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Strategies aiming to promote weight loss usually include anything that results in an increase in energy expenditure (exercise) or a decrease in energy intake (diet). However, the probability of losing weight is low and the probability of sustained weight loss is even lower. Herein, we bring some questions and suggestions about the topic, with a focus on exercise interventions. Based on the current evidence, we should look at how metabolism changes in response to interventions instead of counting calories, so we can choose more efficient models that can account for the complexity of human organisms. In this regard, high-intensity training might be particularly interesting as a strategy to promote fat loss since it seems to promote many physiological changes that might favor long-term weight loss. However, it is important to recognize the controversy of the results regarding interval training (IT), which might be explained by the large variations in its application. For this reason, we have to be more judicious about how exercise is planned and performed and some factors, like supervision, might be important for the results. The intensity of exercise seems to modulate not only how many calories are expended after exercise, but also where they came from. Instead of only estimating the number of calories ingested and expended, it seems that we have to act positively in order to create an adequate environment for promoting healthy and sustainable weight loss.
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Biology 2020, 9, 70; doi:10.3390/biology9040070
Is it Time to Rethink Our Weight Loss Paradigms?
Paulo Gentil
*, Ricardo Borges Viana
, João Pedro Naves
, Fabrício Boscolo Del Vecchio
Victor Coswig
, Jeremy Loenneke
and Claudio André Barbosa de Lira
College of Physical Education and Dance, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia 74690-900, Brazil; (R.B.V.); (J.P.N.); (C.A.B.L.)
School of Physical Education, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas 96055-630, Brazil;
College of Physical Education, Federal University of Pará, Castanhal 68746-360, Brazil;
Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Recreation Management, Kevser Ermin Applied Physiology
Laboratory, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS 38677-1848, USA;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +55 62 3521-1021
Received: 22 March 2020; Accepted: 31 March 2020; Published: 2 April 2020
Abstract: Strategies aiming to promote weight loss usually include anything that results in an
increase in energy expenditure (exercise) or a decrease in energy intake (diet). However, the
probability of losing weight is low and the probability of sustained weight loss is even lower.
Herein, we bring some questions and suggestions about the topic, with a focus on exercise
interventions. Based on the current evidence, we should look at how metabolism changes in
response to interventions instead of counting calories, so we can choose more efficient models that
can account for the complexity of human organisms. In this regard, high-intensity training might be
particularly interesting as a strategy to promote fat loss since it seems to promote many
physiological changes that might favor long-term weight loss. However, it is important to recognize
the controversy of the results regarding interval training (IT), which might be explained by the large
variations in its application. For this reason, we have to be more judicious about how exercise is
planned and performed and some factors, like supervision, might be important for the results. The
intensity of exercise seems to modulate not only how many calories are expended after exercise, but
also where they came from. Instead of only estimating the number of calories ingested and
expended, it seems that we have to act positively in order to create an adequate environment for
promoting healthy and sustainable weight loss.
Keywords: interval training; resistance training; body composition; aerobic training
1. Problem Statement
Although being overweight and/or obese are associated with numerous health risks, the
prevalence of both are continuing to increase worldwide [1]. Obesity occurs when one’s energy
expenditure is less than their energy intake, which creates an imbalance in energy. Other nutritional
aspects, like the type of carbohydrates and fats as well as micronutrients, might also be considered
[2]. If sustained, body fat will begin to accumulate. The treatment would include anything that results
in an increase in energy expenditure (exercise) or a decrease in energy intake (diet). However, despite
the short-term success of both exercise and diet, neither strategy seems to be effective for sustaining
long-term changes in most individuals. The estimated weight loss for diet and/or exercise is
approximately 2 kg by the end of two years in overweight and obese people [3,4]. Consequently, the
probability of an obese individual attaining a normal weight is low and the probability of sustained
weight loss is even lower. For example, Fildes et al. [5] estimated that the probability of a man with
a body mass index between 40 and 44.9 kg × m
attaining a normal weight is only 1 in 1290, or 0.08%.
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Although this study did not control for exercise and diet, it provides important information about
the difficulty in promoting sustainable weight loss. The objective of the present study is to present
some reflections and invite the reader to critically analyze the strategies used for promoting weight
loss. Herein, we highlight the importance of promoting the choice of exercise and supervision for
those seeking or working with those seeking to sustain long-term changes in weight status/body fat.
2. Current Support for Exercise
In a recent article published by our group [6], 49 women were randomly assigned to perform
two types of interval training (IT), high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training
(SIT), and found positive changes in their adiposity measures (assessed by the sum of skinfolds)
without changing their nutritional habits (assessed by 24-h dietary recalls). Here, we further explore
if the results obtained were related to the nutritional changes. We tested if the participants that had
higher decreases in caloric intake would show higher decreases in adiposity. To this purpose, we
calculated the correlations between the changes in the nutritional and anthropometric variables using
a bi-variated Pearson correlation model (Table 1). We also calculated regression models for the
dependent variables (changes in anthropometric variables) using selected independent variables
(changes in caloric ingestion). According to our results, there was no correlation between the changes
in anthropometric measures and changes in caloric intake. Therefore, the changes in anthropometric
measures could not be explained by nutritional changes.
Table 1. Correlations between changes in nutritional factors and changes in anthropometric
Δ Energy Intake
Δ Carbohydrate Intake
Δ Protein Intake
Δ Lipid Intake
Δ body weight
Δ Body mass index
Δ waist circumference
Δ sum of ST
Δ triceps ST
Δ subescapular ST
Δ suprailiac ST
Δ abdominal ST
Δ thigh ST
ST = skinfold thickness; r = Pearson correlation coefficient, p = level of significance.
By performing individual analyses, we noted that some participants increased their caloric
intake and still achieved improvements in their anthropometric measures. In addition, there were
some extreme cases like a participant that increased her caloric intake by more than 100% and
decreased the sum of skinfold thickness by 20%. Another interesting example is a participant that
increased her caloric intake by 35% and decreased the sum of skinfolds by 35%. On the other hand,
another participant decreased her caloric intake by 24% and showed a slight increase of 1% in the
sum of skinfolds.
We are aware that these analyses have some limitations such as the method used to assess caloric
intake; however, the method is widely used and has been shown to be reproductible and previously
validated [7–10]. We also do not have direct measures of the physical activity performed outside the
training sessions; however, the participants were constantly asked about their physical activity habits
throughout the experimental period to check if there were any relevant changes.
