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Psicometría aplicada. Guía para el análisis de datos y escalas con jamovi

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... The present study is instrumental, as its purpose is to analyze the evidence of the validity and reliability of a measurement instrument (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza Torres, 2018;Muñiz, 2018). The validation of the instrument went through the following phases: linguistic and cultural adaptation, piloting and application (Babbie, 2000;Elosua & Egaña, 2020). For the linguistic and cultural adaptation, judges were selected to perform an expert criterion. ...
... The data was processed in an Excel spreadsheet designed to calculate the content validity coefficient (CVC). Descriptive statistics of the expert sample were performed using jamovi software (Elosua & Egaña, 2020;Şahin & Aybek, 2019). The instrument was modified considering the experts' observations, resulting in the Cuban version of the Cognitive Fusion Scale (EFCvc, in Spanish) (Appendix 3). ...
... The instrument was modified considering the experts' observations, which were processed through a content analysis (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza Torres, 2018). After conducting the pilot study, a database was created in jamovi software (Elosua & Egaña, 2020;Şahin & Aybek, 2019), where an exploratory data analysis was performed through descriptive statistical methods, which allowed the detection of errors or omissions that were corrected. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used as summary measures for quantitative variables, and percentage as summary measure for qualitative variables. ...
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Background: Cognitive Fusion (CF) is a psychological problem that is a fundamental concept within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The Cognitive Fusion Scale (CFS), which is used to measure this concept, has not been adapted or validated in Cuba. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the CFA in adults with anxiety symptoms. Method: Qualitative and quantitative techniques were combined: Expert interview, correlation and concordance coefficients and factor analysis. Result: The CFQ was adapted from a linguistic and cultural perspective. Nine experts were consulted and consensus was assessed using the content validity coefficient of appropriateness (0.97). During piloting with 35 people, the test achieved a Cronbach's α coefficient (0.927). When the adapted test was applied to 106 adults with anxiety symptoms, a Cronbach's α coefficient (0.869) was achieved, demonstrating the homogeneity of the test. The exploratory factor analysis (KMO = 0.820, X2 (338) = 21, p < 0.001) showed item ambiguities of less than 0.6 and factor loadings of more than 0.3. The confirmatory factor analysis showed a good model fit (X2 (14) = 45.1, p < 0.001). A low and statistically significant correlation (Rho = 0.216, p < 0.05) was found in relation to IDARE (state). Conclusion: The adapted CFQ was valid in terms of content, showed high reliability values and its one-dimensionality was verified. The adapted instrument shows a correlation between FC and anxiety symptoms. An instrument like this could improve the diagnosis of CF, as well as increase the quality of care for the patient.
... (21) Previamente se realizó análisis exploratorio de datos a través de métodos de la Estadística Descriptiva. (22) Ello permitió la detección de errores u omisiones que fueron corregidas. ...
... Se emplearon como medidas de resumen para variables cuantitativas la media aritmética y la desviación típica, y el porcentaje como medida de resumen para variables cualitativas. Para el segundo objetivo se calcularon el α de Cronbach, global, por dimensión y eliminando un ítem, (22) para el análisis de la consistencia interna; seguido del coeficiente de validez de contenido (CVC), computado usando un script en el lenguaje de programación R, (23) para el análisis de contenido, en cada atributo a nivel de ítem o dimensión según el caso, y global. En la literatura revisada no se encontraron trabajos que utilizaran el CVC para la validación de contenido del RED-Tecnoestrés, de ahí que resulte imposible comparar con trabajos precedentes. ...
... Me siento ansioso/a si no tengo acceso a las TIC (Internet, correo electrónico, móvil, etc.) 21) Una necesidad irresistible me obliga a utilizar las TIC en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. 22) Dedico más tiempo a las TIC que a estar con amigos/as, familia y disfrutar de otras actividades. ...
