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Millions of children and adolescents around the world participate in organized sport for holistic health and developmental benefits. However, for some, sport participation is characterized by experiences of maltreatment, including forms of abuse and neglect. In Canada, efforts to address and prevent maltreatment in sport have been characterized by recurring cycles of crisis, public attention, policy response, sluggish implementation, and active resistance, with very little observable change. These cycles continue to this day. Achieving progress in child protection in Canadian sport has been hindered by the self-regulating nature of sport, funding models that prioritize performance outcomes, structures that deter athletes from reporting experiences of maltreatment, and inadequate attention to athletes’ recommendations and preventative initiatives. The culture of control that characterizes organized sport underpins these challenges to advancing child protection in sport. We propose that the establishment of a national independent body to provide safeguards against maltreatment in Canadian sport and to address this culture of control.
Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 68; doi:10.3390/socsci9050068
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Struggle for
Child Protection in Canadian Sport
Gretchen Kerr *, Bruce Kidd and Peter Donnelly
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6, Canada; (B.K.); (P.D.)
* Correspondence:
Received: 4 April 2020; Accepted: 27 April 2020; Published: 2 May 2020
Abstract: Millions of children and adolescents around the world participate in organized sport for
holistic health and developmental benefits. However, for some, sport participation is characterized
by experiences of maltreatment, including forms of abuse and neglect. In Canada, efforts to address
and prevent maltreatment in sport have been characterized by recurring cycles of crisis, public
attention, policy response, sluggish implementation, and active resistance, with very little
observable change. These cycles continue to this day. Achieving progress in child protection in
Canadian sport has been hindered by the self-regulating nature of sport, funding models that
prioritize performance outcomes, structures that deter athletes from reporting experiences of
maltreatment, and inadequate attention to athletes’ recommendations and preventative initiatives.
The culture of control that characterizes organized sport underpins these challenges to advancing
child protection in sport. We propose that the establishment of a national independent body to
provide safeguards against maltreatment in Canadian sport and to address this culture of control.
Keywords: sport; child; athlete; protection; Canadian; safe sport
1. Introduction
Concerns about the safety of young athletes in sport are as old as modern sports themselves. In
the early 19th century, as teachers, social reformers, and players transformed the rough and ready
games of the late medieval period into the rule-bound sports we know today, they sought to reduce
the amount of unnecessary violence and injury, as well as to introduce the concept and rules of
fairness to ensure that all participants could benefit from the experience (Elias 2000; Mangan 2012).
With the rapid growth of youth sport in post-WW2 Canada, efforts to make sport safer
intensified. We have seen concerted campaigns to prohibit fighting and other forms of violence in
hockey, eliminate boxing from schools and universities, teach coaches about injury prevention and
fair play, discourage early specialization, mandate protective equipment, establish post-concussion
return-to-play guidelines, outlaw doping, and recognize children’s rights. However, none of these
efforts has enjoyed complete success. When information about the injury or abuse of a young athlete
is publicized, it results in an immediate flurry of media attention and public outrage. Sport
organizations respond with changes to policies and practices, but attention often wanes; eventually,
so does adherence to the new practices and policy changes, at least until the next case emerges. For
decades, the Canadian sport landscape has been characterized by these recurring cycles of crisis,
policy response, lethargic implementation, and resistance, with very little ultimate change. They
continue to this day.
Until the past three years, there has never been a concerted effort to combat the full spectrum of
maltreatment in Canadian sport—the subject of this paper. Here, we review the cycles of concern,
response, and indifference that have characterized the struggle for the protection of young athletes
in the Canadian sport system from physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect. We argue
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that one major obstacle to reform is the concerted attempt by some leaders in sport to resist
independent oversight in favour of self-regulation. We also suggest that the funding model for sport
has been a contributing factor to maltreatment, and we highlight the struggles by Canadian athletes
to have their experiences and recommendations included in the policies that affect them.
2. The Canadian Context
In the Olympic sector, Canadian sport is directed, financed, and monitored by Sport Canada, a
federal agency with legislative authority from the Physical Activity and Sport Act (Government of
Canada 2003). The mission of Sport Canada is to enhance opportunities for all Canadians to
participate in and excel at sport. Sport Canada supports the National Sport Organizations (NSOs)
and Multi-Sport Organizations (MSOs, e.g., Canadian Olympic Committee, Canadian Paralympic
Committee), provides financial assistance to high-performance athletes, and helps Canadian
organizations to host sport events that create opportunities for Canadian athletes to compete at the
national and international levels (Government of Canada, n.d.). The Physical Activity and Sport Act
states that:
“The Government of Canada’s policy regarding sport is founded on the highest ethical
standards and values, including doping-free sport, the treatment of all persons with
fairness and respect, the full and fair participation of all persons in sport, and the fair,
equitable, transparent and timely resolution of disputes.”
Sport Canada policies and programs are coordinated with those of the provincial and territorial
governments through the Canadian Sport Policy, an agreement between federal, provincial, and
territorial governments. The provincial and territorial governments support provincial and territorial
sports organizations in much the same way Sport Canada supports the national bodies.
In response to the public concern expressed during previous crises, Sport Canada has created or
assisted the development of a number of new organizations for the purpose of protecting and
strengthening the values and fairness of Canadian sport. These include the Coaching Association of
Canada (established in 1970), Canadian Women and Sport (formerly the Canadian Association for
the Advancement of Women and Sport or CAAWS, 1981), the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports
(established in 1992), and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (established in 2003).
Athletes’ struggles to have representation on decision-making bodies in Canadian sport resulted in
the 1992 establishment of the Canadian Athletes Association, which later changed its name to
AthletesCAN. AthletesCAN is an independent association of national team athletes that seeks to
provide a collective athlete voice in major decision-making and to bring about an athlete centred
sport system ( The masculinist, capitalist, continentalist sports
sector (e.g., National Hockey League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, and
Canadian Football League) operates outside this framework.
With respect to child protection, sport is the only child-populated domain in Canada that is
completely autonomous and self-regulating. Unlike other domains in which children engage, such
as day care and educational settings, sport lacks a regulatory body to oversee the health and well-
being of children, which ensures persons in positions of authority and trust over young people are
sufficiently trained and adhere to scope of practice, and apply sanctions to those who violate codes
of conduct. Instead, sport organizations regulate themselves.
3. A Note about Terminology
The first policies developed to address the maltreatment of athletes focused exclusively on
sexual maltreatment using the terms ‘sexual harassment’ and ‘sexual abuse,’ which were often used
interchangeably. Many researchers have conceptualized harassment and abuse as existing on a
continuum of harmful behaviours, with harassment referring to what may be considered less severe
behaviours such as sexist comments or remarks and abuse used for more severe behaviours such as
sexual assault (Brackenridge 2001). In practice however, distinguishing harassment and abuse on the
basis of severity is very difficult. For example, when does harassing behaviour become abusive? Do
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less severe harassing behaviours become abusive if cumulative or repeated over time? How do we
account for individuals’ interpretations of severity? Furthermore, researchers and athletes have
advocated for a perspective on harassment and abuse that extends beyond sexual misconduct to
include other forms of harmful experiences such as psychological misconduct, physical misconduct,
and neglect (Crooks and Wolfe 2007; Miller-Perrin and Perrin 2012. Canada has responded to these
calls by using the term ‘maltreatment.’ Maltreatment has been defined by the World Health
Organization (2016) as “(…) the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It
includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence, and
commercial or other exploitation which results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health,
survival, development, or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power.”
In this way, maltreatment is an all-encompassing term that includes sexual, physical, and
psychological abuse; neglect; bullying; harassment; and discrimination.
