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Content uploaded by Ravi Sankar
Author content
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IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy
(e)-ISSN: 2250-3013, (p)-ISSN: 2319-4219 Volume 5, Issue 11 (November 2015), PP. 12-28
The Comprehensive Review on Fat Soluble Vitamins
Panchumarthy Ravisankar*1, A. Abhishekar Reddy1, B. Nagalakshmi1, O. Sai
Koushik1, B. Vijaya Kumar1, Panchumarthy Sai Anvith2
1 Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Vignan Pharmacy College, Vadlamudi, Guntur (Dist.) - 522213,
Andhra Pradesh State, India.
2Sri Chaitanya Educational institution, Medical Academy, Lakshmipuram-522 007, A. P. State, India.
Abstract: This review article deals with brief description of fat soluble vitamins with figures and tables
showing statistical analytical data duly quoting the references wherever necessary. The word “soluble” actually
means “able to be dissolved.” Whether a vitamin is classified as 'fat-soluble' or 'water-soluble' has to do with
how the vitamin is absorbed, stored and removed from the body. Vitamins are tiny organic compounds with a
huge impact on the health and well-being of the body. The body needs a small amount of fat soluble vitamins in
order to stay in optimal health. Fat soluble vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy and
functioning from immune system and muscle and heart function, easy flow and clotting of blood as well as eye
health. They are critical to health and wellness–particularly reproductive health and wellness. Low-fat, no-fat
and vegan diets are woefully lacking in fat soluble vitamins. However a diet based on traditional foods can
naturally provide these vitamins. Science is still learning about many of the functions of vitamins. "Too much
vitamin A, D, or K can lead to increased levels that are unhealthy and can cause serious health consequences.
Diseased conditions leading to decreased fat absorption leads to decreased absorption of vitamins. The fat-
soluble vitamins work most safely and effectively when obtained them from natural foods within the context of a
diet rich in all their synergistic partners. If fat soluble vitamins are stored for lengthy time they generate threat
for toxicity than water soluble vitamins and such situation even aggravated, provided they are consumed in
excess. Vitamin products, above the legal limits are not considered food supplements and must be registered as
prescription or non-prescription (over-the-counter drugs) due to their potential side effects. Vitamin A and E
supplements do not provide health benefits for healthy individuals, instead they may enhance mortality, and it is
held proved that beta-carotene supplements can be harmful to smokers.
Key words: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K.
1.1. Historical background:
Vitamins are defined as organic substance required in small amount for the maintenance and growth of
living organisms. Their deficiency may lead to certain specific diseases or symptoms which can be cured by the
administration of that specific vitamin only.
In the early 20th century the discovery of vitamins began. In 1906, the British Biochemist Sir Frederick
Hopkins demonstrated that foods contain accessory factors in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals
and water. The term vitamin was first discovered by Funk. Funk identified that the anti-beriberi substance in
unpolished rice was an amine which is a type of nitrogen containing compound. He coined the term "vitamine"
a combination word from vita and amine, meaning amine of life and considered that amines are vital for the life.
However it was later found that all vitamins are either “nitrogen” or “amines” particularly in vitamin A. In 1912
Hopkins and Funk made a hypothesis according to which the absence of some vitamins could cause diseases
such as beriberi and scurvy. In 1920, Drummond proposed to drop the final "e" consequently the word vitamines
“e” was removed and termed as vitamins. It was later found that different vitamins have different chemical
properties and advantages apart from harm if consumed in excess than what is required.
Vitamins are highly essential to human body except vitamins D, K and biotin as they cannot be
synthesized in the body. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body by irradiation of sterols in the skin by UV rays.
Many plants and microorganisms except humans and some other animals synthesize vitamins. Hence they need
to be supplied through diet to the human body. Most of the vitamins are present in required quantities in the
fresh and natural foods available both plants and animals sources. Vitamins are required in tiny amounts because
of their inactivation in the body they play a catalytic role in many metabolic reactions of the cells and act as
coenzymes or part of coenzymes and enzyme systems. Certain vitamins act as hormones and exert their action at
intracellular receptor sites like Vitamin A and D.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
In 1915, Mc Collum and Davis classified the vitamins based on their solubility in water or oil (fats).
Vitamin C and B - complex are water soluble whereas Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat soluble dissolved in oil or
in melted fat. Certain phyto nutrients argued that carotenoids such as β - carotene also come under this category
(fat soluble).
Vitamin A maintains the right balance of these vitamins in the body is critical to excellent health and
well-being the nature of being fat-soluble means that these vitamins are transported with fat and stored in the
liver and fat tissue. Because they are stored, they can build up and become toxic when eaten in excessive
amounts. This mostly occurs when taking single supplements of the fat-soluble vitamins rather than in foods
rich in vitamins. Eating fat-free can lead to health problems can lead to vitamin deficiencies. When fat-soluble
vitamins are ingested, they move from the mouth to the stomach to the small intestine. Their ability to dissolve
in fat allows for their absorption: Fats are able to move across the cell walls of the small intestine and enter the
body's general circulation. The dietary-fat carry the vitamins through the intestine, into the bloodstream, and
then to the liver, where they're stored until the body needs them. Without an adequate amount of fat in your diet,
the body can't effectively absorb the fat-soluble vitamins that are essential to the health. Vitamin A is regarded
as the vision vitamin in a generic term for a class of compounds called retinoids. Types of retinoids: retinol,
retinal, and retinoic acid. The release of vitamin A from food requires bile, digestive enzymes (lipase) from the
pancreas and intestinal tract, and integration into micelle. 90 % of vitamin A absorbed in small intestine.
Retinoids stored in liver and carotenoids stored in liver and adipose. Cellular Retinoid-Binding Proteins (CRBP
or RBP) should be required for the transportation of retinoids into the cells. A vitamin is two types. 1.
Preformed vitamin A is found in the form of retinol and is the most usable form of the vitamin. You can find
preformed vitamin A in your everyday diet in animal products like whole milk, liver, and eggs. 2. Provitamin A
is found in the form of carotenoids and is converted in part into retinol. Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-
cryptoxanthin are the most common carotenoids, with beta-carotene being the most easily converted into retinol.
