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The topic of Millennials (1980-1995) in the workplace raises many business conversations and studies. These past few years, Millennials have filled up the workplace and surprisingly brought an interesting phenomenon. Millennials easily leave their jobs to find another in less than two years after starting the job. The goal of this paper is to examine this phenomenon by understanding the factors related to high millennials turnover. Some things that will be explained related to millennials are their employee commitment, wellbeing, and the function of career path and development in retaining millennials. The method of this writing is through journal reviews. In many studies, millennials are explained to be aware of their wellbeing and value work-life balance. They are eager to learn more and make changes when they could. Organizations that do not provide millennials with a place to grow and explore their capabilities to the fullest would not earn their loyalty. Clear career path and career development create the environment in which millennials feel appreciated, and it leads to employee satisfaction and a healthy workplace. When employees are satisfied, they will perform better to achieve the organization's goals and their own goals. Eventually, satisfied millennials will possess a higher commitment to the organization. It is crucial for an employer to understand millennials' characteristics and provides them with opportunities to grow because millennials' trust must be sought through processes where millennials are looked after.
Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
Sista Mayangdarastri (1*), Khanifatul Khusna (2)
1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jember, Jember, 68121, Indonesia
Career Engagement;
Career Path;
Career Development;
The topic of Millennials (1980-1995) in the workplace raises many
business conversations and studies. These past few years,
Millennials have filled up the workplace and surprisingly
brought an interesting phenomenon. Millennials easily leave their
jobs to find another in less than two years after starting the job.
The goal of this paper is to examine this phenomenon by
understanding the factors related to high millennials turnover.
Some things that will be explained related to millennials are their
employee commitment, wellbeing, and the function of career path
and development in retaining millennials. The method of this
writing is through journal reviews. In many studies, millennials
are explained to be aware of their wellbeing and value work-life
balance. They are eager to learn more and make changes when
they could. Organizations that do not provide millennials with a
place to grow and explore their capabilities to the fullest would
not earn their loyalty. Clear career path and career development
create the environment in which millennials feel appreciated, and
it leads to employee satisfaction and a healthy workplace. When
employees are satisfied, they will perform better to achieve the
organization's goals and their own goals. Eventually, satisfied
millennials will possess a higher commitment to the organization.
It is crucial for an employer to understand millennials'
characteristics and provides them with opportunities to grow
because millennials' trust must be sought through processes
where millennials are looked after.
* * Corresponding Author at Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia and Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Jember, Jember, 68121, Indonesia E-mail address:;
Journal homepage:
S. Mayangdarastri and K. Khusna Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
1. Introduction
Millennials have unique character traits
compared to the generations before them,
such as Baby Boomers (Buzza, 2017).
Millennials were born between the years
1980 to 1995 and are the majority of the
workforce in the workplace nowadays. To
some, they are the next ''Greatest
Generation,'' armed with the tools and
eagerness to drive toward a better future and
make a change in a world facing economic,
geopolitical, and environmental crises
(Hershatter & Epstein, 2010). Hence,
companies have high hopes for talented
millennials to improve company
performance. However, their unique
characteristics that are visible in how specific
they want their workplace to be led to the
phenomenon in which millennials are known
to have low organization commitment and
are motivated to gain experiences by
changing from one company to another.
Millennials were born in an era of
rapid technological development and with
the main communication using social media
and digital technology. Therefore, they are
able to create new opportunities along with
the development of increasingly
sophisticated technology. Millennials are
very sensitive and critical of environmental
changes that occur around them. Millennials
are also easily bored with monotonous
environments at work. These different
attitudes and behaviors make them a unique
workforce that might have an impact on
human resource productivity and which
might also affect organizational performance
(Ramli & Soelton, 2019)
This study provides a contextual
overview, review, and commentary on why
this phenomenon happens and the probable
way of retaining millennials by giving them
the opportunity to grow in the organization.
It could be argued that the importance of
career development is closely related to
millennial's commitment to the organization
and their engagement in the workplace. This
study is conducted by reviewing journals,
theories, and findings.
