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New and noteworthy orchids (Orchidaceae) discovered in Langbiang Plateau, southern Vietnam



Recent field expeditions in Langbiang Plateau of southern Vietnam resulted in new data for the orchid flora of Vietnam. Two new species (Nervilia pubilabia and Panisea sagittata), two new national records (Cheirostylis tortilacinia and Goodyera reticulata) and the rediscovery of a supposedly extinct species (Liparis nana) are reported, and background data about their morphology, biogeography, ecology, conservation and taxonomy are also provided.
Taiwania 65(2): 1 , 2020
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.
New and noteworthy orchids (Orchidaceae) discovered in Langbiang
Plateau, southern Vietnam 1
Tian-Chuan HSU1,*, Cheng-Wei CHEN2, Hsin-Chieh HUNG3, Nguyen Khanh Trinh TRAM4,
Quang Cuong TRUONG5, Hong Truong LUU6, and Chia-Wei LI7,8,*
1. Botanical Garden Division, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei 100, Taiwan.
2. Independent researcher, Keelung 202, Taiwan.
3. Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center.
4. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
5. Research center of Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park, Lac Duong, Lam Dong, Vietnam.
6. Southern Institute of Ecology & Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
7. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan.
8. Bioresource Conservation Research Center, College of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan.
*Corresponding authors email: T.C. Hsu:; C.W. Li:
(Manuscript received 26 December 2019; Accepted 8 April 2020; Online published April 2020)
ABSTRACT: Recent field expeditions in Langbiang Plateau of southern Vietnam resulted in new data for the orchid flora of
Vietnam. Two new species (Nervilia pubilabia and Panisea sagittata), two new national records (Cheirostylis tortilacinia and
Goodyera reticulata) and the rediscovery of a supposedly extinct species (Liparis nana) are reported, and background data about
their morphology, biogeography, ecology, conservation and taxonomy are also provided.
KEY WORDS: Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park, Indochina, new records, new species, rediscovered species, Orchidaceae, taxonomy.
Langbiang Plateau, also known as Da Lat Plateau or
Lam Vien Plateau, is located at the southern end of
Truong Son (Annamite mountain range) in southern
Vietnam (Fig. 1). This mountainous region is famous for
its mild and consistent climate and has long been
recognized as a biodiversity hotspot of the country. In
2002, Bidoup-Nui Ba National Parks was established to
conserve its vulnerable ecosystems. In 2015, this region
was further recognized as “the Langbiang Biosphere
Reserve” by UNESCO due to its rich and unique
biodiversity. To date, new findings of various groups of
organisms from this region are continuously being
published (e.g., lichens, Joshi et al., 2015; liverworts,
Pócs et al., 2019; ferns, Chen et al., 2019; flowering
plants, Luu et al., 2018; insects, Takaoka et al., 2015;
lizards, Nazarov et al., 2012; snakes, Nguyen et al.,
Toward a better understanding to its flora, the
“Botanical survey in Langbiang Plateau, Vietnam”
project was launched in 2018 as a collaboration between
Vietnam and Taiwan. Based on the preliminary findings
of the resulting field expeditions, here we present new
taxonomic and biogeographic data in Orchidaceae, the
largest vascular plant family of the country (Averyanov
et al., 2003). Two new species (Nervilia pubilabia T.C.
Hsu, C.W. Chen & H.T. Luu and Panisea sagittata T.C.
Hsu, H.C. Hung & H.T. Luu) are herein described and
illustrated. Two new records (Cheirostylis tortilacinia
C.S. Leou and Goodyera reticulata (Blume) Blume) and
the rediscovery of Liparis nana Rolfe, a poorly known
and supposedly extinct species, are also reported with
discussion of their diagnoses and taxonomic affinities.
These new findings continue to reveal the astonishing
biodiversity of Langbiang Plateau. Unfortunately, many
primary habitats and native species, especially those
located outside the protected area, are still under threat
of logging, expansion of coffee plantations and
commercial collection, and conservation strategies are
thus urgently needed.
Voucher specimens were collected during 2014
2019 from Langbiang Plateau of southern Vietnam,
covering the northern part of Lam Dong Province and
the western corner of Khanh Hoa Province (Fig. 1).
Flowering specimens were dissected and photographed,
and the descriptions were prepared based exclusively on
measurements of fresh materials. Some additional
flowers and inflorescences were also fixed and stored in
6065% ethanol to keep their original structure, and
partial fragments were separately stored within silica gel
for genetic studies. The main set of voucher specimens
was deposited in the herbarium of Southern Institute of
Ecology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
(SGN), and duplicates, whenever available, were
deposited in the herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research
Institute (TAIF). Specimen identification was mainly
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
Fig. 1. Map of Lang Biang Plateau and known localities of the studied taxa: Cheirostylis tortilacinia (1), Goodyera reticulata (2), Liparis
nana (3), N. pubilabia (4) and Panisea sagittata (5).
based on the modern floristic studies of Seidenfaden
(1992) and Averyanov (2008; 2010; 2011b; 2013) plus
new taxonomic data published in recent years.
Conservation status of the studied taxa were evaluated
based on the latest guidelines available on the IUCN
website (IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee,
2019), and we used GeoCAT (Bachman et al., 2011) to
help assess the Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and the Area
of Occupancy (AOO). The studied taxa are listed below
in alphabetical order. Terminology used in
morphological descriptions generally follows Beentie
(2016) and Averyanov (2008).
Cheirostylis tortilacinia C.S. Leou, Quart. J. Exp. Forest.
4: 72, f. 12 (1990); Leou, Fl. Taiwan 5: 802 (2000);
Chen et al., Fl. China 25: 59 (2009); Lin et al., Taiwania
61: 87 (2016). Type: TAIWAN. Nantou County: Hoshe,
ca. 1000 m, C.S. Leou 4143 (holotype: NTUF, not found).
Fig. 2, AF
Distribution: Previously known from China
(Hainan, see Huang et al., 2014) and Taiwan (Chiayi,
Nantou and Taichung); newly recorded from Vietnam
(Lam Dong).
Habitat and phenology: In Vietnam, this species
was found as a lithophyte growing on silicate rocks
under primary broadleaved forest in a damp valley at an
elevation of ca. 1200 m. Flowering was observed in late
Conservation status: In Vietnam, only one location
with ca. 10 mature individuals was observed. More data
are needed for the precise evaluation of its distribution
and population size in Vietnam, and this species is thus
considered as Data Deficient (DD) for now.
