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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, a contactless microwave transition is described and characterized. In our ``ElectroMagnetic Drive'' (EMDrive) measuring setup, it will be dedicated to transmit high Radio Frequency (RF) powers without any mechanical effort. It exhibits very good matching and transmission performances. It is found to transmit 100 W microwave power range at 2.45 GHz without any visible mechanical effect on a 10 mg precision balance, contrary to a previous coaxial cable. This device appears useful to every EMDrive setup and can be easily implemented.
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 90, 15–20, 2020
High Power Transmission Using Contactless Microwave Transition
on an EMDrive Setup
Hugo Peyre1, *, Olivier Pascal1,J´erˆome Sokoloff1,
Kevin Elis2, Olivier Pigaglio1, and Nathalie Raveu1
Abstract—In this paper, a contactless microwave transition is described and characterized. In our
“ElectroMagnetic Drive” (EMDrive) measuring setup, it will be dedicated to transmit high Radio
Frequency (RF) powers without any mechanical effort. It exhibits very good matching and transmission
performances. It is found to transmit 100 W microwave power range at 2.45 GHz without any visible
mechanical effect on a 10 mg precision balance, contrary to a previous coaxial cable. This device appears
useful to every EMDrive setup and can be easily implemented.
The concept of EMDrive electromagnetic thruster is one of the most controversial scientific topics in
the past few years. Indeed, recent articles [1–5] attempt to demonstrate or refute the presence of a tiny
force produced by asymmetrical resonant microwave cavities. The proof of such a force can only be
experimental since it violates the action-reaction law, and until now, no theoretical model can explain
this phenomenon.
The greatest challenge of these experimental investigations is to transmit microwave power to
feed resonant cavities without affecting the measurement of the potential EMDrive force. Indeed, in
order to measure tiny forces hypothetically produced, the most important thing is to mechanically
split the system from its power supply unit, part of the external environment. Among the latest
EMDrive experimental configurations that can be found in the literature [1–3], some solutions have
been implemented, making it possible to reduce or even to almost eliminate the parasitic effects caused
by the feeding of the cavity.
In 2016, White et al. [1], from Eagleworks Laboratories, published the first peer-reviewed paper
in which they report using liquid metal contacts to transmit Direct Current (DC) power (and control
signals) to supply (and drive) the power unit feeding the cavity. In this way, they considerably reduce
interface wire forces. oßling et al. [2], from TU Dresden, also implemented, in 2018, a liquid metal
contact for an RF feedthrough, in order to avoid parasitic effects due to the thermal effects of the coaxial
cable. In both cases, the liquid contact is performed thanks to containers filled with Galinstan, a metal
in liquid phase under usual conditions.
In addition to these works,McDonald et al. [3], from Naval Research Laboratory, presented, in
2017, their noncontact RF power transmission, called “finger joint”, but did not report any thrust
measurements with this item.
In our previous work [6], we developed an original test facility to measure an EMdrive like force.
The chosen configuration, called shaker because of its shape, allowed to alternatively feed two cavities
Received 5 November 2019, Accepted 22 January 2020, Scheduled 4 February 2020
* Corresponding author: Hugo Peyre (
1LAPLACE, CNRS, Universit´e de Toulouse, Toulouse, France. 2Antennas Department, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES),
Toulouse, France.
16 Peyre et al.
oriented in opposite directions without the intervention of an operator. The main parasitic effect was
related to the unique RF cable that fed the cavities.
Taking advantage of the radiation properties of microwaves to look for genuine contactless power
transmission, we present, in this paper, a dedicated transition. To eliminate cable mechanical effects
due to thermal effects with typical 100 W power transmission, the requirements for the contactless
device are: good matching (reflection <10 dB), very low losses (conduction or radiation), high level of
transmission (transmission >1 dB), high power handling (max 200 W), two independent transmission
channels (shaker capability), 40 MHz bandwidth around 2.45 GHz (cavity tuning), and the lightest
In the following sections, we will first describe the contactless RF transition that we have
designed and manufactured (Sec. 2), before characterizing its electromagnetic properties and mechanical
behaviour when confronting high RF power (Sec. 3).
The designed transition must ensure a total mechanical isolation between the generator and the two
cavities, while minimizing leakage to protect involved people from the 100 W range microwave power.
We have therefore chosen to use a “groove gap” structure [7,8] to create a bandstop filter between the
inside cylindrical volume and the outside of the transition, without any physical contact between the
two parts of the device.
The device has to deal with two distinct RF channels in order to feed one or the other cavity.
We then decide to use two head-to-tail septum polarizers [9]. They allow to transmit two RF channels
through a single propagation duct (circular waveguide); one channel being in left circular polarization
and the other in right circular polarization.