It is important to note that we were not the first group to describe decreases in the markers of
adiposity or body composition in response to IT in the absence of caloric restriction [11–14]. Whilst
some might find it intuitive that performing exercise would lead to fat loss due to the higher energy
expenditure, previous studies showed that when energy intake was controlled, the addition of
moderate-intensity exercise did not promote fat loss when compared with a control group, with [15–
17] or without dietary interventions [16,18–20]. Even when there are significant changes, the
Biology 2020, 9, 70 3 of 7
magnitude of these changes is of limited biological significance [21,22]. The reason might be in the
metabolic adaptations that occur in response to the interventions.
Some authors suggested that the metabolic changes that accompany a prolonged negative
energy balance might be an important determinant of the ability to lose body fat [23]. In line with
this, Reinhart et al. [24] reported that the success of dietary weight loss efforts is influenced by the
energy expenditure response to caloric restriction. The authors classified some people as having a
“thrifty” phenotype; that is, having large reductions in 24-h energy expenditure during fasting and
smaller increases with overfeeding, while individuals with the opposite behavior were classified as
“spendthrift”. According to the authors, greater decreases in energy expenditure during caloric
restriction predict less weight loss, indicating the presence of thrifty and spendthrift phenotypes in
obese humans. In agreement with this, Byrne et al. [25] suggested that, although lower-than-expected
weight loss is often attributed to incomplete adherence to prescribed interventions, there are other
factors that might influence the results, such as metabolic downregulation. In their study, they
reported that a progressive metabolic adaptation in response to diet and exercise resulted in weight
loss that was lower than predicted. Additionally, Fothergill et al. [26] also reported on metabolic
adaptation when accompanying people that were submitted to an extreme weight loss program, and
suggested that to obtain success in long-term weight loss, it is necessary to combat this metabolic
adaptation so to avoid the counter-effects that mitigate the efforts to reduce body weight.
Regarding physical activity specifically, Pontzer [27] suggests that the current model (called
additive or factorial) treats total energy expenditure simply as a product of body size and physical
activity without considering the potential changes in energy allocation in response to the variations
in activity levels. Therefore, the author proposes a model where energy expenditure adapts
dynamically to the variations in physical activity to maintain total energy expenditure within some
narrow physiological range.
In line with this, Westerterp et al. [28] investigated men and women that participated in a 40-
week preparation for a half-marathon. The total energy expenditure and sleeping metabolic rate were
measured at the 8th, 20th, and 40th weeks. According to the results, at the 20th and 40th weeks, total
energy expenditure leveled off in both men and women, despite increasing exercise workloads and
an increase in fat-free mass. The reductions in the sleeping metabolic rates suggest that metabolic
adaptations occurred in response to the increased physical activity. Interestingly, previous studies
found no increase in fat loss when aerobic moderate-intensity exercise was added to a diet, and
reported that the groups that performed exercise showed a reduction in their resting metabolic rates
So, instead of making people spend more calories through exercise, maybe we have to think on
how to promote metabolic changes in order to overcome these physiological adaptations above-
mentioned. In this case, not all exercises are equal.
In this regard, high-intensity training might be particularly interesting as a strategy to promote
fat loss [31]. Irrespective to the number of calories spent during training, higher intensity exercise
seems to promote many physiological changes that might favor long-term weight loss. For example,
previous studies have shown that IT is able to promote the upregulation of important enzymes
associated with glycolysis and beta-oxidation pathways [32–35], which occur to a greater extent than
with moderate-intensity continuous exercise [34,35]. Interestingly, previous studies showed that
some of these enzymes are under expressed in obese and ex-obese individuals [36,37], which might
be related to energy expenditure and fat oxidation during resting [38,39]. Moreover, in the hours
proceeding high-intensity exercise, there are noticeable increases in fat oxidation, which occurs either
with IT [40–43] or resistance training [44–48]. Therefore, the intensity of exercise seems to modulate
not only how many calories are expended after exercise, but also where they came from.
On the other hand, low to moderate continuous training has been shown to induce increases in
fat synthesis after its cessation [49–54]. Whilst this does not mean that low- to moderate-intensity
exercise will make people gain fat, this suggests that the metabolic adaptation to this form of exercise
might, at least partially, compensate for the fat oxidized during exercise. This, summed with the
reduction in nonphysical activity energy expenditure, might interfere with long-term fat loss.
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Notwithstanding, long-term effects are obviously dependent on long-term adherence. In fact,
this has been one of the main arguments to encourage low to moderate continuous training
prescription and is based mainly on affective responses [55]. However, recent evidence showed that
IT showed beneficial affective responses in both normal weight and overweight/obese people [56],
which would be even better if the wide possibilities of IT were considered in training prescriptions
to fit different people’s preferences [57]. Taken together, positive psychological and metabolic
responses may explain long-term positive effects on unsupervised IT programs [58].
3. Considerations Moving Forward
So, the question is: could IT be the magic bullet for fat loss? To answer this, we conducted a
systematic review and meta-analysis [31]. The results showed that IT promotes a greater reduction
in absolute fat mass than moderate-intensity training, and SIT might be particularly interesting in
that regard. However, it is important to recognize the controversy of the results regarding IT, which
might be explained by the large variations in its application [59]. For this reason, we have to be more
judicious about how exercise is planned and performed in order to guarantee that it will promote the
necessary metabolic changes. Interestingly, in our article, supervision was a key factor, which might
reinforce the argument that IT protocols need to be well-controlled. Moreover, it is important to
observe that supervision is not usually provided in most studies involving other forms of exercise,
which might also help to explain negative results. Based on the current evidence, it is our opinion
that we must rethink the approaches used to promote fat loss. It is necessary to revise the
mathematical model that pretends to fight overweight and obesity by simply increasing physical
activity and/or decreasing caloric ingestion, since it can lead to frustrating results and induce
unsustainable and ineffective behaviors. Based on the current evidence, we should look at how the
metabolism changes in response to interventions instead of counting calories, so we can choose more
efficient models that can account for the complexity of human organisms.
