ArticleLiterature Review

Recommendations and guidance for providing pharmaceutical care services during COVID-19 pandemic: A China perspective

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Background The novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), which was first detected in Wuhan City, has now became a pandemic that affecting patients around the world. Particularly, the community patient population are at high risk of infection and are facing potential failure of proper medication use during the pandemic. Objective To discuss community pharmacists’ role and the content of pharmaceutical care (PC) during the novel coronavirus pandemic to promote effective prevention and control and safe drug use of the community patient population. Method Collect and summarize the experience Chinese community pharmacies gained from providing pharmacy services during the COVID-19 outbreak, and taking the PC needs into consideration, analyze and discuss the methods and strategies that community pharmacies and pharmacists shall use to provide PC during the pandemic. Results Community pharmacy management teams shall support PC services by providing adequate supply of COVID-19 related medications and preventative products, following environment regulations, and providing sufficient staff trainings. Pharmacists shall use various approaches to provide PC services in drug dispensing, consulting and referrals, chronic disease management, safe use of infusions, patient education, home care guidance and psychological support to promote the COVID-19 pandemic control and ensure safe medication use of community patients during the pandemic. Conclusion PC services in communities during the COVID-19 shall possess different properties due to disease characteristics and related patients' need. Community pharmacies shall work as a strong supporter of patient's medication and protective equipment supply. Community pharmacists shall be prepared to provide skilled and effective PC services for community patient population to ensure medication safety and promote the overall COVID-19 pandemic control.

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... O cuidado farmacêutico domiciliar é inovador, mas ainda enfrenta muitos desafios, como a escassez de publicações que retratam a experiência nessa área, bem como a baixa oferta de recursos humanos, materiais e estruturais para a sua operação (Lee et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2023). No contexto da assistência domiciliar durante o período pandêmico, a educação em saúde esteve costumeiramente associada às instruções de como acessar medicamentos durante o distanciamento social (Zheng et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2023). Também há relatos de fornecimento de orientações específicas para a administração segura de medicamentos (Lee et al., 2021). ...
... Também há relatos de fornecimento de orientações específicas para a administração segura de medicamentos (Lee et al., 2021). Além disso, a literatura aborda as orientações, principalmente por via remota, fornecidas aos usuários e familiares sobre o armazenamento e o descarte seguro de medicamentos no período considerado Zheng et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2023). ...
... No contexto estudado, a educação em saúde foi ainda mais crucial, pois capacitou os usuários e os cuidadores a adotar medidas preventivas contra a COVID-19, permitindo que os cuidados continuassem de maneira segura e eficaz no ambiente domiciliar (Barros et al., 2022;Zhang et al., 2023). Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, conforme assinalado pela maioria dos estudos, a dispensação de medicamentos por via remota, alinhada à telefarmácia, tornou-se fundamental para garantir que os usuários, especialmente aqueles com condições crônicas, continuassem a ter acesso aos seus tratamentos sem a necessidade de se exporem ao risco de contágio em farmácias e hospitais (Zheng et al., 2021;Bernabeu-Martínez et al., 2020;Tortajada-Goitia et al., 2020). Não obstante, os estudos citam diversas estratégias adotadas para o fornecimento de orientações em prol do uso racional, incluindo o emprego de materiais educativos digitais e a comunicação via tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) (Bernabeu-Martínez et al., 2020;Tortajada-Goitia et al., 2020). ...
A pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe desafios significativos para a prestação de cuidados de saúde, especialmente em ambientes domiciliares, evidenciando a necessidade de adaptação dos serviços farmacêuticos clínicos para garantir a continuidade e a segurança do tratamento dos usuários em distanciamento social. Nesse contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os serviços farmacêuticos clínicos oferecidos na assistência domiciliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura. As bases de dados consultadas foram o Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, PubMed e SciELO, utilizando os descritores "home care" e "pharmaceutical care". Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, cinco estudos foram selecionados para a análise. Os resultados mostraram que os principais serviços farmacêuticos ofertados foram o acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico, a gestão da condição de saúde, a educação em saúde, a reconciliação medicamentosa, a revisão da farmacoterapia e a dispensação de medicamentos. Durante a pandemia, a telefarmácia desempenhou um papel fundamental, permitindo a continuidade do cuidado farmacêutico domiciliar e reduzindo a exposição ao vírus. Os serviços clínicos foram essenciais para garantir a segurança e a efetividade do tratamento dos usuários em ambiente domiciliar, destacando a importância do farmacêutico na promoção da saúde e do uso racional de medicamentos durante crises sanitárias.
... This framework was evaluated using 423 COVID-19 pictures, 1485 viral pneumonia images, and 1579 normal chest X-ray images. To distinguish COVID-19 infection from other diseases, a 3D convolutional neural network (3DCNN) was created [106]. ...
... DCNN was put to the test on 2796 CT scan pictures from 2057 patients. However, the precision of the affected area is still lacking [106]. To categorise coronavirus-infected people using chest X-rays, a deep learning-based chest radio classification (DL-CRC) system was suggested [105,106]. ...
... However, the precision of the affected area is still lacking [106]. To categorise coronavirus-infected people using chest X-rays, a deep learning-based chest radio classification (DL-CRC) system was suggested [105,106]. To create simulated coronavirusinfected X-ray pictures, DL-CRC employed a generative adversarial network and data augmentation. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is still a relatively new field of research, and its potential to be used in the healthcare and medical sectors is enormous. In the last five years, IoT has been a go-to option for various applications such as using sensors for different features, machine-to-machine communication, etc., but precisely in the medical sector, it is still lagging far behind compared to other sectors. Hence, this study emphasises IoT applications in medical fields, Medical IoT sensors and devices, IoT platforms for data visualisation, and artificial intelligence in medical applications. A systematic review considering PRISMA guidelines on research articles as well as the websites on IoMT sensors and devices has been carried out. After the year 2001, an integrated outcome of 986 articles was initially selected, and by applying the inclusion–exclusion criterion, a total of 597 articles were identified. 23 new studies have been finally found, including records from websites and citations. This review then analyses different sensor monitoring circuits in detail, considering an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) scenario, device applications, and the data management system, including IoT platforms for the patients. Lastly, detailed discussion and challenges have been outlined, and possible prospects have been presented.
... This framework underwent evaluation with 423 COVID-19 pictures, 1485 viral pneumonia images, and 1579 normal chest X-ray images. To identify COVID-19 infection from other diseases, a 3D convolution neural network (3DCNN) was created [99]. ...
... DCNN's performance was assessed using 2796 CT scan pictures from 2057 patients. However, the precision of the affected area is still lacking [99]. To categorize coronavirus-infected people using chest X-rays, a deep learning-based chest radio classification (DL-CRC) system was proposed [98,99]., DL-CRC employed a generative adversarial network and data augmentation to generate simulated coronavirus-infected X-ray images. ...
... However, the precision of the affected area is still lacking [99]. To categorize coronavirus-infected people using chest X-rays, a deep learning-based chest radio classification (DL-CRC) system was proposed [98,99]., DL-CRC employed a generative adversarial network and data augmentation to generate simulated coronavirus-infected X-ray images. Four distinct chest X-ray datasets were used to evaluate DL-CRC. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is still a relatively new field of research, and its potential for use in the healthcare and medical sectors is enormous. In the last five years, IoT has been a go-to option for various applications such as using sensors for different features, machine-to-machine communication, etc., but precisely, in the medical sector, it is still lagging far behind compared to other sectors. Hence, this study emphasizes the IoT applications in medical fields, Medical IoT sensors and devices, IoT platforms for data visualization, and artificial intelligence in medical applica-tions. A systematic review considering PRISMA guidelines on research articles as well as the websites on IoMT sensors and devices have been carried out. A total of 986 articles after the year 2001 have been initially selected, and by applying the inclusion-exclusion criterion, a total of 597 articles have been identified. From these, 23 studies have been finally selected for this systematic review. This review analyzes different sensor monitoring circuits in detail, considering an Inten-sive Care Unit (ICU) scenario, device applications, and the data management system, including IoT platforms for the patients. Lastly, detailed discussion and challenges have been outlined, and possible prospects have been presented.
