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Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin: Evidence for Dysoxic Deposition

  • DRB Geological Consulting
Copyright ©2019 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
DOI: 10.1306/13672211M1213822
Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in
Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point
Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin:
Evidence for Dysoxic Deposition
David R. Blood
DRB Geological Consulting, 4116 Marion Hill Rd, New Brighton, PA, 15066, USA
(e- mail:
Steve Schlaegle, Christopher M. Hefferan, Alexa Vazquez, and Darlene McAllister
RJ Lee Group, 350 Hochberg Rd, Monroeville, PA 15146, USA (e-mails:;;;
Organic- rich mudstones of the Appalachian Basin hold a sizable portion of the natural gas
produced in the United States. Indeed, in 2015, Pennsylvania and West Virginia accounted
for 21% of produced natural gas, driven in part by production from the Point Pleasant Lime-
stone. The critical role that unconventional reservoirs will play in future global energy use
necessitates the need for an enhanced understanding of those geological aspects that shape
and influence their reservoir architecture. Foremost among these is a clearer understand-
ing of the preservation and accumulation of organic carbon, as it is the source of hydro-
carbons, and often provides the dominant host of interconnected porosity and hydrocarbon
storage. To this end, pyrite morphology can offer insight into the redox conditions of the
bottom and pore water environment at the time of sediment deposition and early diagenesis
and can be especially useful in the analysis of deposits devoid of redox sensitive trace met-
als. Pyrite contained in cuttings and core chips retrieved from vertical and horizontal Point
Pleasant Limestone wells were analyzed by scanning electron microscope. Results demon-
strate a dearth of pyrite in the Point Pleasant (0.02–1.7% of the surface area analyzed). Pyrite
morphology is dominated by euhedral grains and masses (~80% of pyrite encountered) co-
occurring with infrequent framboids. Framboids are uniformly small (average = 4.7 µm)
with just a few examples >10 µm. The presence of small amounts of euhedral pyrite grains
and masses is consistent with accumulation under a dysoxic water column. Conversely, the
size of the framboids suggests that they formed in a water column containing free hydrogen
Blood, David R., Steve Schlaegle, Christopher M. Hefferan, Alexa Vazquez, and
Darlene McAllister, 2019, Diagenetic pyrite morphology in mudstones of the
Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin: Evidence for
dysoxic deposition, in W. Camp, K. Milliken, K. Taylor, N. Fishman, P. Hackley,
and J. Macquaker, eds., Mudstone diagenesis: Research perspectives for shale
hydrocarbon reservoirs, seals, and source rocks: AAPG Memoir 120, p. 69–82.
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sulfide. Amodel invoking a lack of reactants necessary to sustain diagenetic pyrite growth
in anoxic pore waters may explain this apparent paradox. In such a case, the framboid size
distribution may reflect newly forming diagenetic framboids competing for a finite amount
of reactants resulting in a population of small framboids and few large examples. Indeed, the
low total iron/aluminum (Fe/Al) content of the Point Pleasant (average Fe/Al = 0.45) would
indicate a low delivery of reactive iron to the seafloor during Point Pleasant deposition. The
data suggests a model in which organic carbon preservation occurred by rapid burial and
removal from oxygen- bearing water. In turn, more organic- rich and potentially higher qual-
ity reservoir facies of the Point Pleasant Limestone occur in areas of higher clastic delivery
to basin.
Figure 1. Stratigraphic chart depicting the subsurface
nomenclature used in this study along with the surface
nomenclature of Kentucky and Ohio. Adapted from
McLaughlin et al. (2004) and Dattillo and Strunk (2016).
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in
hydrocarbon exploration of the Point Pleasant Lime-
stone and Utica Shale Formations of the Appalachian
Basin (Figure 1). Indeed, oil and natural gas produc-
tion from these formations in Ohio constituted 45%
and 58%, respectively, of the states total production in
2013 (Patchen and Carter, 2015). This production rep-
resents a significant increase from 2011, when these
units accounted for just 1% of oil and 3.5% of natural
gas produced (Patchen and Carter, 2015). Successful
exploitation in Ohio in turn has led to increased explo-
ration of the Point Pleasant and Utica in Pennsylvania
and West Virginia. This burgeoning exploration neces-
sitates an understanding of the environment in which
these deposits accumulated and how that environment
affected the generation and accumulation of hydro-
carbons. Specifically, redox conditions of bottom and
pore waters during deposition are of interest given the
often- observed covariance of anoxia and organic car-
bon preservation in marine sediments (Demaison and
Moore, 1980; Werne et al., 2002; Sageman et al., 2003).
In this chapter, we assess the role of oxygen depriva-
tion in the accumulation and diagenetic modification
of marine sediments by use of redox- sensitive trace
element concentrations and pyrite morphology.
Marine mudstones catalog a robust library of ele-
mental data that can be used to deduce temporal
variations in sediment supply, ocean hydrography,
and redox conditions at the time of deposition and
early diagenesis (Werne et al., 2002; Sageman et al.,
2003; Brumsack, 2006; Tribovillard et al., 2006; Calvert
and Pederson, 2007; Algeo and Tribovillard, 2009;
Lash and Blood, 2014). Specifically, a suite of redox-
sensitive trace elements, including molybdenum (Mo),
uranium (U), vanadium (V), and chromium (Cr), is
often used to determine the existence of bottom and
pore water anoxia and euxinia in organic- rich mud-
stones (Sageman et al., 2003; Tribovillard et al., 2006;
Rowe et al., 2008; Lash and Blood, 2014). However, in
their chemostratigraphic investigation of the Upper
Ordovician Trenton Limestone through Utica Shale
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Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin 71
Formation. Wickstrom et al.’s (1992) subsurface inves-
tigation of the Trenton Limestone and associated strata
assigned the name Point Pleasant Formation to a suc-
cession of interbedded limestone and calcareous shale
that grades vertically and laterally from the Trenton
and underlies the Kope Formation in Ohio. Subsequent
biostratigraphic and carbonate C- isotopic studies sug-
gest that the Point Pleasant Formation of Wickstrom
et al. (1992) is not correlative with the Point Pleasant of
Orton (1873). Rather, the Point Pleasant of Wickstrom
et al. (1992) is equivalent to the Upper Ordovician
(Mohawkian) upper Grier Member through Devil’s
Hollow Member of the Lexington Limestone Forma-
tion (Figure 1; Young et al., 2015; Dattilo and Strunk,
2016). Herein, we use the term Point Pleasant in effort
to maintain consistency with previous subsurface
investigations and petroleum geology considerations
of this interval in Ohio (Cole et al., 1987; Wickstrom
et al., 1992; Drozd and Cole, 1994).
Point Pleasant deposits accumulated in a southern
subtropical subbasin defined by the Galena platform
to the northwest, the Trenton platform to the north-
east, and the Lexington platform to the southeast
(Figure 2A; Scotese and McKerrow, 1990; Young et al.,
2015). The narrow Sebree Trough connected the basin
to the Iapetus Ocean to the southwest (Figure 2A;
Kolata et al., 2001; Patchen et al., 2006; Patchen and
Carter, 2015). In the study area (Figure 2B), the Point
Pleasant comprises ~125 ft (38.1 m) of medium to dark
(Figure 1) succession in a core from eastern New York
State, Saboda and Lash (2014) demonstrate a paucity
of redox- sensitive trace elements throughout the stud-
ied interval. Indeed, Saboda and Lash (2014) illus-
trate that U and Mo are present at levels only slightly
enriched relative to crustal values, suggesting that
widespread ocean anoxia may have sequestered the
redox- sensitive trace element budget into deep ocean
muds leaving behind water masses generally depleted
in these trace metals (see Algeo, 2004). Given these
observations, a robust relationship between redox-
sensitive trace elements, redox conditions, and organic
matter preservation is lacking in the Point Pleasant
and Utica interval necessitating the need for an alter-
native assessment of redox conditions. This chapter
seeks to understand organic matter preservation by
investigating pyrite framboid diameters and redox-
sensitive trace element data to determine the nature
of bottom and pore water redox conditions during
deposition and early diagenesis of the Point Pleasant
Limestone in southwestern Pennsylvania and north-
ern West Virginia (Figure 2).
Orton (1873) assigned the name Point Pleasant to
a series of beds exposed along the Ohio River near the
town of Point Pleasant, Ohio, directly beneath the Kope
Figure 2. Location map depicting (A) the position of the Appalachian Basin during the Late Ordovician (Mohawkian), adapted
and redrawn from Patchen et al. (2006), and (B) location of wells sampled in this study. Red circles indicate samples
obtained from horizontal wellbores, whereas green circles indicate vertical wellbore data sets. Data points with half circles
indicate both horizontal and vertical data sets on the same well.
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Table 1. Framboid size criteria used to define redox conditions (Bond and Wignall, 2010).
Conditions Framboid Diameters and Associated Data
Euxinic (persistently suldic bottom water) Abundant small (mean diameter = 3–5 µm) framboids; narrow size
range; few if any euhedral pyrite crystals
Anoxic (no oxygen in bottom water for extended
periods of time)
abundant small (mean diameter = 4–6 µm) framboids, including
asmall number of larger framboids; few euhedral pyrite crystals
Lower dysoxic (weakly oxygenated bottom water) Framboids 6–10 µm in diameter are moderately common; subordinate
larger framboids and euhedral pyrite crystals
Upper dysoxic (partial oxygen restriction in
Large framboids are common; rare small (<5 µm diameter) framboids;
most pyrite is euhedral crystalline
Oxic (on oxygen restriction) No framboids; rare pyrite crystals
gray organic- rich (maximum total organic carbon
(TOC) = 4.5%) mudstone and interbedded limestone
shell beds. The Point Pleasant Limestone was depos-
ited in association with the drowning of the Ordo-
vician carbonate platforms as a series of alternating
mudstone and carbonate layers (McLaughlin et al.,
2004). Siliciclastic deposits of the overlying Kope/
Utica Formation represent the initial deposition of
mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone comprising the
Queenston clastic wedge (Ettenshon, 2004).