Millennials are aware of their needs,
what they want, and how to achieve it. In
order for the organization to retain talented
millennials, they must integrate workforce
satisfaction with the opportunity to grow
through clear career paths and career
development programs. Not only is the
career path necessary to greater workers'
satisfaction, but also an important aspect of
increasing productivity and profitability.
2. Literature Review
There are points to be addressed in this
journal regarding the research questions.
First, we will discuss millennials in general,
millennials in the workplace, and dive as to
what motivates millennials to change the
workplace. Then we will explore the broader
aims and effects of career path and
development in the workplace. Lastly, we
will understand employee engagement.
These points are provided here to see the
connections better.
Millennials in General and in The
Maximizing and enhancing the role of a
qualified workforce has always been one of
the most challenging tasks for human
resource practitioners. The emergence of the
Millennial generation has made it difficult
for human resource practitioners to manage
the workforce. Most organizations today face
the same difficulty in involving the
millennial workforce. (Jha, Sareen, &
Potnuru, 2019.
S. Mayangdarastri and K. Khusna Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
The most apparent difference between
millennials and other generations in the
workplace is their distinct relationship with
technology (Hershatter & Epstein, 2010).
Millennials were born at a time when
technology and the internet were starting to
rise. Therefore, their growing environment
was supported by technologies. This
environment caused a greater difference
between millennials and the generations
before them. In 2008, UCLA neuroscientist,
Henry Small conducted research that shows
significant changes in brain function among
generations or "brain gap". This leads to
millennials (digital natives) who are more
effective in multitasking and filtering
information. Hershatter & Epstein also stated
that millennials seek feedback because it
provides them with a progressive path.
Millennials are willing to learn from their
mistakes to achieve their goals. In theory,
millennials or employees in general who are
valued, appreciated, and looked after will
respond with loyalty.
Millennials pay attention to authenticity
and organization values because they will
choose to work with organizations that drive
change and could fulfill their personal and
societal goals. PricewaterhouseCoopers, as
cited in Hershatter & Epstein (2008), reported
that loyalty for millennials employees means
that organizations assure employees with
opportunities, professional development,
and training, and provide coaching and
mentoring. They value loyalty to a wider
perspective, and this statement is supported
by Stewart, Oliver, Cravens, & Oishi (2016),
who conducted an observation of their
students where they realized that millennials
were driven by wider priorities. Millennials
are concerned in the 'big picture' of what they
A white paper published by Robert Walters
contains research resulting in these findings
listed below:
1. 91% of millennials value rapid career
progression that is communicated to
them during the recruitment process.
They have high expectation on the
employer when they first undertake
the recruitment.
2. 71% of millennials believe that their
employer should provide guidelines
for bonuses and promotions. In other
words, millennials want their
employer to explain the possibility of
career development and clear career
3. Career progression is the strongest
reason for what keeps millennials
engaged at work, followed by the
opportunity to exercise influence,
recognition of individual
achievements, and personalized
training. These factors are all included
in what the company should pay
attention to when preparing a career
path and development.
4. 25% of millennials change jobs because
of higher salary and bonuses, 25% to
find a more fulfilling job, and 20% for a
better career opportunity.
5. 53% of millennials felt disappointed by
the lack of personal training and
development in their new job. This
shows that the employer has not been
able to provide millennials with a clear
career path and career development.
Millennials prioritize fulfilling job and
opportunities for career development
rather than salary.
Millennials are considered a disloyal
generation because of how quickly they leave
an organization, creating a high turnover and
S. Mayangdarastri and K. Khusna Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
high financial expenses (Buzza, 2017). A few
of the reasons for this phenomenon is stated
in the findings of Robert Walter's research.
Therefore, attaining work-life balance to
decrease turnover and avoid burned-out is
significant. When employees are burned-out,
they tend to easily leave their job because of
dissatisfaction of their work-life balance.
In addition, Millennials want quick
returns on their work. Compared to the
previous generation, millennial generation
emphasizes the balance of work with their
personal goals and interests. They want a
flexible environment with many better and
faster career development opportunities.
