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Time evolution of dust deposits in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko


Abstract and Figures

Aims. We provide a measurement of the seasonal evolution of the dust deposit erosion and accretion in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with a vertical accuracy of 0.2–0.9 m. Methods. We used OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera images with a spatial scale of lower than 1.30 m px ⁻¹ and developed a tool to monitor the time evolution of 22 boulder heights with respect to the surrounding dust deposit. The tool is based on the measurement of the shadow length projected by the boulder on the surrounding pebble deposit. Assuming the position of the boulders does not change during the observational period, boulder height variations provide an indication of how the thickness of the surrounding dust layer varies over time through erosion and accretion phenomena. Results. We measured an erosion of the dust deposit of 1.7 ± 0.2 m during the inbound orbit until 12 December, 2014. This value nearly balances the fallout from the southern hemisphere during perihelion cometary activity. During the perihelion phase, the dust deposit then increased by 1.4 ± 0.8 m. This is interpreted as a direct measurement of the fallout thickness. By comparing the erosion rate and dust volume loss rate at the Hapi region measured in the coma, the fallout represents ~96% in volume of the ejecta. The amount of the eroded pristine material from the southern hemisphere, together with its subsequent transport and fallout on the nucleus, led us to discuss the pristine water ice abundance in comet 67P. We determine that the refractory-to-ice mass ratio ranges from 6 to 110 in the perihelion-eroded pristine nucleus, providing a pristine ice mass fraction of (8 ± 7)% in mass.
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A&A 636, A91 (2020)
© ESO 2020
Time evolution of dust deposits in the Hapi region
of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
P. Cambianica1,3, M. Fulle2, G. Cremonese3, E. Simioni3, G. Naletto1,4,5, M. Massironi6,1, L. Penasa1,
A. Lucchetti3, M. Pajola3, I. Bertini7, D. Bodewits8, C. Ceccarelli9, F. Ferri1, S. Fornasier10, E. Frattin7, C. Güttler11,
P. J. Gutiérrez12, H. U. Keller13,14, E. Kührt14, M. Küppers15, F. La Forgia7, M. Lazzarin7, F. Marzari4, S. Mottola14,
H. Sierks11, I. Toth16, C. Tubiana11, and J.-B. Vincent14
(Affiliations can be found after the references)
Received 13 January 2020 / Accepted 13 March 2020
Aims. We provide a measurement of the seasonal evolution of the dust deposit erosion and accretion in the Hapi region of comet
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with a vertical accuracy of 0.2–0.9 m.
Methods. We used OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera images with a spatial scale of lower than 1.30 m px1and developed a tool to
monitor the time evolution of 22 boulder heights with respect to the surrounding dust deposit. The tool is based on the measurement of
the shadow length projected by the boulder on the surrounding pebble deposit. Assuming the position of the boulders does not change
during the observational period, boulder height variations provide an indication of how the thickness of the surrounding dust layer
varies over time through erosion and accretion phenomena.
Results. We measured an erosion of the dust deposit of 1.7±0.2 m during the inbound orbit until 12 December, 2014. This value
nearly balances the fallout from the southern hemisphere during perihelion cometary activity. During the perihelion phase, the dust
deposit then increased by 1.4±0.8 m. This is interpreted as a direct measurement of the fallout thickness. By comparing the erosion
rate and dust volume loss rate at the Hapi region measured in the coma, the fallout represents 96%in volume of the ejecta. The
amount of the eroded pristine material from the southern hemisphere, together with its subsequent transport and fallout on the nucleus,
led us to discuss the pristine water ice abundance in comet 67P. We determine that the refractory-to-ice mass ratio ranges from 6 to 110
in the perihelion-eroded pristine nucleus, providing a pristine ice mass fraction of (8 ±7)%in mass.
Key words. comets: general – comets: individual: 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko – methods: data analysis – methods: numerical
1. Introduction
The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission was designed
to orbit and land on the Jupiter-family comet 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P). Rosetta arrived at its primary
target on 6 August, 2014. The probe was first guided into an
orbit around its target to perform a first analysis and find a suit-
able landing site for the lander module Philae. Rosetta revealed
that the nucleus of comet 67P consists of two lobes (Sierks
et al. 2015) connected by a narrow neck, with a stable spin
axis. The Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging
System (OSIRIS, Keller et al. 2007) was designed to study the
nucleus and its dust and gas environment. The system consisted
of two cameras operating from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared
wavelengths. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) imaged the dust
and the gas surrounding the nucleus with a spatial scale of
10.1 m px1at 100 km from the surface. The comet nucleus and
its surface topography were investigated by the Narrow Angle
Camera (NAC) with a spatial scale of 1.86 m px1at the same
distance. The OSIRIS observations revealed that the northern
regions, such as Ash, Ma’at, Seth, and Hapi (Thomas et al. 2015;
El-Maarry et al. 2015) are fully covered by dust. On the contrary,
equatorial regions, such as Anubis, Aket, and Bastet, look differ-
ent. In these regions, we observe consolidated and coarse terrain
instead of dust deposits (Keller et al. 2017). The nucleus rotates
with an obliquity of 52(Keller et al. 2007). Due to the inclina-
tion of the axis of rotation, the comet experiences strong seasonal
effects, resulting in significant differences in insolation between
the northern and southern hemispheres. This strong dichotomy
is reflected in the morphology of the two hemispheres. Southern
summer coincides with the perihelion passage, hence causing the
erosion in the southern hemisphere to be much stronger than in
the northern regions (Jorda et al. 2016;Keller et al. 2017). The
approach to perihelion causes a rise in the temperature of the
nucleus, sublimating the ices. Observations of the coma revealed
water to be the most abundant volatile (Gulkis et al. 2015). Keller
et al. (2017) calculated the erosion due to sublimation of water
ice to investigate the link between insolation, erosion, and water
content of the nucleus surface. The value was found to be four
times stronger on the southern hemisphere than on the north-
ern one. The strong insolation and the water ice content in the
south could erode the surface up to 20 m (Keller et al. 2017) at
perihelion. Instead, the northern hemisphere, particularly Hapi,
is characterized by a minimal amount of insolation, and there-
fore minimal erosion. These pieces of evidence confirmed that
the dichotomy in appearance between the two hemispheres is
linked to the dichotomy in erosion, and that the dust cover in
the northern regions could be the result of transport mechanisms
of particles from the southern hemisphere during the southern
summer (Keller et al. 2015).
