Simple process models and complex climate models are remarkably sensitive to the timescale of convective adjustment (τ), but this parameter remains poorly constrained and understood. This study uses the linear-range slope of a semi-empirical relationship between precipitation and a lower-free tropospheric buoyancy measure ( B L ). The B L measure is a function of layer-averaged moist enthalpy in the boundary layer (150 hPa thick layer above surface), and temperature and moisture in the lower-free troposphere (boundary layer top to 500 hPa). Sensitivity parameters with units of time quantify the B L response to its component perturbations. In moist enthalpy units, B L is more sensitive to temperature than equivalent moisture perturbations. However, column-integrated moist static energy conservation ensures that temperature and moisture are equally altered during the adjustment process. Multiple adjusted states with different temperature-moisture combinations exist; the B L sensitivity parameters govern the relationship between adjusted states, and also combine to yield a timescale of convective adjustment ~ 2 hours. This value is comparable to τ values used in cumulus parameterization closures. Disparities in previously reported values of τ are attributed to the neglect of the temperature contribution to precipitation, and to averaging operations that include data from both precipitating and non-precipitating regimes. A stochastic model of tropical convection demonstrates how either averaging operations or neglected environmental influences on precipitation can yield τ estimates longer than the true τ value built into the model. The analysis here culminates in construction of a precipitation closure with both moisture and temperature adjustment (q-T closure), suitable for use in both linearized and non-linear, intermediate-complexity models.