Safe Sport is a term that has recently emerged to encompass approaches aimed at promoting the
holistic health and well-being of sport participants. Though a consensus on a universal definition is
lacking, Safe Sport is typically used to refer to the prevention of harassment and abuse, as well as the
promotion of the physical and psychological welfare of athletes (e.g., The U.S. Center for Safe Sport describes
Safe Sport as “safeguard[ing] athletes from bullying, harassment, hazing, physical abuse, emotional
abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual misconduct.” This term is also used in Canada despite of the absence
of a generally agreed upon definition.
4. Theorizing Safe Sport
In theoretical terms, it is important to understand two related themes: the characteristics that
render sport unsafe in terms of athlete maltreatment and the characteristics that sport shares with
other institutions where child maltreatment has been found. As Bruyninckx (2011) pointed out,
“Sports (…) take place in a sort of separate [autonomous] sphere, detached from normal rules and
regulations in society.” Organizations at all levels of sport, from the international to the local,
professional and non-professional, have consistently asserted their autonomy, a right of self-
governance and exemption from oversight by governments and judiciaries. Gruneau (2017) argued
that the claim to autonomy in sports emerged alongside similar claims in the visual arts in the midst
of the turbulent class and ideological conflicts of 19th century Britain. They are thus historically
contingent and open to change. Nevertheless, despite the intervening transformations to sports,
especially the worldwide assumption by publicly accountable governments for their financing at the
highest levels of performance, sports bodies continue to assert their claims to autonomy. Such claims
increase the risk of maltreatment to the athletes involved.
Several researchers (e.g., Donnelly and Young 2004; Atkinson and Young 2008) have described
organized sport as sharing many characteristics with total institutions (Goffman 1961) and greedy
institutions (Coser 1974) with their implicit and explicit cultures of control (Donnelly and Young 2004;
Garland 2001). The culture of control exists mainly in prolympic sports, high performance and
professional sports, but it also exists in the youth/developmental levels of many sports1 (Donnelly
1996). Prolympic sports are defined by: an increasing emphasis on outcome (success, victory,
excellence, etc.), an increasing emphasis on control (grounded in the paternal notion that athletes
would not be as committed to outcomes without some external controls), and a decreasing ability on
the part of athletes to determine the form, circumstances, and meanings of their participation.
Control has become a central organizing principle for prolympic sports and provides a context
in which sports-related violence (Young 2012) and the threat of violence may come to be approved,
normalized, routine, and/or rewarded. This is not to argue that the culture of control causes sports-
related violence; rather, certain forms of violence are employed to maintain the culture of control,
1 Youth/developmental levels of sport are frequently linked to prolympic sport by means of the widely-used
Long-Term Athlete Development system; see, accessed April
29, 2020.
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and, in turn, the culture of control creates a climate in which certain forms of violence are facilitated,
expected, and accepted. Thus, the outcomes of power relations in this culture of control are
sometimes violent, abusive, exploitive, and otherwise dehumanizing. In the culture of control of
modern prolympic sports, sports-related violence and the threat of sports-related violence is routine.
It includes various forms of self-abuse, as well as abuse imposed by authority figures (psychological,
physical, occasionally sexual) that is disturbingly out of step with most modern western educational
and work places (e.g., worker and student rights, workplace health and safety regulations, principles
of due process).
Control is justified in various ways. For example, there is a paternalistic aspect of control (e.g.,
athletes cannot be trusted, so control stands in contrast to trust); Howe (2003) asked, for example,”...
whether the athlete or the administrator has more control over the body of the sportsperson.” Control
techniques are sometimes used and justified in total institutions such as prisons, the military, and
sport to establish an overall climate of control, as well as to assert rank and authority. Additionally,
control techniques are also used and justified to sanction behaviours that are defined, sometimes
arbitrarily, as not contributing to ‘success.’ The increasingly high-handed treatment of athletes is
sometimes paired with increasing rewards for success.
As a result of this climate of control, many sports are quite regimented, authority is clearly
delineated, and athletes are motivated by fear and punishment (e.g., being benched, traded, demoted,
dropped, ridiculed, and losing pay or funding). Thus, athletes are manipulatable in this climate; they
are controlled by fear of ostracism, disrepute, stigma, identity loss, career loss, isolation, and so on.
The exploitation often persists because athletes are expendable as a result of the “reserve army of
athletes attempting to play at the elite level” (Connor 2009, p. 1369). Michael Robidoux (2001)
exemplified this with his literal description of the American Hockey League as a ‘farm system’ for
the National Hockey League (NHL): “[t]he players are literally cultivated on the farm; only those
with suitable qualities are ‘picked’ to be used in the NHL market. The cultivation period, moreover,
is limited, and those who do not develop sufficiently are eventually replaced with new ‘stock’” (p.
Thus, in the ideologically isolated, autonomous, conservative, and control culture of modern
Sport maintained its conservative nature throughout the liberation movements of the 1960s in
North America and elsewhere, despite some athlete resistance.
Sport has remained a bastion of masculinity when patriarchy faces serious challenge in many
other areas of social and cultural life.
Sport has maintained its ‘right’ to employ violent and abusive behaviours when such behaviours
are now more severely controlled in other parts of society.
Athletes submit to treatment by coaches, administrators, clinicians, and others that they would
never dream of tolerating from authority figures in other areas of their lives.
The human rights of athletes are routinely violated, albeit at times with their consent. Much
more egregiously, as Donnelly and Petherick (2004) and others have pointed out, up to half of the
articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child are occasionally or routinely violated in elite
organized sports for children (those under 18 years of age in the UN definition). During discussions
of recent years, we have regularly heard that punishments we defined as ‘maltreatment’ were
considered ‘just sport’ by many of the coaches and officials in attendance. The autonomous and self-
governing nature of sport raises the question of why sport organizations themselves, rather than
organizations mandated to ensure child welfare and protection (such as the Children’s Aid Societies
in Canada and National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK2) or the
2 The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) established, with Sport England and
others, the Child Protection in Sport Unit in 2001. However, that unit has advisory and educational functions,
and it does not violate the autonomy of sports to carry out their own investigations and impose discipline in
cases of child maltreatment.
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police, deal with cases of illegal and inappropriate behaviour (maltreatment) in children’s and adult
sport, respectively.
Given these characteristics, it is unsurprising that the maltreatment of children continues to
occur in sport and that—according to many sources—it is rarely reported because the only means
available to report maltreatment is to the organization within which the maltreatment was
perpetrated. Additionally, in terms of the culture of control, it is evident that sport shares that
characteristic with other institutions (e.g., the Catholic church and boarding/residential schools) that
are frequently identified for their involvement in child maltreatment.
The remainder of this paper addresses the struggle for Safe Sport in Canada with a particular
focus on child protection in sport. This struggle is characterized by recurring cycles of resistance by
athletes and others to the prevailing culture of control on the one hand and reinforcement of this
control by sport leaders on the other. In support of athletes’ calls, we propose changes to the sport
context that reflect congruence with the standards, norms, and approaches seen in other child-
dominated contexts.
5. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
In the 1990s, several international, high-profile cases emerged detailing experiences of sexual
abuse of athletes at the hands of their coaches—persons in positions of authority who are entrusted
with responsibility for athlete safety. In 1995, a British Olympic Swimming coach was charged with
15 counts of sexual assault and the rape of two teenaged swimmers (Reid 2012). Two-time Olympic
rower Heather Clarke alleged that her long-time coach had sexually abused her, her sister, and two
other rowers for many years. Additionally, at that time, Sheldon Kennedy, a player in the National
Hockey League, revealed that he had been groomed and sexually victimized by his coach, Graham
James, beginning when Kennedy was just 13 years of age (Kennedy and Grainger 2006; The Canadian
Press 2015). In subsequent years, other hockey players coached by James also disclosed sexual
victimization (e.g., Fleury and Day 2010). The 1997 arrest of former Maple Leaf Gardens (Toronto)
equipment manager, Gordon Stuckless, preceded the announcement that a ‘pedophile ring’ had been
operating at the Gardens between the mid-1970s and the early 1980s (Vine and Challen 2002).
In response to these revelations, there was an outbreak of public concern by Canadians. How
could sport, an endeavour assumed to be healthy and growth-enhancing for young people, become
a place where such harm could occur? The government at the time responded by engaging in a
consultation process that led to new policies and systems of compliance that represented one of the
most progressive examples in the world at that time to deal with harassment and abuse in sport.
Specifically, in 1996, all National Sport Organizations that received public funding were mandated
to: (i) develop and disseminate a publicly accessible harassment policy (the term used at the time),
(ii) to designate arm’s length trained Harassment Officers (one male and one female) with whom
athletes and/or their parents and others could raise queries and to whom they could address
complaints without fear of reprisal from coaches or other sport officials, and (iii) to annually report
to Sport Canada on their compliance with these directives as a condition of continued funding
(Christie 1997). These federal initiatives began to spread to provincial ministries responsible for sport
and to Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs), and they also began to be considered internationally.
A progressive policy guide was produced by Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women
and Sport (CAAWS) (1994) that assisted sport organizations through the development and
implementation of mandated harassment policies. This guide continues to form the basis of policies
used today in Canada and internationally.
5.1. A Failed Policy
Twenty years after these advances, Donnelly et al. (2016) conducted a study to assess the extent
to which Canadian sport organizations complied with these requirements. By reviewing sport
organizations’ websites and contacting the heads of these organizations, they found that 86% and
71% of the NSOs and PSOs, respectively, had harassment policies. Of these, less than half were
publicly accessible as required. The existing policies focused primarily or exclusively on sexual
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maltreatment, with far less content on psychological and physical maltreatment, neglect, bullying,
harassment, and hazing. Only 33% of PSOs and 17% of NSOs addressed the inappropriateness of
sexual relations between a coach and an of-age athlete. Only 27% of PSO and 39% of NSO policies
mentioned a harassment officer, and far fewer stated that these positions included one male and one
female who were trained, as recommended in the original CAAWS (1994) document. Of particular
note is that none of the PSO and NSO policies identified the harassment officer as being at ‘arm’s-
length’ to the sport organization; instead, the CEO or another staff member of the sport organization
was identified as a recipient of harassment/abuse concerns, contrary to the policy directives to have
neutral, third party individuals receive concerns. We are not aware of a single sport organization that
was denied funding for a lack of compliance with the Sport Canada mandates. Clearly, the 1996
policy to advance safety for athletes was not implemented effectively; sport organizations did not
meet the requirements for funding, and Sport Canada did not ensure compliance. What had emerged
since the 1996 policy was a system of self-regulation riddled with conflicts of interests.
In attempting to account for their failure to meet Sport Canada’s requirements, sports
organizations cite their lack of capacity—not their lack of will. They told us that they found it next to
impossible to recruit, train and retain willing and qualified individuals to address complex cases of
maltreatment. Potential investigators and adjudicators were discouraged by the difficult issues
involved and the likelihood of costly legal proceedings. Given these difficulties and the lack of
oversight by Sport Canada, sport organizations quietly ignored the requirements, with many
regressing to a pre-1996 state without harassment policies or systems in place to address complaints.
At the same time, the emphasis on performance outcomes, reinforced by the existing system of
funding of sport organizations in Canada, has been a significant barrier to addressing and preventing
harassment and abuse. Sport organizations are funded primarily based upon the results
(international medals, records, top-10 performances, and so on) attained by their athletes. As such,
sports in which athletes earn high international standings are funded to a greater extent than those
sports in which athletes do not perform as well; in fact, teams that drop in international rankings may
experience funding cuts. For example, significant funding comes from a Sport Canada-funded
organization, Own the Podium, which “(…) drive(s) Canada’s high- performance sport system
forward in a quest to help more athletes and coaches win more medals in future Olympic and
Paralympic Games” (,-Mission,-
Mandate-Goals). Since the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Vancouver/Whistler,
Canada, the pressure for medals has intensified. We suggest that Own the Podium, driven by the
relentless expectations of international success, pays inadequate attention to the means by which
medals are earned and thus may enable athlete development methods that are inconsistent with
athletes’ rights and welfare. A vast body of literature in sport addresses the potential consequences
of such a win-at-all-costs approach to sport, including overuse injuries, sport withdrawal, eating
disorders, and maltreatment (Coakley 2015; Donnelly 1993; Stirling and Kerr 2015).
5.2. The Next Wave
A series of international and high-profile cases between 2010 and 2019 stimulated another flurry
of activity and policy directives. In the United States, the 2011 Penn State University child sex abuse
scandal emerged; this involved offences committed by a football coach, Jerry Sandusky, over a period
of 15 years (Smith 2016). In 2018, Larry Nassar, a USA gymnastics team doctor was charged and
convicted of sexually assaulting more than 150 minors over a period of two decades; he was
subsequently sentenced to up to 125 years in prison (Levinson 2018). At around the same time, Barry
Bennell, a football (soccer) coach in the U.K. was convicted of sexual abuse of numerous boys from
the 1970s to the 1990s. Bennell was sentenced to a prison term of 30 years. He was found to be part of
a pedophile ring in U.K. football that victimized over 800 boys at 340 different football clubs (BBC
News 2018). Between 2016 and 2018, Canadian sport was also shaken by cases of sexual abuse of
athletes in the sports of alpine skiing, gymnastics, wrestling, speed skating, and swimming, amongst
others (Heroux 2019; Heroux et al. 2018).
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5.3. Recognizing the Role of Bystanders
These cases, in contrast to those in the 1990s, drew attention to and consideration of the role of
bystanders. Specifically, they highlighted the complicity of adults in positions of power and authority
who are entrusted with the care and safety of athletes. We find it hard to countenance that
perpetrators can harm so many individuals over such an extended period of time without someone
knowing about the abuse or, at a minimum, suspecting abuse may be occurring. In fact, in the 2011
Penn State University child sex abuse case, evidence indicated that at least four other adults in
positions of authority at the University were aware of the allegations and had “total and consistent
disregard...for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims” and “empowered” Sandusky to
continue his acts of abuse by failing to disclose them (Freeh Sporkin and Sullivan 2012). Similarly, in
the Larry Nassar case, the athletes did in fact disclose their abusive experiences to others, but their
disclosures were ignored or dismissed based upon the prestige and reputation held by Nassar and
the performance success of the U.S. women’s gymnastics team (Raisman 2018a; 2018b). Their
complicity enabled Nassar to continue with his abuses.
The critical role of bystanders in abuse cases was poignantly summarized by Mitch Garabedian3,
a lawyer for some of the survivors of abuses by Catholic priests in Boston, who stated, “If it takes a
village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.” The focus of sexual abuse cases had clearly
shifted from a sole focus on the perpetrator to inclusion of the critical role of bystanders, as well as
the failure of adults in positions of responsibility for the care of young people to enact their duty to
act when knowledge or suspicions of child abuse emerge.
