
Enhancing Cognitive Function in Older Adults

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Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity examines exercise and nonexercise interventions shown to influence cognition and brain plasticity in elderly humans and older animals. With directions for further research suggested throughout, the text provides an excellent framework for continued study of adult aging from psychological and neuroscientific perspectives. The review of literature regarding the effects of exercise on neurocognitive functioning across the life span and presentation of the effects of exercise on performance, learning, and memory add to mounting evidence supporting the role of exercise and physical activity as protective measures against cognitive loss during aging. The text also discusses how the relationship between exercise and physical activity interventions and cognitive improvement could be translated into specific public health recommendations. Featuring the field's latest research compiled into one text. Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity shows that a physically active lifestyle contributes significantly to the cognitive functioning of the aging brain.

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... Obszarami szczególnie wartymi wsparcia u osób starzejących się sąodpowiednio na poziomie procesów psychicznych i bardziej ogólnym poziomie osobowościfunkcje poznawcze oraz samoocena i tożsamość, są to bowiem sfery istotne z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania człowieka, które wykazują w okresie starości "spadek" czy "ubytki" a jednocześnie zawierają jakościowo nowe zjawiska rozwojowe. (Meade, Park, 2005). Pierwszy z nich koncentruje się na możliwościach stwarzanych 4 przez tzw. ...
... uczestnictwo w Uniwersytetach Trzeciego Wieku). Ponadto treningi zachowują swój pozytywny, choć osłabiony wpływ nawet w przypadku osób uskarżających się na deficyty poznawcze i osób, u których tego rodzaju deficyty zostały obiektywnie stwierdzone (Cherry, Simmons-D'Gerolamo, 2005;Meade, Park, 2005). ...
... Z kolei dla zdolności niewerbalnych te dwie grupy osób badanych nie wykazały żadnych różnic w wielkości spadku możliwości w trakcie 5 lat trwania badań podłużnych (Christensen i in., 1997). Tłumaczyć to można nietrafnym wskaźnikowaniem w badaniach kategorii "zaangażowania w aktywność intelektualną" -bycie pracownikiem umysłowym, czy nawet profesorem, nie gwarantuje takiego zaangażowania, podobnie jak bycie pracownikiem fizycznym go nie wyklucza (Meade, Park, 2005). ...
... and is maintained to a certain extent throughout the ageing process as a compensatory mechanism for the preservation of cognitive functioning (Park & Bischof, 2013;Steffener, Reuben, Rakitin, & Stern, 2011;Stern & Munn, 2010). Such compensatory processes have been implicated in functional recovery after acute brain injury (Bach-y-Rita, 2003), maintenance of function in age-related cognitive change (Meade & Park, 2009), as well as the potential to influence the progression of degenerative conditions such as dementia (Colangeli et al., 2016). ...
Background: Technology-based attention training programs have demonstrated promise in improving cognitive functioning in older adults. Aims and objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and acceptability of a modified version of a mobile attention training application. Design: A descriptive, mixed-methods design was used to capture older adults' feedback on the usability and acceptability of the modified attention training application. Methods: A convenience sample of older adults (n = 12) participated in three study visits and a one-week testing period of the modified attention training application in their homes. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all quantitative data, and an iterative content analysis was used to characterise participant responses. Results: On average, participants rated the modified attention training application more positively than negatively in terms of usability, interest, enjoyment and satisfaction. The qualitative analyses revealed positive aspects of using the app including working through challenges, perceived benefit and helpfulness of instructions. Conclusions: The modified attention training application was usable by and acceptable to the majority of older adults in our sample who had varying degrees of experience with mobile technology. Future development should specifically consider personal characteristics as well as individual preferences to maximise the potential of the modified attention training application. Implications for practice: This technology may be helpful for providing memory improvement interventions to older persons with cognitive impairment who do not have access to memory clinics.
... Koncepcja Training Study jest już dobrze zakorzeniona w psychologii (Willis, Schaie, 1986;Baltes, 1987;Meade, Park, 2005). Zakłada ona, że ćwiczenie określonej funkcji poznawczej prowadzi do jej usprawnienia, a niekiedy także do transferu obserwowanej poprawy na inne funkcje czy nawet na globalne poznawcze funkcjonowanie człowieka. ...
