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Background: The COVID-19 quarantine has affected more than 860 million children and adolescents worldwide but, to date, no study has been developed to examine the psychological impact on their lives. The present study aims to examine for the first time the emotional impact of the quarantine on children and adolescents from Italy and Spain, two of the most affected countries by COVID-19.Methods: 1,143 parents of Italian and Spanish children aged 3 to 18 years completed a survey providing information about how the quarantine affects their children and themselves, compared to before the home confinement. Findings: 85.7% of the parents perceived changes in their children´s emotional state and behaviors during the quarantine. The most frequent symptoms were difficulty concentrating (76.6%), boredom (52%), irritability (39%), restlessness (38.8%), nervousness (38%), feelings of loneliness (31.3%), uneasiness (30.4%), and worries (30.1%), and Spanish parents reported more symptoms than Italians. As expected, children of both countries used monitors more frequently, spent less time doing physical activity, and slept more hours during the quarantine. Furthermore, when family coexistence during quarantine became more difficult, the situation was more serious, and the level of stress was higher, parents tended to report more emotional problems in their children.Interpretation: The quarantine impacts considerably on Italian and Spanish youth, reinforcing the need to detect children with emotional and behavioral problems as early as possible to improve their psychological well-being.

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... Durante la cuarentena, a consecuencia de la pandemia, un 85,7 % de padres y madres de niños, niñas y adolescentes de Italia y España percibieron cambios en el estado emocional y comportamientos de sus hijos e hijas, tales como dificultad de concentrarse, aburrimiento, irritabilidad, inquietud, mayor dependencia de personas cuidadoras, ansiedad, alteración de los horarios de sueño, llantos, regresión a comportamientos superados, entre otros (Orgilés et al., 2020). Diversos estudios (Berasategui et al., 2020;Cohen et al., 2022;Delvecchio et al., 2022;García et al., 2020;Morgül et al., 2020;Shorer y Leibovich, 2020) han coincidido con estos resultados, los cuales evidencian la afectación en la población infantil. ...
... Lo anterior, según la literatura, contribuye al Aunado a lo anterior, las niñas y los niños expresaron como aspecto favorable de la pandemia el tiempo que pasaron en familia. La creación de estos espacios se consideraba importante para evitar el aburrimiento, el cual fue identificado como una consecuencia negativa en diversos estudios (Cohen et al., 2022;Berasategi Sancho et al., 2022;Morgül et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020) al estar asociados con aumento de accidentes domésticos, abuso de la tecnología, mayor estrés y menor estimulación ambiental (Lizondo-Valencia et al., 2021;Miranda et al., 2021). De la misma manera, se identificaba que realizar actividades físicas era importante por la sensación de bienestar que se generaba, lo cual es corroborado en la literatura, al señalar que la actividad física produce la liberación de endorfinas que conllevan a una reducción de la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés, y además contribuye con la regulación de los ciclos del sueño (Barbosa y Urrea, 2018;Márquez, 2020;Maugeri et al., 2020). ...
... Al respecto, la literatura ha evidenciado que hay una relación entre la regulación emocional de las personas cuidadoras y las reacciones psicológicas que presentan los niñas y niños, de manera que las personas cuidadoras que reportaron mayor angustia psicológica y dificultad en la convivencia familiar fueron más propensas a informar que sus hijos o hijas presentaban mayor sintomatología relacionada con ansiedad, tristeza, irritabilidad, preocupación, cambios en alimentación, dificultades para concentrarse, llanto, más dependencia de las personas cuidadoras, entre otros (Morgül et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020; Shorer y Leibovich, 2020). Además, la recarga de responsabilidades en las familias y la falta de espacios propios también podría causar, como menciona Spinelli et al. (2020), que las familias experimentaran más tensión y, por ende, mayor afectación en las niñas y los niños. ...
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La pandemia por COVID 19 generó consecuencias en la niñez. La afectación a nivel social y psicológico se reflejó mundialmente debido a cambios como la ausencia de clases presenciales y el traslado de la educación a los hogares. Esto no solo significó un reto para la niñez, sino también para las familias y para las instituciones educativas a cargo del desarrollo de la regulación emocional de esta. Esta investigación, de corte cualitativo y abordada según la teoría fundamentada, analiza el papel de los factores protectores y riesgosos relacionados con el desarrollo de la regulación emocional en niñez de 4 y 5 años, que estuvo presente durante el contexto de la educación remota por motivo de la pandemia por COVID-19 en el año 2020. Para esto se realizaron 5 entrevistas virtuales con personal de una institución educativa, con 2 madres de estudiantes que estuvieron en preescolar en el año 2020, y con un grupo focal de 5 madres. Además, se realizó una actividad presencial de aproximadamente 40 minutos con dos grupos de estudiantes, a quienes se les enseñó el cuento “Monstruo de colores” para conversar e identificar emociones. Asimismo, se abrió un espacio para pintar y desarrollar un diálogo con el fin de conocer la perspectiva de la pandemia y el etiquetamiento de emociones que poseían. Se concluyó que, de manera similar a estudios internacionales, esta situación desencadenó cambios en rutinas cotidianas, alimentación, sueño, socialización con pares y cambios en las emociones de la niñez. A su vez, para las familias, supuso asumir un nuevo rol como personas educadoras para el cual no estaban preparadas. Se identificaron factores protectores y riesgosos como la escucha y el diálogo de las emociones, la comunicación entre familia y escuela, el apoyo en el proceso educativo, entre otros.
... In addition, Orgilés et al. (2020), in their study on the psychological impacts of the lockdown caused by COVID-19 in both Europe and the United States of America, expressed the opinion that while the direct effects of a lockdown were typically evaluated in terms of a declining GDP, the indirect effects, such as social isolation, restricted freedom, and job loss, were no less significant. Using Google Trends searches for loneliness, boredom, and unhappiness, they observed a decline in people's mental health during such trying moments (Orgilés et al., 2020). ...
... In addition, Orgilés et al. (2020), in their study on the psychological impacts of the lockdown caused by COVID-19 in both Europe and the United States of America, expressed the opinion that while the direct effects of a lockdown were typically evaluated in terms of a declining GDP, the indirect effects, such as social isolation, restricted freedom, and job loss, were no less significant. Using Google Trends searches for loneliness, boredom, and unhappiness, they observed a decline in people's mental health during such trying moments (Orgilés et al., 2020). ...
... It was difficult not to socialize with family members and friends as people were used. The findings were in line with the findings of Orgilés et al. (2020), in their study on the psychological impacts of the lockdown caused by COVID-19 in both Europe and the United States of America, expressed the opinion that while the direct effects of a lockdown were typically evaluated in terms of a declining GDP, the indirect effects, such as social isolation, restricted freedom, and job loss, were no less significant. Using Google Trends searches for loneliness, boredom, and unhappiness, they observed a decline in people's mental health during such trying moments. ...
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On March 10, 2020, the world went into lockdown due to the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic. This brought the need for parents to take up new roles while at the same time finding ways of sustaining their families. The lockdown negatively affected the psychological well-being of both the parents and their children. The study aimed to explore parents' experiences of living with their children during Covid-19 lockdown. The study employed phenomenological design. Through purposive sampling the study utilized a sample size of 15 participants which constituted parents who lived with their children during the lockdown period. Data was collected through the use of the Interview Guide. The data collected was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed the psychological stressors to parents living with children during the lockdown were stress, worry, isolation, loneliness, and frustration. The study recommends to the government and other stakeholders to sensitize people on the importance investing and saving extra income in case of unseen disasters. Also, the counselors and psychologists to come with better alternatives of offering counseling services in the events they cannot meet their clients face to face.
... Long-term isolation at home, reducing the scope of interpersonal communication and activities, and breaking the normal rules of life and learning; these stressful events may lead to emotional and behavioral problems in children (Brooks et al., 2020;Jiao et al., 2020;Orgilés, Morales, Delvecchio, Mazzeschi, & Espada, 2020a). Remaining in this state of stress for an extended period may even lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ...
... Three years after the Wenchuan earthquake in China, a survey showed that around 30% of children had PTSD symptoms, and this continued into their junior high school years (Pan et al., 2015). Recent studies have shown that COVID-19 causes children to experience different degrees of negative emotions (such as tension, anxiety, irritability, and depression) and results in negative cognitive assessments (Brooks et al., 2020;Jiao et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020a;, which are typical symptoms leading to PTSD. Moreover, Li et al. (2020) measured the levels of PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in 1172 Chinese children and adolescents aged 8-18 years during the COVID-19 pandemic and found that children and adolescents may be displaying PTSD and GAD symptoms. ...
... In terms of information sources, parents were the most important sources of information for the children, followed by TV and school, and this is consistent with the results of previous studies (Michelle Drouin et al., 2020;Pfefferbaum et al., 2015;Saxena & Saxena, 2020). During the period of quarantine, and due to the closure of schools, parents were working from home, and there were restrictions on going out, which led to parents becoming the children's most enduring companions and their main supporters (Dalton et al., 2020;Holmes et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020a). They were not only responsible for meeting the children's basic needs, but they also played a leading role in updating information, education, and emotional regulation (Pfefferbaum et al., 2015). ...
COVID-19 has affected learning and the outdoor activities of more than 862 million children or adolescents worldwide. This study investigated the mental health of Italian children and explored their psychological response and coping strategies in different COVID-19 epidemic severity areas, with the aims of alleviating the impacts of COVID-19, promoting targeted intervention, and reducing the risk of future psychological problems. 1074 parents of children aged 6 to 12 years old participated in an ad-hoc online survey. Among them, 40.3% were from the high-risk areas in the North, and 59.7% were from the medium/low-risk areas in the center of Italy. The results showed that, compared to the children in medium- or low-risk areas, children in the North scored significantly higher for symptoms of anxiety, moods, and cognitive changes, showing a “ripple effect” trend. Moreover, children in the northern areas used fewer task-oriented strategies and more emotion- and avoidance-oriented strategies than those in the central areas. Specifically, children in the northern areas were more likely to show acceptance and seek affection from others, while those in the central areas used more humor when their parents talked about quarantine or coronavirus. These findings provide relevant evidence and a reference point for crisis management in children’s mental health
... Por otro lado, en China se documentó un incremento de problemas de ansiedad en los jóvenes durante la pandemia (Wang et al., 2020). Por otro lado, un comparativo entre jóvenes de España e Italia reportó que los españoles se muestran más afectados a nivel emocional que los italianos (Orgilés et al., 2020). En México se encuestaron a 3726 jóvenes, el resultado reveló que las principales afectaciones derivadas por el confinamiento refieren al estado de ánimo y la salud mental. ...
... Estos resultados ponen de relieve que, en efecto, el confinamiento y la migración educativa a la virtualidad impactaron su salud mental. Hallazgos que coinciden con lo reportado por Granda (2020), Orgilés et al. (2020), Unicef (2020a) y Wang et al. (2020), quienes develaron la gravedad de esas afectaciones en los estudiantes debido al confinamiento. ...
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El confinamiento por la pandemia del covid-19 causó estragos en el sistema educativo mexicano. El cierre de las escuelas llevó a la migración a la virtualidad; con ello modificó la forma tradicional de enseñanza y aprendizaje. A pesar del regreso a la presencialidad, en México se identifica un rezago educativo producto del confinamiento y afectaciones en la esfera psicosocial de los estudiantes que no han sido suficientemente atendidos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar, desde la opinión de estudiantes de bachillerato, el clima del aula virtual, estrategias didácticas y la interacción social, para identificar las afectaciones psicoemocionales derivadas por el confinamiento. Se encuestó a 2927 estudiantes de seis bachilleratos mexicanos. Se trabajó un diseño mixto no experimental y transversal. El análisis de datos combinó estadística descriptiva y minería de textos cualitativos. Los resultados indicaron que el clima del aula virtual fue aburrido y con poca interacción social (43%); que la modalidad virtual se basó principalmente en programas para videoconferencia (97%); que el 61% de los estudiantes sufrió ansiedad causada por la incertidumbre generada por el contexto pandémico; que al 50%, el aislamiento le produjo soledad, y que el 49% de ellos se sintió decepcionado porque no se cumplieron sus expectativas educativas. Esto coincide con la literatura, dado el contexto incierto caracterizado por una pandemia intermitente, se recomienda capacitar a los docentes mexicanos para la enseñanza en ambientes virtuales enfocados en mejorar el clima del aula y atender las afectaciones psicoemocionales en los estudiantes, factores que pueden limitar el logro de aprendizajes significativos futuros.
