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Prediction of Rashba Effect on Two-dimensional MX Monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se, Te) with Buckled Square Lattice


Abstract and Figures

The Rashba splitting are found in the buckled square lattice. Here, by applying fully relativistic density-functional theory (DFT) calculation, we confirm the existence of the Rashba splitting in the conduction band minimum of various two-dimensional MX monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se, Te) exhibiting a pair inplane Rashba rotation of the spin textures. A strong correlation has also been found between the size of the Rashba parameter and the atomic number of chalcogen atom for Γ and M point in the first Brillouin zone. Our investigation clarifies that the buckled square lattice are promising for inducing the substantial Rashba splitting suggesting that the present system is promising for spintronics device.
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Indones. J. Chem., xxxx, xx (x), xx - xx
Ibnu Jihad et al.
Prediction of Rashba Effect on Two-dimensional MX Monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn
and X = S, Se, Te) with Buckled Square Lattice
Ibnu Jihad*, Juhri Hendrawan, Adam Sukma Putra, Kuwat Triyana, and Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Sekip Utara BLS 21, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
tel: +62-895364829488
Received: September 5, 2019
Accepted: January 7, 2020
DOI: 10.22146/ijc.49331
: The Rashba splitting are found in the buckled square lattice. Here, by applying
fully relativistic density
-functional theory (DFT) calculation, we confirm the existence of
the Rashba splitting in the conduction band minimum of various two
-dimensional MX
monochalcogenides (
M = Ge, Sn and X =
S, Se, Te) exhibiting a pair inplane Rashba
rotation of the spin textures.
A strong correlation has also been found between the size of
the Rashba parameter and the atomic number of chalcogen
atom for Γ and M point in
the first Brillouin zone. Our investigation clarifies that the buckled square lattice are
promising for inducing
the substantial Rashba splitting suggesting that the present system
is promising for spintronics device.
Ge monochalcogenides; Sn monochalcogenides; DFT method; spintronics;
square lattice; Rashba effect; spin textures
Spintronics is a combinational word from spin
transport electronics or spin electronics, which is the next
generation of electronics. Spintronics explores the spin
properties of electrons rather than the charge properties
in electronics device, in which give us more degree of
freedom [1]. This fact makes spintronics device have
higher information density and also energetically efficient
because the smaller movement is needed for changing
(reading and writing) the spin structure. One branch of
the spintronics research field is spin-orbitronics, which is
focused on the exploitation of non-equilibrium material
properties using spin-orbit coupling (SOC). In the spin-
orbitronics, the investigation is aiming for searching
materials that have large enough SOC energy splitting,
especially the Rashba effect type to build spin field-effect
transistor (SFET) [2].
The Rashba splitting in the electronics band
structures is caused by the lack of inversion symmetry of
the materials [3], which occurred in a two-dimensional
(2D) structures of materials. Graphene as the first
example of the 2D materials having hexagonal structure
have been considered for this purpose. However, due to
the weak SOC, this material is not suitable for spin-
orbitronics [4-6]. Another example of 2D materials
having hexagonal structure is coming from the
transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) family [7].
Here, the breaking of inversion symmetry in the
hexagonal crystal, together with the strong SOC of
transition metal atom leads to the strong SOC splitting.
Recently, the 2D Group-IV monochalcogenides in
square lattice with black phosphorus structure have been
recently studied and proved as a suitable semiconductor
with sizeable Rashba splitting [9].
Although the SOC has been widely studied on the
2D materials with the hexagonal structure and black
phosphorus structure, this effect should apparently
appear on the other non-centrosymmetric 2D materials.
One of the candidates is 2D material which posses a
square lattice structure. The square lattice structure with
buckling has also been experimentally observed on
Bismuth (Bi) [10], making the realization of this
structure is plausible. Computational research on
buckled square lattice of lead chalcogenides showing
significant first-order Rashba effect in this structure [8].
Previously, a preliminary study on the electronic
structure of the MX monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn
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Ibnu Jihad et al.
and X = S, Se) has been conducted with buckled squared
lattice and also the calculation of Rashba splitting size up
to the-third order correction that was showing a sizeable
Rashba splitting in these materials [9].
This work showed that the Rashba splitting is also
observed in the MTe monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn)
with buckled squared lattice as additional materials to MX
monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se) buckled
square lattice. It is found that the substantial Rashba
splitting is achieved in the conduction band minimum of
various 2D MX monochalcogenides showing clockwise-
anticlockwise rotation of the spin in the momentum
space. From these various TMDs materials, the size of the
Rashba parameter is strongly affected by the atomic
number of chalcogen atoms for different high symmetry
points in the first Brillouin zone.