Beta-carotene is found naturally in many fruits and vegetables like peaches and carrots. Men 900 mcg RAE per
day and women 700 mcg RAE per day and Men 3000 IU and women 2330 IU per day must be required to keep
the body healthy. Toxicity of vitamin A is known as Hypervitaminosis is caused by excess dosages which are
100 times to RDA.
Deficiency in vitamin D can cause fragile, thin, or deformed bones and rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults. It having enough vitamin D in the diet, in addition to calcium, helps to prevent
osteoporosis. Vitamin D isn’t actually in its working shape when it enters the body through sunlight, food, or
supplements. In addition to obtain vitamin D from a few available natural and fortified foods, the body of course
absorbs vitamin D from sunlight. As soon as ultraviolet rays hit the skin, production of vitamin D commenced
soon. In fact, public obtain their required vitamin D by exposing their body only some times in a week by
wearing sunscreen to avoid potential damage of skin from ultra-virus rays. Nnutritionally important two forms
of vitamin D are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) which is found in plants and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is
synthesized in the body from cholesterol. Nearly 80 % of vitamin D is absorbed in small intestine and carried by
proteins in blood stream. Provitamin D (a form of cholesterol) is converted to vitamin D3 in the skin. Calcitriol
of vitamin D and its hormones is formed in the liver and kidneys. Adequate intake of vitamin D per day is 5 mcg
between 19 to 50 years, 10 mcg to 51 to 70 years and 15 mcg over 70 years aged persons. 5 times toxicity of
Hypervitaminosis of D vitamin for infants, 10 times for adults is highly dangerous. A person may need around
5,000-6,000 IUs of vitamin D3 or more every day, from all sources, includes proper sun exposure, food, or a
vitamin D3 supplement. The perfect range for best possible health is between 50 to 70 mg/ml, and if cancer or
heart diseases exist, the ideal may be higher.
Family unit of eight antioxidants and four tocopherols of vitamin E are alpha, beta, gamma and delta,
and four tocotrienols are alpha, beta, gamma and delta out of which Alpha-tocopherols is the most active form.
Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of 8 different chemicals that comprise diverse amounts of
biological use. However, only alpha-tocopherols are indicated to cater the needs of the human body. Vitamin E
found in the skin as a primary form and then total body supplement. The release of vitamin E from food requires
bile, digestive enzymes from the pancreas and intestinal tract, and integration into micelles. It is stored in the
liver and adipose tissue. Its daily requirement is 15 µg per day.
Vitamin K is named for the German word “koagulation” because of its function in assisting blood
clotting. In the twenty-first century its role in preventing calcification of the blood vessels and other soft tissues
became clear. Vitamin K2, found in animal fats and fermented foods, in leafy greens and in much smaller
quantities in most diets when compared to vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 more effectively supports blood clotting,
while vitamin K2 is also essential for building strong bones, preventing heart disease, and it plays a crucial part
in other bodily processes as well. The biological role of vitamin K2 help to move calcium into the proper areas
in the body, such as bones and teeth and also helps to remove calcium from arteries and soft tissues. Vitamin K2
activates proteins by adding carbon dioxide to them. In this production of CO2 by consuming carbohydrates,
exercising, and maintaining correct level of thyroid status.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
Out of two types of vitamin K, one is found in plants, and other is found in bacteria. Plants make
phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and bacteria make a number of forms of the vitamin called menaquinone. The
bacterial forms are collectively called vitamin K2. Maintaining the right balance of these vitamins in the body is
most important for excellent health and well-being. The release of vitamin K from food requires bile, digestive
enzymes from the pancreas and intestinal tract, and integration into micelles. Daily requirement of vitamin K for
Men is 120 mcg and for women is 90 mcg. 80 % of dietary vitamin K is absorbed.
Fat soluble vitamins are stable at cooking temperatures while water soluble vitamins are destroyed.
Usually, deficiencies do not occur when the daily requirements of vitamins are balanced by their dietary intake.
Deficiency of vitamins K and biotin in the body is very rare because they are synthesized by the intestinal flora,
the microorganisms of the body. Fat-soluble vitamins of Vitamin A, D, E and K structurally resembles partially
cyclised isoprenoid polymers and are soluble mainly in lipids or oils and thus called fat-soluble vitamins.
Absorption and transportation of these vitamins in the body is mainly associated with lipids in the intestine and
stored in liver and adipose tissue and eliminated slowly from the body owing to their lipophilic character. High
intake of fat-soluble vitamins may results in their accumulation in the body known as Hypervitaminosis due to
the cause of delayed elimination rate. Fat soluble vitamins regulation is one sort of particular significance in
cystic fibrosis. The classifications of vitamins are shown in Fig 1. The basic structural moieties and other facts
of fat-soluble vitamins are shown in Table 1.
Based on solubility in oil Based on solubility in water
Fat soluble vitamins Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin -A Vitamin-D Vitamin-E Vitamin-K
Vitamin-D2Vitamin-D3Vitamin-K1 Vitamin-K3
B-complex vitamins Non B-complex
Ex: Vitamin-C
Based on type of source
Thermo labile Thermostable
Vitamin-B2Vitamin-B5Vitamin-B6Vitamin-B12 Niacin Folic acid
Based on Stability
Ascorbic acid
Pantothenic acid
Nicotinamide Nicotinic acid
Vitamin-K1 - (Phytonadione) Folic acid - (Pteroylglutamic acid)
Vitamin-K3- (Menadione) (Niacinamide) -
Figure 1. Classification of vitamins
Table 1. Basic structural moiety and other facts of fat soluble vitamins
Fat soluble
Basic structural moiety
Year of
Recommended daily
dose per day (µg)
Upper in take level
per day(µg)
Vitamin - A
Vitamin - D
Steroidal moiety
Vitamin -E
Chromane ring system with
isoprenoid side chain.
