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A subunit in a monoidal category is a subobject of the monoidal unit for which a canonical morphism is invertible. They correspond to open subsets of a base topological space in categories such as those of sheaves or Hilbert modules. We show that under mild conditions subunits endow any monoidal category with a kind of topological intuition: there are well-behaved notions of restriction, localisation, and support, even though the subunits in general only form a semilattice. We develop universal constructions completing any monoidal category to one whose subunits universally form a lattice, preframe, or frame.

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... In fact, the simple main insight underlying this work is that in cartesian categories, subterminal objects can be characterised entirely algebraically as central idempotents. This improves on earlier work [25], which focused on the special case of central idempotents called subunits. From a logical point of view, it extends the sheaf representation of (topos) categorical models of higher-order intuitionistic logic [1,43,49] to (symmetric monoidal closed) categorical models of multiplicative linear logic. ...
... Finally, in Section 14 we discuss several open questions that may be attacked using the representation theorem. Appendix A compares central idempotents with the special case of subunits [25]. ...
... For an important special case, recall that a frame is a complete lattice in which finite joins distribute over suprema [35]: a frame is a commutative quantale in which the multiplication is idempotent and whose unit is the largest element. Frames form a coreflective subcategory of commutative quantales [25,Proposition 3.5], where a morphism of frames is a function that preserves , ∧, and 1: ...
Every small monoidal category with universal (finite) joins of central idempotents is monoidally equivalent to the category of global sections of a sheaf of (sub)local monoidal categories on a topological space. Every small stiff monoidal category monoidally embeds into such a category of global sections. These representation results are functorial and subsume the Lambek-Moerdijk-Awodey sheaf representation for toposes, the Stone representation of Boolean algebras, and the Takahashi representation of Hilbert modules as continuous fields of Hilbert spaces. Many properties of a monoidal category carry over to the stalks of its sheaf, including having a trace, having exponential objects, having dual objects, having limits of some shape, and the central idempotents forming a Boolean algebra.
We prove a structure theorem for compact inverse categories. The Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad theorem gives a structure theorem for inverse monoids: they are inductive groupoids. A particularly nice case due to Clifford is that commutative inverse monoids become semilattices of abelian groups. It has also been categorified by Hoehnke and DeWolf-Pronk to a structure theorem for inverse categories as locally complete inductive groupoids. We show that in the case of compact inverse categories, this takes the particularly nice form of a semilattice of compact groupoids. Moreover, one-object compact inverse categories are exactly commutative inverse monoids. Compact groupoids, in turn, are determined in particularly simple terms of 3-cocycles by Baez-Lauda.KeywordsCompact categoryInverse categoryInverse monoidSemilatticeGroupoid
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The category of Hilbert modules may be interpreted as a naive quantum field theory over a base space. Open subsets of the base space are recovered as idempotent subunits, which form a meet-semilattice in any firm braided monoidal category. There is an operation of restriction to an idempotent subunit: it is a graded monad on the category, and has the universal property of algebraic localisation. Spacetime structure on the base space induces a closure operator on the idempotent subunits. Restriction is then interpreted as spacetime propagation. This lets us study relativistic quantum information theory using methods entirely internal to monoidal categories. As a proof of concept, we show that quantum teleportation is only successfully supported on the intersection of Alice and Bob's causal future.
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We study the monoidal dagger category of Hilbert C*-modules over a commutative C*-algebra from the perspective of categorical quantum mechanics. The dual objects are the finitely presented projective Hilbert C*-modules. Special dagger Frobenius structures correspond to bundles of uniformly finite-dimensional C*-algebras. A monoid is dagger Frobenius over the base if and only if it is dagger Frobenius over its centre and the centre is dagger Frobenius over the base. We characterise the commutative dagger Frobenius structures as branched coverings with finite fibres, and give nontrivial examples of both commutative and central dagger Frobenius structures. Subobjects of the tensor unit correspond to clopen subsets of the Gelfand spectrum of the C*-algebra, and we discuss dagger kernels.
