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Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry



Green cosmetics present ecological appeals and claim to be developed according to the principles of Green Chemistry. Green Chemistry can be defined as the set of processes and products that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances. Despite the growing market, there are gaps related to the scope and regulation of these products. The article consists of a literature review on conceptual, regulatory and risk analysis limitations and perspectives of green cosmetics. We conducted searches in databases of scientific articles and analysis of publications by government agencies and organic/natural cosmetic certification systems. From the data collected, we found that there is a lack of government definitions and regulations for green cosmetics in the United States, the European Union and Brazil, and there are divergences between the guidelines adopted by green cosmetic certification systems, although we identified attempts to harmonize these guidelines. There was also a lack of approaches to the risk assessment of these products. The identification of limitations and perspectives on green cosmetics can be considered the first step to overcome these difficulties, promoting the dissemination of these products and maximizing their potential in reducing the risks to human and environmental health presented by cosmetics, following the principles of Green Chemistry.
Vol. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun. 2020. DOI: 10.5380/dma.v53i0.62322. e-ISSN 2176-9109
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Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context
of green chemistry
Cosméticos verdes: perspectivas e desaos no contexto da química verde
Camilla Custoias Vila FRANCA1, Helene Mariko UENO1*
1 University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
* E-mail of contact:
Article received on October 15, 2018, nal version accepted on February 21, 2020, published on April 27, 2020.
ABSTRACT: Green cosmetics present ecological appeals and claim to be developed according to the principles of Green
Chemistry. Green Chemistry can be dened as the set of processes and products that reduces or eliminates the
use or generation of hazardous substances. Despite the growing market, there are gaps related to the scope
and regulation of these products. The article consists of a literature review on conceptual, regulatory and risk
analysis limitations and perspectives of green cosmetics. We conducted searches in databases of scientic
articles and analysis of publications by government agencies and organic/natural cosmetic certication
systems. From the data collected, we found that there is a lack of government denitions and regulations for
green cosmetics in the United States, the European Union and Brazil, and there are divergences between the
guidelines adopted by green cosmetic certication systems, although we identied attempts to harmonize these
guidelines. There was also a lack of approaches to the risk assessment of these products. The identication of
limitations and perspectives on green cosmetics can be considered the rst step to overcome these diculties,
promoting the dissemination of these products and maximizing their potential in reducing the risks to human
and environmental health presented by cosmetics, following the principles of Green Chemistry.
Keywords: personal care products; organic; natural; certication systems; pollution prevention.
RESUMO: Os cosméticos verdes apresentam apelos ecológicos e armam ser desenvolvidos de acordo com os princípios
da Química Verde. A Química Verde pode ser denida como o conjunto de processos e produtos que reduz
ou elimina o uso ou a geração de substâncias perigosas. Embora haja um mercado crescente, existem lacunas
relacionadas ao escopo e à regulamentação desses produtos. O artigo consiste em uma revisão bibliográca
sobre as perspectivas e limitações conceituais, regulatórias e relativas à análise de risco dos cosméticos
verdes. Foram realizadas buscas em bases de dados de artigos cientícos e análise de publicações de agências
governamentais e de sistemas de certicação de cosméticos orgânicos/naturais. A partir dos dados coletados,
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
vericou-se a falta de denições e regulamentações governamentais para cosméticos verdes nos Estados
Unidos, na União Europeia e no Brasil e a existência de divergências entre as diretrizes adotadas pelos
sistemas de certicação de cosméticos verdes, embora tenhamos identicado tentativas de harmonização
dessas diretrizes. Vericamos também a falta de abordagens para a avaliação de risco desses produtos. A
identicação das perspectivas e limitações dos cosméticos verdes pode ser considerada como o primeiro passo
para transpor essas diculdades, promovendo a disseminação desses produtos e maximizando seu potencial
na redução dos riscos à saúde humana e ambiental apresentados pelos cosméticos, seguindo os princípios de
Química Verde.
Palavras-chave: produto de cuidados pessoais; orgânico; natural; sistemas de certicação; prevenção da poluição.
1. Introduction
The Global Beauty Market refers to the pro-
duction and marketing of cosmetics and personal
care products. In the last 20 years, this market has
grown 4.5% a year on average, showing a trend
of increasing demand, especially in the emerging
markets of Asia and Latin America (Łopaciuk &
Łoboda, 2013). The scenario is also characterized
by the emergence of new products, which is con-
stantly driven by the spread of ever more demanding
beauty standards.
However, the increase of the public concern
about the use of hazardous chemicals in cosmetics
and the emergence of ethical concerns related to the
cosmetics industry boosted the organic cosmetics
market. The global revenue of organic cosmetics
in 2018 has been estimated at USD 13.33 billion
(Grand View Research, 2019). According to con-
sultancy company Kline, natural cosmetics and
skincare were estimated to be worth $33 billion
in 2015, accounting for 13% of the overall global
beauty market, and is predicted to hit $50 billion
by 2019 (Pike, 2015).
Organic and natural cosmetics are general-
ly associated with the “green” attribute (Leja &
Ross-Fichter, 2014), which is used to designate
products that have ecological appeals and follow
specic production principles. In the case of green
cosmetics, common claims are those that ensure that
the products are developed in accordance with the
principles of Green Chemistry. Green Chemistry
can be dened as the use of a set of principles that
reduces or eliminates the use or generation of haz-
ardous substances in the design, manufacture and
application of chemicals (Anastas & Warner, 1998)
so that they pose a lower risk to human health and
the environment.
However, it is possible to highlight some ques-
tions about green cosmetics: How is it possible to
ensure that certain products follow the principles of
Green Chemistry? What characteristics are neces-
sary for a cosmetic to be considered “green”? Are
there standard guidelines to be followed by green
cosmetics producers? How can the consumer be
informed about the dierential characteristics and
benets of these products?
This paper can be considered as the rst step
in addressing these issues. The aim of this study is
to analyze the state of the art of green cosmetics,
focusing on the conceptual, regulatory and risk
assessment limitations and perspectives of these
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 135
products in the context of Green Chemistry. It
consists of exploratory documentary research in
databases of scientic articles and the analysis of
publications of governmental agencies and organic/
natural cosmetic certication systems on aspects su-
ch as the denition, regulation and risk assessment
of these products.
The small number of scientic articles produ-
ced emphasizes the relevance of approaches focused
on conceptual/theoretical aspects of the subject. By
identifying the main obstacles and opportunities
for the dissemination of green cosmetics based on
theoretical analyses, we discuss key elements that
contribute to overcome these obstacles, aiming to
promote a better characterization of these products
in the market and reduce the dissemination of mis-
leading advertisements about green cosmetics, and,
thus, to practical applications as well.
2. Method
The study comprises literature review, based
on exploratory documentary research and the analy-
sis and interpretation of publications in scientic
journals, governmental agencies and organic/natural
cosmetic certication systems. The research on
publications of governmental agencies and certi-
cation systems involved searches on websites,
technical guides, laws, regulations and decrees.
Surveys of scientific articles were carried
out in the Scopus® database. The searches were
performed in advanced form. The elds “subject/
descriptor” (or equivalent) and “words of title” were
used with the terms “green cosmetics”, “organic
cosmetics” and “natural cosmetics”. The terms were
related to each other through the Boolean operator
“OR” to identify papers that dealt with the topic.
Subsequently, the operators “AND” was used to
restrict the topic to the aspects to be discussed: de-
nition, regulation and risk analysis or assessment.
The criterion of inclusion of the articles refers to
the language, since we selected only publications in
English, Portuguese and Spanish. No exclusion cri-
teria were applied for the period or type of material.
3. Theoretical frame of reference
3.1. Green Chemistry: emergence, denition
and principles
According to the American Chemistry Society
(ACS) (2019), until the 1980’s, the chemical indus-
try and the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) were mostly concerned with
pollution control practices. Nevertheless, in 1990,
the Pollution Prevent Act was approved, according
to which the policy of the country should eliminate
pollution by source reduction rather than by the
treatment and disposal of pollutants (United Sta-
tes, 1990). This resulted in a change of regulatory
policies for pollution control to policies aimed at
pollution prevention (Anastas & Warner, 1998).
