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Cannabis sativa L. contains more than 100 phytocannabinoids that can interact with cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. None of the cannabinoid receptor ligands is entirely CB1- or CB2-specific. The effects of cannabinoids therefore differ not just because of different potency at cannabinoid receptors but also because they can interact with other non-CB1 and non-CB2 targets, such as TRPV1, GPR55, and GPR119. The most studied phytocannabinoid is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a partial agonist at both cannabinoid receptors, but its psychotomimetic effect is produced primarily via activation of the CB1 receptor, which is strongly expressed in the central nervous system, with the noteworthy exception of the brain stem. Although acute cognitive and other effects of THC are well known, the risk of irreversible neuropsychological effects of THC needs further research to elucidate the association. Unlike THC, phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) does not appear to have psychotomimetic effects but may interact with some of the effects of THC if taken concomitantly. CBD administered orally has recently undergone well-controlled clinical trials to assess its safety in the treatment of paediatric epilepsy syndromes. Their findings point to increased transaminase levels as a safety issue that calls for postmarketing surveillance for liver toxicity. The aim of this review is to summarise what is known about acute and chronic toxicological effects of both compounds and address the gaps in knowledge about the safety of exogenous cannabinoids that are still open.
Review DOI: 10.2478/aiht-2020-71-3301
Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and
Katarina Černe
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
[Received in June 2019; Similarity Check in June 2019; Accepted in March 2020]
Cannabis sativa L. contains more than 100 phytocannabinoids that can interact with cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2.
None of the cannabinoid receptor ligands is entirely CB1- or CB2-specic. The effects of cannabinoids therefore differ
not just because of different potency at cannabinoid receptors but also because they can interact with other non-CB1 and
non-CB2 targets, such as TRPV1, GPR55, and GPR119. The most studied phytocannabinoid is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC). THC is a partial agonist at both cannabinoid receptors, but its psychotomimetic effect is produced primarily via
activation of the CB1 receptor, which is strongly expressed in the central nervous system, with the noteworthy exception
of the brain stem. Although acute cognitive and other effects of THC are well known, the risk of irreversible
neuropsychological effects of THC needs further research to elucidate the association. Unlike THC, phytocannabinoid
cannabidiol (CBD) does not appear to have psychotomimetic effects but may interact with some of the effects of THC if
taken concomitantly. CBD administered orally has recently undergone well-controlled clinical trials to assess its safety
in the treatment of paediatric epilepsy syndromes. Their ndings point to increased transaminase levels as a safety issue
that calls for postmarketing surveillance for liver toxicity. The aim of this review is to summarise what is known about
acute and chronic toxicological effects of both compounds and address the gaps in knowledge about the safety of exogenous
cannabinoids that are still open.
KEY WORDS: acute toxicity; animal studies; cannabidiol; CB1; CB2; CBD; chronic toxicity; clinical trials; Δ9-
tetrahydrocannabinol; phytocannabinoids; THC
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
With the growing interest in the use of cannabinoids for
medicinal purposes grows a need for a systematic review
of their toxicological properties. There are still many
uncertainties and contradictions remaining from the
increasing number of published cannabinoid safety studies.
This is because these studies vary to extremes in their
methodology and quality, rendering results difcult to
compare. Moreover, toxicity is not systematically covered,
and there are no chronic toxicity data from well-dened
exposure settings. Higher quality toxicological data are
available for cannabinoid-based medicines that are
manufactured today as approved drugs. However, the main
indications for their use are serious and/or rare diseases,
mostly after all other treatment has failed, so their
toxicological prole is less detailed than that of the drugs
of rst choice (1).
Cannabinoid receptor ligands are a varied group of over
100 chemical compounds isolated from Cannabis sativa L.
(2). The best-characterised cannabinoids found in the
cannabis plant are Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and
cannabidiol (CBD). They can interact with two types of
Corresponding author: author: Katarina Černe, Department of
Pharmacology and Experimental Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Ljubljana, Korytkova 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
cannabinoid receptors – cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) and
cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) that both belonging to the
superfamily of G protein-coupled, seven-transmembrane
(7TM) domain receptors (3). None of the cannabinoid
receptor ligands, however, are entirely CB1- or CB2-specic.
Each of these ligands therefore differs in effect, not only
because they have different potency at cannabinoid
receptors but also because they can interact with other non-
CB1/non-CB2 targets, such as transient receptor potential
channel, vanilloid subfamily member 1 (TRPV1, aka
capsaicin or vanilloid receptor), G protein-coupled receptors
(GPR55 and GPR119), voltage-gated ion channels, and
neuronal transporters of catecholamines (4–6). Despite such
diversity, there are only four cannabinoid-based medicines
currently on the market: nabiximols (Sativex®), nabilone
(Cesamet® or Canemes®), dronabinol (Marinol® or
Syndros®), and cannabidiol (Epidiolex®) (7). Still being
developed are selective synthetic cannabinoid receptor
agonists, antagonists, and modulators, metabolism
inhibitors [such as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)
inhibitors] or inhibitors of endocannabinoid reuptake (8).
The aim of this review is to summarise what is known
about acute and chronic cannabinoid toxicity, primarily
based on animal and clinical studies of medicinal product
safety (9). Particular attention will be paid to identifying
future studies that could ll in current gaps in knowledge
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
and uncertainties surrounding the safety of exogenous
cannabinoids. This review will discuss the toxicology of
chemically defined, single compounds that are either
synthetic, semisynthetic, or plant-derived. We will also
discuss why the combination of THC with CBD has fewer
adverse effects than THC alone.
What this review will not discuss is the toxicology of
medicinal or recreational cannabis use or the health issues
associated with contaminants in plant extracts obtained
from uncontrolled sources.
THC shares the ability of endocannabinoid ligands
anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol to activate
both the CB1 and CB2 receptor. It is their partial agonist, as
it binds to them with Ki values in the low nanomolar range.
Both receptors are coupled through Gi/o proteins, negatively
to adenylate cyclase and positively to mitogen-activated
protein kinase (3). CB1 receptors are mainly located at the
terminals of central and peripheral neurons, where they
usually mediate inhibition of neurotransmitter release. CB1
is one of the G protein-coupled receptors expressed at the
highest level in the central nervous system, with the notable
exception of the brain stem (4, 10). This may be why THC
is not associated with sudden death due to respiratory
depression, which indicates its low acute toxicity. In the
brain, CB1 receptors are particularly concentrated in the
hippocampus and cerebral cortex (areas involved in memory
and cognition), olfactory areas, basal ganglia and cerebellum
(areas involved in motor activity and posture control),
hypothalamus (area involved in appetite regulation and
energy homeostasis), limbic cortex (area involved in
sedation), and neocortex (area involved in the executive
function). CB1 is also found in peripheral nervous organs
(lungs, liver, bowel, thyroid, uterus, placenta, and testicles).
Therefore, these sites can also be the targets of cannabinoid
effects. CB2 receptors are primarily associated with cells
governing the immune function, such as splenocytes,
macrophages, monocytes, microglia, and B- and T-cells.
Recently, CB2 receptors have also been reported in other
cells, often up-regulated under pathological conditions (5).
The functions of these receptors include modulation of
cytokine release and immune cell migration. CB2 receptors
are expressed in the brain by microglia, blood vessels, and
by some neurons (4, 10). However, their action has not been
In contrast to THC, CBD does not seem to be
psychoactive and has low afnity for CB1 and CB2 receptors
(4). This is why its research has focused on non-CB1/non-
CB2 targets (see THC/CBD interactions below). When
interpreting the effects of cannabinoids, we should bear in
mind that cannabinoid receptors are members of the
rhodopsin-like family of 7TM receptors, at which,
according to Kenakin (11), the efcacy of agonist depends
on cell type and its condition. Therefore, it is difcult to
predict the therapeutic behaviour of cannabinoid receptor
agonists. This is probably why higher release of
endocannabinoids can be protective in one and damaging
in another case.
