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Resting heart rate variability as a possible marker of cognitive decline


Abstract and Figures

Cognition is a major subject to be addressed nowadays due to the increasing number of cognitively affected people in most societies. Because of a lack of pharmaceutical therapies treating cognitive decline, its indicators should be diagnosed before it becomes prevalent. Scientific evidence indicates a relationship between cognition and the nervous system, especially its autonomic part. Heart rate variability (HRV) as an indicator of the autonomic nervous system functioning has been studied as a biological marker for the evaluation of cognitive performance. Therefore, HRV is a possible indicator of cognitive impairment. The aim was to provide a systematic literature review about the association between resting HRV and the cognitive performance. Five cognitive functions were analysed separately: executive functions, memory and learning, language abilities, visuospatial functioning, and processing speed. Furthermore, the global cognitive function evaluated with cognitive test batteries was considered too. An electronic database search was conducted with five databases. Three search fields comprised HRV, cognitive performance, and adult subjects. The final dataset consisted of 27 articles. Significant correlations in each cognitive function were found, except for processing speed, suggesting a positive association between resting HRV and cognitive performance. Mechanisms underlying this association between cardiovascular health and cognition are discussed. For the future, HRV could be used in diagnostics as an indicator of cognitive impairment before symptoms of dementia get apparent. With a timely diagnosis, preventative tools could be initiated at an early stage of dementia.
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Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
Bernhard Grässler1, Anita Hökelmann1, and Richard Halti Cabral2
1Department of Sport Science, Ott-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
2Tiradentes University, Aracaju, Brazil
DOI: 10.26582/k.52.1.9
Cognition is a major subject to be addressed nowadays due to the increasing number of cognitively
affected people in most societies. Because of a lack of pharmaceutical therapies treating cognitive decline,
its indicators should be diagnosed before it becomes prevalent. Scientific evidence indicates a relationship
between cognition and the nervous system, especially its autonomic part. Heart rate variability (HRV)
as an indicator of the autonomic nervous system functioning has been studied as a biological marker for
the evaluation of cognitive performance. Therefore, HRV is a possible indicator of cognitive impairment.
The aim was to provide a systematic literature review about the association between resting HRV and the
cognitive performance. Five cognitive functions were analysed separately: executive functions, memory
and learning, language abilities, visuospatial functioning, and processing speed. Furthermore, the global
cognitive function evaluated with cognitive test batteries was considered too. An electronic database search
was conducted with five databases. Three search fields comprised HRV, cognitive performance, and adult
subjects. The final dataset consisted of 27 articles. Significant correlations in each cognitive function were
found, except for processing speed, suggesting a positive association between resting HRV and cognitive
performance. Mechanisms underlying this association between cardiovascular health and cognition are
discussed. For the future, HRV could be used in diagnostics as an indicator of cognitive impairment before
symptoms of dementia get apparent. With a timely diagnosis, preventative tools could be initiated at an early
stage of dementia.
Key words: autonomic nervous system, cognition, dementia diagnosis
Cognition is a prerequisite to participate
successfully in social and everyday life. In fact,
cognitive functions usually decrease in late life
(Bugg, DeLosh, Davalos, & Davis, 2007; Wild-
Wall, Falkenstein, & Gajewski, 2011) and a very
strong decline leads to dementia in older age. One
of the biggest health problems in our future is the
increasing number of elderly people and concordant
increasing number of people with dementia. Medical
care of the population is based on early diagnosis,
treatment of reversible conditions in an attempt to
restore any mental function but, in many cases, it is
just a palliative care. So far, neither medications nor
drastic interventions can heal or prevent diseases
like dementia; except for some evidence pointing
out to physical activity (Blondell, Hammersley-
Mather, & Veerman, 2014). Then, prevention may
be a better option.
The heart rate variability (HRV) describes
the beat-to-beat variation of RR-intervals. It is a
common diagnostic tool to assess the cardiac auto-
nomic system and it has been used as a biolog-
ical indicator for recognizing emotions (Quintana,
Guastella, Outhred, Hickie, & Kemp, 2012). In
some other clinical situations, including diabetic
neuropathy and congestive heart failure, HRV is
used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool as well (Stein
& Kleiger, 1999; Sztajel, 2004). Beside genetic
factors (Singh, Larson, O’Donnell, Tsuji, Evans,
& Levy, 2001), the environment (Togo & Taka-
hashi, 2009), lifestyle (Valentini & Parati, 2009),
neuropsychological factors (Fatisson, Oswald, &
Lalonde, 2016), and age exert inuences on HRV
(Almeida-Santos, et al., 2016; Jandackova, Scholes,
Britton, & Steptoe, 2016). Regular physical exercise
has positive eects on HRV and can even attenuate
the age-induced decline (Hottenrott, Lauenroth, &
Schwesig, 2004; Melo, et al., 2005). In the context
of professional sports training, HRV is a popular
diagnostic tool to prevent overtraining (Makivić,
Nikić, & Willis, 2013).
In general, a high variation in heart rate reects
a good state of health. McCraty and Shaer (2015)
Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER... Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84
stated that “too little variation indicates age-related
system depletion, chronic stress, pathology, or
inadequate functioning in various levels of self-
regulatory control systems” but too much varia-
tion indicates “arrhythmias and nervous system
chaos [which] is detrimental to ecient physio-
logical functioning and energy utilization” (Stein,
Domitrovich, Hui, Rautaharju, & Gottdiene, 2005).
The heart-beat variations are the result of a
complex interaction between sympathetic and para-
sympathetic activity (Billman, 2011). Sympathetic
activity leads to a reduction of time between heart
beats and energy mobilization, whereas parasym-
pathetic activity has the opposite eect and is asso-
ciated with vegetative and restorative functions.
An optimal HRV reects a balanced state of the
autonomic nervous system (Thayer, Yamamoto,
& Brosschot, 2010). The Neurovisceral Integra-
tion Model appears to be an important framework
for understanding the mechanism underlying the
association between HRV and cognition (Kemp,
Koenig, & Thayer, 2017). According to that model,
neural structures responsible for aective, cogni-
tive, and physiological regulation are associated
with vagally mediated cardiac function, indexed
by HRV (Thayer, Hansen, Saus-Rose, & Johnsen,
2009). Especially the prefrontal cortex is associ-
ated, through its connection with the amygdala,
with the cardiovascular system (Thayer & Lane,
2009). Vagally mediated HRV is supposed to be
linked with “a set of neural structures that have
been implicated in cognitive, especially executive,
function” (Thayer, et al., 2009). Therefore, a greater
vagally mediated HRV reects a good prefrontal
neural function, leading to better executive func-
A lot of dierent methods to measure the HRV
exist (Shaer, McCraty, & Zerr, 2014). Due to
the supposed relationship between vagally medi-
ated HRV and cognitive performance, the param-
eters HF (power in high frequency range, 0.15–0.4
Hz), HF nu (HF power in normalized units: HF
/ [Total Power – very low frequency] * 100) and
RMSSD (root mean square of successive dierences
between normal heart beats; in ms) are considered
in this review (Shaer, et al., 2014; Thayer, Åhs,
Fredrikson, Sollers III, & Wager, 2012). HF is also
called respiratory band because it corresponds to
the respiratory cycle. Changes in heart rate elicited
through respiration are known as respiratory sinus
arrhythmia (Shaer, et al., 2014). Parasympathetic
inuences on the heart rate are prevalent over all
possible frequency ranges but sympathetic inu-
ences are prevalent only up to 0.15Hz (Thayer, et
al., 2012). Therefore, the power in low frequency
range (LF, 0.04–0.15 Hz) cannot clearly be ascribed
to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic system
and were not considered in this review (Billman,
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an increasing
problem for the health care system. Markers that
diagnose AD in preclinical stages are necessary to
initiate prevention at an early stage. Beside cogni-
tive performance tests, HRV could be such a diag-
nostic marker because of the previously mentioned
connections between cognition and heart rate regu-
lation. Although the knowledge of this connection
has existed for over 150 years (Thayer & Lane,
2009), research about the association between HRV
and cognitive performance only arose about 15 years
ago. For using HRV as a marker for mental health, a
relationship with the cognitive performance must be
conrmed. Thus, the aim of this review is to provide
an overview of the existing literature considering
the relationship between resting HRV and cogni-
tive performance.
