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Social capital has recently emerged as an effective approach to rethink schools as wider learning ecosystems where students, teachers, and families have greater access to learning resources through social interaction. In this sense, the literature has not provided research-based assessment tools that document school leaders' abilities to weave social relationships between actors within the school and across the community. This paper presents an international experts' validation of the SchoolWeavers Tool, an online resource that supports school leaders to assess the health and potential of their school ecosystem and provides meaningful feedback to weave social and professional capital and lift learning opportunities and educational goals. Theoretical validation was conducted in the first round by 15 experts from 8 countries with prior experience in network leadership in education, and in the second round, with 54 school actors from the same 8 countries. The final model provides an internationally validated tool that supports school leaders' capacities to weave learning ecosystems and improve collective effectiveness, internal and external collaboration, innovation, and equity. Furthermore, the SchoolWeavers Tool creates research opportunities to analyze and discuss commonalities and differences regarding climate and culture in school ecosystems across the world, allowing school leaders and researchers to support systemic impact and sustainable improvement. June 2020, School Leadership and Management Journal 2

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... The importance of the application of learning ecosystem concepts in the HE 4.0 is made relevant by the need to improve the education system with modern pedagogical models that reflect the conditions of I4.0. Thus, the notion of a learning ecosystem is connected to the need to comprehend and conceptualize the dynamic, diversified, and interactive character of the interaction between educational institutions and digitally enabled activities (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Virolainen et al., 2021). For example, a policy change can influence a difference in the pedagogical model, as the introduction of digital pedagogical tools has facilitated the leap in blended learning and other technology-facilitated pedagogical approaches, which have further expanded the learning space, and the mode of T&L processes (Belias et al., 2013). ...
... According to Díaz-Gibson et al. (2020), the weaving of the learning ecosystem in the new pedagogical framework is to ensure improvement in educational action, owing to the need to improve "the quantity and quality of social relationships" among stakeholders (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). We need a collective system considering that HE4.0 is the education for the future (World Economic Forum, 2020). ...
... According to Díaz-Gibson et al. (2020), the weaving of the learning ecosystem in the new pedagogical framework is to ensure improvement in educational action, owing to the need to improve "the quantity and quality of social relationships" among stakeholders (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). We need a collective system considering that HE4.0 is the education for the future (World Economic Forum, 2020). ...
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Higher education institutions have been aware of the mutually beneficial interaction between Higher Education 4.0 (HE4.0), Industry 4.0 (I4.0), and Work 4.0 (W4.0). Teaching and learning (T&L) are best accomplished through the novel and blended approaches in today's smart manufacturing, services, and labor processes. The traditional T&L methods no longer complement the fourth industrial revolution and the future of work skills. Little research has focused on innovative pedagogies in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) globally and especially in South Africa from the Learning Ecosystem Framework perspective. This paper begins to address this void via a review of academic literature, aiming to understand new pedagogies of teaching and learning in HEIs and their effectiveness as we move into HE4.0. The emphasis of higher education research worldwide should be on reviewing and synthesizing current research outputs rather than performing new studies since there are fewer systematic literature reviews and a blend of systematic-narrative literature review approaches published in higher education journals. In light of this, exhaustive systematic-narrative literature reviews have been conducted to aggregate research findings within the context of global higher education pedagogy. Combined, this encompasses an analysis of 138 papers across different academic databases. We concluded that integrating teaching and learning methodologies such as flipped classroom, SCALE-UP, and blended teaching and learning are the most effective, sustainable, and student-centered pedagogy. Combining these teaching and learning approaches will ensure that students receive dynamic support, hands-on activities, practical assessments, active collaboration, and inquiry-based learning. Overall, our findings revealed that we need all parts of the learning ecosystem to work together toward teaching and learning that is transgressive, innovative, transformative, diverse, and inclusive with the I4.0, HE4.0, and W4.0 in mind – that is, if we aim to achieve effective blended teaching and learning, and sustainable student-centered academic output. Here, we point out where these discoveries might take us in research and what policies should be revised.
... current socio-educational challenges requires a systemic approach, and innovation and transformation in education is increasingly configured as a process of collaboration between multiple actors (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Eggers & Singh, 2009), overcoming fragmentation and tackling issues that are difficult to address from the individual . We therefore overcome the walls of classrooms and schools, and commit society as a whole: ...
... Thus, and understanding that many education systems are beginning to establish networking as a way to improve both teaching and learning, educational leadership has the function of ensuring the balance and connection between various parts of the system recognizing their interdependence and coordination around a shared project (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2015). Leadership is understood here from a holistic and networked perspective as the concept has clearly evolved from more instructive to more distributive conceptions (Daly, 2010;Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Maureira et al., 2014;Murillo, 2006). Thus, and focussing on our object of study, it is clear that professional networking grounds the theory of change of the analyzed programme, understanding it as those collaborative, intentional and regular actions that occur between teachers and/or other professionals from different schools in the same district of Barcelona in the framework of the Networks for Change programme, with the aim of learning and sharing a horizon of pedagogical change to then promote changes in their own schools. ...
... These parameters become key intangibles and are trust, horizontality, co-responsibility and transversality, which we will deploy later. To measure these values, we have used validated scales (Daly, 2010;Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020) and adapted them for an emerging learning network with less than five years of life such as Networks for Change. ...
... As instituições de ensino vivenciam atualmente uma mudança de paradigma, não só pela Pandemia de Covid-19, mas também pelas mudanças nas tecnologias e nas sociedades. Surgem novas exigências que as escolas precisam incorporar, conforme referido por Díaz-Gibson et al. (2021), Jopling & Harness (2021), Forrest & Swanton (2021), sendo as escolas apontadas como espaços que precisam de se reinventar, com vista a proporcionar mais do que as habilidades técnicas (hard skills). Elas devem ser habitats que prepararem os seus alunos com habilidades interpessoais (soft skills) para que possam entrar com sucesso no mundo do trabalho. ...
... Refletindo sobre tal incorporação, as escolas do município podem ser planeadas para que possam incorporar mais do que as habilidades técnicas (hard skills) (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2021;Jopling & Harness, 2021;Forrest & Swanton, 2021). É preciso que as escolas também funcionem como habitats que promovem nos seus alunos habilidades interpessoais (soft skills), e que possam preparar para o que Canzittu (2020) sugere como orientação escolar e profissional direcionados ao mundo VUCA. ...
... Canzittu (2020) sugere ser possível pensar uma escola capaz de uma orientação escolar e profissional direcionados ao mundo VUCA.Repensar e ressignificar instituições de ensino devidamente enquadradas com os seus territórios exige recursos(Gumiero & Tigre, 2020), que possibilitem o empoderamento local(Thomas, 2018;Kirby, 2020), desenvolvendo nas escolas as capacidades necessárias para a condução de exigências de uma vida mais dinâmica(Singh Dubey et al., 2021). Esse repensar de papel pode tornar as escolas capazes de incorporar, habitats que prepararem os seus alunos com um conjunto de competências (hard e soft skills) requisitadas pelo mercado de trabalho(Díaz-Gibson et al., 2021;Jopling & Harness, 2021;Forrest & Swanton, 2021).Pensar no mundo VUCA apresenta-se assim como uma oportunidade para lidar com as desigualdades préexistentes nos tradicionais habitats de aprendizagem, que são as escolas. Muitas vezes, os mecanismos de reprodução existentes nas escolas acabam dificultando processos de inovação e, muitas vezes, o território precisa de iniciativas disruptivas para impactar mudanças reais capazes de romper com os tais mecanismos de reprodução. ...
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The VUCA World is a concept related to the unforeseen and speed with which changes occur in the market. The term VUCA is an acronym for the English words Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. The aim of this article is to identify formative traits and characteristics included in the “Casa da Inovação” programme, which seeks to help young people deal with the VUCA world and contributes to the reduction of social asymmetries. A predominantly qualitative approach was used, making use of documentary research, and open interview with the innovation policy manager, and with data analysis of the project implemented in the city of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The results point to a great adherence of the population to this initiative and an expansion of new units. However, given the program's maturity time, it is not yet possible to conclude its effectiveness in terms of employability, but in terms of training propositions. This article identified that public policies can be directed to contribute to the development of a region or country. It is understood that monitoring the demands of the labor market is crucial for reducing asymmetries. The implementation of spaces that do not repeat the mechanisms of reproduction of inequalities mentioned by Bourdieu, may allow individuals from the studied location to be better prepared for the current context of business change.