Vitamin - K
Napthaquinone derivative
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
2.1. Vitamin A
Mc Collum and Davis identified vitamin A in 1915 but it was isolated from its raw source only in
1931. The biological and IUPAC name of vitamin A is retinol that is an alcohol, the corresponding aldehyde
termed as retinal and acid as retinoic acid. Vitamin A is also known as axerophthol as it is used in the treatment
of Xerophthalmia which means drying and thickening of conjunctiva. Basically there are two types of vitamin A
namely A1 and A2 and when the term vitamin is used it denotes vitamin A1. Vitamin A is an organic compound
required as a nutrient in tiny amounts for the healthy maintenance and growth of a living organism. These are
organic substances essential for the diet in small amounts that are involved in fundamental functions of the
body. Human beings and animals inevitably need vitamins to grow and be healthy. The structures of vitamin A
constitute a β-ionone ring. Vitamin A contains five conjugated double bonds which have some biological
actions and it exits in three forms namely All-trans [1] retinol, long chain fatty acyl ester of retinol in main
storage form and retinal in the active form in the retina. The precursor or Provitamin of retinol [2] is β-carotene,
which is abundantly in carrots. The conversion of β-carotene [3] to vitamin A in the body involves two steps
catalyzed by iron containing deoxygenase enzyme present in intestinal mucosa and alcohol dehydrogenase. The
chemical nature and properties of vitamin A are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Chemical nature and properties of vitamin A
Natural form
A1 (Retinol), A2 (3-dehydro-retinol )
Active form
Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic acid
Provitamin A
Liver, Adipose tissue of the body
2.1.1. Source:
β-carotene like dark leafy green vegetables, spinach, broccoli [4], carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, squash,
sweet potato, deep orange fruits, mangoes, apricots, amaranth, cantalo, retinols like milk, butter, cheese, cream,
eggs, cod liver oil, kidney, tomatoes, papaya and water melon. Preformed vitamin A is found almost exclusively
in animal products such as glandular meat, red palm oil (rich in Provitamin A), liver, fish liver oils, egg yolk,
fortified processed foods that may include cereals, condiments and fats. Foods containing Provitamin A
carotenoids tend to be less biologically available but more affordable than animal products. It is mainly for this
reason that carotenoids [5] provide most of the vitamin A activity in the diets of poor and economically deprived
populations. Estimated RDA is shown in Table 3 and three forms of retinoids are shown in Fig. 2.
Table 3. Estimated mean requirement and safe level of intake for vitamin A.
Age group
Mean requirement
Recommended safe intake (µg/day)
Infants and
0 - 6 months
7 - 12 months
1 - 3 years
4 -6 years
7 -9 years
10 - 18 years
330 – 400
19 - 65 years
19 - 65 years
65 +
Pregnant women
Lactating women
Beta-ionone ring
Vitamin A1
13 14
16 17
Retinal ( Vitamin A aldehyde)
Retinol (Vitamin A)
Retinoic acid (Tretinoin) or
Vitamin A acid.
Figure 2. Three forms of retinoids.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
2.1.2. Functions [6]:
Retinoic acid is highly necessary for cellular differentiation, important for embryo development, gene
expression. Retinoic acid influences production, structure and function of epithelial cells and external passages o
mucus forming cells within the body duly keeping perfect vision. The retinol is oxidized to its aldehyde and
retinal which complexes with a molecule in the eye called opsin. Within the photoreceptor cells of the retina are
the rods which detect small amounts of light and are specialized for motion. The cones that are specialized for
color vision in bright light. The both rods and cones possess specialized outer segment disks that contain high
amounts of rhodopsin and iodopsin respectively. When a photon of light hits the complex the retinal changes
from the 11- cis form to the all - Trans form. These are initiating a chain of events which results in the
transmission of an impulse up to the optic nerve. These compounds are often referred to as the "Visual
pigment". Photoreceptor cells detect light and undergo a series of reactions which send signals to the brain
where they are deciphered as a particular visual image. The important function of vitamin A involves retinoic
acid, which acts as a hormone, and retinoic acid first binds to retinoic acid receptors. The receptors then interact
with specific nucleotide sequences of DNA and the interaction directly affects gene expression and transcription
which in turn control cellular development and body processes. For example epithelial cells depend on retinoic
acid for structural and functional maintenance. Retinoic acid is especially important in heart, eye and lung and
ear development, pigmentosa [7]. Vitamin A is plays a key role in glycoprotein synthesis and once formed
glycoproteins are important in multiple cellular processes including: communication, recognition, adhesion and
aggregation. Retinoids are most commonly used in the treatment of skin diseases and the role of the retinoids in
epithelial cell formation is very important in the treatment of skin cancer, acne and acne related diseases.
Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties. However, β-carotene has been noted as having pro-oxidant
properties. Vitamin A is known to help repair damaged tissue and therefore may be beneficial in counter action
against free radical damage.
2.1.3. Deficiency:
If consumed food containing low quantity of required defined daily dose of vitamin A leading to liver
disease, malabsorption due to the body fails to absorbs nutrients from food in small intestine causing celiac
diseases, chronic liver, chronic pancreatitis, crones diseases etc., decreased mucus production, decreased
immunity. Bacterial invasion of the eye, conjunctival xerosis, Bigot's spots (white triangular plaques on
conjunctiva), night blindness (nyctalopia), follicular hyperkeratosis, poor growth, skin disorders, lack of growth
and Hypervitaminosis can cause serious potential problems ( like birth defects). Growth retardation caused by
vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is also responsible for maintain a normal surface of the eye (cornea) and
deficiency leads to drying of the eye surface that condition called Xerophthalmia. This can lead to blue
cloudiness of the eye followed by ulcer formation. In immunity, deficiency may leads to decreased resistance to
infections and supplementation. If left untreated it leads to generation and ulceration of cornea called
keratomalacia, ultimately resulting in blindness, retardation of the growth because of impaired skeletal
formation, sterility in males due to generation of germinal epithelium, anorexia and susceptibility to infections.
Poor dietary habits, malnutrition owing to improper balance between dietary consumption causes vitamin A
deficiency particularly very high in patients with a medical history of cystic fibroses, sprue, inflammatory bowel
diseases etc.