Search strategy
A search request, consisting of three search
elds, was implemented to identify all relevant
studies. The search elds were connected with
AND. The terms within the elds were connected
with OR. This procedure guaranteed that at least
one term in each eld was found by the databases
search engines. The rst search eld comprised
terms relating to HRV. The second eld comprised
terms relating to cognition. The last eld specied
the subjects’ age characteristic to exclude studies
with infants or children. This reviewfollowed the
guidelines for writing systematic reviews (Moher,
Liberati, Tetzla, & Altman, 2009).
Search string
Search string: “heart rate variability“ OR
“HRV” OR “heart rate variance“ OR “cycle length
variability” OR “RR variability” OR “heart period
variability” OR “beat-to-beat variation” OR “beat-
to-beat variability” OR “cardiovascular uctuation”
OR “cardiovascular uctuations” OR “heart rate
oscillation” OR “heart rate oscillations”
“cognition OR “cognitive performance” OR
“cognitive function” OR “cognitive functions” OR
“memory” OR “executive function” OR “execu-
tive functioning“ OR “executive functions” OR
“cognitive state” OR “cognitive impairment” OR
“dementia” OR “Alzheimer” OR “cognitive neuro-
degeneration” OR “cognitive processing” OR
“cognitive process” OR “cognitive processes”
“senior” OR “seniors” OR “elderly” OR “adult”
Search process
The search process was undertaken with elec-
tronic databases on August 18, 2017. Five databases
Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
were searched (Scopus, Pubmed, Web of Science,
Cochrane Library, Medline). In Scopus, the search
was limited to the categories title, abstract and
keywords. Articles were considered as a possible
document type and journal as a source type. Title
and abstract were used in Pubmed. In the Cochrane
Library, the search was undertaken in the catego-
ries title, abstract, and keyword, and was limited to
trials. No restrictions were possible in Medline and
Web of Science. All articles were downloaded in
the citation manager Citavi 5 and duplicates were
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
We considered all age groups except infants
and children. Studies with animals were excluded
as well. Articles published before 1980 were not
considered for this review. Further inclusion criteria
for eligible articles were the following:
Measurement of HRV in resting state (short- or
long-term) but not during tasks
Conduction and presentation of the results of at
least one cognitive task or comparison between
groups with divergent cognitive states
Correlation analysis between HRV and cogni-
tion or comparison between groups with
different HRV levels
Written in English language
Full-text available
Studies that did not include depressive and/or
anxiety patients, or patients with psychiatric
No drug trials
Intervention studies if HRV was measured pre-
and post-intervention and compared with cogni-
tive performance
Duplicates with the same study sample were
used only once
Only published original articles were consid-
ered, meaning we did not consider conference
papers, reviews, letters, articles in press and
No beta blockers users nor persons with conges-
tive heart failure, myocardial infarction, or
cardiac arrhythmias.
All studies, 220 of them, that did not meet these
criteria were removed and excluded from further
analysis because they did not full the above
described criteria for eligibility. The cognitive tasks
were classied into the following cognitive func-
tions, based on a report of Levy (1994):
Executive functions
Memory and learning
Language ability
Visuospatial functioning
Processing speed
Global cognitive function.
This classication should ensure a presentation
of a broad spectrum of dierent cognitive abili-
ties. The global cognitive function was used as an
additional category because some studies presented
only the total score of a cognitive test battery (e.g.:
MMSE) without dierentiating between particular
cognitive functions. There are only a few cogni-
tive tasks measuring one specic cognitive func-
tion. Therefore, we assigned the cognitive tasks
to the function that was suggested as the primary
cognitive function by the study authors. If no
specic function was mentioned, or the task was
not described, we looked in the references of the
article and assigned it according to these references.
Data extraction
After reading the abstracts and method sections
of the 493 identied articles, 220 articles that did
not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded and
the full texts of the relevant articles were examined.
The cognitive tasks were then classied according
to their evaluated cognitive function. Figure 1
describes the search process. The ve databases
revealed 948 articles. After removing duplicates,
493 remained. Twenty-seven studies met the inclu-
sion criteria and were described in the tables with
the following data: rst author, year of publication,
characteristics of study sample (number of subjects,
mean age or age range with standard deviation,
if available, and state of health), measured HRV
parameters, cognitive tasks, and results.
Figure 1. Flow chart of the screening process (n=number of articles)
Records identified through database searching
Scopus: n=447
Cochrane Library: n=192
Web of Science: n=149
Medline: n=28
Pubmed: n=28
Records after duplicates removed:
Eligible full-text articles included for review:
Assessment for eligibility:
Excluded records: 220
Figure 1. Flow chart of the screening process (n=number of
Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER... Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84
Executive functions
Table 1 summarizes all studies using executive
function tasks. A typical executive task is the task
Stroop. Positive correlations were found with HF
(Hovland, et al., 2012; Jennings, Allen, Gianaros,
Thayer, & Manuck, 2015), but two other studies
found no association with HF (Mathewson, et al.,
2010; Nonogaki, Umegaki, Makino, Suzuki, &
Kuzuya, 2017). Stenfors, Hanson, Theorell, and
Osika (2016) showed that the association with
RMSSD and HF diminished after considering age
and sex. Albinet, Abou-Dest, André, and Audiren
(2016) found no association with RMSSD and HF.
The study samples comprised young and healthy but
also elderly subjects and patients with AD. There-
fore, positive relations cannot be limited to specic
groups of people.
Two-back is another important executive task.
Three studies showed signicant associations with
HF and RMSSD (Hansen, Johnsen, & Thayer,
2003; Hansen, Johnsen, Sollers III, Stenvik, &
Thayer, 2004; Hansen, Johnsen, & Thayer, 2009),
but Albinet et al. (2016) and Stenfors et al. (2016) did
not nd any correlations for the same parameters.
WCST (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) is a further
popular executive task. Two studies found positive
correlations: Albinet, Boucard, Bouquet, and Audif-
fren (2010) for RMSSD and HF, and Hovland et al.
(2012) for HF. In the Trail-Making-Test B, positive
associations (Kemp, et al., 2016) and no associa-
tions (Jennings, et al., 2015; Nicolini, et al., 2014;
Stenfors, et al., 2016) with HF were found. Positive
correlations were found for the CPT (Continuous
Performance Test) with HF and RMSSD (Hansen,
et al., 2003, 2004, 2009). A Psychomotor Vigilance
Task showed better results in a group with higher
RMSSD (Luque-Casado, Zabala, Morales, Mateo-
March, & Sanabria, 2013). HF and RMSSD were
positively associated with better results in a Flanker
Test (Williams, Thayer, & Koenig, 2016). However,
another version of the Flanker Test was not associ-
ated with HF (Alderman & Olson, 2014). No rela-
tionships were detected in some other familiar tasks
testing executive functions, e.g.: Raven Colored
Progressive Matrices (Incalzi, et al., 2009; Nicolini,
et al., 2014), d2 (Duschek, Muckenthaler, Werner,
& Reyes del Paso, 2009), Hayling-Test (Albinet,
et al., 2016) and Alice-Heim 4-I (Britton, Singh-
Manoux, Hnatkova, Malik, Marmot, & Shipley,
2008). Finally, Yang, Tsai, Hong, Yang, Hsieh, and
Liu (2008) detected positive relationships between
RMSSD and results of the CASI (Cognitive Abil-
ities Screening Instrument). Some other studies
showed no correlations between HRV parameters
and executive functions (Frewen, Finucane, Savva,
Boyle, Coen, & Kenny, 2013; Giuliano, Gatzke-
Kopp, Roos, & Skowron, 2017; Kimhy, et al., 2013).