Millennial generation believes in mutual
relations. They have no commitment to
anything unless they find personal interest in
an organization. The millennial generation
also expects their superiors to help them
achieve their personal goals in return for
commitment and emotional behavior
towards the organization (Jha et al., 2019).
Millennials think that having a flexible work
schedule means that work is not measured
by the time they spend on their work. The
most important thing is whether the work
has been completed and the requested from
leaders' goal is reached (Putriastuti & Aless,
Career Path and Development
Career development consists of actions
undertaken by workers (career planning)
and the organization (career management) to
encounter career objectives and job
necessities (Al-Shawabkeh, 2017). As
obtained in the literature, the definition of
career development can be viewed from
different approaches; 1) congruence between
career development, individuals'
personality, and their occupation; 2) a
process for achieving specific employee's and
organization goals. career development can
help reduce costs spent on recruiting and
training new employees in organizations.
(Osibanjo, Oyewunmi, & Ojo, 2014)
At the individual level, career
development processes in work that helps
the employee in managing their mental
health and wellbeing (Redekopp & Huston,
2018). Career development is positively
connected to happiness, wellbeing, and the
employee's quality of life. Waddell & Burton
as cited in Redekopp & Huston (2018), said
that "work and paid employment are
generally beneficial for physical and mental
health and well-being." With career
development and counseling services,
employee's wellbeing will be well-served,
and they will continuously adapt to changes
and create a healthier workplace.
Nevertheless, good leadership is still one of
the factors that strongly affect wellbeing and
absences. (Redekopp & Huston, 2018).
Career paths can provide individuals and
organizations with the structure needed for
career development. A person's career path
can be defined as the sequence of work
positions or roles they have during their
lives. Individual career paths can change
during a career; therefore the characteristics
that determine career paths and their use in
organizations are individual career
movements over time (Hedge & Rineer,
According to Chen and Choi (2008), as
cited by (Putriastuti & Aless, 2019),
millennials are idealists, highly optimistic,
and confident. Millennials have high
expectations and very proud of themselves.
Millennials believe that if they make a good
contribution to the organization, they expect
to get rapid promotion and career
S. Mayangdarastri and K. Khusna Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
Employee Engagement
An engaged employee will commit
intellectually and emotionally to their
organization's success (Hewitt Associates,
2009). In other words, their contribution to
organizational performance will increase,
and they will be likely to remain in the
International Survey Research (ISR)
explains that employee engagement as a
process by which an organization increases
commitment and continuation of its
employees to the achievement of superior
results. The ISR separates commitment into
three parts, 1) cognitive commitment, 2)
affective commitment, and 3) behavioral
commitment. In other words, the three
dimensions of commitment are thinking,
feeling, and act (Woodka, 2014).
A survey of 1,798 participants (Cravens et
al., 2015) found that there are three factors
positively affecting organizational
commitment; job satisfaction, self-
performance, and retention.
Other than that, they found no relationship
between organizational commitment and
organizational culture. When employees are
satisfied and could actualize themselves,
they become more invested in achieving
organizational goals, which lead to higher
organizational commitment, higher levels of
engagement, and less turnover.
Commitment and trust are products of
communication that are designed by the
organization through processes and policies
with the end result of satisfaction in both
parties (Chia, 2005), as cited in Mishra (2014).
Likewise, employee engagement is affected
by workforce well-being. Saripudin and
Rosari (2019) investigated that engaged
employees included millennial generation,
have a relationship with their spiritual well-
being. Their research suggested that
employers or leaders should accommodate
spiritual needs to enhance employee or work
engagement (Saripudin & Rosari, 2019).
Engagement and commitment are crucial for
organizations because they can make
potential contributions to valuable business
results (Robert J. Vance, 2006).
3. Discussion
Millennials, in general, are aware of their
surroundings. They tend to choose an instant
way or the fastest way to get to what they
wanted. They are eager to make changes in
the world where changes come and go as fast
as the flip of a wrist. They easily adapt to
technologies and do tasks all at the same
time, but negatively they are less adept in
face-to-face communication. They tend to use
modern technological devices for their
primary communication. More
communication takes place in virtual space,
and their online presence never ends
(Bencsik, Juhász, & Horváth-Csikós, 2016)
In a globalized world where information
and communication flow easily, millennials
are interested in collecting as many
experiences as they could. One of the results
in this behavior is their high turnover.
