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Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the fusion temperature and dimensional accuracy of the 3D printed components. The Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of specimens were prepared using Autodesk Inventor Software. Then the models were exported to STL file format for rapid prototyping. Prusa İ3 desktop type 3D printer with 90-300 microns layer height manufacturing capacity was used to produce the samples. The printer settings were prepared with Simplified3D software. Infill density and layer height of specimens were determined as 20% and 200 microns, respectively. The heated bed temperature was selected as 60 °C to increase the bonding and surface quality. The specimens were produced as sphere with the diameter of 10 mm. The samples were manufactured with five different extruder temperatures (185, 195, 205, 215, and 220 °C) that directly affect the fusing temperature and process. Three samples spheres were produced for each fusion temperature. After the design and manufacturing processes the dimensions of produced samples were measured with image processing techniques. The obtained results were compared with each other to find the relationship between the dimensional accuracy and fusion temperatures. The results showed that the minimum dimensional error was obtained from the fusion temperature of 185 °C with the value of 0.290797 mm and percentage of 3%.
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Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 2020, 21-28
Research Article
1, Ismail BOGREKCI2, H. Saygin SUCUOGLU3,
Emrah GUVEN4
1Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Mechanical Eng. Department, AYDIN; ORCID: 0000-0003-1375-5616
2Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Mechanical Eng. Department, AYDIN; ORCID: 0000-0002-9494-5405
3Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Mechanical Eng. Department, AYDIN; ORCID: 0000-0002-2136-6015
4Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Mechanical Eng. Department, AYDIN; ORCID: 0000-0002-4161-1989
Received: 15.05.2019 Revised: 08.07.2019 Accepted: 24.10.2019
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the fusion temperature and dimensional
accuracy of the 3D printed components. The Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of specimens were
prepared using Autodesk Inventor Software. Then the models were exported to STL file format for rapid
prototyping. Prusa İ3 desktop type 3D printer with 90-300 microns layer height manufacturing capacity was
used to produce the samples. The printer settings were prepared with Simplified3D software. Infill density and
layer height of specimens were determined as 20% and 200 microns, respectively. The heated bed temperature
was selected as 60 °C to increase the bonding and surface quality. The specimens were produced as sphere
with the diameter of 10 mm. The samples were manufactured with five different extruder temperatures (185,
195, 205, 215, and 220 °C) that directly affect the fusing temperature and process. Three samples spheres
were produced for each fusion temperature. After the design and manufacturing processes the dimensions of
produced samples were measured with image processing techniques. The obtained results were compared with
each other to find the relationship between the dimensional accuracy and fusion temperatures. The results
showed that the minimum dimensional error was obtained from the fusion temperature of 185 °C with the
value of 0.290797 mm and percentage of 3%.
Keywords: Bonding and surface quality, coordinate measurement machine, dimensional accuracy, fusion
temperature, image processing.
Additive manufacturing technologies have developed significantly in order to integrate
manufacturing companies with Industry 4.0 technologies. For this purpose, several techniques are
used to improve the manufacturing processes in additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping
Technologies that is the one of the additive manufacturing method, has been investigated in many
academic studies.
3D printing important technique among the Rapid Prototyping methods has commonly
preferred for many different application areas such as automotive, aerospace, food, medicine and
Corresponding Author: e-mail:, tel: (256) 213 75 03
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
biomechanical industry because of its fast and low cost manufacturing ability. 3D Printing creates
the geometries and structures from 3D dimensional model data. According to ASTM Committee
F12, “3D printing is the fabrication of objects through the deposition of a material using a print
head, nozzle, or other printing technologies. 3D printing is a process of using successive layers of
printed material to form solid 3D objects of virtually any shape from a digital model” [1]. This
technique was first developed by Charles Hull in 1986 as stereolithography (SLA) and it had a
great deal of developments, such as inkjet printing, fused deposition modeling (FDM), powder
bed fusion, contour crafting (CC) etc. [2].
