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Over the last few decades, most personality psychology research has been focused on assessing personality via scores on a few broad traits and investigating how these scores predict various behaviors and outcomes. This approach does not seek to explain the causal mechanisms underlying human personality and thus falls short of explaining the proximal sources of traits as well as the variation of individuals' behavior over time and across situations. On the basis of the commonalities shared by influential process-oriented personality theories and models, we describe a general Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA). The DPA relies heavily on theoretical principles applicable to complex adaptive systems that self-regulate via feedback mechanisms, and parses the sources of personality in terms of various psychological functions relevant in different phases of self-regulation. Thus, we consider personality to be rooted in individual differences in various cognitive, emotional-motivational, and volitional functions, as well as their causal interactions. In this article, we lay out twenty tenets for the DPA that may serve as a guideline for integrative research in personality science.
The Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA): 20 Tenets for Uncovering the Causal
Mechanisms of Personality
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
PFH Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND USA
Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Osnabrück University, Osnabrück, Germany
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA USA
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA
Abstract: Over the last few decades, most personality psychology research has been focused on assessing personality
via scores on a few broad traits and investigating how these scores predict various behaviours and outcomes. This
approach does not seek to explain the causal mechanisms underlying human personality and thus falls short of
explaining the proximal sources of traits as well as the variation of individualsbehaviour over time and across sit-
uations. On the basis of the commonalities shared by influential processoriented personality theories and models, we
describe a general dynamics of personality approach (DPA). The DPA relies heavily on theoretical principles appli-
cable to complex adaptive systems that selfregulate via feedback mechanisms, and it parses the sources of personality
in terms of various psychological functions relevant in different phases of selfregulation. Thus, we consider person-
ality to be rooted in individual differences in various cognitive, emotionalmotivational, and volitional functions, as
well as their causal interactions. In this article, we lay out 20 tenets for the DPA that may serve as a guideline for
integrative research in personality science. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Key words: dynamics of personality approach (DPA); systems theory; cybernetics; withinperson variability; person-
ality structure; personality processes; personality functions; cybernetic big ve theory; personality systems interac-
tions theory; virtual personalities model; computational modelling; personality neuroscience / predictive and
reactive control systems theory
What kind of theoretical framework is most adequate to com-
prehensively understand and explain human personality?
This question has not lost its relevance from the origins
of personality psychology as an academic discipline up to
the present day (Corr, 2020). Over the last half century,
personality psychology has been predominantly focused on
developing consensual descriptions of personality, largely
on the basis of taxonomies created by factor analysis, and
using those descriptive models to investigate what outcomes
are predicted by trait measures as well as how those scores
change over time. In the last decade, however, personality
researchers have become increasingly interested in investi-
gating the causal mechanisms and processes underlying
personality functioning (e.g. Baumert et al., 2017;
DeYoung, 2015; Mõttus, Condon, Wood, & Epskamp, 2018;
Rauthmann, 2015, 2020; Robinson, Klein, & Persich, 2019;
Shoda, Wilson, Chen, Gilmore, & Smith, 2013; Wood,
Gardner, & Harms, 2015), reviving an earlier phase of
theoretical development (e.g. Atkinson & Birch, 1970;
Block, 1995; Cervone & Shoda, 1999; Kuhl, 1994; Kuhl &
Atkinson, 1986; Mischel & Shoda, 1995; Vallacher, Read,
& Nowak, 2002). Such research is focused on resolving ma-
jor questions about the sources of variation in personality
and about how individualsbehaviours and experiences
vary from situation to situation despite the fact that personal-
ity traits are themselves relatively stable (DeYoung &
Weisberg, 2018).
A number of processoriented models and theories of per-
sonality have been developed during the last two decades
(e.g. Collins, Jackson, Walker, Oconnor, & Gardiner, 2017;
Fajkowska, 2015; Mayer, 2015; Revelle & Condon, 2015;
Sosnowska, Kuppens, De Fruyt, & Hofmans, 2019; Van
Egeren, 2009), which demonstrates the increasing interest
*Correspondence to: Markus Quirin, Department of Psychology, School of
Management, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Mu-
nich, Germany.
Paper draft submitted to a Special Issue of the European Journal of Person-
ality: New approaches toward conceptualizing and assessing personality,
René Mõttus, David Condon, Dustin Wood, Sacha Epskamp (Eds.)
European Journal of Personality,Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
Published online 23 August 2020 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/per.2295
Handling editor: EJP Guest Editor
Received 21 June 2019
Revised 27 June 2020, Accepted 3 July 2020
© 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
in uncovering the mechanisms underlying personality. Some
models have also been developed by authors of the present
work (DeYoung, 2015; Kuhl, 2000a,b; Kuhl, Quirin, &
Koole, 2020; Tops, IJzerman, & Quirin, 2020; Quirin, Tops,
& Kuhl, 2019; Read et al., 2010; Read, Droutman, &
Miller, 2017; Tops, Boksem, Luu, & Tucker, 2010; Tops,
MonteroMarín, & Quirin, 2016). These models and theories
differ in important respects, but all endorse a systems
theoretical approach in one way or the other, referring to con-
trol theory, cybernetics, cognitive architectures based on neu-
ral networks, or other theories of complex dynamic and
adaptive systems. Here, we refer to the common assumptions
of these different approaches as the dynamics of personality
approach (DPA). The DPA attempts to explain the structure
and dynamics of human personality as a complex adaptive
system that is able to regulate its own behaviour and experi-
ence via feedback processes (e.g. Carver & Scheier, 1998;
Powers, 1973).
We intend to highlight the importance of systems
theoretical thinking for personality psychologists and,
throughout this article, formulate specic tenets for a solid
DPA that can serve to tie different dynamic approaches to-
gether, which could be instrumental for future research on
personality and its underlying mechanisms (Table 1). Be-
yond that, we believe that the DPA constitutes a meaningful,
crossdisciplinary framework for conceptualizing phenom-
ena (e.g. personsituation interactions, psychopathology) at
the intersection of personality psychology and neighbouring
disciplines, thus furthering the integration of personality psy-
chology with social, motivational, clinical psychology, and
beyond. Our goal here is not to present a single denite the-
ory of personality but rather to present the important compo-
nents of an approach to the development of any such theory.
We start by reviewing general systemstheoretical princi-
ples and types of mechanisms that are necessary for a basic
understanding of the DPA. Next, we delineate psychological
functions (i.e. cognitive, affectivemotivational, and voli-
tional) as central elements in the DPA that correspond to in-
dividual difference variables and postulate that any DPA
model should explicate how these functions causally interact
with each other within the individual. By using some exam-
ples, we will also demonstrate how these functions might be
linked to commonly studied personality traits. Subsequently,
we will argue that these psychological functions evolved to
optimize efcient goal pursuit and thus play specic roles
in different phases of selfregulation. After highlighting that
Table 1. Tenets for the DPA
Tenet 1 The DPA aims to understand the proximal causes of personalityrelated phenomena.
Tenet 2 Feedback loops are a dening mechanism of the DPA; individuals adapt their functioning on the basis of the results of their
Tenet 3 Goals, understood broadly as desired states, can be conscious or unconscious, as can be the mechanisms applied to achieve goals.
Tenet 4 The DPA addresses withinperson variables that uctuate dynamically in response to changing goals and changing situations. We
refer to these withinperson variables as psychological functions.
Tenet 5 DPA models must specify how stable betweenperson differences emerge from the interactions of psychological functions and are
generated by betweenperson variation in some relatively stable parameters of the dynamic mechanisms that govern withinperson
Tenet 6 Psychological functions comprise cognitive (basic vs. higher level), emotionalmotivational, and volitional variables.
Tenet 7 Important individual differences exist in the readiness with which individuals engage in and maintain specic psychological
Tenet 8 DPA models should address interactions among these psychological functions and individual differences in them.
Tenet 9 Explaining how, when, and why psychological functions relate to each other to produce a common trait is a central issue for the
Tenet 10 Objective or indirect measures are necessary in assessing the mechanisms underlying personality functioning, to avoid confusing
the phenomena to be explained (behaviour and experience) with the explanatory mechanisms.
Tenet 11 It is heuristically useful to describe selfregulation in terms of a sequence of phases or stages.
Tenet 12 Switching between phases of selfregulation can be facilitated by volition, such as the exible upregulation and downregulation of
emotions and other functions.
Tenet 13 Emotionalmotivational, cognitive, and volitional functions can be considered to have evolved to serve a particular purpose in
selfregulation and thus to be of differing importance in different selfregulation phases.
Tenet 14 All humans share an evolutionarily developed, nomothetic structure of functional variables and operations, and the functional
requirements of that structure are in part summarized by a set of selfregulation phases.
Tenet 15 Individual differences largely stem from differing tendencies in how readily individuals enter and exit specic selfregulation
phases or from the degree to which they apply certain functions within these phases.
Tenet 16 The DPA encompasses a personalitybysituations view by considering momenttomoment transactions of individuals with
Tenet 17 To investigate personenvironment transactions systematically, it is indispensable to understand and describe the characteristics of
situations as they constitute affordances for affective, motivational, cognitive, or volitional functions within individuals.
Tenet 18 Neuroscientic insights are helpful for advancing our understanding of the causal structure of human personality.
Tenet 19 The same kind of overt behaviour may stem from different underlying functions on different occasions.
Tenet 20 Computational modelling constitutes a prime method for deciphering the causal network of mechanisms underlying personality and
the variability of behaviour.
Note: DPA, dynamics of personality approach.
948 M. Quirin et al.
© 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
the investigation of temporal dynamics of personby
situation interactions is key to the DPA, we discuss its com-
patibility with neuroscientic research and models (e.g. pre-
dictive coding). Not least, we advocate computational
modelling as a prime method in the DPA, which can be
used to investigate the causal mechanisms of personality.
Throughout the paper, we mention tenets, 20 in total, that
we deem central for the DPA and related research (also Ta-
ble 1). By doing so, we demonstrate how the DPA has the po-
tential to integrate approaches investigating variations
between individuals as well as approaches investigating var-
iations within a person over time.
The DPA uses systems (or controlor cybernetic) theory
(Carver & Scheier, 1998; Powers, 1973; Wiener, 1948) as a
general framework to conceptualize, analyse, and (eventu-
ally) computationally simulate personality and its function-
ing. Although systems theory has an extremely broad
scope, here, we are referring to it as it applies to complex
adaptive systems. In this context, systems theory describes
and explicates general principles of complex systems, human
beings included, that selfregulate their behaviour across
time and situations, through feedback processes. It consti-
tutes a general explanatory framework that provides princi-
ples to organize the understanding of causal relationships
between variables involved in complex adaptive systems.
Therefore, it largely abstracts from the materials (e.g. blood
vessels, neural networks, or computer circuit boards) that
serve as a basis for the causal transference of information
within a system. Indeed, systemstheoretical principles are
independent of the system at hand, be it an ecosystem, a so-
cietal system, a group of interacting agents, a plant or ani-
mals body, a robot, or the human psyche. Hence, systems
theory can be applied in personality research to analyse the
network of causal mechanisms underlying personality func-
tioning, or even to implement it in a computer program or a
robot to simulate a humans personality and behaviour.
One of the major challenges for explanatory theories in
personality psychology is to explain how personality traits
can be stable and persistent while behaviour changes from
moment to moment in response to both situational cues and
uctuations in processes within the person (e.g. changes in
the strength of motives). Part of the appeal of systems
theory is that it provides tools for explaining the relative
stability of systems despite their constant interaction with
their environments. This particularly applies to systems of
socalled operational (or operative, autopoetic) closure (e.g.