... Research conducted during the early stages of the pandemic showed that these circumstances had a negative impact on various aspects of children's and parents' psychological well-being. For example, in a large-scale study in Spain and Italy, Orgilés et al. (2020) found that parents reported changes in their children's emotional well-being (e.g., in their ability to concentrate; see also Xie et al., 2020). Nevertheless, in the same study, most families reported that family coexistence during the lockdown was easy or very easy. ...
... This is reassuring: despite the upheaval the pandemic caused, for most families participating in our survey, this did not lead to any significant changes relating to their multilingualism. This may have been because for many children, family language practices were so well-established that they were impervious to change, the change in (language) circumstances were less severe than we hypothesized, and/or the lockdowns were not long enough to have any long-lasting impact (Orgilés et al., 2020). The observation that school closures apparently did not impact on children's Dutch language proficiencyas least not as it was measured hereis in line with findings from Hopp and Thoma (2020), who found no negative impact of said closures on foreign language learning at primary schools in Germany. ...
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As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, public life in many countries ground to a halt in early 2020. The aims of this study were (i) to uncover the language practices of multilingual families during the pandemic, in general and especially regarding homeschooling; and (ii) to determine to what extent the changes in circumstance caused by the pandemic impacted children’s language use and proficiency, and family well-being. Parents from 587 families completed an online survey for 1051 children. Data were analysed using ordinal logistic regression. Our results showed that for most children, there were no changes in language use, proficiency or well-being. When there were changes, these were more likely for (families with) preschool children. Using the heritage language for homeschooling (some or all of the time) did not have a negative impact on Dutch language proficiency, but it did have a positive impact on the heritage language proficiency.
... The two most popular emotion-focused coping strategies were accepting the situation and attempting to divert one with various activities. Orgilés et al. (2020) identified three types of coping mechanisms used by young people: task-oriented for example, collaborating on social movements and highlighting the benefits of staying at home; emotion-oriented i.e seeking relief from others, and avoidance-oriented, i.e not worrying about the situation, ignoring it, and acting as if nothing was happening. Acceptance was the method that young people used the most frequently. ...
... Spanish parents noticed more emotional and behavioral symptoms than Italian parents, which may be related to the fact that young people in Italy had more opportunities for physical activity because they were permitted to spend more time outside (Orgilés et al., 2020). Other researchers noted that a significant portion of the children in a population of Belgian and French children displayed discomfort at the time of the first COVID-19 lockdown (Chartier et al., 2021). ...
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Coping with psychological stressors emanating from Covid-19 is significant for mental well-being of parents and their children. The study aimed to explore the coping strategies to psychological stressors among the parents living with their children during the Covid-19 lockdown. On March 10, 2020, the world went into lockdown due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The lockdown negatively affected the psychological well-being of both the parents and the children. The study employed phenomenological research design. Through purposive sampling the study utilized a sample size of 15 participants constituting parents who lived with their children during the lockdown period. Data was collected through the use of the Interview Guide and analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that the coping strategies to psychological stressors faced by parents living with children during Covid-19 lockdown were online connection, prayer, reading, engagement in recreations, spending time with each other and taking precaution measures. The study recommends to counselors and psychologists to come with better alternatives of offering counseling services in the events they cannot meet their clients face to face. Finally, the study recommends to counselors and psychologists bodies to factors the ethics to be adhered to when counseling is offered through online services and counselors and clients cannot meet face to face.
... Additionally, families were indicated to be spending more time together suggesting some CYP were engaging in more supportive and quality interaction with their caregivers, which is important for social wellbeing (Goldschmidt, 2020). However, some children were partaking in less daily exercise, sleeping more and increasing their screen time due to the restrictions (Orgilés et al., 2020). CYP living in cities were reported by parents to have higher behavioural difficulties during the pandemic than those in towns and rural settings (Bai et al., 2020). ...
... The findings indicated emotional and behavioural changes in CYP since the beginning of the pandemic (Orgilés et al., 2020;Bai et al, 2020;Jiao et al., 2020). Behavioural changes included increased irritability, intolerance to rules and challenging behaviour. ...
Nurturing approaches (NA) derived from the need to support children’s social, emotional and behavioural development and their ability to build secure relationships with others (Boxall, 2002). This systematic review follows Hughes and Schlösser’s (2014) review of the effectiveness of nurture groups (NGs). The purpose was two-fold: To assess whether the issues highlighted by Hughes and Schlösser (2014) have been addressed; and to evaluate the quality of evidence supporting the implementation of NAs in primary schools across Scotland. Both NGs and whole-school nurture were included, reflecting current nurturing practices in Scotland. 647 articles were initially sourced from a range of databases. Following eligibility screening, eight peer-reviewed articles were identified for appraisal and synthesis using the Downs and Black (1998) research quality checklist and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2012) guidelines. A range of methodological approaches and findings were reported, such as: Improvements in relationships, social skills, emotional regulation, academic engagement and attitudes towards school. Overall, NAs have been shown to relate to positive outcomes for primary school-aged children. However, due to a number of methodological issues, the reliability and generalisability of these findings were questionable. The findings were discussed in relation to the current Scottish context. The rise of whole-school approaches; the importance of inclusive practice; considerations for the use of quantitative and qualitative research in education; and considerations around the impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic were included. Implications for educational psychology practice and future research were discussed, in addition to the limitations of the current review.
... Children were allowed to go outdoors as of April 26 th , following restrictive rules; walks outside were only permitted for children under 14 years old, one hour a day, and accompanied by only one adult. A study developed with Spanish children and adolescents during the first weeks of confinement showed that emotional and behavioral changes were observed by parents in 88.9% of their children (Orgilés, Morales, Delvecchio, Mazzeschi, & Espada, 2020). Difficulty concentrating, boring, irritability, restlessness, and arguing with the rest of the family were reported as the most frequent symptoms in the sample. ...
... The literature on the behaviors that children use to face a stressful event is vast, but to our knowledge, only one study to date has explored how children coped with the COVID-19 situation. Orgilés et al. (2020) examined the coping strategies used by a sample of 1,480 Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese children and adolescents, finding that children from Spain were more likely to act as if nothing was happening, collaborating with social activities, and seeking comfort from others compared to children from other countries. Although Spanish children used some strategies considered adaptive, such as collaborating with social activities (e.g., applauses from the balconies), they were more likely to seek comfort from other family members, maybe due to the interruption of their social contact, which was limited indoors due to the long confinement they experienced. ...
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As this is the first time that a pandemic has occurred in our recent history, preventive interventions for children´s emotional problems during confinement were not planned. A main goal of Super Skills for Life Program (SSL) is to provide children with skills to build emotional resilience and coping strategies for daily and difficult life situations, so examining how the program may help children to face the COVID-19 situation could be appropriate. The aim of this research was to compare parents’ perception of immediate psychological reactions to confinement and coping styles in children who received the SSL program before home confinement (n = 48) with an equivalent sample of children who did not attend the program (n = 48). Another objective was to study the relationship between children’s immediate psychological reactions to confinement and their coping styles. Parents (n = 96) completed an online survey providing information on sociodemographic variables, children’s immediate psychological reactions (anxiety/activation, mood, sleep, be�havioral alterations, eating and cognitive alterations), and children’s coping styles (task-oriented, emotion-oriented, and avoidance-oriented strategies). Results indicated that the control group presented more symptoms of anxiety (p ≤ .001), worse mood (p ≤ .001), more sleep problems (p ≤ .01), and more cognitive alterations (p ≤ .01) during home confinement than children who received the program. Children in the control group were also more likely to use emotion-oriented strategies (p = .001), which were associated with presenting more psychological alterations. Although the SSL program was not created specifically for coping with the COVID-19 situation, it seems to provide children with skills to cope with this unexpected event.
... Over (85.7%) of parents also noticed changes in their children's emotional and behavioral state during quarantine, as the most common symptoms were difficulty concentrating (76.6%), boredom (52%), irritability (39%), insomnia(38.8%), nervousness (38.8%), loneliness (31.3%), discomfort (30.4%), and fear (30.1%) (Orgilés, 2020), and recent evidence suggests that individuals isolated in quarantine at home experience difficulty sleeping, psychological distress and extreme suffering, symptoms of fear of injury or death, and increased levels of self-blame and depression (Roy et al, 2020); (Giallonardo et al, 2020). In the face of this proposition, it becomes necessary to talk about "confrontation" or "more correctly" dealing with pressures, especially in light of the possibility of reducing them to threatening internal and external requirements that exceed the ability of individuals to bear them (Abdelhalim, 2021). ...
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Background: Since the Appearance of 2019-nCoV in December, the Algerian government has taken various measures to curb the spread of the virus, including closing schools, suspending transportation, and home quarantine, this has profoundly changed the lifestyles and caused negative effects on the psychological health of the Algerian population.This study aimed to assess the psychological effects of home quarantine measures taken during the pandemic in Algeria, and which is considered one of the most affected countries in Africa. Methods:An online survey collected Data on socio-demographic variables,Moreover, psychological distress and psychopathological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and hostility were evaluated. Results: A total of 1,987 people underhome quarantine participated in this study, of which 1,681 completed the survey with a response rate of 84.59%.The mean K10 score was 28.50 (SD= 4.09), which indicates high levels of psychological distress,Where (40.6%) reported elevated distress levels. The mean SCL90-R score was 209.27 (SD= 11.39), indicative of high levels of severity, where the psychological symptoms were most commonwere depression (36.3%), anxiety (32.2%), and hostility (31.4%). The least frequent dimensions were phobic anxiety (5%), psychoticism (5.2%), and somatization (12.1%). Conclusions:Our findings indicate that home quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affects the mental health of the Algerian population, so the need to detect these people early, support them through various social links and intensify awareness programs must be strengthened.
... Επιπλέον, η ανησυχία των παιδιών μήπως νοσήσουν από τον ιό ή κολλήσουν κάποιο άλλο μέλος της οικογένειας, οδήγησε αρκετά στο να εμφανίσουν συμπτώματα άγχους και εσωστρέφειας, ενώ άλλα στο να εμφανίσουν επιθετική συμπεριφορά. Τέλος, και αυτό το εύρημα επιβεβαιώθηκε καθώς η μελέτη των Orgilés et al., (2020) ανέδειξε ότι τα πιο συχνά συμπτώματα των παιδιών ήταν δυσκολία συγκέντρωσης, πλήξη, ευερεθιστότητα, ανησυχία, νευρικότητα, αίσθημα μοναξιάς και υπερκινητικότητα. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to present a recent research study undertaken to investigate the psychological impact of quarantine and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the possible changes in the routine/everyday life of children, school performance and sociality of primary school students. The ultimate aim of the research is to contribute to a meaningful understanding of this contemporary social phenomenon and to the selection of targeted prevention or treatment interventions both at the individual and family level, as well as in the context of education and society in general. 120 parents of primary school children residing in Greece participated in the present survey. According to the findings, many respondents answered that the psychological state of their children was negatively affected, the main reason being the absence of social contacts. Several participants (32.5%) stated that their children were moderately depressed during both the first and second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Most parents (87.5%) noted changes in their children's routines/routines during both waves of the pandemic.
... Οι γονείς παιδιών από την Ιταλία και την Ισπανία ηλικίας 3 έως 18 ετών ολοκλήρωσαν μια έρευνα με πληροφορίες σχετικά με το πώς αντιλήφθηκαν τις αλλαγές στα συναισθήματα και τις συμπεριφορές των παιδιών τους κατά την καραντίνα. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν ότι τα πιο συχνά συμπτώματα ήταν δυσκολία συγκέντρωσης (76,6%), πλήξη (52%), ευερεθιστότητα (39%), ανησυχία (38,8%), νευρικότητα (38%), αίσθημα μοναξιάς (31,3%), υπερκινητικότητα (30,4%) και ανησυχία (30,1%), ενώ οι Ισπανοί γονείς ανέφεραν περισσότερα συμπτώματα συγκριτικά με τους Ιταλούς (Orgilés et al., 2020). ...