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This paper studies questions of coherence and strictification related to self-similarity—the identity SSSS\cong S\otimes S in a semi-monoidal category. Based on Saavedra’s theory of units, we first demonstrate that strict self-similarity cannot simultaneously occur with strict associativity—i.e. no monoid may have a strictly associative (semi-) monoidal tensor, although many monoids have a semi-monoidal tensor associative up to isomorphism. We then give a simple coherence result for the arrows exhibiting self-similarity and use this to describe a ‘strictification procedure’ that gives a semi-monoidal equivalence of categories relating strict and non-strict self-similarity, and hence monoid analogues of many categorical properties. Using this, we characterise a class of diagrams (built from the canonical isomorphisms for the relevant tensors, together with the isomorphisms exhibiting the self-similarity) that are guaranteed to commute, and give a simple intuitive interpretation of this characterisation.
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Let E be a (right) Hilbert module over a C*-algebra A. If E is equipped with a left action of a second C*-algebra B, then tensor product with E gives rise to a functor from the category of Hilbert B-modules to the category of Hilbert A-modules. The purpose of this paper is to study adjunctions between functors of this sort. We shall introduce a new kind of adjunction relation, called a local adjunction, that is weaker than the standard concept from category theory. We shall give several examples, and in particular we shall show that the functor of parabolic induction in the tempered representation theory of real reductive groups has a local adjoint. Each local adjunction gives rise to an ordinary adjunction of functors between categories of Hilbert space representations. In this way we shall show that the parabolic induction functor has a simultaneous left and right adjoint.
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This work is a detailed analysis of the relationship between reflective subcategories of a category and factorization systems supported by the category.
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For a commutative ring R, we exploit localization techniques and point-free topology to give an explicit realization of both the Zariski frame of R (the frame of radical ideals in R) and its Hochster dual frame, as lattices in the poset of localizing subcategories of the unbounded derived category D(R). This yields new conceptual proofs of the classical theorems of Hopkins-Neeman and Thomason. Next we revisit and simplify Balmer's theory of spectra and supports for tensor triangulated categories from the viewpoint of frames and Hochster duality. Finally we exploit our results to show how a coherent scheme (X,\cO_X) can be reconstructed from the tensor triangulated structure of its derived category of perfect complexes.
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Traced monoidal categories are introduced, a structure theorem is proved for them, and an example is provided where the structure theorem has application.
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Le strutture ottenibili per incollamento di spazi elementari, come le variet, i fibrati, le variet fogliettate, possono essere definite da atlanti di incollamento e, formalmente, come categorie arricchite su opportune categorie ordinate.
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We study bialgebras in the compact closed category Rel of sets and binary relations. We show that various monoidal categories with extra structure arise as the categories of (co)modules of bialgebras in Rel. In particular, for any group G we derive a ribbon category of crossed G-sets as the category of modules of a Hopf algebra in Rel which is obtained by the quantum double construction. This category of crossed G-sets serves as a model of the braided variant of propositional linear logic.
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We axiomatically define (pre-)Hilbert categories. The axioms resemble those for monoidal Abelian categories with the addition of an involutive functor. We then prove embedding theorems: any locally small pre-Hilbert category whose monoidal unit is a simple generator embeds (weakly) monoidally into the category of pre-Hilbert spaces and adjointable maps, preserving adjoint morphisms and all finite (co)limits. An intermediate result that is important in its own right is that the scalars in such a category necessarily form an involutive field. In case of a Hilbert category, the embedding extends to the category of Hilbert spaces and continuous linear maps. The axioms for (pre-)Hilbert categories are weaker than the axioms found in other approaches to axiomatizing 2-Hilbert spaces. Neither enrichment nor a complex base field is presupposed. A comparison to other approaches will be made in the introduction. Comment: 24 pages
Given a tensor-triangulated category T, we prove that every flat tensor-idempotent in the module category over TcT^c (the compacts) comes from a unique smashing ideal in T. We deduce that the lattice of smashing ideals forms a frame.
Conference Paper
We initiate a formal theory of graded monads whose purpose is to adapt and to extend the formal theory of monads developed by Street in the early 1970’s. We establish in particular that every graded monad can be factored in two different ways as a strict action transported along a left adjoint functor. We also explain in what sense the first construction generalizes the Eilenberg-Moore construction while the second construction generalizes the Kleisli construction. Finally, we illustrate the Eilenberg-Moore construction on the graded state monad induced by any object V in a symmetric monoidal closed category C\mathscr {C}.
