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The Effect Of PQ4R Strategy On The Achievement Of First – Year – Intermediate Stage Students Achievement In Mathematics And Developing Their Science Process Skills



Abstract This research aims to investigate the impact of PQ4R strategy on the achievement of first–year–intermediate stage students achievement in Mathematics and developing their Science Process skills.The sample includes 81 male and female students from Bilal Bin Rabah school intentionally. The sample is distributed among two experimental groups, one of 41 students and a control group of 40 students. The equivalence between the two groups has been tested in some variables ways. The experimental design of the two equivalent groups has been administered in this research. The researcher prepared two instruments The first one is the achievement test consists of 5 closed items essay. The other instrument is a test for Science Process skills of 24 multiple – choice objective items 4 items for each skill .The validity , reliability and discriminability of those instruments have been tested. The experiment has been applied in the first semester of academic year 2017 – 2018. The two groups have been taught according to the teaching plans settled previously for each group. After finishing the experiment , the Science Process skills posttest and the achievement test have been administered among the two groups. The finding show: There is significant statistical difference, at (0.05)level of significance , between the mean achievement and of the Science Process test scores of students in the experimental group who was taught by using PQ4R strategy and those in the control group who was taught by using traditional method and for the benefit of experimental group. In the light of these findings , the researcher conclude number of conclusions also set number of recommendations and suggestion for farther studies.
485 Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities (2019) 26 (11) 510-485
ISSN: 1817-6798 (Print)
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
available online at:
Lect.Dr.Asim Ahmed
Khaleel /
Mosul University / College of
Education for Humanities
Teaching strategy ,
PQ4R strategy
, Science
Process Skills .
Article history:
Received 1 Oct. 2019
Accepted 29 Oct 2019
Available online 8 Dec 2019
E-mail :
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
The Effect Of PQ4R Strategy On The
Achievement Of First Year
Intermediate Stage Students
Achievement In Mathematics And
Developing Their Science Process
This research aims to investigate the impact of PQ4R strategy on
the achievement of firstyearintermediate stage students achievement
in Mathematics and developing their Science Process skills.The sample
includes 81 male and female students from Bilal Bin Rabah school
intentionally. The sample is distributed among two experimental
groups, one of 41 students and a control group of 40 students. The
equivalence between the two groups has been tested in some variables
ways. The experimental design of the two equivalent groups has been
administered in this research. The researcher prepared two instruments
The first one is the achievement test consists of 5 closed items essay.
The other instrument is a test for Science Process skills of 24 multiple
choice objective items 4 items for each skill .The validity , reliability
and discriminability of those instruments have been tested. The
experiment has been applied in the first semester of academic year 2017
2018. The two groups have been taught according to the teaching
plans settled previously for each group. After finishing the experiment ,
the Science Process skills posttest and the achievement test have been
administered among the two groups. The finding show: There is
significant statistical difference, at (0.05)level of significance , between
the mean achievement and of the Science Process test scores of students
in the experimental group who was taught by using PQ4R strategy and
those in the control group who was taught by using traditional method
and for the benefit of experimental group. In the light of these findings
, the researcher conclude number of conclusions also set number of
recommendations and suggestion for farther studies
© 2019 JTUH, College of Education for Human Sciences, Tikrit University
 ( PQ4R ) 
 .
Problem of the Research
 
 (
PQ4R) 
 :
Importance of the Research
 
    
              
Thompson (2007)
2007: 3-7
       
     PQ4R    
     
 
  
onwuegbuzie, 2000
      
Schunk (2000 ) 
          
PQ4R 
 
        
 
 
Carin & Sand (1975): 
 (Carin &
   
         
   
   
           
    
       
0.05   
         
          
        
   
           
  
   
           
           
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           
     
    
      
    
       
 
      
  
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 
          
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  
 //   
 //      
         // 
      2004249     
      
            
              