... In addition, they promoted social distancing in pharmacies by implementing several policies hinder crowding, and changing the design of the pharmacy in a way makes it di cult for the virus to spread, and di cult for patients to crowd. They participated signi cantly in patients and people education with regard to safe behavior and selfprotection from infection [9][10][11]. ...
... A community pharmacist mentioned information exchange between community pharmacies in real time for the sake of helping patients with chronic diseases not to have stock out of their medication during the pandemic. Interestingly, the same was reported by pharmacists participated in studies conducted in China and India [11,28]. ...
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Background Saudi Arabia is prone to different types of public health emergencies, and all health personnel should be ready and prepared to contribute to disaster management. Although pharmacists are essential personnel in disaster management, but their role still have not been well studied in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the role of Saudi pharmacists within each of the public health emergency phases; prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery (PPRR). Methods A qualitative exploratory method was employed where a purposive sampling was used to recruit pharmacists from different areas in Saudi Arabia to participate in semi-structured interviews. A total of 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted. Each interview was recorded, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed. Results Four major themes: (1) Prevention, (2) Preparedness, (3) Response, (4) Recovery; and 20 sub-themes (five sub-themes in each major theme) were identified. Participants felt that there was a limited role for pharmacists in many aspects, especially those under preparedness and response. Conclusion This study highlighted how pharmacists perceive their roles in disaster management. Findings of this study could help policy makers to better understand pharmacists’ perceptions on their readiness and acceptance for wider role in disaster management.
... Saat masa pandemik berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk meminimalkan kunjungan pasien ke apotek untuk mencegah pasien keluar rumah guna mengendalikan risiko infeksi. Pelayanan kefarmasian jarak jauh menggunakan media seperti telepon atau internet dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkan pasien keluar rumah namun tetap mengutamakan keefektifan pengobatan dan kepatuhan pasien (Zheng et al., 2020). Implementasi pelayanan farmasi jarak jauh ini dapat memberikan akses pengobatan kepada pasien di luar rumah sakit dan membantu mengurangi risiko infeksi silang selama kunjungan rumah sakit yang tidak perlu (Liu et al., 2020). ...
... Pelayanan kefarmasian jarak jauh menggunakan media seperti telepon atau internet dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkan pasien keluar rumah namun tetap mengutamakan keefektifan pengobatan dan kepatuhan pasien (Zheng et al., 2020). Implementasi pelayanan farmasi jarak jauh ini dapat memberikan akses pengobatan kepada pasien di luar rumah sakit dan membantu mengurangi risiko infeksi silang selama kunjungan rumah sakit yang tidak perlu (Liu et al., 2020). Selain itu, dengan dilakukannya pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring dapat mendukung program pemerintah terkait physical distancing untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 pada era new normal. ...
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Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 2019 di Kota Wuhan, Tiongkok. Penyebaran virus yang masif membuat organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO) menyatakan wabah Covid-19 sebagai pandemi. Hal tersebut membawa perubahan dalam kehidupan bersosial akibat adanya kewajiban untuk menjaga jarak termasuk dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kefarmasian. Pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring dapat menjadi solusi dari adanya pembatasan sosial yang diterapkan selama pandemi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara komunikasi masyarakat dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kefarmasian di masa pandemi dengan menerapkan physical distancing, mengetahui pelayanan kefarmasian yang dirasakan selama penerapan physical distancing, serta memberikan edukasi dalam rangka peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat jawa timur terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring. Berdasarkan klasifikasi menurut tujuannya, penelitian ini tergolong sebagai penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data didapatkan melalui survei menggunakan teknik random sampling. Penelitian ini melibatkan 223 responden yang merupakan masyarakat Jawa Timur dengan mayoritas usia 21 tahun. Dari hasil penelitian diketemukan bahwa responden memiliki pengetahuan terkait physical distancing yang baik (98,2%) namun kurangnya kesadaran untuk mengimplementasikannya. Dalam pelayanan kefarmasian, responden merasakan adanya perubahan akibat penerapan pembatasan sosial saat pandemi. Sebagian besar responden memiliki ketertarikan untuk menggunakan pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring (82.96%) jika tersedia. Sebanyak 29,15% dari total responden pernah menggunakan pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring. Umumnya pelayanan didapatkan melalui aplikasi kesehatan (54,95%) dan whatsapp (35,16%) dengan frekuensi pemakaian yang rendah (1-2 kali dalam 6 bulan terakhir). Responden yang pernah menggunakan pelayanan kefarmasian secara daring memiliki intensi untuk memanfaatkannya kembali di masa yang akan datang. Namun, tidak semua apotek menyediakan layanan tersebut. Sehingga edukasi pelayanan kefarmasian menjadi penting untuk dilakukan guna mendukung penerapan physical distancing di masa pandemi COVID-19 ini.
... To address this, it is crucial to implement clear, nationwide protocols for pharmacists in assessing self-medication requests [76]. These protocols should be supported by continuous training programs aimed at strengthening pharmacists' understanding of the risks associated with self-medication and providing them with effective communication strategies to refuse inappropriate requests [77]. ...
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Background/Objectives: This study evaluates the perceptions of pharmacists in Romania regarding self-medication, a growing practice with significant implications for public health and sustainable development. The main objective is to analyze the role of pharmacists in managing self-medication and educating the public on rational medication use. Methods: A descriptive and exploratory methodology was employed, using a questionnaire administered to 300 pharmacists from various regions in Romania between March and April 2024. The data analysis included Chi-square tests and linear regression to identify predictive factors. Results: The findings reveal a direct correlation between the frequency of self-medication and the perceived severity of conditions, with self-medication being more common for minor ailments. Experienced pharmacists are less likely to encourage self-medication. Public education on the risks of self-medication significantly reduces the prevalence of this practice. Conclusions: Self-medication, without proper regulation and education, risks becoming unsustainable. Targeted informational campaigns and educational programs tailored to diverse demographic groups are essential. Pharmacists play a critical role in promoting safe and responsible medication use.
... In China, community pharmacists take measures to ensure an adequate supply of COVID-19-related medications and preventive products. 10 In the United States, community pharmacists play an active role in the COVID-19 testing process. 11 Similarly, in Colombia, community pharmacists provide customers with information about COVID-19 and actively participate in screening and referring potentially infected patients to relevant agencies through telephone communication. ...
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Background: Community pharmacists have played an essential health service role during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Practices of community pharmacists against the pandemic may differ based on the specific guidance and level of preparedness in each country. Objective: This study explored the roles of community pharmacists in disease prevention, the provision of counseling services, and the supply of medications and preventive devices as well as the potential barriers and attitudes of community pharmacists towards COVID-19 infection. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted over three months (December 2021-March 2022). Online self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the community pharmacists across Thailand. Results: Of the 835 questionnaires distributed, 339 were completed (40.6%). Almost all respondents provided alcohol sanitizers inside their pharmacies (99.1%) and advised patients about how to use Antigen Test Kits (ATK) and interpret their ATK results (98.5%). The majority of respondents also provided advice to customers about ATK screening (97.6%). Respondents in chain pharmacies were more likely to provide encouragement to customers to keep social distancing (p<0.01), use preventive devices (p=0.004), and provide telepharmacy consulting services (p<0.01). Concern about contracting COVID-19 while working was the most common barrier to providing care cited by respondents (77.6%). Respondents had positive overall attitudes towards providing COVID-related counseling and believed that training programs and information support were important to the provision of COVID-19 care (82.6% and 64.6% agreed with the respective statements). Conclusion: Our findings reveal good practices among Thai community pharmacists on providing pharmacy services during the pandemic. Information support and training programs about COVID-19 from the Thai health authorities should be developed to improve the quality of pharmacy service..
