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Exploiting Smart Contracts for Capability-Based Access Control in the Internet of Things


Abstract and Figures

Due to the rapid penetration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into human life, illegal access to IoT resources (e.g., data and actuators) has greatly threatened our safety. Access control, which specifies who (i.e., subjects) can access what resources (i.e., objects) under what conditions, has been recognized as an effective solution to address this issue. To cope with the distributed and trust-less nature of IoT systems, we propose a decentralized and trustworthy Capability-Based Access Control (CapBAC) scheme by using the Ethereum smart contract technology. In this scheme, a smart contract is created for each object to store and manage the capability tokens (i.e., data structures recording granted access rights) assigned to the related subjects, and also to verify the ownership and validity of the tokens for access control. Different from previous schemes which manage the tokens in units of subjects, i.e., one token per subject, our scheme manages the tokens in units of access rights or actions, i.e., one token per action. Such novel management achieves more fine-grained and flexible capability delegation and also ensures the consistency between the delegation information and the information stored in the tokens. We implemented the proposed CapBAC scheme in a locally constructed Ethereum blockchain network to demonstrate its feasibility. In addition, we measured the monetary cost of our scheme in terms of gas consumption to compare our scheme with the existing Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Capability-Based Access Control (BlendCAC) scheme proposed by other researchers. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the BlendCAC scheme in terms of the flexibility, granularity, and consistency of capability delegation at almost the same monetary cost.
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Exploiting Smart Contracts for Capability-Based
Access Control in the Internet of Things
Yuta Nakamura, Yuanyu Zhang * , Masahiro Sasabe and Shoji Kasahara
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 8916-5 Takayama-Cho,
Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan; (Y.N.); (M.S.); (S.K.)
*Correspondence: or
This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Capability-Based Access Control for the Internet
of Things: An Ethereum Blockchain-Based Scheme, In Proceedings of the the 2019 IEEE Global
Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2019), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9–13 December 2019.
Received: 3 March 2020; Accepted: 19 March 2020; Published: 24 March 2020
Due to the rapid penetration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into human life, illegal access
to IoT resources (e.g., data and actuators) has greatly threatened our safety. Access control, which
specifies who (i.e., subjects) can access what resources (i.e., objects) under what conditions, has
been recognized as an effective solution to address this issue. To cope with the distributed and
trust-less nature of IoT systems, we propose a decentralized and trustworthy Capability-Based Access
Control (CapBAC) scheme by using the Ethereum smart contract technology. In this scheme, a smart
contract is created for each object to store and manage the capability tokens (i.e., data structures
recording granted access rights) assigned to the related subjects, and also to verify the ownership and
validity of the tokens for access control. Different from previous schemes which manage the tokens
in units of subjects, i.e., one token per subject, our scheme manages the tokens in units of access
rights or actions, i.e., one token per action. Such novel management achieves more fine-grained and
flexible capability delegation and also ensures the consistency between the delegation information
and the information stored in the tokens. We implemented the proposed CapBAC scheme in a locally
constructed Ethereum blockchain network to demonstrate its feasibility. In addition, we measured the
monetary cost of our scheme in terms of gas consumption to compare our scheme with the existing
Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Capability-Based Access Control (BlendCAC) scheme proposed
by other researchers. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the
BlendCAC scheme in terms of the flexibility, granularity, and consistency of capability delegation at
almost the same monetary cost.
Keywords: Ethereum Blockchain; Internet of Things; Capability-Based Access Control (CapBAC)
1. Introduction
Thanks to the maturation and commercialization of the Internet of Things (IoT), recent years have
witnessed explosive growth of smart devices (e.g., appliances, wearables, and industrial equipment)
connected to the Internet. It was reported that over 200 billion IoT devices will be connected to form
an extremely huge IoT network by 2020 [
]. Although these devices make our lives more convenient
and intelligent, they are vulnerable to illegal access by malicious users, posing significant threats to
our personal and property safety [
]. For example, malicious users may know the contents of private
conversations inside a home by illegally accessing some appliances [
]. In addition, malicious users
may also be able to gain illegal access to the control unit (e.g., brake and accelerator) of a self-driving car
to cause severe accidents [
]. Access control, which explicitly or implicitly specifies who (i.e., subjects)
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can access what resources (i.e., objects) under what conditions, has been identified as an effective
solution to preventing unauthorized access [
]. Therefore, our research focuses on the access control
issue in the IoT.
1.1. Access Control
1.1.1. Common Models
Commonly-used access control models include Role-Based Access Control (RBAC),
Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), and Capability-Based Access Control (CapBAC). In the
RBAC model [
], a specific role is assigned to each subject. In addition, permissions to perform
some operations on certain devices are assigned to each role. By doing this, permissions are assigned to
subjects. Grouping access permissions by roles simplifies the management of access control compared
to assigning access permissions to each subject individually. In the ABAC model [
], determining
whether access is allowed or denied is based on policies, which are statements that combine the
attributes of subjects, objects, actions, and dynamic context (e.g., time and location information) to
achieve dynamic access control.
In the CapBAC model [
], each subject is associated with a capability, i.e., a token that stores
the access rights of the subject. When accessing an object, each subject needs to deliver his or her
token to the object owner. The owner then decides if the subject can access the object by checking
the validity of the token. Two main operations in CapBAC are capability delegation and capability
revocation. Delegation means that a subject delegates all or part of his/her access rights to another
subject. Revocation means that a subject revokes the access rights he/she has delegated to avoid the
abuse of the access rights.
1.1.2. Centralized vs. Decentralized
Traditionally, centralized access control schemes, which usually rely on a central server for all the
access control-related processing including access right assignment, management (e.g., update and
revocation), and verification, have been the mainstream schemes in the field of access control [
Despite the ease of management, the server in these schemes turns out to be a single point of failure
and may destroy the access control system once it suffers from man-made/natural disasters or is
compromised by adversaries [
]. Besides, it is usually difficult for centralized access control schemes
to cope with the large-scale and distributed nature of IoT systems [
]. Therefore, to overcome the
above limitations of centralized access control schemes, research efforts have been devoted to the
design of decentralized access control schemes for the IoT [20].
In decentralized access control schemes, the majority of the system nodes instead of a single
server are responsible for the access control-related processing. The key to the proper operation of
decentralized access control schemes is that all nodes must reach a common consensus on the data
for access control such as assigned rights of subjects, access policies, and verification results. Such
consensus can ensure robust and trustworthy access control and must be resistant to any tampering
as well, i.e., no one can deceive others by tampering with the access control data. Recently, the
emerging blockchain technology has been proved as one of the most promising mechanisms for
reaching common consensuses in a distributed environment, thanks to its successful application in
cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin [
]. This is why there is an increasing interest in applying the
blockchain technology to achieve decentralized and trustworthy access control for the IoT.