Pyrite Framboids and Use as Redox Indicators
Pyrite framboid size distribution provides a reliable
measure of the paleo- redox conditions under which
ancient marine deposits accumulated (Table 1; Wilkin
et al., 1996; Wignall and Newton, 1998). Framboids,
spherical aggregates of microcrystallites, form at
or just below the sulfide chemocline, the boundary
separating sulfide- bearing water from overlying
oxygenated water. Here, ferrous iron species, sul-
fide species, and suitable electron receptors such as
oxygen are available in enough quantity to promote
the precipitation of iron- monosulfide (FeS) miner-
als such as mackinewite and greigite (Sweeney and
Kaplan, 1973; Wilken and Barnes, 1997). The mag-
netic properties of greigite result in the rapidly form-
ing microcrystallites attracting to one another to form
spherical aggregates. Upon passing out of the zone of
Fe reduction, FeS reacts rapidly with hydrogen sul-
fide (H2S) to form pyrite (Wilkin and Barnes, 1997).
Associated euhedral pyrite crystals form more slowly
and at saturation levels less than that necessary for
the formation of diagenetic framboids. Ifbottom
water is sulfidic, syngenetic framboids may form
within the water column immediately beneath the
sulfide chemocline (Wilkin et al., 1996, 1997). In this
case, however, the dense framboids are unable to
achieve diameters much in excess of 3–6µm before
their sinking away from the chemocline terminates
their growth (Wilkin et al., 1996). A well- sorted pop-
ulation of very small framboids accumulates under
these conditions. Conversely, when the chemocline
resides at the sediment– water interface or within the
sediment, the availability of reactants limits framboid
growth. These sediments are characterized by a rather
poorly sorted population of large (>10 µm) framboids
(Wilkin et al., 1996). The presence of metabolizable
organic matter for bacteria to reduce sulfate to sul-
fide, and reactive detrital iron minerals are the pri-
mary limiting factors of sedimentary pyrite formation
(Berner, 1970, 1983).
Framboid diameter analysis can be especially use-
ful to the differentiation of deposits that accumulated
under euxinic conditions from those of more oxygen-
ated settings, especially dysoxic conditions defined by
weakly oxygenated bottom water and variable levels
of Fe reactivity (Table 1; Wilkin et al., 1996). However,
it is noteworthy that the distinction between euxinic
and suboxic bottom water is potentially less clear- cut
if framboids are growing under reactant- limited condi-
tions. For example, the abundance of small framboids
(diameter = ~4 µm) in modern sediments of the Santa
Barbara Basin that accumulated under a dysoxic water
column has been attributed to a paucity of reactive Fe
(Schieber and Schimmelmann, 2007). Morse and Wang
(1996) have suggested that anoxic and euxinic envi-
ronments promote high nucleation density of pyrite.
Under these circumstances, framboids precipitating at
multiple sites in anoxic pore water consume the lim-
ited supply of reactants resulting in a population of
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Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin 73
to sediment represented by elevated Fe/Al (Lyons and
Severmann, 2006) in excess of average shale values
(Fe/Al = 0.55, Wedepohl, 1971; Fe/Al = 0.5, Taylor and
McLennan, 1985).
Pyrite and Framboid Diameter Analysis
Sixty- two Point Pleasant Limestone samples were
selected for pyrite morphology analysis. The data set
includes samples obtained by EQT Production from
a core in Greene County, Pennsylvania, and drill cut-
ting chips collected from three vertical and four hor-
izontal exploration wells drilled in Greene County,
Pennsylvania, and Wetzel County, West Virginia
(Figure 2B, Table 2). Data sets from vertical well cores
and cuttings provide an assessment of elemental
data and pyrite morphology over the Point Pleasant
stratigraphic interval, whereas horizontal well data
sets provide insight into spatial changes along the
path of the wellbore within a restricted stratigraphic
interval. Measured depth (MD) denotes the position
of a sample obtained from vertical wellbores. Sample
position above the Trenton– Point Pleasant con-
tact denotes the stratigraphic position of horizontal
wellbore samples.
As a result of the brittleness of the samples used
in this analysis, samples were cut to size and epoxy
vacuum impregnated with a resin sensitive to high
pressures and capable of maintaining the structural
integrity of the sample. Samples were ground with
silicon carbide paper at increasingly finer grits and
finished with a series of diamond paste compounds.
The prepared samples were examined using a Tes-
can MIRA3 XM field- emission scanning electron
microscope (FE- SEM). Imaging was performed with
backscattered electrons to illustrate any elemental
differences that may be present and to distinguish
high atomic density pyrite from the low atomic den-
sity matrix. For each sample, a high- resolution, large-
area image survey was collected. Here, 2.042 mm2
areas were mapped with a 0.0733 µm pixel resolution
via the collection of 100 images in a 10 × 10 grid. Bulk
pyrite was quantified as the ratio of pixels of pyrite
to pixels of the entire image. Individual images were
examined by use of the IntelliSEM™ software pack-
age that permitted the identification, counting, and
classification of framboids as “normal” or “welded.”
“Welded” or “infilled” refers to framboids displaying
evidence of secondary diagenetic pyrite growth that
can infill interstitial spaces among microcrystallites,
small diagenetic framboids. In some instances, these
framboids approach the size distribution typical of
those forming in a euxinic water column (Schieber and
Schimmelmann, 2007).
Geochemical Proxies
Some portion of most marine sediment is of a detri-
tal provenance, including eolian and fluvial inputs
(Calvert and Pedersen, 2007). Aluminum is considered
the principal conservative proxy for clay mineral flux
in fine- grained clastic deposits (Arthur et al., 1985;
Arthur and Dean, 1991; Calvert and Pedersen, 2007).
Changes in grain size of the detrital flux can be rec-
ognized by consideration of variations in the relative
abundances of those elements associated with the
coarser size fraction relative to Al, including Ti and Zr
(Sageman and Lyons, 2003). Further, the conservative
behavior of Al in soil formation and weathering pro-
files favors its use as a parameter to assess authigenic
enrichment of redox sensitive elements via Al normal-
ization (Brumsack, 1989; Arthur et al., 1990).
Molybdenum and U are especially useful to
paleoenvironmental analysis of modern and ancient
oxygen- deficient marine systems for several rea-
sons. First, detrital concentrations of both elements
are low, U ~2.7 ppm and Mo ~3.7 ppm (Taylor and
McLennan, 1985). Moreover, both elements have
long residence times in seawater (~450 ka for U and
~780ka for Mo) meaning that Mo and U exhibit
nearly uniform global seawater concentrations
(Algeo and Tribovillard, 2009). Finally, inasmuch as
both elements are present in low concentrations in
marine plankton, authigenic uptake from seawater
enhanced by oxygen- deficient conditions leads to an
enrichment of Mo and U in marine deposits (Algeo
and Tribovillard, 2009).
The Fe/Al ratio has been used to aid in the recog-
nition of water column (syngenetic) pyrite formation
and, therefore, euxinic bottom water conditions (Lyons
et al., 2003; Lyons and Kashgarian, 2005; Lyons and
Severmann, 2006). The shuttling of dissolved Fe2+ as
Fe- oxyhydroxide particulates from where the chemo-
cline (the boundary separating oxygenated water
from underlying oxygen- deficient water) impinges the
seafloor enhances enrichment of bottom water in the
reactive Fe necessary for the formation of syngenetic
pyrite. The transported Fe2+ may then be sequestered
in sulfidic bottom water by precipitation of sulfide
minerals, including pyrite (Canfield et al., 1996; Lyons
and Kashgarian, 2005; Raiswell and Anderson, 2005;
Lyons and Severmann, 2006). This process gives rise
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Table 2. Framboid size data, pyrite occurrence, and geochemical data for Point Pleasant Limestone samples.
