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Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 1
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-
Phishing Behavior: A Theoretical Integration
Completed Research
Alaa Nehme
Iowa State University
Joey F. George
Iowa State University
As phishing emails represent continuous attack vectors, users’ continuance in anti-phishing behavior is
highly significant. This paper extends the previous literature on phishing and information security. We
develop a hierarchical inter-looped cybernetic model that integrates protection motivation theory,
expanded prominence interpretation theory, and risk analysis. Our model explores the (1) continuous
interdependence of avoidance and adoption cognitive systems in anti-phishing behavior, and (2)
continuous interdependence of education, awareness and training. The conceptual foundation, derived
propositions and contributions are discussed.
Phishing avoidance, anti-phishing, cybernetics, email credibility, email deception, behavioral security
Phishing emails pose immense threats to individuals and organizations. Ninety-one percent of cyberattacks
start with a phishing email (PhishMe 2016), and organizations have lost billions of dollars due to phishing
attacks (Jensen et al. 2017). Most recently, Business Email Compromise (BEC), a variant of spear-phishing,
has led to a 1300% increase of financial losses in organizations (FBI 2017). BEC, also referred to as ‘CEO
fraud’ and ‘whaling,’ typically manifests a fraudulent email attack, by which the deceiver (i.e. email
scammer) impersonates a senior executive (e.g. a CEO or CFO) and requests specifically targeted
organizational employees to make wire transfers or reply with personally identifiable information such as
W-2 tax forms (Symantec 2017).
In response to phishing threats, organizations have adopted various technical solutions (e.g. DKIM and
DMARC) to filter suspicious emails as spam or fraudulent (Derouet 2016). Yet, these solutions have not
ultimately prevented phishing attacks, as phishers continuously improve their bypass techniques (Smadi et
al. 2018). As such, the role of employees (i.e. phishing email receivers) in detecting phishing emails is highly
significant. Additionally, this role is governed by security education, training and awareness (SETA)
programs and behavioral controls in organizations (Landress et al. 2017; Winkfield et al. 2017).
Driven by this role, previous research has examined the factors that affect users’ success in detecting
phishing (e.g. Wang et al. 2016, 2017; Wright and Marett 2010). These factors relate to emails’ structural
properties and individual differences. Most of the IS research on phishing has employed cross-sectional
research designs and neglected long-term continuance in anti-phishing behavior (Steinbart et al. 2016).
However, IS continuance (i.e. the continued usage of systems) is a prominent factor in user behavior
(Bhattacherjee 2001). Additionally, most studies related to phishing either examine the role of one element
in SETA programs or examine SETA as a whole and do not account for the interrelatedness among its three
elements (i.e. education, training and awareness). For instance, Jensen et al. (2017) study the effect of
training, independent of awareness and education, on security behavior in the phishing context. Another
attribute in the information security literature is the avoidance vs. adoption approaches (see Liang and Xue
2009). Avoidance manifests avoiding information threats, and adoption manifests adopting security
measures. How are avoidance and adoption behaviors continuously interdependent? How are SETA
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 2
elements inter-related in a continuous manner? These research questions guide this paper. As such, our
objective is to develop a holistic framework that illustrates the continuous interdependence of (1) users’
adoption and avoidance behaviors, (2) SETA elements and (3) 1 and 2. On that basis, we draw upon the
cybernetics, information security, deception detection and risk analysis literatures.
This paper proceeds as follows. First, we introduce the conceptual foundation that informs our research
questions. Next, we propose the Inter-Loop Anti-Phishing Model (ILAPM), an inter-looped cybernetic
model that draws on Protection Motivation Theory (Rogers 1975), Expanded Prominence Interpretation
Theory (George et al. 2016) and risk analysis. We derive several propositions from ILAPM and conclude
with this paper’s contributions and suggestions for future research.
