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La enseñanza problematizada sobre las estaciones del año: aprendizaje específico alcanzado por maestros en formación



La mayoría de los maestros de Educación Primaria en formación tienen actitudes negativas hacia la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias, una formación preuniversitaria en humanidades, y poca confianza para enseñar ciencias. Como indica la investigación didáctica actual, aprender en profundidad alguna idea fundamental de la ciencia puede mejorar esta situación. Para ello, se elaboró un curso en el Grado, donde se estudió un problema fundamental de ciencias (movimientos del Sol y el modelo Sol/Tierra) con una estructura didáctica problematizada. Los estudiantes alcanzaron altos niveles de conocimiento sin diferencias significativas debidas a sus actitudes o formación iniciales, lo que sugiere que esta metodología ayuda a que los futuros maestros aprendan en profundidad ideas fundamentales de la ciencia, en un ambiente similar al que se espera que creen cuando ejerzan su profesión.
28 Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
Línea 2. El desarrollo profesional del profesorado
  
             
  
     
     
  
Línea 2. El desarrollo profesional del profesorado
28 Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
       
      
         
               
            
    
     
           
 
   
              
Línea 2. El desarrollo profesional del profesorado
28 Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
    
 
      
 
Grupo 
estudiantes Ciencias (%) Letras (%)
(%) Neutras (%) %)
 52 13 87 45 34 21
 51 24 76 53 20 27
 56 16 84 55 19 26
 54 15 85 57 17 26
A3 45 22 78 65 11 24
C3 44 23 77 66 15 19
   57  
 
      
     
    
 
  
Línea 2. El desarrollo profesional del profesorado
28 Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
    
en el movimiento del Sol, y
espacial y temporalmente?
0. No 60 39 34 35 9 16 33
Sí (total) 40 61 66 65 91 84 67
 aunque con algunos errores 20 17 23 17 16 20 19
 con algunos errores menores 10 22 31 26 33 25 25
 sin errores 10 22 12 22 42 39 23
  
      
     
            
Línea 2. El desarrollo profesional del profesorado
28 Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
Science Educaon, 96, 
        
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47,
      
European Journal of Teacher Educaon, 36,
Second Internaonal Handbook of Science Educaon
             
  
Las emociones en la
Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje de las Ciencias y las Matemácas 
La enseñanza de las ciencias en la educación
The pedagogy of physical science
       
Internaonal Journal of Science Educaon, 24
Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias, 12,
             
    Enseñanza de las Ciencias, nº Extraordinario
    A framework for k-12 science educaon: Pracces, crosscung
concepts, and core ideas
            