Similar research conducted by Saragih (2016)
as cited in (Frian & Mulyani, 2018) shows
several factors that affect millennial
employee turnovers such as salary, facility,
career opportunity, supervision,
relationship, work, job flexibility, and work
location. The main interesting
recommendations of Millennials in their
work are flexible work schedules and
integration of work-life and/or work-life
Studies have shown that millennials
appreciate the opportunity and space for
them to grow in organizations. Even though
S. Mayangdarastri and K. Khusna Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 1 (2020) 42-48
higher salary and bonuses is one of the
reasons why millennials change jobs, two
other reasons are related closely to career
development. They are willing to learn to
step on their progressive path. As the
generation who value self-grow and self-
actualization more than any other
generations, millennials will be loyal to an
organization that provides a better
understanding of millennials' characteristic
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, the employer must
understand millennial's characteristics and
provide them with opportunities and space
to grow. When the career path and
development in an organization are clear,
millennials will be more interested in
contributing to the organization's goals. As
millennials are respected and appreciated
with clear communication on how to achieve
their work-life balance, millennials will show
loyalty and commitment to the organization.
The author hopes this review journal could
benefit many parties. Even though there are
many flaws and limitations in this journal,
this journal could raise some questions to be
answered later: Are there other factors
possibly related to millennial's engagement
and wellbeing besides what was already
stated here? Will this problem also occur in
the next generation?
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... *Corresponding author, email address: high, and it has been observed that they tend to leave their professions in less than two years (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). However, millennial turnover has become a problem for organizations and is a significant expense (Adkins, 2016;Holtschlag et al., 2020). ...
... Work-life balance is frequently observed in employees across all industries, as workers demand job duties and well-being (Foanto et al., 2020). According to numerous studies, millennials are aware of their welfare and appreciate work-life balance (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). Working from home and other forms of flexible scheduling, together with the support of one's company (such as coworker and supervisor) and spouse (family), can all contribute to a healthier work-life balance (Kirby et al., 2023). ...
... The vast majority had less than three years of professional experience (74.37 percent). Dissatisfaction with their jobs and a lack of opportunities for career development are two primary reasons why Millennials leave their employment within two years (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). ...
Full-text available
Since millennials dominate today’s workforce, it is necessary to explore the career development of this generation. Therefore, this study aims to examine the career development of the millennial generation based on work-life balance and satisfaction factors mediated by affective commitment. This study involved 160 respondents, most of whom were female manufacturing workers. This study took a quantitative approach and used structural equation modeling to examine predictors of career development among millennials. We found that work-life balance and job satisfaction positively affect affective commitment and affective commitment positively affects career development. However, the results revealed no direct relationship between work-life balance and career development. The effect of work-life balance on career development is only significant if it is mediated by job satisfaction. A clear and targeted career path is very important for the continuity of millennial career development. This study suggests technology-based ways to engage millennials using digital tools to interact and share information, resulting in better work-life balance and higher productivity. This study implies that work-life balance is necessary for enhancing job satisfaction, emotional commitment, and career advancement.
... They believed in mutual relations, where they would not commit or stay loyal unless they found personal interest in their organization. (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). Millennials are environmentally conscious and critical of the changes that occur around them in the workplace (Ramli & Soelton, 2019). ...
... When organizations can recognize this interest and offer promising development opportunities, it is anticipated that Millennials employees will show higher engagement and become the enforcer of the company's vision and goals with the provision of a clear career path (Mansor & Hossan, 2021). The career path creates an environment where Millennials would feel appreciated and satisfied, which could lead to better performance and higher commitment (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). ...
... Based on their professional experience, when the employer did not set up career paths as expected, they felt concerned about their future career development and thus intended to leave the company. A proper career path makes them feel secure about their future career in the company, which could motivate them to perform better and show greater commitment (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). This result supported previous findings, which showed that Millennial employees have high expectations of their career advancements; in particular, rapid career progression/promotion is considered an important factor that motivates them (Myers & Sadaghiani, 2010;Kodagoda & Deheragoda, 2021). ...
