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Revisiting the power of reinsertion for optimal targets of network attack


Abstract and Figures

Abstract Understanding and improving the robustness of networks has significant applications in various areas, such as bioinformatics, transportation, critical infrastructures, and social networks. Recently, there has been a large amount of work on network dismantling, which focuses on removing an optimal set of nodes to break the network into small components with sub-extensive sizes. However, in our experiments, we found these state-of-the-art methods, although seemingly different, utilize the same refinement technique, namely reinsertion, to improve the performance. Despite being mentioned with understatement, the technique essentially plays the key role in the final performance. Without reinsertion, the current best method would deteriorate worse than the simplest heuristic ones; while with reinsertion, even the random removal strategy achieves on par with the best results. As a consequence, we, for the first time, systematically revisit the power of reinsertion in network dismantling problems. We re-implemented and compared 10 heuristic and approximate competing methods on both synthetic networks generated by four classical network models, and 18 real-world networks which cover seven different domains with varying scales. The comprehensive ablation results show that: i) HBA (High Betweenness Adaption, no reinsertion) is the most effective network dismantling strategy, however, it can only be applicable in small scale networks; ii) HDA (High Degree Adaption, with reinsertion) achieves the best balance between effectiveness and efficiency; iii) The reinsertion techniques help improve the performance for most current methods; iv) The one, which adds back the node based on that it joins the clusters minimizing the multiply of both numbers and sizes, is the most effective reinsertion strategy for most methods. Our results can be a survey reference to help further understand the current methods and thereafter design the better ones.
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Journal of Cloud Computing:
Advances, Systems and Applications
Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems
and Applications (2020) 9:24
RESEARCH Open Access
Revisiting the power of reinsertion for
optimal targets of network attack
Changjun Fan1*†, Li Zeng1†, Yanghe Feng1,BaoxinXiu
2, Jincai Huang1and Zhong Liu1
Understanding and improving the robustness of networks has significant applications in various areas, such as
bioinformatics, transportation, critical infrastructures, and social networks. Recently, there has been a large amount of
work on network dismantling, which focuses on removing an optimal set of nodes to break the network into small
components with sub-extensive sizes. However, in our experiments, we found these state-of-the-art methods,
although seemingly different, utilize the same refinement technique, namely reinsertion, to improve the performance.
Despite being mentioned with understatement, the technique essentially plays the key role in the final performance.
Without reinsertion, the current best method would deteriorate worse than the simplest heuristic ones; while with
reinsertion, even the random removal strategy achieves on par with the best results. As a consequence, we, for the
first time, systematically revisit the power of reinsertion in network dismantling problems. We re-implemented and
compared 10 heuristic and approximate competing methods on both synthetic networks generated by four classical
network models, and 18 real-world networks which cover seven different domains with varying scales. The
comprehensive ablation results show that: i) HBA (High Betweenness Adaption, no reinsertion) is the most effective
network dismantling strategy, however, it can only be applicable in small scale networks; ii) HDA (High Degree
Adaption, with reinsertion) achieves the best balance between effectiveness and efficiency; iii) The reinsertion
techniques help improve the performance for most current methods; iv) The one, which adds back the node based
on that it joins the clusters minimizing the multiply of both numbers and sizes, is the most effective reinsertion
strategy for most methods. Our results can be a survey reference to help further understand the current methods and
thereafter design the better ones.
Keywords: Network dismantling, Reinsertion
Many real-world systems can be described through the
complex network perspective, including air transport [17],
power grid [3], malicious organization [9,10], Internet [3]
or inter-personal networks [15]. One of the most impor-
tant topics on these networks is about the robustness, i.e.,
the capacity to maintain the functionality after a major
failure [29]. Since connectivity is the fundamental basic
for almost all behaviors on networks, researches thus try
to quantify how the connectivity is affected by node(or
Changjun Fan and Li Zeng contributed equally to this work.
1College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha, Hunan, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
link) removal, and there comes with the well-defined net-
work dismantling problem [1], which aims at identifying
an optimal sequence of nodes that maximizes the dam-
age on the network connectivity [5]. Such analysis yields
a wide range of practical applications, such as immu-
nize the epidemic propagation in populations [23], block
the rumor spreading on social networks [15], prevent the
virus diffusion in computer networks [7], etc.
However, the exact solution is computationally
intractable for medium and large networks due to its
NP-hard nature [5], thus a large number of approximate
methods have been proposed, including the heuristic
methods [4,11,12,21,23,31], and some message-passing
algorithms [5,22]. The former methods often greedily
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 2 of 13
select target nodes based on local metrics, like node
degree, which often leads to sub-optimal solutions; the
latter ones are more accurate and global, while they need
to iterate certain steps on the whole network to select the
suitable candidate nodes [31], which would sacrifice some
Although these methods looks different from each
other, many of them [5,21,22,24,31]sharethesame
refinement technique, named reinsertion (we later intro-
duce it in detail in Section 2), which is just simply
mentioned in the respective literature, while has sig-
nificant influence on the final results. As illustrated in
Fig. 1, we draw the robustness curves (“Robustness mea-
sure” section) of random removal, simplest heuristic HDA
and the representative CI (details of these methods will
be introduced in “Competing methods” section) on a real-
world Gnutella31 network [18]. We can see that without
reinsertion, the representative method CI cannot even
beat the simplest heuristic HDA, while with reinsertion,
the random removal strategy can achieve comparable
performance than the state-of-the-art results. In some
literature, people just compare their methods enhanced
with reinsertion with others without reinsertion, and then
report the ’fake’ superiority of their model, since we are
not sure whether the superiority comes from the model
itself or just the reinsertion. Such confused results pre-
vent us from selecting the best algorithm to handle the
application at hand.
In this paper, we systematically investigate the power of
reinsertion on the current methods for network disman-
tling. As far as we know, there are no previous efforts
that conduct such comprehensive ablation studies for the
reinsertion. We aim at figuring out the following three
questions: i) Which is the current best method if all without
reinsertion? ii)Which one is the best if all with reinsertion?
iii) Which is the best reinsertion strategy?
To achieve this, we conduct ablation study
(with/without reinsertion) for all the current network dis-
mantling methods, including both traditional heuristics
and the state-of-art message-passing ones, on synthetic
networks and real-world networks. We use four random
network models, including ER [8], WS [30], BA [3]and
PLC [13], to generate diverse graphs with varying sizes
and structures by controlling the model parameters. For
real-world networks, we select 18 real networks covering
7 domains and with different scales. Considering that the
network robustness can be described by different mea-
of the whole dismantling process. Extensive experi-
ments demonstrate that the reinsertion can significantly
improve the performance regardless of the network types
and the methods. Besides, since reinsertion is rather
effective for the network dismantling problem, perhaps
people should focus on this technique itself rather than
The main contributions of this paper are summarized as
1. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies that are
with and without reinsertion for the network
dismantling problem. We compare 10 competing
Fig. 1 Illustration of the reinsertion power on Gnutella31 network
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 3 of 13
methods on both synthetic graphs generated from
four random network types and 18 real-world
networks covering seven domains and scales up to
hundreds of thousands nodes;
2. We design two other reinsertion strategies, and
empirically prove that they have surpassed the
previous reinsertion technique in a large margin;
3. The results obtained in this paper could provide a
valuable guide for selecting and designing the most
appropriate method for practical network
dismantling problems.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
introduce the reinsertion method, robustness mea-
sures, competing methods and experimental data in
Method” section. We analyze the comprehensive abla-
tion results and effects of different reinsertion strategies
in “Results” section. Finally, we conclude the paper in
Section 5.
In this section, we introduce the experimental setups.
We first introduce the robustness measure to evaluate
the dismantling efficacy, then we introduce the reinser-
tion technique that is widely adopted in most current
competitors. After that, we describe the competitors we
are to analyze and the experimental data, including both
synthetic graphs and real-world networks.