Sample Location Framboid Data Elemental Data
Well Orientation Location Depth Distance
n Maximum
Al Mo EF U EF Fe/Al
ft ft µm µm µm µm µm framboids/
% % %
Well A Horizontal Greene average 64.2 109 13 4.5 1.7 3.5 5.2 14 0.76 27.01 3.54 0.79 0.46 0.49
Well A Horizontal Greene 13,670 52.6 109 9 3.9 1.6 3 4.7 23 0.56 35.46 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well A Horizontal Greene 14,540 59.7 114 9 3.9 1.4 3.1 4.6 18 0.56 33.89 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well A Horizontal Greene 15,590 68.0 116 18 5.3 2.0 4.0 6.0 10 0.53 30.11 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well A Horizontal Greene 16,460 76.4 95 15 5.0 1.7 4.0 5.6 5 1.37 8.56 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene average 67.5 127 13 5.3 1.7 4.1 5.8 9 0.12 23.54 2.98 2.90 0.10 0.47
Well B Horizontal Greene 14,390 76.1 150 19 6.1 2.3 4.8 6.7 9 0.09 4.79 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene 15,020 64.5 170 13 5.3 1.6 4.2 5.8 9 0.02 66.28 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene 16,010 56.3 58 13 5.4 1.8 4.0 5.9 2 0.19 6.96 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene 17,000 70.0 128 7 4.2 1.2 3.3 4.9 16 0.18 16.13 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene 17,990 69.4 126 16 5.0 2.1 3.6 5.8 11 0.09 16.60 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well B Horizontal Greene 19,070 68.6 62 11 5.4 1.6 4.2 6.3 4 0.27 7.22 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel average 76.4 146 19 4.8 2.1 3.6 5.3 27 0.46 12.55 4.49 2.55 1.02 0.48
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 14,280 81.1 102 10 3.8 1.5 2.7 4.7 19 0.64 19.25 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 15,030 73.6 210 40 4.9 3.2 3.8 5.2 53 0.44 9.34 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 15,990 74.2 160 17 5.6 2.4 4.0 6.2 10 0.33 3.98 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 17,010 72.6 110 10 4.7 1.4 3.8 5.2 28 0.44 17.63 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 18,000 78.2 497 11 3.8 1.4 2.8 4.5 124 1.73 23.09 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Horizontal Wetzel 18,990 78.4 436 12 4.0 1.5 2.9 4.7 109 0.86 33.05 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel average n/a 103 15 5.0 2.2 3.6 5.8 21 n/a n/a 4.04 1.45 0.86 0.45
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,030 n/a 108 11 4.8 1.7 3.6 5.8 35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,045 n/a 114 26 5.8 3.4 3.8 6.4 23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,055 n/a 106 11 4.9 1.8 3.6 5.7 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,065 n/a 84 12 4.7 1.8 3.5 5.2 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,075 n/a 106 11 4.7 1.5 3.8 5.5 62 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,085 n/a 63 14 5.9 2.5 4.0 6.9 9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,100 n/a 101 11 5.1 2.0 3.7 6.1 18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,115 n/a 13 9 5.4 1.5 4.3 6.3 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well C Vertical Wetzel 13,130 n/a 3 10 8.1 2.7 7.0 9.6 < 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
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Well D Horizontal Greene average 76.4 102 9 4.5 1.5 3.4 5.0 12 n/a n/a 4.49 2.55 1.02 0.48
Well D Horizontal Greene 13,880 52.3 102 10 5.0 1.7 3.7 5.7 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 14,870 66.1 100 8 4.2 1.3 3.3 4.8 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 15,950 80.5 103 11 4.8 1.6 3.7 5.3 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 16,940 92.5 103 7 3.8 1.2 2.9 4.3 25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 17,930 74.3 127 8 4.0 1.2 3.1 4.7 56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 18,850 79.1 100 12 4.0 1.6 2.9 4.7 66 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 19,930 79.3 105 9 3.8 1.4 3.0 4.3 93 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Horizontal Greene 20,730 87.0 100 10 4.7 1.8 3.4 5.6 13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene average n/a 84 10 4.4 1.6 3.3 5.1 15 n/a n/a 3.30 0.82 0.00 0.42
Well D Vertical Greene 13,475 n/a 102 10 5.0 1.6 3.8 5.9 19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,485 n/a 103 8 3.8 1.4 2.8 4.5 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,495 n/a 100 14 4.3 1.9 3.1 4.8 28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,505 n/a 30 8 4.3 1.4 3.5 5.0 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,515 n/a 101 12 4.2 1.6 3.1 5.0 35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,520 n/a 65 11 4.4 1.4 3.6 4.9 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,535 n/a 100 11 4.6 1.7 3.2 5.4 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,545 n/a 100 14 5.0 2.1 3.5 5.7 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,555 n/a 100 13 4.0 1.8 2.7 4.6 32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,565 n/a 69 9 4.1 1.5 3.2 4.9 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,575 n/a 101 14 4.3 1.9 3.4 5.2 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well D Vertical Greene 13,585 n/a 100 11 3.9 2.2 2.2 5.1 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene average n/a 80 12 5.6 1.9 4.5 6.2 26 n/a n/a 3.61 0.80 0.14 0.59
Well E Vertical Greene 13,402.3 n/a 100 11 5.7 1.7 4.6 6.5 22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,417.1 n/a 19 16 5.9 2.9 4.4 5.9 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,433.3 n/a 101 11 5.0 1.5 4.1 5.3 34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,447.2 n/a 100 11 5.8 1.5 4.8 7.0 23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,453.8 n/a 102 11 6.3 1.9 4.9 7.7 37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,457.2 n/a 101 8 4.4 1.2 3.5 5.1 35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,462.3 n/a 101 12 4.9 1.4 3.9 5.6 32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,488.4 n/a 100 9 4.5 1.4 3.4 5.3 24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well E Vertical Greene 13,508.5 n/a 100 9 4.6 1.5 3.5 5.3 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel average n/a 29 13 6.9 2.3 5.3 8.1 4 n/a n/a 6.46 0.31 0.18 0.54
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,240 n/a 29 14 6.7 2.4 5.1 7.8 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,250 n/a 28 17 9.2 3.3 6.7 11.1 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,260 n/a 41 13 5.4 2.1 4.2 6.0 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,270 n/a 16 9 6.4 1.6 5.1 7.5 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,280 n/a 19 14 5.1 2.4 4.1 5.7 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,310 n/a 5 6 4.4 1.5 4.0 5.1 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Well F Vertical Wetzel 12,330 n/a 8 7 4.7 1.5 4.1 5.4 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin 75
14252_ch05_ptg01_069-082.indd 75 11/26/19 1:17 PM
Figure 3. Scanning electron micrograph depicting normal
and welded framboids in the Point Pleasant.
and/or partially to completely overgrown framboids
(Figure 3; Wilken et al., 1996; Wilken and Barnes,
1997). Care was taken to measure framboids that
lack evidence of secondary diagenetic pyrite growth
that could misrepresent the original size of the fram-
boid. Finally, the maximum diameter was measured.
Although apparent diameters of framboids tend
to underestimate their true diameter, Wilken et al.
(1996) demonstrated the possible error in measure-
ments to be <10%. Where feasible, a minimum of
100 framboids from each sample were measured to
obtain a statistically valid sample size (see Wilkin
et al., 1996).
Inorganic Geochemical Analysis
Inorganic geochemical assessment of the samples was
performed on approximately 5 g of drill bit cuttings
and core chips that was homogenized into a powder
and pressed to form 31-mm- diameter pellets. The pel-
lets were analyzed using a tabletop Spectro XEPOS
III energy- dispersive X- ray fluorescence (ED- XRF)
using a 50-W end- window X- ray tube and a Peltier
cooled Silicon Drift Detector. The cuttings were cap-
tured at intervals ranging from 5 ft (1.5 m) to 10 ft
(3 m) MD along the vertical and 30 ft (9.1 m) in the
lateral sections of the wellbore and at one- foot inter-
vals along the core. Thirteen major elements and 20
trace elements were quantitatively measured. Data
quality control was maintained using a set of well-
characterized international geochemical reference
materials (GRMs). These internationally accepted
GRMs are chosen to matrix- match the values of the
samples analyzed to make any correction required
because of instrument performance or drifts. GRMs
chosen for thisstudy were United States Geological
Survey (USGS) Green River Shale (SGR-1), USGS mica
schist (SDC-1), National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) limestone (1D), and NIST dolo-
mitic limestone (88b). These standards are of varied
lithology and sufficient to make any elemental correc-
tion required for the different formations expected in
the study.
Finally, we present elemental data as elemental
abundance in wt. % or ppm, Al- normalized ratios, and
enrichment factors (EF) where the element to Al ratio
of the sample is normalized to the element to Al ratio
of the average shale (Wedephol, 1971, 1991).
Organic Geochemical Analysis
For TOC analysis, approximately 0.10 g of ground
material was treated with concentrated hydrochloric
acid for a minimum of two hours to removed carbon-
ates. The samples were placed in a LECO crucible and
dried at 230°F (110°C) for a minimum of one hour. The
dried sample was then analyzed with a LECO 600
Carbon Analyzer with detection limits to 0.01 wt. %.
Greene County, Pennsylvania
Pyrite Morphology
Samples from wells A and B horizontal well bores were
analyzed for total and framboidal pyrite abundance
and framboid diameter. Samples from wells E and
D vertical pilot hole, and well D horizontal wellbore
were analyzed for framboid diameter only. Results are
presented in Table 2. The average bulk pyrite abun-
dance in wells A and B is 0.39% (range 0.02–1.37%).
The average diameter of the 3863 framboids measured
is 4.7 µm with a standard deviation (STDV) of 1.7 µm
(Figure 4). The average maximum framboid diameter
is 11.2 µm and framboid density is 21 framboids/mm2.
Finally, 23% (range 5–66%) of pyrite occurs as
framboidal pyrite in wells A and B lateral samples.
14252_ch05_ptg01_069-082.indd 76 11/26/19 1:17 PM
Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin 77
Figure 4. Plot of the mean vs. the standard deviation of
framboids in the Point Pleasant.
Figure 5. Framboid diameter data for well D with box and whisker plots depicting the mean and maximum framboid diameters
demonstrating minimal variability in mean framboid size throughout (A) the stratigraphic section and (B) along thehorizontal
portion of the wellbore. Note that although minimal, larger framboids, represented by those >10 µm, do occur in some samples.