... Addressing real local issues ideally means that the students build curiosity regarding ecological, societal and social dimensions of sustainability through local context. Furthermore, it has the potential to reach above and beyond the personal and local, and reach into a global level of understanding combining the local and the global to a glocal approach (Díaz-Gibson et al. 2020). The idea is that students build their understanding of the complex interconnectedness of sustainability challenges, as for example climate change, on a local and global scale. ...
... Collaboration with local stakeholders is therefore of paramount significance, and school professionals -management as well as teachers -must facilitate collaboration with local educational stakeholders such as, sport associations, businesses, libraries, etc. We define this collaboration between local stakeholders and schools as an educational network in prolongation of Díaz-Gibson et al. (2020). ...
... This means that they cannot be solved nor resolved by one sector, profession or group of actors alone (… 2012), but require co-creation between multiple stakeholders with multiple skills and backgrounds (Van de Ven 1980). Cocreation is the basis of current understanding of education as an ecology of interconnected units (Díaz-Gibson et al. 2020), an understanding which is also anchored in educational developmental psychology (Bronfenbrenner 1986;Bronfenbrenner and Ceci 1994). In this context, ecology of learning refers to an educational environment where students generate authentic knowledge not only applied in classroom settings but also applicable in real life settings, and thus human learning is anchored in a systems ecology (Bronfenbrenner 1986). ...
Advances in science and technology are important tools in addressing complex global challenges such as food production, pollution, health, climate change and demographic change. In addition, there is a growing understanding across international fora, that solutions to complex problems often require approaches that are cross disciplinary and creative. There is thus a need for people who are able to think beyond traditional disciplines and sectors, whether we talk about professionals, politicians or the general public. One such cross disciplinary mindset, which has gained strong support in later years, is STEM, integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM has also become an important element in education, from preschool to higher education. Many resources are invested into STEM education to encourage institutions, communities and individuals to engage in STEM related teaching practices and professional development – especially in the USA. However, new research in American STEM networks finds that these initiatives are often led by institutions, departments or individuals working alone and, on a larger scale, have not achieved the desired outcome. In this article, we discuss how local educational STEM ecosystems build up as broad educational networks across educational institutions and local stakeholders. In this way local stakeholders can contribute to education addressing epochal key problems and we point to the role of school leadership nurturing the local STEM ecosystem, using the international NetEdu project, and in particular the SchoolWeavers tool, as an example.
... 470). Al igual que en los ecosistemas naturales, la colaboración aparece como el mecanismo principal para su supervivencia, una colaboración que en el terreno educativo se traduce en los procesos de vinculación, conexión, confianza mutua e intercambio entre distintos agentes sociales y educativos (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). De modo que se espera que las instituciones formales de enseñanza y aprendizaje (escuela, instituto, universidad) rompan la tendencia centrípeta y burocratizada, «hacia dentro», para nutrir el ecosistema socioeducativo local, «hacia fuera» (Civís et al., 2023). ...
... Contrariamente, los mismos suponen considerar distintos agentes y espacios sociales, culturales y comunitarios como oportunidades educativas que se vinculan con el trabajo escolar en un ejercicio de corresponsabilidad educativa. Lo que en la introducción situábamos bajo la metáfora de la noción de ecosistema educativo o ecosistema local de aprendizaje (Civís y Díaz-Gibson, 2021;Civís et al., 2023;Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Hannon et al., 2019). Entendido como redes de corresponsabilidad, participación y codiseño de proyectos educativos bajo principios de reconocimiento y confianza mutua para fortalecer procesos de aprendizaje académico-curricular, así como sentidos de filiación compartida en clave de cohesión social en un determinado territorio (Boned et al., 2024b;Esteban-Guitart et al., 2024). ...
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En las últimas décadas, se ha enfatizado la necesidad de considerar la comunidad como ecosistema de aprendizaje más allá del encapsulamiento del aprendizaje en el contexto escolar. Se presenta en este artículo teórico el concepto de “Educación Distribuida y Conectada” (“Widespread Education”) en tanto que proyecto/actuación/experiencia educativa sostenida a lo largo del tiempo que supone una articulación de agentes, tiempos y espacios sociales, educativos y comunitarios a través de procesos de codiseño y cocreación. La experiencia de “Open Schooling” (“escuela abierta”) en Noruega, “Scuola Diffusa” (“escuela difusa”) en Reggio Emilia (Italia), el proyecto “Comms4learning” en Catalunya y Galiza, y el proyecto NEXES en Girona (Catalunya), inspirado en la visión y “alianza Educació 360-Educació a Temps Complet”, nos permiten ilustrar dicha noción. A la vez, se consideran una serie de dimensiones sociales (capital social, confianza mutua, cultura colaborativa-interdependencia), culturales (propósito y visión compartida, implicación en el ecosistema, intercambio de conocimientos, cambios organizacionales) y materiales (tiempo, infraestructura, sostenibilidad) de análisis que permiten caracterizar dichos proyectos/experiencias, así como delimitar el marco de la noción de educación distribuida y conectada. En todos los casos, se trata de actuaciones que suponen la vinculación del nivel formal, con un liderazgo pedagógico y ecológico-sistémico, la participación de otros agentes y espacios sociales y comunitarios no formales y/o informales, así como la implicación del nivel político local (ayuntamientos) a partir de programas específicos que permitan implementar y sostener dichas actuaciones que vinculan el currículum con elementos del territorio.
... Uno de los principales desafíos que enfrentan los sistemas educativos es brindar respuestas efectivas, sostenibles e innovadoras a problemas educativos y sociales complejos, cambiantes y multivariables (Flores, 2016;Montero y Gewerc, 2018;Sarasa y Sales, 2009), circunstancia que sin lugar a dudas la pandemia ha acentuado. En este contexto VUCA (Volátil, incierto -Uncertain-, Complejo y Ambiguo) la comunidad educativa es cada vez más consciente de que el sistema educativo es en realidad un ecosistema donde educadores, educandos, retos o necesidades están íntimamente conectados (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Marimon-Martí et al., 2022). Así, del mismo modo que en los ecosistemas biológicos es la colaboración entre organismos y especies, y no la lucha por la supervivencia, la que permite que los ecosistemas evolucionen y que las especies prosperen, un ecosistema educativo también debe basarse en las conexiones y la colaboración como motor natural. ...
... De algún modo, se trata de una coordinación más alineada con modelos de liderazgo y gestión en red y sistémica (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Díaz-Gibson, 2017;Gumus et al., 2016), donde el valor está más en potenciar las relaciones y conexiones así como distribuir la toma de decisiones que en gestionar las decisiones mismas. Se trata de una coordinación de corte innovador y poco habitual en los modelos de gestión universitaria, los cuales se caracterizan por su rigidez y burocratización (Acosta-Silva et al., 2020; Corell y Garcia-Peñalvo, 2021), motivo por el cual deviene singular y a nuestro juicio inspiradora. ...
