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The Impact of Personality Types on Students’ Writing Ability


Abstract and Figures

Personality is considered one of the internal factors that have an impact on students’ ability in language learning. The present study investigated the impact of personality types on their ability in writing English. There are two types of personalities studied: Extrovert and Introvert. The research is quasi-experiment. Students at grade XI Vocational School 1 Sungai Penuh engage in the study, whereas only two classes selected as samples (experimental class and control class). Students were given a personality questionnaire to recognize their personality types. Then, the writing test carries out in each class in order to know the student's ability in writing. The data are analyzed by using t-test. The finding of hypotheses testing proves that the p-score is 0,00. Thus, the p-score is lower than 0,05 (0,00<0,05) which means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Hence, there is a significant impact on students’ personalities to their writing ability. Students with introvert personalities have better writing scores than students with extrovert personality.
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JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 75
The Impact of Personality Types on Students’ Writing Ability
Hermi Zaswita
, Rodiyal Ihsan
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
Personality is considered one of the internal factors that have an impact on students’ ability in
language learning. The present study investigated the impact of personality types on their ability in
writing English. There are two types of personalities studied: Extrovert and Introvert. The research is
quasi-experiment. Students at grade XI Vocational School 1 Sungai Penuh engage in the study,
whereas only two classes selected as samples (experimental class and control class). Students were
given a personality questionnaire to recognize their personality types. Then, the writing test carries out
in each class in order to know the student's ability in writing. The data are analyzed by using t-test.
The finding of hypotheses testing proves that the p-score is 0,00. Thus, the p-score is lower than 0,05
(0,00<0,05) which means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Hence, there is a significant impact on
students’ personalities to their writing ability. Students with introvert personalities have better writing
scores than students with extrovert personality.
Keywords: Personality; Extrovert and Introvert; Vocational School Students; Writing Ability
1. Introduction
Writing as one of the skills in English must be learned by language learners, besides
listening, speaking, and reading. In the EFL classroom, the students not only wish to learn
writing as essential components of learning but also to apply to their academic and
professional life. Based on the Indonesian curriculum for Vocational High School, students
are targeted to attain the intermediate level in communicating verbally and in writing to
interrelate in the context of daily life, the occupation world, and the business world. However,
writing in English is not easy for the student, it entails a lot of practice, good vocabulary, and
high-quality grammar. It also requires more focus, cognition, and diligence (Dhanya &
Alamelu, 2019) Students as well for a time find it difficult to convey their ideas into text (Bilal,
H, Tariq, Din., Latif, & Anjum, 2013) and also lack vocabulary and difficulties in grammar and
syntax (Fareed, Ashraf, & Bilal, 2016)
The problem sometimes not only caused by students’ external factors but also
students’ internal factors like personality(Faisal, 2019; Fatimawati, 2015) Personality factors
within a person that contribute in some way to the success of language learning (Brown,
2000). Each student has the different type of personality that is not the same between
students each other so that it is often as an obstacle because it takes a different learning
result as between students (Dewaele, 2005).
Dealing with students’ personality, there are two types of personalities studied here:
extrovert and introvert because these two types are the most researched personality aspect
in L2 studies. Some studies about extrovert and Introvert personality types in writing ability
has been conducted by some researchers and showed different results (Boroujeni, Roohani,
& Hasanimanesh, 2015; Mansouri Nejad, Bijami, & Ahmadi, 2012; Zainuddin, 2016).
According to (Suryasubrata, 1995; Zabihi, 2011), extroverts are specifically influenced by the
objective world, the world outside themselves. The orientation is intended outside; mind. His
feelings and actions are determined by the environment both social and non-social. He
always has a positive attitude towards society, cares and, has good relatsions with others.
Introverts, on the other hand, are influenced by the subjective world; the world inside him.
Corresponding author.
Received 24 September 2019; Accepted 28 March 2020; Available online 31 March 2020
© 2020 JPI. All Rights Reserved
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 76
The orientation tends to be inside; thoughts, feelings and, actions are determined by
subjective factors. Adaptation to the outside world is not very good; difficult to have
relationships with other people. (Machnicka, 2010) adds that an extrovert can get along; he
does more than just contemplate and has a motive that is coordinated by external activities.
An extrovert is easy to adapt to new environments and is usually energized with people and
interacts with them, and is able to think well if he is talking about his ideas with others. On
the other hand, introverts think for themselves by processing ideas in their own minds.