4. Conclusions
It is not our aim to present a final solution for fat loss, nor do we pretend to deny the importance
of analyzing caloric expenditure. However, it seems that the human metabolism changes in response
to what is done. Therefore, if we would like to calculate calories, it would be necessary to constantly
evaluate our metabolic state in order to calculate our dietary needs, which is unfeasible. Therefore,
instead of only estimating the number of calories ingested and expended, it seems that we have to
act positively in order to create an adequate environment for promoting healthy and sustainable
weight loss.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.G. and F.B.D.V.; writing—review and editing, P.G.; R.B.V; J.P.N;
F.B.D.V; V.C; J.L.; C.A.B.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: P.G receives a research grant from CNPq
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Because the main energy substrate during exercise is glycogen, the mechanism by which HIIT can reduce fat is generally suspected to be related to the 'post-exercise' changes in adipose catabolism 23,24 . ...
... Previous comparative studies of OP and OR have often focussed on aerobic exercise rather than HIIT 20-22, 35, 36 . Levin 18 found that OP rats lose more body weight and fat during aerobic exercise than OR rats, and Jen et al. 23 and Zachwieja et al. 24 showed that aerobic exercise has similar effects on the weight loss of OP and OR rats, but a stronger effect on reducing VAT mass in OP subjects. However, differently from aerobic exercise, HIIT does not consume fat during exercise, and whether it has different effects on different metabolic phenotypes requires new evidence. ...
... Because minimal fat is burned during exercise, it is generally believed that HIIT can reduce fat based on post-exercise TG consumption 23,24,51 . A commonly mentioned view is that HIIT could increase excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), but there are still controversies among existing results 52 . ...
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Background/objectives: Visceral obesity is one of the key features of metabolic syndrome. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) could effectively reduce visceral fat but its effects show strong heterogeneity in populations with different obesity degree. The mechanism may be related to the differential adaptation to training between obesity phenotypes, namely obesity prone (OP) and obesity resistant (OR). The aim of the present study was to compare adaptive changes of visceral adipose lipolysis adaptation to HIIT between OP and OR animals and further explore the upstream pathway. Methods: OP and OR Sprague Dawley rats were established after feeding a high-fat diet for 6 weeks; they were then divided into HIIT (H-OP and H-OR) and control (C-OP and C-OR) groups. After 12 weeks of HIIT or a sedentary lifestyle, animals were fasted for 12 h and then sacrificed for histology as well as gene and protein analysis. Visceral adipocytes were isolated without fasting for catecholamine stimulation and β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) blockade in vitro to evaluate the role of upstream pathways. Results: After training, there were no differences in weight loss or food intake between OP and OR rats (P > 0.05). However, the visceral fat mass, adipocyte volume and liver lipid of OP rats decreased more than that of OR rats (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the cell lipolytic capacity and the increase in the expression of β3-AR was higher in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). Although training did not increase sympathetic nervous system activity (P > 0.05), the cell sensitivity to catecholamine increased significantly in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). After blocking β3-AR, the increased sensitivity disappeared. Conclusion: With HIIT, OP rats lost more visceral fat than OR rats, which was related to stronger adaptive changes in lipolysis. Increased β3-AR expression, rather than altered sympathetic nerve activity, mediated this adaption.
... A recent meta-analysis reported that there was an increase in fat mass resulting from the enlarged adipocytes after MICT cessation [5]. Based on the compensatory effect, fat consumed during the training period may be re-synthesised when people with obesity stop training [6,7]. Moreover, MICT significantly enhanced the activity of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) after 2 weeks of detraining [8,9]. ...
... Individuals who are obese/overweight might discontinue training due to time constraints or negative affective valence, potentially reversing the benefits of exercise [10,40]. As the inactive duration is prolonged, it becomes increasingly challenging for rats fed a high-fat diet to overcome the metabolic adaptations achieved during the exercise period [7]. There have been a few studies examining the effect of HIIT compared with MICT after detraining, but there have been two studies focusing on the fat rebound [10,39]. ...
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Background Compared with moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT), high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has at least a comparable effect on inhibiting an increase in fat. However, few studies have been conducted to examine the effects of detraining on body fat in rats fed a high-fat diet. The present study aimed to compare the effects of 10 weeks of HIIT or MICT as well as 6 weeks of detraining on body fat in rats fed a high-fat diet. Methods After being fed a high-fat diet for 8 weeks, 54 female rats were randomly assigned to six groups: (1) CON-10, sedentary control for 10 weeks; (2) MICT-10, 10 weeks of MICT; (3) HIIT-10, 10 weeks of HIIT; (4) CON-16, sedentary control for 16 weeks; (5) MICT-16, 10 weeks of MICT followed by 6 weeks of training cessation; and (6) HIIT-16, 10 weeks of HIIT followed by 6 weeks of training cessation. The training was performed 5 days/week. The subcutaneous adipose tissue (inguinal; SCAT), visceral adipose tissue (periuterine; VAT) and serum lipid profile were analysed after 10 or 16 weeks. Adipose tissue triglyceride lipase (ATGL) protein expression in VAT was assessed by western blotting. Results HIIT-10 and MICT-10 prevented the increase in SCAT, VAT and serum lipid levels seen in the CON group. During the 6-week detraining period, HIIT continued to prevent the increase in adipose tissue mass observed in the CON group, whereas MICT at least maintained this inhibition. The inhibition of fat mass increase was mainly the result of preventing adipocyte hypertrophy. The HIIT-10 and HIIT-16 groups showed the highest ATGL protein expression. Conclusions HIIT has a comparable effect to MICT on inhibiting fat accumulation in female rats; however, the inhibition of SCAT and VAT increase by HIIT is superior to MICT after short-term training cessation. Graphical Abstract
... Because the main energy substrate during exercise is glycogen, the mechanism by which HIIT can reduce fat is generally suspected to be related to the 'post-exercise' changes in adipose catabolism [23,24]. Catecholamine release by the SNS and adrenal glands can activate lipolysis in adipocytes through β3-adrenergic receptors (β3-AR), which are the major regulation pathway of adipose catabolism [25]. ...
... Aerobic exercise mediates moderate secretion, which enhances lipolysis through β-AR of adipocytes to meet fat consumption during exercise, while high-intensity exercise induces excessive secretion of catecholamine and inhibits lipolysis through a negative feedback mechanism involving α-AR [49,50]. Because minimal fat is burned during exercise, it is generally believed that HIIT can reduce fat based on post-exercise TG consumption [23,24,51]. A commonly mentioned view is that HIIT could increase excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), but there are still controversies among existing results [52]. ...
