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Network security becomes a major consideration of the current era. Internet provides an enormous ease in almost all the regions like online banking, online shopping, communications, businesses or organisations. Thus, the communication network requires the security of the confidential data stored or transfer over the internet. Due to the quick development of computerized gadgets and their entrance to the internet caused insecurity to user data. Now a days, security and privacy threats has become more and more complicated which amplify the requirement for a modernized protected medium to secure the valuable data into the internet. In this paper, introduced Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to protect devices and information from the hackers. VPN is a private network which operates over a public network transit the encrypted information so that attackers are not able to use it. The purpose of VPN is to provide the different security elements such as authenticity, confidentiality and data integrity that's why these are becoming trendy, low-priced and easy to use. VPN services are available for smart phones, computers and tablets. This paper also concerns about the development, protocols, tunnelling and security of VPN. It is a rising technology which plays a major role in WLAN by providing secure data transmission over Internet.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020
Retrieval Number: F8335038620/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Abstract: Network security becomes a major consideration of
the current era. Internet provides an enormous ease in almost all
the regions like online banking, online shopping,
communications, businesses or organisations. Thus, the
communication network requires the security of the confidential
data stored or transfer over the internet. Due to the quick
development of computerized gadgets and their entrance to the
internet caused insecurity to user data. Now a days, security and
privacy threats has become more and more complicated which
amplify the requirement for a modernized protected medium to
secure the valuable data into the internet. In this paper,
introduced Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to
protect devices and information from the hackers. VPN is a
private network which operates over a public network transit the
encrypted information so that attackers are not able to use it. The
purpose of VPN is to provide the different security elements such
as authenticity, confidentiality and data integrity that’s why these
are becoming trendy, low-priced and easy to use. VPN services are
available for smart phones, computers and tablets. This paper also
concerns about the development, protocols, tunnelling and
security of VPN. It is a rising technology which plays a major role
in WLAN by providing secure data transmission over Internet.
Keywords: Encryption, Protocol, Tunnelling, Virtual Private
Network (VPN).
A. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
VPN is a networking framework which is effect over public
network to secure confidential data shared on the public
network. It rose as a cost effective and upright resolution in
different networking and telecommunication organizations. It
won't give some other outer assistance among them and it
won't permit some other association to intrude on them.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) are most supportive part of
any IT business because it saves the huge cost of
infrastructure by using the open Internet to create highly
protected communication medium from corporate office to
isolated sites and users.
Revised Manuscript Received on March 09, 2020.
* Correspondence Author
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma*, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Shri JJT University, Churela, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India.
Chamandeep Kaur, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Shri JJT University, Churela, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India. Email:
Fig. 1: Virtual Private Network (VPN)
B. History
Fifteen years ago, VPN access was a new concept to most
business. Their origin can be found in Virtual Circuit. Virtual
Circuits service is considered superior to a connection -less
service for handling long messages. VCs are easy to execute
on highly connected networks. The structure of the VC is to
generate a logical path from the source port to the destination
port. This path may integrate numerous hops between routers
for the configuration of the circuit. The final, logical path or
virtual circuit acts in the same way as a direct connection
between the two ports. In such a way, two or more
applications could communicate over a shared network. VC
technology forges ahead with the adjoining of encryption
facilities to the router systems. This new facility stared
converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
Afterwards, other tools were added as tokens authentication.
Unfavorably, the communication lines were still insecure and
these leads to the evolution of secure communication over
open network, a VPN.
C. How does VPN work?
Generally, VPN is a subscriptions-based model. It means
the user must has to download an application from its provider
and signs up for a granted time period to use their private
network to protect the different devices. The price will differ
between providers but usually, this is a monthly payment
which will steadily decrease based upon the time length of the
subscription period (monthly or yearly). Free VPN
applications are also available in the App Store for various
OS. Before using VPN, Remember, your VPN provider may
keep a record of your online activities which may well be
shared with the authorities, should they enquire.
The Vital Role of Virtual Private Network (VPN)
in Making Secure Connection Over Internet
Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Chamandeep Kaur
The Vital Role of Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Making Secure Connection Over Internet World
Retrieval Number: F8335038620/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Fig. 2: How does VPN work?