... 25 26 For example, pharmacists in different countries used pre-existing mobile applications to help guide patients on where to purchase their medications or arrange a medication delivery. 25 Additionally, pharmacists provided patients with a therapeutic substitution to reduce the strain on the supply chain. 26 The participants in our study also served as a source of COVID-19 health information. ...
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Objectives To explore the experiences and perspectives of community pharmacists regarding their roles during the closure stage (ie, March to May 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada. Design This qualitative case study included a document analysis and semistructured interviews with community pharmacists who provided direct patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The document analysis was used to develop a chronology that informed the interviews. Themes from qualitative interviews were developed through iterative cycles of data review and analysis using applied thematic analysis. Findings are presented specifically for the time period between March and May 2020, defined as the ‘Closure Stage’. Setting Community pharmacies in NL, Canada. Results 12 community pharmacists participated in the interviews. Four themes were developed including (1) pharmacists’ leadership in continuity of care, (2) pharmacists as medication stewards, (3) pharmacists as a source of COVID-19 health information and (4) the impact of COVID-19 on pharmacists’ mental health and well-being. The first three themes described the key roles played by community pharmacists during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, including coordinating care, prescribing for common ailments, delivering medications and supplies, providing information on COVID-19 symptoms and their management, renewing chronic medications and protecting the medication supply. Unclear guidance on scope of practice, limited scope of practice, inadequate staffing and limited support from government bodies were identified as barriers to these roles. Facilitators included access to a delivery service, swift regulatory changes, reimbursement and support from colleagues and other healthcare professionals. The fourth theme is presented independently, emphasising the impact of working within the primary healthcare (PHC) system during the COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacists’ mental health and well-being. Conclusion Pharmacists played a critical role in the delivery of PHC services during the closure stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this research highlight the essential elements of a strong PHC pandemic preparedness plan that is inclusive of community pharmacists, including improved communication strategies, mental health support and access to resources.
... From 2010 to 2019, the research content with a high burst of citations focused on the impact of electronic medication records (EMAR) and barcode medication administration (BCMA) technology on medication safety (32, 56,57), the verification of the correlation between medication interruptions and the risk level of medication errors (58, 59), the positive impact of pharmacists on patient care (60) and chronic disease management (61), the definition of pharmaceutical services (19), and the prevalence, nature (62) and causes (63) of medication errors in health care settings. From 2020 to 2023, the research content with a high burst of citations focused on the role of pharmacists in reducing medical costs (64), the contribution of community pharmacists to the COVID-19 pandemic (28,65,66), the definition of polypharmacy (67), medication safety (68), medication error factors and improvement (69), and telepharmacy services (70). In the Web of Science Core Collection database, the publication of papers in the field of pharmacy management first started in 2000, with only 130, peaking at 1,335 in 2021 and then declining slightly, with a total of 12,771 publications accumulated during this period. ...
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Background Pharmaceutical management is a new frontier subject between pharmacy, law and management, and related research involves the whole process of drug development, production, circulation and use. With the development of medical systems and the diversification of patients’ drug needs, research in the field of pharmaceutical management is becoming increasingly abundant. To clarify the development status of this field, this study conducted a bibliometric analysis of relevant literature in the field based on the knowledge graph method for the first time and explored the evolutionary trends of research hotspots and frontiers. Methods Literature was obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection database. CiteSpace 6.2.R4 (Advanced), VOSViewer, Scimago Graphica, Pajek and the R programming language were used to visualize the data. Results A total of 12,771 publications were included in the study. The publications in the field of pharmaceutical management show an overall increasing trend. In terms of discipline evolution, early research topics tended to involve the positioning of pharmacists and pharmaceutical care and the establishment of a management system. From 2000 to 2005, this period tended to focus on clinical pharmacy and institutional norms. With the development of globalization and the market economy, research from 2005 to 2010 began to trend to the fields of drug markets and economics. From 2010 to 2015, research was gradually integrated into health systems and medical services. With the development of information technology, after 2015, research in the field of pharmaceutical management also began to develop in the direction of digitalization and intelligence. In light of the global pandemic of COVID-19, research topics such as drug supply management, pharmaceutical care and telemedicine services under major public health events have shown increased interest since 2020. Conclusion Based on the knowledge mapping approach, this study provides a knowledge landscape in the field of pharmaceutical management research. The results showed that the reform of pharmacy education, the challenge of drug management under the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation and the rise of telemedicine services were the hot topics in this field. In addition, the research frontier also shows the broad prospects of the integration of information technology and pharmaceutical management, the practical value of precision pharmaceutical services, the urgent need of global drug governance, and the ethical and legal issues involved in the application of artificial intelligence technology in drug design, which points out the direction for the future development of pharmaceutical practice.
... Some of the response strategies recommended by WHO include isolation of confirmed cases, and infection prevention and control measures to ensure the safety of frontliners in HC facilities. 1 Additional strategies for outpatient services were also adopted through providing mail delivery of medicine, telemedicine, virtual patient education, and monitoring. 54 Telehealth allows medical providers to deliver immediate diagnosis and consultations, and monitor and screen patients via different telehealth modalities such as: video-based virtual visits, telephonic delivery, and tech-enabled home medication. 9 In fact, a study has shown that sessions using telemedicine can take up to 10 more minutes of consultation compared to face-to-face visits that usually last less than 10 minutes per patient. ...
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Health emergency outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic make it challenging for healthcare systems to ration medical resources and patient care. Such disastrous events have been increasing over the past years and are becoming inevitable, necessitating the need for healthcare to be well-prepared and resilient to unpredictable rises in demand. Quantitative and qualitative based decision support systems increase the effectiveness of planning, alleviating uncertainties associated with the crisis. This study aims to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the performance of healthcare systems in different areas and to address the associated disruption. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates among healthcare workers who worked during the pandemic. The pandemic-related disruption and its psychometric properties were assessed using Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) with 5 latent factors: Staff Mental Health, Communication Level, Planning and Readiness, Healthcare Supply Chain, and Telehealth. Responses from highly qualified participants with many years of experience in hospital settings were collected and analyzed. Results show that the model satisfactorily fits the data with a CLI of 0.91 and TLI of 0.88. The model indicates that enhancing supply chain management, planning, telehealth usage, and communication level across the healthcare system can mitigate the disruption. However, the lack of mental health management for healthcare workers can significantly disrupt the quality of delivered care. Staff mental health and healthcare supply chain, respectively, are the highest contributors to varying degrees of disruption in healthcare delivery. This study provides a direction for more research focusing on determinants of healthcare efficiency. It also provides decision-makers insights into the main factors leading to disruptions in healthcare systems, allowing them to shape their outbreak response and better prepare for future health emergencies.
... Many countries have adopted telepharmacy services to solve the problem of the shortage of pharmacists, for example, the United States, [2] Australia, [3] Denmark, [4] Singapore, [5] and China. [6] Thailand is one of the countries that focuses on promoting telepharmacy campaigns as a result of the announcement of the pharmacy council on the set of standards and procedures for the provision of telepharmacy services. The definition of telepharmacy services from the draft regulations of the Pharmacy Council of Thailand, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 2016, and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy is defined as distant pharmaceutical care using communication technology. ...
... The National Health Commission of China issued a series of guidelines on treating and preventing COVID-19 with the help of TCM. South Korea published two TCM-based guidelines for COVID-19 treatment and prevention [110]. Several clinical trials on medications that potentially cure COVID-19 have been conducted, and some are ongoing [111,112]. ...
