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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Using a types of chainsaw efficiently
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
Using a types of chainsaw efficiently
A. Mujetahid, I Gautama, N Dalya and N F Atik
Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Email: mujetahid.unhas@yahoo.co.id
Abstract. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of types of chainsaws in logging activities
and find out the needs of chainsaws in logging activities at PT. Inhutani 1 Gowa Regency. This
research was carried out in December 2018 in industrial plantations in Parangloe District,
Gowa Regency using quantitative analysis using tree volume calculation formula, log base
area, volume sortimen log formula, logging productivity, estimation of chain saw needs,
analysis of logging costs, and analyze the logging efficiency of the chainsaw type. Based on
the results of the study, it is known that the production plan for each logging group is 256.69
m3/ month/chainsaw while the average production of the three logging groups is 171,308
m3/month/chainsaw. The average logging productivity of these three logging groups is 0.607
m3/hour/unit. The estimation of the need for an efficient chain saw for logging group A is 1
chainsaw unit type MS-STIHL 070 and 1 unit MS-STIHL 381 while in the logging group B is
1 chainsaw unit type MS-STIHL 381 and for logging group C requires 1 unit chainsaw type
Ms-STIHL 070 and 1 unit Ms-STIHL 381. The logging activity in this plantation has a
chainsaw efficiency of 44.2% for type MS-STIHL 070 and for Ms-STIHL 381 has an
efficiency of 45.7% meaning that the use of the number and type of chainsaws is less efficient
because the number of chainsaws is used excessively so that the amount of timber production
is more than the production plan which results in waste of costs on the chainsaw used.
1. Introduction
Logging activity is one of the most important activities in the collection of timber forest products.
Errors in these activities can result in losses in the form of a decrease in the quality and volume of
wood that reflects logging that has not been fully efficient and effective. Technically efficient logging
does not cause wasteful costs due to the amount of equipment that exceeds the need, will not cause
shortages or excess wood production and makes time efficient, because the time available can be
followed by further work [1].
Cost limitations are an important factor to consider in planning efficient logging activities. One
way to reduce costs incurred is to cut down the number of tools that suit your needs so that costs can
be balanced and the inefficiency of costs in choosing tools can be avoided. Cost inefficiency caused by
tool selection occurs when the needs and type of chain saws in their use are not adjusted to the number
and diameter of trees to be felled so that logging is said to be inefficient.
Inefficient logging is prone to occur in industrial forest plantations. This is due to the fact that
logging in industrial plantations generally does not take into account the suitability of the amount and
type of equipment that should be available in the field to produce certain outputs. Efficient logging is
important to study in Gowa Regency because it has a large potential for industrial plantations. Based
on data from BPS, Gowa Regency Government (2017) notes that the potential of industrial plantations
in Parangloe is 21,601.18 ha spread over 7 villages and 84.95% (18,350 ha) is found in Belapunranga
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
Village, it can be calculated that the forest potential. Based on the background described above,
research on the level of efficiency of various types of chain saws is required at IUPHHK-HTI PT [2].
Inhutani 1 Gowa Regency. This study aims to examine the efficiency of types of chain saws and
determine the needs of chain saws needed in logging activities at PT. Inhutani 1 Gowa Regency. This
research is expected to be used as a reference in selecting various types of chain saws inefficient
logging planning.
2. Methods
The research was carried out in December 2018 at IUPHHK-HTI PT. Inhutani 1 precisely in
Parangloe District, Gowa Regency. The tools used are phiband, roll meter, stopwatch, camera, writing
stationery, calculator, and abney level. While the material used is a tree that is ready to harvest in the
area of PT. Inhutani 1, logbook, and list of questions.
Data collection is done through measurement, observation, and recording in the field. Data
collected includes log diameter and length, working time, type, amount and price of chain saws, fuel
use, lubricants, maintenance, and repair costs and other costs incurred during logging. Other data
collected in the form of secondary data obtained from relevant institutions or agencies, books, research
reports and other sources related to this research.
