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Abstract and Figures

Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is globally known biodiversity hotspot and exceptional tourist destination. Sustainable conservation of this ecosystem need regular monitoring of its ecological resources, including wildlife population. In this report, long term trends of human,selected wildlife species and livestock are presented. This collaborative work, between TAWIRI and NCA aims to share these valuable findings to various conservation stakeholders who have great passion to biodiversity and local people residing inside the NCA.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Population trends in the NCA
since 1950s to 2018
Emanuel Lyimo
Edward Kohi
Honori Mali
Jerome Kimaro
Machoke Mwita
Hamya Kija
Design and layout
Jerome Kimaro
Published by
The Tanzania Wildlife Research Instute
P.O Box 661
©TAWIRI, 2019
Population trends in the
NCA since 1950s to 2018
Reproducon of any part of
this document is not authorized
without a prio-wrien permission
from the copyright holder.
Funding for producon of this
document was generously
provided by The Ngorongoro
Consevaron Area Authoruty
Table of Contents
Table of contents
Wildlife biodiversity
Wildlife populaon trends inside crater
Wildlife populaon trends outside crater
People and livestock
The Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (NCA) is
globally known as a home to several rare and
endemic wildlife species, hence a biodiversity
hotspot. It shares the ecosystem with the
Serenge Naonal Park, thus promotes its
signicance in terms of tourism, research
and conservaon. Topographically, the most
remarkable feature is the Caldera (“commonly
known as crater”), currently designated as one
of the natural wonders of the world (Scoon,
2018). Addionally, the landscape is endowed
with the Olmo crater, Empaakai crater, the
Lolmalasin Mountain, the shiing sand of
Oldeani and the Olduvai Gorge archaeological
site (Parisi, Lombardo, Tang, & Mai, 2017).
Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (NCA) exhibits
unique ecological features that have favored
mulple interacons between human and
natural resources within the landscape. For
nearly 200 years, the Maasai pastoralists have
been beneng from pasturelands for their
livestock, food supply, herbal medicines and
shelter from the mother nature.
The NCA was gazeed as a protected area in
1959 (Homewood et al. 1987; NCAA 2006)
mainly to sustain the Maasai from the mother
nature while maintaining its wildlife biodiversity.
The major queson by then and now is “
what is
the limit the NCA resource could sustain before
shiing to another ecological system which
will only accomodate certain species and loose
. However, sustaining the producvity of
the mother nature is an increasingly challenge
across the global and NCAA is similarly facing it
and need dynamic approaches across the me
Indeed, several studies about wildlife
biodiversity have been conducted in the NCA
like other protected areas in Tanzania. However,
to what extent their ndings have addressed
actual local conservaon needs?. “Probably
only lile“, compared to the invested eorts in
Apparently, local conservaon implementers
have poor access to most of the research ndings.
One of key reason is that most of the research
ndings are published in communicaon
channels, like academic journals, which are
not an appropriate product to conservaon
managers, rangers and villagers.
Local stakeholders could be useful informants
for monitoring wildlife populaon, invesgang
surveillance of wildlife diseases and determining
causes of human-wildlife conicts. Therefore,
removing communicaon barriers to scienc
knowledge should no longer be reserved.
Failure to address this challenge could aggravate
further depleon of wildlife biodiversity and
their habitats.
Having observed this need, TAWIRI has
strategized on new communicaon approaches
that aim at simplicaon of informaon
disseminaon to conservaon ocers around
the NCA. Therefore, this booklet presents
summarized informaon based on long term
studies on wildlife and human acvies in the
NCA. It provides synthesized data on wildlife
species distribuon and populaon trends in
relaon to human acvies. It is expected that
this material could be a useful tool for planning,
monitoring and managing resource ulizaon
within the NCA.
A team of researchers from TAWIRI gathered diverse array of ecological and socio-economic datasets
stored at the NCAA and other potenal sources. The requested informaon was extracted from the
various source, parcularly literature, survey reports, surveys data, newsleers, published arcles,
online forums, etc as summarized in the table below (Tab.1).
