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Bu çalışmada; “COVID-19 salgınının toplumsal değişimi ve güvenlik ortamını nasıl etkileyeceği” araştırma sorusuna cevap bulunmaya çalışılmış ve kolluğa bazı pratik öneriler getirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda nitel bir araştırma yöntemi benimsenerek keşifsel bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Veri türü olarak ikincil kaynaklar ve açık kaynak istatistikleri kullanılmıştır. Ancak COVID-19 ile ilgili sürecin devam ediyor olması nedeniyle bilimsel olarak genellemeler, radikal sonuçlar ve büyük çıkarımlarda bulunulmaktan özellikle kaçınılmıştır. Virüsün yayılmasının devam etmesi durumunda, asayiş suçlarında azalma, buna karşı siber, dijital, finansal teknoloji ve yağmacılık suçlarında artış olabileceği öngörülmektedir. Ayrıca devletlerin kişisel özgürlükler ile kamu güveni ve sağlığı arasında bir seçim yapma ikilemiyle karşılaşabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışmanın sonunda COVID-19 salgını sonrası dönem için kolluk yetkililerine kolluğun teşkilatlanma ve görevlerine yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir.

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It is possible to say that the most important strategy that allows countries to exist in the international system is the implementation of national security policies and updating these policies according to current conditions. This study has focused on the conditions under which national security can be changed by countries and how it has changed especially during the COVID-19 process. COVID-19, which emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 and spread all over the world in a short time, has led to significant changes in the national security policies of countries. These changes were analyzed on multidimensional parameters. In particular, examples are given over the countries that are considered to be hegemon powers in the global system. Again, the differences between these countries in the change in national security policies during the COVID-19 process have been revealed. During the COVID-19 process, countries have also had self-sufficiency tests. In this context, there have been significant changes in social and political security, especially in economic security in countries. In essence, the study focuses on how national security is affected in this process and the reflections of new practices on societies. In addition, it has been tried to explain the differences between national security policies between countries through the COVID-19 process and how they can turn into permanent national security policies afterward. As a result, when an analysis is made of the sample countries given in this context, the COVID-19 pandemic has played an important role in redefining national security policies. It has also been concluded that the new national security policies adopted have become permanent in many countries.
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Amaç – COVID-19, bir virüsün neden olduğu bir hastalıktır. “Koronavirüs Pandemi” süreci, çıktığı ilk günden günümüze kadar küresel sistemi etkilemiş ve etkilemeye devam etmektedir. Bu kapsamda, toplumsal güvenlik çerçevesinde küresel bir sorun haline gelen bu süreç, devletlerarası güvenlik sorununu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Küresel temelde bir güvenlik tehditti oluşturan Koronavirüs pandemi süreci, sağlıktan ekonomiye her sektörü derinden etkilemiştir. Bu bağlamda, makalede devletlerin Koronavirüs pandemi sürecindeki etkileri ve Türkiye özelinde yaşanılanlar ele alınmış olup, sonrasında nasıl bir dünya düzeninin oluşacağına yönelik analizlere yer verilmiştir. Yöntem – Bu çalışmada, daha önce yayınlanmış kaynaklardan ve güncel yayınlardan istifade edilmiştir. İlk olarak, mevcut literatür incelenmiş ve istatistiksel veriler analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular– Çalışmanın sonucu olarak, Türkiye’nin Covid-19 sürecinde toplumsal güvenliğini sağlamada diğer ülkelere göre daha başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç – Türkiye’nin Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde sağlık alanında kendine yetebilirlik anlamında uluslararası sistemdeki pek çok devlete nazaran daha yeterli olduğu görülmüştür.
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In the 21st century, when the competition between countries in terms of science, technology and economy is intense, it is sought to discover new educational approaches, strategies and methods to struggle. STEM education, which is one of the discovered educational approaches, has gained great importance in terms of gaining skills such as research inquiry, critical thinking and problem solving. STEM education is an educational approach that covers a process extending from kindergarten to higher education with the integration of science, mathematics, engineering and mathematics. At the same time, the STEM education approach aims at an inquiry-based education by revealing the research desire of individuals. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the STEM education approach in the context of distance education. Especially, due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, distance education has taken place in our lives in every field with the continuation of education free from place and time. In such a difficult process, it has become very critical to include STEM-based activities, which are easier in the formal education system, in our lessons through distance education. In other words, while managing this challenging process, it is necessary not to deprive our students of STEM-based activities. The fact that there are very few studies in which distance STEM education or distance STEM-based activities are carried out has made this study important. It is aimed to examine the studies on the continuation of STEM education, which is one of the education approaches, with distance education. The screening model was used in the study. As a result, it has been determined that there are very few studies on this subject in Turkey and in the world.