2.1.4. Adverse effects:
Routine consumption of large amounts of vitamin A over a period can result in toxic symptoms such as
liver damage, bone abnormalities, joint pain, alopecia, vomiting and skin desquamation. Hypervitaminosis
(dermatitis-drying and redness of skin, decalcification and tenderness of long bones, weight loss, hair loss,
enlargement of liver, joints pain, irritability-due to increased intracranial pressure) appears to be due to
abnormal transport and distribution of vitamin A and retinoids caused by overloading of the plasma transport
mechanisms. The smallest daily supplement associated with liver cirrhosis those have reported 7500 μg taken
for 6 years. Very high single doses can also cause transient acute toxic symptoms that may include bulging
fontanels in infants, headaches in older children and adults and vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite and
irritability in all age groups. Rarely does toxicity occur from ingestion of excess food sources of vitamin A and
due to very frequent consumption of liver products. Toxicity from food sources of Provitamin A carotenoids not
reported except for the cosmetic yellowing of skin and CNS effects like (headache, irritability, seizures,
increased intracranial pressure), GIT effects (nausea and vomiting). Moreover, some of the toxicity effects like
on the skin (desquamation-destruction and removal of squamous epithelial cells and on the eye (papilledema-
swelling of optic disc/papilla, scotoma-a small area of absent vision in visual field. photophobia-an abnormal
intolerance to light), teratogenic effects (craniofacial, urogenital, neural tube defects and musculoskeletal
abnormalities). The over dose of vitamin A [8] intake effects adversely on bone mineral density and fracture risk
in perimenopausal women, Osteoporosis.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
2.1.5. Therapeutic uses:
Vitamin A [9] is mainly used in the treatment of dermatological disease and lesions (due to suppression
of keratin synthesis and secretion of mucous), Xerophthalmia, cold, warts, corns and calluses (skin infections),
acne, psoriasis and persistent follicular hyperkeratosis of arms, night blindness, breast cancer [10] and vision.
2.1.6. Vitamin A analogues: Tretinoin:
Tretinoin is the carboxylic acid form of vitamin A and is also called as All-trans Retinoic acid or
ATRA. Tretinoin is formed by the oxidation of retinal (vitamin A aldehyde). It was considering a form of
vitamin A that mainly acts on the skin; hence it is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases. The structure
of Tretinoin is shown in Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows its synthesis.
(2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-enyl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoic acid
Figure 3. Chemical structure of Tretinoin.
Vitamin A (retinol)
Vitamin A aldehyde (retinal)
Tretinoin (retinoic acid)
Figure 4. Synthesis of Tretinoin (Retinoic acid). Adverse effects:
No toxic effects are seen when tretinoin is administered systemically. However, topical application in
concentration greater than 0.1% leads to inflammation, irritation, peeling, crusting and blistering of skin. It
causes severe irritation when applied to eczematous skin. Hypo or hyperpigmentation may occur when exposed
to sunlight which has temporary effect that can be reversible. Excessive usage of tretinoin causes thinning of the
superficial horny layer and allowed the skin highly susceptible to attack by chemicals and physical agents.
Therefore, concomitant usage of keratolytic agents with tretinoin should not recommend.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
18 Therapeutic uses:
Retinoic acid is mainly used in the treatment of skin diseases, inflammation due to acne vulgaris,
acanthosis (thickening of epidermis), and local intercellular oedema. The effect results in separation of
epidermal cells, loosening of stratum corneum and finally exfoliation. It is used in the treatment of
hyperkeratosis conditions like solar and follicular keratosis (red spots with scaly surface), keratosis palmaris and
plantaris (horny outgrowth of skin on palms and soles), lamellar ichthyosis (thickening of skin on palms and
soles) and hyperplastic dermatosis. It acts as antioxidant and free radical scavenger (which protects the skin
from radiation effects) and this property is used in the treatment of some cancers and carcinogenesis (due to
radiation and carcinogens). It has also anti-neoplastic properties. It is used in treating photo aging of the skin
which occurs due to its excessive exposure to the sun. In this condition, the skin becomes rough, leathery,
wrinkled, mottled and yellow. Isotretinoin:
Isotretinoin (C20H28O2) is a cis - isomer of retinoic acid. The configuration of double bond at alpha and
beta carbon atom is cis. It acts by stopping the functions of sebaceous glands and prevents follicular
keratinization. Thus it reduces the production of sebum, size and differentiation of the sebaceous glands. It is
yellow - orange to orange colour, crystalline powder and sparingly soluble in alcohol but insoluble in water. Fig
5 shows the structure of isotretinoin. It acts by inhibiting the functions of sebaceous glands and prevents
follicular keratinization. So it decreases the production of sebum, size and differentiation of the sebaceous
Figure 5. Structure of isotretinoin. Adverse effects:
Adverse effects of Isotretinoin are alike to that of chronic Hypervitaminosis A. Facial dermatitis, thin
and dry hair, dry mouth and eyes, conjunctivitis, reversible cheilitis (inflammation of lips), inflammation of
urethra, peeling of skin on palms and soles, joints pains and vertebral hyperostosis (excessive enlargement of the
outer layer of bone). Therapeutic uses:
The main indication for Isotretinoin is the treatment of severe cystic acne vulgaris. It is also somewhat
effective for hidradenitis suppurativa and some cases of severe acne rosacea. It can also be used to help
treat harlequin ichthyosis, lamellar ichthyosis and is used in xeroderma pigmentosum cases to relieve keratosis.
It is used in fibro dysplasia ossificans progressive. It is also used for treatment of neuroblastoma, a form of
nerve cancer. Isotretinoin is used in genital warts. Isotretinoin may represent an efficacious and safe alternative
systemic form of therapy for RCA of the cervix. In cases of hormonal acne, such as in women in their 20s and
30s with cyclical acne, often a course of isotretinoin can permanently improve acne obviating the need for
lifelong hormonal manipulation. Acne treatment usually begins with topical retinoids (e.g., tretinoin, adapalene),
in combination with topical antibiotics (e.g., clindamycin, erythromycin) or antiseptics (e.g., benzoyl peroxide-
containing preparations), followed by oral antibiotics (e.g., doxycycline or minocycline). In women
a cyproterone acetate-containing contraceptive pill can be utilized if there are no contraindications. Vitamin A2 : [(3, 4-Dehydroretinol, all-trans-3-dehydroretinol, retinol 2)] [11]
Vitamin A2 is chemically called 3, 4 - dehydroretinol, because it is 3, 4 - dehydrogenated form of
retinol. Its biological potency is 40 % of that of vitamin A acetate. Vitamin A2 structure is shown in Fig 6.
