
Improving formulas for the eigenvalues of finite block-Toeplitz tridiagonal matrices

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After a short overview, improvements (based on the Kronecker product) are proposed for the eigenvalues of (N × N) block-Toeplitz tridiagonal (block-TT) matrices with (K × K) matrix-entries, common in applications. Some extensions of the spectral properties of the Toeplitz-tridiagonal matrices are pointed-out. The eigenvalues of diagonalizable symmetric and skew-symmetric block-TT matrices are studied. Besides, if certain matrix square-root is well-defined, it is proved that every block-TT matrix with commuting matrix-entries is isospectral to a related symmetric block-TT one. Further insight about the eigenvalues of hierarchical Hermitian block-TT matrices, of use in the solution of PDEs, is also achieved.

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... where I M y −1 is the identity matrix and J M y −1 = tridiag(1, 0, 1). The eigenvalues of A are obtained from the following relation [36] ...
... For the sake of simplicity, let M x = M y := M and h x = h y := h; we can change Equations (36) and (37) as ...
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Proposing a matrix transform method to solve a fractional partial differential equation is the main aim of this paper. The main model can be transferred to a partial-integro differential equation (PIDE) with a weakly singular kernel. The spatial direction is approximated by a fourth-order difference scheme. Also, the temporal derivative is discretized via a second-order numerical procedure. First, the spatial derivatives are approximated by a fourth-order operator to compute the second-order derivatives. This process produces a system of differential equations related to the time variable. Then, the Crank–Nicolson idea is utilized to achieve a full-discrete scheme. The kernel of the integral term is discretized by using the Lagrange polynomials to overcome its singularity. Subsequently, we prove the convergence and stability of the new difference scheme by utilizing the Rayleigh–Ritz theorem. Finally, some numerical examples in one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases are presented to verify the theoretical results.
... Fig. 1b). In such a case, the Hamiltonian belongs to the symmetric block-Toeplitz tridiagonal matrices which can be displayed aŝ The eigenvalues of the above matrixĤ ex are [32] λ α n = 2J cos((n + 1)π/N + 1) + 2L cos(απ/4), ...
... . Then the eigenvalues will be [32] λ α n = 2J cos ((n + 1)π/N + 1) ...
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We consider a spin network resembling an αα\alpha -helix structure and study quantum information transfer over this bio-inspired network. The model we use is the Davydov model in its elementary version without a phononic environment. We investigate analytically and numerically the perfect state transfer (PST) in such a network which provides an upper bound on the probability of quantum states transfer from one node to another. We study PST for different boundary conditions on the network and show it is reachable between certain nodes and with suitable spin–spin couplings.
... The eigenvalues of the above matrixĤ ex are [32] λ α n = 2J cos((n + 1)π/N + 1) + 2L cos(απ/4), (34) where α = 1, 2, 3 and n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1. ...
... and C 1 0 = C 0 1 = JÎ 3×3 . Then the eigenvalues will be [32] λ α n = 2J cos ((n + 1)π/N + 1) + 2L cos (2πα/3), ...
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We consider a spin network resembling an α\alpha-helix structure and study quantum information transfer over this bio-inspired network. The model we use is the Davydov model in its elementary version without a phononic environment. We investigate analytically and numerically the perfect state transfer (PST) in such a network which provides an upper bound on the probability of quantum states transfer from one node to another. We study PST for different boundary conditions on the network and show it is reachable between certain nodes and with suitable spin-spin couplings.
... For a larger system i.e. 50x100 sites, the matrix becomes 5000 x 5000 for which the diagonalization is computationally expensive for different values of J 2 . To diagonalize this large sparse matrix efficiently, we used the method given by Ref. [41]. The energy spectrum for the larger systemas shown in Fig. 2 (c-d), (g-h) -doesn't show any deviation apart from very small bulk oscillations in the region where αω > |J −J|. ...
