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... Project members might also value sites with utilities, internet connection, and protections against environmental exposure. As mentioned before, road access and design considerations relating to commercial truck or van operations are important [12]. However, stakeholders must also consider design proposals that accommodate cargo bicycles with safe, integrated passenger-freight infrastructure, including appropriate bicycle lane-width and loading zone provision near the microhub location. ...
... Public perceptions and urban integration are also important. Assmann et al., (2020) [12] notes that street users generally perceive stationary off-street microhubs (e.g., in parking lots) utilizing small resupply vans in place of trucks as safer and preferred. ...
... Furthermore, Assmann et al. (2020) [12] proposes an iterative decision-making process between city planners, logistics providers, and relevant public participants (e.g., people living within the vicinity of a proposed microhub) where project leaders collaboratively define suitable sites based on stakeholder inquiries, GIS, and real estate data analysis, and site visits. Janjevic and Ndiaye (2014) [10] proposes another useful decision-making framework relating to the transferability of locating new target environments for a microhub project. ...
Urban freight distribution has confronted several challenges, including negative environmental, social, and economic impacts. Many city logistics initiatives that use the concept of Urban Consolidation Centers (UCCs) have failed. The failure of many UCCs does not mean that the idea of additional terminals or microhubs should be rejected. There is limited knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of using microhubs, requiring further exploration of this concept. To expand this knowledge, this research combines 17 empirical cases from Europe and North America to develop a framework for classifying different microhubs typologies. This research presents an integrated view of the cases and develops a common language for understanding microhub typologies and definitions. The research proposes microhubs as an important opportunity to improve urban freight sustainability and efficiency and one possible step to manage the challenge of multi-sector collaboration.
... This allows the placement of several very small transshipment hubs, namely nano-hubs, in the delivery area and thus eliminates the need to return to a central micro-hub multiple times (Figure 1c). Further, regardless of the type of transshipment hub, cargo-bike swap bodies can significantly reduce the effort for manual sorting and loading at the transshipment hub [18]. ...
... Many pilot projects indicate that urban cycle logistics concepts can be successfully implemented (e.g., [19]). However, the lack of specific knowledge about the diversity of functions and special features of cycle logistics and related transshipment hubs, extensive urban planning regulations, and the limitation in generalized planning knowledge prevents the establishment and scaling of cycle logistics systems beyond pilot status [18]. Therefore, this paper contributes to overcoming this knowledge gap by introducing a toolbox for planning and implementing infrastructure elements within cycle logistics systems. ...
Especially for last-mile delivery in dense urban areas, cargo-bikes have become a sustainable alternative to overcome motorized delivery vehicles' traffic and environmental disadvantages. However, as their capacity and range are lower compared to conventional delivery vehicles , there is a need for additional cargo-bike transshipment hubs near the respective delivery areas. While some parcel service providers show that they are successfully testing different concepts such as micro-hubs, several barriers prevent the implementation beyond pilot status. Hence, our work aimed to overcome these barriers by introducing nano-hubs as an urban-friendly alternative to micro-hubs. In particular, we proposed a modular design concept that enables the customization of transshipment hubs considering urban planning restrictions and logistical processes. Further, we aimed to prove that the nano-hub approach also has economic advantages compared to previous cycle logistics processes. For this, we first developed nano-hub-modules on a conceptual level following the methodological approach for product development according to VDI 2221. We then implemented a simulation model to compare different (cycle) logistics processes with regard to their sustainability and operational effort. The findings of our work are twofold. First, based on the proposed modular system design, we offer suggestions for further development and elaboration of infrastructure elements for cycle logistics. Second, by applying our approach as a case study to the city of Magdeburg, Germany, we could show that existing cycle logistics processes have ecological and economic advantages over motorized delivery traffic. In addition, we proved that these benefits could be further increased by implementing the nano-hub concept.
... This term refers to logistics facilities that 'are located in urban areas with high density and mixed use and serve to supply the city centre' (Buldeo Rai et al. 2022) So far, this development has mainly centered on e-commerce (Buldeo Rai et al. 2022). Such central logistics facilities are the requirement for the implementation of sustainable last-mile innovations such as the use of cargo bikes (Assmann et al. 2020). ...
Proximity logistics represent a counter movement to logistics sprawl-the return of logistics to urban areas. In the case presented, a logistics service provider in the groupage and less-than-truckload (LTL) segment runs an urban consolidation center (UCC), offers receiver-led consolidation and additional service like stockholding to inner-city businesses in the city of Dusseldorf. The case shows that for the development of a UCC or a proximity logistics facility to succeed, no expensive space is necessarily required in immediate inner-city areas. The transfer to other locations of logistics service providers of the same segment shows that these could serve as possible locations for UCC in terms of cargo-bike relevant distances. We, therefore, conclude that the relevant locations of logistics infrastructure like ports and centrally located logistics facilities should be seen as crucial for the transformation to sustainable freight transport and its initiation by municipal governments.