1.2. Blockchain and Smart Contract
Blockchain was originally invented as a distributed and tamper-resistant ledger for cryptocurrency
systems to store the financial transfer data (i.e., transactions). Figure 1illustrates the data structure of
blockchain and the blockchain system built on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. The blockchain consists
of a collection of blocks, and each block contains a hash of transactions (i.e., the root of Merkle tree)
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 3 of 20
and the hash of its previous block. All blocks are shared by all nodes in the P2P network. The most
appealing feature of the blockchain is its ability to reach consensuses on its states (e.g., transaction
history and balances) among its participants by using cryptographic hash functions, even in the
presence of attackers.
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
Block (X)
Hash of
Block (X-1) Nonce
Block (X+1)
Hash of
Block (X) Nonce
Merkle root of
Merkle root of
Hash Hash Hash Hash
H1 H2 H3 H4
Hash Hash
H5 H6
Figure 1. Blockchain system.
The common consensus is achieved based on the mining process, which is the process of
generating new blocks by some special nodes called miners. In this process, each miner first collects a
set of transactions from its transaction pool and generates a Merkle tree (as shown in Figure 1) using
these transactions. The miner then includes the set of transactions, the Merkle tree, the hash of the
previous block, and an arbitrary number called nonce into the block to generate. After including
all necessary information into the block, the miner finally keeps calculating the hash of the block by
varying the value of the nonce, until it finds a valid hash value that satisfies a pre-defined condition,
for example, the leading
bits of the hash must be zeros. The miner that first finds a valid block wins
in this process and this block will be broadcast to all the other nodes in the network. Each node then
verifies the validity of the received block and then includes the block into its own blockchain if the
block is valid. In this way, the common consensus is achieved.
In addition to transactions, executable programs called smart contracts can also be stored on
current blockchains such as Ethereum [
], transforming the blockchains from pure distributed
databases to hybrid distributed storage and computing platforms. In Ethereum, smart contracts are
special accounts, whose information is stored in the State root field of block headers. A smart contract
usually consists of variables as its states and functions called Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) to
view and change the states. The ABIs are stored in the Codehash field (as shown in Figure 2) of the
contract, which is the hash of the program code. The variables are stored by the Storage root field, i.e.,
the hash of the variables. In addition, a smart contract also contains a Nonce field, which records the
number of smart contracts created by this contract, and a Balance field, which is the balance of this
contract. Each ABI is usually triggered by sending a transaction to the contract to change the variables.
The transaction is broadcast in the P2P network, and every node that receives the transaction will also
execute the ABI to verify that the results are correct. In this way, the consensus on the states of the
variables can be reached.
Thanks to its appealing features, the blockchain technology has been applied to the IoT to
transform the service provision mechanism from traditional Service-oriented Architecture (SoA) to
novel blockchain-based microservice architectures [
]. In addition, the blockchain also affects
many other fields of the IoT, such as access control which is introduced in Section 2, data sharing, and
business models [26].
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 4 of 20
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
Block (X)
Hash of
Block (X-1) Nonce
Block (X+1)
Hash of
Block (X) Nonce
Transactions root Transactions root
State root State root
Nonce Balance
account A
Codehash Storage root Nonce’ Balance’
account A
Codehash Storage root
H2 H3
41 H1
Figure 2. Data Structure of Ethereum Blockchain.
1.3. Research Objective
The goal of our research is to implement distributed and trustworthy access control for the IoT
using Ethereum smart contracts. In particular, we focus on the CapBAC model. Despite the drawback
of low context-awareness as pointed out by the authors of [
], the CapBAC model can ensure the
critical principle of least privilege, i.e., each subject uses the least amount of privilege (i.e., access
rights) necessary to finish its job. In addition, the CapBAC model allows subjects to delegate access
rights from one to another for flexible and spontaneous access control. Recently, some initial attempts
have been made to implement access control using the blockchain technology [
]. Among these
schemes, the Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Capability-Based Access Control (BlendCAC) scheme
in [28] is the one most related to our scheme. We introduce the BlendCAC scheme including its main
idea and limitations as well as our contributions in Section 3. For the introduction of other schemes,
please refer to the related work in Section 2.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 4introduces the proposed CapBAC
scheme, Section 5presents the implementation details of the proposed scheme, and Section 6evaluates
the monetary cost of the proposed scheme in terms of gas consumption and also compares the monetary
cost of the proposed scheme with that of the BlendCAC scheme. Finally, we conclude this paper in
Section 7.
2. Related Work
In [
], a Bitcoin-like blockchain was implemented to achieve access control in a smart home
application based on the Access Control List (ACL) model. The authors deployed a local blockchain
in each home to store the ACL that controls the access requests from inside and outside of the home.
Since the blockchain is maintained only by a single miner and the critical mining process is eliminated,
the access control in each home becomes centralized and untrustworthy. The authors of [
] used
the Bitcoin transactions to store access policies for an existing ABAC scheme. In the ABAC model,
each policy combines the attributes of subjects, objects, actions, and context to provide dynamic
and fine-grained access control. When receiving an access request, the ABAC scheme retrieves the
related policies from the blockchain to perform the access control. Similar to Francesco et al.
the Bitcoin transactions were used to store the tokens of the CapBAC model by Ouaddah et al.
. By sending transactions among the subjects, the capability tokens can be delegated from one
subject to another. When accessing an object, the subject passes its own capability token to the object
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owner, who then performs the access control by checking the validity of the token. In their next
study, Francesco et al. [32] considered smart contracts to enforce access control policies.
Recently, Ethereum smart contract-based access control schemes have attracted considerable
attentions. In [
], an ACL-based IoT access control framework was designed using multiple smart
contracts. Each contract stores an ACL and the corresponding access control ABI for one subject–object
pair. The authors also provided implementations to demonstrate the feasibility of the framework.
In [
], an extended version of the scheme in [
] was designed with slight modification. In [
a smart contract was deployed to maintain the roles assigned to each user in an RBAC model, such that
any service provider can verify the users’ ownership of roles when providing services. A CapBAC-like
scheme was proposed in [
] to manage access control for data sharing in IoT systems, where oracles
are used to connect blockchain, data hosts, and users for data accessing. Another CapBAC-like scheme
was proposed in [
] for handling the access control in information-centric networks. An ABAC
scheme was proposed in [
], which stores the URL links of policies on the blockchain and also deploys
a smart contract for access control. When accessing an object, a subject sends the link of the related
policy to the smart contract, which then retrieves the policy from external databases to achieve the
access control. However, adversaries may be able to tamper with the polices without changing the
URL links, resulting in untrustworthy access control. To address this issue, a novel ABAC framework
was proposed in [
], which directly stores the policies as well as the attributes of subjects and objects
on the blockchain. A similar idea was adopted in [40,41] but with different realizations.
Access control based on other blockchain realizations has also been investigated. For example,
in [
], the authors proposed an ABAC framework based on the permissioned Hyperledger Fabric
blockchain, while, different from Yutaka et al.