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  
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    
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The process standards of communication and representation in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics are critical tools to help students develop mathematical literacy. In the mathematics classroom, students need to be encouraged to use speaking, listening, reading, and writing to communicate their understanding of mathematics words, symbols, and concepts. In addition, they should be encouraged to use multiple representations (such as diagrams) to move fluently between verbal, symbolic, graphical, and numerical forms of mathematics concepts.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students' competency in science process skills and their conceptual knowledge of research concepts, methodologies, and applications. Participants were 124 graduate students enrolled in several sections of a required introductory-level course in research methodology. Science process skills were measured via the Test of Integrated Process Skills II, and performance in the research methods class was assessed through midterm and final examinations. Findings reveal that students who demonstrated the highest competency in process skills also tended to exhibit the highest levels of performance in the research methods course at both the midterm and final examination stages. These relationships were moderate to large. (Contains 11 references.) (Author/SLD)
This book provides the student with an understanding of theories and research on learning and related processes and demonstrates their application in educational contexts. The text is intended for graduate students in schools of education or related disciplines, as well as for advanced undergraduates interested in education. It is assumed that most students using this text are pursuing educationally relevant careers and that they possess minimal familiarity with psychological concepts and research methods. Important historical theories are initially discussed, followed by accounts of current research. Differing views are presented, as well as criticism when warranted. A chapter is devoted to problem solving and learning in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. The chapters on motivation, self-regulation, and instructional processes address topics relevant to learning theories. These topics traditionally have shown little overlap with learning theories, but fortunately this situation is changing. Researchers are addressing such topics as how motivation can influence quantity and quality of learning, how instructional practices impact information processing, and how learning principles can be applied to develop self-regulated learners. The applications of learning principles focus on school-aged students, both because of personal preference and because most students are interested in working with children and teenagers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Eilm Alnafs Altarbwy
  • Abu Jadu
Abu Jadu, Salih Wamuhamad Bikr Nwfl (2010), Eilm Alnafs Altarbwy, Dar Almasirat Lilnashr Waltibaeat Waltawziei, Eaman, Al-Urdun.
  • Abu Iabidat
  • Rami Muhamad
Abu Iabidat, Rami Muhamad (2009), Faeiliat Alnamat Alaiktishafii Fi Aiktisab Maharat Eamaliat Aleilm Ladaa Tlbt Alsafi Alththamin Al-Asasii Bighazata, Risalat Majstyr Ghyr Manshura, Aljamieat Al-Iislamiat -Ghazat, Filastin 3.
  • Abu Riaash
  • Hasan Mahmad
Abu Riaash, Hasan Mahmad, Wakharun (2009), Usul Aistiratijiaat Altaelum Waltaelim (Alnazariat Waltatbiqa), Dar Althaqafat Lilnashr Waltawziei, Euman, Al-Urdunn.
Alqias Waltaqwim Alturbuiu Walnafsi, Ta1, Dar Alfikr Alearabia, Eamana
  • Salah Aldiyn Ealam
  • Mahmud
Ealam, Salah Aldiyn Mahmud (2000), Alqias Waltaqwim Alturbuiu Walnafsi, Ta1, Dar Alfikr Alearabia, Eamana, Al-Urdunn.
Athar Iistratijia (PQ4R) Fi Tanmiat
  • Al-Eumush
Al-Eumush,Rim Eabd Alkarim (2018), Athar Iistratijia (PQ4R) Fi Tanmiat Maharat Alfuhimi Alqarayiyi Fi Madat Allughat Alearabiat Ladaa Talibat Alssf Alssadis Al-Asasii Bimuhafazat Alzurqa Al-Urduni, Majalat Aleulum Altarbawiat Walnafsiat AJSRP,Almjld(2), Aleidd(19).
  • Muhamad Hamaadat
  • Hasan
Hamaadat, Muhamad Hasan (2009), Manzumat Altaelim Wa Asalib Tadris, Altabeat Al-Uwlaa, Dar Alqalam Liltabaeat Walnashr, Duby.
  • Hamid Muhamad Hamzat
  • Wakharun
Hamzat, Hamid Muhamad Wakharun (2014) Iithr Iistratijiat PQ4R Fi Altahsil Walaistibqa Ladaa Talibat Alsafi Alththani Almutawasit Fi Madat Eilm Alaihiya I, Majalat Kuliyat Altarbiat Al-Asasiat Lileulum Altarbawiat Walainsaniat, Jamieatan Babil, Aleadad (18), Iraq.