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Universities have often been characterized by a sense of detaching from the real world, by a tendency towards hermetic compartments and by their rigidness. This paper presents the development policy of the relational dimension in higher education that has been led by a new managing position, the Networks and Partnerships Coordination Unit, responsible for the coordination of networks and partnerships. This policy contributes to a model that, beyond the isolated-subject curricula of university degrees, connects topics, disciplines, professionals and context needs through a policy that fosters and increases the social capital of the institution. Through a diagnosis of internal and external connections, an action plan is designed. This is regulated by the principle of the universities’ social responsibility and establishes a short-, mid- and long-term action plan in relation to the internal and external dimension of our degree studies. This strategy is monitored through the Networks and Partnerships Unit. This Unit supervises, supports and centralizes different projects and actions, among which there are interdisciplinary inter-studies challenges, S-L within the territory and the develoment of a Magnet Project, among others. These are some of the examples that backbone this strategic line with the aim of transforming our higher education institution into a 360º-scope community educational Hub. La institución universitaria se ha caracterizado habitualmente por un distanciamiento del mundo real, una tendencia a los compartimentos estancos y una considerable rigidez. El artículo presenta la política de desarrollo de la dimensión relacional de la Universidad a través de la figura de coordinación de redes y alianzas. Ésta, contribuye a un modelo que más allá de los planes de estudio de grado compuestos por asignaturas aisladas conecta materias, disciplinas, profesiones y necesidades del territorio a través de una política de cultivo e incremento del capital social de la institución. A través de un diagnóstico de las conexiones internas y externas se diseña un plan de acción. Éste se rige por el principio de responsabilidad social de la Universidad y establece una estrategia a corto, medio y largo plazo en relación con la dimensión interna y externa de los estudios. Esta estrategia se monitoriza a través de la Unidad operativa de redes y alianzas que supervisa, apoya y centraliza la gestión de las distintas acciones entre las que hay retos interdisciplinarios intergrados, APS con el territorio o el desarrollo de un Proyecto Magnet. Son algunos de los ejemplos que vertebran esta línea estratégica que busca convertir la facultad en un Hub educativo comunitario de mirada 360º.
... Third, realize the importance of effective leadership to move others to work as effectively as possible. Although the distributed leadership approach is based on relational and non-hierarchical goals, it does not fully align with the effort required to rethink schools as learning ecosystems (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2021). Díaz-Gibson (2021) states in his research that leadership tends to have a bias towards positive leadership methodologies and benefits for the organization and its employees. ...
... Although the distributed leadership approach is based on relational and non-hierarchical goals, it does not fully align with the effort required to rethink schools as learning ecosystems (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2021). Díaz-Gibson (2021) states in his research that leadership tends to have a bias towards positive leadership methodologies and benefits for the organization and its employees. Although there is some research on the dark side of leadership practices, such as destructive leadership, negative leadership in educational administration and leadership is largely marginalized. ...
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This study aims to understand leadership regeneration at Madrasah Aliyah Asy-Syafi'iyah Kendari to produce ideal leaders for the advancement of the institution. This study uses a qualitative approach to phenomenology, where the researcher tries to understand the meaning behind the phenomena that occur in the field. The data collection technique is done through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis was carried out in stages, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The study results indicate that regeneration in leadership in madrasas is essential to create ideal leaders and good governance. The role of regeneration, including the inheritance of good organizational values, guarantor of organizational sustainability, and learning facilities for new cadres and prospective leaders of Islamic educational institutions. The cadre refers to standardization and formalization of the division of labor and specialization, the hierarchy of authority, professionalization, and written documentation.
... Los centros educativos pueden ser ecosistemas de aprendizaje lo suficientemente amplios para que los alumnos, los profesores y las familias tengan un mayor acceso a los recursos de aprendizaje y cooperen para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad educativa a través de la interacción social (Díaz-Gibson, Daly, Miller-Balslev, Civis, 2020). Un ecosistema o entorno creativo es un espacio (cerrado o abierto) que contiene los elementos necesarios en términos de recursos estructurales y de contenido para generar un flujo de ideas creativas, invenciones e innovaciones, proclives a la investigación. ...
... Por último la satisfacción con el Proyecto por parte de los alumnos, profesores y familias es significativo y ha posibilitado generar, aprendizaje significativo con una metodología activa, interdisciplinariedad entre las asignaturas, en línea con la enseñanza por competencias (saber, saber hacer y saber ser); demostrado por el aumento de la motivación de los alumnos hacia el aprendizaje y los consejos que explicitan para que en el centro se siga trabajando en esta línea y que se exporte a otros centros educativos. Los profesores y las familias han corroborado dicha satisfacción siendo la escuela un eje vertebrador en la construcción de estilos de vida saludable que mejoran la vida del centro y del entorno próximo (Lleixá et al., 2015), siendo muy significativas las actividades realizadas constituyendo el centro un ecosistema de aprendizaje innovador (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). ...
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Los centros educativos como ecosistemas de aprendizaje generan que los alumnos, los profesores y las familias, tengan un mayor acceso a los recursos de aprendizaje y cooperen para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad educativa, a través de la interacción social. Se presenta un Proyecto de salud integral llevado a cabo en el IES “Princesa Galiana” de Toledo, cuyo objetivo es generar una cultura de compromiso educativo capaz de mejorar la calidad de vida de los adolescentes, profesores y familias, y pueda contribuir al progreso del centro y de la sociedad. Han participado 309 alumnos de la ESO, realizando 55 actividades durante el curso escolar 2018-2019. Se ha utilizado un método descriptivo de corte transversal, cuasi-experimental y se han medido hábitos de estilo de vida (cuestionario EYHS), condición física composición corporal (Batería Alpha Fitness), Medida de la Intencionalidad para ser Físicamente Activo (MIFA) y la satisfacción con el Proyecto. Los resultados muestran que la intervención a través de las sinergias establecidas entre profesores, alumnos, familias y entidades locales, contribuyen significativamente al aumento de la calidad de vida de toda la comunidad educativa, destacando el aumento de la práctica deportiva, la mejora de la alimentación y la disminución del sedentarismo. Por tanto, el Proyecto realizado ha conseguido generar una conciencia de hábitos saludables, activos, con una buena alimentación en contra del sedentarismo, provocando hábitos que perdurarán en la vida adulta. Abstract. Schools as wider learning ecosystems could students, teachers, and families have greater access to learning resources through social interactions and cooperate to improve the quality of life of the educational community through social interaction. This paper presents a new Helthy Project at the IES “Princesa Galiana” de Toledo, to generate an educative engagement culture, improving the quality of life of adolescents, teachers and families, and can contribute to the progress of the school and society. 309 high school students carried out 55 activities during 2018-2019 school year. We have used the descriptive, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental method. Lifestyle has been measured (EYHS questionnaire), physical condition and body composition (Alpha Fitness Battery), Measurement of Intentionality to be Physically Active (MIFA) and satisfaction with the Project. The results show that the intervention through the synergies established between teachers, students, families and local entities, significantly contribute to the increase in the quality of life of the entire educational community, highlighting the increase in sports, improving nutrition and reducing sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the Project carried out an awareness of healthy, active habits, with a good diet against sedentary lifestyle, causing habits that will last into adult life.
... Se entiende que el proceso educativo esta mediado por una interacción social (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020) y por la calidad de la enseñanza (Guzmán, 2011). En suma, cada centro educativo se considera un ecosistema de aprendizaje que debe proporcionar accesibilidad y recursividad para favorecer la cooperación y la integración de la comunidad estudiantil en los diversos escenarios educativos (Díaz et al., 2021;Martínez-Baena et al., 2017). ...
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Resumen. Evaluar la relación entre las estrategias de aprendizaje, motivación y contexto personal de estudiantes universitarios colombianos. 240 estudiantes diligenciaron el cuestionario MSLQ SF y se analizó en función de variables cualitativas: sexo, deporte practicado, curso académico, localidad de vivienda, localidad donde labora, actividad laboral y área de formación de la licenciatura. Las variables cuantitativas fueron: promedio académico y edad. El presente estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo correlacional y de corte transversal. Para variables cualitativas se encontraron diferencias entre el sexo con autorregulación a la metacognición, así como entre componentes afectivos y estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas. Para variables cuantitativas las diferencias se encontraron entre el promedio académico con estrategias de elaboración, estrategias de organización, pensamiento crítico, autorregulación a la metacognición, tiempos y hábitos de estudio, autorregulación del esfuerzo, metas de orientación intrínseca, estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas, estrategias de administración de recursos, motivación y estrategias de aprendizaje. Se concluye que los estudiantes universitarios manifiestan una variada diversidad con relación a la forma que tienen de aprender, especialmente, con relación al sexo y al promedio académico. No parece ser sensibles las variables relacionadas con edad y área de formación. En definitiva, los resultados invitan a pensar los recursos educativos que favorezcan la formación universitaria. Palabras clave: aprendizaje; enseñanza y formación; proceso cognitivo; motivación; formación profesional. Abstract. To evaluate the relationship between learning strategies, motivation and personal context of Colombian university students. The MSLQ SF questionnaire was completed by 240 students and analyzed in terms of qualitative variables: sex, sport practiced, academic year, place of residence, place of work, work activity and area of undergraduate education. The quantitative variables were: academic average and age. The present study had a quantitative approach, descriptive correlational and cross-sectional scope. For qualitative variables, differences were found between sex with self-regulation and metacognition, as well as between affective components and cognitive and metacognitive strategies. For quantitative variables, differences were found between academic average with elaboration strategies, organization strategies, critical thinking, metacognitive self-regulation, study time and habits, self-regulation of effort, intrinsic goal orientation, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, resource management strategies, motivation and learning strategies. It is concluded that university students show a varied diversity in relation to the way they learn, especially in relation to sex and academic average. Variables related to age and area of training do not seem to be sensitive. In short, the results invite us to think about the educational resources that favor university education.