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Spin torque oscillators (STOs) are dissipative magnetic systems that provide a natural platform for exploring non-Hermitian phenomena. We theoretically study a two-dimensional (2d) array of STOs and show that its dynamics can be mapped to a 2d, non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. We calculate the energy spectrum and identify the one-dimensional (1d) edge states of our model, corresponding to auto-oscillation of STOs on the boundary of the system while the bulk oscillators do not activate. We show that tuning the Gilbert damping, injected spin current, and coupling between STOs allows for exploring the edge state properties under different parameter regimes. Furthermore, this system admits 1d edge states with non-uniform probability density, and we explore their properties in systems of different sizes. Additional symmetry analysis indicates that these states are not topologically protected but are nevertheless confined to the edge of the system, as the bulk is protected by PT-symmetry. These results indicate that 2d arrays of STOs may be useful to explore novel edge state behavior in dissipative systems.
... Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dapat ditemukan pembahasan terkait matriks Toeplitz seperti [7] yang memperluas gagasan terkait matriks ( , )-Toeplitz tridiagonal serta menyediakan pembuktian singkat untuk menghasilkan invertibilitas matriks tersebut. Kemudian, dalam [8] dibahas perbaikan formula yang lebih efektif dalam pencarian nilai eigen pada matriks blok-Toeplitz Tridiagonal. Kemudian pembahasan mengenai trace matriks berpangkat pertama kali dibahas pada tahun 2015 [13], dan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ditemukan beberapa artikel terkait Trace matriks berpangkat, seperti pada [14] dibahas tentang penentuan bentuk umum trace matriks Toeplitz 3 × 3 berpangkat bilangan bulat positif dengan elemen bilangan kompleks. ...
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Artikel ini mengidentifikasi bentuk umum trace matriks Toeplitz -tridiagonal berpangkat bilangan bulat positif. Langkah penelitian dimulai dengan menentukan bentuk umum matriks Toeplitz -tridiagonal berpangkat bilangan bulat positif, dilanjutkan dengan menentukan bentuk umum trace matriks Toeplitz -tridiagonal berpangkat bilangan bulat positif. Pembuktian dilakukan dengan menggunakan induksi matematika. Hasil akhir dari artikel ini diperoleh bentuk umum matriks dan untuk bilangan bulat positif ganjil dan bilangan bulat positif genap.
... We have studied spectral properties Toeplitz-tridiagonal matrices and eigenvalues of symmetric diagonalizable matrices [34]. ...
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Block tridiagonal matrices arise in applied mathematics, physics, and signal processing. Many applications require knowledge of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of block tridiagonal matrices. In this paper, we derive specific formulas for characteristic polynomials, and eigenvalues for a class of block tridiagonal matrices. We apply the results to determine the charactristic polynomial of some block Toeplitz symmetric tridiagonal matrices and give the explicit eigenvalues. Particularly, when the blocks are diagonal matrices, the eigenvalues are calculated explicitly.
Spin-torque oscillators (STOs) are dissipative magnetic systems that provide a natural platform for exploring non-Hermitian phenomena. We theoretically study a two-dimensional (2D) array of STOs and show that its dynamics can be mapped to a 2D, non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. We calculate the energy spectrum and identify the one-dimensional (1D) edge states of our model, corresponding to auto-oscillation of STOs on the boundary of the system while the bulk oscillators do not activate. We show that tuning the Gilbert damping, injected spin current, and coupling between STOs allows for exploring the edge-state properties under different parameter regimes. Furthermore, this system admits 1D edge states with nonuniform probability density, and we explore their properties in systems of different sizes. Additional symmetry analysis indicates that these states are not topologically protected but are nevertheless confined to the edge of the system, as the bulk is protected by PTsymmetry. These results indicate that 2D arrays of STOs may be useful to explore novel edge-state behavior in dissipative systems.
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Solving time harmonic wave propagation problems by iterative methods is a difficult task, and over the last two decades, an important research effort has gone into developing preconditioners for the simplest representative of such wave propagation problems, the Helmholtz equation. These new preconditioners were developed by researchers with various backgrounds using formulations and notations that are very different, and all are among the bes current preconditioners available for the Helmholtz equation. The goal of the present manuscript is to show that all these preconditioners are based on a common mathematical principle, and they can all be formulated in the context of domain decomposition methods called optimized Schwarz methods. This common formulation allows us to explain in detail how and why all these methods work. The domain decomposition formulation also allows us to avoid technicalities in the implementation description we give of these recent methods. The equivalence of these methods with optimized Schwarz methods translates at the discrete level into equivalence with approximate block LU decomposition preconditioners, and we give in each case the algebraic version, including a detailed description of the approximations used. While we chose to use the Helmholtz equation for which these methods were developed, our notation is completely general and the algorithms we give are written for an arbitrary second order elliptic operator. The algebraic versions are even more general, assuming only a connectivity pattern in the discretization matrix.