This work was started by modeling the two-
dimensional monolayer buckled square lattice crystal
(Fig. 1). The distance between slabs is set to 30 Å to
prevent interaction between slabs. The coordinate axis is
x = a, y = b, and c = z. The geometry is relaxed until the
force of each atom less than 1 meV/Å.
The calculation was performed using a density
functional theory (DFT) approach implemented on
OPENMX code [10] within the generalized gradient
approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation
energy [11]. The norm-conserving pseudopotentials [12]
was set to energy cut off 300 rydberg for charge density.
The optimum k-point sampling for the calculation is 8 ×
8 × 1. The wave function was expanded by a confinement
scheme of a linear combination of multiple pseudoatomic
orbitals [13-14]. The numerical pseudoatomic orbitals
used for M atom was two-s, two-p, three-d, and one-f,
and for X atom was three-s, three-p, two-d, and one-f.
The j-dependent pseudopotentials were applied for SOC
[15]. After gaining the stable structure of the materials,
the process continue to calculate the electronics band
structures with the corresponding density of states
(DOS) projected to the atomic orbitals.
The optimized structure and the related
parameters, are summarized in Table 1 and have good
agreement with previous report [9]. The PbS and PbSe
calculations have been presented to confirm the
computational results with previously reported data [8].
The result of the electronic band structures is
displayed in Fig. 2. It is observed that in the calculation
without including SOC (blue lines in band structure),
the valence band maximum (VBM) located in Y (and X’)
point for all MX. While In conduction band, the
extremum valley or the conduction band minimum
occurred along the Y-M line, for all MX. This result has
a similarity with the previous result of MX with black
phosphorene lattice structure. However, in black
phosphorene, the different band structure was observed
[16]. Our calculated DOS projected to the atomic
orbitals confirmed that the VBM is dominated by a
mixture of X-pz and M-pz. The CBM is contributed by
the coupling of M-pz and M-py. The band gap energy of
all MX buckled square lattice monolayer has an indirect
type. These calculated values are different from black
phosphorene structure [9]. However, both structures
have typical pattern in the band gap properties. The
band gap are decreased along with the increasing
chalcogen atomic mass in the buckles square lattice, thus
Fig 1. 2D buckled square lattice (drawing using Vesta) (a) from top and (b) side and (c) the first Brillouin zone
Indones. J. Chem., xxxx, xx (x), xx - xx
Ibnu Jihad et al.
Table 1. Calculation result of lattice constant, buckling distance, and buckling angle
θ (°)
θ (°)
This work
This work
This work
This work
Fig 2. The Brillouin zone in k-space of the square lattice structure. Blue and pink line indicating the energy band
without SOC and with SOC, respectively. The dominant DOS is displayed with corresponding orbitals
resulting in a lower band gap [17-19]. The band gap values
are GeS = 0.660 eV, GeSe = 0.085 eV, GeTe = no band gap,
SnSe = 1.097 eV, SnSe = 0.627 eV, and SnTe = no bandgap.
From this band gap, all of MX is semiconductor except
GeTe and SnTe, which is metallic.
When the calculation includes the SOC term, all of
the bands are split due to the lack of inversion symmetry,
which is occurs in all MX. The clarification of the
Indones. J. Chem., xxxx, xx (x), xx - xx
Ibnu Jihad et al.
occurrence of the spin-split states is by considering the
characteristic of the atomic orbitals of the band. From
atomic point of view, coupling between atomic orbitals
will contribute to the non-zero SOC matrix element
through the relation L
,, where is the angular-
momentum-resolved atomic SOC strength, with l =
(s, p, d), L
and S
are the orbital angular momentum and
Pauli spin operator, respectively, for the (u, v) atomic
orbitals. It is revealed that the dominant contribution in
CBM is coming from coupling between p orbitals of M
atom and p orbitals of chalcogen atom for all MX. This p-
p coupling is enhanced by increasing the atomic number
of chalcogen atom. This finding is consistent with the
enhancement of the spin splitting size around the Γ point.
The more detailed discussion about the quantitative size
of the splitting will be presented later.
Next, the spin-splitting near Γ and M-points of the
CBM is claimed as Rashba-type splitting because the spin
orientation is rotational [3], and we will show the
calculation of this spin orientation (which is known as
spin textures). It is well-known that there are three kinds
of SOC splitting in non-centrosymmetric and non-
magnetic materials, namely Rashba, Dresselhaus, and
Zeeman-like splitting [20], where the spin splitting and
their corresponding spin textures are displayed in Fig. 3.