Apart from natural THC, the most reliable toxicological
data available to date are for synthetic THC dronabinol and
synthetic THC analogue nabilone. Nabilone has a similar
chemical structure and is twice as potent as THC at the CB1
and CB2 receptors (12). The main indication for dronabinol
and nabilone is nausea and vomiting in adult patients
receiving chemotherapy when conventional antiemetics fail
to do the job. Dronabinol is also indicated for anorexia in
adults with AIDS. There are no safety proles for dronabinol
and nabilone in paediatric (<18 years) and elderly (>65
years) populations. The starting dose of dronabinol is
2.5 mg, administered twice daily as capsules for oral use.
The maximum recommended dosage is 20 mg/day (4–6
doses a day). Dronabinol is also administered as a 5 mg/
mL oral solution. The usual nabilone dose is 1 or 2 mg twice
a day, and the maximum recommended dosage is 6 mg/day,
administered as capsules for oral use (13, 14). Since both
are used short-term, data on chronic effects in humans are
not available.
Pharmacokinetics/toxicokinetics of THC
The bioavailability of dronabinol is low (4–20 %)
because of its high lipid solubility and extensive rst-pass
hepatic metabolism (15, 16). Its effects do not show clear
dose dependence (17). Due to lipid solubility, the apparent
volume of distribution is high (10 L/kg). Dronabinol is
extensively metabolised in the liver, primarily by
cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2C9 and CYP3A4.
CYP2C9 is probably responsible for the formation of the
primary active metabolite hydroxy-Δ9-THC.
Pharmacogenomics studies indicate two to three times
higher plasma THC in individuals with a less active form
of CYP2C9, so adverse drug reaction in these individuals
may be more frequent and/or severe. The major route of
excretion is faeces (65 %), and the minor is urine (20 %)
(16). Urinary metabolites of dronabinol are identical to
those of marijuana and may be excreted over long time (18).
Nabilone has better bioavailability (at least 60 %) than
dronabinol and demonstrates dose linearity (15, 19).
Multiple cytochrome P450 enzymes extensively metabolise
nabilone to various metabolites, which have not been fully
characterised yet. Two major metabolic pathways are
probably involved in the biotransformation of nabilone: 1)
enzymatic reduction of the 9-keto group to form carbinol
metabolites; and 2) direct enzymatic oxidation of the
aliphatic side-chain to produce carboxylic and hydroxylic
analogues. The formation of carbinol metabolites is a major
nabilone metabolic pathway in dog. Hydroxylic analogues
appear to be more important in rhesus monkey and man.
Carbinols are long-lived metabolites that accumulate in the
plasma and concentrate in the brains of treated dogs over
time (see chronic toxicity) (20). Nabilone and its metabolites
are primarily eliminated in faeces (~65 %) and to a lesser
extent in urine (~20 %) (14, 17). Although no accumulation
of nabilone was observed after repeated doses, some
accumulation was observed for its metabolites (21).
Non-clinical toxicity of THC
Acute oral toxicity of THC in rats is lower in males
(LD50=1910 mg/kg) than in females (LD50=1040 mg/kg)
(22). The LD50 of oral nabilone is >1000 mg/kg in rats of
both sexes (21). The signs of acute toxicity of THC and
nabilone are similar and include lower respiratory rate,
ataxia, decreased activity, catatonia, hypothermia,
hypersensitivity to touch, and generalised body twitching.
Death was reported to be due to respiratory arrest (21, 22).
Sub-chronic and chronic effects of THC (5, 15, 50, 150,
and 500 mg/kg/day) administered by gavage were assessed
in rats in a 13-week study followed by a 9-week recovery
period and in a 2-year study (12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg/day)
(23). Briey, THC-treated rats had lower body weight than
controls and exhibited convulsions, hyperactivity, and
changes in the reproductive organs of both male and female
rats. Reduced body weight was notable even at low dose
exposure and was attributed to metabolic changes caused
by THC. Weight loss was not associated with lower feed
consumption but with increased energy consumption
(evidenced by higher plasma corticosterone levels) needed
for hyperactivity, adaptation, and detoxication from THC.
Convulsions and hyperactivity were observed at all doses.
The onset and frequency of convulsions were also dose-
related. However, Chan et al. (23) observed no histological
changes in brain tissue of rats with a history of THC-related
convulsion or seizures. Luthra et al. (24) reported
generalised depression, followed by hyperactivity,
irritability, aggressiveness, and convulsion in rats treated
with THC for 119 days. The highest dose of THC in a sub-
chronic study in rats induced testicular atrophy and uterine
and ovarian hypoplasia (23). This study also found higher
serum FSH and LH at all doses.
Nabilone was assessed in two chronic toxicity studies
(21). The one in beagle dogs (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/kg/day) was
planned to last one year but was terminated after seven
months due to high mortality. Most deaths were preceded
by convulsions, and toxicity was attributed to accumulation
of carbinol metabolites in the brain over time. In contrast
to dogs, nabilone chronic toxicity was minimal in rhesus
monkeys receiving doses of up to 2.0 mg/kg/day for one
year. Transient periods of anorexia, emesis, and ataxia were
observed only at the highest dose.
Chan et al. (23) also evaluated THC carcinogenicity in
rats and mice and found no evidence in rats at doses of up
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
to 50 mg/kg/day [~20 times the maximal human
recommended dose (MHRD)]. In mice, THC produced
thyroid follicular cell adenoma (a common benign neoplasm
of the thyroid) in both sexes, but the effect was not dose-
dependent, as the hyperplasia was increased compared to
control at all doses and in both sexes. It is unclear what
these ndings mean. Carcinogenicity studies have not been
performed with nabilone.
THC and nabilone have no mutagenic potential (11–13,
23). Positive Ames and skin test results in mice for THC in
some in vitro tests are attributed to cytotoxic rather than
mutagenic action (25).
Reproductive toxicity
THC was evaluated in an oral embryo-foetal
developmental study in rats (at doses ranging from 12.5 to
50 mg/kg/day) (26) and in rabbits (0.5, 1.5, 5 and 15 mg/
kg/day) (27). No teratogenic effects were observed in rats.
Increased foetal mortality and early resorption were
associated with maternal toxicity, which manifested itself
as lower weight gain. In rabbits, one third of the foetuses
in the high-dose group had multiple anomalies (such as
acrania and spina bida). In a single-generation reproductive
study (28), male and female rats received 0.5, 1.5, and 5 mg/
kg/day of THC by gavage. Offspring to mothers receiving
1.5 and 5 mg/kg/day showed a dose-related drop in survival
at day 12 of lactation and at weaning.
A reproduction study of nabilone in rats (1.4, and 12 mg/
kg/day) and rabbits (0.7, 1.6, and 3.3 mg/kg/day) (29)
showed no teratogenic effects. However, it did nd dose-
related developmental toxicity, such as embryo death, foetal
resorption, decreased foetal weight, and disrupted
pregnancy. Another study in rats (24) revealed postnatal
developmental toxicity of nabilone at 1.4 and 12 mg/kg/
day), manifested by smaller litter size and lower survival
as well as lower initial body weight and hypothermia in
pups from the high-dose group.
There are no sufcient data on pregnancy outcomes in
women exposed to dronabinol (THC) or nabilone.