The epidemic prompted by COVID-19 continues to spread, causing a great risk to the general population's safety and health. There are still no drugs capable of curing it. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are the two other diseases caused by coronaviruses. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) showed benefits in treating SARS and MERS by preventing the disease early, substantially mitigating symptoms, shortening the treatment period, and minimizing risks and adverse reactions caused by hormone therapy. Although several vaccines have been developed and are being used for the treatment of COVID-19, existing vaccines cannot provide complete protection against the virus due to the rapid evolution and mutation of the virus, as mutated viral epitopes evade the vaccine’s target and decrease the efficacy of vaccines. Thus, there is a need to develop alternative options. TCM has demonstrated positive effects in the treatment of COVID-19. Previous research studies on TCM showed broad-spectrum antiviral activity, offering a range of possibilities for their potential use against COVID-19. This study shed some light on common TCM used for SARS and MERS outbreaks and their effective use for COVID-19 management. This study provides new insights into COVID-19 drug discovery.
... To reach our desired sample size, we engaged with 1,820 adults, among whom 53.4% (971/1,820) expressed satisfaction with the pharmacy services in Jordan during the education, ensuring the availability of hygiene products, and screening for suspected cases [5][6][7][8]. They are considered essential contributors to the healthcare system [9][10][11] and play a vital role in raising public awareness and minimizing disease transmission [5,12]. ...
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Community pharmacists’ roles have expanded globally to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the limited information available on public satisfaction regarding pharmacy preparedness and services during this crisis in Jordan, our study aimed to assess public contentment with community pharmacists’ readiness for the pandemic. Not to forget the educational services they offered, and public expectations regarding their future roles in emergencies. We employed a cross-sectional questionnaire, surveying 1,820 adults across all 12 governorates of Jordan via proportionate random sampling. A multidisciplinary committee validated the adjusted survey, and data analysis was conducted using SPSS V26. Our findings revealed that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, only approximately half of the participants expressed satisfaction with pharmacy services in Jordan. Age, gender, and urban or rural location were influential factors affecting satisfaction with pharmaceutical care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, individuals aged 55–64 exhibited a significantly higher likelihood of being satisfied with pharmacy services (OR: 17.79, 95%CI: 9.01–18.77, p = 0.001). Moreover, females in Jordan were more inclined to express satisfaction with pharmacy services during the pandemic (OR: 4.23, 95%CI: 1.97–9.55, p = 0.02). Conversely, individuals residing in rural areas were notably less likely to report satisfaction with pharmacy services during the pandemic (OR: 0.33, 95%CI: 0.11–0.61, p = 0.002), as revealed by the study’s findings. Overall, participants were dissatisfied with the provided pharmacy education. There was a widespread belief in the pivotal role of pharmacists in pandemic management, with expectations of expanded COVID-19-related services in the future. People trusted pharmacists to play a greater role in pandemic situations. Our study recommends a review of pharmacy practice policies, particularly in relation to public services during pandemics, and the implementation of pharmacist emergency protocols.
... Serious ADRs were discovered to be the fourth to sixth main causes of death in hospitalised patients in the United States, resulting in protracted hospitalisation and double the expense of treatment [11]. As a result, both healthcare providers and patients share the goal of detecting and preventing ADRs as early as possible [12]. ...
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Traditional vaccines that employ whole-cell antigens to raise an immune response have been irrefutably successful in the control or localized eradication of diseases such as poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza and hepatitis A and B. Manufacturing and developing new vaccines to stop the spread of future epidemics and meet infant vaccination demands in low and middle income countries, flexible, rapid and low-cost vaccine technologies are required. Outbreak of epidemic such as H1N1 Influenza, Ebola, Middle East respiratory syndrome and Zika over the past 10 years and outbreak of global pandemic such as Covid-19 are reminders that improvement in the modern vaccine manufacturing technology is needed to short term time of development and manufacturing of vaccine. Vaccine development platform technologies that can produce a wide range of vaccines are emerging including: a) RNA vaccines; b) Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens (GMMA) vaccines; c) Humanized, high-yield yeast recombinant protein vaccines; d) Insect cell-baculovirus ADDomer vaccines. These modular vaccine platforms can overcome issues faced by traditional vaccine manufacturing and have the potential to generate safe vaccines rapidly and at a low cost. The comparative strengths and weaknesses of each technology are discussed in detail, illustrating the associated development and manufacturing needs.
... Still, as a consequence of the COVID-19 epidemic, (pharmaceutical) care and specific communication between patients and healthcare providers has changed. As a result of government guidelines, which apply social distancing and advice vulnerable people with health issues to stay at home, there's lower (direct) contact between patients and healthcare providers [23,24]. This has an impact on some of the most crucial services provided by pharmacies in order to ensure the safe and effective use of medications. ...
Background: Community Pharmacists are frequently the first point of contact for the public, especially during the afflictions. As outlined by the International Pharmaceutical Federation, community Pharmacists have an important public health role during this COVID-19 infection. Since the outbreak of coronavirus complaint 2019 (COVID-19) pharmacists like other health professionals, have been at the frontal line of combating the complaint and remained open, thus playing significant part in minimizing or avoiding its community transmission. Therefore, study was throwing to assess the provision of community pharmacy services during COVID-19 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of community pharmacists in relation to provision of public services during COVID-19 epidemic in Addis Ababa City. Methods: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted in Addis Ababa city administrations from June 28, 2021, to July 30, 2021, with a sample size of 290 and the sample was determined through cluster sampling technique. The result was cleared by Epi Info version 7.0 and analyzed through SPSS interpretation 25. Result: Methods used to analyze the collected primary data: we used percentage and tables to analyze the data. The exploration finding were grounded on primary source of data. For this reason, we distributed 14 questionnaires to 360 respondents. Out of these, 290 respondents filled out the questionnaires and returned them to the investigators. The results of the study show that during the epidemic, the community pharmacies offered poor pharmaceutical services.
... Serious ADRs were discovered to be the fourth to sixth main causes of death in hospitalised patients in the United States, resulting in protracted hospitalisation and double the expense of treatment [11]. As a result, both healthcare providers and patients share the goal of detecting and preventing ADRs as early as possible [12]. ...
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Introduction: Pharmacovigilance (PV) is crucial to identify, managing, and reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in the healthcare sector. Young healthcare professionals (HCPs) play an essential role in the PV system. Objective: This study aimed to assess awareness, understand the causes of underreporting, and find solutions to encourage ADR reporting among young HCPs. Methods: This prevalidated, questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, perception, and strategies to improve PV reporting among 152 young HCP interns at a teaching hospital in India. The study was conducted in January 2023 and approved by the ethics committee. The responses were analysed using a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Results In a study of 152 interns, 97.3% agreed that pharmacovigilance (PV) may assist patients, but only 56% had experienced adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in practise. Only 40.5% chose email reporting, and 65.8% did not have a nearby ADR Monitoring Centre (AMC). More over half (53%) thought ADRs should only be reported to an AMC. Training sessions were underutilised, with only 28.6% attending PVPI training. The difficulty in identifying the causal substance, as well as a lack of incentives, were important reasons for underreporting. Continuing medical education/workshops were mentioned by 96% of young HCPs as a way to encourage reporting. Conclusion: According to the study, while young HCPs are aware of PV, there is a need for more training and incentives to enhance ADR reporting. Encouragement of National Pharmacovigilance Week and the availability of neighbouring AMCs could further aid raise PV awareness.
... 14,15 The guidelines of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and of each country, such as the Korean Pharmaceutical Association (KPA), emphasized that the role of CPs is important in a pandemic situation; however, no studies have examined the extent to which it is being implemented. 16,17 A previous study surveyed the Canadian pharmacist; however, they only reported the frequency of each role at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 18 In addition, no study has evaluated the gap between the importance and performance of CP roles. ...
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Objective This study aimed to identify the roles of community pharmacists (CPs) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the differences in their role performance compared with their perceived importance, and limiting factors. Methods A cross-sectional online survey of CPs was conducted. The CPs self-measured the importance and performance of each role during the pandemic using a five-point Likert scale. A paired t-test was used to compare each role’s importance and performance scores. A logistic regression analysis of the roles with low performance scores, despite their level of importance, was conducted to determine the factors affecting performance. The limiting factors were also surveyed. Results The 436 responses to the questionnaire were analyzed. The performance scores were significantly lower than the perceived importance scores for 15 of the 17 roles. The source and update frequency of COVID-19 information and participation in outreach pharmaceutical services were associated with low performance scores. Insufficient economic compensation, the lack of communication channels, and legal limitations were the limiting factors in performing the CPs’ roles. Conclusion The participation in outreach pharmaceutical services, economic compensation, and communication channel should be improved to motivate the CPs in performing their roles.