The figure shows that the Rashba and Dresselhaus
splitting is very similar except for the spin textures.
Next, the calculation of the size of the Rashba
splitting in the buckled MX square lattice materials and
the spin textures is conducted to clarify the claim that
this is an actual Rashba splitting. To calculate the size of
Rashba splitting (Rashba parameter) for higher-order,
first is to use symmetry analysis to derive the effective
Hamiltonian via k.p perturbation approximation. This
approximation allows us to describe the electronic
properties of our 2D MX monochalcogenides and can be
used to analyze the properties of the band structure, such
as spin splitting and spin texture for points around VBM
and CBM. This method has already successfully used in
various 2D material [7,21-25]. The symmetry group of
the 2D square lattice structure is isomorphic to the C2v
or 2 mm two-dimensional space group [26], and from
Fig 3. Three kinds of SOC splitting with the spin orientation
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Ibnu Jihad et al.
previous analysis using group theory [24], by deriving the
general Hamiltonian using the direct product of
irreducible representations. The elements of the group are
denoted by E: {x, y, z}, C:{x, y, z}, T:{x, y, z}, and
T:{x, y, z}. This group has four one-dimensional
irreducible representations, A, A, B, and B with the
character table is written in Table 2.
The corresponding component of the irreducible
representation is set to the polar-vector k and the axial-
vector for the first order combination that corresponds
to the A irreducible representation is B: k, , B: k, ,
and A:. For the second-order, A: k
, k
, k
, and
A: kk, which is this second-order implies the form of
kinetic energy. Finally, the third-order term is the possible
product of B: k
, kk
, and B: k
, kk
with . Then a
new total Hamiltonian, that leaves the old one invariant,
is constructed to get the new Hamiltonian related to SOC
up to third-order as:
H(k) = E(k) +
where E(k) = (
) is the nearly free-electron
energy, () is the i-th coefficient of the j-order, , ,
is the Pauli spin matrices, (k, k) is the position in k-
space and k = k
+ k
. The eigenvalues problems for Eq.
(1) gives us the splitting energy:
E±(k, ) = E(k) ± X+ Y (2)
Y =
X =
where k=kcos, k=ksin, and is the angle of k with
x-axis in k-space. The eigenvectors related to the
±(X+ Y) eigenvalues is
±(k) = 0
 (3)
The square of the difference of energy eigenvalue
can be calculated using:
(E(k))= 4(
)+ 4(
) (4)
This equation is used to fit the plot of (E(k))
along Γ-X and Y-M and get the non-vanishing first-
order coefficient as the Rashba parameter. The fitting
results for the Rashba parameter are displayed in Table 3
with PbS calculation is shown as a confirmation. The table
shows that for Γ-point, the size of the Rashba parameter
increases depending on the atomic number of chalcogen
atom, while on the M-point, the parameter is decreased.
Next, the spin texture of the band structures is
determined as follows. For a given k point, its spin
polarization of each eigenstates ±(k) is define as S(k) =
[S(k), S(k), S(k)] where S(k) =
(k)|(k) is
Table 2. Character table of C2v group
Table 3. Calculation result of band gap and Rashba parameter in CBM
MX Band Gap
Fitting Result (eVÅ )
Reference (eVÅ )
Γ-point M-point
This work
This work
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Ibnu Jihad et al.
Fig 4. (left) Spin texture of SnTe for energy 0.4 eV around Γ-point, (right) Spin texture of SnSe for energy 1.15 eV
around M-point. Both have zero z-component of spin. A similar form also occurred in other MX
the i-direction of spin component. This spin polarization
is calculated in k-space around Γ point by using the spin
density matrix of the spinor wave functions obtained
from the DFT calculation [21-23]. The calculation result
is shown in Fig. 4. It is revealed that constant-energy
surface shows the inner and outer circles with
counterclockwise and clockwise rotation of spin direction
with no z-component of spin. This feature is consistent
with the characteristic of the Rashba effect splitting.
The observed spin texture can be explained based on
our derived SOC Hamiltonian given in Eq. (1). The
expectation value of the spin polarization can be
calculated from this to get S±=±
(), S±=
(), and S±= 0. This result shows that the spin
textures are consistent with Fig. 4.