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In this paper some results are reviewed concerning the characterization of inverses of symmetric tridiagonal and block tridiagonal matrices as well as results concerning the decay of the elements of the inverses. These results are obtained by relating the elements of inverses to elements of the Cholesky decompositions of these matrices. This gives explicit formulas for the elements of the inverse and gives rise to stable algorithms to compute them. These expressions also lead to bounds for the decay of the elements of the inverse for problems arising from discretization schemes.
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Block preconditioning for the conjugate gradient method are investigated for solving positive definite block tridiagonal systems of linear equations arising from discretization of boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential equations. The preconditioning rest on the use of sparse approximate matrix inverses to generate incomplete block Cholesky factorizations. Carrying out of the factorizations can be guaranteed under suitable conditions. Numerical experiments on test problems for two dimensions indicate that a particularly attractive preconditioning, which uses special properties of tridiagonal matrix inverses, can be computationally more efficient for the same computer storage than other preconditionings, including the popular point incomplete Cholesky factorization. 22 references, 6 figures, 12 tables.
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The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices are known in closed form. This property is in the first part of the paper used to investigate the sensitivity of the spectrum. Explicit expressions for the structured distance to the closest normal matrix, the departure from normality, and the ϵ-pseudospectrum are derived. The second part of the paper discusses applications of the theory to inverse eigenvalue problems, the construction of Chebyshev polynomial-based Krylov subspace bases, and Tikhonov regularization. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Preconditioned iterative solvers are considered to be one of the most promising methods for solving large and sparse linear systems. It has been shown in the literature that their impact can be fairly easily extended to semi-separable systems or even larger classes build on semi-separable ideas. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a new type of preconditioners for the class of matrices that have a two level deep ‘symbolically hierarchical semi-separable form’ meaning that the matrices have a semi-separable like block structure with blocks that are (sequentially) semi-separable themselves. The new preconditioners are based on approximations of Schur complements in a sequential or hierarchical decomposition of the original block matrix. The type of matrices considered commonly occur in 3D modeling problems. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)65F10-65F15-65F50-93A13 KeywordsPreconditioners-semi-separable systems-model reduction-Poisson equation
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An identity is proven that evaluates the determinant of a block tridiagonal matrix with (or without) corners as the determinant of the associated transfer matrix (or a submatrix of it).
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In this paper we study the connection between matrix measures and random walks with a block tridiagonal transition matrix. We derive sufficient conditions such that the blocks of the n-step block tridiagonal transition matrix of the Markov chain can be represented as integrals with respect to a matrix valued spectral measure. Several stochastic properties of the processes are characterized by means of this matrix measure. In many cases this measure is supported in the interval [-1,1]. The results are illustrated by several examples including random walks on a grid and the embedded chain of a queuing system.
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In this paper, we consider a general tridiagonal matrix and give the explicit formula for the elements of its inverse. For this purpose, considering usual continued fraction, we define backward continued fraction for a real number and give some basic results on backward continued fraction. We give the relationships between the usual and backward continued fractions. Then we reobtain the LU factorization and determinant of a tridiagonal matrix. Furthermore, we give an efficient and fast computing method to obtain the elements of the inverse of a tridiagonal matrix by backward continued fractions. Comparing the earlier result and our result on the elements of the inverse of a tridiagonal matrix, it is seen that our method is more convenient, efficient and fast.
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Block-banded matrices generalize banded matrices. We study the properties of positive definite full matrices P whose inverses A are L-block-banded. We show that, for such matrices, the blocks in the L-block band of P completely determine P; namely, all blocks of P outside its L-block band are computed from the blocks in the L-block band of P. We derive fast inversion algorithms for P and its inverse A that, when compared to direct inversion, are faster by two orders of magnitude of the linear dimension of the constituent blocks. We apply these inversion algorithms to successfully develop fast approximations to Kalman-Bucy filters in applications with high dimensional states where the direct inversion of the covariance matrix is computationally unfeasible.