THC toxicity in clinical trials
Safety data on dronabinol come from 10 randomised,
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. In one trial
(30) patients with AIDS-related anorexia (N=139) were
receiving dronabinol as appetite stimulant (5 mg/day), and
in nine trials patients with cancer (N=454) were receiving
dronabinol as antiemetic in the dose range of 2.5–40 mg/
day (31–39) for no longer than six weeks. The most
frequently reported adverse events (33 %) in patients with
AIDS were euphoria, dizziness, somnolence, and thinking
abnormalities. The most common adverse events in patients
receiving the antiemetic dronabinol were drowsiness,
dizziness and transient impairment of sensory and
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
perceptual functions. Patients from both studies (24% in
antiemetic and 8% in appetite stimulant) reported dose-
related “highs” (elation, laughter, and heightened
awareness). The frequency of adverse effects on the central
nervous system (CNS) increased with doses, and their
severity greatly varied between patients. After oral
administration, dronabinol had an action onset of
approximately 30 min to one hour and a peak effect at two
to four hours (40). Psychoactive effects lasted four to six
hours. Other than those affecting the nervous system, the
most frequent adverse effects were gastrointestinal
(abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting) and cardiovascular
(palpitation, tachycardia, vasodilatation/facial ush) (30–
39). The following were the most serious adverse effects
of dronabinol: neuropsychiatric, haemodynamic instability,
seizure, paradoxical nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Dronabinol should be discontinued in patients experiencing
a psychotic reaction or showing cardiovascular effects
(tachycardia, transient changes in blood pressure) and used
with caution in patients with a history of epilepsy or
recurrent seizures (13).
Nabilone has systematically been evaluated in
controlled clinical trials that lasted up to nine weeks (41–
43). The lowest nabilone dose (2 mg) had a few adverse
effects, whereas a 3–5 mg dose closely mirrored dronabinol’s
(25 mg) effects (18).
THC addiction and dependence
High levels of CB1 receptors are found in the brain areas
that are part of the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic
pathway and are implicated in motivational and reward
processes (44). Being partial CB1 receptor agonists, THC
and its analogues should be tested for their addictive
potential (45). Many abused drugs that can lead to addiction
increase synaptic dopamine levels in the human limbic
striatum. The same was reported for THC in human studies
in healthy participants (46–48). Dopamine release was small
compared to amphetamine, cocaine, alcohol (10–15 %),
and nicotine (~10 %).
First studies in monkeys (49, 50) failed to show the
rewarding effects of THC, but newer studies with
intravenous dronabinol injection (1–6 µg/kg) conrmed it
in squirrel monkeys (51, 52). Another widely used predictor
of a reinforcing (and therefore addictive) effect is the
conditional place preference (CCP) test, in which a
compartment in a cage is associated (paired) with a tested
substance. Lepore et. al. (53) reported that CCP depended
on the dose and intervals between administration and that
dronabinol doses of 2 or 4 mg/kg every 24 h produced a
reliable shift in favour of the dronabinol-paired compartment.
Reinforcing effects have also been observed in humans
(12). Nabilone (4–8 mg/day) and dronabinol (10–20 mg/
day) produced stronger marijuana-like subjective effects,
such as feeling good, feeling “high”, and feeling “stoned”
than placebo. Nabilone had a slower onset of the peak
subjective effects.
Chronic therapy with dronabinol can lead to physical
dependence. One human study (17) showed that dronabinol
doses of 210 mg/day (~10 times higher than MHRD)
administered for 12 to 16 consecutive days produced
withdrawal syndrome within 12 h after discontinuation.
Initial symptoms were irritability, insomnia, and restlessness.
By hour 24 of discontinuation, withdrawal symptoms
intensied to include “hot ashes”, sweating, rhinorrhoea,
loose stool, hiccoughs, and anorexia. We still do not know
whether nabilone can also lead to physical dependence.
Patients that participated in clinical trials for up to ve days
showed no withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of
dosing (54).
As a 99 % pure extract from C. sativa, active substance
cannabidiol was first approved in June 2018 under
proprietary name Epidiolex® (55). The United States Food
and Drug Administration (US FDA) and European
Medicines Agency (EMA) approved it for the treatment of
seizures associated with Lennox-Gestaut (LGS) and Dravet
syndrome (DS) in patients two years of age or older.
Epidiolex® is administered as a 100 mg/mL oral solution.
The starting dose is 2.5 mg/kg twice a day and the maximum
recommended dose is 10 mg/kg twice a day (20 mg/kg/day)
(55, 56). Considering that Epidiolex® has been approved
for treatment in children, CBD has become the most
extensively toxicologically tested cannabinoid, and thus the
most reliable source of toxicological data. However,
because of the seriousness of the indications and failure of
patients to respond to existing medication, Epidiolex® was
approved in spite of certain deficiencies in the safety
assessment (e.g., inadequate safety assessment of major
human metabolite 7-COOH-CBD). Additional studies listed
in Table 1 should therefore be carried out as part of post-
marketing surveillance to obtain a complete safety prole
of CBD. Furthermore, no clinical trial with Epidiolex® has
been conducted in patients older than 55 years, so its safety
prole does not cover the elderly population. General
recommendation is to start with the lowest dose (56).
Since CBD is derived from C. sativa, Table 2 presents
a thorough assessment of the abuse and dependence
potential of Epidiolex® (4, 57–59). A human study (58)
found marginal abuse potential at a higher therapeutic dose
(1500 mg/day) and supratherapeutic dose (4500 mg/day),
but there is little other evidence that CBD could cause
addiction. The results of a human dependence study of CBD
were negative (59).
Pharmacokinetics/toxicokinetics of CBD
Plasma CBD concentrations show a nonlinear increase
with dose and 6.5 % bioavailability at a 3000-mg dose (60).
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
CBD absorption increases three times with a high-fat meal
and six times with new oral delivery system for lipophilic
active compounds (61, 62). Its high estimated volume of
distribution (18,800—30,959 L) indicates accumulation of
CBD in body fat (63). CBD is extensively metabolised in
the liver and gut, mainly by the CYP2C19, CYP3A4,
UGT1A7, UGT1A9, and UGT2B7 enzymes (64). Drug
interaction trials to assess the effect of CBD on these
enzymes in healthy volunteers will be conducted during the
post-marketing period (Table 1) (55, 56). The metabolism
of CBD is very complex, especially in hepatocytes. The
main human metabolite is 7-carboxy-cannabidiol (7-COOH-
CBD; ~90 % of all drug-related substances measured in the
plasma) (64). Its toxicological profile has not been
investigated because experimental animals for toxicological
studies (mice, rats, and dogs) do not metabolise CBD to a
comparable extent as humans (65). The major concern with
7-COOH-CBD could be its reactive acyl-glucuronide (66)
The primary excretion route of CBD is through faeces
(84 %), followed by urine (8 %) (63).
Non-clinical toxicology of CBD
In a study of acute effects in rhesus monkeys (67),
intravenous CBD caused death by respiratory arrest and
cardiac failure at doses above 200 mg/kg (LD50=212 mg/
kg). At the lower dose of 150 mg/kg, survivors recovered
in one to three days, and liver weights increased from 19
to 142 %. In the part of the study investigating subchronic
effects (after 90 days of oral administration), the authors
reported inhibition of spermatogenesis at the highest oral
dose of 300 mg/kg (67).
Animal studies of CBD alone described below make
part of the Epidiolex® European Public Assessment Report
(EPAR, EMA’s scientic monography) (56). To the best of
my knowledge, they have not been published and therefore
no further detail or original references are currently
available. All these studies were conducted in accordance
with medicinal product safety standards and protocols and
reviewed by the EMA committee (9).
Two oral chronic toxicity studies (referred to in 56) have
assessed CBD in Wistar rats (receiving 15, 50, or 150 mg/
kg/day for 6 months) and Beagle dogs (receiving 10, 50,
100 mg/kg/day for 9 months). In both species the primary
target organ was the liver. Hepatocellular hypertrophy was
detected at all doses, accompanied by an increase in alanine
transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP).