Luhmann, 1992), which typically have denable borders that
distinguish them from their environment, such as the bound-
aries of the human body, and which maintain a network of
variables that are causally connected to each other via conge-
neric operations. These systems interact with their environ-
ments by taking in information (input) that triggers internal
operations and by producing outcomes (behavioural output)
that causally inuence the environment (Rauthmann, 2016).
Thus, there is a constant state of dynamic interplay and
change between the system and its environment.
By adopting this systemstheoretical orientation, the
DPA differs from descriptive, trait approaches to personality,
which typically focus on what is stable in the person and
use that to predict other individual differences in traits,
outcomes, and so forth. Descriptive approaches typically
attempt to provide an economical taxonomy of personality
dimensions (or types) deriving from the covariation of be-
haviour and experience observed between individuals, most
often identied by factor analyses of questionnaire ratings.
The DPA is not opposed to the descriptive approach and,
in fact, can be complementary to it, attempting to identify
causal mechanisms that lead to the patterns of covariation
identied by descriptive taxonomies. Neither are typical
descriptive approaches necessary for the DPA, however, as
researchers may focus mainly on individual difference pa-
rameters that are prominent or particularly meaningful in
their theoretical account.
Systems theory can also be integrated with ideas about
evolutionary function to address questions about why vari-
ables evolved to relate to each other in a certain way (e.g.
Lukaszewski, 2013). This can be fruitful in the DPA because
evolutionary considerations (e.g. of adaptation and tness)
can be used to generate hypotheses about a proximate causal
network of variables or to integrate the hypothesized account
of mechanism within a broader sociobiological context by
adding the question of the distal whyto the question of
the proximal how. Despite this potentially helpful addon
of evolutionary perspectives, the core of the DPA, as we
see it, is primarily to disentangle proximal rather than distal
causes of personalityrelated phenomena (Tenet 1, Table 1).
In systems theory applied to proximal causes, the causal
network of variables can be analysed structurally (conceptu-
ally) or quantitatively (mathematically) (Bischof, 2016).
Structural systems analysis posits questions about the causal
structure of variables in the form of Does X cause Y?,
Does Y cause X?,orDo X and Y engage in mutual causa-
tion?as well as questions about the extent to which such
causal relationships have facilitatory or inhibitory relation-
ships. When three or more variables are under consideration,
the topological structure of their causal relationships can as-
sume more complex forms, such as a chain, a mesh, a fork
(bifurcation), or the wellknown feedback loop. These forms
can be depicted as socalled signal ow graphs (Ma-
son, 1953)the bedrock of virtually all graphical depictions
of causal relationships (e.g. Pearl, 2009; Spirtes, Glymour, &
Scheines, 2000). A signal ow graph consists of a network
of directed branches that connect at nodes and which have
been used in theories of human personality as well (e.g.
Lee, 2012). Accordingly, in the DPA, the structure of person-
ality refers to the nomothetic network of causal relationships
among withinperson variables (psychological functions;
refer to succeeding discussion) rather than to the
betweenperson covariance pattern of traits.
Structural systems analysis can be considered a prerequi-
site for quantitative systems analysis, which attempts to de-
termine mathematically describable relationships between
variables in a network (Bischof, 2016; Powers, 1978). For
Dynamics of personality approach 949
© 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
example, motivation researchers may ask whether the rela-
tionship between strength of incentivedriven approach moti-
vation and the distance from the incentive is linear or
nonlinear (e.g. logarithmic), how strong its slope is
(Miller, 1944), or how withinsystem (person) variables
causally relate to each other during socalled transition states
(instability between two stable, balanced states), as typically
described by differential equations (Bischof, 2016). Quanti-
tative systems analysis, as typically realized by computa-
tional modelling (refer to succeeding section), thus allows
for predictions of a systems complex dynamic behaviour
and puts the hypothesized causal network of variables to
the test.
In selfregulation, the system controls a variable or set of var-
iables physically instantiated within itself. Feedback loops
are a dening mechanism of the DPA because an adaptive
system autonomously attempts to adjust a current state to a
target state, thereby pursuing goals, which requires feedback
concerning its states (Tenet 2) (e.g. Carver & Scheier, 1998;
Powers, 1973). In the simplest case of a loop involving two
variables, a variable A causally inuences a variable B,
which in turn causally inuences A. If this happens in a
way that the value of A remains relatively stable or in bal-
ance, the causal structure is called a homeostatic loop, with
B exerting negative feedback control over A (as compared
with a positive feedback loop that leads to an increasing di-
vergence of the variablesvalues: Carver & Scheier, 1998).
Homeostatic processes are common in organismsfor ex-
ample, to maintain variables like temperature within ranges
conducive to life. However, not all negative feedback pro-
cesses are homeostatic, as some reduce the distance between
the systems current state and a goal state that has not previ-
ously been achieved (e.g. obtaining a promotion within ones
company, or becoming better at regulating ones emotions).
Negative feedback control, then, is involved whenever one
seeks to change a current state to a desired state. In negative
feedback, the system attempts to reduce the discrepancy be-
tween these states, and detection of that discrepancy consti-
tutes error. For example, humans may strive for food,
security, autonomy, and arousal to meet a particular person,
to win a game, or to simply relax, all to some desired degree.
The systems representation of the desired state or outcome,
the value or value range toward which negative feedback
leads, is what can be described as a goal in cybernetic theory.
In the cybernetic or control theory tradition, the term
goalis typically used to designate any desired outcome
state that the system is striving for (DeYoung &
Weisberg, 2018). This contrasts with the manner in which
goals are typically thought of in psychology, where distinc-
tions are often made between goals, intentions, motives,
and needs. Within the latter tradition, goals may signify the
conscious representation of a desired outcome state such as
passing an exam (Elliot & Fryer, 2008), and intentions may
signify prospective actions to obtain the desired outcome
(Cottini & Meier, 2020; Goschke & Kuhl, 1993). Not least,
the concept of motive, instead of focusing on one specic en-
tity such as a desired outcome or a prospective action, de-
notes an associative network of possible actions, outcomes,
and goals that satisfy or frustrate a particular need
(McClelland, 1985).
Compared with goals, needs can be conceived of in terms
of desired outcomes that are evolved components of human
nature and rooted in deeper organismic states. For example,
the goal to make friends with somebody may be rooted
in the deep organismic need for afliation (relatedness),
which in turn may be integrated in an associative motive net-
work of relevant incentives, actions, and outcomes (Deci &
Ryan, 2011; Kuhl et al., 2020; McClelland, 1985). Notably,
goals, intentions, needs, and motives are interconnected and
can shift over time, both phasically and tonically, which ren-
ders complex systems like humans capable of extensive ad-
aptation. For example, a particular goal or motive (e.g. the
motive for afliation) may be aroused (disinhibited) in the
presence of a key affording incentive or situation, as when
appetite emerges with the occurrence of food or with the on-
set of eating. This corresponds to a phasic change in the goal
from prestimulus to poststimulus exposure, and the amount
of change in that goal can be characterized in terms of indi-
vidual differences in a motive or its activation potential
(McClelland, 1985). Likewise, internal developmental and
learning processes may shift a goal tonically or even perma-
nently. It is worth pointing out that the DPA perspective ex-
tends the idea of goals to unconscious as well as conscious
control processes, so long as the system employs some sort
of feedback control to reach a desired state (Tenet 3).
At a minimum, a cybernetic control system requires a
representation of the goal state of the controlled variable (in
complex systems like organisms, this desired target state
can change over time), a sensor of the current state of that
system that allows comparison between the two (or error de-
tection) via feedback, and a set of operators that actively ad-
justs the systems behaviour in such a way as to move the
current state toward the goal state. Most organisms, and cer-
tainly human beings, incorporate other more complicated
modes of selfregulation, including positive feedback (in
which discrepancies are increased instead of reduced) and
feedforward (in which predictions about the future state are
used to control action). In systems capable of selfregulation,
however, these other types of control are bounded by nega-
tive feedback processes, which provide a standard to strive
for to keep the system within its adaptive range.
Typically, individuals pursue multiple goals (including
intentions, motives, and needs) over a given period of time,
with only one or two being active in working memory at
any given time. Quiescent goals can become reactivated at
any time, however. This occurs when actively remembering
goals that one is not currently pursuing or upon passive ex-
posure to cues relevant to a goal, especially when those cues
suggest that a goal may be thwarted. Such processes fre-
quently lead to the occurrence of several feedback control
processes overlapping within a particular stretch of time
(Carver & Scheier, 1998). In fact, the possibility that activa-
tion of motivational states can vary over time and situations
950 M. Quirin et al.
© 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
is a dening feature of organismic systems as compared
with many technological systems, which continually work
on preset goals, as in the earliest cybernetic models (Wie-
ner, 1948). Among humans, motivational states can even be-
come chronically deactivated when an individual has not
worked on them for a long time or when the pursuit of related
goals has been problematic in the past (Brandstätter & Herr-
mann, 2018; Rasmussen, Wrosch, Scheier, & Carver, 2006).
Personality trait variablesas favoured by descriptive,
factoranalytical approachesrefer to betweenperson vari-
ables, conceived as changing only very slowly or slightly
within a person under normal circumstances (Specht
et al., 2014). The DPA, in contrast, is primarily (yet not ex-
clusively) focused on withinperson variables that uctuate
dynamically in response to changing goals and changing sit-
uations. We refer to these distinct withinperson (or pro-
cess) variables as psychological functions (Tenet 4). Rather
than using the term functionin an evolutionary sense, it is
used here to refer to the manner in which a process contrib-
utes to the goaldirected functioning of the system (DeYoung
& Krueger, 2018). Cognitive functions, for example, refer to
sensorimotor control, analytical thinking, memory, attention,
holistic thought, and so onuniversal human processes
that can be more or less activated or inhibited at any
given moment.
Despite focusing on psychological functions, any com-
prehensive DPA must address stable individual differences
in addition to internal dynamic processes, or it would not
be an approach to personality. Thus, DPA models must spec-
ify how stable individual differences emerge from the inter-
actions of withinperson functions and are generated by
betweenperson variation in some relatively stable parame-
ters of the dynamic mechanisms that govern withinperson
selfregulation (Tenet 5). Descriptive traits often encompass
various variables (e.g. the Big Five domains, aspects, or
facets) that may correlate on a population level but may be
caused not by one single underlying causal function (e.g.
Wood et al., 2015), but by the operation of multiple psycho-
logical functions and their causal interplay (e.g. several dis-
tinct cognitive and motivational processes are likely to
contribute to openness to experience: DeYoung, 2015).
Additionally, it is possible that different functional interac-
tions may produce the same level of a behavioural trait in
different people.
