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Can chlorine dioxide prevent the spreading of coronavirus or other viral infections? Medical hypotheses



Motivation: Viruses have caused many epidemics throughout human history. The novel coronavirus [10] is just the latest example. A new viral outbreak can be unpredictable, and development of specific defense tools and countermeasures against the new virus remains time-consuming even in today's era of modern medical science and technology. In the lack of effective and specific medication or vaccination, it would be desirable to have a nonspecific protocol or substance to render the virus inactive, a substance/protocol, which could be applied whenever a new viral outbreak occurs. This is especially important in cases when the emerging new virus is as infectious as SARS-CoV-2 [4]. Aims and structure of the present communication: In this editorial, we propose to consider the possibility of developing and implementing antiviral protocols by applying high purity aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solutions. The aim of this proposal is to initiate research that could lead to the introduction of practical and effective antiviral protocols. To this end, we first discuss some important properties of the ClO2 molecule, which make it an advantageous antiviral agent, then some earlier results of ClO2 gas application against viruses will be reviewed. Finally, we hypothesize on methods to control the spread of viral infections using aqueous ClO2 solutions.
Can chlorine dioxide prevent the spreading of
coronavirus or other viral infections? Medical
K. K
Department of Physics, Group of Chemical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Translational Medicine and International Nephrology Research and Training Center,
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
© 2020 The Author(s)
Viruses have caused many epidemics throughout human history. The novel coronavirus [10]is
just the latest example. A new viral outbreak can be unpredictable, and development of specic
defense tools and countermeasures against the new virus remains time-consuming even in today's
era of modern medical science and technology. In the lack of effective and specic medication or
vaccination, it would be desirable to have a nonspecic protocol or substance to render the virus
inactive, a substance/protocol, which could be applied whenever a new viral outbreak occurs. This
is especially important in cases when the emerging new virus is as infectious as SARS-CoV-2 [4].
Aim and structure of the present communication
In this editorial, we propose to consider the possibility of developing and implementing antiviral
protocols by applying high purity aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO
) solutions. The aim of this
proposal is to initiate research that could lead to the introduction of practical and effective
antiviral protocols. To this end, we rst discuss some important properties of the ClO
which make it an advantageous antiviral agent, then some earlier results of ClO
gas application
Corresponding author: Prof. emer. Laszlo Rosivall, MD, PHD, DSc, FERA, FAPS, Institute of Translational
Medicine, International Nephrology Research and Training Center, Semmelweis University, Budapest,
arad t
er 4., H-1089, Hungary. Tel/Fax: 36-1-2100-100, E-mail:
Physiology International
DOI: 10.1556/2060.2020.00015
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against viruses will be reviewed. Finally, we hypothesize on methods to control the spread of
viral infections using aqueous ClO
Inactivating viruses with ClO
in aqueous phase
To our present knowledge, an aqueous solution of ClO
is able to inactivate all types of viruses.
Disinfectants (in water phase) are compared by their CT values, which is the concentration
(measured in mg/L) multiplied by the contact time (measured in minute). In CT tables, ClO
indicated for viruses in general, without mentioning any exemptions. For example, according to
[6], a CT value of 8.4 mg 3min/L is needed to achieve a four-orders-of-magnitude (4 logor
99.99%) inactivation of viruses in an aqueous medium at 25 8C.
Chemical mechanism of virus inactivation: reaction of ClO
with amino acid residues
In 1986, Noss et al. [19] proved that the inactivation of bacterial virus f2 by ClO
was due to its
reactions with the viral capsid proteins, and almost no inactivation of the infectious viral RNA
occurred [8] when that was treated with ClO
separately. They found [19], however, that three
discrete chemical moieties in the viral protein, namely the cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan
amino acid residues were able to react with ClO
rapidly. In 1987, Tan et al. [28] tested the
reactivity of ClO
on 21 free amino acids. ClO
reacted only with six amino acids dissolved in 0.1
M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0. The reaction with cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine was
too rapid to be followed by their technique. Three further amino acids (histidine, hydroxy-
proline, and proline) reacted with ClO
much more slowly, at a measurable rate.
The reactivity of the three fast-reacting amino acids (cysteine [12], tyrosine [17], and
tryptophan [27]) was studied in Margerum's laboratory between 2005 and 2008. They found
that cysteine had the highest reactivity among these amino acids. From their experimental data
they calculated second order-rate constants (at pH 7.0, 25 8C and 1 M ionic strength) and
obtained the following sequence: cysteine 6.9 310
>> tyrosine 1.3 310
tryptophan 3.4 310
>> guanosine 50-monophosphate 4.5 310
. (They
studied guanosine 50-monophosphate [18] as a model compound for guanine in nucleic acids.
Data presented here are taken from Table 3 of ref. [18]).
In 2007, Ogata [22] found that the antimicrobial activity of ClO
is based on denaturation of
certain proteins, which is primarily due to the oxidative modication of the tryptophan and
tyrosine residues of the two model proteins (bovine serum albumin and glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase) used in his experiments. In 2012, it was again Ogata who showed [23] that the
inactivation of inuenza virus by ClO
was caused by oxidation of a tryptophan residue (W153)
in hemagglutinin (a spike protein of the virus), thereby abolishing its receptor-binding ability.
In this context it is interesting to remark that the spike protein of the new coronavirus
SARS_CoV-2 contains 54 tyrosine, 12 tryptophan, and 40 cysteine residues [29]. If we assume
that in an aqueous solution all of these residues are able to react with ClO
just like the free
amino acids, then the inactivation of the viruses can be extremely rapid even in a very dilute
(e.g., in a 0.1 mg/L) ClO
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is a water soluble gas
Although chlorinedioxide in itself is a gas, it is highly soluble in water. When both air and water
are present, ClO
is distributed between the two phases in an equilibrium ratio determined by
the temperature. This distribution coefcient of ClO
was determined by Ishi [11] in 1958. The
distribution coefcient, g5[ClO
gives the ratio of the concentrations expressed in
the same units in the gas and the aqueous phases (e.g., g/L) and changes as a function of the
temperature. For example, at 20 8Cg50.0316, indicating that in equilibrium 1 cm
phase contains (0.0316)
531.6 times more ClO
molecules than 1 cm
gas phase.