Chemical Master Equations (CMEs) provide a comprehensive way to model the probabilistic behavior in biochemical networks. Despite their widespread diffusion in systems biology, the explicit computation of their solution is often avoided in favor of purely statistic Monte Carlo methods, due to the dramatically high dimension of the CME system. In this work, we investigate some structural properties of CMEs and their solutions, focusing on the efficient computation of the stationary distribution. We introduce a generalized notion of one-step process, which results in a sparse dynamic matrix describing the collection of the scalar CMEs, showing a recursive block-tridiagonal structure as well. Further properties are inferred by means of a graph-theoretical interpretation of the reaction network. We exploit this structure by proposing different methods, including a dedicated LU decomposition, to compute the explicit solution. Examples are included to illustrate the introduced concepts and to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
We present some explicit formulas for calculating the principal pth root of a square matrix. The main tools are based on various polynomial decompositions of the principal matrix pth root and well-known properties of the linear recursive sequences.
In recent years the usefulness of fast Laplace solvers has been extended to problems on arbitrary regions in the plane by the development of capacitance matrix methods. The solution of the Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Helmholtz's equation is considered. It is shown, that by an appropriate choice of the fast solver, the capacitance matrix can be generated quite inexpensively. An analogy between capacitance matrix methods and classical potential theory for the solution of Laplace's equation is explored. This analogy suggests a modification of the method in the Dirichlet case. This new formulation leads to well-conditioned capacitance matrix equations which can be solved quite efficiently by the conjugate gradient method. A highly accurate solution can, therefore, be obtained at an expense which grows no faster than that for a fast Laplace solver on a rectangle when the mesh size is decreased.
SHARE LINK: ABSTRACT: In this note, we propose an explicit representation with the nested sums for the entries of the inverses of general tridiagonal nonsingular matrices. Its equivalence with other particular representations, based on the combinatorial expressions or the continued fractions, is considered. In addition, an analytical representation for the entries of the finite sections of the resolvent of Jacobi matrices, in terms of its related orthogonal polynomials, is observed.
We use the Cayley–Hamilton theorem and the sequence of Horner polynomials associated with a polynomial w(z) to obtain explicit formulas for functions of the form f(tA), where f is defined by a convergent power series and A is a square matrix. We use a well-known explicit formula for the resolvent of A and show that f(tA) is the Hadamard product of f(t) and the function (I − tA)−1, which is easily obtained from the resolvent.
Periodic block-tridiagonal matrices are defined, and conditions are given for factorizing their characteristic polynomial by means of the zeros of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. These conditions are expressed by the block centrosymmetry of certain submatrices along the main diagonal. The main theorems can be considered as generalizations of an earlier result published by Elsner and Redheffer and by Rózsa.
The characteristic polynomial of a tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrix is shown to be closely connected to polynomials which satisfy the three point Chebyshev recurrence relationship. This is an extension of the well-known result for a tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix. When the order of the matrix is odd, the eigenvalues are found explicitly in terms of the Chebyshev zeros. The eigenvectors are found in terms of the polynomials satisfying the three point recurrence relationship.
In this paper, we establish a quadrature formula and some basic properties of the zeros of a sequence (Pn)nof orthogonal matrix polynomials on the real line with respect to a positive definite matrix of measures. Using these results, we show how to get an orthogonalizing matrix of measures for a sequence (Pn)nsatisfying a matrix three-term recurrence relation. We prove Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal matrix polynomials describing the support of the orthogonalizing matrix of measures in case the matrix recurrence coefficients associated with these matrix polynomials tend to matrix limits having the same entries on every diagonal.
The exact solution for the resolvent matrix of a generalized tridiagonal Hamiltonian whose elements are themselves block matrices is obtained. The capability of the method is demonstrated by applying it to study the electronic structure on the surface of semiconductors. Some interesting insights regarding the difference between the Shockley states and Tamm states are also discussed.