Conceptual Foundation
Cybernetics (i.e. control theory) is a theoretical framework for understanding self-regulating systems in
human behavior (Wiener 1948). It has been employed across different behavioral disciplines (e.g. mental
health and organizational behavior). For instance, control theory has been used in psychology to examine
emotion regulation (e.g. Etkin et al. 2015; Sheppes et al. 2015). Recently, the Information Systems Security
literature has deployed the cybernetics framework to examine users’ security behavior (e.g. Liang and Xue
2009; Steinbart et al. 2016). The main premises of control theory postulate that individuals regulate their
behavior through a feedback loop (Carver and Scheier 1982). This loop may be negative or positive. A
negative loop reduces a discrepancy between a present state and an objective one. On the contrary, a
positive feedback loop increases the discrepancy. As depicted in Figure 1, a disturbance factor in the
environment or a change in the reference value activates the system process. The input function inputs the
perceived environment as a signal and sends it to the comparator. The latter compares the signal value to
the reference value generated by the objective. In case of a negative feedback loop system: if the comparison
results in a discrepancy between the two values, the output function outputs a behavior that reduces the
discrepancy. In the case of a positive feedback loop, the output behavior increases the discrepancy. This
behavior impacts the environment to reach the desired state.
Figure 1. The Cybernetic Loop (Carver and
Scheier 1982)
Figure 2. Protection Motivation Theory
Overview (Rogers 1975)
Protection Motivation Theory and Security Behavior
To examine security behavior, Information Systems Security (ISSec) studies have widely adopted fear
appeal models from the public health literature (for a detailed review, see Boss et al. 2015). Protection
motivation theory (PMT) has acted as a foundational constituent of such frameworks (Boss et al. 2015).
PMT postulates that individuals engage in two cognitive processes, threat appraisal (TA) and coping
appraisal (CA), and consequently adopt protective behavior (Figure 2; Rogers 1975). TA, a function of threat
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 3
susceptibility (i.e. the perceived degree of risk to threats) and threat severity (i.e. the perceived degree of
threat harm), induces coping behaviors, through which individuals adopt problem-solving and danger-
control measures to protect themselves against threats (Rogers 1975). CA, a function of self-efficacy (i.e.
the perceived ability to take protective measures), response efficacy (i.e. their perceived effectiveness of
protective measures) and response costs (i.e. the perceived costs associated with taking protective
measures), engages individuals in appraising their ability to cope with threats.
In the information security context, studies have employed PMT to explain users’ coping with threats in two
distinct but complementary approaches: (1) to explain (or predict) users’ adoption of security measures
(e.g. Anderson and Agarwal 2010), and (2) to explain users’ avoidance of information threats (see Liang
and Xue 2009). To entrench the second approach and explain the difference between avoidance and
adoption, Liang and Xue (2009) develop the technology threat avoidance theory (TTAT), which adjusts
PMT to the avoidance approach. As such, the literature implies that security behavior is a function of both
threat avoidance and protective (i.e. anti-threat) measures adoption.
Expanded Prominence Interpretation Theory and Deception Detection
The Expanded Prominence Interpretation Theory (EPIT, George et al. 2016), a synthesis of the Prominence
Interpretation Theory (PIT, Fogg 2003)) and Interpersonal Detection Theory (IDT; Buller and Burgoon
1996)), provides a general theoretical framework of deception detection in computer-mediated
communication (Figure 3). Deception refers to “a message knowingly transmitted by a sender to foster a
false belief or conclusion by the receiver” (Buller and Burgoon 1996). EPIT’s primary tenets pose that the
communication-medium between a sender and a receiver determines how the latter perceives the message’s
(or sender’s) credibility. Further, this perceived credibility impacts the receiver’s success in detecting
deception. In other words, high credibility deceptive messages may be more believed than low credibility
authentic messages. Also, EPIT takes into account temporality, by which credibility assessments change
over time. Perceived credibility is a function of an interaction between prominence (i.e. the likelihood that
an element is noticed or perceived) and interpretation (i.e. a user’s judgment about the noticed element).
In sum, the communication medium provides the “lens” through which users (i.e. receivers) determine an
element’s prominence and interpretation, which impact the credibility assessment of messages and
deception detection (George et al. 2016).