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The emergence of Generation Y, which dominates the workforce due to population shift, brings awareness to businesses and organizations to be prepared and build a strategy to engage the Millennial workforce and reduce the high turnover rate that led to company loss. Turnover intention is the best predictor for observing an early indication of employee turnover. Therefore, leaders and organizations must explore and gain more information on generation Y employees' expectations in the workplace and how to fulfill them to reduce their turnover intention. This study used a phenomenological approach to acquire an in-depth understanding of Generation Y employees' expectations and perspective towards the organization and how it influences turnover intention. The results revealed that most Generation Y employees agreed that co-workers' support (emotional and instrumental) and interpersonal relationship play an essential role in their work life. Although, few others believed these factors needed to be more influential to affect their commitment to the organization. Unanimously, all Generation Y employees also agreed that supervisor support and career development opportunities played crucial roles in their career journey. They believed that the organization should facilitate them with mentorship to deliver supervisor support, learning opportunities, and career path plan to ensure their career progression within the workplace. Businesses and organizations need to have policies and facilitation which fulfill all these expectations and provide them with a reason to stay loyal and oblige to higher commitment in return for all the support given by the company.
... In this study, the researchers aimed to examine the effect of career growth on employee turnover intention within the construction sector, by adopting the dimensions of career growth proposed by Weng and Hu (2009), which include career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed, and remuneration growth. Mayangdarastri and Khulna (2020) stated that providing career growth opportunities allows for higher job satisfaction and job performance, leading to a rise in organisational commitment and eventually an increase in their loyalty and intention to stay with the organisation. This statement is supported by the results of past studies done by Nouri and Parker (2013), Karavardar (2014), Putri and Handoyo (2020); and Ohunakin et al. (2018) which show significant effects of career growth on turnover intention. ...
... As indicated by Mayangdarastri and Khulna (2020), career growth opportunities lead to higher job satisfaction and job performance, therefore increasing the organisational commitment, loyalty and intention to stay with the organisation. In relation to this, the following sub-sections addressed the effect of career growth on employee turnover intention by adopting the dimensions of career growth proposed by Weng and Hu (2009), which include career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed, and remuneration growth. ...
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This study examines the effect of career growth dimensions (career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed, and remuneration growth) on turnover intention in the Sarawak construction industry. Using a quantitative method and cross-sectional design, data was collected through an online survey questionnaire and analysed using multiple regression analysis. Results indicate that career goal progress and professional ability development have a significant effect on turnover intention, while promotion speed and remuneration growth do not have any significant effect on turnover intention. These findings emphasise the importance of career growth opportunities and professional development strategies to enhance employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. Organisations should reassess retention strategies and consider other factors influencing turnover intention to improve employee retention efforts.
... Penelitian sebelumnya oleh Mayangdarastri & Khusna (2020) telah menunjukkan bahwa millennium menghargai kesempatan dan ruang bagi mereka untuk tumbuh dalam organisasi. Meski gaji dan bonus yang lebih tinggi menjadi salah satu alasan generasi millennial berganti pekerjaan, dua alasan lainnya terkait erat dengan pengembangan karir. ...
... Mereka adalah gelombang pertama generasi digital yang lahir di dunia teknologi. Mereka sangat berkualitas dalam pengetahuan digital; oleh karena itu mudah bagi mereka untuk dengan cepat memperoleh penggunaan alat dan perangkat baru di bidang TI (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). Generasi Y dicirikan oleh 'multitasking', multi-sisi dan perhatian bersama. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana peran mentor dan pengelolaan karir pada generasi millenial. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena generasi millenial memiliki karakteristik yang mudah bosan, ingin cepat naik karirnya, ingin menjalani karir dengan mudah dan tidak ribet. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan peran mentor dan pengelolaan karir yang spesifik untuk generasi millenial ini. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 3 responden karyawan generasi millenial dan dianalisa menggunakan verbatim, coding dan kategorisasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan faktor-faktor penunjang dan faktor-faktor penghambat dalam pengelolaan karir generasi millenial, serta menghasilkan faktor-faktor penunjang dan faktor-faktor penghambat peran mentor dalam karir generasi millenial. Saran untuk penelitian masa depan agar dapat melakukan penelitian dengan teknik triangulasi interview dengan para mentor generasi milenial sehingga mendapatkan data yang lebih kaya tentang peran mentor dan pengelolaan karir bagi generasi millennial.