Table 1. HRV parameters and executive functions
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Albinet et al. 2010 24/70.7±4.2; sedentary RMSSD, HF WCST
Albinet et al. 2016 36/60 -75; sedentary RMSSD, HF Stroop
RMSSD, HF Random Number Generation-Test
Ha yli ng -Te st
Spatial Running Span-Test
Verbal Running Span-Test
Alderman &
2014 56/18-25; healthy HF Eriksen Flanker-Test
Britton et al. 2008 5375/55.5 (men), 55.8
(wo men)
HF Alice-Heim 4-I
Duschek et al. 2009 60/24.5±3.7; healthy HF d2
Frewen et al. 2013 4763/61.7±8.3; healthy HF MOCA
Giuliano et al. 2017 42 women/30.42±6.54;
HF visual change detect test
Hansen et al. 2004 37 men/19.1; healthy HF CPT: executive functions
Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Hansen et al. 2003 53 men/23; healthy RMSSD CPT: executive functions
Hansen et al. 2009 65/23.1; healthy HF CPT: executive functions
HF 2-back
Hovland et al. 2012 36/18-50; panic
Incalzi et al. 2009 5 4 /69 .1 ±7. 7; COP D HF nu Raven Coloured Progressive
Jennings et al. 2015 440/43±7.3; healthy HF Stroop
Trail-Making Test B
Kemp et al. 2016 8114/51.17±8 .81; he althy RMSSD, HF Trail-Making Test B
Kimhy et al. 2013 8 17/ 57.11±11.15; h eal thy HF Digits backward span
Category fluency
Number series
et al.
2013 26 men/19.5; fit & unfit
RMSSD Psychomotor vigilance task
RMSSD Temporal orienting task
RMSSD Duration discrimination task
Mathewson et
2010 76/30.6; healthy HF Pictorial Stroop
Nicolini et al. 2014 80/78.6; 40 MCI, 40 CG HF nu digit cancellation and bell test
digit span backward
Trail-Making Test B
Weigl’s colour-form sorting test
Raven’s coloured progressive
Letter fluency
Nonogaki et al. 2017 78/77.1±6.2; AD HF Category fluency test
Letter fluency test
Wechsler: digit symbol subtest
Clock drawing test
Stenfors et al. 2016 119/47.98±10.4 9; 25 -66;
RMSSD, HF 2-back
Trail-Making Test B
RMSSD, HF Letter Digit Substitution Task
Williams et al. 2016 104/19.25±1.43 healthy HF, RMSSD Modified flanker test
Yang et al. 2008 63 men/78.3±3.9;
Note. AD – Alzheimer’s disease; CASI – Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument; COPD – hypoxemic chronic obstructive pulmonar y
disease; CPT – continuous per formance test; DGT-BACK – digit span raw score; CG – control group; DIGVIG – digit vigilance; HF
– power in high frequency range; MCI – mild cognitive impaired; MOCA – Montreal Cognitive Assessment; nu – normalized units;
RMSSD – root of the mean square of the differences of successive intervals; SD – standard deviation; SGST – Stop & Go Switch Task;
SP-BACK – spatial span backward raw sc ore; WCST – Wisc onsin card sorting test; WMS – Wechsler Memory Scale. ↑: significant
positive correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER... Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84
Memory and learning
Memory and learning seem hardly related to
HRV parameters (Table 2). There are some studies
that found no connections (Britton, et al., 2008;
Incalzi, et al., 2009; Jennings, et al., 2015; Nicolini,
et al., 2014; Stenfors, et al., 2016). Only one study
detected correlations: Nonogaki et al. (2017) showed
that the Wechsler Memory Tasks were related to HF.
There was a trend for HF in the verbal SRT (Selec-
tive Reminding Test) (Shah, et al., 2011).
Language ability
Language abilities were assessed in four studies
(Table 3). Two of them showed no correlations
(Britton, et al., 2008; Incalzi, et al., 2009). In the
study by Britton et al. (2008), HF of 5375 subjects
with a mean age of 55 years was measured. The
study of Incalzi et al. (2009) measured patients with
hypoxemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) and used two language tasks. Frequency-
domain parameters did not correlate with task
performance. But the language part of two cognitive
test batteries showed correlations with HF: MOCA
(Montreal Cognitive Assessment) (Frewen, et al.,
2013) and CASI (Yang, et al., 2008). In both studies,
healthy elderly people were tested.
Visuospatial functioning
The relationship between HRV and visuospatial
functioning was investigated in three studies (Table
4). Frewen et al. (2013) found no association in 4763
healthy elderly subjects. Nicolini et al. (2014) found
no correlation either. Here, healthy elderly people
and subjects with MCI (mild cognitive impairment)
were investigated. On the other hand, Incalzi et al.
(2009) found a connection with frequency-domain
Table 2. HRV parameters and memory and learning
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Britton et al. 2008 5375/55.5 (men), 55.8
(wo men)
HF 20-word free recall test
Incalzi et al. 2009 5 4 /69 .1 ±7. 7; COP D HF nu Rey auditory 15-word learning test
Immediate visual memory
Jennings et al. 2015 440/43±7.3; healthy HF 4WRD-STM
Nicolini et al. 2014 80/78.6; 40 MCI, 40 CG HF nu Digit Span Forward
Nonogaki et al. 2017 78/77.1±6.2; AD HF Wechsler Memory
Shah et al. 20 11 416 men twins/55.1±2.9 HF SRT
Visual SRT
Stenfors et al. 2016 119/47.98±10.4 9; 25 -66;
RMSSD, HF Reading Span Task
Note. 4WRD-STM – Four-Word Memory Test; CASI – Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument; CG – control group; COPD – hypoxemic
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HF – power in high frequency range; MCI – mild cognitive impaired; nu – normalized units;
RMSSD – root of the mean square of the differences of successive inter vals; SRT – Verbal Selective Reminding Test. ↑: significant
positive correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Table 3. HRV parameters and language ability
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Britton et al. 2008 5375/55.5 (men), 55.8
(women); healthy
HF Mill Hill Vocabulary Test
Phonemic fluency
Semantic fluency
Frewen et al. 2013 4763/61,7±8.3; healthy HF MOCA
Incalzi et al. 2009 5 4 /69 .1 ±7. 7; COP D HF nu Verbal fluency test
Sentence construction
Yang et al. 2008 63 men/78.3±3.9;
Note. CASI – Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument; COPD – hypoxemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HF – power in
high frequency range; MOCA – Montreal Cognitive Assessment; nu – normalized units; SD – standard deviation. ↑: significant positive
correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
HRV. Regarding visuospatial functioning, there are
too little studies to make any conclusions.
Processing speed
Six studies investigating the relationship
between processing speed and HRV (Table 5) were
identied. In none of them signicant correlations
between vagally mediated HRV and processing
speed were detected. Specically, there was no
correlation with the non-executive part of CPT
(Hansen, et al., 2003, 2004, 2009), Trail-Making
Test A (Nicolini, et al., 2014; Stenfors, et al., 2016),
and backward counting (Kimhy, et al., 2013).
Global cognitive functioning
Some authors did not dierentiate between
single cognitive functions but used general cogni-
tive tests or presented only the total score of a cogni-
tive test battery (Table 6). The MMSE (Mini Mental
Status Examination) is one of the most widespread
cognitive test batteries. One study showed positive
associations between the total score of MMSE and
RMSSD (Kim, et al., 2006). Associations with the
frequency-domain parameters were found in the
same study and a non-signicant trend in the study
by Mellingsæter, Wyller, Ranho, Bogdanovic, and
Wyller (2015), but not in the study by Allan et al.