Personality traits are often dened as relatively stable
patterns of emotion, motivation, cognition, and behaviour
(e.g. DeYoung, 2015; McAdams & Pals, 2006; Wilt &
Revelle, 2009). Here, however, we would like to bring a
slightly different perspective to bear, that is, to explain per-
sonality in terms of the pattern of cognitive, emotional
motivational, and volitional functions, but not behaviour in
itself (Tenet 6). This approach has at least two important im-
plications. First, we discuss volition as a distinct category of
psychological functions in order to highlight the fact that
particular functions may be voluntarily engaged or disen-
gaged at any particular moment of time, thus stressing the
notion of topdown control in the study of individual
Second, because observable behaviour is not an explana-
tory psychological function but rather an output or outcome,
we will not discuss behaviour itself as a psychological func-
tion in any narrow sense. Making such distinctions allows
the DPA to meaningfully explore relationships between
functionlevel constructs (e.g. emotion/motivation, cogni-
tion, and volition), how they are activated by stimuli and sit-
uations, and how they determine behavioural responses
(Fajkowska, 2015; Smillie, 2013). Our suggestion to separate
psychological functions from behaviour is also driven by the
fact that outwardly similar behaviours can be caused by dif-
ferent underlying psychological functions, and the same psy-
chological functions may lead to different behaviours
(Funder, 1991). For example, an individual may approach
strangers (typically conceived of as an extraverted behav-
iour) in order to reduce ones anxiety, to ask for help, or
out of boredom (Berlyne, 1960). Behaviour may nevertheless
point to operations or psychological functions if accurately
observed over time and in a variety of appropriate situations.
Behaviour and experience ultimately result from the com-
plex interplay of psychological functions, the activation
levels of which can uctuate from moment to moment as a
reaction to internal (e.g. goals and motives) and external (sit-
uational) cues. Although all functions we consider here are
present in each individual, they are nevertheless subject to in-
dividual differences in their operation. These differences
largely refer to the readiness with which individuals engage
in and maintain specic psychological functions (Tenet 7;
e.g. in analytical thinking as a cognitive function, or aflia-
tion as a motivational function). In what follows, we provide
an overview of these classes of psychological functions and
discuss relevant individual differences for each one (Table 2).
Models developed through the DPA (at least those aiming to
be integrative or comprehensive) should address causal inter-
actions among these functions and individual differences in
them (Tenet 8).
Emotion and motivation
Motivations are inclinations of the system to move toward
particular goal states. Emotion and motivation are difcult
to separate, as emotions typically have a motivational com-
ponent (i.e. they incline people toward particular actions or
types of action, or disrupt an action: Frijda, 2016), and moti-
vations typically have emotional components. Although hu-
man beings experience a wide range of emotions, any DPA
model will need to deal at least with the basic emotional
motivational categories of reward and punishment. From
the perspective of the DPA, rewards are associated with pos-
itive emotions and indicate movement toward or accomplish-
ment of goals. By contrast, punishments are associated with
negative emotions and signify threats or other aversive
events (e.g. failure to accomplish ones goals).
Two kinds of rewards should be distinguished, which
relate to two different motivational phases. Specically,
Dynamics of personality approach 951
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
whereas incentive rewards indicate progress toward a
goal, hedonic (or consummatory) rewards signal that
the goal has been achieved. Incentive rewards, which
gain their power through mesolimbic dopamine circuits
(Berridge, 2007), induce feelings of desire (or wanting),
which trigger effort and associated emotions like excitement.
By contrast, hedonic rewards induce feelings of enjoyment
or relaxation resulting from goal attainment (e.g. liking of
food, hugs, orgasm, or even completed work), which can
be linked to functioning of the endogenous opiate system
(Berridge, 2007). Accordingly, desire for incentives supports
goal pursuit, whereas hedonic enjoyment serves as a signal
that the pursued rewards were worth the effort, thus stimulat-
ing future goal pursuit of the same class of incentives.
Incentive and hedonic rewards can refer to different
stimuli/categories that activate or inhibit cognitive or voli-
tional functions differentially. For example, social rewards
and objectoriented rewards activate different motives (e.g.
of afliation, power, and achievement). As another example,
a preponderance of objectrelated reward sensitivity in in-
fants predicts impairment later in development, whereas
early personrelated reward sensitivity predicts subsequent
facilitation of the development of selfregulatory skills
(Kochanska, Aksan, Penney, & Doobay, 2007).
Similar to rewards, we can distinguish between two kinds
of punishments (e.g. DeYoung & Weisberg, 2018). Speci-
cally, threats are cues that indicate the possibility of a future
goal thwarting, including aversive physical stimulation, and
they typically evoke negative emotions such as fear, anxiety,
and worry. By contrast, defeats reference the immediate ex-
perience of failure and other types of goal thwarting and typ-
ically give rise to negative emotions such as frustration,
dejection, helplessness, and hopelessness. Threat is typically
considered to elicit fear or anxiety, whereas defeat is
typically considered to elicit frustration or depression. Rela-
tive to trait anxiety, trait depression shows a unique pattern
of associations with other traits suggesting reduced motiva-
tion and lower dopaminergic activity (DeYoung, 2013).
Anxiety is linked to increased error sensitivity, which can
also be linked to threat rather than defeat (Higgins, 1997;
Kuhl, 2000a; Kuhl et al., 2020). Anxiety is highly
comorbid with depression; however, once depression pre-
dominates over anxiety, individuals show decreased rather
than increased error sensitivity (Weinberg, Kotov, &
Proudt, 2015). This makes sense because ceasing to care
about goals decreases their salience and therefore decreases
the degree to which they can trigger error signals in relation
to the present state.
The specic emotion that a person experiences when
goals are achieved or thwarted is also likely to depend
on the nature of the goal or motive involved (e.g.
objectrelated or social; afliation or power). For example,
unsatised attachment needs can give rise to feelings
of loneliness or existential anxiety, which may trigger
proximityseeking behaviours. By contrast, unsatised or
thwarted power motivation can lead to feelings of oppres-
sion, which might motivate assertion. Hence, even though re-
ward and punishment are basic event types, they can give
rise to a wide diversity of experiences and corresponding be-
haviours, because people pursue a wide range of different
motives and goals (McClelland, 1985).
Individual differences in motivation and emotion
Individual differences in motivation and emotion may be seen
as core to a number of commonly studied personality traits (al-
though not all commonly studied traits, as our analysis in the
following sections will suggest). Among these is the Big Five
trait of neuroticism, which is linked to all sorts of negative
(threatrelated and punishmentrelated) emotions. Indeed,
the tendency toward negative emotions appears to constitute
the core of this trait (Watson, 2000). Extraversion is not as
purely focused on emotion as neuroticism is but nonetheless
appears to encompass the tendency to experience many posi-
tive, rewardrelated emotions; and such emotions may be cen-
tral to the trait (Watson, 2000). The reinforcement sensitivity
theory tradition (Corr, 2004) seeks to assess traits related to
behavioural approach sensitivity, behavioural inhibition sen-
sitivity, and ghtightfreeze sensitivity that describe emo-
tional and motivational responses to rewarding and punishing
stimuli. And many emotions are simply measured as traits in
their own right by asking people about their typical levels of
anxiety, anger, curiosity, shame, pride, and so forth.
Some psychological functions are primarily cognitive in na-
ture. These include basic functions related to attention and
sensorimotor processes, which can be identied among
all vertebrates, as well as higherlevel functions that are more
evolutionarily recent, such as analyticalpropositional versus
holisticassociative thinking (see Anderson, 1983, vs.
Rumelhart, McClelland, & PDP Research Group, 1986, for
theoretical models of propositional vs. holistic processing).
One functional aspect of attention relevant for personality
function is conscious error detection (error awareness). Error
Table 2. DPA taxonomy of psychological functions
Process level Examples
Volition Emotion regulation, selfcontrol, selfregulation
Highlevel cognition Analyticalsequential and holisticcontextual thought
Motivation and emotion Incentive and hedonic reward, threat and defeat punishment
Lowlevel cognition Sensorimotor control, error detection
Note: DPA, dynamics of personality approach.
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
detection occurs when there is a discrepancy between perfor-
mance and expectation, which initiates an orienting response,
narrows attention toward the mismatch, and facilitates de-
tailed, conscious processing. Narrowed, conscious attention
is associated with analytical rather than holistic processing
(Hsieh, Yu, Chen, Yang, & Wang, 2020) and is facilitated
by negative and positive (arousing) stimuli, albeit more
strongly by negative ones (e.g. Easterbrook, 1959; Kazén,
Kuhl, & Quirin, 2015; Pool, Brosch, Delplanque, &
Sander, 2016). By contrast, a broad scope of attention, which
is present in the absence of perceived errors or concrete ex-
pectations, facilitates the consideration of contextual vari-
ables as well as the interoception of emotional preferences
and values (which has been referred to as selfaccess; e.g.
Quirin & Kuhl, 2018). At the same time, a broad scope of at-
tention lowers the likelihood of consciously detecting dis-
crepancies, details, embedded objects or taskirrelevant
information (Davis & Cochran, 2017; Hsieh et al., 2020).
Broad attentional scope is often facilitated by positive affect
(Fredrickson, 2001; Lindquist, Satpute, Wager, Weber, &
Barrett, 2015) and especially by positive emotions related
to hedonic rewards (as incentive rewards narrow ones focus
on the goal: Gable & HarmonJones, 2008; Pool et al., 2016).
Another basic class of cognitive function is sensorimotor
processing and coordination (Lehéricy et al., 2006;
Takeshima & Gyoba, 2014). Sensorimotor processing can
operate without conscious attention or deliberation, for ex-
ample, when stimulusresponse patterns become automati-
cally elicited as, for example, in nonverbal social
interaction such as sensorimotor synchronization, emotional
contagion, or intuitive parenting (Boccia, Piccardi, Di
Marco, Pizzamiglio, & Guariglia, 2016; Dumas, Nadel,
Soussignan, Martinerie, & Garnero, 2010; Keller, Chasiotis,
& Runde, 1992; Miller, Xia, & Hastings, 2019). Sensorimo-
tor coordination relies on peripheral (preconscious) percep-
tion of stimulus or ownbody locomotion, as supported by
the dorsal visual stream (Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982), or
the mirrorneuron system in the context of interpersonal co-
ordination and imitation (Endedijk, Meyer, Bekkering,
Cillessen, & Hunnius, 2017). Sensorimotor processing can
be relevant in the consideration of expertise or competence
and may also play important roles in the manner in which
practiced goals lead to practiced responses.
Highlevel cognitive functions, by contrast, allow individ-
uals to create action scripts and models of the world, which
can facilitate solving complex problems. Such models are
useful in decision making because they allow the organism
to anticipate likely future states, in part by anticipating the re-
sults of ones actions. Among human beings, such models
can be holistic/associative, keeping track of what patterns
of sensory inputs typically cooccur, or they can be analytical
(i.e. causal, logical, and propositional), developing models of
the rules that govern transitions between states and the range
of conditions currently obtained based on those rules (e.g.
Epstein, 2003; Kahneman, 2003; Lieberman, 2003; Strack
& Deutsch, 2004). Sometimes, it can be useful to process in-
formation (conceptual thought or attention) in a slow, analyt-
ical way, which can help one avoid mistakes. At other times,
it can be useful to process information in a holistic
associative way (e.g. to make a quick decision if necessary).
Analytical processing is a cognitive function well suited
for planning sequences of subgoals needed to reach an end
goal. By contrast, holisticassociative processing facilitates
experiential absorption in any activity, whether directed to-
ward a concrete goal or not (Kuhl & Kazén, 2008;
Tellegen, 1981, 1982; Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974).