In language learning, extrovert and introvert students also have their strengths and
weaknesses. (Loewen & Reinders, 2007) states that extroversion can affect second
language learning because extroverts are more likely to look for opportunities to interact with
other speakers of the second language. Conversely, introverts may have fewer opportunities
to interact, because of their personality types. (Pritchard, 2014) recognizes that extrovert
students like: talking to understand new information and ideas; work in groups; try something
first and think later. Extroverts learn best when they can work with friends and learn by trying
something themselves instead of watching or listening to others. When they have difficulty
understanding, they can talk about their ideas with others. Meanwhile, introvert students like
self-study, listening to other people talk and think about information in private; think about
something first and try later; listen, observe, write and read; take time to complete the task.
Introverts do well when they can find quiet places to work and have enough time to reflect,
reformulate, and improve their work. Introverts often connect schoolwork and their personal
interests. (Shahila, Zafar, & Meenakshi, 2012) proposed that the introvert students’ in the
class can be also involved in language learning if teachers provide their students with a
sense of security and encourage them to voice their opinion. Once the students are not
afraid of being blamed and humiliated when they talk, they will take part in the class willingly
and do well in second language acquisition.
Furthermore, in speaking ability, the introverts have better pronunciation and good
vocabulary than the extroverts. It is found that extroverts are likely to try out a large amount
and variety of different word types with high speech rates and legible pronunciation.
Meanwhile, when the introvert students are asked to read out loud in the class, they are
reading slowly and carefully with good pronunciation but with low speech rates (Shrum,
Glisan, & W, 2010; Suliman, 2014; Wakamoto, 2000). Dealing with grammar mastery, the
introverts tend to have better grammar in speaking than the extroverts, since the introverts
will speak carefully with soft voices. They also consider grammar when confessing the idea
in speaking. This idea is supported by (Laney & Laney, 1987) which mention that the
introverts think before they act or speak, although when speaking they have soft voices,
appear calm, pause frequently may sound hesitant, and may hunt for words. Meanwhile, the
extroverts act first and think later.
On the contrary, the introverts have better comprehension in reading skills, while the
extroverts tend to comprehend in someone’s speaking. When someone speaks, extroverts
generally can comprehend it well. (Nicholson, 2015) mentions that the introverts have good
reading comprehension since they spend a lot of time by reading a book, magazine,
newspaper (spending time in the library) or consuming information in a different form. The
research findings from (Ahour & Haradasht, 2014) also state that introverts were generally
better readers than extroverts. This is very much understandable if the paradigm of
extroversion and introversion is put together in context: extroverts outweigh introverts in the
amount of speech but they do not necessarily gain more than introverts when it comes to
reading comprehension. Thus, related to comprehension aspect, both extroverts and
introverts also have equal ability.
Moreover, in writing ability, particularly some researchers find that there are also
differences result between extrovert personality and introvert personality. (Marwa & Thamrin,
2016) obtained that there was a positive correlation between extroversion personality and
students’ argumentative essay writing skills. The dominant level of extroversion personality
was fairly extrovert and the students who are included in fairly extroverted obtained the
argumentative essay score in the acceptable category than introvert one. In the contrary, a
study conducted by (Zainuddin, 2016) found that introvert EFL learners did better than
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 77
extrovert EFL learners in constructing sentences (syntax). (Boroujeni et al., 2015) also
gained if introverts significantly outperformed extroverts in all subsets of writing components
except organization. This may be due to some of the introverts’ personal characteristics that
the extroverts lack, such as being careful, having more concentration in their solitude, and
ability to generate many more ideas.
The present study focused on the impact of personality types (extrovert and introvert)
on students’ writing ability, especially in writing a business letters, as one of the writing
material learned in Vocational School.
2. Method
This study is quasi-experimental research. Two classes of grade XI Vocational School
1 Sungai Penuh were chosen as the sample. The chosen two classes aimed to compare and
ensure that whether there is a significant impact of personality on students’ writing ability or
not, XI Accounting 1 as an experimental class, and XI Accounting 2 as a control class. There
were 32 students involved in the study. The instrument applied in collecting data in this study
were a personality questionnaire that used to get the data about students’ personality and
writing test in order to get data about students' writing ability. Questionnaire constructed from
International Item Pool (IIP) indicators (Mastuti, 2005) which consists of 25 items.
Afterward, the data must be validated to the normality and homogeneity. Normality
testing intended to see if the data obtained from research with normal distribution, analyze by
using the Anderson Darling test with SPSS. Homogeneity testing strived to perceive whether
the data from both samples which have homogeneous variance or not. In homogeneity
testing used F-test with SPSS. After the confirmation of normality and homogeneity of the
data, the hypothesis testing was conducted. Hypothesis examined by t-test analysis in
measuring the significant of the mean difference. The calculation was executed via SPSS.