... Construir capacidades para movilizar a las escuelas para un aprendizaje en red requiere un enfoque de liderazgo distribuido. A su vez, el crecimiento de capital profesional se vincula a incrementar el capital social, generando dentro y entre las escuelas un ecosistema de aprendizaje más amplio, de modo que estudiantes, profesores y familias puedan obtener más recursos de aprendizaje a través de la interacción social (Díaz- Gibson et al., 2020). Brown (2020) inicialmente la definen como "cualquier grupo que participe con otros en el aprendizaje colaborativo fuera de su comunidad de práctica habitual, con el fin de mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en su (s) escuela (s) y / o el sistema escolar más ampliamente" (p. ...
... De esta manera, en los procesos educativos de la universidad, se interrelacionan una serie de procesos que le permiten al estudiante organizar la información de muy diversas maneras para favorecer su proceso de aprendizaje (Acevedo et al., 2015;Almerich et al., 2018). En ese sentido, el aprendizaje se entiende como una manifestación que permite al estudiante universitario interactuar socialmente (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020), razón por la cual, las instituciones de educación superior son en esencia ecosistemas de aprendizaje orientadas a proliferar la cooperación y la calidad de vida de todos los que convergen en la comunidad educativa (Díaz et al., 2021;Martínez-Baena et al., 2017). Por esta razón, desarrollar investigaciones que relacionen la competencia AaA con los estilos de vida y la CF de los estudiantes de carreras profesionales afines al deporte no solo es una necesidad, sino una oportunidad para favorecer la enseñabilidad en el marco institucional universitario. ...
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Resumen. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar las relaciones entre la competencia de aprender a aprender, los estilos de vida y la condición física en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios colombianos. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño observacional-analítico de alcance transversal. Participaron del estudio 23 estudiantes de primer semestre de la licenciatura en deporte con una edad promedio de 20.48±3.07 años. Para evaluar la competencia aprender a aprender se utilizó el cuestionario CECAPEU, los estilos de vida se midieron a través del cuestionario CEVJU-R2 y para la condición física, se evaluó a través del aplicativo My Jump Lab las siguientes pruebas: SJ, CMJ, CMJB, fuerza isquiotibial, asimetrías, cambio de dirección 5-0-5, velocidad 5, 10 y 15 metros e Illionis, al igual que se tomaron otras pruebas como Sit and Reach, test de equilibrio y Course Navette. Se usó la metodología de análisis factorial múltiple, empleando un análisis de inercia para definir el número de componentes a trabajar. Para evaluar la relación entre grupos de variables, así como entre variables y las categorías dentro de estas. El software empleado fue el programa ® versión 4.1.0. Los resultados indican que, existen diversos perfiles que revelan la necesidad de entender que el estudiante que tiene como objeto de estudio al deporte, enfrenta una serie de necesidades asociadas a su estilo de vida y su condición física, lo cual influye en su competencia de aprender a aprender. El estudio permitió reconocer que existen cinco perfilamientos de los estudiantes de primer curso de la licenciatura en Deporte de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Esto puede ayudar a mejorar los programas de intervención y seguimiento de los estudiantes en la carrera, buscando con ello, reconocer que el aprendizaje de estos es diverso y necesita en igual medida, una variabilidad en los enfoques de su enseñanza y, al mismo tiempo espacios que favorezcan un estilo de vida conducente en la mejora de su condición física. Palabras clave: aprendizaje, evaluación, proceso cognitivo, afectividad y sentimiento, formación profesional Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between learning to learn competence, lifestyles and physical fitness in a sample of Colombian university students. The study had a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional observational-analytical design. Twenty-three first-semester undergraduate sports students with an average age of 20.48±3.07 years participated in the study. To evaluate the learning to learn competence, the CECAPEU questionnaire was used, lifestyles were measured through the CEVJU- R2 questionnaire and for physical condition, the following tests were evaluated through the My Jump Lab application: SJ, CMJ, CMJB, hamstring strength, asymmetries, change of direction 5-0-5, speed 5, 10 and 15 meters and Illionis, as well as other tests such as Sit and Reach, balance test and Course Navette. The multiple factorial analysis methodology was used, using an inertia analysis to define the number of components to work on. To evaluate the relationship between groups of variables, as well as between variables and the categories within them. The software used was the program ® version 4.1.0. The results indicate that there are several profiles that reveal the need to understand that the student whose object of study is sport, faces a series of needs associated with their lifestyle and physical condition, which influences their competence to learn to learn. The study made it possible to recognize that there are five profiles of first-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Sport at the National Pedagogical University. This can help to improve the intervention and follow-up programs for students in the course, seeking to recognize that their learning is diverse and needs, in equal measure, a variability in the teaching approaches and, at the same time, spaces that favor a lifestyle focused on improving their physical condition. Keywords: learning; evaluation; cognitive process; affectivity and feeling; vocational training
... En líneas generales, se entiende que cualquier proceso de aprendizaje está mediado por una interacción social (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). En este sentido, los centros educativos se constituyen como ecosistemas de aprendizajes que despiertan en los estudiantes una accesibilidad a los recursos de aprendizaje para favorecer la cooperación y la calidad de vida para toda la comunidad educativa (Díaz et al., 2021;Martínez-Baena et al., 2017). ...
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One of the most important processes in university students refers to their learning competence. Therefore, the learning to learn competence was evaluated in university students of the Bachelor's Degree in Sports of the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. A total of 182 students voluntarily participated in the study. The participants completed the CECAPEU questionnaire and the results were analyzed in relation to grouped age, semester completed, academic average, sex and sports experience. The findings showed that in response to grouped age there are differences for the cognitive dimension (p=0.03), metacognitive dimension (p=0.04) and affective and motivational dimension (p=0.04). In response to the semester attended, differences were found for the cognitive dimension (p=0.01), metacognitive dimension (p=0.04) and affective and motivational dimension (p=0.04). In relation to the academic average, differences were only found for the ethical dimension (p=0.049). In response to gender, the mean of the ethical dimension (p=0.01) of male students is lower than that of female students. Finally, no differences were found in response to sport experience. The present findings reaffirm the importance of stimulating these competencies in a balanced manner, given that the study demonstrates differences in their development. In view of the above, it would be advisable to highlight the interest in de-veloping new research that evaluates the competence of learning to learn in different professional careers, seeking to contribute from two perspectives: a general one focused on teacher training and a specific one supported by the development of research that focuses on sport as an object of study in higher education institutions.
... En este contexto, deviene indispensable que cada agente del ecosistema educativo se pregunte cómo está contribuyendo a la gesta. Al igual que en los ecosistemas biológicos, la colaboración, más que la lucha por la supervivencia, aparece como el mecanismo principal de su evolución y sostenibilidad; los ecosistemas educativos deben basarse en los vínculos, conexiones y colaboraciones para su creación y desarrollo (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020). ...