Table 4. HRV parameters and visuospatial functioning
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Frewen et al. 2013 4763/61,7±8.3; healthy HF MOCA
Incalzi et al. 2009 5 4 /69 .1 ±7. 7; COP D HF nu CDL
Nicolini et al. 2014 80/78.6; 40 MCI, 40 CG HF nu Rey-Osterrieth complex figure-
delayed recall
Note. CDL – copying of drawing landmarks; CG – control group; COPD – hypoxemic chronic obstr uctive pulmonary disease; HF –
power in high frequency range; MCI – mild cognitive impaired; MMSE – Mini-Mental-Status-Examination; MOCA – Montreal Cognitive
Assessment; nu – normalized units; SD – standard deviation. ↑: significant positive correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Table 5. HRV parameters and processing speed
Author Ye ar
Participants (number/
age in M±SD or/and
range in years)
HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Hansen et al. 2004 37 men/19.1; healthy HF CPT
Hansen et al. 2003 53 men/23; healthy RMSSD CPT
Hansen et al. 2009 65/23.1; healthy HF CPT
Kimhy et al. 2013 8 17/ 57.11±11.15; h eal thy HF Backward counting
Nicolini et al. 2014 80/78.6; 40 MCI, 40 CG HF nu Trail-Making Test A
Stenfors et al. 2016 119/47.98±10.4 9; 25 -66;
RMSSD, HF Trail-Making Test A
Note. CG – control group; CPT – continuous performance test; HF – power in high frequency range; MCI – mild cognitive impaired;
nu – normalized units; RMSSD – root of the mean square of the dif ferences of successive intervals; SD – standard deviation. ↑:
significant positive correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Table 6. HRV parameters and global cognitive function
Author Ye ar Participants (number/age in M±SD or/
and range in years) HRV parameters Cognitive task Result
Allan et al. 2005 114/>65; 80 healthy, 14 AD, 20 VAD HF MMSE
Allan et al. 2007 177/>65; 39 AD, 30 VAD, 30 DLB, 40 PDD,
38 CG
Kim et al. 2006 311 women/65-85 disabled HF, RMSSD MMSE
et al.
2015 62/14 AD or MCI (73.6), 48 CG (72); >65 HF MMSE
Note. AD – Alzheimer disease; CAMCOG – Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders in the Elderly; CG – control group; DLB
– dementia with Lewy bodies; HF – power in high frequency range; MCI – mild cognitive impaired; MMSE – Mini-Mental-Status-
Examination; PDD – Parkinson’s disease dementia; RMSSD – root of the mean square of the differences of suc cessive inter vals; SD
– standard deviation; VAD – vascular Alzheimer disease. ↑: significant positive correlation. ↔: no correlation detected.
Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER... Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84
(2005). Allan et al. (2007) detected correlations
between HF and the total score of the test battery
CAMCOG (Cambridge Examination for Mental
Disorders in the Elderly) in 177 elderly people.
Discussion and conclusion
The purpose of the current review was to
summarize the existing literature exploring the
cross-sectional correlation between resting HRV
and cognitive functions. Possible reasons for both
the detected and not detected correlations are
HRV and executive functions
Executive functions comprise working memory,
inhibition and cognitive exibility (Albinet, et al.,
2016). Our results showed a partly relation between
executive performances and HRV levels. Some
studies detect associations with the vagally medi-
ated HRV parameters HF or RMSSD (Albinet, et
al., 2010; Hansen, et al., 2003, 2004, 2009; Hovland,
et al., 20012; Jennings, et al., 2015; Kemp, et al.,
2016; Luque-Casado, et al., 2013; Williams, et al.,
2016; Yang, et al., 2008), but others did not nd any
associations (Alderman & Olson, 2014; Britton, et
al., 2008; Duschek, et al., 2009; Frewen, et al., 2013;
Giuliano, et al., 2017; Incalzi, et al., 2009; Kimhy,
et al., 2013; Mathewson, et al., 2010; Nicolini, et al.,
2014; Nonogaki, et al., 2017; Stenfors, et al., 2016).
Hansen et al. (2003) justied their positive
results through the association between HRV and
“ecient attentional regulation and greater ability
to inhibit pre-potent but inappropriate responses”.
This statement underpins the supposed relation-
ship between HRV and the prefrontal cortex and
explains the positive association between vagally
mediated HRV and executive function tasks like
the task Stroop. Hansen et al. (2004) supposed
that the positive relationship was the result of the
increased eciency of prefrontal neural function
achieved through aerobic training. In particular,
physical training leads to cardiovascular improve-
ments and increased cerebral blood ow, which
improves prefrontal functioning.
One explanation for the lack of correlations in
other studies could be the big number of factors
playing their roles in the relationship between cogni-
tive performance and HRV (Alderman & Olson,
2014). Kimhy et al. (2013) mentioned a limited
instrument sensitivity of the working memory task
as one reason for the lack of correlation. Britton
et al. (2008) stated that their test battery did not
assess executive functions in detail. Nonogaki et al.
(2017) called the old age of their subjects to account
for the lack of correlations and maybe dementia
hid possible correlations. However, Holzman and
Bridgett (2017) noted that the relation between HRV
and top-down self-regulation is stronger in older
individuals. Nicolini et al. (2014) stated that auto-
nomic dysfunction is revealed only when the auto-
nomic system is challenged by changing from the
supine position to the standing one. In summary, the
results demonstrated a tendency of positive corre-
lations between typical executive function tasks
(Stroop and 2-back) and vagally mediated HRV.
HRV and memory learning
Memory was positively associated with vagally
mediated HRV in only one study with AD patients
(Nonogaki, et al., 2017). The authors argued that
some parts of the brain (insular cortex, amygdala,
hypothalamus and nucleus tractus solitarius)
regulate cardiac autonomic function and interact
with the medial temporal lobes. These regions are
responsible for memorizing things but get impaired
in case of a central autonomic dysfunction, which
is the case in AD. Karlamangla et al., (2014)
conrmed this by revealing a positive relationship
between cardiovascular function and memory. Shah
et al. (2011) mentioned an impaired baroreex as a
possible mechanism because it is responsible for the
cerebral blood ow and is an important component
of the autonomic nervous system. In summary, the
results indicate a weak connection between memory
a n d H RV.
HRV and language ability
Language ability includes comprehension and
word nding (Levy, 1994). In two studies, posi-
tive correlations with HF were detected (Frewen,
et al., 2013; Yang, et al., 2008). Frewen et al. (2013)
mentioned the fornix, a connective part for the
hippocampus in the brain, as a possible location
underlying the association between HRV and cogni-
tion. Moreover, the cholinergic anti-inammatory
pathway could explain this relationship as well.
HRV and visuospatial functioning
Regarding the visuospatial functioning, one
study detected signicant correlations. Incalzi et
al. (2009) explained their results with a dysfunction
of the right insular in COPD patients and concluded
that “neurogenic heart diseases” are an expression
of cardiac abnormalities related to problems in the
brain-heart connection.
HRV and processing speed
Processing speed was added as a non-execu-
tive function, measuring the reaction time in simple
choice tasks that do not require challenging cogni-
tive functions. None of the six relevant studies
found signicant correlations. There was at least a
trend in the Trail-Making Test A (Nicolini, et al.,
2014; Stenfors, et al., 2016). Stenfors et al. (2016)
suggested using the parameter QTVI (QT varia-
bility index) because it showed the best correlations
Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
between HRV and cognitive functions. In the study
of Hansen et al. (2004), curiously, the low HRV
group had faster reaction times compared to the
high HRV group in a non-executive task.
HRV and global cognitive functions
In three out of four studies, positive correla-
tions between total cognitive scores and HRV were
detected. HF correlated signicantly with the scores
of the MMSE (Kim, et al., 2006; Mellingsæter, et
al., 2015) and the CAMCOG (Allan, et al., 2007).
Additionally, RMSSD showed a positive correlation
with the MMSE (Kim, et al., 2006). These results
implicate that HRV reects broad cognitive func-
tions and not only specic ones.
Mechanism linking HRV and cognitive
The role of the HRV as a possible biomarker
of the top-down self-regulatory mechanism was
well discussed in a recent meta-analysis (Holzman
& Bridgett, 2017). The present systematic review
focuses on the cognitive part of self-regulation.
Thayer et al. (2009) suggested that HRV served
as an index of the functional capacity of brain
structures “that support the eective and ecient
performance of cognitive executive-function tasks
including working memory and inhibitory control”.
Two theories are the basis for the considered
relation between HRV and top-down self-regu-
lation that comprises cognitive functions: the
Neurovisceral Integration Model (Thayer, et al.,
2009) and the Polyvagal Theory (Porges, 2003).
