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An Incremental Learning Approach for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration



Physical Human-Robot Collaboration requires humans and robots to perform joint tasks in a shared workspace. Since robot’s characteristic strengths are to cope well with high payloads, they are utilized to assist human operators during heavy pulling or pushing activities. A widely used sensor to detect human muscle fatigue and thus, to trigger an assistance request, is an Electromyography (EMG). Many previous approaches to process EMG data are based on training Machine Learning models offline or include a large degree of manual fine tuning. However, due to recent advances in Machine Learning such as incremental learning, there is an opportunity to apply online learning which reduces programming effort and also copes well with subject specific characteristics of EMG signals. Initial results show promising potential, yet, unveil a conflict between convergence time and classification accuracy.
An Incremental Learning Approach for Physical
Human-Robot Collaboration
Achim Buerkle
Wolfson School of Engineering
Loughborough University
Loughborough, UK
Ali Al-Yacoub
Wolfson School of Engineering
Loughborough University
Loughborough, UK
Pedro Ferreira
Wolfson School of Engineering
Loughborough University
Loughborough, UK
AbstractPhysical Human-Robot Collaboration requires
humans and robots to perform joint tasks in a shared
workspace. Since robot’s characteristic strengths are to cope
well with high payloads, they are utilized to assist human
operators during heavy pulling or pushing activities. A widely
used sensor to detect human muscle fatigue and thus, to trigger
an assistance request, is an Electromyography (EMG). Many
previous approaches to process EMG data are based on training
Machine Learning models offline or include a large degree of
manual fine tuning. However, due to recent advances in
Machine Learning such as incremental learning, there is an
opportunity to apply online learning which reduces
programming effort and also copes well with subject specific
characteristics of EMG signals. Initial results show promising
potential, yet, unveil a conflict between convergence time and
classification accuracy.
KeywordsEMG, Human-Robot Collaboration, Incremental
Learning, Machine Learning
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) in manufacturing
aims to establish symbiotic or synergetic effects between
human operators and robots [1]. This is enabled by combining
the characteristic strengths of each party. Human strengths are
considered to be adaptability to changes, decision making, and
problem solving [1], [2]. Robot’s strengths, on the other hand,
are high precision, high operating speeds, and the capability
of coping with high payloads [3]. Thus, in a physical
collaboration, robots are able to support human operators via
force amplification to handle heavy pushing and pulling
activities [4]. In order to measure human muscle activity such
as during the lift of heavy objects, a widely used sensor is an
Electromyography (EMG) [5]. The approaches typically
include pre-processing of the data, feature extraction, and a
supervised leaning of the model [5], [6]. However, recent
advances in Machine Learning regarding incremental learning
could allow to minimize the training and programming effort
of such models [7]. Furthermore, the algorithm could optimize
its performance over time in an online system [7]. In this work,
an incremental learning approach is utilized to predict EMG
data during three different states: Participants lifting light
payloads, medium payloads, and heavy payloads (struggling).
In a Human-Robot collaborative scenario, humans and
robots perform joint tasks in a shared workspace [1]. In order
to communicate intentions of the human to the robot, sensors
are utilized such as EMGs [5]. The EMG signals are usually
acquired from a human upper-limb since they are mostly used
in the given tasks [5]. The acquired data can be used to
communicate movement intentions. It can also provide
insights on human muscle fatigue [6]. In this case, a robot
could assist a human operator during a heavy pull or push of
an object or adapt its behavior to create more ergonomic
working conditions for its human co-worker [6], [8]. This is
intended to prevent injuries, as well as long-term health issues
related to physical fatigue [8].
Figure 1 shows the general process used to integrate
EMGs in Human-Robot Collaboration for a supervised, non-
incremental learning approach. The first stage is EMG data
acquisition. Critical attention is required during the selection
of the acquisition device, the number of channels used, as well
as the placement of each channel [5]. The channel acquisition
device also determines the sampling rate and data
transmission [9].