Most commonly used method of 3D printing is known as Fused Deposition Modelling
(FDM). FDM brings parts onto a base plate material with deposition of the stream of hot viscous
material. Solidification of the molten material is obtained by natural cooling; so theoretically any
thermoplastic or heat fusible material can be used in this process [3]. It has some advantages
advantages such as high manufacturing speed, low cost and simplicity beside this there are some
disadvantages such as weak mechanical properties, layer-by-layer appearance and poor surface
quality. Although mechanical properties of the produced parts with FDM can be improved using
fiber-reinforced composites, there are some factors that should be taken into account such as fiber
orientation, bonding between the fiber and matrix and void formation in 3D printed parts [2]. The
surface quality and dimensional accuracy of parts with high surface roughness cause to the
dimensional errors. For these parts, it is much more significant to reach the sufficient dimensional
accuracy on the top part of the surface [4]. There is a thermal energy of the extruded material
because of the melting solidification mechanism of FDM and the formation of bonds among
filaments. Bonding quality is changed significantly with this thermal energy [5, 7]. Sun et al.
found in their study that the nozzle & environment temperatures and cooling condition had
important effects on bonding & surface quality and dimensional accuracy [5, 6].
Image Processing provides different forms of an image to get improved forms or extracting
some convenient features from it. Image Processing Systems enclose handling images with two
dimensional signals even as applying already set signal processing methods to them [8]. Image
processing techniques can be implemented for measurements, determining data such as particles
and shape identification, and size distribution [9].
Some important applications of processing are summarized below [8]:
Visualization; to observe the invisible objects.
Image sharpening and restoration; to generate a better image.
Image retrieval; to seek for the image of interest.
Pattern measurement; to measure several objects in the image.
Image Recognition; to differentiate the objects in the image.
In this study; the relationship between the fusion temperature and dimensional accuracy of the
3D printed components was investigated. The specimens were produced as sphere with the
diameter of 10 mm. The samples were manufactured with five different extruder temperatures
(185, 195, 205, 215, and 220 °C) that directly affect the fusing temperature and process. Three
samples spheres were produced for each fusion temperature. The images of the specimens were
acquired using 20.2 Megapixels high resolution CCD camera. The obtained images were
processed by different image processing techniques such as binarizing, edge detection, edge
enhancement and image correlation.
P. Demircioglu, I. Bogrekci, H.S. Sucuoglu, E. Guven / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
2.1. Design and Producing of Specimens
The dimensional accuracy measurement samples were printed using Prusa İ3 desktop type 3D
printer with 90-300 microns layer height manufacturing capacity with the 1.75 mm diameter PLA
filament. The printer parameters were set with Simplified3D software (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Printer settings of measurement samples.
The technical specifications of Prusa İ3 desktop type Printer were given in Table 1.
Table 1. Technical specifications of Prusa İ3 3D Printer [10].
Layer Resolution
Build Volume
200 x 200 x 180
XY Positioning Precision
Z Positioning Precision
Filament Diameter
Extruder Temperature
Print Material
The Prusa İ3 3D printer has ability to produce the parts with PLA and ABS material. The
dimensional accuracy measurement specimens were designed using a CAD software (Autodesk
Inventor 2018). The samples were designed and produced as sphere with the diameter of 10 mm
(Figure 2). The designed models were exported to STL file format for 3D printing. In the printing
process; the heated bed temperature was selected as 60 °C increase the bonding and surface
quality. The samples were manufactured with five different extruder temperatures (185, 195, 205,
215, and 220 °C) that directly affect the fusing temperature and process. Shell of the specimens
were created with the thickness of 0.8 mm Layer heights were selected as 0.2 mm. Number of
shells were used as 2 and print speed was determined as 80 mm/s.
The Relationship Between the Fusion Temperature / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
Figure 1. The produced sphere shape samples.