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Background/objectives Visceral obesity is one of the key features of metabolic syndrome. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) could effectively reduce visceral fat, but its effects show strong heterogeneity in populations with different degrees of obesity. The mechanism may be related to the differential adaptation to training between obesity phenotypes, namely obesity prone (OP) and obesity resistant (OR). The aim of the present study was to compare adaptive changes of visceral adipose lipolysis adaptation to HIIT between OP and OR animals and further explore the upstream pathway. Methods OP and OR Sprague Dawley rats were established after feeding a high-fat diet for 6 weeks; they were then divided into HIIT (H-OP and H-OR) and control (C-OP and C-OR) groups. After 12 weeks of HIIT or a sedentary lifestyle, animals were fasted for 12 h and then sacrificed for histology as well as gene and protein analysis. Visceral adipocytes were isolated without fasting for catecholamine stimulation and β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) blockade in vitro to evaluate the role of upstream pathways. Results After training, there were no differences in weight loss or food intake between OP and OR rats (P > 0.05). However, the visceral fat mass, adipocyte volume, serum triglycerides and liver lipids of OP rats decreased by more than those of OR rats (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the cell lipolytic capacity and the increase in the expression of β3-AR were higher in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). Although training did not increase sympathetic nervous system activity (P > 0.05), the cell sensitivity to catecholamine increased significantly in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). Following blocking β3-AR, the increased sensitivity disappeared. Conclusion With HIIT, OP rats lost more visceral fat than OR rats, which was related to stronger adaptive changes in lipolysis. Increased β3-AR expression mediated this adaptation.
... Current recommendations for physical activity include 150 min per week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity training or 75 min vigorous intensity training, in order to maintain or improve cardiometabolic health [14,15] and manage diabetes [16]. However, lack of time, poor adherence to recommendations, and poor weight loss maintenance are barriers to the effectiveness of exercise training as a first-line treatment strategy [17][18][19]. To this end, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) characterized by brief intermittent bouts of high-intensity exercise with recovery periods is suggested as a viable time-efficient alternative approach to traditional continuous training. ...
Aims We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on postprandial glucose (PPG) and insulin (PPI) versus non-exercise control and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) in participants with both normal and impaired glucose. Methods The PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science electronic databases were searched up to October 2021 for randomized trials evaluating HIIT versus control and/or versus MICT on glucose and insulin AUC using oral glucose tolerance testing. Subgroup analyses based on intervention duration (short-duration < 8 weeks, moderate-duration ≥ 8 weeks), baseline glucose levels (normal glucose and impaired glucose) and type of HIIT (L-HIIT and SIT) were also conducted across included studies. Results A total of 25 studies involving 870 participants were included in the current meta-analysis. HIIT effectively reduced glucose [−0.37 (95% CI −0.60 to −0.13), p = 0.002] and insulin [−0.36 (95% CI −0.68 to −0.04), p = 0.02] AUC when compared with a CON group. Reductions in glucose AUC were significant for those with impaired glucose at baseline (p = 0.03), but not for those with normal glucose levels (p = 0.11) and following moderate-duration (p = 0.01), but not short-duration interventions (p = 0.18). However, there were no differences in glucose (p = 0.76) or insulin (p = 0.43) AUC between HIIT and MICT intervention arms. Conclusions Our results demonstrated that both HIIT and MICT are effective for reducing postprandial glycemia and insulinemia, particularly by moderate-duration interventions, and in those with impaired glucose.
... In this context, evidence suggests that in addition to the energy expenditure of physical exercise, it is important to maintain a negative energy balance, i.e., a caloric intake that does not exceed total energy expenditure, in order to modulate body composition [45][46][47]. This is still a controversial issue [48]. ...
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The aim of this research was to compare the effects of a technique-specific high-intensity interval training (HIIT) protocol vs. traditional taekwondo training on physical fitness and body composition in taekwondo athletes, as well as to analyse the inter-individual response. Utilising a parallel controlled design, sixteen male and female athletes (five females and 11 males) were randomly divided into an experimental group (EG) that participated in the technique-specific HIIT and a control group (CG) that participated in traditional taekwondo training. Both groups trained three days/week for four weeks. Squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), 5-metre sprint (5M), 20-metre shuttle run (20MSR), taekwondo specific agility test (TSAT), multiple frequency speed of kick test (FSKTMULT), total kicks, and kick decrement index (KDI), as well as body composition were evaluated. Results indicate that there are no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the factors group and time factor and group by time interaction (p > 0.05). Although percentage and effect size increases were documented for post-intervention fitness components in TSAT, total kicks, KDI, and 20MSR, responders and non-responders were also documented. In conclusion, a HIIT protocol based on taekwondo-specific technical movements does not report significant differences in fitness and body composition compared to traditional taekwondo training, nor inter-individual differences between athletes.
... Due to the intermittent characteristic, IT allows to accumulate a higher volume of vigorous exercise [45] and higher time close to or at maximal oxygen consumption levels when compared to continuous exercise [40]. Evidence from healthy and clinical populations have consistently shown that IT promotes metabolic and cardiorespiratory adaptations of similar or even greater magnitude than higher volumes of moderate-intensity continuous exercise [36][37][38][39]. Furthermore, IT is considered effective to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors associated with increased mortality and morbidity, such as high blood pressure [46], excessive body fat [47], impaired glucose metabolism [48], chronic low-grade inflammation [49] among others. ...
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Aerobic exercise is traditionally recommended to improve general health and prevent many non-communicable diseases. However, the measures adopted to control the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak culminated with closing of exercise facilities and fitness centers and, as a primary consequence, impaired aerobic exercise practice. This contributed to an increase in risk factors associated with physical inactivity such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, low-grade inflammation, weight gain, and mental health problems. The scenario is worrisome, and it is important to propose alternatives for exercise practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interval training (IT) emerges as an exercise mode that might be feasible, low-cost, and potentially safe to be performed in many different places. IT consists of interspersing relative brief bouts of high-intensity exercise with recovery periods and promotes similar or greater health benefits when compared to moderate-intensity continuous exercise. Among the different types of IT, sprint interval training and "Tabata protocols" might be particularly useful during social isolation. These protocols can be controlled and performed without the need of complex equipment and can be adapted to different places, including domestic environments. In this article, we present variations of IT as possible alternatives to cope physical inactivity during COVID-19 pandemics with a focus on its practical applications. The protocols suggested can be performed without the need of specialized equipment or facilities, in a time-efficient manner, and aiming to prevent detraining or even improve physical fitness and general health.