During the pre-processing stage, raw EMG signals are
checked for baseline offset [5]. Typically, the signal is
corrected by subtracting the average amplitude from each
instance, however, there are also approaches based on
nonlinear error-modelling [5], [6]. Raw EMG signals are
susceptible to contain noise. Thus, Butterworth filters with a
cut off frequency from 2Hz-20Hz are utilized [5]. The
remaining features are extracted in the Feature selection and
extraction stage. This is critical during EMG data processing
since it has a high impact on the classification accuracy [9].
Three properties are considered as essential: class separability
(minimize overlap), robustness (separability in noisy
environment), and computational complexity (low complexity
of features implies lower processing times) [5], [9].
The fourth stage is continuous classification of the filtered
and extracted signals. There are mainly two types of
prediction models. One is the use of kinematic models, the
second approach is to utilize Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs) [5]. However, [9] states that Linear Discriminant
Analyses (LDA) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are
also widely used for EMG data classification. According to
[5] there are few critical challenges remaining. Firstly, many
Figure 1 EMG Signal Processing for HRC (adapted) [5]
3rd UK-RAS Conference for PhD Students & Early Career Researchers, Hosted virtually by University of Lincoln, April 2020
offline systems obtain high classification accuracies, yet the
online performances of such systems are far from satisfactory.
Secondly, there are subject-specific characteristics of EMG
signals. This can even include variation of the EMG signals
for the same person during different recording sessions. An
opportunity to increase the performance and to lower
programming and fine-tuning effort could be incremental
learning. Incremental learning algorithms have the following
characteristics: ability of life-long learning, ability to
incrementally tune the model’s performance, and no prior
knowledge about the data and its properties is needed [7].
The experimental setup aims to collect EMG data during
three different stages: light payload, medium payload, and
high payload, during which a participant is slightly struggling.
The acquired data will be fed into the classifier unlabeled.
However, in order to validate the prediction results, predicted
classes and the actual classification will be compared.
The collected data was used to train an Online Random
Forest (ORF) model, that aims to classify the EMG signals
into low payload, medium payload, and heavy payload. In any
incremental learning approach, the most crucial property apart
from accuracy is the convergence time. Since the model aims
to minimize the prediction error live and immediately. In
Human-Robot Collaboration, this is exceptionally important
as humans and robots are physically interacting. Hence, in this
validation experiment convergence time of the ORF model
was measured with a different number of trees, which is
illustrated in Figure 3.
As, expected, Figure 3 shows that the convergence time is
directly proportional to the number of trees in the ORF model.
The correspondent accuracy of the models in Figure 3 is
shown in Table 1. The collected data for this experiment is
~6000 data points of EMG signals and the associated labels.
Based on Figure 3 and Table 1, it can be noticed that the model
must achieve a trade-off between accuracy and convergence
time. The ORF model with 20 trees seems to be the most
suitable model since it can converge in less than 2 seconds,
and it achieves the highest detection accuracy.
Table 1 Number of Trees vs Prediction Accuracy
A novel incremental learning approach was introduced to
determine physical workload from EMG data in Human-
Robot Collaboration. During the online training, a conflict
became clear between processing speed and accuracy. Lesser
trees in the model meant faster convergence, however, it also
resulted in the aforementioned lower accuracy. Overall, the
accuracy could reach 89% in only two seconds. Thus, in a
Human-Robot Collaborative Scenario this would allow the
system to recognize a human operator struggling with the
payload. The collaborative robot could then support the
operator and subsequently, create a more ergonomic
environment. However, prior to this technology being ready
to be used in a practical application, further testing is essential.
This includes the need for a larger sample size in participants
and a richer variety in lifting tasks. The current setup allows
to detect muscle contraction in participant’s forearms and
biceps. Yet, more EMG sensors placed on other muscle
groups such as triceps and shoulders are expected to provide
better results for predicting pushing activities. Furthermore,
the system could be trained to not only detect temporary high
payloads but also to recognize muscular fatigue during
endurance tasks. This could help to improve human operator’s
posture and subsequently prevent negative long-term health
Nevertheless, early results of this incremental learning
approach demonstrate a reduced manual fine-tuning effort and
it coping well with subject specific characteristics in the data.
