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The development of psychology has been significantly marked by the field of psychological measurement. During the last years the interest in studying the role of religious and spiritual aspects in mental health of the people in Puerto Rico has been reborn. However, until now there has been no review of religious and spiritual measures validated in Puerto Rico. Therefore, the objective of this article is to review in detail the diversity of religious and spiritual measures that have been validated in the Puerto Rican population with the objective of evaluating the state of psychological measurement in the field of the psychology of religion and spirituality in Puerto Rico. Several databases, psychology journals, dissertations and books were reviewed to expand the size of the results. The review revealed a total of ten instruments published in professional journals and 18 instruments documented in unpublished projects. The implications, limitations and future investigations for the scientific advance of the study of the religious and spiritual phenomenon in Puerto Rico are discussed.
 
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... Según lo documentado en este capítulo nos gustaría mencionar que hay un ambiente próspero y floreciente para continuar desplegando toda una serie de intereses en la creación y validación de instrumentos relacionados a la PP en Puerto Rico. Los hallazgos de esta revisión son consistentes con otras investigaciones de revisión de instrumentos de medición en Puerto Rico los cuales sugieren un progreso considerable en el campo (Herrans, 2000;Pagán-Torres & González-Rivera, 2019;Roca-de-Torres, 2001;2008;Rodríguez-Gómez, 2019). Ante las multivariadas áreas a tomar en consideración, y acorde con lo mencionado por López et al. (2015), se requiere explorar los instrumentos existentes relacionados a la disciplina de la PP con diferentes muestras puertorriqueñas. ...
En este capítulo presentamos una revisión de instrumentos validados en Puerto Rico de constructos pertenecientes al campo de la psicología positiva (PP). Se proveen descripciones breves de cada instrumento con el objetivo de familiarizar a las personas lectoras con los instrumentos disponibles. Para cumplir estos objetivos, revisamos una variedad de revistas arbitradas, libros y disertaciones doctorales en Puerto Rico para ampliar el margen de los resultados. Identificamos un total de 34 escalas de autorreporte de constructos pertenecientes a la PP que han sido validadas en el contexto puertorriqueño. Los resultados de esta revisión sugieren un progreso considerable en el desarrollo y validación de instrumentos de medición de constructos estudiados en la PP en el contexto de Puerto Rico. No obstante, los hallazgos sugieren que aún la psicología en Puerto Rico carece de una notable cantidad de instrumentos de medición que representen la totalidad de los constructos estudiados en la PP.
... Invito a los lectores a analizar por su propia cuenta las revisiones narrativas y bibliométricas más recientes sobre el estudio científico de la R/E en la salud mental en Puerto Rico (González-Rivera, et al., 2019;Pagán-Torres et al., 2017a;Pagán-Torres, et al., 2017b;Pagán-Torres, et al., 2019d). A partir de los estudios documentados se sugiere que la religión organizada en Puerto Rico puede tener un impacto positivo o negativo en la salud mental. ...
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Este artículo tiene el objetivo de exponer un análisis crítico sobre los planteamientos expuestos por el Dr. Hernández-Pereira en su reacción a mi artículo "Dios, Religión y Desastres Naturales". Luego, concluyo exponiendo una breve reflexión sobre mi visión del estudio científico de la religión y la espiritualidad y su importancia para la psicología puertorriqueña.
En años recientes se han realizado numerosos esfuerzos para construir alianzas que faciliten la colaboración entre disciplinas y escuelas de pensamiento con el objeto de explicar la conducta humana de manera integrada. Un ejemplo de este diálogo colaborativo han sido las investigaciones sobre religión y espiritualidad en el contexto de la psicología positiva. Por consiguiente, este capítulo tiene como objetivo discutir la relación entre la psicología positiva (PP) y la psicología de la religión y la espiritualidad (PRE). Esperamos discutir los aspectos comunes que comparten ambos campos en términos de su desarrollo histórico, objetivos y variables de estudio con el fin de promover una mirada integradora entre ambas subdisciplinas, así como también reflexionar sobre posibles colaboraciones que puedan tener implicaciones para la práctica de la psicología y la investigación. También, documentamos los adelantos realizados en el contexto de Puerto Rico sobre investigaciones de religión y espiritualidad con variables de la PP. Consideramos que este capítulo representa una contribución significativa dado que es la primera publicación que reflexiona y promueve una alianza entre la PP y la PRE en el contexto de Puerto Rico para promover futuras investigaciones bajo este enfoque.
