
The Acute Effects of Exercises Order During Upper-Lower Body Alternated Supersets Among Trained Men

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The aim of this study was to determine and compare the acute effects of exercise order during upper-lower body alternated supersets. This study was conducted by using quantitative time series experimental design. Twenty resistance-trained men performed different exercises order of upper body (bench press) and lower body (squat) exercises; (i) upper body to lower body (order A) and (ii) lower body to upper body (order B) in random arrangement for three sets with 120 s rest inter-set. All participants performed both exercises at 75% of their one repetition-maximum (1RM) value. Muscles activation and repetitions completed were recorded during both exercises order. Repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse the different of all variables. Results showed order A produced higher upper body muscles activation (pectoralis major: ρ < .05, triceps brachii: ρ < .05) and number of repetitions completed (ρ < .05) in bench press for all three sets compared to order B. In contrast, order B showed higher lower body muscles activation (rectus femoris: ρ < .05, biceps femoris: ρ < .05) in squat compared to order A. Number of repetitions completed during squat were higher during order B compared to order A in the first set, ρ < .05. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that the order of exercises performed in a resistance training session will determine the benefits gained. The findings of this study could be used as guideline for individuals involved in strength and conditioning to plan a better resistance training program for achieving their own specific goals.

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The number of sets need to be performed in a resistance training session has been debated for decades. As more recent studies showed the superiority of performing multiple sets in resistance training, the aim of this study was to determine and compare the muscle activation and performance during three sets of resistance exercises among untrained women. Thirty-two recreationally active, untrained women were recruited as participants. Muscle activation was obtained from the pectoralis major during bench press and vastus lateralis during squat using electromyography method. Performance was measured by the number of repetitions performed in the three sets during both exercises. Results showed that the number of repetitions decreased significantly as early in the second set and continued to reduce in the third set. No significant changes were found for muscular activation. As the conclusion, among untrained women, it seems that performance in resistance training tend to decrease as early as during the second set. It is recommended for untrained women to perform more than a single set for each exercises in a resistance training to enhance their muscular strength and endurance.
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Background: Movement velocity is an acute resistance-training variable that can be manipulated to potentially optimize dynamic muscular strength development. However, it is unclear whether performing faster or slower repetitions actually influences dynamic muscular strength gains. Objective: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the effect of movement velocity during resistance training on dynamic muscular strength. Methods: Five electronic databases were searched using terms related to movement velocity and resistance training. Studies were deemed eligible for inclusion if they met the following criteria: randomized and non-randomized comparative studies; published in English; included healthy adults; used isotonic resistance-exercise interventions directly comparing fast or explosive training to slower movement velocity training; matched in prescribed intensity and volume; duration ≥4 weeks; and measured dynamic muscular strength changes. Results: A total of 15 studies were identified that investigated movement velocity in accordance with the criteria outlined. Fast and moderate-slow resistance training were found to produce similar increases in dynamic muscular strength when all studies were included. However, when intensity was accounted for, there was a trend for a small effect favoring fast compared with moderate-slow training when moderate intensities, defined as 60-79% one repetition maximum, were used (effect size 0.31; p = 0.06). Strength gains between conditions were not influenced by training status and age. Conclusions: Overall, the results suggest that fast and moderate-slow resistance training improve dynamic muscular strength similarly in individuals within a wide range of training statuses and ages. Resistance training performed at fast movement velocities using moderate intensities showed a trend for superior muscular strength gains as compared to moderate-slow resistance training. Both training practices should be considered for novice to advanced, young and older resistance trainers targeting dynamic muscular strength.