Chapman-Lopez, TJ, Moris, JM, Petty, G, Timon, C, and Koh, Y. Effects of static contemporary western yoga vs. a dynamic stretching exercise program on body composition, balance, and flexibility. J Strength Cond Res 37(5): 1064-1069, 2023-Essentrics is a dynamic full-body stretching workout, which has recently earned its popularity in the field of yoga because of its potential for improvement in balance, flexibility, and weight loss while adding enjoyment to the workout without any discomfort and pain. However, the effects of Essentrics on overall health have not been well studied, particularly in a younger, physically healthy population. Thirty-five subjects (27 females and 8 males, age = 20.4 ± 0.2 years, and body mass index = 22.58 ± 0.55 kg·m-2) were assigned to 2 groups-contemporary western yoga (CWY, n = 20) and Essentrics (ESS, n = 15). Each group met 3 times per week for a total of 45-50 minutes per day for 6 weeks. Anthropometric measurements, body composition (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), flexibility (sit-and-reach), and balance (lower extremity Y-balance) were assessed before and after the 6-week program. The balance test included 3 reaches (anterior, posteromedial [PM], and posterolateral [PL] and composite reach distance). Each reach was averaged for the right and left sides and then normalized to leg length. Data were analyzed using an analysis of variance with repeated measures (p ≤ 0.05), and a post hoc test was performed for any significant interactions. There were no significant group differences between CWY and ESS in balance and flexibility. Following the 6-week yoga programs, balance was improved as follows: PM (87.13 ± 11.64 cm to 92.25 ± 9.91 cm, p = 0.001), PL (82.88 ± 11.28 to 88.62 ± 9.62 cm, p = 0.002), composite reach distance (CRD) (225.96 ± 27.17 to 238.26 ± 22.98 cm, p = 0.001), normalized PM (98.31 ± 11.68 to 104.27 ± 11.14%, p = 0.001), normalized PL (93.60 ± 11.98 to 100.15 ± 10.70%, p = 0.001), and normalized CRD (255.12 ± 27.89 to 269.21 ± 25.07%, p = 0.001). Flexibility was also improved from 51.42 ± 8.24 to 53.38 ± 7.04 cm (p = 0.010) following the 6-week workout programs. Total body fat percentage was significantly reduced only in the CWY group (24.44 ± 6.73 to 23.51 ± 6.32%, p = 0.002). Regardless of the type of stretching workout, both dynamic and static workouts improved flexibility and balance. Thus, individuals seeking to improve balance and flexibility can benefit from either dynamic or static yoga program.
This study aimed to determine the expression of omentin and vaspin, inflammatory markers, body composition, and lipid profile in diet-induced obese rats and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Forty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: untrained normal diet, trained normal diet (T-ND), untrained high-fat diet (Unt-HFD), and trained high-fat diet (T-HFD). For the animals of the Unt-HFD and T-HFD groups, a high-fat diet was offered for 4 weeks. After that, all the animals in the T-ND and T-HFD groups were submitted to HITT, three times per week, for 10 weeks (2 weeks of adaptation and 8 weeks of HIIT). Muscle (gastrocnemius), liver, epididymal adipose tissue, retroperitoneal adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and serum were collected to analyze TNF-α, IL-6, PCR, IL-8, IL-10, IL-4, vaspin, and omentin. A body composition analysis was performed before adaptation to HIIT protocol and after the last exercise session using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Omentin and vaspin in the VAT were quantified using Western blotting. The results showed that, when fed a high-fat diet, the animals obtained significant gains in body fat and elevated serum concentrations of vaspin and blood triglycerides. The HIIT was able to minimize body fat gain but did not reduce visceral fat despite the increase in maximum exercise capacity. Moreover, there was a reduction in the serum levels of adiponectin, IL-6, and IL-10. Finally, we concluded that, although the training protocol was able to slow down the weight gain of the animals, there was no reduction in visceral fat or an improvement in the inflammatory profile, including no changes in omentin and vaspin.
Liver fat is a marker of the metabolic derangements associated with obesity for which exercise training is a potential therapy. We therefore performed a systematic meta-analysis to investigate the effect of high intensity interval training (HIIT) on liver fat content in overweight or obese adults with metabolic disorders. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and the Cochrane were searched up to October 2020 for HIIT vs. Control (CON) or HIIT vs. moderate intensity interval training (MICT) studies on liver fat content in overweight and obese individuals with metabolic disorders. Standardized mean differences (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated. Ten studies involving 333 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Based on studies that directly compared HIIT and CON (6 studies), HIIT was beneficial for promoting a reduction in liver fat [-0.51 (95 % CI: -0.85 to -0.17), p=0.003]. However, there were no significant evidence for an effect of HIIT on liver fat [-0.07 (95 % CI: -0.33 to 0.19), p=0.59], when compared with MICT (7 studies). These results suggest that a HIIT could induce improvements in liver fat of overweight and obese adults with metabolic disorders despite no weight loss.