Figure 6. Chemical structure of Vitamin A2.
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
2.2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins known for its antirachitic activity (treatment of rickets).
Vitamin D also known as the sunshine vitamin, because the sterols resent in the skin can be converted to vitamin
D with the help of UV rays emitted from the sun. Mc Collum was first to coin the term vitamin D for its
antirachitic activity in the year 1922. Vitamin D is termed as calciferol by Augus in the year 1931. Rickets is
derived from an old English word wrickken meaning twist. Vitamin D is required to maintain normal blood
levels of calcium and phosphate that are in turn need for the normal mineralisation of bone, muscle contraction,
nerve conduction and general cellular function in all cells of the body. Vitamin D achieves this after its
conversion to the active form of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D [12] or (1, 25 (OH)2 D) or Calcitriol. This vitamin
plays an important role in enhancing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine and helps to
maintain calcium homeostasis.
2.2.1. Types of vitamin D:
So far 7 different types of vitamin D have been discovered, among which little information known
about D5, D6 and D7. Infact in 7 different types of vitamin D only D1, D2 and D3 are important.
1. Vitamin D1 is a molecular compound containing lumisterol and calciferol in 1:1 ratio.
2. Vitamin D2 [13] is ergocalciferol, derived from ergosterol.
3. Vitamin D3 is cholecalciferol and obtained form 7- dehydrochloesterol.
4. Vitamin D4 is obtained from 22-dihyroergocalciferol.
5. Vitamin D5 is sitocalciferol.
2.2.2. Sources:
Vitamin D is mostly obtained from natural sources and supplied through fortified food such as bread,
breakfast cereal, margarine, oil spreads, milk, pastries, yogurt etc. that supplied with required amounts. Natural
source include cod liver oil, catfish, eel, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna and mushrooms. Fungi and yeast also
serve as sources of vitamin D as possess vitamin D precursor ergosterol. Vitamin D2 [14] is of plant origin and
commercially obtained by irradiation with UV light of ergosterol found in ergot and yeast. Therefore, ergosterol
is called as the Provitamin. Vitamin D3 is obtained from animal sources only, by irradiation with UV light of a
Provitamin. Table 4 shows RNI for vitamin D according to age group. Types of vitamin D are shown in Fig 7.
Table 4. Recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for vitamin D according to age groups.
Age group
RNI (mg/day)
0–6 months
7–12 months
1–3 years
4–6 years
7–9 years
10–18 years
19–50 years
Older adults
51–65 years
Elderly adults
65+ years
Pregnant women
Lactating women
The Comprehensive Review on Fat...
(Vitamin D2)
14 15
21 22
24 25
Mixture of molecular comp ounds of
ergocalciferol with lumisterol, 1:1
(Vitamin D3)
(Vitamin D4)
(Vitamin D5)
Figure 7. Types of vitamin D.
2.2.3. Functions:
Along with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin vitamin D maintains the homeostasis of calcium [15]
and phosphorus in the tissues and body fluids. Calcitriol receptor complex is formed by the combination of
calcitriol and cytosolic receptor which enhance the absorption of calcium in the intestine. This complex leads to
the synthesis of calcium binding proteins, which enhance the uptake of calcium in the intestine thereby
increasing its absorption. Calcitriol also enhances the plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus by increasing
their mobility from bones. It enhances the reabsorption of calcium ions from the distal tubules thereby decreases
their excretion. Supplementation with vitamin D improved glycaemia and insulin secretion in type-2 diabetes
patients [16]. Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. Thus, it alters insulin
synthesis by regulating plasma calcium levels, which in turn regulate insulin synthesis and secretion. It may
exert its action by directly acting on pancreatic β-cells. As a hormone it involves in mineral metabolism and
bone growth. It facilitates intestinal absorption of calcium and stimulates absorption of phosphate and
magnesium ions. It stimulates the expression of a number of proteins involved in transporting calcium from the
lumen of the intestine across the epithelial cells and into blood. The best studies of these calcium transporters
are calbindin and an intracellular protein that ferries calcium [17] across the intestinal epithelial cell. It possesses
hormone like activity as it is produce at one area and its activity involves the diffusion process to the target area.
Vitamin D2 and D3 are biologically inactive whereas the metabolites 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol is the active
form and it is known as calcitriol. The critical effect of vitamin D on bone is to provide the proper balance of
calcium and phosphorus to support mineralization. The absorption of calcium and phosphorous is enhanced by
calcitriol in the intestine. Calcitriol receptor complex is formed by the combination of calcitriol and cytosolic
receptor. This complex leads to the synthesis of calcium binding proteins, bone development, regulation of gene
expression and cell growth.
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2.2.4. Deficiency:
Deficiency of vitamin D occurs very rarely since it is adequately synthesizing in the body. Insufficient
amounts of vitamin D in the food causes hyperparathyroidism [18]. Less exposure to sunlight, malabsorption of
vitamin D due to hepatic and renal disorders like nephrotic syndrome, hepatobiliary syndrome, pancreatic
disorders, abnormal metabolism and anticonvulsant therapy etc. Deficiency may lead to rickets due to
inadequate calcification of bones [19-21] in infants, older children and aged people who are not adequately
exposed to sun. In some cases, calcium levels reduce drastically and in severe cases, it may lead to tetany. Some
researchers and doctors believe that vitamin D deficiency is common and it causes many serious health
problems like colds and flu[22] are more common in the winter because a vitamin D deficiency due to lack of
sunshine. Low vitamin D symptoms would be a lower bone mineral density and muscular tension would leads to
osteoporosis and bone fractures. There would be a great risk of hip fracture as well. Deficiency of vitamin D
pays way to cardiovascular disease coupled with risk of high B.P [23]. It has a role in preventing infections such
as diabetes mellitus [24].