This offers the potential to be applied for additional human
sensor technologies and subsequent data classifications.
Ultimately, this could help to make Human-Robot
Collaboration safer and more efficient.
Number of
Square Error
Figure 2 Experimental Setup
Figure 3 ORF convergence time
3rd UK-RAS Conference for PhD Students & Early Career Researchers, Hosted virtually by University of Lincoln, April 2020
[1] L. Wang et al., “Symbiotic human-robot
collaborative assembly,” CIRP Ann., 2019.
[2] V. Villani, F. Pini, F. Leali, and C. Secchi, “Survey
on human-robot collaboration in industrial settings:
Safety, intuitive interfaces and applications,”
Mechatronics, no. June 2017, pp. 119, 2018.
[3] J. Krüger, T. K. Lien, and A. Verl, “Cooperation of
human and machines in assembly lines,” CIRP Ann.
- Manuf. Technol., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 628646, 2009.
[4] J. Schmidtler and K. Bengler, “Fast or Accurate?
Performance Measurements for Physical Human-
robot Collaborations,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 3, no.
Ahfe, pp. 13871394, 2015.
[5] L. Bi, A. Feleke, and C. Guan, “A review on EMG-
based motor intention prediction of continuous
human upper limb motion for human-robot
collaboration,” Biomed. Signal Process. Control, vol.
51, pp. 113127, 2019.
[6] L. Peternel, C. Fang, N. Tsagarakis, and A. Ajoudani,
“A selective muscle fatigue management approach to
ergonomic human-robot co-manipulation,” Robot.
Comput. Integr. Manuf., vol. 58, no. January, pp. 69
79, 2019.
[7] A. Bouchachia, B. Gabrys, and Z. Sahel, “Overview
of some incremental learning algorithms,” IEEE Int.
Conf. Fuzzy Syst., no. August, 2007.
[8] L. Peternel, N. Tsagarakis, D. Caldwell, and A.
Ajoudani, “Robot adaptation to human physical
fatigue in humanrobot co-manipulation,” Auton.
Robots, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 10111021, 2018.
[9] M. Hakonen, H. Piitulainen, and A. Visala, “Current
state of digital signal processing in myoelectric
interfaces and related applications,” Biomed. Signal
Process. Control, vol. 18, pp. 334359, 2015.
3rd UK-RAS Conference for PhD Students & Early Career Researchers, Hosted virtually by University of Lincoln, April 2020
... Yet, there are approaches, such as to apply Electromyography (EMG) sensors to detect an operator's physical fatigue in HRC. In that case, a robot could assist to reduce the payload and the subsequent stress on human joints [21], [22]. This is intended to prevent injuries, as well as long-term health issues related to physical fatigue [21]. ...
... Moreover, it offers the ability of life-long learning, which allows to further tune the model's structure and performance over time. Thus, it allows to adapt to subject-speci c characteristics within human sensory data [22], [47]. In addition, no prior knowledge about the number of classes or instances is required, which allows to drastically lower the manual programming efforts [47]. ...
... There are, however, disadvantages to Incremental Learning such as the plasticity-stability dilemma, which implies the model has to obtain new knowledge, while at the same time, it must not forget previous knowledge. Moreover, the more complex a model becomes, the longer it will take to perform the learning and classi cation operations [22], [47]. Subsequently, these issues need to be taken into account, when applying Incremental Learning for human sensory data. ...