... The last-mile logistics concept using cargo bikes have been described in [3,[7][8][9][10]. Location and planning of micro hubs was addressed in [11][12][13]. Methods for routing cargo bicycles have been described in [14,15]. Technical requirements for implementing cargo bicycles were researched in [16]. ...
Efficient vehicle routing is a major concern for any supply chain, especially when dealing with last-mile deliveries in highly urbanized areas. In this paper problems considering last-mile delivery in areas with the restrictions of motorized traffic are described and different types of cargo bikes are reviewed. The paper describes methods developed in order to solve a combination of problems for cargo bicycle logistics, including efficient packing, routing and load-dependent speed constraints. Proposed models apply mathematical descriptions of problems, including the Knapsack Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem and Traveling Thief Problem. Based on synthetically generated data, we study the efficiency of the proposed algorithms. Models described in this paper are implemented in Python programming language and will be further developed and used for solving the problems of electric cargo bikes’ routing under real-world conditions.
Die Akzeptanz von Lastenrädern und der Radlogistik ist eng verbunden mit dem infrastrukturellen Angebot. Je besser die Infrastruktur für die Nutzung von Lastenrädern geeignet ist, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für steigende Lastenradanteile am Gesamtverkehr. Gleichzeitig haben Lastenräder gegenüber konventionellen Fahrrädern spezifische Merkmale, die bei der Infrastruktur- und Straßenraumgestaltung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Aktuell werden jedoch Lastenradnutzende oft bei ihren Fahrten durch die (nicht) vorhandene Infrastruktur behindert. Beispielsweise können Poller oder Umlaufgitter, eng gesteckte Kurvenradien auf Radwegen, unzureichende Fahrradabstellanlagen oder eine mangelnde Breite und Beschaffenheit von Radwegen zu potenziellen Hindernissen und Gefahrenstellen im Verkehrsgeschehen werden. Hinzu kommen fehlende oder mangelhafte Infrastrukturausstattungen für Logistikbetriebe, die einen Umstieg auf Lastenräder verhindern. So ist das Vorhandensein von Mikro-Hubs an geeigneten Standorten mit entsprechender Ausstattung insbesondere für die KEP-Branche eine essenzielle Voraussetzung zum Umstieg.
The use of cargo cycles for last-mile parcel distribution requires urban micro-consolidation centers (UMC). We develop an approach to localize suitable locations for UMCs with the consideration of three criteria: demand, land use, and type of road. The analysis considers metric levels (demand), linguistic levels (land use), and cardinal levels (type of road). The land-use category is divided into commercial, residential, mixed commercial and residential, and others. The type of road category is divided into bicycle road, pedestrian zone, oneway road, and traffic-calmed road. The approach is a hybrid multi-criteria analysis combining an Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and PROMETHEE methods. We apply the approach to the city center of Stuttgart in Germany, using real demand data provided by a large logistics service provider. We compared different scenarios weighting the criteria differently with DART software. The different weight allocation results in different numbers of required UMCs and slightly different locations. This research was able to develop, implement, and successfully apply the proposed approach. In subsequent steps, stakeholders such as logistics companies and cities should be involved at all levels of this approach to validate the selected criteria and depict the “weight” of each criterion.
Stimulating hydrogen fuel use is an important candidate policy option to increase the sustainability of the transport system. Both public support and public opposition may influence the implementation of hydrogen fuel stations. Therefore, this paper examines psychological determinants of citizens’ supporting or opposing intentions to take action. A causal model based on the technology acceptance framework is suggested. For both supporters (N=679) and for opponents (137) a structural equation model was estimated. The hypothesized causal relationships are largely confirmed and the models explain intention to act among the Dutch participants well. The three strongest determinants of intention to act in favor of the technology are personal norm, positive affect and the perceived effects of the technology. For intention to act against the technology these are personal norm, negative affect, and trust in the industry. Implications are discussed in relation to the technology acceptance framework and to hydrogen fuel station acceptance.
Das Kapitel behandelt die Grundlagen zur Integration von Lastenfahrrädern in urbane Logistiksysteme mit Fokus auf der letzten bzw. ersten Meile. Ausgehend von den technischen Grundlagen des neuen Transportmittels wird eine konsistente Systematik der Umschlagspunkte eingeführt, auf deren Basis die Integration in verschiedene Transportketten beschrieben wird.
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