A 104-week oral carcinogenicity study in Wistar rats
(referred to in 56) revealed no drug-related neoplastic
findings. However, the study had several drawbacks,
including impure active substance, excessive effect of body
weight, and unknown exposure to the two major human
Table 1 Recommended post-marketing studies to obtain a complete safety prole of cannabidiol (CBD)
Non-clinical toxicity studies
Toxicity studies with CBD metabolite 7-COOH-cannabidiol in rat:
- embryo-foetal developmental study
- pre- and postnatal developmental study
- juvenile animal toxicity study
- 2-year carcinogenicity study with gavage
Toxicity studies with CBD
- 2-year carcinogenicity study in mouse
- 2-year carcinogenicity study in rat with gavage
Clinical studies
- Potential for chronic liver injury
- Effect on glomerular ltration rate
- Pregnancy outcome study
- QT interval prolongation trial at the maximum tolerable dose
Drug-drug interaction trials in healthy volunteers
CBD effect on the pharmacokinetics of:
- caffeine
- sensitive CYP2B6* and CYP2C9 substrate
- sensitive UGP1A9** and UGTB7 substrate
Strong CYP3A inhibitor effects on pharmacokinetics of CBD
Strong 2C9 inhibitor effects on pharmacokinetics of CBD
Rifampin effects on pharmacokinetics of CBD
* cytochrome P450; ** UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
The genotoxic potential of CBD was also investigated
in a standard battery of tests, but their results were negative
for mutagenicity and clastogenicity (referred to in 56).
A full battery of oral reproductive and developmental
studies has been conducted with purified CBD. In an
embryo-foetal development study in Wistar rats, litter loss
was noted at the highest applied dose of 250 mg/kg. In a
prenatal and postnatal development study (referred to in
56) rat exposure to the highest doses (150 and 200 mg/kg/
day) affected reproductive organs (smaller testes in males,
reduced fertility index in females). A high dose of 125 mg/
kg also reduced foetal body weight in New Zealand white
rabbit, which was related to maternal toxicity. The
developmental toxicity in rabbits occurred at maternal
plasma concentration similar to human at therapeutic doses
(referred to in 56). In rats these concentrations were much
higher. No adequate data are available on pregnancy
outcome in women exposed to CBD.
A juvenile toxicity study in Wistar rats (referred to in
56) showed neurobehavioral decits and delayed sexual
maturation in males. A no observed effect level (NOAEL)
was 150 mg/kg/day.
Clinical toxicology of CBD
Safety data on Epidiolex® were obtained from four
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre
trials with exposure to CBD doses of 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg/
day (68–70). These phase II studies were conducted in 2 to
55 year-old patients with LGS (N=235) and DS (N=88) for
up to 14 weeks.
Additional non-controlled safety data have been
obtained from an ongoing open-label Phase III study (Study
1415) in LGS and DS patients (N=644), which is being
conducted at 38 sites in the USA and Australia. Since this
trial is not nished, an interim analysis of long-term safety
was conducted (71, 72).
The most common adverse events in CBD-treated
patients affected the following systems: CNS (somnolence,
sedation), gastrointestinal tract (lower appetite, diarrhoea),
liver (higher transaminase), and the lungs (pneumonia). The
severity of these events was generally mild to moderate.
Diarrhoea, weight loss, higher ALT, and somnolence/
sedation/lethargy were all dose-related. There were two
serious cases of transaminase elevation, two severe events
with rash (one consistent with a hypersensitivity reaction)
and three severe cases of appetite loss. The CBD-treated
and the placebo group did not differ in the rate of respiratory
failure. Children had lower weight, which was associated
to a certain extent with appetite loss (68–71).
Treatment with CBD is clearly associated with an
increased risk of hepatotoxicity (68–71). Higher doses of
CBD and concomitant use of valproate increase the risk of
transaminase elevation in patients. Two patients
concomitantly treated with valproate experienced toxic
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
Table 2 Cannabidiol (CBD) abuse potential
Receptor binding studies
- cannabinoid receptors no signicant afnity
- opioid receptors no signicant afnity
Non-clinical studies evaluating general behaviour (similarity to THC)
- tetrad test no meaningful abuse related signal
- drug discrimination study no meaningful abuse related signal
- self-administration study no meaningful abuse related signal
Clinical studies evaluating efcacy and safety in patients with LGS* or DS*
- Phase I clinical study no euphoria or other abuse-related signals
- Phase II/III studies could not be evaluated***
Phase I human abuse potential (HAP) study (N=40, with 35 completers)
randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial
subjects: healthy recreational poly-drug users
positive control: THC (10, 30 mg), alprazolam (2 mg)
negative control: placebo
lower therapeutic dose: 750 mg/day not signicantly different
higher therapeutic dose: 1500 mg/day signicantly different (very small increase)
supra-therapeutic dose: 4500 mg/day signicantly different (very small increase)
Human physical dependence study following chronic administration
3 days after discontinuation no withdrawal signs and symptoms
*Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; **Dravet syndrome; ***concomitant use of other seizure drugs and limited capacity of patients
hepatocellular injury, metabolic acidosis, and
encephalopathy. There appears to be no pharmacokinetic
interaction between CBD and valproate, although a
pharmacodynamical interaction is currently being
investigated. The potential of CBD to cause chronic liver
injury should be evaluated in the post-marketing period (55,
56) (Table 1).
In spite of its low afnity for the CB1 and CB2 receptors,
CBD can interfere with some THC adverse effects,
particularly in the brain, without interfering with the
intended THC effects, such as muscle relaxation (73).
Understanding pharmacodynamic interactions between
THC and CBD can be quite a challenge. CBD is a ligand
with very low afnity for the CB1 receptor but can still
increase CB1 constitutional or endocannabinoid activity (5),
which has been conrmed by. thermodynamic ndings that
CBD increases membrane uidity and thereby the activity
of the CB1 receptor (74). Another mechanism of action is
that CBD increases the levels of primary endocannabinoids
AEA and 2-arachidonyl-glycerol (2-AG) (5). CBD may
also interfere with THC through interaction with other non-
CB1 receptors and enzymes in the ‘expanded
endocannabinoid system’ (5). In their systematic review
McPartland et al. (5) propose several non-CB1 receptor
mechanisms of CBD antagonising or potentiating THC
effects. For example, CBD may attenuate the anxiogenic
effect of THC by acting as a direct or indirect agonist on
serotonin 1A receptors (5-HT1A). In contrast, it can
potentiate THC action on CB1 receptors by reducing
peripheral hyperalgesia via TRPV1 channels (75). Sativex®,
as a mixture of THC and CBD, consequently provided better
antinociception than THC given on its own 76).
In terms of pharmacokinetic CBD/THC interaction,
CBD may impair THC hydrolysis by CYP450 enzymes
(77). The inhibition of THC metabolism may vary with
species, timing of administration (CBD pre-administration
vs co-administration), and CYP isoenzymes. In rats or mice
THC effects are potentiated when CBD is administered
30 min to 24 h before THC but mitigated if co-administered
(78). In humans, no pharmacokinetic interactions between
THC and CBD at clinically relevant doses have been
reported (79). Co-administration of CBD with THC in one
study (80) yielded similar maximum plasma levels of THC
as when it was administered alone. Whether CBD will
antagonise or potentiate THC effects also seems to depend
on their administration ratio, and this ratio varies with
species (5).
The combination of THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio makes
the active substance nabiximols of the cannabinoid-based
medicine Sativex® (81). It is an oromucosal spray approved
for the treatment of multiple sclerosis-associated spasticity
in adult patients when all other treatment has failed. There
is no safety prole of nabiximols in children (>18 years)
and the elderly, even though clinical trials included patients
up to 90 years of age. Elderly patients may be more
susceptible to some adverse effects in the CNS. The
oromucosal (e.g. sub-lingual) route resolves the problem
of variable bioavailability (typically 6 to 20 %) of orally
administered cannabinoids due to rst-pass metabolism.
Each 100 µL spray contains 2.7 mg THC and 2.5 mg CBD.
The starting dose is two sprays per day and the maximum
dose is 10–12 sprays per day (corresponding to 32.4 mg
THC and 30 mg CBD) (81).
A study using a rat model of Huntington’s disease
showed that nabiximols can up-regulate CB1 gene
expression (82). CBD increases the levels of the primary
endocannabinoids AEA and 2-arachidonyl-glycerol (2-AG)
The most common adverse effects of nabiximols in
clinical trials conducted in patients with multiple sclerosis
were dizziness, fatigue and gastrointestinal disorders (e.g.
nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea) (82–92). These adverse effects
and poor efcacy were the main reasons for some patients
to discontinue therapy (88, 90). In patients with multiple
sclerosis the risk of accidental injury may be increased (83,
87, 92–94). There is little evidence of abuse (addiction) or
dependence, and the risk of either to develop is small.