Robustness measure
Network dismantling is to identify a sequence of nodes
of which removal would degrade the network connec-
tivity maximally, and this connectivity disintegration is
often measured as the relative reduction in the size of
the giant(largest) connected component (GCC size) [5,
21]. The smaller the remaining GCC size, the more the
network is considered to have been disintegrated.
We consider the area under the robustness curve as the
evaluation metric, which is plotted with horizontal axis
being the fraction of nodes removed, and the vertical axis
being the remaining GCC size. It is defined as:
where Nis the number of graph nodes, s(Q)is the remain-
ing GCC size after removing Qnodes. Intuitively this mea-
sure is equivalent to assessing how many nodes the GCC
contains when a new node is deleted from the network,
and sum this for all nodes [29]. Note that Eq. 1captures
the network’s response to the dismantling throughout the
whole process, and the computation of Rrequires a rank-
ing of the nodes, we are interested in minimizing Rover
all possible node orders.
In this paper, we evaluate the ablation performance of
reinsertion for this robustness measure.
Reinsertion technique
The reinsertion is firstly proposed as an independent
strategy for network destruction and immunization [27],
and later developed as an important refinement tech-
nique for other dismantling strategies. The reinsertion
starts from the point, where the network has been dis-
mantled over by a certain strategy, it adds back one of the
removed node, chosen such that, once reinserted, it joins
the smallest number of clusters. When the node is rein-
serted, restore the edges with its neighbors which are in
the network (but not the ones with neighbors not yet rein-
serted, if any). Repeat the above the procedure until all the
nodes are back in the network.
As is shown in Fig. 2, each node is assigned an index
c(i)given by the number of clusters it would join if it is
reinserted in the network. The red node has c(red)=2,
while the blue one has c(blue)=4, the green node has
c(green)=3. Then the node with the smallest c(i)is
reinserted, i.e., the red node. After that, the c(i)s are recal-
culated and the new node with smallest c(i)is found and
reinserted. Repeat these steps until the terminal criteria
We will later show with extensive experiments how
powerful such a simple technique is to the current net-
work dismantling methods.
Fig. 2 Illustration of the reinsertion procedure
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 4 of 13
Competing methods
In this paper, we compare with 9 most representative com-
peting methods. The first five are traditional heuristics
which are based on some local or global structure cen-
trality, such as degree, betweenness, closeness, pagerank,
or collective influence. The remaining five are specifically
designed for dismantling networks. Note that we also add
aRandom removal strategy as a worst possible baseline.
High Degree Adaptive (HDA) [23]. HDA is an adap-
tive version of high degree method [2]. Within each step,
the node with the highest degree is removed, and then the
remaining degrees are updated.
High Betweenness Adaptive (HBA) [12].HBAisthe
adaptive version of the high betweenness method, where
the betweenness centrality of the remaining nodes is
recomputed after each node removal. Betweenness cen-
trality of a node equals to the sum of the fraction of all
pairs shortest paths that pass through this node. It is a very
useful centrality measure that benefits many network-
related applications such as community detection and
network vulnerability. However, the high computing cost
prohibits its use in large-scale problem settings.
High Closeness Adaptive(HCA) [4]. HCA is the adap-
tive version of the high closeness method. Closeness cen-
trality describes how close a node is to all the other nodes
in the graph. It is calculated as the reciprocal of average
distances from one node to all the others. Similar as HBA,
the high complexity cost prevents its application in large
High PageRank Adaptive (HPRA) [6].HPRAisthe
adaptive version of high PageRank method. PageRank has
been widely employed in search engines, as it provides a
global ranking of all web pages, regardless of their content,
based solely on their location in the Web’s graph structure
[6]. PageRank computes the probabilities for a random-
walking agent to reach every node in the network, which
is also regarded as useful indications to supervise the
network attack.
Collective Influence(CI) [21]. The Collective Influence
degree (i.e. original degree minus one) with the sum of the
reduced degrees of the nodes that are within a constant
hops away from it. This measure describes the propor-
tion of other nodes that can be reached from a given
node, assuming the nodes with higher CI values play
more crucial roles in networks. The CI method sequen-
tially removes the node with the highest CI value and
recalculating the collective influence for the rest following
MinSum [5]. MinSum is proposed to address the net-
work dismantling problem. It consists three stages, which
firstly utilizes a variant of message-passing algorithm to
break all the cycles, and then breaks the remaining tree
into small components by removing a fraction of nodes
that vanishes in the large size limit. In the third stage, it
greedily reinserts some nodes that close cycles without
increasing too much the size the largest component, to
reduce the total number of nodes removed.
Belief Propagation-guided Decimation (BPD) [22].
BPD is very similar as MinSum, which contains the same
three stages. The difference lies on that BPD treats the
decycling problem as the minimum-FVS construction.
The FVS refers to the feedback vertex set, which is a
set of node that will cause the network to become a for-
est if being deleted. To solve this problem, BPD proposes
a belief propagation-guided decimation algorithm. After,
it conducts the same subsequent steps, including tree
breaking and node reinsertion.
CoreHD [31]. CoreHD also contains the similar three
stages. The only difference lies in the decycling stage.
Unlike the message-passing or belief-propagation algo-
rithm, CoreHD instead seeks to remove the minimum
nodes to empty the 2-core subgraph in the network, since
the network is acyclic equals to that the 2-core subgraph is
empty. CoreHD greedily remove the highest degree node
GND [25]. GND is the state-of-the-art method to
address the network dismantling problem with non-unit
removal costs. It first defines a node weighted Laplacian,
and then proposes a simple and elegant approximate algo-
rithm to calculate its second smallest eigenvector, based
on which the set of nodes are removed. GND repeats the
process until the end. Note that the unit-cost GND is just
the spectral cut method.
We use SNAP software1to implement the heuris-
tic methods, including Random, HDA, HBA, HCA and
HPRA. For the other baselines, we use the source
codes23456 released online, and use the defaut parameter
settings for each method.
Synthetic graphs
We evaluate all competitors against various synthetic
networks. Synthetic networks are the result of applying
generative function, present the advantage of displaying
specific topological features that are both a prior known
and tunable [29]. More specifically, we select a collection
of 4 most common network types, summarized in Table 1.
Note that there are many other random network models,
such as regular graphs, circle graphs, grid graphs, lad-
der graphs, etc, we do not consider them since they are
not difficult to dismantle, and there always exists some
effective heuristic methods for them.
6 Dismantling
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Table 1 Overview of four random network types
Abbre Name Parameters
ER Erdos-Renyi n in [500, 800], p in [0.10,0.15,0.18,0.20,0.25],
WS Watt-Strogatz n in [500, 800], k in [5,6,7,8,9], p in
BA Barabasi-Albert n in [500, 800], m in [2,3,4,5,6]
PLC Powerlaw-Cluster n in [500, 800], m in [2,3,4,5,6], p in
Erdos-Renyi(ER) [8]. ER model is first introduced by
Paul Erdos and Alfred Renyi, it returns a Gn,pgraph, where
nis the graph nodes, pis the edge creation probability. The
Gn,pchooses each of the possible edges with probability
p. This model can be used in the probabilistic method to
prove the existence of graphs satisfying various properties,
or to provide a rigorous definition of what it means for a
property to hold for almost all graphs [8].
Watt-Strogatz(WS) [30]. WS is a random generative
model that produces graphs with small-world properties,
including short average path lengths and high clustering.
It was proposed by Duncan J. Watts and Steven Strogatz
in 1998. The tunable parameters include the node number
n,knearest neighbors in a ring topology that each node is
joined with, and the probability of rewiring each edge p.
Barabasi-Albert(BA) [3]. BA is a model that generates
random scale-free networks using a preferential attach-
ment mechanism. Many real-world networks are thought
to be approximately scale-free and contain few nodes
(called hubs) with unusually high degree as compared to
the other nodes. The BA model tries to explain the exis-
tence of such nodes in real networks. The algorithm is
named for its inventors Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Reka
Albert and is a special case of a more general model called
Price’s model [28]. It generates a graph of nnodes by
attaching new nodes with each adding medges that are
preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree.