Individual differences in cognition
Although we have described analytical versus holistic think-
ing as two general modes of information processing, such
dualprocess frameworks have most heuristic value when
one recognizes the multiplicity of cognitive processes at both
conscious and automatic levels. To encourage greater speci-
city as well as applicability to the personality realm, it
may be important to develop more differentiated models
that specify functions within each of the larger dualprocess
categories. For example, the personality trait intellect
(which relates to analytical or reective thinking: Kaufman
et al., 2010; Strack & Deutsch, 2004) entails some ambiguity
from a personality functions standpoint because its manifes-
tations can reect both cognitive functions (e.g. efciency or
sensitivity of a cognitive subsystem) or motivational func-
tions related to interest (e.g. DeYoung, 2015; Smillie,
Varsavsky, Avery, & Perry, 2016). Similarly, openness to ex-
perience refers to some processes that have a cognitive basis,
such as in detecting new patterns in sensory and perceptual
activity (e.g. with respect to art or music), but also has an
emotional component involving hedonic enjoyment of
those patterns. These examples highlight the fact that most
traits involve multiple or different types of psychological
function, although one may predominate (e.g. Pytlik Zillig,
Hemenover, & Dienstbier, 2002). Explaining how, when,
and why such functions relate to each other to form a
common trait can be considered a central issue for the DPA
(Tenet 9).
The scope of ones associative processing, which has
been analysed in experimental research (e.g. Kuhl, 2000a;
Kuhl et al., 2020; Quirin, Düsing, & Kuhl, 2013), can also
be considered a cognitive function that is likely to contribute
to personality tendencies related to openness, with highly
open people having a larger scope of associative processing.
There is also evidence that individuals differ in lowlevel
cognitive functions. For example, extraversion has been re-
lated to faster sensorimotor processing as identied by elec-
troencephalographic research (De Pascalis, Sommer, &
Scacchia, 2018; Stahl & Rammsayer, 2008). Similarly, neu-
roticism could centrally involve sensitivities related to error
detection (Olvet & Hajcak, 2008).
In contrast to motivation, which implicates basic drives re-
lated to approach and avoidance (which are endemic to all
living organisms: Schneirla, 1959), volition, sometimes de-
scribed as selfcontrol(Baumeister, 2014), refers to the pur-
poseful regulation of mental activities that will facilitate
ones intended goals in the context of competing goals (e.g.
distractions or temptations). Volition, as we describe it here,
Dynamics of personality approach 953
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
is distinct from our descriptions of cognition or motivation in
that it involves superordinate control mechanisms that
orchestrate elements of both cognition (e.g. knowledge rep-
resentation and thinking) and motivation/emotion (Kuhl &
Fuhrmann, 1998).
Volition functions not only by counteracting immediate
impulses and action tendencies that might compromise the
pursuit of a current goal but also through processes that
upregulate or downregulate emotions that could facilitate
or interfere with ones efforts. In other words, volition in-
cludes elements of emotion regulation (Gross, 2014;
Koole, 2009; Kuhl, 2000a). In a volitional process, one
might quiet emotional states that would interfere with ones
efforts (e.g. anxiety), while cultivating other emotions when
those emotions would be advantageous (Shah, Friedman, &
Kruglanski, 2002; Tamir, 2016). Thus, volition may benet
from emotional intelligence, which includes capacities to cre-
ate emotional experiences that are suited to the task at hand
(Cohen & Andrade, 2004; Salovey & Grewal, 2005).
Individual differences in volition
Based on different theoretical or empirical (e.g. factor
analytical) approaches, a number of individual differences
relevant to volition have been postulated. The Big Five factor
conscientiousness reects a general tendency toward being
industrious, organized, selfdisciplined, and orderly. Other
volitional individual difference constructs include those de-
scribed as regulatory focus, which can be either toward pro-
motion, a mode of goal pursuit in which one strives to obtain
rewards, or prevention, a mode of goal pursuit in which one
strives to avoid negative outcomes, including defeats and
failures to full obligations (Higgins, 1997). One can also
distinguish modes of volition that involve constraint and ri-
gidity (e.g. selfdiscipline or selfcontrol) versus context
sensitivity and exibility (Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998). For ex-
ample, in the latter mode, the person might pause in the pur-
suit of a particular goal, and even pursue a different goal, in
order to regain energy for later pursuing the goal at hand.
Likewise, one can use volition to regulate cognitive modes,
for example, to overcome analytical means of apprehending
a problem, in the service of intuitive approaches that might
be more suited to it (Epstein, 2003).
Emotion regulation, which is subsumed here under voli-
tion, has been conceptualized in various ways (Koole, 2009).
Some frameworks distinguish styles or types of emotion reg-
ulation, such as the distinction between reappraisal and sup-
pression (Gross & John, 2003). Other frameworks focus on
the ability (or exibility) to disengage from negative or in-
tensify positive emotional states and concomitant thoughts
in the service of goal pursuit (Beckmann & Kuhl, 1984;
Koole & Jostmann, 2004; Kuhl, 1994; Quirin, Kuhl, &
Düsing, 2011). Measures of volitional emotion regulation
are moderately related to neuroticism (Barańczuk, 2019;
Diefendorff, Hall, Lord, & Strean, 2000; Ng & Diener, 2009;
Southward, Altenburger, Moss, Cregg, & Cheavens, 2018),
which makes theoretical sense because the ability to regulate
negative emotion will inuence how frequently and intensely
one experiences it (Lahey, 2009). However, in a DPA, we ar-
gue that one should distinguish descriptive traits from the
underlying functions that may produce them. Therefore,
one should distinguish processes involved in initial emo-
tional reactivity from subsequent processes related to regulat-
ing those initial reactions, even though both are likely to
contribute to neuroticism (Koole, 2009; Kuhl, 2000a; also
Gross & FeldmanBarrett, 2011).
Critical remarks
Among other contributions, the DPA highlights the fact that
different research literatures typically focus on different psy-
chological functions. In contrast to approaches focusing on
one or a few specic functions, the DPA encourages investi-
gating individual differences in multiple functions, in an inte-
grated manner (refer to preceding discussion, Tenet 8).
Ideally, this would involve all or most psychological func-
tions (or at least classes of psychological functions) and de-
tailed observations concerning the manner in which the
different functions interact, whether in producing human be-
haviour or in predicting regularities in experience. That being
said, we do not claim that our rough classication of psycho-
logical functions is the only one possible. Rather, we merely
suggest that the present taxonomy into cognitive, emotional
motivational, and volitional functions appears to be both
plausible and useful (e.g. see Kuhl et al., 2020, for a taxon-
omy differentiating seven functional levels).
However, the DPAs focus on explaining personality
by withinperson functions and their interplay also implies
the necessity of a multimethod approach (Robinson
et al., 2019). This is important because questionnaire mea-
sures, both trait and state, are limited with respect to the iden-
tication and measurement of withinperson psychological
mechanisms (Robinson & Wilkowski, 2015). Indeed, indi-
viduals are often unaware of the mechanisms that produce
their behaviours (Wilson & Dunn, 2004) and selfreports
of processing or ability often correlate relatively weakly
with objective indices of processing or ability (e.g. Mayer,
Salovey, & Caruso, 2008; Paulhus, Lysy, & Yik, 1998).
Hence, objective or indirect measures are necessary in
assessing the mechanisms that we have highlighted (Tenet
10). Such measures may include neuroscientic assessments,
which will be discussed subsequently.
We have already mentioned that the behaviour of
selfregulating systems involves, at a minimum, the detection
of distance from a goal and the engagement of an operator
that can move the system toward the goal when a mismatch
is detected. In most animals, and especially in ones as com-
plicated as human beings, however, more functions or sub-
systems are required to characterize the process of control
adequately. People must select between multiple goals and
plan which of them will govern behaviour at which given
moment. Often, they also must select which of multiple pos-
sible actions will be engaged to move toward a goal. More-
over, whereas some functions can work in parallel, such
as implementing an automatic, welllearned behaviour and
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
planning future actions, or unattended goal selection while
consciously engaging in a different task (Dijksterhuis &
Nordgren, 2006), people typically have great difculty en-
gaging in two or more motor actions at the same time, if
those are directed toward multiple goals. Moreover, some op-
erations such as planning typically need to be accomplished
before the action can be executed, and sometimes require a
noticeable amount of time. Accordingly, selfregulation can
be described in terms of a sequence of phases or stages, heu-
ristically at least (Tenet 11) (DeYoung & Weisberg, 2018;
Kazén & Quirin, 2017; Kuhl, 2000b; Kuhl et al., 2020).
These phases necessitate the operating of specic functions,
and individuals are assumed to differ in the degree to which
they tend (or are able) to effectively use these functions dur-
ing these phases, or to facilitate switching between them (e.g.
use holistic processing during goal selection, or positive af-
fect to facilitate action).
Selfregulation models have proposed various numbers
of phases, depending on the degree of resolution of the com-
plexity of the model and what phenomena they most directly
aim to explain (DeYoung, 2015; Kuhl, 2000b; Van
Egeren, 2009). Because we take these serial, phasic models
to be necessarily heuristic, minor differences among them
are unproblematic, as all conform to the same basic regula-
tory dynamics involved in the feedback control of human ac-
tion. To illustrate the relevance of selfregulation phases in
the DPA, we will here refer to the wellknown Rubicon
model of action phases (Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987)
as it provides much common ground for the different models
of selfregulation proposed. This model species four major
phases (Figure 1): (i) goal selection phase, (ii) planning
phase, (iii) action phase, and (iv) evaluation phase (for simi-
lar conceptualizations, see DeYoung, 2015; Kuhl, 1984).
In the rst phase, individuals select a goal that will gov-
ern their behaviour. Goals are selected, consciously or non
consciously, from various potentially competing candidates,
on the basis of urges, preferences, situational cues, and utili-
tarian concerns that inuence the activation level of goals.
When a goal is sufciently active, the person will attempt
to select an action that will make progress toward the goal.
If a promising action is considered but cannot immediately
be implemented, a goal may be kept in memory in the form
of an intention. After this second phase of action selection
and planning, the individual takes initiative to perform the
action when the situation is adequate (in contrast, procrasti-
nation would be one way a transition to the next stage can
fail), which is continuously monitored by sensorimotor con-
trol processes during the third phase. In the fourth phase, the
action and its outcomes (i.e. the current state) are interpreted
and compared with the desired goal state. If a match is regis-
tered, the individual engages in a new goal selection, cycling
back to Phase 1. By contrast, if the individual becomes aware
of a mismatch, they revisit the action plan (planning) or dis-
engage from the unmet goal (goal selection), and individual
differences exist in the experience of a mismatch (error sen-
sitivity) and the readiness with which goals are maintained
or abandoned (e.g. Kuhl, 2000). Evaluative experiences
concerning goal success, as well as what means were suc-
cessful and which benets and costs were experienced, can
then be integrated in autobiographical memory to update
Figure 1. Dynamics of personality: phases of selfregulation, adaptive functions, and individual differences.
Dynamics of personality approach 955
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
the knowledge base for future goal and action selections,
with individual differences existing in the readiness of
updating (Tops, IJzerman, & Quirin, 2020). In organizational
contexts (March, 1991), the latter process has also been re-
ferred to as exploration, which contrasts with exploitation,
primarily referring to the phases of planning and
Although error detection is described in the model as a
separate phase between action and goal selection, in reality,
the organism continuously carries out monitoring of potential
discrepancies between expectations or desires and what
is perceived. Becoming aware of these errors can thus inter-
rupt all other stages, prompting conscious, focused attention
toward discrepancies or even promote disengagement
from a problematic goal (Brandstätter & Herrmann, 2018;
Kuhl, 1981), which constitutes one example of the heuristic
nature of this model. Another example can be seen in
the possibility that a goal might be abandoned without ever
proceeding to action, if anticipatory evaluations of possible
action outcomes, in the planning phase, leads to disengage-
ment from an apparently unattainable goal.