Studied specimens: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Lam
Ha District, Nam Ban Protection Forest, 1200 m, 27 January 2019, Hsu
11247 (SGN). CHINA. Hainan Province: Baisha Li Autonomous
County, Mt. Yingge, 8001000 m, 9 February 2011, Hsu 3625 (TAIF-
474906). TAIWAN. Chiayi County: Shihcho to Shihtzulu, 13001600
m, 30 March 2012, Hsu 5542 (TAIF-391915). Nantou County: Hoshe,
ca. 600 m, 7 January 1991, Su 4143 (HAST-104744); Shenmu Village
trail, 1200 m, 6 January 2007, Lu 12971 (HAST-119117); Shenmu
Logging Road, 1500 m, 23 January 2007, Hsu 700 (TAIF-286753);
Shenmutsun, 1200 m, 17 January 2013, Shen s.n. (TAI-282764).
Taichung City: Basianshan National Forest Recreation Area, ca. 900
m, 17 February 2008, Hsu 1227 (TAIF-303718).
Note: According to the protologue, the holotype of
2020 Hsu et al.: New orchids of southern Vietnam
Cheirostylis tortilacinia was deposited in the herbarium
of Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University
(herbarium code: NTUF) (Leou, 1990). However,
neither the holotype nor any of the paratypes cited in the
protologue could currently (November 2019) be located
in NTUF or any other herbaria in Taiwan. Fortunately,
the detailed description and illustrations presented in the
protologue are sufficient for species identification. This
species could be distinguished from the other 16 known
Cheirostylis species in Vietnam (Averyanov, 2008; 2010;
Averyanov et al., 2015) by the combination of ascending
to erect stems, ovate to ovate-deltoid, acute, uniformly
dark green or dark reddish-green leaves, 15 cm long
peduncles, densely glandular-pilose ovaries and sepals,
ventrally distinctly saccate perianth tube, obliquely
spatulate petals, and lip epichile lobes fringed with 35
sometimes twisted segments. The flowers of C.
tortilacinia roughly resemble those of C. chinensis Rolfe,
but the vegetative parts are quite distinct, as C. chinensis
has basally creeping stems and grayish green leaves with
dark green venation.
Goodyera reticulata (Blume) Blume, Coll. Orchid. 35, t.
9b (1858); Blume, Flora Javae et Insularum Adjacentium,
Nova Series: t. 26, f. 1 (1858); Smith, Die Orchideen von
Java, Figuren-Atlas: f. 92 (19081914); Comber, Orch.
Java: 30, f. (1990). Basionym: Neottia reticulata Blume,
Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind.: 409 (1825). Type: INDONESIA.
Java, Mt. Gede, C. L. Blume s.n. (holotype: L-0061428
image!). Fig. 2, GJ.
Distribution: Indonesia (Borneo, Java and Lesser
Sunda Islands); newly recorded from Vietnam (Lam
Habitat and phenology: In Vietnam, this species
was found growing under primary broadleaved forest
along a stream at an elevation of ca. 1750 m. Flowering
was observed in October.
Conservation status: In Vietnam, only one location
with ca. 5 mature individuals was observed within a
protected area. More data are needed for the precise
evaluation of its distribution and population size in
Vietnam, and this species is thus considered as Data
Deficient (DD) for now.
Studied specimens: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Lac
Duong District, Dung K'No Commune, Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park,
Cong Troi Station, 1750 m, 17 October 2019, Hsu 12050 (SGN).
INDONESIA. Java, Cianjur Regency, Cibodas, 12001400 m, 30
January 2010, Hsu 2507 (TAIF-505040).
Note: The somewhat unexpected discovery of this
Malesian species in southern Vietnam also represents its
first record in Indochina. Among the Goodyera species
recorded in Vietnam (Averyanov, 2008; Liu et al., 2019),
G. reticulata is closest to G. hispida Lindl. in sharing
whitish reticulate venation on leaves and hardly opening
small flowers arranged along an elongate rachis.
Meanwhile, the former is readily distinguishable by its
glabrous ovaries and sepals and also by its lip hypochile
obviously protruding between the lateral sepals. As
noted by Lin et al. (2016), G. reticulata is also closely
related to G. hachijoensis Yatabe and its variety G.
hachijoensis var. matsumuana (Schltr.) Ohwi ex
Hatusima & Amano distributed in Japan and Taiwan.
Based on observation of fresh flowering materials, G.
hachijoensis var. matsumuana from Taiwan is
morphologically nearly identical to G. reticulata in Java
and Vietnam but still slightly distinct in having a smaller
lip with the hypochile barely protruding beyond the
lateral sepals. We tentatively keep them separate and
await more comprehensive study of this alliance.
Liparis nana Rolfe, 1913, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew: 28
(1913); Gagnep., Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 6, 2: 192 (1932);
Seidenf., Dansk Bot. Ark., 31, 1: 20, fig. 9 (1976); id,
Opera Bot., 114: 130, fig. 77 (1992); Aver., Ident. Guide
Vietnam. Orch.: 140 (1994); P.H. Ho, Ill. Fl. Vietnam 3:
907, fig. 11374 (2000); Aver., Turczaninowia 16: 86. fig.
45, ad (2013). Type: VIETNAM. “Annam”, s. coll., s.n.
(holotype: K-000943233!). Fig. 3
Liparis meniscophora Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79: 166
(1932); id., l.c. 6, 2: 190 (1932). Type: VIETNAM. Lam Dong
Province: Dalat, 11 July 1924, Evrard 1029 (holotype: P-
00327718 image!).
Liparis pygmaea auct. non King & Pantl.: Aver. & Averyanova,
Updated Checklist Orch. Viet.: 43, 87 (2003).
Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong), endemic.
Habitat and phenology: Liparis nana was primarily
found growing as a terrestrial herb among thick leaf litter
under damp primary broadleaved forest at an elevation
of 14001800 m. Sometimes it was also found growing
on moss-covered rotten woods. Flowering was observed
from June to July, and mature fruits were observed from
September to December.
Conservation status: During 20142019, Liparis
nana was recorded from six locations with an estimated
1000 mature individuals and an EOO of 457 km2
calculated in GeoCAT, and all known locations are
within protected areas. Since it was confined to primary
broadleaved forests which only occupy small patches
among the predominant Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon
forests in this region, we estimated a much smaller AOO
of 20 km2, but the subpopulations were not regarded as
“severely fragmented” considering its potential for seed
dispersal. This tiny unattractive species might face less
threat of commercial collection, but the gradual
expansion of coffee plantations and recreation areas
would potentially pose a threat to the range and quality
of its habitats. Considering these facts, this species is
evaluated as Vulnerable [VU B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii); D1+2].
