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Roswita Lumban Tobing, Siti Perdi Rahayu, Rohali, dan Nastiti Utami
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Email: roswitalt@uny.ac.id
The use of language styles has a widely varied purpose to convey information that is
not explicitly expressed by the speaker. This study is aimed at describing the form and
function of the styles contained in the French media. The subjects of this research are
phrases and sentences contained in the CDP Lyrics in the Blonde albums, alcoholic
beverages and advertisement aplle in French-language magazines, and in the speech by
François Hollande in ‘Le Figaro’ newspaper. Data collection is done by observation and
recording techniques using data tables. Data analysis uses the agih method. The analysis
of the language style functions is done by using the speech components of SPEAKING.
The validity is obtained through semantic validity and reliability through intra-rater
reliability. The results of the study show that the style of language in the media is
necessary for speech so that the content of communication is more beautiful and
attractive. Language style functions depend on the context and purpose of the speech.
The most dominant function in the lyrics of the song is the poetic, which prioritizes
beauty. In Alcoholic Beverage Ads, the expressive function becomes dominant to make
the advertisement more alive. In the Apple Product Advertising on the Internet, the
language function is referential for emphasizing the topics described.
Keywords: language style, form and function
Penggunaan gaya bahasa mempunyai tujuan yang sangat bervariasi untuk
menyampaikan informasi yang tidak akan dinyatakan secara eksplisit oleh si penutur.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk dan fungsi gaya bahasa pada media
komunikasi yang berupa lagu, iklan, dan Surat Kabar berbahasa Prancis. Subjek penelitian
ini adalah frasa dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam Lagu CDP pada album Blonde, iklan
minuman beralkohol, iklan aplle dalam majalah berbahasa Prancis, dan Pidato François
Hollande dalam Surat Kabar Le Figaro. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan
teknik catat dengan tabel data. Analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Penentuan fungsi
gaya bahasa menggunakan metode padan referensial. Fungsi penggunaan gaya bahasa
dianalisis dengan komponen tutur SPEAKING. Keabsahan data melalui validitas
semantis, reliabilitas dengan intra-rater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahasa gaya bahasa
yang paling menonjol pada lagu adalah asonansi dan hiperbola, pada iklan minuman
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
beralkohol adalah aliterasi dan hiperbola, pada pidato François Hollande adalah repetisi
dan hiperbola, pada iklan apple adalah asonansi dan aliterasi. Fungsi bahasa yang sering
muncul adalah referensial kecuali pada iklan minuman beralkohol, yang dominan adalah
fungsi emotif. Fungsi gaya bahasa tergantung pada konteks dan tujuan. Gaya bahasa di
media diperlukan agar konten indah dan menarik.
Kata kunci : Gaya Bahasa, Bahasa Prancis, Bentuk dan Fungsi
Ads, songs, and the newspaper is a
medium of communication everybody
used. The role of the language in
advertising is crucial to the success or
failure of promotion of a product. The
language styles used in advertisements
aim to keep readers / consumers interested
in buy the product. Communication
with the newspaper media, both print
and online, also requires the use of
language that is easily understood by the
reader, in the era of this highly sophisticated
technology, newspapers become the most
easily accessible media by every-
body compared to other communi cations
media, such as: internet, television, radio
etc., because newspapers are relatively
cheaper, while other media must provide
or buy hardware first at a price that is more
expensive than newspapers.
The use of language style as a way to
convey ideas/thoughts or messages in
communicating are very interesting to be
studied because the style of language
is capable of luring the sympathetic to
the wearers. In article ‘Language
Variation and Style: What Makes People
More Careful about their Style of Speech
and Why?’ by Baha (2014) found that
language markers are highly considered
in language style. In the same way, the
use of language styles also has the
purpose of conveying other information
that will not be explicitly stated by the
speaker. One of the dominant language
styles used in advertising is imperative.
The use of imperatives is a common
thing to do in advertising (Dyer,
2009:111). Furthermore Wyer (2002:707)
also explained that the use of metaphors
in advertising not only affects the
understanding of the information
conveyed but also influences attention.