2.2. Image Processing for the Measurement of Dimensional Accuracy
In the digital image processing, an edge can be the result of the changes in light, color and
texture. The changes can be used to define the depth, size orientation and surface properties of the
image. To filter the unnecessary information to select the edge points, digital analysis of the
image can be used. Edge detection is a basic and important tool in the main areas of image
processing such as feature detection and feature extraction [11]. The flowchart of the edge
detection in image processing is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2. Flowchart of edge detection.
The Prewitt operator was in this study for edge detection. It is a discrete differentiation
operator to calculate the relation of the gradient of intensity. The results of Prewitt operator is the
gradient vector or the norm of this at each point in the image. Mathematically, the operator uses
two 3×3 kernels that are convolved with the original image to calculate approximations of the
derivatives one for horizontal changes, and one for vertical as shown in Figure 4.
P. Demircioglu, I. Bogrekci, H.S. Sucuoglu, E. Guven / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
Figure 4. 3x3 kernels used in Prewitt operator.
The roundness errors of the samples were calculated using single trace roundness design.
According to the approach, the measured diameter of the sample images were normalized to the
designed diameter as 10 mm from the pixel values. The differences of the diameter from design
and produced samples were found horizontally and vertically. The mean and standard deviation
values were also found.
The images obtained from image processing (RGB, Gray scale and edge detected) are shown
in Figure 5.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. The obtained images from image processing (a) RGB (b) Gray scale (c) Edge detected.
The obtained diameter values from the image processing are given in Table 2.
The Relationship Between the Fusion Temperature / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
Table 1. The obtained results from the image processing for dimensional accuracy.
Mean of Vertical
and Horizontal
Diameters (mm)
The means of differences of the diameters between the designed and produced specimens
were computed as, respectively;
0.290797 mm for 185 °C fusion temperature,
0.431576 mm for 195 °C fusion temperature,
0.446173 mm for 205 °C fusion temperature,
0.464360 mm for 215 °C fusion temperature,
0.487134 mm for 220 °C fusion temperature.
In this study; the nozzle temperature to produce the measurement samples were selected in the
range between 185 °C and 220 °C as the processing temperature of the PLA was around 180 °C to
P. Demircioglu, I. Bogrekci, H.S. Sucuoglu, E. Guven / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
220 °C [12]. For the dimensional accuracy the minimum diameter error was obtained from 185 °C
fusion temperature with the value of 0.290797 mm. It was also observed that the diameter error
reached to 0.487134 mm for 220 °C fusion temperature environment. The dimensional error was
about 3% for 185 °C while it was 4.8% for 220 °C.
The fusion temperature has effect on the elasticity and strength of the produced object with
PLA material. While the increasing fusion temperature is resulting with higher ultimate strength,
it decreases the elasticity [13]. It can be also understood from the measurement results in
dimensional accuracy that the increasing fusion temperature causes to more dimensional errors.
The reason of these results can be that higher level of the fusion temperature helps to material to
fill the gaps caused from air void and increase the level of ultimate strength. However, it leads to
the dimensional errors.
In this research, the relationship between the fusion temperature and dimensional accuracy of
the 3D printed components have been studied. Results showed that:
1. The minimum dimensional error was obtained from the fusion temperature of 185 °C with
the value of 0.290797 mm and percentage of 3%.
2. The specimens were produced with the maximum dimensional error with the value of
0.487134 mm and percentage of 4.8% for fusion temperature of 220 °C.
3. It could be concluded from the results that the fusion temperature has important effect for
the dimensional accuracy of 3D printed components.
Further researches are planned to understand the effect of the other producing parameters such
as infill type, environmental conditions and heated bed temperature effects to the dimensional
accuracy of 3D printed components.
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ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2011.
[2] Ngo, T. D., Kashani, A., Imbalzano, G., Nguyen, K. T. Q., Hui, D., (2018) Additive
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[4] Chohan, J.S., Singh, R., Boparai, K.S., Penna, R., (2017) Dimensional accuracy analysis
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The Relationship Between the Fusion Temperature / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
[9] Stanic, M., (2010) Structure, Surface and Permanence Properties of Three Dimensional
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P. Demircioglu, I. Bogrekci, H.S. Sucuoglu, E. Guven / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 38 (1), 21-28, 2020
... Image processing techniques define and measure data such as microstructure, size distribution, and shape definition. 15 In another study, the energy consumption of 3-D printing processes was analyzed by observing the environmental impact. They also recommended energy models for each part, improving energy estimation and optimization and actual production settings. ...
