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36 Herpetological Bullen 152 (2020)
Bolitoglossa nympha Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo,
& Brodie 2010 is a diminuve salamander; snout-vent-
length <43 mm, tail-length/SVL rao 0.70–0.95 (Kohler,
2011). It occurs at low-to-mid elevaons (275 to 1165 m
asl) from Huehuetenango and Baja Verapaz provinces in
Guatemala, through to Copán, Cortés, and Yoro in Honduras
(Frost, 2020). The species belongs to a complex of four
closely related bolitoglossine salamanders in the Bolitoglossa
rufescens group (subgenus Nanotriton; Parra-Olea et al.,
2004). In north-western Honduras, in-situ idencaon of
Bolitoglossa (Nanotriton) is tentave given the occurrence
of at least two crypc taxa (B. nympha & B. rufescens) in
microsympatry; both these species being morphologically
indisnguishable in the eld (Hess et al., 2017). Species of
Bolitoglossa (Nanotriton) primarily inhabit lowland tropical
rainforest habitats, but are also associated with agricultural
habitats such as banana plantaons (Rovito et al., 2012 a&b).
They are primarily nocturnal and semi-arboreal, frequently
climbing moist vegetaon to use leaf-axil refugia and
bromeliads (Rovito et al., 2012b). Unlike other Bolitoglossa,
species of the subgenus Nanotriton are unique in having
small robust bodies, with a tail length usually shorter than
their SVL, and underdeveloped feet with extensive webbing
(Parra-Olea et al., 2004; Kohler, 2011).
Previously, the tail of Bolitoglossa (Nanotriton) spp. has
been linked to defensive strategies such as raising, posturing
and autotomy (Arrivillaga & Brown, 2018). However, the
following note details B. cf. nympha using its tail to grasp and
assist climbing following a ip and fall defensive manoeuvre.
On 14 July 2016, c. 19.40 h, I encountered an adult
Bolitoglossa (Nanotriton sp. - assumed to be B. nympha)
acve on streamside vegetaon bordering agricultural land,
in the lowland buer region of Parque Nacional El Cusuco
(PNC), Santo Tomas, Cortés, Honduras. The individual was
climbing c. 2m above ground, but when approached, ipped
and dropped from its perch, then caught itself using the
tail like a hook to grasp a stem c. 1 m below (Fig 1A). Aer
dangling moonless for c. 1 minute, the tail was used to
lever the body upwards and prevent the salamander from
falling (Fig 1B). Such a mechanism might not only protect
the salamander from an injurious fall, but could also fool a
predator as to its whereabouts, assuming it to have fallen
completely to the ground.
Long prehensile tails are a widespread adaptaon among
arboreal plethodond salamanders (Duellman & Trueb,
1986), but evidence of their use in assisted climbing, escape
and/or defence remains rare. Phillips & Nicholson (2013)
coined the term ‘caudal prehensility’ to dene this behaviour
in salamanders, reporng an observaon of Bolitoglossa
lignicolor using its tail in a hook-like fashion to catch itself
following a ipping escape. Unl now, B. lignicolor remained
the only Bolitoglossa species in which this behaviour was
reported denively. The present observaon demonstrates
prehensility in B. cf. nympha, suggesng that even short
tails like those of sub-genus Nanotriton are praccal for
locomoon and defence in an arboreal seng. Our collecve
studies call for more eld observaons in order to determine
whether prehensility is widespread in bolitoglossine species.
A special thanks to the management, sta and local eld
guides of Operaon Wallacea (UK) for facilitang biological
research expedions in PNC, Honduras, as well as to Dr.
Tom Marn and Dr. Sean M. Rovito who provided helpful
reviews of this note. This observaon was made under
permit number ICF-DVS-104-2016; ICF-193-2016, issued to
Operaon Wallacea by the Instuto Nacional de Conservación
y Desarrollo Forestal, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (ICF),
Tegucicalpa, Honduras.
Arrivillaga, C. & Brown, T.W. (2018). Primary descripons of
defence mechanisms employed by neotropical
salamanders (Bolitoglossa, Oedipina, Nototriton, and
Cryptotriton sp.: Plethodondae) in Cusuco Naonal
The Herpetological Bulletin 152, 2020: 36-37
Salamander using its prehensile tail - Bolitoglossa cf. nympha
(Plethodondae; sub-genus Nanotriton), Honduras
1Operaon Wallacea, Hope House, Old Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire PE23 4EX, UK
2Kanahau Ula Research & Conservaon Facility, Isla de Ula, IB 34201, Honduras
*Author e-mail:
Figure 1. Nanotriton (B. cf. nympha) exhibing caudal prehensility
following a ip and fall escape, A. The salamander hanging
momentarily aer having caught itself using the tail to grasp a stem,
B. The salamander levering itself back up onto the stem
Herpetological Bullen 152 (2020) 37
Park, Honduras. IRCF Reples & Amphibians 25: 99–103.
Campbell, J.A., Smith, E.N., Streicher, J., Acevedo, M.E. &
Brodie, J. (2010). New salamanders (Caudata:
Plethodondae) from Guatemala, with miscellaneous
notes on known species. Miscellaneous Publicaons,
Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 200: 1–66.
Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1986). The Biology of Amphibians.
The John Hopkins University Press, Balmore, Maryland,
pp. 506.
Frost, D.R. (2020). Amphibian Species of the World: an Online
Reference. Version 6.1 (30/03/2020). Database accessible
at hps://
American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.
Hess, A.J., Itgen, M.W., Firneno, T.J., Nifong, J.C., & Townsend,
J.H. (2017). Microsympatry in crypc lowland salamanders
(Caudata: Plethodondae: Bolitoglossa subgenus
Nanotriton) from north-western Honduras: implicaons
for taxonomy and regional biogeography. Journal of
Zoological Systemacs and Evoluonary Research 55:
150–155. doi: 10.1111/jzs.12151
Kohler, G. (2011). Amphibians of Central America. Oenbach,
Herpeton Verlag, pp. 380 ISBN 3-936180-33-4
Parra-Olea, G., García-París, M. & Wake, D.B. (2004).
Molecular diversicaon of salamanders of the tropical
American genus Bolitoglossa (Caudata: Plethodondae)
and its evoluonary and biogeographic implicaons.
Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 81: 325–346.
Phillips, J. & Nicholson, K. (2013). Bolitoglossa lignicolor -
Prehensility. Herpetological Review 44: 489.
Rovito, S.M., Parra-Olea, G., Lee, D. & Wake, D.B. (2012a).
A new species of Bolitoglossa (Amphibia, Caudata) from
the Sierra de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico. ZooKeys 185: 55–
71. doi:
Rovito, S.M., Parra-Olea, G., Vázquez-Almazán, C.R., Luna-
Reyes, R. & Wake, D.B. (2012b). Deep divergences and
extensive phylogeographic structure in a clade of lowland
tropical salamanders. BMC Evoluonary Biology 12: 1–16.
Salamander using its prehensile tail - Bolitoglossa cf. nympha
Accepted: 21 March 2020