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Although studies have proven that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) shows a comparable effect to moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on reducing body fat, especially visceral fat, the mechanism is still unclear. Since MICT consumes more fat during exercise, the mechanism of HIIT weight loss may be related to post-exercise effects, long-term adaptive changes, and hormone sensitive lipase (HSL). The objective of this study was to compare the post-effects of acute exercise, long-term adaptive changes on HSL activity, and catecholamine-induced lipolysis between HIIT and MICT. Following a 14-week high-fat diet (HFD), obese female C57Bl/6 mice were divided into acute exercise groups (one time training, sacrificed at rest and 0, 1, and 12 h after exercise, n = 49), -L groups (12-week long-term training, 12-h fasting, n = 21), and -C groups (12-week training, primary adipocytes were isolated and stimulated by catecholamine in vitro, n = 18). MICT or HIIT treadmill protocols (running distance matched) were carried out during training. Comparison of acute exercise effects by two-way ANOVA showed no time × group interaction effect, however, a significant increase in HSL-Ser563 (at 0 and 1 h) and Ser660 phosphorylation (at 0, 1, and 12 h) in inguinal (subcutaneous) fat was only observed in HIIT mice (p < 0.05 vs. rest), but not in MICT mice. The periuterine (visceral) fat HSL expression and phosphorylation of HIIT mice was similar to or lower than MICT mice. After long-term training, 12-h fasting significantly increased periuterine fat Ser563 phosphorylation in HIIT mice (p < 0.05), but there was no change in MICT mice. Under stimulation of catecholamine in vitro, isolated primary adipocytes from periuterine fat of long-term HIIT mice showed a higher Ser563 increase than that found in MICT mice (p < 0.05). The quantity of triglyceride (TG) lipid bonds (representing lipolysis level) was significantly lower after HIIT than MICT (p < 0.05). The results indicate that (1) acute HIIT can induce an increase of HSL phosphorylation in subcutaneous fat lasting at least 12 h, implying longer post-exercise lipolysis than MICT and (2) long-time HIIT has a better effect on improving catecholamine resistance of visceral adipocytes caused by a HFD, which allows fat to be mobilized more easily when stimulated.
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Objectives To compare the effects of interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training (MOD) on body adiposity in humans, and to perform subgroup analyses that consider the type and duration of interval training in different groups. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources English-language, Spanish-language and Portuguese-language searches of the electronic databases PubMed and Scopus were conducted from inception to 11 December 2017. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Studies that met the following criteria were included: (1) original articles, (2) human trials, (3) minimum exercise training duration of 4 weeks, and (4) directly or indirectly compared interval training with MOD as the primary or secondary aim. Results Of the 786 studies found, 41 and 36 were included in the qualitative analysis and meta-analysis, respectively. Within-group analyses showed significant reductions in total body fat percentage (%) (interval training: −1.50 [95% CI −2.14 to −0.86, p<0.00001] and MOD: −1.44 [95% CI −2.00 to −0.89, p<0.00001]) and in total absolute fat mass (kg) (interval training: −1.58 [95% CI −2.74 to −0.43, p=0.007] and MOD: −1.13 [95% CI −2.18 to −0.08, p=0.04]), with no significant differences between interval training and MOD for total body fat percentage reduction (−0.23 [95% CI −1.43 to 0.97], p=0.705). However, there was a significant difference between the groups in total absolute fat mass (kg) reduction (−2.28 [95% CI −4.00 to −0.56], p=0.0094). Subgroup analyses comparing sprint interval training (SIT) with MOD protocols favour SIT for loss of total absolute fat mass (kg) (−3.22 [95% CI −5.71 to −0.73], p=0.01). Supervised training, walking/running/jogging, age (<30 years), study quality and intervention duration (<12 weeks) favourably influence the decreases in total absolute fat mass (kg) observed from interval training programmes; however, no significant effect was found on total body fat percentage (%). No effect of sex or body mass index was observed on total absolute fat mass (kg) or total body fat percentage (%). Conclusion Interval training and MOD both reduce body fat percentage (%). Interval training provided 28.5% greater reductions in total absolute fat mass (kg) than MOD. Trial registration number CRD42018089427.
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Purpose: To compare the effects of 8 weeks of two types of interval training, Sprint Interval Training (SIT) and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), on anthropometric measures and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy young women. Methods: A randomized clinical trial in which 49 young active women (age, 30.4±6.1 years; body mass index, 24.8±3.1 kg.m-2; peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), 34.9±7.5 were randomly allocated into a SIT or HIIT group. The SIT group performed four bouts of 30 s all-out cycling efforts interspersed with four minutes of recovery (passive or light cycling with no load). The HIIT group performed four bouts of four-minute efforts at 90–95% of peak heart rate (HRpeak) interspersed with three minutes of active recovery at 50–60% of HRpeak. At baseline and after eight weeks of intervention, waist circumference, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, abdominal and thigh), body mass and BMI were measured by standard procedures and cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed by cardiorespiratory graded exertion test on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer. Results: The HIIT and SIT groups improved, respectively, 14.5±22.9% (P<0.001) and 16.9±23.4% (P<0.001) in VO2peak after intervention, with no significant difference between groups. Sum of skinfolds reduced 15.8±7.9% and 22.2±6.4% from baseline (P<0.001) for HIIT and SIT groups, respectively, with greater reduction for SIT compared to HIIT (P<0.05). There were statistically significant decreases in waist circumference (P<0.001) for the HIIT (-3.1±1.1%) and SIT (-3.3±1.8%) groups, with no significant difference between groups. Only SIT showed significant reductions in body weight and BMI (p<0.05). Conclusions: Eight weeks of HIIT and SIT resulted in improvements in anthropometric measures and cardiorespiratory fitness, even in the absence of changes in dietary intake. In addition, the SIT protocol induced greater reductions than the HIIT protocol in the sum of skinfolds. Both protocols appear to be time-efficient interventions, since the HIIT and SIT protocols took 33 and 23 minutes (16 and 2 minutes of effective training) per session, respectively.
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Previous studies investigating the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) showed controversial results. The aim of the present study was to systematically review the literature on the effects of HIIT and MICT on affective and enjoyment responses. The PRISMA Statement and the Cochrane recommendation were used to perform this systematic review and the database search was performed using PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, PsycINFO, and SPORTDiscus. Eight studies investigating the acute affective and enjoyment responses on HIIT and MICT were included in the present systematic review. The standardized mean difference (SMD) was calculated for Feeling Scale (FS), Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) and Exercise Enjoyment Scale (EES). The MICT was used as the reference condition. The overall results showed similar beneficial effects of HIIT on PACES and EES responses compared to MICT with SMDs classified as small (PACES–SMD = 0.49, I² = 69.3%, p = 0.001; EES–SMD = 0.48, I² = 24.1%, p = 0.245) while for FS, the overall result showed a trivial effect (FS–SMD = 0.19, I² = 78.9%, p<0.001). Most of the comparisons performed presented positive effects for HIIT. For the FS, six of 12 comparisons showed beneficial effects for HIIT involving normal weight and overweight-to-obese populations. For PACES, six of 10 comparisons showed beneficial effects for HIIT involving normal weight and overweight-to-obese populations. For EES, six of seven comparisons showed beneficial effects for HIIT also involving normal weight and overweight-to-obese populations. Based on the results of the present study, it is possible to conclude that HIIT exercise may be a viable strategy for obtaining positive psychological responses. Although HIIT exercise may be recommended for obtaining positive psychological responses, chronic studies should clarify the applicability of HIIT for exercise adherence.