2.2.5. Adverse effects:
The adverse effects of high intake of vitamin D cause hypercalciuria and hypocalcaemia. Vitamin D
fortification from all foods is the major cause of Hypervitaminosis which is a chronic problem still throughout
the globe particularly in developing countries at high latitudes and in countries where skin exposure for
prolonged time to sunlight is discouraged. Excessive exposure to sunlight does not lead to overproduction of
vitamin D instead it causes skin damage. Vitamin D toxicity is inevitably the result of overdosing of vitamin D
supplements. However, ingestion of excessive quantity of vitamin D over periods of weeks of months can create
severe toxic in humans as well as animals. Excessive formation of vitamin D metabolites enhances the
calcification of various tissues along with bones and which implies hardening of arteries occurs due to
calcification of blood vessels. Vitamin D can also cause anorexia, muscular weakness, nausea, vomiting, CNS
depression which may lead to coma and death, nephrocalcinosis (deposition of Ca+2 in kidneys), nephrolithiasis
i.e., deposition of Ca+ in renal tubules creates permanent renal damage, growth retardation, polyuria and nocturia
The vitamin D council recommended that 5,000 IU/day should be taken for the average adult. Infact
the toxic adult dose is 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) per day. As a matter of fact over exposure to sunlight is not
responsible for vitamin D toxicity. Indeed ingestion of large quantities of vitamin D causes Hypervitaminosis D.
Prolonged therapy of vitamin D even in low quantities i.e., 375 µg/kg for 2 weeks leads to toxicity.
2.2.6. Therapeutic uses:
The sunshine vitamin D is utilized in calcium and phosphorous metabolism and to treat autoimmune
diseases, it reduces colon, breast cancer and ovarian cancer by up to 50 % and helps to maintain the equilibrium
between bone and blood. It aids in development of teeth and bone formation. It is a group of closely related
steroids that have antirachitic properties useful in the treatment of rickets. Research in the last few years
suggests that vitamin D traditionally considered a "bone vitamin" most useful in the treatment of
hopoparathyroidism. It plays a vital role in preventing infections such as heart diseases and diabetes mellitus.
Psoriasis (chronic skin disease with scaly patches on elbows, knees and scalp can be well treated. Autoimmune
diseases such as multiple sclerosis, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis are decreased by
vitamin D intake. Vitamin D plays a main role in calcium and bone metabolism and also maintains calcium and
phosphorous homeostasis.
2.2.7 Vitamin D analogues: [25] Doxercalciferol:
Doxercalciferol (Fig.8) is colourless, crystalline in nature practically insoluble in water. It is used to
reduce elevated parathyroid hormone levels, especially in patients with chronic renal diseases.
Figure 8: Chemical structure of Doxercalciferol.
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22 Calcipotriene:
It is a synthetic form of vitamin D3 termed as calcipotriol (Fig. 9). It is used topically in the treatment
of psoriasis.
Calcipotriene or Calcipotriol
Figure 9: Chemical structure of Calcipotriene or Calcipotriol. Dihydrotachysterol:
Dihydrotachysterol (Fig. 10) is a white crystalline powder, insoluble in water and slightly soluble in
vegetable oil. It is generally obtained from the reduction of tachysterol i.e., a product of ergosterol. It shows
rapid antirachitic activity and is the drug of choice in the treatment of hopoparathyroidism.
Figure 10: Chemical structure of Dihydrotachysterol.
2.3. Vitamin E
In the year 1922, Herbert M. Evans reported the existence of vitamin E. He detected that more than one
compound possessed the activity of vitamin E and referred them as Tocopherols (Tokos means for child birth;
phero indicates to bear; ol implies alcohol) as these were essential for birth process in female and fertility in
males rats and at the same time the compound reacted like an alcohol. In 1936, Evans separated vitamin E and
determined its molecular formula (C29H50O2) and its structure was determined in the year 1938. Tocopherols (4-
forms) and tocotrienols (4-forms) are the two groups of natural compounds which exhibit vitamin E activity.
Thus, the natural vitamin E exists in 8 different forms. The 4 forms of tocopherols and the tocotrienols [26] are
like alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ) and delta (δ) forms. Amongst these, α-tocopherol is the most copious and
highly active form. Vitamin E is the anti-sterility factor which is essential for fertility of the male and the birth
process of the female.
2.3.1. Sources:
Vitamin E can be found in fortified cereals, seeds and seed oils like sunflower and green leafy
vegetables like spinach, turnip, tomato products, pumpkin, sweet potato, blue crab, rockfish, mangoes,
asparagus, broccoli, papayas and their products. Liver of horses and cattle's found in high quantity and small
quantities found in the muscles of heart, kidneys, placenta, eggs, mustard greens, turnip greens, chard, parsley,
kale, olives, bell pepper, brussel sprouts, kiwi fruit and blue berries. It is also available in foods and also
available in oils such as cooking oil, fish oil, multigrain apricots, mustard and poultry, cottonseed oil, soybean
and hazelnuts, vegetable oils, corn, canola, sesame, peanut, rice bran, and palm oils, almond oil. It also can be
had from legumes and whole grains, lentils, wheat, rice, northern beans, chickpeas, barley grass and oats. Wheat
germ oil extracted from the germ of wheat, wheat germ oil has been using for a long time as a vitamin E
supplement [27] which offers a good combination of tocopherols (fig.6) plus tocotrienols (Fig.7).
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Table 5. Chemical structures of tocopherols.
Tocopherol type
α- Tocopherol
β- Tocopherol
γ- Tocopherol
δ- Tocopherol
α- Tocopherol
β- Tocopherol
γ- Tocopherol
δ- Tocopherol
Table 6. Chemical structures of tocotrienols.