This is a translation of a paper that appeared (in Russian) in Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 69, nr 2 (1949), 125-128.
Because of the symmetry of the problems encountered in the applications of matrices to physics, electrical engineering and numerical analysis, it frequently turns out that the matrix to be considered is a composite matrix, that is, a matrix whose elements are matrices. For example, the matrix may be where A 1 and A 2 are square matrices of order n which need not commute. It is easy to prove that the eigenvalues of this matrix of order 2 n are the eigenvalues of the two matrices, A 1 + A 2 and A 1 − A 2 of order n .
We consider a variant of a discrete space version of Walsh's spider, see Walsh (1978 Temps Locaux, Asterisque vol 52–53 (Paris: Soc. Math. de France)) as well as Evans and Sowers (2003 Ann. Probab. 31 486–527 and its references). This process can be seen as an instance of a quasi-birth-and-death process, a class of random walks for which the classical theory of Karlin and McGregor can be nicely adapted as in Dette, Reuther, Studden and Zygmunt (2006 SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 29 117–42), Grünbaum (2007 Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems ed Pinsky and Birnir vol 55 (Berkeley, CA: MSRI publication) pp. 241–60, see also arXiv math PR/0703375), Grünbaum (2007 Dagstuhl Seminar Proc. 07461 on Numerical Methods in Structured Markov Chains ed Bini), Grünbaum (2008 Proceedings of IWOTA) and Grünbaum and de la Iglesia (2008 SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 30 741–63). We give here a weight matrix that makes the corresponding matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials orthogonal to each other. We also determine the polynomials themselves and thus obtain all the ingredients to apply a matrix-valued version of the Karlin–McGregor formula.
Some families of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second-order differential equations with coefficients independent of n have recently been introduced (see [Internat. Math. Res. Notices 10 (2004) 461–484]). An important difference with the scalar classical families of Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite, is that these matrix families do not satisfy scalar type Rodrigues’ formulas of the type (ΦnW)(n)W-1, where Φ is a matrix polynomial of degree not bigger than 2. An example of a modified Rodrigues’ formula, well suited to the matrix case, appears in [Internat. Math. Res. Notices 10 (2004) 482].In this note, we discuss some of the reasons why a second order differential equation with coefficients independent of n does not imply, in the matrix case, a scalar type Rodrigues’ formula and show that scalar type Rodrigues’ formulas are most likely not going to play in the matrix valued case the important role they played in the scalar valued case. We also mention the roles of a scalar-type Pearson equation as well as that of a noncommutative version of it.
A method for the inversion of block tridiagonal matrices encountered in electronic structure calculations is developed, with the goal of efficiently determining the matrices involved in the Fisher–Lee relation for the calculation of electron transmission coefficients. The new method leads to faster transmission calculations compared to traditional methods, as well as freedom in choosing alternate Green’s function matrix blocks for transmission calculations. The new method also lends itself to calculation of the tridiagonal part of the Green’s function matrix. The effect of inaccuracies in the electrode self-energies on the transmission coefficient is analyzed and reveals that the new algorithm is potentially more stable towards such inaccuracies.
Firstly, the twisted block decompositions of the block tridiagonal matrices are presented. According to the special structure of the decomposition, the formulae of computing the block elements of each column of the inverse matrices are obtained. Then an algorithm of inverting the block tridiagonal matrices has been established. The explicit expressions of the block elements of the inverse matrices are also presented. At last, for the algorithm in this paper and some existed algorithms for the inverse matrices, the calculating complexity and the calculating time have been compared.
In this paper, we present an eigendecomposition of a tridiagonal matrix. Tridiagonal matrix powers and inverse are derived. As consequence, we get some relations verified by the coefficients of the inverse and the powers of a tridiagonal matrix.
Contenido: Introducción; Resolución de ecuaciones lineales; Problemas menos lineales de cuadrados; Problemas de valor propio no simétricos; El problema de valor propio simétrico y el valor singular de descomposición; Métodos iterativos para sistemas lineales; Métodos iterativos para problemas de valor propio.
  • A J Laub
A.J. Laub, Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers, SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2005.
  • C D Meyer
C.D. Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 20 0 0.