Thus, the 1990s were marked by a paradigm
shift among chemists, contributing to the consoli-
dation of Green Chemistry as a legitimate scientic
eld (ACS, 2019). Green Chemistry can be consi-
dered a form of pollution prevention by oering a
methodology for changing the intrinsic nature of a
chemical product or process (Anastas & Warner,
1998; ACS, 2019) so that it presents a lower risk to
human health and the environment. According to the
American Chemistry Society (ACS, 2019), Green
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
Chemistry can be dened as the arrangement of
processes and chemicals that reduces or eliminates
the use or generation of hazardous substances, con-
sidering the entire life cycle of a product, including
its design, production, use and nal disposal. Green
Chemistry aims to prevent pollution at the mole-
cular level, reduce the use of natural resources and
reduce or eliminate the hazards of existing products
and processes.
In 1998, Paul Anastas and John Warner pu-
blished the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry
(Table 1), which concern chemical and environmen-
tal characteristics of products or processes (Anastas
& Warner, 1998). The chemical characteristics refer
to the need for chemical syntheses to be simple,
one single step, present 100% yield, aim at atomic
eciency, be safe and eliminate waste. The envi-
ronmental characteristics are related to reduction
of pollutants and waste production, generation of
non-toxic products, use of renewable reagents and
consideration of environmental factors in chemical
synthesis (Machado, 2011).
3.2. Denitions of cosmetics
It is possible to consider a general denition
of cosmetics based on the purpose of these products
and dierentiate conventional cosmetics from green
ones by their composition and production process.
1) Prevention It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed.
2) Atom Economy Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize incorporation of all materials used in the process into
the nal product.
3) Less Hardazous Chemical
Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be designed to use and generate substances that possess
little or no toxicity to human health and the environment.
4) Designing Safer Chemicals Chemical products should be designed to preserve eciency of function while reducing toxicity.
5) Safer Solvents and Auxil-
The use of auxiliary substances (e.g. solvents, separating agents) should be made unnecessary wherever
possible and, innocuous when used.
6) Design for Energy E-
Energy requirements should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be
7) Use of Renewable Feed-
A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and econom-
ically practicable.
8) Reduce Derivatives Unnecessary derivatization should be avoided whenever possible, as these steps may require additional
reagents and can generate waste.
9) Catalysis Catalysts reagents are superior to stoichiometric reagents.
10) Design for Degradation Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they do not persist in the envi-
ronment and break down into innocuous degradation products.
11) Real-time analysis for
Pollution Prevention
Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and
control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.
12) Inherently Safer Chemis-
try for Accident Prevention
Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should be chosen so as to minimize
the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions and res.
TABLE 1 – Twelve principles of Green Chemistry.
SOURCE: Anastas & Warner (1998).
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 137
Next, we will explore the denitions of conventio-
nal cosmetics adopted by government regulatory
agencies in the United States, the European Union
and Brazil.
In the United States, the Federal Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act of the United States Food and
Drug Administration (USFDA) denes cosmetics as
(1) articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled,
or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to
the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting
attractiveness, or altering the appearance (United
States, 2002).
According to European Directive no.
1223/2009, a cosmetic product can be dened
as any substance or mixture intended to be placed
in contact with the external parts of the human body
(epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital
organs) or with the teeth and mucous membranes of
the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly
to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their
appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good
condition or correcting body odours (European Union,
2009, p. 64).
In Brazil, the Agência Nacional de Vigilância
Sanitária (Anvisa) – Portuguese for the Brazilian
Health Regulatory Agency –, through RDC no. 7 of
2015, establishes the denition on personal hygiene
products, cosmetics and perfumes
as preparations consisting of natural or synthetic subs-
tances, for external use in the various parts of the human
body […] with the sole or main purpose of cleaning
them, perfuming them, changing their appearance and/
or correcting body odors and/or protecting them or
keeping them in good condition (Brasil, 2015).
In the denitions of cosmetics presented abo-
ve, it is possible to state that this category includes
products intended to improve appearance (e.g.
make-up), but also basic hygiene products such as
shampoos, toothpaste and deodorants, as well as
specic products for some health problems (anti-
-acne creams, anti-inammatory lotions, anti-lice
shampoos, etc.).
The governmental definitions previously
presented also apply to green cosmetics. However,
specic denitions and regulations are required to
ensure compliance with certain production princi-
ples to dierentiate these products from conven-
tional cosmetics.
3.3. Adverse eects caused by cosmetics:
drivers for the application of Green
Chemistry to cosmetology
Scientic evidences of some adverse eects
caused by conventional cosmetics and uncertainties
about other eects have largely boosted demand for
green cosmetics. Some examples of these potential
adverse eects on human health are: allergic contact
dermatitis caused by fragrances and preservatives
(Hamilton & De Gannes, 2011), and toxicity caused
by heavy metals present in cosmetics (Borowska &
Brzóska, 2015). Nevertheless, there are also at least
one example of indeniteness (Darbre, 20091) and
1 According to Darbre (2009), the proposed link between breast cancer and the use of cosmetic chemicals with oestrogenic and/or genotoxic
properties provides an evidence-based hypothesis capable of further testing, since it is necessary to investigate the eects of long-term usage
of mixtures of these chemicals over an entire lifetime.
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
two of no or negligible risk (Nohynek et al., 20042;
Witorsch, 20143).
The scientic community has also been aler-
ting to the presence of persistent substances with
bioaccumulation potential and bioactivity used in
large quantities in personal care products. In ad-
dition, UV lters, antiseptics and fragrances used
in cosmetics may potentially undergo biomagni-
cation at higher trophic levels in the aquatic envi-
ronment when dumped through the sewage (Peck,
2006; Brausch & Rand, 2011).
Ethical considerations that stressed the ne-
gative aspects of the cosmetics industry are also
noteworthy, having boosted the movement towards
the incorporation of the precepts of Green Chemis-
try to these products. These ethical considerations
refer to the use of animals by the cosmetics industry
in experiments to assess the safety of ingredients
and nal products, the overexploitation of natural
resources and the generation of environmental
pollution in the production, use and disposal of
cosmetics (Sahota, 2014).
Considering that Green Chemistry is a philo-
sophy that can be applied in all areas of Chemistry
(United States, 2019) and has practical applications
in industry (Anastas & Eghbali, 2010), Cosmetolo-
gy, i.e. the production and development of cosmeti-
cs, is a potential area for applying the concepts and
principles of Green Chemistry. Moreover, cosmetics
and personal care products are one of the product
categories in which the Twelve Principles of Green
Chemistry, especially those related to toxicity re-
duction, can be applied, as they have great contact
with users and should be as safe as possible (Cannon
& Warner, 2009).
Thereby, recently, there has been a trend
towards applying the concepts and principles of
Green Chemistry to cosmetics, producing the gre-
en cosmetics. However, it is necessary to analyze
possible conceptual, regulatory and risk assessment
gaps for these products, which will be addressed in
the following sections.
4. Results and discussion
In Scopus® database, we found 52 papers
on green, organic or natural cosmetics in October
2018. Out of this total, 12 are described as belon-
ging to the area of Chemistry. Five articles address
the existence of standards for natural and organic
cosmetics and only 2 address certication systems
of such products.
Considering the few number of articles rela-
ted to conceptual, regulatory and risk assessment
issues of green cosmetics, we focused mainly on
the information obtained through the standards and
technical guides of certication systems.
4.1. Green cosmetics: what does it mean?
Although the term “green” has a strong appeal
in the cosmetics market, there is still no exact de-
nition of what it in fact means. The most intuitive
meaning of this term is its association with “envi-
ronmentally friendly” and with the use of organic/
natural components (Leja & Ross-Fichter, 2014).
2 When commercial dyes were tested under their conditions of use, the results of human and animal studies revealed no evidence of systemic,
genetic and reproductive toxicity or carcinogenic potential, representing no or negligible risk to human health (Nohynek et al., 2004).
3 According to Witorsch (2014), on the basis of this analysis of the literature, it is concluded that triclosan does not present a risk of endocrine
disruptive health eects through exposure to personal care products.
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 139
The term “organic” is also not dened by the
FDA regulations on cosmetics, as well as the term
“natural” (United States, 2002). The European Di-
rective No 1223/2009, which denes conventional
cosmetics, does not present references to organic or
natural cosmetics as well (European Union, 2009). The
same occurs in Brazil (Freitas, 2014; Brasil, 2015).