Both approaches stated a moderating role of the
parasympathetic-mediated nervous system. The
prefrontal cortex is supposed to play an important
role thereby. This part of the brain forms together
with cortical and subcortical brain structures an
interconnected network and controls the heart rate
being also responsible for the cognitive regulation
(Thayer & Lane, 2009). Thus, a declining prefrontal
activity leads to an increased sympathetic activity,
heart rate and hence reduced HRV (Thayer & Lane,
2009). This inhibition of prefrontal activity and
pronounced activation of the sympathetic system
was benecial for human survival in ancient
times. However, nowadays, a tonic inhibition of
the prefrontal cortex and a permanent sympathetic
state are contradictory to adaptation and self-regu-
latory processes (McCraty & Shaer, 2015). Thus,
an optimal level of vagally mediated HRV is neces-
sary for adaptation and cognitive functions.
The link between prefrontal cortex and cardiac
system was mentioned in some studies and called
upon as one explanation for the correlation between
HRV and cognition. The functional state of the
cardiac system depends on the level of brain perfu-
sion that can be improved through aerobic training
(Mahinrad, et al., 2016). Hansen et al. (2004) argued
that the relationship is “mediated by a common
set of neural circuits, the ecient functioning of
which have inhibitory processes”. Mahinrad et
al. (2016) considered an autonomic dysfunction
caused by dysregulation in cerebral perfusion as
the link between low HRV and cognitive impair-
ment. External factors like cardiovascular risk
factors could be responsible for the association as
well. Further, HRV could reect an early manifes-
tation of brain damage and future cardiovascular
events which lead to cognitive decline. The barore-
ex is another possible explanation for the relation
between HRV and cognition (Kim, et al., 2006). It
ensures proper blood ow through all organs and
is regarded an indicator for the autonomic nervous
system. High blood pressure variability is a sign
of baroreex disturbances and is associated with
cognitive impairment (Meyer, et al., 2017). The
relationship between blood pressure regulation and
dementia was recently reviewed by O’Callaghan
and Kenny (2016). They have described the
phenomenon of Neurocardiovascular Instability
(NCVI), which aects heart rate behaviour through
abnormal neural control and is more prevalent in
patients with MCI or AD. However, the direction
of causality is still unclear. Another reason for the
relationship may be a dysfunction of the cholinergic
system, which impairs cognitive and parasympa-
thetic system function (Frewen, et al., 2013; Yang,
et al., 2008). Incalzi et al. (2009) have mentioned
a dysfunction of the right insular as an additional
reason for the relationship because the insular
modulates sympathetic tone and is involved in inte-
grating cognitive and emotional aspects. Allan et
al. (2007) listed autonomic neuropathy as a possible
explanation because frequency-domain HRV was
lower in patients with Parkinson’s disease, who
showed higher prevalence of autonomic neuropathy.
Some limitations have to be mentioned. First,
the studies used dierent HRV measurement tech-
niques and durations of recording the HRV. This
could lead to inconsistency in the results. Second,
dierent samples in terms of age-range and state
of health were compared. This was done to oer a
variety of studies with dierent sample character-
istics. Otherwise, the number of studies would have
been much smaller. And third, our classication of
cognitive functions was restricted in the way that a
lot of dierent tasks were used and therefore it was
dicult to classify and compare them.
A summary of studies investigating the asso-
ciation between resting-state HRV and cognitive
performance was provided. Theoretical models
Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER... Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84
proposed a positive connection between HRV and
cognitive performance through the link between
cardiovascular regulating processes in the brain
and cognition regulating processes located, espe-
cially, in the prefrontal cortex (McCraty, et al.,
2015; Shaer, et al., 2014; Thayer, et al., 2009).
Some studies could conrm this relationship (e.g.,
Albinet, et al., 2010; Hansen, et al., 2009; Hovland,
et al., 2012; Yang, et al., 2008), but others could not
(e.g., Britton, et al., 2008; Nicolini, et al., 2014). The
lack of a uniform measurement procedure, dierent
cognitive tasks, and dierent sample characteristics
(age, disorders) are possible reasons for the lack
of a stronger relation. To take a step forward in
diagnosing and preventing dementia, longitudinal
studies are recommended to evaluate HRV as an
indicator of cognitive impairment and to investi-
gate the development of and interaction between
HRV and cognitive performance throughout life.
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Ki nesiolog y 52(2020)1:72- 84Grässler, B et al.: RESTING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE MARKER...
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Submitted: July 18, 2018
Accepted: May 5, 2019
Published Online First: April 30, 2020
Correspondence to:
Bernhard Grässler, Ph.D.
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
Department of Sport Science
Phone: 0049 361 6756682
Fax: 0049 361 6746754
... It is well established that higher HRV is a marker of good heart health and that HRV decreases with ageing. [58][59][60] The association between the genetic architecture of HRV and the genetic architecture of resilience could be due to (i) HRV driving more resilience in males; (ii) reverse causality with genetic factors that predispose towards cognitive resilience driving better HRV in males; or (iii) common genetic factors drive both HRV and resilience through independent pathways (i.e. pleiotropy). ...
... 63 In support of reverse causality, resilience to both cognitive and HRV decline may work through similar circuitry, with prefrontal cortical brain circuitry as an example of this possible shared circuitry that could potentially drive better HRV. 58,61 Multiple groups have shown a link between prefrontal cortical brain activity and HRV, with more than one group pointing towards HRV as a possible early marker of cognitive decline. 58,61 While the possibility of better HRV driving resilience is exciting with some supporting evidence in the literature, future work must investigate each of these scenarios in great detail to determine causality. ...
... 58,61 Multiple groups have shown a link between prefrontal cortical brain activity and HRV, with more than one group pointing towards HRV as a possible early marker of cognitive decline. 58,61 While the possibility of better HRV driving resilience is exciting with some supporting evidence in the literature, future work must investigate each of these scenarios in great detail to determine causality. ...
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Approximately 30% of elderly adults are cognitively unimpaired at time of death despite presence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neuropathology at autopsy. Studying individuals who are resilient to the cognitive consequences of AD neuropathology may uncover novel therapeutic targets to treat AD. It is well-established that there are sex differences in response to AD pathology, and growing evidence suggests that genetic factors may contribute to these differences. Taken together, we sought to elucidate sex-specific genetic drivers of resilience. We extended our recent large-scale genomic analysis of resilience in which we harmonized cognitive data across four cohorts of cognitive aging, in-vivo amyloid PET across two cohorts, and autopsy measures of amyloid neuritic plaque burden across two cohorts. These data were leveraged to build robust, continuous resilience phenotypes. With these phenotypes, we performed sex-stratified (N(males) = 2,093, N(females) = 2,931) and sex-interaction (N(both sexes) = 5,024) genome-wide association studies (GWAS), gene- and pathway-based tests, and genetic correlation analyses to clarify the variants, genes, and molecular pathways that relate to resilience in a sex-specific manner. Estimated among cognitively normal individuals of both sexes, resilience was 20-25% heritable, and when estimated in either sex among cognitively normal individuals, resilience was 15-44% heritable. In our GWAS, we identified a female-specific locus on chromosome 10 (rs827389, β(females) = 0.08, P(females) = 5.76E-09, β(males)=-0.01, P(males) = 0.70, β(interaction) = 0.09, P(interaction) = 1.01E-04) in which the minor allele was associated with higher resilience scores among females. This locus is located within chromatin loops that interact with promoters of genes involved in RNA processing, including GATA3. Finally, our genetic correlation analyses revealed shared genetic architecture between resilience phenotypes and other complex traits, including a female-specific association with frontotemporal dementia and male-specific associations with heart rate variability traits. We also observed opposing associations between sexes for multiple sclerosis, such that more resilient females had a lower genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis, and more resilient males had a higher genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis. Overall, we identified sex differences in the genetic architecture of resilience, identified a female-specific resilience locus, and highlighted numerous sex-specific molecular pathways that may underly resilience to AD pathology. This study illustrates the need to conduct sex-aware genomic analyses to identify novel targets that are unidentified in sex-agnostic models. Our findings support the theory that the most successful treatment for an individual with AD may be personalized based on their biological sex and genetic context.
... Some of the HRV features to note are high-frequency (HF) power, low-frequency (LF) power, standard deviation of NN intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive RR interval differences (RMSSD) [25]. From these results, autonomic markers such as HRV features, can be used as biomarkers for cognitive impairment [25,26]. However, not all studies observed a relationship. ...