... There are enough arguments that demonstrate the important role of the community pharmacist in supporting the health system, having an ideal position for prevention, management of chronic conditions, timely identification of aggravations, and referral of the patient to the recommended by the doctor by correctly releasing the drugs and by advising regarding the method of administration, to obtain maximum benefits and minimize the associated risks [7]. There are enough arguments that demonstrate the important role of the community pharmacist in supporting the health system, having an ideal position for prevention, management of chronic conditions, timely identification of aggravations, and referral of the patient to the doctor [8]. The pharmacists in community pharmacies in Romania provide counseling services regarding prescription or OTC drugs and provide valuable health information, without these services being recognized or remunerated [9][10][11]. ...
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Community pharmacy has evolved a lot in recent years in terms of pharmaceutical services and marketing policies applied in Romania. This study aimed to evaluate the degree of patient satisfaction in community pharmacies in Iași, Romania correlated with the frequency of returning to the pharmacy, level of education, gender, and stress level at the time when the pharmacist dispenses the medication. A total of 30 community pharmacies were involved, and in a period of three months, they issued questionnaires to patients. 722 patients responded, and to verify the first research hypothesis, the Pearson correlation was applied. Statistical analysis revealed that there is a negative, medium-level, and significant correlation between the level of satisfaction with pharmaceutical services and the frequency of visits to the pharmacy, r = −0.342, p < 0.0001. There is also a significant, negative correlation of low intensity between the level of satisfaction with pharmaceutical services and patient status, r = −0.202, p < 0.0001. The degree of patient satisfaction is influenced by the quality of the basic pharmaceutical service offered, by the frequency of visits to the pharmacy, by the level of stress, and by social class.
... Aynı şekilde COVID-19 pandemisinin önlenmesi, hazır olma durumuna ve müdahalesine katkıda bulunarak toplum eczacıları bu krizle başa çıkmada halk sağlığına yönelik rollerini yerine getirmişlerdir [50]. Pek çok ülkede eczaneler, halka erişimi artırmak ve ilaçların eve teslimini sağlamak için uluslararası insani yardım kuruluşları ve yerel toplum çalışanlarıyla yakın iş birliği içinde çalışmıştır [51][52]. Pandemi ve kriz durumlarında eczacıların sağlık sistemlerine katkılarına dünya genelindeki toplum eczacılığı uygulamaları başlığında ayrıntılı olarak yer verilmiştir. ...
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Amaç: Toplum eczacılığı hizmeti, son yıllarda ilaç satış ve dağıtımının ötesine geçerek farmasötik bakım odaklı hale gelmiştir. Toplum eczaneleri, en kolay erişilebilir durumdaki sağlık profesyoneli grubu olması sebebiyle pekçok kişi için sağlık hizmetlerinde ilk ve bazen de tek temas noktası haline gelmiştir. Sağlık insangücü eksikliği, nüfusun yaşlanması, kronik hastalıkların artması gibi pekçok faktör sağlık sistemlerinde birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumu konusunda baskı oluşturmaktadır. Bazı ülkeler birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunu rahatlatabilmek için toplum eczacılarından daha fazla yararlanmaya başlamıştır. Bu kapsamda, birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinde dünya genelinde eczacıların rolünün genişlediği görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, toplum eczacılarının birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinde aktif olarak kullanılması konusunu Türkiye düzleminde incelemektir. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Sonuç olarak, Türkiye’de toplum eczacılarının birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri sisteminde aktif olarak yer almadığı görülmüştür. İlerleyen dönemlerde, mevcut ülke örneklerinin de incelenerek gerekli politik zeminin oluşturulmasıyla toplum eczacılarının birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri sunumuna aktif katılımlarının sağlanabileceği düşünülmektedir.
... Community pharmacies often serve as patients' first entry points into the healthcare system. They have provided many public health services, but those dealing with the prevention and treatment of drug abuse, the promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the reduction of risk factors for infectious illness, the improvement of prevention for cardiovascular disease, and the aiding in the cessation of smoking have received the most attention (7). Community healthcare for seniors has been researched, as have the elements that affect seniors' preferences regarding their older adult care (8). ...
Background: The global population is aging, and the number of people su􀀀ering from chronic diseases is increasing. In response to these trends, community-enhanced social healthcare practices are a novel paradigm of social prescribing that aims to improve both the community’s and the individual’s level of health by combining community involvement, organizational change, and individual-level practice. Objective: The study examined the state of community-based social healthcare practices using the lens of social prescription in China with an eye on promoting healthy aging there. Method: Thematic analysis approach was used in this investigation. A social prescription lens was used to conduct an open-ended theme study of China’s community-based social healthcare practices for healthy aging. The research was conducted in Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. A sample of 24 “comprehensive evaluation teammembers (CETM)” was chosen using a purposive selection strategy. Results: In the context of the social prescription, we analyzed social healthcare practices for healthy aging at the community level. All the comprehensive evaluation team members described community social healthcare practices under the paradigm of social prescription. After analyzing the community social healthcare practices under the paradigm of social prescription, six main themes (E-Social Prescription, Nature-based Social Prescription, Healthy Living Social Prescription, Culture-based Social Prescription, Health Screening Social Prescription, and Health Education Social Prescription) emerged for healthy aging at the community level. Conclusion: Social prescribing links individuals to non-clinical services and activities, typically provided by the nonprofit and community sectors. Community-based social healthcare practices under social prescription can be an e�cient and cost-e􀀀ective way to assist patients with chronic diseases in managing their illnesses and enhancing their overall health and wellbeing.
... First, we found that community pharmacies are still important for safeguarding residents' health in the dual context of the COVID-19 lift lockdown policy and the e-commerce era. Many scholars have reached similar conclusions, but most of them focus on how the function of community pharmacies has changed and what pharmacy staff had done during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (Bragazzi et al. 2020;Zheng et al. 2021). Our study focused on the characteristics of residents' drug purchasing behavior after the COVID-19 lift lockdown policy. ...
Spatial and structural inequalities in health space are a global concern. An understanding of the spatial characteristics and activities of citizens in urban communities is crucial in addressing this issue. As the main health space, community pharmacies play a vital role in responding to disease outbreaks. Their spatial distribution and functions need to adapt to the new consumer context. This study focuses on community pharmacies in the main urban zone of Guangzhou after the lift lockdown of COVID-19 in late 2022. We used an official list of community pharmacies and online open-source data to integrate consumer behaviors and pharmacy perception questionnaire data. We also utilized random forest classification and SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values to understand the spatial distribution patterns and nonlinear relationships of pharmacies influencing factors. The results indicate that residents in the main city zone exhibit different behaviors in the old and the new urban districts. Community pharmacies are more clustered in the old urban districts than in the new ones. Factors such as population and road accessibility strongly influence the distribution of pharmacies. These findings are expected to provide insights for the spatial planning of health space research. They can also significantly contribute to the advancement of science-based planning and urban management practices.
... Global health, economy, and well-being were all affected by the rapid spread of the COVID-19 epidemic (6,7). Detecting COVID-19 is critical for patient care and public health, as the pandemic can be avoided and effectively managed by isolating infected patients (8). It is critical to separate people infected with COVID-19; thus, early detection is a significant challenge for preventing the further spreading of the infection (9,10). ...