To reduce the total mass of the transition, several design efforts have been made. We work as close
as possible to the cut-off frequency of the rst propagative mode of the circular waveguide in order to
have the smallest diameter possible. We use a septum polarizer with the fewest steps required. We have
limited the number of Electromagnetic Band-Gap (EBG) cells. All the dimensions of the contactless
transition are specified in the following diagrams (Figures 1 and 2), and pictures of the transition and
the EBG structure are displayed in Figures 3 and 4.
211,5 3
46,4 58,5 37,4 69,2
Figure 1. Dimensional diagram in the septum plane (values in mm).
The part of the transition positioned on the balance (left part in Figures 1 and 3) has been
manufactured with a mass reduction effort, which leads to a 670.9 g mass. Moreover, this part of
the transition supports almost no mass of the EBG structure.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 90, 2020 17
Figure 2. Dimensional diagram of the EBG structure (values in mm).
Figure 3. Picture of the contactless RF
transition with blue dielectric support (for
preliminary tests). 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the port
Figure 4. Picture of the EBG structure.
The 2-steps septum polarizers are made apart from circular waveguides and mounted together
with about 60 screws ensuring proper holding and electrical contact. Actually, these screws, visible in
Figure 1, do not pierce the septum but only exert pressure on the edge of it.
The generator-side transition part is fixed, keeping it leveled while allowing it to be slightly moved. The
other part is supported by a shaped polystyrene block positioned on the balance with a 5 mm air gap.
All the characterizations presented in this section are performed under this configuration.
3.1. Low Power
We start by analyzing the electromagnetic behavior of the transition by connecting a 4-port VNA
(Vector Network Analyzer). We are then able to compare the measurement of the S-parameters with
the simulations previously performed with ANSYS Electronics Desktop (Figure 5).
18 Peyre et al.
Figure 5. Comparison of simulated ant measured S-parameters of the RF contactless transition. S11 :
reflection. S31: transmission.
In Figure 5, it can be seen that the measured transmission and matching levels are well suited to
the simulation. Port 1 matching exhibits a frequency shift that finally appears advantageous in the
targeted bandwidth (shaded area). In this frequency band (2.43–2.47 GHz), the measured matching
(solid line with circles) is less than 13 dB, and the transmission (solid line) is greater than 0.4dB.
Moreover, the measurements of the matching levels of the other ports lead to very similar results.
The curves of the two transmission channels merge almost perfectly with levels above 0.4dB in the
relevant bandwidth, while the level of cross-talk is below 40 dB.
One can also note that even better performances can be achieved from such a contactless transition.
With this one, the best results are obtained for 3 mm distance and perfect alignment. However, the
good characteristics reported here are considered for 5 mm distance and approximate alignment that
are representative for simple experimental mounting.
3.2. High Power
In our previous measuring setup [6], the switch used to feed one or the other cavity is directly connected
at their inputs. It is part of the Device Under Test (DUT) positioned on the balance and is connected
by a single coaxial cable to the power feeder.
In order to characterize the influence on the thrust measurement of the high power transmission in
this configuration, the DUT is replaced by a 500 W matched load (Figure 6).
In the next experimental setup, the RF cable will be substituted by the contactless transition to
eliminate its parasitic thermal effects. In that case, the switch will be set at the output of the feeder,
and its two outputs will be connected to the transition inputs. The cavities, in shaker configuration,
can then be directly connected to the two transition outputs, ensuring a total mechanical decoupling
from the power supply.
In the same way, by replacing the cavities with matched loads in this setup (Figure 7), we will
be able to characterize and compare the influence of power transmission on the thrust measurement
(Figure 8).
Figure 8 exhibits the parasitic force (solid line) produced by thermal distortions of the coaxial
cable structure as the generator provides 200 W RF power. Actually, considering the attenuations of
each component of the feeding circuit, the RF power that passes through the coaxial cable can be
estimated around 140 W. The cable therefore exerts an increasing tensile force on the system which
causes the constant decrease of the overall weight as long as the microwave power passes through it
(similar response to that of the previous paper [6]). Moreover, the curve steps are a good way to check
the resolution of the balance, which is 10 mg (i.e., 0.1 mN).
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 90, 2020 19
Figure 6. Configuration of the former setup with
a RF cable connected to the matched load.
Figure 7. Setup with the contactless transition
connected to two matched loads, with a 5 mm gap.
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Acquisition time (s)
Weighing (mg)
Balance response
Coaxial cable
Contactless transition (5 mm gap)
Adding of 30 mg
Weighing (mN)
Figure 8. Comparison of effects of the RF cable and the transition on the balance. The responses have
been synchronized at t=0s.