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo. Introducción: La introducción de nuevas tecnologías y los cambios que provocan en los procesos organizacionales dan lugar a riesgos nuevos y emergentes en el trabajo. El Cuestionario RED-Tecnoestrés evalúa la disfunción real en la interacción de con estas tecnologías. Este instrumento no ha sido adaptado y validado para el contexto cubano. Objetivo: Adaptar y validar desde el contenido el Cuestionario RED-Tecnoestrés en trabajadores del sector empresarial informático cubano. Método: Trabajo de desarrollo tecnológico en dos etapas: adaptación lingüística-cultural y validación de contenido. Se realizó consulta a expertos y se evaluó el consenso mediante el coeficiente de validez de contenido. La fiabilidad del test durante el pilotaje se determinó con el α de Cronbach. La información se procesó con el software libre jamovi. Resultados: Participaron ocho expertos y se obtuvo un coeficiente de validez de contenido fue ≥ 0,70 en todos los casos, demostrando la pertinencia de todos los ítems. Las observaciones realizadas permitieron mejorar la redacción de los ítems. La muestra del estudio piloto estuvo conformada por 37 personas y se reportó un α de Cronbach global (0,832) que evidenció la homogeneidad del test. Lo mismo ocurrió en cada una de las dimensiones: Escepticismo (α = 0,789), Fatiga (α = 0,794), Ansiedad (α = 0,718), Ineficacia (α = 0,754) y Adicción (α = 0,701). El análisis cualitativo posterior permitió modificar el cuestionario para un mejor entendimiento. Conclusiones: El Cuestionario RED-Tecnoestrés cumple atributos métricos de fiabilidad y validez de contenido en trabajadores informáticos. Se recomienda su validación en el contexto cubano con una muestra más amplia. ABSTRACT Introduction: The introduction of new technologies and the changes they bring about in organizational processes give rise to new and emerging risks at work. The RED-Technostress Questionnaire evaluates the actual dysfunction in the interaction with these technologies. This instrument has not been adapted and validated for the Cuban context. Objective: To adapt and validate the content of the RED-Technostress Questionnaire in workers of the Cuban IT business sector. Method: Technological development work in two stages: linguistic-cultural adaptation and content validation. Experts were consulted and consensus was evaluated by means of the content validity coefficient. Test reliability during piloting was determined with Cronbach's α. The information was processed with the free software jamovi. Results: Eight experts participated and the content validity coefficient was ≥ 0.70 in all cases, demonstrating the relevance of all items. The observations made allowed improving the wording of the items. The pilot study sample consisted of 37 people and an overall Cronbach's α (0.832) was reported, evidencing the homogeneity of the test. The same occurred in each of the dimensions: Skepticism (α = 0.789), Fatigue (α = 0.794), Anxiety (α = 0.718), Inefficacy (α = 0.754) and Addiction (α = 0.701). Subsequent qualitative analysis allowed modification of the questionnaire for better understanding. Conclusions: The RED-Technostress Questionnaire meets metric attributes of reliability and content validity in computer workers. Its validation in the Cuban context with a larger sample is recommended.
... To determine the difference in means according to socio-demographic and occupational variables, the Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were performed. (40) Finally, to determine the risk and protection factors of the sociodemographic and occupational variables before and during the pandemic, a bivariate correlation was employed, determining the odds ratio values at 95% confidence intervals. ...
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Objective: To describe the differences in burnout syndrome (BS) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among health professionals, according to prevalence, levels, sociodemographic, occupational, risk, and protective factors. Methods: A comparative descriptive study was conducted, with two samples of similar characteristics from public hospitals in Peru. The sample was 177 for 2019 and 167 for 2021. The instrument used was the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results: It was found that there is a higher prevalence of BS and lower personal fulfillment (PF) during the pandemic. For BS, female sex is a risk factor during the pandemic. For emotional exhaustion (EE), the female gender is a risk factor before and during the pandemic. For depersonalization (DP), being 39 years of age or older is a protective factor before the pandemic. Conclusions: There are significant differences in the scores of BS, EE, and PF; no significant differences for DP were found in both periods.
... However, the change is insignificant if a modification is made, and there would be a risk of losing some information. This result indicates that the items in the instrument, from the results obtained in the sample, have a high correlation and favorable internal consistency [90]. ...