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COVID-19 is an epidemic disease that results in death and significantly affects the older adult and those afflicted with chronic medical conditions. Diabetes medication and high blood glucose levels are significant predictors of COVID-19-related death or disease severity. Diabetic individuals, particularly those with preexisting comorbidities or geriatric patients, are at a higher risk of COVID-19 infection, including hospitalization, ICU admission, and death, than those without Diabetes. Everyone’s lives have been significantly changed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Identifying patients infected with COVID-19 in a timely manner is critical to overcoming this challenge. The Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) diagnostic assay is currently the gold standard for COVID-19 detection. However, RT-PCR is a time-consuming and costly technique requiring a lab kit that is difficult to get in crises and epidemics. This work suggests the CIDICXR-Net50 model, a ResNet-50-based Transfer Learning (TL) method for COVID-19 detection via Chest X-ray (CXR) image classification. The presented model is developed by substituting the final ResNet-50 classifier layer with a new classification head. The model is trained on 3,923 chest X-ray images comprising a substantial dataset of 1,360 viral pneumonia, 1,363 normal, and 1,200 COVID-19 CXR images. The proposed model’s performance is evaluated in contrast to the results of six other innovative pre-trained models. The proposed CIDICXR-Net50 model attained 99.11% accuracy on the provided dataset while maintaining 99.15% precision and recall. This study also explores potential relationships between COVID-19 and Diabetes.
... and the promotion, protection, and recovery of patients' health. [8][9][10] In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the performance of rapid immunochromatographic tests and their clinical results in community pharmacies in northern Brazil. ...
... Community pharmacies often serve as patients' first entry points into the healthcare system. They have provided many public health services, but those dealing with the prevention and treatment of drug abuse, the promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the reduction of risk factors for infectious illness, the improvement of prevention for cardiovascular disease, and the aiding in the cessation of smoking have received the most attention (7). Community healthcare for seniors has been researched, as have the elements that affect seniors' preferences regarding their older adult care (8). ...
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Background The global population is aging, and the number of people suffering from chronic diseases is increasing. In response to these trends, community-enhanced social healthcare practices are a novel paradigm of social prescribing that aims to improve both the community's and the individual's level of health by combining community involvement, organizational change, and individual-level practice. Objective The study examined the state of community-based social healthcare practices using the lens of social prescription in China with an eye on promoting healthy aging there. Method Thematic analysis approach was used in this investigation. A social prescription lens was used to conduct an open-ended theme study of China's community-based social healthcare practices for healthy aging. The research was conducted in Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. A sample of 24 “comprehensive evaluation team members (CETM)” was chosen using a purposive selection strategy. Results In the context of the social prescription, we analyzed social healthcare practices for healthy aging at the community level. All the comprehensive evaluation team members described community social healthcare practices under the paradigm of social prescription. After analyzing the community social healthcare practices under the paradigm of social prescription, six main themes (E-Social Prescription, Nature-based Social Prescription, Healthy Living Social Prescription, Culture-based Social Prescription, Health Screening Social Prescription, and Health Education Social Prescription) emerged for healthy aging at the community level. Conclusion Social prescribing links individuals to non-clinical services and activities, typically provided by the nonprofit and community sectors. Community-based social healthcare practices under social prescription can be an efficient and cost-effective way to assist patients with chronic diseases in managing their illnesses and enhancing their overall health and wellbeing.
... -Intervenciones virtuales o telefónicas [2,6,9,11,14,20,21,35]. ...
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Introducción: El personal de las farmacias en los diferentes escenarios de acción realiza actividades que contribuyen con la salud pública y la pandemia es un momento oportuno para destacar el quehacer en pro del bienestar de las personas en las comunidades. Método: Esta es una investigación descriptiva a partir de documentos en inglés y español en el periodo 2020-2021, con apoyo de las palabras clave, de los sitios Pub-MEDLINE, LILACS, Ebscohost, Springer, la biblioteca científica electrónica en línea SciELO y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se describen las actividades de a) prestación de servicios esenciales, b) medidas preventivas y de asesoramiento sobre los comportamientos de las personas, c) la importancia del rol en educación, asesoría y consejería, d) acciones en el ámbito de la farmacia de la comunidad, e) acciones en el ámbito de la farmacia clínica hospitalaria, f ) las mejoras farmacéuticas en Europa respecto a los programas de inmunizaciones, g) los principales desafíos que enfrenta el campo de la Farmacia, h) el reporte de los resultados de experiencias en diversos contextos: opiniones de usuarios/profesionales en medicina/farmacia o estudiantes de farmacia, los comportamientos de las personas y los resultados de varias investigaciones. Conclusiones: Las actividades contribuyen a obtener mejores resultados ante la pandemia de la Covid-19, se consolidan, retoman y proyectan acciones que imponen desafíos en pro del bienestar de las personas en las comunidades, en algunos contextos se realizan con una calidad adecuada mientras en otras hay falencias o debilidades que deben ser subsanadas de manera oportuna.
... Medication home delivery was one of the great initiatives during this pandemic that helped in preventing treatment interruptions [30,31]. Telemedicine and virtual counseling via mobile phone applications was also a great way provided by community pharmacists to maintain proper medication counseling [32]. ...
Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in an increased need for essential community services including new roles for pharmacists. Globally, community pharmacists are a highly accessible point of contact for referral. Objective To assess the preparedness of and facilitators to community pharmacists referring patients with suspected COVID-19 symptoms for testing. Methods A cross-sectional survey was administered using a structured questionnaire to 1023 pharmacists (one respondent in each pharmacy) in Egypt between 17 and 30 May 2020. Results Pharmacists who had received pandemic referral training were significantly more familiar with the referral system in comparison to those who had not (n = 180; 17.6% vs. n = 841; 82.4%, P = .014). Case referral was significantly associated with the referrer (n = 161, 15.8%), demographics of region (P = .001), graduation year (P = .035), and gender (P = .015). The vast majority of respondents identified facilitators to referring, namely university-level teaching (n = 984, 96.7%), continuing professional development (n = 958, 94.3%), smartphone app (n = 809, 80.5%) or telephone hotline (n = 933, 91.5%), IT access (n = 861, 84.7%), and managing patients’ attitudes through the media in terms of the importance of declaring symptoms to (n = 998, 97.7%) and cooperating with (n = 977, 96.2%) referrers. Conclusions Pharmacists’ lack of preparedness to engage with the referral process and related roles contributing to tracking the national COVID-19 infection rate could be mitigated by the provision of facilitators suggested by respondents. These included improved cooperation from local healthcare authorities, educational interventions, technological solutions, and the use of the media. Demographics associated with pharmacists’ attitudes to referral, and hence the reliability and validity of the national infection rate, demand further investigation.
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Merak Hamlet is a hamlet located on the north coast in the forest area of Baluran National Park. The distance from the city center takes ± 2 hours. Facilities that are less suitable for use such as health facilities. With this community service, the government can see the back of the peacock hamlet which only controls sunlight for electricity, and can feel routine health checks. With the results of the service uploud in the mass media, the government sees the condition and situation of the peacock hamlet during the day and night. With the motivation of the class all children will not be broken and adults feel free health checks. Polindes became the main target to create a health post with the help of the health center medical team in the city. After the service activity, thank God there was a continuation for Electricity from the government and the merak hamlet is now bright like the city. The return of enthusiasm for learning and public health is now improving with the health check.
Objetivo: Entender o comportamento do consumidor de medicamentos e serviços farmacêuticos na época da pandemia de Covid-19.Materiais e métodos: Fez-se uma survey quantitativa por meio de questionário elaborado no Google Forms e disseminado por meios eletrônicos. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e acerca da compra de medicamentos e uso de serviços farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias. Os dados foram analisados com os softwares Microsoft Excel 365 e SPSS v. 22.Resultados: Obteve-se 250 respostas, predominantemente de indivíduos do estado do Paraná e com alto grau de escolaridade e renda. Não houve redução importante na compra de medicamentos na pandemia e certos medicamentos (e.g. analgésicos, antigripais) foram adquiridos em volume maior neste período. Houve aumento da compra de álcool gel, máscaras e na procura por vitaminas, além do aumento da compra on-line de medicamentos. Constatou-se a necessidade de atuação mais categórica do farmacêutico como provedor de orientações acerca de medicamentos, sobretudo aqueles potencialmente destinados ao tratamento da Covid-19.Conclusões: No cenário atual de infodemia e desinformação, esta pesquisa revela a importância de mais ações do farmacêutico, especialmente quanto à educação em saúde, além da potencialidade de explorar a interação virtual do paciente com este profissional.
