitative A tests and 3 categorical B
shape –3 categorical B tests;
primary color –3 categorical B tests;
texture - 3 categorical B tests;
cubic coordinate system - 3 quantitative A tests;
radial coordinate system - 3 quantitative A tests;
size and shape - 3 quantitative A tests;
graph perception - 5 tests.
It should be noted the last four types of tests.
Size and shape - this test was added to assess the difference
in perception of size in different shapes. Graph perception test -
included an approximate calculation of the number of vertices
and edges of large graphs. These two types of tests cannot be
used for comparison with others, since the conditions for their
implementation vary: the size and shape test has two base
parameters instead of one, and testing the graph differs from
testing methods A and B.
The cubic and radial coordinate systems were tested only
according to the A method, since categories cannot be
expressed using coordinates. In the test, an object was
presented, and it was necessary to determine its coordinate. We
can say that the condition of test A is not met, since in this test
there is only one object, and not two. But the condition of test
A is met due to the fact that the user compares the object with
the origin of the coordinate axes, so he compares two objects,
as in other tests of category A.
On average, testing took 50 minutes. It was in connection
with the duration of the test that the decision was made to limit
itself to this set of tests, since for such a long time the subjects
get tired, which can affect the test results.
Test results
A total of 56 measurements were obtained. As a result of
testing, the distributions of accuracy and time were obtained.
The figures show the distribution in the shape of boxes with a
The accuracy was normalized in such a way that the correct
answer is at around 0. Deviation by 1 indicates a deviation of
100% from the correct answer. For example: the correct
answer is 5 (on chart value is 0), this answer is 10 (on chart
value is 1) or 2.5 (on chart value is 0.5).
Figure 1 – Test A Accuracy
The accuracy of components of test A were divided into
three categories (Figure 1):
Precise components. This category includes components
with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is less than 1:
move, scale, rotate and a cubic coordinates.
Components with errors. This category includes
components with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which
are greater than 1 and less than 2: radial coordinates, opacity
and size.
Inaccurate components. This category includes components
with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is more than
2: hue, saturation.
Figure 2 – Test B Accuracy
The accuracy of components of test B were divided into
three categories (Figure 2):
Precise components. This category includes components
with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is equal to 0:
move, scale, rotate, color and shape.
Components with errors. This category includes
components with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which
is less than 1: size, opacity and texture.
Inaccurate components. This category includes components
with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is greater than
1: hue, saturation.
The speed was calculated as the difference between the
start of the test (when the objects appeared before the user) and
its end (when the answer was entered). The graph shows the
time in seconds.
Figure 3 – Test A Speed
The speed of components of test A were divided into three
categories (Figure 3):
Fast components. This category includes components with
an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is less than 30
seconds: size, saturation, opacity, scale, move.
Acceptable components. This category includes
components with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which
is less than 60 seconds: rotation, hue.
Slow components. This category includes components with
an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is more than 60
seconds: cubic coordinates, radial coordinate.
Figure 4 – Test B Speed
The speed of components of test B were divided into three
categories (Figure 4):
Fast components. This category includes components with
an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is less than 30
seconds: rotate, scale, move.
Acceptable components. This category includes
components with an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which
is less than 60 seconds: size, shape, color, saturation and
Slow components. This category includes components with
an accuracy of the upper quantile Q3 which is more than 60
seconds: opacity, hue.
The final table of tests is as follows.
Component Accuracy
test A
test B
Time –
test A
Time –
test B
Shape - accurate - acceptable
Hue inaccurate inaccurate acceptable slow
Saturation inaccurate inaccurate fast acceptable
Texture - with errors - acceptable
Cubic coord.
accurate - slow -
Radial coord.
with errors - slow -
Rotation accurate accurate acceptable fast
Table 1 – The effectiveness of the components
In addition to the main tests, a test was conducted on the
perception of size depending on the shape and on the
perception of large-scale structures (graphs with the number of
vertices from 30 to 700) (Figures 5, 6).
Figure 5 – Accuracy tests A, B, size and shape, large-scale
Figure 6 – Speed tests A, B, size and shape, large-scale
The results of the size perception test depending on the
shape show that the shape affects the size perception mainly in
the analysis time.
The results of a large-scale structure perception test show
that perception is both accurate and speed at approximately the
same level as test A.
These two additional tests show that the components
themselves and the number of objects also affect each other.
These two tests cannot be compared with the others, since they
violate the conditions regarding the number of displayed
metrics and the number of displayed objects. But based on
them, the following conclusions can be drawn.
