Conference PaperPDF Available

Artificial intelligence as the basis of future control networks.

  • Central Scientific Research Insitute of Armaments and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine


This is the official publication of the Prepint "Artificial intelligence as the basis of future control networks", July 2019. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30247.50087
Central Research Institute of Arms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
VIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference
Abstracts of reports
October 09–10
Chairman of the Organizing Committee Chepkov I. B. DEng, Professor, Chief
of the Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine
Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Sliusar V.I.
DEng, Professor, Principal Research Fellow of the Central Research Institute of
Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Members
of the Organizing Committee:
Lapytskyi S.V.
Sotnyk V.V.
DEng, Professor, Principal Research Fellow of the Central Research Institute of
Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ph.D. in
Eng., Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Chief of the Central Research Institute of
Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for
Scientific Affairs
Koliennikov A.P. Deputy Chief of the Central Research Institute of Armaments
and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Development and
Storozhyk I.V. Deputy Chief of the Central Research Institute of Armaments
and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Human Resources
Hultiaiev A.A. Ph.D. in Eng., Senior Research Fellow, Chief of the Research
Directorate for Military-Technical Policy
Larin O.U. Ph.D. in Eng., Chief of the Research Directorate for Development of
Weapons and Military Equipment of the Ground Forces
Holovin O.O. Ph.D. in Eng., Senior Research Fellow, Chief of the Research
Directorate for Development of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Air
Tverdokhlibov V.V. Ph.D. in Eng., Senior Research Fellow, Chief of the
Research Directorate for Development of Weapons and Military Equipment of
the Special Operations Forces
Kosiakovskyi A.V. Ph.D. in Eng., Chief of the Research Directorate for
Development of Armament and Military Equipment of the Navy
Kapas A.H. Chief of the Scientific and Organizational Department
Kanischev V.V. Chief of the 1st Research Department
Komarov V.O. Chief of the 2nd Research Department
Himber S.M. Chief of the Scientific Information Department
Chayka D.Yu. Ph.D. in Geography, General Director of the Directorate for
Innovation and Technology Transfer, Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine Ivanov O.V. Main specialist of the Technology Transfer Department,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Chuchmii A.V. Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Information
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference
Lukianov P., Bulka V. Implementation of modern technologies to the management system
of the life cycle of protected purpose
Megey K.V. Italian experience on measures of ame development planning
Nikolaev I.V., Kalugin D.S. Summary, forms and functions of operating and strategic
requirements to the perspective system AME AD
Nor P.I. Assessment of capabilities at ame creation by industry enterprises
Pochernin S.P., Zotova L.M. NATO policy on the application of civil standards in the
armament standardization
Radov D.H. Competition issues between dics of the usa and eu, possibility of Ukraine’s
participation in the european allocation of jobs in wme production
Rusevich A.O. Analysis of the impact of the development of arms and military equipment
on the level of military security of the state, ways of determination of impact
Riabets O.M., Borokhvostov V.K. The essence of a system methodology for the prediction
(forecasting) and risk management to resolve the issues of the armed forces of Ukraine
Savelyev Yu.V., Markovska L.А. New protective coatings for protection of structures and
objects exploited under specific conditions
Slyusar V.I. Artificial intelligence as the basis of future control networks
Smirnov V.O. Actualization of the task of creating a lifecycle management system for
armaments and military equipment in Ukraine
Smirnov V.O. Changes in Ukraine's position on the world arms market
Smirnov V.O. On the conceptual apparatus in the field of military-technical policy
Smirnov V.O. On creation of monitoring system of military-technical policy of Ukraine
Sotnik V.V., Zhubarev V.V., Borokhvostov V.K., Riabets O.M. Scientific and
methodological apparatus for risk management in the development, manufacturing, and
purchase of new (modernized) samples of armaments and military equipment
Sotnik V.V., Zhubarev V.V., Borokhvostov V.K., Riabets O.M. Need for the provision and
forecast of the risks influence of the negative circumstances and the events under the time
of the development, manufacturin
g, and purchase of new (modernized) samples of
armaments and military equipment
Sotnyk V.М., Kupchyn A.V. Foresight for the selection of critical technologies
Sotnyk V.М., Kupchyn A.V. The method of critical technologies
Tomchuk V.V. Global scientific and technological trends in development of armaments and
military equipment
Chepura M.M., Megey K.V. Basic directions of state policy in safety and defense area of
Chernega М.A. Main task of the initial stage of the reformation of the defense-industrial
Shapoval P.I. Parameter assessment models of stochastic dynamic systems radio element
parameter assessment
Shcherbyna I.M. Prerequisites for organization of the pricing process for the production o
defense technoparks
Sus S.V. Analysis of the problems affecting the scientific support of the research and
construction works on the development and modernization of the arms and the arms and
the possible ways to solve them
Akimov O.O., Bursala O.L., Boiarov V.T., Zhdanyuk M.M. Researches of smoothness of the
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference
duration of their operation, and d) in general, increasing the safety and operation
life of structures and objects.