The hypotheses in the study are as follow:
H1: There is a significant impact of students’ personalities on students’ writing ability.
H0: There is no significant impact of students’ personalities on students’ writing ability.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 Result
This study groups students' personalities into two categories, students with extrovert
personalities and introvert students. To determine whether students are extrovert
and introvert individuals, (Arikunto, 2008) suggests taking 27% of the top questionnaire
scores asextrovert personality students and 27% of the lowest scores of questionnaires
as introvert personality students. For this reason, 4 students from the top scores were taken
as students with an extrovert personality and 4 students from the lowest scores were taken
as students with an introvert personality. It applies both in the control class and in the
experimental class because the number of students is the same in both classes. Description
of student personality data can be seen in the following table:
Table 1. Student Personality Data in the Experiment Class and Control Class
82, 5
1 08
1 256
It is shown that the minimum personality scores of control class students were 53 and
50 in the experimental class. The maximum scores of students in the control class were 110
and 108 in the experimental class. And the average score in the control class was 79.3 and
in the experimental class 78.5. Then to test whether the student personality data from the
control class and the experimental class were normally distributed, Anderson Darling's test
was performed using SPSS. Provided that if P-value > 0.05 then H0 is accepted and if P-
score <0.05 then H0 is rejected. The experimental class is normally distributed because the
P-value is 0.205, so H0 is accepted. As seen in the following image.
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 78
Figure 1. Normality Testing of Personality in Experimental Class
And the personality of students from the control class is also normally distributed
because the P-value is 0.251, so H0 is accepted. As seen in the following image:
Figure 2. Normality Testing of Personality in Control Class
To find out whether the personality data of students from the control and experimental
class is homogeneous, then the homogeneity of the data is tested using the F-Test
via SPSS. Homogeneity test serves to find out that two or more groups of data are taken
from populations that have the same variance. The homogeneity test provisions are by
looking at the P score if> 0.05 then both groups have the same or homogeneous variance
based on the F-Test formula. The results obtained using the F-Test formula of 0.933 so that
both class groups are declared homogeneous. Can be seen in the following figure:
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 79
Figure 3. Homogeneity Testing of Student Personality Data in Experimental and Control
Furthermore, student personality data is divided into 2 groups, namely groups of
students with an extrovert personality and students with an introvert personality. As has been
explained at the outset that the 4 highest scoring students and the 4 lowest scoring students
were taken to be grouped according to personality. The following is a summary of student
personality grouping data:
Table 2. Grouping Students Based on Personality in the Experiment Class and Control Class
The table above shows that the scores of students with extrovert personality in the
experimental class had an interval of 95-108, an average score of 99.7, and a variance of
32.9. Scores of students with introvert personality in the experimental class had 50-60
intervals, an average score of 55, and a variance of 19.3. In the control class, students are
also grouped into extroverts and introverts. Extrovert students have an interval of 95-110, an
average score of 102, and a variant of 46. Meanwhile, introvert students have an interval of
53-60, an average score of 56.2, and a variance of 8.9.
In getting the data of students' writing ability, a test is done which is a business letter
writing test. Student writing ability data can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. Data on Students' Writing Ability in the Experimental Class and Control Class
To get the writing score, the score of the rubric of the score multiplied by 4 so that the
highest score of students is 100. From the table above it is known that there are 16 students
in the experimental class. The highest score is 96 and the lowest score is 72. The average
score of students is 82.5 with a variance of 57.3. In the control class, there are also 16
students. The highest score is 88 and the lowest score is 48. The average score of students
is 67.5 with a variance of 138.4. This shows that there is a significant difference between
students' writing ability in the experimental class and students in the control class. After
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 80
getting data, the writing ability of students from both classes is grouped according to
personality types. As in the following table:
Table 4. Students' Writing Ability Based on Personality in Experimental Class
Students with Extrovert Personality
Students with introvert Personality
Writing Ability
Writing Ability
110, 6
The table shows the average score of students with extrovert personality in the
experimental class is 99.7 with an average writing score of 82. The average score of
students with introvert personalities is 55 and their average writing score is 85. While in the
control group, the average score of students with an extrovert personality is 102, and writing
ability is 64. The average score of students with introvert personality is 56.2 and the writing
ability is 71. Thus, students with introvert personality tend to have better writing scores than
extrovert ones in both classes (experimental and control).