Herring & Paolillo (2006) in their article
about” Gender and Genre Variation”
said that gender with certain spoken and
writen genres are reproduce in weblogs,
along with their societal valuations
Efendi (2008) in his research on
commercial advertisements on television
show that (a) the style of repetition
language can be done by using the same
word to start a paragraph forming a
rhythm so that the advertisement contains
aesthetic value and it’s pleasant to hear,
(b) the mention company or brand names
repeatedly to give the impression that the
product offered is the only alternative
that consumers need. Similar with some
of the articles above, Puspidalia (2015) in
her article ‘Bentuk Fungsi, dan Makna Kias
dalam Judul Berita Majalah Gatra dan
Pemanfaatannya pada Pembelajaran Bahasa
Indonesia di PGMI STAIN Ponorogo’
explained that the use of figurative
The Styles’ Variation Contained in French Media
language serves to evoke, shorten,
beautify, explain, illustrate, visualize,
enliven, and stressed.
Research about using language styles
in various media in several articles on
journals i.e. by Budiyanto (2014) in his
research on ‘Persuasive Aspects in the
Language of Political Party
Advertisements’ explained that political
party advertisements for the 2009
Election utilize figurative language styles,
namely hyperbole, imperative, metaphor-
simile, acronymic, synekdoke, repetition,
irony, and rhetorical questions. The
whole figurative language is used to
strengthen the persuasion power of
advertising to the public. Sulistiyono
(2016) on his research ‘Struktur dan Fungsi
Eufemisme dalam Rubrik ‘Obituari’ Harian
‘Kompas’ found that that the euphemism
used in the Kompas obituary rubric has a
background of politeness, prestige, and
glorifies the services of the person being
reported. Hasanah, Achsani, & Al Aziz
(2019) in their research ‘Analisis
Penggunaan Gaya Bahasa pada Puisi-Puisi
Karya Fadli Zon’ Found that some
dominant language styles used in the
poems are personification, innuendo,
sarcasm, cynicism, epithet, alliteration,
epizeuxis, anaphora, and anadiplosis.
Some of the language styles aim to
emphasize the writer’s intention, one of
which is to insinuate the government
policies which he deems not in accordance
with his wishes.
In this article we will describe the
results of research on language styles
used in several communication media
such as songs, advertisements, and
newspapers. Style that the French call le
style is la Maniere particulière d’exprimer sa
pensee, ses emotions, et ses sentiments «special
means used by a person to express his
ideas, emotions, and feelings» (Larousse,
2009: 969). The style of language is also
characteristic of a person in discourse
(Dubois, Mathee, Louis, & Marcellesi,
2005: 446). Furthermore, the meaning of
language style can be explained in three
ways, namely: 1) the style of language is
the use of the language richness by a
person in speech or writing, 2) the style
of language is the use of a certain variety
to obtain certain effects, and 3) the style
of language is the whole the language
characteristics of a group of literary
authors (Kridalaksana, 2008: 70).
Broadly speaking (Fromilhague,
2010: 20-21), the variety of language
styles can be grouped into 4, namely:
1) les figures de diction: (a) Modification du
mots: l’aphérése, l’apcope, l’épenthèse, le mot-
valise, (b) figures de «Continuité phonique»:
l’allitération, l’assonance, la paronomase, 2)
les figures de construction: la repetition,
combinaison, 3) les tropes et comparaisons: la
synecdoque, la métonimie, la métaphore,
comparaison, 4) les figures de pensée: l’ironie,
l’allegorie la litote, l’euphémisme,
l’hyperbole. Furthermore Tarigan (2013:
5) divides the various styles of the
language also into four, namely:
comparison, contradiction, linkage, and
recurrence. Meanwhile in http://.alloprof.
qc.ca/BV/Pages/f1349.aspx also described
the variety of language styles grouped in
8 major groups, namely: 1) the opposition
(les figures d’opposition) includes: antithesis,
irony, antiphrasis, le chiasme,
oxymoron, and paradox, 2) les figures
d’insistance include: repetition (la
repetition), redundancy (la redon-
dance), pleonasm and anafora, 3) les figures
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
d’amplification include: hyperbole,
accumulation, andgradation, 4) les figures
d’atténuation or d’omission include:
euphemism, litotes and ellipsis,
5) Analogy (les figures d’analogie) include:
comparison includes: comparison,
metaphor, allegory, and personification,
6) Substitutions (les figures de
substitution) include: metonymy,
synecdoche, and periphrasis, 7)
Aliteration and Asonance, and 8)
Anagrams. Another division of the style
of language is delivered by Nurgiyantoro
(2017: 215-273) that styles are grouped
into two major groups, namely the
figurative style (figurative language) and
the structural make-up (rhetorical
Figurative language or figures
of thought is a language expression
techniques, style of language, whose
meaning does not refer to the literal
meaning of the words that support it, but
the meaning of written or implied
meaning. So, figurative is a style that
plays with meaning that is by pointing to
the meaning in question indirectly. It
consists of several figurative languages,
namely: (1) major comparisons that
include: simile, metaphor, personification,
and allegory, and (2) the major, which
includes: metonymy and synecdoche.