Psychological functions in selfregulation phases
Emotionalmotivational, cognitive, and volitional functions
can be considered to have evolved to serve a particular pur-
pose within the context of selfregulation, aiming to foster
the attainment of goals. They are therefore of differing im-
portance in different selfregulation phases (Tenet 12; Fig-
ure 1). For example, motivational aspects matter strongly
in the goal selection phase, as preferences for different goals
have to be weighed (Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987;
Kuhl, 1984; Read, Smith, Droutman, & Miller, 2017). By
contrast, volitional functions come into play more heavily
when a decision of a goal has been made and distractions
or low levels of motivation render action planning, enact-
ment, and goal maintenance difcult. With respect to
lowlevel cognition, sensorimotor functions are inherently
relevant to implementation in the action phase (Lehéricy
et al., 2006; Takeshima & Gyoba, 2014). Error awareness
plays a particular role in the evaluation phase and is typi-
cally accompanied by an immediate negative emotional re-
sponse upon conscious detection of a deviation from
expectations in goal progress. As to highlevel cognitive
functions, broad holistic thought is often involved in taking
many pros and cons of different goal alternatives simulta-
neously into consideration during the goal selection phase,
whereas analytical thought is particularly important in the
planning phase (Kuhl, 2000; Kuhl et al., 2020; Quirin
et al., 2019).
Notably, moving from one selfregulation phase to the
next, which entails a relative deactivation of functions
strongly involved in one phase (e.g. analytical thought) and
an activation of functions related to the next phase
(Gollwitzer, 2012), is facilitated by volitional functions such
as emotion regulation (Tenet 13; Kazén & Quirin, 2017, for
an overview). For example, the ability to exibly upregulate
positive emotions (in switching from planning to action) and
to downregulate negative emotions (in detaching from error
detection) ensures adaptive and smooth transitions between
selfregulation phases and may thus foster everyday func-
tioning and mental health (Kuhl, 2000a,b; Kuhl et al., 2020).
Individual differences in selfregulation phases
The DPA assumes a nomothetic structure of functional vari-
ables and operations that all humans share owing to evolu-
tion and also assumes that the functional requirements of
that structure are summarized, in an important part, by the
set of regulation phases just described (Tenet 14). Neverthe-
less, individual differences exist in the settings of functional
parameters, and these create differences in personality. Ac-
cordingly, an understanding of general principles of psycho-
logical (i.e. cognitive, emotionalmotivational, and
volitional) functioning, which may be derived from psycho-
logical areas other than personality psychology, is imperative
to an adequate understanding of individual differences (note
that additional functional variables that are not human uni-
versals may exist in addition to such a nomothetic structure).
Sources of individual differences can be seen in the read-
iness with which individuals enter (or the steadiness with
which they linger in) specic selfregulation phases (Tenet
15). For example, associative processing, interoceptive
awareness of emotions and personal preferences (selfac-
cess; Quirin & Kuhl, 2018), as well as accessibility of auto-
biographical memories are typically required for making
adequate decisions. Therefore, openness to experience,
which has been found to be associated with high capacity
of these functions (Kaufman, 2013; Rasmussen &
Berntsen, 2010; Rosenberg et al., 2016), may be linked to
the selection phase. By contrast, industriousness is conceptu-
ally linked to the planning phase of selfregulation and to
ready engagement of related psychological functions such
as prioritization and selfdiscipline. Moreover, evidence ex-
ists that individuals high in neuroticism engage more in error
detection and linger in the evaluation phase, producing rumi-
nation (Whitmer & Gotlib, 2013), which is also (likely) rele-
vant to the orderliness aspect of conscientiousness (e.g.
Yovel, Revelle, & Mineka, 2005). As reported earlier, indi-
viduals high in extraversion may show faster sensorimotor
processing as relevant for the action phase. Extraversion is
also related to stronger responses to socalled reward predic-
tion errors, in which the system detects that things have gone
better than anticipated (e.g. Smillie et al., 2019; Wacker &
Smillie, 2015).
Individual differences can also derive from the engage-
ment of different functions or mechanisms to produce out-
comes in a specic selfregulation phase (Figure 1). For
example, individuals may differ in their tendency to apply
holistic (vs. analytical) thinking during goal selection, their
tendency to be more or less perfectionistic in the planning
phase, their tendency to linger in a state of action implemen-
tation, and their tendency to detect errors at smaller degrees
of discrepancy between desired and observed states in the
evaluation phase or to adequately update their experiential
knowledge structure to avoid repetition errors (i.e. to learn).
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
Neuroticism and extraversion are likely associated with
sensitivity to mismatch in opposite directions, with neuroti-
cism leading to greater sensitivity when outcomes are worse
than expected, prompting negative affect, and extraversion
leading to greater sensitivity when outcomes are better
than expected, prompting positive affect (Rusting &
Larsen, 1997). Given that all biological systems have limited
energy resources, it would not be adaptive to continuously
engage operations to reduce very small discrepancies. Thus,
some tolerance must be built into the system, and the error
detection mechanism should not be too sensitive. How sensi-
tive it should be, however, is presumably a question with no
denite answer from an evolutionary perspective, as the op-
timal sensitivity values may uctuate across environments,
thereby preserving variance in the population (Nettle, 2006).
This line of reasoning explains why the error detection
threshold differs between individuals, in relation to both
positive and negative mismatches, and thus sensitivity of
the error system leads to individual difference in widely stud-
ied personality traits. Not least, it should be noted that this
withinperson functionality of emotions facilitating phase
switches as mentioned previously may stimulate research in
personality psychology to more intensely investigate interac-
tions of neuroticism or extraversion with traits relating to
volitional functions (Baumann, Kaschel, & Kuhl, 2007; Rob-
inson & Gordon, 2011).
Systems constantly exchange information with their environ-
ments, which means that they obtain perceptual (and meta-
bolic) inputs via a variety of channels and also themselves
inuence the environment by their behaviour. Behavioural
outputs then feed back to create the individuals perception
of resulting environmental changes and concomitant emo-
tions and cognition. Accordingly, as a systemstheoretical
approach, the DPA encompasses a personalitybysituations
view by considering momenttomoment transactions of in-
dividuals with situations (Tenet 16). This view is not new
as inuential originators of our discipline advocated its im-
portance and recommended investigation of how behaviour
varies within the person over time (Allport, 1937; Cat-
tell, 1957; Lewin, 1935; Murray, 1938). Notwithstanding
these early exhortations, a lack of largescale methodologies
to investigate occasions over time led researchers to focus
primarily if not exclusively on betweenperson variables for
many decades.
To investigate personenvironment transactions system-
atically, one must understand the characteristics of situations
and how they can affect psychological functions within an
individual (Tenet 17). Therefore, personality researchers
have begun to systematically and comprehensively
taxonomize the psychological characteristics of situations
that may transact with individualspersonality traits to pro-
duce experience and behaviour. For example, the DIA-
MONDS model (Rauthmann et al., 2014) encompasses
eight continuous dimensions that can be used to characterize
situations: Duty (work needs to be done), Intellect (intellec-
tual engagement or problem solving is possible), Adversity
(someone is under threat), Mating (potential mates can be
courted), pOsitivity (the situation encompasses or gives rea-
son to expect rewards), Negativity (the situation could entail
punishments and negative affect), Deception (mistrust could
be an issue), and Sociality (meaningful social interactions are
possible or relations can be built). Situation characteristics
constitute affordances for arousing affective, motivational,
cognitive, or volitional processes. The instruments developed
on the basis of this taxonomy (e.g. Rauthmann et al., 2014)
have already been used to describe, predict, or understand,
for example, situations encapsulated in tweets (Serfass &
Sherman, 2015), changes of situations within and between
people (Rauthmann & Sherman, 2016), meanlevel changes
of situation characteristics across the lifespan (Brown &
Rauthmann, 2016), and affect and selfreported behaviours
in experience sampling studies (Sherman, Rauthmann,
Brown, Serfass, & Jones, 2015).
Of special interest to the DPA are dynamic network
modelling approaches to situations within everyday life, typ-
ically using the experience sampling method (Rauthmann &
Sherman, 2016; Sherman et al., 2015). In this method, partic-
ipants are prompted by a smartphone app or another device
to provide short ratings on their experience and behaviour
at intervals across the day for some extent of time (e.g. sev-
eral days or weeks) (e.g. Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 2014;
Fleeson, 2012). Despite its advantages and potential as a
DPA method (e.g. reduced retrospective memory biases,
possibility to assess behavioural variability), experience sam-
pling approaches possess some limitations that pose chal-
lenges for the DPA. First, the experience sampling method
cannot easily be used to determine the causal relationships
between two variables (although crosslagged panel analyses
can provide some evidence in this direction: Beck & Jack-
son, 2019; Epskamp, Waldorp, Mõttus, & Borsboom, 2018).
Second, frequent responding in experience sampling may be
challenging or simply not feasible for many participants.
Third, many automatic processes and mechanisms cannot
easily be assessed via selfreport. Lastly, research that aggre-
gates measures of psychological functions (e.g. affect) over
time without taking their interactions among each other and
with situational conditions in account cannot readily be sub-
sumed under a DPA, given that the latter involves investiga-
tion of the causal structure of withinperson processes.
Complex parameters or dynamic indices may be preferable
but also problematic in terms of the information they convey
and their predictive abilities relative to simpler measurements
like mean and standard deviation (e.g. Dejonckheere
et al., 2019).
Given the limitations of the experience sampling method-
ology, a multimethod approach is necessary to potentiate
insights into the dynamics of personality. Specically, exper-
imental research is enormously useful for investigating
personbysituation interactions (along with computational
modelling, as discussed subsequently). In experiments, situa-
tions with specic characteristics (e.g. those described in the
DIAMONDS model) may be manipulated and interactive
Dynamics of personality approach 957
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
effects of personality on affectivemotivational, cognitive, or
volitional responses may be investigated. For example, ex-
periments have been used to dissociate facets of broad factors
such as extraversion (Depue & MorroneStrupinsky, 2005;
Revelle, Humphreys, Simon, & Gilliland, 1980), validate
measures of motives (McClelland, 1985), and investigate
the cognitive mechanisms underlying personality traits (e.g.
Moeller, Robinson, & Bresin, 2010; Robinson et al., 2019;
Smillie et al., 2016), as well as emotion regulation abilities
(Radtke, Düsing, Kuhl, Tops, & Quirin, 2020; Quirin
et al., 2011) and strategies (Gross, 2014; Gross &
John, 2003).
As the brain is the primary material generator of mental pro-
cesses, personality functioning included, neuroscientic in-
sights are helpful for advancing our understanding of the
causal network structure of human personality (Tenet 18).
Specically, empirical evidence on how the structure and
function of brain systems are linked to psychological
constructs and to individual variation in them can help us
identify which variables must be distinguished and what
functions may explain reasonable amounts of variance in hu-
man behaviour (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). An early example
of this principle in action is that insights into the functioning
of the brain (e.g. action potentials) acted as a source of inspi-
ration for later articial neural networks (Hebb, 1949). At the
same time, insights into brain functioning can put boundaries
on theoretically possible mechanisms underlying personality
and thus channel our hypotheses on personality functioning
into a meaningful direction.