Figure 3. Expanded Prominence Interpretation Theory (George et al. 2016)
Risk Analysis
Multiple definitions of risk analysis exist in risk research. The Australian and New Zealand Standards define
risk analysis as an application of “a systematic process for understanding the nature of the risk involved
and determining its level, and risk evaluation consists of assessing the significance of this risk by comparing
its level with some kind of standard or terms of reference” (Corvellec 2010). The US Department of
Homeland Security estimates risk as a product of threat, vulnerability and consequence (Cox 2008). In
information security, several risk analysis methods have been developed to handle information threats (e.g.
Feng et al. 2014; Karabacak and Sogukpinar 2005).
ILAPM and Propositions
The proposed cybernetic model explores the continuous interdependence among avoidance and adoption
behaviors, and security awareness, training and education. In alignment with Carver and Scheier (1982),
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 4
we develop Inter-Loop Anti-Phishing Model (ILAPM) as a hierarchically organized system, which has
superordinate and subordinate goals. At each hierarchical level, the objective provides the comparator in
the level below with the reference value (Carver and Scheier 1982). In our model, the first-level objective,
safety, provides the comparator in the first-level system with the reference value. Similarly, the second- and
third-level objectives provide the comparators in the second- and third-level systems with the relevant
reference values. Additionally, we extend the concept of multi-level goals to disturbance factors. As such,
we propose that each level passes a disturbance factor to the level above. This disturbance factor is what
activates the control system at the next level. Our proposition aligns with the Perceptual Control Theory
(PCT; Powers 1960) in the psychology discipline, which poses that perceptions are formed in a hierarchical
level and that disturbances come from within the cognitive system.
ILAPM includes three inter-looped control systems. The first-level system (lowest level) maintains the
protection state in the environment. It draws upon PMT, which is aligned with the expectancy value theory
(Atkinson 1964) and as such subsumes the adoption approach in information security (Boss et al. 2015).
The second- and third- (highest) level systems maintain resistance against phishing and risk-free
environments. The two systems draw upon EPIT and risk analysis respectively. The latter relies on
predictive models (Morgan 1993) and as such subsumes the avoidance approach. EPIT involves credibility
assessment and deception detection. Credibility assessment involves factors such as involvement (i.e.
motivation) and intentions (George et al. 2016). As such, credibility assessment may be viewed to align with
the adoption approach. On the other hand, deception detection may be viewed to align with the avoidance
approach. Therefore, we view EPIT to be incorporative of the adoption and avoidance approaches in
information security. Additionally, we consider anti-phishing behavior to lie on a continuous spectrum of
avoidance and adoption behaviors (Figure 4). PMT and risk analysis lie at the adoption and avoidance
positions respectively. EPIT interlinks the two approaches as it embraces both. We call the three level
systems (bottom-up) in ILAPM (Figure 5): the protection control system, the resistance control system, and
the risk control system. The three-level systems are inter-looped, such as each level system inputs an
objective reference value to the system level below and a disturbance factor to the system level above.
ILAPM yields a set of axioms1, upon which we derive multiple propositions illustrated by the variance model
in Figure 6.
Figure 4. Anti-Phishing Behavior Spectrum
1. The anti-phishing cognitive system has three layered-systems with three-level objectives and
disturbance factors.
In an information security cybernetic loop, the process begins when malicious IT poses threats to the
environment (Liang and Xue 2009). At ILAPM’s lowest level, phishing threats activate the first-level system
(i.e. protection control system).
Axiom 2. Phishing email attacks emerge as a disturbance factor in the environment.
When threats arise in the environment, users engage in the threat appraisal process (Rogers 1975; Liang
and Xue 2009). Hereby, users evaluate their susceptibility to phishing and its severity. Following, threat
appraisal acts as an input function in the protection control system’s cybernetic loop and assigns a value
(i.e. degree: high vs low) to the perceived phishing threat, an aggregate of susceptibility and severity.