In order to address this conceptual gap regarding
the lack of government denitions of green/organic/
natural cosmetics, nongovernmental standards have
emerged to ensure the dierential characteristics of
green cosmetics. One example are the voluntary cer-
tication systems.
Certification systems verify the ingredients,
processes, production, storage of raw materials, pa-
ckaging, labeling, energy use, waste management and
labeling of producers, ensuring the quality of the nal
product. Certied products have some advantages over
others, including the control and track of the raw mate-
rial supply chain, increased condence in the product
brand, recognition and dierentiation of the product
in the market (Fonseca-Santos et al., 2015). Some
examples of green cosmetic certication systems
and their countries of origin are: BDIH (Germany),
Ecocert (France), IBD (Brazil), ICEA (Italy) and
Natrue (Belgium). Each of these systems establishes
requirements for a cosmetic to be considered organic
and/or natural. This can be considered an attempt to
establish denitions for these products.
Some certication systems analyzed clearly state
in their guidelines that, for a cosmetic to be considered
green, it is necessary to follow the concepts and princi-
ples of Green Chemistry. ICEA, for example, explicitly
determines the use of naturally occurring chemicals or
derived from Green Chemistry (ICEA, 2019a). Other
certication systems, however, do not comply with the
principles of Green Chemistry (Ecocert, 2012; IBD,
2014; BDIH, 2019a; Natrue, 2019b).
Cosmos-Standard, a standard created in conjunc-
tion with ve certication agencies in Europe - BDIH,
Cosmebio, Ecocert, ICEA and Soil Association – ai-
med at harmonizing their guidelines states that some
of the rules to be adopted by companies certied is
to integrate and develop the concept of “Green Che-
mistry” using organic agricultural products and clean
manufacturing processes (Cosmos-Standard, 2019b).
In general, most denitions of organic cosme-
tics adopted by the certication systems analyzed
set percentages for the minimum content of organic
ingredients or from organic certied farms. In the case
of natural cosmetics, minimum percentages of natural
substances or botanical ingredients and maximum
content of synthetic or natural derived substances are
determined. However, these percentages vary widely
between dierent certication systems, types of labels
and even types of products, since in some cases the
minimum content of organic/natural ingredients is
established according to the product.
The minimum percentage of natural ingredients,
for example, ranges from 15% for IBD’s “natural
cosmetics with organic portions” label to 95% for
Ecocert’s “natural cosmetic” label. It allows certain
products to be certied as organic or natural by some
certication systems and not by others, making it di-
cult for consumers to understand green certicates
and the dierences among them.
Fonseca-Santos et al. (2015) rearm this lack of
harmonization between the guidelines of green cosme-
tic certication systems, which can create conceptual
barriers to the diusion of these products. The Table
2 depicts the general guidelines of the certication
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
year of creation
Scope Requirements for granting certication (by type of label)
Germany, 1996
(BDIH, 2019a;
Natural Cosmetics
Use natural raw materials from controlled biological cultivation or controlled biological
wild collection, if possible, certied;
Raw materials of plant origin must originate from certied organic raw material.
France, 1991
(Ecocert, 2012;
2019a; 2019b;
Natural and/or organic
cosmetics, organic and
ecological textiles, organ-
ic and ecological SPA,
natural detergents, natural
and organic candles and
fragrances and natural
coatings and paints
Natural cosmetics:
≥95% ingredients of natural origin;
≥50% of plant ingredients organic;
≥5% of all ingredients certied as organic.
Natural and organic cosmetics:
≥95% ingredients of natural origin;
≥95% of plant ingredients organic;
≥10% of all ingredients certied as organic.
Brasil, 1982
(CI Orgânicos,
2015; IBD,
2014; IBD,
Organic products (cattle
raising, agricultural
production, cosmetics
production, production
of inputs, production
of raw materials for
cosmetics, textile
production, restaurants,
hotels, forestry)
Natural cosmetics:
- For multi-ingredient products: a product can be certied if it is made with water and
uncertied natural ingredients, or ingredients allowed for natural formulations. The
percentage by weight depends on the kind of product:
Vegetable juices: 100% natural
Concentrated vegetable juices: only 100% concentrated (as a Natural), not the
water used for dilution
Aqueous extracts: only one vegetable portion
Hydro-alcoholic extracts: the plant and alcoholic portions (if it is a natural
- For raw material: Raw material / ingredient can only be classied and certied as
“natural” if it is in accordance with the above, if the reaction of obtaining the product is
authorized and if the preservative used is on the List of Materials Authorized by IBD.
Natural cosmetics with organic portion:
-For multi-ingredient products:
≥15% natural non-modied substances;
≤15% natural derived substances;
≥70% natural substances of animal and vegetable origin and natural derived
substances should come from organic controlled management and/or extractivism.
- For raw material: raw material/ingredient can only be classied and certied as “made
with organic ingredient” if it is in accordance with the above, if the reaction product is
authorized and if the preservative used is on IBD’s List of Authorized Materials.
Organic cosmetics:
- For multi-ingredient product:
Follow the requirements for natural cosmetics with organic portion;
≥20% natural non-modied substances;
≤15% natural derived substances;
≥95% natural substances of animal and vegetal origin and natural derived
substances should come from organic controlled management and/or extractivism.
- For raw material: raw material/ingredient can only be certied as “made with organic
ingredient” if it is in accordance with the above, if the reaction product is authorized and
if the preservative used is on IBD’s List of Authorized Materials.
TABLE 2 – Main organic/natural cosmetic certication systems, their scopes (types of products/services) and their requirements for a cosmetic
to be considered organic/natural.
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 141
Italy, not infor-
(Istituto per la
Etica e Ambi-
entale (ICEA,
2019a; 2019b))
Food, cosmetics and
detergents, textiles, sus-
tainable tourism, build-
ings, recycled products,
social responsibility
Eco Bio Label:
The products “ICEA Eco Bio Cosmetics” are cosmetics or other similar products with the
same functions and characteristics even if destined to animals, obtained in compliance with
the “ICEA Environment-friendly Cosmetics” Standard and in particular without the use of
genetically modied organisms; without the use of ionizing radiations; with the use of cer-
tied organic vegetable and animal raw materials; with the use of chemical substances from
natural origin or derived from Green Chemistry, selected under the criteria of environment
sustainability and salubriousness. Other requirements are:
Plant raw materials of organic certied agriculture;
Raw materials derived or produced from animals should be certied as organics
and included in the list of ingredients
Natural cosmetics:
The ICEA “Natural Cosmetics” products are cosmetics or other similar products with the
same functions and characteristics even if destined to animals, obtained in compliance with
the “Natural Cosmetics” Standard and in particular without the use of genetically modied
organisms; without the use of ionizing radiations; with the use of chemical substances from
natural origin or derived from Green Chemistry, selected under the criteria of environment
sustainability and salubriousness. The use of organic raw materials is not mandatory, but if
used, should be reported in the product description on the label and in the list of ingredients.
Belgium, 2007
(Natrue, 2019a;
Natural and organic
Natural cosmetics:
The minimum content of natural substances and the maximum of natural derived sub-
stances vary according to the type of product. Some examples are presented below:
• Parfum/Eaux de parfum, cologne or toilette = 60% natural substances and
10% derived natural substances;
• Skin care emulsions and oleogels = 30% natural substances and 30%
derived natural substances;
• Deodorants/antiperspirants = 10% natural substances and 30% derived
natural substances;
• Sunscreens = 10% natural substances and ≤55% derived natural substances;
• Hair treatment products = 3% natural substances and 40% derived natural
• Oral care = 2% natural substances and 70% derived natural substances
Natural cosmetics with organic portion:
Follow the requirements for natural cosmetics cosmetic, at the same or higher
level of exigence;
≥70% natural substances of animal and vegetable origin and natural derived
substances should come from controlled organic farming and/or certied wild collection.
Organic cosmetics:
Follow the requirements for natural cosmetics and natural cosmetics with
organic portion, at the same or higher level of exigence;
95% natural substances of animal and vegetable origin and natural derived
substances should come from controlled organic farming and/or certied wild collection.
Cosmos Stan-
Belgium, 2010
Standard, 2019a;
Organic or natural
Natural cosmetics:
There are no requirements on the use of minimal amounts of organic ingredients.