Average framboid diameters show minimal change
throughout the Point Pleasant stratigraphic interval
(Figure 5A), not along the wellbore (Figure 5B).
Three hundred and thirteen Point Pleasant samples
from Greene County wells were analyzed for elemen-
tal abundance (Table 2). The average Al concentration
is 3.6% (range 1.1–11.0%) or roughly 40% of the aver-
age shale value of 8.8% (Wedephol, 1971, 1991). There
is a strong covariance between Fe and Al as depicted
by well E (Figure 6; r2 = 0.95). The average Fe/Al for
each well ranges from 0.40 to 0.49. The average Point
Pleasant Fe/Al for the entire data set is 0.46. Molyb-
denum and U occurrence in the Point Pleasant is
minimal. Indeed, of the 313 samples analyzed, only
67 contain measurable quantities of both Mo and U,
approximately 20% of the sample population. Fur-
ther, these samples exhibit modest enrichment in Mo
and U, where EFs average 3.3 (range 0.3–7.7) and 1.4
(range 0.2–3.0), respectively.
Wetzel County, West Virginia
Pyrite Morphology
Samples recovered from well C lateral wellbore were
analyzed for total and framboidal pyrite abundance
and framboid diameter. Samples from wells C and F
vertical pilot hole were analyzed for framboid diame-
ters. Results are presented in Table 2. The average bulk
pyrite in well C is 0.70% (range 0.33–1.73%). The aver-
age diameter of 2359 measured framboids is 5.4 µm
with an STDV = 2.0 µm (Figure 4). The average max-
imum framboid diameter is 13.4 µm. Average fram-
boid density is 25 framboids/mm2 and an average of
18% (range 4–33%) of the pyrite occurs as framboidal
One hundred and sixty Point Pleasant samples recov-
ered from Wetzel county wells were analyzed for
14252_ch05_ptg01_069-082.indd 77 11/26/19 1:17 PM
elemental abundance (Table 2). The Point Pleasant of
Wetzel County displays slightly higher Al concentra-
tions than Greene County at 4.6% (range 2.1–7.9%)
whereas still approximately 50% depleted relative to
the average shale (Wedephol, 1971, 1991). The aver-
age Fe/Al ratio for each well ranges from 0.45 to 0.48
(average = 0.47), a marginally higher Fe content than
observed in Greene County. As with Greene County,
the Wetzel County samples display a paucity of Mo
and U. However, 67 samples demonstrate detectable
levels of Mo and U, a 100% increase over that observed
in Greene County. The average Mo EF of 4.1 (range
and 1.1–29.3) and U EF of 3.0 (range 0.26–5.7) are
slightly higher than that observed in Greene County.
The Point Pleasant Formation hosts a low concentra-
tion of pyrite (Figure 7A). Moreover, of the pyrite pres-
ent, ~75 to 80% occurs as euhedral crystal masses and
euhedral grains (Figure 7B). Oddly, the subordinate
framboidal pyrite generally occurs as very small ~5 µm
framboids (Figure 4B) with few examples >10 µm
(Figure 4B). Although framboids are marginally larger
in Wetzel County, framboid size varies little through the
stratigraphic interval of the Point Pleasant (Figure 5A).
Likewise, framboid size demonstrates little variation
along a horizontal wellbore (Figure 5B). These observa-
tions suggest that the processes of pyrite and framboid
formation remained largely consistent across the study
area throughout Point Pleasant deposition.
The morphological occurrence of pyrite and the
diameter of framboids in the Point Pleasant Limestone
imply two opposing models for the position of the
chemocline during pyrite formation. The prevalence of
euhedral grains and a lack of framboidal pyrite (Table 2)
suggest accumulation of sediments under a dysoxic to
oxic water column; an interpretation consistent with
the low occurrence of detectable Mo and U, and Fe/
Al ratios at or below average shale values. However,
the small diameter and narrow size range of analyzed
framboids (Figure 5, Table 2) is suggestive of formation
in suspension, inferring that the sulfide chemocline
resided in the water column above anoxic- sulfidic (eux-
inic) bottom waters (Figure 4; Wilken et al., 1996).
An alternate explanation for the abundance of small
framboids is a lack of those reactants necessary to the
formation of pyrite (either reactive Fe or bacterially
mediated H2S; cf. Wilken et al., 1996). The dominance
of framboids displaying a mean diameter of ~2–4 µm
forming under a dysoxic water column of the Santa
Barbara Basin was attributed to a paucity of reactive
Fe (Schieber and Schimmelmann, 2007). Here, anoxic-
sulfidic conditions exist a few millimeters below the
sediment– water interface. Reactive Fe mobilized from
Fe- rich, terrigenous dominated winter sediment enters
adjacent, Fe- poor, but organic- rich sediment deposited
during summer. The rapid production of diagenetic
framboids consumes the limited amount of Fe in the
summer sediment resulting in a population of small
framboids (Schieber and Schimmelmann, 2007).
Average Al concentrations of the Point Pleas-
ant Limestone of Greene and Wetzel counties, 3.6%
and 4.6%, respectively, are significantly less than the
average shale value of 8.8% (Wedepohl, 1971, 1991).
This indicates a significantly diminished clastic flux,
including the requisite reactive iron for the production
of diagenetic pyrite. Indeed, the covariance of Al and
Fe observed in the Point Pleasant (Figure 7) illustrates
the critical role the detrital load played in delivering
Fe to the basin. Moreover, the strong covariance of
framboids with Al (r2 = 0.74) would also suggest a rela-
tionship between clastic influx and framboid occur-
rence, where clastic delivery of reactive Fe enabled the
production of framboids (Figure 8).
The small average diameter of Point Pleasant fram-
boids and their narrow size distribution warrants
further discussion. Morse and Wang (1996) postulate
that generally narrow size range of diagenetic miner-
als reflects the supersaturation of pore fluids and con-
sequent rapid formation of multiple nuclei. In turn,
growth at nucleation points occurs at a roughly uni-
form rate until equilibrium is reached. Indeed, if all
Figure 6. Plot of Al vs. Fe in well E. Note the strong
covariance suggesting the strong role clastic influx plays in
delivering Fe to the basin. The lack of a decoupling of Fe
from Al also indicates minimal growth of authigenic pyrite.
14252_ch05_ptg01_069-082.indd 78 11/26/19 1:17 PM
Diagenetic Pyrite Morphology in Mudstones of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin 79
Figure 7. Scanning electron micrographs of the Point Pleasant Limestone depicting (A) the general scarcity of pyrite and
(B)the occurrence of both euhedral (eu) small framboidal (sf, <6 µm) and large (lf, >10 µm) framboids.
framboids in a volume of sediment initiated growth
at the same time and grew at the same rate, the result
would be a framboid population of one size (Wilken
et al., 1996). However, a range in sizes of observed
framboids, as is the case in the Point Pleasant, sug-
gests framboids nucleated at different times (Wilken
et al., 1996). Under such circumstances of continuous
nucleation, however, framboids may still approach
a uniform size given that (1) framboids are generally
assumed to grow at a constant growth rate (Wilken
et al., 1996) and (2) as saturation diminishes, nucle-
ation ceases but growth continues, and therefore, the
difference in grain size between framboids of different
ages diminishes (Morse and Wang, 1996).
The simplest explanation for the small size of Point
Pleasant framboids involves the ratio of nuclei vs.
the supply of reactants. In this scenario, nucleating
framboids competing for a finite amount of reactants
exhaust the supply before framboids have an oppor-
tunity to achieve diameters typical of diagenetic fram-
boids (>10 µm). A “sphere of influence” may also
contribute to the small size of framboids (Mores and
Wang, 1996). That is, diagenetic framboids compet-
ing for finite resources have a small area from which
to pull the reactants before the supply is exhausted
because of either minimal input of the reactant into the
Figure 8. Plot of Al vs. framboid density. A strong
relationship exists between increased clastic influx,
attendant influx of reactive Fe, and the number of
framboids encountered in the samples. This suggests that
the availability of reactive Fe delivered to the basin limits
framboid growth.
14252_ch05_ptg01_069-082.indd 79 11/26/19 1:17 PM
system or having to compete with nearby framboids.
Thus, under such conditions, diagenetic framboids in
the Point Pleasant would have exhausted the reser-
voir of reactive Fe before attaining the large sizes more
typical of diagenetic framboids (>~10 µm). Again,
it is worth noting that although framboids >10 µm
are uncommon (~2% of the framboid population,
Table 2), their presence in 44 of 62 analyzed samples
points unambiguously to the growth of diagenetic
framboids. In sum, we argue that the framboid pop-
ulation of the Point Pleasant reflects the formation of
diagenetic framboids under an oxic to dysoxic water
column wherein growth was limited by a lack of nec-
essary reactants, namely reactive Fe. Such a model
for framboid formation is consistent with the general
scarcity of pyrite and prevalence of diagenetic euhe-
dral grains (~75–80% of observed pyrite; Figure 7).
Indeed, euhedral grains are readily observed in those
sediments where less reactive Fe forms from direct
interaction with free H2S in pore waters under a dys-
oxic water column (Wilken et al., 1996). Furthermore,
U and Mo at or below average shale concentrations are
consistent with a water column that rarely achieved
the anoxic and/or euxinic conditions necessary for
their enrichment in marine sediments (Algeo and
Tribovillard, 2009).