Full-text available
Manufacturing challenges are increasing the demands for more agile and dexterous means of production. At the same time, these systems aim to maintain or even increase productivity. The challenges risen from these developments can be tackled through Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). HRC requires effective task distribution according to each parties’ distinctive strengths, which is envisioned to generate synergetic effects. To enable a seamless collaboration, the human and robot require a mutual awareness, which is challenging, due to the human and robot “speaking” different languages as in analogue and digital. Thus, this challenge can be addressed by equipping the robot with a model of the human. Despite a range of models being available, data-driven models of the human are still at an early stage. This paper proposes an adaptive human sensor framework, which incorporates objective, subjective, and physiological metrics, as well as associated Machine Learning. Thus, it is envisioned to adapt to the uniqueness and dynamic nature of human behavior. To test the framework, a validation experiment was performed, including 18 participants, which aims to predict Perceived Workload during two scenarios, namely a manual and an HRC assembly task. Perceived Workloads are described to have a substantial impact on a human operator’s task performance. Throughout the experiment physiological data from an electroencephalogram (EEG), an electrocardiogram (ECG), and respiration sensor was collected and interpreted. For subjective metrics, the standardized NASA Task Load Index was used. Objective metrics included task completion time and number of errors/assistance requests. Overall, the framework revealed a promising potential towards an adaptive behavior, which is ultimately envisioned to enable a more effective HRC.
... Posture detection for fatigue [139] Random Forest Assembly pickup Overall Accuracy over 85% achieved [143] The Overloading Joint Torque ...
... Additionally, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have gained research interest in HRC. In one approach, a BCI was utilised for communicating human movement intentions to a robot [36]. A DNN was deployed to process electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, which allowed for measuring and classifying human upper-limb movements up to 0.5 s prior to the actual movements. ...
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With collaborative robots and the recent developments in manufacturing technologies, physical interactions between humans and robots represent a vital role in performing collaborative tasks. Most previous studies have focused on robot motion planning and control during the execution of the task. However, further research is required for direct physical contact for human-robot or robot-robot interactions, such as co-manipulation. In co-manipulation, a human operator manipulates a shared load with a robot through a semi-structured environment. In such scenarios, a multi-contact point with the environment during the task execution results in a convoluted force/toque signature that is difficult to interpret. Therefore, in this paper, a muscle activity sensor in the form of an electromyograph (EMG) is employed to improve the mapping between force/torque and displacements in co-manipulation tasks. A suitable mapping was identified by comparing the root mean square error amongst data-driven models, mathematical models, and hybrid models. Thus, a robot was shown to effectively and naturally perform the required co-manipulation with a human. This paper’s proposed hypotheses were validated using an unseen test dataset and a simulated co-manipulation experiment, which showed that the EMG and data-driven model improved the mapping of the force/torque features into displacements.
... Keynote speaker Ingmar Posner (Oxford) will discuss Robots Thinking Fast and Slow. The oral presentation topics are Enhancing Unsupervised Natural Language Grounding through Explicit Teaching [1], Enhancing Unsupervised Natural Language Grounding through Explicit Teaching [2], An incremental learning approach for physical Human-Robot Collaboration [3], Plastic 'personalities' for effective field swarm [4], and Reliability-Aware Multi-UAV Coverage Path Planning Using Integer Linear Programming [5]. ...
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In human-robot collaborative assembly, robots are often required to dynamically change their pre-planned tasks to collaborate with human operators in a shared workspace. However, the robots used today are controlled by pre-generated rigid codes that cannot support effective human-robot collaboration. In response to this need, multi-modal yet symbiotic communication and control methods have been a focus in recent years. These methods include voice processing, gesture recognition, haptic interaction, and brainwave perception. Deep learning is used for classification, recognition and context awareness identification. Within this context, this keynote provides an overview of symbiotic human-robot collaborative assembly and highlights future research directions.
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In this paper, we propose a novel method for human–robot collaboration, where the robot physical behaviour is adapted online to the human motor fatigue. The robot starts as a follower and imitates the human. As the collaborative task is performed under the human lead, the robot gradually learns the parameters and trajectories related to the task execution. In the meantime, the robot monitors the human fatigue during the task production. When a predefined level of fatigue is indicated, the robot uses the learnt skill to take over physically demanding aspects of the task and lets the human recover some of the strength. The human remains present to perform aspects of collaborative task that the robot cannot fully take over and maintains the overall supervision. The robot adaptation system is based on the Dynamical Movement Primitives, Locally Weighted Regression and Adaptive Frequency Oscillators. The estimation of the human motor fatigue is carried out using a proposed online model, which is based on the human muscle activity measured by the electromyography. We demonstrate the proposed approach with experiments on real-world co-manipulation tasks: material sawing and surface polishing.