D. Why we use VPN?
From the consumer’s point of view, the major benefits of
VPNs are that they are significantly cost-effective. The
solution to using VPN technologies is the high speed leased
line. Such lines are costly, difficult to manage and difficult to
keep. The internet provides reliability for VPN users. Even
very remote locations have connection to the internet using
dial up modems. VPNs guarantee safe communication for
dial in users. The internet provides the VPN with the
accuracy of services. Mobile users may not be able to use
leased lines to connect with the corporate site and so the only
possible solution is VPN technology.
E. Advantages
VPNs get rid of Geo restrictions.
Online privacy is no longer at risk.
Protects from cybercriminals.
Data transfer is encrypted.
Regional leased lines or even cable networks are all you
need to connect to the internet and use the public
network to tunnel a private connection for sure.
Cost saving.
A. Tunnel
Tunnelling is a method in which one network packet is
wrapped in another. The encapsulated packet is called the
tunnelled packet and the external packet is called the transport
packet, which encapsulates. All the information contained in
the packet is encrypted at the lowest level, the OSI model’s
link level. As with VPNs, tunnelling concept has been
available for many years. It has been used to bridge internet
portions that have been disjoined capacities or policies. On
the top of the internet protocol, the tunnel acts as a router.
B. Remote Access Virtual Private Network
Remote Access VPN allows a user to connect a private
network remotely access all their services and resources. The
user-private network communication exists through the
Internet and the connection is secure and private. Remote
Access Virtual Network is useful for both home users and
business users.
Fig. 3: Remote Access VPN
C. Site-to-Site Virtual Private Network
Site-to-Site VPN builds a virtual connection between the
networks at geologically isolated offices and links them over
the internet and maintains secure, private network
communication. In this one router acts as a VPN client and
another act a VPN server as it is focused on connectivity
between network and user. If only the authentication between
the two routers is only checked then the connection begins.
Fig. 4: Site-to-site VPN
A. Point-To-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP)
PPTP builds a tunnel and surrounds the data packet.
Point-To-Point Protocol is used to encrypt the data between
the links. Point-To-Point Tunnelling Protocol is one of the
most frequently used VPN protocols for dial-up networks,
originally developed by Microsoft and has been in use since
Windows was first released. Apart from Windows, PPTP is
also used on both Linux and Mac.
B. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
IPSec is used throughout an IP network to protect Internet
communication. To provide encryption, IPSec is often
combined with other VPN protocols, but can also be used by
itself. It is widely used VPNs from Site to Site and many iOS
applications. IPSec runs in two modes: Tunnelling and
Transport mode.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020
Retrieval Number: F8335038620/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
C. Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP)
L2TP is a tunnelling protocol often paired with other VPN
security protocols such as IPSec to establish a highly secure
VPN connection. Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol creates a
tunnel between two L2TP connection points, and the data is
encrypted by the IPSec protocol and secure communication
between the tunnels.
D. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer
Security (TLS)
SSL and TLS create a VPN connection where the web
browser serves as a host and the user’s access applications is
restricted rather than the entire network. Online shopping
portals are commonly using the protocol SSL and TLS. Web
browsers can easily switch to SSL as they are embedded with
SSL and TLS. SSL connections have “https” in the first of the
URL instead of “http”.
E. OpenVPN
OpenVPN is an open source VPN widely used for
Point-to-Point and Site-to-Site link development. It uses a
standard SSL and TLS based authentication protocol.
OpenVPN enables users to secure their data using virtually
unbreakable AES-256-bit key encryption.
Fig. 5: VPN Protocols on OSI Model
List of VPN service providers by are
as follows:
Virtual Private Network uses several tools to protect data
flowing over the Internet. Some of the technologies used by
VPN are as follows:
A. Firewalls
An Internet firewall uses such strategies to check out network
addresses on ports or packets solicited on incoming
connections to determine which traffic is permissible on a
network. Though most VPN services do not execute firewalls
straightly by themselves, they form an integral part of a VPN.
The aim of firewall is to prevent unwanted traffic from
accessing your network while own users of VPN can access it.
Packet filtration is the most popular firewall that prevents the
crossing of the gateway router from specifying the IP address.