In practice, the concentrations in the two phases are usually given in ppm. However, these
dimensionless numbers are defined in a different way in the gas and liquid phases as ppm (V/V)
and ppm (m/m), respectively. Therefore, for practical purposes, we need a distribution coeffi-
cient, which gives the ratio between these concentrations. Straightforward calculation yields that
the distribution coefficient in terms of ppm is 357 times the distribution coefficient in terms of
(g/L), so at 20 8Cg
511.3. Thus, the following formula can be used to calculate the ClO
concentration of the gas phase being in equilibrium with a ClO
solution at 20 8C:
½ClO2gas in ppmðV=VÞ¼11:33½ClO2aq in ppmðm=mÞ
Inactivating viruses with ClO
in gas phase
The virus-inactivating reactions (the reactions of ClO
with the three amino acids) take place in
an aqueous medium; consequently, ClO
can inactivate microbes in their wet state only.
Therefore, ClO
gas that is moisturized can be an ideal agent against viruses both in their wet
and dry states. Viruses that are carried by water droplets could be easily inactivated even by
gas owing to the high solubility of ClO
in water [11]. A dry ClO
gas would be inap-
propriate as the water content of the aqueous droplet could evaporate, and in the absence of
aqueous medium the reactions of ClO
slow down extremely. Indeed, Morino et al. [16] reported
that when applying a low concentration of ClO
in the gas phase against FCV in dry state,
atmospheric moisture at least a 7585% relative humidity is indispensable to inactivate
viruses. The advantage of using a moisturized ClO
gas is that its water content is also able to
wet viruses in dry environment. Most viruses are found on hard surfaces indoor, but a small
fraction of viruses are airborn, attached to dust particles, which can also carry a single microbe
or an aggregate of microbes. Therefore, it is a prerequisite of an effective disinfection that all
microbes in all parts of the room should be wet and should be in contact with ClO
. If enough
aqueous ClO
solution is sprayed into the room, the droplets will saturate the atmosphere with
water vapor everywhere, moreover, the atmosphere will also contain gaseous ClO
The great advantage of this method is that H
O and ClO
molecules of the gas phase can reach
the microbes in every small corner of the room. Finely dispersed water droplets containing
dissolved ClO
can create an advantageous environment to maintain such conditions for a
longer time.
This method using high ClO
concentration allows fast disinfection of rooms when people
are not present, e.g., intensive care units, buildings used as quarantine, or public transport
vehicles. However, the application of ClO
gas is limited when people are present, as it is
harmful for humans and animals above certain concentrations. The US Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) limits the concentration of ClO
gas allowed in workplace air to
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0.1 ppm (V/V) time-weighted average (TWA) for an 8-h exposure, and to a temporarily higher
0.3 ppm Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) only for a 15-min period [30].
Previous research on preventing viral infections with gaseous ClO
Ogata [21] realized rst that ClO
is able to inactivate viruses even under the 0.1 ppm (OSHA
TWA) limit that is in concentrations which are not harmful to humans. In 2008, Ogata and
Shibata [25] demonstrated that infection of mice with inuenza A virus applied in an aerosol
can be prevented by ClO
gas present at 0.03 ppm concentration in the air, which is only 30% of
the permissible TWA exposure level for humans at a workplace. They concluded that ClO
could, therefore, be useful as a preventive tool against inuenza in places of human activity
without necessitating evacuation.They have even made attempts to decrease the incidence of
ue infections among schoolchildren by applying low concentrations of ClO
gas in a classroom
In spite of these promising early results we are not aware of any wider-scale application of
this method in the last decade. There are two problems which could hinder the widespread
adoption of this method:
1. With the technique applied by the above-cited authors it is not an easy task to achieve and
maintain a very low ClO
concentration in a large space and for a long time, which is a
prerequisite of achieving a satisfactory level of virus inactivation.
2. It is not understood why low ClO
levels are not harmful to humans or animals and still
effective against viruses.
Size selective effect of ClO
Although cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan residues can also be found in human tissues, ClO
is much less toxic for humans or animals than for microbes (bacteria, fungi, and viruses).
Noszticzius et al. [20] found that the main reason for this selectivity between humans and
microbes is based not on their different biochemistries but on their different sizes. Based on
experiments and calculations using a reaction-diffusion model Noszticzius et al. [20] found that
the killing time of a living organism is proportional to the square of its characteristic size (e.g., its
diameter), thus small ones will be killed extremely fast. Their calculations indicated that a
bacterium 1
m in diameter would be killed in a 300 mg/L ClO
solution within 3 ms, and even
in a much more dilute, 0.25 mg/L ClO
solution it would be eliminated in only 3.6 s. During this
time, ClO
reaches all parts of the cell and kills it by destroying its cysteine-, tyrosine-, and
tryptophan-containing proteins, which are essential for life processes.
The protective role of glutathione against ClO
oxidation in a living cell
According to Ison et al. [12] glutathione reacts with ClO
at a rate, which is even higher than the
rate of the very fast ClO
cysteine reaction. When ClO
contacts a living cell containing
glutathione, at rst the ClO
concentration remains very low even at the point of entry into the
cell due to this rapid reaction. As a small molecule, glutathione can also diffuse rapidly to the
point of entry from other parts of the cell consuming most of the ClO
there, and preventing it
from reaching the cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan residues of the proteins in the bulk of the
cytoplasm. Consequently, the initial low ClO
concentration cannot make too much harm.