The organization of PCM is possible on active (or reconstructed) chemical
production using standard chemical equipment. Slyusar V.I., Dr.t.s., Prof.
Central RI AME AF of Ukraine
The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an important trend in the
development of battlefield and weapons control systems. NATO experts use two
alternative definitions of artificial intelligence (NIAG StudyGroup SG-238 “GBAD
Operations against the 21st Century Peer Nation Cruise Missile and Unmanned
Aerial Systems (UAS)”):
“AI is the capability provided by algorithms of selecting optimal or sub-
optimal choices from a wide possibility space, in order to achieve goals by applying
strategies which can include learning or adapting to the environment”;
“Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems designed by humans that, given a
complex goal, act in the physical or digital world by perceiving their environment,
interpreting the collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning on the
knowledge derived from this data and deciding the best action(s) to take (according
to pre-defined parameters) to achieve the given goal. AI systems can also be
designed to learn to adapt their behavior by analyzing how the environment is
affected by their previous actions”.
As a scientific discipline AI includes several approaches and techniques, such
as: machine learning (deep learning and reinforcement learning),
machine reasoning (planning, scheduling, knowledge representation and
reasoning, search, and optimization),
robotics (control, perception, sensors and actuators, as well as the integration
of all other techniques into cyber-physical systems).
AI is useful in particular with respect to Human resources & manning
requirements: making (heterogeneous) systems work together; data exchange;
command coordination; target allocation (also between nations); working with
fewer resources; taking the man on/over the loop; coordination of sensors and
effectors; threat detection and identification; semi-autonomous weapon allocation;
improving timeliness (fast threat, pop up, numerous threat); derivation of intent,
situational awareness and evaluation.
The main applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are to
enhance C2, Communications, Sensors, Integration and Interoperability.
On the basis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with
Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS-COCO) or Limpid Armor Inc.
(Ukraine) technologies the Synthesis of Augmented Reality Symbols can be
provided. It enables target acquisition, targeting of moving targets (single or
swarm), coordination and deconfliction of distributed Join Fires between networked
combat vehicles, tanks, ships etc. also inside Manned and Unmanned Teams
(MUM-T). Smirnov V.O., PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher
Central RI AME AF of Ukraine
The need to create a lifecycle management system for armaments and
military equipment (LCMS AME) in Ukraine is due to several factors, and, first
of all, the imperfection of the existing lifecycle management system for AME.
There are several aspects here. Admitting to the troops in the process of
rearmament of the army and navy modern high-tech equipment should be
maintained in constant readiness for its intended purpose. This is especially true
when performing time-consuming, medium, major and major overhaul with
modernization. These types of repair are capable of performing only
organizations - manufacturers of defense-industrial complex (DIC).
Another, equally important aspect is the lifetime of the equipment. For a
large part of the AME it is ten years. They may undergo several upgrades during
this period. This will save considerable money on the purchase of new samples.
And without serious logistical support from DIC organizations, this task is
The main disadvantages of the current LCMS AME are the following:
the main contractors for the creation, production, repair of products are
responsible for the quality of work only within a separate stage of the life cycle.
At the same time, the work performed at different stages of the lifecycle products
remains weakly interdependent, and the overall goal of control for the entire
lifecycle is not fully achieved;
there is no effective mechanism for engaging industry to perform
maintenance and repair work;
the participants of the lifecycle products are not provided with complete
and up-to-date information about the lifecycle, first of all, information about the
actual indicators of reliability, readiness, consumption of resources, costs of the
continuous monitoring of the values of the tactical and technical
characteristics of the products, the value costs of the lifecycle, from designing the
product to its decommissioning, is not provided;
... The pre-ethereality of default reason, the impossibility of a full taxonomy of all conceivable problem options, the vast volume of naturalistic facts, and the unstructured nature of some well-known knowledge all impede the successful completion of these assignments. In establishing objectives and pursuing the most effective approaches, artificial intelligence systems may anticipate the outcomes of their activities (Slyusar, 2019). Given the problem's beginning information and an outline of the wanted objectives, with an assortment of options to attain the target, artificial robots create an action plan that is certain to end in a prosperous state, holding the desired goals. ...