Investigation of the Rashba effect on two-
dimensional MX Monochalcogenides (M = Ge, Sn and X
= S, Se, Te) with buckled square lattice has shown that this
structure is appropriate to create the Rasbha splitting. We
also confirmed the properties of the spin texture of SOC
splitting with the calculation from our DFT results. We
found that some of MX have semiconductor properties
(except GeTe and SnTe) and have different Rashba
parameter. There is a strong correlation between the size
of the Rashba parameter with the chalcogen atomic
number. In Γ-point, the escalation of the chalcogen
atomic number increases the Rasha parameter, but in M-
point the effect is inverting. These various size of the
Rashba parameter make these materials, and this
buckled square lattice is potential to be developed for
spintronics materials.
This research was supported by Research Grant for
Young Lecturer 2019, funded by Universitas Gadjah Mada
(UGM) with contract number 3943/UN1/DITLIT/DIT-
LIT/LT/2019. One of the authors (Absor) would like to
acknowledge the Department of Physics UGM for partially
financial support through BOPTN research grant 2019.
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Full-text available
Despite its potential for device application, the nonmagnetic Zeeman effect has only been predicted and observed in two-dimensional compounds. We demonstrate that noncentrosymmetric three-dimensional compounds can also exhibit a Zeeman-type spin splitting, allowing the splitting control by changing the growth direction of slabs formed by these compounds. We determine the required conditions for this effect: (i) noncentrosymmetric including polar and nonpolar point groups, (ii) valence band maximum or conduction band minimum in a generic k-point, i.e., non-time-reversal-invariant momentum, and (iii) zero magnetic moment. Using these conditions as filters, we perform a material screening to systematically search for these systems in the AFLOW-ICSD database. We find 20 candidates featuring the Zeeman-type effect. We also find that the spin splitting in confined systems can be controlled by an external electric field, which in turns can induce a metal–insulator transition. We believe that this work will open the way for the discovery of novel fundamental effects related to the spin polarization control.
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We propose the lead sulphide (PbS) monolayer as a two-dimensional semiconductor with a large Rashba-like spin-orbit effect controlled by the out-of-plane buckling. The buckled PbS conduction band is found to possess Rashba-like dispersion and spin texture at the M and Γ points, with large effective Rashba parameters of λ∼5 eV Å and λ∼1 eV Å, respectively. Using a tight-binding formalism, we show that the Rashba effect originates from the very large spin-orbit interaction and the hopping term that mixes the in-plane and out-of-plane p orbitals of Pb and S atoms. The latter, which depends on the buckling angle, can be controlled by applying strain to vary the spin texture as well as the Rashba parameter at Γ and M. Our density functional theory results together with tight-binding formalism provide a unifying framework for designing Rashba monolayers and for manipulating their spin properties.
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The established spin splitting in monolayer (ML) of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) that is caused by inversion symmetry breaking is dictated by mirror symmetry operations to exhibit fully out-of-plane direction of spin polarization. Through first-principles density functional theory calculations, we show that polarity-induced mirror symmetry breaking leads to new sizable spin splitting having in-plane spin polarization. These splittings are effectively controlled by tuning the polarity using biaxial strain. Furthermore, the admixtures of the out-of-plane and in-plane spin-polarized states in the strained polar systems are identified, which is expected to influence the spin relaxation through the Dyakonov-Perel mechanism. Our study clarified that the polarity-induced mirror symmetry breaking plays an important role in controlling the spin splitting and spin relaxation in the TMDs ML, which is useful for designing future spintronic devices.
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Spin splitting bands that arises in conduction band minimum (CBM) of WS2 monolayer (ML) play an important role in the new spin-orbit phenomena such as spin-valley coupled electronics. However, application of strain strongly modi?es electronic properties of the WS2 ML, which is expected to signi?cantly a?ect to the properties of the spin splitting bands. Here, by using fully-relativistic ?rst-principles calculations based on density-functional theory, we show that a substantial spin spliting bands observed in the CBM is e?ectively controlled and tuned by applying the biaxial strain. We also ?nd that these spin splitting bands induce spin textures exhibiting fully out-of-plane spin polarization in the opposite direction between the K and Q points and their time reversals in the ?rst Brillouin zone. Our study clarify that the strain plays an signi?cant role in the spin-orbit coupling of the WS2 ML, which has very important implications in designing future spintronics devices.
