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The focus of this article is on the important need for educators in trauma-informed schools to receive ongoing support themselves. That K-12 teachers should attend to their students’ mental health is now commonly emphasized and indeed is invaluable for prevention purposes. At the same time, teachers in general are at high risk for burnout, and there can be much additional stress from routinely providing empathic support to troubled students in classrooms. After reviewing the relevant literature, we provide preliminary data – based on first-hand reports from 10 teachers in trauma-informed K-12 schools – about major challenges faced and ways in which these might be alleviated. These exploratory insights are then discussed within the framework of current recommendations in the field of resilience in childhood. The latter clearly indicates that if adults in major socializing roles (parents as well as teachers) contend with high everyday stress, the most important protective factor is their ongoing access to supportive relationships in everyday life settings. The paper concludes with directions for future work, highlighting areas where educational and school psychologists might spearhead and support training efforts, and help to incorporate support-based interventions within schools’ institutional cultures.
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#International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
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De'ning central terms: Trauma and its e*ects
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What does it mean for a school to be trauma-informed?
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Bene'ts and challenges of using trauma-informed approaches
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Qualitative insights on teachers’ needs
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%physical aggression and violence at school $
 physical restraint practices
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 $$A$$$
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number of professionals dedicated to children’s mental health needs
additional training$2%'$
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%%how much trauma information can or should be shared'$
='0mandated social-emotional
 $'$
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Resonant themes
"6"$'$2 
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F '
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5. )-%
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6'$ 
The critical missing ingredient: Ongoing support for the teachers
ongoing supports forthemselves. '
= '74
 %5'
6'3784'the single most important protective
factor forany caregiving adult under stressis access to ongoing support, in their
everyday life contexts=''0%
35.78$ 4?
%"# 
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% %%%
Journal of Orthopsychiatry'7634'7O/7>HHH77OMH777-
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('+' '''6'<%" '3794
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Journal of School & Educational Psychology
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$American Journal of Education, 11834'-O
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Forward, American Medical Association.
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@'+'Q ')'<')Q37794.%%
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 4534'9/9>
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@-"''<'3794-Journal of
Evidence Informed Social Work, 133J4'E8>/J7O
5!Social Psychology of Education,1834'OM-JE
F"&Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2634'OJO-
Biological Psychiatry, 613O4'O>-O>>
... A traumainformed approach includes equipping teachers with trauma knowledge; creating a safe and supportive environment; being attentive to triggers and trauma responses; promoting selfregulation and emotional well-being; and providing appropriate support and resources to students who have experienced trauma (Jacobson, 2021;Miller & Flint-Stipp, 2024). In early childhood, a trauma-informed approach can identify early signs of a child's reactive distress, provide appropriate interventions to minimize worsening issues, and potentially alter the life trajectory of a young child facing challenges (Cole et al., 2013;Crosby, 2015;Leschied et al., 2018;Luthar & Mendes, 2020). ...
... The role of the teacher in a trauma-informed school goes beyond imparting academic skills; it includes creating a safe environment, recognizing and responding to students' emotional needs, developing trustworthy relationships, and promoting resilience. By fostering a culture of understanding, compassion, and empathy, teachers significantly contribute to the well-being and academic success of their students in a trauma-informed educational environment (Berger et al., 2021;Luthar & Mendes, 2020). ...
... Understanding the effects of trauma can assist teachers in better interpreting the behaviors of these children and providing appropriate support without missing early intervention opportunities. This can prevent further deterioration of issues within the school environment (Cole et al., 2013;Crosby, 2015;Luthar & Mendes, 2020). ...