The Structure of speech is another
term of rhetorical means, which is a
deliberate, manipulated, and desirable
structure to attain beauty. Assignments
can be classified in various forms,
including: (1) repetition that includes:
repetition, parallelism, anaphora,
polisidenton and asidenton, (2) contrasts
that include: hyperbole, litotes, paradox,
irony and sarcasm., and (3)
other arrangements that include:
rhetorical, climax and anticlimactic
questions, antithesis.
In this study the group-
ing of language styles used is mixed
language style, the researchers combine
some of the above opinions to be
complementary. Component analysis
is used in this study to see how many
components of the same meaning between
lexeme in the form of language style with
leksem that it refers to (which is not the
style of language). Component analysis is
a paradigmatic structure formed from the
components of the meaning of several
words which are divided into components
of meaning in the same general , and the
components of meaning that can
distinguish between word one with
another word (Tutescu, 1979:112). Each
component componential analysis of
meaning in it called sem, a collection of so-
called sememe sem. Meanwhile Dubois et.
all (2005: 102) suggests that component
analysis is a procedure used to look at the
smallest units or the smallest semantic
units of a lexical unit meaning.
All language usage has a context,
which, according to Halliday & Hasan
(1994: 60-64), is divided into two, namely
the context of the situation and the
cultural context. The context of the
situation is the immediate environment
in which the text actually works, whereas
the cultural context is the broader
background that should be referred to in
interpreting the text. Dubois et. all
(2005:116) explains that on appellee context
l’ensemble du texte dans lequel se situe une
unité déterminée, c’est-à-dire les éléments qui
The Styles’ Variation Contained in French Media
précèdent ou qui suivent cette unité, son
environement”there is a certain unit, the
elements that precede or follow the unit,
or also called the environment.
Hymes (Johnstone & Marcellino,
2010:7-8) describes the importance of
combining cultural aspects with aspects
of language as a means of communication,
known as ethnography of communication
(etnography of communication). Accord-
ing to him there are 16 elements that
must exist in every communication,
which is called as component of speech,
which include: message form, message
content, setting, scene, speaker /, the
addresser, the hearer / receiver, the
addressee, the purpose-objcomes, the
purpose, the key, the channel, the speech
form form of speech, norm of interaction,
norm of interpretation, and genre. Of the
sixteen, Hymes abbreviated it by grouping
two or three adjacent components into
one term, then combined and composed
into acronyms in English SPEAKING
(Setting / Scene, Participant, End, Act
Sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norme,
Genre) and in French PARLANT
(Participant, Actes, Raison / Résultat,
Locale, Agent, Normes, Types).
The source of data in the form of
song lyrics in Blonde Album by Singer
Cœur de Pirate, Sport News Articles In
French Online Letters, and advertisements
of health products in French magazines.
To achieve the purpose of this study, the
method of data analysis used is the
method of both at the same method some
basic techniques and advanced
techniques. Agih method is used to
achieve the first goal of determining the
types of language styles, while referential
reference methods are used to achieve the
second and third objectives. Reference
referred to in this study is the context that
surrounds the use of language style, in
this research will be used in the context
of speech component SPEAKING. In
addition, field analysis of meaning or
compositional analysis will also be used
to help determine the types of language
styles. The Agih method is a method of
data analysis where the means of
identification exists or is part of the
language in question (Sudaryanto, 2015:
18), whereas the method of matching is a
method of data analysis whose outside
detection tool, regardless, and not part of
the language (langue). (Sudaryanto,
2015: 15).
