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Gravitational waves from chiral phase transition in a conformally extended standard model

IOP Publishing
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
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The gravitational wave (GW) background produced at the cosmological chiral phase transition in a conformal extension of the standard model is studied. To obtain the bounce solution of coupled field equations we implement an iterative method. We find that the corresponding O(3) symmetric Euclidean action S3 divided by the temperature T has a simple behavior near the critical temperature TC: S3/T ∝ (1−T/TC)−γ, which is subsequently used to determine the transition's inverse duration β normalized to the Hubble parameter H. It turns out that β/H ≳ 10³, implying that the sound wave period τsw as an active GW source, too, can be much shorter than the Hubble time. We therefore compute τsw H and use it as the reduction factor for the sound wave contribution. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for Deci-Hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (DECIGO) and Big Bang Observer (BBO) is evaluated, with the result: SNRDECIGO ≲ 1.2 and SNRBBO ≲ 12.0 for five years observation, from which we conclude that the GW signal predicted by the model in the optimistic case could be detected at BBO.
ournal of
Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
An IOP and SISSA journal
Gravitational waves from chiral phase
transition in a conformally extended
standard model
Mayumi Aokiaand Jisuke Kubob,c
aInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Kanazawa University,
Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
bMax-Planck-Institut ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut),
ohringer Ring 6, D-80805 unchen, Germany
cDepartment of Physics, University of Toyama,
3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
Received October 18, 2019
Revised February 8, 2020
Accepted March 9, 2020
Published April 1, 2020
Abstract. The gravitational wave (GW) background produced at the cosmological chiral
phase transition in a conformal extension of the standard model is studied. To obtain the
bounce solution of coupled field equations we implement an iterative method. We find that
the corresponding O(3) symmetric Euclidean action S3divided by the temperature Thas
a simple behavior near the critical temperature TC:S3/T (1 T /TC)γ, which is sub-
sequently used to determine the transition’s inverse duration βnormalized to the Hubble
parameter H. It turns out that β/H &103, implying that the sound wave period τsw
as an active GW source, too, can be much shorter than the Hubble time. We therefore
compute τswHand use it as the reduction factor for the sound wave contribution. The
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for Deci-Hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
(DECIGO) and Big Bang Observer (BBO) is evaluated, with the result: SNRDECIGO .1.2
and SNRBBO .12.0 for five years observation, from which we conclude that the GW signal
predicted by the model in the optimistic case could be detected at BBO.
Keywords: particle physics - cosmology connection, gravitational waves / theory
ArXiv ePrint: 1910.05025
2020 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
... As a consequence, the breaking of the electroweak (EW) symmetry is realized dynamically, either by radiative corrections [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] or strong dynamics [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. Classically conformal theories therefore not only alleviate the hierarchy problem [45], but can also account for dark matter [46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57], generate the baryon asymmetry of the Universe [58][59][60][61][62][63][64], and produce a SGWB [65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74]. ...
... While UV divergences, such as the vacuum energy in Eq. (18), are rendered finite, now the model crucially depends on the employed cutoff scheme. A four-dimensional cutoff scheme is used in [22,39,41,70] and inspected in our Appendix B, whereas a three-dimensional scheme is used in [24,104,105]. Because of the thermal aspect of the computation, we employ a sharp 3D momentum cutoff in the main part of this work, replacing all ...
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Classically conformal Standard Model extensions predict an intriguing thermal history of the early Universe. In contrast to the common paradigm, the onset of the electroweak phase transition can be significantly delayed while the Universe undergoes a period of thermal inflation. Then, a first-order chiral phase transition could not only trigger electroweak symmetry breaking but also initiate the exit from supercooling. To study the dynamics of this scenario, we focus on low-energy quark-based QCD effective models that exhibit a first-order transition. While a large amount of latent heat is naturally involved if thermal inflation ends, we find that a supercooling period prior to the QCD scale considerably enhances the timescale of the transition. This enhancement implies great observational prospects at future gravitational wave observatories. Our results are readily applicable to a wide class of scale-invariant SM extensions, as well as strongly coupled dark sectors.