The theory of monads on categories equipped with a dagger (a contravariant identity-on-objects involutive endofunctor) works best when everything respects the dagger: the monad and adjunctions should preserve the dagger, and the monad and its algebras should satisfy the so-called Frobenius law. Then any monad resolves as an adjunction, with extremal solutions given by the categories of Kleisli and Frobenius-Eilenberg-Moore algebras, which again have a dagger. We characterize the Frobenius law as a coherence property between dagger and closure, and characterize strong such monads as being induced by Frobenius monoids.
A Grothendieck topos has the property that its Yoneda embedding has a left-exact left adjoint. A category with the latter property is called lex-total. It is proved here that every lex-total category is equivalent to its category of canonical sheaves. An unpublished proof due to Peter Freyd is extended slightly to yield that a lex-total category, which has a set of objects of cardinality at most that of the universe such that each object in the category is a quotient of an object from that set, is necessarily a Grothendieck topos.
We give an explicit description of the free completion EM ( K ) of a 2-category K under the Eilenberg–Moore construction, and show that this has the same underlying category as the 2-category Mnd ( K ) of monads in K . We then demonstrate that much of the formal theory of monads can be deduced using only the universal property of this completion, provided that one is willing to work with EM ( K ) as the 2-category of monads rather than Mnd ( K ) . We also introduce the wreaths in K ; these are the objects of EM ( EM ( K )) , and are to be thought of as generalized distributive laws. We study these wreaths, and give examples to show how they arise in a variety of contexts.
If a class Z of morphisms in a monoidal category A is closed under tensoring with the objects of A then the category obtained by inverting the morphisms in Z is monoidal. We note the immediate properties of this induced structure. The main application describes monoidal completions in terms of the ordinary category completions introduced by Applegate and Tierney. This application in turn suggests a “change-of-universe” procedure for category theory based on a given monoidal closed category. Several features of this procedure are discussed.
We survey tensor triangular geometry : Its examples, early theory and first applications. We also discuss perspectives and suggest some problems.
Various generalizations of Boolean algebras are being studied in algebraic quantum logic, including orthomodular lattices, orthomodular posets, orthoalgebras and effect algebras. This paper contains a systematic study of the structure in and between cate-gories of such algebras. It does so via a combination of totalization (of partially defined operations) and transfer of structure via coreflections.
We transpose Rickard's construction of idempotent representa-tions to the general context of tensor triangulated categories. We connect our construction to the Telescope Conjecture and prove that the latter is of local nature. As an illustration, we extend the affine Telescope Theorem of Neeman to arbitrary noetherian schemes. We also develop supports for non-compact objects.
We show that Thompson’s group F is the symmetry group of the ‘generic idempotent’. That is, take the monoidal category freely generated by an objectA and an isomorphism A ⊗ A→A; then F is the group of automorphisms ofA. KeywordsThompson groups-Monoidal category-Idempotent-Operad-Groupoid
Skew-monoidal categories arise when the associator and the left and right units of a monoidal category are, in a specific way, not invertible. We prove that the closed skew-monoidal structures on the category of right R-modules are precisely the right bialgebroids over the ring R. These skew-monoidal structures induce quotient skew-monoidal structures on the category of R-R-bimodules and this leads to the following generalization: Opmonoidal monads on a monoidal category correspond to skew-monoidal structures with the same unit object which are compatible with the ordinary monoidal structure by means of a natural distributive law. Pursuing a Theorem of Day and Street we also discuss monoidal lax comonads to describe the comodule categories of bialgebroids beyond the flat case.
We study monoidal categories that enjoy a certain weakening of the rigidity property, namely, the existence of a dualizing object in the sense of Grothendieck and Verdier. We call them Grothendieck-Verdier categories. Notable examples include the derived category of constructible sheaves on a scheme (with respect to tensor product) as well as the derived and equivariant derived categories of constructible sheaves on an algebraic group (with respect to convolution). We show that the notions of pivotal category and ribbon category, which are well known in the setting of rigid monoidal categories, as well as certain standard results associated with these notions, have natural analogues in the world of Grothendieck-Verdier categories.