Organic cosmetics:
95% organic ingredients;
20% all ingredients should be organic;
Exceptionally, for products to be rinsed, for non-emulsied aqueous products
and for those with at least 80% of minerals or mineral ingredients, ≥ 10% of all ingredi-
ents should be organic.
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
In an attempt to overcome the conceptual barriers
to the denition of green cosmetics derived from the
lack of harmonization between the guidelines of the
certication systems, Cosmos Standard is an initiative
to consolidate a standard procedure for the certication
of organic/natural cosmetics in Europe (Cosmos-S-
tandard, 2019a). This kind of initiatives can help to
establish a more precise and standardized denition for
green cosmetics, facilitating the interpretation of green
certicates by consumers. However, it is important that
this harmonization can be expanded to reach greater
scales of inuence, in order to contribute to the overall
standardization of green cosmetic guidelines.
4.2. Regulations of green cosmetics
The lack of denitions of organic and natural
cosmetics discussed in the previous section hampers
the emergence of specic government denitions on
these products. Likewise, green certication systems
analyzed have established restrictions and regulations
so that these products can be certied as organic/
The voluntary certication of organic/natural
cosmetics rstly requires compliance with regulations
regarding conventional cosmetics in the country, whi-
ch means that these systems require the fulllment
of requirements that go beyond those determined by
law, dierentiating conventional and green cosmetics.
The verication of compliance with these regu-
lations by certied products is made through periodic
audits performed by accredited independent certi-
cation agencies (third party audits). In these audits,
auditors verify product and process control, corrective
and preventive actions carried out, product traceability,
claims made against the company and aspects such as
the storage and packaging of the product, as well as the
relevant documentation. In addition, laboratory tests
may be carried out on samples of products in order to
evaluate their compliance with the guidelines of the
standard (IBD, 2014; BDIH, 2019a; Cosmos-Stan-
dard, 2019b; Ecocert, 2019b; ICEA, 2019a; Natrue,
In general, most certication systems establish
regulations regarding animal welfare, including the
prohibition of animal testing and the restriction of
the use of materials obtained from dead animals. In
addition, all the certication systems present restric-
tions on the ingredients used in the production of
cosmetics, some of which also restrict production
processes. Another frequent restriction is the ban on
the use of genetically modied organisms (GMO) and
the treatment of the nal product and the raw materials
with ionizing radiation. The restriction of ingredients,
processes and GMO can be interpreted as an attempt of
reducing toxicity to human and environmental health,
as stated by the principles of Green Chemistry.
As much as identied in this work, Cosmos-Stan-
dard is the only system that, in addition to making ex-
plicit mention to Green Chemistry, sets out indicators
to verify that certied products are in fact complying
with some of the Twelve Principles, such as calcu-
lating the atomic economy of cosmetic production
reactions, establishing minimum aquatic toxicity and
biodegradability requirements for ingredients used and
produced and the prohibition of the use and generation
of bioaccumulative and non-biodegradable substances.
However, this certication system claims that, in the
current state of development of Green Chemistry, it is
not yet possible to specify limits or requirements for
all principles. (Cosmos-Standard, 2019b).
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 143
Certication systems
Restrictions BDIH Ecocert IBD ICEA Natrue Cosmos-Standard
Prohibition of animal testing or use of raw materials tested on
animals X1X2X3X4X5
Prohibition of the use of materials obtained from dead animals
(e.g. glycerin, collagen, keratin, chitosan, ceramides, enzymes
of animal origin)
Rules for packaging X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
Green Chemistry – Less toxicity requirements – Prohibition of
the use of Genetically Modied Organisms (GMO) X10 X16 X17 X8X19 X20
Green Chemistry – Less toxicity requirements – Prohibition
of treatment of raw materials or nal products with ionizing
X21 X22 X17 X23 X24 X25
Green Chemistry – Less toxicity requirements – Prohibition of
ingredients X26 X27 X28 X29 X30 X31
Green Chemistry – Less toxicity requirements - Prohibition of
processes X10 X32 X33 X30 X34
Green Chemistry - Atom economy requirements X35
Green Chemistry – Aquatic toxicity and biodegradability
requirements X36 X35
Green Chemistry – Prohibition of non-renewable raw mate-
rials X37 X32 X35
TABLE 3 – Regulations of organic and/or natural cosmetics established by each certication system.
1 BDIH, 2019a, section “2. Animal protection”, p. 1.
2 Ecocert, 2012, section “5. Animal testing of the nished products”, p. 21.
3 IBD, 2014, section “5 – Proteção animal e testes em animais”, p. 3.
4 Natrue, 2019b; section “1.2.1 Cosmetics Products: Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009”, p. 1.
5 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “5.2 – Animal testing”, p. 9.
6 Ecocert, 2012, section “d) Animal ingredient and ingredient from animal origin”, p. 18 (Ecocert, 2012).
7 ICEA, 2019a; section “6.3 Animal raw materials”, p. 5.
8 Natrue, 2019b; section “2.1 – Natural substances”, p. 3.
9 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b, section “6.1.3 - Physically processed agro-ingredients”, p. 11.
10 BDIH, 2019a, section “Further goals”, p. 3.
11 Ecocert, 2012, section “V – Conditioning and packaging”, p.22.
12 IBD, 2014, section “5 – Embalagens”, p. 12.
13 ICEA, 2019a, section “6.8 Packaging”, p. 6.
14 Natrue, 2019b; section “5. Requirements to be met by packaging and packaging materials”, p. 7
15 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b, section “8. Storage, manufacturing and packaging”, p. 19.
16 Ecocert, 2012, section “5. Biotechnological processed ingredient”, p. 19.
17 IBD, 2014, section “7 – Ingredientes proibidos”, p. 7.
18 ICEA, 2019a, section “6 - Genetically Modied Organisms”, p. 6.
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
Based on the analysis of certication systems
guidelines, it is possible to verify signicant varia-
tions between the types of regulations established.
Certain restrictions are adopted by some agencies
and not by others. These dierences can be obser-
ved in Table 3, which depicts the regulations of
certication systems concerning green cosmetics,
including restrictions linked to the Principles of
Green Chemistry.
Likewise, attempts to harmonize certication
systems globally also become relevant, allowing
greater equality between the requirements followed
by certied products and enhancing restrictions
linked to the Principles of Green Chemistry.
4.3. Risk assessment applied to green
Risk assessment refers to the use of a factual
basis to dene the health eects to individuals or
populations caused by the exposure to materials and
hazardous situations, involving epidemiological,
clinical, toxicological and environmental studies
(RiskCom, 2018).
The chemical composition of cosmetics, both
conventional and organic/natural, may include ad-
ditives or toxic impurities, which reveals the need
of development and application of risk assessment
models for both classes of products.
4.3.1. Prospects for replacing harmful
ingredients in green cosmetics
Red lists are checklists of chemicals whose
use is not recommended because of their possib-
le hazards. Some ingredients or impurities most
19 Natrue, 2019b; section “1.2.3 Prohibition on the use of Genetically Modied Organisms (GMOs)”, p. 2.
20 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “5.1.2 Genetically modied organisms (GMOs)”, p. 9. 21BDIH, 2019a, section “7 - No radioactive radia-
tion”, p. 2.
22 Ecocert, 2012, section “List of authorized and forbidden processes”, p. 35.
23 ICEA, 2019a, section “6.7 Irradiation”, p. 6.
24 Natrue, 2019b; section “2.1 – Natural substances”, p. 4.
25 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “5.1.3 Irradiation”, p. 9.
26 BDIH, 2019a, section “5. Deliberate rejection of”, p. 2.
27 Ecocert, 2012, section “Positive list of authorized synthetic ingredients and ingredients from mineral origin”, p. 36.
28 IBD, 2014, section “7 – Ingredientes proibidos”, p. 7.
29 ICEA, 2019a; section “Annex 1 – List of substances to NOT use to obtained the certied brand ICEA Organic Cosmetics”, p. 10.
30 Natrue, 2019b; section “2. Denition of permitted ingredients and processes”, p. 3.
31 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “11.2 - Approval of ingredients”, p. 26.
32 Ecocert, 2012, section “Appendix I: Validation criteria for processes used to obtain ingredients”, p. 29.
33 IBD, 2014, section “6 – Processos de obtenção de ingredientes”, p. 3.
34 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “Appendix III: examples of processes not allowed”, p. 33.