In this study, the cooler type produced with a fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3-D printer, one of the 3-D printing technologies, was investigated using image processing techniques and machine learning algorithms. This study aims to change the cooler design concept used in FDM 3-D printers and use image processing techniques and innovative machine learning algorithms to solve the temperature effect problems on the part. In this study, four different cooler types— no-cooler, A-type, B-type, and C-type—were used with an FDM 3-D printer, and each layer processing image of these parts was captured with a thermal camera. Temperature distribution diagrams of the parts were drawn according to layers using image processing techniques such as the Gaussian filtering method and the Sobel and Canny edge detection techniques. Using three different machine learning algorithms on the temperature data set obtained from the experimental study, cooler types were classified with an accuracy of over 90 %. The results showed that using machine learning algorithms, the most suitable cooler type can be selected with an accuracy of 95 % by the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBOOST) algorithm.
... Since the desired product is encountered in a short time, it is a great invention in technology. It can manufacture from hundreds of kinds of materials (plastic, metal, polymer, ceramic, etc.) [3][4][5]. 3D printing methods are FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), SLA (Stereolithography), PJ (Polyjet), LOM (Layered Object Manufacturing), Binder Jet (Binder Jet Technique). The most preferred type of 3D printing is FDM type 3D printing. ...
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The person who has challenges not meeting needs due to the loss of his / her physical, mental and sensorial abilities to a certain extent on account of birth or any reason is defined as 'disabled' if any care or rehabilitation is required. These people have difficulty adapting to social life. Prostheses have been developed to ensure this compatibility. Today, by measuring directly from the patient, the production in place of the organ lost by the patient is carried out suitably. In this study, It was carried out to control muscle signals with EMG sensor prosthetic hand manufactured by a 3D printer. The movement of the fingers was performed by processing the signals received from the EMG sensor with a microcontroller and transmitting them to the servo motors in the form of meaningful values. Findings obtained were evaluated by comparison.
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Teknologi Rapid Prototyping (RP) terus berkembang pesat dan memiliki peran penting di berbagai sektor. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam teknologi ini adalah Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), yang melibatkan proses melelehkan bahan termoplastik dengan menggunakan mekanisme ekstruder. Mesin pencetak 3D tipe FDM mengendalikan pergerakan nozzle secara komputerisasi, yang menghasilkan berbagai arah gerakan, termasuk sejajar dengan sumbu x (0°), y (90°), dan juga diagonal (45°). Perbedaan dalam arah ini memiliki dampak pada karakteristik mekanis dari kekuatan lentur pada cetakan yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini melibatkan pengujian tekan (Bending test) sesuai dengan standar ASTM D790 dengan menggunakan mesin pengujian Beste KJ-1065. Spesimen pengujian dibuat dalam tiga jenis yang berbeda, dengan pengaturan arah nozzle yang memiliki perbedaan sudut external infill angle offset dan internal infill angle offset, yaitu pada sudut 0° (sejajar sumbu X), 45° (sejajar diagonal), dan 90° (sejajar sumbu Y). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arah nozzle pada mesin pencetak 3D tipe FDM juga mempengaruhi kekuatan tekan/lentur produk yang dihasilkan. Kekuatan tekan/lentur maksimum terbesar ditemukan pada produk dengan arah nozzle 0°, mencapai 65.21 MPa, sementara yang terendah terjadi pada produk dengan arah nozzle 90° dalam kondisi horizontal, mencapai 45.18 MPa. Kata kunci : Rapid prototyping, 3D Printing, Fused Deposition Modelling
Most manufacturing and service organizations and enterprises have recently established integrated management systems (IMS) to increase their competitive advantages in world markets. This study aims to increase the efficiency of the IMS implementation by developing an improved conceptual model for IMS and recommendations to classify management systems requirements, using analytical and comparative review and analysis of different scientific approaches in the field of IMS, graphical methods of system analysis. As a result of the performed research, five classes of requirements have been developed: specific, analogical, identical, and individually specific requirements of international requirements and additionally standard requirements of IMS. According to the supplied classification, zone of integration and zone of integrated requirements have been supplied, allowing distinguishing structural elements that conform to the distinct requirements of worldwide requirements. Definitions of concepts “integrated management system” and “common requirements of integrated management system” and for that reason, graphical conceptual improved model for developing IMS has been given.KeywordsIntegrated management systemClassification of requirementsConceptual modelLife-cycle assessmentManufacturing innovation