In this study, we describe a tool we developed to quantify the
seasonal erosion and deposit and/or accretion in the Hapi region.
We started from this region to link the time evolution of dust
with the mass transfer mechanism and the erosion of the comet
Article published by EDP Sciences A91, page 1 of 13
A&A 636, A91 (2020)
surface. The tool is based on the monitoring of the time evolution
of boulder height, which is defined as the difference between the
top of the boulders and the surrounding pebble deposit surface.
This technique has led to measurements of the seasonal evolution
of the deposit erosion and/or accretion of the Hapi region with
a vertical accuracy of 0.2–0.9 m. The amount of erosion of the
southern hemisphere, the subsequent transport of material, and
then its fallout on the nucleus allow us to investigate the pristine
water ice abundance in comet 67P.
2. Mass transfer on 67P
The dichotomy in appearance between the two hemispheres of
comet 67P is linked to the dichotomy in erosion. The eroded
southern surface is subject to a strong insolation and water sub-
limation (Keller et al. 2015), contributing to the release of dust
particles of different sizes. OSIRIS detected both small dust
particles in the size range from 3×103up to 1 cm (Fulle
et al. 2016) and larger particles, named chunks. These objects
are defined as pieces of the nucleus of an average mass of 1 kg,
in the 10 to 20 cm range (Fulle et al. 2019). The dust particles
size–frequency distribution (SFD) allows us to link the ejection
mechanism with the water content of 67P. Fulle et al. (2019) cal-
culated the chunk volume ejected by 67P from 24 July, 2015, to
15 September, 2015. The lost volume is about 4×107m3, corre-
sponding to an eroded southern surface of about 10 km2(Keller
et al. 2015;Blum et al. 2017). This corresponds to an average
erosion thickness of about 4 m (Fulle et al. 2019). Assuming that
the southern erosion occurs because of the ejection of chunks
implies a total erosion in average steps of about 13 cm (Fulle
et al. 2019), involving a nucleus surface of 65 m2every second.
The erosion model developed by Keller et al. (2015) suggests that
the maximum water loss rate per unit area is 3×104kg m2s1.
This implies that from a nucleus surface of 65 m2, the water
loss rate is at most 0.02 kg s1, which is a negligible mass frac-
tion of the corresponding chunk loss rate (Qv=8.3±2.1 m3
s1;Fulle et al. 2019; namely the mass loss rate divided by the
bulk density). This result suggests that the chunk ejection from
the nucleus surface is dominated by perihelion erosion of the
southern hemisphere, but behaves independently of water ejec-
tion. As mentioned above, the dichotomy in appearance between
the two hemispheres is linked to the dichotomy in erosion. The
dust cover in the northern regions is the result of transport mech-
anisms of particles from the southern hemisphere during the
southern summer (Keller et al. 2015). Chunks ejected at perihe-
lion fall back over the whole nucleus, including Hapi. OSIRIS
observations of the nucleus reveal a surface characterized by
a varied surface granularity. Pebbles of 25 cm in size have
been observed in the Sais region (Pajola et al. 2017), suggest-
ing a deposit built up by chunks, and confirming the chunk
mass distribution in the 67P coma (Fulle et al. 2016;Ott et al.
2017). The distribution of pebbles in different regions, includ-
ing Hapi, can be explained with the dust fallout mechanism,
which causes chunks ejected during perihelion to fall back over
the whole nucleus. As the outbound equinox approaches, the
southern erosion decreases, and the outgassing in the northern
hemisphere self-cleans the fallout, removing the dust and leav-
ing chunks, because the nucleus outgassing is too low to lift these
The refractory-to-ice mass ratio. Water content and deliv-
ery to the terrestrial planets is still a subject of debate. Water is
present in different bodies of the Solar System, even in the outer
asteroid belt and beyond in the form of ices. Primitive meteorites
such as CI-chondrites are believed to come from C-type aster-
oids that dominated the outer part of the asteroid belt (Burbine
et al. 2002), and can have 5–20%water by mass (O’Brien et al.
2018). Growth processes of carbonaceous CI-chondrites, charac-
terized by a chemical composition mostly resembling the solar
photosphere, allow water to be trapped in their silicates at a
molecular scale (Garenne et al. 2014). Ordinary chondrites are
linked to S-type asteroids, which are present in the inner aster-
oid belts, and contain a different amount of water. As regards
comets, they are formed beyond Neptune and their water was
incorporated in the form of ices embedded in the refractory
matrix of their nuclei (Blum et al. 2017). The radial distribution
of water and ices is recorded in the refractory-to-ice mass ratio in
comets (Fulle et al. 2019). This ratio is a fundamental parameter
which constrains the origin of comets and Kuiper Belt objects
(KBOs). Quantifying the difference in water content between
comets and other bodies allows us to distinguish between dif-
ferent formation processes, providing knowledge on the origin
of the Solar System.