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However, continuous ClO
entry can nally exhaust the cell's glutathione (and other antioxi-
dant) capacity even if the cell produces such antioxidants continuously. At this point, ClO
enter into the previously protected zones of the cell and react with the reactive amino acid
residues, causing denaturation of the affected proteins and ultimately cell death.
The effect of glutathione and other small antioxidant molecules present in living cells was
not taken into account in the theoretical calculations of Noszticzius et al. [20]. Their experi-
ments were done on a non-living and washed animal membrane, where membrane-xed
reactive proteins were present, but glutathione and other small molecules were absent. A living
cell, however, continuously produces these antioxidants, thus their role cannot be neglected.
Indeed, looking at the experimentally measured disinfection dynamics of a 0.25 mg/L ClO
solution against Escherichia coli bacteria [2] we can see a disinfection rate, which is surprisingly
fast but still about one order of magnitude slower than the theoretical estimate. It is reasonable
to assume that the delaying effect of these small reducing molecules is responsible for that
Protection of human tissues against the oxidative effect of ClO
Human cells also contain glutathione in mM concentrations, as well as other antioxidants like
vitamin C and E, which work together with glutathione to reduce ClO
[7]. As a human cell is
much larger than a bacterium, consequently its glutathione reserve and glutathione production
potential are also greater, so even an isolated human cell can survive much longer in a ClO
environment than a planktonic bacterium. Considering that human cells are not isolated but
form tissues, their glutathione stock may be many orders of magnitude greater than that of a
planktonic bacterium. Additionally, in multicellular organisms circulation transports antioxi-
dants continuously to the cells of the tissue affected by a ClO
attack, helping them to survive.
This strengthens the size-selectivity effect, and explains the surprising observation [15] that
solutions that are able to kill planktonic bacteria in a fraction of a second may be
consumed, because they are safe for humans to drink in a small amount (e.g., drinking 1 L of 24
mg/L ClO
solution in two portions on a single day caused no observable effects in humans
The effect of ClO
on the lung
While human tissues are not very sensitive to ClO
in general, lungs should be considered
differently. This is because the interalveolar septum separating the airspace of an alveolus from
the blood stream of a capillary lumen is very thin. That diffusion barrier in the human lung is a
mere 2
m thick [1] in order to facilitate an efcient diffusional exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide between the air and blood. The alveolus is covered by a thin layer of lining uid called
epithelial lung lining uid (ELF) or hypophase. The ELF is only 0.2
m thick in rat alveoli [1,
13]. It contains glutathione [3] and other antioxidants such as ascorbic and uric acids [5]. It is
remarkable, that the ascorbic acid concentration is 2.5 times, and the glutathione concentration
is more than 100 times higher in the ELF than in the plasma. The normal function of these non-
enzymatic antioxidants in the ELF is to protect the epithelial cells from reactive oxygen species
(ROS) like superoxide radicals or hydrogen peroxide, which are toxic products of the meta-
bolism. They can also defend the lung against other toxic gases such as ozone (O
), nitrogen
dioxide (NO
) or ClO
. However, high amounts of ClO
can consume all reducing agents in the
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ELF, at which point ClO
starts to react with the epithelial cells causing a continuously growing
damage to these cells. It is known that higher concentrations of ClO
gas can be lethal. However,
it is reasonable to assume that the effect of ClO
on the lung depends not only on its con-
centration in the gas phase but also on the contact time. Thus, when considering the impact of
on the lung, it would be logical to regard the CT (concentration) 3(contact time) product
in a similar way as in the case of the microbes.
Estimating the inactivation time of viruses
In the case of viruses, the inactivation mechanism differs from that of bacteria or other cells. It is
feasible to assume that the inactivation time of a virus is probably much shorter than the
inactivation time of a bacterium under the same conditions (ClO
concentration, temperature,
etc.). The following arguments support this assumption:
1. Viruses are about one order of magnitude smaller than bacteria e.g., the diameter of SAR-
S_CoV-2 is about 120 nm [9]. The killing time of a virus as introduced in [20] would be 12
orders of magnitude shorter than that of a bacterium, i.e., the diffusion-controlled reaction
with ClO
would happen on a shorter time scale in the entire volume of the virus.
2. It is not necessary for ClO
gas to penetrate the virus in order to inactivate it. It is enough if
reacts with one or some of the cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan amino acid residues of
the spike, which are located on the surface of the virus. This means that the theoretical
approach of ref. [20] overestimates the inactivation time of viruses. On the one hand, because
diffusion is extremely fast over a 0.1
m length scale, thus probably it is not limiting the rate
of the reactions. On the other hand, ClO
can reach a large part of the reactive amino acid
residues of the spike without permeating through the protein envelope of the virus.
3. Viruses do not contain protective small molecular thiols like glutathione or other small
molecular protective metabolic products, because viruses have no metabolism. In this respect
viruses should be much more vulnerable than bacteria to an attack by ClO
These facts all suggest that once ClO
contacts the surface of a virus, its inactivation is quick.
However, a virus ready to infect a cell is typically in aqueous phase, e.g., in a uid droplet, or in the
epithelial lining uid covering the mucous membranes. The size of these aqueous phases is much
larger than that of the virus. Therefore, in such cases, the rate-limiting step probably is the diffusion of
in the water and the reaction with other substances. The time required to inactivate the virus
itself would be short compared to the time needed to transport enough ClO
molecules to the virus.
Based on the previous arguments, some propositions will now be put forward on how aqueous
solutions could be applied for global and local (personal) disinfection purposes. Many of
these propositions are based on hypotheses, and therefore can only be applied after careful
research. It is a goal of the present work to initiate research to check these hypotheses and
proposals experimentally, which could lead to new applications of high-purity ClO
against viral or other infections. These ideas might be further matured in time, but due to the
threat of a global pandemic, we have chosen to move fast.