Example of VPN support router is Cisco Private Internet
Exchange (PIX) which support the Packet filtration.
The Vital Role of Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Making Secure Connection Over Internet World
Retrieval Number: F8335038620/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
B. Authentication
Authentication is a key to VPNs as its guarantees the
exchanging parties share data with the right client or server. It
is an analogous to “sign on” to a username and password
scheme. The majority of VPN authentication is totally based
on a shared key. The keys are run by using a hashing
algorithm, producing a hash value. The other party that holds
the keys ought to generate its personal hash value and
compare it to that obtained from the other end. The hash value
sent to an attacker over Internet is insignificant, so someone
who sniffs the network would not be able to gather a
password. Examples of authentication system are RSA and
C. Encryption
Encryption is frequently seen as important as authentication,
because it secure the data being transmitted from the packet
sniffing. VPNs employ two common techniques for
encryption: Public and Hidden (private) key: The public key
encryption requires a private and public key. You reveal your
private key to all but keep your private key to you only.
In hidden key encryption, all the parties that need to the
encrypted information have a specific passphrase or secret
password, which is used for encrypting as well as to decrypt
the information.
Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for
proper nouns and element symbols. For papers published in
translation journals, please give the English citation first,
followed by the original foreign-language citation [8].
VPNs enable users and companies to communicate over the
public internet to remote servers, branches or the business
while retaining secure communication. VPNs are highly
secure, versatile, inexpensive communication tool. In this
paper, we defined various VPN technologies which includes
SSL and IPsec are popular. We also listed various types of
VPNs and noted that their versatility makes it possible for the
user to select which facility they want. VPNs can provide a
range of authentication, integrity and encryption algorithms.
For the future Virtual Private Networks are expected for
safe communication. In the coming years, the VPN industry
will be predicted to be very high. It is essential that the chosen
requirements meet the needs of consumer and to retain their
1. Kanuga Karuna Jyothi, Dr. B. Indira Reddy “Study on Virtual Private
Network (VPN), VPN’s Protocols And Security”, Int © 2018
IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 5.
2. Komalpreet Kaur, Arshdeep Kaur “A Survey of Working on Virtual
Private Network” © 2019 IRJET | Volume 6 | Issue 9.
6. D. Simion, M.F. Ursuleanu, A. Graur, A.D. Potorac, A. Lavric
“Efficiency Consideration for Data Packets Encryption with in
Wireless Tunneling for Video Streaming” INT J COMPUT COMMUN
9. Charlie Scotte et al., “Virtual Private Network” Second Edition,
O’Reilly, January 1999
10. Ayhan ERDOĞAN, Dz. Yzb. “Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): A
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma, presently working
as a Associate Professor (HOD / Research
Coordinator) Department of Computer Science
Engineering and IT at Shri Jagdishprasad
Jhabarmal Tibrewala University”, Chudela,
Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan). He completed his Ph.D. in
Faculty of Computer Science, from Shri
Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University”,
Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) in the year 2014. His research areas Data
Communication & Networking, Operating System, Computer Organization
and Architecture, Data mining, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering
etc. In his research life he Published 4 books & 75 Papers in National and
International journals, 25 National and International conferences, 03
workshops. Under his guidance 05 research scholars awarded Ph.D.
Presently 08 research scholars working under his guidance. He invited as a
Guest Lecturer for Students in M.Sc. I.T. (Master Program in Information
Technology) on the behalf of National University of Science and
Technology, Muscat, Oman, Nov. 2019. He is Paper Setter, Answer Sheet
Evaluator (Copy Checker) and Practical Examiner in University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay University (Shekhawati
University), Sikar, Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner, University
of Kota, Kota, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan, Ajmer. Ph.D.
Thesis Evaluator and Ph.D. Final Viva-Voce Examiner in OPJS University,
NIMS University, Mewar University. Published 2 patents on Title: Parallel
Processing System to Reduce Complexity in Data-Mining of Industrial &
Social Big-Data. And Title: Computer Implemented Method for Detecting
Downlink Control Channel in Long Term Evolution Wireless
Communication. He has a member of IAENG, IACSIT, CSTA and UACEE.