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We live in a complex, intense and turbulent time, characterized by widespread inequality and the need for education to progress in an uncertain and changing world. In this context, the joint, collective, collaborative and community work of the different agents with educational responsibilities is critical. Higher education, widely recognized for its educational value, often fails to interact with other socio-educational and community-based agents in the construction and care of the ecosystem, and its model is still characterized by its tendency to be centripetal and bureaucratic. In this sense, the importance of greater flexibility, openness, and connection with society is emphasized, from a conception of universities open to the entire population. The 3rd World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022), organized and promoted by UNESCO, pointed out the need to create more open, inclusive, equitable, and collaborative higher learning systems to address the challenges of our time. The university's ability to forge alliances in support of the Sustainable Development Goals is key to achieving this major challenge from a perspective of quality education for everyone. Currently, some local and international initiatives are emerging in this direction, but they are still marginal, so this monograph shows studies and good transformative practices, networked work, and connection of the university institution with the entire educational ecosystem and territory, in order to disseminate, inspire, illustrate, and encourage work in this direction. Vivimos en una época compleja, intensa y convulsa, caracterizada por la desigualdad generalizada y la necesidad de la educación para avanzar en un mundo incierto y cambiante. En este contexto, es crítico el trabajo conjunto, colectivo, colaborativo y comunitario de los distintos agentes con responsabilidades educativas. La educación superior, ampliamente reconocida por su valía educativa, a menudo no es capaz de interaccionar con el resto de agentes socioeducativos ycomunitarios en la construcción y cuidado del ecosistema, y su modelo aún se caracteriza por su tendencia a ser centrípeto y burocratizado. En este sentido, se destaca la importancia de una mayor flexibilización, apertura y conexión con la sociedad, desdeuna concepción de universidades abiertas a toda la población. La 3ª Conferencia Mundial de Educación Superior (WHEC 2022), organizada y promovida por la UNESCO, señaló la necesidad de crear sistemas de aprendizaje superior más abiertos, inclusivos, equitativos y colaborativos para afrontar los desafíos de nuestro tiempo. La capacidad de la universidad para tejer alianzas en pro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible es clave para lograr este reto mayúsculo desde una perspectiva de educación de calidad para todo el mundo. En la actualidad, están emergiendo algunas iniciativas a nivel local e internacional en esta dirección, pero aún siguen siendo marginales, así que el presente monográfico muestra estudios y buenas prácticas transformadoras, de trabajo enred y de conexión de la institución universitaria con el conjunto del ecosistema educativo y del territorio, con el fin de divulgar, inspirar, ilustrar y animar al trabajo en esta dirección.
... En este sentido, a menudo los académicos coinciden en que uno de los principales desafíos que enfrenta nuestro país es brindar respuestas efectivas, sostenibles e innovadoras a problemas educativos y sociales complejos (Flores, 2016;Sarasa y Sales, 2009), señalando a la institución educativa escolar como el artífice responsable de tal empresa. Si bien es cierto que las escuelas de nuestro país están llamadas a responder a estos desafíos (Díaz-Gibson et al., 2020;Martínez-Celorrio, 2016) también lo es que los retos educativos no sólo pertenecen a la escuela sino al conjunto del ecosistema educativo, y aquí por supuesto tiene un rol relevante la Universidad (Guerrero y Urbano, 2017). ...
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El trabajo analiza la capacidad de adaptación a la pandemia de la COVID-19 en el caso de los estudios de educación de la FPCEE Blanquerna (Universidad Ramon Llull). La discrepancia de opiniones recogidas en informes, medios y literatura en torno a la respuesta del estamento universitario a la pandemia motivan el trabajo. La finalidad es la de identificar debilidades, fortalezas, amenazas y oportunidades en el caso concreto que se estudia, partiendo del supuesto de que ha habido una buena adaptación. Así, se pretende verificar esta percepción a la par que identificar implicaciones prácticas para la mejora de su proyecto educativo y, si cabe, transferir las conclusiones a otros centros o grados universitarios. Por un lado, se llevan a cabo cuatro grupos de discusión con alumnado y profesorado con un total de 33 participantes siguiendo el análisis DAFO. Por otro lado, se diseña un cuestionario en el que participan un total de 408 estudiantes recogiendo las dimensiones de institución/organización, profesorado, metodología y alumnado. Los resultados muestran cómo la facultad se adaptó rápidamente a la situación con algunos matices en cuanto al mantenimiento de cierta magistralidad y a una mayor carga académica en el alumnado. En relación con el cansancio emocional los resultados confirman esta afectación a pesar de que se mantienen los niveles de motivación por los estudios cursados. Así, se plantean implicaciones prácticas que tienen que ver con incrementar fórmulas evaluativas más formativas, diversificar las metodologías docentes online y mantener en algunas ocasiones el formato virtual al margen de la pandemia.
Education has undergone significant changes, leading to more complex and collaborative approaches that recognize schools as ecosystems where diverse stakeholders interact. Consequently, new processes and tools are needed to promote leadership within these ecosystems. To guide school leadership teams, we developed and piloted the online tool ‘SchoolWeavers’, which fosters relationships and collaboration across the ecosystem to improve learning and well-being. This study examines the initial outcomes of using SchoolWeavers as a school leadership strategy in five schools in Catalonia, Spain, by surveying 1,615 members of the ecosystem, including teachers, leaders, staff, families, students, and community professionals. The aim is to investigate school ecosystem dynamics through the domains addressed by the tool, such as empathy, trust, shared purpose, innovation, collaboration, equity, and personalized learning, identifying opportunities for improvement and ways to foster stronger educational ecosystems. Leadership teams showed the highest scores and positive perceptions, while students rated the domains lower. Community professionals had low participation, indicating weaker collaboration with the community. Trust and equity received the highest scores, whereas innovation and personalized learning were less valued. This study highlights the need for tools to strengthen educational ecosystems and identifies areas for improvement, particularly in innovation and student agency.
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Within the Welsh education system, ‘Schools as Learning Organisations’ (SLOs) remains a centrepiece of current education policy. This article considers some of the key evidence base(s) that connect to and underpin the SLO model in Wales. This is not a review of the literature but rather an overview of the main empirical evidence that reinforces the SLO approach in Wales. The article highlights that there is a supportive, empirical evidence base for each of the 7 dimensions of the Welsh SLO model. It concludes, however, that more practical guidance, particularly about implementation processes, are needed to assist schools in their journey towards becoming stronger learning organisations.
From the years 2015 and 2016, when tens of thousands sought refuge in Europe from war and persecution, the spontaneous engagement in civil society will be remembered above all. In the so-called Summer of Welcome, volunteers, civil society initiatives and organizations especially supported refugee children and young people in many ways. This chapter examines the role of partnerships between schools and local partners, especially civil society organizations, for the social integration of newly immigrated students into the school community. Do the partnerships work in times when newly immigrated children and youth are in particular need of support? Alternatively, do the potential risks of such partnerships become more visible at such times because functioning partnerships are full of prerequisites, as social capital approaches would indicate? The results of an analysis based on an online survey of German school principals of lower secondary schools show that schools are managing changes in existing partnerships carefully and tend to stay with established partnerships rather than to search for new partners. Nevertheless, local partners – especially civil society initiatives – make a substantial contribution to the social integration as well as to supporting the learning of the newly arrived students within the school.
Non-profit sector and schools have different trajectories in the sphere of education and yet they both direct to the same goal – well-being of their target groups. What would happen if they joined their interests and transformed it into some kind of cooperation? Is it already happening and if so, how? This chapter focuses on the everyday reality of partnership between non-profit non-governmental organizations and schools, particularly in the area of inclusion of foreign language (FL) students in three European geographical areas – the Czech Republic, Castilla y León Autonomous Community of Spain, and Sicily in Italy. The three-year project aimed to map the extent of such cooperation and allowed us to identify moments that non-profits perceive as critical and that pose threats to a relationship. Our findings were gained through text coding of open-ended questions in a questionnaire and were categorized followingly: (1) barriers in exchanging opinions and sharing good practices (2) the visibility of partnership in teacher training (3) funding challenges (4) support from administration authorities. We believe that a constructive input or feedback from our partner can provide us with meaningful guidance to change our thinking and/or improve our current practice. Therefore, our findings can serve as an internal audit for possible readjustment of the structure, processes or ethos of educational environments for all interested parties.