Powerlaw-Cluster(PLC) [13].PLCisamodeforgen-
erating graphs with powerlaw degree distribution and
approximate average clustering. It is essentially the BA
growth model with an extra step that each random edge is
followed by a chance of making an edge to one of its neigh-
bors too (and thus a triangle) [13]. The model improves on
BA in the sense that it enables a higher average clustering
to be attained if desired. The tunable parameters include
thenumberofnodesn, the number of random edges to
add for each new node m, and the probability of adding a
triangle after adding a random edge p.
Figure 3visualizes one instance for each of the above
four networks types.
Real-world networks
We also conduct experiments on 18 real-world networks,
which cover a wide range of domains, including malicious
networks, PPI networks, infrastructure networks, social
networks, citation networks, communication networks,
etc. Specifically, they are:
Corruption [26], a malicious network where nodes are
people listed in scandals, and the ties indicate that two
people were involved in the same corruption scandal;
Crime [16], a malicious network from the projection
of a bipartite network of persons and crimes, each node
denotes a person, an edge represents that two person are
involved in the same crime;
USairport [16], a network of flights between US air-
ports in 2010. Each node is an airport, and each edge
represents a connection from one airport to another;
Hamster [16]. This Network contains friendships and
family links between users of the website;
Figeys [16], a network of interactions between pro-
teins in Humans (Homo sapiens), from the first large-
scale study of protein–protein interactions in Human cells
using a mass spectrometry-based approach;
CA-GrQc [18], a collaboration network from the e-
print arXiv and covers scientific collaborations between
authors papers submitted to General Relativity and Quan-
tum Cosmology category;
HI-II-14, the corresponding Human Interactome
dataset covering Space II and reported in 2014.
Each node represents a distinct protein, each edge
denotes the interaction between the corresponding
Fig. 3 Visualization of one instance for each type of random networks
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 6 of 13
Powergrid [16], a power grid network of the Western
States of the United States of America. An edge repre-
sents a power supply line. A node is either a generator, a
transformator or a substation;
CA-HepPh [18], a collaboration network from the e-
print arXiv and covers scientific collaborations between
authors papers submitted to High Energy Physics - Phe-
nomenology category;
DBLP [16], a citation network of DBLP, a database of
scientific publications such as papers and books. Each
node in the network is a publication, and each edge repre-
sents a citation of a publication by another publication;
Cora [16], a citation network of Cora. Nodes represent
scientific papers. An edge between two nodes indicates
that the left node cites the right node;
Digg [16], a reply network of the social news website
Digg. Each node in the network is a user of the website,
and each edge denotes that a user replied to another user;
Email-Enron [20], the Enron email communication net-
work which covers all the email communication within a
data set of around half million emails. Each node is an
email address, and an edge denotes at least one email
Brightkite [16], a social network contains user–user
friendship relations from Brightkite, a former location-
based social network were user shared their locations.
A node represents a user, and an edge indicates that a
friendship exists between the user represented by the left
node and the user represented by the right node;
Gnutella31 [19], a sequence of snapshots of the
Gnutella peer-to-peer file sharing network from August
2002. Nodes represent hosts in the Gnutella network
topology and edges represent connections between the
Gnutella hosts;
Facebook [16], contains friendship data of a small sub-
set of Facebook users. A node represents a user and an
edge represents a friendship between two users;
Epinion [16], the trust network from the online social
network Epinions. Nodes are users of Epinions and
directed edges represent trust between the users;
Douban [16], a social network of Douban, a Chinese
online recommendation site. A node represents a user of
Douban and an edge represents a friendship between two
We treat all the networks as undirected ones and remove
the self-loops. We extract the largest connected com-
ponent. Basic statistics of the extracted networks are
reported as Table 2.
We also draw the degree distributions for these net-
works in Fig. 4.Wecanseemostrealnetworks(except
Corruption network) share an approximate scale-free
structure, which presents a well-known resilience against
random failures, but disintegrate rapidly under intentional
attacks targeting key nodes [2].
Table 2 Basic statistics for real-world networks. Ordered by the number of nodes. Values are for the giant component of the network.
MSP is the mean shortest path length, CC is the clustering coefficient, Assor is the assortativity, PE is the powerlaw exponent
Network N E MAX DEG AVG DEG Diameter MSP CC Assor PE Type
Corruption 309 3,281 86 21.24 7 2.99 0.9288 0.5324 5.13 Malicious
Crime 829 1,473 25 3.55 10 5.04 0.0058 –0.1645 2.65 Malicious
USairport 1,572 17,214 314 21.90 8 3.12 0.5048 -0.1134 3.07 Infrastructure
Hamster 2,000 16,098 273 16.10 10 3.59 0.5401 0.0227 2.67 Social
Figeys 2,217 6,418 314 5.79 10 3.84 0.0403 -0.3318 2.92 PPI
CA-GrQc 4,158 13,422 81 6.46 17 6.05 0.5569 0.6392 2.47 Collaboration
HI-II-14 4,165 13,087 286 6.28 11 4.16 0.0444 –0.2016 2.68 PPI
Powergrid 4,941 6,594 19 2.67 46 18.99 0.0801 0.0035 2.50 Infrastructure
CA-HepPh 11,204 117,619 491 21.00 13 4.67 0.6216 0.6295 2.67 Collaboration
DBLP 12,495 49,563 709 7.93 10 4.42 0.1178 -0.0461 3.22 Citation
Cora 23,166 89,157 377 7.70 20 5.74 0.2660 -0.0553 2.44 Citation
Digg 29,652 84,781 310 5.72 12 4.68 0.0054 0.0027 2.46 Communication
Email-Enron 33,696 180,811 1,383 10.73 11 4.03 0.5092 –0.1165 2.62 Communication
Brightkite 56,739 212,945 1,134 7.51 18 4.86 0.1734 0.0096 2.50 Social
Gnutella31 62,561 147,878 95 4.73 11 5.96 0.0055 –0.0927 2.91 Infrastructure
Facebook 63,392 816,831 1,098 25.77 15 4.31 0.2218 0.1768 2.92 Social
Epinions 75,877 405,739 3,044 10.69 15 4.40 0.1378 –0.0406 2.69 Social
Douban 154,908 327,162 287 4.22 9 5.10 0.0161 -0.1803 2.65 Social
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 7 of 13
Fig. 4 Degree distribution of the real-world networks. X axis is the node degree, y axis is the number of nodes corresponding to that degree, and we
choose double logarithmic coordinates to more intuitively determine whether it is scale-free
In this section, we first demonstrate the effectiveness of
the reinsertion technique on both synthetic graphs and
real-world networks, then we explore the effects of differ-
ent reinsertion techniques.