... where T denotes the radiation bath temperature, v is the T = 0 vacuum expectation value of ϕ and V 0 is a constant chosen so that V (T = 0, ϕ = v) = 0. This is the one-loop high-T effective potential in classically scale invariant scalar electrodynamics where g is the U(1) gauge coupling and provides a reasonable approximation in various particle physics models [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95]. For g ≲ 0.5 the transition is so strongly supercooled that the vacuum energy of the false vacuum starts to dominate over the radiation energy density before the transition to the true vacuum at ϕ ∼ v occurs [47]. ...
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We study realistic models predicting primordial black hole (PBH) formation from density fluctuations generated in a first-order phase transition. We show that the second-order correction in the expansion of the bubble nucleation rate is necessary for accurate predictions and quantify its impact on the abundance of PBHs and gravitational waves (GWs). We find that the distribution of the fluctuations becomes more Gaussian as the second-order term increases. Consequently, models that predict the same PBH abundances can produce different GW spectra.
... CC theories offer interesting phenomenology, as they generally predict a substantial period of supercooling, which opens up the window for intriguing baryogenesis [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] and dark matter (DM) [31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] production mechanisms. The supercooling phase is typically followed by a strong, first-order phase transition (FOPT), generating relic GWs [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54] in the reach of future observatories. * ...
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We propose a novel gravitational wave production mechanism in the context of quasi-conformal Standard Model extensions, which provide a way to dynamically generate the electroweak scale. In these models, the cosmic thermal history is modified by a substantial period of thermal inflation, potentially supercooling the Universe below the QCD scale. The exit from supercooling is typically realized through a strong, first-order phase transition. By employing the classically conformal U(1)BLU(1)_{\tiny\rm B-L} model as a representative example, we show that a large parameter space exists where bubble percolation is inefficient. Instead, the top quark condensate triggers a tachyonic phase transition driven by classical rolling of the new scalar field towards the true vacuum. As the field crosses a region where its effective mass is negative, long-wavelength scalar field fluctuations are exponentially amplified, preheating the supercooled Universe. We study the dynamics of this scenario and estimate the peak of the associated gravitational wave signal, which is detectable by future observatories in almost the entire available parameter space.
... The most common motivation for such an epoch is electroweak symmetry breaking, which can become strongly first order in extensions to the Standard Model . Other motivations for a cosmic first order phase transition include dark matter [35,88,[102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121], symmetry breaking chains from a grand unified group [25,[122][123][124][125][126][127], or the QCD transition [116][117][118][119][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139]. The GW spectrum resulting from a cosmological phase transition has three contributions -a term arising from the collision of scalar shells, a term arising from crashing sound waves in the plasma and the after party of turbulence. ...
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Obtaining a precise form for the predicted gravitational wave (GW) spectrum from a phase transition is a topic of great relevance for beyond Standard Model (BSM) physicists. Currently, the most sophisticated semi-analytic framework for estimating the dominant contribution to the spectrum is the sound shell model; however, full calculations within this framework can be computationally expensive, especially for large-scale scans. The community therefore generally manages with fit functions to the GW spectrum, the most widely used of which is a single broken power law. We provide a more precise fit function based on the sound shell model: our fit function features a double broken power law with two frequency breaks corresponding to the two characteristic length scales of the problem -- inter-bubble spacing and thickness of sound shells, the second of which is neglected in the single broken power law fit. Compared to previously proposed fits, we demonstrate that our fit function more faithfully captures the GW spectrum coming from a full calculation of the sound shell model, over most of the space of the thermodynamic parameters governing the phase transition. The physical origins of the fit parameters and their dependence on the thermodynamic parameters are studied in the underlying sound shell model: in particular, we perform a series of detailed scans for these quantities over the plane of the strength of the phase transition (α\alpha) and the bubble wall velocity (vwv_w). Wherever possible, we comment on the physical interpretations of these scans. The result of our study can be used to generate accurate GW spectra with our fit function, given initial inputs of α\alpha, vwv_w, β/H\beta/H (nucleation rate parameter) and TnT_n (nucleation temperature) for the relevant BSM scenario.