The Point Pleasant Limestone hosts a pyrite popu-
lation comprising euhedral grains and subordinate
framboids. The consistently small framboids observed
likely formed in a diagenetic environment deficient in
reactive Fe, and do not imply the formation of synge-
netic framboids suspended in a euxinic water column
(cf. Wilken et al., 1996). Indeed, the strong covariance
of Fe and Al and the low amount of Al in the Point
Pleasant are consistent with such a model. Further, the
low occurrence of pyrite and lack of detectable abun-
dances of redox sensitive trace elements, notably U
and Mo, are consistent with accumulation in a dysoxic
to possibly oxic water column. Burial of organic mat-
ter and its removal from zones of oxidization likely
contributed to its preservation in these deposits.
We thank Wayne Camp and Neil Fishman for their
invitation to contribute to this volume. We extend
our gratitude to Gary Lash for the many fruitful dis-
cussions, guidance, and efforts to improve this chap-
ter. This chapter benefited from the thorough review
of two anonymous reviewers. Finally, we thank EQT
Production for their permission to generate and use
the data sets in this publication.
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... Given that organic matter (OM) typically provides hydrocarbon storage, and organic-rich fine-grained rocks contain a considerable proportion of natural gas and oil (Raiswell et al., 1988;Jones and Manning, 1994;Hu et al., 2017;Guo et al., 2017;Blood et al., 2019), a clear understanding of OM enrichment is therefore important. Generally, the accumulation of OM is controlled by various sedimentary paleoenvironmental factors, including paleoredox conditions, paleoproductivity, clastic input and sedimentation rate (Ibach, 1982;Collins et al., 1995;Rimmer et al., 2004;Ding et al., 2015;Jin et al., 2020;Song et al., 2021). ...
... The lithological assemblage, sedimentary structures, biomarkers, isotopic compositions, and chemical elements in fine-grained rocks can provide valuable information on the sedimentary paleoenvironment (Macquaker and Adams, 2003;Jarvie et al., 2007;Nelson, 2009;Chermak and Schreiber, 2014;Schieber, 2016;Yang et al., 2019). For example, special minerals (e.g., syngenetic pyrites) in sediments can reveal the paleoredox conditions (Wilkin et al., 1996;Blood et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2019). Iron speciation, stable isotopes (e.g., S and C) and redox-sensitive trace elements (e.g., Mo, U, and V) have also been widely used to reconstruct the water column redox conditions (Elderfield and Greaves, 1982;Johannesson et al., 1994;Tribovillard et al., 2006;Goldberg et al., 2007;Scott et al., 2008;Pi et al., 2013;Jin et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2020). ...
... Elements such as P, Cu, Ni, and Zn are widely used as proxies for paleoproductivity (Tribovillard et al., 2006;Scott et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2019;Yu et al., 2021). Additionally, Al is considered the principal conservative proxy for clay mineral flux in fine-grained clastic deposits (Blood et al., 2019), and its concentration can be used to reflect clastic input (Ross and Bustin, 2009;Jin et al., 2020). The (La/ Yb) N ratio could act as a proxy for the sedimentation rate (Elderfield and Greaves, 1982;Johannesson et al., 1994). ...
Organic matter (OM) is not only a source of oil and gas but also the dominant host for hydrocarbon storage in unconventional reservoirs; thus, understanding the controls on OM accumulation are of great significance for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. Lacustrine fine-grained rocks of the Jurassic Da’anzhai Member have variable total organic carbon (TOC) contents ranging from 0.11 to 3.11 wt%. However, it is still debatable regarding mechanisms responsible for such variable enrichment. Here, we present petrological, organic, and elemental geochemical data of three wells in the Jurassic Da’anzhai Member in the central Sichuan Basin, South China. The low enrichment of redox-sensitive trace elements (MoEF, UEF, and VEF) in lacustrine fine-grained rocks indicates oxic to suboxic conditions during deposition of the Da’anzhai Member, which are not conducive to OM preservation. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) values vary between 75 and 100, suggesting a warm/hot and humid paleoclimate. Relatively high productivity coincides with high CIA, suggesting that weathering fluxes may have played important role in the regulating primary productivity. Furthermore, the relationship between TOC and (La/Yb)N implies the influence of specific sedimentation rates on OM enrichment. Our results suggest that the OM accumulation in the Jurassic Da’anzhai Member is mainly controlled by clastic input and sedimentation rate. We propose that under conditions of variable clastic input, the appropriate sedimentation rate may have played a key role in the accumulation of OM. Finally, our study suggests that the siliceous shale may be a potential lithology for unconventional hydrocarbon production in the Jurassic Da’anzhai Member.
... OM makes significant contribution to the overall storage capacity of shale reservoir due to its adsorption capacity (Ardakani et al., 2017;Song et al., 2019a). The depositional environment, especially the redox conditions of the bottom and pore waters during deposition and early diagenesis, affects the accumulation and preservation of organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Song et al., 2017Song and Carr, 2020). An oxygen depletion often ensures a good preservation of the organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014). ...
... The depositional environment, especially the redox conditions of the bottom and pore waters during deposition and early diagenesis, affects the accumulation and preservation of organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Song et al., 2017Song and Carr, 2020). An oxygen depletion often ensures a good preservation of the organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014). The oxygen level of bottom water is often accessed by redox-sensitive trace element concentrations (e.g. ...
... Bohacs et al., 2005;Dong et al., 2018;Sageman et al., 2003;Harris et al., 2018), as well as pyrite morphology and framboids size distribution (e.g. Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014;Rickard, 2019aRickard, , 2019bWignall et al., 2005). ...
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The Cretaceous Hue Shale is a condensed mudstone section of the Brookian sequence with type II and type III kerogen, and it is one of the major source rocks that fill the world-class conventional oil fields on the North Slope, Alaska. The bottom section of the Hue Shale is referred to as Gamma Ray Zone (GRZ) or Highly Radioactive Zone (HRZ) and believed to be the most organic-rich section. The thermal maturity increases from immature to over oil window towards the southwest. Although, the research on the Hue Shale as an unconventional shale reservoir is still at an early stage, where exploration activities are very limited. The Hue Shale thickens to the east in general. However, regional variations of thickness and more importantly total organic carbon (TOC) have been reported. In this research, a suite of nineteen core samples of the Hue Shale are selected. These cores are collected from six wells covering a wide spectrum of thermal maturity with four wells in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska and two wells in the state land. A combined geochemical and petrographic methodology is utilized to address the regional redox conditions and the preservation of organic carbon. TOC, Tmax, hydrogen index, and oxygen index are acquired through pyrolysis to characterize the abundance, thermal maturity, the origin, and the evolution of organic matter. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is used to investigate the mineralogy and diagenesis of the Hue Shale. Pyrite crystal forms, and pyrite framboid size distributions are used as an indicator of the redox conditions during deposition. The results show substantial variance in oxygen levels in the water column. High abundance and small sizes of pyrite framboids, which indicates a depleted oxygen environment, show better preservation potential of organic matter.
... OM makes significant contribution to the overall storage capacity of shale reservoir due to its adsorption capacity (Ardakani et al., 2017;Song et al., 2019a). The depositional environment, especially the redox conditions of the bottom and pore waters during deposition and early diagenesis, affects the accumulation and preservation of organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Song et al., 2020Song et al., , 2017Song and Carr, 2020). An oxygen depletion often ensures a good preservation of the organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014). ...
... The depositional environment, especially the redox conditions of the bottom and pore waters during deposition and early diagenesis, affects the accumulation and preservation of organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Song et al., 2020Song et al., , 2017Song and Carr, 2020). An oxygen depletion often ensures a good preservation of the organic matter (Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014). The oxygen level of bottom water is often accessed by redox-sensitive trace element concentrations (e.g. ...
... Bohacs et al., 2005;Dong et al., 2018;Sageman et al., 2003;Harris et al., 2018), as well as pyrite morphology and framboids size distribution (e.g. Blood et al., 2019;Lash and Blood, 2014;Rickard, 2019;Wignall et al., 2005). ...
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The Cretaceous Hue Shale is a condensed mudstone section of the Brookian sequence with type II and type III kerogen, and it is one of the major source rocks that fill the world-class conventional oil fields on the North Slope, Alaska. The bottom section of the Hue Shale is referred to as Gamma Ray Zone (GRZ) or Highly Radioactive Zone (HRZ) and believed to be the most organic-rich section. The thermal maturity increases from immature to over oil window towards the southwest. Although, the research on the Hue Shale as an unconventional shale reservoir is still at an early stage, where exploration activities are very limited. The Hue Shale thickens to the east in general. However, regional variations of thickness and more importantly total organic carbon (TOC) have been reported. In this research, a suite of nineteen core samples of the Hue Shale and GRZ are selected. These cores are collected from six wells covering a wide spectrum of thermal maturity with four wells in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska and two wells in the state land. A combined geochemical and petrographic methodology is utilized to address the regional redox conditions and the preservation of organic carbon. TOC, Tmax, hydrogen index, and production index are acquired through pyrolysis to characterize the abundance, thermal maturity, the origin, and the evolution of organic matter. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is used to investigate the mineralogy and diagenesis of the Hue Shale and GRZ. Pyrite fraction, crystal forms, and pyrite framboid size distributions are used as an indicator of the redox conditions during deposition. The results show substantial variance in oxygen levels in the water column. High abundance and small sizes of pyrite framboids, which indicates a depleted oxygen environment, show better preservation potential of organic matter.