Synthetic results
We test all methods w/o the reinsertion technique on
synthetic graphs randomly generated by four classic mod-
els introduced in “Synthetic graphs” section. For each
model, we generate 100 graphs with the parameters in
Table 3 Comparison results (%) on synthetic graphs without reinsertion. Each result is averaged over 100 test instances. The result
format is mean±variance. The bold ones indicate the best results for that network
R(No reinsert) ER WS BA PLC Avg
Random 49.91±0.02 44.19±3.66 45.80±2.87 46.37±2.66 46.57±2.30
HDA 49.55±0.25 32.44±5.32 21.43±7.70 21.89±7.53 31.33±5.20
HBA 49.47±0.29 25.55±7.59 19.96±7.65 20.23±7.52 28.80±5.76
HCA 49.58±0.23 28.33±7.07 20.99±7.87 21.26±7.72 30.04±5.72
HPRA 49.55±0.25 33.10±4.88 22.46±7.77 22.92±7.64 32.01±5.13
CI 49.70±0.25 31.21±5.81 21.94±7.67 22.35±7.51 31.30±5.31
MinSum 49.45±0.31 32.43±5.09 20.58±7.70 21.40±7.36 30.96±5.12
BPD 49.58±0.24 33.69±4.60 22.75±7.63 23.21±7.49 32.31±4.99
CoreHD 49.56±0.26 32.48±5.33 21.01±7.76 21.72±7.50 31.19±5.21
GND 49.62±0.14 27.10±7.62 22.89±7.67 23.01±7.42 30.66±5.71
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 8 of 13
Table 4 Comparison results (%) on synthetic graphs with reinsertion. Each result is averaged over 100 test instances. The result format
is mean±variance. The bold ones indicate the best results for that network
R(With reinsert) ER WS BA PLC Avg
Random 48.97±0.44 33.12±4.24 27.24±7.17 28.14±7.56 34.37±4.85
HDA 48.84±0.51 31.36±4.59 20.75±7.20 21.21±7.12 30.54±4.86
HBA 48.92±0.46 33.18±4.28 25.41±7.47 25.90±7.79 33.35±5.00
HCA 48.87±0.48 31.72±4.43 20.90±7.24 21.27±7.13 30.69±4.82
HPRA 48.84±0.51 31.32±4.61 20.77±7.22 21.16±7.13 30.52±4.87
CI 49.67±0.29 31.16±5.47 21.68±7.53 22.12±7.41 31.16±5.17
MinSum 48.80±0.53 31.61±4.48 20.78±7.22 21.19±7.10 30.59±4.83
BPD 49.39±0.35 31.22±4.97 21.17±7.45 21.60±7.34 30.84±5.03
CoreHD 49.36±0.36 31.48±5.02 21.24±7.42 21.66±7.35 30.93±5.04
GND 49.20±0.33 31.84±5.67 21.67±7.62 22.10±7.60 31.20±5.30
Table 5 The promotion of R(%) on synthetic graphs with reinsertion. Each result is averaged over 100 test instances. The result format
is mean±variance. The bold ones indicate the best results for that network
Promotion ER WS BA PLC Avg
Random 1.88±0.86 24.96±8.41 41.23±12.72 40.01±13.75 27.02±8.94
HDA 1.43±0.53 2.77±7.41 2.54±2.57 2.67±2.27 2.35±3.19
HBA 1.13±0.36 -43.55±54.37 -33.61±19.64 -33.95±21.25 -27.50±23.91
HCA 1.44±0.53 -18.16±30.91 -1.07±4.68 -1.73±5.42 -4.88±10.39
HPRA 1.45±0.55 5.12±7.94 7.50±2.09 7.76±2.09 5.46±3.17
CI 0.05±0.13 -0.11±2.34 1.08±0.92 0.96±0.84 0.49±1.06
MinSum 1.33±0.46 2.16±4.85 -2.38±4.29 0.52±3.16 0.41±3.19
BPD 0.40±0.26 7.62±3.18 7.59±2.70 7.71±3.35 5.83±2.37
CoreHD 0.41±0.28 2.95±3.00 -2.18±3.55 -0.07±2.38 0.28±2.30
GND 0.85±0.52 -22.46±21.35 5.97±4.67 4.96±4.20 -2.67±7.68
Table 6 Time (/s) comparison of different methods on synthetic graphs. Each result is averaged over 100 test instances. The result
format is mean±variance. The bold ones indicate the best results for that network
Time/s ER WS BA PLC Avg
HDA 0.01±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00
HBA 426.71±271.03 41.03±20.11 31.53±18.58 33.42±20.92 133.17±82.66
HCA 311.23±201.09 20.21±9.83 14.10±8.49 14.83±9.47 90.09±57.22
HPRA 0.77±0.24 0.53±0.13 0.45±0.12 0.46±0.13 0.55±0.15
CI 8.67±6.30 0.02±0.01 0.03±0.03 0.03±0.02 2.19±1.59
MinSum 22.21±9.92 2.28±0.47 1.93±0.81 2.69±0.80 7.28±3.00
BPD 148.21±100.97 0.85±0.46 0.94±0.66 1.02±0.68 37.76±25.69
CoreHD 3.06±1.14 0.12±0.04 0.18±0.08 0.20±0.09 0.89±0.34
GND 0.86±0.35 0.18±0.10 0.15±0.08 0.14±0.09 0.33±0.15
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 9 of 13
Table 7 Comparison results (%) on real-world networks without reinsertion. The bold result is the best one of that network
R(No reinsert) Random HDA HPRA CI MinSum BPD CoreHD GND
Corruption 38.50 8.48 8.81 16.42 33.27 33.74 8.37 6.37
Crime 38.64 11.51 11.83 36.77 17.95 36.59 36.74 37.61
USairport 43.73 11.39 10.15 13.02 13.12 13.01 12.44 8.94
Hamster 44.40 19.00 16.02 16.36 23.27 22.77 20.23 15.58
Figeys 37.93 3.13 3.16 3.38 4.27 4.46 3.65 3.90
CA-GrQc 37.41 10.81 8.56 9.37 12.30 12.38 11.33 7.48
HI-II-14 40.60 5.75 5.89 22.41 7.28 23.14 23.18 23.80
Powergrid 21.47 5.25 5.90 5.23 5.58 4.74 5.49 2.20
CA-HepPh 42.41 18.55 14.78 16.71 20.84 20.71 19.31 13.14
DBLP 41.32 10.65 10.00 11.16 12.29 12.21 11.98 11.07
Cora 42.87 14.85 14.92 14.41 16.82 16.65 15.36 10.98
Digg 40.16 8.75 9.12 29.00 26.39 26.35 26.53 27.72
Email-Enron 39.63 4.53 4.18 18.97 6.30 19.20 19.88 16.78
Brightkite 39.30 8.73 8.79 8.47 9.55 22.07 9.03 9.05
Gnutella31 39.66 11.47 10.88 27.24 11.74 26.44 26.62 26.95
Facebook 45.81 27.24 27.06 41.68 27.91 41.22 41.58 41.91
Epinions 38.61 5.19 5.20 18.26 6.11 18.26 18.47 18.39
Douban 36.73 2.38 2.20 2.76 2.89 2.87 2.93 2.63
Avg 39.40 10.43 9.86 17.31 14.33 19.82 17.40 15.81
Table 8 Comparison results (%) on real-world networks with reinsertion. The bold result is the best one of that network
R(With reinsert) Random HDA HPRA CI MinSum BPD CoreHD GND
Corruption 12.78 11.66 11.73 18.40 18.63 18.34 18.82 21.14
Crime 14.19 11.33 11.41 36.47 14.18 36.32 36.12 36.60
USairport 14.49 9.85 9.76 11.68 9.61 9.58 9.65 9.82
Hamster 18.31 14.71 15.16 15.57 16.23 16.38 16.66 16.24
Figeys 3.99 3.14 3.13 3.28 3.44 3.39 3.43 3.76
CA-GrQc 10.31 8.59 8.66 8.70 8.85 8.67 8.75 7.70
HI-II-14 7.00 5.68 5.70 22.00 5.76 22.75 22.76 23.07
Powergrid 7.93 6.94 7.16 4.90 5.02 4.92 5.08 4.44
CA-HepPh 15.40 14.41 14.49 14.53 15.39 15.14 15.19 13.98
DBLP 10.42 8.75 8.75 8.94 10.18 10.05 10.15 9.79
Cora 17.00 13.48 13.49 13.11 14.05 13.79 14.04 13.83
Digg 10.96 8.59 8.60 28.21 26.28 26.24 26.24 26.94
Email-Enron 6.01 3.96 3.95 17.91 4.25 18.46 18.68 16.20
Brightkite 10.18 8.20 8.21 7.69 8.41 22.06 8.35 8.41
Gnutella31 11.20 10.07 10.07 25.98 10.83 25.87 25.86 25.46
Facebook 25.38 22.39 22.37 40.67 25.65 40.67 40.68 39.96
Epinions 5.70 4.96 4.94 17.95 4.97 18.18 18.18 18.00
Douban 2.72 2.09 2.09 2.17 2.38 2.36 2.36 2.31
Avg 11.33 9.38 9.43 16.56 11.34 17.40 16.72 16.54
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 10 of 13