... Their kinetic terms are generated by integrating out the hidden fermions at the one-loop level. Furthermore, one can see that the potential V NJL (S, σ) is asymmetric in σ, which is the reason that the chiral phase transition can become of first-order in the NJL theory [91][92][93]. ...
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Inflationary observables of a classically scale invariant model, in which the origin of the Planck mass and the electroweak scale including the right-handed neutrino mass is chiral symmetry breaking in a QCD-like hidden sector, are studied. Despite a three-field inflation the initial-value-dependence is strongly suppressed thanks to a river-valley like potential. The model predicts the tensor-to-scalar ratio r of cosmological perturbations smaller than that of the R ² inflation, i.e., 0.0044 ≳ r ≳ 0.0017 for e-foldings between 50 and 60: the model will be consistent even with a null detection at LiteBird/CMB-S4. We find that the non-Gaussianity parameter f NL is O(10⁻²), the same size as that of single-field inflation. The dark matter particles are the lightest Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with chiral symmetry breaking, which are decay products of one of the inflatons and are heavier than 10⁹ GeV with a strongly suppressed coupling with the standard model, implying that the dark matter will be unobservable in direct as well as indirect measurements.
... An important example is provided by very strong phase transitions leading to a period of supercooling, as expected in particle physics models involving confinement [80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93] or quasi conformal models [90,[94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106]. Supercooling causes a significant modification of the expansion rate as the field undergoing the transition is trapped in the false vacuum state whose energy dominates the expansion, thus leading to a new short period of thermal inflation. ...
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A bstract A network of cosmic strings (CS), if present, would continue emitting gravitational waves (GW) as it evolves throughout the history of the Universe. This results in a characteristic broad spectrum making it a perfect source to infer the expansion history. In particular, a short inflationary period caused by a supercooled phase transition would cause a drop in the spectrum at frequencies corresponding to that event. However, the impact on the spectrum is similar to the ones caused by an early matter-dominated era or from particle production, making it difficult to disentangle these different physical origins. We point out that, in the case of a short inflationary period, the GW spectrum receives an additional contribution from the phase transition itself. This leads to a characteristic imprint of a peak on top of a wide plateau both visible at future GW observatories.
Slow first-order phase transitions generate large inhomogeneities that can lead to the formation of primordial black holes. We show that the gravitational wave spectrum then consists of a primary component sourced by bubble collisions and a secondary one induced by large perturbations. The latter gives the dominant peak if β/H_{0}<12, impacting, in particular, the interpretation of the recent pulsar timing array data. The gravitational wave signal associated with a particular primordial black hole population is stronger than in typical scenarios because of a negative non-Gaussianity of the perturbations, and it has a distinguishable shape with two peaks.
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A bstract The electroweak (EW) phase transition in the early Universe might be supercooled due to the presence of the classical scale invariance involving Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) sectors and the supercooling could persist down till a later epoch around which the QCD chiral phase transition is supposed to take place. Since this supercooling period keeps masslessness for all the six SM quarks, it has simply been argued that the QCD phase transition is the first order, and so is the EW one. However, not only the QCD coupling but also the top Yukawa and the Higgs quartic couplings get strong at around the QCD scale due to the renormalization group running, hence this scenario is potentially subject to a rigorous nonperturbative analysis. In this work, we employ the ladder Schwinger-Dyson (LSD) analysis based on the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism at the two-loop level in such a gauge-Higgs-Yukawa system. We show that the chiral broken QCD vacuum emerges with the nonperturbative top condensate and the lightness of all six quarks is guaranteed due to the accidental U(1) axial symmetry presented in the top-Higgs sector. We employ a quark-meson model-like description in the mean field approximation to address the impact on the EW phase transition arising due to the top quark condensation at the QCD phase transition epoch. In the model, the LSD results are encoded to constrain the model parameter space. We then observe the cosmological phase transition of the first-order type and discuss the induced gravitational wave (GW) productions. We find that in addition to the conventional GW signals sourced from an expected BSM at around or over the TeV scale, the dynamical topponium-Higgs system can yield another power spectrum sensitive to the BBO, LISA, and DECIGO, etc.