35 Cosmos-Standard, 2019b; section “6. Ingredients categories”, p. 12.
36 Ecocert, 2012, section “3. The biodegradability and ecotoxicity of ingredients”, p. 30.
37 BDIH, 2019a, section “Transparency for the consumer”, p. 1.
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 145
commonly mentioned by red lists of dierent ins-
titutions are: 1,4-dioxane; coal tar; BHA (butylated
hydroxyanisol)/BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene);
formaldehyde and formaldehyde releaser preser-
vatives; ethanolamine compounds; hydroquinone;
lead and heavy metals; microbeads; nanoparticles;
nitrosamines; parabens; petrolates; phthalates;
silicones and triclosan (UL, 2015). Certication
systems analyzed incorporate restrictions to several
of the compounds present in red lists, aiming at
reduce risks to the environment and human health,
as one can see for silicones (IBD, section “7. For-
bidden ingredients”, p. 7), formaldehyde (Ecocert,
2012, section “2. Restricted substances”, p. 32) and
nanoparticles (Cosmos-Standard, 2019b, section
“5.1.1 Nanomaterials”, p. 9; Ecocert, 2012, section
“1. Nanoparticular ingredients”, p. 18).
In exchange, natural and botanical products or
waste products derived from agriculture, food and
beverages can be used in cosmetic formulations,
performing various types of functions (Fonseca-
-Santos et al. 2015) and may substitute hazardous
ingredients present in red lists, as it will be presented
Some examples of the potential use of natural
compounds as cosmetic ingredients are the gra-
pevine pulp muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia Michx
1803) and cassis juice (Ribes nigrum L. 1753)
in topical applications of cosmetics to avoid skin
hyperpigmentation (Plundrich et al., 2013) and the
use of green coee oil (Coea canephora Pierre
ex Froehn. 1897) in formulations of sunscreens,
increasing the sun protection factor and perfor-
ming satisfactory antioxidant activity (Chiari et al.,
2014). Besides that, there are studies that show the
increase of skin hydration after two weeks of use of
formulations containing dierent concentrations of
freeze-dried aloe vera (Aloe vera (L., 1753) Burm.f,
1768) extracts (Dal’Belo et al., 2006).
Additionally, it has been demonstrated that
essential oils in the examined concentrations show
higher inhibitory activity against bacteria and yeasts
compared with methylparaben, the main preserva-
tive used in conventional cosmetics (Herman et al.,
2013). Thus, mixtures of dierent essential oils and
extracts may be eective in inhibiting the growth of
a broad spectrum of microorganisms and replacing
or reducing the amount of synthetic preservatives
added to cosmetics
The scientic studies mentioned demonstrate
that various types of natural ingredients may be
used in cosmetics to replace the use of possibly
harmful substances. However, such studies should
evaluate the ecacy of these substitutes in cosmetic
formulations, interacting with other ingredients,
ensuring that they perform the functions for which
they are assigned.
Other possibility is reducing the expiration
period of cosmetic products as an alternative for
minimizing the exposure to preservatives both
synthetic and natural. By making expiration periods
more compatible with product package volumes,
it would be possible to reduce the risk of adverse
eects from the use of these substances.
4.3.2. Safety of substitute ingredients in green
Despite the existence of signicant scientic
literature on the potential of using natural or bo-
tanical ingredients in cosmetic formulations, it is
necessary to develop appropriate approaches for
the risk assessment of these ingredients.
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
Excessive reliance on the red lists of hazardous
ingredients in cosmetics may lead many manufactu-
rers to substitute potentially hazardous compounds
for substances whose potential health and safety
eects are not yet well established (UL, 2015).
In addition, the increasing number and com-
plexity of organic and natural cosmetic ingredients
and the lack of internationally harmonized standards
may result in the emergence of products that lack
quality and/or safety acceptable standards. It is also
important to highlight the absence of approaches to
assess benets or safety of botanical ingredients.
Being natural does not always mean a lack of toxici-
ty or risks to human health. Plants or botanical pro-
ducts may contain potential contaminants, irritants,
allergens, phototoxic or photoallergenic substances
or allergens when used in cosmetic formulations
(Antignac et al., 2011).
Thereby, despite the popular belief in the inno-
cuousness of natural ingredients, there are several
reports of adverse reactions to plant extracts, in
particular cutaneous eects, such as allergic contact
dermatitis, irritative contact dermatitis, phototoxic
reactions and contact urticaria. (Fonseca-Santos et
al. 2015)4. These eects can be explained by the
complexity of botanical ingredients, natural varia-
bility between populations and lineages, seasonal,
cyclical or irregular uctuations in the production of
the compound by the plant, production of potentially
toxic substances, interactions with human drugs,
presence of heavy metals, incorrect identication
of plants, adulteration with active substances of
medicinal products or with other plant species and
improper preparation or processing of the products
(Antignac et al., 2011). Although these factors do
not always justify the occurrence of adverse eects,
they should be properly addressed during selection,
preparation and use of botanical ingredients to en-
sure their safe use.
Among the 1,358 natural substances listed
in the International Nomenclature of Cosmetics
Ingredients (INCI), 38% are classied as hazardous
to human health, causing skin irritation, severe eye
damage and irritation or respiratory diculty. In
addition, 53 natural substances on the INCI list are
classied as carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for
reproduction (Klaschka, 2015).
According to Antignac (2011), the risk or
safety assessment of plant-derived ingredients
should involve the characterization of the plant and
its origin and the chemical characterization of the
ingredient to be used. It is also necessary to compare
the material under analysis with others that have a
history of safe human use. It is recommended that
the risk assessment preferably uses tests performed
by the skin route, avoiding the uncertainties of the
extrapolation of results between dierent exposure
routes and include analysis of local and systemic
eects. In addition, it is important to verify the
natural variability of plant strata. Finally, the risk
assessment of botanical ingredients should be alig-
ned with the current safety assessment paradigm
and should have a system to control chemical and
biological contamination during the production
chain of these ingredients.
4 Fonseca-Santos et al. (2015) cite: Ernst, E. Adverse eects of herbal drugs in dermatology. Brit. J. Dermatol., 143(5), 923-929, 2000.; Simp-
son, E. L.; Law, S. V.; Storrs, F. J. Prevalence of botanical extract allergy in patients with contact dermatitis. Dermatitis, 15(2), 67-72, 2004.; e
Corazza, M. et al.. Topical botanically derived products: use, skin reactions, and usefulness of patch tests: a multicentre Italian study. Contact
Dermatitis, 70(2), 90-97, 2014.
Desenvolv. Meio Ambiente, v. 53, p. 133-150, jan./jun., 2020. 147
Thereby, the choice of plant extracts should
be based on the conrmation of their biological
activity and toxicological evaluation. Their stability
and possible synergistic eects in cosmetic formu-
lations should also be considered (Fonseca-Santos
et al., 2015).
In addition, there are many natural substances
that are not easily degradable in the environment
and their use in cosmetic products implies a great
dispersive use and a continuous discharge, which
can generate impacts to the aquatic environment
and the organisms that inhabit it. Among the 1,358
INCI natural substances, 185 (28%) are classied
as hazardous to the aquatic environment (Klaschka,
2015). It demonstrates the need for ecotoxicological
studies for these components, as well as the impro-
vement of legal requirements about them (Klaschka,
2016), aiming at following properly the principles of
Green Chemistry that state about reducing toxicity.
5. Conclusion
Green cosmetics represent a perspective of
reducing the risks to human health and the envi-
ronmental impacts caused by cosmetics. However,
there are conceptual, regulatory and risk-related
limitations to its development and diusion.
From conceptual and regulatory perspectives,
the lack of government denitions and regulations
on organic/natural cosmetics in many countries
highlights the need to establish specic denitions
and regulations by governmental and nongovern-
mental bodies, such as green cosmetic certication
systems. However, the existence of many agencies
and certication systems and dierent types of
labels can create confusion for the general public
and even discredit green certicates. Thereby, it
is important that the guidelines adopted by these
systems are standardized and fulll their role in
ensuring compliance by the companies and in
communicating consumers properly.