The dashed curve shows that the balance does not measure any force when the contactless transition
is connected to the matched loads. In this configuration, the sensitivity of the balance is 30 mg (the
black curve with circles is the measurement of a drop of a 30 mg standard weight on the transition).
It can therefore be concluded that the contactless transition does not produce any force greater than
0.3 mN. It thus ensures the same function as the cable while totally eliminating its parasitic effects.
Radiation losses are almost nonexistent for a gap of a few millimeters (typically, 5 mm) and remain
harmless to the operator, in the immediate vicinity of the transition, up to a gap about 1 cm. Moreover,
after a study performed with a thermal camera, it can be stated that the contactless transition practically
does not heat up, especially in comparison with the heating of the other elements around it (cables,
matched loads).
20 Peyre et al.
The contactless RF transition we have designed and manufactured successfully meets the desired
In the operating frequency bandwidth (2.43–2.47 GHz), all accesses are well matched (less than
13 dB reflection), despite a frequency shift between simulations and measurements. Both transmission
channels are very efficient (more than 0.4 dB transmission), and cross-talk levels are very low (below
40 dB), allowing us to easily implement the device in our shaker configuration [6].
This transition entirely handles high RF power and can fully ensure the function of our former
cable while eliminating any mechanical parasitic effects. Indeed, as expected, our precision balance did
not measure any parasitic forces during power-up.
As a conclusion, this contactless transition clearly marks a major improvement in our measuring
setup and constitutes a master piece that could be implemented in other types of EMDrive experimental
All the authors would like to thank both CNES (French National Centre for Space Studies) for its
financial support for carrying out this research and AID (French Innovation and Defense Agency) for
funding Hugo Peyre’s PhD.
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... For our study, at the LAPLACE Plasma and Energy Conversion Laboratory, we developed a basic setup producing almost instantaneous calibrations and results [4][5][6]. In this paper, we present how we replicated two NASA-like cavities in order to exploit the same electromagnetic configuration, or resonant mode. ...
... The main parts of the LAPLACE's EMDrive experimental setup, depicted in Figure 5, are extensively described in our previous papers [4][5][6]. Actually, the setup configuration is almost identical to that established in reference [6]: the cavities in Shaker configuration, positioned on the precision balance, are fed by the RF power unit through the contactless microwave transition. The two quasi-identical copper cavities are assembled and oriented in opposite directions. ...
... The two quasi-identical copper cavities are assembled and oriented in opposite directions. Combined with an RF switch, this Shaker configuration allows to switch the direction of the hypothetical EMDrive- [5]; (f) power probes collect the incident and reflected powers, (g) and F1 class standard weights are used for the calibration processes of the balance, achieved thanks to (h) the double calibration mechanism. On the left of the enclosure, the monitoring part is made up of (i) the microwave source, (j) the powermeters, (k) a computer for real-time monitoring and control, (l) and the RF switch driver to remotely select which cavity to feed. ...
... To eliminate this parasitic effect, a contactless microwave transition has next been designed. Its characterization is presented in the second publication [5]. It was found to exhibit satisfying electromagnetic performances and to transmit 150 W microwave power without affecting the force measurement. ...
... The main objective of this paper is to present the first EMDrive-like force measurements performed thanks to the assembly of the Shaker configuration with our contactless microwave transition ( Figure 1). This transition has been designed to transmit high microwave power (≈ 150 W) using two separate channels without affecting the force measurement [5]. Although a low gap difference has a minimal influence on the electromagnetic performances of the contactless transition, an effort has been made to maintain an air gap of 3 mm between the two parts of the transition, throughout the whole study. ...
... After the work described in [4] and [5] and for this third step of the EMDrive setup development at the LAPLACE, we are using a simple design of frustum cavity (without any dielectric part) that has been previously simulated and manufactured in two units. These cavities' shape creates an electromagnetic asymmetry (conical angle of 58 • ) seemingly necessary to produce an EMDrive-like force. ...
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This paper presents the work of the LAPLACE Electromagnetism Research Group to build an experimental setup able to measure tiny forces that may appear in microwave cavities, in the context of EMDrive investigations. It is based on a commercial balance in the range of 0.1 mN sensitivity, a contactless feeding for more than 150 W RF power, and self calibrating device process. It requires a double cavity system in mirror configuration and is here experimented with frustum cavities, different from the NASA one [1]. The global setup can make force measurement and calibration in less than two seconds. Investigating two different cavities and various electromagnetic modes for the biggest, no force is reported while the 0.1 mN sensitivity is demonstrated.