As a consequence of their failure to act on their responsibilities to care for these young people,
the President, Athletic Director, and executive Director of Alumni Relations of Michigan State
University where Nassar was employed either resigned or were required to leave. The University
also agreed to a settlement of $500 million (Jesse 2019). As a result of the Nassar case and associated
legal costs, USA Gymnastics—a powerhouse of a sport organization—declared bankruptcy (Axon et
al. 2019). In contrast to cases that emerged in earlier years, the trial of Nassar included seven days of
testimonies from athletes who were survivors of Nassar’s abuses (Raisman 2018b). This represented
a shift in sexual abuse cases, with survivors having an opportunity to tell their stories and call for
changes—a shift that was inevitably influenced by the broader #MeToo movement.
5.4. Renewing a Failed Policy
At the same time, Canada was dealing with cases of sexual abuse of female teenage alpine skiers
by the national coach Bertrand Charest, who was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment upon appeal
(The Canadian Press 2019); infractions within wrestling (Bennett 2018); and the allegations of sexual
misconduct by the 2016 Olympic Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Coach, David Brubaker. In response
to the Nassar case in the U.S. and the Charest and Brubaker cases in Canada, there was, again, a flurry
of public and scholarly attention paid to the abuse of athletes. The federal Minister of Science and
Sport at the time, Kirsty Duncan, herself a former athlete, drew additional attention to the abuse of
athletes by declaring that addressing abuse of athletes was a priority of her office. She announced
that: “national sporting organizations will lose their federal funding if they don’t immediately
disclose to her office any allegations of abuse or harassment that occur within their ranks” and
“Effective immediately, funding agreements also require sporting associations to establish an
independent third party to investigate all allegations of abuse and have mandatory prevention
training in place as soon as possible and no later than 1 April 2020” (Rabson 2018). Though these
mandates caused a flurry of activity in sport organizations, the Minister’s requirement to report cases
and to establish an independent third party to investigate allegations of abuse or harassment were
hardly new. On the contrary, these requirements had been in place since 1996 and had simply not
been implemented or enforced. Despite the stirring words of priority, these mandates represented a
3 ‘Mitch’ Garabedian is a Boston lawyer who represented a number of victims of Catholic church sexual abuse.
The words in this quote, referring to the code of silence in the Catholic church, were spoken by actor Stanley
Tucci, who played Garabedian in the 2015 film Spotlight.
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retreat to a 20-year old policy that neither the sports bodies nor Sport Canada had been able to
implement; this was two steps back.
The commitment to address abuse, harassment, bullying, and discrimination in sport was
explicitly reinforced by the Red Deer Declaration for the Prevention of Harassment, Abuse and
Discrimination in Sport (Sport Information Resource Centre 2019). Led by the Federal Minister, the
group of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Ministers responsible for Sport, Physical Activity and
Recreation, met to endorse the Declaration. Specifically, they agreed to work together to reinforce
and build on the existing work and commitments to activate the values of the Canadian Sport Policy;
to foster a collaborative and coordinated relationship with sport organizations, participants, and
stakeholders; and to engage relevant experts to identify effective approaches to prevent and respond
to incidents of harassment, abuse, and discrimination.
The Minister also directed the development of a Universal Code of Conduct for stakeholders in
sport. The Code was written to identify prohibited behaviours and be applicable to all members of
the National Sport community. As part of the process of developing this Code, a series of Safe Sport
Summits were held across the country in 2019. These summits gave stakeholders the opportunity to
contribute to the definition of prohibited conduct and potential sanctions for egregious behaviour.
Disturbingly, the summits, which were led by the Coaching Association of Canada, were framed by
the assumption that sexually abusive behaviours were the most egregious behaviours, ignoring the
compelling evidence from the vast body of research on child maltreatment indicating that all forms
of maltreatment are deleterious to a child’s health and wellbeing (Glaser 2002; Matthews 2004; McCoy
and Keen 2014). In spite of the evidence that psychological abuse, physical abuse, and neglect are just
as, or in some cases, more damaging than sexual abuse to a child in the short- and long-term
(Horwath 2013), many in the sport community insisted on limiting the scope of their responsibility
to sexual abuse.
It could be said that the preoccupation with sexual abuse was justified given the media focus at
the time. In addition to a long history of media attention on sexual abuse in sport, a 2019 study by
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation indicated that at least 222 coaches involved in amateur sports
in Canada were convicted of sexual offences in the previous 20 years, involving more than 600 victims
under the age of 18 years. Cases involving another 34 accused coaches were before the courts at that
time (Ward and Strashin 2019). The focus on sexual misconduct at the National Summit was reflected
in the heated discussions and a lack of consensus on whether or not sexual relations between athletes
over the age of 18 years and a person in a position of authority should be prohibited. Regarding this
specific scenario, athletes were clear in their responses that the power differential was so great
between athletes and persons such as coaches, sport administrators, and sport science personnel that
consent was not possible, and sexual relations should therefore be prohibited. The views of other
stakeholders were not as consistent. At the time of writing this paper, we have yet to see whether the
athletes’ recommendations will be implemented.
5.5. Expanding the Focus Beyond Sexual Abuse
The exclusive focus on sexual abuse by many in the sport community was challenged by the
2019 release of a prevalence study of maltreatment among Canadian national team athletes that
highlighted the frequency of experiences of various forms of maltreatment (Kerr et al. 2019). These
findings provided a new understanding of the experiences of athletes. Specifically, they broadened
the focus on sexual abuse to include the psychological abuse and neglect of athletes. Of 1001 athletes,
17% of current athletes and 23% of retired athletes reported repeated experiences of psychologically
harmful behaviours, and 15% of current athletes and 22% of retired athletes reported repeated
experiences of neglect. These were followed by sexual harm (4% of current athletes and 7% of retired
athletes) and physical abuse (3% of current athletes and 5% of retired athletes).
Despite the preoccupation of the media and sport organizations with cases of sexual abuse of
athletes, these findings signaled that other forms of maltreatment are far more prevalent and may be
just as damaging to athletes’ health and well-being. The preponderance of psychological abuse has
been supported by other prevalence studies conducted in the UK (Alexander et al. 2011) and the
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Netherlands and Belgium (Vertommen et al. 2016). More recently, the prevalence and impact of
psychological abuse has been highlighted by several male, high-profile National Hockey League
players who have described training in psychologically toxic environments (Prewitt 2019). The
findings of the Canadian study also indicated that statistically significant relationships existed
between all forms of maltreatment—psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect—
and disordered eating/eating disorders, depression, and suicide ideation. As causality cannot be
ascertained from this analysis, the short and long-term effects of maltreatment on athletes remain a
direction for future research.
5.6. The Athletes’ Voices
A particularly disturbing finding from the Canadian prevalence study was that fewer than 15%
of the responding athletes who had experienced maltreatment submitted a formal report of their
experiences; furthermore, less than half of the current and retired athletes ever told anyone about the
harmful experiences. The athletes shared that they did not report because they did not know who to
report to, they did not have a safe and confidential place to report their concerns without fear of
negative repercussions for their athletic careers, and they did not have confidence in their sport
organizations to address their concerns in a fair and transparent manner. In the words of some of
these athletes: “I would never feel comfortable going to my National Sport Organization if I were
harassed in any way and would 100% need an independent body to report the harassment to. I would
be far too scared to say anything to my coach or my HPD [high performance director]” and, “Asking
sport organizations to deal with abuse in their ranks is like asking them to incriminate themselves.”
The athletes’ widespread fear of reprisal makes ‘self-regulation’ an inadequate policy response.