Today, the additive manufacturing (AM) method is used in aerospace, defense, and biomedical fields due to its advantages. However, it is important to be able to control the production environment in these production methods. This study investigates the effects of the air control unit (ACU) in production with the fused deposition modeling (FDM) method on dimensional accuracy. Gyroid and body-centered cubic (BCC) porous structures were produced in an AC and non-AC environment. After production, the dimensional accuracy and surface quality of the porous structure structures were investigated. Significant surface defects were observed in the porous structure structures produced in a non-AC environment. Better quality surfaces were obtained in the productions carried out by providing AC. In addition, in the results obtained, it was observed that there was an average of 2% deviation in terms of dimensions in the productions carried out using the ACU and an average of 2.5% deviation in the productions without ACU. KeywordsAdditive manufacturingAir controllerFDMDimensional accuracyProcess innovation
For polymeric materials, FDM provides limitations in accuracy and surface finish. Polymeric 3D printed parts have a rough surface because of the filament deposition, texture of the slices laid and staircase effect. Application of surface coatings to these parts may improve mechanical properties, including surface texture and dimensions accuracy. Recent studies indicate development of surface-coated 3D printed polymeric parts primarily for use in automobiles, aviation, ships, food packaging, electrical, and textile applications. Researchers have studied the impact of surface coatings on surface finish and dimensional accuracy. Various processes, such as icing-delay, anti-frosting, and self-cleaning, benefit from super hydrophobic surface. Super hydrophobic surfaces are characterized by important characteristics, like durability and storage, corrosion resistance. Self-healing polymers are emerging as a novel smart material as they possess the ability to heal upon damage without any external mediation. These can appear in a variety of forms, intrinsic or extrinsic, and can be made to take different forms. This paper presents insights into the state of research being carried out in the field of surface characterization especially on 3D printed polymeric parts.
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The first step in an image recognition system is the edges sensibility in a digital image. Edge detection for object observation in image processing is the important part. This will give us a good understanding of edge detection algorithms. An edge is useful because it marks the boundaries and divides of plane, object or appearance from other places things. For pattern recognition it is also an intermediate step in the digital images. An edge consists of pixels with the intensity variations of gray tones which are different from their neighbour pixels. This paper introduces the standard edge detection methods which are widely used in image processing such as Prewitt, Laplacian of Gaussian, Canny, Sobel, Robert and also the new approach are discussed in this known as Fuzzy logic.
Multi-material fused deposition modeling (FDM) is an effective tool to realize the optimal design and manufacturing with various materials, but how to achieve an adequate level of interfacial bonding strength between dissimilar materials is still a critical problem. Herein, the influence of three multi-material FDM processing parameters, i.e. nozzle temperature, building stage temperature and printing speed, on the interfacial bonding strength of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) bi-material structures was experimentally investigated. It was found that the interfacial bonding strength was significantly improved from 0.86 to 1.66 MPa (increased by 93%) when the building stage temperature increased from 30 to 68 °C, which was the most effective processing parameter. Then, a heat transfer-based polymer inter-molecular diffusion theory was developed to understand the interfacial bonding mechanism. The interfacial temperature profiles during multi-material FDM process were experimentally measured by inserting thermocouples into printing specimens, and the theoretical model was well validated due to the good agreement between experimental and numerical data of interfacial temperature and bonding strength. The model provided an accurate prediction of interfacial bonding strength based on the understanding of thermally-driven diffusion of multi-material filaments; which would help improving the mechanical properties of products fabricated by multi-material FDM.