As mentioned above, chunks ejected at perihelion fall back
over the whole nucleus, including Hapi. As the outbound
equinox approaches, the outgassing from the southern hemi-
sphere decreases due to seasonal changes, increasing the out-
gassing in the northern hemisphere where fallout occurred
around perihelion (Fulle et al. 2019). Outbound, the self-cleaning
in the Hapi region is negligible, and possible only from 2.5 to
4 au outbound (Fulle et al. 2019). This implies that Hapi ejects
sub-centimetre dust only (Rotundi et al. 2015), acting as a chunk
deposit with a thickness of metres. This can be explained as
follows. Chunks ejected at perihelion have a refractory-to-ice
mass ratio larger than inside the nucleus, and have an upper
exposed dehydrated crust, the thickness of which increases as the
refractory-to-ice mass ratio increases (Fulle et al. 2019). Fresh
ice on Hapi is exposed to sunlight by water ice migration to the
surface (De Sanctis et al. 2015) and by the removal of chunks of
dehydrated crust. This causes outgassing coming from the inte-
rior of the chunks (Fulle et al. 2019), preventing any outgassing
from below the surface.
Keller et al. (2017) calculated the water production of the
nucleus along its orbit. These latter authors found that the pro-
duction rates of the northern regions follow the insolation trend,
and are controlled by the peculiar shape of the nucleus and the
inclination of the spin axis. Hapi represents the conjunction point
between the two lobes. This cavity reached insolation for short
intervals of a cometary day because of the shading by the lobes
(Pajola et al. 2019). This should mean that this region cannot be
as active as other regions located in the south. However, Hapi
appears to be the most active area during northern summer as
a consequence of its water content and morphology. Because of
the morphology of this region, the absorbed energy is not suffi-
cient to produce strong outbursts, as observed elsewhere on the
nucleus, but allows a modest continuous activity also far from
perihelion. The activity is due to a thinner desiccated dust layer
which accumulates after perihelion because of the fall out, and is
eroded by ice sublimation when approaching the sun again after
aphelion (Keller et al. 2017). In this context, the seasons of Hapi
are fundamental to link (Fulle et al. 2019) its processed ice abun-
dance to the pristine ice content of the metres-thick layers eroded
every perihelion from the southern nucleus hemisphere.
3. Data and method
The Hapi region is located in the northern hemisphere (Thomas
et al. 2015), between the two lobes of comet 67P. It has been
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P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Table 1. NAC-OSIRIS images used in this work.
NAC-OSIRIS image (m px1)
NAC_2014-08-21T16.42.56.549Z_ID30_1397549300_F22 1.26
NAC_2014-08-21T19.42.54.558Z_ID30_1397549900_F22 1.25
NAC_2014-08-21T20.42.54.581Z_ID30_1397549100_F22 1.25
NAC_2014-08-22T08.42.54.550Z_ID30_1397549000_F22 1.26
NAC_2014-08-28T20.42.53.590Z_ID30_1397549900_F22 1.01
NAC_2014-08-29T14.42.55.551Z_ID30_1397549700_F22 1.02
NAC_2014-08-29T20.42.53.538Z_ID30_1397549900_F22 1.02
NAC_2014-08-29T21.42.53.565Z_ID30_1397549100_F22 0.99
NAC_2014-08-29T23.12.53.524Z_ID30_1397549500_F22 1.01
NAC_2014-08-30T02.42.53.544Z_ID30_1397549800_F22 1.04
NAC_2014-08-30T03.42.53.546Z_ID30_1397549000_F22 1.05
NAC_2014-08-31T15.42.53.546Z_ID30_1397549000_F22 1.24
NAC_2014-09-01T16.42.53.551Z_ID30_1397549400_F22 0.97
NAC_2014-09-10T11.54.24.601Z_ID30_1397549000_F24 0.55
NAC_2014-09-22T21.09.48.386Z_ID30_1397549000_F16 0.54
NAC_2014-12-10T06.29.11.447Z_ID30_1397549002_F24 0.37
NAC_2016-06-19T11.09.40.836Z_ID30_1397549000_F41 0.56
NAC_2016-06-19T15.30.03.468Z_ID30_1397549004_F16 0.54
NAC_2016-09-30T03.37.09.738Z_ID30_1397549200_F22 0.26
Notes. The first three letters indicate the instrument used to acquire
the image; the following digits are the time (in UTC) of imaging (year-
month-day, then hour-minute-seconds) as reported in the file name (this
time is not corrected for S/C drift and leap seconds); the last two num-
bers correspond to the used filter identifier. The spatial scale (m px1) is
classified as a deposit of debris (Thomas et al. 2015), and
is characterized by a distribution of boulders and/or outcrops
(Cambianica et al. 2019) scattered all over the debris plain. Hapi
is also dominated by smooth terrain (El-Maarry et al. 2015) and
dune fields. Due to the presence of boulders and outcrops of tens
of metres in size, El-Maarry et al. (2015) suggested a dust deposit
thickness of several metres. The neck region corresponds to the
gravitational minimum of the nucleus (Keller et al. 2017) and is
therefore considered as the preferred location for the accumula-
tion of the back-falling material (Keller et al. 2017). To measure
the erosion and deposition of dust in this region, we monitored
changes in the height of boulders, assuming that these objects are
not involved in erosion processes, and that it is the surrounding
terrain that gains height or is eroded.