It should be noted that, although very useful, neuroscien-
tic research is not necessary for theory development in
personality research, a statement that follows from the
systemstheoretical principle that functional causal networks
can largely be abstracted from the material substrate (e.g.
neural structures) that instantiates it. Accordingly, the causal
network of mechanisms underlying personality may be
deciphered by other means as well, using measurement of
psychological characteristics (through both introspective
and external observations of behaviour) and their dynamic
computer simulation (refer to succeeding discussion). None-
theless, the DPA is compatible with neuroscience and can be
used to develop models that are consistent with current neu-
roscientic knowledge (e.g. Allen & DeYoung, 2017). Gen-
erally, the authors agree that DPA models should be in
accordance, at least at some level of abstraction, with what
is known about human brain functioning.
A more specic benet of neuroscience for the DPA de-
rives from the fact that the same kind of overt behaviour
may stem from different underlying functions on different
occasions (Tenet 19) (Funder, 1991). The studies on the re-
lationship between extraversion and sensorimotor function-
ing mentioned previously (De Pascalis et al., 2018; Stahl
& Rammsayer, 2008) provide a good example because they
could identify sensorimotor differences for introverted
versus extraverted individuals via electroencephalography
but not via behavioural measures such as reaction times or
selfreports. Accordingly, neuroscientic research can ad-
vance our knowledge about functions that need to be differ-
entiated in explaining personality when mere selfreport or
observation will not sufce. In this vein, patterns of brain
activation and knowledge about their associated psycholog-
ical functions can be considered objective data that may,
sometimes at least (Poldrack, 2011), measure the operation
of a function and their underlying systems more readily than
behavioural assessments can. In addition to brain activation
patterns, some functions may be measured with implicit
measures of cognition, motivation, and affect (e.g. Kazén
et al., 2015; Quirin, Kazén, & Kuhl, 2009), but these can
also be combined with assessment of brain activation for
cross validation (e.g. Quirin & Lane, 2012; Suslow
et al., 2015).
Two recent developments in human neuroscience are par-
ticularly compatible with the DPA. The rst is a shift from a
regionoriented to a networkoriented approach. Instead of
approaching the brain in terms of specic regions assumed
to carry out computations for specic tasks, researchers are
increasingly recognizing that many psychological functions
are carried out by distributed networks of regions that operate
in relative synchronywhich are termed largescale brain
networks. Many of these networks are evident in patterns of
synchrony (known as functional connectivity) regardless of
whether the person is at rest or engaged in various tasks
(Krienen, Yeo, & Buckner, 2014). In addition, some broad
networks have been identied in many distinct contexts,
have known associations with broad psychological functions,
and can be used as a common atlas for human neuroscience
(Uddin, Yeo, & Spreng, 2019).
This scheme is highly compatible with the DPA, which
asserts that psychological functioning can be parsed in terms
of a set of broad regulatory functions (e.g. prioritizing goals
and monitoring for errors) that are important for the pursuit
of goals, no matter which goal is being pursued (although
note that different goals may additionally recruit more spe-
cic mechanisms or modules that are specialized for the type
of goal in question). Thus, one fruitful DPAwould be to iden-
tify psychological functions that link specic traits with spe-
cic neural networks, such as with respect to the hypothesis
that conscientiousness depends on a neural network that spe-
cializes in prioritizing goals (Rueter, Abram, MacDonald,
Rustichini, & DeYoung, 2018). Because of its relevance
for personality functioning, largescale brain networks
have been considered to underlie socalled personality
systems (Quirin et al., 2019; also Tops, Quirin, Boksem, &
Koole, 2017).
The second major development is a move toward focus-
ing on predictive processing as the basis of virtually all
brain function. This approach is described in different
models by terms like predictive coding, predictive control,
or the Bayesian brain (e.g. Clark, 2013; Fitch, 2014; Rao
& Ballard, 1999). These models postulate that, at every
level of the brains hierarchical organization, neural struc-
tures predict bottomup input (i.e. from structures closer to
sensory input) and themselves send signals to higher levels
958 M. Quirin et al.
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
of organization only inasmuch as the actual input differs
from the predicted input. This allows efcient information
processing because only deviations from expectations re-
quire additional processing. At the functional level, we can
say that the brain anticipates sensory inputs on the basis of
both preexisting perceptual expectations and goals for de-
sired perceptual states. These schemata form the priors that
are used to make predictions (Tops et al., 2010). Accord-
ingly, the brain is continuously concerned with minimizing
prediction errorsrather than with representing the world
in some more comprehensive manner. It continuously mon-
itors the external and internal environment for information
that is discrepant with its schemata (i.e. for prediction errors,
with most of them not becoming consciously available to
the individual).
Predictive processing can be found across many different
levels of organization in the brain, ranging from communica-
tion between adjacent sections of cortex all the way up to in-
teractions among largescale networks and structures. Thus,
predictive coding and its associated feedback circuits are
considered not only to play a role in lowlevel cognition
such as perception and sensorimotor function (Franklin &
Wolpert, 2011) but to constitute a much more general
systemstheoretical principle of the brain (e.g. Friston, 2005).
As such, predictive coding can be usefully applied in
explaining phenomena such as mismatch sensitivity in
language processing (e.g. Friederici, Pfeifer, & Hahne, 1993)
as well as reward processing as mediated by
mesocorticolimbic dopamine release (Schultz, 2013).
Similarly, Gray and McNaughton (2000) have argued that,
at one of the highest levels of functional organization, a net-
work centred on the hippocampus serves as a comparator to
detect potential conicts between psychological goals, a cen-
tral mechanism implicated in behavioural inhibition and neu-
roticism (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). However, it should be
noted that not all prediction errors (e.g. at the level of basic
motor or perceptual processes) are relevant to the more
complex psychological functions associated with these
personality dimensions.
In the context of such broad principles, it is important to
note that individual differences in psychological traits may
stem from variation in a wide range of neural parameters.
These include patterns of connectivity and interaction within
or between networks at both structural and functional levels,
the computational efciency of different networks, and vari-
ations in neurotransmitter functioning (which can be related
to the synthesis and metabolism of the neurotransmitter in
question and to the density, distribution, and efciency of
its receptors). Undoubtedly, there are many other categories
of neural parameters in which variation could also be conse-
quential for variations in personality. An important principle
when considering the sources of personality traits in brain
function is that they will have a manytomany mapping (Al-
len & DeYoung, 2017; Yarkoni, 2015). That is, any given
neural parameter may affect multiple psychological functions
(which in turn may contribute to multiple broad personality
traits), and any given personality trait is likely to reect a
combination of multiple psychological functions and varia-
tion in even more neural parameters.
To illustrate how the DPA, as an inherently functional ap-
proach, applies to research across psychological and neurobi-
ological levels of analysis, we focus on an example from a
specic phase of selfregulation: the comparison of the pres-
ent state to the desired state in the evaluation phase. This in-
volves detecting mismatches between the current perceived
state and the various goals of the individual, which can be
described as error detection, a function that has been exten-
sively investigated using neuroscientic methods.
At any given moment, individuals expect to experience a
particular set of perceptions, based simultaneously on a
model of the likely conditions of the world and a model of
the desired state of the world, entailing goal states of the in-
dividual. Errors can come in the form of deviation from ex-
pectations stemming from either model. In cybernetic
terms, errors are threats because they signal an increase in
uncertainty regarding whether the system will be able to
reach its goals. Uncertainty is therefore innately threatening
(although also innately promising, as a cue for exploration:
Berlyne, 1960; DeYoung, 2013; Heine, Proulx, &
Vohs, 2006; Jonas et al., 2014). Variation in the sensitivity
of error detection should therefore be correlated with varia-
tion in defensive reactions to uncertainty, threat, and
The psychological core of such defensive reactions is
negative emotions, and a general tendency to experience neg-
ative emotions of all kinds has long been recognized as a ma-
jor dimension of personality, with labels such as neuroticism,
negative emotionality, and dispositional negativity, which all
refer to the notion that people who are prone to experience
one negative emotion also tend to be prone to experience var-
ious other negative emotions (DeYoung, 2015; Shackman
et al., 2016). One potential explanation for this general ten-
dency is precisely that all such emotions ultimately stem
from error detection. Consistent with the idea that neuroti-
cism is associated with uncertainty aversion, one electroen-
cephalographic study found that individuals high in
neuroticism had a neural reaction to ambiguous feedback
about task performance that was even stronger than their re-
sponse to negative feedback, whereas the opposite was true
for individuals low in neuroticism (Hirsh & Inzlicht, 2008).
In general, persons with high levels of internalizing (a gen-
eral risk for disorders like anxiety and depression that is dif-
cult to distinguish from neuroticism statistically: Grifth
et al., 2010) appear to display higher error detection sensitiv-
ity, as indexed by electroencephalography (Olvet &
Hajcak, 2008).
Of course, any specic negative emotion involves addi-
tional features that differentiate it from other negative emo-
tions. This illustrates the concept of trait hierarchy, in this
case pertaining to emotion, in which more specic traits (of-
ten called facets) have unique causes as well as causes
shared with other related traits (e.g. sadness and guilt both
join a general negative affect factor but are distinct from each
other: Watson, 2000). Further, the causes of any specic trait
Dynamics of personality approach 959
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
are likely to be multidetermined as well. For example,
anxiety is one specic negative emotion related to
uncertainty, which involves increased vigilance, the
involuntary inhibition of behaviour, and the increased
arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, all of which have
distinct, identiable neural circuits (Gray & McNaugh-
ton, 2000). Variations in trait levels of anxiety could thus de-
rive from differences in any of these circuits (Shackman
et al., 2016).
Nonetheless, specic limbic structures, and especially the
hippocampus and amygdala, have been implicated in the de-
tection of error or conict and the mobilization of subsequent
negative emotional responses, respectively, and they are
likely to be implicated in neuroticism. Consistent with this
idea, several imaging studies have found that neuroticism
is positively associated with amygdala activation during
tasks involving threatening, uncertain, or ambiguous stimuli
(e.g. Everaerd, Klumpers, van Wingen, Tendolkar, &
Fernández, 2015). A metaanalysis also found that neuroti-
cism was positively associated with hippocampal activation
during fear learning (Servaas et al., 2013), and several small
positron emission tomography studies have found a link be-
tween restingstate hippocampal activity and neuroticism
(e.g. Gray & McNaughton, 2000). Encouragingly, as an ex-
ample of crossspecies validation, a study of 238 rhesus
monkeys similarly found that anxious temperament predicted
metabolic activity in the hippocampus (Oler et al., 2010).
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies
further suggest the relevance of interactions between the
amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex (presumably
reecting emotion regulation). A recent study of over 500 in-
dividuals showed that connectivity between these regions in
response to images of faces expressing negative emotion (a
common tool used to activate the amygdala) was negatively
correlated with neuroticism (Silverman et al., 2019). MRI
studies of structural connectivity have also supported the
idea that reduced inuence of prefrontal structures on limbic
structures is one component of neuroticism, consistently
nding a pattern of reduced white matter coherence in axonal
tracts connecting cortical and subcortical regions (e.g.
Bjørnebekk et al., 2013).
The conjunction of functional and structural evidence
suggests that one crucial component of the neural substrate
of (reduced) neuroticism may be the brain systems that
downregulate defensive emotional responses after they have
been triggered by threatening stimulithat is, emotion regu-
lation abilities or emotional exibility. Accordingly, and as
described earlier, negative emotion sensitivity (strongly
linked to the process of error detection) and emotion regula-
tion abilities (here operationalized in terms of individual dif-
ferences in the modulatory processes that follow error
detection) may be considered two different components of
neuroticism. This functional dissociation allows for a person
to possess both high negative emotion sensitivity and high
emotion regulation abilities, which, perhaps paradoxically,
has predicted especially high levels of wellbeing in correla-
tional studies (Baumann et al., 2007).