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H πανδημία Covid- 19 εισέβαλε στη ζωή εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη, οι οποίοι βιώνουν πρωτόγνωρες καταστάσεις με σημαντικές κοινωνικές, ψυχολογικές και οικονομικές επιπτώσεις. Τα παιδιά επηρεάστηκαν άμεσα από τα περιοριστικά μέτρα, τη διατάραξη της καθημερινότητας και την εξ’ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση. Σκοπός της παρούσας πτυχιακής είναι η διεξαγωγή μιας έρευνας, η οποία διερευνά τις ψυχολογικές επιπτώσεις της πανδημίας και τις πιθανές αλλαγές στη ρουτίνα/καθημερινότητα, τη σχολική επίδοση και την κοινωνικότητα των παιδιών της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Η διερεύνηση του φάσματος των ψυχικών επιπτώσεων μπορεί να συμβάλει στην ουσιαστική κατανόηση του προβλήματος και την επιλογή στοχευμένων παρεμβάσεων πρόληψης ή αντιμετώπισης τόσο σε ατομικό και οικογενειακό επίπεδο, όσο και στο πλαίσιο της δημόσιας υγείας. Στην παρούσα έρευνα συμμετείχαν 120 γονείς παιδιών πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης που κατοικούν στην Ελλάδα. Η συλλογή του δείγματος έγινε με τη συμπλήρωση ηλεκτρονικού ερωτηματολογίου του Google Forms, το οποίο εμπεριείχε εκτενές μέρος που αφορούσε δημογραφικές και άλλες πληροφορίες. Για τη στατιστική ανάλυση των δεδομένων, χρησιμοποιήθηκε η περιγραφική στατιστική με την αξιοποίηση του στατιστικού εργαλείου SPSS. Σύμφωνα με τα ευρήματα, το 63,3% των ερωτηθέντων απάντησε ότι η ψυχολογική κατάσταση των παιδιών τους επηρεάστηκε αρνητικά με κυριότερη αιτία την απουσία κοινωνικών επαφών (31,7%). Το 32,5% των ερωτηθέντων απάντησε ότι τα παιδιά τους ήταν μέτρια θλιμμένα τόσο κατά το πρώτο, όσο και κατά το δεύτερο κύμα της πανδημίας του κορωνοϊού. Η ρουτίνα/ καθημερινότητα των παιδιών μεταβλήθηκε σε μεγάλο βαθμό, καθώς το 87,5% των ερωτηθέντων απάντησε θετικά. Ωστόσο, δε σημειώθηκε σημαντική πτώση στις σχολικές επιδόσεις, καθώς το 35,8% των ερωτηθέντων απάντησαν πως δεν μειώθηκαν καθόλου οι σχολικές επιδόσεις των παιδιών.
... El estudio de la salud mental positiva y su relación con la resiliencia y la percepción de la crianza es especialmente relevante en la actualidad, dadas las condiciones de vulnerabilidad propias de las transformaciones de la adolescencia, aunadas al impacto negativo en su salud mental provocado por los factores de riesgo psicosociales relacionados con la pandemia de COVID-19 (Duan et al., 2020;Ellis et al., 2020;Oosterhoff et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020;Tamayo et al., 2020;Ulset et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2020). Ante la limitada evidencia empírica respecto a los estudios que combinen las tres variables del presente estudio en este grupo etario surge este trabajo de investigación, cuyo objetivo es la predicción de la salud mental positiva en adolescentes a través de la percepción de la crianza parental y la resiliencia. ...
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Antecedentes: en la adolescencia la salud mental positiva es indispensable para el desarrollo óptimo. Objetivo: se predijo la salud mental positiva en adolescentes a partir de la percepción de la crianza parental y la resiliencia. Método: participaron 426 estudiantes de Toluca, Estado de México entre los 14 y 18 años (M = 15.6 años; DE = 1.14), el 44% fueron hombres y 56% mujeres. Se les evaluó con la escala de percepción de crianza parental, el cuestionario de resiliencia y la escala de salud mental positiva. Resultados: a través de la regresión lineal múltiple por pasos se encontró que la variable criterio es predicha en mayor medida por los factores protectores internos de la resiliencia y en menor proporción por el interés del padre y la madre en las actividades del hijo. Este modelo que combina ambos constructos tiene una varianza explicada de 51.6%, lo que se considera un poder explicativo satisfactorio. Conclusiones: se enfatiza la influencia de los factores de protección internos de la resiliencia sobre la capacidad de resolución de problemas y actualización, el autocontrol y la autonomía de los adolescentes.
... As studies of the impact of COVID-19 on students' well-being studies emerge, it is becoming clear that children and youths' emotional well-being is vulnerable and susceptible to the negative effects of lockdown and social isolation (Bignardi et al., 2020;Dove et al., 2020). Negative effects include heightened depressive and anxiety symptoms, and an increased sense of loneliness due to a wide range of factors including school closures and distance learning (Bignardi et al., 2020;Dove et al., 2020;Loades et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020;Singh et al., 2020). ...
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Attending school in-person in the year 2020-2021 was a different experience for many secondary school students in British Columbia. Safety measures such as mask-wearing and reduced interpersonal interaction were introduced there and nationwide. We conducted exploratory research to understand B.C. secondary school students' in-person schooling experience. Survey items polled the impact of COVID-19 at school and students' perceptions of school climate. In a thought experiment, participants were randomly assigned to an improved COVID-19 scenario or a worsened COVID-19 scenario and asked to think about how their perceptions of school climate might change in that context. Results indicated a noticeable change in students' perceptions of school life and elevated worry about COVID-19 safety while in school. In addition, there was a small statistically detectable correlation (r77 =-.29, p = .01) between participants' perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 at school and perceptions of school climate. Results of the thought experiment showed COVID-19 effects on participants' perceptions of school climate had a greater impact on perceptions of peer relationships than student-teacher relationships and school connectedness. This survey during the COVID-19 pandemic provided timely feedback and opinions from students about their in-person schooling experience during this unusual year.
... En resumen, la literatura ha destacado la prevalencia de síntomas clínicos en niños/as y adolescentes en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 y las medidas de aislamiento preventivas. A su vez, hay datos que muestran correlación entre la sintomatología encontrada y distintos factores sociodemográficos (Jiao et al., 2020;Cusinato et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020;Pisano et al., 2020;Romero et al., 2020). Pero también algunos estudios reportan el hallazgo de algunos efectos positivos, tales como pensamientos reflexivos (Pisano et al., 2020), sentimientos de calma, esfuerzo y aumento de las conductas tendientes a mantener una rutina de actividades y búsqueda de actividades sociales y vínculos afectivos como consecuencia de la valoración de lo social (Romero et al., 2020). ...
Technical Report
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El objetivo de este estudio fue recolectar datos acerca de la salud mental y comportamientos asociados a sintomatología psicopatológica en niños, niñas y adolescentes de entre 3 y 18 años de edad a través de una encuesta para padres lanzada en junio de 2020 (tiempo 1) y un año más tarde, en junio de 2021 (tiempo 2). Se recabó información a partir de la adaptación del CBCL para padres al contexto pandémico y se recolectaron datos sociodemográficos. Los resultados obtenidos brindan información acerca del cambio en comportamientos asociados con conductas agresivas, impulsividad-inatención, dependencia-regresión y ansiedad-depresión tanto respecto de la pre-pandemia, como un año más tarde respecto del primer relevamiento. Se analizan los datos obtenidos de los padres que respondieron por sus hijos en ambas encuestas (N=290). Los resultados indican que en ambos relevamientos los padres perciben un aumento significativo de los comportamientos asociados a la sintomatología evaluada. En el primer tiempo se evidencia una mayor vulnerabilidad en comportamientos asociados a conductas agresivas y dependencia-regresión cuanto menor es la edad del niño. Además, se observa una mayor prevalencia de comportamientos de dependencia-regresión en comparación con las otras escalas en niños pequeños (3 a 5 años) y una mayor prevalencia de comportamientos de ansiedad-depresión en adolescentes (12 a 18 años) respecto de las otras escalas. En el segundo relevamiento se observa un mayor aumento de comportamientos de ansiedad-depresión en niños que asistían a la escuela esporádicamente o con educación totalmente virtual en comparación con aquellos niños que ya habían retornado a clases presenciales de 2 a 3 veces por semana o diariamente.
... On its part, a study conducted by Orgiles et al. (2020) showed the existence of a minority group of students who confirmed having great difficulties in maintaining their learning rhythm in a virtual environment. Among the existing deficiencies, we must point out the lack of technological equipment; inadequate and limited physical space at home; scarce cultural capital or digital means by the student's parents or family; or lack of knowledge of the vehicular language at school, and therefore, difficulties in establishing communication with the teachers (OECD, 2020). ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic constituted a critical issue for education, impacting the teaching-learning processes. Educational institutions, families and teachers faced unique challenges to ensure quality education supported by the Internet and technology. This study aims to review the latest literature on learning loss in different contexts to understand how this phenomenon could potentially impact the educational development due to the lack of technological and digital possibilities for learning. We found that even though the learning loss occurred during periods of physical disconnection between teachers and students, the pandemic resulted in an unexpected shock in which the gap between them was digital. This study underlines the factors contributing to this digital learning loss, on which educational and governmental agencies should focus on media literacy to prevent the absence of technological resources, the limited involvement of the family, and the lack of digital competences of the citizenship.
... During this time, Italian youngsters had to cope with a large array of psychological stressors such as loneliness, insecurity, and instability in daily routines. Besides being isolated from peers and teachers, outdoor activities were very limited or banned (Cellini et al., 2021;Orgilés et al., 2020). Studies carried out during the lockdown show that this event affected the psychological state of approximately 79.4% of children who revealed symptoms of increased anxiety, depression, irritability, and inattention (Panda et al., 2020). ...
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COVID-19 lockdown-imposed restrictions emerged as a risk to children’s well-being. However, the extant literature often ignored children’s experiences, emotions, struggles, hopes, and expectations. Based on a large sample of Italian students (N = 906; mean age = 9.4 years, 48.8% female), we drew data from a post-lockdown school re-entry program where students completed narrative activities in 2020. These narratives underwent quantitative content analysis according to gender and school level. Overall, children reported mixed feelings about the lockdown; they felt safe at home but also experienced fear and missed their friends, school, and freedom. Screen-time, technology and friendships helped, but children struggled to make sense of the events. Our findings show how children attempted to make sense of the lockdown experience and may provide key information for the development of community coping programs to help children facing crises in the future.
... Research was done postpandemic. Two nonrepresentative studies in Europe, one in Italy and the other in Spain, revealed an increase in mental health issues during COVID-19 (Ezpeleta et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020). ...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the coronavirus has an impact on the overall health of young people. Investigations of a wide range of affects, including mental, psychological, and systemic impacts, were carried out. Children, in the majority of reported cases, either did not exhibit any clinical signs at all or just had minimal symptoms. Despite this, severe symptoms could still present themselves. Children are a population that need special consideration in order to accomplish the goal of preventing new coronavirus epidemics.
... It is noteworthy that studies have shown that children and youth, especially university students, are the most vulnerable to mental illnesses such as anxiety, emotional disorders, difficulty concentrating, nervousness, tension, loneliness, and boredom due to stressful situations they went through during the pandemic. [4,5] Researcher, [6] it is indicated that practicing recreational sports activities at leisure improves both the physical and psychological situation as it increases feelings of happiness and self-satisfaction. As a human being is an integrated and interconnected unit, improving the physical condition of individuals greatly affects their psychological well-being. ...