, only the attributes are stored on the blockchain and
no smart contracts are used for processing access requests. By integrating attribute-based encryption
with blockchain, the authors of [
] proposed another ABAC-like scheme based on a multi-layer
blockchain architecture. A conceptual design of blockchain-based ABAC scheme was provided in [
while the authors presented no implementations.
In addition to access control, there also exist some other alternative methods that can prevent
unauthorized access to some extent, such as authentication [
], which deals with authenticating
the identity of resource users, and intrusion detection [
], which prevents unauthorized users from
entering IoT systems. These methods are usually combined with access control to provide full
protection to IoT resources.
3. BlendCAC Scheme
To manage the authorized actions (i.e., access rights) of the subjects for each object, the BlendCAC
scheme defines two types of tokens: Identity-based Capability (ICap) and Identity-based Delegation
Certificate (IDC). An ICap token records the authorized actions (e.g., read, write, and execute) of a
subject and an IDC token records the delegation relationships of the authorized actions among the
subjects. The following expressions illustrate the data structures of an ICap token and an IDC token of
a certain subject S, respectively.
ICapO[V I DS] = {OP}, (1)
IDCO[VIDS] = {V IDP,{V I DCh},Dep}, (2)
where the meanings of the symbols are described in Table 1.
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Table 1. Symbols in ICap and IDC Tokens.
Variable Meaning
OThe associated object.
VIDSIdentifier (ID) of the subject S.
OP A set of authorized actions (e.g., read, write, and execute).
VIDPID of the parent subject that delegated
the authorized actions to VIDs.
{VIDCh }ID of descendant subjects to which the V I Dsdelegates
part or all of the authorized actions .
Dep Depth of the IDC in the delegation tree.
Using these tokens, the BlendCAC scheme manages the capabilities of subjects and their
delegation relationships for each object by a delegation tree. Figure 3shows an example of the
delegation tree with three subjects
, and
. This tree shows that subject
, the owner of the object,
delegates its read and write rights to subject
and exe (i.e., execute) right to subject
. The parent
subjects of
are set as
due to the delegation. Consider now the case where
needs to delegate
its read right to
. In this case, should
be the parent subject of
? We can see that neither
as the parent subject can record all the delegation information completely. A similar problem arises
to the Dep information. As a result, a subject cannot obtain rights from more than one subject due to
the contradiction/ambiguity about the delegation information. In addition, to complete a delegation,
the related ICap and IDC tokens must be updated synchronously. However, this requirement cannot
always been satisfied in the blockchain system, due to the difference between the time instants when
the two transactions for updating the tokens are included into the blockchain.
4(: $#<
(a)Before Delegation.
Figure 3. Cont.
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 7 of 20
4(: $#<
(b)After Delegation.
Figure 3. Delegation Tree in the BlendCAC Scheme.
To address the above limitations of the BlendCAC scheme, we propose a novel smart
contract-based CapBAC scheme with more fine-grained capability management and more flexible
capability delegation. More specifically, we first define the capability tokens in units of authorized
actions, i.e., in the manner of one token per action instead of one token per subject as in the BlendCAC
scheme. Second, we use one type of token to summarize the information of capabilities and delegation
relationship so as to update these information simultaneously. Finally, we manage the delegation
relationship of the subjects by a delegation graph instead of the delegation tree in the BlendCAC scheme
to enable more flexible capability delegation. Compared with the BlendCAC scheme, the proposed
scheme also provides the functionality of adding new authorized actions. A conference version of this
paper can be found in [48].
4. Proposed CapBAC Scheme
This section introduces the proposed CapBAC scheme including the structure of the capability
token, the delegation graph, and the main functions.
4.1. Capability Token Structure and Delegation Graph
We first revise the capability token structure by splitting the capability tokens of the BlendCAC
scheme into multiple ones based on the authorized actions with each being associated with an action.
Thus, each token can uniquely be identified by the ID of the subject
and an action
, as shown
in the following expression.
CAPSO[V IDS][OP]={VIDP,{V I DCh},Dep,DR,RR}, (3)
where the meanings of O,C,VIDP,{V I DCh}, and De p are described in Table 1.
Note that our scheme uses the Ethereum account addresses as the ID information of both subjects
and objects. The field
indicates whether the owner of the token (i.e.,
) can further delegate it
to other subjects. Similarly, the field
indicates whether the subject
can revoke the delegated
tokens from the descendant subjects in
{VIDCh }
. This structure allows each subject to own multiple
tokens and to flexibly delegate authorized actions to and from multiple subjects. In addition, we can
use only one type of tokens for each object to manage the capabilities of the subjects and construct a
delegation graph for managing the delegation relationships.
Figure 4illustrates a simple example of the delegation graph for an object
with three subjects
, and
. Subject
, the owner of the object, has three tokens with authorized actions read,write,
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 8 of 20
and exe, and delegates the read and write tokens (respectively, exe token) to subject
). Again, we consider the case where
needs to delegate its read token to
. Because each token is
independent of the others, the delegation causes no contradiction or ambiguity about the delegation
information. After the delegation,
is appended to the set of descendant subjects (i.e.,
{VIDCh }
) of
the read action of
, and
becomes the parent subject of
in terms of the read action. Accordingly, the
depth of the delegated read token of
is increased by 1 compared with that of
. To manage the tokens
and delegation graph, we deploy a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, the main functions of
which are described in the following section.
(a)Before Delegation.
-)*.(/ -:);<*/
(b)After Delegation.
Figure 4. Delegation Graph of the Proposed CapBAC Scheme.
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4.2. Main Functions
The proposed CapBAC scheme provides the following main functions including token creation,
token delegation, token revocation, and token verification, which are introduced as follows.
4.2.1. Token Creation
Different objects require different sets of authorized actions. When the current set of actions is not
enough to support new applications, some new actions may be needed. In this case, the function of
token creation can be used. The smart contract provides a createAction() ABI for this function. Only the
owner of the objects has permissions to execute this ABI. When executing this ABI, the owner needs to
send a transaction containing the information defined in (3).
4.2.2. Token Delegation
Token delegation is a fundamental and critical function of CapBAC schemes to support flexible
and spontaneous access. Subjects can gain access rights through the tokens delegated by other subjects
without the intervention of the owner, improving the scalability of the access control scheme. The
smart contract provides a delegation() ABI to enable the token delegation. Only the owner of the token
can execute this ABI by sending a transaction with the required information.
4.2.3. Token Revocation
When the delegator (i.e., the subject that delegates the token) of a token decides that the current
owner no longer has access permissions, it can revoke the token to avoid token abuse. The smart
contract provides two ABIs, i.e., singleRevocation() and allChildrenRevocation(), to support the token
revocation. The singleRevocation() ABI revokes the tokens from the children of the delegator, while the
allChildrenRevocation() ABI revokes the tokens from all the descendants.
4.2.4. Token Verification
When accessing an object, a subject needs to hand the related token to the object’s owner, which
then performs the token verification to confirm that the subject has the required access rights. The smart
contract provides an accessRequest() ABI for the token verification. Any subject can execute this ABI by
offering the required information such as the subject’s ID and the action to perform via a transaction.