Studied specimens: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Provine: Lac
Duong District, Da Chais Commune, Giang Ly Station, 26 December
2014, Hsu 7404 (SGN); Da Chais Commune, Mt. Bidoup, 1800 m, 23
June 2018, Hsu 10714 (SGN, TAIF-519688); Da Nhim Commune,
Dung Iar Rieng Station, 1680 m, 27 June 2018, Hsu 10769 (SGN,
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
Fig. 2. Two newly recorded orchids in Vietnam. AF. Cheirostylis tortilacinia C.S. Leou (AD from Hsu 11247; E from Hsu 700; F
from Hsu 3625). A. Flowering habit. B. Leaves. C & D. Flower. E. Flower of the specimen collected from Nantou, Taiwan (type locality).
F. Habit of the specimen collected from Hainan, China. GJ. Goodyera reticulata Blume (from Hsu 12050). G. Flowering habit. H.
Leaf. I & J. Inflorescence and flowers. Photographed and designed by T.C. Hsu.
2020 Hsu et al.: New orchids of southern Vietnam
Fig. 3. Morphology of Liparis nana Rolfe rediscovered in Vietnam (A & DE from Hsu 11716; B & FQ from Hsu 10714; C & R from
Hsu 10962). A & B. Flowering plants. C. Fruiting plant. D & E. Inflorescence and flowers. F. Bract. G. Dorsal sepal. H. Petal. I. Lateral
sepal. J. Lip in natural position. K. Flattened lip. LO. Column. P & Q. Anther cap. R. Infructescence and capsules. Photographed and
designed by T.C. Hsu.
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
TAIF-519687); Da Nhim Commune, Dung Iar Rieng Village, 1400 m,
18 June 2019, Hsu 11777 (SGN); Dung K'No Commune, Cong Troi
Station, 16001800 m, 24 September 2018, Hsu 10962 (SGN, TAIF-
521483, TNM); same locality, 16001700 m, 9 June 2019, Hsu 11716
(SGN, TAIF-524202, TNM); same locality, 17001800 m, 11 June
2019, Hsu 11743 (SGN, TAIF-524203, TNM); Lat Commune, Cong
Troi waterfall, 1600 m, 31 October 2019, Hsu 12266 (SGN).
Note: Liparis nana has been considered possibly
extinct because the last record dates back to 1924
(Averyanov, 2013). During an expedition in December
2014, a fruiting specimen was collected and speculated
by the first author to be L. nana, but its identity was not
confirmed until June 2018 when flowering individuals
were finally observed. In the past two years, we further
located several wild populations scattered around higher
northern terrain of Langbiang Plateau within the range
of Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park (Fig. 1). Its diminutive
habits and dark-colored flowers possibly make it easily
overlooked by investigators.
Our newly collected specimens generally agree with
the type specimen of Liparis nana, especially in the
diagnostic lip structure, with papillate-erose margin,
mucronate apex and a large U-shaped basal callus (Fig.
3, J & K). However, we also found that some
morphological characters were not precisely described in
previous studies (Rolfe, 1913; Gagnepain, 1932a; 1932b;
Seidenfaden, 1976; 1992; Averyanov, 2013) based on
the very limited herbaria materials. A remarkable but
previously unmentioned vegetative character of L. nana
is that it has more or less distant pseudobulbs connected
by obvious rhizomes (Fig. 3, B & C). The rhizome under
a new pseudobulb generally elongates after anthesis and
could thus be overlooked on flowering specimens. Such
a growing habit has also been reported for other
members of the genus, e.g., L. montana Lindl. (described
from Java) and L. petiolata (D. Don) P.F. Hunt &
Summerh. (described from Nepal) within Liparis sect.
Liparis and clearly differentiates L. nana from a
sometimes confused species L. pygmaea King & Pantl.
(described from Sikkim) which has congested
pseudobulbs. The stout (ca. 2.5 × 2 mm), broadly winged
column is also characteristic (Fig. 3, LO). However, it
should be especially noted that the weird “petaloid”
stylidia illustrated by Seidenfaden (1976; 1992) were not
seen in any of our fresh materials. We suspect that this
petaloid structure is a misinterpretation caused by
morphological shifting of the old herbarium materials
during the repeated dehydration and rehydration of its
very fleshy column.
On account of its overall morphological appearance,
we consider that Liparis nana might not be an
evolutionarily isolated species as proclaimed by
Seidenfaden (1976; 1992) and Averyanov (2013) since
it shows close affinity with some Indonesian species, e.g.,
L. montana and L. geophila Schltr. (described from
Sumatra). In fact, L. nana is especially closely allied to
the poorly documented species L. brevistylis (J.J. Sm.)
J.J. Sm. described from Java. According to Smith’s
(1910) line drawing, the lip and column morphology of
L. brevistylis and L. nana are very similar, but the basal
callus of the lip in L. brevistylis seems to be smaller and
rather columnar. Data from fresh materials of L.
brevistylis might ultimately be necessary to clarify the
affinity of these two taxa.
Nervilia pubilabia T.C. Hsu, C.W. Chen & Luu, sp. nov.
Figs. 4 & 5
Type: VIETNAM. Khanh Hoa Province: Khanh
Vinh District, Son Thai Commune, 8001000 m, 21 May
2015, flowering under cultivation, T.C. Hsu 7721
(holotype: SGN!, isotype: TAIF-497279!).
Diagnosis: Morphologically allied to Nervilia
mackinnonii (Duthie) Schltr. in terms of leaf and
lipflower outlines but differing in its rhomboid-obovate,
entirely densely papillose-pubescent epichile with a
broad low central ridge.