This article is intended as a reference guide to various notions of monoidal categories and their associated string diagrams. It is hoped that this will be useful not just to mathematicians, but also to physicists, computer scientists, and others who use diagrammatic reasoning. We have opted for a somewhat informal treatment of topological notions, and have omitted most proofs. Nevertheless, the exposition is sufficiently detailed to make it clear what is presently known, and to serve as a starting place for more in-depth study. Where possible, we provide pointers to more rigorous treatments in the literature. Where we include results that have only been proved in special cases, we indicate this in the form of caveats.
In this article we formulate and prove the main theorems of the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. In particular, we show that every admissible pair for such a group G gives rise to an L-packet of character sheaves on G, and that, conversely, every L-packet of character sheaves on G arises from a (non-unique) admissible pair. In the appendices we discuss two abstract category theory patterns related to the study of character sheaves. The first appendix sketches a theory of duality for monoidal categories, which generalizes the notion of a rigid monoidal category and is close in spirit to the Grothendieck-Verdier duality theory. In the second one we use a topological field theory approach to define the canonical braided monoidal structure and twist on the equivariant derived category of constructible sheaves on an algebraic group; moreover, we show that this category carries an action of the surface operad. The third appendix proves that the "naive" definition of the equivariant constructible derived category with respect to a unipotent algebraic group is equivalent to the "correct" one.
We explore an alternative definition of unit in a monoidal category originally due to Saavedra: a Saavedra unit is a cancellative idempotent (in a 1-categorical sense). This notion is more economical than the usual notion in terms of left-right constraints, and is motivated by higher category theory. To start, we describe the semi-monoidal category of all possible unit structures on a given semi-monoidal category and observe that it is contractible (if nonempty). Then we prove that the two notions of units are equivalent in a strong functorial sense. Next, it is shown that the unit compatibility condition for a (strong) monoidal functor is precisely the condition for the functor to lift to the categories of units, and it is explained how the notion of Saavedra unit naturally leads to the equivalent non-algebraic notion of fair monoidal category, where the contractible multitude of units is considered as a whole instead of choosing one unit. To finish, the lax version of the unit comparison is considered. The paper is self-contained. All arguments are elementary, some of them of a certain beauty. Comment: Comments: LaTeX, 29 pages. Uses Paul Taylor's diagrams package. Does not compile properly with pdflatex. Version v2: introduction rewritten, minor expository improvements (no mathematical changes), submitted for publication
We establish a close and previously unknown relation between quantales and groupoids, in terms of which the notion of etale groupoid is subsumed in a natural way by that of quantale. In particular, to each etale groupoid, either localic or topological, there is associated a unital involutive quantale. We obtain a bijective correspondence between localic etale groupoids and their quantales, which are given a rather simple characterization and are here called inverse quantal frames. We show that the category of inverse quantal frames is equivalent to the category of complete and infinitely distributive inverse monoids, and as a consequence we obtain a correspondence between these and localic etale groupoids that generalizes more classical results concerning inverse semigroups and topological etale groupoids. This generalization is entirely algebraic and it is valid in an arbitrary topos. As a consequence of these results we see that a localic groupoid is etale if and only if its sublocale of units is open and its multiplication map is semiopen, and an analogue of this holds for topological groupoids. In practice we are provided with new tools for constructing localic and topological etale groupoids, as well as inverse semigroups, for instance via presentations of quantales by generators and relations. The characterization of inverse quantal frames is to a large extent based on a new quantale operation, here called a support, whose properties are thoroughly investigated, and which may be of independent interest.
We define the spectrum of a tensor triangulated category K as the set of so-called prime ideals, endowed with a suitable topology. In this very generality, the spectrum is the universal space in which one can define supports for objects of K. This construction is functorial with respect to all tensor triangulated functors. Several elementary properties of schemes hold for such spaces, e.g. the existence of generic points and some quasi-compactness. Locally trivial morphisms are proved to be nilpotent. We establish in complete generality a classification of thick tensor-ideal subcategories in terms of arbitrary unions of closed subsets with quasi-compact complements (Thomason's theorem for schemes, mutatis mutandis). We also equip this spectrum with a sheaf of rings, turning it into a locally ringed space. We compute examples and show that our spectrum unifies the schemes of algebraic geometry and the support varieties of modular representation theory.
Categories and Types in Logic, Language, and Physics
  • Hines