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This paper details the work of the LAPLACE Electromagnetism Research Group to develop an original measuring setup dedicated to the detection of an EMDrive like force. Recent peer-reviewed experimental results were obtained using similar setups based on a torsion pendulum combined with an optical sensor. These very accurate measurement setups are appropriate for measuring such an extremely weak force. They also appear costly, which may discourage other research teams from working on this topic. Our main goal is then to provide an alternative configuration, based on a commercial precision balance, in order to build a measuring setup more affordable, handy, and accurate enough to measure an EMDrive like force. Our experimental system is capable of feeding a truncated cone shaped 2.45 GHz resonant cavity with power up to 140 W. To calibrate the EMDrive force and avoid false positive thrusts, an original setup has been proposed and evaluated. It allows us to really consider that the parasitic effects do not alter the hypothetical force measurement by the use of force direction switching during the measurement.
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Truncated cone-shaped cavities with microwaves resonating within them (emdrives) move slightly towards their narrow ends, in contradiction to standard physics. This eect can be predicted by a model called quantised inertia (MiHsC) which assumes that the inertia of the microwaves is caused by Unruh radiation, more of which is allowed at the wide end. Therefore, photons going towards the wide end gain inertia, and to conserve momentum the cavity must move towards its narrow end, as observed. A previous analysis with quantised inertia predicted a controversial photon acceleration, which is shown here to be unnecessary. The previous analysis also mis-predicted the thrust in those emdrives with dielectrics. It is shown here that having a dielectric at one end of the cavity is equivalent to widening the cavity at that end, and when dielectrics are considered then quantised inertia predicts these results as well as the others. As a test, quantised inertia predicts that an emdrive's thrust can be enhanced by using a dielectric at the wide end.
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It has been shown that cone-shaped cavities with microwaves resonating within them move slightly towards their narrow ends (the emdrive). There is no accepted explanation for this. Here it is shown that this effect can be predicted by assuming that the inertial mass of the photons in the cavity is caused by Unruh radiation whose wavelengths must fit exactly within the cavity, using a theory already applied with some success to astrophysical anomalies where the cavity is the Hubble volume. For the emdrive this means that more Unruh waves are “allowed” at the wide end, lea ding to a greater inertial mass for the photons there. The gain of inertia of the photons when they move from the narrow to the wide end, and the conservation of momentum, predicts that the cavity must then move towards the narrow end, as observed. This mode l predicts the available observations quite well, although the observational uncertainties are not well known.
Forces claimed by potential propellantless propulsion systems like the Mach-Effect-Thruster or the EMDrive are in the μN or even sub-μN range. In this paper, an automated thrust balance design capable of measuring forces of 100 nN for devices with a maximum mass of 10 kg is described to test these claims. The torsion balance features an electromagnetic calibration method, adjustable magnetic damping and tilt control as well as electromagnetic shielding. All onboard electronics can be controlled wirelessly via an infrared module for serial communication. Power is supplied to the balance using three separate liquid metal feedthroughs: one for voltages up to 500 V and frequencies up to 200 kHz, one for high voltage up to 30 kV DC or AC, and one for high frequency signals up to 3 GHz. The device can be rotated by 180° to measure three different thrust directions without breaking the vacuum and changing the setup in order to gain confidence and refute e.g. thermal drifts. The whole balance is controlled via a script language implemented in LabVIEW. We tested Mach-Effect-Thrusters provided by Woodward and our self-built model exploring higher frequencies and mixed-signals that are believed to create significantly higher forces. Also a magnetostrictive version was built and tested. For the EMDrive, several different frequencies and setups (with/without dielectric insert, flat/spherical end caps) were tested. Results of the tests performed between August and September 2018 are presented, but no final conclusions can be drawn.
A vacuum test campaign evaluating the impulsive thrust performance of a tapered radio-frequency test article excited in the transverse magnitude 212 mode at 1937 MHz has been completed. The test campaign consisted of a forward thrust phase and reverse thrust phase at less than 8×10−6 torr vacuum with power scans at 40, 60, and 80 W. The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust; however, none were identified. Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggested that the system was consistently performing with a thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2±0.1 mN/kW.
A notched septum waveguide polarizer theory has been developed whose results are presently compared to experimental results for two different waveguide device designs. It is noted that with one notch, isolation as good as 20 dB is obtainable over a 3.2-percent bandwidth, although phase control is not possible and the design is not useful for circular polarization. Good isolation is obtainable with a two-notch design over a wider band, and phase is controllable to the extent that a 20-dB separation of circular polarization can be obtained over a 3.7-percent bandwidth.
Preparations for thrust measurement and error discussion of the impulse resonant microwave cavity
  • M S Mcdonald
  • M W Nurnberger
  • L T Williams
McDonald, M. S., M. W. Nurnberger, and L. T. Williams, "Preparations for thrust measurement and error discussion of the impulse resonant microwave cavity," Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 70, 415-424, 2017.