3.1. Data selection
For the analysis of dust erosion and deposit on the Hapi region
we used 19 OSIRIS NAC images (see Table 1for image IDs)
and the photogrammetric SHAP8 V.2.1 (issued by Gaskell and
Jorda in March 2018) comet shape model, which represents
an advanced model based on a data set of 20679 OSIRIS-
NAC images and 6072 OSIRIS-WAC images acquired between
11 July, 2014, and 30 September, 2016. The shape model can
therefore be considered as a mean model of the surface, in
which the evolution of the surface morphology cannot be appre-
ciated. We divided the data set into two groups. The first set
of 16 NAC images was acquired from 21 August, 2014, to 10
December, 2014, which is before the comet inbound equinox.
The spatial scale ranges from 1.26 to 0.37 m px1. The sec-
ond set of three NAC images was acquired from 19 June, 2016,
to 30 September, 2016 (spatial scale of 0.56, 0.54, and 0.26
m px1, respectively) after the outbound equinox. We developed
Table 2. ID, latitude, and longitude of the analyzed boulders.
ID boulder Latitude Longitude
() ()
1 27.69 18.20
2 30.76 22.61
3 30.25 30.35
4 33.82 31.72
5 33.39 27.18
6 36.58 20.36
7 38.93 22.81
8 40.52 25.49
9 36.86 9.64
10 36.09 7.92
11 39.50 12.15
12 39.71 7.98
13 50.93 354.56
14 55.09 345.15
15 49.93 0.03
16 56.05 2.95
17 59.19 6.85
18 47.03 357.43
19 51.33 0.60
20 47.92 4.99
21 44.89 5.62
22 31.06 25.07
a MATLAB (MATLAB 2010) tool to monitor the time evolu-
tion of boulder heights from 21 August, 2014, up to the end of
the mission. The height is defined as the difference between the
top of the boulders and the surrounding pebble deposit surfaces.
The tool is based on the measurement of the shadow length
projected by the boulder on the surrounding pebbles deposit.
This technique relies on the geometric Spice Kernel data (Acton
1996) and requires high-resolution images (at least 1.30 m px1).
High-resolution NAC images provided global views of the Hapi
region, allowing us to analyze as many boulders as possible.
According to the illumination and visibility conditions, we mea-
sured the height of 22 boulders. The locations of the boulders is
shown in Fig. 1. The figure reports the corresponding ID for each
boulder (see Table 2for the ID of the boulders and their latitudes
and longitudes).
3.2. Surface plane definition and image alignment
To measure the height Hof a boulder, we have to consider the
projection of the OSIRIS NAC image on the 3D shape model
of the comet. To obtain the correct projection, we defined a set
of uniquely identified tie points both on the shape model and
on the images. From the correspondence between these points,
we derived the proper homography transformation for each pro-
jective system. This method allows us to refine the instrument
attitude minimizing the residuals of the 3D points projected on
the images. As a result, we can associate a corresponding 3D
point on the surface photogrammetric model to each pixel of the
images. Once the misalignment between the two is corrected,
and the proper boulder is identified, it is possible to define an
average surface plane Σaround the boulder in which the boul-
der shadow is projected (see Fig. 2). The definition of an average
surface plane is fundamental to avoid the local granularity of
the mesh and to smooth possible surface irregularities, since
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A&A 636, A91 (2020)
Fig. 1. Zoom of the image from 21 August, 2014, (NAC_2014-
08-21T16.42.56.549Z_ID30_1397549300_F22). The figure shows the
corresponding ID for each boulder reported in Table 2.
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the adopted geometry and of the
parameters used for determining the boulder height. Σis the average
surface plane, Πis the plane containing the normal nto Σand the illu-
mination vector, iis the incidence angle, Qrefers to the peak of the
shadow, which is defined by the highest point of the boulder P, and Lis
the length of the shadow. Finally, His the height of the boulder.
the topography of Hapi is nonhomogeneous. The definition of
the average surface is defined by a grid of 3D points around
the contour of the boulder and a suitable interpolation of these
points. The resulting point cloud is then decomposed in eigen-
vectors. The eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue
represents the normal to the surface. Other parameters to be
defined are the incidence angle iof the solar direction with
respect to the normal to the plane Σ, and the length Lof the boul-
der shadow. These three elements completely define the adopted
geometry for determining the boulder height.
3.3. Boulder profile reconstruction and height calculation
As mentioned before, the 3D model cannot be used to directly
measure the height of a given because it does not take into
Fig. 3. Plot a: NAC view of the Hapi region (0.37 m px1); this image
was acquired in 2014. Plot b: close-up of a boulder and of its shadow.
The green line represents the projection of the Sun illumination direc-
tion. Plot c: boulder section (we note the different scales on the plot
axes deforming the boulder shape). The y-axis is oriented as the nor-
mal to the average plane around the peak of the shadow. The x-axis is
obtained by projecting the green line in plot b on this average plane; the
x-axis origin coincides with the peak of the shadow. We note that by
comparing plots b and c, the shadow lengths appear different because
of projection effects.
account variations in the surface morphology. For this reason,
we adopted a technique based on the assumption that the surface
normal to Σis considered to be locally time-invariant and based
on the definition of the illumination vector, which uniquely iden-
tifies the position of the peak of the shadow Q(see Fig. 2) on
the average surface Σ, and therefore on the 3D model. The peak
is defined as the point of the shadow contour with the longest
extension along the illumination direction, and originates from
the highest point of the boulder P. Following this, it is neces-
sary to define a plane Πperpendicular to Σwhich contains the
direction of the illumination direction, and passes through the
point Q. This plane cuts the boulder along the direction of
the solar illumination and passes through its highest point P. The
bi-dimensional boulder profile obtained by sectioning the comet
shape model with the plane Πfinally allows us to determine the
position of the peak P, which is the highest boulder point tangent
to the illumination direction. The length Lof the shadow on the
Σplane can then be defined as the distance between the Qpoint
and the projection of Pon Σ. Finally, the boulder height Hcan
be calculated as follows:
H=L·tan π
where Lis the length of the shadow and iis the incidence angle.