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La enseñanza de la diversidad social y cultural es un aspecto fundamental en la formación de profesionales de la psicología y en el ejercicio de la profesión. La religión y espiritualidad (R/E) son aspectos de la diversidad humana y, por lo tanto, requieren de adiestramiento clínico especializado. En años recientes el estudio científico de la R/E en la psicología en Puerto Rico ha incrementado. No obstante, aún resta por conocer si este campo de estudio se ha transferido al contexto académico a través del desarrollo de cursos especializados sobre aspectos de diversidad religiosa y espiritual. Por consiguiente, este artículo tiene dos objetivos: 1) exponer un breve trasfondo histórico sobre la enseñanza de aspectos de diversidad religiosa y espiritual en la psicología en Puerto Rico a través de una investigación basada en una recopilación documental y 2) presentar una revisión descriptiva sobre la disponibilidad de cursos especializados en aspectos de diversidad religiosa y espiritual en la psicología a lo largo de las universidades y organizaciones profesionales del país. Consideramos que este trabajo representa una contribución importante a la disciplina, dado que visibiliza, concientiza y promueve el adiestramiento clínico especializado sobre R/E en etapas tempranas del desarrollo académico.
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Se realiza una evaluación y descripción de las revistas psicológicas en Puerto Rico. Se examinan tendenncias y se hacen recomendaciones.
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The objective of this research was to assess the effect of spirituality and self-efficacy in the mental health of caregivers of patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Four styles of spiritual coping were examined to identify which of them can function as protective or risk factors for caregivers of patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Interviews were conducted face-to-face to 116 caregivers of patients diagnosed with some type of neurodegenerative disorder. The results showed that caregivers with a selfless spiritual coping style exhibit significantly higher depression, stress, and perceived overload than those with a collaborative style. No statistically significant differences were found between the means of the other styles of spiritual coping. Simultaneously, it was found that the selfless spiritual coping style is a risk factor for overload, depression, and stress. The study is a first step in understanding how spirituality interacts with self-efficacy to protect the mental health of caregivers of dementia patients in Puerto Rico. Our results theoretically and empirically support the functional compatibility of both psychological resources.
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Several studies have found that countries with high religious participation are significantly associated with mental health. Religion is a social institution very important for most Puerto Rican. In this study, we review the publications that discuss the relationship between religiousness and mental health in Puerto Rican context. Despite the enormous quantity of research realized in other countries about this topic, the studies realized in Puerto Rico are very limited. The findings of this review suggest that, for most Puerto Rican, religion play a fundamental role in their lives, so the documented research in this review expose the benefits and costs of the religiosity. We discuss the implications of this research with the purpose to foment the study of religious impact on mental health that could give place to the innovation of intervention models focused in people with spiritual needs.
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Spirituality is defined as the multidimensional capacity of search for meaning and connection in relationships with oneself, other people, nature or the sacred. The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability and factor structure of Personal Spirituality Scale (PSS-R) in a sample of Puerto Ricans adults. A total of 577 Puerto Ricans participated in this psychometric study. The results confirmed that the PSS has a multidimensional structure. These dimensions were Intrapersonal Spirituality, Interpersonal Spirituality and Transpersonal Spirituality. The twelve items complied with the crite- ria of discrimination. The reliability index obtained fluctuated between .81 to .95. The PSS-R has appropriate psychometric properties useful for validation studies. It can be used in different lines of research, theoretical as well as applied.
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Although a significant body of research supports the psychological benefits of religion and spirituality, more investigations are needed to understand the mechanisms by which they impact mental health. While some studies suggest a causal direct influence, the findings may still be subject to unmeasured factors and confounders. Despite compelling empirical support for the dangers of response bias, this has been a widely neglected topic in mental health research. The aim of this essay is to critically examine the literature addressing the role of response bias in the relationship between religion, spirituality and mental health. A survey of the diverse types of bias in this research area is presented, and methodological and theoretical issues are outlined. The validity and generalizability of the evidence are discussed, as well as the implications for mental health practice. A list of methodological remedies to reduce bias is suggested. The article is then concluded with a summary of the studies reviewed and directions for future research.