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Travmatik olayların çocuklar üzerindeki etkilerinin daha fazla fark edilmeye başlanması ile dünya literatüründe travma bilgili eğitim yaklaşımlarına olan ilgi artmıştır. Böylece travmanın çocuklar üzerindeki fizyolojik, sosyal, duygusal ve akademik etkilerini anlamak ve eğitim sistemlerinde değişiklikler yapmak gerektirdiğini vurgulayan bir anlayış oluşmuştur. Travma bilgili eğitim anlayışı, güvenli ve destekleyici bir sınıf ortamı yaratmayı, tetikleyicilere ve travma tepkilerine karşı dikkatli olmayı, öz düzenlemeyi teşvik etmeyi ve travma yaşayan öğrencilere uygun destek sağlamayı içermektedir. Bu anlayış doğrultusunda, eğitimcilerin travmanın çocuk üzerindeki etkilerini tanıyıp en aza indirmek için nasıl tepki vereceklerini bilmeleri ve uygun desteği sağlama konusunda bilgi ve becerilere sahip olması gerekmektedir. Böylece travma bilgili öğretmen çocukların yaşadığı zorlukları erken dönemde tanımlayabilir, yeniden travma yaşama riskini azaltabilir, uygun destek ve kaynakları sağlayarak sıkıntının artmasını engelleyebilir ve iyileşme için güvenli bir ortam sağlayabilir. Ancak Türkiye travma açısından kırılgan bir ülke olmasına rağmen, Türkiye'de travma ve eğitim ilişkisi yeterince ele alınmamıştır. Bu çalışmada travma bilgili öğretmen anlayışı kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ise kültürel hassasiyetimizi yansıtan, duyarlı, kanıta dayalı uygulamalar ve araştırmalar yapılarak travma bilgili okul sistemlerinin oluşturulması, travma bilgili öğretmenlerin bu konudaki yetkinliklerinin artırılması ve desteklenmesi önerilmektedir. Abstract: With the increasing recognition of the impacts of traumatic events on children, interest in trauma-informed educational approaches has grown in the global literature. This has led to the development of an understanding that emphasizes the need to comprehend the physiological, social, emotional, and academic effects of trauma on children and the necessity of making changes in educational systems. The concept of trauma-informed education involves creating a safe and supportive classroom environment, being attentive to triggers and trauma responses, promoting self-regulation, and providing appropriate support to students who have experienced trauma. Accordingly, educators must be knowledgeable and skilled in recognizing the effects of trauma on children, reducing these effects, and providing appropriate support. Thus, a trauma-informed teacher can identify the difficulties children face at an early stage, reduce the risk of re-traumatization, prevent the worsening of distress by providing suitable support and resources, and create a safe environment for healing. However, despite Turkey being a vulnerable country in terms of trauma, the relationship between trauma and education has not been adequately addressed in Turkey. This study comprehensively examines the concept of trauma-informed teaching. As a result of the study, it is recommended to establish trauma-informed school systems that reflect our cultural sensitivities, to develop sensitive and evidence-based practices and research, and to increase and support the competencies of trauma-informed teachers in this regard.
... Secondary traumatic stress has been further exacerbated (Lawson et al., 2019;Luthar & Mendes, 2020), as educators experience the consequences of working with a changing youth population: students with mental instability, first-hand trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), that cover a range of potential exposure to trauma including environmental factors such as household abuse, neglect, poverty, or exposure to a family member suffering from mental illness (Brunzell et al., 2021). The struggle to manage students' trauma and adverse behavior is perhaps the greatest anti-care trigger, as it greatly contributes to the vast unseen workload of teachers: emotional labor and the burden of caregiving (Luthar & Mendes, 2020;Wall, 2021). ...
... Secondary traumatic stress has been further exacerbated (Lawson et al., 2019;Luthar & Mendes, 2020), as educators experience the consequences of working with a changing youth population: students with mental instability, first-hand trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), that cover a range of potential exposure to trauma including environmental factors such as household abuse, neglect, poverty, or exposure to a family member suffering from mental illness (Brunzell et al., 2021). The struggle to manage students' trauma and adverse behavior is perhaps the greatest anti-care trigger, as it greatly contributes to the vast unseen workload of teachers: emotional labor and the burden of caregiving (Luthar & Mendes, 2020;Wall, 2021). ...
... Extreme and chronic stress often leads to burnout, a psychological syndrome characterized by gradual exhaustion and loss of commitment that develops in response to workplace stress particularly within the helping professions (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). Teaching is among the helping professions at the highest risk for burnout, as 46% of American educators report high stress daily (Luthar & Mendes, 2020). Turnover is one of many undesirable results of anti-care practices that lead to compassion fatigue, depersonalization and secondary traumatic stress (Brunzell et al., 2021;Lawson et al., 2019). ...