Tocotrienols type
α- Tocotrienols
β- Tocotrienols
γ- Tocotrienols
δ- Tocotrienols
2.3.2. Functions:
Being as an anti-oxidant vitamin E plays an important role to protect the body cells from the damage
caused by free radicals which are highly reactive and destructive compounds formed due to oxidative
deterioration (metabolism) of polyunsaturated fats. Factors contributing for free radical generation in the body
include smoking and exposure to UV - radiations. Tocopherol performs a unique function and interrupts free
radical chain reactions by capturing the free radicals which denotes antioxidant properties. The free hydroxyl
group on the aromatic ring is responsible for the antioxidant properties. The hydrogen from this group is
donating to the free radical resulting in a relatively stable free radical form of the vitamin. Vitamin E protects
this oxygen rich blood from becoming filling with free radicals and the heart during sex which is also called sex
vitamin. As a regulating cellular metabolism in the body including protein synthesis in muscles and protects
vitamin C from oxidation and stabilizes of vitamin A. Combination of vitamin E[35] and vitamin C is used as a
prophylactic measure in Alzheimer's disease, protection of red blood cells, stabilization of fats and amino acids,
metabolism of nucleic acids and steroids. Vitamin E acts as neuroprotector.
2.3.3. Deficiency:
Deficiency of vitamin E causes heart disease, angina, cancer, multiple sclerosis, muscle weakness,
diabetes [28], respiratory tract infections [29], neurological problems like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
diseases, poor nerve conduction in the body, cataracts, emphysema, high cholesterol, fibrocystic breast
condition intermittent claudication, infertility, impotence, genital herpes, bedsores, leg cramps, muscle soreness,
phlebitis, menopausal discomforts, HIV, osteoarthritis, chronic inflammatory diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid
arthritis, low birth weight in infants. The deficiency may also lead to blindness owing to degeneration of the
retina and haemolysis and disorder of fat metabolism known as betalipoproteinaemia.
α- Tocotrienols
β- Tocotrienols
γ- Tocotrienols
δ- Tocotrienols
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2.3.4. Adverse effects:
Over doses may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. Individuals who are deficiency of vitamin K
(people who are on blood thinners) should not be taken tocopherols [30]. Supplements without proper medical
examination, because of impending increased risk of haemorrhage. Some people may also get irritation or
allergic reactions when vitamin E is applied to the skin. Possible side effects of vitamin E due to high doses
include unusual bleeding or bruising, nausea, headaches and blurred vision. Intensive studies reveal that people
who take doses of more than 400 international units (IU) per day produces an increased risk of death along with
all causes combined. In smokers, the plasma [31] level may disappear because of deficiency of vitamin E.
2.3.5. Therapeutic uses: [32]
Particularly vitamin E is essential in treating many skin problems and diseases such as psoriasis,
treatment of scars, help to soften the appearance of acne and surgical scars. There is a 40 % reduced risk of
coronary artery disease for those who took vitamin E supplements compared to those who did not take vitamin
E. It may also protect against the development of cancers [33] by enhancing immune function. Vitamin E is also a
popular treatment for post-pregnancy stretch marks, which is supported by numerous studies. It protects
epidermis, the first layer of skin from harsh weather and reduces the dryness due to ashy skin. Vitamin E brings
many health benefits for the body and is particularly important for the skin, heart, muscles and red blood cells.
As it also protects the body’s red blood cells and curbs the possible development of anaemia. It also helps to
control blood pressure and lowering blood sugar and important to health of skin and nails and prevents cancer
[34] also. It gives the effect of anti-aging to the skin and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles of the skin
which looks younger. It also aids in proper blood clotting, improves wound healing helps in tissue repair,
promotes healthy hair and slows the aging process. It plays a role in immune function, DNA repair, the
formation of red blood cells and vitamin K absorption. Vitamin E preparations are shown in following Table 7.
Table 7. Certain commercially available vitamin E preparations are:
E - cap
200 mg, 400 mg capsules.
200 mg, 400 mg capsules.
400 IU soft gelatine capsules.
100 IU, 200 IU and 400 IU capsules.
200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg of soft gelatin capsules.
2.4. Vitamin K
The term originated from the German word Koagulation (clotting of blood). Vitamin K is also known
as the clotting vitamin. Vitamin K is one among the fat-soluble vitamin which is chemically a derivative of
Napthaquinone. They are 2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone derivatives. H. Dam isolated the substance responsible
for blood clotting from alfalfa from a leafy vegetable in the year 1939 and it is named as phylloquinone or
vitamin K1 (Fig.11). Later, another scientist Doisy separated vitamin K2 (Fig.12) known as menaquinone from
putrefied fish meal. Both Dam and Doisy awarded the Nobel Prize in 1943 for their work. Vitamin K present in
both natural and synthetic forms. The natural forms of vitamin include vitamin K1 known as phylloquinone and
vitamin K2 called menaquinone while synthetic forms are vitamin K3 (Fig.13) termed as menadione and vitamin
K4 (Fig.14) called as menadiol sodium diphosphate. Vitamin K has also been used as a slang term for ketamine,
an unrelated anesthetic. Vitamin K is not a single chemical substance but rather a family of chemically related
substances that go by the general name of "vitamin K". All types of vitamin K fell into a large chemical
category of substances called naphthoquinones.
2.4.1. Sources:
People usually do not suffer from a deficiency of vitamin K as it is widely available in our daily diet. It
is abundantly found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, alfalfa, broccoli, cabbage and its family,
Cauliflower, yogurt, soya bean, wheat, oats and tomatoes also contain vitamin K. Vitamin K can also be
obtaining from the consumption of nuts like cashew nuts, chestnuts and pine nuts. Fruits such as avocado and
kiwi fruit are a significant source of this vitamin. Vitamin K can be founding in meat, eggs, cow's milk and pig's
liver. However, vegetables are a richer source of vitamin K than animals. Raw food materials like Swiss chard,
watercress, carrot tops, mayonnaise and vegetable oils such as soybean oil, olive oil, and cotton seed oil are rich
sources of vitamin K1 [35] and vitamin K2 is found in putrified fish meal and is synthesized in the intestine by
microbial bacteria. Recommended nutrients intake for vitamin K is shown in Table 8.
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Table 8. Recommended nutrients intake (RNI) for vitamin K.