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Interval training (IT) has been used for many decades with the purpose to increase performance and promote health benefits while demanding a relatively small amount of time. IT can be defined as intermittent periods of intense exercise separated by periods of recovery and has been divided into high-intensity interval training (HIIT), sprint interval training (SIT) and repeated sprint training (RST). IT use resulted in the publication of many studies and many of them with conflicting results and positions. The aim of this article was to move forward and understand studies’ protocol in order to draw accurate conclusions, as well as to avoid previous mistakes and effectively reproduce previous protocols. When analyzing the literature, we found many inconsistencies, such as, the controversial concept of ‘supramaximal’ effort, a misunderstanding regarding the term ‘high intensity’ and the use of different strategies to control intensity. The adequate definition and interpretation of training intensity seems to be vital, since the results of IT are largely dependent on it. These observations are only a few examples of the complexity involved with IT prescription, discussed to illustrate some problems with the current literature regarding IT. Therefore, it is our opinion that it is not possible to draw general conclusions about IT without considering all variables used in IT prescription, such as, exercise modality, intensity, effort andrest times and participants’ characteristics. In order to help guide researchers and health professionals in their practices it is important that experimental studies report their methods in as much detail as possible and future reviews and meta-analyses should critically discuss the articles included in light of their methods to avoid inadequate generalizations.
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Background: Most methods available to clinicians for estimating body-composition changes have been validated against estimates from densitometry, based on a 2-component (fat mass and fat-free mass) model. Objective: Estimates of changes in percentage body fat (%BF) from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), skinfold thicknesses (SFTs), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and body mass index (BMI; in kg/m²) were compared with estimates from a 4-component (fat, water, mineral, and protein) model (%BFd,w,m), a more accurate method. Design: Determinations of body density from hydrostatic weighing, body water from deuterium dilution, bone mineral and %BF from whole-body DXA, resistance from BIA, and anthropometric measures were made in 27 obese women (BMI: 31.1 ± 4.9) assigned to 1 of 3 groups: control (C; n = 9), diet only (DO; n = 9), or diet plus aerobic exercise (DE; n = 9). Results: After the 16-wk intervention, changes in body mass (BM) averaged 0.5 ± 2.0, −7.2 ± 7.4, and −4.0 ± 3.3 kg and changes in %BFd,w,m averaged 2.1 ± 1.0%, −1.2 ± 1.4%, and −2.4 ± 1.6% in the C, DO, and DE groups, respectively. Compared with changes in %BFd,w,m, the errors (SD of bias) for estimates of changes in %BF by DXA, BIA, SFTs, and BMI were similar (range: ±2.0–2.4% of BM). BIA, SFTs, and BMI provided unbiased estimates of decreases in %BFd,w,m, but DXA overestimated decreases in %BF in the DO and DE groups. Conclusions: DXA, BIA, SFTs, and BMI are comparably accurate for evaluating body-composition changes induced by diet and exercise interventions; however, small changes in %BF may not be accurately detected by these clinical methods.
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Adaptations to sprint interval training (SIT) are observed with brief (≤15-s) work bouts highlighting peak power generation as an important metabolic stimulus. This study examined the effects of manipulating SIT work bout and recovery period duration on energy expenditure (EE) during and postexercise, as well as postexercise fat oxidation rates. Nine active males completed a resting control session (CTRL) and 3 SIT sessions in randomized order: (i) 30:240 (4 × 30-s bouts, 240-s recovery); (ii) 15:120 (8 × 15-s bouts, 120-s recovery); (3) 5:40 (24 × 5-s bouts, 40-s recovery). Protocols were matched for the total duration of work (2 min) and recovery (16 min), as well as the work-to-recovery ratio (1:8 s). EE and fat oxidation rates were derived from gas exchange measured before, during, and for 3 h postexercise. All protocols increased EE versus CTRL (P < 0.001). Exercise EE was greater (P < 0.001) with 5:40 (209 kcal) versus both 15:120 (163 kcal) and 30:240 (138 kcal), while 15:120 was also greater (P < 0.001) than 30:240. Postexercise EE was greater (P = 0.014) with 15:120 (313 kcal) versus 5:40 (294 kcal), though both were similar (P > 0.077) to 30:240 (309 kcal). Postexercise fat oxidation was similar (P = 0.650) after 15:120 (0.104 g·min⁻¹) and 30:240 (0.116 g·min⁻¹) and both were greater (P < 0.030) than 5:40 (0.072 g·min⁻¹) and CTRL (0.049 g·min⁻¹). In conclusion, shorter SIT work bouts that target peak power generation increase exercise EE without compromising postexercise EE, though longer bouts promote greater postexercise fat utilization.
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The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of sprint interval training (SIT) and moderate-intensity continuous cycle training (MICT), with equal estimated energy expenditure during training on body composition and aerobic capacity. Body composition measured via dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and aerobic capacity were assessed following 6 weeks of training in previously inactive overweight/obese young women (n = 52; age, 20.4 ± 1.5 years; body mass index, 30.3 ± 4.5 kg·m⁻², 67.3% white). Training was performed in a group-exercise format that mimicked cycling classes offered by commercial fitness facilities, and included 3 weekly sessions of either 30-s “all-out” sprints followed by 4 min of active recovery (SIT), or continuous cycling at 60%–70% heart rate reserve to expend a similar amount of energy. Participants were randomized to SIT or MICT, attended a similar number of sessions (15.0 ± 1.5 sessions vs. 15.8 ± 1.9 sessions, P = 0.097) and expended a similar amount of energy (541.8 ± 104.6 kJ·session⁻¹ vs. 553.5 ± 138.1 kJ·session⁻¹, P = 0.250). Without significant changes in body mass (P > 0.05), greater relative reductions occurred in SIT than in MICT in total fat mass (3.6% ± 5.6% vs. 0.6% ± 3.9%, P = 0.007), and android fat mass (6.6% ± 6.9% vs. 0.7% ± 6.5%, P = 0.002). Aerobic capacity (mL·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹) increased significantly following both interventions (P < 0.05), but the relative increase was 2-fold greater in SIT than in MICT (14.09% ± 10.31% vs. 7.06% ± 7.81%, P < 0.001). In conclusion, sprint-interval cycling reduces adiposity and increases aerobic capacity more than continuous moderate-intensity cycling of equal estimated energy expenditure in overweight/obese young women.