Description: Terrestrial herb up to ca. 12 cm tall in
flowering plants. Tuber whitish, subglobose, 815 mm
long and across, 37 noded, with short, stubby roots
scattered at nodes. Subterranean stem emerging from
apical node of tuber, pale brownish, 35 cm long, 1.8
2.8 mm in diameter, several-noded, bearing a short,
membranous, sheathing cataphyll at each of the upper
nodes, producing 13 horizontally extended, slender, 2
10 cm long runners in the leafing phase that each give
rise to a daughter tuber at the apex. Petiole-like stalk
erect, 25 cm long, pale greenish, sulcate, with 1 brown,
membranous cataphyll at base. Leaf blade held a short
distance above ground level, cordate-polygonal,
uniformly green and glossy adaxially, pale green
abaxially, thick papery, with 7 palmately divergent main
veins, obtusely angulate at the tips of the main veins,
3.56.0 × 4.06.5 cm, deeply cordate at base, apex acute,
margin flat. Scape 8.011.5 cm tall, pale yellowish green,
bearing 2 membranous sheathing cataphylls 2.53.5 cm
long, 1-flowered. Floral bract erect, lanceolate-oblong,
4.04.8 × 2.02.2 mm, acute. Pedicel and ovary 56 mm
long, uniformly green. Flower nodding, semi-opening.
Sepals subsimilar, uniformly yellowish green, narrowly
lanceolate-elliptic, slightly cymbiform, acuminate, 3-
veined; dorsal sepal 1618 × 2.42.7 mm; lateral sepals
indistinctly oblique, 17.519.0 × 3.03.5 mm. Petals
uniformly yellowish green, linear-elliptic, 14.516.0 ×
2.22.5 mm, acute, 3-veined. Lip oblong-elliptic when
flattened, 14.515.5 mm long, obscurely swollen at the
base, divided by a narrow waist at the middle into a semi-
tubular hypochile and a broad epichile, white with pale
green tint at base and a light yellow-green central stripe
near the middle, sometimes with very scarce and obscure
magenta spots scattered on the disc; hypochile involute
and embracing the column in natural position,
pandurate-obovate, 7.58.0 × 6.06.5 mm when
flattened, terminating in a pair of ovate-deltoid, obtuse
2020 Hsu et al.: New orchids of southern Vietnam
Fig. 4. Nervilia pubilabia T.C. Hsu, C.W. Chen & Luu (A from Hsu 7377; BK from Hsu 7721). A. Vegetative plant. B. Flowering plant.
C. Flower. D. Floral bract. E. Dorsal sepal. F. Petal. G. Lateral sepal. H. Lip. I & J. Column. K. Pollinia. Illustrated by T.C. Hsu.
auricles ca. 1.5 mm long, shortly papillose throughout,
with two patches of slightly longer papillae near the base;
epichile rhomboid-obovate, widest at around one-third
below the apex, 8.08.5 × 5.05.5 mm, entire, rounded-
subtruncate at the apex, densely papillose-pubescent
throughout, with longer hair-like papillae from base to
the widest partsite and shorter conical papilllae toward
the apex; disc with two adjacent pubescent ridges arising
from near the base of the hypochile, forming a narrow
channel that extends to the base of epichile, the ridges
then merging into a single broad, rounded, densely
papillose-pubescent ridge extending to the apex of the
epichile. Column clavate, slightly sigmoid, 5.56.5 mm
long (excluding anther), white flushed light green, with
a patch of short hairs beneath the stigma; anther helmet-
shaped, ca. 2.5 mm long; pollinium c. 2 mm long;
rostellum thickened and protruding; stigma shield-
shaped, slightly concave. Capsule not seen.
Distribution: Vietnam (Khanh Hoa), endemic.
Etymology: The specific epithet is composed by
pubi-, downy, and labia, lip, refering to its characteristic
papillate-pubescent epichile of lip..
Habitat and phenology: Terrestrial under shaded
damp broadleaved forest at an elevation of 8001000 m.
Flowers observed in May under cultivation but unknown
in the field; leaves appearing from June to December
under cultivation.
Paratype: VIETNAM. Khanh Hoa Province: Khanh Vinh
District, Son Thai Commune, 8001000 m, 25 Dec 2014, leafing, Hsu
7377 (SGN!)
Conservation status: Nervilia pubilabia is currently
only known from its type locality, with an estimatedion
of 100 mature individuals growing inunder an
unprotected forest. Due to the difficulty of recognizing
and identifying taxa within the N. adolphi/punctata
species alliance, we suspect that its occurrence is still
under-recorded, and more investigations are needed to
clarify its distribution range and population size. The
species is thus tentatively regarded as Data Deficient
Note: Nervilia pubilabia belongs to the N.
adolphi/punctata species alliance”, a group of closely
related 1-flowered taxa in sect. Linervia sharing an entire,
slender, usually white and purple-marked lip and a
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
glabrous angular leaf (Gale et al., 2018). The new species
Fig. 5. Nervilia pubilabia T.C. Hsu, C.W. Chen & Luu (A from Hsu 7377; BW from Hsu 7721). A. Leaves. B. Flowering plants. CF.
2020 Hsu et al.: New orchids of southern Vietnam
Flower. G. Dorsal sepal. H. Petal. I. Lateral sepal. J & K. Lip and column. L. Lip in natural position. M. Flattened lip. NR. Column. SU.
Anther. V & W. Pollinia. Photographed and designed by T.C. Hsu.
Fig. 6. Panisea sagittata T.C. Hsu, H.C. Hung & Luu (from Hsu 10893). A. Flowering plant. B. Floral bract. C & D. Flower. E. Dorsal sepal.
F. Petal. G. Lateral sepal. H. Cross section of sepals. I. Lip. J & K. Column. L. Cross section of ovary. M. Pollinia. Illustrated by T.C. Hsu.
is remarkable in its rhomboid-obovate, entirely densely
papillose-pubescent epichile with a broad low central
ridge (Figs. 4H & 5M). Among the N. adolphi/punctata
alliance currently confirmed in Vietnam, i.e. N. gracilis
Aver., N. mackinnonii (Duthie) Schltr. and N. muratana
S.W. Gale & S.K. Wu (Averyanov, 2011a; 2011b;
Averyanov et al., 2019), N. pubilabia most resembles N.
gracilis and N. mackinnonii as they share a deciduous,
angulate, uniformly green leaf and a lip with the
hypochile roughly as long as the epichile. However, N.
mackinnonii is distinct by its narrowly oblong epichile
which is only ca. 2.5 mm wide and never described as
densely papillose-pubescent (Seidenfaden, 1978; Chen
and Gale, 2009; Raskoti and Ale, 2010; Averyanov et al.,
2019), and N. gracilis is also distinguishable in having a
disc with two short glabrous keels instead of a long
pubescent ridge. Additionally, N. pubilabia is also
similar to the Thailand endemic N. trangensis S.W. Gale,
Suddee & Duangjai in terms of lip outline and disc
ornamentation, but the later differs in its acute (vs.
obtuse) hypochile auricles and its broader (6.47.4 v.s.