Based on the results of the study,
language style can be classified into 30
types of language styles, namely:
antithesis, hyperbole, paradox, sarcasm,
simile, metaphor, personification, meto-
ny my, synekdok, alliteration, assonance,
ellipsis, euphemism, anaphora, repe-
tition, asymmetry, metapho rical, per-
sonification, metony my, asidenton, poly-
sidentone, silepsis, inversion or
anastrophe, simploke, paranomasia,
periphrasis, epistroph, parisos, apocopy.
The complete results of the study are
shown in the following tables.
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
Table 1 Types of language styles
Language Styles
CDP Lyrics in
Blonde albums
advertisement aplle
in French-language
Speech by François
Hollande in ‘Le
Figaro’ newspaper
2 14
17 6 8 25
Paradox 5
Sarcasm 1
Simile 2 4
8 9
Personification 12
4 4
2 4 8
Synekdok 9 2
17 10 11
37 3 15
2 7
Euphemism 5
Anaphora 11
Repetition 1
11 1
Polysidentone 4 1
1 2
Inversion Or
Anastrophe 4
Simploke 3
Paranomasia 2
Periphrasis 2
Epistroph 2
Parisos 2
Apocopy 1
Total number 149
77 94
Based on the above table, it can be
seen that the dominant language style
used in Song Lyrics is assonance, which
is 37 data (24%) of 149 data collected. in
Alcoholic Beverages Advertisements,
alliterative language style becomes
dominant, 10 data or 27% of 37 data
collected, in François Hollande’s Speech,
repetition is the most dominant language
style, 35 data or 37.23% of 94 data found,
and the last in Apple Product Adverts on
Internet Sites, the dominant language
style is asonance, 15 data or 19.48% of
the 77 data collected.
The Styles’ Variation Contained in French Media
Tabel 2: The function of language style
language style CDP Lyrics in
Blonde albums
advertisement aplle in
Speech by François
Hollande in ‘Le
Figaro’ newspaper
(Emotive) 36 22 13 20
Conative 6 - 3 -
65 7 90 51
134 21 13 6
On the table above it can be seen that
the most dominant linguistic style
function in song lyrics is poetic function,
134 data or 55% of all functions found
(241). In Alcoholic Beverages Adverts,
Expressive (emotive) functions become
dominant, 22 or 44% of the 50 functions
found. In François Hollande’s Speech,
the referential function became the most
dominant, reaching 90 or 75.63% of the
119 functions found, and the last in the
Apple Product Ad on the Internet, the
dominant function is the referential
function, 51 functions or 66.23% of the
77 functions found.
The following describes an analysis
of the type and function of the
language style of the collected data.
Type of the Language Style
The dominant types of language
styles that appear in all medias are: (1)
assonance, (2), hyperbole (3), alliteration
(4), antithesis (5), metaphor and (6)
anaphora/repetition. Furthermore, the
forms of language style will be described
sequentially from the most dominant.
First, Asonance. Asonance is a
repetitive language style in the form of a
vowel repetition, in a word or several
words. Usually used in poetry to get the
effect of emphasis. In the following data,
a part of the song Cap Diamant in the
album Blonde, it founded the use of
beautiful and poetic language, with the
repetition of the same sounds. The beauty
of the language contained in the data
illustrates a woman’s feelings towards her
sweetheart, she emphasizes that she still
loves him even though he no longer loves
Je me rappelle des secrets en cavale
[ʒə] [mə] [səkrɛ]
‘I remember the secrets on the run’
Laissés en murmures au creux de mes bras
[krə] [də]
‘Whispered in the crook of my arms’
Que je porterai, si lourds de tourments
[kə] [ʒə] [pɔrtərɛ] [lurd] [də] [turmɑ̃]
‘What I will wear, so heavy with torment’
Je t’entends encore crier doucement
[ʒə] [dusəmɑ̃]
‘I can still hear you screaming softly’
In this data there is the style of the
language of the assonance, which is
marked by the same sound repetition of
the sound [ə] in the word Je, me, secrets on
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
the first line Je me rappelle des secrets en
cavale (I remember the secrets on the run),
the words creux and de in the second
line, says Que je porterai, de in the third
row, and Je word, doucement in the fourth
row, there is also repetition of [u] lourds
de tourments, and doucement. The
repetition of sound [ɑ] is found in the
word tourments, and doucement. This is in
line with Syarifuddin’s (2017) article in
her article entitled: Assonance in
Shakespeare’s Poem ‘The Rape of the
Lucrece’ which says that Asonance is a
repetition of repressed vowels or
consonants with different vowels in a
phrase, and also Other definitions refer to
repetition of vowels in words or syllables.