... Based on two review papers, 8 out of 10 studies that used global cognitive tests found a significant positive relationship between HRV parameters and global cognition. For the executive function, 14 out of 26 studies confirm a relationship [25,26]. Lower HRV predicts poorer performance, but this relationship is also dependent on the cognitive task [26]. ...
... For the executive function, 14 out of 26 studies confirm a relationship [25,26]. Lower HRV predicts poorer performance, but this relationship is also dependent on the cognitive task [26]. For memory, three studies found a positive correlation [54][55][56], while seven studies did not [57][58][59][60][61][62][63]. ...
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Cognitive decline is one of the primary concerns in the elderly population. Serious games have been used for different purposes related to elderly care, such as physical therapy, cognitive training and mood management. There has been scientific evidence regarding the relationship between cognition and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) through heart rate variability (HRV). This paper explores the changes in the ANS among elderly people of normal and impaired cognition through measured HRV. Forty-eight subjects were classified into two groups: normal cognition (NC) (n = 24) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (n = 24). The subjects went through the following experiment flow: rest for 3 min (Rest 1), play a cognitive aptitude game (Game 1), rest for another 3 min (Rest 2), then play two reaction-time games (Game 2&3). Ten HRV features were extracted from measured electrocardiography (ECG) signals. Based on statistical analysis, there was no significant difference on the HRV between the two groups, but the experiment sessions do have a significant effect. There was no significant interaction between sessions and cognitive status. This implies that the HRV between the two groups have no significant difference, and they will experience similar changes in their HRV regardless of their cognitive status. Based on the game performance, there was a significant difference between the two groups of elderly people. Tree-based pipeline optimization tool (TPOT) was used for generating a machine learning pipeline for classification. Classification accuracy of 68.75% was achieved using HRV features, but higher accuracies of 83.33% and 81.20% were achieved using game performance or both HRV and game performance features, respectively. These results show that HRV has the potential to be used for detection of mild cognition impairment, but game performance can yield better accuracy. Thus, serious games have the potential to be used for assessing cognitive decline among the elderly.
... Previous studies have demonstrated that associations between loneliness and cognitive impairment (Huang et al., 2023) or suicidal ideation (Ernst et al., 2021) are significant in men and nonsignificant or weaker in women. As HRV has been considered a marker of cognitive decline (Grässler et al., 2020), and it was shown to be transdiagnostically related to suicidal ideations (Adolph et al., 2018), the presented results may provide evidence for the potential psychophysiological mechanisms linked to these associations. Finally, young men were identified as a group highly vulnerable to loneliness (Barreto et al., 2021) and depression (Gao et al., 2020) -therefore, considering gender as a factor that moderates the relationship between poor perceived social functioning and parasympathetic activity may help design potential interventions tailored to the needs of each individual. ...
Chronic loneliness and low perceived social support have been recognized as risk factors for both mental and cardiovascular disorders. It has been proposed that their link to psychophysiological problems may involve changes in parasympathetic activity. However, the exact underlying psychopathological mechanisms and the moderating effects of gender are still not thoroughly examined. Thus, the present study investigated associations between perceived social functioning and resting vagal tone in the context of potential cognitive and subclinical mediators and gender differences. Three hundred twenty-five young adults (aged 18-35, 180 women) underwent an electrocardiogram measurement of 6-minute resting heart rate variability (HRV). They also completed questionnaires assessing loneliness, perceived social support, social cognitive biases, depressive and social anxiety symptoms, and general mental health. In men, HRV was significantly and negatively associated with poorer perceived social functioning, depressive symptoms, and self-reported social cognitive biases, while in women, there was a quadratic link between HRV and depressive symptoms and HRV and general mental health. Moderated mediation analysis revealed that depressive symptoms fully mediated the relationship between perceived social functioning and HRV in men. The results suggest that decreased resting vagal tone in lonely individuals is linked to depressive symptomatology rather than to specific social cognitive biases and that this association is significant only in men.
... 3,5 Hence, HRV is a promising marker to detect pathological states. 1 A link between autonomic and cognitive processes is supported by several studies demonstrating a positive relationship between cognitive functioning and HRV. [6][7][8] However, there are only a few studies using markers of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), such as HRV, to differentiate between normal age-related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Moreover, the results of these studies are rather inconclusive. ...
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Background Given that, up to date, there is no effective strategy to treat dementia, a timely start of interventions in a prodromal stage such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is considered an important option to lower the overall societal burden. Although autonomic functions have been related to cognitive performance, both aspects have rarely been studied simultaneously in MCI. Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate cardiac autonomic control in older adults with and without MCI. Methods Cardiac autonomic control was assessed by means of heart rate variability (HRV) at resting state and during cognitive tasks in 22 older adults with MCI and 29 healthy controls (HCs). Resting HRV measurement was performed for 5 minutes during a sitting position. Afterwards, participants performed three PC-based tasks to probe performance in executive functions and language abilities (i.e., Stroop, N-back, and a verbal fluency task). Results Participants with MCI showed a significant reduction of HRV in the frequency-domain (high frequency power) and nonlinear indices (SD2, D2, and DFA1) during resting state compared to HCs. Older individuals with MCI exhibited decreases in RMSSD and increases in DFA1 from resting state to Stroop and N-back tasks, reflecting strong vagal withdrawal, while this parameter remained stable in HCs. Conclusion The results support the presence of autonomic dysfunction at the early stage of cognitive impairment. Heart rate variability could help in the prediction of cognitive decline as a noninvasive biomarker or as a tool to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.
... This network, which comprises prefrontal cortical (anterior cingulate, insula, orbitofrontal, and ventromedial cortices), limbic (central nucleus of the amygdala, hypothalamus), and brainstem regions, areas of the brain intimately involved in emotional regulation and executive functioning, leading to the proposal that vagally mediated HRV may index these aspects of prefrontal cortical function (Thayer and Lane, 2007;Thayer et al., 2009). Higher HRV has been linked to better cognitive function in healthy adults including healthy older individuals (Frewen et al., 2013;Grässler et al., 2020) and a meta-analysis found a positive overall correlation (r = 0.09) between vagally mediated HRV indices and emotional regulation processes (including executive functioning, emotion regulation, and effortful or self-control) in mostly healthy participants across a number of age groups (Holzman and Bridgett, 2017). ...
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The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, providing afferent information about visceral sensation, integrity and somatic sensations to the CNS via brainstem nuclei to subcortical and cortical structures. Its efferent arm influences GI motility and secretion, cardiac ionotropy, chonotropy and heart rate variability, blood pressure responses, bronchoconstriction and modulates gag and cough responses via palatine and pharyngeal innervation. Vagus nerve stimulation has been utilized as a successful treatment for intractable epilepsy and treatment-resistant depression, and new non-invasive transcutaneous (t-VNS) devices offer equivalent therapeutic potential as invasive devices without the surgical risks. t-VNS offers exciting potential as a therapeutic intervention in cognitive decline and aging populations, classically affected by reduced cerebral perfusion by modulating both limbic and frontal cortical structures, regulating cerebral perfusion and improving parasympathetic modulation of the cardiovascular system. In this narrative review we summarize the research to date investigating the cognitive effects of VNS therapy, and its effects on neurocardiovascular stability.
... Cardiac activity is also one of the most commonly used measures in assessing mental workload [11,[46][47][48], there being much evidence to support a direct link between cardiac activity and cognitive processing [49,50]. The NN.Mean, PNN50, total spectrum power and low frequency were the key measures for detecting mental fatigue (here used as a synonym of mental workload), specifically, RMSSD was positively associated with mental fatigue, whilst PNN50 and NN.Mean were negatively associated with mental fatigue [40]. ...