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is one of the most extensively used Additive Manufacturing technique which has substantially shortened the product development time and cost. The application has been extended to fabricate biomedical implants through investment casting process. But the FDM replicas exhibit poor surface quality which requires further post finishing. Thus, it is very difficult to achieve adequate dimensional accuracy as surface finishing techniques resulted in material removal and erosion of upper surface. The vapour smoothing is an advanced finishing technique which eliminates tool-workpiece contact and yield ultra smooth finish but dimensional accuracy of FDM replicas is yet to be ascertained. In present research, the efforts are made to explore the influence of FDM and VS process parameters in dimensional features of complex designs. The influence of six parameters on radial (head diameter) and linear dimensions (neck and stem thickness) is studied using Taguchi orthogonal array. The CMM measurements showed shrinkage in head diameter while positive deviation has been observed in linear dimensions before vapour smoothing with maximum impact of orientation angle. The vapour smoothing process caused shrinkage in both linear and radial dimensions with maximum effect of smoothing time. The process parameters and their levels are optimized and confirmatory experiments indicated reduced deviations in dimensional features with consistency in IT grades.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mechanisms controlling the bond formation among extruded polymer filaments in the fused deposition modeling (FDM) process. The bonding phenomenon is thermally driven and ultimately determines the integrity and mechanical properties of the resultant prototypes. Design/methodology/approach The bond quality was assessed through measuring and analyzing changes in the mesostructure and the degree of healing achieved at the interfaces between the adjoining polymer filaments. Experimental measurements of the temperature profiles were carried out for specimens produced under different processing conditions, and the effects on mesostructures and mechanical properties were observed. Parallel to the experimental work, predictions of the degree of bonding achieved during the filament deposition process were made based on the thermal analysis of extruded polymer filaments. Findings Experimental results showed that the fabrication strategy, the envelope temperature and variations in the convection coefficient had strong effects on the cooling temperature profile, as well as on the mesostructure and overall quality of the bond strength between filaments. The sintering phenomenon was found to have a significant effect on bond formation, but only for the very short duration when the filament's temperature was above the critical sintering temperature. Otherwise, creep deformation was found to dominate changes in the mesostructure. Originality/value This study provides valuable information about the effect of deposition strategies and processing conditions on the mesostructure and local mechanical properties within FDM prototypes. It also brings a better understanding of phenomena controlling the integrity of FDM products. Such knowledge is essential for manufacturing functional parts and diversifying the range of application of this process. The findings are particularly relevant to work conducted on modeling of the process and for the formulation of materials new to the FDM process.
Rapid prototyping generally refers to techniques that produce shaped parts by gradual creation or addition of solid material, therein differing fundamentally from forming and material removal manufacturing techniques. This paper tries to summarise one decade of research and developments in rapid prototyping. The first part surveys some general economical and technological trends. The second part of the paper goes into some more details on a process-by-process basis.
Standard Specification for Additive Manufacturing File Format, F2915-11
ASTM, Standard Specification for Additive Manufacturing File Format, F2915-11, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 2011.
Investigation of bond formation in FDM process, 13th Solid freeform fabrication symposium
  • L Li
  • Q Sun
  • C Bellehumeur
  • P Gu
Li, L., Sun, Q., Bellehumeur, C., Gu, P.,(2002) Investigation of bond formation in FDM process, 13th Solid freeform fabrication symposium, Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings, Pages 400-407, Austin, Texas..
Structure, Surface and Permanence Properties of Three Dimensional Printing Materials
  • M Stanic
Stanic, M., (2010) Structure, Surface and Permanence Properties of Three Dimensional Printing Materials", Doctoral Thesis in Faculty of Graphic Arts University of Zagreb, Zagreb.