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This study aims to describe the analysis of the validity and reliability of an instrument that determines the self-perception of natural science teachers using the STEAM approach regarding the planning, development, and evaluation of their pedagogical activities. For its design, empirical studies were obtained from a bibliographic review, theoretical criteria on self-perception and STEAM approach, and population characteristics. For the instrument quality assessment, content validity parameters were analyzed by experts, and construct validity and reliability were assessed with the help of the SPSS statistical package. Ten educational doctors served as expert judges and 143 teachers (pre-service and in-service) participated in the pilot test. As the main finding, the instrument applied to a sample presents a high reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.920) and validity (KMO = 0.903) in three factors after performing a factor analysis. Thus, it is concluded that the instrument has structure and coherence both in its internal consistency and meaning grid, which facilitates progress in understanding the self-perception of using the STEAM approach in didactic practices in natural sciences.
... The objective of this study was to test the usefulness of the QIHVC tool to explore the empirical relationship between perception and behavioral intention in the face of violent behavior, and other theoretically related variables (type of violence and number of bystanders present at the scene). The relationship between the scores obtained with a measuring tool and other external variables is one of the sources of information traditionally used in the process of validating measuring tools (Elosúa and Egaña, 2000). Its usefulness has been corroborated by different theoretical perspectives such as external focus of validity (Messick, 1989), the nomological validity focus (Campbell, 1960), and the nomothetic amplitude focus (Whitely, 1983). ...
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Introduction Violence against women (VAW) is a worldwide social and health problem of epidemic proportions. This violence is preventable, and bystander programs are one of the possible preventative strategies. The main purpose of this research was to develop a tool that, by applying a contrastive methodology for its application in different forms of violence (forms of gender-based violence, such as intimate partner VAW, sexual harassment at work, and street harassment, and common violence, such as a robbery), would allow measuring the probability of occurrence of bystander response in the face of these types of violence with good evidence of content validity. Method Firstly (Study 1), an initial version of a measure tool, the Questionnaire of Intention to Help in VAW Cases (QIHVC), was developed; secondly (Study 2), a Delphi (modified) study was carried out to obtain valid, content-based evidence; and finally (Study 3), a pilot study was carried out to evaluate the appropriate functioning of the QIHVC and, if required, to make any necessary adjustments. Results and discussion The main result is the development of a set of case scenarios and a questionnaire related to its content which constitutes the QIHVC and, in its initial approximation, seems to constitute an adequate and sensible tool to capture the differences between the characterizations of common violence and VAW and in the possible response of bystanders in the face of such violence.
... Con base en estos criterios, se tomó la decisión de eliminar el ítem eWti3 de la escala de confianza y de los ítems eWnv1 y eWnv2 de la escala de e-WoM. A pesar de que los ítems de valencia negativa del e-WoM de la escala de Goyette et al. (2010) sirven para controlar la deseabilidad social y la aquiescencia de las respuestas (Elosua & Egaña, 2020), el hecho de que esta incluya también ítems de valencia positiva hacen que su fiabilidad se deteriore (Suárez-Álvarez et al., 2018). Es así como, al eliminar estos ítems, se obtuvo un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,946 para la escala de e-WoM, mientras que para la escala de confianza se obtuvo un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,948 (tabla 4), lo que quiere decir que los índices de fiabilidad de las escalas son muy elevados (Hernández et al., 2014) y, por lo tanto, la correlación entre los ítems de cada una de estas escalas es alta (Cortina, 1993). ...
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Las restricciones impuestas para contener la pandemia por covid-19 durante el 2020 ocasionaron un gran crecimiento del e-commerce, que no fue uniforme en todas las categorías de productos. Las categorías con comportamientos menos favorables requieren de herramientas para estimular las ventas por el canal digital y los productos más favorecidos necesitan fidelizar a sus clientes. La generación de boca-oído electrónico o e-WoM es una de estas herramientas de las estrategias de marketing que incentivan el e-commerce, por lo que es importante analizar las variables que lo afectan. Una de ellas es la confianza del consumidor en las tiendas en línea, que en el contexto internacional se ha demostrado que promueve el e-WoM. Se realizó un estudio transversal con base en un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales planteado a partir de las escalas de confianza y e-WoM encontradas en la literatura, y comprobado mediante la técnica de regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales en el software SmartPLS3. Para ello, se encuestó a clientes de tiendas de e-commerce b2c de Bogotá, Medellín y Cali. Los resultados demuestran que los expertos en mercadeo en Colombia deben buscar mecanismos para fortalecer la confianza en las tiendas en línea, porque con ello se contribuye a la difusión de boca-oído electrónico.