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Whilst increasing mental workload has been shown to have a detrimental effect on cycling performance and more generally to increase the risk of harm, no studies have measured how mental workload changes as a function of ultra-distance cycling, indoors or outdoors. Our objective was to measure the difference in mental workload, as indicated by changes in EEG theta power, components of HRV and psychomotor vigilance and as reported using the ‘NASA Task Load Index questionnaire’, before and after a 5 h indoor ride and outdoor ride completed at 65% of functional threshold power. Results of the NASA-TLX indicated the mental demand of outdoor cycling to be significantly less than that of indoor cycling. There were significant differences in the PVT results between the pre and the post outdoor ride average and median response times. The slowest 10% PVT responses were significantly slower pre than post the indoor ride. There were significant differences in HRV between pre and post outdoor and indoor rides, specifically, in the average RR intervals, RMSSD (ms2), LFPower (ms2), NN50. There were modest changes in indicators of mental workload during an ultra-distance cycle ride. As such, mental workload during ultra-distance cycling is unlikely to be a contributory factor to decreases in performance or to an increased likelihood of accident and injury.
... One common non-linear parameter is D2 (correlation dimension) reflecting self-similarity of NN intervals [51,52,54]. HRV as a measure of cardiac autonomic balance is also associated with cognitive functioning [48,49] with a positive correlation between a relatively high HRV and better cognitive functioning [55,56]. This relationship can be explained by the neurovisceral integration model [57]. ...
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Sleep problems can be caused by psychological stress but are also related to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Improving lifestyle behaviors, such as good sleep hygiene, can help to counteract the negative effects of neurodegenerative diseases and to improve quality of life. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between subjectively reported measures of sleep quality (via Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)) and objective measures of cardiac autonomic control (via resting state heart rate variability (HRV)) among individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The PSQI and resting state HRV data of 42 MCI participants (69.0 ± 5.5; 56–80 years) were analyzed. Nineteen of the participants reported poor sleep quality (PSQI score > 5). Good sleepers showed higher resting heart rate than bad sleepers (p = 0.037; ES = 0.670). Correlation analysis showed a significant correlation between the parameter HF nu and sleep efficiency, contrasting the expected positive association between reduced HRV and poor sleep quality in healthy and individuals with specific diseases. Otherwise, there were no significances, indicating that measures of subjective sleep quality and resting HRV were not related in the present sample of MCI participants. Further research is needed to better understand the complex relationship between HRV and lifestyle factors (e.g., sleep) in MCI.
This chapter explores how artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in improving cognitive testing and early Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. AI systems examine a variety of information, such as imaging, biomarkers, and medical records, to accurately and quickly identify minor changes in cognitive function. By improving cognitive evaluations' effectiveness, these technologies enable remote monitoring and tailored therapies. There are obstacles to overcome, such as ethical and data quality concerns, but research is still being done in these areas. AI's continued development has revolutionary potential for advances in Alzheimer's research and treatment, including increased diagnostic precision and early intervention for better patient outcomes.
In an opera performance, singers must perform difficult musical repertoire at a high level while dealing with the stress of standing before a large audience. Previous literature suggests that individuals with better cognitive functions experience less stress. During a music performance such functions, especially attention, memory, and executive function, are in high demand, suggesting that cognitive functions may play a role in music performance. This study used physiological and cognitive measures to examine this phenomenon in opera performance. Cardiac activity data were collected from 24 opera trainees during a resting-state period before and during a real-life performance. Heart-rate variability (HRV) was used as an indicator of physiological stress, such that higher HRV indicates lower stress. Standardized neuropsychological tests were used to measure attention (IVA-2), memory (CVLT-3, WMS-IV), and executive function (Trail Making Test). Results showed cognitive function- and state-specific relationships between HRV and cognitive function: HRV during the resting state had a positive correlation with attention, while HRV during a performance had a positive correlation with executive function. These results suggest that greater cognitive function is related to lower stress during opera performance. The findings of this study provide initial evidence for a relationship between cognitive functions and music performance stress in opera trainees.
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Human performance applications of mindfulness-based training have demonstrated its utility in enhancing cognitive functioning. Previous studies have illustrated how these interventions can improve performance on traditional cognitive tests, however, little investigation has explored the extent to which mindfulness-based training can optimise performance in more dynamic and complex contexts. Further, from a neuroscientific perspective, the underlying mechanisms responsible for performance enhancements remain largely undescribed. With this in mind, the following study aimed to investigate how a short-term mindfulness intervention (one week) augments performance on a dynamic and complex task (target motion analyst task; TMA) in young, healthy adults (n = 40, age range = 18–38). Linear mixed effect modelling revealed that increased adherence to the web-based mindfulness-based training regime (ranging from 0–21 sessions) was associated with improved performance in the second testing session of the TMA task, controlling for baseline performance. Analyses of resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) metrics demonstrated no change across testing sessions. Investigations of additional individual factors demonstrated that enhancements associated with training adherence remained relatively consistent across varying levels of participants’ resting-state EEG metrics, personality measures (i.e., trait mindfulness, neuroticism, conscientiousness), self-reported enjoyment and timing of intervention adherence. Our results thus indicate that mindfulness-based cognitive training leads to performance enhancements in distantly related tasks, irrespective of several individual differences. We also revealed nuances in the magnitude of cognitive enhancements contingent on the timing of adherence, regardless of total volume of training. Overall, our findings suggest that mindfulness-based training could be used in a myriad of settings to elicit transferable performance enhancements.
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Background: The association of central arterial stiffness and pressure pulsatility with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia is not well characterized in the population-based setting. Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify the cross-sectional association of arterial stiffness and pressure pulsatility with MCI and dementia among 4,461 older white and black adults from the population-based Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study-Neurocognitive Study. Methods: We used race-stratified multinomial logistic regression to evaluate associations of percentile cut points of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, central systolic blood pressure, central pulse pressure, and pulse pressure amplification with MCI and dementia versus no cognitive impairment. Results: Among whites, those with carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity or central systolic blood pressure ≥75th percentile had a higher prevalence of MCI compared to participants <75th percentile (conditional odds ratio (OR); 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.27 (1.02, 1.56) and 1.28 (1.04, 1.57), respectively) and those with central pulse pressure ≥75th percentile had a higher prevalence of MCI (OR 1.27 (95% CI: 1.03, 1.58)) and dementia (OR 1.76 (95% CI: 1.06, 2.92) compared to participants <75th percentile. Also among whites, those with pulse pressure amplification ≤25th percentile had a higher prevalence of dementia compared to participants >25th percentile (OR 1.65; (95% CI: 1.01, 2.70). Weaker associations were seen among black participants. Conclusion: Higher arterial stiffness and pulsatility were associated with MCI and dementia in white participants. Longitudinal characterization of the observed associations is warranted to assess whether arterial stiffness and pressure pulsatility predict MCI and dementia among older adults.
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Objective: Executive cognitive functioning is essential in private and working life and is sensitive to stress and aging. Cardiovascular (CV) health factors are related to cognitive decline and dementia, but there is relatively few studies of the role of CV autonomic regulation, a key component in stress responses and risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and executive processes. An emerging pattern of results from previous studies suggest that different executive processes may be differentially associated with CV autonomic regulation. The aim was thus to study the associations between multiple measures of CV autonomic regulation and measures of different executive cognitive processes. Method: Participants were 119 healthy working adults (79% women), from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health. Electrocardiogram was sampled for analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) measures, including the Standard Deviation of NN, here heart beats (SDNN), root of the mean squares of successive differences (RMSSD), high frequency (HF) power band from spectral analyses, and QT variability index (QTVI), a measure of myocardial repolarization patterns. Executive cognitive functioning was measured by seven neuropsychological tests. The relationships between CV autonomic regulation measures and executive cognitive measures were tested with bivariate and partial correlational analyses, controlling for demographic variables, and mental health symptoms. Results: Higher SDNN and RMSSD and lower QTVI were significantly associated with better performance on cognitive tests tapping inhibition, updating, shifting, and psychomotor speed. After adjustments for demographic factors however (age being the greatest confounder), only QTVI was clearly associated with these executive tests. No such associations were seen for working memory capacity. Conclusion: Poorer CV autonomic regulation in terms of lower SDNN and RMSSD and higher QTVI was associated with poorer executive cognitive functioning in terms of inhibition, shifting, updating, and speed in healthy working adults. Age could largely explain the associations between the executive measures and SDNN and RMSSD, while associations with QTVI remained. QTVI may be a useful measure of autonomic regulation and promising as an early indicator of risk among otherwise healthy adults, compared to traditional HRV measures, as associations between QTVI and executive functioning was not affected by age.