Table 1: Various sources of informaon for this study
Objecve Informaon Descripon Method Disseminaon
esmate and
Wildlife populaon
esmate and
trend for NCA and
where possible at a
zonal or ecological
Wildlife biology
and populaon
from various
reports and
retrieved and
was gathered
and stored
in an online
digital library
informaon has
been distributed
as a booklet and
and trends
Establish and
analyze status
of vulnerable
wildlife species
in NCA
Idenfy, classify
and establish
populaon status
of vulnerable
species like rhino
and elephants
The team
extracted and
all historical
and exisng
informaon of
all vulnerable
species in the
was gathered
and stored in
online digital
The status report
has been produced
in a booklet and
The status of
species in the
NCA has been
Wildlife biodiversity
The NCA and its surrounding ecosystem is
home to several small and large mammal
species roaming inside and outside the
crater. A number of species are of parcular
conservaon concern by virtue of their
restricted distribuon and low populaon
Sadly, however, the populaon of some of
the mammal species have been declining
or not increasing over a long period of
me. We aribute this to habitat condion
dynamics that could be inuenced by both
biophysical and anthropogenic factors.
Notably, the populaon of African bualo,
Thomson gazelle and girae have indicated
a declining trend over several past decades.
Conversely, the number of spoed hyena
has tremendously increased inside crater
compared to other carnivores.
TAWIRI in collaboraon with the NCA
connues to carry out research and
monitoring on various wildlife species and
their habitats. Although obtaining reliable
data is me-consuming, long term studies
have generated valuable informaon that
shapes the conservaon strategies from
local to internaonal levels
NCA’s conservaon focus is centered on
protecon and restoraon of wildlife
habitats, improving conservaon
awareness and provide support to various
research instuons, management
authories and local communies.
Wildlife populaon trend in the NCA (Inside the crater)
The long term populaon trend of bualo in
the Ngorongoro crater indicates two phases
of growth over me. The rst phase, between
1960 and 1990, indicated an exponenal
growth. Probably aributed to favourable
ecological factors. The second phase, between
1991 to 2018, showed a stable populaon trend.
This paern of populaon growth of bualo
is similar in both wet and dry season (Fig.1
and 2) even though there is a high number of
individual bualo in the crater during the wet
season than the dry season.
Fig 1: Wet season populaon trend (A) 1964 - 1990
(B) 1990-2018
Fig 2: Dry season populaon trend (C) 1972-1991
(D) 1991-2018
... wildlife biodiversity ...
The dry and wet season long term data from
1968 to 2018 for the Thomson gazelle in the
Ngorongoro Crater indicates a declining trend
with a major drop o in the early 1990s (Fig.3).
The 1990s decline have never returned back
to the 1970s populaon status. This resident
populaon seems to a further uctuaon to
the lowest in the 2000s and return to the 1990s
populaon but not early 1970s.
Thomson gazelles
Fig 3: (A) Wet season populaon trend (B) Dry season populaon trend
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Similar to Thomson gazelle, the populaon
status of Grant gazelle indicated declining
curves in both dry and wet season (Fig. 4).
Notably, the dry season populaon decreased
faster from 1990. Currently, the number of
individuals is less than 500.
Grant gazelles
Fig 4: (A) Wet season populaon trend (B) Dry season populaon trend
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Generally, both dry and wet season populaons
of wildebeest indicated a declining trend
(Fig. 5). However, the dry season populaon
indicated to stabilize in 1995 and gradually
increased thereaer.
Fig 5: (A) Wet season populaon trend (B) Dry season populaon trend
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Wildlife populaon trend in the NCA (Outside the crater)
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Nearly 50% of the
populaon decreased
between the year 2000
and 2003. The populaon
remained leveled for
almost the next two
consecuve years.
Thereaer, the populaon
steadily increased by nearly
50% between the year
2006 and 2010.
Fig 7: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
... wildlife biodiversity ...
A slight decrease in
populaon was observed in
the early 2000s. However,
from the mid-2000s, a
curve turned posive. From
2006 a sharp increase in
populaon was noted.
The populaon of Zebra
doubled between 2001 and
Fig 8: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Probably, the populaon
trend of the girae is the
saddest story.
Nearly 50% of individuals
were lost within a period of
8 to 9 years.
Unfortunately, there is no
indicaon of populaon
recovery based on recent
survey data.
Fig 9: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Two obvious phases of
signicant populaon shi
were noted.
Ecosystem experienced
a sharp decrease in the
populaon between the
early 1990s and early
In contrary, a sharp
recovery was observed
between 2005 unl recent
years. Unl 2014, 168
elephants were recorded
compared to 22 individuals
in the year 2000.
Fig 10: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
... wildlife biodiversity ...
Bualo populaon was the
most vulnerable compared
to other ungulates.
A slight decrease in
populaon was observed
between 1992 to 1996.