In this chapter, the distinction between ‘cosmopolitan’ and ‘local’ established by Gouldner in the 1950s is used to examine universities in the context of global higher education systems. It is suggested here that cosmopolitan universities are research-oriented and enjoy international visibility, wealth, and prestige. Although being a cosmopolitan university has a positive connotation, it is argued that there are geopolitical considerations that do not always come into view in examining universities and internationalisation trends. Some prestigious universities enjoy and reinforce their academic capital while others are on the fringes of research and academic productivity. By analysing the patterns of international collaboration exhibited by Latin American academics in the field of higher education, this chapter offers a critical perspective on co-authorship as an expression of academic dependency. Geopolitical considerations for a more fruitful development of international collaboration in higher education are offered.
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Within the framework of the CaixaProinfancia programme, networks have been developed in 18 regions of Spain which promote intersectoral cooperation to combat the social and educational exclusion of children. Their emerging nature and simultaneous development have enabled a comparative study to be made of their organisation, the supporting and inhibiting factors, and the perception of the results. The conclusions stress the importance of leadership which takes into account the principles of transversality and horizontality, as well as properly focusing the socioeducational action and implementing it within a relatively short period of time. Some networks evolve in their approach, going from attending to the participants’ needs to more global approaches to socioeducational governance.
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This study explores the competencies that teachers need and it aims at both determining whether teachers currently have them and proposing training strategies that can contribute to achieving them. The research is based on quantitative and qualitative methods, through the use of a survey answered by school leaders (n = 281) along with interviews to some of them (n = 29). The results reveal how today’s schools need teachers who can constantly acquire new competencies, particularly personal and relational ones. Thus, a teacher’s professional development follows a progression in which both social-emotional competencies and sound classroom management are crucial. Other areas of emphasis are joint efforts between schools and universities and the need to consult the educational teams at schools when devising educational policies or designing training plans. We find that teachers partly have these competencies, which has implications for universities and continuing education.
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Purpose Secondary school leadership provides multiple challenges in terms of the diversity of tasks, multiple demands on time, balancing communities and attending to instructional programming. An emerging scholarship suggests the importance of a distributed instructional leadership approach to high school leadership. However, what has been less thoroughly explored is how secondary school leadership is distributed leaders across a school district. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social structure and positions urban high school principals occupy in the district system. Design/methodology/approach This study was conducted in one urban fringe public school district in southern California serving diverse students populations. The data were collected at three time points starting in Fall 2012 and ending in Fall 2014 from a district-wide leadership team including all central office and site leaders. All leaders were asked to assess their social relations and perception of innovative climate. The data were analyzed through a series of social network indices to examine the structure and positions of high school principals. Findings Results indicate that over time high school principals have decreasing access to social capital and are typically occupying peripheral positions in the social network. The high school principals’ perception of innovative climate across the district decreases over time. Originality/value This longitudinal study, one of the first to examine high school principals from a network perspective, sheds new light on the social infrastructure of urban high school principals and what this might mean for efforts at improvement.
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In the last decade, the emergence of violence has been since visible among the youth in school and even in higher education (HE). The number is various forms such as bullying, cyber bullying and even bullying victimization. It can be seen that forms of instance reported are many violence which refers to the perpetration among the school aged students. This paper aims to examine the problems on violence at any forms to propose a model to solve the knowledge set of compassionate based empathy. The findings reveal that the series of feeling mindful of self and social empathy should be developed to enhance the awareness with the ability to interact and care among HE. Providing the framework for the current issue of impending futile effort in terms of caring for terminal patients, nurturing compassionate based empathy could be one of the sources to assist the knowledge on the instructional design and assessment through best practice to improve the social and self-empathy awareness with compassion in HE.
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Throughout the world, educational policy makers, practitioners, and scholars have acknowledged the importance of principal leadership in the generation and implementation of innovations. In many studies, transformational leadership has emerged as a promising approach in response to increasing demands to develop and implement innovations in schools. Although research has suggested that having access to leaders with expertise can significantly stimulate innovation, the link between transformational leadership and principals’ social network position has not yet been extensively studied. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between principals’ positions in their schools’ social networks in combination with transformational leadership and schools’ innovative climate. It was conducted among 702 teachers and 51 principals in 51 elementary schools in a large educational system in the Netherlands. Using social network analysis and multilevel analysis, the authors analyzed a quantitative questionnaire with social network questions on work-related and personal advice and Likert-type scales for transformational leadership and innovative climate. Findings indicated that transformational leadership was positively associated with schools’ innovative climate. Principals’ social network position, in terms of centrality, was also related to schools’ innovative climate. The more principals were sought for professional and personal advice, and the more closely connected they were to their teachers, the more willing teachers were to invest in change and the creation of new knowledge and practices. Moreover, work-related closeness centrality was found to mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative climate. Implications of the study are discussed.
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Collective teacher efficacy (CTE) refers to the collective perception that teachers in a given school make an educational difference to their students over and above the educational impact of their homes and communities. Significant positive relationships were found between CTE and student achievement on the grade 8 math, writing, and English tests. In addition, significant relationships were found between the both the instruction and discipline subscales of CTE with all three tests of student achievement. When controlling for socioeconomic status, CTE made a significant independent contribution to the grade 8 writing scores; however it did not independently explain math and English achievement.
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This article speaks to two current trends in teacher education—the press to assess teacher education in terms of measurable outcomes, on one hand, and the growing emphasis on social justice as a theme of teacher education, on the other. The article begins with a discussion of the concept of teacher education for social justice. Then, using Rasch Item Response Theory techniques and analyses, the article shows that certain aspects of the complex construct, “learning to teach for social justice,” can be measured reliably and validly across multiple groups of teacher candidates and graduates using a “Learning to Teach for Social Justice-Beliefs” (LTSJ-B) scale. This scale is part of a suite of teacher preparation surveys, which are in turn, part of a larger portfolio of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies designed to explore the effects of teacher education and the process of learning to teach. The analyses presented here show that the LTSJ-B scale can detect changes in beliefs related to teaching for social justice over time and across cohorts of teacher candidates. Specifically, we show that the scores of cohorts of exiting teacher candidates far exceeded the scores of entering candidates. We also show that after one year of teaching, graduates of the program maintained these higher scores. The analyses in this article contribute to the argument that although “learning to teach for social justice” is a complex matter that requires complex measures, it can indeed be constructed as a legitimate outcome of teacher education and thus expand the larger agenda to make teacher education accountable for the quality of teachers it prepares.
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This book examines the different normative approaches politicians, bureaucrats and community actors use to frame the innovation puzzle, arguing that these create specific cultures of innovation. The authors explore the role of formal institutions and informal networks in promoting and impeding governmental innovation. © Mark Considine, Jenny M. Lewis and Damon Alexander 2009. All rights reserved.
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International evidence suggests that educational reform’s progress depends on teachers’ individual and collective capacity and its link with school-wide capacity for promoting pupils’ learning. Building capacity is therefore critical. Capacity is a complex blend of motivation, skill, positive learning, organisational conditions and culture, and infrastructure of support. Put together, it gives individuals, groups, whole school communities and school systems the power to get involved in and sustain learning over time. Developing professional learning communities appears to hold considerable promise for capacity building for sustainable improvement. As such, it has become a ‘hot topic’ in many countries.
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Fragmentation and the lack of appropriately coordinated government services are widely considered to be costly problems impeding effective and efficient government service provision. Moreover, there is a growing realization that many modern social issues have developed into meta-problems that cannot be resolved by the traditional single agency approach. Coordination of services through more cooperative and collaborative networks of relationships between government agencies has become a preferred strategy for many public administrators. In this way, actors from a range of sectors form and reform into action networks to respond to existing and emergent issues. Managing these networks in order to achieve appropriate policy outcomes is an important aspect of modern day governance and strategy development. This issue is particularly important for the central agencies of state since they have a responsibility for ensuring consistent and cohesive government policy and service delivery. This paper gives an account of a public sector initiative aimed at enhancing service provision through the formation and management of inter-departmental networks of coordinative and cooperative action. It concludes that although networks are a useful mechanism of social coordination, their inherent benefits may be jeopardized when network management issues make them vulnerable to pressures from the centre.