Table 5. Students' Writing Ability Based on Personality in Control
Students with Extrovert Personality
Students with introvert Personality
Writing Ability
Writing Ability
Hypothesis in this study are:
H1: There is a significant impact of students’ personalities on students’ writing ability.
H0: There is no significant impact of studentspersonalities on students’ writing ability.
The hypothesis analyzed by using a t-test. From the results obtained, the P-
value interpretation is done with the test criteria is reject H0 or accept H1 if P- value < α and
vice versa accept H0 or reject H1 if P- value > α, with α = 0.05. Based on calculations using
SPSS, the p-score is 0.00 <0.05. So the p-score obtained is smaller than 0.05 so H0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted so there is a significant impact of students’ personality t on
students’ writing ability. As shown in the following picture:
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 81
Figure 4. Hypothesis Testing
3.2 Discussion
Regarding the finding of the research, it can be known that in writing a business
letters, students with introvert personalities have better writing scores than students with
extrovert personalities in both classes (experimental and control). This result in line with
(Ellis, 2008; Sanjaya & Mokhtar, 2015) who found that introvert students perform better
writing ability than extrovert students. (H, 2001) also found evidently observed that some
Indonesian EFL teachers and students have this assumption that introverts may perform
better in conceptual tasks (i.e., writing) than extroverts when there is no requirement of oral
performance and interactions. Moreover, (Ellis, 2008) found that introvert students are better
at developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) than extroverts because
many introvert students spit up more time for reading, writing, and trying to produce accurate
language. CALP is the students’ ability to understand and express in both written and oral
modes, concepts, and ideas that are relevant to success (Cummins, 2008). Thus, it can be
known that introvert is better to construct the writing. And then, the present study is not the
same as the previous research finding of (Wakamoto, 2000) who conveys that extroverts are
better than introverts in language learning. and (Marefat, 2006; Nezhad & Jahandar, S.
Khodabandehlou, 2014) who mention that there is no significant difference between
extroverts and introverts in language learning. The introvert and extrovert personalities show
that they both have advantages and disadvantages in learning language skills. In writing
skills, particularly in this study, it was found that apparently written products of students with
introverted personalities showed better results.
Previous studies also found that introverts students have their strength in some
aspects of language learning. In his study, (Boroujeni et al., 2015) find that introverts are
usually in search of the best vocabulary choice; for this reason, they probably experience
more difficulty in speaking an L2 fluently than extroverts. But the same reason has made
their writing much more professional. Moreover, (Qanwal & Ghani, 2019) exposed that
introverts are better learners of ESL writing skills as compared to the extrovert especially in
vocabulary, expression, and content. It is maybe because of the character of introvert
students who think best themselves and processing ideas in their own mind well (Machnicka,
2010). A study from (Altunel, 2015) and (Carrell, P., Prince & Astika, 1996) indicates that
introverts would get higher scores than extroverts in Use of English (Grammatical forms,
form, and meaning, etc.) after receiving input-based instruction. The use of English section is
designed to measure how much learners know about grammatical forms and their meanings,
and assesses students’ knowledge of grammatical forms, knowledge of explicit and implicit
(vocabulary) meaning, and both grammatical forms and meaning together. It has been
reported that introverts generally listen to language by focusing on each individual meaning
of a new word, and they distinguish grammatical differences in language (Kezwer, 1987).
JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 82
(Boroujeni et al., 2015) also gained if introverts significantly outperformed extroverts in all
subsets of writing components except organization. This may be due to some of the
introverts’ personal characteristics that the extroverts lack, such as being careful, having
more concentration in their solitude, and ability to generate many more ideas. It also the
teachers because of teacher can group students based on their personality traits and give
them appropriate communicative tasks to develop their writing skills (Ahmadian & Yadegari,
2011). However, present study finds introvert has a better score in all aspects of writing such
as content, mechanics, vocabulary, organization, and grammar based on students’ writing
result on a business letter. Despite, the difference of scores in each aspect are not really
huge but mostly introvert get a better score than extrovert ones.
4. Conclusion and Suggestion
Students have different personalities in language learning, some students tend to be
extrovert and the others and introvert. It can have an impact on students ability in mastering
English. This study focus on writing ability. Based on the result of the finding, it can be known
that there is a significant impact of personality types on students’ writing ability. Students with
Introvert personality have better writing scores in all writing aspects than students with
extrovert personalities in both classes (experimental and control). Therefore, personality can
be one of consideration for the teacher in solving the studens learning problem, because the
teacher is not also demanded to know students’ abilities from external factors but also the
internal factors such as personality.