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We study the gravitational waves (GWs) spectrum produced during the electroweak phase transition in a scale-invariant extension of the Standard Model (SM), enlarged by a dark U(1)D U(1)_{D} gauge symmetry. This symmetry incorporates a vector dark matter (DM) candidate and a scalar field (scalon). Because of scale invariance, the model has only two independent parameters and for the parameter space constrained by DM relic density, strongly first-order electroweak phase transition can take place. In this model, for a narrow part of the parameter space, DM-nucleon cross section is below the neutrino-floor limit, and therefore, it cannot be probed by the future direct detection experiments. However, for a benchmark point from this narrow region, we show the amplitude and frequency of phase transition GW spectrum fall within the observational window of space-based GW detectors such as eLISA.A preprint version of the article is available at ArXiv.
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A bstract Many models of physics beyond the Standard Model predict a strong first-order phase transition (SFOPT) in the early Universe that leads to observable gravitational waves (GWs). In this paper, we propose a novel method for presenting and comparing the GW signals that are predicted by different models. Our approach is based on the observation that the GW signal has an approximately model-independent spectral shape. This allows us to represent it solely in terms of a finite number of observables, that is, a set of peak amplitudes and peak frequencies. As an example, we consider the GW signal in the real-scalar-singlet extension of the Standard Model (xSM). We construct the signal region of the xSM in the space of observables and show how it will be probed by future space-borne interferometers. Our analysis results in sensitivity plots that are reminiscent of similar plots that are typically shown for dark-matter direct-detection experiments, but which are novel in the context of GWs from a SFOPT. These plots set the stage for a systematic model comparison, the exploration of underlying model-parameter dependencies, and the construction of distribution functions in the space of observables. In our plots, the experimental sensitivities of future searches for a stochastic GW signal are indicated by peak-integrated sensitivity curves . A detailed discussion of these curves, including fit functions, is contained in a companion paper [1].
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This document is one of a series of white papers from the USQCD Collaboration. Here, we discuss opportunities for lattice field theory research to make an impact on models of new physics beyond the Standard Model, including composite Higgs, composite dark matter, and supersymmetric theories.
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A bstract We study gravitational waves from the first-order electroweak phase transition in the SU( N c ) gauge theory with N f /N c ≫ 1 (“large N f QCD”) as a candidate for the walking technicolor, which is modeled by the U( N f ) × U( N f ) linear sigma model with classical scale symmetry (without mass term), particularly for N f = 8 (“one-family model”). This model exhibits spontaneous breaking of the scale symmetry as well as the U( N f ) × U( N f ) radiatively through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism à la Gildener-Weinberg, thus giving rise to a light pseudo dilaton (technidilaton) to be identified with the 125 GeV Higgs. This model possess a strong first-order electroweak phase transition due to the resultant Coleman-Weinberg type potential. We estimate the bubble nucleation that exhibits an ultra supercooling and then the signal for a stochastic gravitational wave produced via the strong first-order electroweak phase transition. We show that the amplitude can be reached to the expected sensitivities of the LISA.
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We study scalar bubble collisions in first-order phase transitions focusing on the relativistic limit. We propose `trapping equation' which describes the wall behavior after collision, and test it with numerical simulations in several setups. We also examine the energy dynamics after collision and discuss its implications to gravitational wave production.
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We study the gravitational-wave (GW) signature of first-order chiral phase transitions (χPTs) in strongly interacting hidden or dark sectors. We do so using several effective models in order to reliably capture the relevant nonperturbative dynamics. This approach allows us to explicitly calculate key quantities characterizing the χPT without having to resort to rough estimates. Most importantly, we find that the transition’s inverse duration β normalized to the Hubble parameter H is at least 2 orders of magnitude larger than typically assumed in comparable scenarios, namely, β/H≳O(104). The obtained GW spectra then suggest that signals from hidden χPTs occurring at around 100 MeV might be in reach of LISA, while DECIGO and BBO may detect a stochastic GW background associated with transitions between roughly 1 GeV and 10 TeV. Signatures of transitions at higher temperatures are found to be outside the range of any currently proposed experiment. Even though predictions from different effective models are qualitatively similar, we find that they may vary considerably from a quantitative point of view, which highlights the need for true first-principle calculations such as lattice simulations.