2.1. Data analysis
The data collected is then analyzed quantitatively using formulas :
2.2. Volume calculation
The calculation method used to calculate the sorting volume in the form of logs (SNI 7535.3-2011 -
Teak Wood Round Type Part 3 Measurement and Table of Contents) is as follows :
LBp = ( π Dp2 )/4
LBu = ( π Du2 )/4
Ik = ((LBp + LBu)/2) x p
Description :
Ik = Volume of log (m3)
LBp = Base area of log (m2)
Lbu = Tip area of log (m2)
p = Length (m)
Dp = Average base diameter (cm).
Du = Average tip diameter (cm).
2.3. Felling Productivity
Logging productivity is calculated using the FAO formula (1992) in Mujetahid (2010) as follows:
Pt =
Description :
Pt = Felling productivity (m3/hour)
Vt = Volume (m3)
Wt = Felling time (hour)
2.4. Estimated of Chainsaw Needs
Estimated chain saw requirements are used to determine the standard value of efficient chain saw
chains for logging activities. Mathematically written as follows [1] :
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
Pk = Pt x Wke
Description :
JCR = Number of chainsaw (unit)
IDR = Felling production plan (m3/month)
Pk = Productivity of chainsaw (m3/day)
WK = Felling time (day/month)
Pt = Felling productivity (m3/hour)
Wke = Effective working time (hour/day)
2.5. Logging cost analysis
Logging costs are calculated using the FAO formula (1992) in Mujetahid (2010) as follows [3]:
1) Maintenance (Plh)
2) Repair (Prb)
3) Fuel (Bbk)
4) Lubricant cost (Plm)
5) Labor wages
6) Total production cost TC = Plh + Prb + Bbk + Plm + Up
2.6. Efficiency of Chainsaw
The efficiency of chain saws systematically can be written as follows:
The value of the chain saw efficiency obtained above is then matched to the interval and the cutting
efficiency criteria by rating as follows:
Table 1. Criteria for felling efficiency
0 – 25 %
26 – 50 %
51 – 75 %
Not efficient
>75 %
Very inefficient
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
3. Results
3.1. Chart of Forest Harvester
The value of the chain saw efficiency obtained above is then matched to the interval and the cutting
efficacious on harvesting plantations consist of PT. Inhutani 1 as the permit holder, field coordinator,
harvesting labor, and its partners namely PT. Bangun Negeri Agro (BNA) which is a sawmill industry.
Based on the harvesting actors' chart, each party has a relation to one another. The chart of the
peIDRetrators of the harvesting of plantations is described in the following Figure 1 criteria by rating
as follows:
Figure 1. Chart of PT. Inhutani 1 Gowa Regency
In logging activities in PT. Inhutani 1, Gowa Regency, the holder of a Timber Forest Product
Utilization Permit (IUPHHK) assigns an assignment to the field coordinator to coordinate the loggers
to carry out logging in planned plots. Regarding lumberjacks, PT. BNA's role is to prepare harvesting
workers who will carry out logging activities. One felling team consists of 4 operators and 4 helpers in
which the total number of loggers in PT. BNA numbered 24 people who were then divided into 3
groups of loggers. The operator in each felling team has the role of providing the equipment while all
the maintenance and repair needs of the equipment and fuel that will be used in the felling activities
are provided by the felling operator. The types of wood felled at the logging site include Acacia
mangium, Eucalyptus deglupta, Senna siamea, and the dominant fascataria Paraserianthes found at
that location. Loggers are given wages on a piece rate basis based on the volume of harvest produced,
which is IDR. 40,000/m3 per group of loggers by PT. BNA, all logged timber that has been felled is
then transported by truck and brought to the partner company of PT. BNA after the administrative
process is completed by the company. PT. BNA also plays a role in conducting a survey of potential
forest plantations with permit holders who will be harvested and agreed that the harvested timber will
be sold to industry. By the industry, the survey results of existing plantations are used as a basis for
determining annual production plans. The industry's annual production plan is supplied by the permit
holder. Fulfillment of the production plan is carried out for 24 days/month in one year.
3.2. Production plan and realization
Based on the work system carried out, PT. BNA and permit holders play a role in conducting a site
survey in each cutting plot to be used as a reference in making annual work plans for subsequent
fulfillment of wood by the workers. This production plan and realization is used to find out how much
the comparative value is and also as a reference to find out the estimated chain saw needs that should
be used in the logging activity. Fulfillment of this wood is carried out for 24 days/month for 1 year.