The transaction will be mined, included into a block and broadcast to most of the nodes in the system.
During this process, each node that receives this transaction will execute the ABI to confirm whether
the subject has the required access rights. This ensures that no nodes can deceive others with wrong
processing results, achieving robust and trustworthy access control. After the verification of the token,
the results will be returned to both the subject and the object.
5. Implementation
In this section, we implement the capability, delegation graph, and functions introduced in
Section 4to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed CapBAC scheme [49].
5.1. Ethereum Private Network
As shown in Figure 5, we built a private Ethereum blockchain network using one MacBook Pro
(CPU: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory: 8 GB), one MacBook Air (CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory:
8 GB) and two Raspberry Pis (CPU: 1.4 GHz ARM Cortex-A, Memory: 1 GB). One Pi works as the
object and the other works as the subject. The MacBook Pro plays the role of the owner entity of the
object. To form a private Ethereum blockchain network, each device maintains a local copy of the
blockchain and interacts with the blockchain (e.g., send transaction and obtain access result) through
a JavaScript program based on the web3.js package [
]. The MacBook Pro and MacBook Air serve
as miners in this private Ethereum blockchain network. We created Ethereum accounts
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, and
for the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and the subject Raspberry Pi, respectively,
the information of which is summarized in Table 2.
Figure 5. Experiment Environment.
Table 2. Ethereum Addresses of the Subjects.
Variable Address
addressA 0x9bE252c f 45F6daa4680edeC081d7A1Bc1a92Cd6f
addressB 0x F59c4b f 63FEB4ce4d f 4cD0E5f ac AE2eA95448e85
addressC 0x28bBa96539 A24a98b3e0e3d00F4C02e201c3b080
5.2. Token Creation
At the beginning of the experiment, the owner entity with address
registered a smart
contract to store and manage the capability tokens and the delegation graph. The owner entity then
created new tokens by executing the createAction() ABI. Figure 6a shows the information returned by
calling the getCap() ABI via the javaScript program after the owner entity created a new read token for
the subject
(i.e., the owner entity). The token states that the subject
has read right to
the object. It can also delegate this token to other objects and revoke the token from its descendants.
At this point, the token has depth (
depth =
0) and maximum depth (
maxDepth =
5), which means
that the token can be further delegated to at most five generations. In addition, we can see that the
token has no parents and no children. Figure 6b shows the result of calling the getCap() ABI to query
a token (i.e., the write token) that does not exist or has not been created on the blockchain. We can
see that all fields are set as “empty,” since the javaScript program cannot fetch any information from
the blockchain.
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 11 of 20
(a)Token Information for a Newly-Created read token.
(b)Token Information for a Non-Existent write token.
Figure 6. Token Creation by the Owner Entity addressA.
5.3. Token Delegation
After creating new tokens, the owner entity
then delegated the tokens to other subjects.
Figure 7a,b show the token information of the subject
before and after the owner entity
delegates the read token to it, respectively. We can see that the right field of the read token changes from
false to true after the delegation, which means that the delegation successfully delivers the read right to
the subject
. In addition, the depth,maxDepth, and parent fields are changed accordingly. Note
that the fields of “delegationRight: true” and “revocationRight: true” indicate that the subject
can delegate the token to other subjects and revoke the token when necessary.
(a)Token Information of addressB before Delegation.
(b)Token Information of addressB after Delegation.
Figure 7. Delegation of read Token from Subjects addressA to addressB.
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5.4. Token Revocation
Suppose that the subject
further delegated the read token to another subject
. At
this point, the token information of the subjects
is shown in Figure 8a. When the
token delegator (i.e., subject
) decides to revoke the token from the subject
but allow
the subject
to keep the token, the delegator executes the singleRevocation() ABI. Figure 8b
shows the token information after the execution of the ABI, where only the token information of subject
is deleted. Note that the parent of subject
is changed from
and thus the depth is also decreased by one. On the other hand, if the delegator wants to revoke the
tokens from both subjects
, the delegator executes the allChildrenRevocation()
ABI. Figure 8c shows the token information after the execution of the ABI, where the token information
of both subjects is deleted.
)Token Information of
)Token Information of
)Token Information of
Figure 8. Revocation of read Token.
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5.5. Token Verification
After receiving the read token, the subject
can pass the token to the smart contract to
verify that it has the read right when it wants to read the object. Figure 9a depicts the result when the
sent the read request. The result shows that the subject
is allowed to read
the object. For comparison, Figure 9b depicts a rejected execution request when the subject
does not own the corresponding token.
(a)Read Request.
(b)Execution Request.
Figure 9. Access Result When Subject addressB Sends Requests.
6. Monetary Cost Evaluation
The Ethereum blockchain system requires users to pay some fee for issuing a transaction. This fee
will be paid to the miner who includes the transaction into the winning block, i.e., the block created by
the winner of the mining competition. Note that users usually need to issue a transaction to execute an
ABI of a smart contract. This means that users have to pay some transaction fee for using the functions
provided by our access control system. Ethereum uses Ether as the unit for measuring the transaction
fee, which is about 160 US dollars as of 10:00 JST, January 16, 2020.
In general, the transaction fee
of calling an ABI can be expressed in the following
equation [23].
TxFee =gas ×gasPrice, (4)
is Ethereum’s unit for measuring the computing and storage resources required to perform
the actions of ABIs, and gasPrice, measured in Ether/gas, is the price for each unit of gas.
When issuing a transaction, the sender needs to specify the gas price he/she wants to pay for the
transaction. Because the total gas amount of transactions included in a block cannot be larger than
8 million (called gas limit), miners prefer to including transactions with higher gas price into their
blocks to gain more reward. Consequently, transactions with higher gas price are faster to appear in
the blockchain in general.
Because the gas price varies with senders, this study measured the amount of gas instead of
Ether used by each ABI and used this amount as the metric for evaluating the proposed access control
scheme. In addition, to compare our scheme with the BlendCAC scheme in [
] in terms of the gas
cost, we also measured the amount of gas consumed by the ABIs of the latter, including createAction(),
delegation(), and allChildrenRevocation(). Table 3shows the variables used in the measurement of the
gas cost.
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 14 of 20
Table 3. Variables in Measurement of Gas.
Variable Meaning
len() The number of characters or the array element.
Act Specified action name by transaction sender.
Op[] The array of actions used in BlendCAC.
Des The number of the descendants of the specified address.
6.1. Token Creation
When the owners of an object create a token, they need to send a transaction specifying the new
token’s action name. The length of the action name affects the storage resources and gas used by
the createAction() ABI. Thus, we consider three patterns of the input action name, namely pattern1,
pattern2, and pattern3, with lengths of 3, 4, and 5, respectively. Table 4shows some examples of the
three patterns as well as the amount of gas used by each example.