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Introduction. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a wide spectrum of breakthroughs that offer multiple advantages to companies in terms of increased sales. Considering the abundance of data and the significant increase in computational resources, organisations have rapidly turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to create financial benefits. Nevertheless, businesses continue to discover it is challenging to implement and employ AI in their everyday activities. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding is required due to the absence of an integrated comprehension of how artificial intelligence creates business value and what kind of corporate worth is anticipated. Aim and tasks. The study aims to review value-generating methods and explain how enterprises might use AI technology in their business activities. To accomplish its main aims, this study offers a thorough literature review. The working hypothesis claims that the use of AI can increase business value. Results. This study examines the research capabilities of AI, its use in the corporate environment, and its initial and secondary impacts. The impact of AI includes process efficiency, generating insights hidden in huge amounts of data, and transforming business processes in terms of procedural actions, operational efficiency, financial efficiency, market efficiency, and sustainability in terms of company profile. In addition to the favourable impacts, several recent cases have shown that unwanted and undesired consequences may develop in the absence of effective management procedures. These effects hurt the reputation of the businesses concerned and, in certain cases, resulted in huge fines and financial losses. Such findings increase the responsibility of AI enterprises to incorporate solutions that reduce the bias in data and algorithms at every stage of implementation. Conclusions. The role of artificial intelligence in the corporate environment in value creation and operational efficiency is extending. AI technologies can be used by companies to increase automation of corporate processes without direct interaction with customers, including applications that mean the use of AI in customer-facing services and products. Learning about the means by which AI might be employed will assist businesses in generating rational choices regarding the strength of implementing technologies in the supply chain. Assessing the possible implications of AI acceptance of artificial intelligence may enable firms to plan more successfully on a technology’s launch.
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The national use of AI in the government sector is necessary to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in supporting bureaucratic reform and policy decision making in order to implement good governance. The research uses qualitative descriptive methods by reviewing previous research, and reviewing policies related to the use of AI in government and bureaucratic reform. The results show that in terms of governance, AI systems do not yet have specific laws governing and ensuring the security and protection of citizen data and the use of algorithms against the misuse of electronic transactions. In terms of governance, AI development is needed as an effort to maintain public trust and government legitimacy. In terms of infrastructure Indonesia is still constrained by the creation of data that is very difficult and does not allow for reuse. In terms of skills and education, the digital skills of workers in Indonesia are still middle level. In terms of government and public services, Indonesia still has to continue to increase the availability of public services digitally. In order to improve the management of AI Indonesia builds artificial intelligence industry research and innovation collaboration (KORI-KA), a quadruple-helix approach between government, industry, academia and the community. At a strategic level, AI management is conducted with policy, accountability, and accountability approaches. At the operational level, cybersecurity against data includes infrastructure security and the use of anonymous data methods to keep data owners unidentified.
У статті представлений аналіз стану використання інформаційних ресурсів Російської Федерації (РФ) під час підготовки та здійснення збройної агресії проти України. Відмічається, що соціальні мережі і використання ботів, розвідка на основі аналізу відкритих джерел, застосування технологій штучного інтелекту, кібербезпека і роботизовані системи визначають основні інформаційні тренди збройного протистояння України і РФ. У статті проаналізовано напрями застосування технологій на основі систем із штучним інтелектом та Big Data для здійснення негативного інформаційного (психологічного) впливу на цільові аудиторії. Відмічається, що використання в соціальних мережах систем, побудованих на основі технологій штучного інтелекту та Big Data у поєднанні із методами, способами і прийомами інформаційного (психологічного) впливу, виводить інформаційні (психологічні) операції на якісно новий рівень. Відмічається, що державні структури РФ активно розробляють і використовують технології на основі систем із штучним інтелектом для маніпулювання цільовими аудиторіями та виявлення, оцінювання і протидії інформаційним атакам у соціальних мережах. У статті представлені основні меседжі російських медіа-ресурсів, які використовувались РФ для маніпулювання громадською думкою в Україні та країнах Заходу з 2014 року по теперішній час. Відмічається, що РФ здійснює щонайменше 10 кібератак на день і з початку повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну здійснила понад 4500 кібератак. У статті запропонована класифікація різноманітних ботів, що використовуються у соціальних мережах, відповідно до їх функціонального призначення.
Conference Paper
Artificial intelligence is primed to disrupt our society and the industry. The AI trend of technological singularity is continuously accelerating and is being employed to the different facets of humanity from education, medicine, business, engineering, arts and the like. Government and private companies have been hooked up with this fast pacing technology. AI may displace some non-digital jobs that performs heavy load and repetitive tasks, but it certainly augments labor shortage by realigning the workforce competitiveness to what the technology requires. The diffusion of AI technology is necessary for mental shift of the government and industry leaders to adopt the technology. Research and development is very promising to uplift mankind to faster productivity and positively affect the industries in international perspective. The Philippines is still coping up with the adoption of AI system, but it can steer up globally by strengthening the technology governance of strictly implementing the policies with measures the PDP 2017-2022 and its HNRDA.
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