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Purpose Guided by several of the 9 essentials of what it means to be a PDS (NAPDS, 2021), authors share a plea to rethink the teacher burnout-attrition-staffing crisis with a call toward a moral imperative of recentering an ethic of care. Many schools are operating under anti-care practices which directly undermine teacher wellness in part due to secondary traumatic stress, rising workload demands and intensive student needs. Design/methodology/approach Reflecting a compilation of teacher voices, including participants from three research studies and the collective decades-worth experience of educator scholars, this paper presents a synthesis of educator burnout and the role of educator wellness within trauma-informed social emotional learning initiatives. Findings The practical model of educator resilience offers a potential solution to burnout and attrition by prioritizing care for teachers individually and collectively prior to addressing care for students. Originality/value The model articulates educator resilience as the motivational force of life within a school community focused on an ethic of care that drives the collective and individuals within the collective to be their best. This aligns with foundation principles of PDS schools and Goodlad and colleagues’ decades-old call to foreground the moral dimensions of teaching in school reform (1990).
... Teacher risk of burnout has gained scholarly and popular media attention that further highlights the need to better understand and support teachers in their EL (Billingsley and Bettini, 2019;Federičová, 2021;Madigan and Kim, 2021;Edsall, 2022;Perna, 2022). This would seem an urgent task when considering the increase in calls for teachers to engage in more EL as an essential part of their job that infers counselor-adjacent and social worker-adjacent labor that can have notable overlap (Berardi and Morton, 2019;Lawson et al., 2019;Venet, 2019;Luthar and Mendes, 2020;Madigan and Kim, 2021;Maclean and Law, 2022;Wessen et al., 2022). ...
... The context that teachers are in matters for their resiliency, so interventions to support teachers should be adaptable for individual needs (Ainsworth and Oldfield, 2019). Systematic administrative support may be designed to better support teachers in schools (Luthar and Mendes, 2020). ...
... Reaching such a tipping point can cause emotional fatigue that may negatively affect teacher morale (Osofsky et al., 2008;Cieslak et al., 2014). Teachers tend to have much higher morale-and are much less likely to experience STS-when they feel respected by school administrators and students (Kincade et al., 2020;Luthar and Mendes, 2020;Simon et al., 2022). Supporting teacher morale is important in helping them manage the trend in the increase of cognitive load expectations in their work . ...
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Several psychological factors are discussed in relation to teachers’ emotional labor (EL). Ecological systems theory (EST) is used in relation to the role of emotional intelligence (EI) to provide a perspective on ways to conceptualize how to address secondary traumatic stress (STS) risk among teachers. An international selection of the literature is synthesized in relation to the factors that may affect EL in relation to STS risk among teachers who have students with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The concept of EI is central to this discussion of theoretical relationships between EI and STS risk relevant to teachers’ EL. While there is much literature on Bronfenbrenner’s EST and Gardner’s multiple intelligences (MI) theory separately, there is room in the literature for exploring EST to contextualize the topic of STS risk as it relates to the concept of EI. The purpose of this study is to discuss allostatic load factors that may affect teachers’ EL and to discuss potential ways to acknowledge EL.
... The findings suggest that vulnerable teachers should be given support to safeguard their mental health, particularly when working with trauma-affected students. Exposure to such students is likely to increase rates of secondary traumatic stress (Essary et al., 2020), and teachers with a personal trauma history may be at greater risk of re-traumatisation (Berger & Nott, 2023;Luthar & Mendes, 2020). Increased burnout is detrimental for positive school environments, and teachers' selfcare needs to be a priority to ensure strong teacher-student relationships (Aldrup et al., 2018). ...
... If schools can support teachers to develop emotional resilience, the rewards on teachers and students' mental health and educational outcomes could be substantial. Certainly, schools should have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of their staff, as teachers need to be optimally functioning in order to provide the best quality educational care for trauma-affected students (Luthar & Mendes, 2020). Endorsing a reflexive teaching practice and nurturing coping skills along with other relevant strategies could be beneficial (Southall et al., 2022). ...