Table 4. Gas Used in createAction() ABI.
Pattern1 Pattern2 Pattern3
Act Gas Act Gas Act Gas
“exe” 123,902 “read” 123,966 “write” 124,030
“end” 108,902 “Edit” 108,966 “start” 109,030
“GET” 108,902 “POST” 108,966 “read2” 109,030
We can see that the first token creation of each pattern uses about 15,000 more gas than the
subsequent ones. This is because the createAction() ABI needs to initially allocate some memory for
tokens and the subject address
, which consumes some extra gas. By comparing the three patterns,
we can observe that the amount of used gas increases by 64 as the length of the action name increases
by one character. The relationship between the amount of used gas and the length of input action
names can be expressed by
gas =108710 +64 ×len(Act) + 15000 ×1f irst ti me,(5)
1f irst ti me
is an indicator function, which equals 1 for the first time of token creation. We can also
observe that the gas consumption of the token creation is independent of the number of tokens created
since the second creation, i.e., remains constant as the latter increases. In the following measurements,
we set the length of the action name to 4.
In the BlendCAC scheme, the
’s (i.e., actions) are managed by an array. Thus, as the number of
’s increases, a larger array is needed and more computing resource will be used as well. Table 5
shows the relationship between the amount of gas and the length of the
array (i.e.,
which can be expressed by
gas =49438 +len(Op[]) ×2336 +14997 ×1f i rst time ,(6)
Comparing the results in Table 5and the pattern2 column of Table 4, we can observe that when
the number of actions is small, the creation of one token by the proposed scheme usually consumes
more gas than that of the BlendCAC scheme (see the token "read" in both tables for an example). This
is because the tokens in the proposed scheme contain more information than those in the BlendCAC
scheme (i.e., contain not only the information for access control but also the relationship of delegation),
thus requiring more gas. However, as the number of actions increases above a threshold, the creation
of one token by the proposed scheme consumes less gas than that of the BlendCAC scheme. This is
because the gas cost of token creation of the BlendCAC scheme increases almost linearly as the number
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 15 of 20
of actions (i.e., the length of the OP array
) increases, while that of the proposed scheme
remains constant.
Table 5. Gas Used in BlendCAC’s createAction() ABI.
len(Op[]) Act Gas
0 “read” 64,435
1 “edit” 51,774
2 “POST” 54,110
3 “exe2” 56,446
6.2. Token Delegation
When the delegation() ABI is called by the delegator to delegate a token to a delegatee, the ABI
creates a token associated with the delegatee’s address and then stores the delegatee’s address in the
filed of the delegator’s token. Because the storage of a token is fixed in size and so is the address,
it can be predicted that the delegation() ABI consumes a constant amount of gas. We measured the
amount of gas used by the delegation() ABI and summarize the results in Table 6. In this measurement,
a token is delegated from
, then from
, and finally from
. In addition, the token of
is further delegated to
respectively. The amount of gas used for each delegation in the first case is 162, 386, and that in the
second case is 147, 386. The difference of 15, 000 gas is due to the initial cost for allocating storage
for the
field of the token of
. That is, when
delegates its token to
15, 000 gas is required to create the
field, while when
delegates its token to
afterwards, the
field already exists and thus no gas is required. The amount of
gas consumed by the delegation() ABI can be expressed by
gas =147386 +15000 ×1f i rst del egati on, (7)
1f irst de leg ation
is the indicator function, which equals 1 if the delegator delegates its tokens for
the first time. Equation (7) indicates that the token delegation consumes a constant amount of gas.
Table 6. Gas Used in delegation() ABI.
Delegator Delegatee Gas
addressA addressB 162,386
addressB addressC 162,386
addressC addressD 162,386
addressC addressE 147,386
addressC addressF 147,386
Table 7shows the gas consumption of the same delegations using the ABI of the BlendCAC scheme.
Table 7. Gas Used in BlendCAC’s delegation() ABI.
Delegator Delegatee Gas
addressA addressB 171,509
addressB addressC 171,509
addressC addressD 171,509
addressC addressE 156,509
addressC addressF 156,509
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 16 of 20
The amount of gas consumed by the delegation of the BlendCAC scheme can be expressed by the
following equation:
gas =156509 +15000 ×1f i rst del egati on,(8)
which shows similar gas consumption to the token delegation of the proposed scheme. However,
by comparing Equations (7) and (8), we can see that the token delegation of the BlendCAC scheme
consumes more gas than that of the proposed scheme. This is because, when delegating a token, the
former needs to modify the states of two tokens, i.e., the capability token (ICap) and the delegation
certificate token (IDC).
6.3. Token Revocation
When the singleRevocation() ABI is called by the delegator to revoke a token specified by the input
address, it performs three tasks: (1) rewriting the
filed of the revoked token’s parent token
and also the
field of the revoked token’s children token; (2) deleting the revoked token from
the storage; and (3) decrementing the
field of each descendant token of the revoked token by one.
Tasks (1) and (2) are expected to consume a constant amount of gas because of the fixed storage size
of addresses and the token, while the amount of gas used by Task (3) is expected to be dependent
on the number of the descendant tokens. We evaluated the gas consumption of the singleRevocation()
ABI when the number of the descendant tokens is 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Table 8shows the
results, from which we can find the following relationship between the amount of gas used by the
singleRevocation() ABI and the number of the descendant tokens Des:
gas =(40, 329, Des =0,
60, 540 + (4, 119 ×Des),otherwise.(9)
Table 8. Gas Used in singleRevocation() ABI.
Des Gas
0 40,329
1 64,659
2 68,778
3 72,897
4 77,016
The above expression shows that the amount of gas used by the singleRevocation() ABI increases
almost linearly as the number of the descendant tokens increases.
When the allChildrenRevocation() ABI is called to revoke all the descendant tokens, two tasks will be
performed: (1) deleting a specified address from the
field of the parent token; and (2) deleting
the token at the specified address and all the descendant tokens. Similar to the singleRevocation()
ABI, Task (1) is expected to consume a constant amount of gas, while the amount of gas used by
Task (2) depends on the number of descendant tokens. We measured the gas consumption of the
allChildrenRevocation() ABI for the cases with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 descendant tokens, respectively.
Table 9summarizes the results, from which we deduce the following linear relationship between
the amount of gas used by the allChildrenRevocation() ABI and the number of descendant tokens Des:
gas =37021 + (22106 ×Des). (10)
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 17 of 20
Table 9. Gas Used in allChildrenRevocation() ABI.
Des Gas
0 37,021
1 59,127
2 81,233
3 103,339
4 125,445
Note that only the allChildrenRevocation() ABI is provided by the BlendCAC scheme, thus we
compare the gas consumption of the token delegation of both schemes based on this ABI. Table 10
shows the gas consumption by the allChildrenRevocation() ABI of the BlendCAC scheme.
Table 10. Gas Used in BlendCAC’s allChildrenRevocation() ABI.