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Global prevention
Disinfection of air spaces, hard surfaces, and persons simultaneously with aqueous ClO
solutions. What we are proposing here is basically the same idea what has been already pro-
posed by Ogata et al. [21, 24, 25]: it is possible to create ClO
atmospheres which can be safe for
humans but at the same time harmful for microbes. There are differences, however, between
their proposals and ours. Ogata's group regarded the ClO
concentration (C) of the atmosphere
as the sole important parameter of the treatment. They proposed to apply a ClO
below the 0.1 ppm (V/V) OSHA limit, for a time that is necessary to inactivate the microbes.
With such a method, however, the necessary contact time (T) can be very long. Here we suggest
regarding the CT product as the parameter of disinfection. In this way it is possible to apply
concentrations above the OSHA limit but for a limited time only. The advantage of this
method is that as higher C values are applied, the necessary contact times can be much shorter.
The idea will be illustrated by a numerical example below.
Another important difference is that Ogata's method focuses mostly on the role of the ClO
gas, whereas we emphasize the importance of the simultaneous usage of ClO
and H
O gases, as
conrmed by the observations of Morino et al. [16]. For this purpose, we suggest a new way of
creating a ClO
atmosphere: to apply aqueous ClO
solutions which can establish equilibrium
and H
O concentrations in the atmosphere, when these are sprayed into the air. Aqueous
solutions are also easier to handle than to maintain stable and very low ClO
levels in
continuous gas streams.
It is advisable to apply high-purity ClO
solutions for spraying to avoid any unwanted side
effects to the persons or the surfaces treated. High-purity ClO
solutions evaporate without any
residue or trace.
An illustrative numerical example. Let us assume that we want to disinfect a closed space by
spraying some aqueous stock ClO
solution into it. The equilibrium ClO
concentration c
the gas and c
in the liquid phase can be calculated from the vapor-liquid equilibrium dis-
tribution measured by Ishi [11]:
and from the component balance for ClO
where V
is the volume to be disinfected, V
is the volume of the ClO
stock solution, and c
its ClO
With the help of the above two equations cw;ecan be calculated as
Suppose we apply V
520 mL of c
540 ppm (m/m) aqueous stock ClO
solution in a
closed space.
At 20 8C the value of the distribution coefficient is g50.0316 (data of Ishi [11]) when all
concentrations are given in the same units (e.g., in mg/L), and it is g
511.3 (see section ClO
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is a water soluble gas) when ppm (m/m) and ppm (V/V) are used in the aqueous and gaseous
phases, respectively. Substituting our data the results are
cw;e¼0:025 ppmðm=mÞ;
cair ¼gppmcw;e¼0:29 ppmðV=VÞ
This result is just below the OSHA STEL (Short Term Exposition Limit) value which is 0.30
ppm (V/V) for 15 min. According to OSHA, STEL is the acceptable average exposure over a
short period of time usually 15 min as long as the time-weighted average (TWA) is not
exceeded. If a person is exposed to 0.30 ppm for 15 min, and right after that he or she stays in a
-free atmosphere for 30 min, then the TWA value for this whole 45 min period is just the
acceptable 0.10 ppm. All this means that an exposure of a person to a 0.30 ppm ClO
sphere for 15 min on a single occasion, or even applying that treatment periodically with 30 min
pauses within an 8 h period, should not cause any health problems.
Questions and remarks.
1. It is a major question, whether or not a 15-min stay in a 0.29 ppm (V/V) ClO
atmosphere is
enough to inactivate the viruses present? Regarding the wet atmosphere we can assume that
the viruses are also wet, or even that they can be found in small water droplets containing
0.025 ppm (m/m) ClO
. We have no direct data for the inactivating time of viruses in such a
solution, but we have an estimated 15 ±5 s killing time value for an E. coli bacterium in a
0.25 ppm (m/m) ClO
solution [2]. It is reasonable to assume that the killing time would be
10 times longer in a 10 times more dilute solution, i.e., 150 s 52.5 min. As viruses are
probably inactivated faster than bacteria, and 15 min is six times longer than the estimated
2.5 min for E. coli, such a method can be successful, at least in theory.
2. To test such a method, we suggest constructing special disinfecting rooms with larger vol-
ume. Starting such experiments would be highly desirable, because this method could be an
effective nonspecic defense against all types of viruses and could help to contain viral
Local prevention. Personal disinfection techniques against viral infections
Disinfection of the mouth and the upper respiratory track with gargling. The current epidemic
coronavirus is known to be present in the mouth and both in the upper and lower respiratory tract,
but causes severe infections only in the lower respiratory tract, especially in the lung. The incu-
bation period of the disease is several days, but the virus can often be detected in samples taken
from the upper respiratory tract a few days before symptoms appear. As discussed in a previous
chapter, chlorine dioxide will certainly inactivate the virus. With gargling, the upper respiratory
tract is accessible except for the nasal cavity, but that is also accessible using e.g. nose drops or
impregnated tampons. These parts can be disinfected by rinsing them regularly with high-purity
chlorine dioxide solutions available commercially [31], thus the number of the viruses can be
signicantly reduced in the mouth and in the upper respiratory tract. We cannot be sure that such a
treatment would be enough to prevent the development of the illness, as viruses living in other parts
of the body can survive. However, inactivating part of the viruses with such a treatment surely helps
theimmunesystemtoght against the disease. In this respect, it is interesting to remark that
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Japanese researchers have proven [26] that regular gargling with drinking water has reduced the
incidence of upper respiratory tract infections to a statistically signicant extent. The effect was
explained by the fact that the drinking water used in the experiments contained 0.5 mg/L of
chlorine, which was used to disinfect the water. We remark here, that in certain places chlorine
dioxide is applied for the disinfection of drinking water instead of chlorine.