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The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the elderly people’s memory and cognitive training as a form of support for it. The article begins with a description of memory functioning in the late adulthood. Then the issues of application and effectiveness of cognitive training for old people were presented with a special focus on the results of research projects. Last part of the article presents the main assumptions concerning the way of preparing and conducting the memory training for elderly people.
... cognitive training provides an effective means of improving cognitive function in the target ability, but any improvement from training is relatively short lived, and not all subjects are able to benefit from training [21]. therefore, other factors by which cognition may be enhanced in older adults receive more attention. ...
Health deteriorates with age due to hormonal changes and reduced physical, mental and social activity. In turn, this deterioration can lead to a wide range of problems including a fear of undertaking any forms of physical movements. Reports from exercise-based studies indicate there might be considerable improvement with appropriately programmed exercise workloads. However, the lasting effect of such programmes seem to be doubtful as a lot of the elderly drop out along the way, sensing it to be too “organized” and too stressful. Therefore, we claim that some traditional games, as a form of physical activity, can serve its role in engaging elderly adults. They do not require high level of specialization and technical perfection and may also be useful as a form of physiotherapy, particularly with elderly individuals who suffer age- and health-related problems. Play as a form of physical, playful activity is essential for healthy development of any individual as it seems to facilitate the linkages of language, emotion, movement, socialization and cognition. As a movement activity, it is a rather free-spirit activity that makes a positive difference in brain development and human functioning. Although rooted in biological aspects of life, play needs to be associated with cultural aspects of human development. Especially with the elderly population, this social and also cognitive stimulation is sometimes more important than physical. So in our paper we ask: what potentially positive effects can a traditional play/game have on the elderly people? Since there has been no research on the health-related effectiveness of such games, in this article we will highlight this problem from a number of different angles as a proposal for various community-based exercise programmes. This will allow us to design and adapt those games, specially to the health needs and social interests of this particular section of the population. It is also meant to serve as a proposal for potential future research. Key words: aging, traditional games, health benefits, play
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L'Art est une forme de mystère. Il habite l'humain depuis la nuit des temps sous toutes les latitudes et dans toutes les cultures. Cet ouvrage collectif réunissant chercheurs et cliniciens est le fruit d'un Forum de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française consacré à ce thème pour deux raisons. Tout d'abord, la nécessité de faire le point sur la littérature neuroscientifique actuelle s'impose au regard de la richesse de celle-ci, notamment (mais pas seulement) dans le courant de la neuroesthétique. La littérature cognitive tente ainsi depuis peu d'élucider les bases neuronales et suggère que la créativité artistique est la résultante neurobiologique d'une explosion combinatoire. D'autre part, et parallèlement, le recours à l'art et aux supports artistiques comme thérapie peut être revisité à la lumière de ces travaux. Il s'agit de pratiques le plus souvent empiriques ou nées d'observations expérimentales. Si elles sont exercées par des thérapeutes expérimentés, elles se distinguent d'activités occupationnelles ou récréationnelles artistiques, dont on reconnaît d'ailleurs aujourd'hui la charge motivationnelle et le potentiel de stimulation cognitive. Le "plaisir" que suscitent ces activités peut être scientifiquement évalué, mais des effets "directs" sont également envisagés, comme le montrent par exemple de plus en plus de travaux de neurosciences de la musique. Ces résultats ouvrent aussi les perspectives d'un care où identité et créativité feraient davantage partie prenante du soin neuropsychologique, en faisant appel aux capacités préservées des patients.
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psicologia dello sport Il Giornale Italiano di psicologia dello sport Organo ufficiale dell'ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PSICOLOGIA DELLO SPORT NUMERO 18 -Settembre/Dicembre -2013 summary sommario Opinioni Esperienze Esperienze Rassegne Ricerche 3 9 17 23 29 37 Lo psicologo dello sport: considerazioni sulla professionalità Famiglia, società sportiva e atleta adolescente: analisi della triade attraverso la metodologia della con-sensus conference Le basi del pensiero strategico: l'importanza della raccolta dati Dual-task e cammino: interferenze del doppio compito nella popolazione anziana. Una rassegna della letteratura Ruolo della percezione di salute fisica nel rapporto tra attività motoria e performance fisica in anziani istituzionalizzati: uno studio esplorativo Promuovere il benessere psicosociale e la pratica dell'attività motoria e sportiva a scuola e nell'extrascuola durante la media fanciullezza: il Progetto Scuola in Movimento Ricerche
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