Table 9 The promotion of R(%) on real-world networks with reinsertion. The bold result is the best one of that network
Promotion of RRandom HDA HPRA CI MinSum BPD CoreHD GND
Corruption 66.81 -37.50 -33.14 -12.06 44.00 45.64 -124.85 -231.87
Crime 63.28 1.56 3.55 0.82 21.00 0.74 1.69 2.69
USairport 66.86 13.52 3.84 10.29 26.75 26.36 22.43 -9.84
Hamster 58.76 22.58 5.37 4.83 30.25 28.06 17.65 -4.24
Figeys 89.48 -0.32 0.95 2.96 19.44 23.99 6.03 3.59
CA-GrQc 72.44 20.54 -1.17 7.15 28.05 29.97 22.77 -2.94
HI-II-14 82.76 1.22 3.23 1.83 20.88 1.69 1.81 3.07
Powergrid 63.06 -32.19 -21.36 6.31 10.04 -3.80 7.47 -101.82
CA-HepPh 63.69 22.32 1.96 13.05 26.15 26.90 21.34 -6.39
DBLP 74.78 17.84 12.50 19.89 17.17 17.69 15.28 11.56
Cora 60.35 9.23 9.58 9.02 16.47 17.18 8.59 -25.96
Digg 72.71 1.83 5.70 2.72 0.42 0.42 1.09 2.81
Email-Enron 84.83 12.58 5.50 5.59 32.54 3.85 6.04 3.46
Brightkite 74.10 6.07 6.60 9.21 11.94 0.05 7.53 7.07
Gnutella31 71.76 12.21 7.44 4.63 7.75 2.16 2.85 5.53
Facebook 44.60 17.80 17.33 2.42 8.10 1.33 2.16 4.65
Epinions 85.24 4.43 5.00 1.70 18.66 0.44 1.57 2.12
Douban 92.59 12.18 5.00 21.38 17.65 17.77 19.45 12.17
Avg 71.56 5.88 2.11 6.21 19.85 13.36 2.27 -18.02
Tabl e 1,andreportthevaluesofmeanandstandard
variance results. Table 3shows the comparison results
of Eq. 1without reinsertion, we can clearly see that
HBA the best across different types of networks, which
is widely validated by previous research [14,27], since
Table 10 Time (/s) comparison of different methods on
real-world networks. The bold result is the best one of that
Corruption 0.00 0.11 0.02 3.13 2.00 0.08 0.18
Crime 0.00 0.55 0.01 1.47 0.30 0.09 0.11
USairport 0.01 1.96 0.61 13.20 17.00 1.20 0.55
Hamster 0.01 4.74 0.44 13.89 7.00 0.90 0.68
Figeys 0.00 1.57 0.06 5.06 2.00 0.41 0.13
CA-GrQc 0.04 18.33 0.07 12.63 3.00 0.46 1.29
HI-II-14 0.02 10.66 0.49 10.51 9.00 1.98 1.32
Powergrid 0.05 23.06 0.01 5.90 1.00 0.21 1.48
CA-HepPh 0.31 170.96 13.90 138.90 140.00 8.50 20.69
DBLP 0.13 97.31 2.81 46.97 21.00 3.33 6.30
Cora 1.07 593.75 2.12 97.97 22.00 4.91 189.27
Digg 1.12 702.55 10.99 103.33 31.00 11.52 55.01
Email-Enron 1.63 876.55 70.74 242.27 86.00 36.20 35.70
Brightkite 4.47 2974.39 32.63 298.20 4.00 20.13 181.76
Gnutella31 3.05 2509.09 9.38 172.59 41.00 11.87 386.31
Facebook 9.03 6706.60 2723.23 1044.96 839.00 214.83 4614.54
Epinions 5.76 4115.42 668.43 522.51 254.00 142.92 233.14
Douban 2.88 3832.00 87.38 337.04 79.00 30.20 186.03
Avg 1.64 1257.76 201.30 170.58 86.57 27.21 328.58
HBA adaptively removes the highest betweenness nodes,
which are key to the whole network connectivity. HCA,
which adaptively removes the highest closeness nodes,
also performs excellently due to the similar reasons. How-
ever, considering the high computational costs of these
two methods (Table 6), they are not practical in large or
even medium scale networks. We can also see in methods
achieve good results in ER graphs, since these graphs are
purely random ones that there are no ’critical’ nodes that
determine the graph connectivity.
In Table 4, we enhance each method with the reinsertion
technique introduced in “Reinsertion technique”section,
and report the refined results, and we also show the
Table 11 Average promotion of Ron synthetic graphs for
different reinsertion techniques. Each result is averaged over all
test graphs (including four types of graphs, and 100 graphs for
each type), and the result format is mean±variance. The bold
result is the best one for that method
Avg Promotion of RReinsert_I Reinsert_II Reinsert_III
Random 27.02±8.94 32.73±10.87 33.36±10.74
HDA 2.35±3.19 9.96±5.16 10.67±4.81
HBA -27.50±23.91 -11.47±7.94 -10.53±7.82
HCA -4.88±10.39 5.08±1.80 5.82±1.81
HPRA 5.46±3.17 12.68±5.68 13.48±5.43
CI 0.49±1.06 -0.52±1.07 -0.14±0.93
MinSum 0.41±3.19 8.17±5.41 8.86±5.11
BPD 5.83±2.37 4.73±2.95 5.86±3.34
CoreHD 0.28±2.30 -0.96±2.81 0.35±2.77
GND -2.67±7.68 -4.50±7.57 -3.04±7.11
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 11 of 13
promotion (Eq. 2) after adding the reinsertion in Table 5.
We can see that most methods (except for HBA, HCA
and GND) get improved after using reinsertion, and on
average, HPRA (reinserted) performs the best among all.
We also observe two interesting things: i) The best per-
formed HBA gets deteriorated greatly when utilized with
reinsertion, however, even the best result for reinserted
methods (HPRA) cannot beat the vanilla HBA (Table 3).
This indicates that the vanilla HBA has achieved the
close-to-optimal performance for the network disman-
tling problem, at which the reinsertion is no longer a
refinement, but a hindrance; ii) The pure Random strat-
egy gets greatly improved with reinsertion, making the
reinserted random strategy be close to those manually-
designed state-of-the-arts.
promotion =(Roriginal Rreinsert )
However, if taking account of running time, we find
actually the simple heuristic HDA achieves the best bal-
ance between effectiveness and efficiency (Tables 3,4and
6). The reinserted HDA is only 1.74% worse than the best
result (vanilla HBA), while is hundreds of times faster
(Table 6). Note that we do not list the time for Random
strategy, since it basically takes no time to obtain a random
Real-world results
Now we will see the effects of reinsertion on real-world
networks. Since HBA and HCA are computationally pro-
hibitive on medium or large networks (e.g., HBA takes
over 5 days to finish computation on the Cora network,
with 23,166 nodes and 89,157 edges.), we do not compare
with them in this section.
Tabl e 7shows the results of vanilla methods without
reinsertion. We can see that HDA, HPRA and GND per-
forms relatively better than other methods, and HPRA
is the best (0.0986) among all, and followed by HDA
(0.1043). Table 8gives the results after reinsertion, and
Tabl e 9shows the promotion results. Consistent with the
observations from synthetic results, most methods get
improvements for different levels, with the refinement of
reinsertion. For example, the random strategy obtains an
average 71.56% gain (Table 9) with reinsertion, making it
even beat the state-of-the-art MinSum strategy (Table 8).