In Fig. 3an example of the height measurement is shown. After
the identification of the proper boulder and definition of the
average surface plane, the Sun illumination direction is calcu-
lated (see the green line in Fig. 3, plot b). After the manual
selection of the peak of the shadow (which corresponds to the
origin of the x-axis in plot c of Fig. 3) and the projection of
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P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Fig. 4. Gravitational slopes of the 67P nucleus surface. The centrifu-
gal force is included. The values are restricted to the 0–60ranges
to emphasize the slopes below the repose angle of loose materials
(Groussin et al. 2015). The green ellipse defines the surface of 0.2 km2
encircling all the boulders considered in this work.
the illumination vector on the average plane, the height of the
boulder is calculated.
3.4. Gravitational slope
To confirm that our measurement has not been performed on
a deposit the thickness of which is altered by local gravita-
tional instability processes, for example landslides and granular
flows, or on a local point of fallout accumulation on the comet
surface, we investigated the surface gravitational slope. The
gravitational slope is defined as the angle between the local
surface normal and the vector opposite to the estimated accel-
eration field (Penasa et al. 2017). As shown in Fig. 4, the whole
Hapi region has gravitational slopes ranging between 0and 20,
lower than the angle of repose of loose granular materials on 67P
of (45 ±5)(Groussin et al. 2015). This is consistent with the
assumption that Hapi deposits are the result of a homogeneous
deposition driven by fallout.
3.5. Method validation
To validate the method, we performed a comparison test.
El-Maarry et al. (2017) measured the height of a boulder located
in the Imhotep region (see Fig. 5for the location of the region
and the considered boulder) finding a value of 3.9 +0.1/0.2 m in
height. We applied our method to the same boulder and we found
4.08 ±0.35 m, which is a value consistent with the determination
of El-Maarry et al. (2017). The two methods being completely
independent, this check confirmed the reliability of our method.
4. Results
According to Eq. (1), we calculated the incidence angle (i) and
the length of the shadow (L) to measure the height of 22 boul-
ders. A summary of the boulder height measurements is reported
in Table A.1. We provide the corresponding universal time coor-
dinated (UTC), the calculated incidence (i) and emission (e)
angles, the measured length of the shadow (L), and the height
(H) of boulders with the associated average error bar (δH). As
shown in Eq. (1), the height calculation does not depend on the
emission angle, which is defined as the angle of camera bore-
sight relative to the surface normal. However, we report both
Fig. 5. OSIRIS-NAC image taken on 25 December, 2016 (NAC_2016-
05-25T15.32.54.769Z_1397549100_F22). The white circle indicates the
analyzed boulder. Bottom right panel: location of the Imhotep region on
the comet nucleus.
the emission and incidence angle values to show the statistical
variability of the images used. To mediate the error bars, we
used OSIRIS NAC high-resolution images with the best visi-
bility conditions to compare as many heights as possible. We
measured 22 boulders, but some measurements have not been
included because of their large uncertainty due to the adverse
illumination or visibility conditions. The reported error bars have
been estimated propagating the individual errors associated to
the selection of the pixel identified as the shadow peak, and the
calculation of the incidence angle. The accuracy of the manual
selection of the pixel depends on the ability of the operator to
select the proper pixel. The accuracy of the incidence angle cal-
culation strongly depends on the definition of the normal to the
Σplane. This is associated to the standard deviation of the dis-
tance between the surface points around the boulder and the Σ
plane. To estimate the accuracy of the Σdefinition, and therefore
the accuracy of the incidence angle calculation, we investigated
the impact of the granularity on the incidence angle. We per-
formed a Monte-Carlo simulation which consists in defining a
set of surfaces with different vertical standard deviations. These
values represent the granularity of the surface. The estimation
of the normal and the calculation of the incidence angle are per-
formed by calculating the previously defined eigenvectors (see
Sect. 3.2). Figure 6shows the results of the Monte-Carlo sim-
ulation. The incidence angle being related to the definition of
the above-mentioned normal, the derived standard deviations for
the measured surfaces range between 0.02 and 0.1 m. As seen in
Fig. 6, in this range the maximum error on the incidence angle
value is lower than 0.5. After measuring the height of each boul-
der, we calculated the corresponding maximum and minimum
values considering the associated errors (see Table A.1). These
values have been obtained as follows:
Hmin/max =[Lδp(POGδl)]tanπ
A91, page 5 of 13
A&A 636, A91 (2020)
Fig. 6. Incidence angle error as a function of the surface standard
deviation, which refers to the surface granularity.
where Lis the calculated length of the shadow, δpis the error
due to the manual selection of the peak of the shadow, the POG is
the pixel on ground (target–spacecraft distance multiplied by the
pitch size and divided by the focal length), δlis an error related
to the uncertainty of the Digital Terrain Model (δl=δh·tan(e),
where δhis the average uncertainty of the location of the DTM
with respect to the zero level of the image, and eis the emission
angle), iis the incidence angle, and the error on the incidence
angle, δi, is estimated to be equal to 0.5(see Fig. 6).