Des Gas
0 32,009
1 51,156
2 70,303
3 89,450
4 108,597
Similarly, we have the following relationship between the gas consumption and number of
descendant tokens Des:
gas =19147 ×Des +32009. (11)
The comparison between Tables 9and 10 shows that our scheme consumes more gas than the
BlendCAC scheme in terms of the revocation of all the descendant tokens. This is because the amount
of data to be deleted has increased by managing the capability tokens in units of actions.
Table 11 compares the asymptotic gas consumption of the functions provided by the proposed
scheme and the BlendCAC scheme, when the number of descendant tokens
becomes extremely
large, e.g., when they are applied in a large-scale IoT system. The results show that the proposed
scheme consumes less gas than the BlendCAC scheme in terms of the token creation, and has the same
order of magnitude of gas consumption in terms of token delegation and token revocation from all
descendants. It should be noted that the BlendCAC scheme can achieve only simple delegation but
our scheme can also provide flexible delegation in the same ABI. In addition, the proposed scheme
provides a new function, i.e., single token revocation.
Table 11. The gas used in ABIs.
Functions Our Scheme BlendCAC
Token creation O(1)O(len(O p[]))
Simple delegation O(1)O(1)
Flexible delegation -
All children revocation O(Des)O(Des)
Single revocation O(Des)-
7. Conclusions
In this paper, we focus on the critical access control issue for IoT resources. In particular, we aim
to solve the problems of delegation ambiguity and inconsistency existing in a blockchain-based IoT
access control scheme called BlendCAC proposed by other researchers, to provide more fine-grained
and flexible access control. This paper proposes a CapBAC scheme by using Ethereum smart contracts
Sensors 2020,20, 1793 18 of 20
to store and manage the capability tokens. Compared with the existing BlendCAC scheme, this scheme
achieves more fine-grained access control and more flexible token management by defining capability
tokens in units of actions and using a delegation graph to store the token delegation relationship
among the subjects. Experiments based on a local Ethereum blockchain were conducted and the results
demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme. We also conducted experiments to evaluate the monetary
cost of the proposed scheme in terms of gas consumption. The experimental results show that the
proposed scheme consumes no more gas than the BlendCAC scheme. However, low privacy of access
rights is the main drawback of the proposed scheme, since the tokens are stored in the blockchain
without being encrypted. Thus, one of our future works is to address this issue. Another limitation of
this paper is that we fail to implement the proposed scheme in real-world IoT systems and prove that
it can fulfill the security goals. We will consider these issues in our future work.
Author Contributions:
Scheme Design, Y.N., Y.Z., M.S. and S.K.; Implementation, Y.N.; Writing—Original Draft
Preparation, Y.N.; Writing—Review and Editing, Y.Z., M.S. and S.K.; Supervision, S.K.; Project Administration,
S.K.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Z., M.S. and S.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
This research was funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) grant
number 19H01103, Telecommunications Advancement Foundation and Support Center for Advanced
Telecommunications Technology (SCAT) Research Foundation. The APC was funded by Telecommunications
Advancement Foundation.
This work was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
KAKENHI (A) under Grant 19H01103, the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, and the Support
Center for Advanced Telecommunications (SCAT) Technology Research Foundation.
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
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... Starting with On-Behalf-Of tokens, these tokens offer fine-grained access control, enabling organizations to delegate specific permissions with precision [42]. This granularity enhances security by allowing for controlled access to resources and services. ...
... Moreover, the seamless delegation facilitated by On-Behalf-Of tokens streamlines authorization processes, making them efficient for scenarios requiring delegation of authority. Additionally, the inclusion of token metadata in these tokens contributes to enhanced security measures, providing additional layers of protection [42]. ...
... However, despite their strengths, On-Behalf-Of tokens come with certain weaknesses. The complexity involved in implementing and managing these tokens poses a challenge for organizations [42]. Ensuring proper configuration and maintenance of these tokens is crucial to prevent potential misuse that could compromise security. ...
... Guo et al. [32] proposed a fine-grained data access control scheme using attributebased access control (ABAC) model and Turing-complete smart contracts. Nakamura et al. [33] proposed a trustworthy Capability-Based Access Control (CapBAC) scheme using the Ethereum blockchain. But the smart contracts in [33] are just used to store and manage the capability tokens, making it hard to achieve fine-grained access control. ...
... Nakamura et al. [33] proposed a trustworthy Capability-Based Access Control (CapBAC) scheme using the Ethereum blockchain. But the smart contracts in [33] are just used to store and manage the capability tokens, making it hard to achieve fine-grained access control. Considering privacy protection, Wu et al. [34] combined homomorphic encryption, attribute based access control (ABAC) and smart contracts to design a privacy-preserving access control model. ...
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The application of healthcare systems has led to an explosive growth in personal electronic health records (EHRs). These EHRs are generated from different healthcare institutions and stored in cloud data centers, respectively. However, data owners lose the authority to control and track their private and sensitive EHRs. In fact, data owners cannot establish rules for EHRs exchanging and sharing, nor can they verify the integrity of EHRs stored in semi-trusted clouds. Hence, an individual-centric access control framework is required to realize data access control. In this study, we construct a data access control framework, which integrates decentralized smart contracts and role-based access control (RBAC) to provide fine-grained data access control services. The key ideas of this schme includes: (1) a fine-grained access control framework for EHRs is proposed to achieve trusted access control; (2) a personalized policies definition mechanism is adopted to achieve patient-centric data access control; (3) a integrity checking mechanism for the shared EHRs is implemented to ensure the availability of medical records. Finally, we analyze the security properties of this scheme and develop a prototype system to evaluate its performance. Both theoretical analysis and experiment results demonstrate that this scheme can provide fine-grained access control and efficient integrity checking services for EHRs.
... Bera et al. [74] proposed a blockchain-based access control for the IoD (Internet of Drones) within the IIoT ecosystem that allows secure communication. Nakamura et al. [75] exploit smart contract capabilities for access control, while Liu et al. [76] leverage the Hyperledger fabric capability. Moreover, techniques proposed by Ding et al. [77] and Nasiraee et al. [78] achieved secure attribute-based access control using blockchain technology. ...
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The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in smart manufacturing has recently seen a boost in economic and technological advancement. This is attributed to improved operational efficiency resulting from streamlined interoperability, decreased downtime, and real-time processing as compared to conventional manufacturing industries. It also brings with it a massive deployment of intelligent systems and devices from both the Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) realms within the Industrial IoT (IIoT) infrastructure, thus creating a heterogeneous interconnectivity. However, such inherent interconnectivity introduces significant security and privacy challenges. To mitigate these challenges, researchers and cybersecurity experts have recently proposed different defense mechanisms for the different facets of the cyber landscape within the IIoT infrastructure. Nevertheless, most of these techniques require major technical expertise to be implemented. Also, there is a lack of specific follow-through guides on how to adopt and implement such mechanisms. This paper aims to fill that gap by providing in-depth guidance on adopting and deploying different defense mechanisms designed to mitigate various cyber threats while ensuring secure and privacy-preserving IIoT infrastructure. The article first emphasizes the implications of cyber threats targeting IIoT tools and infrastructure as well as vulnerabilities emerging due to IT and OT convergence. It then delves into recent state-of-the-art protection mechanisms designed to mitigate these attacks based on a robust framework that includes all defenses. In addition, comprehensive guides to be adopted for a secure and privacy-preserving IIoT are provided. Finally, other challenges and open research questions are presented to pave the way towards efficient deployment of secure and privacy-preserving schemes for the IIoT in smart manufacturing.