Regarding the compliance with Green Che-
mistry, most certication systems do not state in
their guidelines the following of the concepts and
principles of Green Chemistry explicitly, although
some systems incorporate some of these principles
into their own guidelines. As an example, Cosmos-
-Standard sets out indicators to verify that certied
products are meeting some of the Twelve Principles
of Green Chemistry, such as the atomic economy
of cosmetic production reactions, the establishment
of minimum aquatic toxicity and biodegradability
requirements for ingredients used and produced
and the prohibition of the use and generation of
bioaccumulative and non-biodegradable substances.
However, in the state of development of Green Che-
mistry as in 2013, it was not yet possible to specify
limits or requirements for all principles.
The prospects for the risk analysis of green
cosmetics include the existence of studies demons-
trating the possibility of using natural ingredients
with dierent functions instead of synthetic ingre-
dients known to be harmful to human and envi-
ronmental health. However, the use of alternative
ingredients, including those of vegetable origin,
in green cosmetics requires reliable tests to verify
their ecacy in cosmetic formulation, careful risk/
safety analyses, ecotoxicological studies on the ef-
fects of these substances on other organisms in the
environment and compliance with the principles of
Green Chemistry.
From this eort to analyze the state of the art
of green cosmetics and place them in the context of
FRANCA, C. C. V.; UENO, H. M. Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry
Green Chemistry, the paper contributes to provide
a current and compiled overview of theoretical
aspects that can subsidize future decision making
to promote progressive incorporation of concepts
and principles of Green Chemistry into the overco-
ming of conceptual, regulatory and risk assessment
limitations of green cosmetics.
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... Accordingly, the excessive production of ROS and RNS is provoked by xenobiotics, which occurs in certain diseases as result of toxic insults and may be the cause of the so-called oxidative stress and/or unusual melanogenetic processes [73,74]. These particular conditions, due to an imbalance in the prooxidant/antioxidant equilibrium, result in the critical maintenance of tissue homeostasis and are therefore determinants in skin ageing [73][74][75][76][77][78][79]. As a consequence, the antioxidant and aged protective activity in skin cell membranes-which are recovered by topical treatments with polyphenols, as well as the vitamin C and E encapsulated in the chitin/lignin complexes bound to the tissue carriers-has shown to be able to neutralize and inhibit the formation of the free radicals triggered by the ROS and RNS recovered in age-related diseases and aged skin ( Figure 10) [72][73][74][75][76][77][78]. ...
... Consumers, because of the excessive consumption of petrol-derived polymers in cosmetic and food plastic packaging, are looking for so-called green cosmetics as they are worried about steadily growing environmental damage ( Figure 11) [33,[79][80][81]. Moreover, because of the continuous and contemporary growth of pollution and climate change, it is time to transfer the actual linear resource flow into circular ones, which can be achieved by implementing a nature-based solution [32][33][34]. ...
... Moreover, because of the continuous and contemporary growth of pollution and climate change, it is time to transfer the actual linear resource flow into circular ones, which can be achieved by implementing a nature-based solution [32][33][34]. The waste that is present in land and the oceans represents the source of climate change, which is producing continuous worldwide disasters such as extreme weather conditions, deforestation and water scarcity [32][33][34]78,79,81]. Therefore, the well-being and wealth of future generation will depend on our ability to change the current linear economy, which is based on redesign-reduce-reuse and take-make-use-dispose waste, to a circular economy, which is based on redesignreduce-reuse-recovery and could possibly produce zero waste [30][31][32]. ...
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The present review was conducted to investigate the possibilities in realizing novel nanostructured tissues containing functional molecules that can be commercialized as solid products (without using emulsifiers and preservatives) for cosmeceutical and nutraceutical applications. After considering the principal concepts regarding skin and mucous features and physiologies, the possibilities in using bio-based, biodegradable and biocompatible materials was explored by investigating the correlations between their structures and morphologies with respect to the characteristics of the skin extracellular matrix (ECM). Regarding the new smart type of biodegradable tissues, their possible composition was reviewed in relation to the skin aging process and to the current contest for novel, innovative cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals that consider the “beauty from within” concept. The barriers to the development of these new tissues were mainly identified due the necessity in defining the claim regarding green products. Moreover, the market growth data regarding these novel products were highlighted to support the idea that the diffusion of smart tissue-based cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals is an opportunity for new sustainable industrial chains in the development of bioeconomies.
... Furtado and Sampaio (2020) consider environmentally friendly cosmetics and green cosmetics as synonymous, mentioning that sustainable cosmetics encompass various factors, including formulation, components, package design, and other social aspects, such as better workplace treatment. Franca and Ueno (2020) also include vegan compositions and being animal testing-free within the concept of environmentally friendly cosmetics. ...
... Due to the absence of a government definition or regulation for environmentally friendly cosmetics and variations in certification criteria, the categorization of these products can vary depending on the chosen certification system (Franca & Ueno, 2020). Fonseca-Santos et al. (2015) emphasize that various certification agencies worldwide lead to a lack of harmonization in guidelines and standards. ...
... Many different compounds, both organic and inorganic, are being utilized. Organic compounds, including beet powder and cochineal extract, are derived from either plants or animals (Franca and Ueno 2020), while inorganic materials are produced from manganese, chromium oxide, and coal tar (Pavithra and Jaikumar 2019). In comparison to natural dyes, synthetic coloring agents, sometimes known as synthetic dyes, have a number of benefits. ...
The choice of cosmetics by consumers affects their satisfaction and self-confidence, highlighting the value of specific products. Although the cosmetics market is quickly expanding thanks to consumerism and technical improvements, it is important to comprehend how cosmetics impact customers’ general wellbeing. As consumers seek natural alternatives to synthetic preservatives, the use of bio-based preservatives is on the rise. Ingredients like plant-derived antimicrobial extracts, essential oils, and natural antioxidants are being utilized to extend the shelf life of cosmetic products. The development of bio-based cosmetic ingredients has facilitated efficacy, environmental sustainability, and public health and safety in response to the growing consumer desire for natural and sustainable goods. By harnessing the power of renewable resources and reducing reliance on synthetic and non-renewable ingredients, bio-based cosmetic ingredients contribute to a more sustainable and ethical cosmetics industry. As consumer awareness and demand continue to rise, the use of bio-based ingredients is expected to grow, driving innovation and positive change in the beauty and personal care sector. This chapter provides an overview of trends in biocosmetics ingredients. It highlights the urgent requirement to shift traditional fossil-based cosmetic ingredients to natural, safe, and efficient alternatives. It brings together cutting-edge techniques for the creation and formulation of products, the manufacture and extraction of bioactive ingredients, their quick and seamless delivery to the designated place, and the promotion of bio-based cosmetic packaging. Lastly, industry contributions for natural bio-based components and outlook of biobased cosmetics are discussed.
... Given the inconsistent use of "natural", "organic", "green" and other related adjectives in connection to cosmetics in the existing popular, expert and academic texts (Barros & Barros, 2020;Franca & Ueno, 2020), this paper will prioritise the adjective "natural" -only in the cases of citing original sources the terminology used by their authors may be respected. In this study, the terms "natural cosmetics" and "natural cosmetic product" denote any product that is either named as such or is named and also perceived by consumers as such. ...
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This paper aims to analyse consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towards natural cosmetic products from three Central European countries. In this study, we employed quantitative surveys on samples of 230 Czech, 175 Slovak, and 325 Polish respondents. Based on the obtained data, we investigate whether and how the respondents’ country impacts how they formulate their statements regarding the features of natural cosmetics. For each country separately, we study the dependencies of respondents’ opinions and statements on their sociodemographic profile. The results of the research show statistically significant differences in the respondents’ answers to all substantive questions depending on their country of origin. Four findings are worth highlighting: first, respondents from all three countries prefer natural cosmetics over conventional ones mainly for health and environmental reasons. Second, the frequency of buying natural cosmetics is influenced by some sociodemographic factors, although this varies in all three countries. Third, respondents who buy natural cosmetics more often are also more likely to indicate them as products of higher quality than conventional cosmetics. Lastly, the declared composition of the product is the prevailing decision criterion for consumers when selecting natural cosmetic products.
... Thus, the chemical stabilizers and advancing the cause of "green synthesis" could be omitted (Singh et al. 2018). Furthermore, these bioproducts are suitable for use as cosmetics, as these are less allergenic due to the principles of green chemistry (Franca and Ueno 2020). NPs have resulted in the conservation of natural and non-renewable resources and a decrease in environmental pollution through bio-methods (Salem and Fouda 2021). ...