5.05.5), less prominently papillose epichile based on
the description, line drawing and photos given in the
protologue (Gale et al., 2018). Although the type
materials of N. pubilabia isare also remarkable in having
entirely yellowish green sepals and petals and a nearly
entirely white lip (Fig. 5, CM), additional observation
ismight still be necessary to confirmaffirm whether such
floral coloration is diagnostic for the species.
Panisea sagittata T.C. Hsu, H.C. Hung & Luu, sp. nov.
Fig. 6 & 7
Type: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Lac Duong
District, Da Chais Commune, Bidoup-Nui Ba National
Park, around Hon Giao Station, 1880 m, 19 September
2018, T.C. Hsu 10893 (holotype: SGN!, isotypes: TAIF-
524200!, TNM!).
Diagnosis: The new species differs from all other
Panisea species in having a sagittate lip with a flat disc
and a pair of backward-pointing basal lobules.
Description: Epiphytic herb ca. 510 cm tall.
Rhizome obscure. Pseudobulbs densely clustered, ovate to
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
ovate-spherical, 1.21.8 × 0.81.2 cm, smooth, dull,
irregularly rugulose in dry condition, with 2 apical leaves; young pseudobulb covered with 46 brown caducous
cataphylls at base. Leaves narrow-elliptic, (2)36 × (0.5)0.7
2020 Hsu et al.: New orchids of southern Vietnam
Fig. 7. Panisea sagittata T.C. Hsu, H.C. Hung & Luu (from Hsu 10893). A, B & E. Flowering plants. C. Leaf. D. Inflorescence. F & G. Flower. H.
Floral bract. I. Dorsal sepal. J. Petal. K. Lateral sepal. L & M. Lips in natural position. N & O. Flattened lips. P & Q. Lip and column. RT. Column.
U & V. Anther. W. Pollinia. Photographed and designed by T.C. Hsu.
1.0(1.2) cm, thin coriaceous, slightly glossy adaxially,
attenuate and subsessile at base, acuminate at apex, with
prominent mid-vein and 2 obscure lateral veins.
Inflorescence subhysteranthous, pedunculate,
distichously (1)24(5)-flowered; scape green, slender,
(1.0)2.03.5(4.0) cm long, usually inclined, naked;
rachis 0.52 cm. Floral bracts pale greenish white,
papery, conduplicate, enclosing pedicels and ovaries,
broadly ovate when flattened, 59 × 47 mm, acute at
apex, withered but persistent after anthesis. Pedicels and
ovaries 510 mm long, nearly straight. Flowers ±
synchronously blooming, pure white, not widely
opening, usually nodding, odorless, glabrous throughout.
Sepals 5-veined, mid-vein keeled abaxially, slightly
concave near base, acuminate at apex; dorsal sepal
ovate-lanceolate, 1618 × 46 mm; lateral sepals falcate-
ovate, 15.016.5 × 4.05.5 mm. Petals obliquely
narrowly rhombic-elliptic, 14.515.5 × 3.04.0 mm, 3-
veined, flat, acute-acuminate at apex. Lip adnate to apex
of column foot, sagittate and slightly sigmoid in natural
position, elliptic when flattened, 3-veined, 12.514.0
mm long, divided into an unguiculate hypochile and a
broad epichile; hypochile rectangular-oblong, 4.55.0 ×
2.53.5 mm, slightly revolute; epichile ovate to ovate-
elliptic, with two backward-pointing auriculate lobules
at base, 1011 × 5.57.0 mm including basal lobules,
acuminate at apex, margin coarsely undulate; basal
lobules 1.82.8 × 1.52.0 mm, ± inward curved when
flattened, apex obtuse-rounded; disc flat. Column
spatulate, curved, 1011 × 2.02.5 mm, conspicuously
winged on upper 2/3 of its length, broadening and ±
galeate at apex; rostellum prominent, lamellate; stigma
located just below rostellum, cup-shaped; column foot
short but conspicuous, ca. 2 mm long, ± thickened.
Anther white with beige-yellow tint, broadly ovoid, ca.
1.5 × 1.5 mm; pollinia 4, in 2 pairs, pale yellowish,
obovoid, with caudicles. Capsule not seen.
Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong), endemic.
Etymology: The new species is named after its
characteristic sagittate lip.
Habitat and phenology: Epiphytic on upper trunks
and branches in constantly humid ridge-top broadleaved
forests at ane elevation of 17001900 m. Flowers
observed from September to November.
Conservation status: This species is likely restricted
to the constantly humid ridge-top forests around the
borders of Lam Dong, Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan
Provinces and is currently known from two locations. Its
estimated range is small (AOO: 8 km2), though mostly
within protected areas. Meanwhile, its horticultural
value could be comparable to Panisea albiflora (Ridl.)
Seidenf., which has been cultivated and traded on the
internet as a kind of “miniature orchid”, and hence the
potential threat of commercial collection should be taken
into account. Based on the above consideration, P.
sagittata is evaluated as Endangered [EN B2ab(v)].
Paratypes: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Lac Duong
District, Da Chais Commune, Mt. Gia Rich, 1700 m, 5 November 2019,
Hsu 12271 (SGN, TAIF-524201).
Note: The new species is unique in the small genus
Panisea on account of its sagittate lip with backward-
pointing basal lobules and a flat disc. In other congeneric
species with trilobed or basally auriculate lips, the side-
lobes or basal auricles are either forward-pointing (e.g.,
P. uniflora (Lindl.) Lindl.) or erect (side-pointing when
flattened; e.g., P. apiculata Lindl., P. distelidia I.D.
Lund, P. moi M.Z. Huang, J.M. Yin & G.S. Yang and P.
vinhii Aver. & Averyanova), and the lips of these species
all bear calli or thickened veins on the discs (Lund, 1987;
Averyanov and Averyanova, 2005; Huang et al., 2012).
Despite the remarkable lip morphology, P. sagittata
could be neglected in the field due to its superficial
resemblance of P. albiflora, a relatively well-known
southern Vietnam endemic (Averyanov & Averyanova,
2003; Averyanov et al., 2003), which also occurs in the
Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park. The two species share
nearly identical habits and similar pure white flowers,
yet P. albiflora is readily distinguishable by the entire lip
with two ridges on disc and the much shorter column.