This study was funded by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education
(Kemenristekdikti) of Indonesia. For that, researchers would like to say thank to Directorate
of Research and Society Dedication (DRPM) in the Novice Lecturer Research (PDP) scheme
and LPPM STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh who managed research grants for us. We
also thank all parties who supported and participated in the accomplishment of the research
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JPI, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1.21101
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Syntax in Essay Writing. Studies in English Language and Education, 3(2), 162.
... According to the findings of the study, students with extrovert personalities had higher speaking scores than students with introvert personalities in both courses while completing brief conversations with partners (experimental and control). The extrovert students prefer to speak much, while the introverts more prefer to write better (Zaswita & Ihsan, 2020). In the aspect of vocabulary mastery, both of extroverts ad introverts can be said have equal ability, because they learn better based on their productive skill. ...
... In addition, in term of fluency, the extroverts communicate more fluently in English than introvert students who were often shy and unwilling to speak. It makes students with introvert personality tend to have better ability in writing (Zaswita & Ihsan, 2020) but seem not in speaking. In According to (White & Gadner, 2012), people who are characterized as being more extroverted (as compared or introverted) are more fluent, allow for shorter pauses in conversation turn taking, have shorter silent pauses in their own speech, fewer hesitations, speak faster, in a louder tone and with more variable pitch. ...
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Personality is one of the internal characteristics that might affect a student's capacity to acquire a language. The purpose of this study was to see how personality types affected their ability to speak English. Extrovert and introvert personalities are the two types of personalities examined. The study is based on a quasi-experiment. The study included students in grade XI SMAN 6 Kerinci, with just two classes chosen as examples (experimental class and control class). To identify their personality types, students were given a personality questionnaire. Then, in each session, a speaking exam is given to determine the student's speaking abilities. To assess the data, the t-test is employed. The t-test is used to analyze the data. Because the value of t-observed 19.43 is larger than t-table 4.301, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, according to the results of hypothesis testing. As a result, the personalities of students have a considerable influence on their speaking ability. Students with extrovert personalities communicate more fluently than those with introvert tendencies.
... Writing is the most important skill in learning a language because the extent to which a student can demonstrate their academic ability is heavily reliant on their ability to express themselves in written communication. This statement is supported by Zaswita & Rodiyal (2020), that is the EFL classroom, the students not only wish to learn writing as essential components of learning but also to apply to their academic and professional life. Therefore, having a good writing is crucial for students because it is not only for students' skill development, but also as communication skill which is essential in today's information society (Sari & Putri, 2019). ...
Writing as an academic task is considered the hardest part of English instruction and learning. Communicative skills in writing can be taught by using one strategy that is mindful learning. The purpose of this study was to provide insights into the effectiveness of mindfulness-based writing instruction in enhancing students' writing ability within the framework of glocalized language education. The study was carried out from January to April 2024 at the Jinarakkhita Buddhist College of Lampung. The population of the research was the second-semester Buddhist Communication Science Department students in the academic year 2023-2024. In this study, the researcher attempts to incorporate mindfulness into the writing process. The researcher used a rubric score to analyse and measure the students’ writing ability before and after treatment. The data were collected by administering essay writing to assess students’ writing ability. The result showed that an increase in the in the pre-test and post-test average score from 48.5 to 62. There is a significant difference in writing competency between the students who are taught by using a mindfulness-based writing instruction and the students who were taught by using conventional writing strategy. The finding showed descriptively that the students who were taught by using mindfulness-based writing instruction achieved better writing comprehension. In conclusion, the second semester students’ writing abilities have improved as a result of the use of mindfulness-based writing instruction as they are more expressive and creative in conducting the idea. Besides that, mindfulness-based writing instruction emphasizing self-awareness and presence during the writing process. It can improve productivity, mental well-being, collaboration and learning for students.
... The research on the comparison of writing abilities and strategies between students with introverted and extroverted personality types concluded that students with introverted personality types had better writing skills and strategies than students with extroverted personality types (Ramadhan et al., 2019). The research on learning to write in English subjects for grade XI students at SMK 1 Sungai Penuh concluded that students with introverted personality types had better writing scores than students with extroverted personality types (Zaswita & Ihsan, 2020). This research would be different from previous studies because cerkak on Javanese language subject, as the product of the study, would be produced by students who have background using Javanese in everyday life. ...