... En la utilización de cualquiera de los procedimientos elegidos es importante hacer comprender al alumno el objetivo de la evaluación. En el trabajo de Ruiz-Primo y Furtak [14] se recoge información sobre métodos de evaluación informal, y sobre el proceso de construcción de instrumentos de evaluación estandarizados puede consultarse literatura especializada [6,[15][16][17]. ...
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Una estrategia para la gestión del talento humano es la retención del personal, lo cual se encuentra ligado a la reducción de la intención de la rotación laboral. El objetivo de este estudio es el de diseñar y validar un instrumento de medición de la intención de rotación, en empresas de manufactura, en especial las del rubro textil. El diseño del cuestionario se realizó mediante una revisión bibliográfica para la búsqueda de definiciones conceptuales, así como de instrumentos elaborados previamente; mientras que la validación se realizó mediante una validación de contenido, por parte de expertos, así como de una validación factorial; finalizando con un análisis de confiabilidad. El instrumento fue aplicado a 200 trabajadores (28% hombres y 72% mujeres) que laboraban en empresas textiles. El cuestionario diseñado inicialmente constaba de 16 ítems, y luego de la revisión de contenido se resumió a 12 ítems, los que se utilizaron para el análisis factorial, logrando una reducción adicional a 10 ítems. La fiabilidad del instrumento ya validado se calculó mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, que alcanzó un valor de 0.888. Los resultados estadísticos de validación del cuestionario han sido significativos, permitiendo obtener un instrumento que servirá como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones.
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The present study sought to verify the initial evidence of internal structure validity and convergent validity of the Informal Caregiver Burden Assessment Questionnaire - short version (QASCI-VR) in family members of people with intellectual disabilities. The sample consisted of 185 caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities, users of a service provided by a non-governmental organization for assistance to people with disabilities, located in a Brazilian capital. For this, exploratory factor analysis, precision and external validity were performed. The results showed a two-dimensional internal structure of the adapted instrument, consisting of eleven items, with adequate precision indicators for factor Family Support and Self-Control (compound reliability = 0.80; α = 0.76 and ω = 0.76) and for factor Care Overload (Compound reliability = 0.81; α = 0.61 and ω = 0.66). Furthermore, evidence of convergent validity was observed between the adapted measure of the Informal Caregiver Burden Assessment Questionnaire - short version (QASCI-VR) and the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale (MOS-SSS), and the Brazil Economic Classification Criteria (CCEB). Thus, the results show that the short adapted version of the instrument had adequate psychometric properties in the Brazilian sample and can be used in this context and population.
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La estigmatización ha acompañado la pandemia del VIH desde sus orígenes, lo cual ha tenido consecuencias negativas en la salud de las personas con VIH y ha desalentado el testeo regular en la población general. Cualquier diseño, monitoreo y reade-cuación de políticas dirigidas a reducir la estigmatización hacia el VIH requiere contar con instrumentos rigurosos para su medición. El objetivo del trabajo fue construir y validar una Breve Escala sobre Estigmatización hacia el VIH (BESE-VIH) en una muestra representativa de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), respetando sus particularidades lingüísticas. Se encuestó en la vía pública a 400 participantes de entre 18 y 60 años en un diseño muestral por cuotas y se logró la representatividad de género, edad, nivel educativo y nivel socioeconómico. La BESE-VIH quedó compuesta por nueve reactivos y mostró muy buenos niveles de confiabilidad y evidencias de validez interna y externa adecuadas, por lo que la escala resulta un instrumento prometedor.