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Background: The impact of Coronavirus Disease-19 on peoples' life has become evident. Recently, sport activities are important in improving individual health and their well-being. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of using mobile phone fitness applications on some characteristics of physical fitness and psychological well-being of female university students. Materials and methods: A descriptive study design was implemented using a survey which was adapted to collect data from a sample of 50 female participants within the age of 18 to 19 years. As for the results, the participants indicated that they used physical fitness application by smart phone regularly during COVID-19. Results: The results also illustrate that there was a significant difference on the study variables based on the study groups and test time. The study results extend literature concerning sport activities participation and promoting positive well-being during COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: The study indicated a significant difference of the application on physical fitness and psychological well-being among the participants. Based on the results, the study recommended to organize several sport activities among students and encourage them to use smart phones for positive purposes. Finally, practical implications are outlined.
... From an emotional perspective, several studies have shown symptoms of anxiety, anger (Berasategi et al. 2020) and hyperactivity (Orgilés et al. 2020) among children during lockdown. In terms of age, one study found that younger children (3-6 years old) were more likely to manifest fearful symptoms than older children (6-18 years old). ...
From 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we knew it. In the interest of stopping the spread of the pandemic, lockdown periods and social distancing measures were established in many countries at the beginning of that year and these restrictions continued for the following months and years. Moreover, schools from all over the world closed their doors. In this context, the objective of this research was to compare the well-being of children in Spain during full lockdown and partial lockdown periods, as measured by physical, emotional, social, and academic indicators. The ‘Well-being of Children in Lockdown' (WCL) scale (Berasategi et al. 2020 Berasategi, N., N. Idoiaga, M. Dosil, and A. Eiguren. 2020. “Design and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Well-Being of Children in Lockdown (WCL).” Frontiers in Psychology 11: 2225.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) was used to measure the well-being of children using these parameters. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the general well-being of children and also in terms of emotions, addictions and playful and creative activities, with greater levels of well-being in these domains being evident in the full lockdown period compared with the partial lockdown period. In contrast, during the partial lockdown period, levels of physical and academic well-being were higher in comparison with those reported during the full lockdown phase. Finally, some theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
... However by assessing changes in specific psychosomatic symptoms, we identified that the improved psychosomatic health was partly attributable to falling asleep more easily during the pandemic compared to before. Other studies reported that youth more often slept 8 hours or longer during the COVID-19-related lockdown compared to their sleep rhythms prior to the pandemic [11,36,37], and that bedtime and wake times shifted to later hours [37]. During puberty, hormonal changes alter the homeostatic and circadian regulation of sleep, with the result that adolescents tend to stay up and sleep in [38]. ...
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Purpose: Adolescents might be susceptible to the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown. We assessed changes in mental wellbeing throughout the first year of the pandemic and compared these with prepandemic levels. Methods: This five-wave prospective study among Dutch adolescents aged 12-17 years used data collected before the pandemic (n = 224) (T0), in May (T1), July (T2), and October 2020 (T3), and in February 2021 (T4). Generalized estimating equations were used to assess the association between stringency of the lockdown with mental wellbeing. Results: Adolescents had a lower life satisfaction during the first full lockdown (T1) [adjusted β: -0.36, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.58 to -0.13], during the partial lockdown (T3) (adjusted β: -0.37, 95% CI: -0.63 to -0.12), and during the second full lockdown (T4) (adjusted β: -0.79, 95% CI: -1.07 to -0.52) compared to before the pandemic (T0). Adolescents reported more internalizing symptoms during only the second full lockdown (T4) (adjusted β: 2.58, 95% CI: 0.41-4.75). During the pandemic [at T1 (adjusted β: 0.29, 95% CI: 0.20-0.38), T2 (adjusted β: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.26-0.46), T3 (adjusted β: 0.33, 95% CI: 0.22-0.45), and T4 (adjusted β: 0.20, 95% CI: 0.07-0.34)], adolescents reported a better psychosomatic health, partly attributable to less trouble falling asleep (p < .01). Discussion: The COVID-19 lockdown measures have had both a negative and positive impact on mental wellbeing of Dutch adolescents. However, mental wellbeing was most impacted during the second full lockdown compared to before the pandemic.
... Durante el confinamiento se sustituyó la interacción presencial humana por el contacto digital. La falta de actividad física, la propia docencia online, las emociones negativas de un entorno no cambiante junto con la falta de una rutina, alteraron asimismo el estado psicológico, la actitud, la calidad del sueño, el peso y el rendimiento del alumnado (Morgan, 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020;Rodríguez-Rey et al., 2020;Rundle et al., 2020). Además, las clases a distancia y online requerían un mayor esfuerzo que conducía al agotamiento psicológico de las involucradas. ...
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En marzo de 2020 la emergencia sanitaria producida por COVID-19 obligó a las autoridades estatales y autonómicas a decretar el confinamiento. Como medida de protección, los centros educativos fueron obligados a continuar con la formación del alumnado a distancia, utilizando distintos medios tecnológicos que se convirtieron en su herramienta principal de trabajo. No obstante, el uso exclusivo de estos medios dificultó la continuidad formativa. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las opiniones del profesorado de educación secundaria obligatoria sobre los efectos de la enseñanza digital en la inclusión y exclusión social del alumnado. La metodología empleada se basa en la recopilación de datos mediante un cuestionario de carácter autoadministrado que fue distribuido a los centros de educación secundaria en el País Vasco y la comunidad Foral de Navarra mediante correo electrónico. Los resultados muestran que una educación plenamente digital presenta ventajas y desventajas tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado. El artículo concluye que los medios sociales podrían promover la inclusión social en entornos ideales, pero que no pueden lograrlo en las situaciones actuales.
... It has been suggested that the longer the lockdown lasts, the more support young people might need to cope with increasing loneliness and negative affect such as depression and anxiety (Loades et al., 2020;Panchal et al., 2021). Accordingly, young people have reported high levels of psychological distress, so they have been identified as a high-risk group (Hawes et al., 2021;Liu et al., 2020;Orgilés et al., 2020). For example, peer interaction and social contacts "outside" are essential aspects of adolescent development (Majorano et al., 2015) that have been disrupted. ...
Research shows that the various waves of COVID-19 have generated increased fears, loneliness, and negative feelings in many adolescents. In this context, social media use may fulfill the pivotal function of connection, thereby supporting a sense of relational and emotional closeness to others via online interactions. However, there is no agreement as to the risks or buffering effects of social media usage among adolescents during the pandemic. The current study aims to explore the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19-related fears on adolescents’ perceived stress and depression, evaluating the mediating effect of their sense of loneliness and the moderating effect of relational closeness to online friends. A sample of 544 Italian adolescents participated in an online survey during the third wave of COVID-19 (71.9% females; mean age = 16.22 years). The survey comprised the Multidimensional Assessment of COVID-19-Related Fears, the Italian Loneliness Scale, the Depression and Stress subscales of the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale-21, and the Relational Closeness. The findings show a mediating effect of loneliness in the predictive relationship between COVID-19-related fears and both depression and stress, and they also indicate that relational closeness to online friends has a moderating effect, buffering the effect of loneliness on adolescents’ stress and depression. The positive role of relational closeness to online friends suggests the need to consider the quality of the specific use of social media among adolescents, which may serve precise functions and needs.
... Many studies have examined the effects of the pandemic on feelings, mood and health status -in particular, mental health -among both Italians (Marazziti et al. 2020;Maugeri et al. 2020;Rossi et al. 2020;Sani et al. 2020;Gualano et al. 2020) and Japanese (Yamamoto et al. 2020;Qian and Yahara, 2020;Ueda et al. 2020). However, some of these studies have focused on target populations, such as the elderly and the young or unemployed (Orgilés et al. 2020;). In addition, special attention is also paid to people involved in COVID-19 care activities such as medical workers, who may suffer from high emotional distress and stigma effects Asaoka et al. 2020;Torricelli et al. 2020); pregnant women and newborns (Haruna and Nishi, 2020), patients with specific pathologies (Capuano et al., 2020). ...
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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great slump in the world. There has been an alarming increase in mortality rate, number of infections, and deterioration of macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, which have worsened the happiness and well-being of the population, despite the multi-faceted restraint and supports measures implemented by several governments to curb the spread of the virus. Using sample of 31 European countries as a dataset, this paper analyzes the effect of the worsening COVID-19 budget deficit on people's happiness in the year 2020. The main idea is to determine, independently of a country's characteristics, the duration of the pandemic or the containment regulations; whether the effect of the pandemic on happiness is increased by the worsening of the budget deficit. The Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimation shows that death tolls and infected cases of COVID-19 are key determinants that significantly worsen individuals' happiness. In addition, its interaction with fiscal deficit further decreases people's life satisfaction, since the budgetary situation of these countries was already unsustainable long before the pandemic. Hence, there is urgency for States to provide for a community solidarity fund for the resources necessary for crisis management in their budget line.
... blocked people from leaving their homes, have disrupted children's daily habits and deprived them of physical contact with classmates, friends, and teachers; of personal space at home; and of opportunities to pursue their interests and hobbies, which have led to their frustration and boredom (Demaria & Vicari, 2021;Wang et al., 2020). Indeed, many studies, some of them conducted during this pandemic (Orgilés et al., 2020;Spinelli et al., 2020) and others during similar situations of high public health risk (Sprang & Silman, 2013), have highlighted how containment measures such as isolation can be traumatizing for both children and their parents. ...
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the related lockdown measures have had intense negative impacts on the psychological well-being of both adults and children. Among such impacts is a significant increase in mortality salience and changes in how people deal with grief and losses. This qualitative research used semi-structured interviews with 23 Italian parents to draw insights on the impact of the pandemic on children aged 5˗15 years with regard to their representation of death and the eventual role that family spirituality/ religiosity played in helping them understand both the concept of dying and possibly the pandemic itself. From the data analysis, four main thematic areas emerged: “Lockdown experience,” “Fears and worries related to COVID-19,” “Emergence of thoughts on the process of dying,” and “Representation of death and the impact of religious beliefs.” The participants highlighted how stressful the lockdown measures have been for their children and the anxiety that their children have experienced because of fears related to the pandemic. The interviews also surfaced how living in a religious family has contributed significantly to shaping children’s representation and understanding of death and sometimes even helped both the parents and their children to face difficult moments such as those caused by the pandemic.
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Previous studies have found that probiotic supplementation can positively affect mood and psychological symptoms such as stress and anxiety. Dadih is a traditional food from West Sumatera, Indonesia, derived from buffalo milk, a source of probiotics, and contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, the type of Lactobacillus. This study aimed to prove the effect of giving dadih pudding as probiotics on psychosocial problems in children and adolescents with COVID-19 who underwent isolation treatment. This quasi-experimental research uses with post-test only with a control group. Among the respondents, 43 patients 5 – 18 years old with Covid 19 were isolated at the Quarantine Center. The respondents were divided into two groups, the experimental group gave dadih pudding (23 members), and the control group gave pudding only (20 members). Psychosocial problems determined with Pediatric Symptom Checklist 17 (PSC-17) checklist after two weeks of intervention with dadih pudding. There is a significantly different mean internalization between the control and intervention groups p <0.05. Children given dadih pudding (intervention group) had lower psychosocial problems than those not given the dadih pudding/control group (12.5% vs 87.5%); otherwise, the control group had more significant psychosocial problems 62.9% than the intervention group 37.1% (p < 0.05). Dadih pudding supplementation can significantly reduce the score of PSC-17 among children or adolescents during quarantine COVID-19. This supplementation can be used modulation microbiota in children who suffer from the psychosocial problems.
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The effects of COVID-19 have resulted in peritraumatic stress experiences within various groups, including teachers. With this study we aimed to determine the prevalence of peritraumatic stress and the factors associated with each level of PTSD among teachers in South Africa. A cross-sectional study was conducted in South Africa among teachers using an online survey. A sample consisted of a total of 1,008 primary and secondary teachers responded to the COVID-19 peritraumatic distress index and the occupation-specific survey. Descriptive and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to analyse the data. There was evidence of high levels of distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic among teaching professionals in South Africa. Therefore, there is a need to create mental health awareness among teaching professionals and to create systems that support the uptake of psychological services among the members of this population.