Emotion regulation abilities can be assumed to involve
regions of prefrontal cortex and the adjacent anterior
cingulate cortexstructures that typically show regulatory
inuences on the amygdala (Marusak et al., 2016; Silverman
et al., 2019). Because measures of emotion regulation and
neuroticism are typically substantially negatively correlated
(and poor emotion regulation may be considered a compo-
nent of neuroticism, although rarely measured as one of its
facets), the fact that neuroticism is related to reduced connec-
tivity between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex may be
attributed to low emotion regulation abilities in individuals
with high neuroticism (e.g. Servaas et al., 2013). In fact,
Schlüter et al. (2018) found that emotion regulation
abilities predicted increased connectivity between the dorsal
anterior cingulate and the amygdala. Similarly, Morawetz,
Bode, Derntl, and Heekeren (2017) demonstrated that suc-
cess in emotion regulation (in terms of reappraisal) predicted
increased connectivity between areas related to both emotion
regulation (e.g. inferior frontal gyrus and ventromedial pre-
frontal cortex) and areas related to emotion sensitivity (e.g.
amygdala). These ndings are promising and they demon-
strate the potential of the DPA, which (among other things)
considers the manner in which different functions combine
to determine psychological outcomes. Nonetheless, more re-
search is needed to substantiate the incremental predictive
power of emotion regulation abilities over measures of emo-
tion sensitivity in both behavioural and brain research.
From the DPA perspective, nearly all methods applied by
personality psychologists (e.g. correlational and experimen-
tal methods, thirdperson observation and introspection, or
even evolutionary considerations) can help to uncover the
processes and mechanisms that are causal for personality
functioning, and each has a distinct signicance for different
problems. Here, however, we would like to highlight compu-
tational modelling as a method for the DPA. Computational
modelling can help to decipher the causal network of mech-
anisms underlying personality and the variability of behav-
iour (Tenet 20). Complex selfregulating systems typically
consist of nonlinear relationships, multiple causal factors
(including personbysituation interactions), and feedback
loops between antecedents and consequences. These features
result in a complexity of mutually inuencing variables that
readily leads to dynamic behavioural outcomes surpassing
the predictive potential of static, linear models, as were al-
most exclusively used to predict behaviour during the last
few decades of personality research. Computational model-
ling has been developed to deal with these complexities
and can therefore be considered a prime method for the DPA.
Computational modelling builds upon principles of struc-
tural and quantitative system analyses by creating a mathe-
matical formulation of the causal relationships between
variables that can be used as the foundation of a computer
simulation. Computer simulation then tests which output
the system produces as a function of given systemsinputs
and parameters. Computer models can be instantiated in a
variety of computational architectures such as cybernetic
960 M. Quirin et al.
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology
Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
control systems models (e.g. Bischof, 1975; Powers, 1973;
Schneider, 2015), neural network models (OReilly,
Munakata, Frank, Hazy, & Contributors, 2012; Rumelhart
et al., 1986), or hybrids of these two (e.g. Hunt, Sbarbaro,
Żbikowski, & Gawthrop, 1992; Nguyen & Widrow, 1990).
Computational modelling has already been used to simulate
human personality by models instantiated on the basis of
cybernetic (Atkinson & Birch, 1970; Kuhl & Atkinson, 1986;
Revelle & Condon, 2015) or neural networks (Read
et al., 2010).
In computational modelling, the researcher typically be-
gins by specifying hypotheses about the topological structure
of causal relationships (e.g. as illustrated by signal ow
graphs). Because of the dynamic complexities of interacting
variables, these hypotheses need to be examined by the sim-
ulation of human behaviour using mathematical elaborations
of the functional relationships, which results in time series of
the values of all the variables involved (i.e. input, psycholog-
ical, and output variables). If the resulting system output (be-
haviour) does not readily match the outcome expected by the
researchers, the researchers can make changes in the topolog-
ical structure of the relationships or their parameters until an
acceptable t is obtained. If such a t is obtained, the con-
structed structure of the model provides a likely account of
the causal relationships underlying personality functioning.
However, if plausible adjustments cannot be made to the
model that result in acceptable t, then this state of affairs ar-
gues against the model. Such procedures can also be used to
compare different DPA models with respect to their veridi-
cality (Costantini & Perugini, 2018).
Ideally, predicted behaviour can be compared with empir-
ically assessed data on dynamics of personality such as
time series of observable (i.e. output) variables as recorded
by ambulatory diaries or experience sampling (e.g.
Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 2014; Fleeson, 2012; Geukes,
Nestler, Hutteman, Küfner, & Back, 2017; Kuhl, Mitina, &
Koole, 2017), or continuous recordings of physiological or
behavioural (e.g. movement) data. The t between that em-
pirical data and outputs produced by the computerized model
can then be evaluated visually or using various t indices
(e.g. Pickering & Pesola, 2014). Today, more so than before,
the possibility of gathering large samples of individualsex-
perience and behaviour over time (e.g. smartphone and other
electronic diaries) makes it possible to compare computer
simulations to bigdata sets to test the adequacy and accuracy
of the simulation, as well as to continuously adapt the param-
eters of a concrete DPA model and to rene it subsequently.
Here, we present the virtual personality model (Read,
Smith, et al., 2017) as an example of a concrete computa-
tional DPA model. This model uses basic motivational
principles to predict behaviour on the basis of directed infor-
mation ow between nodes in a neural network. Thus, it can
be seen as a mathematical description of the functioning of a
set of interconnected nodes that pass activation to each other
over weighted links (e.g. OReilly et al., 2012).
In this model, nodes represent human subsystems consti-
tuting important psychological functions that are arranged in
three operational layers, intermediated by hidden layers.
Specically, in the rst input layer, nodes represent situa-
tional cues and internal states that are associated with two
major motivational systems, reward (approach) and punish-
ment (avoidance), situated on a second layer. Situational cues
identify affordances that indicate the possibility to advance
goals that can activate one of these two systems or even both
(e.g. a novel social situation may induce mixed emotions of
threat and reward as the individual may be rejected or ac-
cepted). And internal state cues identify the status of both
physical and emotional needs. Within the reward and punish-
ment motivation systems, different types of motives are
nested, such as hunger, afliation (e.g. attachment), or
power. Accordingly, signals from internal states indicating
a certain need and signals from situational cues (indicating
their incentive value) together activate motivespecic moti-
vational systems. Different cues and internal states can be ac-
tivated in parallel and, thus, activate multiple motives that
then compete for behaviour, with the strongest motive pre-
vailing (e.g. Atkinson & Birch, 1970; see Revelle & Con-
don, 2015, for a conceptually similar approach).
Strongly activated motives in the two motive system
layers then activate behaviour(s) in a third behaviour layer,
where the behaviours aim at either approaching or avoiding
a goal (e.g. Hull, 1943). One way in which individual differ-
ences can be represented is by differing strengths of specic
motive goals and by baseline activations of these two motive
systems (Read, Brown, Wang, & Miller, 2018). As behaviour
may successfully arrive at the consummation of a goal (e.g.
obtaining warmth by a person), behaviour inuences in a
feedback control loop consult the availability of situational
cues (e.g. when the other person distances after some inti-
mate contact) and ones internal state (e.g. reduction of need
for security, or even subsequent increase if the other person
distances). By using different parameters for baseline activa-
tions of the motive systems and by producing dynamics in
behaviour, this computational model can explain how stabil-
ity of betweenperson variance in personality factor domains
such as assertiveness (power) or afliation can be logically
integrated with the occurrence of withinperson variability
over time and across situations (see Read, Droutman, &
Miller, 2017, for such an application).
Note that although the model uses feedback control (as
behaviour feeds back to changes in the availability of exter-
nal rewards and interoceptive states), it does not rely on un-
changing reference points that indicate full goal attainment.
Rather, the values in the network (e.g. goal activations) settle
in a range of points as a function of multiple constraints
deriving from many parallel goals and other parameters of
the system. A major reason for such a conceptualization
can be seen in the fact that this model primarily relies on
the activation of nodes representing motivational functions
or strengths to drive behaviour and does not include cogni-
tive components explicitly comparing the current state with
a reference value in order to prioritize the different goals
using volitional functions.
Whereas the virtual personality model is an appealing
computer model that implements some motivational (e.g.
approach and avoidance) and cognitive functions (i.e. goal
Dynamics of personality approach 961
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Eur. J. Pers. 34: 947968 (2020)
representation) as well as individual differences in them, it
does not consider other cognitive functions such as holistic
versus analytical processing or volitional functions. Accord-
ingly, goal selection in this model (much like animal models)
is based on the momentary strength of action preferences.
Other models highlight volitional functions for the goal se-
lection phase, which facilitate the prioritization of abstract,
integrated values over motivational strivings, such as via
goal shielding or holistically integrating the latter with moti-
vational strivings on the basis of multiple constraint satisfac-
tion processes as a key feature of parallel processing (Engel
& Kuhl, 2015; Kuhl et al., 2020; Kuhl, Koole, & Quirin,
2015). Future research might attempt to integrate different,
yet not incompatible models to arrive at an integrative com-
putational DPA model that considers the different levels of
cognitive, motivational, and volitional functions, the inter-
play of which is considered to make up an individuals
The DPA approach refers to a systemstheoretical conceptu-
alization of personality functioning that considers individual
differences in basic and higherlevel cognitive, emotional
motivational, and volitional functions related to self
regulation. We highlighted 20 tenets that we deem useful to
consider when conducting DPA research, which we derived
from the commonalities we identied among models pro-
posed by the authors and by others. The DPA seeks to explain
the causal underpinnings of personality by analysing the
network of withinperson psychological functions. It thus
complements the descriptive, betweenperson trait approach,
and even has the potential to explain betweenperson variabil-
ity in personality and behaviour. Advancements in this
endeavour can strongly benet from the consideration of
multiple methods besides questionnaires such as experience
sampling, objective assessment, computational modelling,
experimental research, and neurobiological methods. The
DPA has the potential to strongly connect personality re-
search with neighbouring disciplines such as general, social,
and clinical psychology, as well as the neurosciences.
This work was facilitated by a grant from Templeton Rlg.
Trust (TRT 0119) supporting M. Q. Open access funding
enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
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... However, our understanding of the dynamic relationships between momentary expressions of extraversion and situational characteristics remains limited. Dynamic personality theories emphasize the reciprocal and multidirectional interactions between individuals and situations (DeYoung, 2015;Fleeson & Jayawickreme, 2015;Quirin et al., 2020;Revelle & Condon, 2015;Sosnowska et al., 2019;Tett & Guterman, 2000). Despite the importance of these theories, empirical research focusing on cross-lagged associations between multiple variables over time is scarce (e.g., Hecht et al., 2023). ...
... In order to systematically investigate person-situation transaction hypotheses based on dynamic personality models, it is essential to understand the characteristics of situations and how they influence psychological functioning within individuals (Quirin et al., 2020). Situations differ not only in their objective aspects, such as situational cues (e.g., temperature, people, objects), but also in the subjective meaning they hold for individuals, which is contained in the dimensions of psychologically important situational characteristics (e.g., how pleasant or social a situation feels; Rauthmann et al., 2014). ...