To better analyze the data, the images were divided into
subsets as follows:
Subset 1: 21–22 August, 2014;
Subset 2: 28 August, 2014–1 September, 2014;
Subset 3: 10–22 September, 2014;
Subset 4: 10 December, 2014;
Subset 5: 19 June, 2016;
Subset 6: 30 September, 2016.
This allowed us to identify differences in height (H) between
a generic image and the height measured on 21 August, 2014.
Having used 19 images, per subset there is more than one image
for which the boulder heights can be measured. Therefore, we
calculated the weighted average height of each boulder hHi. The
associated error δ(hHi)is calculated as follows:
where δHis the largest absolute value difference between the
measured height and HMin/Max.
The reported Hvalues are the differences between the
<H>of two subsets, H=<Hi><Hj>. The associated error
is finally calculated as:
In Tables 3and 4, the time evolution of the weighted average
height of each boulder and the time evolution of the boulder
height difference Hare shown. The graphical representation
of these results is shown in Fig. A.1.
The formula we used to calculate the weighted mean
Hweighted of the data sets Hiwith corresponding error bars
δHishown in Table 4is:
Hweighted =Pn
where wi=1/(δHi)2. The standard error of the weighted mean
is given by
δHweighted =
5. Discussion
We present observations by the Rosetta mission of comet 67P
which have allowed us to quantify the seasonal evolution and
deposit and/or accretion in the Hapi region. Figure 7shows the
time evolution of the heights of boulders on the surface of the
comet during the observations. Here the difference Hbetween
the height measurement of a generic image and the height mea-
sured on 21 August, 2014, is shown as a function of time. We find
a systematic increase of Hof about 2 m over 2014 and then a
decrease by a similar amount between the equinoxes followed by
a plateau up to the end of the observations. The assumption here
is that any height variation is not due to boulder intrinsic changes
but to erosion or accretion of the surrounding pebbles and dust
deposits; due to the dominant cross-section of the fallout chunks
(from 80 up to 350 cm2;Fulle et al. 2019), only a minimal frac-
tion of the fallout remains settled on the top of the boulders.
Furthermore, following the method developed by Cambianica
et al. (2019), we analyzed the location and the morphology of
these boulders and outcrops, and no variation in morphology
or position of the boulders was seen during the mission. The
erosion of the southern hemisphere, the subsequent transport of
material, and then its fallout on the nucleus (Fulle et al. 2019;
Keller et al. 2017) are responsible for the time evolution of the
height of the boulders, which is linked to the likely source of
the deposit surrounding them. This mainly happens at the peri-
helion phase (Fulle et al. 2019;Keller et al. 2017), as evidenced
by the similarity between the size distributions of large particles
suspended in the coma (Fulle et al. 2016;Ott et al. 2017) and
the cobbles in Sais and Agilkia regions (Pajola et al. 2017). The
measured decrease of the boulder heights at the perihelion phase
from 2014 to 2016, δH20142016 =1.4 ±0.4 m, is therefore
interpreted as a direct measurement of the fallout thickness. This
value matches the predicted (Fulle et al. 2019) fallout thickness
of 1.8 ±0.7 m, revealing a consistency between the perihelion
erosion and the total loss of nucleus mass per orbit (Pätzold et al.
2018). The height difference between the boulders and the debris
field steadily increases during the inbound orbit, indicating an
ongoing erosion of the deposits in the Hapi region before the
comet reached its spring equinox. As shown in Fig. 7, between
June and September, 2016, Hvariations are lower than their
error bars, consistent with negligible fallout and erosion after
the outbound equinox. This is consistent with the process that
has been suggested to be the main driver of the fallout (Fulle
et al. 2019;Bertini et al. 2018), namely the expelled chunks in
bound orbits are slowed by friction with the coma gas and finally
collapse onto the nucleus. After the outbound equinox, the coma
of 67P is too tenuous to further affect the chunk motion.
5.1. Erosion rate
The negligible erosion of the Hapi region from June to Septem-
ber, 2016, also suggests that Hapi maintains all its ice during
the outbound orbit, up to the next inbound activity (Fulle et al.
2019;Keller et al. 2017). Any possible ice regression without
dust ejection would soon build up an insulating crust of thickness
A91, page 6 of 13
P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Table 3. Time evolution of the weighted average height of each boulder.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Boulder hHi ± δhHi hHi ± δhHi hHi ± δhHi hHi ± δhHi hHi ± δhHi hHi ± δhHi
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 8.4 ±0.5 9.1 ±0.4 9.8 ±0.4 8.2 ±1.5
2 10.5 ±0.5 11.1 ±0.4 11.6 ±0.4 12.1 ±1.5 11.1 ±1.3
3 6 ±0.7 6.7 ±0.3 7.2 ±0.3 7.7 ±1.4 6.3 ±1.3
4 13.2 ±0.3 13.9 ±0.4 14.3 ±0.7 14.8 ±1.5 13.5 ±1.2
5 10.6 ±0.4 11.3 ±0.3 11.8 ±0.6 12.4 ±1.3 11.4 ±1.2
6 27.9 ±0.3 28.6 ±0.2 29.2 ±0.5 27.7 ±0.9
7 15.6 ±0.6 16.2 ±0.4 16.8 ±0.5 17.3 ±1.4 15.9 ±1.3
8 5.8 ±0.2 6.3 ±0.3 6.8 ±0.2 5.8 ±1.7 5.7 ±1.2
9 11.3 ±0.8 11.9 ±0.6
10 4.1 ±0.4 4.7 ±0.7 3.3 ±2.7
11 29.8 ±0.3 30.5 ±0.3 31.1 ±0.8 31.5 ±1.0
12 17.2 ±0.4 18.0 ±0.3 18.5 ±1.0
13 16.9 ±0.4 17.7 ±0.3 18.1 ±1.1 16.9 ±1.0
14 17.5 ±0.5 18.2 ±0.3 18.7 ±1.1 19.2 ±0.9 17.8 ±1.3 17.4 ±1.2
15 21.7 ±0.3 22.3 ±1.0 20.1 ±1.1
16 17.4 ±0.4 18.1 ±0.3 18.6 ±1.0 19.1 ±1.3 17.6 ±0.8 17.7 ±1.1
17 10.5 ±0.7 11.2 ±0.4 11.8 ±1.2 12.3 ±0.9 10.6 ±1.2 10.6 ±1.5
18 4.2 ±0.8 5.1 ±0.4 5.6±1.9 6.1 ±2.1 4.5 ±2.9 4.4 ±1.8
19 10.4 ±0.3 11.1 ±1.5 11.6 ±1.4 9.7 ±1.7 9.7 ±1.7
20 5.4 ±0.7 6.2 ±0.7
21 8.1 ±0.7 8.8 ±0.6 9.6 ±0.8 8 ±1.7
22 3.4 ±0.4 4.1 ±0.5
Notes. Each subset (S) contains the weighted average height (hHi) of each boulder and the associated error (δhHi).