However, trials to date have mainly used therapeutic doses,
and it is possible that supratherapeutic doses could cause
addiction and/or dependence (85, 87, 92–94).
In spite of uncertainties about the safety of cannabinoids,
there are no doubts about the acute neurological and
cardiovascular effects of THC. However, THC is not
associated with sudden death due to respiratory depression
as is the case with opioid analgesics. Long-term cognitive,
psychological, and endocrine effects of THC are still being
As for CBD, it can be toxic to the liver and increases
the risk of somnolence and sedation, but the most commonly
observed adverse events in controlled clinical trials were
mild to moderate. However, these clinical trials included a
small number of subjects and some aspects require
continued pharmacovigilance. Regardless of different views
on the subject, cannabinoid-based medicines need to be
assessed just as any other substance in terms of quality,
efcacy, and safety.
Černe K. Toxicological properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:1-11
Conicts of interest
None to declare.
This work was supported by research grants from the
Slovenian Research Agency (P3-067). I wish to thank
Nevenka Dolžan for technical assistance and Martin
Cregeen for translating sections of the text into English.
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Toksikološke lastnosti kanabinoidov
Iz rastline Cannabis sativa L. so do sedaj izolirali že več kot 100 tokanabinoidov, poleg njih pa obstaja več kot 550
sintetičnih spojin, ki delujejo na kanabinoidne receptorje CB1 in CB2. Prav tako je treba omeniti, da nobeden od ligandov
kanabinoidnih receptorjev ni popolnoma CB1- ali CB2-specičen. Zato se učinki vsakega od njih razlikujejo ne le zaradi
različne moči na kanabinoidnih receptorjih, ampak tudi zato, ker lahko delujejo na druga ne-CB1 in ne-CB2 prijemališča.
Najpogosteje proučevani kanabinoid je Δ9-tetrahidrokanabinol (THC). THC je delni agonist na obeh kanabinoidnih
receptorjih, vendar je njegov psihoaktivni učinek povezan predvsem z aktivacijo receptorjev CB1. Receptor CB1 je eden
izmed metabotropnih receptorjev z največjo ekspresijo v osrednjem živčevju, z izjemo možganskega debla. Čeprav so
akutni učinki na osrednji živčni sistem THC jasno opredeljeni, je tveganje za ireverzibilne nevropsihološke učinke THC
kot neodvisnega dejavnika potrebno nadalje raziskati za pojasnitev povezave. Za razliko od THC, tokanabinoid kanabidiol
(CBD) nima psihoaktivnih učinkov, vendar lahko pri sočasni uporabi vpliva na nekatere učinke THC. CBD, ki nima
pomembne anitete za CB1 in CB2, aktivira ali zavira številne uveljavljene in domnevne farmakološke tarče. CBD je kot
aktivna snov v zdravilu Epidiolex® pred kratkim opravil nadzorovana klinična preskušanja, da so ocenili njegovo varnost
pri zdravljenju redkih epileptičnih sindromov pri otrocih. Največjo zaskrbljenost glede varnosti so predstavljale povišane
vrednosti transaminaz. Zato je treba izvesti postmarketinški nadzor toksičnosti za jetra. Članek bo povzel kar je znano o
akutnih in kroničnih toksikoloških učinkih, katere študije še manjkajo in kaj so negotovosti v zvezi z varnostjo eksogenih
KLJUČNE BESEDE: Δ9-tetrahidrokanabinol; akutna in kronična toksičnost; kanabidiol; podatki od ljudi; študije na živalih
... The average THC content in dried cannabis is around 15%, but some strains contain significantly higher levels, with an average content of up to 30%. Cannabis's psychoactive effects are generated mainly by the partial agonist actions of THC on cannabinoid receptor 1, which produces the "high" that is felt by users [117]. On the other hand, early studies have shown that CBD has therapeutic potential such as anxiolytic, anti-craving pro-cognitive, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective effects, as it seems to have divergent and perhaps antagonistic pharmacological action in comparison to THC [118]. ...
Angiogenesis, the formation of new vasculature from preexisting vasculature, is involved in the development of several diseases as well as various physiological processes. Strict cooperation of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors mediates the control of angiogenesis. The fundamental steps in angiogenesis include endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. Addictive substances, which are considered therapeutic candidates in research and medicine, are classified as natural substances , such as nicotine, or synthetic substances, such as synthetic cannabinoids. Addictive substances have been shown to either enhance or suppress angiogenesis. This review article provides an overview of recent studies concerning the effects of several addictive substances on the process of angio-genesis. Google Scholar and PubMed were used to collect the scientific literature used in this review. The addictive substances addressed in this review are nicotine, opioids such as morphine and heroin, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, and cannabinoids. An accurate assessment of the influence of these substances on the angiogenic process may help to construct a potentially effective therapeutic protocol to control and treat several angiogenesis-related diseases.
... 19 Toxicity studies on CBD have shown that it is generally well tolerated, except in very high doses. 20 On the contrary, the THC interferes with the regulation of cancer development, promoting cancer and inflammation. There is a high risk of abuse in chronic therapy, and animal studies have shown high mortality and reproductive atrophy and hyperplasia. ...
Research on psychotropics is gaining more popularity worldwide and support from drug regulatory agencies, which recognise the unmet medical needs of certain patient communities, such as patients with mental disorders and patients with cancer who experience depression. Cannabinoids and psilocybin have shown promising results in preclinical studies and clinical trials, but the current clinical evidence is scarce, and the regulatory requirements are strict due to high potential for drug abuse. The US FDA has recently released a draft, non-binding guidance on clinical trials with psychedelics. Europe is currently falling behind the US and Canada in terms of regulating psychotropic substances. The article provides a general introduction on conducting clinical trials with psychotropics and the regulatory requirements (as of October 2023) when submitting marketing authorisation application. In the near future, as more data becomes available, research on psychotropics will definitely shape the European regulatory landscape.
... In an acute toxicity study, female mice received a single oral dose of CBD/PMs (20 mg/kg). Guidelines suggest using a 2000 mg/kg dose in the absence of information about the substance tested, but research has been conducted on the individual safety of CBD [43,74] and PMs [33,75]. However, no studies have reported on the toxicity of CBD encapsulated in PEG-PCL PMs; therefore, a dose higher (20 mg/kg, p.o.) than that used in all analgesia tests (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 12 mg/kg) was selected for acute toxicity assessment. ...
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Currently, cannabis is considered an attractive option for the treatment of various diseases, including pain management. Thus, developing new analgesics is paramount for improving the health of people suffering from chronic pain. Safer natural derivatives such as cannabidiol (CBD) have shown excellent potential for the treatment of these diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the analgesic effect of a CBD-rich cannabis extract (CE) encapsulated in polymeric micelles (CBD/PMs) using different pain models. The PEG-PCL polymers were characterized by gel permeation chromatography and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. PMs were prepared by solvent evaporation and characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy. The analgesic activity of CBD/PMs and nonencapsulated CE rich in CBD (CE/CBD) was evaluated using mouse thermal, chemical, and mechanical pain models. The acute toxicity of the encapsulated CE was determined by oral administration in mice at a dose of 20 mg/kg for 14 days. The release of CBD from the nanoparticles was assessed in vitro using a dialysis experiment. CBD/PMs with an average hydrodynamic diameter of 63.8 nm obtained from a biocompatible polyethylene glycol-block-polycaprolactone copolymer were used as nanocarriers for the extract formulations with 9.2% CBD content, which corresponded with a high encapsulation efficiency of 99.9%. The results of the pharmacological assays indicated that orally administered CBD/PMs were safe and exerted a better analgesic effect than CE/CBD. The micelle formulation had a significant analgesic effect in a chemical pain model, reaching a percentage of analgesia of 42%. CE was successfully encapsulated in a nanocarrier, providing better stability. Moreover, it proved to be more efficient as a carrier for CBD release. The analgesic activity of CBD/PMs was higher than that of free CE, implying that encapsulation is an efficient strategy for improving stability and functionality. In conclusion, CBD/PMs could be promising therapeutics for pain management in the future.