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The Oscillatoria sp., a blue-green alga or cyanobacterium, consists of about 305 species distributed globally. Cyanobacteria are prokaryotes possessing several secondary metabolites that have industrial and biomedical applications. Particularly, the published reviews on Oscillatoria sp. have not recorded any pharmacology, or possible details, while the detailed chemical structures of the alga are reported in the literature. Hence, this study considers pertinent pharmacological activities of the plethora of bioactive components of Oscillatoria sp. Furthermore, the metallic nanoparticles produced with Oscillatoria sp. were documented for plausible antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anticancer, and cytotoxic effects against several cultured human cell lines. The antimicrobial activities of solvent extracts of Oscillatoria sp. and the biotic activities of its derivatives, pyridine, acridine, fatty acids, and triazine were structurally described in detail. To understand the connotations with research gaps and provide some pertinent prospective suggestions for further research on cyanobacteria as potent sources of pharmaceutical utilities, attempts were documented. The compounds of Oscillatoria sp. are a potent source of secondary metabolites that inhibit the cancer cell lines, in vitro. It could be expected that by holistic exploitation, the natural Oscillatoria products, as the source of chemical varieties and comparatively more potent inhibitors, would be explored against pharmacological activities with the integument of SARs.
... The search for safe, efficient, eco-sustainable products in the cosmetic industry has led to an ever-growing interest in plant secondary metabolites. Although synthetic pigments have long been preferred for their price, resistance, and brightness [1], nowadays, natural pigments are regaining popularity as they are deemed safer for human health and the environment [2,3]. To ensure the sustainability and the quality of the ingredients, it is critical to develop efficient green extraction methods. ...
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Water is one of the greenest and most accessible solvents. To harness its potential, the water-based microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of pigments from madder was optimized by the response surface methodology (RSM) using a Box–Behnken experimental design. The extract that presented both the highest extraction yield and the most intense color was obtained after a 30-s cycle at 1000 W using 100 mg of madder for 20 mL of water. This water-based MAE was more efficient than Soxhlet extraction and proved comparable to hydroalcoholic MAE. The optimized extract was further characterized using UHPLC-HRMS/MS to identify its main compounds. Glycosylated flavonoids and anthraquinones were putatively identified, as well as free anthraquinones, generally found in madder. The microwave-assisted extraction extended the range of polarity of the extracted compounds, making the water more versatile.
Trong những năm gần đây, ý thức ngày càng tăng của người tiêu dùng về mối nguy hiểm do hóa chất tổng hợp gây ra đối với sức khỏe con người và môi trường đã thúc đẩy sự quan tâm ngày càng tăng đối với các sản phẩm xanh cho chăm sóc cá nhân. Để có được cái nhìn toàn diện hơn về các cơ chế hành vi mua sản phẩm xanh ngành công nghiệp mỹ phẩm, Nghiên cứu nỗ lực mở rộng lý thuyết bằng chứng xã hội trên kết hợp với mô hình lý thuyết hành động hợp lý. Mục địch nghiên cứu xem xét kỹ lưỡng các yếu tố thúc đẩy quá trình mua mỹ phẩm xanh. Mô hình phương trình cấu trúc bình phương nhỏ nhất từng phần được sử dụng để tiến hành phân tích nhiều nhóm trên mẫu gồm 210 người tiêu dùng đã từng sử dụng mỹ phẩm xanh. Các phát hiện vai trò quan trọng của Sự xác nhận xã hội, Ý thức môi trường, chất lượng cảm nhận được đến thái độ, chuẩn chủ quan và ý định mua mỹ phẩm xanh.
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Green chemistry, also known as sustainable or environmentally benign chemistry, has emerged as a critical paradigm shift in the field of chemistry, with the primary objective of designing and implementing chemical processes and products that minimize environmental impacts. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the key principles, developments, and impacts of green chemistry. Review begins by discussing the fundamental principles of green chemistry, including the 12 principles established by Anastas and Warner, which serve as a foundational framework for sustainable chemical design. These principles emphasize the importance of waste prevention, the use of renewable feedstocks, and the reduction of toxicity in chemical processes. Subsequently, the review explores the significant developments and innovations in green chemistry, such as the design of more sustainable solvents, catalytic processes, and the application of nanotechnology. Green chemistry has not only led to the development of environmentally friendly alternatives but has also reduced the environmental footprint of established chemical processes. The environmental and societal impacts of green chemistry are discussed, highlighting how the adoption of sustainable practices has led to reduced energy consumption, decreased waste generation, and the mitigation of harmful emissions. The review also emphasizes the role of green chemistry in addressing global challenges, such as climate change and resource depletion. The review concludes by underscoring the importance of continued research and education in green chemistry to further promote its widespread adoption. It highlights the potential for green chemistry to contribute significantly to a sustainable and environmentally conscious future, where chemistry plays a pivotal role in addressing the complex challenges of our time.
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Pertumbuhan yang signifikan pada sektor kecantikan dan perawatan kulit khususnya pada produk perawatan kulit alami disebabkan oleh tingginya tren dalam menerapkan hidup sehat dan menggunakan produk ramah lingkungan. Salah satu yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pemasaran melalui kemasan produk. Hal ini dikarenakan kemasan produk menjadi salah satu media komunikasi yang efektif antara konsumen dengan produknya. Pada penelitian ini, rancangan elemen desain kemasan produk perawatan kulit alami berupa eco-label diuji dengan eye-tracker. Heatmaps menunjukkan area kuning hingga merah muncul di hampir keseluruhan label informasi umum pada stimulus. Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan atensi visual ditinjau dari perbedaan gender dan tingkat, sedangkan perbedaan frekuensi beli produk hijau menunjukkan adanya perbedaan atensi visual pada produk perawatan kulit alami. Selain itu, niat beli produk hijau juga diukur berdasarkan profil gender, pendidikan, dan frekuensi membeli produk hijau. Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan hanya variabel tingkat pendidikan dan frekuensi membeli produk yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan niat beli terhadap produk perawatan kulit alami.
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The study aimed to identify and explain perceived barriers to green consumption at different stages of behaviour change by integrating the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) and Stages of Behavioural Change (SOC) model. Through 20 in-depth interviews with consumers transitioning to green consumption at various stages, several barriers were identified. The knowledge barrier played a crucial role in shaping the adaptation process at every stage of change and was recognized as an independent construct within the IRT framework. Moreover, the research revealed that barriers such as tradition, value, usage, and risk exerted a stronger inhibitory effect in the early stages of green consumption, while knowledge and image barriers evolved and had a distinct impact as consumers progressed through the stages. The study also highlighted triggers that positively stimulated green consumption. These findings have implications for green marketing and can guide targeted interventions to promote sustainable consumption more effectively.
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The interest in sustainable products has increased along the years, since the choice of products, packaging and production processes have a great impact on the environment. These products are classified by regulatory agencies in different categories, aggregating advantages to the product and increasing the demand by consumers. However, there is no harmonization in guidelines of these certifying agencies and each cosmetic industry formulates their product and packaging in a more rational way, which causes less damage to the environment. Many cosmetic products have in their formulation natural products that perform a specific biological function, but these products should be evaluated on efficacy and toxicological aspects. The aim of this article is to approach sustainability, natural and organic cosmetics, considering the consumer and the efficacy, toxicological and regulatory aspects.
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Background: Nature offers an incredible diversity of chemical compounds that boast a wide array of physiological effects. Many natural substances are employed in personal care products. Which of these natural substances are hazardous ingredients? How do European legal instruments regulate natural substances with toxic effects? Results: 1,358 natural substances appear in the ‘International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients’ (INCI list, ‘inventory …… of ingredients employed in cosmetic products’) [Commission Decision 96/335/EC], most of them are herbal products, others are of animal, fungal, or bacterial origin. Out of these, 655 natural substances are enrolled in the EU database for classification and labeling, with 56% classified as hazardous chemicals, 38% classified due to their hazards to human health (35% due to their effects on skin and eyes), and 21% due to their hazards to the environment. 53 natural substances in the INCI list are classified as carcinogens, mutagens, and substances toxic to reproduction. Many classifications are not in line with expectations from experience, such as severe classifications of substances derived from some basic food plants or lacking classification of known medical plants or plants with sensitizing potential. Classification and labeling is a trigger for the registration requirements according to REACH. It must be assumed that there are more substances that should undergo the REACH process among the 703 natural substances that do not turn up in the C&L inventory. Conclusions: Many natural substances used in personal care products have toxic properties. The interdisciplinary compilation and analysis of regulatory instruments concerning natural substances revealed some inconsistencies which need further analysis and urgent correction to ensure prudent handling in consumer products.