Chamandeep Kaur, presently pursuing her Ph.D.
in Computer Science, from Shri JJT University,
Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. She’s M.C.A. from Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab with a rich
teaching and mentoring experience of 12 years. She
has published 5 research papers in International and
Scopus journals and attended 6 Notional/
International conferences. Her area of research is Cloud
Computing, IoT, Operating System, Big Data, Data Securities. She’s also
working with Jazan University as a Lecturer in Computer Science
Department, Jizan, KSA where she’s teaching undergraduate students as
well as guiding in their graduation project. She is a member of IEEE.
... A firewall serves as a wall that separates your internal network from sources outside and should control the flowing in and out traffic to ensure that you don't let anyone into your network site without authorization. One of our other important tools, a Virtual Private Network (VPN), secures remote connections using encryption and prevents 5 sensitive information from being gathered when employees work remotely (Sharma & Kaur, 2020). ...
... Secure VPN connections are essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining privacy and security. A VPN creates an encrypted connection between a device and a network, helping to protect against attacks such as hacking and data interception [1]. This is especially important when accessing the internet from public locations or using unsecured networks. ...
Conference Paper
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Secure VPN connections are essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining privacy and security. A VPN helper app based on NW.js that includes FIDO2 support is proposed in this paper as a solution to the lack of FIDO2 support in most VPN clients. This app would allow users to log in with a physical FIDO2 security key instead of a password, improving security by making it resistant to attacks such as password cracking or phishing. FIDO2 security keys can also enhance the user experience by eliminating the need to remember complex passwords and reducing the risk of account lockouts due to forgotten passwords. The VPN helper app would provide an easy-to-use solution for VPN users looking to take advantage of the added security and convenience of FIDO2 authentication. Summary The paper starts with an introduction to the concept of VPN connections and the importance of maintaining security and privacy. Proposes a concept for a VPN helper app based on NW.js that includes FIDO2 support. Then it provides an overview of current VPN client options and their limitations, including the concept of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and its role in protecting against security breaches. Section 2: discusses the various methods of MFA that can be used with VPN systems, including the use of FIDO2 for strong, phishing-resistant authentication and describes the proposed VPN helper app based on NW.js and its features and capabilities, including the role of the FIDO2 Security key in the authentication process. The conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and suggests potential future developments and directions for the app.
... In addition, a virtual private network (VPN), which is an encrypted data tunnel between two networks, has been employed to keep the data that are moved between nodes within the system secure and sound. VPNs are often used to deliver private point-to-point communications across public networks such as the Internet [5]. VPN authenticates users to utilise encrypted tunnelling services, which are susceptible to bottleneck congestion at large traffic rates [6]. ...
Conference Paper
Throughout the last decade, the online e-governance platform's services have promoted engagement between individuals and institutions by completing different e-government transactions. To utilise the government platform's services, the user must first be granted access to the e-government, which is accomplished by two-factor authentication based on log-in and password through SMS or even three-factor authentication by adding smart cards. Due of the use of electronic government by the conventional techniques of the central server to transmit data, these services suffer from the issue of centralisation, which is represented by the danger of exposure to an attack that leads to a malfunction that may result in service disruption and closure. Moreover, these vulnerabilities exacerbated consumers' worries about their data's privacy and security. Blockchain technology protects and decentralises log-in information in our electronic authentication system. The evaluation demonstrated that blockchain-based authentication is feasible and manageable. By utilising blockchain technology, the proposed decentralised authentication model aims to create a secure architecture that fully protects the electronic governance platforms through the authorised access process of users, overcomes the problem of centralisation, and protects user log-in and credential information and data rights through the use of digital signatures, encryption, and hashing technologies. The results showed that the total time for the user account creation process took “0.8” seconds to generate the user's public and private keys, and less than “0.1” seconds to create the user certificate, and less than “0.1” second to create the user's transaction, while the total time for the user's access to e-government services took “0.1” second.
... In late 2012, companies that provide VPN services claimed that the Great Firewall of China was able to "learn, detect and block" encrypted communication methods used by several different VPN systems [16].In 2017, the government instructed telecom companies in China to ban individuals from using VPNs by February 2018. [3]. In Russia in July 2017, the State Duma passed a bill requiring ISPs to block websites that offer VPNs, to prevent the spread of "extremist material" on the Internet. ...