Since the early 2000s,
a sharp decrease was
observed and never
recovered. Unl 2015,
only 275 bualo remained
outside the crater.
Fig 11: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
Thomson gazzele
... wildlife biodiversity ...
The populaon of Thomson
gazelles increased between
the year 2001 and 2007
by 60 %. However, the
populaon declined by
nearly 30% unl 2010.
Fig 12: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
Grant gazzele
... wildlife biodiversity ...
A slight decrease in
populaon was observed
between the year 2000 and
Thereaer, the populaon
of Grant gazelle steadily
increased from 2008.
Unl the year 2010, the
populaon was almost
doubled compared to
records of 2002.
Fig 12: (A) Populaon trend (B) Distribuon paern
People and livestock
Human populaon increase in the NCA was noted since the 1950s. Despite the slight decrease in the mid-
1960s, rapid human immigraon in 1970s inuenced a sharp increase in populaon in the next 20 years.
By the early 2000s, the human populaon was already ve mes higher compared to that of 1950s.
Fig 13: Populaon esmate of people in the Ngorongoro Conservaon Area from 1954 to 2000
Figure 14: Established human selement inside the Ngorongoro Conservaon Area
Figure 15: Temporal changes of livestock within the NCA (a) Cale (b) Goat and sheep
Similarly, livestock populaon parcularly cale, sheep, and goat increased signicantly in the past six
decades. This could be aributed to the increased human populaon within NCA. It has been known that
Maasai depend less on wildlife for sustaining food security and income, thus maintaining large herds of
livestock is important for their livelihood. Nevertheless, the distribuon of livestock density around the
ecosystem varied both in me and space scale. This could be inuenced by several factors like the quality
of forage and water accessibility.
Figure 16: Distribuon of cale within the NCA between 2001 and 2010
Compeng resource uses in the Ngorongoro crater led to the change of land uses following decreases
in grazing resource and a signicant decline in small herbivores. The analysis of long term data for grant
gazelle, Thomson gazelle and wildebeest (resident) has indicated populaon declined of herbivores within
the crater in the wet and dry season. The crater populaon of herbivore species is facing liming factors
of the populaon growth that has reduced the carrying capacity of the world largest intact caldera.
While the populaon of bualo within the crater has increased from the 1960s, its populaon growth
is stable from 1990s to date. Probably, the contribung factors have reached the threshold limit that
inuences the growth (Dublin and Ogutu 2015). The change in populaon in the crater is an indicaon of
the deteriorang of resources that can support a large number of wildlife animals. Notably, Ngorongoro
is facing an increasing invasive species within and outside the crater that aect forage availability for wild
animals as well as livestock. Invasive species can pose a signicant negave impact of carrying capacity of
the area due to the reducon of the availability of grazing resources (Macdonald and Frame 1988; NCAA
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the UNESCO echoed their concern on the future of the property
aribung to increasing human pressure from increasing resident populaon as well as their implicaon
caused by prevailing land uses change (Debonnet and Wilson 2008). The increase of human populaon
in the NCA since the 1950s has been mainly aributed to rapid immigraon during the 1970s. The
populaon trebled in the next seven years following the severe drought that severely aected lowland
Within the crater, the populaon trend of small herbivores was high from 1960 to 1980. A signicant
decline was observed from 1990 and remained leveled for the last three decades. For example, Thomson
gazelle lost more than half of its populaon between 1960 and 1980s. On the other hand, the populaon
of Bualo increased and stabilized from the 1990s to date. Seemingly, availability of feed resources, both
during the dry and wet season, enabled to regulate the populaon of bualo in the Serenge ecosystem
(Sinclair 1974; Siclair 1977; Dublin and Ogutu 2015). The intermient drought periods from 1990 to date
and change in land use, especially increasing livestock density.
Outside the crater, it is interesng to note that the populaon of many ungulates increased exceponally
girae and bualo. This includes grant gazelle, eland, zebra, wildebeest, and elephants. Nevertheless,
eland and Thomson gazelle indicated signs of reaching the limit of populaon growth within the last two
Human populaon has been increasing faster within NCA. Given the close linkages between livelihood
and food security, there is a linear relaonship between the human and livestock populaon. However,
we envisage that these demographic changes could have exceeded the actual capacity of the ecosystem
to deliver various ecosystem services.
Debonnet G, Wilson E. 2008. Reacve Monitoring Mission Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (United
Republic of Tanzania. :38.
Dublin HT, Ogutu JO. 2015. Populaon regulaon of African bualo in the Mara–Serenge ecosystem.