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In Tangerang City, the number of children out of school at the elementary school level is 19,067 people, this is one of the reasons for the launch of Tangerang Cerdas to provide scholarship assistance in the form of cash to meet the costs of school needs so that the number of children out of school continues to decrease every year. This research aims to describe the implementation of the Tangerang Cerdas Policy. The research method used is a qualitative description using observational study data analysis and in-depth interviews. The results of the research that has been carried out show that the implementers have implemented Tangerang Cerdas but it has not been optimal, in 2020-2021 in each semester more than 6,000 children have received Tangerang Cerdas assistance at the elementary school level in all areas in Tangerang City. However, there are still many who have not received assistance because there are budget limitations and there are also process stages and terms and conditions that apply to receive Tangerang Cerdas assistance. The important role of staff at schools or schools in collecting data and submitting it to the Tangerang Smart Center is one of the keys to success, so there needs to be a budget for staff who look for data at each school to be more motivated in their work.
Overcoming infectious diseases provoked by military aggression from the Russian Federation presents new challenges for the state. It's not just about developing new vaccines or updating pharmaceutical production. Very often, shortcomings in organizing population vaccination are the reason for the delayed response in times of war. This is related not only to the ignorance of the experience of developed countries by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine but also, seemingly not essential, to the preparation of qualified personnel. It concerns the implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications. In this case, it is about the training of pharmacists, who are considered medical professionals according to international classification. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, there is a clear distinction between medical and pharmaceutical professionals. As a result, pharmacists do not have the right to perform even the simplest duties that any medical professional has the right to perform. In our case, it is about population vaccination. In many developed countries, primary examination (diagnosis) of patients before vaccination can be performed by pharmaceutical professionals. The experience of Germany is quite significant in this regard. According to the Law on Pharmacies, specially trained pharmacists, with the availability of special equipment and premises, have the right to conduct the primary examination of patients and vaccinate them. Can this be done in Ukraine today? At first glance, yes, but with some restrictions. The point is that the level of knowledge that modern European pharmacists must possess is not always achievable for most Ukrainian pharmacists. The profession of a pharmacist requires a wide range of knowledge. Moreover, a European pharmacist becomes such only through full-time education. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian training system involves part-time education alongside full-time. Therefore, Ukrainian pharmacists, in many cases, cannot compete with foreign pharmacists from EU countries. This is why Ukrainian pharmacists cannot be trusted to perform the functions of medical professionals, including population vaccination.
Following the methodology in Chap. 8, here we summarize the modeling methods applied to quantify COVID-19 problems and tasks. The modeling techniques consist of mathematics, AI, data science, deep learning, epidemic modeling, medical analysis, social influence modeling, simulation, and hybrid research.
Here, we summarize the main objectives of modeling COVID-19 in the literature and categorize the research on COVID-19 modeling. These research objectives and categorizations provide structural answers to how the modeling research addresses the aforementioned COVID-19 disease, problems, data and modeling complexities by quantifying COVID-19 problems.
This study aims to demonstrate the contribution of qualitative techniques and methods in extending the understanding of coopetition. The study investigates four Indian pharmaceutical organisations using various data collection methodologies, including primary data collection based on the factors of coopetition, semi-structured interviews with middle and senior-level executives within each organisation, and secondary data sources. The triangulation and multiple case study approaches are applied to understand the inter-organisational relationships in the context of competitors’ alliances in the pharmaceutical industry. This case-based approach provided in-depth knowledge about simultaneous competition and cooperation between the rival partners, thus making this study unique in many ways and contributing to the coopetition literature. This study enhances our understanding in several key ways: firstly, it analyzes the influence of various coopetition factors within competitors' alliances; secondly, it leverages this framework to augment our understanding of the interactions between competing partners, leading to the development of a hierarchical conceptual model; thirdly, it delves into the application of triangulation and multiple case study methods, approaches that have been underutilized in the pharmaceutical industry's exploration of coopetition; and finally, it meticulously breaks down the methodologies employed, shedding light on their significant contributions to the study's findings.
Bu araştırmanın amacı COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde özel eğitim ihtiyacı olan çocuklara verilen uzaktan eğitimin ebeveynler tarafından değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırmanın kapsamında 7-12 yaş arasında olan özel eğitim ihtiyacı olan çocuğa sahip olan 350 ebeveyne ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma için kullanılan veri toplama aracı araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Uzaktan Eğitimle Sürdürülen Özel Eğitime İlişkin Ebeveyn Görüşleri (COVID-19 UESÖEG) isimli anket formudur. Veriler betimsel istatistik yöntemleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada uzaktan özel eğitim hizmetlerinin düzenli olmasına rağmen çocukların öğrenme düzeylerinin farklı olması, ekonomik yük getirileri ve bakım için ayrılan süredeki artıştan dolayı uzaktan eğitimin verimli olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Uzaktan özel eğitimle ilgili olarak ebeveynlerin yaşadıkları zorluklar; ödevleri tamamlamada ebeveynin konuyla ilgili bilgi eksikliği, uygun olmayan ev ortamı ve yetersiz zaman başlığı altında toplanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında özel eğitim ihtiyacı olan çocuğa sahip ebeveynlerin COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde aldıkları uzaktan eğitimden daha fazla yararlanmak için sunduğu öneriler ise daha uygun desteklerin verilmesi gerektiği, okul-ev ilişkisinin daha fazla olması gerektiği ve çalışmalar için daha esnek saatlerin ayarlanması gerektiği şeklindedir.
Backgorund: The COVID-19 pandemic also affects people's behavior (consumers) in Indonesia. To avoid COVID-19, people often consume natural or herbal medicine in addition to chemical medicines. Objective: To analyze the consumers behavior and preference in purchasing modern and traditional medicines during pre and mid pandemic of Covid-19 in East Kalimantan province. Methods: 540 East Kalimantan residents participated in a cross-sectional online survey from December 2021 to February 2022. The survey instrument included demographic information, 4 items on purchasing modern and traditional medicine pre and mid Covid-19. Results: Purchase of traditional medicine prior to the Covid-19 pandemic was 43.7% and mid the covid-19 was 51.5%. Purchase of modern medicine prior to the Covid-19 pandemic was 59.6% and mid the covid-19 was 72.2%. The wilcoxon test for the purchase of traditional and modern medicines before and during covid is <0.001. Conclusion: Consumers in East Kalimantan experienced changes in behavior before the COVID-19 pandemic compared to mid-COVID-19; the highest change was in purchasing modern medicines, and this change in behavior was statistically significant.
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Urtica dioica, a well-known wild plant with remarkable healing and medicinal properties, has been extensively utilized in both traditional and modern medicine. In this study, the primary objective was to extract diverse compounds from Urtica dioica using the Soxhlet extraction method, resulting in three distinct extracts: hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was employed to identify the oily compounds present in the hexane extract, while column chromatography (CC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to investigate the phenolic compounds in the ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts. These extracts yielded phenolic compounds. To evaluate the antimicrobial activity, a disc diffusion assay was conducted on each extract against Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and four Gram-negative microorganisms, including Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli. The results revealed that the extracts effectively inhibited the growth of K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. In the second part of the study, it was observed that the growth of K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa was inhibited, while fatty acids showed effectiveness against S. typhi and S. aureus. These findings suggest that the different phenolic compounds present in the extracts exerted varying effects on the growth of each bacterium. Overall, this study highlights the potential of Urtica dioica as a valuable source of phenolic compounds with natural antimicrobial properties, making it a suitable candidate for utilization in pharmaceutical preparations. The investigation demonstrates the significance of exploring natural resources for novel therapeutic agents.