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Students' personality types are thought to have a correlation with Cerkak's writing ability, and students with introverted personality types are thought to have better Cerkak's writing ability. This study aimed to determine the correlation between personality types and Cerkak's writing ability in class X students at a public senior high school in Gombong. This study used a correlational research design with a sample of 35 students. The sampling technique was carried out using the cluster random sampling technique. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and writing tests. Data writing tests analysis was performed by using regression and correlation. Data observation and interviews were performed by using qualitative descriptive. The results showed that personality type and the results of writing cerkak had a very strong correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.874, and students with introverted personality types had better cerkak writing abilities than students with extroverted personality types. In this study, personality type has effect of 49.4% on the results of writing cerkak and the remaining 50.6% is influenced by factors not examined in this study. Hence, a correlation exists between personality type and cerkak writing ability in grade X students, with introverted children demonstrating superior writing skills compared to their extroverted counterparts.
... During an online course, primarily an asynchronous one-students have more time to construct their thoughts and words before asking a question or stating an opinion. Introverted students are generally express themselves better through writing than their extroverted friends (Zainuddin, 2016;Zaswita & Ihsan, 2020;Qanwal & Ghani, 2019); this is presumably why chat-box in synchronous lecture and discussion forums in the asynchronous meeting could help some students to participate more than traditional offline classes. The next benefit of online learning is cost saving. ...
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Universities around Indonesia are currently adopting online lectures to keep the learning process running in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. Online courses, thanks to the rapid advancement of ICT, allow students and lecturers to interact despite the stay-at-home policy. Because of its flexibility and modern lifestyle, this method is likely to continue to be used in the future. Therefore, this study examines the benefits and disadvantages of online learning and understands students' expectations. With a total sample of 226 undergraduate students from four cities and seven universities in Indonesia, this research uses a descriptive survey design. The data collection technique was an online survey using Google Forms during May and June 2021. The results showed that most students viewed online learning during the pandemic as going well, although some students felt that their academic needs were not being met. Students find benefits of online learning, such as flexibility, cost savings, and increased confidence in engaging in discussions. However, the respondents identified a number of obstacles to achieve the ideal learning process, including low signal quality, limited laboratory practices, and high internet network expenses. Students reported certain disadvantages of online learning, such as limited interaction, irregular class schedules, and a high number of assignments. This study also found that most students lose their concentration easily. They also multitask during synchronous learning, where the side activities are mostly academically unrelated (e.g., doing daily activities, scrolling through social media, driving, and watching movies). From the data gathered, it is important for lecturers and universities to consider the reduction in assignments, meeting frequency, and duration of online learning to maintain students’ motivation and concentration Keywords: Covid-19, higher education, Indonesia, online learning, undergraduate students
... During the writing process, the students with different personality showed different attitude in writing process. This result is in line with the other research studies which shows that the difference personality gives impact to students' writing ability [34,35]. ...
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Personality is considered as one of the internal factors that has an impact on students' ability to learn languages. This research explores the impact of personality type on their English writing abilities, with a focus on Introverts. The test aims for objectivity, clarity, and precision, with formal notes and adherence to conventional academic structures and grammatical rules. Qualitative descriptive were used in this research. The sample for this research was students of the Seventh Semester English Language Education Writing Class of 2022/2023 at the University of Papua. The instruments used to collect data were the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Test and Interview. Researchers use purposive sampling where the sample to be interviewed must have a high percentage of introverts. To find out, researchers distributed the MBTI test link to 20 samples. Of the 20 samples who took the MBTI test, there were 9 samples who were classified as introverts. furthermore, from the 9 samples, the researcher chose 4 samples to be interviewed. The results of this research reveal that every student who has an introverted personality does not necessarily have good writing skills, but the habits of students who have an introverted personality such as reading non-fiction or fiction books and writing stories about everyday life can help the students to improve their writing skills
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ada tidaknya perbedaan perilaku celebrity worship ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian introvert dan ekstrovert pada penggemar K-Pop, mengetahui gambaran perilaku celebrity worship pada penggemar K-Pop ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian introvert, mengentahui gambaran perilaku celebrity worship pada penggemar K-Pop ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian ekstrovert. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif komparasi, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah penggemar K-Pop di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 131 orang dengan menggunakan teknik sampling quota sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala Celebrity Attitude Scale yang telah dimodifikasi yang berisi 25 item valid untuk pengukuran tingkat celebrity worship dan menggunakan skala Eysenck Personality Inventory yang telah dimodifikasi untuk pengukuran tipe kepribadian introvert dan ekstrovert. Validitas penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Korelasi Pearson dan reliabilitas penelitian ini ditemukan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,829. Teknik analissi data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U Test. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukan nilai signifikansi sebesar Sign 0,008. Oleh karena Sign < α 0,05 maka hipotesis yag berbunyi “Ada Perbedaan pada Perilaku Celebrity Worship ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Introvert dengan Tipe Kepribadian Ekstrovert pada Penggemar K-Pop” diterima.