... Moreover, the average concentration of Al (6.73 wt %) in the Es3x shale is less than the average value of shale (8.8 wt %). 42,43 This also shows a substantial reduction of detrital influx along with the required reactive Fe for the formation of diagenetic pyrite. Based upon the shreds of these evidences, it is suggested that the influx of reactive Fe is low in the studied shale and our interpretations are consistent with other researchers. ...
... Based upon the shreds of these evidences, it is suggested that the influx of reactive Fe is low in the studied shale and our interpretations are consistent with other researchers. 42,43 4.4. Role of OM in Pyrite Generation. ...
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Pyrite is a common mineral in sedimentary rocks and is widely distributed in a variety of different morphologies and sizes. Pyrite is also widely distributed in the Es3x shale of the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. A combination of geochemical and petrographic studies has been applied to address the formation and distribution of pyrite in the Es3x shale. The methods include thin section analysis to identify the representative samples of the shale-containing pyrite, total organic carbon (TOC) content analysis, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, electron probe micro-analysis, and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) coupled with the energy dispersive spectrometer, to observe the characteristics, morphology, and distribution of pyrite in the lacustrine shale. The content of pyrite in the Es3x shale ranges from 1.4 to 11.2% with an average content of 3.42%. The average contents of TOC and total organic sulfur (TS) are 3.48 and 2.53 wt %, respectively. Various types of pyrites are observed during the detailed FE-SEM investigations including pyrite framboids, euhedral pyrite, welded pyrite, pyrite microcrystals, and framework pyrite. Pyrite framboids are densely packed sphere-shaped masses of submicron-scale pyrite crystals with subordinate large-sized euhedral crystals of pyrite. Welded pyrite forms due to the overgrowth and alteration of pyrite crystals within the larger pyrite framboids. Pyrite microcrystals are the euhedral-shaped microcrystals of pyrite. The framework pyrite is also observed and is formed due to the pyritization of plant/algal tissues. Based on the growth mechanism, the pyrites can be divided into syngenetic pyrites, early diagenetic pyrites, and late diagenetic pyrites. The presence of pyrite, especially the abundance of pyrite framboids, suggests that the environment during the Es3x shale deposition in the lacustrine basin was anoxic. Their dominant smaller size suggests the presence of an euxinic water column, which is consistent with the lack of in-place biota and high TOC contents. This research work not only helps to understand the pyrite mineralization, role of organic matter, and reactive iron in pyrite formation in the shale but also helps to interpret the paleoredox conditions during the deposition of shale. This research work can also be helpful to other researchers who can apply these methods and conclusions to studying shale in other similar basins worldwide.
... The common presence of nonferroan calcite cement and pyrite suggests that cement precipitation was linked to microbial degradation processes of organic matter that occurred close to the sediment-water interface (Curtis, 1987;Ritger et al., 1987;Paull et al., 1992;Canfield, 1994;Von Rad et al., 1996). Diagenetic pyrite formed due to bacterial sulfate reduction in carbonaceous sediment beneath a dysoxic or even oxygenated water column (Goldhaber et al., 1977), an interpretation consistent with the prevalence of large euhedral grains (Wilkin et al., 1996), a lack of framboidal pyrite (Blood et al., 2019), and the common presence of diminutive burrow mottles and disrupted fabrics. The activity of microbial communities near the sediment-water interface probably resulted in the breakdown of labile organic components (Liu et al., 2021), reducing TOC, S2 peaks, and HI values during the early stages of diagenesis. ...
Fine-grained sedimentary rocks generally undergo severe mechanical compaction during burial, which complicates the recognition of primary mudstone fabrics and associated sedimentary features. Early diagenetic concretions, however, provide a rare glimpse of primary fabrics because cement filling the pore space prevents the collapse of original grain arrangements. Hand specimens of concretions collected from the basal condensed section of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), allow for analysis of sedimentary processes responsible for the dispersal, accumulation and burial of organic carbon-rich sediment in an epicontinental sea. Representative samples from central basin depositional localities were examined by optical, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Petrographic observations were complemented with palynological and organic geochemical analyses. Close examination of uncompacted fabrics reveals a significantly more complex and dynamic depositional scenario than previously assumed (suspension settling). Although many of the component grains in the studied samples were originally delivered to the sediment–water interface by suspension settling processes (i.e., marine snow, hypopycnal plumes, pumice rafts), there is substantial evidence of episodic sedimentation controlled by punctuated events of seafloor disturbance and erosion. The common presence of muddy intraclasts indicate that the seafloor was frequently reworked by bottom currents that caused the widespread distribution of organic carbon-rich sediment across distal basin depositional environments. Bottom current circulation supplied oxygen to the sediment–water interface and created suitable conditions for benthic life, contravening the assumption of bottom water anoxia as a prerequisite for organic carbon preservation. The excellent preservation state of freshwater algae (Pediastrum complex) suggests that organic matter contained inside composite mud particles can travel long distances before being deposited in distal depositional settings. Encapsulation protects organic components from mechanical/biogenic degradation and provides an anoxic microenvironment for preventing the oxidation of the organic matter contained inside of mud composite grains. The study shows that organic carbon encapsulation may be an important mechanism for organic carbon preservation in relatively energetic and non-anoxic settings, calling for a critical reappraisal of the processes responsible for the sequestration of organic carbon from the biosphere and its long-term storage in organic-rich mudstone successions.
The Green Point Formation in western Newfoundland, GSSP of the Cambrian-Ordovician (Є-O) boundary, is dominated by slope rhythmites of alternating lime mudstone and shale interbeds. This formation was deposited in a semi-restricted basin with varying connectivity to the open ocean. In the current study, we investigate textures and bulk δ34S signatures of pyrite (δ34Spy) in the shale to better understand factors influencing the sedimentary δ34Spy fluctuation. Petrographic and SEM examinations reveal two major types of pyrite: (1) framboidal pyrite and (2) anhedral to euhedral pyrite. The latter is further categorized into two subtypes: type 2a anhedral to subhedral pyrite characterized by relict framboidal textures and larger sizes (~10 to 300 μm), and type 2b smaller (typically <10 μm) subhedral to euhedral pyrite. Type 1 pyrite was precipitated near the sediment-water interface (SWI), whereas type 2b pyrite was formed in sediments below the SWI with limited access to the overlying seawater sulfate. Type 2a pyrite was evolved from framboids during early and burial diagenesis. The bulk δ34Spy values, marked by a significant scatter (1σ =10.62‰), range broadly from −17.6 to +22.4‰ (VCDT) and exhibit a pronounced positive excursion of ~20‰ near the Є-O boundary. The abundance of type 2b pyrite generally mimics the changes in δ34Spy, suggesting that the substantial δ34Spy dispersion could be partially attributed to differing proportions of type 2b pyrite within the samples. Moreover, notable negative correlations exist between the δ34Spy values and the abundances of Al, Th, ∑REE, and Fe, indicating that riverine fluxes might have influenced the Δ34Sseawater ‒ pyrite by modulating the regional seawater sulfate and iron reservoir sizes. Therefore, rather than being indicative of oceanic redox oscillations, the positive δ34Spy excursion of ~20‰ of this interval was probably driven by decreased sulfate and iron levels in the local waterbody. The decline in terrestrial input during this δ34Spy shift might have also contributed to a negative δ13Ccarb excursion by reducing nutrient supply and inhibiting primary productivity. Collectively, the bulk sedimentary δ34Spy variability recorded by the Green Point shale may be attributed to a combination of changes in regional terrigenous input and varying amounts of pyrite formed at different diagenetic stages within the samples. The general opposing trends between the δ34Spy signals and the abundances of Al, Th, ∑REE, and Fe, however, imply that fluctuations in riverine influxes might exert a stronger influence on the major δ34Spy trend. These findings suggest that bulk sedimentary δ34Spy variations alone may not be reliable evidence for perturbations of the global sulfur cycle.
The Tamengo Formation (Corumbá Group, midwest Brazil) is a carbonate-dominated succession of major importance to unravel the environmental and biological changes during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in Gondwana. Although it has been extensively studied in terms of sedimentology, isotope geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and geochronology, these studies are constrained to the Corumbá region. This work presents new sedimentological, C and O isotope chemostratigraphy, and rare earth elements (REE) plus yttrium (REY) data of four sections of the Tamengo Formation in the Serra da Bodoquena region, approximately 200 km south of Corumbá, discussing how these new data are related to the type sections. The sections present ooid grainstones, with hummocky, swaley, and wavy structures, interbedded with mudstones and shales, indicating deposition of fine particles by suspension fallout in-between periods of high-energy, with reworking by storm waves. The δ13Ccarb curves show positive plateaus with minor, short-lived negative excursions linked to facies variations, which are related to a large δ13Ccarb depth gradient in a redox-stratified water column. The REY profiles present middle REE (MREE)-bulge patterns and absent to slightly positive Ce anomalies, consistent with MREE adsorption onto Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides in the water column followed by release in pore waters. Subsequently, REY remobilization during anoxic diagenetic stages resulted in the MREE-bulge pattern and overprinted some of the original seawater REY features, including the Ce anomalies. The Tamengo Formation in the Serra da Bodoquena region represents a storm-dominated carbonate ramp, as previously interpreted for this unit in the Corumbá region. Nevertheless, there is a significant shift of 2 ‰ in the peaks of δ13Ccarb data between both localities, which may be related to differences in the overall sector of the carbonate ramp. There are also substantial variations in the δ13Ccarb record of the Tamengo Formation and other coeval Gondwana basins, such as the Nama and Itapucumi groups, with different peak values, which may be related to latitudinal differences on the inorganic carbon isotope composition or to the degree of basin restriction.