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Childhood trauma can result in developmental and psychosocial problems leaving teachers struggling to manage the effects of students’ trauma and potentially leading to increased burnout. The present study investigated whether teachers’ attitudes towards teaching trauma-affected students and prior experience with trauma predicted teacher burnout. Five types of prior experience were informed by the multidimensional model of attitude strength: the extent and valence (i.e., how favourable or unfavourable the experience was) of direct teaching experience, the extent and valence of personal experience, and the extent of indirect experience (trauma-training). The study investigated whether the relationships between prior experiences and burnout were mediated by teachers’ attitudes, controlling for teacher age. Australian mainstream teachers (N = 536) were recruited to an online survey through snowball sampling on social media. Results showed that attitudes significantly mediated the relationships between all experience variables with burnout, except for the extent of personal experience. More favourable attitudes were predicted by more direct experience (contrary to the hypothesised direction) and indirect experience (as hypothesised). Regarding valence of experience, exploratory analyses found more favourable direct and personal experiences predicted more favourable attitudes. Supporting the hypotheses, all mediations found more favourable attitudes predicted less burnout, while more personal experience predicted greater burnout. These cross-sectional findings suggest that greater experience teaching trauma-affected students, trauma-training, and fostering favourable perceptions of teachers’ personal trauma may protect teachers from burnout. Future research using longitudinal designs is needed to support causal effects between teachers’ experiences, attitudes, and burnout.
... Pre-service teachers should also receive such training, together with the development of skills to provide suitable support (Hobbs et al., 2019). Teachers have also found this work emotionally taxing, and require supports at an interpersonal level, as well as assistance to develop coping skills (Luthar & Mendes, 2020). Thus, trauma informed schools require appropriate policy setting and resourcing to provide effective assistance. ...
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Internationally, there is growing recognition of the scale and consequences of intimate partner homicides (IPH). A significant, though often neglected consequence is how many children are impacted by these tragic events. In such challenging circumstances, children need stability, continuity and trusted people they can rely on for support. This paper aims to understand how best to provide school-based support for children following parental IPH by investigating the experiences of affected children, their caregivers and professionals with experience of working with these children. Semistructured interviews were undertaken with 35 participants in Australia, the UK and Ireland (11 with lived experience, 12 caregivers and 12 professionals). We developed two key themes through the data analysis process: (1) School as a supportive place and (2) Limited access to a trusted, supportive adult at school. We found that schools can potentially be supportive, safe, stable, and consistent places for affected children, and teachers and counsellors can help provide trusted, supportive relationships for them; however, there needs to be effective resourcing within an overall policy structure. Schools are in a strategic position to identify the effects of trauma in the children’s lives and can also provide a valuable link between children and relevant specialist services. There are limitations, however, regarding both the accessibility and availability of suitable skilled and experienced practitioners who can support the children, their caregivers, and school staff. Ongoing care teams need to be established to provide the comprehensive, individualised services these children need.
... In turn, what happens in the schools calls for intervening and protective factors for both the youth and their educators who are confronted by the daily conditions associated with violence in their community. If education is "the greatest hope" (van der Kolk, 2014, p. 353) for children experiencing trauma, then revisioning of teacher preparation and institutional support by the school system are essential (although not sufficient) components in addressing the mental health trauma associated with community violence (Kim et al., 2021;Luthar & Mendes, 2020). Therefore, the research team offers the following recommendations regarding school system policies to address some of the challenges of serving a community with a higher-than-average occurrence of violence and its associated collective trauma: ...
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Community violence is a serious public health problem, and research on community violence consistently documents a relationship between exposure to community violence and adolescents’ psychological and behavioral challenges, which, when considered cumulatively, can be understood as collective trauma. Preventing and mediating exposure to community violence by local schools is, thus, an important part of efforts to promote healthy adolescent development. As a societal problem, community violence and its socio-psychological effects lend themselves to an interdisciplinary approach for researching the problem and possible intervention and mitigation in local schools. The integrative, interdisciplinary approach to problem analysis in this study provides a framework for addressing trauma due to community violence as it affects the school environment. Narrative analysis, as a method of discovery, reveals the struggles of high school teachers dealing with the effects of violence-based trauma on their students. Policy recommendations and implications for future research are included.
... Franklin et al. [14] have suggested that interventions delivered by teachers and non-clinicians can be beneficial for youth mental health, they highlight the lack of empirical evidence regarding their effectiveness. Nonetheless, teachers and teaching assistants are increasingly tasked with providing mental health support to young people [15,16]. Ensuring that schools have access to evidence-based interventions deliverable by staff for supporting those who have experienced ACEs is important, but presently no summary of this evidence exists. ...