When testing the size and shape, an analog of test A the
display of several metrics at once negatively affects the
When evaluating a large-scale structure (B test analog – the
simplest type of perception the “presence” is tested)
perception of the metric both in speed and in accuracy
significantly exceeds all similar B tests.
These two tests show that the selection of effective
components is not enough to predict a certain level of
perception in advance, since visualization has emergent
properties. Based on the effectiveness of the component,
design decisions should be made to maximize the ability to
obtain an effective visualization model. The resulting
component efficiency table 1 can be used to build visualization
models, but it does not have predictive capabilities..
An example of passing the test can be found here:
The article proposes possible VR/AR visualization models
for the investigated information security processes, as well as
their correspondence to the security tasks that they solve.
Experimental evaluation of effectivity was conducted on
the results of which a strategy for using various visualization
components can be based.
This result should increase the performance indicators
(accuracy and speed) of the operator’s interaction with the data
obtained by information security systems.
The approach can be applied in the field of information
security analytics to analyze large volumes of data, which
require both simple and complex visualization models, and
should prioritize accuracy and speed.
Further research will concern the search for optimal ways
of human-computer interaction with information security data
in virtual augmented reality, as well as the development of a
methodology for interaction with information security metrics
in virtual and augmented reality.
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... Treemaps (2), Voronoi maps (3), stacked models (5) In this article, we presented visualization models most different from each other to demonstrate how various concepts of information presentation can be used [95,96]. These models can be extended by their use in 3D (e.g., the Voronoi diagram in Figures 16 and 19) or by combining them with other models [97]. ...
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Currently, the methods and means of human–machine interaction and visualization as its integral part are being increasingly developed. In various fields of scientific knowledge and technology, there is a need to find and select the most effective visualization models for various types of data, as well as to develop automation tools for the process of choosing the best visualization model for a specific case. There are many data visualization tools in various application fields, but at the same time, the main difficulty lies in presenting data of an interconnected (node-link) structure, i.e., networks. Typically, a lot of software means use graphs as the most straightforward and versatile models. To facilitate visual analysis, researchers are developing ways to arrange graph elements to make comparing, searching, and navigating data easier. However, in addition to graphs, there are many other visualization models that are less versatile but have the potential to expand the capabilities of the analyst and provide alternative solutions. In this work, we collected a variety of visualization models, which we call alternative models, to demonstrate how different concepts of information representation can be realized. We believe that adapting these models to improve the means of human–machine interaction will help analysts make significant progress in solving the problems researchers face when working with graphs.
... As there is always a risk of error with human supervision, the AR devices which could be used for face identification or object identification as well as could also identify the environment and with the use of proper hardware could also keep view of a wide surface area in 3D. One such framework is discussed in [32], where the operator could use AR technology to provide a 3D interface with the help of Virtual and Augmented reality. This is done by using a wide array of sensors for video and audio surveillance. ...
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In recent years, VR and AR has exploded into a multimillionaire market. As this emerging technology has spread to a variety of businesses and is rapidly increasing among users. It is critical to address potential privacy and security concerns that these technologies might pose. In this study, we discuss the current status of privacy and security in VR and AR. We analyse possible problems and risks. Besides, we will look in detail at a few of the major concerns issues and related security solutions for AR and VR. Additionally, as VR and AR authentication is the most thoroughly studied aspect of the problem, we concentrate on the research that has already been done in this area.
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Cyber security analysts use data visualizations to speed up ingestion of security data. These visualizations typically take the form of 2D graphics displayed on computer monitors. Virtual reality has the potential to improve these visualizations with immersive 3D environments and unique interaction mechanics. However, research into this newly synergised area lacks evaluation, leading to unfounded claims of effectiveness. A potential cause for these missing evaluations was identified as a lack of guidance detailing how evaluations should be conducted in this area. Additionally, the small amount of research that does include evaluation incorrectly relies on subjective participant opinions to objectively measure system effectiveness. An example of this misuse is asking participants which system they thought was quicker, rather than timing them. The objective of this paper was to propose a solution to these issues in the form of a surveyed, categorised, and analysed set of evaluation metrics. A total of 49 metrics were identified from 41 papers. The presented metrics detail which dependent variables should be considered when evaluating works in the combined fields of cyber security, data visualization, and virtual reality. These metrics can be used to produce more accurate evaluations in future works in this area.
Technologies of virtual and augmented reality are gaining popularity. Virtual reality is used in many areas, including beginning to be used in the field of information and computer security. In addition, virtual reality interfaces are also susceptible to attacks. However, there are still few works on research in this area. This article provides an overview of existing solutions to computer security problems using virtual and augmented reality interfaces, as well as an overview and classification of the identified threats for these interfaces themselves.