This chapter describes the process of children solving the Tower of Hanoi problem in relation to the cognitive and emotional factors involved as indicators of the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their development. Ten girls and 10 boys between the ages of nine and 11 years old, as well as 20 parents participated. The Tower of Hanoi was adapted into a web application, which allowed the recording of each of the children’s actions. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and a short questionnaire were also administered as part of the study. The Tower of Hanoi was presented individually with four records and four attempts, in a virtual session. The results showed that the children were affected in terms of separation anxiety and fear of contagion. However, there was no evidence of impairment in cognitive performance.
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Questo articolo si propone di studiare il gioco d'azzardo giovanile ed online: in particolare analizza come il consumo di gioco d'azzardo giovanile online si sia evoluto negli ultimi quindici anni, e sia cambiato con la pandemia. In effetti, si ritiene che il gioco d'azzardo digitale e online causino la maggior parte dei danni legati al gioco d'azzardo e contribuiscano ad un aumento dei giocatori pro-blematici. Nonostante il gioco d'azzardo sia vietato ai minori, degli studi mostra-no che questi sono sia spettatori che protagonisti di attività di gioco online e fi-sico. Le misure di lockdown adottate durante la pandemia hanno limitato l'accessibilità del gioco d'azzardo fisico, mentre potrebbero aver accelerato la diffusione del gioco d'azzardo online. I lockdown, infatti, hanno favorito l'uso di Internet tra i giovani e probabilmente hanno determinato un aumento del gioco d'azzardo online, soprattutto tramite smartphone, nell'ambito delle attività onli-ne svolte più frequentemente. In teoria, la necessità della registrazione tramite carta d'identità e della carta di credito dovrebbe limitare il gioco d'azzardo on-line per giovani e minori, ma è necessaria un'indagine più approfondita. Pertanto, combiniamo una serie di statistiche nazionali sul gioco d'azzardo (dati ESPAD, IPSAD e ISS), con il fine di analizzare le principali tendenze sulla preva-lenza di gioco, i profili di rischio e la spesa, nonché di cercare le sue relazioni con altre dipendenze o fattori contestuali. La limitatezza dei dati rende il quadro composito, e occorrerebbero evidenze lon-gitudinali. I lockdown sembrano aver favorito una certa sostituzione tra gioco fisico e online. I dati sul consumo giovanile portano a concludere che, sebbene possa esserci stato un certo aumento del gioco online, il processo è ancora agli inizi e sono necessarie politiche efficaci per ridurre l'accesso dei minori al dila-gare dell'azzardo online.
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El estudio como propósito principal fue determinar el grado de relación entre las variables de investigación; A partir del cual la variable independiente, las habilidades sociales como conductas en los niños les permite enfrentar y defenderse ante cualquier adversidad de su vida; asimismo resolver problemas inmediatos de situaciones que enfrenta ante la pandemia del COVID 19. Este estudio fue de tipo correlativo-descriptivo con un diseño transeccional o transversal, y se utilizó una muestra no probabilística deliberada o conveniente de 140 estudiantes. EL nivel de desarrollo de la dimensión salud mental y física como proceso durante pandemia en los estudiantes se muestra que el 51% nunca controla sus emociones no se tienen confianza, y no resuelve el problema; de ellos se tiene que el 22% casi nunca, el 18% casi siempre y por último 9% siempre.
The chapter rethinks the principle of justice from its foundational instance, extracting practical guidelines for its application in some of the situations that the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to face. Situations such as confining the population (indiscriminate or selective) or triaging for access to hospital ICUs and mechanical ventilators when these were scarce. But above all, the chapter focuses on a fundamental issue for the general immunization of the population: vaccination, contrasting its voluntariness with the possibility of a possible obligation to be vaccinated. It also reflects on its distribution in countries that do not have the capacity to acquire it and distribute it to the population as a whole. Our analysis distances itself from reductionism, which interprets justice from a purely budgetary and consequentialist perspective. It also takes a stand against the presumption of the obsolescence of classical moral principles and against the elevation of the figure of the "expert" as the guarantor of public ethics. Instead, it presents justice as a virtue rather than a method; as an inclination of the will which, as such, is properly human and overcomes instinctive selfishness and utilitarian strategies; as a rational disposition capable of providing good reasons for agreeing, in certain situations, to prioritize the principle of difference over that of equality.
The chapter explores the impact of the emergency remote distance teaching and learning (DL) due to the COVID-19 pandemic in preschool (PE) and special education (SE). As research suggests, these two education sections can be characterized as two of the most challenging, especially during emergency situations, such as the prolonged lockdowns caused by the recent pandemic. The chapter is an overview of the most recent literature regarding some of the most prevalent challenges encountered by parents and educators of PE and SE learners in various socio-cultural backgrounds, at an international level. Recommendations for more effective PE and SE DL experiences during emergency periods from parents and teachers are discussed.
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Parent-child relationships have an important role in terms of child development. Development and psychology theories state that these relationships have a more important place especially in early childhood.One of the factors affecting this relationship is parental stress experienced by parents. Due to the measures taken during the Covid-19 pandemic, the curfew and the closure of schools caused parents to spend all their days at home with their children, and this might be reflected in parent-child relationships. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to examine the effects of covid-19 anxiety, lockdown time and parental stress on the conflicts and positive relationships of parents who stay at home with their children during the Covid-19 pandemic. For this purpose, data were collected from 429 parents with children aged 0-6, including 389 women and 40 men, and the model established by the path analysis method was tested. Based on the model test results, there was a significant relationship between parental stress and parent-child relationship, while no significant relationship was found between lockdown time and covid-19 anxiety and parent-child relationship. The findings were discussed in the light of the relevant literature and suggestions were made.
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Immobility is known to impact health and well-being by reducing social contact, activity participation, and changing time use patterns. These unfortunate effects mostly affect specific demographic segments, including older adults, low income families, people who face disabilities, and those living in conflict zones. Emergency measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic mandated or strongly recommended limitations to mobility, thereby causing this condition for segments of the public not usually characterized by high levels of immobility. In the context of the pandemic, reduced mobility was the non-pharmaceutical intervention of choice, and the evidence suggests that it helped to keep incidences of the disease from exploding. On the other hand, there is also a need to understand how mobility restrictions may have had incidental impacts, including to well-being, in population groups that have not been studied from this perspective before. In this spirit, the present paper uses the items of the Satisfaction with Life Scale to investigate how aspects of well-being changed during the pandemic, using a sample of 400 college and university students in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Analysis is based on multivariate ordered models and the results suggest that being less mobile, less active, and changes in activity time use due COVID-19 had an impact on the satisfaction with life of students. The detrimental effect was more marked for males and students from low-income households. Additionally, perceptions of residential characteristics and sense of belonging also correlate with satisfaction with life in the period under study.
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Background This study explored the drinking behaviour of a sample of 351 Italian university students during COVID-19 in the year 2020, in order to understand whether restrictions, including social isolation imposed to avoid contagion, led to an increase or decrease in alcohol consumption at the individual level. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and an online self-report questionnaire were used for this purpose. The research also investigated the knowledge of university students regarding the risks associated with alcohol use and the consequences on university performance, as well as on a personal, psychological, social and family level. Finally, the relationship between boredom and alcoholism during the pandemic phase was studied. Results Response rates were 100% (n=351). With regard to the "absences or tardiness in the virtual university class" for alcoholic conduct, it was found that only a small number of students have used alcohol (with reference to the AUDIT) and became dependent during the Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020; with regard to the "low personal performance at university" related to alcohol (with reference to the AUDIT), there is also in this case a small number of students who use alcohol in the pandemic period have found a low performance in university studies. The research has investigated, moreover, the appearance of psychological problems as a result of alcoholic conduct (AUDIT) in the sample of reference, concerning conflicts with parents, depression, anxiety, emotional oscillations, irritability and low tolerance, as well as, personal problems of a social nature. The results show that in college students, alcohol has no significant consequences. Finally, the relationship between "boredom and alcohol behavior" (AUDIT) during the pandemic phase of the year 2020 was investigated: the results show that boredom was felt by a high number of university males and females and a significant number used alcoholic substances, even becoming addicted, and considering alcohol as a real refuge. Conclusion The research carried out has a twofold objective: 1) to evaluate the alcoholic behavior during the pandemic phase of Covid-19 by a sample of university students (N=351); 2) to understand the knowledge of the risks related to alcoholic behavior at a personal, family, sociological and psychological level, in a more general and non-pandemic context. The research has some limitations due to the smallness of the sample, although the results obtained could be useful as a starting point for future research, with larger samples and oriented especially to problematic and non-problematic alcohol behavior. It would certainly be necessary a vast and effective worldwide campaign of information and awareness on the risks of alcohol, dedicating, especially in this period, even an hour of training in virtual university classrooms, to make people understand how alcoholic behavior is potentially harmful both during emergencies such as a pandemic, and in convivial and aggregation contexts that characterize the modern life of young people. Effectively informing people about the risks of alcohol responds to a need for prevention, erasing the belief that drinking is not bad for you.
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The objective of the research was to study the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on children’s psychology, explore potential factors that contribute to mental health symptoms, such as virtual learning, lacking physical exercise and a change of lifestyle, and identify the quarantine-related symptoms of health issues, including anxiety and depression, difficulty in concentration, sleeping and eating disorder. The literature review findings confirmed that lockdown and quarantine play a negative role in children’s mental health. The study further discussed that the degree of mental health during COVID-19 varied in different age groups and genders. Therefore, the findings imply that measures should be taken to reduce mental health issues in the COVID-19 confined population, and it urges the government to improve health and social care services, increase expenditure in addressing these pressing needs and develop timely, efficient, and nation-specific interventions.
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W artykule została podjęta próba analizy doświadczeń studentek pedagogiki w czasie pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19. Temat jest niezwykle ważny i zyskuje obecnie na znaczeniu. Główny cel badania polegał na analizie tekstów narracyjnych oraz na wytypowaniu czynników ryzyka i czynników ochronnych zdrowia psychicznego studentek w czasie pandemii. Badaniem objęto dwie grupy studentek studiów stacjonarnych (10 osób) i niestacjonarnych (10 osób) studiujących na kierunku pedagogika w Karpackiej Państwowej Uczelni w Krośnie. Analiza tekstów narracyjnych osób badanych wykazała, że wymuszona izolacja społeczna prowadzi do zaburzenia potrzeb relacyjnych oraz do negatywnych stanów emocjonalnych ( lęku, lęku przed zachorowaniem i złości) charakterystycznych dla grupy studentek we wczesnej i średniej dorosłości. Artykuł adresowany jest do tych, którzy interesują się i analizują wpływ na jednostkę doświadczeń życiowych wynikających ze zmian społecznych wywołanych pandemią COVID-19.
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Introducción: En el año 2020 se decretó en España un confinamiento que duró al menos seis semanas y fue especialmente estricto para los niños, que en su mayoría no tuvieron permitido salir de su domicilio. Objetivos: Aportar información sobre la experiencia subjetiva que tuvieron los niños durante dicha situación, incluyendo aquellos que realizaban seguimiento en Salud Mental. Material y métodos: Realizamos un estudio transversal observacional distribuyendo encuestas a padres a través de internet para niños de entre 5 y 11 años. Estas fueron elaboradas ad-hoc para ser cumplimentadas en primera persona de forma anónima y online. Resultados: Participaron un total de 116 niños, siendo 7,78 años la media de edad. El 21,6% realizaba seguimiento en Salud Mental. En nuestra muestra, la vivencia general fue buena respecto a sí mismos (6,77/10), su familia (8,17/10), sus estudios (6,47/10) y sus aficiones (6,73/10), siendo similar entre los que hacían seguimiento o no en Salud Mental. Se observaron diferencias en cuanto a su vivencia de las relaciones con amigos (p=0,022) y el COVID-19 (p=0,012), siendo en ambos casos peor la vivencia de los niños que no realizaban seguimiento en Salud Mental. No se hallaron diferencias respecto a aquellos niños cuyos padres trabajaban en un ámbito de riesgo frente al contagio de COVID-19. Conclusiones: El presente estudio reafirma la importancia de recoger datos en primera persona para entender los procesos subjetivos de los niños, así como el posible efecto protector del sostén familiar frente a experiencias traumáticas, siendo esta información útil para la elaboración de estrategias futuras.