... The ability to exercise influence, acknowledgement of individual accomplishments, individualised training, and career advancement rank as the top factors in keeping millennials interested at work. When creating a career path and growth plan, the organisation should take all these variables into consideration (Mayangdarastri & Khusna, 2020). ...
... Volume 6, Issue 1 January, 2023 strengthens the research of Mayangdarastri and Khusna (2020) that the better career improvement, the more it improves employee performance. ...
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Teacher performance plays an important role in improving education quality. There are several factors that influence teacher performance, including compensation, career improvement, and work motivation. This study aimed to examine influences of compensation and career improvement on work motivation, examine influences of compensation, career improvement and work motivation on teacher performance; and it was to prove and test influences of compensation and career improvement on teacher performance through work motivation. Research population was 258 teachers of junior high schools in the Batu City area. Sample number was determined by using the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 0.05, so that the sample consisted of 124 teachers. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The data collection used questionnaires distributed to respondents with both off line and on line methods. The technique of data analysis used SEM PLS. Research result showed that: (1) compensation and career improvement had a significant positive influences on work motivation; (2) compensation, career improvement and work motivation had a significant positive influence on teacher performance; and (3) compensation and career improvement had significant positive influence on teacher performance through work motivation. For this reason, if school management tried to improve teacher performance, it could be done through the provision of appropriate compensation accompanied by obvious career improvement patterns and the strengthening of work motivation.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, fenomena antargenerasi dalam organisasi telah menjelma menjadi tema populer yang diangkat berbagai literatur penelitian, berita, bahkan terekam dalam budaya populer. Hal ini dikarenakan tiap-tiap generasi memiliki perilaku, kebutuhan, dan ekspetasi berbeda yang jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat akan melahirkan masalah komunikasi internal di dalam organisasi. Fenomena ini pun turut dialami divisi Relation Marketing PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Cabang Manna, Bengkulu Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis serta memberikan saran perbaikan pada komunikasi internal antargenerasi di divisi Relation Marketing PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. KC. Manna, Bengkulu Selatan. Adapun konsep yang digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan dalam penelitian ini ialah Teori Aliran Informasi Organisasi Pace & Faules dengan indikator downward communication dan upward communication, yang kemudian dielaborasi dengan Generational Theory melalui indikator workplace traits dari beberapa ahli guna mendalami aspek generasi. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus, peneliti melakukan wawancara dan observasi terhadap dua atasan generasi x dan tujuh karyawan generasi milenial. Temuan empiris menunjukkan bahwa dalam konteks organisasi dual role—bisnis dan publik—, perilaku dan ekspetasi generasi, nature birokrasi yang masih melekat, dan dinamika pekerjaan marketing perbankan, ketiga hal tersebut memiliki kaitan erat dan berkontribusi pada praktik komunikasi internal antargenerasi di divisi Relation Marketing Bank BRI KC. Manna, Bengkulu Selatan, Tahun 2022. // As time goes by, the intergenerational phenomenon in organizations has become a popular theme raised by various research literature, news, and even reflected in popular culture. This is because each generation has different behaviors, needs, and expectations which, if not handled properly, will create internal communication problems in the organization. This phenomenon is also experienced by the Relation Marketing Department of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. KC. Manna, South Bengkulu Regency. This study aims to analyze and provide suggestions for improvements to intergenerational internal communication in the Relation Marketing Department of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. KC. Manna, South Bengkulu. The concept used to analyze the problems in this study is Pace & Faules' Organizational Information Flow Theory with downward and upward communication indicators, which are then elaborated with Generational Theory from several experts to explore the generational aspect. Using a qualitative approach and case study method, the researcher interviewed and observed two generation x leaders and seven millennial generation employees. Empirical findings show that in the context of a dual-role organization—business and public—, the behavior and expectations of generations, the inherent nature of the bureaucracy, and the dynamics of banking marketing work, these three things are closely related and contribute to the practice of intergenerational internal communication in the Relation Marketing Department of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. KC. Manna, South Bengkulu Regency in 2022.