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Heart rate variability (HRV) corresponds to the adaptation of the heart to any stimulus. In fact, among the pathologies affecting HRV the most, there are the cardiovascular diseases and depressive disorders, which are associated with high medical cost in Western societies. Consequently, HRV is now widely used as an index of health. In order to better understand how this adaptation takes place, it is necessary to examine which factors directly influence HRV, whether they have a physiological or environmental origin. The primary objective of this research is therefore to conduct a literature review in order to get a comprehensive overview of the subject. The system of these factors affecting HRV can be divided into the following five categories: physiological and pathological factors, environmental factors, lifestyle factors, non-modifiable factors and effects. The direct interrelationships between these factors and HRV can be regrouped into an influence diagram. This diagram can therefore serve as a basis to improve daily clinical practice as well as help design even more precise research protocols.
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Neurocardiovascular instability (NCVI) refers to abnormal neural control of the cardiovascular system affecting blood pressure and heart rate behavior. Autonomic dysfunction and impaired cerebral autoregulation in aging contribute to this phenomenon characterized by hypotension and bradyarrhythmia. Ultimately, this increases the risk of falls and syncope in older people. NCVI is common in patients with neurodegenerative disorders including dementia. This review discusses the various syndromes that characterize NCVI including hypotension, carotid sinus hypersensitivity, postprandial hypotension and vasovagal syncope and how they may contribute to the aetiology of cognitive decline. Conversely, they may also be a consequence of a common neurodegenerative process. Regardless, recognition of their association is paramount in optimizing management of these patients.
Heart rate variability (HRV) indexes functioning of the vagus nerve, arguably the most important nerve in the human body. The Neurovisceral Integration Model has provided a structural framework for understanding brain-body integration, highlighting the role of the vagus in adaptation to the environment. In the present paper, we emphasise a temporal framework in which HRV may be considered a missing, structural link between psychological moments and mortality, a proposal we label as Neurovisceral Integration Across a Continuum of Time (or NIACT). This new framework places neurovisceral integration on a dimension of time, highlighting implications for lifespan development and healthy aging, and helping to bridge the gap between clearly demarcated disciplines such as psychology and epidemiology. The NIACT provides a novel framework, which conceptualizes how everyday psychological moments both affect and are affected by the vagus in ways that have long-term effects on mortality risk. We further emphasize that a longitudinal approach to understanding change in vagal function over time may yield novel scientific insights and important public health outcomes.
The neurovisceral integration model stipulates that autonomic function plays a critical role in the regulation of higher-order cognitive processes, yet most work to date has examined parasympathetic function in isolation from sympathetic function. Furthermore, the majority of work has been conducted on normative samples, which typically demonstrate parasympathetic withdrawal to increase arousal needed to complete cognitive tasks. Little is known about how autonomic regulation supports cognitive function in populations exposed to high levels of stress, which is critical given that chronic stress exposure alters autonomic function. To address this, we sought to characterize how parasympathetic (high-frequency heart rate variability; HF-HRV) and sympathetic (pre-ejection period; PEP) measures of cardiac function contribute to individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity in a sample of high-risk women. HF-HRV and PEP were measured at rest and during a visual change detection measure of WM. Multilevel modeling was used to examine within-person fluctuations in WM performance throughout the task concurrently with HF-HRV and PEP, as well as between-person differences as a function of resting HF-HRV and PEP levels. Results indicate that resting PEP moderated the association between HF-HRV reactivity and WM capacity. Increases in WM capacity across the task were associated with increases in parasympathetic activity, but only among individuals with longer resting PEP (lower sympathetic arousal). Follow up analyses showed that shorter resting PEP was associated with greater cumulative risk exposure. These results support the autonomic space framework, in that the relationship between behavior and parasympathetic function appears dependent on resting sympathetic activation.
Theoretical perspectives posit that heart-rate variability (HRV) reflects self-regulatory capacity and therefore can be employed as a bio-marker of top-down self-regulation (the ability to regulate behavioral, cognitive, and emotional processes). However, existing findings of relations between self-regulation and HRV-indices are mixed. To clarify the nature of such relations, we conducted a meta-analysis of 123 studies (N = 14,347) reporting relations between HRV-indices and aspects of top-down self-regulation (e.g., executive functioning, emotion regulation, effortful control). A significant, albeit small, effect was observed (r = 0.09) such that greater HRV was related to better top-down self-regulation. Differences in relations were negligible across aspects of self-regulation, self-regulation measurement methods, HRV computational techniques, at-risk compared with healthy samples, and the context of HRV measurement. Stronger relations were observed in older relative to younger samples and in published compared to unpublished studies. These findings generally support the notion that HRV-indices can tentatively be employed as bio-markers of top-down self-regulation. Conceptual and theoretical implications, and critical gaps in current knowledge to be addressed by future work, are discussed.
Intra-individual reaction time variability (IIV), defined as the variability in trial-to-trial response times, is thought to serve as an index of central nervous system function. As such, greater IIV reflects both poorer executive brain function and cognitive control, in addition to lapses in attention. Resting-state vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV), a psychophysiological index of self-regulatory abilities, has been linked with executive brain function and cognitive control such that those with greater resting-state vmHRV often perform better on cognitive tasks. However, research has yet to investigate the direct relationship between resting vmHRV and task IIV. The present study sought to examine this relationship in a sample of 104 young and healthy participants who first completed a 5-minute resting-baseline period during which resting-state vmHRV was assessed. Participants then completed an attentional (target detection) task, where reaction time, accuracy, and trial-to-trial IIV were obtained. Results showed resting vmHRV to be significantly related to IIV, such that lower resting vmHRV predicted higher IIV on the task, even when controlling for several covariates (including mean reaction time and accuracy). Overall, our results provide further evidence for the link between resting vmHRV and cognitive control, and extend these notions to the domain of lapses in attention, as indexed by IIV. Implications and recommendations for future research on resting vmHRV and cognition are discussed.
Background: Research has linked high-frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV) to cognitive function. The present study adopts a modern path modelling approach to understand potential causal pathways that may underpin this relationship. Methods: Here we examine the association between resting-state HF-HRV and executive function in a large sample of civil servants from Brazil (N=8,114) recruited for the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). HF-HRV was calculated from 10-minute resting-state electrocardiograms. Executive function was assessed using the trail-making test (version B). Results and conclusions: Insulin resistance (a marker of type 2 diabetes mellitus) and carotid intima-media thickness (subclinical atherosclerosis) mediated the relationship between HRV and executive function in seriatim. A limitation of the present study is its cross-sectional design; therefore, conclusions must be confirmed in longitudinal study. Nevertheless, findings support that possibility that HRV provides a 'spark' that initiates a cascade of adverse downstream effects that subsequently leads to cognitive impairment.
Objective: To investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of 10-second heart rate variability (HRV) with various domains of cognitive function in older participants at risk of cardiovascular disease. Methods: We studied 3,583 participants, mean age of 75.0 years, who were enrolled in the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk. From baseline 10-second ECGs, standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals was calculated as the index of HRV. Four cognitive domains were assessed at baseline and repeated during a mean follow-up period of 3.2 years. Results: Lower HRV at baseline was associated with worse performance in reaction time (mean difference between low third vs high third of HRV = 1.96 seconds, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.20 to 3.71) and processing speed (-0.57 digits coded, 95% CI -1.09 to -0.05). During follow-up, participants with lower HRV had a steeper decline in processing speed (mean annual change between low third vs high third of HRV = -0.16 digits coded, 95% CI -0.28 to -0.04). There was no difference in annual changes of reaction time or immediate and delayed memory among HRV thirds during follow-up. All these associations remained unchanged after adjustment for medications, cardiovascular risk factors, and comorbidities. Conclusions: Participants with lower 10-second HRV have worse performance in reaction time and processing speed and experience steeper decline in their processing speed, independent of medications, cardiovascular risk factors, and comorbidities.