... Despite hemp seed oil having high edible and medicinal value, it contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol acid (Δ9-THCA). At certain concentrations in the body, it may produce symptoms such as abdominal distension, sweating, and vomiting, which are the main adverse reactions [33][34][35]. According to the Chinese dietary nutrition guidelines, the recommended daily intake of the edible oil is 25-30 g. ...
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Background The incidence of colorectal cancer among the middle-aged and elderly is gradually increasing in China. Colonoscopy is an effective method for the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, and bowel preparation is one of many important factors affecting colonoscopy. Although there are many studies on intestinal cleansers, the results are not ideal. There is evidence that hemp seed oil has certain potential effects in intestinal cleansing, but prospective studies on this topic are still lacking. Methods This is a randomized, double-blind, single-center clinical study. We randomly assigned 690 participants to groups each administered 3 L of polyethylene glycol (PEG), 30 mL of hemp seed oil and 2 L of PEG, or 30 mL of hempseed oil, 2 L of PEG, and 1000 mL of 5% sugar brine. The Boston Bowel Preparation Scale was considered the primary outcome measure. We evaluated the interval between consumption of bowel preparation and first bowel movement. Secondary indicators included the time of cecal intubation, detection rate of polyps and adenomas, willingness to repeat the same bowel preparation, whether the protocol was tolerated, and whether there were adverse reactions during bowel preparation and were evaluated after counting the total number of bowel movements. Discussion This study aimed to test the hypothesis that hemp seed oil (30 mL) increases the quality of bowel preparation and reduces the amount of PEG. Previously, we found that its combination with 5% sugar brine can reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions. Trial registration Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ChiCTR2200057626. Prospectively registered on March 15, 2022
... It has been shown that CBD modulates negatively CB1-R and CB2-R activities (41,42). Studies have also reported that many pharmacological effects linked to CBD, are provoked by its binding to other GPRs (e.g., GPR18, GPR55) and other receptors (12,43,44). CBD counteracts some THC-induced effects (e.g., tachycardia, anxiety, etc.), probably due to its low affinity for CB-R (45). ...
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents an aggressive subtype of breast cancer, which is deficient in estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression. Thus, TNBC cells are unable to respond to the conventional hormonal therapies, making chemotherapy the only therapeutic choice. Patients with TNBC develop metastasis and recurrence over time and have reduced survival compared to patients with other subtypes of breast cancer. Therefore, there is a need for innovative therapies. Data emerged from pre-clinical studies, highlighted various antitumor activities of plant-derived Cannabis sativa and synthetic cannabinoids (CBs), including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD). On the contrary, some studies indicated that CBs might also promote tumor progression. At present, clinical studies on the effects of CBs from Cannabis sativa in cancer patients are few. In the present study, we reviewed known and possible interactions between cannabinoids and TNBC therapies.
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Background The impact of cannabis uses on blood levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) remains uncertain, with conflicting findings reported in the literature. BDNF and NGF both are essential proteins for neuron's growth, and their dysregulation is seen in various mental disorders. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between cannabis usage and BDNF and NGF levels due to their potential implications for mental health. Methods A comprehensive search of electronic databases was performed using appropriate MeSH terms and keywords. Inclusion criteria comprised human studies investigating the relationship between cannabis use and BDNF and NGF levels. Results A total of 11 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included. The pooled analysis revealed a nonsignificant association between cannabis use and dysregulated blood levels of BDNF (random‐effects model, standardized mean differences [SMD] = .26, 95% CI −.34 to .76, p = .40). The results of our subgroup analysis based on BDNF source showed a nonsignificant between‐group difference. For NGF levels, four studies were included, the pooled analysis revealed a nonsignificant association between cannabis use and dysregulated blood levels of NGF (random‐effects model, SMD = −.60, 95% CI −1.43 to –.23, p = .16). In both analyses, high heterogeneity was observed among the included studies which is a notable limitation to current meta‐analysis. Conclusion This systematic review highlights the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between cannabis use and these neurotrophic factors. A better understanding of these associations can contribute to our knowledge of the neurobiological effects of cannabis and inform potential implications for mental health, cognitive function, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Introduction: Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I) is a debilitating neuropathic painful condition associated with allodynia, hyperalgesia, sudomotor and/or vasomotor dysfunctions, turning investigation of its pathophysiology and new therapeutic strategies into an essential topic. We aim to investigate the impact of ischemia/reperfusion injury on the immunocontent of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptor isoforms in the paws of mice submitted to a chronic postischemia pain (CPIP) model and the effects of local administration of cannabidiol (CBD) on mechanical hyperalgesia. Methods: Female Swiss mice, 30-35 g, were submitted to the CPIP model on the right hind paw. Skin and muscle samples were removed at different periods for western blot analysis. Results: No changes in the immunocontent of CB1 and CB2 receptors in paw muscle tissues after ischemia-reperfusion were observed. CBD promoted an antihyperalgesic effect in both phases. AM281 reversed the effect of CBD, whereas ruthenium red abolished the late phase. Conclusion: Our results point to the possible beneficial effects of local administration of CBD in modulating CRPS-I in humans. As possible targets for CBD antihyperalgesia in this model, the contribution of cannabinoid receptor CB1, in addition to TRPM8 is suggested.
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This article provides a narrative review of the state of the science for both cyclic vomiting syndrome and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome along with a discussion of the relationship between these 2 conditions. The scope of this review includes the historical context of these conditions as well as the prevalence, diagnostic criteria, pathogenesis, and treatment strategies for both conditions. A synopsis of the endocannabinoid system provides a basis for the hypothesis that a lack of cannabidiol in modern high-potency Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol cannabis may be contributory to cannabis hyperemesis syndrome and possibly other cannabis use disorders. In concluding assessment, though the publications addressing both adult cyclic vomiting syndrome and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome are steadily increasing overall, the state of the science supporting the treatments, prognosis, etiology, and confounding factors (including cannabis use) is of moderate quality. Much of the literature portrays these conditions separately and as such sometimes fails to account for the confounding of adult cyclic vomiting syndrome with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. The diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are, at present, based generally on case series publications and expert opinion, with a very limited number of randomized controlled trials and a complete absence of Level 1 evidence within the cyclic vomiting literature overall as well as for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome specifically.
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Background: Since 2014, patients with severe treatment-resistant epilepsies (TREs) have been receiving add-on cannabidiol (CBD) in an ongoing, expanded access program (EAP), which closely reflects clinical practice. We conducted an interim analysis of long-term efficacy and tolerability in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) or Dravet syndrome (DS) who received CBD treatment through December 2016. Methods: Children and adults with LGS/DS taking stable doses of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) at baseline were included from 25 EAP sites across the United States. During the 4-week baseline period, parents/caregivers kept diaries of all countable seizure types. Patients received a pharmaceutical formulation of highly purified CBD (Epidiolex®; 100 mg/mL) in oral solution at 2-10 mg/kg/day, titrated until tolerability limit or a maximum dose of 25-50 mg/kg/day. Patient visits were every 2-4 weeks. The percentage change from baseline in median monthly convulsive (ie, major motor) and total seizures was evaluated at 12-week intervals through 96 weeks. The percentages of patients who had ≥50%, ≥75%, and 100% reduction in monthly seizures relative to the baseline period were also evaluated. Adverse events (AEs) were monitored and summarized for the safety analysis set (SAS) through 144 weeks. Results: Of the 607 patients in the SAS, 58 had DS and 94 had LGS (N = 152); 455 patients had other TREs. Twenty-eight percent of LGS/DS patients withdrew, primarily owing to lack of efficacy (20%). LGS/DS patients were taking a median of 3 (0-10) concomitant AEDs. Median treatment duration was 78.3 (range, 4.1-146.4) weeks. Between weeks 12 and 96, median CBD dose ranged from 21 to 25 mg/kg/day. At 12 weeks, add-on CBD reduced median monthly major motor seizures by 50% and total seizures by 44%, with consistent reductions in both seizure types through 96 weeks. At 12 weeks, the proportions of patients with ≥50%, ≥75%, and 100% reductions in major motor seizures were 53%, 23%, and 6%; the proportions with corresponding reductions in total seizures were 46%, 26%, and 5%. Responder rates for both seizure types were consistent through 96 weeks. CBD had an acceptable safety profile; the most common AEs were somnolence (30%) and diarrhea (24%). Conclusions: Results from this interim analysis support add-on CBD as an effective long-term treatment option in LGS or DS.