Canadian women wrestlers were very public in their concerns about the self-regulating nature of
sport: “(…) at times it doesn’t feel safe or comfortable for an athlete to come forward because we
don’t want to put our goal, our lifelong dream of making an Olympic Games, in jeopardy. Sometimes
it’s this fear of keeping the status quo, because there’s been no independent body that we can go to
and feel safe;” “We want the minister to know that athletes support an independent body to handle
safe sport issues,” Jasmine Mian, a 2016 Olympian and chair of Wrestling Canada’s athlete council,
said in a press release. “It’s not only in the best interest of athletes but also in the best interest of the
NSO. What constitutes safe sport should be consistent across Canada” (Ewing 2018).
The findings of the national prevalence study, together with discussions at the Safe Sport
Summits held across the country, culminated in a National Safe Sport Summit in 2019, which was led
by the Coaching Association of Canada (Coaching Association of Canada 2019) and included over
300 stakeholders in sport. Informed by the individual Summits and the National Prevalence Study
data, recommendations were presented for all egregious conduct to be included in the Universal
Code of Conduct. The most powerful moment of the National Summit came in response to the
athletes’ presentation of their recommendations to advance Safe Sport, a presentation that was met
with a standing ovation. The athletes clearly and courageously argued for the Canadian sport
community to:
1 Address all forms of maltreatment.
2 Implement mandatory education for all stakeholders.
3 Prohibit sexual relations and forced intimacy between athletes and persons in positions of
4 Enhance the focus on athletes’ holistic wellbeing.
5 Strengthen accountability measures.
6 Ensure that supports and resources are available for victims of maltreatment.
7 Implement an independent body to receive, investigate, and adjudicate complaints, as well as to
apply sanctions.
The peer solidarity demonstrated by the athletes in communicating a common message to the
Canadian sport community was a display of resistance against the dominant culture. Athletes exerted
agency in voicing their demands for healthier sport experiences and more opportunities to contribute
Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 68 10 of 16
to the decisions that affect them. Their unified call for an independent Safe Sport agency was a public
challenge to the existing culture of control.
5.7. Development of the Universal Code of Conduct for Addressing and Preventing Maltreatment
After the National Summit, work began on a Universal Code of Conduct designed to be
applicable to all stakeholders in sport—athletes, coaches, sport administrators, officials, sport science
personnel, and volunteers. Progress was achieved in expanding the focus to include all forms of
maltreatment, as the athletes had insisted. Additionally, advances were realized in terms of holding
adults in positions of authority and trust over young people accountable for reporting knowledge or
suspicions of maltreatment. In addition to reinforcing the legal duty to report any suspicions of child
maltreatment, the Code also makes persons in positions of authority responsible for reporting
inappropriate conduct that may not reach the threshold of a criminal offence. This latter addition was
important for prevention given the known trajectory from inappropriate conduct to all forms of
maltreatment (Canadian Centre for Child Protection, n.d.).
The development of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in
Sport was not without its challenges. Some members of the sport community insisted that the
following clause be included in the Code:
“Conduct and coaching methods that are acceptable to Canadian standards for skill
enhancement, physical conditioning, team building, rule enforcement, or improved athletic
performance [would be exempt from descriptions of maltreatment.]”
Given the research evidence illustrating the normalization of harmful practices such as the use
of degrading, threatening, or humiliating comments, as well as the use of exercise as punishment,
this clause was viewed by both athletes and researchers as problematic and indicative of efforts to
maintain a punitive culture of control.
More than 20 experts were consulted; they represented a broad range of organizations and areas
of expertise, including child protection, criminal law, police, under-represented groups, gender
equity and gender-based violence, LGBTQ+ (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Trangender/Queer/Plus),
parasport and persons with disabilities, athletes and coaches, human rights advocates, and academics
with expertise in child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. The goal of the consultation was
to leverage extensive and diverse knowledge from independent experts and researchers to create an
evidence-informed code that could protect all participants in sport in Canada from maltreatment. In
response to the clause above, one researcher of child abuse stated, “The biggest risk factor to
experiences of abuse in sport are that the practices are normalized as standard professionally-
accepted methods for athlete development. I strongly suggest deleting this sentence as it completely
undermines the purpose of the code of conduct and the expectation that this code will serve to
safeguard athletes from these harmful experiences.” The normalization of some harmful practices,
especially with respect to psychological abuse, have been well-documented in the academic literature
(Jacobs et al. 2017; Stafford et al. 2015). Another reviewer stated, “Often, longstanding customs
demonstrate the failure of a profession or class of defendants to keep up with modern developments.
The tainted blood cases in Canada illustrate this well. The Red Cross’ customary practices were found
to be out-of-date in comparison to standards in the US. I would not rely on accepted practice in
coaching/training methods to defend allegations of misconduct without making sure the conduct is
a best practice.” An athlete added, “As long as this clause remains, abuse will continue unchecked.”
The Code was released in 2019 without the inclusion of the contentious clause (Sport Information
Resource Centre 2019).
5.8. Establishment of a Helpline and Offering Independent Investigators
In 2019, the Minister of Science and Sport also established a Canadian Sport Helpline at This was intended to provide a triage service, guiding people with
concerns to either the police and child protection services or to their sport organization. While this
initiative may have the appearance of representing progress in child protection, the fact that most
Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 68 11 of 16
complaints fall under the criminal threshold means that most complaints are directed back to the
sport organization for resolution. Again, this leaves the complainant facing a system that is ill-
equipped to address complaints, in addition to athletes’ complaints being forwarded to persons who
are in conflicts of interest. The value of the helpline is thus questionable.
In 2019, the Minister at the time also contracted an existing body, the Sport Dispute Resolution
Centre of Canada, to provide independent investigators to assist sport organizations in addressing
complaints. Some of the larger, better-funded National Sport Organizations appointed their own
‘independent’ investigators. While incorporating independent investigators was undoubtedly a step
forward, the complaint system remains riddled with conflicts of interest. Employees of sport
organizations, in most cases the CEO or the ‘independent’ Safe Sport Officer, make the initial decision
about whether or not a complaint warrants an investigation. Furthermore, the report completed by
the independent investigator is typically submitted to the sport organization itself for
implementation and the application of sanctions. If the independent investigator recommends that
the complaint proceeds to a hearing, the sport organization is responsible for selecting the members
of the hearing panel, again representing a conflict of interest. Finally, if sanctions are recommended,
the sport organization bears responsibility for their implementation—or not. In the words of one CEO
of a large sport organization that has been through this process, ‘the lawyer for [the respondent] is
claiming conflict of interest as the independent investigator was paid for by [sport organization] and
the hearing panel itself is not independent because [the sport organization] pays those bills as well!’
(Anonymous 2020).
Numerous problems exist in the current system of complaint management in addition to the
conflicts of interests identified above. Most importantly, the current system fails to address the
athletes’ concerns and recommendations for a truly independent system that exists outside of and
without the involvement of the sport organization. In our view, no new mechanism for realizing safe
sport in Canada should be developed without the direct involvement of athletes in each stage of the
process, nor should one be approved without the full support of elected athlete representatives, as
represented by AthletesCAN. It is instructive that the Canadian anti-doping policy implemented in
the wake of the Ben Johnson scandal in the early 1990s was only implemented after it was approved
by a special meeting of elected athlete representatives convened by AthletesCAN.