... Building on dynamic theories of personality (e.g., DeYoung, 2015;Fleeson & Jayawickreme, 2015;Quirin et al., 2020;Revelle & Condon, 2015) that emphasize intrapersonal variability as an important aspect of personality and the role of situational factors in shaping the momentary expression of personality, this study examines the dynamic interplay between state extraversion and subjective perceptions of situational sociality. Our goal is to contribute to the limited existing research that adopts dynamic thinking and examines the temporal dependencies and associated carryover effects of situational variables and personality/ behavioral variables (Hecht et al., 2023;Rauthmann et al., 2016). ...
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This study examined the dynamic interplay between extraversion and subjectively perceived sociality of situations using continuous-time dynamic modeling. In a week-long experience sampling study, we collected 4,694 reports of state extraversion and perceived sociality from a sample of university students. Results showed that changes in state extraversion lasted longer and took longer to return to baseline than changes in perceived sociality. Increases in state extraversion predicted subsequent increases in perceived sociality, whereas increases in perceived sociality predicted subsequent decreases in state extraversion. Cross-lagged effects reached their maximum at 1.5 h lag. The negative cross-lagged effect of sociality on state extraversion suggests a compensatory mechanism of temporal reduction of extraverted behavior in an effort to balance the level of social engagement.
... Importantly, besides these models that characterize personality with a set of permanent dispositions, there are also studies that explore the dynamics of personality [23] which have been gaining increasing interest among researchers in recent years. Many of them have been summarized in the dynamics of personality approach (DPA) [20]. The key idea is the capability of self-regulation in the feedback loop. ...
... The assumption underlying them is referred to as the dynamics of personality approach (DPA) [20]. ...
... This in turn requires feedback on the state of the system. Within the DPA, four phases were distinguished: (1) the goal selection phase, (2) the planning phase, (3) the action phase, and (4) the evaluation phase [20] (see Fig. 1). ...
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In recent years, one can observe an increasing interest in dynamic models in the personality psychology research. Opposed to the traditional paradigm—in which personality is recognized as a set of several permanent dispositions called traits—dynamic approaches treat it as a complex system based on feedback loops between individual and the environment. The growing attention to dynamic models entails the need for appropriate modelling tools. In this conceptual paper we address this demand by proposing a new approach called personality-in-the-loop, which combines state-of-the-art psychological models with the human-in-the-loop approach used in the design of intelligent systems. This new approach has a potential to open new research directions including the development of new experimental frameworks for research in personality psychology, based on simulations and methods used in the design of intelligent systems. It will also enable the development of new dynamic models of personality in silico. Finally, the proposed approach extends the field of intelligent systems design with new possibilities for processing personality-related data in these systems.
... The goal of identifying conditions where alexithymia results in modulated emotional response fits perfectly with a process-oriented approach that has recently been developed in personality psychology (Quirin et al., 2020;Robinson et al., 2019). In the Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA), Quirin et al. (2020) emphasise the need for investigating personality processes in an integrated manner, involving large classes of psychological functions that include cognitive and emotional dimensions. ...
... The goal of identifying conditions where alexithymia results in modulated emotional response fits perfectly with a process-oriented approach that has recently been developed in personality psychology (Quirin et al., 2020;Robinson et al., 2019). In the Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA), Quirin et al. (2020) emphasise the need for investigating personality processes in an integrated manner, involving large classes of psychological functions that include cognitive and emotional dimensions. DPA models involve objective measures explaining how different functions interact for producing cognition, emotions and behaviours. ...
... Following the perspective developed by Shoda and Mischel (2000), these new approaches contend that within-person variations across different types of stimuli (e.g. emotional and neutral) are essential for understanding information processing (Quirin et al., 2020;Robinson et al., 2019). Furthermore, a central aspect is that mechanisms involved in personality traits can be modelled through the use of cognitive and behavioural tasks that directly investigate processes such as attention, perception, appraisals, cognitive control or behaviours (Robinson et al., 2019). ...
... The (8) focal phenomenon of interest can be either a structure (i.e., a relatively stable organization of elements within an integrated whole; American Psychological Association, n.d., Definition 1), a process (i.e., series of steps through which a phenomenon takes place over time; Baumert et al., 2017;Kuper et al., 2021;Quirin et al., 2020;Quirin et al., 2023), or a change (i.e., difference in a variable from one time point to another or development as a series of changes; Kuper et al., 2021). ...
... The (Neo-)Galtonian approach has for too long dominated personality research, resulting in a large body of inferential knowledge about populations in the sense of "the average person"a hypothetical entitybut not necessarily about real persons (McManus et al., 2023). We therefore advocate for bringing back the person into personality science and finally doing the individual justice through a stronger and more widespread focus on person-specific phenomena (Molenaar, 2004;Renner et al., 2020;Quirin et al., 2020;. Lastly, we introduced the polytomies (Table 3) as a tool to help researchers explicitly align their research decisions with goals, enabling a clearer evaluation of research quality by linking inferences to methodological strategies. ...
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Psychology is concerned with both general laws of psychological functioning and with the individual person. The debate surrounding nomothetics and idiographics has been brought up repeatedly, but it has never been completely resolved. We therefore aim to provide conceptual clarity on how the terms “idiographic” and “nomothetic” are used and how conflating these with other concepts negatively impacts research. By differentiating distinct inferential goals and research approaches, we disentangle these confounding concepts. We demonstrate that the nomothetic–idiographic distinction alone is insufficient for categorizing research approaches in personality science. Specifically, we present a categorization of research approaches based on (a) the focal entity (person(s) versus population(s)) and (b) the type of generalization (no vs. entity-specific vs. cross-entity) resulting in a 2 × 3 matrix of research approaches. Finally, we propose a framework of 25 polytomous criteria to extend upon these distinctions. This framework can be mapped onto the generic empirical research process and may help researchers to make decisions in the research process more explicit.
... Here we follow a functional, process-oriented approach according to which traits are considered relatively stable tendencies to adopt cognitive or affective processes (Quirin et al., 2020). Such an approach is oriented towards distin guishing between process-related tendencies such as emotion sensitivity versus emotion regulation (Quirin et al., 2023). ...
... Previous research used extraversion and neuroticism as proxies for emotional sensitivity (Rusting & Larsen, 1997). In contrast to the process-oriented approach, factor-analytical models (e.g., the five-factor model) do not include personality components (domains or facets) explicitly expressing ERA, which does not contradict the possibility that ERA is a distinct trait as items submitted to factor analysis may not have been designed to express regulation (Quirin et al., 2020). In fact, previous studies demonstrated that the interaction between high emotional sensitivity and high ERA, which are typically negatively correlated, predicts well-being, over and above low levels of emotional sensitivity (Baumann et al., 2007). ...
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Interventions can foster personal growth. However, our understanding of the specific mechanisms for change and the types of interventions driving this growth process remains limited. In this study, we focused on emotion regulation ability as a potential mechanism. We examined the effects of an affirmation coaching intervention on changes in emotion regulation ability, an important facet of personality. In this coaching intervention, participants created a personal mantra/goal derived from a selected image and positive associations linked to this image (motto goals). This is considered to enhance emotion regulation abilities by internalizing self-stabilizing value. We assigned sixty-six participants to either this affirmation coaching intervention or one of two control coaching interventions: specific-goal versus indulgence coaching. Before and after each intervention, participants completed questionnaires. Only the affirmation coaching intervention significantly increased in adaptive aspects of personality. Notably, the affirmation coaching intervention increased emotion regulation ability, and this effect persisted even when controlling for extraversion and neuroticism. Furthermore, exploratory analysis showed that extraversion increased following the affirmation coaching, while neuroticism remained unchanged. Our results suggest that emotion regulation ability might be the key factor in personality growth. It could be more malleable and/or respond more strongly to short-term coaching, compared to neuroticism. Thus, the malleability of personality traits may not be an all-or-nothing phenomenon; rather, it could depend on the facet of emotion regulation ability. We discuss potential mechanisms of personality growth, distinguishing between emotion regulation and emotion sensitivity.
... This would adopt an interactionist framework, considering individual differences in emotional responses as concomitant effects of the person, the situation, and the time (Kuppens & Verduyn 2017). Therefore, an important goal is to specify the conditions under which alexithymia facets modulate emotional and cognitive responses, thereby following a process-oriented personality psychology approach (e.g., Quirin et al. 2020, Robinson et al. 2019) and utilizing more objectively assessed processes such as attention, perception, appraisals, cognitive control, and behaviors (Robinson et al. 2019). Here we present first steps and priorities for this vision, which will be aided by increased transdisciplinary collaborations across multiple sites (see Figure 1). ...
Alexithymia is a multi-dimensional personality trait involving difficulty identifying feelings, difficulty describing feelings, and an externally oriented thinking style. Poor fantasy life is debated as another facet. For over 50 years, the alexithymia literature has examined how alexithymia-related disturbances in perceiving and expressing feelings contribute to mental and physical disorders. We review the current understanding of alexithymia, including its definition, etiology, measurement, vulnerabilities for both mental and physical illness, and treatment. We emphasize the importance of further experimental and processual affective science research that (a) emphasizes facet-level analysis toward an understanding of the nuanced bases of alexithymia effects on neural, cognitive, and behavioral processes; (b) distinguishes between emotion deficits and emotion over-responding, including when over-responding is functional; and (c) clarifies when and how impairments occur for neutral and positively valenced information or contexts. Taken as a whole, a clarification of these issues will provide clear directions for effective and tailored alexithymia interventions.
... The number of available studies using a facet approach is small, which precludes strong conclusions. We can, however, conclude that analysis at the facet level provides a finer-tuned process-oriented approach that is crucial to understanding the nature of dysregulated processing of information related to personality traits (Quirin et al., 2020;Robinson et al., 2019). Disentangling specific deficit effects from detrimental overresponding at the facet level is also particularly important for designing future interventions toward reducing alexithymia. ...
... Personality refers to the totality of an individual's relatively stable psychological characteristics, behavioral patterns, and emotional responses [32], spanning features in cognition, emotion, and behavior. It is distinguished by stability, consistency, and predictability [33,34]. ...
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Formalistic tasks are widely utilized in modern companies due to their ability to increase productivity and contribute to the achievement of corporate goals at a lower cost. However, these tasks are often meet with resistance from individuals because they do not provide direct short-term rewards for their efforts. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study examined the influence of individual quality and organizational attachment on the completion of formalistic tasks. To address this, the study conducted a questionnaire survey to collect data from 602 Chinese respondents and built a structural equation model for data analysis. Through empirical research, the study confirmed the positive role of individual quality, including knowledge and personality, in the completion of formalistic tasks. Furthermore, the study proved that avoidant attachment could significantly weaken the effect of some components of individual quality on formalistic task completion. This paper is the first to reveal the influence of individual and environmental factors on individuals’ completion of formalistic tasks, progressing from bottom to top. The implications of these results are discussed.
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Представлены результаты оценки психометрических свойств разработанного авторами опросника «Большой ориентационный тест» (БОТ). Выборку стандартизации составили учащиеся колледжа, студенты и аспиранты вузов, взрослые люди (n=1648) в возрасте 16-63 года (M=19.35;SD=6.52), женщины – 76%. Доказана конструктная валидность методики – обоснована факторная структура, проведена оценка конвергентной и дискриминантной валидности; обоснована надёжность опросника. Проведенный анализ позволяет сделать вывод о пригодности данного теста для использования в исследовательских целях, а также для решения широкого спектра прикладных задач в различных сферах социальной практики – бизнес, образование, политика, медицина, юриспруденция и др.