The production realization data from July-December 2018 are presented in Table 2 as follows:
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
Table 2. Production realization based on data from PT. Build Agro Country.
Based on production plans targeted in July 2018 - June 2019 by PT. BNA is known to be 46,205.03
m3/year. The table above shows that the largest amount of production realization occurred in
December 2018 so that based on the plan and realization of production it is known that only around
28.78% of the volume of timber that can be fulfilled during the 6 months of logging. Based on the
company data above, it is necessary to compare with the results of the research presented in Table 3
Table 3. The productivity of logging in PT. Inhutani 1.
Description : Vt (Volume); Wt (Time)
In Table 3 above shows that the productivity of logging in PT. Inhutani 1 Gowa Regency for
logging team A with MS-STIHL 070 chain saw type has the productivity of 1.63 m3 /hour/chainsaw
while MS-STIHL 381 type has the productivity of 1.10 m3/hour/chainsaw. Logging Team B has 4
chains saw units with MS-STIHL 381 type with a productivity of 1.51 m3/hour/chainsaw. Whereas C
logging team with MS-STIHL 070 chain saw type has the productivity of 1.02 m3/hour/chainsaw and
MS-STIHL 381 type has the productivity of 1.61 m3/hour/chainsaw. The average felling time owned
by the three felling groups is 6 hours effective time, but working hours are generally 8 hours per day.
This 2-hour difference is used by loggers for lunch and rest after cutting down a number of trees so
that the average productivity of chain saws used for 3 groups of loggers is 8.22 m3/day.
3.3. Estimated chainsaw needs
Based on the estimated results of the chain saw needs, it can be seen that from the logging activities
carried out by the three logging groups, the average production plan is known to be 256.69 m3/month.
Group A obtained average work productivity (Pk) for MS 070 type chain saws that are 9.78 m3/day
and for MS type chain chainsaw 381 average obtained work productivity which was 6.6 m3/day each
type only requires 1 unit of MS 070 type chain saw and 1 unit of type MS 381. Group B receives
average work productivity for MS 381 type chain saw which is 9.06 m3/day requires only 1 unit of
chain type chainsaw. Group C obtained average work productivity of MS 070 and MS 381 chain saws,
respectively 6.12 m3/day which only needed 1 unit type MS 070 and 9.66 m3/day which only needed 1
unit for type MS 381.
Total (m3)
28.78 %
Types of Chainsaw
Vt (m3)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
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3.4. Logging cost analysis
Analysis of the total production costs incurred during logging activities so that the costs associated
with waste are related to the amount and type of equipment used in the field. In calculating the total
costs incurred related to the time of completion of logging activities include maintenance costs,
repairs, fuel, lubricants, and labor costs so that the total cost of production is calculated in IDR / hour
to facilitate calculating the total cost.
3.4.1. Maintenance cost. Maintenance costs are costs incurred aimed at maintaining and maintaining
the function of the cutting tool to be used. Large maintenance costs are obtained by multiplying the
amount of equipment used for maintenance (miser) with the price of the component and then dividing
it by the life of the tool using the unit hour/year, the results obtained per hour maintenance costs (IDR
/hour). Total maintenance costs for group A is IDR. 96.05/hour and group B has a total maintenance
cost of IDR. 37.03/hour and finally group C with a total maintenance cost of IDR. 70.54/hour.
3.4.2. Repair cost. Repair costs are intended as an effort to recover damaged equipment so that it can
be reused in the form of replacement parts. The spare parts that are repaired/replaced are chainsaw and
chainsaw spark plugs. The cost of repairs is obtained by multiplying the amount of use of the repair
needs by the price of the component then the results are divided by the number of tool life using
hours/year, then the results of the hourly repair costs are obtained. Based on the calculation, it is
known that the total repair cost for the logging group A is IDR. 763/hour and group B was 578.7/hour
and finally, group C was 717.5/hour.