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Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is recognised globally as a risk factor for health problems in later life. Awareness of ACEs and associated trauma is increasing within schools and educational settings, as well as the demand for supportive services to address needs. However, there is a lack of clear evidence for effective interventions which can be delivered by non-clinicians (e.g., the school staff themselves). Thus, we undertook a systematic review to answer the question: What evidence exists for the efficacy of non-clinician delivered trauma-based interventions for improving mental health in school-age youth (4–18 years) who have experienced ACEs? The protocol for the review is registered in the PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (ID: CRD42023417286). We conducted a search across five electronic databases for studies published between January 2013 and April 2023 that reported on interventions suitable for non-clinician delivery, were published in English in the last 10 years, and involved participants aged 4–18 years (school-age) that had exposure to ACEs. Of the 4097 studies identified through the search, 326 were retrieved for full text screening, and 25 were included in the final review. Data were extracted from included articles for analysis and selected studies were quality assessed using validated assessment tools. Data were analysed through narrative synthesis. There was considerable heterogeneity in study design, outcome measures, and the interventions being studied. Interventions included CBT, mindfulness and art-based programs. A key finding was that there is a lack of high-quality research evidence to inform non-clinician delivered trauma-informed interventions. Many included studies were weak quality due to convenience sampling of participants and potential bias. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based approaches are tentatively suggested as a suitable target for future rigorous evaluations of interventions addressing ACE-related trauma recovery and mental health improvement in school-age youth.
... Numerous studies also highlight the prevalent lack of confidence among teachers in their ability to support traumatised students, with insufficient training in trauma-aware practices undermining their self-efficacy (Alisic, 2012;Brunzell et al., 2018;Luthar & Mendes, 2020;Oberg & Bryce, 2022). Educators who are in contact with traumatised students should be provided with opportunities to build their understanding of the potential adverse impacts that such interactions can have on their mental health and overall well-being. ...
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In Australia, there is a growing concern about the well-being of teachers with many expressing their intention to leave the profession or indeed have already left. Various reasons have been suggested for this trend, with burnout being identified as one of the factors. This study investigates burnout in Australian teachers as one of the constructs which make up compassion fatigue (CF), a reduced ability to empathise with others. Moreover, it explores secondary traumatic stress (STS), which also contributes to CF and occurs when a person learns about the traumatic experiences of someone under their care. Both constructs may severely impact the ability of teachers to form close relationships with their students. As part of the present study, 1939 Australian teachers were surveyed about their quality of life, well-being, classroom efficacy, and trauma awareness. Findings demonstrate that teachers with higher levels of well-being and with higher perceived classroom efficacy are less prone to burnout, reducing the risk of emotional exhaustion and disengagement often associated with this phenomenon. Conversely, connections were found between lower well-being of teachers and educators' awareness of trauma and their susceptibility to STS. Recommendations are made for further research exploring the barriers and enablers of compassion fatigue as well as positive teacher well-being, in order to develop targeted initiatives to better prepare and protect teachers to work with a cohort of students who are increasingly demonstrating symptoms of trauma and poor well-being.
Purpose If schools can effectively implement trauma-informed learning environments, then they are on the path to creating communities that are responsive to the needs of all students. Trauma-informed learning environments promote the development of emotional regulation capacities, implementation of trauma-informed approaches to discipline and prioritising relationships that promote connection. Design/methodology/approach The substantive foci of this paper draws on an autoethnographic journal as a school principal in an alternative educational setting supporting students who have who have identified experiences of trauma. Whilst the experiences drawn upon in this paper are related to students that have disengaged from mainstream schooling, I advocate for trauma-informed frameworks to be engaged in all educational systems. Findings The emergence of the key themes of; establishing trauma-informed school policies and procedures; addressing the challenges of an alternative education environment; understanding the impact of well-being of educators and establishing a school-wide trauma-informed framework of practice are presented in this article. Originality/value The model that is written in this paper is original and the first time it has been published. The model is based on literature that is peer-reviewed and has a substantial evidence base.