          Enseñanza de las
Ciencias, 25,
     
Science Educaon, 99,
Science Educaon, 91,
Cognion, 124,
         
Science Educaon, 77,
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Effect of a training course to teach science through model-based inquiry on prospective teachers' didactic conceptions Progress in research on science education contrasts with limited discussion of specific evaluation methods of initial training courses’ effectiveness. In this paper we evaluate an Initial Primary teachers training course through Model-Based Inquiry and its effect on prospective teachers’ conceptions about learning, teaching and reductionism of science education content. For this evaluation students were asked to indicate what contents they would teach about the Sun-Earth movements, how much time they would spend, and their degree of readiness to teach these contents, at the beginning and the end of the training proposal. Results show the training course effect on promoting the teachers' thoughts questioning and a progression towards: more constructivist views and teaching approaches focused on engaging students in scientific questions, hypothesis formulation and conclusions based on evidence. Keywords: Initial Primary teacher training; evaluation of the teacher training courses' effectiveness; didactic conceptions change.
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RESUMEN: Desde una visión del desarrollo de la competencia profesional como re-construcción de un sistema complejo de conocimientos y experiencias personales de aprendizaje, se justifica un enfoque integrado en el que los estudiantes viven experiencias de aprendizaje mediante indagación y modelización, reflexionan sobre ellas y se inician en el diseño de secuencias de enseñanza para niños de Primaria. Se presenta el diseño y desarrollo del primer bloque de la asignatura Didáctica de las Cien-cias Experimentales (DCE) I del Grado en Educación Primaria bajo ese enfoque, se muestran algunos instrumentos utilizados para evaluarla y un avance de resultados. PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación inicial de maestros, enfoque integrado, vivir propuestas innovadoras, enseñanza de las ciencias basada en la indagación y modelos, competencia profesional. OBJETIVOS: La formación de docentes en didáctica de las ciencias debe aumentar su competencia para diseñar la enseñanza de las ciencias, implementarla, evaluarla y proponer mejoras, una compe-tencia determinada por un conjunto complejo de conocimientos y experiencias. La formación de docentes debe ir dirigida a adquirir o modificar esos conocimientos y experiencias, así como aprender a utilizarlos para el desarrollo de su profesión. Lo que distingue a cada propuesta de formación inicial es en qué aspectos de ese conocimiento centra su atención por considerarlos relevantes y qué tipo de experiencias proporciona. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las características de nuestra propues-ta de formación inicial de maestros para enseñar ciencias, mostrar con detalle un primer bloque de la propuesta y adelantar algunos resultados. FUNDAMENTACIÓN DE LA PROPUESTA La creciente preocupación por la mejora de la formación inicial de maestros y la necesidad de discu-tir qué hacemos, cómo y por qué en las asignaturas de DCE, y qué pruebas tenemos de su eficacia
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Attention to the attitudes of preservice and inservice primary teachers toward science is of fundamental importance to research on primary science education. However, progress in this field of research has been slow due to the poor definition and conceptual-ization of the construct of primary teachers' attitude toward science. This poor theoretical background has led to the use of a multitude of different concepts and measurement in-struments. The main goal of this article is to present a new and comprehensive theoretical framework for primary teachers' attitudes toward science. The framework is based on an extensive review of previously used concept definitions of the construct. It is argued that this framework should serve as a necessary conceptual basis for future research and inter-ventions in this domain, as well as for the construction of valid measurement instruments.
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The self-efficacy of prospective primary teachers was studied, considering in particular the relationship of that construct with the emotions they expect to experience as future science teachers, differentiating between when they will be teaching the content of the ‘nature sciences’ (biology and geology) and that of the ‘hard sciences’ (physics and chemistry). The study instrument was a questionnaire completed by 188 prospective primary school teachers in their initial education at the University of Extremadura during the academic year 2009/2010. The results showed them to mostly have positive emotions towards nature sciences and negative towards the hard sciences. While their beliefs concerning their self-efficacy are significantly related to their emotions about their future teaching of the hard sciences, high self-efficacy was significantly correlated with more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions towards physics and chemistry.
Teacher self-efficacy is considered one of the most powerful constructs in explaining both student and teacher behaviors, including the goals they set for themselves, their persistence in the face of difficulties, and the effort they invest. For over the past three decades, a number of educational studies have emerged about meaning, measurement, and correlates of this construct, as well as application in different domains like science teaching efficacy. This chapter focuses on science teaching efficacy beliefs. First, we present the historical background of self-efficacy including origins, definition, and distinctive features of self-efficacy beliefs. Next, we focus on teachers’ sense of efficacy, highlighting the conceptual framework and critical measurement issues. We then review research on science teaching efficacy by summarizing major findings. We conclude our chapter by offering recommendations for future research.
For students to attain deep understanding of scientific practices, they will need to have opportunities to participate in sustained engagement in doing science. Such opportunities begin with elementary teachers implementing coherent and well-sequenced inquiry-based investigations in their classrooms. This study explored how preservice teachers (N = 30) planned inquiry-based investigations for elementary students. The preservice teachers spent the first 5 weeks of their methods course participating in astronomy investigations and then pair-taught astronomy investigations once a week for 5 weeks to elementary students in afterschool programs. We analyzed lesson plans, teaching reflections, and pre/post astronomy content assessments. One-third of the pairs developed coherent science inquiry investigations across all of their lessons. Their reflections suggest that preservice teachers who developed coherent inquiry investigations held normative ideas about scientific inquiry and were more likely to reflect on sense-making practices than preservice teachers who did not plan for coherent science inquiry investigations in their lessons. Preservice teachers’ postinstruction astronomy content knowledge was positively correlated with an increased number of lessons spent on coherent science inquiry investigations. Based on our findings, we recommend engaging preservice teachers in coherent science inquiry investigations in a single domain followed by opportunities to plan and teach elementary children in that domain.
A semi-structured interview was used to enquire into the knowledge of models and modelling held by a total sample of 39 Brazilian science teachers working in 'fundamental' (ages 6-14 years) and 'medium' (ages 15-17 years) schools, student teachers, and university teachers. This paper focuses on their perceptions of the role of models in science teaching. The teachers' ideas are organized in three groups: the status and value of models; the influences that inform the translation of these general ideas into classroom practice; and how they respond to the outcomes of students' modelling activities. The teachers interviewed generally showed an awareness of the value of models in the learning of science but not of their value in learning about science. They were also uncertain of the relationship that could exist in the classroom between various types of models. Modelling, as an activity by students, whilst praised in theory, would not seem to be widely practised. Where practised, the outcomes are by no means always treated with that integrity that learning about science would call for.