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This review discusses the critical issues and recommended practices from the perspective of myoelectric interfaces. The major benefits and challenges of myoelectric interfaces are evaluated. The article aims to fill gaps left by previous reviews and identify avenues for future research. Recommendations are given, for example, for electrode placement, sampling rate, segmentation, and classifiers. Four groups of applications where myoelectric interfaces have been adopted are identified: assistive technology, rehabilitation technology, input devices, and silent speech interfaces. The state-of-the-art applications in each of these groups are presented.
In this paper, we propose a method for selective monitoring and management of human muscle fatigue in human-robot co-manipulation scenarios. The proposed approach uses a machine learning technique to learn the complex relationship between individual human muscle forces, arm configuration and arm endpoint force that are provided by a sophisticated offline musculoskeletal model. The estimated muscle forces are used in the fatigue model to estimate the individual muscle fatigue levels online. Two fatigue management protocols are proposed that enable the robot to handle and reduce the human fatigue by altering the configuration of task execution. The first protocol uses optimisation technique to find the optimal position for task execution, where the fatigue-related endurance time can be maximised. The second protocol divides the arm muscles into groups and then alters the direction of endpoint force so that the fatigued muscle group can relax and the relaxed muscle group becomes active. The proposed method has a potential to enable the robot to facilitate safer and more ergonomic working conditions for the human coworker. The main advantage of this approach is that it can operate online, and that all the measurements can be performed by the robot sensory system, which can significantly increase the applicability in real world scenarios. To validate the proposed method, we performed multiple experiments with two collaborative tasks (polishing and drilling) under different conditions.
Easy-to-use collaborative robotics solutions, where human workers and robots share their skills, are entering the market, thus becoming the new frontier in industrial robotics. They allow to combine the advantages of robots, which enjoy high levels of accuracy, speed and repeatability, with the flexibility and cognitive skills of human workers. However, to achieve an efficient human-robot collaboration, several challenges need to be tackled. First, a safe interaction must be guaranteed to prevent harming humans having a direct contact with the moving robot. Additionally, to take full advantage of human skills, it is important that intuitive user interfaces are properly designed, so that human operators can easily program and interact with the robot. In this survey paper, an extensive review on human-robot collaboration in industrial environment is provided, with specific focus on issues related to physical and cognitive interaction. The commercially available solutions are also presented and the main industrial applications where collaborative robotic is advantageous are discussed, highlighting how collaborative solutions are intended to improve the efficiency of the system and which the open issue are.
Flexibility and changeability of assembly processes require a close cooperation between the worker and the automated assembly system. The interaction between human and robots improves the efficiency of individual complex assembly processes, particularly when a robot serves as an intelligent assistant. The paper gives a survey about forms of human–machine cooperation in assembly and available technologies that support the cooperation. Organizational and economic aspects of cooperative assembly including efficient component supply and logistics are also discussed.
Fast or Accurate? -Performance Measurements for Physical Humanrobot Collaborations
  • J Schmidtler
  • K Bengler
J. Schmidtler and K. Bengler, "Fast or Accurate? -Performance Measurements for Physical Humanrobot Collaborations," Procedia Manuf., vol. 3, no. Ahfe, pp. 1387-1394, 2015.
Overview of some incremental learning algorithms
  • A Bouchachia
  • B Gabrys
  • Z Sahel
A. Bouchachia, B. Gabrys, and Z. Sahel, "Overview of some incremental learning algorithms," IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Syst., no. August, 2007.
Conference for PhD Students & Early Career Researchers
  • Uk-Ras
UK-RAS Conference for PhD Students & Early Career Researchers, Hosted virtually by University of Lincoln, April 2020