Asonance has been used to interpret the
similarity and identity of vocal sounds or
even the similarity of any sound.
Second, Hyperbole. Hyperbole is the
language style to express something
exaggeratedly. The author of the
following data, using the hyperbole
language style, to expressed that both the
heart of his lover and him, which in fact
is in the human body, exaggerated the
expression by saying that their hearts
being in the vast ocean
On s’est connus le temps de plaire
‘We knew each other the time to please’
Aux exigences qu’on s’est créées, mais on s’y
‘The requirements we have created, but
we get lost’
Tu n’es qu’à quelques kilomètres
‘You are only a few kilometers away’
Et nos cœurs, nos cœurs sont restés dans
cette mer
‘And our hearts, our hearts have stayed
in this sea’
In the data above, there is a hyperbolic
style, located on the sentence: nos cœurs
sont restés dans cette mer (our hearts, our
hearts have stayed in this sea). The word
cœurs (hearts) is organ of the human
body located within the human body, in
the data it is exaggerated to say that the
(human) heart is in a vast ocean of ‘ dans
cette mer’ (in this sea) . The small
thing is the human body, called the vast
ocean. From the explanation above it
can be seen that the words are too
excessive. in the study of language style,
giving excessive statements is called
hyperbole. this was also explained by
Syaifullah, Andriani, & Kasriyati (2018)
in their article that hyperbole is an
excessive force of comparison, even from
actual reality.
Third, Aliteration. Alliteration is a
language style that uses consinant
repetitions at the begining of utterance at
least twice. This style of language is
widely used in poetry. The form of
language usually used contains figurative
meanings that can only be understood
through feelings. Poetic language touches
the reader’s heart as if he feels what the
writer feels (Keraf, 2010:113). In the
following data the author described the
word terroir, which was a very beautiful
village with its authenticity as a
masterpiece of Nature.
Le Terroir est un chef d’oeuvre de la Nature.
[terwar] [oevr] [natyr]
‘Le Terroir is a masterpiece of Nature’
In this data there is the style of
alliteration, indicated by the repetition of
the consonant [r] in terroir,
oeuvre, and nature. Alliteration is used in
The Styles’ Variation Contained in French Media
the sonnet which is the repetition of
consonant sounds in a sentence (Farhana,
2013). The use of alliteration style of
data gives the beauty of sound. This
alitial style of language also supports the
meaning of words in the style of the
language, that is to say that Le Terroir wine
products are a very natural masterpiece.
Fourth, Antithesis. Antithesis is a
scheme contrasting expressions are used
in case of words, phrases or sentences for
saking of emphasis (Farhana, 2017,
Keraf: 2010: 126)). Antithesis style can
be seen in the following data. The
following data is part of the opening
speech Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris on
October 23, 2014 by François Hollande.
he delivered the speech at the inauguration
of a museum as well as a tourist spot in
France. He conveyed the message by
analogizing events poetically which in
essence was a suggestion for innovation.
In the following data François Hollande
expressed his feelings about something
extraordinary that had never been
Le « jamais vu » fait toujours peur mais le «
déjà vu » lasse tellement
[lə ʒamε vy fε tuʒuʀ pœʀ mε lə
deʒa vy las tεlmɑ̃]
‘The “never seen” is often frightening
but “already seen” tires so much
In the data above there is a phrase
that has the opposite meaning, ie «jamais
vu» in contrast to «le déjà vu». « Le jamais
vu » is something extraordinary (which
never happened before)’. Le déjà vu est un
sentiment de revivre exactement une situation
vécue antérieurement ‘déjà vu is a feeling as
if to live again in an unprecedented
situation. Based on the component
analysis of the two phrases it can be seen
that between the phrases «le jamais vu»
and «le déjà vu» have different sèmes
(components of meaning). Neither has
the same component of meaning.
Components of meaning belonging to
the phrase le déjà vu are + existantace, +
actualité, and -limité, while the components
of meaning possessed by the phrase «le
jamais vu» are -existence, -actualité, and
+ limité. Thus, the data contained
antithesis style.