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Facies and carbon isotope analysis of a series of four drill cores from Cincinnati, Ohio provide an opportunity to assess Late Ordovician paleoenvironmental variability along the margin of the Sebree Trough, an intracratonic basin associated with Taconian far-field tectonics. The cores provide stratigraphic data for an approximately 50km long NE-SW transect that roughly parallels the margin of the trough. The cores span the upper High Bridge Group through much of the equivalents of the Lexington Formation, and in one case into the overlying Cincinnatian strata (Kope). The cores were logged at centimeter-scale for litho-, bio-, and tapho-facies. Anumber of marker beds that are present in the cores, including K-bentonites, fossil epiboles (e.g., Prasopora bryozoans), and deformed beds, have been previously documented in the central Kentucky outcrop belt. We also sampled one core for carbon isotopes as a means of providing additional constraints on correlation into the central Kentucky outcrop belt. The facies succession in the lower half of the cores matches that of the lower members of the Lexington Formation inKentucky (Curdsville, Logana, and lowerGrier members). The upper half of the cores contain a more shale-rich facies succession, recording offshore environments that were substantially deeper than those of the Lexington Platform of the central Kentucky outcrop belt. These results corroborate previous studies, which indicated that the Sebree Trough expanded during the earliest Katian. Two positive carbon isotope excursions identified from outcrops of the Logana Member and the Macedonia bed on the Lexington Platform, are clearly recognizable in the sampled Cincinnati region drill core. We believe that one or both of these excursions are equivalent to the Guttenberg carbon isotope excursion (GICE) of the upper Mississippi Valley.
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ABSTRACT Appalachian basin architecture during Middle Ordovician time was dominated by a Black River ramp to the northwest flanked by the central Appalachian basin along its southeast margin, with the deeper Sevier basin still farther to the east and southeast. The ramp margin, which marked the western edge of the central Appalachian basin, was in the approximate location of the western edge of the Rome trough. Black River carbonate rocks were deposited on this broad, stable, shallow-water ramp as epeiric seas transgressed much of what is now the Appalachian region, while thick, shaley carbonates were being deposited within the trough-influenced foredeep and clastic sediments were being deposited in the Sevier basin. The elongate, north-northeast-trending depocenter that developed during early Black River time would continue to exist and even expand throughout the remainder of the Ordovician Period. Trenton time was marked by the appearance of the Trenton platform in the north, extending from what is now Indiana to New York State, and the Lexington platform to the south, centered in what is now eastern Kentucky, southwestern West Virginia and western Virginia. These two platforms were separated by a shallow, interplatform subbasin that covered much of what is now Ohio. During early Trenton time low-relief carbonate buildups developed on the Trenton and Lexington platforms that surrounded the interplatform Utica Shale/Point Pleasant sub-basin. Craton-wide transgression continued, and platform carbonate deposition kept pace with increased water depth producing extensive, relatively clean carbonates on the Trenton platform while more argillaceous carbonates were deposited on the Lexington platform and in the central Appalachian basin. At a later time, clastic muds poured into the basin from the east, interfingering with Trenton carbonate beds and producing shales like the Logana Shale Member of the Lexington Formation on the Lexington platform. Ultimately, interbedded limestones and calcareous shales and black shales of the Point Pleasant Formation were deposited within the interplatform sub-basin, followed by more widespread deposition of the Utica Shale. Trenton-Black River production in the Appalachian basin can be separated into older, “historic” production in the shallower portions of the basin, especially in the Lima- Indiana trend in Indiana and northwestern Ohio, and the current gas play that began in New York and subsequently has been extended to northern Pennsylvania and southwestern West Virginia. Oil and gas production in northwest Ohio is closely associated with the Ordovician-aged margin that developed between the edge of the carbonate platform and the adjacent interplatform shale basin. This margin was interpreted from thickness and facies maps of the Trenton Limestone and may have been created by a series of faults that were reactivated during Trenton time, causing higher subsidence rates in the shale basin relative to the carbonate platform. There may be exploration potential along the entire edge of the platform, from Indiana to northern Pennsylvania, especially where the platform margin is associated with a clean carbonate facies. Hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in the historic Lima-Indiana trend and in more recent Ontario fields were developed in clean grainstones and packstones that developed on skeletal shoals along the platform margin. Current production from hydrothermal iii dolomite reservoirs in New York also is associated with clean carbonate facies, although these are largely restricted to Black River Group carbonates. Gas production in West Virginia, however, is associated with fractured limestones in the Trenton and Black River. No dolomite has been encountered to date in either the Black River or Trenton in the deeper, West Virginia portion of the basin. The reactivation of basement faults played an important role in the creation of Trenton-Black River fractured limestone and hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in the Appalachian basin. Throughout most of the basin, there are a number of long, normal faults parallel or subparallel to regional strike that are offset by a second set of northwesttrending faults. However, only the northwest-trending fault system may have been reactivated during Late Ordovician compression from the southeast to become conduits for basement-derived hydrothermal fluids. These fluids rose to the level of the Black River and Trenton to dolomitize limestone beds in those units. The resulting hydrothermal dolomite features have subtle seismic signatures, complicating seismic interpretation and pointing out the need for high-resolution seismic data and 3-D data to locate and develop gas fields. Petrographic data from thin section and core descriptions are useful to document the distribution of porous and permeable carbonate rock facies in the Trenton Limestone and Black River Group, as well as the spatial distribution of reservoir seals, compartmentalization and diagenetically-controlled pore geometry in producing fields. Petrographic results support, in part, conclusions from the stratigraphic study, i.e., that porous hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in northwest Ohio formed in what were originally clean grainstones and packstones. However, there are distinctive pore textures in Trenton and Black River dolowackestones and dolomudstones as well. In these reservoirs, macroporosity (vugs and fractures) is not fabric selective, whereas mesoporosity (moldic and intercrystalline voids) is fabric selective. Microporosity is both inter- and intracrystalline. Porosity developed through a combination of fracturing, selective dissolution of allochems (usually crinoids) and dissolution of both calcite and dolomite. Dolowackestones and dolomudstones actually are the most productive reservoirs in the Trenton and Black River in the Appalachian basin. The best reservoirs occur when fractures provide interconnections between large dissolution voids yielding collapse breccias and adjacent zebra fabrics. Fluid inclusion and geochemistry data and resulting interpretations support a hydrothermal origin for all of the dolomite types that occur in the Trenton and Black River across the study area. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures suggest that the dolomite formed at temperatures between 85 and 170 degrees celsius, with generally higher temperatures in New York and Ohio, and lower temperatures in Kentucky. The fluids that formed the dolomites were saline brines, as evidenced by the range in salinity values for the fluid inclusions, from 14.5wt% in New York to 20wt% in Ohio. These values are 4 to 6 times the salinity of normal sea water. The dolomites are enriched in iron and manganese, trace elements that are virtually absent in sea water but common in subsurface brines. The dolomites also commonly have radiogenetic strontium isotope values, which suggest that the saline fluids passed through basement or deep, immature iv siliciclastic rocks prior to forming the dolomites. All of these geochemical analyses support a hot, subsurface origin for the dolomites. Further evidence suggests that the dolomites are of a hydrothermal, not a geothermal, origin. Maximum depth of burial extrapolated from conodont alteration index (CAI) data suggests that the rocks were not buried to sufficient depths to reach temperatures as high as those indicated by the fluid inclusion data. Data from cores in Kentucky and northwest Ohio is unequivocal: there is no way that these dolomites could be of geothermal origin, because the rocks were never buried to sufficient depths. The same is true for Trenton and Black River dolomites in Ontario and Michigan. However, in New York, CAI values suggest that the Black River was buried to depths where the temperature equaled or exceeded the fluid inclusion homogenization temperature. But, if dolomitization occurred during early burial, the dolomite still would be hydrothermal in origin, and evidence such as the timing of faulting and the relatively low salinity of the fluid inclusions suggests that dolomitization occurred very early in the burial history of the host rocks. Although still speculative, a fault-related hydrothermal alteration model is supported by all of the known facts at this time. The preferred style of faulting is a negative flower structure, but the same general principles would apply to faults along the margins of the interplatform sub-basin in Ohio and the Jeptha Knob structure in Kentucky. Black River Group carbonates were deposited on a relatively stable platform prior to a major collision between North America and a volcanic island arc that began in earliest Trenton time and continued through the Ordovician into the Silurian. These collisions reactivated older faults and created new faults oriented subparallel to the orogenic belt. High-temperature, high-pressure saline fluids flowed up active basementrooted strike-slip and transtensional faults during the time of Trenton Limestone and Utica Shale deposition, until they encountered low-permeable beds in the base of the Trenton in New York and the Utica in Ohio. At that point, the fluids flowed laterally into more permeable Black River and Trenton beds. As the fluids cooled, they leached the host limestone beds, producing vugs in a migrating front that moved away from the fault zone. Permeability behind this front was enhanced by fracturing and continued leaching. Subsequently, these higher-permeability beds were invaded by warmer, dolomitesupersaturated fluids, precipitating dolomite, initially in a halo of matrix dolomite, particularly on the downthrown sides of negative flower structures. Matrix dolomitization was followed by further fracturing, brecciation and vug development as tectonic activity continued. Fractures and vugs were lined with saddle dolomite soon after they were formed. As time passed, a range of other