6. The Next Steps
Currently, a coalition of athletes, researchers, sports bodies, and other organizations is pushing
for a truly independent body, one that ensures due process for all parties involved and involves four
fundamental components. First, in an independent system, a complaint would be filed with a body
that is completely separate from the sport organization and Sport Canada. There would be no
conflicts of interest between the recipient of the complaint and the sport organization. This
independent body would serve a triage function, determining whether the complaint should be
directed to the police or child protection services, to an independent investigator, or to another body
if the complaint is not relevant to maltreatment. Second, an independent investigative process would
be created. Any complaint that is identified as a potential violation of the Universal Code of Conduct
would be directed by the independent body to an independent investigator to initiate an
investigation. The independent investigator would have no relationship with the sport organization
or any other conflicts of interest, perceived or otherwise, in relation to the complainant, respondent,
or any other member of the sport organization. Third, independent adjudication processes would be
created. If the independent investigator concludes that a complaint should be examined through a
hearing or adjudication process, members of the hearing panel must have no relationship with the
sport organization or any conflicts of interest, perceived or otherwise, in relation to the complainant,
respondent, or any other member of the sport organization. The adjudication of sanctions appropriate
for findings of a breach of the Universal Code must occur without input or involvement from the
sport organization. Fourth, anyone affected by experiences of maltreatment should have access to
educational, legal, and psychological supports and resources, including clear information about the
Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 68 12 of 16
expectations of the Universal Code of Conduct and the process of reporting a complaint (Kerr et al.
It should be noted that the Canadian government, through Sport Canada, has already
established two independent agencies where athletes and sport organizations are able to realize due
process: the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, which functions as a national version of the
International Court of Arbitration for Sport, and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, which
manages Canada’s anti-doping system. In our view, and those of the athletes, the safety and
protection of children in sport warrants a similar independent agency (Donnelly et al. 2019). A single,
independent, pan-Canadian body for Safe Sport would investigate, adjudicate, and ensure
compliance with and consistency in the application of the Universal Code of Conduct to Address and
Prevent Maltreatment in Sport. Fair, transparent, independent, and accessible processes would be
assured to all athletes, regardless of sport, geographical location in the country, or the availability of
external supports and resources. Furthermore, such a body would provide consistent, equitable
support and expertise to sport organizations, both large and small, thus freeing capacity and
resources within sport organizations to pursue their primary endeavours. Finally, it would have and
deserve the trust of all participants in sport and be able to deliver on the promise of Safe Sport in
To advance Safe Sport, we also need to address sport leaders’ concerns about the challenges to
their leadership presented by an independent body to address complaints. Funding will be required
to establish such a body, and sport leaders are concerned that this funding will be extracted from
funding otherwise allocated to performance enhancement—which remains their primary mandate.
Finally, we will need to address the ‘issue fatigue’ that many sport leaders experience. Over recent
years, sport leaders have been challenged to, in addition to pursuing their core mission of achieving
performance outcomes, adapt to drug testing, be more inclusive of athletes with diverse identities,
concussion prevention and intervention, and, now, maltreatment. Supporting sport leaders through
these adaptations will be necessary to achieve progress in advancing Safe Sport. However, we are
confident that these concerns can be fully addressed.
To date, the efforts to advance child protection in sport have been devoted to articulating
egregious behaviours and identifying complaint mechanisms to address these behaviours when they
occur. The current landscape of Safe Sport in Canada may be best characterized at this time as being
reactive—addressing maltreatment once it occurs but remaining relatively silent on prevention and
the underlying influences that encourage or enable maltreatment in sport. Specifically, the efforts to-
date have failed to address the culture of sport as it relates to healthy child development, including
the development of athletic talent in young people. Nor have the funding structures that encourage
performance success over all else been addressed in any substantial manner. Important opportunities
to realize the potential and promise of sport will be lost without attention to these underlying cultures
and structures. Researchers have problematized the autonomy of sport, funding models connected
to performance success, win-at-all costs attitudes, and authoritarian coaching and leadership;
however, their critiques have not altered the culture of sport in significant ways.
To advance child protection in sport, we need to challenge the prevailing culture of control that
perpetuates the autonomous nature of sport, as well as associated assumptions that the sport context
is somehow different from other domains in which young people reside. In fact, sport is the only
child-populated domain in Canadian society that is completely autonomous and self-regulating.
Traditionally accepted and prevalent coaching methods, such as the use of punishments, degrading
and humiliating comments, and environments characterized by one-on-one interactions with young
people, would not be tolerated in other domains populated by young people, such as educational
settings. Normative conduct in sport needs to be aligned with the standards and norms of society at-
large, including the adoption of the assumption that optimal performance results from health and
well-being, not at the expense of health and well-being. As illustrated in educational settings for
youth, traditional authoritarian teaching styles and the use of punitive strategies have been replaced
with child-centred approaches, recognizing that when teaching is based on the child’s developmental
needs and when children feel supported, optimal learning occurs. Youth in sport would benefit from
Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 68 13 of 16
a similar shift in approach. Abandoning traditional approaches to coaching and leadership for
approaches that have, at their core, the developmental needs and rights of young people would not
only help to prevent experiences of maltreatment but would also facilitate performance.
Ideally, funding structures need to reflect such a focus. Imagine the outcomes for young people
if coaches and sport administrators were evaluated on the basis of their athletes’ physical and
psychological health, as well as athletes’ assessments of the quality of their sport experiences, both
during and after their athletic careers. With such a funding model, adults in positions of trust for the
care of young people would have an extended responsibility to consider the influence of sport
experiences on young people long after sport participation has ended. Furthermore, we posit that
optimal athletic performances are realized only when athletes are healthy, have a strong sense of self,
exert autonomy, and feel well-supported. In conclusion, only with independent oversight and a
funding model and educational programmes that prioritize the promotion of athlete development,
health, and well-being will we advance Safe Sport and realize the potential and promise of sport.
Author Contributions: conceptualization: G.K., B.K., and P.D.; historical account: B.K.; writing of original draft
preparation: G.K.; writing—review and editing, B.K. and P.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
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... An additional yet much less researched negative impact of physical training relates to athletes who are subjected to maltreatment and even violence (Brackenridge et al., 2010;Mountjoy et al., 2016). Such verbal or physical abuse may include a range of aggressive behaviors directed towards athletes by their peers, parents, coaches, and other professional staff members (Kerr et al., 2020a). Moreover, interpersonal violence against young athletes has been associated with mental health problems and reduced quality of life in adulthood (Vertommen et al., 2018). ...
... 3 A human rights report that was recently published in Japan revealed vast violence by coaches towards athletes (Human Rights Watch, 2020). In Canada, this issue was placed on the public agenda following a series of revelations about the abuse of athletes between 1994-2005 (e.g., Kerr et al., 2020a;Stirling et al., 2011). Recent years have seen an increase in awareness of the scope of the problem and its consequences (Stoltenborgh et al., 2015). ...
... Initially, the agenda for child protection in sports was driven by sexual abuse scandals (Brackenridge & Rhind, 2014), yet today it also addresses physical violence, psychological abuse, and even verbal hostility. While in the 1990s, few sports organizations acknowledged or addressed child abuse and protection (mainly in the UK, Canada, and Australia), an increase has been seen over the past decades in the international interest in this issue (Brackenridge & Rhind, 2014); moreover, greater attempts have been made to describe the scope, characteristics, nature, and implications of this undesirable and harmful phenomenon (Kerr, 2020a). ...