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The development of social networks made it possible to form very complex structures of users and their content. As new services are added for users, the number of vertex types and edge types increase in the social network graph. Such structural increase opens up new opportunities for analysis. It becomes possible to obtain information about users, communities or trends by analyzing not the numerical or text information, but the structures that they form. Such structures can give a more accurate picture of the user, the community or the trend. To analyze these graph structures of social networks, one can use the entire arsenal of graph algorithms. In this paper, we consider their practical use in analyzing the growing structures of social networks and their limitations on the example of one of the largest social networks-VKontakte. The paper provides analysis and classification of graph algorithms in the context of social networks, as well as an approach to the analysis of the social network VKontakte using the graph database OrientDB.
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Network forensics is based on the analysis of network traffic. Traffic analysis is a routine procedure, but it allows one to not only identify the cause of the security breach, but also step by step to recreate the whole picture of what happened. To analyze the traffic, investigators usually use Wireshark, a software that has the graphical interface and has greater capabilities for sorting and filtering packets. But even with it, packet analysis takes a lot of time. In this paper, we propose an approach for cyber forensics based on different views on the network traffic. Using this approach, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of forensic scientists, including the rapid localization of anomalies and, importantly, the creation of easily understandable graphical proofs and histories of computer attacks. The example of the investigation of the attack SSL-strip is a way to classify different views (slices) of traffic and a scheme for using for these slices different models of visualization. Also provides an assessment and recommendations for the application of visual analytics methods. © 2018, Innovative Information Science and Technology Research Group. All rights reserved.
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The paper proposes an approach for visualizationof access control systems based on triangular matrices. Theapproach is used for visualization of access control securitymodel that based in methods of RBAC and Take-Grant. Incomparison with regular access matrices, the sparseness oftriangular matrices is less, and the approach is able to visualizenesting at the level of rights. The paper outlines a new triangular visualization model, its interpretation, management methods, and the results of experiments for visualization of an access control system in an IT company.
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The paper describes Voronoi Maps – a new technique for visualizing sensor networks that can reduced to planar graph. Visualization in the form of Voronoi Maps as well as TreeMaps provides a great use of screen space, and at the same time allows us to visualize planar non-hierarchical decentralized topology. The paper provides an overview of existing techniques of information security visualization, the Voronoi Maps concept, Voronoi Maps mapping technique, Voronoi Maps cell area resizing technique and Voronoi Map usage examples for visualization of sensor network analysis processes.
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The CAN bus protocol is used in modern vehiclesto control dozens of devices. It is simple enough, but this protocol lacks security mechanisms, and that is one of the main reasons that the entire vehicle is vulnerable for different cyber-physical attacks. Therefore, the detection and counteraction against suchattacks on the CAN bus protocol is an important task. In thepaper, we present an approach for visual analysis of the СAN busprotocol traffic dumps, which is based on visualization of traffictimeline segments by using radial bar charts. Experiments forvisualization of traffic dumps are presented. The advantages ofthe proposed approach are simplicity and clarity in determining attacks. The proposed model allows displaying a large amount ofdetailed information for a long-time period at one time and onone screen.
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This paper aims at finding optimal visualization models for representation and analysis of security related data, for example, security metrics, security incidents and cyber attack countermeasures. The classification of the most important security metrics and their characteristics that are important for their visualization are considered. The paper reviews existing and suggested research by the author’s data representation and visualization models. In addition, the most suitable models for different metric groups are outlined and analyzed. A case study is presented as an illustration on the way the visualization models are integrated with different metrics for security awareness.
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While virtual reality has been researched in many ways for spatial and scientific visualizations, comparatively little has been explored for visualizations of more abstract kinds of data. In particular, stereoscopic and VR environments for graph visualization have only been applied as limited extensions to standard 2D techniques (e.g. using stereoscopy for highlighting). In this work, we explore a new, immersive approach for graph visualization, designed specifically for virtual reality environments.
Conference Paper
Detection of anomalies in employees’ movement represents an area of considerable interest for cyber-physical security applications. In the paper the visual analytics approach to detection of the spatiotemporal patterns and anomalies in organization stuff movement is proposed. The key elements of the approach are interactive self-organizing maps used to detect groups of employees with similar behavior and heat map applied to detect anomalies. They are supported by a set of the interactive interconnected visual models aimed to present spatial and temporal route patterns. We demonstrate our approach with an application to the VAST MiniChallenge-2 2016 data set, which describes movement of the employees within organization building.
This paper presents an approach to analytical attack modeling in near real-time information security systems.