Wildl Res. 42:382. doi:10.1071/WR14205. [accessed 2019 Jan 25].hp://www.publish.csiro.
Homewood K, Rodgers WA, Arhem K. 1987. Ecology of pastoralism in Ngorongoro Conservaon Area,
Tanzania. J Agric Sci. 108:47–72. doi:DOI:10.1017/S0021859600064133.
Macdonald IAW, Frame GW. 1988. The invasion of introduced species into nature reserves in tropical
savannas and dry woodlands. Biol Conserv. 44:67–93. doi:hps://
NCAA. 2006. Ngorongoro Conservaon Area: Management Plan 2006-2016. Ngorongoro. Sinclair ARE.
1974. The natural regulaon of bualo populaons in East Africa: The foodsupply as a regulang factor,
and compeon*. Afr J Ecol. 12:291–311. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.1974.tb01038.x.
Sinclair ARE. 1977. The African Bualo: A Study in Resource Limitaons of Populaons. Chicago: Chicago
University Press.
Appendix 1: Wildlife species survey in the crater from 1968 to 2017
Years Grant gazelle Thomson gazelle Bualo Wildebeest
1964 20,038
1968 1376 4,269
1969 1,478 3,812 18,238
1971 1,492 5,166 16,797
1972 1,105 3,216 12 15,754
1973 1,825 5,040 360 16,484
1974 1,797 4,134 80 13,366
1975 2,037 4,584 329 16,642
1976 1,450 3,419 447 18,240
1977 1,507 2,827 691 14,451
1986 2,136 3,392 1455 11,847
1987 1,135 4,677 2855 7,415
1988 2,122 7,830 2339 8,689
1989 756 2,175 859 9,152
1990 601 1,493 2,005 7,439
1991 853 4,160 2,417 7,111
1992 834 1,285 1,445 7,192
1993 696 1,071 2514 4,177
1994 796 1,169 1509 9,643
1995 1,928 1,566 1,974 5,378
1996 1,666 1,432 1,663 3,997
1997 1,517 1,582 3,656 5,648
1998 1,341 1,025 2,564 7,074
1999 1,640 1,944 3,345 16,187
2000 1,012 1,541 1,778 12,338
2001 874 1,013 1,225 13,446
2002 9,988
2003 687 769 2,314 10,939
2004 1,337 2,117 1,789 7,167
2005 704 1,453 2,511 9,251
2006 561 1,134 2,045 4,977
2007 307 1,890 1,741 10,846
2008 904 1,056 3,145 10,768
2009 646 985 2,116 8,990
2010 779 1,707 2,452 10,584
2011 326 790 2,372 6,764
2012 306 1,119 2,340 8,901
2013 747 3,189 6,482
2015 741 1,170 3,214 9,069
2017 547 1,995 1,867 9,575
For further informaon contact:
Director General
Tanzania Wildlife Research Instute
Box 661 Arusha,
Telephone: +255 (0) 27 254 9571
... Land cover changes in the NCA are driven by a combination of local and global drivers (Homewood et al., 2001;Masao et al., 2015;Niboye, 2010). Firstly, the Maasai community within the NCA increased from roughly 8000 in 1959 to almost 100 000 in 2018, with an accompanying livestock population of approximately 800 000 in 2018 (Lyimo et al., 2020;Manzano & Yamat, 2018). Population growth has led to the expansion of settlements, livestock bomas and demand for water resources (TAWIRI & NCAA, 2020). ...