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During the stages of long-term athlete development (LTAD), resistance training (RT) is an important means for (i) stimulating athletic development, (ii) tolerating the demands of long-term training and competition, and (iii) inducing long-term health promoting effects that are robust over time and track into adulthood. However, there is a gap in the literature with regards to optimal RT methods during LTAD and how RT is linked to biological age. Thus, the aims of this scoping review were (i) to describe and discuss the effects of RT on muscular fitness and athletic performance in youth athletes, (ii) to introduce a conceptual model on how to appropriately implement different types of RT within LTAD stages, and (iii) to identify research gaps from the existing literature by deducing implications for future research. In general, RT produced small-to-moderate effects on muscular fitness and athletic performance in youth athletes with muscular strength showing the largest improvement. Free weight, complex, and plyometric training appear to be well-suited to improve muscular fitness and athletic performance. In addition, balance training appears to be an important preparatory (facilitating) training program during all stages of LTAD but particularly during the early stages. As youth athletes become more mature, specificity, and intensity of RT methods increase. This scoping review identified research gaps that are summarized in the following and that should be addressed in future studies: (i) to elucidate the influence of gender and biological age on the adaptive potential following RT in youth athletes (especially in females), (ii) to describe RT protocols in more detail (i.e., always report stress and strain-based parameters), and (iii) to examine neuromuscular and tendomuscular adaptations following RT in youth athletes.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of single- versus three (3)-set resistance training on muscular strength and muscular power among untrained men. Thirty-six untrained men were recruited in this study. Participants were randomized into 3 groups; single set (n = 12, age = 20.92 ± 0.79), 3 set (n = 12, age = 21 ± 0.74), and control group (n = 12, age = 21 ± 0.67). Muscular strength was measured by bench press and squat performance. Static strength was measured by handgrip strength test and muscular power by the vertical jump test. The intervention groups were engaged in 6 weeks of training three times per week. Common exercises were performed to the point of achieving muscular failure for every set. Significant improvement was recorded in muscular strength and muscular power performances, (p < 0.05) for both the single- and three-set groups. However, no significant differences were found for all the test performances between the invention groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, single-set and three-set resistance trainings showed similar training effects on muscular strength and muscular power among untrained men.
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The motto of the Olympic Games is Citius, Altius, Fortius which is Latin for 'Faster, Higher, Stronger'. It is a clarion call to all competitors, including the youngest, to engage in training strategies that prepare athletes to be the best in the world. Existing research indicates that various forms of resistance training can elicit performance improvements in young athletes. Stronger young athletes will be better prepared to learn complex movements, master sport tactics, and sustain the demands of training and competition. An integrative training programme grounded in resistance training and motor skill development can optimise a young athlete's potential to maximise their athletic and sporting performance, while reducing the risk of a sports-related injury. Resistance training may be especially important for modern-day young athletes who are more likely to specialise in one sport at an early age at the expense of enhancing general physical fitness and learning diversified sport skills. Structured interventions that include qualified instruction; targeted movement practice; and strength and conditioning activities that are developmentally appropriate, progressive and technique driven are needed to attain a level of athleticism that is consistent with the Olympic motto. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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The aim of this study was to compare total work volume, number of repetitions and rate of perceived effort performed in two different sequences of circuit training sessions. Eleven recreationally trained men (24.0 ± 4.8 years, 76.1 ± 8.5 kg, 1.75 ± 0.06 m) performed two different sequences of circuit training sessions. All sessions consisted of eight stations (exercises) of three sets in circuit, performed to volitional fatigue, alternating upper and lower body exercises, with 1-minute rest interval between exercises. Sequence A began with multiple joint exercises and progressed to single joint exercises, whereas sequence B was performed with the opposite exercise order. Number of repetitions and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were compared by repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (repeated measures MANOVA). Total work volume (TWV) was compared by paired t-test. There were no differences between exercise order for TWV (p=0.47) and RPE of all exercises (p>0.05). For both sequences, number of repetitions was greater when exercise was performed first (p<0.05). These results indicate that during a circuit training session, exercises order influenced the number of repetition, but did not influence TWV and RPE. These findings may suggest that for those who aim overall muscular gains, similar results will be obtained with single and multiple joint, upper and lower body circuit training exercise orders. Similarly, exercise intensity will be similarly perceived regardless of exercise sequences. For those who aim specific muscle group gains, priority exercises must be performed first.