Disinfection of the lower respiratory track. The first problem is how ClO
can be safely
introduced into the lower respiratory tract. For this purpose any inhalation technique could be
applied using aerosols of water droplets containing ClO
The second and more important problem is how much ClO
can be inhaled without damaging
the lung? It would be helpful to know the dose of ClO
that is not yet harmful for the lung. To our
knowledge such direct data are not available in the literature, but can be calculated from other
data. The starting point for such a calculation is the OSHA STEL value [30], according to which
0.30 ppm ClO
in the workplace atmosphere is tolerable for a 15 min period without any damage.
The volume of air inhaled by a worker during 15 min is 15 times the so-called minute volume
ventilation[32]. According to Table 3 of ref. [32], during light activities e.g., when sitting in a car
the minute volume is around 12 L, thus the total inhaled air is about 180 L. In the case of 0.30 ppm
concentration the total inhaled amount of ClO
is 54
L, which is (at 20 8C) 2.25
mol 0.15 mg
. Assuming a more vigorous activity it can be two times more, 0.30 mg.
This rough calculation indicates that approximately this is the amount of ClO
tolerated by the lung. The OSHA limit probably applied high safety factors, thus the real limit should be
We suggest that animal experiments should be performed to obtain experimental values for
the pulmonary toxicity of ClO
. Furthermore, it would be important to check in additional
animal experiments, whether ClO
applied in a nontoxic amount is able to treat infections of the
lung caused by bacteria or viruses.
In this editorial, we summarized the unique properties of chlorine dioxide, which make it an
ideal and nonspecific antimicrobial agent at concentrations harmless to humans, and we
reviewed previous research on preventing viral infections with gaseous ClO
. Based on this
background, we suggested some novel hypothetical methods using chlorine dioxide to disinfect
rooms, prevent human infection, and slow down viral spread. These are nonspecic methods,
which could be used against any newfound virus as a rst line of protection until effective
specic countermeasures are developed.
Conflict of interest: Zolt
an Noszticzius, Maria Wittmann and Krist
of K
aly-Kullai are co-in-
ventors of the European patent 2069232 Permeation method and apparatus for preparing uids
containing high purity chlorine dioxide. Zolt
an Noszticzius is a founder and owner of the
Solumium Ltd (a company producing chlorine-dioxide), while Krist
of K
aly-Kullai is its payed
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... It eliminates pigments, oxidizes iron and manganese, and neutralizes odors (Vogt et al. 2010). ClO 2 gas is well-known for its outstanding deodorizing, sterilizing, and viral amplification inhibitory properties (Kaly-Kullai et al. 2020;Young 2016). It is costeffective, safe, and has eco-friendly qualities such as rapid light-induced breakdown (Wood et al. 2010). ...
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The pathogenic free-living amoebae, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba polyphaga, are found in freshwater, soil, and unchlorinated or minimally chlorinated swimming pools. N. fowleri and A. polyphaga are becoming problematic as water leisure activities and drinking water are sources of infection. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas is a potent disinfectant that is relatively harmless to humans at the concentration used for disinfection. In this study, we examined the amoebicidal effects of ClO2 gas on N. fowleri and A. polyphaga. These amoebae were exposed to ClO2 gas from a ready-to-use product (0.36 ppmv/h) for 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. Microscopic examination showed that the viability of N. fowleri and A. polyphaga was effectively inhibited by treatment with ClO2 gas in a time-dependent manner. The growth of N. fowleri and A. polyphaga exposed to ClO2 gas for 36 h was completely inhibited. In both cases, the mRNA levels of their respective actin genes were significantly reduced following treatment with ClO2 gas. ClO2 gas has an amoebicidal effect on N. fowleri and A. polyphaga. Therefore, ClO2 gas has been proposed as an effective agent for the prevention and control of pathogenic free-living amoeba contamination.
... In fact, the disinfectant market grew significantly by 17.2% from 2019 to 2020 (Klemešet al., 2021) as efforts to manage the pandemic intensified. Chlorine-based disinfectants were primarily implemented, as chlorine rapidly reacts with three chemical moieties in the viral protein, namely cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan amino acid residues (Noss et al., 1986;Garcıá-Ávila et al., 2020;Kaĺy-Kullai et al., 2020;WHO, 2020). These disinfectants make up 16% of the disinfectants used, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (https:// ...
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Reports have shown an increase in the use of disinfectants in wastewater treatment plants, prompted by the detection of residual viruses in sewage. However, the release of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in final effluents has raised concerns about their potential adverse effects, such as endocrine disruption, on aquatic environments. Despite these concerns, few studies have examined the endocrine-disrupting effects of DBPs on fish, which may be vulnerable to DBPs. The aim of this case study was to investigate the endocrine-disrupting properties of four commonly formed DBPs: chloroiodomethane (CIM), dibromochloromethane (DBCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM), and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) on the estrogen receptor-α in zebrafish (zERα). The results indicated that all four DBPs have high anti-estrogenic activity against zERα; with CIM, BDCM, DBCM, and TCA yielding 80.8%, 78.4%, 49.0%, and 64.1% anti-estrogenic effects on zERα, respectively. Moreover, all DBPs demonstrated negligible estrogenic effects on zERα. Our study sheds new light on the adverse effects of DBPs, particularly the endocrine-disrupting activity of CIM, which, as part of the dihalomethanes group, has received limited research attention in the past. This study shows the molecular interactions in terms of the endocrine disruption of DBP on zERα, warranting further studies to understand the overall impact of fish in affected aquatic ecosystems.