Among the reinserted methods, HDA achieves the highest
performance with an average 0.0938 (Table 8) robustness
score (Eq. 1). However, GND is deteriorated on some net-
works when refined with reinsertion (Table 8), the reason
behind remains to be explored. When considering the exe-
cution, HDA is far more efficient than the other ones, e.g.,
it is about 767 times faster than HPRA, which is very close
to HDA in effectiveness.
Effects of different reinsertion strategies
We have observed the impressive gains brought by
the reinsertion technique in “Synthetic results”and
Real-world results” sections, now we may ask: Is the rein-
sertion in “Reinsertion technique” section the best one?
Does there exist more effective reinsertion methods? In this
section, we try to answer this question by exploring other
potential reinsertion techniques (Table 10).
We name the previous reinsert method as Reinsert_I,
and here we propose two other ones, and call them
Reinsert_II and Reinsert_III respectively. Basically, the
general reinsertion technique is to add back one of the
removed node (together with the adjacent edges), cho-
sen based on some criteria, until all nodes are back in
the network. Different reinsertion methods define differ-
ent criteria, based on which, we define the following three
reinsertion strategies:
Reinsert_I: The
is once reinserted, it joins
the smallest number of clusters;
Reinsert_II: The
is once reinserted, it joins
the clusters of smallest sizes;
Reinsert_III: The
is once reinserted, it joins
the clusters minimizing the multiply of both numbers
and sizes;
In Fig. 2, each node is assigned an index c(i)given by the
criteria specified by the reinsertion technique. For Rein-
sert_I,c(red)=2, c(blue)=4, c(green)=3, then the red
node is reinserted; for Reinsert_II,c(red)=10, c(blue)=
5, c(green)=6, then the blue node is reinserted; for
Reinsert_III,c(red)=20, c(blue)=20, c(green)=18,
then the green node is reinserted. After that, the c(i)s
are recalculated and the new node with smallest c(i)is
found and reinserted. Repeat these steps until the end. As
a consequence, different reinsertion strategies determines
different nodes to be reinserted first, leading to differ-
ent refinement results. To decide which one is better in
Table 12 Average promotion of Ron real-world networks for
different reinsertion techniques. Each result is averaged over all
test networks (total 18 real-world networks), and the bold ones
are the best results for that method
Avg Promotion of RReinsert_I Reinsert_II Reinsert_III
Random 71.56 77.31 78.24
HDA 5.88 21.71 23.98
HPRA 2.11 19.14 21.45
CI 6.21 4.46 6.01
MinSum 19.85 16.72 20.59
BPD 13.36 12.33 14.49
CoreHD 2.27 6.92 9.79
GND -18.02 -9.43 -8.16
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 12 of 13
practice, we compare the average performance promotion
for each method on both synthetic graphs and real-world
networks (Tables 11 and 12).
It can be clearly observed in Tables 11 and 12 that Rein-
sert_III achieves the most promotions for most methods
(except CI) on both synthetic and real-world networks,
compared to other two reinsertion strategies, and excels
to a significant extent to the current strategy Reinsert_I.
For CI method, Reinsert_I tendstobemoreeffective.All
the three reinsertion strategies fail in HBA and GND.
To illustrate the effects of these three strategies more
intuitively, we draw the robustness curve of CA-GrQc net-
work for different methods with different reinsertions in
Fig. 5, which is plotted with horizontal axis being the
fraction of removed nodes, and vertical axis being the
remaining giant connected component size. Actually, the
value of Eq. 1approximates the area under the robust-
ness curve. The figure clearly shows that the reinsertion
greatly helps reduce the area under the curve, compared to
the original method, and Reinsert_III is among the most
effective one, while all the reinsertions produce negative
effects on the GND method.
In this paper, we, for the first time, systematically explore
the effects of reinsertion techniques for the network dis-
mantling problem. Previous research tend to use their
reinserted results to compare with other un-reinserted
baseline methods, which may mislead us in the selection
of the real best dismantling strategy for applications at
hand. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies on
both synthetic graphs generated by four classical ran-
dom network models, i.e., ER, WS, BA and PLC, and
18 real-world networks across seven different domains
and with different scales, and the results show that: i)
HBA (no reinsertion) is the most effective network dis-
mantling strategy, however, it can only be applicable in
small scale networks; ii) HDA (with reinsertion) achieves
the best balance between effectiveness and efficiency. It
is surprising that such a simple heuristic method would
beat most state-of-the-art methods if enhanced with rein-
sertion techniques; iii) The reinsertion technique helps
improve the performance for most current methods,
except for HBA, HCA and GND (on small-world type
graphs); iv) Reinsert_III, which determines the node based
on that it joins the clusters minimizing the multiply of
both numbers and sizes, is the most effective reinsertion
strategy for most methods (except for CI, where Rein-
sert_I suits best). We believe the results in this paper could
provide as a reference for choosing and designing the
most effective strategy for realistic network dismantling
However, we still lack a deep understanding about why
such a simple reinsertion technique works so well for
the network dismantling problem, which would be a very
meaningful future research topic to be explored. We will
later release the codes and data to support the research in
this direction.
Fig. 5 Robustness curve of CA-GrQc for different reinsertion techniques
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Fan et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2020) 9:24 Page 13 of 13
We thank Yuan Liu for her valuable discussions.
Authors’ contributions
CF and YF initiated the project. CF and YF, XB designed and managed the
project. CF and LZ performed calculations. All authors analyzed the results,
wrote the manuscript, and edited the manuscript. All author(s) read and
approved the final manuscript.
Authors’ information
CF, LZ, YF, JH and ZL are all affiliated with College of Systems Engineering,
National University of Defense Technology. CF and LZ are both Ph.D.
candidates. YF is an associate professor, JH and ZL are both professors. XB is a
professor in School of Systems Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen
This work was supported by CSC scholarship offered by Chinese Scholarship
Council and NSFC-71701205.
Availability of data and materials
Upon reasonable requests, all code/data used in the analysis will be available
to any researcher for purposes of reproducing or extending the analysis.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha, Hunan, China. 2School of Systems Science and Engineering, Sun
Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.
Received: 30 June 2019 Accepted: 3 April 2020
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... Сүлжээг задлах аргуудын тухай дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг [12]-оос авах боломжтой. Сүлжээг задлах аргыг сайжруулах зорилгоор дахин оруулах техник [13] (re-insertion technique) сүүлийн жилүүдэд судлагдаж эхлээд байгаа хэдий ч нарийвчилсан шинжилгээ дутмаг байна. Энэхүү өгүүлэлд сүлжээг задлах аргыг сайжруулах шинэ дахин оруулах аргыг танилцуулах ба үр дүнгээ "сэгсрэх" гэж нэрлэсэн техник ашиглан илүү сайжруулах боломжийг танилцуулах болно. ...
... Ингэхдээ Хүснэгт 1 харуулсан бодит сүлжээнүүд дээр туршиж ажиллуулсан. Дэвшүүлж буй аргаа [13]-д дурдагдсан дараах гурван дахин оруулах аргатай харьцуулсан. ...
... Сүлжээг задлах гурван арга тус бүрийн хувьд дахин оруулах тэнцвэрт аргыг хэрэглэсэн нь илүү давамгай үр дүнг үзүүлж, нэг тохиолдлоос бусад бүх тохиолдолд дахин оруулах аргыг хэрэглэсэн нь илүү үр дүнтэй байна. Оройнуудыг санамсаргүй байдлаар устгасан үр дүн дээр дахин оруулах аргыг хэрэглэснээр дахин оруулах аргыг хэрэглээгүй ухаалаг алгоритмын үр дүнгээс илүү гарч байгаа нь энгийн дахин оруулах арга Сүлжээг Задлах Бодлогын үр дүнд ихээхэн нөлөөлж байгааг бататгаж байна [13]. HDA аргаар сүлжээг задлахад нөгөө хоёр аргаас ихэнх граф дээр илүү сайн задалж байгаа ч CI-ыг дахин оруулах тэнцвэрт аргатай хослуулахад HDAыг сайжруулснаас илүү давсан үзүүлэлт гаргасан. ...