Full-text available
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) of Tanzania, is globally significant for biodiversity conservation due to the presence of iconic fauna, and, since 1959 has been managed as a unique multiple land‐use areas to mutually benefit wildlife and indigenous residents. Understating vegetation dynamics and ongoing land cover change processes in protected areas is important to protect biodiversity and ensure sustainable development. However, land cover changes in savannahs are especially difficult, as changes are often long‐term and subtle. Here, we demonstrate a Landsat‐based monitoring strategy incorporating (i) regression‐based unmixing for the accurate mapping of the fraction of the different land cover types, and (ii) a combination of linear regression and the BFAST trend break analysis technique for mapping and quantifying land cover changes. Using Google Earth Pro and the EnMap‐Box software, the fractional cover of the main land cover types of the NCA were accurately mapped for the first time, namely bareland, bushland, cropland, forest, grassland, montane heath, shrubland, water and woodland. Our results show that the main changes occurring in the NCA are the degradation of upland forests into bushland: we exemplify this with a case study in the Lerai Forest; and found declines in grassland and co‐incident increases in shrubland in the Serengeti Plains, suggesting woody encroachment. These changes threaten the wellbeing of livestock, the livelihoods of resident pastoralists and of the wildlife dependent on these grazing areas. Some of the land cover changes may be occurring naturally and caused by herbivory, rainfall patterns and vegetation succession, but many are linked to human activity, specifically, management policies, tourism development and the increase in human population and livestock. Our study provides for the first time much needed and highly accurate information on long‐term land cover changes in the NCA that can support the sustainable management and conservation of this unique UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is globally important for biodiversity conservation due to the presence of iconic megafauna. For decades now, the NCA is experiencing a number of notoriously difficult to address challenges; understanding its land cover dynamics is therefore increasingly important to improve habitat monitoring, preserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable development. We used multi‐temporal Landsat data spanning 35 years and a combination of regression‐based unmixing, linear regression and a trend break analysis to map and quantify the land cover dynamics in the area. We found a decrease in forest and grassland cover as well as a significant amount of woody encroachment which is often linked to land degradation in African savannahs. These changes are consistent with other savannah ecosystems and pose a threat to the wellbeing of livestock, the livelihoods of the pastoralist communities, and the wildlife of the NCA.
... According to the most recent population and housing census in 2012 20 the two wards of Endulen and Nainokanoka have a total population of 13,537 and 12,971 people respectively, with an average household size of 4.7 and 4.5 household members, and is projected to have a continuously increasing population. 21 The Project SHINE intervention. The present study represents a sub-study within a WASH intervention in the NCA called Project SHINE (Sanitation and Hygiene INnovation in Education). ...
In addition to diarrheal disease risk, lack of access to safe water may have other indirect effects throughout one’s life, such as school and workplace absenteeism, leading to less economic productivity. In contexts with scarce resources and unsafe drinking water, household water treatment and safe storage options such as the Biosand filter (BSF) allows households to directly reduce contamination and increase the quality of their drinking water. This study aimed to develop an understanding of perceived community acceptability and feasibility related to pre- and post-implementation of a BSF pilot project in rural Maasai households in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania. The study was guided by the Integrated Behavioral Model for Water Sanitation and Hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH) to understand the various factors influencing end-user perceptions of the BSF. In-depth interviews, group discussions and think tanks were conducted among a cross-section of community members, stakeholders, and other actors from May 2016 to September 2017. The data were analyzed using a thematic content analysis approach. A range of perceived contextual, technological, and psychosocial factors were found to potentially affect the acceptability and feasibility of BSF adoption in the NCA, highlighting the complex layers of influences in the setting. Whilst the BSF is seemingly an accepted option to treat water within the NCA, the community identified key barriers that may lower BSF adoption. The application of the IBM-WASH model served as a useful framework for evaluating the introduction of the BSF, identifying insights into contextual, technological, and psychosocial community factors.
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Efforts to identify suitable habitat for wildlife conservation are crucial for safeguarding biodiversity, facilitating management, and promoting sustainable coexistence between wildlife and communities. Our study focuses on identifying potential black rhino (Diceros bicornis) habitat within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania, across wet and dry seasons. To achieve this, we used remote sensing data with and without field data. We employed a comprehensive approach integrating Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope images, vegetation indices, and human activity data. We employed machine learning recursive feature elimination (RFE) and random forest (RF) algorithms to identify the most relevant features that contribute to habitat suitability prediction. Approximately 36% of the NCA is suitable for black rhinos throughout the year; however, there are seasonal shifts in habitat suitability. Anthropogenic factors increase land degradation and limit habitat suitability, but this depends on the season. This study found a higher influence of human-related factors during the wet season, with suitable habitat covering 53.6% of the NCA. In the dry season, browse availability decreases and rhinos are forced to become less selective of the areas where they move to fulfil their nutritional requirements, with anthropogenic pressures becoming less important. Furthermore, our study identified specific areas within the NCA that consistently offer suitable habitat across wet and dry seasons. These areas, situated between Olmoti and the Crater, exhibit minimal disturbance from human activities, presenting favourable conditions for rhinos. Although the Oldupai Gorge only has small suitable patches, it used to sustain a large population of rhinos in the 1960s. Land cover changes seem to have decreased the suitability of the Gorge. This study highlights the importance of combining field data with remotely sensed data. Remote sensing-based assessments rely on the importance of vegetation covers as a proxy for habitat and often overlook crucial field variables such as shelter or breeding locations. Overall, our study sheds light on the imperative of identifying suitable habitat for black rhinos within the NCA and underscores the urgency of intensified conservation efforts. Our findings underscore the need for adaptive conservation strategies to reverse land degradation and safeguard black rhino populations in this dynamic multiple land-use landscape as environmental and anthropogenic pressures evolve.