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Aims: This study aimed at examining coach-athlete violence based on the retrospective reports of adults who had been athletes as children and adolescents; predict variables that contribute to the existence of such violence; describe difficulties that the participants encountered as young athletes following such violence; and reveal the outcomes of such violence on their emotions and behaviors, in the past and present. Methodology: The applied mixed-methods comprised quantitative self-reporting questionnaires and qualitative interviews. The former included 440 participants (mean age 27.6) who had trained for at least one year in a sports union youth department; the latter included 14 participants (aged 23-37). These competitive athletes came from eight branches of sports. The interviews were analyzed based on the Narrative Approach. Results: According to the quantitative study, all participants had experienced coach violence at least once during their career, mainly psychological violence and neglect, followed by physical violence. Sexual violence was least reported. The age of their retirement from sports and the number of coaches that they had had were significant predictors of violence. Thematic analysis of the qualitative interviews resulted in six types of coach-athlete violence: (1) psychological violence; (2) verbal violence; (3) starvation and food fattening; (4) non-proportional punishing; (5) physical violence; and (6) sexual violence. Conclusions: It is vital that coach-athlete violence is addressed in public discourse, that the topic of of young athletes’ safety is introduced into coaching education, and that a position holder is nominated to be in charge of such safety in all sports organizations.
... The most notable case of abuse in gymnastics is the Larry Nasser case in the United States in which a team doctor abused 256 athletes for decades, without governing bodies properly detecting or stopping it (Edelman & Pacella, 2019;Mountjoy & Verhagen, 2022). Other scientific studies in the Netherlands , Canada (Kerr et al., 2020), and Australia (Osborne et al., 2023;Roberts & Quigley, 2023;Seanor et al., 2023), as well as reports in Australia (Change the Routine, 2021) and England (Whyte Review, 2022), confirm the oftentimes toxic environment in gymnastics (Osborne et al., 2023). Alliances of (youth) gymnasts worldwide are advocating toward a cultural change, with more emphasis on athlete welfare, less controlling and abusive coaching behavior, and safer environments (e.g., "gymnasts for change" movement). ...
... Therefore, gymnastics is quite autocratic and resistant to change. This, together with the military and masculine roots of the sport, form the backbone of the normalization and tolerance of controlling coaching in gymnastics (Kerr et al., 2020;Smits et al., 2017). In order to change a sport that tolerates hegemonic masculine narratives, controlling coach-athlete relationships, and psychological abuse to one that is safe and free from interpersonal violence, a more holistic approach is needed from scholars and practitioners alike. ...
Athlete well-being and safety is of central importance to the field of sport management. Despite the growing attention of researchers, policy makers, and practitioners on interpersonal violence in sport, the issue remains prevalent. The most occurring form of interpersonal violence—coach-perpetrated psychological abuse of athletes—remains understudied. This gap was addressed in this study by exploring the dynamic interplay between individual coaching behaviors and organizational club characteristics in subelite-level gymnastics in Flanders (Belgium). The findings indicate a relationship between coaching style, club climate, and psychological abuse perpetrated by coaches. Gymnasts that perceived their coaches as more controlling, and/or the club climate as unethical also experienced more psychological abuse by their coaches. Furthermore, the club climate was found to moderate the relation between controlling coaching and psychological abuse, indicating the importance of taking an organizational and management lens to the issue of interpersonal violence in sport.
... The absence of a formal and independent complaint mechanism was one of the most frequently mentioned barriers to reporting an experience of IV in sport (Bjørnseth & Szabo, 2018;McLaren et al., 2020;Willson et al., 2022). Indeed, researchers and people involved in sport have long been advocating for a standardized and independent complaint mechanism (Gurgis & Kerr, 2021;Kerr et al., 2020;McLaren et al., 2020;Rhind et al., 2014). ...
... The authors recommend maximum transparency regarding the investigative processes of complaints of sexual abuse in sport. Other studies on IV in sport also voiced the need for transparency and accountability (Kerr, 2022;Kerr et al., 2020;Tuakli-Wosornu et al., 2023;Willson et al., 2022). For example, the OSIC (2022b) publishes quarterly activity reports available on their website with the number of complaints received and decisions made on their receivability. ...
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Past studies have highlighted the lack of independent formal complaint mechanisms as one of the most significant barriers to reporting interpersonal violence (IV) in sport. Some countries have since implemented complaint mechanisms specific to sport settings. Evaluations of similar mechanisms in other sectors could inform the development and implementation of complaint mechanisms for IV in sport. This rapid review included studies inside and outside the sport context to document the characteristics of complaint mechanisms of IV, barriers or limitations related to such mechanisms, and recommendations resulting from their evaluation. Following the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Interim Guidance, six databases were searched for peer-reviewed references in English or French, published between 2012 and 2022, and pertaining to the evaluation of formal reporting mechanisms of IV. The 35 references covered mechanisms mainly targeting IV in general (any type) or sexual violence specifically. Complaint mechanisms varied in scope and as a function of their setting, including work, university, military, and medical. We identified barriers and limitations concerning fear of consequences, lack of knowledge, lack of efficiency, lack of trust, and unsupportive culture. Finally, we documented 18 recommendations to improve complaint mechanisms of IV, spanning four categories: (a) organizational accountability, (b) awareness and accessibility, (c) adapted process, and (d) ongoing evaluation. This rapid review draws recommendations from various research disciplines and types of mechanisms to offer a comprehensive portrait of best practices. The findings show that numerous aspects of complaint mechanisms at multiple levels should be considered when developing and implementing complaint mechanisms of IV.
... Research on what is increasingly being referred to as "Safe Sport," defined as "harm-free sport environments" (Gurgis et al., 2023, p. 77), has expanded to focus on a wide range of issues with overlapping use of terms such as athlete maltreatment, welfare, safeguarding, misconduct, and human rights within sports (Kerr et al., 2020;Lang & Hartill, 2015). "[A]lthough different definitions are used across the world," Gurgis et al., 2023 (p. ...
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This paper examines the intersection of Black hair aesthetics and three dimensions of safe sport: environmental and physical safety, relational safety, and optimizing sport experiences. Black hair, a fundamental aspect of cultural identity for people of African descent, has been historically stigmatized; an issue that extends into sports yet remains unexplored. Through a predominantly Canadian perspective, we define Black hair aesthetics as encompassing various textures and styles related to real and potential risks of injury, inattention, and disregard in sport contexts. We contend that Black hair is a safe sport issue as it intertwines with risk, safety, and human rights. By exploring Black hair stylization, we uncover its political dimensions and its ability to challenge colonial norms that impact sporting access and success.
... Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi (IOC) sporda çeĢitli taciz ve istismar biçimlerini tanımaktadır (48)."Sporcularda kötü muamelenin bu biçimlerinin zararlı etkileri olduğu bulunmuĢtur; bazı çalıĢmalar, psikolojik istismarın, fiziksel istismarın ve ihmalin, kısa ve uzun vadede cinsel istismar kadar zarar verici olabileceğini öne sürmektedir (49). Ayrıca araĢtırmalar, sporcular arasında cinsel taciz ve istismarın yaygınlığını vurgulamıĢ, elit sporcuların deneyimlediği cinsel istismarın yaygınlığında daha düĢük seviyedeki sporculara kıyasla önemli farklılıklar olduğunu göstermiĢtir (50). ...
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Bu konu, spor alanında cinsel taciz ve cinsel şiddetin artan farkındalığı ve önemi nedeniyle seçilmiştir. Spor dünyasında cinsel taciz, genellikle görmezden gelinen veya yeterince ele alınmayan bir konudur. Özellikle kadın ve çocukların hedef alındığı, güç gösterisinin çirkin bir şekilde gösterildiği bu sosyal anomi son yıllarda oldukça revaçtadır. Bu konuya dair kamuoyu bilincinin artması ve sporcuların maruz kaldıkları taciz vakalarını açığa çıkarmaları, bu konunun araştırılmasının önemini artırmıştır. Bu çalışma, ciddi ve yaygın soruna dikkat çekmeyi, tacizin boyutlarını ve etkilerini anlamayı ve mücadele yollarını bulmayı sistematik bir şekilde inceleyerek tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç kapsamında çalışma, sistematik derleme yöntemi ile yapılmış olup, sporda cinsel taciz ve çocuk istismarının nasıl göründüğünü göstermektedir
... An additional yet much less researched negative impact of physical training relates to athletes who are subjected to maltreatment and even violence [4,5]. Such verbal or physical abuse may include a range of aggressive behaviors directed towards athletes by their peers, parents, coaches, and other professional staff members [6]. Moreover, interpersonal violence against young athletes has been associated with mental health problems and reduced quality of life in adulthood [7]. ...