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Discute-se o conceito de Síntese Verde (SV) e a sua génese, procurando caracterizar-se a Síntese Verde ideal e analisar as dificuldades da sua implementação. Finalmente, põe-se em evidência as ideias inovatórias no domínio da química de síntese que fizeram emergir o conceito moderno de SV nos inícios da década de noventa do século passado. A concepção de vias de síntese, a par do design das moléculas dos novos compostos a preparar, são as activi-dades mais fulcrais da Química Verde (QV). Uma análise da via de síntese no contexto da QV revelou vários as-pectos interessantes, dois dos quais serão abordados nesta sequência de dois artigos, que têm globalmente dois objectivos principais. O primeiro é apresentar e discutir o conceito de Síntese Verde (SV) como o alvo mais importante para implementação da Química Verde (QV) pelos químicos académicos. O segundo é mostrar que tem vindo a ser usada pela Indústria Química quase desde a sua emersão, estando a SV historicamente associa-da ao processo contínuo usado pela Química Industrial para o fabrico dos compostos de base em larga escala -certas características de verdura da síntese que implicam simplicidade química, nomeadamente a boa utiliza-ção dos átomos e o uso de reacções catalíticas, foram importantes na gé-nese e desenvolvimento deste tipo de processo de fabrico. Para cumprir o primeiro destes ob-jectivos, neste artigo começa por apresentar-se o conceito de via de síntese, já que este é quase ignorado no ensino da química académica, e exemplifica-se como as suas caracte-rísticas afectam a verdura da síntese. Depois, caracteriza-se o conceito de SVideal, discutindo-se as respectivas propriedades desejáveis, e exempli-fica-se as razões por que a SV real fica quase sempre longe da ideal. Fi-nalmente, apresenta-se brevemente os avanços de conhecimento químico que conduziram à génese da SV, mui-to ligada à da própria QV. O segundo objectivo acima será cumprido no ar-tigo seguinte.
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Objectives: Natural botanical agents that are antimicrobial, or that modulate skin hyperpigmentation via tyrosinase inhibition, are increasingly sought in the cosmetic industry. Methods: In this study, an efficient tactic is demonstrated for concentrating and stabilizing skin-beneficial bioactive compounds from muscadine grape and blackcurrant juice or muscadine pomace, into hemp flour (HF), hemp protein isolate (HPI) and soy protein isolate (SPI) matrices suitable for cosmetic applications. Results: Anthocyanins were most efficiently captured from blackcurrant juice into HF (8.39 mg g(-1) ). HPI most effectively captured total phenolics from muscadine pomace (72.32 and 77.32 mg g(-1) from Noble and Carlos, respectively), while the three matrices incorporated highest levels of ellagic acid, gallic acid, and PAC B1 from Noble muscadine grape juice. The enriched matrices demonstrated effective in vitro inhibition of tyrosinase (up to 57.29% for blackcurrant juice-HPI matrix), and in general, juice sources provided greater inhibition on L-dopamine oxidation by tyrosinase than pomace sources. The polyphenol-enriched matrices effectively inhibited microbial proliferation in a screening assay against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, whereas untreated HF, HPI or SPI did not inhibit bacterial growth. Conclusion: The technology of combining and stably concentrating phytoactive polyphenols with proteins has potential use for cosmetic topical applications.
Natural substances are frequently used ingredients in personal care products. As the discharge of rinse-off products, like shampoos or soap, is mainly via the aquatic environment, the question is, whether these natural substances pose an environmental risk. More than a quarter of the natural substances which are listed in the “Inventory …… of ingredients employed in cosmetic products” (INCI list) are classified as dangerous for the environment with long lasting effects according to the European regulation on classification and labelling, e.g. various Citrus preparations, Cupressus sempervirens extract, Picea excelsa extract or Pinus sylvestris leaf extract. Some of the components responsible for the classification of natural substances as dangerous for the environment are e.g. limonene, pinenes or benzyl benzoate. Classification and labelling is a trigger for the registration requirements for natural substances according to the European regulation on chemicals (REACH), but so far only 5% of natural substances classified are registered. It must be assumed that there are more substances that should undergo the REACH process among the 703 natural substances that do not yet turn up in the data base of substances classified and labelled as hazardous (C&L inventory). Natural substances and personal care products receive special treatments in the European chemical legislation. The compilation of the classifications might question whether this special treatment is justified.
Cosmetics, preparations repeatedly applied directly to the human skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails, should be safe for health, however, recently there has been increasing concern about their safety. Unfortunately, using these products in some cases is related to the occurrence of unfavourable effects resulting from intentional or the accidental presence of chemical substances, including toxic metals. Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and nickel, as well as aluminium, classified as a light metal, are detected in various types of cosmetics (colour cosmetics, face and body care products, hair cosmetics, herbal cosmetics, etc.). In addition, necessary, but harmful when they occur in excessive amounts, elements such as copper, iron, chromium and cobalt are also present in cosmetic products. Metals occurring in cosmetics may undergo retention and act directly in the skin or be absorbed through the skin into the blood, accumulate in the body and exert toxic effects in various organs. Some cases of topical (mainly allergic contact dermatitis) and systemic effects owing to exposure to metals present in cosmetics have been reported. Literature data show that in commercially available cosmetics toxic metals may be present in amounts creating a danger to human health. Thus, the present review article focused on the problems related to the presence of heavy metals and aluminium in cosmetics, including their sources, concentrations and law regulations as well as danger for the health of these products users. Owing to the growing usage of cosmetics it is necessary to pay special attention to these problems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This book aims to introduce the reader to the design, development, and evaluation processes of new Green Chemistry methodologies. A comprehensive introductory text, it takes a broad view of the subject and integrates a wide variety of topics. Topics covered include: alternative feedstocks, environmentally benign synthetic methodologies, designing safer chemical products, new reaction conditions, alternative solvents and catalyst development, and the use of biosynthesis and biomimetic principles. The reader is introduced to the new evaluation process that encompasses the health and environmental impact of a synthetic pathway from choice of starting materials through to target molecule. Throughout the text, comparisons and contrasts with classical methodologies are offered as illustrative examples. This accessible text is aimed at all those involved with the design, manufacture, use and disposal of chemicals and their products - especially synthetic chemicals at the graduate and professional level, process development chemists and environmental scientists. From reviews of the hardback: ‘An excellent introduction into the fast growing field and the fascinating science of green chemistry.... Should be consulted by anyone who wants to know about environmentally benign chemistry and, especially, by scientists who contemplate adopting its principles in their own research or teaching efforts.’ Science
Green Chemistry is a relatively new emerging field that strives to work at the molecular level to achieve sustainability. The field has received widespread interest in the past decade due to its ability to harness chemical innovation to meet environmental and economic goals simultaneously. Green Chemistry has a framework of a cohesive set of Twelve Principles, which have been systematically surveyed in this critical review. This article covers the concepts of design and the scientific philosophy of Green Chemistry with a set of illustrative examples. Future trends in Green Chemistry are discussed with the challenge of using the Principles as a cohesive design system (93 references).
Clinical studies dating back decades report a disproportionately high number of female breast cancers originating in the upper outer quadrant of the breast [1], and although this is attributed to a greater amount of epithelial tissue in that region, it is also the area to which underarm cosmetic products are applied [2,3]. Early studies reported 31% of cancers in the upper outer quadrant [1], but later studies in the 1990s report up to 61% [2,3]. The annually recorded quadrant incidence of breast cancer in Britain documents a rise in England and Wales from 47.9% in the upper outer quadrant in 1979 to 53.3% in 2000, and in Scotland a rise from 38.3% in the upper outer quadrant in 1980 to 54.7% in 2001 [4]. Any increase in the disproportionality of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant would be inconsistent with an explanation relating to the greater amount of target epithelial tissue in that region but does parallel the increasing use of cosmetics in the underarm area [2-5].