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Context. The processes regulating ungulate populations have been the focus of numerous studies. For the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman) population inhabiting the Mara–Serengeti ecosystem, rinderpest was the primary regulatory factor up to the mid-1960s. Following reduction of rinderpest and buffalo population increase, interspecific competition for 5 food, notably with cattle and wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus Burchell), was thought to be the primary regulatory factor in the ecosystem. Aims. We analysed buffalo population trends and the relationship between buffalo population growth and rainfall and density dependence in the Mara–Serengeti ecosystem and discuss the findings in the context of the key ecosystem processes governing buffalo population dynamics in African savannas, namely, food limitation, competition, predation, 10 disease and land use changes. Methods. We analysed buffalo population dynamics in the Mara–Serengeti ecosystem in relation to rainfall and density dependence feedback between 1984 and 2010. Key results. Buffalo population growth was both significantly density-dependent and positively correlated with the dry season rainfall after, but not before, a severe drought in 1993. Buffalo numbers crashed by 48.6% in 1984–85 and by 15 76.1% in 1993–94 during severe droughts when food availability was lowest and competition with the more numerous cattle and wildebeest was highest. Conclusions. Recovery of buffalo numbers to pre-drought levels took 8–9 years after the 1984–85 drought but was much slower, with buffaloes numbering merely 36% of their 1993 population (12 895 animals) 18 years after the 1993–94 drought despite intermittent periods of high rainfall, probably due to demographic and/or reproductive factors, heightened 20 competition with livestock, land use changes in the adjoining pastoral ranches, lion predation and recurrent severe droughts. Implications. Our findings demonstrate how food limitation caused by droughts associated with the hemispheric El Niño–Southern Oscillation can cause severe declines in and threaten the persistence of large ungulate populations. The findings also portray how density-dependent food limitation, competition, predation, land use changes and other factors can accentuate the effect of droughts and greatly prolong population recovery.
This management-oriented study of range, livestock and Maasai ecology in the wildlife conservation and pastoralist land use Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) quantifies spatial and temporal variation in range resources for three main study sites over a 2-year period. Livestock response is analysed in terms of biomass densities, habitat and pasture utilization, activity, herd size, composition and dynamics. Milk production is investigated together with the main ecological factors influencing yields. A household survey of the Maasai food system suggests that pastoral products now provide an annual average of 40% dietary energy intake, the remainder being supplied by grain. These findings form the basis of our analysis of the growing friction between the Conservation Authority and the pastoralists. Pastoralist livestock closely resemble wild ungulate utilization of NCA range resources. A combination of disease interactions and administrative restrictions allow wildlife to establish preferential access to critical grazing resources. Our results in the context of other work suggest that contrary to popular opinion pastoralist land use is an ecologically appropriate and efficient form of livestock management. There is no adverse impact on the conservation values of NCA. Despite average fertility and mortality levels pastoralist herds show progressive decline due to offtake for grain purchase. Imposed policies restrict grazing, ban cultivation and maintain poor conditions for livestock trade and grain supply. Possible interventions and their potential impacts are considered and management compromises which could benefit both pastoralists and wildlife are proposed.
Reactive Monitoring Mission Ngorongoro Conservation Area
  • G Debonnet
  • E Wilson
Debonnet G, Wilson E. 2008. Reactive Monitoring Mission Ngorongoro Conservation Area (United Republic of Tanzania. :38.
The invasion of introduced species into nature reserves in tropical savannas and dry woodlands
  • Iaw Macdonald
  • G W Frame
Macdonald IAW, Frame GW. 1988. The invasion of introduced species into nature reserves in tropical savannas and dry woodlands. Biol Conserv. 44:67-93. doi:
The natural regulation of buffalo populations in East Africa: The foodsupply as a regulating factor, and competition*
  • Ncaa
NCAA. 2006. Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Management Plan 2006-2016. Ngorongoro. Sinclair ARE. 1974. The natural regulation of buffalo populations in East Africa: The foodsupply as a regulating factor, and competition*. Afr J Ecol. 12:291-311. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.1974.tb01038.x.