Age group
RNI (μg /day)
Infants and children
0–6 months
7–12 months
1–3 years
4–6 years
7–9 years
10–18 years
35 - 55
19–65 years
65+ years
19–65 years
65+ years
Vitamin K1(Phylloquinone)
Figure. 11. Chemical structure of Vitamin K1.
2-methyl-3-all transpolyprenyl-1, 4-naphtaquinone
Vitamin K2(Menaquinone)
Figure. 12. Chemical structure of Vitamin K2.
Vitamin K3(Menadione)
Figure. 13. Chemical structure of Vitamin K3.
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sodium 2-methylnaphthalene-1,4-diyl diphosphate
Vitamin K4(Menadiol sodium diphosphate)
Figure. 14. Chemical structure of Vitamin K4.
2.4.2. Functions:
Role in coagulation – vitamin K function is coagulation cascade like factors II (prothrombin), VII, and
IX and X and kept under the control by proteins C, S and Z. These coagulation factors are present in an inactive
form but activated when they are capable of binding to Ca+2 ions. Vitamin K as supplement ingredient may have
the ability to improve bone health as well as reduce the risk of bone mineral density and hip fractures [37-38]
particularly in women that are postmenopausal and have a risk for osteoporosis. If an individual has higher
levels of vitamin K within their system, they will have a greater bone density. Osteoporosis persons have low
levels of vitamin K. Usage of vitamin K reduces the chances of bleeding in the liver which coupled with a
myriad of other conditions like jaundice, malabsorption. It has also been used to treat that are suffering from
heavy menstrual bleeding. It may also be prescribed when elevated risk for bleeding in the brain due to the
trauma experienced going through the birth canal during delivery to the new born, vascular health. It also
decreases calcification in the arteries [39] by absorbing the hardened calcium to lessen the risk of heart disease,
aids in reducing excessive menstrual flow, help the absorption of calcium in bones. It is essential for normal
liver functioning and for synthesis of four proteins [40] that act in coagulation. It is also important in maintaining
vitality and longevity, necessary for formation of prothrombin which is required for effective blood clotting,
involved in electron transport mechanism and oxidative phosphorylation.
2.4.3. Deficiency:
Hypoprothrombinemia is the primary disease that occurs due to vitamin K deficiency which is
characterised by increased risk of bleeding due to loss of blood clotting power. It stops easy or excessive
bleeding, bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, blood in the urine and stool extremely heavy menstrual bleeding,
liver damage, low bone density, arterial calcification [41], malabsorption in the digestive tract. Deficiency of
vitamin K is quite rare, as it is widely distributed in many sources of food and also produced by the intestinal
bacteria. Its absorption depends on sufficient of bile salts and therefore, any disease of the liver that can impair
bile secretion is more likely to cause a deficiency of this vitamin. The most important symptoms of vitamin K
deficiency are that blood clot is very slow and consequently bleeding for a long time even from minor injuries.
Its deficiency also causes bug black and blue marks from very slight bruises or even for no reason, blood in your
urine and intestinal bleeding.
2.4.4. Adverse effects:
Naturally both phylloquinone and menaquinone are non-toxic in nature however adverse effects such
as haemolytic anaemia, jaundice, anaphylactic reactions are noticed in premature infants when taken in excess
amounts. Synthetic forms of vitamin K and menadione are more toxic than naturally occurring forms. Injections
of menadione damage the cell membranes by oxidation of glutathione. Low vitamin K levels in breast milk,
poor transport of vitamin K through placenta, low fat stores of vitamin K, sterile intestines and liver immaturity.
There is a risk of haemolyses and jaundice. Some patients with chronic fat malabsorption regularly ingest doses
of this size without evidence of any harm. Besides lacking intrinsic biologic activity, the high reactivity of its
unsubstituted 3-position has been associated with neonatal haemolysis and liver damage.
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2.4.5. Therapeutic uses:
Anticoagulant drug overdose reduces excessive menstrual flow, bleeding in liver diseases, jaundice,
and malabsorption, essential for blood clotting/haemorrhage and bleeding, inhibiting some cancer tumours
overcoming inability to absorb vitamins overcoming effects of antibiotics on intestinal bacteria. Protection
against osteoporosis helps to prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys, skin wounds hemostasis. It is
designed to maintain blood within injured vessels by three sequential events: Vasoconstriction, platelet plug
formation, coagulation. Fibrin meshwork forms a blood clot, which provides structural support to the temporary
plug formed by platelets. Fibrin proteins are the end products of coagulation cascade, vitamin K analogues are
known to stop the growth of liver cancer, improve the myelodysplastic syndrome (a group of blood disorder)
Vitamins A, D, E, and K dissolve in organic solvents and used in correcting deficiency diseases and
some used to treat non-deficiency diseases which are found in plant and animal sources. Adequate intake of fat
soluble vitamins is solely lacking among modern peoples–especially by comparison to traditional societies.
Average intake of fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K is inadequate at best
and dangerously low at worst even among health circles. Vitamins cannot be produced by the human bodies.
They must be eaten through food or as supplements and they assist the body in using food by bringing about
biochemical reactions so that life can be maintained. Fat-soluble vitamins if consumed in excess over the
suggested dose usually dissolve in fat and stored in body tissues and the excess accumulation lead to dangerous
levels resulting a stage called hyper vitaminosis, which symbolises excess deposit in the body. Most vitamins
that are sold as food supplements cannot exceed a maximum daily dosage. Hence apt dosage of these fatty
vitamins keep the body operating at its optimum capacity and too much quantity may destroy the health
severely. The regulations of that define the limits of vitamins dosages for the safe use as food supplements to
upkeep health and to keep out of possible side effects. Regulations that define limits of fat soluble vitamin
dosages for the safe use as food supplements must be followed to preserve safety and to avert side effects caused
by overdose. Therefore it is felt imperative that public awareness need to be taken up in a big way frequently.
As a continuous process through regular public meetings, group discussions, seminars, hoardings, cinema slides,
placards, folk songs and stage shows relating to fat soluble vitamins, particularly in nook and corner rural areas
through governmental organisations of all departments, Non-governmental Organisations (N G O’s) corporate
hospitals, enlightened village groups and the like.
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