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At present, there is enough empirical evidence that shows the positive effect of spirituality in mental health. However, just a few theorists have attempted to include the spiritual dimension in their therapeutic models. In consequence, many professionals lack of models and practical guidelines to gives them direction when they have to make clinical decisions related to spiritual matters. In Puerto Rico, there was no multidimensional model of spirituality applied to the practice of psychotherapy and counseling. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to propose a theoretical and practical model to the scientific community of psychologists and counselors in Puerto Rico able to assist them in the integration process of the spiritual dimension in their professional practice. The Multidimensional Model of Spiritual Connection (MMSC) is based on the scientific literature and is consistent with the positions of the main professional associations of psychology and counseling, as APA and ACA. The MMSC is not intended to replace evidence-based therapeutic intervention models; rather, it was developed with the intention of integrating with them while serving as a support strategy.
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This article examines the psychometric properties of the Religious Coping Strategies Inventory (IEAR) in a sample of Puerto Rican adults. Religious coping methods are ways of understanding and dealing with negative life events that are related to the sacred. A total of 350 Puerto Ricans participated in this exploratory and psychometric study. The results indicated that the scale has a two-factor structure. These factors were denominated internal strategies and external strategies. A total of 12 items complied with the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factorial loads (six items per factor). The reliability index of the scale was of .95 (Cronbach's alpha). These results suggest that the IEAR has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the IEAR will advance further research of religious coping in Puerto Rico and Latin America.
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The objectives of this study are to develop and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Personal Religiousness Scale (ERP) in a sample of Puerto Ricans adults. A total of 506 Puerto Ricans participated in this psychometric study. I analyze the psychometric properties of the ERP with confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling and reliability analysis. The results indicate that the scale fits better to a multidimensional model of two factors. These factors were denominated Religious Beliefs/Attitudes and Religious Practices. The reliability index of the scale was .96. These results suggest that the ERP has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the ERP will advance further research of the phenomenon of religiousness in Puerto Rico. The scale is copyrighted but you are free to use it without permission or charge by all professionals (researchers and practitioners) as long as you give credit to the authors of the scale. To download the scale:
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This article examines the psychometric properties of the Personal Spirituality Scale (EEP) in a sample of Puerto Ricans adults. Spirituality is defined as the multidimensional capacity of search for meaning and connection in relationships with oneself, other people, nature or the sacred. A total of 347 Puerto Ricans participated in this psychometric study. The results reflected a solution of three factors as the most appropriate one to explain the variance in the scorings. These factors were denominated Intrapersonal Spirituality, Interpersonal Spirituality and Transpersonal Spirituality. A total of 12 items complied with the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factor loadings (four items by factor). The reliability index of the scale was .84. These results suggest that the EEP has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the EEP will advance further research of the phenomenon of spirituality in Puerto Rico. The scale is copyrighted but you are free to use it without permission or charge by all professionals (researchers and practitioners) as long as you give credit to the authors of the scale. To download the scale:
This chapter reviews the more than 100 meta-analyses and systematic reviews of relations between religion/spirituality (R/S) and health that have been published in refereed journals, a far larger number than is generally recognized. The 118 published reviews identified by 2017 were categorized as quantitative meta-analyses (n = 33), qualitative meta-syntheses (n = 7), meta-analyses of case studies (n = 1), or simple systematic reviews (n = 77). They addressed a wide range of substantive topics relevant to every major public health subfield, and incorporated a mean of 33.5 studies per review. Collectively authored by more than 200 distinct individuals, the reviews were published in 83 different journals, 20 in the category of public health. Multiple reviews were published by 14 journals, a majority possessing impact factors above 2.0. Reviewing empirical studies of R/S-health is clearly a very broad-based enterprise not limited to a few individuals or journals. Collectively, the reviews greatly strengthen the case, based on Hill’s criteria, that R/S exerts a causative influence on health. The case for causal influence may now be compelling, and in most cases R/S involvement is associated with better health, although negative associations also exist. Further investigation is warranted to explore the possibility that R/S is a “fundamental cause” of health that maintains an association even when intervening mediating pathways change. This possibility is consistent with the dynamic understandings of R/S presented elsewhere in this volume.