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-Students often quote "writing" as the most challenging aspect of acquiring a language. An inherent fear of not being able to construct sentences coherently in the first few attempts coupled by inadequate writing instructions are certain reasons why students feel demotivated to write. Teachers too seem to carry the opinion that it is very difficult to teach 'writing' and that it can only be 'learnt' with proper guidance. Writing requires a deliberate and sustained effort from the learner. However, like any other skill, writing too can be 'learnt' provided the right set of conditions exists. These conditions or influencing factors, can significantly enhance the process of 'learning to write'. Some of these factors include a positive student-teacher relationship, classroom environment, intrinsic learner motivation, and positive feedback systems. These factors have varying degrees of influence on learning writing. This paper seeks to understand the perspectives of teachers and students on the influence of these factors in a real learning environment and their impact on the learning outcomes with specific focus on writing.
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Reconnoitering the factors that may impact the academic achievement of learners is relevant for instructional scientists. The absence of knowledge of this likely connection with teachers and learners can lead to discouragement of the further perseverance of language learners. The present study seeks to define the prevalence of personality types and learning styles in Bangladeshi context as well as to address the impact of traits and styles on the samples (N= 676). A cross-sectional quantitative research design was used for this study and self-reported BFI questionnaire, VARK questionnaire and an achievement test were used for collecting relevant data. Analysis of data shows that Agreeable is the most dominant trait for both boys and girls. Again, boys prefer multiple learning styles (multimodal) whereas girls prefer Auditory. In this study, some demographic factors, personality traits and learning styles of the learners were discovered to have an important connection with GPA. Study results indicate that there is a statistically significant association between Multimodal and academic achievement. At the same time, the relationship between the trait extraversion and EFL learners, English language achievement is also found statistically significant. The results of the research questions are highly expected to offer educators some idea of amending the country’s state of affairs in terms of EFL teaching and learning not just in Bangladesh but in other non-English nations as well. Further study can be done in exploring the learning styles and personality traits of the teachers as it is observed in previous studies that these are significantly related to the academic excellence. Keywords Personality Trait, Learning Styles, EFL Learners, English Language, Achievement
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The study aims at investigating the role of extroversion/introversion personality traits in learning writing skills of English as a second language. The selected sample for the research consisted of 57 participants who undertook instruction on ‘Essay Writing and Presentation’ for six months as a formal course of study in their MA English Program. The research tools consisted of a questionnaire and an achievement test on writing skills. The questionnaire consisted of 30 items all adopted from Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire to measure the introversion/extroversion traits of students’ personality. After identifying their personality trait (i.e., introvert, extrovert and neurotic), the participants were given an achievement test on writing skills. The participants’ scores in the achievement test were submitted to SPSS and independent sample t-test was applied. The findings reveal that a significant difference exists between the writing achievement of introvert and extrovert learner groups. However, no difference is found between the writing performance of neurotic and introvert learner groups or between neurotic and extrovert learner groups. The results also reveal that introverts are better learners of ESL writing skills as compared to the extroverts.
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The main purpose of this study was to find out if there would be any significant difference in scores for syntax in essay writing between extrovert and introvert EFL learners. The quantitative data were collected by applying writing rubrics from Brown (2007). The participants of this study were 40 English learners (20 extroverts and 20 introverts) at Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 2.0. The findings of this study indicated that there was a significant difference in the scores for syntax between extrovert and introvert learners. In this study, introvert EFL learners did better than extrovert EFL learners in constructing sentences (syntax). Thus, both groups still have an equal chance to improve their ability in a learning foreign language particularly in writing skills but extrovert EFL learners must pay more attention to using good syntax because they tend to be careless and less correct in constructing their phrases when doing a writing task.