... The network DLP manages data in transit by inspecting traffic transmitted externally through a central control server, and the endpoint DLP manages data at rest by monitoring user data activities on client devices, such as laptops and desktops, with installed agents to control information leakage. Similarly, commonly, a virtual private network (VPN) also protects data in transit [40]. A VPN creates a secure and encrypted connection between a computer and a remote server owned by a VPN provider, masking the IP address and protecting personal data during network communication. ...
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MyData is a personal data management approach that allows data subjects to control their data and service providers to utilize it. The data subjects can decide how to use and where to provide their data. With the explicit consent of the participants, service providers can collect scattered data from data sources and offer personalized services based on the collected data. MyData services are commercialized using two main approaches: the operator and device models. In the operator model, a centralized data controller collects the personal data of all data subjects. In the device model, a data controller located on the personal device collects the personal data of only one subject. Personal data from both models are provided to the data processors with the explicit consent of the data subjects. However, in practice, tracing and controlling personal data are difficult for subjects once it is transferred to third-party processors. In this paper, we propose a cloud model in which personal data are collected and processed only in the cloud. As both the data controllers and processors are hosted on a cloud, personal data remains confined to the cloud. However, a data breach could endanger all the data. The threat analysis showed that cloud-only approaches could not reduce this risk. We propose a cloud- device cooperative architecture that minimizes data leakage by encrypting personal data using a key managed by a user device. This architecture poses a similar level of risk to the device model while allowing data subjects to easily control their data.
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Considerations included in this monograph, with regard to the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Visegrad countries, were presented, on the one hand, from perspective of processes affecting its shape, but also with regard to the specificity of entities constituting the subject of the research, as well as conditions and challenges determining their digitalisation activities and themselves resulting from the historical and socio-economic specificity of countries in which they occur. This publication does not fully exhaust the issues related to the digital transformation of SMEs in the V4 countries, but it draws attention to its selected and, in the authors’ opinion, important manifestations and aspects. As authors, we hope that this monograph will thus constitute a kind of starting point for further research and discussion on the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises under the imperative of digitalisation of business activities.
Background: There is a significant shortage of radiographers in Germany and this shortage is expected to increase. Thus, it is becoming increasingly difficult for radiological facilities to adequately provide their services for the required period of time. Teleradiology has already been established for electronic transmission of diagnostic radiographic imaging examinations between two geographical locations for diagnostic reporting. Recently, the concept of teleoperating radiological devices has become increasingly attractive. Method: We examined the potential of teleoperating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in radiological facilities within the German regulatory framework in order to address the shortage of qualified personnel. To this end, we are introducing the concept of remote scanning, the structural foundations, the technical requirements associated with it, as well as the legal and educational qualifications of the relevant professional groups. Furthermore, suggestions regarding nomenclature and necessary standard operating procedures to efficiently integrate teleoperation into a clinical workflow adhering to high patient safety standards are provided. Results: Companies provide technical solutions or even experienced radiographers as a service on demand for teleoperating radiological imaging devices remotely from a distance. There should be a comprehensive on-site strategy to effectively embed remote scanning into clinics. Local information technology and data security institutions should be involved in implementation. In order to guarantee that the remote operation workflow is able to provide health care services in line with regulative and legal standards, it is essential to implement standardized personal and institutional training, certifications, and accreditation procedures. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and checklists for the involved staff, which are adapted to the local workflow in the participating facilities, are beneficial. Conclusion: Remote MRI scanning is an evolving technology that further expands the concept of teleradiology to include teleoperations and provides flexibility with respect to the staffing of MRI operators. Careful consideration and dedicated expertise of all involved parties are required to ensure patient safety, meet regulations, and successfully integrate teleoperations into clinics. Key points: · Remote MRI scanning expands the concept of teleradiology.. · Remote scanning provides flexibility regarding the staffing of MRI operators.. · IT and data security institutions should be involved when implementing remote scanning.. · Comprehensible SOPs and checklists should be established for remote MRI scanning.. · Radiation protection legislation does not allow purely remote CT scanning..