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Сүлжээнээс хасахад сүлжээ өөрөө жижиг хэмжээстэй холбоост бүрдлүүд болгон задардаг байхаар хамгийн цөөн оройг олохыг Сүлжээг Задлах Бодлого (Network Dismantling Problem) гэнэ.Уг бодлого нь нийгэм, биологи, технологийн сүлжээнүүдийн бат бөх чанарыг судлахаас гадна, дутагдалтай бүтцийг судлахад ач холбогдолтой. Сүүлийн жилүүдэд дахин оруулах аргыг сүлжээг задлах бодлогод ашиглах судалгаа хийгдэж эхлээд байна. Гэхдээ дахин оруулах аргын судалгаа дутмаг байна. Энэхүү ажлаар бид нэгэн шинэ дахин оруулах аргыг танилцууллаа. Дэвшүүлсэн аргаа нийгэм, биологи, технологийн төрлийн 13-н сүлжээний өгөгдлийг ашиглан туршив. Туршилтын үр дүнгээс харахад дэвшүүлсэн арга ихэнх сүлжээний хувьд бусад аргаас давуу үр дүн үзүүллээ.
... Over the past two decades, network disintegration has attracted increasing attention due to its profound implications across diverse domains such as transportation systems, communication networks, and social interactions (Doyle et al., 2005;Eiselt, 2018;Fan, Zeng, Feng, et al., 2020;Li et al., 2020;Lin et al., 2014;Tan et al., 2016;Wandelt et al., 2022). For instance, the escalating threat from terrorist organizations, exemplified by events such as the September 11 attacks and the Madrid train bombings, underscores this urgency. ...
... Õàðèí äàâòàëòûí í°õö°ë áèåëýõã³é áîëîõ áóþó ãðàôûí õàìãèéí òîì õîëáîîñò á³ðäëèéí õýìaeýý L-ýýñ áàãà áîëîõ ³åä íèéò óñòãàñàí îðîéã àãóóëàõ S îëîíëîãîîñ çàðèì íýã øààðäëàãàã³é îðîé áóþó õàìãèéí òîì õîëáîîñò á³ðäëèéí õýìaeýýã Lýýñ èõ áîëãîõã³é áàéõ çàðèì îðîéíóóäûã ãðàôò áóöààae íýìae°ãí°. Ýíý ³éëäýë íü øèéäèéí ÷àíàðûã ñàéaeðóóëäàã [22]. Èíãýýä ýöýñò íü øèíý áîäüãàëûí ãåíèéã S îëîíëîãèéí îðîéíóóäààñ òîãòîõ ãåí³³äýýð ñîëèíî. ...
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Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар сүлжээ (граф)-ний чухал оройн бодлого (ЧОБ) -ыг хувьслын алгоритм (evolutionary algorithm (EA))-аар бодох аргыг судална. ЧОБ нь сүлжээнээс хамгийн цөөн тооны оройг устган, үлдэгдэл сүлжээний хамгийн том холбоост бүрдлийн (ХТХБ) хэмжээг өгөгдсөн L параметрээс бага байлгах бодлого юм. Сүүлийн жилүүдэд хийгдэж буй өгөгдөлд суурилсан судалгаагаар байгаль, нийгэм дэх сүлжээ (систем) нь бүлэг бүтэц (community structure)-тэй гэдгийг тогтоогоод байна. Энэ ажилд сүлжээний бүлэг бүтцийн мэдээллийг ЧОБ-д ашиглах шинэ аргыг танилцууллаа. Тодруулбал, бүлэг бүтцийн мэдээллийг генийн дүрслэлээр (representation) ашиглах хувьслын алгоритмыг зохиомжлов. ЧОБ-д өргөн ашиглагддаг зургаан бодит сүлжээн дээр алгоритмын ажиллагааг туршиж, Greedy1, Greedy2, Genetic algorithm гэсэн гурван аргатай харьцуулан, дэвшүүлж буй алгоритмын гүйцэтгэлийг үнэллээ. Дэвшүүлж буй алгоритм том сүлжээн дээр 10-30 дахин богино хугацаанд, 2 өгөгдөл дээр давуу шийд гаргаж байгааг туршилтын үр дүн харуулав.
... Moving beyond these techniques, a wide range of heuristic-based methods have been developed, including greedy algorithms [17], acquaintance immunization [18], belief propagation dismantling [19,20], the reverse-reinsertion algorithm [21,22], and spectral partitioning [23]. These methods are designed around heuristics to select nodes for removal, with the aim of maximizing the impact on network functionality. ...
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The problem of finding key players in a graph, also known as network dismantling, or network disintegration, aims to find an optimal removal sequence of nodes (edges, substructures) through a certain algorithm, ultimately causing functional indicators such as the largest connected component (GCC) or network pair connectivity in the graph to rapidly decline. As a typical NP-hard problem on graphs, recent methods based on reinforcement learning and graph representation learning have effectively solved such problems. However, existing reinforcement-learning-based key-player-identification algorithms often need to remove too many nodes in order to achieve the optimal effect when removing the remaining network until no connected edges remain. The use of a minimum number of nodes while maintaining or surpassing the performance of existing methods is a worthwhile research problem. To this end, a novel algorithm called MiniKey was proposed to tackle such challenges, which employs a specific deep Q-network architecture for reinforcement learning, a novel reward-shaping mechanism based on network functional indicators, and the graph-embedding technique GraphSage to transform network nodes into latent representations. Additionally, a technique dubbed ‘virtual node technology’ is integrated to grasp the overarching feature representation of the whole network. This innovative algorithm can be effectively trained on small-scale simulated graphs while also being scalable to large-scale real-world networks. Importantly, experiments from both six simulated datasets and six real-world datasets demonstrates that MiniKey can achieve optimal performance, striking a perfect balance between the effectiveness of key node identification and the minimization of the number of nodes that is utilized, which holds potential for real-world applications such as curbing misinformation spread in social networks, optimizing traffic in transportation systems, and identifying key targets in biological networks for targeted interventions.
... The size of the vertex set found in this way roughly equals to the size of S e . In this situation, the reinsertion fine-tuning technique [9,37] can be applied to get a better node-removal set. A further idea is to find a set of nodes that can cover all the edges in S e . ...
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In complex networks, network-dismantling aims at finding an optimal set of nodes (or edges) such that the removal of the set from the network will lead to the disintegration of the network, that is, the size of the giant/largest connected component is not bigger than a specific threshold (for instance, of the original network size). Existing algorithms addressing this topic can be divided into two closely related but different categories: vertex separator-oriented algorithms and edge separator-oriented algorithms. There has been a lot of research on these two categories, respectively. However, to the best of our knowledge, less attention has been paid to the relation between the vertex separator and edge separator. In this paper, we studied the separator transformation (ST) problem between the separator of the vertexes and edges. We approximated the transformation from edge separator to vertex separator using Vertex Cover algorithm, while approximated the transformation from vertex separator to edge separator using an Explosive Percolation (EP) approach. Moreover, we further analyzed the results of the vertex-edge separator transformation through the explosive percolation method in detail. The transformation problem in network-dismantling opens up a new direction for understanding the role of the vital nodes set and edges set as well as the vulnerability of complex systems.
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Dismantling a network by removing the minimum vertices is a challenging problem in complex networks. While most existing methods focus on efficiency, they overlook the importance of abruptness during the dismantling process. Gradual changes in the largest connected component size can alert the target and render the attack ineffective. To overcome this issue, we propose a new dismantling method based on tree decomposition and a new metric quantifying the abruptness of the dismantling process. Our method involves applying tree decomposition to the network using the min fill-in method, identifying the most critical edge in the decomposed tree, and removing the vertices contained in the edge. Experimental results on eight real networks demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms classical methods in abruptness and efficiency.