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The group-IV monochalcogenides SnS, GeS, SnSe and GeSe form a family within the wider group of semiconductor `phosphorene analogues'. Here, we used first principles calculations to investigate systematically their structural, electronic and optical properties, analysing the changes associated with the reduction of dimensionality, from bulk to monolayer or bilayer form. We show that all those binary phosphorene analogues are semiconducting, with bandgap energies covering part of the infra-red and visible range, and in most cases higher than phosphorene. Further, we found that they have multiple valleys in the valence and conduction band, with spin-orbit splitting of the order of 19-86 meV.
Energy-saving spintronics are believed to be implementable on systems hosting the persistent spin helix (PSH) since they support an extraordinarily long spin lifetime of carriers. However, achieving the PSH requires a unidirectional spin configuration in the momentum space, which is practically nontrivial due to the stringent conditions for fine-tuning the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings. Here, we predict that the PSH can be intrinsically achieved on a two-dimensional (2D) group-IV monochalcogenide MX monolayer, a new class of the noncentrosymmetric 2D materials having in-plane ferroelectricity. Due to the C2v point-group symmetry in the MX monolayer, a unidirectional spin configuration is preserved in the out-of-plane direction and thus maintains the PSH that is similar to the [110] Dresselhaus model in the [110]-oriented quantum well. Our first-principle calculations on various MX (M= Sn, Ge; X= S, Se, Te) monolayers confirmed that such typical spin configuration is observed, in particular, at near the valence-band maximum where a sizable spin splitting and a substantially small wavelength of the spin polarization are achieved. Importantly, we observe reversible out-of-plane spin orientation under opposite in-plane ferroelectric polarization, indicating that an electrically controllable PSH for spintronic applications is plausible.
Tungsten dichalcogenides WX 2 (X: S, Se, Te) monolayer (ML) has been considered as important two-dimensional materials for hosting large spin splitting due to the lack of inversion symmetry. However, out-of-plane mirror-symmetry in the WX 2 ML suppressed that only out-of-plane Zeeman splitting sustains, thus limiting the functionality for spintronic applications. By using first-principles density-functional theory calculations, we show that application of an external electric field breaks → → the out-of-plane mirror-symmetry, inducing a sizable Rashba splitting with anisotropic character of spin-polarizations. Our analysis using k ⋅ p model obtained from the symmetry consideration confirmed that the anisotropic Rashba splitting is mainly originated from contribution of third-order term in the spin-orbit Hamiltonian. Importantly, the Rashba parameter can be effectively modulated by tuning the electric field, giving rise to a maximally field-tunable Rashba splitting. Our study clarify that the electric field plays an important role for controlling the spin splitting in TMDs ML, which is useful for spintronic applications.
Based on the first-principles calculations, we investigated the ferroelectric properties of two-dimensional (2D) Group-IV tellurides XTe (X=SM, Ge and Sn), with a focus on GeTe. 2D Group-IV tellurides energetically prefer a new orthorhombic phase with a highly puckered structure and an in-plane spontaneous polarization. The intrinsic Curie temperature Tc of monolayer GeTe is as high as 290 K and can be further enhanced to 524 K by applying a biaxial tensile strain of 3%. An out-of-plane electric field can effectively decrease the coercive field for the reversal of polarization, extending its potential for regulating the polarization switching kinetics. Moreover, for bilayer GeTe the ferroelectric phase is still the ground state. Combined with these advantages, 2D GeTe is a promising candidate material for practical integrated ferroelectric applications.
We report a spin valve with a few-layer graphene flake bridging highly spin-polarized La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 electrodes, whose surfaces are kept clean during lithographic definition. Sharp magnetic switching is verified using photoemission electron microscopy with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism contrast. A naturally occurring high interfacial resistance ∼12 MΩ facilitates spin injection, and a large resistive switching (0.8 MΩ at 10 K) implies a 70-130 μm spin diffusion length that exceeds previous values obtained with sharp-switching electrodes.
Using first-principles calculations, we study the spin--orbit interactions and spin textures of a Bi one-bilayer film, which attracts scientific interest because of the topological insulator and so on. The substrate effect is successfully mimicked by applying on electric field in the perpendicular direction of the film, which breaks the inversion symmetry. We study the highest occupied band around the Γ point. Although the vortex of the in-plane spin component is well explained on the basis of the conventional Rashba effect, we find a substantial out-of-plane component which cannot be explained by the conventional Rashba model. This spin texture is similar to that of a multi-bilayer Bi film, which has recently been observed using a spin-resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiment. We also find a spin vortex around the K point although this point has no time-reversal symmetry. We expect that a similar vortex appears in materials having the p3m1 symmetry, whose spin--orbit interactions have recently attracted scientific interest.