... The oral protocol doses were prepared with 20 ml to 30 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 1L of H 2 O and the absorption enema protocol doses were prepared with 20 ml to 40 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 500 ml to 1000 ml of H 2 O which was introduced with a nelaton rectal catheter to 30-50 cm 4,17 . For the intravenous use, chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) was made and marketed by certificate chemical expert in Queretaro, México, and was produced by the membrane electrolysis method; the dose was prepared with 10-20 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 500 ml of NaCl 0.9 % and administered from 4 to 8 h according to the patient's tolerance 17,19 . The occurrence of adverse events and the manifestation of side effects that could be associated with the use of CDS were assessed. ...
Chlorine dioxide is a potent oxidant with in vitro anticancer activity. Its precise mechanism of action has not been thoroughly explored, but it is proposed that it acts through the redox imbalance of cancer cells. Three patients were treated for metastatic cancer (kidney, prostate and lymphoma), on a compassionate basis. We report lasting tumor response with a combination of oral, enema and/or intravenous chlorine dioxide, without side effects. The patients had refused conventional chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy. This preliminary work suggest that chlorine dioxide and his free radicals might be the mediators. Chlorine dioxide is both a promising and unexpensive anticancer agent. Rigorous clinical trials are needed to confirm these preliminary results. Keywords : Chlorine dioxide solution, cancer, reactive oxygen species, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet
... So, these covalent oxidative modifications trigger the denaturation of proteins from the viral envelope decreasing the viral infectiveness (Al-Sa'ady et al. 2020 , Rubio-Casillas and Campra-Madrid 2021 ). An example of this is the inactivation of influenza virus by ClO 2 through oxidation of tryptophan residue (W153) in hemagglutinin (a spike protein of the viruses), thereby suppressing its receptor-binding capacity (Káli-Kullai et al. 2020 ). In addition to the antiviral effect previously described, ClO 2 has also demonstrated control and modulation over the symptomatic response generated by a viral infection. ...
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a disinfectant gas with strong antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral activities. Applied on hard non-porous surfaces as an aqueous solution or gas, the ClO2 exerts antimicrobial activity through its interaction and destabilization of cell membrane proteins, as well as through DNA/RNA oxidation, triggering cell death. As for viruses, the ClO2 promotes protein denaturalization mechanisms preventing the union between the human cells and the viral envelope. Currently, ClO2 has been pointed out as a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 clinical treatment for use in humans with the ability to oxidize the cysteine residues in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, inhibiting the subsequent binding with the Angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 receptor, located in the alveolus cells. Orally administered ClO2 reaches the gut tract and exacerbates the symptoms of COVID-19 generating a dysbiosis with gut inflammation and diarrhea as side effects, and once absorbed, produces toxic effects including methemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria which can trigger respiratory diseases. These effects are dose-dependent and may not be entirely consistent between individuals since the gut microbiota composition is highly heterogeneous. However, to support the use of ClO2 as an anti-SARS-CoV-2 agent, further studies focused on its effectiveness and safety both in healthy and immunocompromised individuals, are needed.
... The oral protocol doses were prepared with 20 ml to 30 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 1L of H 2 O and the absorption enema protocol doses were prepared with 20 ml to 40 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 500 ml to 1000 ml of H 2 O which was introduced with a nelaton rectal catheter to 30-50 cm 4,17 . For the intravenous use, chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) was made and marketed by certificate chemical expert in Queretaro, México, and was produced by the membrane electrolysis method; the dose was prepared with 10-20 ml of ClO 2 diluted in 500 ml of NaCl 0.9 % and administered from 4 to 8 h according to the patient's tolerance 17,19 . The occurrence of adverse events and the manifestation of side effects that could be associated with the use of CDS were assessed. ...
Chlorine dioxide is a potent oxidant with in vitro anticancer activity. Its precise mechanism of action has not been thoroughly explored, but it is proposed that it acts through the redox imbalance of cancer cells. Three patients were treated for metastatic cancer (kidney, prostate, lymphoma, uterus and melanoma), on a compassionate basis. We report lasting tumor response with a combination of oral, enema and/or intravenous chlorine dioxide, without side effects. The patients had refused conventional chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy. This preliminary work suggest that chlorine dioxide and his free radicals might be the mediators. Chlorine dioxide is both a promising and unexpensive anticancer agent. Rigorous clinical trials are needed to confirm these preliminary results. Keywords : Chlorine dioxide solution, cancer, reactive oxygen species, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet
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Foot ulcers are a major source of morbidity and mortality for individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus. Currently, available treatments for these wounds are often ineffective, which can lead to the progression of these lesions to a point that requires amputation of the affected limb. Despite amputation, these individuals subsequently suffer from an increased risk of mortality. A novel therapy has been suggested to ameliorate diabetic foot ulcers. This treatment is chlorine dioxide, which is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that is safe when administered in low doses. Three case reports are presented of individuals with diabetic foot ulcers who responded to treatment with chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a strong oxidizing agent and an efficient disinfectant. Due to its broad-spectrum bactericidal properties, good inactivation effect on the vast majority of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, low resistance to drugs, and low generation of halogenated by-products, chlorine dioxide is widely used in fields such as water purification, food safety, medical and public health, and living environment. This review introduced the properties and application status of chlorine dioxide, compared the action mode, advantages and disadvantages of various disinfectants. The mechanism of chlorine dioxide inactivating bacteria, fungi and viruses were reviewed. The lethal target of chlorine dioxide to bacteria and fungi is to destroy the structure of cell membrane, change the permeability of cell membrane, and make intracellular substances flow out, leading to their death. The lethal targets for viruses are the destruction of viral protein capsids and the degradation of RNA fragments. The purpose of this review is to provide more scientific guidance for the application of chlorine dioxide disinfectants.