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Aims: This study aimed at examining coach-athlete violence based on the retrospective reports of adults who had been athletes as children and adolescents; predict variables that contribute to the existence of such violence; describe difficulties that the participants encountered as young athletes following such violence; and reveal the outcomes of such violence on their emotions and behaviors, in the past and present. Methodology: The applied mixed methods comprised quantitative self-reporting questionnaires and qualitative interviews. The former included 440 participants (mean age 27.6) who had trained for at least one year in a sports union youth department; the latter included 14 participants (aged 23–37). These competitive athletes came from eight branches of sports. The interviews were analyzed based on the Narrative Approach. Results: According to the quantitative study, all participants had experienced coach violence at least once during their career, mainly psychological violence and neglect, followed by physical violence. Sexual violence was least reported. The age of their retirement from sports and the number of coaches that they had had were significant predictors of violence. Thematic analysis of the qualitative interviews resulted in six types of coach-athlete violence: (1) psychological violence; (2) verbal violence; (3) starvation and food fattening; (4) non-proportional punishing; (5) physical violence; and (6) sexual violence. Conclusions: It is vital that coach-athlete violence is addressed in public discourse, that the topic of young athletes’ safety is introduced into coaching education, and that a position holder is nominated to be in charge of such safety in all sports organizations.
The barrage of stories from athletes about their experiences of maltreatment in sport has led some to conclude that sport is “in crisis”. Across sport types and levels, men’s and women’s sports, and countries, stories of athletes’ experiences of maltreatment are remarkably similar, pointing to the central role played by sport cultures and norms. The characteristics of sport cultures that increase vulnerability to maltreatment experiences bear resemblance to the characteristics of toxic cultures, including being authoritarian and fear-based, and devoid of values and diversity. In this chapter, the powerful role of social norms will be emphasized to understand sport as a toxic culture and to suggest ways of de-toxifying this culture. Recommendations are made to revise the predominant social norms in sport through changes in environmental cues and the engagement and empowerment of all stakeholders to affect cultural change.
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Athlete maltreatment in organized sport has attracted considerable attention from governing bodies, stakeholders and the general public. Despite numerous studies and policy proposals from various countries, the problem remains unresolved due to its inherent complexity. Drawing upon the concept of ‘a wicked problem’ widely utilized in policy analysis, this study first identifies the wicked features of maltreatment, focusing on: (1) the difficulty of establishing a definition of maltreatment; (2) the challenges of identifying its causes; and (3) the impediments to identifying solutions in a context of embedded stakeholders and unintended consequences. To provide further analysis, we compare athlete maltreatment with other issues in sport such as doping and match-fixing, to suggest that lessons can be drawn from other wicked problems in the same contested terrain. Overall, given the complex interplay between maltreatment and the maintenance/legitimization of sport systems, this paper calls for continuing attention and evaluation of existing research/policies and advocates for a more multidimensional view that acknowledges maltreatment as a wicked problem.
The world of sport offers a deep—and often—overlooked—source for the study of deviance and its development and impact on society. Deviance and Social Control in Sport challenges preconceived understandings regarding the relationship of deviance and sport and offers a conceptual framework for future work in a variety of sociological subfields. Drawing on their cutting-edge research in criminology and deviance in the discipline of sociology, Atkinson and Young provide a textured understanding of sport-related deviance through the application of various approaches to deviance in a sport context. Using extended case studies, the authors examine the subject of deviance through examples that are popular (fan violence, hockey enforcers, effect of the media), understudied (sport-related violence against animals, athletes as on-field victims of violence), or emerging (sport security, drugs and weight control, cybernetic athletes, extreme sports). This engaging presentation allows readers to fully understand the effects of sport deviance in society. Deviance and Social Control in Sport explains how forms of wanted and unwanted rule violation are produced by and mediated through social contexts in and around sport. As such, it explores - how deviance in sport is culturally constructed and ideologically framed in dynamic and interactive contexts; - the pathways certain athletes follow in becoming deviant and how they learn to associate those behaviors with their core identities; and - the social responses to deviant sporting behaviors, including the role of the media in disseminating images and messages about the behavior in question.
The Jerry Sandusky child molestation case stunned the nation. As subsequent revelations uncovered an athletic program operating free of oversight, university officials faced criminal charges while unprecedented NCAA sanctions hammered Penn State football and blackened the reputation of coach Joe Paterno. In Wounded Lions, acclaimed sport historian and longtime Penn State professor Ronald A. Smith draws from university archives to answer the How? and Why? at the heart of the scandal. The Sandusky case was far from the first example of illegal behavior related to the football program--or the university's attempts to suppress news of it. As Smith shows, decades of infighting among administrators, alumni, trustees, faculty, and coaches established policies intended to protect the university, and the football team considered synonymous with its name, at all costs. If the habits predated Paterno, they also became sanctified during his tenure. Smith names names to show how abuses of power warped the "Penn State Way" even with hires like women's basketball coach Rene Portland, who allegedly practiced sexual bias against players for decades. Smith also details a system that concealed Sandusky's horrific acts just as deftly as it whitewashed years of rules violations, coaching malfeasance, and player crime while Paterno set records and raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the university.
Carole Jenny's Child Abuse and Neglect: Diagnosis, Treatment and Evidence focuses attention on the clinical evidence of child abuse to help you correctly diagnose and treat such cases in your own practice. In print and online, this unique, well-illustrated clinical reference provides new insights into the presentation and differential diagnosis of physical abuse and looks at shaken baby syndrome, sex offenders and abuse in religious organizations, information on the biomechanics of injury, and other factors. It's also an ideal board-review tool for those taking the American Board of Pediatrics' subspecialty exam in Child Abuse Pediatrics. Identify an abusive injury and treat it effectively by reviewing evidence and critical analyses from leading authorities in the field.Recognize the signs of shaken baby syndrome, sex offenders and abuse in religious organizations.Understand the biomechanics of injury to determine whether abuse was truly the cause of a child's injury.View illustrations that show first-hand examples of child abuse or neglect.Search the complete contents online and download the illustrations at clinical evidence to recognize, diagnose and treat child abuse.
Health and Elite Sport is the first book to critically examine the relationship between participation in high performance sport and health outcomes. Drawing on theory and empirical data from a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, developmental psychology, epidemiology, and physical education, the book explores the benefits and detriments of participation in elite sport for both individuals (athletes, coaches, spectators) and communities. Written by a team of leading international sport researchers, the book examines key issues including: Talent identification and young athletes Abuse in sport Positive youth development through sport Athlete health in periods of transition Health, sport and the family Health in professional sport The Olympics, Paralympics and public health Long term effects of participation in elite sport Highlighting the connections and contradictions between high performance sport and health, the book also discusses the clear and important implications for our socio-cultural, political and developmental understanding of sport. Health and Elite Sport is fascinating and important reading for all students and researchers with an interest in youth sport, sports development, sport policy, sports coaching, exercise and health, physical education, the sociology of sport, or the sociology of health. © 2015 Joe Baker, Parissa Safai and Jessica Fraser-Thomas. All rights reserved.