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Summary Background Underweight and severe and morbid obesity are associated with highly elevated risks of adverse health outcomes. We estimated trends in mean body-mass index (BMI), which characterises its population distribution, and in the prevalences of a complete set of BMI categories for adults in all countries. Methods We analysed, with use of a consistent protocol, population-based studies that had measured height and weight in adults aged 18 years and older. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to these data to estimate trends from 1975 to 2014 in mean BMI and in the prevalences of BMI categories (<18·5 kg/m2 [underweight], 18·5 kg/m2 to <20 kg/m2, 20 kg/m2 to <25 kg/m2, 25 kg/m2 to <30 kg/m2, 30 kg/m2 to <35 kg/m2, 35 kg/m2 to <40 kg/m2, ≥40 kg/m2 [morbid obesity]), by sex in 200 countries and territories, organised in 21 regions. We calculated the posterior probability of meeting the target of halting by 2025 the rise in obesity at its 2010 levels, if post-2000 trends continue. Findings We used 1698 population-based data sources, with more than 19·2 million adult participants (9·9 million men and 9·3 million women) in 186 of 200 countries for which estimates were made. Global age-standardised mean BMI increased from 21·7 kg/m2 (95% credible interval 21·3–22·1) in 1975 to 24·2 kg/m2 (24·0–24·4) in 2014 in men, and from 22·1 kg/m2 (21·7–22·5) in 1975 to 24·4 kg/m2 (24·2–24·6) in 2014 in women. Regional mean BMIs in 2014 for men ranged from 21·4 kg/m2 in central Africa and south Asia to 29·2 kg/m2 (28·6–29·8) in Polynesia and Micronesia; for women the range was from 21·8 kg/m2 (21·4–22·3) in south Asia to 32·2 kg/m2 (31·5–32·8) in Polynesia and Micronesia. Over these four decades, age-standardised global prevalence of underweight decreased from 13·8% (10·5–17·4) to 8·8% (7·4–10·3) in men and from 14·6% (11·6–17·9) to 9·7% (8·3–11·1) in women. South Asia had the highest prevalence of underweight in 2014, 23·4% (17·8–29·2) in men and 24·0% (18·9–29·3) in women. Age-standardised prevalence of obesity increased from 3·2% (2·4–4·1) in 1975 to 10·8% (9·7–12·0) in 2014 in men, and from 6·4% (5·1–7·8) to 14·9% (13·6–16·1) in women. 2·3% (2·0–2·7) of the world's men and 5·0% (4·4–5·6) of women were severely obese (ie, have BMI ≥35 kg/m2). Globally, prevalence of morbid obesity was 0·64% (0·46–0·86) in men and 1·6% (1·3–1·9) in women. Interpretation If post-2000 trends continue, the probability of meeting the global obesity target is virtually zero. Rather, if these trends continue, by 2025, global obesity prevalence will reach 18% in men and surpass 21% in women; severe obesity will surpass 6% in men and 9% in women. Nonetheless, underweight remains prevalent in the world's poorest regions, especially in south Asia. Funding Wellcome Trust, Grand Challenges Canada
Purpose: Although high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-intensity continuous exercise have comparable health outcomes in the laboratory setting, effectiveness studies in real-world environments are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an unsupervised HIIT programme in overweight/obese adults over 12 months. Methods: 250 overweight/obese adults could choose HIIT or current exercise guidelines of 30 minutes/day moderate-intensity exercise. HIIT participants received a single training session and were advised to independently perform HIIT 3x/week utilizing a variety of protocols. Mixed models, with a random effect for participant, compared differences in weight, body composition, blood pressure, aerobic fitness, physical activity and blood indices at 12 months, adjusting for relevant baseline variables. Results: Forty-two percent (n=104) of eligible participants chose HIIT in preference to current guidelines. At 12 months, there were no differences between exercise groups in weight (adjusted difference HIIT vs conventional; 95% CI: -0.44kg; -2.5, 1.6) or visceral fat (-103cm; -256, 49), although HIIT participants reported greater enjoyment of physical activity (p=0.01). Evidence of adherence to ≥2 sessions/week of unsupervised HIIT (from heart rate monitoring) declined from 60.8% at baseline to 19.6% by 12 months. Participants remaining adherent to HIIT over 12 months (23%) were more likely to be male (67% vs 36%, p=0.03), with greater reductions in weight (-2.7kg; -5.2 -0.2) and visceral fat (-292cm; -483, -101) than non-adherent participants. Conclusions: HIIT was well-accepted by overweight adults and opting for HIIT as an alternative to standard exercise recommendations led to no difference in health outcomes after 12 months. While regular participation in unsupervised HIIT declined rapidly, those apparently adherent to regular HIIT demonstrated beneficial weight loss and visceral fat reduction. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12615000010594) Retrospectively registered.
Objective: To measure long-term changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition in participants of "The Biggest Loser" competition. Methods: Body composition was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and RMR was determined by indirect calorimetry at baseline, at the end of the 30-week competition and 6 years later. Metabolic adaptation was defined as the residual RMR after adjusting for changes in body composition and age. Results: Of the 16 "Biggest Loser" competitors originally investigated, 14 participated in this follow-up study. Weight loss at the end of the competition was (mean ± SD) 58.3 ± 24.9 kg (P < 0.0001), and RMR decreased by 610 ± 483 kcal/day (P = 0.0004). After 6 years, 41.0 ± 31.3 kg of the lost weight was regained (P = 0.0002), while RMR was 704 ± 427 kcal/day below baseline (P < 0.0001) and metabolic adaptation was -499 ± 207 kcal/day (P < 0.0001). Weight regain was not significantly correlated with metabolic adaptation at the competition's end (r = -0.1, P = 0.75), but those subjects maintaining greater weight loss at 6 years also experienced greater concurrent metabolic slowing (r = 0.59, P = 0.025). Conclusions: Metabolic adaptation persists over time and is likely a proportional, but incomplete, response to contemporaneous efforts to reduce body weight.