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A bstract In this paper we explore the possibility of observable gravitational waves as a manifestation of the QCD axion dynamics. In particular, we focus on dynamical axion models which solve the strong CP problem, and include the confinement of a QCD-like gauge group at the TeV scale. We study the resulting chiral symmetry breaking phase transition for models with N F = 3 and N F = 4 light flavors using the linear sigma model. This model describes the scalar meson spectrum and its interactions, with the diagonal field φ as the order parameter. We find that the amplitude of the gravitational wave spectrum depends on the mass of the dynamical axion η ′ via the ratio mη/mφ {m}_{\eta^{\prime }}/{m}_{\varphi } m η ′ / m φ . The resulting spectra may be observed at future mid-range gravitational wave experiments such as AION/MAGIS, DECIGO, and BBO. Moreover, the TeV states can be searched for at colliders and their quantum numbers characterized, providing a unique connection between axion physics, gravitational waves and collider searches.
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Classical scale invariance represents a promising framework for model building beyond the Standard Model. However, once coupled to gravity, any scale-invariant microscopic model requires an explanation for the origin of the Planck mass. In this paper, we provide a minimal example for such a mechanism and show how the Planck mass can be dynamically generated in a strongly coupled gauge sector. We consider the case of hidden SU(Nc) gauge interactions that link the Planck mass to the condensation of a scalar bilinear operator that is nonminimally coupled to curvature. The effective theory at energies below the Planck mass contains two scalar fields: the pseudo–Nambu-Goldstone boson of spontaneously broken scale invariance (the dilaton) and a gravitational scalar degree of freedom that originates from the R2 term in the effective action (the scalaron). We compute the effective potential for the coupled dilaton-scalaron system at one-loop order and demonstrate that it can be used to successfully realize a stage of slow-roll inflation in the early Universe. Remarkably enough, our predictions for the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra interpolate between those of standard R2 inflation and linear chaotic inflation. For comparatively small gravitational couplings, we thus obtain a spectral index ns≃0.97 and a tensor-to-scalar ratio as large as r≃0.08.
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Within classically conformal models, the spontaneous breaking of scale invariance is usually associated to a strong first order phase transition that results in a gravitational wave background within the reach of future space-based interferometers. In this paper we study the case of the classically conformal gauged B–L model, analysing the impact of this minimal extension of the Standard Model on the dynamics of the electroweak symmetry breaking and derive its gravitational wave signature. Particular attention is paid to the problem of vacuum stability and to the role of the QCD phase transition, which we prove responsible for concluding the symmetry breaking transition in part of the considered parameter space. Finally, we calculate the gravitational wave signal emitted in the process, finding that a large part of the parameter space of the model can be probed by LISA.
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We derive efficiency factors for the production of gravitational waves through bubble collisions and plasma-related sources in strong phase transitions, and find the conditions under which the bubble collisions can contribute significantly to the signal. We use lattice simulations to clarify the dependence of the colliding bubbles on their initial state. We illustrate our findings in two examples, the Standard Model with an extra |H|⁶ interaction and a classically scale-invariant U(1)B−L extension of the Standard Model. The contribution to the GW spectrum from bubble collisions is found to be negligible in the |H|⁶ model, whereas it can play an important role in parts of the parameter space in the scale-invariant U(1)B−L model. In both cases the sound-wave period is much shorter than a Hubble time, suggesting a significant amplification of the turbulence-sourced signal. We find, however, that the peak of the plasma-sourced spectrum is still produced by sound waves with the slower-falling turbulence contribution becoming important off-peak.