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Ten steps for test development. Background: Tests are the measurement instruments most used by psychologists to obtain data about people, both in professional and research contexts. The main goal of this paper is to synthesize in ten steps the fundamental aspects that must be taken into account when building a test in a rigorous way. Method: For the elaboration of the ten proposed phases, the specialized psychometric literature was revised, and previous works by the authors on the subject were updated. Results: Ten steps are proposed for the objective development of a test: delimitation of the general framework, definition of the variable to be measured, specifications, items development, edition of the test, pilot studies, selection of other measurement instruments, test administration, psychometric properties, and development of the final version. Conclusion: Following the ten proposed steps, objective tests can be developed with adequate psychometric properties based on empirical evidence.
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Background: The use of positively worded items and reversed forms aims to reduce response bias and is a commonly used practice nowadays. The main goal of this research is to analyze the psychometric implications of the use of positive and reversed items in measurement instruments. Method: A sample of 374 participants was tested aged between 18 and 73 (M=33.98; SD=14.12), 62.60% were women. A repeated measures design was used, evaluating the participants with positive, reversed, and combined forms of a self-efficacy test. Results: When combinations of positive and reversed items are used in the same test the reliability of the test is flawed and the unidimensionality of the test is jeopardized by secondary sources of variance. In addition, the variance of the scores is reduced, and the means differ significantly from those in tests in which all items are either positive or reversed, but not combined. Conclusions: The results of this study present a trade-off between a potential acquiescence bias when items are positively worded and a potential different understanding when combining regular and reversed items in the same test. The specialized literature recommends combining regular and reversed items for controlling for response style bias, but these results caution researchers in using them as well after accounting for the potential effect of linguistic skills and the findings presented in this study.
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Conventional methods for producing test norms are often plagued with “jumps” or “gaps” (i.e., discontinuities) in norm tables and low confidence for assessing extreme scores. We propose a new approach for producing continuous test norms to address these problems that also has the added advantage of not requiring assumptions about the distribution of the raw data: Norm values are established from raw data by modeling the latter ones as a function of both percentile scores and an explanatory variable (e.g., age). The proposed method appears to minimize bias arising from sampling and measurement error, while handling marked deviations from normality – such as are commonplace in clinical samples. In addition to step-by-step instructions in how to apply this method, we demonstrate its advantages over conventional discrete norming procedures using norming data from two different psychometric tests, employing either age norms (N = 3.555) or grade norms (N = 1.400). An R package for applying the procedure is available via
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The Cronbach's alpha is the most widely used method for estimating internal consistency reliability. This procedure has proved very resistant to the passage of time, even if its limitations are well documented and although there are better options as omega coefficient or the different versions of glb, with obvious advantages especially for applied research in which the ítems differ in quality or have skewed distributions. In this paper, using Monte Carlo simulation, the performance of these reliability coefficients under a one-dimensional model is evaluated in terms of skewness and no tau-equivalence. The results show that omega coefficient is always better choice than alpha and in the presence of skew items is preferable to use omega and glb coefficients even in small samples.
A must-have resource for researchers, practitioners, and advanced students interested or involved in psychometric testing. Over the past hundred years, psychometric testing has proved to be a valuable tool for measuring personality, mental ability, attitudes, and much more. The word 'psychometrics' can be translated as 'mental measurement'; however, the implication that psychometrics as a field is confined to psychology is highly misleading. Scientists and practitioners from virtually every conceivable discipline now use and analyze data collected from questionnaires, scales, and tests developed from psychometric principles, and the field is vibrant with new and useful methods and approaches. This handbook brings together contributions from leading psychometricians in a diverse array of fields around the globe. Each provides accessible and practical information about their specialist area in a three-step format covering historical and standard approaches, innovative issues and techniques, and practical guidance on how to apply the methods discussed. Throughout, real-world examples help to illustrate and clarify key aspects of the topics covered. The aim is to fill a gap for information about psychometric testing that is neither too basic nor too technical and specialized, and will enable researchers, practitioners, and graduate students to expand their knowledge and skills in the area. Provides comprehensive coverage of the field of psychometric testing, from designing a test through writing items to constructing and evaluating scales. Takes a practical approach, addressing real issues faced by practitioners and researchers. Provides basic and accessible mathematical and statistical foundations of all psychometric techniques discussed. Provides example software code to help readers implement the analyses discussed.