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mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dibandingkan suku yang lain. Kekhasan tersebut salah satunya hal sifat dan karakteristik kepribadian. Sifat-sifat atau karakteristik tertentu dari individu, yang relatif menetap dalam psikologi disebut dengan kepribadian. Kepribadian merupakan aspek psikologi yang penting ABSTRAK Perkembangan kepribadian big five sangat pesat dalam berbagai riset kepribadian. Berbagai penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa banyak hal yang mampu diprediksi dengan trait-trait dalam kepribadian big five. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, berbagai alat ukur telah dikembangkan untuk mengukur kepribadian big five. Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengadaptasi salah satu alat ukur kepribadian big five yang diambil dari International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) dan menguji validitas konstraknya di suku Jawa sehingga penggunaan taksonomi tentang alat tes ini bisa dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan di Indone-sia, khususnya di suku Jawa. Selain itu, ingin membuktikan validitas aitem, reliabilitas alat ukur kepribadian big five yang diadaptasi dari International Personality Item Pools (IPIP) tersebut. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 110 mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor eksploratori untuk menguji validitas konstraknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas konstrak alat ukur kepribadian big five yang diambil dari International Personality Item Pools (IPIP) dengan sampel mahasiswa Jawa, tidak terbukti. Hal ini karena data yang didapatkan tidak sesuai dengan teori kepribadian big five yang diteorikan. Pada penelitian ini dengan analisis faktor menunjukkan bahwa trait kepribadian terdiri dari 6 faktor yaitu Neuroticism, Extraversion, Opennes to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness dan Morality.
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Writing is an important skill for language production. However, it is considered a difficult skill, particularly in English as a second language (ESL) contexts where students face many challenges in writing. Therefore, the present study was conducted with an aim to investigate problems in Pakistani undergraduate ESL learners' writing and factors that hinder their writing skills. It also aimed at obtaining suggestions on how to improve Pakistani ESL learners' writing skills. For this purpose, focus groups of Pakistani English language teachers'and undergraduate ESL learners were conducted. Writing samples were also collected from 30 ESL undergraduate learners to find the major problems in their writing. The interviews and essays were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The findings reveal that the major problems in Pakistani undergraduate ESL learners' writing are insufficient linguistic proficiency (including command over grammar, syntax and vocabulary), writing anxiety, lack of ideas, reliance on L1 and weak structure organization. These challenges are influenced by various factors including untrained teachers, ineffective teaching methods and examination system, lack of reading and writing practice, large classrooms, low motivation and lack of ideas. The study also sheds light on the remedial measures such as increased reading, conscious and incidental vocabulary teaching, writing practice, trained teachers, reforms in the examination system, and writing competitions.
While most teachers are skilled in providing opportunities for the progression of children’s learning, it is sometimes without fully understanding the theory behind it. With greater insight into what is currently known about the processes of learning and about individual learners, teachers are better equipped to provide experiences and situations that are more likely to lead to effective acquisition of knowledge, concepts and skills. Ways of Learning has been widely used and now, fully updated, it seeks to provide further insight into the ways in which learning takes place, which teachers can make use of in their planning and teaching, including: an overview of learning behaviourism and the beginning of theory cognitive and constructivist learning multiple intelligences and learning styles difficulties with learning the influence of neuropsychology other theories, philosophies and names relating theory to practice. The fourth edition of this book includes developments in areas covered in the preceding editions, as well as expanding on certain topics to bring about a wider perspective; most notably, a new consideration of learning styles and a new chapter detailing important thinkers and writers from the history of education and their continuing influence along with other theories, ideas and thoughts not included in the rest of the book. The book also reflects changes in government policy and is closely related to new developments in practice. Written for trainee teachers, serving teachers and others interested in learning for various reasons, Ways of Learning serves as a valuable introduction for students setting out on higher degree work who are in need of an introduction to the topic.
The distinction between basic interpersonal conversational skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) drew attention to the very different time periods typically required by immigrant children to acquire conversational fluency in the school language as compared to grade-appropriate academic proficiency in that language. The distinction also highlighted the problematic educational consequences of conflating social and academic language. The BICS/CALP distinction was embedded within a broader framework that specified the role of societal power relations in framing both the organization of schooling and teacher-student identity negotiation. It is argued that the distinction is consistent with a wide range of research and has also proven effective in generating positive changes in educational practice and policy in relation to culturally and linguistically diverse students.
This research aims at finding the positive correlation between extroversion personality and students’ argumentative essay writing skill. The objective of this research is to know the correlation between extroversion personality and students’ argumentative essay of sophomore English Department students in University of Kuningan. The population in this research was all sophomore English Department students with total 60 students. A convenience purposive sampling was applied to get the sample students. The samples of this research were 12 extrovert students. From the results of statistical tests to test the correlation between two variables, this research used Pearson product moment. As the result of the calculation, it was found that robserved (0,778) > ttables (0, 532). Then, based on the hypothesis test with two tail test, the result of hypothesis test obtained tobserved (3, 917) > ttables (1, 782). Thus, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and there was a correlation between extroversion personality and students’ argumentative essay writing skill.Keywords: extroversion personality, argumentative essay, writing, Eysenk personality inventory