3.4.3. Fuel cost. Fuel costs are costs incurred by the faller operator in accordance with the use of fuel
from the MS-STIHL 381 chainsaw and MS-STIHL MS070 chainsaw. The cost of fuel is directly
proportional to the long chainsaw production, in other words, the longer the chainsaw is in production,
the more fuel is used so that the costs incurred for fuel needs also increase. Fuel consumption is
calculated based on IDR/hour. Based on the calculation data it is known that the current gasoline price
is IDR. 7,650/liter then the price of 3 units of chainsaw fuel multiplied by the amount of gasoline
consumption per day, for chainsaw MS-STIHL 070 required 5 liters/day with the number of tools that
is 3 units so that the results are divided by the number of effective working hours of the tool then the
results of fuel costs are obtained for 3 units of chainsaw namely IDR. 19,125/hour and fuel cost 1 unit
of chainsaw type MS-STIHL 381 IDR. 3,825/hour so that the total fuel cost for logging group A is
IDR. 22,950/hour. Loggers Group B has 4 units of MS-STIHL 381 chainsaw with a total fuel cost of 4
units, which is IDR. 15,300/hour. The C logging group has 2 units of MS-STIHL 070 chainsaw and 2
units of MS-STIHL 381 chainsaw so that the fuel cost of 2 units of MS-STIHL 070 chainsaw is IDR.
12,750/hour and fuel costs for 2 units of MS-STIHL 381 chainsaw amounting to IDR. 7,650/hour with
a total overall fuel cost for the C logging group of IDR. 20,400/hour.
3.4.4. Lubricant cost. Lubrication costs are costs incurred for the needs of engine oil and fuel mixture
according to the type and number of tools used by the loggers group. The effective working time of
these three felling groups is 6 hours/day. The current engine oil price is IDR. 53,000/liter. The amount
of use of engine oil for chainsaw MS-STIHL type 070 per day is 1.5 liters then multiplied by the
number of chainsaw units of that type is 3 units so that it is known to be 4.5 liters/day needed for all
three tools of the same type. The cost of the lubricant for the MS-STIHL 070 type is obtained from the
oil price multiplied by the total oil needed then the results are divided by the effective working time of
the tool so that a result of IDR. 39,750/hour. Type MS-STIHL 381 has a lubricating fee of IDR.
8,833/hour for 1 unit of the chainsaw. The total cost of lubricants for the two types of chainsaw is
IDR. 48,583/hour for the logging group A. The logging group B has a total lubricant cost for 4 units of
MS-STIHL 381 chainsaw which is IDR. 48,583/hour. The felling group C costs 2 units of lubricant for
MS-STIHL type 070 namely IDR. 26,500/hour and 2 units for MS-STIHL 381 namely IDR.
17,666/hour so that the total cost of lubricants for both types is IDR. 44,166/hour.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
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3.4.5. Labor wages. Logging labor wages are calculated according to the number of harvested
harvests. To get wages (IDR/hour), then divided by the number of hours worked (hours/day). In this
study, labor is given wages based on how much the volume of log sortimen is cut. The felling laborer
is given a wage of IDR. 40,000/m3 for one logging group. Logging Group A produces 15,836 m3/day
after calculating labor costs for 1 unit of the chainsaw, which is IDR. 13,182/hour where 1 unit of
chainsaw is for 2 people so labor costs for 4 units of chainsaw are IDR. 52,784/hour. Logging Group
B produces 15.256 m3/day after calculating labor costs for 1 unit of chainsaw of IDR. 25,426 / hour
and labor costs for 4 units of chainsaw which is IDR. 50,852/hour while the C logging group produced
11,735 m3/day so as to obtain labor costs for 4 chainsaw units, namely IDR. 39,116/hour.
3.4.6. Total production cost. Production costs are the accumulation of all costs needed in the
production process. Total production costs are all cost components incurred in carrying out logging
activities. Total production costs are calculated based on the number and type of equipment used [4].
Table 4 presents the component cost per unit of each type of chainsaw used in logging activities in PT.
Inhutani 1.
Table 4. Components of chainsaw costs per unit in logging activities at PT. Inhutani 1
Based on Table 4 above, it can be seen that in logging group A the amount of costs is different for
each type of chainsaw used. In the MS 070 chainsaw type of the costs of maintenance, repairs, fuel,
lubricants, and labor costs have costs per unit in a row that is IDR.17.3/hour, IDR.162/hour,
IDR.6.375/hour, IDR.13.25/hour, IDR.26,392/hour with the total cost component of IDR.