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Cannabidiol (CBD), the main nonpsychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa, has shown a wide range of therapeutically promising pharmacological effects either as a sole drug or in combination with other drugs in adjunctive therapy. However, the targets involved in the therapeutic effects of CBD appear to be elusive. Furthermore, scarce information is available on the biological activity of its human metabolites which, when formed in pharmacologically relevant concentration, might contribute to or even account for the observed therapeutic effects. The present overview summarizes our current knowledge on the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of CBD in humans, reviews studies on the biological activity of CBD metabolites either in vitro or in vivo, and discusses relevant drug-drug interactions. To facilitate further research in the area, the reported syntheses of CBD metabolites are also catalogued.
Introduction: There is a large variation in cannabidiol (CBD) pharmacokinetics and little information on its bioavailability. This study aims to establish the CBD dose-exposure relationship and to evaluate the effects of dosage forms, food, and doses on CBD absorption. Methods: Single-dose (range: 5-6000 mg) CBD plasma concentration-time profiles administered as oral solution (OS), oral capsule (OC), or oromucosal spray/drop (OM) from healthy volunteers were extracted from 15 published clinical studies. A dose-exposure proportionality assessment was performed, and a population-based meta-analysis of CBD pharmacokinetics and systemic bioavailability was conducted with a nonlinear mixed-effect modeling. A three-compartment model with a Weibull or zero-order absorption model was used to describe CBD disposition and absorption kinetics. Dosage form, food, and dose were assessed for covariation. Results: Oral solution CBD exposures increased less than proportionally with doses of 750 mg or greater, and bioavailability (6.5% at 3000 mg) decreased with increasing dose. The bioavailability of OC (5.6%) and fed-state OM (6.2%) were similar, whereas it was lower in fasted-state OM (0.9%). The Weibull absorption model best described OS, OC, and fed-state OM profiles. The slowest absorption rate was observed in OS, resulting in a time of maximum concentration of 4.75 hours, followed by fed-state OM (3.13 hrs) and OC (2.1 hrs). The absorption kinetics of fasted-state OM was best described by a zero-order absorption for the duration of 1.71 hours. Conclusion: The effects of doses, dosage forms, and feeding status on CBD pharmacokinetics were quantified and should be taken into consideration for dose optimization.
Rationale: Treatment with a highly purified oral solution of cannabidiol (CBD), derived from the plant Cannabis sativa L., demonstrated some evidence of central nervous system (CNS)-related adverse events in patients enrolled in phase 3 trials for treatment of childhood-onset epilepsy. Cannabidiol was categorized as a Schedule 1 substance by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration; therefore, it was important to test CBD for human abuse potential. Methods: This was a single-dose, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo- and active-controlled crossover trial. The abuse potential of single oral doses of plant-derived pharmaceutical formulations of highly purified CBD (Epidiolex®; 750 mg, 1500 mg, and 4500 mg) was compared with that of single oral doses of alprazolam (2 mg), dronabinol (10 mg and 30 mg), and placebo in healthy recreational polydrug users. The primary endpoint to assess abuse potential was the maximum effect (Emax) on Drug-Liking visual analog scale (VAS). Other measurements included Emax on Overall Drug-Liking VAS, Take Drug Again VAS, positive and negative effects, other subjective effects, and Drug Similarity VAS. Cognitive and psychomotor functions were assessed using the Divided Attention Test, the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, and the Digit-Symbol Substitution Task. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined for CBD and its major metabolites. Standard safety measures and adverse events were assessed. Principal results: Of 95 eligible subjects, 43 qualified for the treatment phase, received at least 1 dose of investigational medicinal product, and were included in safety assessments; 35 subjects were included in the pharmacodynamic analysis. Subjects receiving alprazolam and dronabinol had significantly higher Drug-Liking Emax (P < 0.0001) compared with those receiving placebo, confirming study validity. Compared with placebo, Drug-Liking was not significantly different for subjects taking 750-mg CBD (P = 0.51). Drug-Liking Emax values for 1500-mg and 4500-mg CBD were significantly different from placebo (P = 0.04 and 0.002, respectively); however, the mean differences were <10 points on VAS compared with >18-point differences between positive controls and placebo. Alprazolam and dronabinol had significantly higher Drug-Liking, Overall-Liking, and Take Drug Again VAS Emax values compared with all doses of CBD (P ≤ 0.004). In contrast to alprazolam, CBD administration had no observable effect on cognitive/psychomotor tests. Pharmacokinetic parameters for CBD in this trial were consistent with previous studies. The majority of adverse events reported during the trial were of mild or moderate severity; no serious adverse events or deaths were reported. Conclusion: Administration of a therapeutic dose of CBD (750 mg) showed significantly low abuse potential in a highly sensitive population of polydrug users. Although high and supratherapeutic doses of CBD (1500 mg and 4500 mg, respectively) had detectable subjective effects compared with placebo; the effects were significantly lower than those observed with alprazolam and dronabinol.
Background Cannabidiol has been used for treatment-resistant seizures in patients with severe early-onset epilepsy. We investigated the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol added to a regimen of conventional antiepileptic medication to treat drop seizures in patients with the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, a severe developmental epileptic encephalopathy. Methods In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted at 30 clinical centers, we randomly assigned patients with the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (age range, 2 to 55 years) who had had two or more drop seizures per week during a 28-day baseline period to receive cannabidiol oral solution at a dose of either 20 mg per kilogram of body weight (20-mg cannabidiol group) or 10 mg per kilogram (10-mg cannabidiol group) or matching placebo, administered in two equally divided doses daily for 14 weeks. The primary outcome was the percentage change from baseline in the frequency of drop seizures (average per 28 days) during the treatment period. Results A total of 225 patients were enrolled; 76 patients were assigned to the 20-mg cannabidiol group, 73 to the 10-mg cannabidiol group, and 76 to the placebo group. During the 28-day baseline period, the median number of drop seizures was 85 in all trial groups combined. The median percent reduction from baseline in drop-seizure frequency during the treatment period was 41.9% in the 20-mg cannabidiol group, 37.2% in the 10-mg cannabidiol group, and 17.2% in the placebo group (P=0.005 for the 20-mg cannabidiol group vs. placebo group, and P=0.002 for the 10-mg cannabidiol group vs. placebo group). The most common adverse events among the patients in the cannabidiol groups were somnolence, decreased appetite, and diarrhea; these events occurred more frequently in the higher-dose group. Six patients in the 20-mg cannabidiol group and 1 patient in the 10-mg cannabidiol group discontinued the trial medication because of adverse events and were withdrawn from the trial. Fourteen patients who received cannabidiol (9%) had elevated liver aminotransferase concentrations. Conclusions Among children and adults with the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, the addition of cannabidiol at a dose of 10 mg or 20 mg per kilogram per day to a conventional antiepileptic regimen resulted in greater reductions in the frequency of drop seizures than placebo. Adverse events with cannabidiol included elevated liver aminotransferase concentrations. (Funded by GW Pharmaceuticals; GWPCARE3 number, NCT02224560.)