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In interventions for at-risk children, Tom Dishion strongly exhorted programs that are short term, cost-effective, and delivered in families’ own communities, just as resilience researchers underscore the need for programs that provide ongoing support for children's primary caregivers, and are implementable on a large scale. Presented here are preliminary results on a short-term intervention for mothers, the Authentic Connections Virtual Groups. A previous randomized trial of the in-person version of this program, conducted with mothers at high risk for stress and burnout, showed significant benefits. There had been zero dropouts across the 3-month program, and participants showed significant improvements on psychological indices as well as cortisol, even 3 months after the program ended. In the present study, virtual groups were conducted with five sets of women, all white-collar professionals with highly stressful, exacting careers, and most also primary caregivers of their children. Again, there were zero dropouts. Mean satisfaction ratings were 9.6 of 10, and the Net Promoter Score (promoters vs. detractors) fell in the “world class” range. To illuminate mechanisms of change, participants’ responses to open-ended questions on the groups’ value are presented verbatim. Recurrently mentioned were the development of new, authentic connections and invaluable ongoing support. These results, with the low costs and ease of women's attendance, attest to the value of expanding offerings such as these, toward benefiting even more highly stressed mothers themselves as well as the children for whose care they are responsible.
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Excessive pressures to excel, generally in affluent contexts, are now listed among the top 4 "high risk" factors for adolescents' mental health, along with exposure to poverty, trauma, and discrimination. Multiple studies of high-achieving school (HAS) cohorts have shown elevated rates of serious symptoms relative to norms, with corroborating evidence from other research using diverse designs. Grounded in theories on resilience and ecological influences in development, a conceptual model is presented here on major risk and protective processes implicated in unrelenting achievement pressures facing HAS youth. These include forces at the macrolevel, including economic and technological changes that have led to the "middle class squeeze," and proximal influences involving the family, peers, schools, and communities. Also considered are potential directions for future interventions, with precautions about some practices that are currently widespread in HAS contexts. In the years ahead, any meaningful reductions in the high distress of HAS youth will require collaborations among all stakeholders, with parents and educators targeting the specific areas that must be prioritized in their own communities. Leaders in higher education and social policy could also help in beginning to curtail this problem, which is truly becoming an epidemic among today's youth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
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Growing acknowledgement that adverse childhood experiences are widespread and can threaten healthy development has led to advocacy for schools to systematically incorporate trauma-sensitive practices and policies. While the background and training of school psychologists would seem to make them the ideal professionals to lead such work, little is known regarding their preparedness to engage in these school-based practices. The current pilot study examines the experiences, education and training, confidence and competence, current and desired roles, and perceived barriers and supports of school psychology trainers, trainees, and practitioners to engage in trauma-informed practices within schools. Results indicated that high majorities reported scant knowledge or competencies across domains of professional practice considered essential to trauma-informed care delivery. Findings and implications are discussed. Keywords: trauma-informed care, post-traumatic stress disorder, complex trauma, training, school psychology
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Secondary traumatic stress (STS) impacts many helping professionals and staff who are indirectly exposed to the graphic details of others’ traumatic experiences and to the posttraumatic stress symptoms of those persons. A nascent but growing database documents the nature and effects of STS, but no consensus definition exists for STS. As a result, there has not been a systematic program of research and development for STS preventive, and ameliorative interventions. Current STS interventions tend to focus on generic wellness, health promotion, workplace safety, worker morale, and self-care rather than addressing the specific effects of indirect exposure to others’ traumatic events or traumatic stress reactions. To address this gap, a scientific meeting of STS experts convened to consider the science regarding STS interventions and to create an agenda for advancing the field toward the development of evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder following indirect exposure. This article reports on meeting findings, reviews the evidence supporting treatment of STS, and identifies symptom targets, best practice treatment approaches, and strategies for moving the field forward.
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In this chapter, we review evidence on a group recently identified as "at-risk", that is, youth growing up in the context of high achieving schools (HAS), predominated by well-educated, white collar professional families. Though these youngsters are thought of as "having it all", they are statistically more likely than normative samples to show serious disturbances across several domains including drug and alcohol use, as well as internalizing and externalizing problems. We review data on these problems with attention to gender-specific patterns, presenting quantitative developmental research findings along with relevant evidence across other disciplines. In considering possible reasons for elevated maladjustment, we appraise multiple pathways including aspects of family dynamics, peer norms, and pressures at schools. All of these pathways are considered within the context of broad, exosystemic mores: the pervasive emphasis, in contemporary American culture, on maximizing personal status, and how this can threaten the well-being of individuals and of communities. The chapter concludes with ideas for future interventions, with discussions on how research-based assessments of schools can best be used to reduce pressures, and to maximize positive adaptation, among youth in highly competitive, pressured school environments.