We are grateful to Van Huong Le, the director of Bidoup-Nui
Ba National Park, for his generous support to the project and Van
Son Le, the director of research center of Bidoup-Nui Ba
National Park, for the logistic support. We also thank Ich Le
Phuoc Thanh Nguyen, Xuan Hoan Pham, Thi Nguyen Pham,
Huu Nhan Pham and Huu Dang Tran for their assistance during
the field trips. The project was supported by the Ministry of
Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST-107-2911-I-007-
301) and partially by the Bioresource Conservation Research
Center in College of Life Science from the Higher Education
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... Critical examination of the live specimens under stereomicroscope along with consultation of protologue, and relevant literature (Bhattacharjee, 2012;Bhattacharjee & Chowdhery, 2018;Hooker, 1890;Karthikeyan et al., 1989;Kumar & Manilal, 1994;Misra, 2007;Misra, 2019;Singh et al., 2001;Singh et al., 2019) and study of the herbarium specimens preserved at APFH, ARUN, ASSAM, BSHC, CAL, LBG, Orchid Herbarium Tipi (OHT), BM, E, K, P, etc., it has revealed that the species does not match with any reported species of Cheirostylis from India. However, further consultation of relevant literature (Hsu et al., 2020;Lin et al., 2016;Lin, 2019Lin, , 2020Xinqi et al., 2009;Ying, 1996) on related non-Indian species of the genus have revealed its identity as Cheirostylis tortilacinia C. S. Leou, which constitutes the first distributional record of the species from India. The voucher specimens have been prepared according to the standard herbarium procedure and deposited at CAL and the herbarium of GBPNIHE-NERC. ...
... 1000 m, C.S. Leou 4143" as type [correctable to holotype, according to Art. 9.10 of the ICN (Turland et al., 2018)] along with some more collections (4143-1; 4143-2; 4143-3; 4143-4; 4143-5; 4148) which were deposited at Herbarium of Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University (NTUF). Hsu et al. (2020) disclosed, collection by Leou with collection no 4143 and 4148 are not found in NTUF Herbarium. During our study, we have tried to find out all the original materials (4143, 4143-1, 4143-2, 4143-3; 4143-4, 4143-5, and 4148) but Tsui-Ya LIU (Ms.), Project Manager of Herbarium (HAST), Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei mentioned (pers. ...
Cheirostylis tortilacinia C. S. Leou (Orchidaceae), has been reported for the first time in India from Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal. Cheirostylis tortilacinia is morphologically allied to Cheirostylis parvifolia during anthesis but clear differences can be traced on closer examination of the vegetative morphology and the floral characters. Detailed taxonomical description along with photoplates, species comparison table with the allied species from India, and notes on typification have been provided in this current communication to aid in easy identification of this species.
... (≡ Panisea parviflora (Lindl.) Lindl.).Fifteen species distributed from Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam(Pridgeon et al. 2005;Chase et al. 2021;Hsu et al. 2020;Vo et al. 2022). In Vietnam 11 species, four of which are endemic. ...
... layout: truong ba vuong, l. averyanov & t. maisak. Morphological comparison between Coelogyne lecongkietii and C. sagittata.Floral details of Coelogyne sagittata based on data ofHsu et al. (2020) and specimen BV 754 (VNM 00069962). Flowering observed June -August.ETYMOLOGY. ...
Coelogyne lecongkietii (C. sect. Panisea) was found in Lac Duong District, Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam (Da Lat Paleau, Central Highlands), and is described here as a new species for science. It resembles C. sagittata in having the backward pointed side-lobes of the lip, but strongly differs in the smaller flower, shorter side-lobes, and distinct, rounded column wings. This paper presents a standard taxonomic description of the new species including illustrations and data on its habitat and phenology.
... Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam, in three volumes (CRES, 2001;Nguyen et al., 2003;Nguyen et al., 2005), enumerated 11,083 vascular plant species. More and more botanical surveys are still in need to ascertain this number given the fact that more than 50 new (and therefore endemic mostly) species or new country records have been published from Vietnam every year of the last ten plus years (Middleton et al., 2014;Luong et al., 2015;Luu et al., 2014Luu et al., , 2016Luu et al., , 2017Do et al., 2018;Tran et al., 2018;Hsu et al., 2020;Lin et al., 2021;Luu et al., 2022). A recent analysis shows that the actual total number of vascular plant species in Vietnam should well exceed 12,000 (Middleton et al., 2019). ...
... The morphological comparison of C. sondangii and similar species is presented in the Table 1. Data on plant morphology are based on personal observations and on following literature sources: Lund (1987), Chen & Jeffrey (2009), Subedi et al. (2011), Suddee (2014, Hsu (2020). ...
Coelogyne sondangii is described as a species new for science. It allies to the group of former Panisea species with white flowers, namely C. albiflora, C. demissa, C. yunnanensis, C. panchaseensis, and C. sagittata, but differs from them in big flowers, narrowly spatulate lip with erose margin of lobes and irregularly denticulate column wings. In addition, C. moi is firstly recorded and documented for the flora of Vietnam, as well as new nomenclatural combination, Coelogyne sagittata (T.C.Hsu, H.C.Hung & Luu) Vuong & Aver., is proposed.
... This paper continues the publication of new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam, the study of which has become very active during the last ten years (Averyanov 2012a,b, 2013, Averyanov et al. 2012, 2013, 2015a-c, 2016a-e, 2017a,b, 2018a-d, 2019a-d, 2020a,b, 2021, Choudhary et al. 2013, Schuiteman et al. 2013, Nuraliev et al. 2014, Kumar et al. 2014, Averyanov & Vuong 2015, Nong & Averyanov 2015, Gale et al. 2016, Nguyen H.T. & Averyanov 2017, Schuiteman & Averyanov 2017, Hsu et al. 2020, Nguyen M.T. et al. 2020, b, 2021, 2022,b,c, Dang et al. 2021, 2022, Duong et al. 2021, Minh et al, 2021, Nguyen D.H. et al. 2021a,b, Pham et al. 2021, Nguyen V.T. et al. 2022a. Similar to our last papers (Averyanov et al. 2019d(Averyanov et al. ,e, 2020b, we again report here descriptions of three new species (Cleisostoma furcatum, Malleola micrantha, Schoenorchis hungii), one new variety (Chiloschista parishii var. ...
This paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained in 2015–2021. It contains descriptions of three new species (Cleisostoma furcatum, Malleola micrantha, Schoenorchis hungii), one new variety (Chiloschista parishii var. minutiflora) and one new form (Cleisostoma furcatum forma albiflora). Additionally six species, Ascocentropsis malipoensis, Chiloschista sweelimii, Pomatocalpa undulatum, Trachoma rhopalorrhachis, Trichoglottis maculata, and Uncifera acuminata are newly recorded for Vietnam. The paper also provides an amended description of a very rare and poorly known species, Cleisostoma equestre. All studied taxa belong to subtribe Aeridinae (tribe Vandeae, subfamily Epidendroideae). The accepted plant name, main synonyms, data on type specimens, ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each species listed.
... These species are Ania penangiana, Pholidota convallariae, and Crepidium junghuhnii. Whereas, some of species are losing their endemic statuses such as Goodyera reticulata, Bogoria raciborskii, and Taeniophyllum hasseltii (Averyanov et al. 2018;Ong et al. 2019;Hsu et al. 2020). In this study, we encountered several confusable and sympatric Crepidium species displaying the complex structure of the flowers. ...
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Kurniawan FH, Nazar L, Anjarwati R, Sasono HD, Rahayuningsih M. 2021. Orchids of Mount Ungaran (Indonesia) compiled from a decade of data collections between 2010 and 2021. Nusantara Bioscience 13: 245-259. Orchid is well known as a plant group widely used as ornamental plants because of their uniqueness. But, high exploitation, deforestation, and land-use changes have threatened orchid species and triggered extinction. It also happened in Mount Ungaran, Central Java, Indonesia, despite designation as an essential ecosystem area. This research was conducted to add an updated list of wild orchid species that can serve as biodiversity baseline data for conservation management in Mount Ungaran. The study was carried out through exploration activities from 2010 to 2021. The study area covered eleven sites namely Gentong Hills, Kalisidi, Pasigitan, Banyuwindu, Gajahmungkur, Watuondo, Mawar Camp, Indrakila, Gondang and Puncak which were all included in the buffer zone of Mount Ungaran. A total of 115 species from 54 genera of orchids were successfully identified, including 78 species of epiphyte and 37 species of terrestrial orchids. Among the species recorded, at least 27 species were known to be endemic to Indonesia, and 8 species were endemic to the island of Java, which four species were listed in the IUCN Red List. In addition, all the species found were listed in Appendix II of the CITES, except one species, Paphiopedilum javanicum which was listed in Appendix I. This study recorded the new distribution records of several species of orchids that were previously only found in West Java or East Java, i.e., Ania penangiana, Pholidota convallariae, and Crepidium junghuhnii. This study has also documented a species from genus Crepidium, which morphological characters have not been described in any identification guides. The Gentong area has potential as a priority for in-situ orchid protection area by the highest number of species were reached 54% of all orchids found on Mount Ungaran.
... During the recent (2018−2020) investigation in Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park under the "Botanical survey in Lang Biang Plateau, Vietnam" project, several new or newly recorded species were found Hsu et al. 2020;Truong et al. 2020), thus increasing the inventory of botanical diversity of Vietnam. The astonishing number of new discoveries indicates that the flora of Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park is still not well-understood and requires more future exploration. ...
The Begonia species occurring in Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park (Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam) are reviewed based on recent floristic field surveys. Five species were recognized from the montane forests, and two of which are new to science. The new species belong to Begonia sect. Platycentrum and are named as B. hongiaoensis C.W.Lin, T.C.Hsu & Luu and B. lamdongiana C.W.Lin, T.C.Hsu & Luu, repectively. Begonia hongiaoensis most closely resembles B. siamensis Gagnep from northern Thailand. Both species have a rhizomatous habit and bear ovate leaves. However, the new species differs by its stoloniferous habit, shallowly cordate leaf base and 5-tepaled pistillate flowers. Begonia lamdongiana is similar to B. coelocentroides Y.M.Shui & Z.D.Wei, a hairy leaf species of the same section in Yunnan of China, but is markedly distinct in its glabrous petioles, inflorescences, pedicels and ovaries, and larger bracts.
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Situated in the southern end of the Annamite Mountain Range, Langbiang Plateau is a major biodiversity hotspot of southern Vietnam known for high species diversity and endemicity. To achieve effective conservation, parts of the plateau were designated as the Langbiang Biosphere Reserve, an UNESCO World Network aiming to improve relationships between inhabitants and their environments. Amongst the rich endemic flora of the plateau are three gesneriads ascribed to Primulina, a calciphilous genus with high species diversity in the vast limestone karsts stretching from southern China to northern Vietnam. However, a recent phylogenetic study questioned the generic placement of the Langbiang Primulina, corroborating with observations on the geographical distribution, habitat preference, and phyllotaxy of the three species. Based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ITS and plastid trnL-F DNA sequences of a comprehensive sampling covering nearly all genera of the Old World Gesneriaceae, we demonstrate that the three Langbiang Primulina species form a fully supported clade distantly related to other Primulina. As this clade is biogeographically, ecologically, morphologically, and phylogenetically distinct worthy of generic recognition, we propose to name it Langbiangia gen. nov. to highlight the rich and unique biodiversity of the Langbiang Plateau. By means of this taxonomic endeavor, we are hoping to raise the conservation awareness of this biodiversity heritage of southern Vietnam and promote the importance of Langbiang Biosphere Reserve that is crucial for achieving action-oriented global targets of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)—effective conservation and management of at least 30% of biodiverse terrestrial, inland water, and costal and marine areas by 2030—that has been agreed at the COP15 in Montréal in December 2022.
A new one-flowered species of Nervilia section Linervia is described and illustrated based on material collected in Kanchanaburi Province, southwest Thailand. The white and magenta-spotted labellum and glabrous, angular leaf immediately identify N. hemratii S.W.Gale, Tetsana & Suddee as yet another member of the taxonomically challenging Nervilia adolphi/punctata species alliance, with the purple streaks on the leaf rendering it practically indistinguishable from N. infundibulifolia Blatt. & McCann in the vegetative state. However, the new species differs in the outline and coloration of its labellum, which bears two pubescent ridges on the hypochile and a third on the epichile.
Citronella suaveolens is reported from Quang Nam Province in southern Vietnam, representing the first record of this species and the genus Citronella in the country and in mainland Southeast Asia in general. Detailed photographic illustrations of studied specimens are provided. A key to the Vietnamese genera and species of Cardiopteridaceae is presented. Diversity of Citronella in the Malesian region is discussed. Floristic affinities of Malesia and Eastern Indochina are highlighted by a list of illustrative examples.