... Organizations must overhaul their current processes, train personnel, and ensure that the new system meets their operational needs without disrupting existing services. This transition can be particularly challenging for industries with stringent regulatory requirements and established workflows, such as finance and healthcare (Nakamura et al., 2020). Additionally, the perceived risks and uncertainties associated with adopting a relatively new and evolving technology may deter organizations from fully embracing blockchain (Frustaci et al., 2018). ...
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This systematic review examines the role of blockchain technology in enhancing data security and preventing cyberattacks across various sectors. Blockchain's decentralized and immutable ledger system, secured through cryptographic mechanisms like cryptographic hashes and asymmetric encryption, offers robust protection against unauthorized access and data tampering. The study highlights blockchain's ability to maintain data integrity and immutability, essential for applications requiring high levels of trust, such as financial transactions and healthcare records. The review also emphasizes the significance of smart contracts, which automate and enforce contract terms, thereby reducing human error and fraud. Sector-specific applications in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and the Internet of Things demonstrate blockchain's versatility in addressing diverse security challenges. However, significant challenges, including scalability issues, high energy consumption, and regulatory and legal hurdles, impede the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Addressing these challenges is crucial for realizing blockchain's full potential in cybersecurity. This review underscores the need for continued research and development to overcome these obstacles and fully harness blockchain's capabilities in securing data and preventing cyberattacks.
... Organizations must overhaul their current processes, train personnel, and ensure that the new system meets their operational needs without disrupting existing services. This transition can be particularly challenging for industries with stringent regulatory requirements and established workflows, such as finance and healthcare (Nakamura et al., 2020). Additionally, the perceived risks and uncertainties associated with adopting a relatively new and evolving technology may deter organizations from fully embracing blockchain (Frustaci et al., 2018). ...
This systematic review examines the role of blockchain technology in enhancing data security and preventing cyberattacks across various sectors. Blockchain's decentralized and immutable ledger system, secured through cryptographic mechanisms like cryptographic hashes and asymmetric encryption, offers robust protection against unauthorized access and data tampering. The study highlights blockchain's ability to maintain data integrity and immutability, essential for applications requiring high levels of trust, such as financial transactions and healthcare records. The review also emphasizes the significance of smart contracts, which automate and enforce contract terms, thereby reducing human error and fraud. Sector-specific applications in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and the Internet of Things demonstrate blockchain's versatility in addressing diverse security challenges. However, significant challenges, including scalability issues, high energy consumption, and regulatory and legal hurdles, impede the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Addressing these challenges is crucial for realizing blockchain's full potential in cybersecurity. This review underscores the need for continued research and development to overcome these obstacles and fully harness blockchain's capabilities in securing data and preventing cyberattacks.
... Moreover, DCACI is another decentralized capability-formed AC scheme built using multi-directional IOTA tangle using its masked authentication messaging system for ensuring the integrity of capability tokens for granting, updating, delegating, and revoking AC [26]. Furthermore, recently SCs on Ethereum blockchain have been utilized for managing capability tokens allocated to subjects and processed one token per action allowing fine-grained capability delegation having consistency among delegated information in IoT networks [97]. ...
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Access Control (AC) in networking attempts to make sure that only authorized devices perform actions formed upon privileges defined for them with a view to prevent malicious users' entry and interaction in the communication grid. Blockchain solutions contain an arrangement of related blocks that naturally safeguards the trustworthiness, defending the incontestability, defend masked-identity of its transactions/transfers due to scattered consensus strategies and cryptographic solutions. Our survey comprehensively reviews BC-formed AC in broad scope of networking considering AC techniques while breaking down into 4 propositions and assessing them in terms of blockchain roles, AC technique and approach, network elements, and rest. We stockpiled a primary sample of 79 bibliographic references by weeding out them for screening criteria sought from scientific information reservoirs exploiting a qualitative and extensive strategy. Formed upon this survey, in blockchain-formed AC, blockchain can be exploited as an AC manager to administrate network devices and access information, implement automatic AC by means of smart contracts, secure storage of AC related data to reinforce overall AC security, and for safe data exchanging in the operation of AC. Minute assessment highlights that from blockchain-formed AC, 52.5% provide AC using blockchain itself or using smart contracts, 92.5% exploit sequential blockchain, 35% exploit PBFT consensus, provide 100% fine-grained and host-formed AC, 85% decentralized AC, 87.5% have single-factor authentication, 92.5% provide dynamic AC, and 45% have opted for IoT. Finally, we evaluate the chances and difficulties of the principle of blockchain-formed AC and then giving recommended actions to beat them.
... After removing repeated literature and summary analysis, we find that the combination of blockchain technology and access control forms two decentralized access management methods: one is the combination of blockchain technology and existing access control models, blockchain acts as the carrier of existing access control models, including the combination of RBAC [8], ABAC [9] and Cap-BAC [10]. The other is a newly developed access control method based on transactions [11] or intelligent contracts [12]. ...
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The Access control scheme is an effective method to protect user data privacy. The access control scheme based on blockchain and ciphertext policy attribute encryption (CP–ABE) can solve the problems of single—point of failure and lack of trust in the centralized system. However, it also brings new problems to the health information in the cloud storage environment, such as attribute leakage, low consensus efficiency, complex permission updates, and so on. This paper proposes an access control scheme with fine-grained attribute revocation, keyword search, and traceability of the attribute private key distribution process. Blockchain technology tracks the authorization of attribute private keys. The credit scoring method improves the Raft protocol in consensus efficiency. Besides, the interplanetary file system (IPFS) addresses the capacity deficit of blockchain. Under the premise of hiding policy, the research proposes a fine-grained access control method based on users, user attributes, and file structure. It optimizes the data-sharing mode. At the same time, Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) technology is used to update the access rights. The proposed scheme proved to be secure. Comparative analysis and experimental results show that the proposed scheme has higher efficiency and more functions. It can meet the needs of medical institutions.