Axiom 3. After the disturbance, users engage in the threat appraisal input function, which rates their
perceived threat.
The use of the term axiom in this paper aligns with its usage in modern logic and thermodynamics. An axiom “is
assumed to be true without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it” (Suh et al. 1978).
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 5
Figure 5. Inter-Loop Anti-Phishing Model
In the hierarchical system, the objective from the level, above the current, passes down the standard of
comparison (Carver and Scheier 1982). In this instance, the current level is the protection control system,
and the superordinate objective is deception detection success. As the central function of a feedback system
is not creating behavior but maintaining the perception of a desired condition (Carver and Scheier 1982),
the reference value holds the value of low threats. The objective of succeeding in deception detection inputs
the value of low threats into the comparator of the protection control system. Following, the comparator
checks if the perceived threat value, signaled from threat appraisal, is different than the reference value (i.e.
if the assigned value to perceived threat is high).
Axiom 4. Deception detection, the third level objective, passes the threat reference value (value=low) to the
comparator in the protection control system.
Axiom 5. After threat appraisal sends the threat perception value (i.e. degree) to the comparator, the latter
compares the perceived threat to the threat reference value, which is set as low.
If the perceived threat is high (i.e. if there is a discrepancy), then the comparator triggers the output
function. The output function outputs the necessary behavior to regulate the system. In this instance, the
output function outputs coping-behavior. In PMT, performing protective behavior manifests individuals’
coping behavior. It is a problem-solving-oriented conduct, by which individuals counter potential threats
through the danger control process (Rippetoe and Rogers 1987). In the phishing context, coping behavior
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 6
includes adopting protective measures, such as an email authentication system or following rules to identify
phishing emails.
Axiom 6. If there is a discrepancy between the perceived threat value and the reference value (i.e. if the
perceived threat is high), users engage in coping behavior.
Axioms 4, 5 and 6 suggest that the intention (i.e. objective) of succeeding in deception detection indirectly
affects users’ adoption of protective behavior against phishing through the comparator function. This
function is conditional upon the perceived level (i.e. value) of phishing threat. If threats are perceived to be
high, users engage in coping behavior; else, they don’t. Following, the level of perceived threat impacts the
relationship between the purpose of detecting deception and adopting protective behavior.
Proposition 1. The intention to detect deception positively influences users’ coping behavior.
Proposition 2. Threat Appraisal strengthens the relationship between deception detection and
coping behavior.
Axiom 7. Coping behavior reduces the discrepancy in the loop and fosters protection against phishing in
the environment.
Proposition 3. Coping behavior improves the level of protection in the environment.
In ILAPM, each level induces a disturbance factor to the level above. At the first level, the protection control
system produces a disturbance factor when threats are perceived as high (i.e. when there is a discrepancy
in the system). Forewarning, which is analogous to high threats, induces resistance (Cameron et al. 2002;
Wright et al. 2014). As such, perceived high threats disturb the level of resistance against phishing attacks
in the environment.
Axiom 8. High threats disturb the environment in the resistance control system. This disruption activates
the resistance control system.
The resistance control system deploys EPIT as its feedback loop mechanism. Its superordinate objective is
phishing avoidance. Phishing avoidance passes the reference value of credibility to the comparator. As the
goal is avoidance, the objective reference value of credibility is high. In alignment with TTAT (Liang and
Xue 2009), the resistance control system has a positive feedback loop, since it deals with avoidance. After
users appraise the threat of phishing attacks, they engage in credibility assessment, defined as users’
evaluation of emails’ believability. Credibility assessment acts as the input function that sends perceived
credibility as a signal to the comparator. The system’s objective is to maintain the perception of a low
credibility email when it is not credible. As such, the feedback loop iterates to increase the discrepancy
between perceived credibility and the standard of comparison (i.e. reference value).
Axiom 9. Credibility assessment acts as an input function by which perceptions of the credibility of emails
take place.
Proposition 4. Threat appraisal affects credibility assessment.