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Teachers are the engine that drives social and emotional learning (SEL) programs and practices in schools and classrooms, and their own social-emotional competence and wellbeing strongly influence their students. Classrooms with warm teacher-child relationships support deep learning and positive social and emotional development among students, writes Kimberly Schonert-Reichl. But when teachers poorly manage the social and emotional demands of teaching, students’ academic achievement and behavior both suffer. If we don’t accurately understand teachers’ own social-emotional wellbeing and how teachers influence students’ SEL, says Schonert-Reichl, we can never fully know how to promote SEL in the classroom. How can we boost teachers’ social-emotional competence, and how can we help them create the kind of classroom environment that promotes students’ SEL? Teachers are certainly at risk for poor social-emotional wellbeing. Research shows that teaching is one of the most stressful occupations; moreover, stress in the classroom is contagious-simply put, stressed-out teachers tend to have stressed-out students. In the past few years, several interventions have specifically sought to improve teachers’ social-emotional competence and stress management in school, and Schonert-Reichly reviews the results, many of which are promising. She also shows how teachers’ beliefs-about their own teaching efficacy, or about whether they receive adequate support, for example-influence the fidelity with which they implement SEL programs in the classroom. When fidelity is low, SEL programs are less successful. Finally, she examines the extent to which US teacher education programs prepare teacher candidates to promote their own and their students’ social-emotional competence, and she argues that we can and should do much more.
Teachers in the US are now considered integral to promoting students’ mental health; here we report on two major challenges for educators in high achieving schools (HAS). The first involves high adjustment disturbances among students. We present data on nine HAS cohorts showing elevated rates of clinically significant symptoms relative to norms; rates of anxious-depressed symptoms, in particular, were six to seven times those in national norms on average. As high achieving youth often keep internalizing symptoms hidden, their teachers will need help in understanding how to identify early signs of these types of distress, and to ensure appropriate, timely interventions. The second challenge we consider has to do with relationships between service providers and parents. Data obtained from the former showed that they tend to perceive relatively wealthy parents more negatively, and as more likely to threaten litigation, compared to parents from middle- or low-income backgrounds. We discuss the importance of proactively addressing such potentially adversarial relationships for the success of both the early detection of HAS students’ adjustment problems, and appropriate interventions for them. Next, we appraise how the aforementioned challenges can greatly exacerbate risks for burnout among educators in HAS settings, and how this might be alleviated via evidence-based, institutional-level interventions. Schools must ensure ongoing support for educators who carry the weighty, dual charge of tending to the emotional needs of a group of highly stressed students, in addition to ensuring their continued, exemplary levels of educational accomplishments.
Promoting children’s mental health in education environments has many advantages. In the United States, preschool education and the care of children is not organized or consistent across jurisdictions or income levels. Consequently, the first time society pays attention to the development of children in an organized way is when they enter Kindergarten or grade one. Therefore, the investment in promoting children’s mental health, which is critical to child development and to society, can be universally supported by the educational system. The goal of this chapter is to highlight approaches to strengthening educational systems for the promotion of mental health from implementation and scaling research and systems science perspectives. We introduce theoretical and practical frameworks that incorporate both perspectives and deduce strategies of creating enabling contexts for promoting children’s mental health in educational environments.
Hundreds of thousands of children are confronted with traumatic experiences each year in the United States. As trauma-informed care begins to take hold in schools, school mental health providers (e.g., school psychologists, counselors, and social workers) desire concrete service-delivery options for students affected by trauma. This article provides examples from the literature via a narrative review of assessment, intervention, and practitioner support options related to childhood trauma. Specific attention is paid to framing concrete school-based trauma service-delivery options within a multitiered systems of support model to align with existing school practices. Given the large amount of literature on this topic, this article aims to reduce the barriers practitioners face when looking to implement trauma services in their schools by organizing example practices from the literature in a commonly used service-delivery framework.