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic has had major impacts in many different spheres, including mental health. Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable because their central nervous system is still in development and they have fewer coping resources than do adults. Increases in the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptomatology have been reported worldwide. However, access to mental health care is limited, especially for the paediatric population and in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, we developed a brief internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural intervention for children and adolescents with symptoms of anxiety and depression. The aim of this proposed study is to test the efficacy of the intervention. Methods We will conduct a two-arm, parallel randomised controlled trial involving children and adolescents (8–11 and 12–17 years of age, respectively) with symptoms of anxiety, depression or both, according to the 25-item Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale ( t -score > 70). A total of 280 participants will be randomised to the intervention group or the active control group, in a 1:1 ratio. Those in the intervention group will receive five weekly sessions of cognitive-behavioural therapy via teleconference. The sessions will focus on stress responses, family communication, diaphragmatic breathing, emotions, anger management, behavioural activation and cognitive restructuring. Participants in both groups will have access to 15 videos covering the same topics. Participant-guardian pairs will be expected to attend the sessions (intervention group), watch the videos (control group) or both (intervention group only). A blinded assessor will collect data on symptoms of anxiety, depression and irritability, at baseline, at the end of the intervention and 30 days thereafter. Adolescents with access to a smartphone will also be invited to participate in an ecological momentary assessment of emotional problems in the week before and the week after the intervention, as well as in passive data collection from existing smartphone sensors throughout the study. Discussion Internet-delivered interventions play a major role in increasing access to mental health care. A brief, manualised, internet-delivered intervention might help children and adolescents with anxiety or depressive symptomatology, even outside the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trial registration NCT05139433. Registered prospectively in November 2021. Minor amendments made in July 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which started through the end of 2019 and which seems to continue for an unknown period of time, has had unprecedented effects that are not limited to health conditions only, but also include financial, sociological, and psychological consequences. This global pandemic forced schools and universities to close their doors, causing a large-scale educational disruption for a large number of learners worldwide. Despite the measures taken to compensate for education at all levels, there still is another concern for K-12 level learners' psycho-social well-being. This chapter elaborates some points that should be considered in case of emergency remote teaching applications in terms of enhancing psycho-social well-being of young learners.
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هدفت الدراسـة إلى تعرّف الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزليّ نتيجةِ انتشار فيروس كورونا المستجدّ على عينة من السوريين المقيمين داخل سورية والمقيمين خارجها، ومن ثم تعرف دلالة الفروق في الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزليّ تبعاً للمتغيرات: (مكان الإقامة، الجنس، العمر الزمني، عدد أفراد الأسرة، الالتزام بإجراءات الوقاية داخل المنزل)، وقد تكونت عينة الدراسة من (2817) سوريّاً وسوريّة. واستخدمت الباحثتان مقياس الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزلي من إعدادهما. أظهرت النتائج أن الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزلي على السوريين المقيمين داخل سورية كانت متوسطة، وتراوحت المتوسطات بين (3.22 – 1.99)، أي أن الآثار السلبية للحجر المنزلي من: قلق المستقبل، الثقة بمصادر المعلومات، الملل والفراغ، الاكتئاب، الوسواس القهري، القلق، النوم، والعدوان. جاءت متوسطة التأثير على السوريين المقيمين داخل سورية، وبالتالي كان تأثيرها عليهم أكبر مقارنةً بالسوريين المقيمين خارج سورية. واحتل قلق المستقبل المرتبة الأولى ضمن الآثار النفسية. أما الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزلي على السوريين المقيمين خارج سورية كانت أقل من متوسطة، وتراوحت المتوسطات بين (3.20 – 1.77) وكذلك احتل قلق المستقبل المرتبة الأولى. وبيّنت النتائج وجود فروق دالّة إحصائياً في الآثار النفسية للحجر الصحي المنزلي تبعاً لمتغيرات البحث كافة. الكلمات المفتاحية: الآثار النفسية، فيروس كورونا المستجد، الحجر الصحي المنزلي.
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¿Qué tiene para decir la ciencia psicológica sobre el desarrollo de las infancias en este nuevo contexto mundial? ¿Qué hemos aprendido en este tiempo y qué desafíos tenemos aún frente a los niños y las niñas de nuestras sociedades? En definitiva, ¿para qué sirve investigar en psicología mientras el mundo atraviesa una emergencia biopsicosocial sin precedentes? Las respuestas a estas preguntas vislumbran la interdependencia entre la ciencia y las particularidades del entorno social, político y económico donde se desarrolla, como así también el papel central que la psicología tiene para contribuir al bienestar y la recuperación psicosocial, especialmente para la infancia, en un escenario de cambio e incertidumbre como el actual. Sin embargo, responder a estos interrogantes también deja al descubierto los huecos de conocimientos y la necesidad de repensar la agenda y las prioridades de la investigación en el área del desarrollo infantil. En este escrito pretendemos exponer los principales aportes y desafíos que la investigación en psicología del desarrollo ha experimentado en este tiempo de pandemia, presentando, a su vez, las que creemos que deberían ser sus próximas prioridades en un futuro no muy lejano. Quisiéramos destacar y revalorizar las formas en que la ciencia psicológica infantil podría colaborar efectivamente en el planeamiento de políticas públicas en salud y educación y el papel central que puede jugar para ayudar al bienestar infantil integral.
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La pandemia por el COVID-19 ha venido afectando profundamente las vidas de las personas en todo el mundo con una repercusión no solo en la salud física si no también en la salud mental. El aislamiento, las restricciones de contacto físico y el declive económico han impuesto un cambio radical en el entorno psicosocial de los países afectados. Así, la salud mental de poblaciones altamente vulnerables como lo son los niños y adolescentes, que constituyen aproximadamente el 28% de la población mundial, se ha visto afectada1.
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We have never faced such a global pandemic as COVID-19 in modern history. It´s important for us to find out how it can affect mental health and social relationships of students. This pandemic has brought us not only the risk of dying from a viral infection, but also brought the enormous psychological pressure on people. Purpose of this study was to determine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and social relationships of university students. Methods: The research group consisted of 95 students of the Faculty of Sports of the University of Prešov in Prešov (men: n = 62, women: n = 33) with an average age of 22 +/- 6 years. As a method of data collection we used the standardized questionnaire of the World Health Organization - WHOQOL-BREF. Our modified WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire represents a selection of 9 items, six of them represent mental health: (1) Positive feeling (2) Self-esteem (3) Thinking, learning, memory and concentration (4) Bodily image and appearance, (5) Satisfy with you, (6) Negative feelings, and three represent social relationships (7) Personal relationships, (8) Sexual activity, (9) Social support. Due to the extraordinary pandemic situation an online survey was conducted to the students. Students had time to complete the questionnaire from 17.11.2021 to 19.11.2021. Results: Statistical significant difference between periods before and during COVID-19 pandemic was determined using the Wilcoxon paired t test. There were statistically significant differences in the psychological experience and social relationships of university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: We recommend monitoring the mental health of university students and raising awareness of various media platforms about psychological problems during a pandemic.
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Background The pandemic resulted in the societal changes as conflicts and instability were the common concerns experienced by families because of the lockdown. However, the psychological impact of the COVID-19 on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population is not studied extensively. Objective The study evaluates the psychological impact of lockdown during the pandemic on the people in the UAE. Material and methods This study was cross-sectional in nature and was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of 35-items. The questions were related to social, psychological, and personal aspects. Multivariate Linear regression was used to find the outcomes between independent variables. Results The mean value of social phobia was 2.56 ± .620, followed by the mean score of anxiety (2.47 ± .666), stress (2.44 ± .631), and depression (2.42 ± .682). The higher the respondents experienced the scores, the more depression, anxiety, and stress. Demographics such as marital status, age, and occupation and education level have a statistically significant association with social phobia, anxiety, depression, and stress. Conclusion The study concludes that the lockdown more psychologically impacted males, older people, and unemployed individuals during the pandemic.
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Research on parental mediation of children’s online engagements situate historically long­standing anxieties within the dynamics of present-day information communications technologies (i.e., concerns over new “cyber risks,” as well as opportunities). Yet, there remains a lack of emphasis on children’s reactions to and experiences with parental strategies and responses. In the current article, we highlight research involving semi-structured focus groups (n=35) with Canadian teenagers (n=115). We highlight themes directly related to parental digital mediation, including the role of ICTs in driving addictive behaviors, social connection, differences in parental responses between sons and daughters, and differences concerning age and birth order. Disrupting cultural discourses of young people who lack agency in relation to their use of ICTs, our discussions with teens reveal qualified support, even degrees of sympathy, for parental efforts to restrict access and use of digital technologies, but illuminate multifaceted reasons for resistance: their vital role not only for social connection but access to crucial information and knowledge.
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Resumen El aislamiento preventivo a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19 ha provocado un aumento en la prevalencia de síntomas psicológicos y emocionales en población adulta de diferentes países. Los objetivos de esta investigación consistieron en: a) realizar la validación de la versión abreviada del Inventario de Síntoma-v45 para su uso en adultos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y Conurbano Bonaerense; y b) describir los factores estresantes y la sintomatología psicológica ante la situación de aislamiento obligatorio. Se administró un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la versión abreviada del Inventario de Síntomas Psicológicos a 430 participantes adultos de Buenos Aires (82% mujeres y 18% varones) con un rango de edad fue de 18 a 63 años, una media de 30 años y un desvío estándar de 10. Las diferentes evidencias obtenidas sugieren que el Inventario de Síntomas abreviado es un instrumento válido y confiable. A través de este Inventario se registró una elevada prevalencia de síntomas asociados especialmente a ansiedad fóbica, ansiedad y depresión. Esta evidencia señala la importancia de programas de evaluación e intervención psicológica para disminuir el impacto psicológico del aislamiento a causa de la COVID-19. Palabras Clave
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The personality trait sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is an established risk factor for the development of internalizing problems. Highly sensitive adolescents react stronger to environmental cues including parenting environment and stressful life events. The aim of the current study was to examine if the perceived impact of COVID-19, mediates the link between SPS and internalizing problems. In addition, it was tested if parenting style moderates the mediating effect of perceived COVID-19 impact between SPS and internalizing problems among adolescents. The study had a cross- sectional design and data were collected between April-July 2020 during the first lockdown in the Netherlands. Participants were 404 adolescents aged 9–18 years (M age = 13.49). Questionnaires were administered online to assess SPS (Highly Sensitive Child Scale), parenting style (Parenting Style Inventory-II), internalizing problems (Patient Health Questionnaire-4) and COVID-19 pandemic impact (COVID-19 impact scale). The SPSS macro PROCESS was used to test the mediation model of perceived COVID-19 impact and the moderated mediation model with parenting style as a moderator. A relationship was found between SPS and internalizing problems which is partly mediated by the COVID-19 impact. The moderating effect of parenting style was not found. These findings provide insight into the effect the pandemic has had on highly sensitive adolescents. Further research is needed to develop and test interventions to support sensitive youth and thus possibly prevent the development of internalizing problems.
The COVID-19 pandemic posed major challenges for the lives of children in terms of school closures, loss of routine, reduced social contact, bereavement and trauma. The pandemic also gave rise to a focus on play as a fundamental support for children’s wellbeing. This study examined early childhood teachers’ reported practices of using play upon returning to school in Ireland after lockdown restrictions which included a 6-month period of school closures. Building on previous research on play in early childhood education during the early stages of the pandemic, 12 primary school teachers in early childhood classrooms (children aged 3–8 years) participated in focus groups aimed at exploring teachers’ experiences of using play upon returning to in-class teaching. Through reflexive thematic analysis of the focus groups, four themes were identified that encapsulated teachers’ experiences: play in the classroom embodied similar characteristics and qualities during COVID-19 as before the pandemic; play was considered a priority in early childhood education classrooms; teachers planned carefully for facilitating play in the classroom in response to COVID-19 regulations; teachers’ noted the importance of the social and relational components of play for children in the context of COVID-19 regulations. For educational policy, these findings highlight play as a ‘go-to’ strategy by teachers for supporting children in formal education during a pandemic and suggest play is a well-established context that can be used in educational policies to support children’s learning, especially during and after times of crises.