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Employee loyalty is an important aspect of business success, especially in organizations that operate in a dynamic environment, such as the e-commerce giant Alibaba in China. Studies have shown that employee loyalty is decreasing. This study attempts to examine the factors that influence employee loyalty at Alibaba. This study examines the influence of career advancement, training and development programs, and corporate culture on employee loyalty. This quantitative study was based on a positivist philosophy and a deductive approach. The target population of this research was 191 employees of Alibaba, China, with at least one year of work experience. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 28.0. The research found that career advancement opportunities and corporate culture are significantly related to employee satisfaction. This study contributes to a better understanding of the influence of career advancement, training, and corporate culture on the loyalty of employees. The results will assist policymakers and managers in improving career advancement opportunities and transforming their organizational culture to increase employee loyalty. The study sample was employees at Alibaba. Therefore, the generalizability of the results is limited.
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The research goal is to see if opportunities for career development, salary, and work-life balance profoundly influence millennials toward turnover intention in multinational corporations (banking sector) in Klang Valley Malaysia. To strengthen the findings and evaluation, a descriptive, cross-sectional correlation, the quantitative study will be conducted to determine the relationship between career development, salary, and work-life balance against the factor influencing millennials toward turnover intention in multinational corporations (banking sector) in Klang Valley Malaysia. Furthermore, this research will be carried out in a non-contrived study setting, in which research will be carried out in the natural environment. In this study, a non-probability questionnaire survey will be used. A questionnaire will be created, which will be derived from past research. According to Krejcie and Morgan (1970), the minimal sample size must be 384. Assuming a response rate of 80%, 400 questionnaires will be distributed to millennials in Klang Valley. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software will be used for data analysis.
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Millennials are currently taking over the global workforce. While practitioners and scholars have recognized their different work values from previous generations, research on this topic is still scarce. Furthermore, the current leadership theories have tended to focus mainly on the characteristics of leaders without adequately examining the leadership styles that work best for the millennials. Using a literature review from the top tier leadership journals, this paper aims to provide a more comprehensive framework to provide new directions for the development of leadership theory by understanding the millennials’ perspective on leadership. This study thus contributes to the current literatures by using five thematic leadership groups to develop the most optimum leadership style for leading the Millennials. The advantages and disadvantages of using neo-charismatics, leadership and information processing, social exchange/relational leadership, ethical/moral leadership, and e-leadership theories in leading millennials are assessed. Results show that no single leadership theory is adequate for leading the millennials optimally. Hence, mixing the dimensions of different leadership theory groups is suggested. As for the leadership theory aspects, it is recommended to scholars to consider developing more flexible leadership theory models that can accommodate different generational groups.
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of spiritual leadership model on work engagement through the meaning/calling and membership. This study is a quantitative research using primary data collected through a questionnaire survey. Testing was conducted to 106 employees from the Islamic Hospital in Yogyakarta. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with path analysis was used to test the impact and to determine the model that best describes the relationship of the model. The results show that spiritual leadership with values, attitudes, and behaviors of leaders has a significant positive effect on meaning/calling, and membership of the employees. Further, meaning/ calling facilitates employees to enhance the level of work engagement. However, membership does not have a significant effect on enhancing the level of work engagement.
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Purpose The paper aims to highlight the challenges of engaging millennial workforce and proposing strategies to address this challenge. Design/methodology/approach It is a viewpoint paper that reflects the opinions of human resource (HR) practitioners across industries in India. The views were gathered through telephone and face-to-face interaction with the practitioners. Findings Harnessing technology appropriately can help managers gain overall engagement of millennial workforce in the organization. Practical implications HR practitioners can manage their millennial workforce better if they understand their characteristics and expectations. Originality/value The originality of this paper is that it identifies technology as a hindrance as well as an advantage to engage millennials. It suggests how technology can be harnessed to keep millennials engaged in the workplace.