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O diabetes mellitus consiste em uma doença crônica, de caráter metabólico complexo que tem causado danos a centenas de milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo. Esta patologia apresenta-se de diferentes tipos, segundo a etiologia e as características patológicas, com destaque para o diabetes tipo 2, que prevalece na maioria dos casos. Em virtude do impacto que esta patologia pode acarretar na vida das pessoas e, consequentemente, na sociedade, a assistência prestada por profissionais de saúde é essencial a melhorias na condições clínicas do paciente, inclusive o cuidado farmacêutico. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste artigo consiste em compreender a relevância do cuidado farmacêutico no manejo do diabetes tipo 2, uma das principais doenças crônicas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa, em que foram selecionados 5 artigos para análise com recorte temporal entre os anos de 2018 a 2023. A análise dos artigos demonstrou resultados significativos sobre a importância das intervenções farmacêuticas na melhoria de parâmetros bioquímicos (hemoglobina glicada, glicose plasmática em jejum, glicose pós-prandial de 2 horas e nos níveis de colesterol LDL) e fisiológicos (pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica), bem como na compreensão do autocuidado, no entendimento sobre a patologia e, também, na adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso. Nesse contexto, pode-se ressaltar a importância da atuação do farmacêutico no cuidado de pacientes com doenças crônicas como o diabetes tipo 2, em virtude dos resultados positivos na melhoria do quadro clínico dos pacientes, assim como na qualidade de vida dos mesmos.
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The primary objectives of medical safety education are to provide the public with essential knowledge about medications and to foster a scientific approach to drug usage. The era of using artificial intelligence to revolutionize medical safety education has already dawned, and ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence models have immense potential in this domain. Notably, they offer a wealth of knowledge, anonymity, continuous availability, and personalized services. However, the practical implementation of generative artificial intelligence models such as ChatGPT in medical safety education still faces several challenges, including concerns about the accuracy of information, legal responsibilities, and ethical obligations. Moving forward, it is crucial to intelligently upgrade ChatGPT by leveraging the strengths of existing medical practices. This task involves further integrating the model with real-life scenarios and proactively addressing ethical and security issues with the ultimate goal of providing the public with comprehensive, convenient, efficient, and personalized medical services.
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In order for the global healthcare system to remain sustainable, healthcare spending needs to be reduced, and self-treating certain conditions under the guidance of a pharmacist provides a means of accomplishing this goal. This article was developed to describe global healthcare trends affecting self-care with a specific focus on the role of the pharmacist in facilitating over-the-counter (OTC) medication management. Potential healthcare-related economic benefits associated with the self-care model are outlined. The importance of the collaboration between healthcare providers (HCPs), including specialists, primary care providers, and pharmacists, is also discussed. The evolving role of the pharmacist is examined and recommendations are provided for ways to successfully engage with other HCPs and consumers to optimize the pharmacist’s unique qualifications and accessibility in the community. Using the management of frequent heartburn with an OTC proton-pump inhibitor as a model, the critical role of the pharmacist in patient self-treatment of certain symptoms will be discussed based on the World Gastroenterology Organization’s recently published guidelines for the community-based management of common gastrointestinal symptoms. As the global healthcare system continues to evolve, self-care is expected to have an increasing role in treating certain minor ailments, and pharmacists are at the forefront of these changes. Pharmacists can guide individuals in making healthy lifestyle choices, recommend appropriate OTC medications, and educate consumers about when they should consult a physician. Funding: Pfizer Inc.
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To investigate the quality and appropriateness of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) supply from community pharmacies. Community pharmacies in the southwest of England during 2007. Two simulated patient ('mystery shopper') scenarios to each participating pharmacy, one where the supply of EHC would be appropriate (scenario 1) and one where there was a drug interaction between EHC and St John's Wort, and the supply inappropriate (scenario 2). Pharmacy consultations were rated using criteria developed from two focus groups: one with pharmacist academics and one with female university students. Feedback to pharmacists to inform their continuing professional development was provided. Scores on rating scales encompassing the clinical and communication skills of the participating community pharmacists completed immediately after each mystery shopper visit. 40 pharmacist visits were completed: 21 for scenario 1 and 19 for scenario 2. Eighteen pharmacists were visited twice. Five pharmacists visited for scenario 2 supplied EHC against professional guidance, although other reference sources conflicted with this advice. Pharmacies which were part of the local PGD scheme scored higher overall in scenario 1 (P = 0.005) than those not part of the scheme. Overall the communication skills of pharmacists were rated highly although some pharmacists used jargon when explaining the interaction for scenario 2. Formatively assessing communication skills in an integrative manner alongside clinical skills has been identified as an important part of the medical consultation skills training and can be incorporated into the routine assessment and feedback of pharmacy over-the-counter medicines advice.
Community pharmacists are the third largest healthcare professional group in the world after physicians and nurses. Despite their considerable training, community pharmacists are the only health professionals who are not primarily rewarded for delivering health care and hence are under-utilized as public health professionals. An emerging consensus among academics, professional organizations, and policymakers is that community pharmacists, who work outside of hospital settings, should adopt an expanded role in order to contribute to the safe, effective, and efficient use of drugs-particularly when caring for people with multiple chronic conditions. Community pharmacists could help to improve health by reducing drug-related adverse events and promoting better medication adherence, which in turn may help in reducing unnecessary provider visits, hospitalizations, and readmissions while strengthening integrated primary care delivery across the health system. This paper reviews recent strategies to expand the role of community pharmacists in Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Scotland, and the United States. The developments achieved or under way in these countries carry lessons for policymakers world-wide, where progress thus far in expanding the role of community pharmacists has been more limited. Future policies should focus on effectively integrating community pharmacists into primary care; developing a shared vision for different levels of pharmacist services; and devising new incentive mechanisms for improving quality and outcomes. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Objectives To review the literature, including published and unpublished evidence, around the role of community pharmacists in public health, to identify key themes emerging from these data and to identify gaps in the evidence base. Methods The objectives of the study were met by identifying relevant literature from both the UK and overseas, through electronic database searches and the grey literature. The search was limited to the period from January 1985 to November 2010. Key findings The scoping study identified a wide range of roles that community pharmacists were providing in public health, with the dominant themes being in the areas of smoking cessation services, healthy eating and lifestyle advice, provision of emergency hormonal contraception, infection control and prevention, promoting cardiovascular health and blood pressure control and prevention and management of drug abuse, misuse and addiction. The scoping study also identified several barriers and gaps in the UK evidence base. The gaps were significant in those themes with no identified UK studies, such as preventing falls in the elderly, emergency preparedness and response to bioterrorism, climate change and potential pandemics, immunisation and vaccination services and prevention and risk assessment of osteoporosis. There were also gaps in the evidence base regarding the role of London community pharmacists in public health. Conclusions Although the scoping study identified a wide range of roles that community pharmacists were providing in public health, several gaps and barriers were also identified. Based on these gaps, a study incorporating mixed methods to provide in-depth information about the role of London community pharmacists in public health could be more illuminating.
The development of pharmaceutical care in domestic and 340 foreign communities and its enlightenment on establishing pharmacy major in China
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Pharmacy in the 21st century: enhancing the impact of the profession of pharmacy on people's lives in the context of health care trends, evidence and policies
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Self-management strategies for home-living elderly 378 patients on multiple drugs for treating chronic disease
  • Special Committee For
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Mental Health Case Manual for the Public during Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic
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The development of pharmaceutical care in domestic and foreign communities and its enlightenment on establishing pharmacy major in China
  • M Wei
  • Q Chen
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Research progress on pharmaceutical care provided in community pharmacies abroad
  • Y Fang
  • T K Huang
  • S M Yang
Fang Y, Huang TK, Yang SM, et al. Research progress on pharmaceutical care provided in community pharmacies abroad [J].