It is well-known that real-world systems, modeled as complex networks, are mostly robust against random failures but susceptible to targeted attacks. In this study, we propose a novel perspective to solve the network dismantling problem. Instead of designing an effective attack from scratch, we show how knowledge extracted from random failures in the network leads to extremely effective attacks. This observed connection between random failures and targeted attacks is striking on its own. Experiments on a wide range of networks show the efficacy of our novel method for network dismantling, providing an excellent trade-off between attack quality and scalability. We believe that our contribution also stimulates research in related domains, including social network influence analysis, spreading dynamics in networks, and efficiency considerations.
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Betweenness centrality (BC) is a widely used centrality measures for network analysis, which seeks to describe the importance of nodes in a network in terms of the fraction of shortest paths that pass through them. It is key to many valuable applications, including community detection and network dismantling. Computing BC scores on large networks is computationally challenging due to its high time complexity. Many sampling-based approximation algorithms have been proposed to speed up the estimation of BC. However, these methods still need considerable long running time on large-scale networks, and their results are sensitive to even small perturbation to the networks. In this paper, we focus on the efficient identification of top-k nodes with highest BC in a graph, which is an essential task to many network applications. Different from previous heuristic methods, we turn this task into a learning problem and design an encoder-decoder based framework as a solution. Specifically, the encoder leverages the network structure to represent each node as an embedding vector, which captures the important structural information of the node. The decoder transforms each embedding vector into a scalar, which identifies the relative rank of a node in terms of its BC. We use the pairwise ranking loss to train the model to identify the orders of nodes regarding their BC. By training on small-scale networks, the model is capable of assigning relative BC scores to nodes for much larger networks, and thus identifying the highly-ranked nodes. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world networks demonstrate that, compared to existing baselines, our model drastically speeds up the prediction without noticeable sacrifice in accuracy, and even outperforms the state-of-the-arts in terms of accuracy on several large real-world networks.
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Estimating, understanding, and improving the robustness of networks has many application areas such as bioinformatics, transportation, or computational linguistics. Accordingly, with the rise of network science for modeling complex systems, many methods for robustness estimation and network dismantling have been developed and applied to real-world problems. The state-of-the-art in this field is quite fuzzy, as results are published in various domain-specific venues and using different datasets. In this study, we report, to the best of our knowledge, on the analysis of the largest benchmark regarding network dismantling. We reimplemented and compared 13 competitors on 12 types of random networks, including ER, BA, and WS, with different network generation parameters. We find that network metrics, proposed more than 20 years ago, are often non-dominating competitors, while many recently proposed techniques perform well only on specific network types. Besides the solution quality, we also investigate the execution time. Moreover, we analyze the similarity of competitors, as induced by their node rankings. We compare and validate our results on real-world networks. Our study is aimed to be a reference for selecting a network dismantling method for a given network, considering accuracy requirements and run time constraints.
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Corruptive behaviour in politics limits economic growth, embezzles public funds, and promotes socio-economic inequality in modern democracies. We analyse well-documented political corruption scandals in Brazil over the past 27 years, focusing on the dynamical structure of networks where two individuals are connected if they were involved in the same scandal. Our research reveals that corruption runs in small groups that rarely comprise more than eight people, in networks that have hubs and a modular structure that encompasses more than one corruption scandal. We observe abrupt changes in the size of the largest connected component and in the degree distribution, which are due to the coalescence of different modules when new scandals come to light or when governments change. We show further that the dynamical structure of political corruption networks can be used for successfully predicting partners in future scandals. We discuss the important role of network science in detecting and mitigating political corruption.
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Finding the set of nodes, which removed or (de)activated can stop the spread of (dis)information, contain an epidemic or disrupt the functioning of a corrupt/criminal organization is still one of the key challenges in network science. In this paper, we introduce the generalized network dismantling problem, which aims to find the set of nodes that, when removed from a network, results in a network fragmentation into subcritical network components at minimum cost. For unit costs, our formulation becomes equivalent to the standard network dismantling problem. Our non-unit cost generalization allows for the inclusion of topological cost functions related to node centrality and non-topological features such as the price, protection level or even social value of a node. In order to solve this optimization problem, we propose a method, which is based on the spectral properties of a novel node-weighted Laplacian operator. The proposed method is applicable to large-scale networks with millions of nodes. It outperforms current state-of-the-art methods and opens new directions in understanding the vulnerability and robustness of complex systems.
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The robustness of complex networks under targeted attacks is deeply connected to the resilience of complex systems, i.e., the ability to make appropriate responses to the attacks. In this article, we investigated the state-of-the-art targeted node attack algorithms and demonstrate that they become very inefficient when the cost of the attack is taken into consideration. In this paper, we made explicit assumption that the cost of removing a node is proportional to the number of adjacent links that are removed, i.e., higher degree nodes have higher cost. Finally, for the case when it is possible to attack links, we propose a simple and efficient edge removal strategy named Hierarchical Power Iterative Normalized cut (HPI-Ncut).The results on real and artificial networks show that the HPI-Ncut algorithm outperforms all the node removal and link removal attack algorithms when the cost of the attack is taken into consideration. In addition, we show that on sparse networks, the complexity of this hierarchical power iteration edge removal algorithm is only O(nlog2+ϵ(n))O(n\log^{2+\epsilon}(n)).
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Decycling and dismantling of complex networks are underlying many important applications in network science. Recently these two closely related problems were tackled by several heuristic algorithms, simple and considerably sub-optimal, on the one hand, and time-consuming message-passing ones that evaluate single-node marginal probabilities, on the other hand. In this paper we propose a simple and extremely fast algorithm, CoreHD, which recursively removes nodes of the highest degree from the 2-core of the network. CoreHD performs much better than all existing simple algorithms. When applied on real-world networks, it achieves equally good solutions as those obtained by the state-of-art iterative message-passing algorithms at greatly reduced computational cost, suggesting that CoreHD should be the algorithm of choice for many practical purposes.
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Significance Many systems of interest can be represented by a network of nodes connected by edges. In many circumstances, the existence of a giant component is necessary for the network to fulfill its function. Motivated by the need to understand optimal attack strategies, optimal spread of information, or immunization policies, we study the network dismantling problem (i.e., the search for a minimal set of nodes in which removal leaves the network broken into components of subextensive size). We give the size of the optimal dismantling set for random networks, propose an efficient dismantling algorithm for general networks that outperforms by a large margin existing strategies, and provide various insights about the problem.
In networks, not all nodes have the same importance, and some are more important than others. The issue of finding the most important nodes in networks has been addressed extensively, particularly for nodes whose importance is related to network connectivity. These nodes are usually known as Critical Nodes. The Critical Node Detection Problem (CNDP) is the optimization problem that consists in finding the set of nodes, the deletion of which maximally degrades network connectivity according to some predefined connectivity metrics. Recently, this problem has attracted much attention, and depending on the predefined metric, different variants have been developed. In this survey, we review, classify and discuss several recent advances and results obtained for each variant, including theoretical complexity, exact solving algorithms, approximation schemes and heuristic approaches. We also prove new complexity results and induce some solving algorithms through relationships established between different variants.
For a network formed by nodes and undirected links between pairs of nodes, the network optimal attack problem aims at deleting a minimum number of target nodes to break the network down into many small components. This problem is intrinsically related to the feedback vertex set problem that was successfully tackled by spin glass theory and an associated belief propagation-guided decimation (BPD) algorithm [H.-J. Zhou, Eur. Phys. J.B 86 (2013) 455]. In the present work we apply a slightly adjusted version of BPD (with approximately linear time complexity) to the network optimal attack problem, and demonstrate that it has much better performance than a recently proposed Collective Information algorithm [F. Morone and H. A. Makse, Nature 524 (2015) 63--68] for different types of random networks and real-world network instances. The BPD-guided attack scheme often induces an abrupt collapse of the whole network, which may make it very difficult to defend.