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Millennial generation workforce is a new emerging generation and soon will become dominant workforce in Indonesia. Sadly, millennial generation has high turnover intention in Indonesia. Millennial employee turnover intention is a new problem for human resources because millennial employee has different characteristic compare to its predecessor. Therefore, to resolve millennial employee turnover, the analysis for the affecting factors is necessary. Recently, we found other factors in general generation such as salary and compensation, perceived alternative employment opportunity, employee development system, and employee involvement may affect the millennial employee turnover intention. In this study, to find out the other factors, we conducted a research especially in Indonesia. Data tested by using factor analysis and the results of multiple regression analysis indicated that millennial employee turnover intention significantly affected by perceived alternative employment opportunity and employee development system. The implications of these findings are discussed.
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At present, more and more researches deals with the characteristic features of generation Y and generation Z. As it is about the present and future generations, corporate success and the competitive operation are determined by the behav our of these generations in the long-run. Researches justifies that there are significant differences between the two generations despite the similarities. These differences appear rather emphasized in the corporate environment when several questions arise at workplaces in the process of cooperation – especially in the field of knowledge-sharing and knowledge transfer-regarding the characteristics of the two generations. Last year, the authors carried out a quantitative research by questionnaires in order to reveal what the managing of these two generations mean for the managers and also what difficulties occur when the two generations cooperate with each other and with elder generations as well. The main question of the research was how to approach the new generations from the view of HR? Although the research cannot be considered representative (410 respondents participated in the survey), it can give a picture about the examined issues. The hypothesis phrased by the authors was justified according to which of the HR activities have to adapt to the requirements of the new generations upon their appearance.
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The topic of the Millennial Generation in the workplace drives much business conversation, as members of this generation form a growing percentage of the employee base. Both popular media and scholarly literature have painted the population of younger workers in an uncharitable light. The goals of this article are to contextualize the results of a large, empirical study in a more favorable manner and to suggest that embracing generational differences provides an opportunity as well as a challenge. This article examines traits of the different generations, in addition to the relationship between organizational commitment and workplace culture. We present findings that show millennials (also known as Generation Y, or Gen Y) as the only generational group that does not conceptually link organizational commitment with workplace culture. This group also thinks of work differently than members of the other generations, yet these differences can be understood through a managerial lens focusing on qualities such as duty, drive, and reward. We argue that by changing performance evaluation metrics to encompass a greater variety of measures, managers can provide a more detailed picture of the employee's work, and thus impact the worker's sense of duty. Additionally, by providing a more transparent workplace, employers can increase the employee's drive and clearly demonstrate the reward that workers will receive. Finally, changes that help newer employees adjust to the workplace can also allow the organization to operate more efficiently, benefiting employees of all generations.
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Increasingly, organizations and their public relations professionals are recognizing the importance of strengthening internal communication with employees. Internal communication is important for building a culture of transparency between management and employees, and it can engage employees in the organization’s priorities. This exploratory study uses findings from interviews with public relations executives to explore the growing role that internal communication plays in employee engagement. Executives employ a variety of communication methods, including faceto- face communication, to communicate with employees. The executives’ chosen communication strategies aim to build trust and engagement with employees. In doing so, public relations executives find themselves in an expanded role of fostering employee engagement.
Work is a significant factor in mental health and wellbeing outcomes. Career development processes can be helpful in finding and managing work trajectories that lead to these as well as additional wellbeing outcomes. Conversely, mental illness can impede the acquisition and retention of suitable work as well as the ability to fully engage in career development. Evidence for the interactive relationships between work, career development, mental health and mental illness is reviewed, with an emphasis on the relationships between work (both “good” and “bad”) and wellbeing outcomes. Evidence for counselling/guidance interventions, organisational interventions and policy directions follow, concluding with suggestions for improving wellbeing via career development interventions.
This study aimed to measure the impact of career path development (career planning and career management) on organizational citizenship behavior in Greater Amman Municipality.