minerals, including quartz, bitumen, sulfides and calcite were precipitated. Natural gases produced from Trenton and Black River reservoirs in Kentucky and Ohio are thermogenetic, cracked from kerogens in organic-rich source rocks and from reservoir oils at higher maturation temperatures. Evidence from carbon isotope distributions indicates that the gas in the Homer field in Kentucky is compartmentalized, probably due to faulting, with two groups of gases produced from different wells. The two types of gases are thermogenic gas associated with oil, and thermogenic gas that v formed in the transition zone between oil-associated gas and postmature gas. Potential source rocks for the Kentucky gases include shales in the Upper Ordovician Utica Shale and Point Pleasant Formation; dolomitic mudstones in the Middle Ordovician Trenton Formation; the Middle Ordovician Wells Creek Formation; and rocks within the Cambrian Rome Formation. Natural gases produced from fractured limestones in Cottontree field, West Virginia are postmature and can be interpreted as either mixed thermogenetic gases generated in source rocks in the Utica Shale, Point Pleasant Formation, Trenton Formation, Wells Creek Formation, or the Rome Formation, as in Kentucky; or as abiogenic gases of deep crustal origin. Natural gases produced from the York field in northeastern Ohio are thermogenic gases associated with condensate. The Utica Shale is the most probable source rock for these gases, with migration occurring from a deeper portion of the basin northeast of the gas field. Natural gases produced from dolomitized Black River rocks in south central New York and north central Pennsylvania are unique. These gases consistently exhibit low wetness, heavy δ13C1 values, and unusual methane δ2H that become isotopically lighter as the δ13C1 becomes heavier. In addition to the strong negative correlation between methane δ13C and δ2H, the gases show notable carbon isotopic reversals among the C1 through C3 hydrocarbons, particularly when compared to the normal carbon isotope distributions exhibited by Trenton and Black River thermogenic gases produced in Kentucky and Ohio. δ15N of nitrogen produced in the New York and Pennsylvania gases has a mean value of –6.7 permil, and may have originated through devolatilization reactions associated with kimberlite intrusions. High nitrogen concentrations in some wells may have a negative impact on economic reserves in portions of the play. Noble gas geochemistry indicates highly variable flux of both mantle and radiogenic crustal gases. These data reflect high heat flow coupled with deep-seated faulting and fracturing, and hydrothermal fluid migration. The noble gas data also indicate some gas leakage from the reservoirs, and highly variable residence times for natural gases in the different New York and Pennsylvania fields. The hydrocarbons produced from Black River reservoirs in New York and Pennsylvania might be the first documented occurrence of a commercial abiogenic natural gas accumulation. The data are compelling, but further confirmation will be necessary to fully support this interpretation. If correct, this interpretation of the gases will have a direct bearing on the interpreted mechanisms, processes and timing of hydrothermal dolomitization in the region. However, if the abiogenic hydrocarbon hypothesis is incorrect, then Black River gases produced in New York and Pennsylvania are a mixture of isotopically heavy, postmature gas generated from an unidentified, deep-basin source rock, and residual, isotopically-light ethane and propane. It is important to consider that the magnitude of the observed δ13C enrichment and simultaneous δ13C depletion in the ethane and propane are difficult to explain in a thermogenic gas accumulation. vi Hydrogen sulfide poses a potential problem with deeper Black River gas production in Pennsylvania, and perhaps West Virginia. In Pennsylvania, the δ34S of sulfur in the produced H2S suggests that thermochemical sulfate reduction is responsible for the generation of gas in the reservoir. It is difficult to collect and analyze production data for the Trenton-Black River gas play. Production data for most of the “historical” wells drilled in older fields do not exist in the public record, and wells that have been drilled and completed in the current play are so new that production records, although complete, are of short duration. The data that do exist, however, indicate a high degree of variability in reservoir performance within the hydrothermal play area of south-central New York. Recent horizontal drilling technology has proven to be quite successful in this area and offers good potential in the future as the play continues to develop. All of the stratigraphic, structural, petrographic, geochemical, gas analyses and production data collected and generated for and during this project were assembled by a small resource assessment team that was charged with developing a model to assess the undiscovered gas resource of this play. To accomplish this, the team modified a model that has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey in its resource assessments. The team took into account the thickness, distribution and richness of potential source rocks; the approximate locations of the gas-, gas-and-oil, and oil-generating areas, based on thermal maturity interpreted from conodont alteration data; the maximum and minimum play areas to assess, based on current production data, gas shows and “favorable” geologic parameters developed elsewhere by project geologists; the timing of maturity and fluid migration; and the size and number of fields that might be discovered in the first 30 years of this play development. The maximum assessment area was divided into two plays, a hydrothermal dolomite play area in the shallower part of the basin, extending from south-central New York and north-central Pennsylvania through Ontario and Ohio into eastern Kentucky; and a fractured limestone play in the deeper portion of the basin in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Small areas of historic production in Kentucky and near the eastern end of Lake Ontario in New York have been attributed to the presence of bioclastic limestone reservoirs. However, these areas were included with the area of hydrothermal dolomite for assessment purposes and were not assessed separately. A basic assumption was that high-pressure fluids migrating upward from the basement ultimately would reach a maximum height, even if unrestricted by fault seals, and would then descend. Thus, hydrothermal dolomite would only be formed in the Trenton and Black River in areas where fluids were capable of reaching these limestone units. In areas of the basement where the rock interval between the basement and the Black River was too great for these units to be reached by high-temperature, highpressure fluids, if dolomitization of host limestones did occur, it would occur in deeper Cambrian carbonates, and production from the Trenton and Black River would be confined to fractured, but non-dolomitized zones. vii Undiscovered gas resources were estimated through a Monte-Carlo simulation method developed by the USGS. This procedure required the team to estimate the number of undiscovered fields and the size of those fields. Thus, values for the minimum, median and maximum number of fields that might be discovered, and the minimum, median and maximum sizes of those fields, were entered into the program. For each play, gas resource numbers were generated at the 90%, 50% and 10% probability (confidence) levels. The final resource numbers for the entire assessment area are as follows: there is a 90% probability that at least 2.7 Tcf will be discovered; a 50% probability that at least 6.0 Tcf will be discovered; and a 10% probability that at least 11.0 Tcf will be discovered. Most of this gas is predicted to be found in the HTD play area.
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The Point Pleasant-Brassfield(!) petroleum system, located in eastern Ohio and western parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, created a charge of 150 billion bbl of oil equivalent. The system covers 40 000km2 and encompasses numerous small oil and gas fields in eastern Ohio. Sedimentary rocks included in this system are Ordovician-Triassic in age and were deposited in the Appalachian basin. Generation-migration-accumulation lasted from Point Pleasant deposition in Middle Ordovician time through maximum deposition in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, a duration of about 250 m.y. The mass of hydrocarbons generated by the source rock in the Point Pleasant Formation totaled 75 billion bbl of oil. Of this, some found its way to traps with Silurian reservoir rocks on the east flank of the Cincinnati-Findlay arch. -from Authors
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The size distribution of pyrite framboids from selected British Jurassic black shales is calibrated against a paleoecologically-determined, oxygen-restricted biofacies (ORB) scheme, revealing a close correspondence between the two data sets. Thus, euxinic conditions (H2S-bearing, O2-free bottom waters) are characterized by tiny framboids (<5 μm) with a narrow size range and an absence of benthic and nektobenthic taxa. Fissile strata with discrete, benthos-bearing bedding planes, variously termed lower dysaerobic, exaerobic, and poikiloaerobic biofacies in the literature, also have a euxinic framboid signature but with the addition of rare large diameter framboids. Upper dysaerobic biofacies contain substantially larger framboids with a broader size distribution. The utility of framboid size distributions can be modified by sedimentary reworking events (for example, during storms) which tend to winnow/remove the smallest size fraction. Therefore, care must be taken in the selection and analysis of samples. In addition to framboids, a large proportion of the sedimentary pyrite in the Jurassic shales consists of microcrystals and amorphous lumps. The varying proportions of these morphologies show only weak correspondence with ORB fluctuations, and their size variations are unrelated, making them unsuitable for determining ancient redox levels. The presence of large amounts of non-framboidal pyrite in black shales will complicate the assessment of whole rock S isotope fluctuations, because each population is likely to have formed at different locations within the sedimentary environment.
Authigenic minerals in sediments often have grain size distributions that fall in a relatively narrow size range. A simple possible interpretation of this observation is that nucleation of authigenic mineral crystals must be a singular short-term event, and their subsequent growth takes place concurrently under fairly uniform conditions leading to a relatively narrow grain size distribution. Although such circumstances can be readily obtained in batch reactors, in most natural systems this set of conditions is probably rare. In this paper we examine processes occurring for assemblages of crystals whose initial size is greater than few tenths of a micron where contributions of surface free energy to mineral solubility are close to negligible. Model results indicate that for systems in which growth occurs without concurrent nucleation the evolving grain size assemblage differs substantially between transport and surface-controlled growth processes, and that the size ratio of the largest to smallest crystals can decrease by orders of magnitude. In an initially steady-state system, where the solution composition is buffered by a metastable precursor phase and rates of nucleation and surface-controlled growth are constant, the net growth rate increases as the cube of time (reaction progress) leading to "quenching" of the system and a relatively narrow and close to uniform distribution of grain size.