46,196.33/hours for that type. Unlike the MS 381 type, the cost of component costs per unit in the
sequence is IDR.9.25/hour, IDR.115/hour, IDR.3,825/hour, IDR.8,833/hour, IDR.26,392/hour with
the total amount of IDR. 39,174.25/hour for this type. In logging group, B the type of equipment used
in logging activities is MS 381 with the cost per maintenance, repair, fuel, lubricants, and labor wages
respectively IDR.9.25/hour, IDR.115/hour, IDR.3,825/hour, IDR.8,833/hour and IDR.25,426/hour
with the total cost of IDR.38,208.25/hour for this type. And in the C logging group is known to have
the type of tool used MS 070 and MS 381 which have a total cost component per unit of chainsaw of
IDR. 39,362.33/hour for MS type 070 and IDR. 32,390.25/hour for MS chainsaw type 381. The total
cost per unit incurred by the logging group A is IDR. 85,370.55/hour, logging group B has a total unit
cost of IDR. 38,208.25/hour because only using one type of chainsaw in logging activities while group
C has a total unit cost of IDR. 71,752.55/hour. The actual cost component in each loggers group is
presented in Table 5 below :
Table 5. The actual cost components of the chainsaw in logging activities at PT. Inhutani 1
Cuting Team
(STIHL 070)
(STIHL 381)
Labor wages
Total (IDR/hour)
Cutting Team
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012068
IOP Publishing
Based on Table 5 above, it can be seen that the total production cost for logging group A that uses two
types of the chainsaw, namely MS-STIHL 070 and MS-STIHL 381 which is 4 in both types, has a
total production cost of IDR. 177,960.05/hour. In the feller group B which has 4 chainsaws with MS-
STIHL 381 type has a total production cost of IDR.166,202.73/hour. Whereas in C logging group
which has 2 types of the chainsaw with type MS-STIHL 070 as many as 2 units and type MS-STIHL
381 as much as 2 units have a total production cost of IDR. 143,586.04/hour for both types of
chainsaw. Of the three types of chainsaw used by logging group A, which has the largest amount of
production costs compared to groups B and C, this is caused by the labor wages of group A which is
greater than IDR. 105,568/hour compared to the two logging groups.
3.4.7. The efficiency of felling. Chainsaw needs estimation based on production plans is used as a basis
for knowing the value of ongoing logging efficiency. After knowing the estimated needs of the
chainsaw based on the production plan then compared with the number of chainsaw available in the
field it is known that to achieve a production plan of 256.69 m3/month in each logging group only
requires 1 unit of chainsaw each for MS-STIHL 070 and MS-STIHL 381 types so From the
calculation data shows that the average efficiency of chainsaw for the three logging groups based on
the type of chainsaw used is 44.2% for the MS-STIHL 070 type while the MS-STIHL 381 type gets a
percentage of 45.7% which means it is less efficient.
The impact of the inefficiency of logging is that the costs must be very large. In logging group A,
there are 2 units of chainsaw excess with type MS-STIHL 070 resulting in a waste of IDR.
92,392.6/hour. Whereas group B has the advantage of chainsaw 3 units with type MS-STIHL 381
resulting in a waste of costs of IDR. 127,994.48/hour for this type. And for logging group C has an
excess chainsaw with type MS-STIHL 070 and MS-STIHL 381 as much as 1 unit so that it causes
waste of costs amounting to IDR. 39,362.33/hour for MS-STIHL type 070 and IDR. 32,390.25/hour
for MS-STIHL 381 type with a total loss for the three logging groups amounting to IDR.
292,139.63/hour. An excess in the use of chainsaw can speed up work but results in a large production
cost due to the costs used to cover the number of labor costs namely the chainsaw operator incurred
from using the existing chainsaw. This situation can occur an imbalance of production costs incurred
with the time and results produced. Other study about chainsaw using three types of chainsaw fuel
4. Conclusion
Logging efficiency at PT. Bangun Negeri Agro showed that the average efficiency of chainsaw for the
three logging groups based on the type of chainsaw used was 44.2% for MS-STIHL 070 while MS-
STIHL 381 obtained a percentage of 45.7% which means it was less efficient. The total losses of the
three logging groups were due to the number of inappropriate tools, which was IDR. 292,139.63 /
hour. The estimated chainsaw requirements for the three felling groups show that each felling group
only needs 1 unit of chainsaw for MS-STIHL 070 and MS-STIHL 381 types.
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