Axiom 10. Phishing avoidance, the second-level objective, feeds the comparator high credibility as the
reference value.
Axiom 11. After credibility assessment sends perceived credibility to the comparator, the latter compares
the perceived credibility value to the reference value, which is set at high.
To maintain the perceived credibility as low (i.e. increase the discrepancy in the system), the output function
outputs deception detection behavior. In the phishing context, users’ deception detection refers to their
success in identifying phishing emails. This behavior generates resistance, as an impact on the environment.
In other words, successful deception detection generates resistance against phishing attacks.
Axiom 12. To maintain a discrepancy between the low perceived credibility value and the reference value
(high), users engage in successfully detecting deception.
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 7
Figure 6. ILAPM Propositions
Axioms 10-12 suggest that the intention (i.e. objective) of avoiding phishing indirectly affects users’ success
in deception detection through the comparator function. This function is conditional upon the perceived
level of credibility. If credibility is perceived to be low, users engage in deception detection behavior; else,
they don’t. Thus, the level of perceived credibility impacts the relationship between the purpose of avoiding
phishing and detection deception in phishing emails.
Proposition 5. The intent to avoid phishing positively affects deception detection success.
Proposition 6. Credibility Assessment strengthens the relationship between phishing avoidance
and deception detection.
Axiom 13. Successful deception detection fosters resistance against deception in the environment.
Proposition 7. Deception detection behavior improves the level of resistance against phishing in
the environment.
Emails perceived to be of low credibility disrupt a risk-free (or a low risk environment) and activate the risk
control system. As such, users engage in risk analysis to assess the risk associated with deceptive emails.
The superordinate objective at this level, safety, generates the reference value and inputs it into the
comparator. The reference value is set as low risk. The feedback loop in the risk control system is negative.
Thus, when risks are perceived to be high, phishing avoidance, the output behavior, is generated to control
the risk in the environment.
Axiom 14. Low credibility emails impose risk on the environment. Hereby, they disturb the environment.
Axiom 15. Users analyze the risk of deceptive emails in the environment.
Proposition 8. Credibility assessment affects risk analysis.
Axiom 16. User safety, the first-level objective, inputs the reference value of risk to social engineering into
the comparator.
Axiom 17. Users compare their perceived knowledge about the subject matter with the reference value,
which is set as high.
Axiom 18. Users engage in phishing avoidance to reduce the discrepancy.
Axioms 16-18 suggest that the intention (i.e. objective) of being safe indirectly affects users’ success in
avoiding phishing through the comparator function. This function is conditional upon the perceived level
of risk. If risk is perceived to be high, users engage in phishing avoidance behavior; else, they don’t. Thus,
the level of perceived risk impacts the relationship between the purpose of maintaining safety and avoiding
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 8
Proposition 9. Safety intentions positively affect phishing avoidance.
Proposition 10. Risk Analysis strengthens the relationship between safety and phishing
Axiom 19. Phishing avoidance reduces the risk of being phished in the environment.
Proposition 11. Phishing avoidance behavior improves risk control against phishing in the
Each of the three-level systems in ILAPM outputs a behavior that impacts the environment. As the three
level systems, each with a higher-level objective, are interdependent, the state of the environment at each
level impacts the state at the next level through the cybernetic loops.
Proposition 12. Risk control influences resistance against phishing in the environment.
Proposition 13. Resistance influences the level of protection against phishing in the environment.
ILAPM is a general theoretical framework that may act as a social cognition model (i.e. a theory of behavior)
or a behavioral change theory. A social cognition model refers to a mental representation that elicits social
behavior (Smith and Semin 2007), and a behavioral change theory refers to model that aims to elicit
behavioral change in response to an intervention. Security education, training and awareness (SETA)
programs have played an important role in motivating users to take security actions (Posey et al. 2015). Yet,
an understanding of the mechanism of SETA’s impact on cognitive behavior is still lacking. SETA mainly
incorporates a learning process. Learning “can be abstractly thought of as evolving in three distinct but
interleaved levels, which together form a continuous rather than a discrete process” (Katsikas 2000). The
bottom level contains awareness, and the middle and top levels contain training and education respectively
(Katsikas 2000). Awareness activities manifest attracting individuals to a subject. Training activities
require learners to be more active and is more formal than awareness. Training manifests producing the
relevant and needed security skills. Education manifests creating expertise (Katsikas 2000). Each of the
elements in phishing SETA programs (i.e. education, training and awareness) acts inter-dependently.