Background: Patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a rare, severe form of epileptic encephalopathy, are frequently treatment resistant to available medications. No controlled studies have investigated the use of cannabidiol for patients with seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. We therefore assessed the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol as an add-on anticonvulsant therapy in this population of patients. Methods: In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial done at 24 clinical sites in the USA, the Netherlands, and Poland, we investigated the efficacy of cannabidiol as add-on therapy for drop seizures in patients with treatment-resistant Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Eligible patients (aged 2-55 years) had Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, including a history of slow (<3 Hz) spike-and-wave patterns on electroencephalogram, evidence of more than one type of generalised seizure for at least 6 months, at least two drop seizures per week during the 4-week baseline period, and had not responded to treatment with at least two antiepileptic drugs. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) using an interactive voice response system, stratified by age group, to receive 20 mg/kg oral cannabidiol daily or matched placebo for 14 weeks. All patients, caregivers, investigators, and individuals assessing data were masked to group assignment. The primary endpoint was percentage change from baseline in monthly frequency of drop seizures during the treatment period, analysed in all patients who received at least one dose of study drug and had post-baseline efficacy data. All randomly assigned patients were included in the safety analyses. This study is registered with, number NCT02224690. Findings: Between April 28, 2015, and Oct 15, 2015, we randomly assigned 171 patients to receive cannabidiol (n=86) or placebo (n=85). 14 patients in the cannabidiol group and one in the placebo group discontinued study treatment; all randomly assigned patients received at least one dose of study treatment and had post-baseline efficacy data. The median percentage reduction in monthly drop seizure frequency from baseline was 43·9% (IQR -69·6 to -1·9) in the cannibidiol group and 21·8% (IQR -45·7 to 1·7) in the placebo group. The estimated median difference between the treatment groups was -17·21 (95% CI -30·32 to -4·09; p=0·0135) during the 14-week treatment period. Adverse events occurred in 74 (86%) of 86 patients in the cannabidiol group and 59 (69%) of 85 patients in the placebo group; most were mild or moderate. The most common adverse events were diarrhoea, somnolence, pyrexia, decreased appetite, and vomiting. 12 (14%) patients in the cannabidiol group and one (1%) patient in the placebo group withdrew from the study because of adverse events. One patient (1%) died in the cannabidiol group, but this was considered unrelated to treatment. Interpretation: Add-on cannabidiol is efficacious for the treatment of patients with drop seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and is generally well tolerated. The long-term efficacy and safety of cannabidiol is currently being assessed in the open-label extension of this trial. Funding: GW Pharmaceuticals.
In 1937, the United States of America criminalized the use of cannabis and as a result its use decreased rapidly. In recent decades, there is a growing interest in the wide range of medical uses of cannabis and its constituents; however, the laws and regulations are substantially different between countries. Laws differentiate between raw herbal cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabinoid-based medicines. Both the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not approve the use of herbal cannabis or its extracts. The FDA approved several cannabinoid-based medicines, so did 23 European countries and Canada. However, only four of the reviewed countries have fully authorized the medical use of herbal cannabis - Canada, Germany, Israel and the Netherlands, together with more than 50% of the states in the United States. Most of the regulators allow the physicians to decide what specific indications they will prescribe cannabis for, but some regulators dictate only specific indications. The aim of this article is to review the current (as of November 2017) regulations of medical cannabis use in Europe and North America.
The plant Cannabis sativa, commonly called cannabis or marijuana, has been used for its psychotropic and mind-altering side effects for millennia. There has been growing attention in recent years on its potential therapeutic efficacy as municipalities and legislative bodies in the United States, Canada, and other countries grapple with enacting policy to facilitate the use of cannabis or its constituents for medical purposes. There are over 550 chemical compounds and over 100 phytocannabinoids isolated from cannabis, including Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). THC is thought to produce the main psychoactive effects of cannabis, while CBD does not appear to have similar effects. Studies conflict as to whether CBD attenuates or exacerbates the behavioral and cognitive effects of THC. This includes effects of CBD on THC induced anxiety, psychosis and cognitive deficits. In this article, we review the available evidence on the pharmacology and behavioral interactions of THC and CBD from pre-clinical and human studies particularly with reference to anxiety and psychosis like symptoms. Both THC and CBD, as well as other cannabinoid molecules, are currently being evaluated for medicinal purposes, separately and in combination. Future cannabis-related policy decisions should include consideration of scientific findings including the individual and interactive effects of CBD and THC.Neuropsychopharmacology accepted article preview online, 06 September 2017. doi:10.1038/npp.2017.209.
The lipophilic phytocannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) show therapeutic efficacy in various medical conditions. Both molecules are poorly water soluble and subjected to extensive first pass metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to a limited oral bioavailability of approximately 9%. We have developed an advanced lipid based Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System termed Advanced Pro-NanoLiposphere (PNL) pre-concentrate. The PNL is composed of lipid and emulsifying excipients of GRAS status and are known to increase solubility and reduce Phase I metabolism of lipophilic active compounds. Advanced PNLs are PNLs with an incorporated natural absorption enhancers. These molecules are natural alkaloids and phenolic compounds which were reported to inhibit certain phase I and phase II metabolism processes. Here we use piperine, curcumin and resveratrol to formulate the Advanced-PNL formulations. Consequently, we have explored the utility of these Advanced-PNLs on CBD and THC oral bioavailability. Oral administration of CBD-piperine-PNL resulted in 6-fold in AUC compared to CBD solution, proving to be the most effective of the screened formulations. The same trend was found in pharmacokinetic experiments of THC-piperine-PNL with resulted in a 9.3-fold increase in AUC as compared to THC solution. Our Piperine-PNL can be used as a platform for synchronized delivery of piperine and CBD or THC to the enterocyte site. This co-localization provides an increase in CBD and THC bioavailability by its effect at the pre-enterocyte and the enterocyte levels of the absorption process. The extra augmentation in the absorption of CBD and THC by incorporating piperine into PNL is attributed to the inhibition of Phase I and phase II metabolism by piperine in addition to the Phase I metabolism and P-gp inhibition by PNL. These novel results pave the way to utilize piperine-PNL delivery system for other poorly soluble, highly metabolized compounds that currently cannot be administered orally.
Background The Dravet syndrome is a complex childhood epilepsy disorder that is associated with drug-resistant seizures and a high mortality rate. We studied cannabidiol for the treatment of drug-resistant seizures in the Dravet syndrome. Methods In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we randomly assigned 120 children and young adults with the Dravet syndrome and drug-resistant seizures to receive either cannabidiol oral solution at a dose of 20 mg per kilogram of body weight per day or placebo, in addition to standard antiepileptic treatment. The primary end point was the change in convulsive-seizure frequency over a 14-week treatment period, as compared with a 4-week baseline period. Results The median frequency of convulsive seizures per month decreased from 12.4 to 5.9 with cannabidiol, as compared with a decrease from 14.9 to 14.1 with placebo (adjusted median difference between the cannabidiol group and the placebo group in change in seizure frequency, −22.8 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], −41.1 to −5.4; P=0.01). The percentage of patients who had at least a 50% reduction in convulsive-seizure frequency was 43% with cannabidiol and 27% with placebo (odds ratio, 2.00; 95% CI, 0.93 to 4.30; P=0.08). The patient’s overall condition improved by at least one category on the seven-category Caregiver Global Impression of Change scale in 62% of the cannabidiol group as compared with 34% of the placebo group (P=0.02). The frequency of total seizures of all types was significantly reduced with cannabidiol (P=0.03), but there was no significant reduction in nonconvulsive seizures. The percentage of patients who became seizure-free was 5% with cannabidiol and 0% with placebo (P=0.08). Adverse events that occurred more frequently in the cannabidiol group than in the placebo group included diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, pyrexia, somnolence, and abnormal results on liver-function tests. There were more withdrawals from the trial in the cannabidiol group. Conclusions Among patients with the Dravet syndrome, cannabidiol resulted in a greater reduction in convulsive-seizure frequency than placebo and was associated with higher rates of adverse events. (Funded by GW Pharmaceuticals; number, NCT02091375.)