Fifth, Metaphore. Metaphors are
analogical comparisons between two
words or expressions. On a fragment of
the song’s title titled Place de la
République in the album Blonde below,
the composer compared the word tu
which refers to her lover with a calm soul
phrase. Metaphorical style in both
lexemes (tu and soul), explained that the
author considered his lover as a soul full
of tranquility. Through the lyrics of this
song, the composer revealed how much
he glorified his lover.
J’ai couru en longeant la Seine
‘I ran along the Seine’
En espérant te retrouver, l’âme sereine
‘Hoping to find you, serene soul’
J’ai couru sans savoir comment
‘I ran without knowing how’
Ni pourquoi on s’emballe,
‘Neither why are we racing’
on ne s’est connus qu’un moment
‘We only knew one moment’
Based on the component analysis
above, it can be seen that there are 4
components of meaning ( sèmes) ,
namely Avoir une forme ‘tangible’ existe
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
‹live›, visible ‹visible to the eye›,
lme ‹quiet›. Leksem l’ampeine ‹quiet soul›
has two sèmes, existe ‹live› and calme
‹quiet›, while leksem tu ‹you› has all
sèmes. Thus, it can be seen the similarities
between the two leksem, namely tangible,
alive, and calm. Nevertheless, L’éme
sereine and Tu have quite a fundamental
difference, where L’ème sereine is invisible
while Tu is the opposite. The comparison
with the metaphorical style of the two
lexemes is presented to explain that the
speaker considers his lover a soul full of
calmness. It is supported by Sharndama
and Suleiman (2013) explanation that
metaphore is a figurative language in
which a word or phrase is directly
compared to another in order to convey
denotative meaning other than the literal
meaning. Gönezer (2016) in his article
also said that: La métaphore consiste à
désigner un objet ou une idée par un mot avec
une relation d’analogie. Comme dans la
comparaison, pour faire une métaphore il nous
faut un comparé et un comparant. (The
metaphor is to designate an object or idea
with a word with an analogous
relationship. in the comparison, to make
a metaphor we need a compared and a
Sixth, Anaphora/Repetition. Anaphora
is a form of repetition of words at the
beginning of a sentence or successive
clause. Repetition of words shows how
important the word is, as in the following
data, the repetition of words un soir (one
night) tells about the time when a woman
who remembered memories of someone
she loved. the repetition of lingual ‘un
soir’ to emphasize that she waited for her
sweetheart in the evening.
Je ‘attendrai au moins le temps de dire
‘I waited a little while to talk to you’
Que j’ ai voulu prendre le plus grand risque
‘That I wanted to take the biggest risk’
Un soir qui m ‘a rendue bien triste
‘One night that made me sad’
Un soir, Place de la République
‘One night, Place de la Republique’
In the data above, there is anaphora
repetition style, i.e. repetition of phrase
Un-soir (one night) at the beginning of a
consecutive sentence. The phrase Un soir
is repeated twice, the first in the sentence
Un soir qui m ‘a rendue bien triste (One
night that made me sad) and the second
in the sentence Un soir, Place de la
République (One night, Place de la
Republique). Khusnin’s (2012) research
on Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel
“Ayat-Ayat Cinta” and Their Implementation
of Literature Teaching in High School also
found that anaphora is a style of
repetition, in the form of repetition of
the first word on each line. the important
word is repeated several times in a row.
The repetition language style form is also
found on the following data.
Mais j’arrive et que celles qui t’attendent
‘But I’m coming and those waiting for
Ne t’attendent plus jamais
‘Won’t wait for you again’
On the data above there is a simploke
replica language style, which is seen from
lingual units t’attendent repeated twice, in
the first and second row. On both data
above,there are anaphora/repetition
language style, those are repetition
of phrases un soir and t’attendent at the
The Styles’ Variation Contained in French Media
first and second row. Anaphora/
Repetition is intended to give emphasis
to the message to be conveyed.
Function of the Language Style
The dominant language functions
appear in the media are (1) poetic, (2)
referential, (3) expressive. Next, the
function of language style in sequence
starting from the most dominant will be
described as follows.
First, Poetic function. The poetic
function focuses on the message. the
message is processed as aesthetically and
romantic as possible. The poetic function
is shown by the use of beautiful words
that have the same sound in each part of
the sentence. A romantic impression that
aims to express a woman’s feelings to her
lover about a devotion of love can be seen
on the following data.