In the current age, ensuring the security and confidentiality of information transmitted via the Internet is a crucial issue for both individuals and companies, and plenty of technology companies and their technologies are offering such features. Like other numerous technologies, virtual private networks (VPNs) technologies have been applied to the modern world for security. Different VPN companies that offer free to paid services help provide security capabilities that a user would need to use when facing a vulnerability in using VPNs. These offers could include encryption, firewalls, and encryption with technologies such as tunneling, portal, and remote desktop architectures. This research has gathered information regarding user interest in VPNs, as well as seeking their confidence and knowledge regarding the security and privacy of different VPN clients. The results of the survey show that users are knowledgeable of VPNs, their services, and their acknowledgment of their vulnerability that hackers could use to their advantage.
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When an access-desired network is constructed using public network infrastructure such as global Internet to connect remote users or regional offices to company's private network is said to be Virtual Private Network(VPN). A VPN protects the private network, using encryption and other security mechanisms to confirm that only authorized users can access the system and the data can be intercepted. This Literature review paper explains about Virtual Private Network(VPN), It's protocols and Security in VPN.
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With the help of the Internet today we can communicate with anyone from anyplace to access all types of data with a high level of QoS. This mobility is available for legitimate users, as well as for illegitimate ones, for this reason we need extra data security. A solution for QoS and data confidentiality is Virtual Private Network (VPN); ways, in which we can reduce operational costs, grow productivity, simplify network topology and extend the area of connectivity. Video data packets must arrive with a constant and low delay at the same rate in order to have e real time transmission. This paper presents an analysis of different protocols used and the way that video data packets are encapsulated and encrypted for a high level of QoS in a VPN connection.
This paper is a survey on Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). The functionality of a VPN is precisely the same as any other private network. This means that information passed between parties on the network is protected from attackers. The difference between a VPN and another private network is that the former operates over a public network, such as the Internet. The VPN occupies its own private address space on the public network, thus making it inaccessible from the other users on that network. Also, the information in transit is encrypted so that if the data is intercepted, the attacker is not able to read it. Security elements such as confidentiality, authenticity and data integrity can be provided with these VPNs. These networks are attracting the attention of companies around the world for two reasons: they are inexpensive; and they are highly flexible. Many consulting firms, such as Aventail, and Eagle Systems are designing VPNs specifically to their customers needs depending on their security and performance requirements. Generally, in most VPN structures the higher the level of required security, the slower the system becomes. That fact that VPNs make use of a public network makes them highly cost-effective. With certain VPNs the companies requiring security facilities can make use of any Service Provider which will oblivious to the VPN it is hosting. Alternatively, the Service Provider can support the VPN so that the burden of the company having to maintain its own private network is lifted. In addition, if the company chooses to manage its own VPN, and does not lease the service from a Service Provider, the maintenance and administration on a VPN is considerably simpler than that on private leased lines. VPNs make use of many existing structures such as the virtual circuit and the security firewall. This paper will look at the structure of VPNs and the protocols that are implemented to control them. Its development, but the prospects for VPNs as a security structure on the Internet are very good. [10] This paper concerns the rise and development of the VPN. This new technology is one of the security industry's fastest growing products. It is difficult to find a suitable definition for the VPN. As we will see, the technology for implementing VPNs has been accessible for many years. However, it is only recently that various institutes have begun formalizing the VPN concept. As is usual in most fields of computer science many differing standards and protocols have been suggested, each one with their own definition of the VPN. Here, we will present a general definition for VPNs. The most generic definition of a VPN is that it is a temporary, secure IP connection over a public IP network, such as the Internet [2]. This connection has its traffic encrypted in such a way that only the source and destination can decrypt the packets. The VPN uses the same physical cabling, switches, bridges, and routers as the public network, but uses a different address space. This means that a publicly accessible network can be used for the transmission of confidential information. In this paper, we will examine the structure, security, and benefits of VPNs. We will also look at developing protocols on which VPNs are based. Firstly, though, we will look at the history and evolution of the VPN.
A Survey of Working on Virtual Private Network
  • Komalpreet Kaur
  • Arshdeep Kaur
Komalpreet Kaur, Arshdeep Kaur "A Survey of Working on Virtual Private Network" © 2019 IRJET | Volume 6 | Issue 9.