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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Structural Analysis of Alloy Wheels
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International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
Structural Analysis of Alloy Wheels
George Hawkins
M.Tech Automobile Engineering
Amity School of Engineering and
Amity University Noida, UP
Dr. Vikas Kumar
Professor, Amity School of Engineering
and Technology
Amity University Noida, UP
Abstract. The wheel of a car plays a pivotal role to endure the weight applied on it. Usually spokes behave as the
supports between the hub and the rim. These spokes must have adequate stiffness and strength to dodge the failure of
the wheel. In current days these wheels are comprised of, magnesium alloy, steel and aluminum alloy. To decrease
the weight of the wheel, numerous wheel designs are executed and applied for automobiles. As regard to the study of
the vehicle stability, it is adequate to perform the structural analysis of the wheels so as to know the equivalent modal
In this work, a Cad model of a typical alloy wheel was designed in SOLIDWORKS software and dynamic analysis is
performed on this model. The Stress analysis and Fatigue analysis was done on the chosen design. By observing the
results we can see whether the design of wheel and the material is feasible or not under applied load conditions. A
comparative study is performed by using results of the analysis of the wheel using different materials. The materials
used are: Magnesium Alloy, Stainless Steel and Aluminum Alloy and Titanium Alloy in the end best suitable material
for the wheel is determined
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
1. Introduction
In its basic form, a wheel is a rounded block of a tough and strong material at whose center has been bored
a circular hole through which is positioned an axle bearing about which the wheel rotates when a moment
is applied by gravity or torque to the wheel about its axis. During the early times wheel material used to be
stone or wood. Nowadays wheels are made of metal, most of which are alloys of Aluminum and
The objective may be summarized as follows:
· To develop a model of a wheel using SOLIDWORKS software.
· To develop dynamic analysis of the developed model of the wheel using ANSYS software
Major forces acting on the wheel:
· The thrust of the car in the forward direction.
· The drag acting in the backward direction
· Reactive forces of the road surface in the upward direction.
· Weight of the car acting downwards.
Functions of wheel:
· To provide a suitable platform to place the tyre.
· To absorb all the forces acting on it without failure.
· To provide a proper balance to the entire automobile.
1.1 Factors that are to be considered for proper functioning of wheel
· The wheel should have high strength and high hardness to withstand the drag and inertia forces. They
should have minimum weight to minimize the overall weight of the car.
· The material of the wheel should not heat up as it will be experiencing high temperatures easily.
· Material of the wheel must possess less ductility qualities, so that the wheel does not deform on
· Material of the wheel should be easily malleable.
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
2.0 Design
Figure 1. Nomenclature of wheel
2.1 Offset
The space from the centerline of the wheel to the face of the mounting surface of the wheel that contacts
the hub.
2.2 Negative offset
Shows the mounting pad is behind the centerline of the rim. This is often found on typical rear-wheel-drive
cars and on upturned rims
2.3 Positive offset
States about the wheel that have the mounting pad in front (or outboard) of the centerline of the
circumference. Most often found on front-drive uses.
2.4 Centerline
The exact center of the rim width. The width is measured between where the tires rest.
2.5 Design considerations for wheel
· In designing a wheel for I.C. engine, the following points should be taken into consideration
· It should be strong enough to carry the weight of the car.
· It should be able to withstand the drag and acceleration forces experienced by the vehicle
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
3.0 Materials for wheel
· The most commonly used materials for wheels are, magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, stainless steel
etc. Wide varieties of materials are available in the market which can be used for the wheel rim.
· Generally used wheel rim materials are Al alloy, Mg alloy, Steel C 1008, Forged Steel.
· Each material has some advantages over the other.
· If original equipment manufacturers require excellent aesthetic shape with very good heat dissipation
without compromise with its associated costs then light weight material such as Al and Mg alloys
can be used for wheel rims
· For heavy duty vehicles wheel rims Steel C 1008 and forged steel are best materials
3.1 Solid works Design
Figure 2. Solid works design of wheel
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
3.2 Material and their Properties
Table 1. Properties of Aluminum Alloy
32770 kg m^-3
Coefficient of thermal expansion
2.3e-005 C^-1
Poisson's ratio
Tensile ultimate strength
3.1e+008 Pa
Tensile yield strength
2.8e+008 Pa
Compressive yield strength
2.8e+008 Pa
Specific heat
875 J kg^-1 C^-1
Table 2. Properties of Magnesium Alloy
1800 kg m^-3
Coefficient of thermal expansion
2.6e-005 C^-1
Poisson's ratio
Bulk modulus
5.e+010 Pa
Specific heat
1024 J kg^-1 C^-1
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
4.0 Design for analysis
Figure 3. Wheel ANSYS model
4.1 Dynamic Analysis of Wheel
Dynamic Finite Element Analysis can be done on complex systems with very powerful simulation
techniques. This method can be used to test the effect of transient loading and also to reduce noise and
vibrations across the body.Carrying out this analysis during the design stage itself will save costs in the
material category. During dynamic loading if a failure happens it can be disasterous. FEA testing during
design stage will help in avoiding costly errors during the real life usage of the product.
In order to do analysis of the wheel, a cyclic force with max value of 7000N was applied on one side
of the wheel. The hub of the wheel and the bores for the bolts were taken as the fixed support. Fatigue
analysis and Static analysis was done to the wheel.
The force was applied in the time intervals and it can be shown in tabular form as:-
Time [s]
Force [n]
Table 3. Force- time intervals
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
According to this table the force was applied at one side of the wheel which will be in contact with the road
surface and the analysis was done for the wheel designed taking two different materials
The factors on which the analysis was done were:-
· Total Deformation
· Equivalent Stress
· Equivalent Strain
Graphs for all the materials were obtained for total deformation and equivalent stress and accordingly
they were compared.
5.0 Results and Discussion
5.1 ANSYS Results
Figure 4. Equivalent Stress for Magnesium Alloy
Figure 5. Total Deformation for Magnesium Alloy
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
Figure 6. Equivalent Stress for Aluminium Alloy
Figure 7. Total Deformation for Aluminium Alloy
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
5.2 Graphical representation and tabular results
Table 4. Results for Magnesium Alloy
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
Figure 8. Equivalent Stress for Magnesium Alloy
Figure 9. Total Deformation for Magnesium Alloy
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
Table 5. Results for Aluminium Alloy
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
Figure 10. Equivalent Stress for Aluminum Alloy
Figure 11. Total Deformation for Aluminium Alloy
These were the graphs obtained from the analysis done for the two different materials for the “equivalent
stress”, “equivalent strain” and “total deformation” on the model of the wheel and the difference between
them can be observed from the graphs itself.
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
equivalent stress
equivalent stress
Minimum total
Maximum total
Aluminum alloy
Magnesium alloy
Table 6. Results
6.0 Conclusion
The suitable material out of the two can be decided on the basis of their results i.e. “equivalent stress”,
“equivalent strain” and “total deformation”. From the results table it can be seen that the maximum total
deformation is more for Magnesium Alloy than Aluminum Alloy by a very minute amount. It can also be
seen that the Maximum Equivalent Stress is more for Aluminum Alloy as well. From this information, we
can conclude that Magnesium Alloys are more suitable for manufacture of the alloy wheel.
International Conference on Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1478 (2020) 012007
IOP Publishing
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