Sovyetlerin dağılması sonrası oluşan tek kutuplu yeni düzeni sonrasında 11 Eylül saldırıları ve Kovid-19 salgını dünya üzerinde derin etkiler yaratan iki önemli olay olarak sahneye çıkmıştır.11 Eylül saldırıları, 21 yüzyılda geniş bir coğrafyada uluslararası müdahaleleri terörle mücadele şemsiyesi altında elverişli kılarken, pek çok açıdan yeni bir dönüşümün nirengisi olmuştur. Kısa sürede tüm dünyayı sıhhi, sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik ve siyasi yönlerden etkisi altına alan Kovid-19 salgını da, bölgesel güç hiyerarşilerinin yaratıldığı bu son dönemde biyolojik bir afet olarak farklı boyutlarda yeni bir dönüşümün nirengisi olmak yönünde ipuçları barındırmaktadır. Biyolojik bir afet olarak salgınlarla mücadelede devlet sağlık teşekkülleri ile sıhhi yönden mücadele ederken kolluk kuvvetleri ile de önleyici tedbirlere başvurmaktadır. Meşru zor tekeline sahip olan devletin en görünür aygıtlarından olan kolluğun güç kullanımı, biyolojik afet yönetimi sürecinde, devletin meşruiyetinin devamında olduğu kadar toplumun da birbiri ile kenetlenerek ulus paydasında bütünleşmesinde önemli bir test niteliğindedir. Bu çalışmada Kovid-19 salgını ile mücadele sürecinde devletin salgın kaynaklı kriz yönetiminde etkin bir aktörü olan jandarmanın rolü ve güç kullanma eğilimi, son dönemde popülerlik kazanan sert güç, yumuşak güç ve panoptik güç uygulama örnekleri üzerinden ele alınarak değerlendirilecek ve önerilerde bulunulacaktır
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Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is an infectious virus that was first reported in 2012. The MERS-CoV genome encodes four major structural proteins, among which the spike (S) protein has a key role in viral infection and pathogenesis. The receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the S protein contains a critical neutralizing domain and is an important target for development of MERS vaccines and therapeutics. In this review, we describe the relevant features of the MERS-CoV S-protein RBD, summarize recent advances in the development of MERS-CoV RBD-based vaccines and therapeutic antibodies, and illustrate potential challenges and strategies to further improve their efficacy.
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Publisher Summary This chapter addresses the universals in the content and structure of values, concentrating on the theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries, and its four basic issues: substantive contents of human values; identification of comprehensive set of values; extent to which the meaning of particular values was equivalent for different groups of people; and how the relations among different values was structured. Substantial progress has been made toward resolving each of these issues. Ten motivationally distinct value types that were likely to be recognized within and across cultures and used to form value priorities were identified. Set of value types that was relatively comprehensive, encompassing virtually all the types of values to which individuals attribute at least moderate importance as criteria of evaluation was demonstrated. The evidence from 20 countries was assembled, showing that the meaning of the value types and most of the single values that constitute them was reasonably equivalent across most groups. Two basic dimensions that organize value systems into an integrated motivational structure with consistent value conflicts and compatibilities were discovered. By identifying universal aspects of value content and structure, the chapter has laid the foundations for investigating culture-specific aspects in the future.
Foreword - Harry Triandis Preface - Robert J. House Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction - Robert House Chapter 2 Overview of the Globe Research Program - Robert House and Mansour Javidan Part 2 Literature Chapter 3 Literature Review - Mansour Javidan and Robert House Chapter 4 Cultures and Leadership - Peter Dorfman and Robert House Chapter 5 The Impact of Societal Culture and Industry on Organizational Culture - Marcus Dickson, Renee BeShears, and Vipin Gupta Part 3 Project GLOBE: Research Methodolgy - Overview by Paul Hanges Chapter 6 Research Design - Robert House, Paul Hanges, and Peter Dorfman Chapter 7 The Linkage Between GLOBE Findings and Other Cross Cultural Information - Mansour Javidan and Markus Hauser Chapter 8 The Development and Validation of the GLOBE Culture and Leadership Scales - Paul Hanges and Marcus Dickson Chapter 9 Multi-source Construct Validity of GLOBE Scales - Vipin Gupta, Mary Sully de Luque, and Robert House Chapter 10 Regional and Climate Clustering of Social Cultures - Vipin Gupta, Paul Hanges, Peter Dorfman, and Robert House Chapter 11 Rational for GLOBE Statistical Analysis: Societal Rankings and Test of Hypotheses - Paul Hanges, Marcus Dickson, and Mina Sipe Part 4 Empirical Findings - Intro by Mansour Javidan Chapter 12 Performance Orientation - Mansour Javidan Chapter 13 Future Orientation - Neal Ashkanasy, Vipin Gupta, Melinda Mayfield, and Edwin Trevor-Roberts Chapter 14 Cross-Cultural differences in Gender Egalitarianism: Implications for Societies, Organizations, and Leaders - Cynthia G. Emrich, Florence L. Denmark, and Deanne Den Hartog Chapter 15 Assertiveness - Deanne Den Hartog Chapter 16 Individual and Collectivism - Michele J. Gelfand, D.P.S. Bhawuk, Lisa H. Nishii, & David J. Bechtold Chapter 17 Power Distance - Dale Carl, Vipin Gupta with Mansour Javidan Chapter 18 Humane Orientation in Societies, Organizations, and Leader Attributes - Hayat Kabasakal and Muzaffer Bodur Chapter 19 Uncertainty Avoidance - Mary Sully de Luque, Mansour Javidan, and Ram Aditya Chapter 20 Societal, Cultural, and Industry Influences on Organizational Culture - Felix Brodbeck, Paul Hanges, Marcus Dickson, Vipin Gupta, and Peter Dorfman Chapter 21 Leadership and Cultural Variation: The Identification of Culturally Endorsed Leadership Profiles - Peter Dorfman, Paul Hanges, and Felix Brodbeck Part 5 Conclusion Chapter 22 Conclusions, (theoratical and practical) Implications, and future directions - Mansour Javidan, Robert House, Peter Dorfman, Vipin Gupta, Paul Hanges, and Mary Sully de Luque Appendix A Correlations GLOBE Scales - Paul Hanges Appendix B Response bias Outliers - Paul Hanges Appendix C Hierarchical Linear Modeling - Paul Hanges, Mina Sipe, and Ellen Godfrey Appendix D Confidence Internval Demonstration - Paul Hanges
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