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The proliferation of network devices capable of gathering, transmitting, and receiving data over the Internet has spurred the widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, particularly in resource‐oriented applications. Integrating blockchain, IoT, homomorphic encryption, and federated learning requires a balance between computational requirements and real‐time performance. Secure key management is crucial to maintain data privacy and integrity. Compliance with privacy regulations requires careful implementation of privacy‐preserving mechanisms in blockchain‐enabled IoT environments, which can be subjected to various attacks. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary expertise, research, and innovation to develop more efficient and effective privacy‐preserving techniques tailored to the unique characteristics of such environments. This research introduces the Modified Homomorphic Encryption Federated‐based Adaptive Hybrid Dandelion Search (MHEF‐AHDS) algorithm as an effective framework to enhance security in blockchain‐enabled IoT systems. The amalgamation of Modified Homomorphic Encryption (MHE) and Federated Learning (FL) constitutes a potent alliance that addresses privacy concerns within collaborative and decentralized machine learning environments. This facilitates secure and adaptable data collaboration, effectively mitigating privacy risks associated with sensitive information. The integration of quantum machine learning into security applications presents an exciting opportunity for distinctive progress and innovation. Within this work, the Adaptive Hybrid Dandelion optimization algorithm, featuring an Initial search strategy, is employed for hyperparameter optimization thereby elevating the performances of the proposed MHEF‐AHDS method. Furthermore, the integration of smart contracts and Blockchain‐based IoT enhances the overall security of the proposed method. MHEF‐AHDS comprehensively tackles privacy, security, and scalability challenges through robust security measures and privacy enhancements. The performance evaluation of the MHEF‐AHDS method encompasses a thorough analysis based on key metrics such as throughput, latency, scalability, energy consumption, accuracy, precision, recall, and f1‐score. Comparative assessments against existing methods are conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the proposed method in addressing security, privacy, and scalability concerns.
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While Mandatory Access Controls (MAC) are appropriate for multilevel secure military applications, Discretionary Access Controls (DAC) are often perceived as meeting the security processing needs of industry and civilian government. This paper argues that reliance on DAC as the principal method of access control is unfounded and inappropriate for many commercial and civilian government organizations. The paper describes a type of non-discretionary access control-role-based access control (RBAC) that is more central to the secure processing needs of non-military systems than DAC.
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Recent advancements of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have made it a part of almost every domain of everyday life, including the power grid, leading to what is known as the Smart Grid. But the power grid, a critical economic and social infrastructure, is vulnerable to security threats stemming from the use of ICT and to new emerging vulnerabilities and privacy issues. Access control is a fundamental element of the security infrastructure, as, ideally, the principle of less privilege, zero-trust, segregation of duties, and other best practices should be applied without disrupting the functioning of the power grid while also properly maintaining the security of the SmartGrid. The paper presents the work undertaken in the SealedGRID project and the steps taken for implementing Attribute-based Access Control policies specifically tailored to the SmartGrid.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected electromechanical devices that have limited computational , networking, and storage capabilities. IoT is now widely used in healthcare, smart cars, smart grids, smart homes, smart manufacturing, and smart cities. IoT devices sense, monitor, and collect data where it can be shared with legitimate users. IoT data can be aggregated, stored and made available by multiple IoT data hosting providers. IoT data storage, management, and access involve multiple stakeholders that many include admins, owners of IoT devices, data repository hosts and providers, normal users, etc. Decentralized control and trusted management of such IoT data become critical, in which the management and access control of data is not centralized, i.e., under the control of a single entity. To date, the available methods for access control in IoT systems are mainly centralized. In this paper, we propose a decentralized access control system for IoT data using blockchain and trusted oracles. We use features of blockchain and smart contracts to propose a decentralized, scalable, and secure management solution for accessing IoT data. In addition, we use oracles as gateways that interface with the blockchain, IoT data hosts, and remote users to provide decentralized, trusted, and uniform source feeds for IoT data. The paper also presents architectural design, interactions, logic flow, algorithms, implementation details, along with cost, computation, and security evaluation. The full code of the developed smart contracts is made publicly available at GitHub.
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Internet of Things (IoT) is able to integrate the computation and physical processes as services in the social world. The number of services at the edge of IoT is rising rapidly due to the prevalent uses of smart devices and cyber-physical systems (CPSs). To explore the promising applications of IoT services, one of the challenges is to enable the interoperability of the services in a decentralized environment. The blockchain technology (BCT) has been proven as a promising solution to establish the trust of data and call for executions; theoretically, it can be used to support the interoperability of services. BCT verifies data or a process and stores it as a transaction in a distributed ledger. Similar to the topology to IoT, applying BCT at the edges of the network exhibits the distributed characteristic. However, currently, BCT is still facing the challenges for interoperability due to a number of factors such as consensus protocols, block sizes, and interval of blocks. Prominent protocols such as proof-of-work (PoW) may cause excessive delays in finality settlement. One promising protocol Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant offers a fast finality settlement and uses hyperledger to support the scalability; however, the trust might also be a concern if the validators are chosen improperly. This paper discusses the interoperability of IoT services and the challenges and proposes an architecture solution by integrating BCT, service-oriented architecture (SoA), and enablers of key performance indicators (KPIs) and service selections. The proposed architecture aims to solve both interoperability and trust issues for IoT services. The feasibility of the proposed method is validated by the examples of smart contract implementations.
Development of Internet of Things (IoT) network brings new concept of Internet. The dramatic growth of IoT increased its usage. IoT network facilitates in several manners, more specifically, in access control and data sharing among IoT devices. However, it has many challenges, such as: security risks, data protection and privacy, single point of failure through centralization, trust and data integrity issues, etc. This work presented a blockchain based access control and sharing system. The main aim of this work is to overcome the issues in access control and sharing system in IoT network and to achieve authentication and trustworthiness. Blockchain technology is integrated with IoT, which simplifies the access control and sharing. Multiple smart contracts: Access Control Contract (ACC), Register Contract (RC), Judge Contract (JC), are used that provide efficient access management. Furthermore, misbehaviour judging method utilizes with penalty mechanism. Additionally, permission levels are set for sharing resources between users. Simulation results show the cost consumption. Bar graphs illustrate the transaction and execution cost of smart contracts and functions of main contract.
The information-centric networking (ICN) has been proposed to meet the increasing demand for efficient content delivery. However, the in-network caching mechanism of ICN makes it hard to provide data security and privacy for content providers (CPs). Although many access control schemes are proposed to improve the security of ICN, there are still some problems unsolved. On the one hand, in spite of the centralized access control schemes are proposed to improve the security of data sharing, the single point of failure issue is inevitable. On the other hand, the decentralized access control schemes allow the content provider to control the key distribution for encrypted content, but it is inefficient when they are applied in hierarchical access, and the audit of content access is ignored. In this paper, we propose a secure blockchain-based access control framework which is called as SBAC, to provide a content provider with the ability of sharing, audit and revocation on his content in a secure way. Specifically, we design a matching-based access control model to achieve hierarchical access, and present a blockchain-based access token mechanism to resist the single point of failure and balance privacy and audit. And Cuckoo filter is introduced to achieve efficient query of access token in verification. Furthermore, our SBAC keeps the characteristic of pervasive caching of ICN. The security analysis and experimental results demonstrate that SBAC is suitable in practice.