Table 4. Time evolution of the boulder height difference H.
S2–S1 S3–S2 S4–S3 S5–S4 S6–S5
Boulder H±δHH±δHH±δHH±δHH±δH
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 0.7 ±0.6 0.6 ±0.6
2 0.6 ±0.7 0.5 ±0.6 0.5 ±1.5 1.1 ±2.0
3 0.7 ±0.7 0.5 ±0.4 0.5 ±1.5 1.4 ±2.0
4 0.7 ±0.5 0.4 ±0.8 0.5 ±1.6 1.3 ±1.9
5 0.6 ±0.5 0.6 ±0.8 0.5 ±1.4 0.9 ±1.7
6 0.7 ±0.4 0.6 ±0.6
7 0.7 ±0.8 0.5 ±0.7 0.5 ±1.5 1.4 ±1.9
8 0.5 ±0.3 0.5 ±0.4 1.0 ±1.7 0.2 ±2.2
9 0.6 ±1.0
10 0.4 ±0.8
11 0.7 ±0.4 0.6 ±0.8 0.5 ±1.2
12 0.7 ±0.6 0.5 ±1.1
13 0.7 ±0.5 0.5 ±1.2
14 0.8 ±0.5 0.5 ±1.1 0.5 ±1.4 1.4 ±1.6 0.4 ±1.8
15 0.6 ±1.0
16 0.8 ±0.5 0.5 ±1.1 0.5 ±1.7 1.6 ±1.5 0.2 ±1.4
17 0.7 ±0.8 0.6 ±1.3 0.5 ±1.5 1.6 ±1.5 0.1 ±1.9
18 0.9 ±0.9 0.5 ±2.0
19 ±0.6 ±1.5 0.5 ±2.0 1.8 ±1.9 0.2 ±2.1
20 0.8 ±1.0
21 0.7 ±0.9
22 0.6 ±0.6
Weighted average 0.7 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.3 1.3 ±0.6 0.1 ±0.9
Notes. Each time step contains information related to 22 boulders. The height differences for each boulder and the weighted averages with the
associated error bars are reported.
A91, page 7 of 13
A&A 636, A91 (2020)
Fig. 7. Time evolution of the boulder height differences H(as defined in text). Each time step contains information related to 22 boulders
and the values correspond to the weighted average. The y-axis reports the average height measurements referring to the subsets described in
Sect. 4. Subset 1 refers to 21–22 August 2014. According to the illumination and visibility conditions, the time interval between Subset 1 and the
perihelion is about 4 months. The time interval between the perihelion and Subset 6 is about one year. Erosion during the inbound orbit until
December, 2014, nearly balances the fallout from the southern hemisphere during perihelion cometary activity. The dotted red line indicates the
of a few centimetres at most (sufficient to dump any further ice
sublimation), thinner than the chunk size. Knowing the amount
of eroded material (H), we calculated the average erosion rates.
This value can be calculated as follows:
RateErosion =H×A
where Ais the area of the considered elliptical surface encir-
cling all boulders and δtis the time interval under consideration.
The average erosion rate decreases from 0.15 ±0.07 m3s1
in August, 2014, to 0.06 ±0.03 m3/s in September, 2014, and
to 0.012 ±0.010 m3s1in October-December, 2014. Since the
adopted surface of 0.2 km2is only 10%of the surface of the Hapi
region, and there is no reason for the deposits in this latter region
to only be eroded around the boulders, it is reasonable to assume
that these are just lower limit values of the global erosion rates.
5.2. Dust fallout
The illumination and temperature of the Hapi region did not
change significantly from August to October 2014 (Tosi et al.
2019), which is when we measure surface erosion of the order of
metres. Therefore, a certain physical evolution of the terrain must
be assumed to explain this phenomenon, and the most reasonable
mechanism is the fallout self-cleaning (Fulle et al. 2019;Pajola
et al. 2017). Chunks falling onto the nucleus surface are rich in
ice as they have been freshly expelled from the active southern
hemisphere, and, if irradiated, they outgas and self-clean. In the
Hapi region, this outgassing and self-cleaning activity is absent
during the fallout season, when Hapi is in winter time, and is
almost negligible after outbound equinox because Hapi is in a
rather shadowed location. However, outgassing and self-cleaning
become more intense before reaching inbound equinox, which
is exactly when we observe the erosion phenomenon. Subse-
quently, as the comet gets closer to the Sun and Hapi approaches
its winter again, outgassing decreases in the Hapi region, is no
longer able to remove the chunk dehydrated crust, and the ero-
sion rate decreases and the process stops. At the same time, the
activity of the southern hemisphere increases again, as do the
total gas- and dust-loss rates (Fougere et al. 2016), and the cycle
is repeated.