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Prior meta-analytic evidence has indicated no association between relationship length and perceived trustworthiness. Viewing trustors as information processors, the authors propose a model in which relationship length, although having no direct effect on perceived trustworthiness, moderates the association between perceived trustworthiness and the basis on which people decide to trust each other. Specifically, as trustors learn about others, they base their trust on different kinds of information (demographic similarity, trustworthy behavior, and shared perspective). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses of a field survey of supervisors and subordinates from 3 companies (N = 88) provide evidence consistent with this prediction: Perceived trustworthiness is associated with demographic similarity in newer relationships, with trustworthy behavior in relationships that are neither brand new nor old but in-between, and with shared perspective in older relationships.
A challenge to support school networks in Chile is the competitive culture promoted by market-oriented educational policies that have harmed school leaders’ capacities to work and learn together. This is an empirical research about a Collaborative Inquiry Networks (CIN) strategy to support the development of networked leadership capacities of headteachers and curriculum coordinators from one district during a 1-year educational period. Each session of the program was systematised, local authorities were interviewed and a survey was conducted with participants at the beginning and at the end of the year. Findings indicate that leadership team members improved their inquiry abilities and collaborative practices with others. This type of work has contributed to increasing achievement expectations of their teachers concerning their students, highlighting that it is possible and useful to advance from a culture of competition to a culture of collaboration. This paper offers a concrete and practical methodology to develop leadership capacities to lead collaborative inquiry projects between and within schools in a South American context such as Chile.
Today, educational change and innovation are a clear priority in educational centres across the world. This article analyses the strengths and opportunities presented by the process of educational innovation taking place in Catalonia from the perspective of school head teachers, employing a quanti-qualitative methodology using 227 surveys and 29 semi-structured interviews. The results locate the innovation process in a phase characterized by efforts aimed at updating existing practice, resistance to change generated by the system itself, and a lack of systematic reflection on current practice. Two strengths of the process reported relate to its scale and transversality across the whole territory on the one hand, and the importance that collaboration between teachers and schools is having in order to facilitate innovation. Other aspects highlighted are: the need to invest more planning in innovation processes; the need for the Deparment of Education to reflect on its own role within the process; and, finally, the need to develop the role of technologies as facilitators of innovation and communication.
Looking at the potential for research-use by educators to improve schools for all young people, An Ecosystem for Research-Engaged Schools presents a range of groundbreaking research and fascinating case studies. It carefully explores the elements and dimensions of research-engaged schools using an ecosystems perspective to study the layers and interconnections that occur amongst the people and institutions that exist within the ecosystem. Allowing the reader to consider how to ensure independent elements of the ecosystem are maintained to ensure an effective balance, this book brings together contributions from international experts working in a variety of fields such as school leadership, professional development and accountability. Key issues facing the research-use ecosystem both theoretically and empirically are covered, with examples of innovative practice, new theories and value systems. The book also provides an insight into the exciting possibility of such a system of learning and innovation in our schools where structures, cultures, practices and policies align to promote research-informed school improvement. With chapters bringing together issues from different aspects of the system, this book: • expands the analysis of evidence and research-informed practice, considering the wider environment within which it is undertaken • shows the interplay and tensions between aspects of the ecosystem and illustrates how different aspects of the ecosystem affect evidence use • reconciles all aspects of the ecosystem within an overarching framework which attempts to explain the complex totality of the ecosystem. Designed to both challenge and infuse, An Ecosystem for Research-Engaged Schools truly bridges the gap between theory and practice. It will be an invaluable
The success of implementing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) depends not only on the extent to which educators deeply understand the new standards but also on the expectations, values, and resources that support their readiness for making necessary instructional change. Educators’ understanding of and beliefs about CCSS may largely drive their behaviors and action toward implementation. This study investigated a longitudinal dataset of teachers and principals in one large school district serving a diverse student population in California, examining the relationship between educators’ beliefs and trust and the organizational climate. Findings suggest that both teachers’ trust in the principal and an innovative climate play a consistent, critical role in educators’ beliefs about implementing CCSS.
Purpose: The social aspect of leadership is often overlooked in the educational reform. This study aims to address the dearth of work in the social space around leadership and examines two different types of relational ties between leaders that capture the affective and work-related aspects of interpersonal relationships. Research Method: This study takes place in one large urban school district serving a highly diverse student population and investigates a multiplex relation—energy and work-related influence—from a longitudinal dataset to better understand the complex nature of social ties. Descriptive statistics, multilevel social network modeling, and network sociograms are used to understand the characteristics of this over-time multiplex relationship among central office and site leaders. Findings: Drawing on social network theory, efficacy, and climate, findings suggest that gender, work level, experience, efficacy, and climate are associated with leaders engaging in this multiplex relationship over time. Conclusion and Implications: Investigating the intersection of both affective and instrumental relationships provides a nuanced and more reality-based picture about a complex set of leadership ties and perceptions as they go about improving educational systems.
Educational Collaborative Networks (ECNs) aim to achieve educational goals at the community level and base their actions on collaborative partnering between schools and community organizations. These approaches are an emergent and innovative leadership and policy strategy being used increasingly across the globe, given the interconnected and pervasive nature of issues facing education. The enthusiasm and promise of such community-based initiatives are accompanied by concerns related to its leadership. This paper describes the insights of networked leadership as a driver, which facilitates ECN outcome achievement. This article examines the experience of leaders involved in the current leadership of 18 high-performing ECNs in Barcelona (Spain). The results stress that networked leadership may become a key driver of change in educational contexts, capable of building a collaborative culture to optimize the educational performance in every specific community.
The recent proliferation of governance networks at all levels and in different policy areas has led to a growing number of studies focusing on interactive forms of governance. This paper aims to contribute to the development of governance research by looking at how collaboration in governance networks can help to spur social and educational innovation. The paper begins by defining the concept of governance networks and then provides a systematic overview of different theories that explain the current rise of governance networks. Next, it defines the concept of innovation and discusses how collaboration in networks can enhance innovation. Finally, it discusses how collaborative innovation can be initiated, facilitated and catalysed through new forms of leadership and management.
The recent proliferation of governance networks at all levels and in different policy areas has led to a growing number of studies focusing on interactive forms of governance. This paper aims to contribute to the development of governance research by looking at how collaboration in governance networks can help to spur social and educational innovation. The paper begins by defining the concept of governance networks and then provides a systematic overview of different theories that explain the current rise of governance networks. Next, it defines the concept of innovation and discusses how collaboration in networks can enhance innovation. Finally, it discusses how collaborative innovation can be initiated, facilitated and catalysed through new forms of leadership and management.
Background A growing empirical base suggests that there is a positive relationship between teacher social interaction and student achievement. However, much of this research is based on standardized summative assessments, which, while important, may have limited applicability to timely instructional decision making. As such, in this work, we examine the relationship between teacher social interaction and interim benchmark formative assessments, which have been argued to play a more useful role in instructional decision making. Purpose In this study we used a human and social capital framework to explore the relationship between teacher social interaction and student achievement on an interim benchmark formative assessment. We hypothesized that teacher social capital would be positively related with student achievement as measured by an interim assessment, even after controlling for student and teacher demographics as well as proxies for teacher human capital. Population A sample of 63 teachers from five elementary schools in a midsize U.S. district completed a demographic and social network survey, from which we generated our human and social capital measures. For student-level data, we collected current and prior student achievement from 1,196 third to fifth grade students on an English Language Arts Interim Benchmark Assessment. Research Design We used survey data to conduct social network analysis and hierarchical linear modeling to explore the multilevel relationship between human and social capital and student achievement. Results Results indicated that even when controlling for student demographics and prior achievement, teachers’ human and social capital had a significant effect on student achievement as measured by interim assessments. More specifically our results indicated that more teaching experience in the current school was associated with better student performance on the interim assessment. In addition, the act of reaching out to other teachers to share knowledge regarding reading comprehension was associated with higher student scores on the interim assessment even when controlling for demographics and past academic performance. Conclusions This study offers a unique insight into the role of accessing capital resources and student achievement in strengthening schools under increased pressure to improve. Our work adds to the growing empirical base that suggests that teacher social interaction has a relationship with student achievement. To encourage social interaction, creating formal policies and structures for teachers to develop social ties with one another related to content may be a useful strategy in supporting student outcomes.