Through ILAPM, we propose that each element activates a control system at each of the three levels. As
awareness mainly draws the attention of individuals to a subject matter (Katsikas 2000), and threat
appraisal is triggered by appeals (Rogers 1975), or urgent requests of attention, we pose that awareness
induces threat appraisal and as such motivates users to take protective actions. Through the route of threat
appraisal to credibility assessment to risk analysis, awareness also indirectly affects latter two.
Proposition 14. Awareness programs positively affect users’ threat appraisal of phishing emails.
As discussed earlier, credibility assessment requires prominence and interpretation. Both require a set of
skills. As such, training activities positively impact assessing the credibility of emails and success in
deception/phishing detection. Similar to awareness, training also has an indirect effect through the loops
on threat appraisal and risk analysis.
Proposition 15. Training programs positively affect email credibility assessment.
Education fosters knowledge about social engineering and phishing techniques. As discussed earlier, risk
analysis requires an in-depth understanding of threats, vulnerabilities and consequences. Consequences of
cyberattacks may extend to environments outside organizations. Education positively impacts the risk
analysis of phishing.
Proposition 16. Education programs positively affect phishing risk analysis.
Discussion and Conclusion
In this paper, we have developed ILAPM, a hierarchical cognitive cybernetic system that integrates three
theoretical frameworks (i.e. protection motivation theory, expanded prominence eminence theory, and risk
analysis) in the phishing context, and we have presented conceptual propositions. The model and
propositions formulate the inter-related cognitive systems when users engage in anti-phishing behavior. It
depicts the continuous interdependence among avoidance and adoption security behaviors. Additionally,
the model serves as a behavioral change theoretical framework for parties that implement SETA programs.
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior
Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018 9
Contributions and Future Research
The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, on a theoretical level, this paper develops a holistic
interrelated system that explains anti-phishing behavior and more generally information security behavior.
The holistic model includes three inter-related theories that are associated with phishing detection. To our
knowledge, this is the first security behavior model that incorporates interdependent cognitive subsystems.
This also is the first anti-phishing model that integrates a full deception detection theory. Integrating
constructs from the deception detection literature in behavioral phishing security models furthers our
understanding of why users avoid (or fall victim to) deceptive and malicious communications. Also, it is the
first model that segregates awareness, training and education as three independent but interconnected
elements. Additionally, ILAPM depicts the continuance mechanisms in anti-phishing behavior and SETA.
Second, on a practical level, this paper sets a framework for organizations seeking to implement SETA
programs related to phishing attacks. We propose that organizations should (1) positively impact
employees’ perceptions of phishing threats through awareness programs, (2) train employees to assess the
credibility of emails, and (3) educate them about phishing, social engineering and the risks thereof.
Organizations should execute the aforementioned activities in a continuous manner. ILAPM also suggests
that organizations should promote for safety as a goal in their environments, as the latter is the source of
reference values in ILAPM. Lastly, ILAPM may also inform policy makers and (non)governmental
organizations that seek to raise citizens’ security awareness through awareness campaigns.
Further research may be conducted to test and expand the ILAPM. Researchers may empirically test the
propositions, illustrated in Figure 6. Further research may also expand ILAPM through integrating models
that examine dynamics between phishing attacks and organizations (i.e. defense mechanisms). Developing
ILAPM is a first step towards research on hierarchical cybernetic models in information security. Further
research on integrated cybernetics and the interdependence of avoidance behavior, adoption behavior and
SETA elements in information security is needed.
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