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The pathogenic free-living amoebae, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba polyphaga are found in freshwater, soil, and unchlorinated or minimally chlorinated swimming pools. N. fowleri and A. polyphaga are becoming problematic as water leisure activities and drinking water are sources of infection. Chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) gas is a potent disinfectant that is harmless to humans. In this study, we examined the amoebicidal effects of ClO 2 gas on N. fowleri and A. polyphaga . These amoebae were exposed to ClO 2 gas from a ready-to-use product (0.36 ppmv/h) for 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. Microscopic examination showed that the viability of N. fowleri and A. polyphaga was effectively inhibited by treatment with ClO 2 gas in a time-dependent manner. The growth of N. fowleri and A. polyphaga exposed to ClO 2 gas for 36 h was completely inhibited. In both cases, the mRNA levels of their respective actin genes were significantly reduced following treatment with ClO 2 gas. ClO 2 gas has an amoebicidal effect on N. fowleri and A. polyphaga . Therefore, ClO 2 gas has been proposed as an effective agent for the prevention and control of pathogenic free-living amoeba contamination.
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La desinfección adecuada de ambientes de trabajo en centros educativos que se mantuvieron cerrados por más de un año debido al confinamiento por el Covid-19 fue importante para el retorno progresivo a las actividades rutinarias. Estudios han demostrado que cuando las áreas permanecen cerradas durante largos períodos hay posibilidad de incremento en el contenido de bacterias y hongos en su interior, causando riesgo para la salud. Este estudio se desarrolló en las instalaciones de la Facultad de Ingeniería Marítima y Ciencias del Mar (FIMCM) de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) y su objetivo fue determinar la eficiencia del dióxido de cloro en la desinfección del ambiente y superficies de contacto en áreas de trabajo cerradas por más de un año durante la pandemia. La desinfección del ambiente fue evaluada mediante el cultivo en placa de agares para la recuperación de bacterias y hongos, antes y después del uso del dióxido de cloro (20ppm); mientras que la desinfección en superficies se evaluó usando un luminómetro, antes y después del uso del dióxido de cloro en solución (20ppm). Se confirmó, que la presencia de hongos y bacterias en el ambiente disminuyó un 73% mientras que en las superficies de contacto disminuyó entre el 92% al 99%. Este trabajo se presentó como un reporte a las autoridades de la ESPOL, como parte de lo realizado antes de volver a la presencialidad en las oficinas y demás locaciones de la FIMCM; sin embargo, no se ha publicado en revistas de investigación científica.
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For the microbiological safety of drinking water, disinfection methods are used to remove or inactivate microorganisms. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide are often used as disinfectants in drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). We investigated the effectiveness of these chemicals in inactivate echovirus 30 (E30), simian 11 rotavirus (RV SA11), and human adenovirus type 2 (HAdV2) in purified water from a DWTP. Within two minutes of contact, chlorine dioxide inactivated E30 by 4-log10, RV SA11 by 3-log10, and HAdV2 could not be detected/, while chlorine reduced E30 by 3-log10, RV SA11 by 2–3log10, and HAdV2 by 3–4log10. However, viral genomes could be detected for up to 2 h using qPCR. The CT method, based on a combination of disinfectant concentration and contact time, during such a short initial phase, is problematic. The high concentrations of disinfectant needed to neutralize organic matter may have a strong immediate effect on virus viability. This may lead to the underestimation of disinfection and overdosing of disinfectants in water with organic contamination. These results are useful for the selection of disinfection systems for reuse of treated wastewater and in the risk assessment of water treatment processes using chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
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We estimate the effective reproduction number for 2019-nCoV based on the daily reported cases from China CDC. The results indicate that 2019-nCoV has a higher effective reproduction number than SARS with a comparable fatality rate. Article Summary Line This modeling study indicates that 2019-nCoV has a higher effective reproduction number than SARS with a comparable fatality rate.
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The mammalian lung´s structural design is optimized to serve its main function: gas exchange. It takes place in the alveolar region (parenchyma) where air and blood are brought in close proximity over a large surface. Air reaches the alveolar lumen via a conducting airway tree. Blood flows in a capillary network embedded in inter-alveolar septa. The barrier between air and blood consists of a continuous alveolar epithelium (a mosaic of type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells), a continuous capillary endothelium and the connective tissue layer in-between. By virtue of its respiratory movements, the lung has to withstand mechanical challenges throughout life. Alveoli must be protected from over-distension as well as from collapse by inherent stabilizing factors. The mechanical stability of the parenchyma is ensured by two components: a connective tissue fiber network and the surfactant system. The connective tissue fibers form a continuous tensegrity (tension + integrity) backbone consisting of axial, peripheral and septal fibers. Surfactant (surface active agent) is the secretory product of type II alveolar epithelial cells and covers the alveolar epithelium as a biophysically active thin and continuous film. Here, we briefly review the structural components relevant for gas exchange. Then we describe our current understanding of how these components function under normal conditions and how lung injury results in dysfunction of alveolar micromechanics finally leading to lung fibrosis.
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ClO2, the so-called "ideal biocide", could also be applied as an antiseptic if it was understood why the solution killing microbes rapidly does not cause any harm to humans or to animals. Our aim was to find the source of that selectivity by studying its reaction-diffusion mechanism both theoretically and experimentally. ClO2 permeation measurements through protein membranes were performed and the time delay of ClO2 transport due to reaction and diffusion was determined. To calculate ClO2 penetration depths and estimate bacterial killing times, approximate solutions of the reaction-diffusion equation were derived. In these calculations evaporation rates of ClO2 were also measured and taken into account. The rate law of the reaction-diffusion model predicts that the killing time is proportional to the square of the characteristic size (e.g. diameter) of a body, thus, small ones will be killed extremely fast. For example, the killing time for a bacterium is on the order of milliseconds in a 300 ppm ClO2 solution. Thus, a few minutes of contact time (limited by the volatility of ClO2) is quite enough to kill all bacteria, but short enough to keep ClO2 penetration into the living tissues of a greater organism safely below 0.1 mm, minimizing cytotoxic effects when applying it as an antiseptic. Additional properties of ClO2, advantageous for an antiseptic, are also discussed. Most importantly, that bacteria are not able to develop resistance against ClO2 as it reacts with biological thiols which play a vital role in all living organisms. Selectivity of ClO2 between humans and bacteria is based not on their different biochemistry, but on their different size. We hope initiating clinical applications of this promising local antiseptic.