Mais j’arrive et que celles qui
‘But I come and those who are waiting’
t’attendent Ne t’attendent plus jamais
‘Won’t wait for you again’
Ou se fassent un sang d’encre Pour ce
diamant que j’ai
‘Or really feel worried about the
diamonds I have’
Si je dois moi-même tender La carte
d’une dévouée
‘If I have to stretch the map of devotion’
The data above founded on the song
Les Amours Dévouées on the album Blonde
which was released in Canada in 2011.
The atmosphere in the song is a romantic
impression. The song tells the story of
two people who love each other, but they
should have a long distance relationship.
Many women like the man. When a
woman comes to see him, those who
have feelings for him know that, and
finally don’t love him again after seeing
the diamond ring worn by the woman.
Based on the context that has been
described, the data above has a poetic
function. The function found in the
speech refers to the ends, i.e to express
his feelings about a devotion of love
Second, Referential function. Referential
functions occur when we are discussing a
particular context. It serves as a tool to
discuss objects or events that exist around
the speaker and a tool to express thoughts
(Rohmadi, 2004). The referential function
appears in the following data.
Tombée d’étoiles, cette nuit qui chante
De vivre au gré du temps
Mais lève les voiles, ô voilier blanc
Élève quand tourne le vent ‘
‘Fallen stars,
‘To live with time’
‘But lift the sails, O white sail boat’
‘Raise it as the wind spins this night
that sings’
In the data above is found in the
expression of tourne le vent (fallen
stars). This expression consists of a verb
as a predicate (tourne) + noun as subject
(le vent). The usual sentence structure is
the Subject + Predicate. In the data,
sentence arrangement is made inversion
or arrangement into Predicate + Subject
‘ tourne le vent’. Based on the description
of the context that accompanies the
speech on the data, the function in the
speech is a referential function, that is the
function that refers to the content of the
message or topic of conversation, the
topic of the speech is: Tombée d’étoiles,
LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020
cette nuit qui chante (fall of the stars,
singing tonight).
Third, Expressive/Emotion function.
Expressive functions rely on the feeling
of the speaker. On the following data,
this function is indicated by the sentence
Je t’ai aimé mais je t’assure que c’est la fin (‘I
loved you but I assure you it’s the end).
On that expression, the woman (je)
expresses her feelings to her lover (tu)
who has hurt her.
Mais dis-moi adieu demain
‘But tell me goodbye tomorrow’
Dis-moi adieu en chemin
‘Say goodbye on the way’
Va voir les autres je n’en pense rien
‘Go see others I do not think anything’
Je t’ai aimé mais je t’assure que c’est la n
‘I loved you but I assure you it’s the end
The data above contains the paradoxical
style, seen in the opposition of Je t’ai aimé
mais je t’assure que c’est la fin. This sentence
contains a contradiction, that figure is very
loving je tu, but also to convince the je tu that
today is the last time, love but soon
will end. This song contains about a desire
to separate from her partner. The lyrics in
the song on this data is a simple lyrics about
the farewell that is commonly felt by many
couples when experiencing a phase in
which a lover really wants to forget his
partner even expecting him to disappear
from his life. Based on the description of
the context surrounding it, the speech on
the song above has an expressive function,
since je expresses a very disappointed
feeling to her lover (tu). One of the
expressive function is to express feelings of
disappointment experienced by someone
(Rahayu, 2012).
Based on the results and and data
analysis, it can be concluded that the use
of media is very useful in various activities
communicate in the community. In
addition, the style of language in various
forms of written and spoken
communication in the media varies
greatly and is necessary for speech (oral
and written) to appear more beautifully
attractive and to avoid repetitions that
can inflict the boredom of the reader or
listener. Language style functions vary
greatly in accordance with the context
and purpose of the speech. The most
dominant function of the song lyrics is
the poetic function, which prioritizes
beauty. Advertising of Alcoholic
Beverages on the expressive function
(emotive) become dominant for
advertising arouses more alive. In the
Apple Product Ad on the Internet Site
the dominant function is the referential
function, which emphasizes the topic
This article is extracted from research
funded by UNY. Acknowledgments
authors point to the Dean of the Faculty
of Languages and Arts who have
provided funding for the implementation
of research. Acknowledgments also
authors point to the reviewers who have
provided input for the improvement of
research and this article.
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