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Le prime notizie ufficiali su una “Polmonite di causa sconosciuta” il WHO le ha date il 5 Gennaio 2020, “Pneumonia of unknown cause – China Disease outbreak news 5 January 2020”, che poi sarà identificata come COVID-19, malattia provocata dal nuovo virus SARS-CoV-2. Il mondo della scuola è stato duramente colpito, con l’improvviso passaggio a quella che in Italia è stata definita “didattica a distanza” (DAD), in cui allo spazio fisico (aule, laboratori, palestre, ecc…) uno spazio virtuale, cambiando la socialità da quella in presenza così importante per lo sviluppo e l’apprendimento, ad una virtuale, in cui comunemente si pensa che i ragazzi siano abituati con l’uso di social e di programmi di messaggistica istantanea, ma in realtà la DAD è stata ed è un trauma che ha colto tutti impreparati non solo tecnicamente, ma soprattutto emozionalmente, socialmente. La pandemia è ancora in corso con la cosiddetta “seconda ondata”, che ha comunque colto impreparati, mentre a marzo l’impreparazione poteva essere comprensibile, la mancata messa in atto di provvedimenti per affrontare una prevedibile seconda ondata ha di fatto imposto a tutti gli stati nuovi lockdown, con un nuovo trauma, un nuovo confinamento, che unito all’esperienza della prima, potrebbe ulteriormente aumentare i disagi psicologici. In questa tesi, affronterò gli aspetti psicosociali della popolazione generale degli adolescenti della scuola secondaria superiore, che sono stati impegnati nella didattica a distanza (DAD) durante il primo lockdown ( marzo maggio 2020) e di come la DAD possa essere un momento di ripensamento del sistema educativo della scuola secondaria superiore. Tratterò del confinamento improvviso quale un trauma, dei principali disagi e disturbi che si sono manifestati, lo stato psicofisico con cui gli adolescenti hanno affrontato la didattica a distanza, come questa sia stata da un lato, percepita come opportunità e legame con il proprio microcosmo, e dall’altro sia stata un ulteriore causa di disagio. La digitalizzazione della scuola italiana, con decennali sperimentazioni, è stata realizzata introducendo la tecnologia nei luoghi fisici dell’apprendimento, con la presenza fisica del docente e dei discenti, che interagiscono, si relazionano in presenza, non in un’aula virtuale, non con comunicazione mediata da una piattaforma tecnologica come nella DAD. Nell’applicazione della DAD ha prevalso lo strumento, la tecnologia, è oramai comune fra i docenti ed i discenti, dire “faccio classroom”, riferendosi alla nota piattaforma di Google, per dire “svolgo la didattica a distanza”. Agli alunni adolescenti i docenti (oltre le famiglie) possono dare sostegno (anche emotivo), possono esporre modelli di comportamento, possono esperire loro, entusiasmo, per far loro sviluppare atteggiamenti positivi verso l'apprendimento in generale, realizzare questo con l’apprendimento a distanza richiede uno sforzo maggiore, che è inevitabilmente ostacolato dal trauma del lockdown subito anche dai docenti, aumentando il rischio di burnout, e dalle famiglie, acuendo se presenti rapporti disfunzionali. La pandemia, al di là della malattia e dei decessi, potrebbe essere un grande momento di verità sulla fragilità anche del sistema educativo e dello sviluppo armonioso degli adolescenti, di come sia necessario una preparazione adeguata per docenti e genitori/caregiver primari, ad affrontare disturbi e disagi, che oggi sono evidenti e macroscopici a causa della pandemia, identificata come un nuovo tipo di stressor ed un nuovo tipo di trauma, domani potrebbero ritornare sottotraccia, ma non scomparire. L’opportunità che si presenta è come progettare e/o rafforzare, vari tipi di intervento psicologici e/o sociali e/o educativi, oltre alla preparazione verso disagio e disturbi degli adolescenti, da parte dei docenti e delle famiglie. Analizzerò come la figura dello Psicologo Scolastico in Italia è limitata a interventi di ascolto, e come sarebbe opportuno un suo maggior coinvolgimento nella formazione dei docenti, dei discenti e delle famiglie, e come dovrebbe essere maggiormente coinvolto nella progettualità degli istituti scolastici di interventi educativi per la facilitazione di atteggiamenti positivi, migliorare la comunicazione, anche con interventi gruppali, interventi psicoeducativi e anche come Psicologo di Comunità. Le istituzioni governative, centrali e locali, dovrebbero rivedere la loro programmazione economica sulla formazione dei docenti, sul sostegno alle famiglie, sul rafforzamento del ruolo dello Psicologo Scolastico. La fragilità evidenziata dalla pandemia potrebbe inoltre portare come conseguenza una regressione cognitiva, affettiva e relazionale degli adolescenti, ma anche l’opportunità di sviluppare resilienza e strategie di coping adeguate. Le criticità potrebbero essere trasformate in opportunità, progettando o rafforzando interventi psicosociali e formativi. Le ricerche (psicologiche, psicosociali, statistiche ecc…) fonti della mia tesi, sono ovviamente, quasi tutte recentissime, tutte le riviste hanno predisposto hub dedicati al COVID-19, e sono in continua evoluzione e aggiornamento. Altre fonti sono i documenti di varie organizzazioni, dal CENSIS al WHO all’OECD, ai documenti governativi italiani e non. Personalmente ho vissuto la DAD, quale docente di un istituto professionale.
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Pandemik Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang melanda Malaysia dan seluruh dunia telah mewujudkan norma baharu dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Aspek pendidikan negara turut tidak terkecuali. Sistem pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) yang dahulunya bersifat konvensional bertukar kepada PdP secara dalam talian. Hal ini menuntut pelajar untuk beradaptasi dengan landskap baru dunia pendidikan yang boleh memberi tekanan kepada pelajar. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kebahagiaan pelajar semasa PdP secara dalam talian. Kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk tinjauan. Seramai 1200 orang pelajar dari sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia dipilih melalui kaedah persampelan rawak mudah. Soal selidik Personal Wellbeing Index diadun bersama Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale (ComQol) telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Manakala, komponen kesejahteraan emosi pula diukur menggunakan Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE).; Analisis statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk peratus kekerapan dijalankan melalui perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Versi 26. Kajian mendapati bahawa majoriti pelajar (61.2 peratus) mempunyai tahap kebahagiaan yang tinggi. Konklusinya, kajian ini amatlah signifikan dalam mengetahui tahap kegembiraan pelajar semasa pandemik ini. Ia boleh dijadikan sebagai garis panduan terutamanya kepada institusi pendidikan dalam mengatur strategi bagi mengekalkan kebahagiaan pelajar yang seterusnya akan membawa kepada kecemerlangan di universiti. Kata Kunci: Kebahagiaan Diri, Tekanan, Pandemik COVID-19, Kesihatan Mental
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As this is the first time that a pandemic has occurred in our recent history, preventive interventions for children´s emotional problems during confinement were not planned. A main goal of Super Skills for Life Program (SSL) is to provide children with skills to build emotional resilience and coping strategies for daily and difficult life situations, so examining how the program may help children to face the COVID-19 situation could be appropriate. The aim of this research was to compare parents’ perception of immediate psychological reactions to confinement and coping styles in children who received the SSL program before home confinement (n = 48) with an equivalent sample of children who did not attend the program (n = 48). Another objective was to study the relationship between children’s immediate psychological reactions to confinement and their coping styles. Parents (n = 96) completed an online survey providing information on sociodemographic variables, children’s immediate psychological reactions (anxiety/activation, mood, sleep, be�havioral alterations, eating and cognitive alterations), and children’s coping styles (task-oriented, emotion-oriented, and avoidance-oriented strategies). Results indicated that the control group presented more symptoms of anxiety (p ≤ .001), worse mood (p ≤ .001), more sleep problems (p ≤ .01), and more cognitive alterations (p ≤ .01) during home confinement than children who received the program. Children in the control group were also more likely to use emotion-oriented strategies (p = .001), which were associated with presenting more psychological alterations. Although the SSL program was not created specifically for coping with the COVID-19 situation, it seems to provide children with skills to cope with this unexpected event.
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Schools have been closed in many countries due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, but education continues online. Little is known about how parents cope with educating their children in this unprecedented situation. Here, we present the results of a rapid survey examining the experience of Czech parents of children in Grades 1–9 (Age ~ 6–15; N = 9,810) with respect to home education during the COVID-19 lockdown. This survey was distributed widely, but only online and parents participated voluntarily. Mainly families with an internet connection and interested in their children's education (i.e., the majority of families with school-aged children in the Czech Republic) took part in the survey. The results show that these families tend to cope well with the current educational situation and view the overall schoolwork transferred to homes as useful. Most children spend 2–4 h a day studying, while parents help them at least half the time. Parents mostly explain task instructions, check the work their children have done, and teach new topics. To a lesser extent, they help their children solve tasks. Teachers appear to assign tasks more often than they provide feedback and/or interact with children. Some parents face difficulties, but those are generally not severe. These include, most notably, a lack of time, issues with technologies, and inadequate teaching skills and content knowledge. Altogether, this work maps the current educational situation in a large segment of Czech families and highlights possible pitfalls to be avoided: in the Czech Republic and beyond.