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The paper continues publications of new data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov and Gruss, 2018a-d; Averyanov et al., 2018a-e, 2019; Gruss et al., 2018) obtained in 2017-2018. It includes data on 4 orchid species new to science (Aerides phongthuyii, Cleisostoma uniseta, Macropodanthus brevidentatus and Schoenorchis tatonii) and 2 species new for the flora of Vietnam (Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus and Phalaenopsis malipoensis). The valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant regional taxonomic publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each recorded species. One new combination, Macropodanthus clausus (J.J. Sm.) Aver. (Sarcochilus clausus J.J. Sm.), is proposed.
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We describe a new species of Oligodon from the highlands of the Langbian Plateau, southern Truong Son Mountains, Vietnam, based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. The new species, Oligodon rostralis sp. nov is distinguished from its congeners by the following morphological characters: medium size in adults (male TL = 582 mm); small and broad head with long protruding snout; dorsal scale row formula 15-15-13; 167 ventrals, 47 subcaudals; single preocular, single postocular; loreal and presubocular absent; six supralabials, third and fourth entering orbit; six infralabials, anterior four contacting first pair of chin shields; internasals separate from prefrontals; nasal divided; single anterior and two posterior temporals; cloacal plate undivided; hemipenes short, bilobed, bifurcating in anterior one third of their length, extending to 8th subcaudal, lacking spines and papillae, with a prominent transverse flounces and distal calyces; six maxillary teeth, the posterior three enlarged; dorsal pattern consisting of 14+4 large dark-brown blotches and a bright-orange vertebral stripe on tail and dorsum; and ventral surfaces in life cream laterally with dark quadrangular spots; dark temporal streak present, edged with white. We also provide additional information on O. annamensis, including a morphological dataset of all specimens known from natural history collections and confirmation of an earlier record of O. annamensis from Cambodia. We also provide the first record of O. annamensis for Dak Lak Province. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA genes (3,131 bp of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cyt b) suggest sister relationships of Oligodon rostralis sp. nov. and O. annamensis and place them in one clade with the O. cyclurus and O. taeniatus species groups, which is concordant with previous studies on the phylogenetic relationships of Oligodon. Our study demonstrates high level of herpetofaunal diversity and endemism of Langbian Plateau and further supports the importance of this area for conservation herpetofaunal diversity in Indochina.
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We describe a new species of Stegnogramma (Thelypteridaceae; Polypodiales) as Stegnogramma australis. Morphologically, it is most similar to S. griffithii, sharing the character of pinnate fronds with ternate terminal pinnae. However, S. australis can be distinguished from S. griffithii by having more free pinna pairs, shorter distal stipe hairs, and fewer included veinlets in the laminar areoles. A description, photographs of key characters, and the known distribution of the new species are presented. We also infer genome size and reproductive mode of the new species using flow cytometry. In addition, the occurrence of S. aspidioides in Vietnam is confirmed and a key to all known species of Stegnogramma in Vietnam is given.
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After the examination of the Cryptogam collection in the Herbarium of the University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (PHH), 25 species proved to be new to Vietnam, including one hornwort and 24 liverworts. Among them, four genera: Denotarisia Grolle, Gongylanthus Nees, Leiomitra Lindb. and Lepicolea Dumort. are new records for the country. Diagnostic characters and illustrations are given for some taxa, as well as locality notes and habitat descriptions are provided for each collecting area.
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The paper continues our recent publication of new original data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov and Gruss, 2018a-d; Averyanov et al., 2018a-e; Gruss et al., 2018) obtained in 2017-2018. It includes data on 3 orchid species new for science (Coelogyne dolichopoda, Liparis robustior and Oberonia khuongii) and 5 species, new for the flora of Vietnam (Epigeneium nakaharae, Liparis bistriata, L. rhodochila, L. siamensis and Nervilia mackinnonii). Annotated species list provides the valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant taxonomic regional publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations for each recorded species. Lectotype for Liparis siamensis is designated.
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The paper summarizes all hitherto reported data on the orchids of Vietnam and provides brief information on valid names, distribution (inside and outside the country), living forms, ecology, frequency and conservation status of the species.
Based on fieldwork and examination of fresh as well as preserved specimens, Goodyera bomiensis and G. wolongensis are reduced under the synonymy of G. brachystegia and G. serpens respectively. Goodyera serpens and G. marginata are reinstated as accepted species, and G. afzelii, previously thought to be restricted to Madagascar and Mozambique, is added to the orchid flora of Vietnam.
Two new species of the recently established genus Billolivia (Gesneriaceae) are described from the Langbiang Plateau in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, namely B. noanii and B. trucii. Their conservation status is assessed. These findings increase the total number of Billolivia species to be 13. A key to all known species of the genus is given.
The delimitation of cryptic species is necessary to accurately classify and appropriately conserve biodiversity. Integrative analyses can be incisive in detecting and circumscribing cryptic diversity, especially in species complexes whose members are delineated by minor or overlapping morphological variation. We adopt an integrative approach to assess species relationships and resolve species boundaries in the taxonomically difficult Nervilia adolphi/punctata species alliance of N. sect. Linervia, an Old World complex of reduced, one-flowered terrestrial orchids that is both species-rich and poorly known in tropical and warm temperate Asia. We sampled 12 of the 27 known species of the alliance in Asia, including all four species reported from Thailand and a further 20 plants collected in that country that could not be satisfactorily identified using morphology alone. Phylogenetic analyses using one nuclear (ITS) and two plastid (matK and trnL-F) markers confirmed both N. sect. Linervia and the alliance itself as monophyletic, and corroborated 11 of the 12 sampled species; N. punctata proved polyphyletic, with the Thai samples referred to this Indonesian species falling sister to the Himalayan N. mackinnonii. The 20 unidentified Thai samples formed three distinct, strongly supported clades. STACEY, a Bayesian coalescence approach to species delimitation, resolved the same three clusters, but provided evidence suggesting that one comprised two distinct sub-clades. Building on this genetic evidence, we identify subtle morphological differences and invoke a diagnosable species concept to circumscribe three previously unrecognized cryptic species from Thailand. This objective approach to species delimitation validates ostensibly minor morphological differences as a basis for differentiating species within the alliance, paving the way for a global analysis of species boundaries throughout the genus as a whole.