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The use of lossless compression in the process of post-filtration smoothing of an ECG distorted by high muscle noise

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Objective. Determining the anatomical variability of the upper maxillary sinus and ostiomeatal complex components as well as on the basis of the obtained data the selection of the optimal access to the zones of the maxillary sinus to choose sinusitis treatment method, which allows minimizing intra- and postoperative complications. Methods. The results of studies of the paranasal sinuses of 30 patients conducted on the spiral computed tomography were studied: 10 with the subtotal reduction of pneumatization of the maxillary sinus and 10 patients with hyperplasia of the mucous membrane. The control group included 10 SCTs of healthy individuals. The average volume, bone density of the maxillary sinus, the average size of the inferior nasal turbinate, the size, density of processus uncinatus under physiological and pathological conditions, the correlation between these parameters were determined. Results. A significant correlation (r=0.96, 0.96, 0.95, and 0.9 in the physiological state and r=0.95, 0.94, 0.97, and 0.91 in sinusitis) was noted between the volume, thickness and the density of the walls of the maxillary sinus. A moderate correlation was between the volume of the sinus, the thickness and density of the processus uncinatus, the volume of the sinus and the longitudinal size of the inferior turbinate in the unchanged sinus (r=0.65, 0.68 and 0.66). A very strong correlation was between the thickness of the upper wall and the volume of the sinus (r=0.96). A strong positive linear relationship (r=0.72) is noted between the volume and thickness of the medial wall (p<0.05). The reliable (p<0.01) strong (r=0.75) interconnection was between the thickness of the processus uncinatus and the average sinus volume. Very strong linear correlation was between the density of the middle and upper walls of the maxillary sinus in physiological and pathological conditions (r=0.9 and 0.84) Conclusions. Spiral computed tomography is a diagnostically significant method for the study of the maxillary sinuses. Parameters of the paranasal sinuses necessary for successful endoscopic rhinosurgery were determined. The obtained data helps to choose access during endoscopic operations, to prevent intra-, postoperative complications, to predict the likelihood of intracranial or intraocular spread of the pathological process. Keywords: paranasal sinuses, maxillary sinus, density, processus uncinatus, inferior turbinate.
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Background and aims: Prevalence of atopic diseases is progressively increasing in children with unclear clinical picture in oral cavity. This study aimed to find correlation between the total antioxidant and periodontal status in the saliva of periodontally compromised with atopy. Materials and methods: The groups consisted of patients of atopic diseases and gingivitis (ADG), of atopic diseases without gingivitis (AD), and healthy controls (HC). The level of gingival inflammation was evaluated using the sulcus bleeding index (SBI) reported by Mühlemann and Son. Glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were estimated in saliva. Results: The mean salivary MDA levels of group HC was significantly lower compared with group ADG and AD (P < 0.05). Similarly, in the case of salivary GSH, marker levels revealed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) when mean values in the control group (5.12 ± 0.66 µmol/L) were compared with the ADG (2.31 ± 0.44 µmol/L) and AD groups (2.69 ± 0.56 µmol/L). The SOD activity was significantly lower in the ADG and AD groups compared with HC. Discussion: As there was no significant difference in the level of SOD concentration between groups, we suggest that antioxidant imbalance is primarily explained by atopic disease. Conclusion: The results showed changes in antioxidant balance in children with atopy.
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In this paper, a nonlinear Bayesian filtering framework is proposed for the filtering of single channel noisy electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The necessary dynamic models of the ECG are based on a modified nonlinear dynamic model, previously suggested for the generation of a highly realistic synthetic ECG. A modified version of this model is used in several Bayesian filters, including the Extended Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Smoother, and Unscented Kalman Filter. An automatic parameter selection method is also introduced, to facilitate the adaptation of the model parameters to a vast variety of ECGs. This approach is evaluated on several normal ECGs, by artificially adding white and colored Gaussian noises to visually inspected clean ECG recordings, and studying the SNR and morphology of the filter outputs. The results of the study demonstrate superior results compared with conventional ECG denoising approaches such as bandpass filtering, adaptive filtering, and wavelet denoising, over a wide range of ECG SNRs. The method is also successfully evaluated on real nonstationary muscle artifact. This method may therefore serve as an effective framework for the model-based filtering of noisy ECG recordings.