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Airborne influenza virus infection of mice can be prevented by gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Here, I demonstrate that ClO2 abolishes the function of hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A virus (H1N1) in a concentration-, time- and temperature-dependent manner. The half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) during a 2-min reaction with ClO2 at 25°C was 13.7 μM, and the. half-inactivation time (t1/2) with 100 μM ClO2 at 25°C was 19.5 s. Peptides generated from a tryptic digest of ClO2-treated virus were analyzed by mass spectrometry. A HA fragment, H2N-NLLWLTGK-COOH (residues 150 - 157) was identified in which the tryptophan 153 residue (W153) was 32 mass units greater than expected. This peptide, which is derived from the central region of the receptor binding site of HA, includes a highly conserved W153. It is shown that W153 was oxidized to N-formylkynurenine in the ClO2-treated virus. It is concluded that the inactivation of influenza virus by ClO2 is caused by oxidation of W153 in HA, thereby abolishing its receptor-binding ability.
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Gas-generating devices of chlorine dioxide (ClO 2) are used as deodorant of rooms. We happened to use a commercial tabletop deodorant canister that releases extremely low-concentration ClO 2 gas in a school classroom as deodorant. We found retrospectively and unexpectedly that during a period of 38 consecutive school days the rate of school children absent from the school was markedly lower (1.5%) in a classroom where the ClO 2 device was placed than that (4.0%) in a classroom where it was not placed. The percentages of absenteeism between these classrooms (1.5% vs. 4.0%) were significantly (p < 0.00001) different. The predominant causes of absenteeism during the period were common cold and influenza. Judging from the known virucidal activity of ClO 2 , our unexpected finding in the school classrooms strongly suggests the usefulness of extremely low-concentration ClO 2 gas to prevent respiratory viral diseases in semi-closed areas, such as theaters, hospitals and aircraft, without necessitating evacuation.
Survival data are presented for a fecal strain of Escherichia coli exposed to three concentrations of chlorine dioxide at four temperatures. Chick's first-order reaction equation is generalized to a pseudo nth-order model. Nonlinear least squares curve-fitting of the survival data to the nth order model was performed on an analogue computer. The data were observed to follow fractional order kinetics with respect to survival concentration, with an apparent activation energy of 12,000 cal/mole. Initial experiments support the thesis that the mechanism of chlorine dioxide kill occurs via disruption of protein synthesis.
Solubility of chlorine dioxide has been measured at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40°C. The apparatus used is shown in Fig. 1. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 4. The distribution constants of the system are tabulated in Table 1. The freezing point depression of chlorine dioxide aqueous solution is shown in Fig. 5. The conclusive correlation is presented by Equation (2). The equilibrium condition of chlo- rine dioxide-hyarate-water is shown in Fig. 6.
Studies were conducted to evaluate chlorine dioxide reactivity with proteins and the role of these reactions in the inactivation of the bacterial virus f2 with chlorine dioxide. The effect of chlorine dioxide on the ability of f2 to specifically attach to its host Escherichia coli K13 was compared to the inactivation of virus during the initial seconds of contact time. At pH 7.2 and and 5°C, the virus was rapidly inactivated with 0.6 mg l−1 of chlorine dioxide. Approximately 2 log units of inactivation were observed within 30 s. The loss of protein specific attachment function nearly paralleled intact virus inactivation with 1.2 log units of attachment inhibition occurring within 30 s. The inactivation of virus and the inhibition of specific attachment both increased with increasing pH and increasing disinfectant concentration.Inactivation of f2 was hypothesized to occur as the result of chlorine dioxide reacting with discrete chemical moieties in the viral protein. Cysteine, tyrosine and tryptophan reacted with chlorine dioxide within a time frame that could affect viral inactivation. In denatured f2 capsid protein monomers, these amino acids were almost totally degraded within 2 min by chlorine dioxide. Only tyrosine reacted with chlorine dioxide following treatment of the intact virion with disinfectant. Even though the degradation of tyrosine residues occurred at a much slower rate than the rate of virus inactivation, the protein component of f2 virus appeared to be the site of the lethal lesion produced by chlorine dioxide. These tyrosine reactions with chlorine dioxide appeared to alter the virus such that specific attachment was inhibited.
Studies were conducted with the bacterial virus f2 to determine the reactivity of chlorine dioxide with viral nucleic acid, and to evaluate the role of these reactions in the inactivation of virus with chloride dioxide. The effect of chlorine dioxide on naked infectious RNA was compared to the inactivation of intact virus and to infectious f2 RNA extracted from virus which was treated with chlorine dioxide. At pH 7.2 and 5°C, greater than 4 log units of virus inactivation were observed within 2 min of contact time. Almost no inactivation of infectious RNA extracted from chlorine dioxide treated virus was observed. Treatment of naked infectious RNA with chlorine dioxide yielded less than 1 log unit of inactivation after 5 min of contact time. The rate of inactivation both f2 virus and infectious RNA by chlorine dioxide increased with increasing pH.Inactivation of f2 infectious RNA was attributed to chlorine dioxide reactions with nucleotides. The reaction of chlorine dioxide within yeast RNA was uniquely associated with guanosine monophosphate (GMP). The reaction between chlorine dioxide and GMP may account for inactivation of naked f2 RNA. However, this reaction does not explain the inactivation of intact f2 virus, as the RNA within the treated virion remains infectious despite several log units of virus inactivation.