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La psicología tiene un papel muy relevante ante la crisis por el COVID-19. El afrontamiento de esta pandemia está poniendo a prueba nuestra capacidad de adaptación individual y colectiva. Como ciencia del comportamiento, la psicología tiene la función de predecir cómo van a afectar a las personas los numerosos cambios producidos por esta crisis y de reducir su impacto emocional promoviendo conductas adaptativas ante un nuevo contexto. Existe gran preocupación en lo concerniente a cómo puede afectar esta situación hasta ahora desconocida a la población infantil y adolescente. ¿Son psicológicamente más vulnerables o tienen mayor capacidad de adaptación? ¿Cómo prevenir el impacto emocional en niños y adolescentes? Si es el caso, ¿cómo se ha de intervenir? Creemos conveniente detenernos a establecer unas pautas mínimas de actuación que canalicen nuestro afán de contribuir como profesionales ante este problema. ¿Cómo Afecta a Niños y Adolescentes Vivir una Pandemia? Los brotes de enfermedades infecciosas han amenazado a la hu-manidad y han propiciado importantes cambios en la historia. Hace un siglo tuvo lugar una de las pandemias más mortíferas de la his-toria moderna, el brote de influenza de 1918 (conocida como "gripe española"), con más de 50 millones de personas fallecidas en todo el mundo. La mutación del virus formando distintas cepas propició pos-teriormente nuevas pandemias. Estamos viviendo una nueva crisis de salud pública que amenaza al mundo con la propagación del nuevo coronavirus del síndrome agudo respiratorio severo (SARS-CoV-2), responsable del COVID-19 (Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS, 2020]). Según la OMS (2020), a 16 de abril hay 213 países afectados, 1,991,562 casos confirmados y 130,885 muertes. España es uno de los países más afectados por el COVID-19, con 182,816 casos confirmados, 19,130 fallecidos y 74,797 curados a fecha de 16 de abril (Ministerio de Sanidad, 2020). De acuerdo con el Informe COVID-19 nº 22, 13 de abril de 2020, de los 113,407 casos notificados a través de SiVies (el 67% del total de casos confirmados), el 49% han sido hospitalizados, el 5.1% ingresados en UCI y el 7.6% han fallecido. Se estima que la tasa real de COVID-19 en niños y adolescentes infectados es comparable a la de los adultos. En España, los menores de 14 años y los jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años representan el 0.5% y 5.4% de los casos notificados, respectivamente (Ministerio de Sanidad, 2020). En tiempos de pandemia los niños y adolescentes son especial-mente vulnerables, ya que los entornos en los que viven y se desarro-llan se ven alterados (Alianza para la protección de la niñez y adoles-cencia en la acción humanitaria, 2019). Aunque históricamente no ha sido el grupo de edad más afectado por las enfermedades infecciosas, sí ha tenido un papel crucial como propagador de las mismas dentro del hogar y en su propia comunidad, como sucedió con brotes previos de influenza y actualmente con el COVID-19 (Lee et al., 2020). El in-forme de la Alianza para la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria (2019) describe los riesgos a los que se exponen los menores durante los brotes de enfermedades infecciosas, incluido el COVID-19. Entre los principales riesgos están el estrés psicosocial y los problemas psicológicos. La cuarentena en el hogar o la hospitali-zación por enfermedad del niño o familiares directos son condiciones que pueden generar altos niveles de estrés. La limitación de acceso a los servicios de salud mental durante la cuarentena puede agravar los problemas psicológicos previos del niño (p. ej., ansiedad social) o pueden surgir nuevos problemas por no atender a las necesidades de colectivos especiales (p. ej., niños con diversidad funcional o autis-mo). El estrés psicosocial de los cuidadores, el cierre de los centros educativos y el consumo de alcohol y tóxicos han sido identificados como causas del riesgo de prácticas parentales negligentes, violencia doméstica y otras situaciones de maltrato físico y emocional hacia los menores. ¿Cómo Afecta una Cuarentena a Niños y Adolescentes? Tras la cuarentena decretada por el gobierno de China en enero de 2020, muchos países han implantado esta medida para frenar la pro-pagación del COVID-19. En España, la vida normal de 10.3 millones de escolares y universitarios quedó interrumpida con la publicación del estado de alarma por crisis sanitaria (Real Decreto 463/2020, del 14 de marzo de 2020). El confinamiento en el hogar es una medida sin precedentes en nuestro país que puede tener un impacto negativo en el bienestar físico y psicológico de niños y adolescentes (Brazendale et al., 2017; Brooks et al., 2020). Dos factores que pueden afectar son la pérdida de hábitos y rutinas y el estrés psicosocial, de acuerdo a los primeros estudios que reflexionan sobre el impacto psicológico de la cuarentena por COVID-19 en niños de China (Wang, Pan, et al., 2020;
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Background The outbreak of the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) has caused enormous stress among the public in China. Intellectual input from various aspects is needed to control the COVID-19, including the understanding of the public’s emotion and behaviour and their antecedents from the psychological perspectives. Drawing upon the cognitive appraisal theory, this study examined three cognitive appraisals (i.e., knowledge, perceived severity and perceived controllability of the COVID-19) and their associations with a wide range of emotional and behavioural outcomes among the Chinese public. Methods Participants were 4607 citizens (age range: 17–90 years, Mage=23.71 years) from 31 provinces in China and they took part in an online survey. Results The results showed that the public’s emotional and behavioural reactions were slightly affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19. Moreover, the public had limited participation in the events regarding the COVID-19 but actively engaged in precautionary behaviour. In addition, results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the three appraisals were differentially related to the outcome variables. Conclusions The findings highlight the utility of cognitive appraisal, as a core process of coping stress, in explaining the public’s emotion and behaviour in the encounter of public health concern. Practically, the findings facilitate the government and practitioners to design and deliver targeted intervention programs to the public affected by the COVID-19.
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Background: The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic is a public health emergency of international concern and poses a challenge to psychological resilience. Research data are needed to develop evidence-driven strategies to reduce adverse psychological impacts and psychiatric symptoms during the epidemic. The aim of this study was to survey the general public in China to better understand their levels of psychological impact, anxiety, depression, and stress during the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. The data will be used for future reference. Methods: From 31 January to 2 February 2020, we conducted an online survey using snowball sampling techniques. The online survey collected information on demographic data, physical symptoms in the past 14 days, contact history with COVID-19, knowledge and concerns about COVID-19, precautionary measures against COVID-19, and additional information required with respect to COVID-19. Psychological impact was assessed by the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), and mental health status was assessed by the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Results: This study included 1210 respondents from 194 cities in China. In total, 53.8% of respondents rated the psychological impact of the outbreak as moderate or severe; 16.5% reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms; 28.8% reported moderate to severe anxiety symptoms; and 8.1% reported moderate to severe stress levels. Most respondents spent 20–24 h per day at home (84.7%); were worried about their family members contracting COVID-19 (75.2%); and were satisfied with the amount of health information available (75.1%). Female gender, student status, specific physical symptoms (e.g., myalgia, dizziness, coryza), and poor self-rated health status were significantly associated with a greater psychological impact of the outbreak and higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression (p < 0.05). Specific up-to-date and accurate health information (e.g., treatment, local outbreak situation) and particular precautionary measures (e.g., hand hygiene, wearing a mask) were associated with a lower psychological impact of the outbreak and lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression (p < 0.05). Conclusions: During the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, more than half of the respondents rated the psychological impact as moderate-to-severe, and about one-third reported moderate-to-severe anxiety. Our findings identify factors associated with a lower level of psychological impact and better mental health status that can be used to formulate psychological interventions to improve the mental health of vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 epidemic.
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Suicidality in childhood and adolescence is of increasing concern. The aim of this paper was to review the published literature identifying key psychosocial risk factors for suicidality in the paediatric population. A systematic two-step search was carried out following the PRISMA statement guidelines, using the terms ‘suicidality, suicide, and self-harm’ combined with terms ‘infant, child, adolescent’ according to the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health classification of ages. Forty-four studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. The review identified three main factors that appear to increase the risk of suicidality: psychological factors (depression, anxiety, previous suicide attempt, drug and alcohol use, and other comorbid psychiatric disorders); stressful life events (family problems and peer conflicts); and personality traits (such as neuroticism and impulsivity). The evidence highlights the complexity of suicidality and points towards an interaction of factors contributing to suicidal behaviour. More information is needed to understand the complex relationship between risk factors for suicidality. Prospective studies with adequate sample sizes are needed to investigate these multiple variables of risk concurrently and over time.
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When writing a manuscript, we often use words such as perfect, strong, good or weak to name the strength of the relationship between variables. However, it is unclear where a good relationship turns into a strong one. The same strength of r is named differently by several researchers. Therefore, there is an absolute necessity to explicitly report the strength and direction of r while reporting correlation coefficients in manuscripts. This article aims to familiarize medical readers with several different correlation coefficients reported in medical manuscripts, clarify confounding aspects and summarize the naming practices for the strength of correlation coefficients.
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Background Although the scientific community has acknowledged modest improvements can be made to weight status and obesogenic behaviors (i.e., physical activity, sedentary/screen time, diet, and sleep) during the school year, studies suggests improvements are erased as elementary-age children are released to summer vacation. Emerging evidence shows children return to school after summer vacation displaying accelerated weight gain compared to the weight gained occurring during the school year. Understanding how summer days differ from when children are in school is, therefore, essential. DiscussionThere is limited evidence on the etiology of accelerated weight gain during summer, with few studies comparing obesogenic behaviors on the same children during school and summer. For many children, summer days may be analogous to weekend days throughout the school year. Weekend days are often limited in consistent and formal structure, and thus differ from school days where segmented, pre-planned, restrictive, and compulsory components exist that shape obesogenic behaviors. The authors hypothesize that obesogenic behaviors are beneficially regulated when children are exposed to a structured day (i.e., school weekday) compared to what commonly occurs during summer. This is referred to as the ‘Structured Days Hypothesis’ (SDH). To illustrate how the SDH operates, this study examines empirical data that compares weekend day (less-structured) versus weekday (structured) obesogenic behaviors in U.S. elementary school-aged children. From 190 studies, 155 (~80%) demonstrate elementary-aged children’s obesogenic behaviors are more unfavorable during weekend days compared to weekdays. Conclusion In light of the SDH, consistent evidence demonstrates the structured environment of weekdays may help to protect children by regulating obesogenic behaviors, most likely through compulsory physical activity opportunities, restricting caloric intake, reducing screen time occasions, and regulating sleep schedules. Summer is emerging as the critical period where childhood obesity prevention efforts need to be focused. The SDH can help researchers understand the drivers of obesogenic behaviors during summer and lead to innovative intervention development.
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Objectives: This study investigated the psychosocial responses of children and their parents to pandemic disasters, specifically measuring traumatic stress responses in children and parents with varying disease-containment experiences. Methods: A mixed-method approach using survey, focus groups, and interviews produced data from 398 parents. Adult respondents completed the University of California at Los Angeles Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index (PTSD-RI) Parent Version and the PTSD Check List Civilian Version (PCL-C). Results: Disease-containment measures such as quarantine and isolation can be traumatizing to a significant portion of children and parents. Criteria for PTSD was met in 30% of isolated or quarantined children based on parental reports, and 25% of quarantined or isolated parents (based on self-reports). Conclusions: These findings indicate that pandemic disasters and subsequent disease-containment responses may create a condition that families and children find traumatic. Because pandemic disasters are unique and do not include congregate sites for prolonged support and recovery, they require specific response strategies to ensure the behavioral health needs of children and families. Pandemic planning must address these needs and disease-containment measures.
Objective Disease containment of COVID-19 has necessitated widespread social isolation. We aimed to establish what is known about how loneliness and disease containment measures impact on the mental health in children and adolescents. Method For this rapid review, we searched MEDLINE, PSYCHINFO, and Web of Science for articles published between 01/01/1946 and 03/29/2020. 20% of articles were double screened using pre-defined criteria and 20% of data was double extracted for quality assurance. Results 83 articles (80 studies) met inclusion criteria. Of these, 63 studies reported on the impact of social isolation and loneliness on the mental health of previously healthy children and adolescents (n=51,576; mean age 15.3) 61 studies were observational; 18 were longitudinal and 43 cross sectional studies assessing self-reported loneliness in healthy children and adolescents. One of these studies was a retrospective investigation after a pandemic. Two studies evaluated interventions. Studies had a high risk of bias although longitudinal studies were of better methodological quality. Social isolation and loneliness increased the risk of depression, and possibly anxiety at the time loneliness was measured and between 0.25 to 9 years later. Duration of loneliness was more strongly correlated with mental health symptoms than intensity of loneliness. Conclusion Children and adolescents are probably more likely to experience high rates of depression and probably anxiety during and after enforced isolation ends. This may increase as enforced isolation continues. Clinical services should offer preventative support and early intervention where possible and be prepared for an increase in mental health problems.
In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, 107 countries had implemented national school closures by March 18, 2020. It is unknown whether school measures are effective in coronavirus outbreaks (eg, due to severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS], Middle East respiratory syndrome, or COVID-19). We undertook a systematic review by searching three electronic databases to identify what is known about the effectiveness of school closures and other school social distancing practices during coronavirus outbreaks. We included 16 of 616 identified articles. School closures were deployed rapidly across mainland China and Hong Kong for COVID-19. However, there are no data on the relative contribution of school closures to transmission control. Data from the SARS outbreak in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore suggest that school closures did not contribute to the control of the epidemic. Modelling studies of SARS produced conflicting results. Recent modelling studies of COVID-19 predict that school closures alone would prevent only 2–4% of deaths, much less than other social distancing interventions. Policy makers need to be aware of the equivocal evidence when considering school closures for COVID-19, and that combinations of social distancing measures should be considered. Other less disruptive social distancing interventions in schools require further consideration if restrictive social distancing policies are implemented for long periods.
The December, 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak has seen many countries ask people who have potentially come into contact with the infection to isolate themselves at home or in a dedicated quarantine facility. Decisions on how to apply quarantine should be based on the best available evidence. We did a Review of the psychological impact of quarantine using three electronic databases. Of 3166 papers found, 24 are included in this Review. Most reviewed studies reported negative psychological effects including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors included longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss, and stigma. Some researchers have suggested long-lasting effects. In situations where quarantine is deemed necessary, officials should quarantine individuals for no longer than required, provide clear rationale for quarantine and information about protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided. Appeals to altruism by reminding the public about the benefits of quarantine to wider society can be favourable.