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For the application of acquiring ECGs from mobile telephones by unskilled users it would be beneficial if the mobile device could assess ECG quality and inform the user if the quality was acceptable. Using the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011 dataset we identified several ECG features that were commonly observed in the training set ‘unacceptable’ category for algorithmic development: flat baseline (FB), saturation (SA), baseline drift (BD), low amplitude (LA), high amplitude (HA) and steep slope (SS). For the training set with each feature detection applied separately the following scores were achieved: FB 76.2%, SA 80.9%, BD 61.3%, LA 75.6%, HA 74.1% and SS 77.5%. With all features combined a score of 91.4% was achieved. For the test set the algorithm classified 181 records as unacceptable and 319 records as acceptable and the score was 85.7%.
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is an important tool to analyze the autonomic function. It therefore has a special interest for early detection and ensuing treatment of autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients. The aim of this work is to present a brief historical review of HRV, as well as a technical review of the most common methods to measure it. In this work is presented a system that performs three measurements of HRV. An overview of methodologies developed to quantify HRV is presented; this technical review covers the most common time and frequency domain techniques, for short and long periods of time, with comments about clinical utility of these tests. A system performing three standard tests of HRV, Anscore Health Management System, is presented. This system performs metronomic breathing (MT), the Valsalva Test (VT), and the Stand Test (ST). A normal range study with 212 healthy subjects in three centers (ages 20-80 years, with even age distribution, and even male and female distribution) was conducted. A subset of 45 subjects from the total number of subjects was selected for the reproducibility study, consisting of three measurements of each test. The normal range study showed a decrease in all the ratios with age and, for the Valsalva test, a difference among genders; 5th percentiles were calculated. The reproducibility study results, expressed as mean CV%, were 4.30% for the MT, 6.26% for the VT, and 6.66% for the ST. HRV is the most reliable measurement of autonomic function; when controlled maneuvers like MT, VT, and ST are performed, high reproducibility is obtained, with results comparable to that observed for nerve conduction studies. Such reproducibility makes autonomic function testing more feasible as a test component in multicenter studies of different neurological disorders.
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In this paper, a nonlinear Bayesian filtering framework is proposed for the filtering of single channel noisy electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The necessary dynamic models of the ECG are based on a modified nonlinear dynamic model, previously suggested for the generation of a highly realistic synthetic ECG. A modified version of this model is used in several Bayesian filters, including the Extended Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Smoother, and Unscented Kalman Filter. An automatic parameter selection method is also introduced, to facilitate the adaptation of the model parameters to a vast variety of ECGs. This approach is evaluated on several normal ECGs, by artificially adding white and colored Gaussian noises to visually inspected clean ECG recordings, and studying the SNR and morphology of the filter outputs. The results of the study demonstrate superior results compared with conventional ECG denoising approaches such as bandpass filtering, adaptive filtering, and wavelet denoising, over a wide range of ECG SNRs. The method is also successfully evaluated on real nonstationary muscle artifact. This method may therefore serve as an effective framework for the model-based filtering of noisy ECG recordings.
A method of the improvement of the accuracy of the existing thermospectroscopic glucometer is presented in the article. The improvement of the accuracy is based on an increase in the measurement time by two times as compared to the existing method and the introduction of the body mass index in the model. Preliminary age-specific clusterization of input data is added. The results of the work of the proposed method, using 36 patients, are given. The clinical acceptability of the result in accordance with Clarke and Parkes Error Grid is shown. The percentage of compliance with the standard ISO 15197:2003 which amounts to 88.9% is reached.
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There are both the one-to-many and many-to-one types of linear-feedback shift registers. In this paper we filled the gap between them. Our linear-feedback shift register has many-to-many configuration. It generates the Galois field different from finite field formed Galois linear-feedback shift register. We consider inference for appropriate primitive polynomial. Our principle can be implemented very efficiently on common microprocessors.
Non-invasive detection of hyperglycaemia in type 1 diabetic patients using electrocardiographic signals
  • Ll Nguyen