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This study compared the relationship between surface electromyographic (EMG) activity and isometric force of m. quadriceps femoris (QF) in the single-joint knee extension (KE) and the multi-joint leg press (LP) exercises. Nine healthy men performed unilateral actions at a knee angle of 90 degrees at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). EMG was measured from m. vastus lateralis (VL), m. vastus medialis (VM), m. rectus femoris (RF), and m. biceps femoris (BF). There were no differences in maximum EMG activity of individual muscles between KE and LP. The QF EMG/force relationship was nonlinear in each exercise modality. VL showed no deviation from linearity in neither exercise, whereas VM and RF did. BF activity increased linearly with increased loads. The EMG/force relationship of all quadricep muscles studied appears to be similar in isometric multi-joint LP and single-joint KE actions at a knee angle of 90 degrees. This would indicate the strategy of reciprocal force increment among muscles involved is comparable in the two models. Furthermore, these data suggest a nonuniform recruitment pattern among the three superficial QF muscles and surface EMG recordings from VL to be most reliable in predicting force output.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of recovery for recreational weight trainers between 2 sets of bench press to volitional exhaustion. Twenty-eight men performed 2 sets of the bench press at 75% of their previously determined 1 repetition maximum (1RM) to volitional exhaustion. Rest periods of 1, 3, or 5 minutes between sets were utilized on the 3 separate testing days. There was a significant decrease in the number of repetitions performed between the second sets at all rest periods. There were no significant differences in work performed (repetitions x weight) during the second set with the 3- and 5-minute rest periods, but the total work with a 1-minute rest period (1,389.1 +/- 529.9) was significantly less than both the 3- (1,494.9 +/- 451.0) and 5-minute (1,711.4 +/- 478.0) rest period. The data indicated that subjects were unable to fully recover between the first and second sets of maximal resistance exercise, regardless of the rest period. However, subjects were able to maintain a performance level of 8-12 repetitions and sustain the total work performed per set with as little as 3 minutes rest between sets.
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The popularity of resistance training has grown immensely over the past 25 years, with extensive research demonstrating that not only is resistance training an effective method to improve neuromuscular function, it can also be equally effective in maintaining or improving individual health status. However, designing a resistance training programme is a complex process that incorporates several acute programme variables and key training principles. The effectiveness of a resistance training programme to achieve a specific training outcome (i.e. muscular endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength, or power) depends on manipulation of the acute programme variables, these include: (i) muscle action; (ii) loading and volume; (iii) exercise selection and order; (iv) rest periods; (v) repetition velocity; and (vi) frequency. Ultimately, it is the acute programme variables, all of which affect the degree of the resistance training stimuli, that determine the magnitude to which the neuromuscular, neuroendocrine and musculoskeletal systems adapt to both acute and chronic resistance exercise. This article reviews the available research that has examined the application of the acute programme variables and their influence on exercise performance and training adaptations. The concepts presented in this article represent an important approach to effective programme design. Therefore, it is essential for those involved with the prescription of resistance exercise (i.e. strength coaches, rehabilitation specialists, exercise physiologists) to acquire a fundamental understanding of the acute programme variables and the importance of their practical application in programme design.
This article reviews the history of attempts to define in quantitative terms the relationship between a processed electromyographic signal and the corresponding force produced by skeletal muscle. Numerous reports have indicated a linear relationship between isometric force and rectified, integrated EMG. These reports, the nature of their experiments, and the disagreements among them are reviewed. Particular attention is given to the effects of the signal processing in the final results, including type and location of electrodes, amplification, signal isolation, etc. The effect of joint position and level of muscular effort in the isometric case are discussed. Various proposed mathematical models of the force-EMG relationship are presented and analyzed. The concluding section of the paper summarizes the current areas of agreement and disagreement and comments on the feasibility of obtaining force-EMG relation in the presence of movement.
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 4th edn
  • G G Haff
  • N T Triplett
  • GG Haff
Electromyographical analysis and performance during bench press exercise: the influence of self-talk
  • N Shazana
Citius, Altius, Fortius: beneficial effects of resistance training for young athletes: narrative review
  • A D Faigenbaum
  • AD Faigenbaum