Journal of Democracy 6.1 (1995) 65-78 As featured on National Public Radio, The New York Times, and in other major media, we offer this sold-out, much-discussed Journal of Democracy article by Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone." You can also find information at DemocracyNet about the Journal of Democracy and its sponsor, the National Endowment for Democracy. Many students of the new democracies that have emerged over the past decade and a half have emphasized the importance of a strong and active civil society to the consolidation of democracy. Especially with regard to the postcommunist countries, scholars and democratic activists alike have lamented the absence or obliteration of traditions of independent civic engagement and a widespread tendency toward passive reliance on the state. To those concerned with the weakness of civil societies in the developing or postcommunist world, the advanced Western democracies and above all the United States have typically been taken as models to be emulated. There is striking evidence, however, that the vibrancy of American civil society has notably declined over the past several decades. Ever since the publication of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, the United States has played a central role in systematic studies of the links between democracy and civil society. Although this is in part because trends in American life are often regarded as harbingers of social modernization, it is also because America has traditionally been considered unusually "civic" (a reputation that, as we shall later see, has not been entirely unjustified). When Tocqueville visited the United States in the 1830s, it was the Americans' propensity for civic association that most impressed him as the key to their unprecedented ability to make democracy work. "Americans of all ages, all stations in life, and all types of disposition," he observed, "are forever forming associations. There are not only commercial and industrial associations in which all take part, but others of a thousand different types -- religious, moral, serious, futile, very general and very limited, immensely large and very minute. . . . Nothing, in my view, deserves more attention than the intellectual and moral associations in America." Recently, American social scientists of a neo-Tocquevillean bent have unearthed a wide range of empirical evidence that the quality of public life and the performance of social institutions (and not only in America) are indeed powerfully influenced by norms and networks of civic engagement. Researchers in such fields as education, urban poverty, unemployment, the control of crime and drug abuse, and even health have discovered that successful outcomes are more likely in civically engaged communities. Similarly, research on the varying economic attainments of different ethnic groups in the United States has demonstrated the importance of social bonds within each group. These results are consistent with research in a wide range of settings that demonstrates the vital importance of social networks for job placement and many other economic outcomes. Meanwhile, a seemingly unrelated body of research on the sociology of economic development has also focused attention on the role of social networks. Some of this work is situated in the developing countries, and some of it elucidates the peculiarly successful "network capitalism" of East Asia. Even in less exotic Western economies, however, researchers have discovered highly efficient, highly flexible "industrial districts" based on networks of collaboration among workers and small entrepreneurs. Far from being paleoindustrial anachronisms, these dense interpersonal and interorganizational networks undergird ultramodern industries, from the high tech of Silicon Valley to the high fashion of Benetton. The norms and networks of civic engagement also powerfully affect the performance of representative government. That, at least, was the central conclusion of my own 20-year, quasi-experimental study of subnational governments in different regions of Italy. Although all these regional governments seemed identical on paper, their levels of effectiveness varied dramatically. Systematic inquiry showed that the quality of governance was determined by longstanding traditions of civic engagement (or its absence). Voter turnout, newspaper readership, membership in choral societies and football clubs -- these were the hallmarks of a successful region. In fact, historical analysis suggested that these networks of organized reciprocity and civic solidarity...
Educational partnerships with area-based approaches comprise an increasingly well-grounded and internationally extended strategy for equitable improvement. However, literature shows a lack of focused inquiry on the assessment of these educational collaborative programmes. This article aims to develop and validate an instrument to assess these types of programmes across countries. Two successful programmes were assessed in Spain and the USA in order to test the validity of the measurement model. Results confirm that the model provides a valid tool to assess the effectiveness of collaborative performance, helping school principals, district leaders and policy-makers to enact evidence-based decision-making.
The last decade or so has seen an emerging literature supporting the position that school leaders and school leadership are important. This article argues, however, that recent developments in the area of school leadership have led to an orthodoxy that needs to be challenged and tested. It is an orthodoxy that has been driven essentially by those outside the school leadership profession and is one constrained by external accountability demands. The arguments here are that school leaders should be the ones driving a critical examination of their profession whereby the shackles of accountability on them are replaced by a new liberating professionalism for school leaders framed around notions of professional responsibility. To this end, three propositions are considered to stimulate debate among the school leadership profession. The first is that we need to frame school leadership by critically examining the question: school leadership for what and about what? Second, we need to shift the debate about school leadership from one dominated by accountability to one grounded in notions of professional responsibility. And finally, that the profession needs to be leading the debates and setting the agendas about school leadership, not simply responding and reacting to externally determined agendas.
The purpose of this review is to learn from rigorous evaluations of alternative technology applications how features of using technology programs and characteristics of their evaluations affect reading outcomes for students in grades K-12. The review applies consistent inclusion standards to focus on studies that met high methodological standards. A total of 84 qualifying studies based on over 60,000 K-12 participants were included in the final analysis. Consistent with previous reviews of similar focus, the findings suggest that educational technology applications generally produced a positive, though small, effect (ES = +0.16) in comparison to traditional methods. There were differential impacts of various types of educational technology applications. In particular, the types of supplementary computer-assisted instruction programs that have dominated the classroom use of educational technology in the past few decades were not found to produce educationally meaningful effects in reading for K-12 students (ES = +0.11), and the higher the methodological quality of the studies, the lower the effect size. In contrast, innovative technology applications and integrated literacy interventions with the support of extensive professional development showed more promising evidence. Although many more rigorous, especially randomized, studies of newer applications are needed, what unifies the methods found in this review to have great promise is the use of technologies in close connection with teachers’ efforts.
Encouraged by the proliferation of governance networks and the growing demands for public innovation, this article aims to advance “collaborative innovation” as a cross-disciplinary approach to studying and enhancing public innovation. The article explains the special conditions and the growing demand for public innovation, and demonstrates how it can be enhanced through multiactor collaboration. The case for collaborative innovation is supported by insights from three different social science theories. The theoretical discussion leads to the formulation of an analytical model that can be used in future studies of collaborative innovation in the public sector.
This article outlines the mechanism by which brokerage provides social capital. Opinion and behavior are more homogeneous within than between groups, so people connected across groups are more familiar with alternative ways of thinking and behaving. Brokerage across the structural holes between groups provides a vision of options otherwise unseen, which is the mechanism by which brokerage becomes social capital. I review evidence consistent with the hypothesis, then look at the networks around managers in a large American electronics company. The organization is rife with structural holes, and brokerage has its expected correlates. Compensation, positive performance evaluations, promotions, and good ideas are disproportionately in the hands of people whose networks span structural holes. The between-group brokers are more likely to express ideas, less likely to have ideas dismissed, and more likely to have ideas evaluated as valuable. I close with implications for creativity and structural change.
Bringing about school improvement in economically poor urban contexts remains a major challenge. In England the emphasis on competition between schools has further complicated this agenda. At the same time, there is evidence of the emergence of a new policy emphasis that involves support and challenge to school-led improvement efforts through collaboration with other schools. This paper provides an evaluative account of an attempt to use such processes of networking across all secondary schools in one city. The study suggests that schools working together can contribute to the raising of aspirations and attainment in schools that have previously had a record of low achievement, but that this is never a straightforward process – schools are complex organisations, and collaboration between them involves the orchestration of action and purpose at many levels. The paper concludes that the successful use of such approaches involves dealing with a number of challenging dilemmas, and draws out the implications for policy development.
This study investigated the effects of several elements of instruction (objectives, information, practice, examples and review) when they were combined in a systematic manner. College students enrolled in a computer literacy course used one of six different versions of a computer-based lesson delivered on the web to learn about input, processing, storage and output of a computer. The six versions of the program consisted of (1) a full version that contained information plus objectives, practice with feedback, examples and review, (2) a version without objectives, (3) one without examples, (4) one without practice, (5) one without review and (6) a lean version containing information only. Results indicated participants who used one of the four versions of the computer program that included practice performed significantly better on the posttest and had consistently more positive attitudes than those who did not receive practice. Implications for the development of computer-based instruction are explored.
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