It is also possible to directly estimate the fallout amount on
the comet nucleus associated to the activity of the neck region in
August 2014. In fact, by comparing the erosion rate in the Hapi
region in that month (0.15 ±0.07 m3s1) with the dust volume
loss rate measured in the coma in the same period (0.006 m3s1;
Migliorini et al. 2016), we can see that the former is 25 times
larger than the latter. Since Hapi was contributing for the most
part to the comet outgassing in August 2014, we can see that
the volume loss rate measured in the coma is only 4% of the
total erosion. This implies that the remaining 96%in volume of
material eroded from Hapi is falling again on the comet nucleus
surface. Fulle et al. (2018) estimated that the fallout at perihelion
is about 80%of the total southern eroded volume. The larger
fallout value measured here is probably due to the peculiar struc-
ture of the neck, which is a region surrounded by steep walls:
this makes it more difficult for the particles to escape the comet
because of the high probability of collision with the walls, and
increases the fallout percentage (Shi et al. 2018).
5.3. Water ice fraction in the Hapi region
As mentioned before, the measurement of the deposit erosion
and/or accretion in the Hapi region allows us to investigate the
A91, page 8 of 13
P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
pristine water ice abundance in comet 67P. The power index
of the differential dust size distribution at dust sizes >1 mm
has been calculated to be equal to 4 (Rotundi et al. 2015),
which, compared to that of the fallout from Hapi, constrains
its composition in particles smaller than 1 cm, meaning that its
bulk density is ρb=800+500
100 kg m3measured in sub-millimetre
particles (Fulle et al. 2017).
The bulk density allows us to calculate the dust mass loss
rate Qmin August, 2014, from the considered area A, as follows:
The dust mass loss rate becomes 120+160
60 kg/s. The ratio
between the erosion rate and the corresponding water vapour loss
rate of 1.2 kgs1(Gulkis et al. 2015) provides Hapi’s dust-to-
water mass ratio (Rotundi et al. 2015) at the erosion of 100+140
50 .
Coming from the crust of the chunks in the deposit (Fulle et al.
2019), the dust ejected by Hapi is dry (Fulle et al. 2018). This
is supported by the match between the water loss rates provided
by local (ROSINA) and remote (MIRO) observations (Marshall
et al. 2017) in August, 2014, which are <1% in mass of Hapi’s
measured erosion rate. This fact allows us to infer the ice mass
fraction of the Hapi region from the measured dust-to-water
ratio. The inverse of the dust-to-water ratio provides Hapi’s water
ice fraction of (1.2±0.8)% in mass. The lower limit of the dust-
to-water ratio corresponds to a water ice fraction of 2% in mass.
Since the dust ejected from the surface of the Hapi region was
probably greater than 0.2 km2in total volume, this value can be
considered as an upper limit (a larger area means an increase
of the dust volume). The fallout from Hapi is inert, but Hapi’s
erosion of 1.7±0.2 m during the inbound orbit is statistically
diluted by a factor of about 250 (namely, the total nucleus sur-
face divided by 0.2 km2), providing an average dry fallout of
<1 cm thick over the whole nucleus. This layer is negligibly thin
with respect to the total southern erosion of at least 4 m (Fulle
et al. 2019), with about 97% in volume of the total ejected mate-
rial in chunks of sizes >1 cm according to the perihelion dust
size distribution (Fulle et al. 2016).
6. Conclusions
In this study, we measured the seasonal evolution of the deposit
erosion and/or accretion in the Hapi region of the comet 67P with
a vertical accuracy of 0.2–0.9 m, quantifying the mass transfer
mechanism from the southern to the northern hemisphere of the
comet. To this aim, we developed a tool based on the monitor-
ing of the time evolution of 22 boulders located in the neck of
the comet, a region named Hapi. This region is located in the
northern hemisphere, and represents an ideal region for apply-
ing the method. This region is considered to be the preferred
location for the accumulation of material coming from the south-
ern hemisphere (Keller et al. 2017). We find that erosion during
the inbound orbit until December, 2014, nearly balances the fall-
out from the southern hemisphere during perihelion cometary
activity. A comparison between the eroded material and the dust
volume loss rate measured in the coma provided the amount of
fall back material due to the morphology of the Hapi region. The
fallout represents 96%of the eroded volume and is consistent
with the model (Fulle et al. 2019) linking the metres-thick south-
ern erosion of pristine nucleus material to the northern fallout.
Using Eqs. (2) and (3) in Fulle et al. (2019), it is possible to
estimate the pure ice and pure refractory mass ejection rates
ejected in the chunks. The water ice fraction in Hapi’s deposit
of (1.2 ±0.8)%in mass provides a refractory-to-ice mass ratio
ranging from 6 to 110 in the 4 ×107m3volume of pristine
nucleus material eroded at perihelion, corresponding to a pris-
tine ice mass fraction of (8 ±7)%in mass. The refractory-to-ice
mass ratio of the eroded pristine material can be compared with
the same ratio measured in CI-Chondrites and in the interstel-
lar medium (ISM). This value is in the range of 5%(Mogi et al.
2017) to 20%(Garenne et al. 2014) measured in CI-chondrites
and in the ISM (about 20%). The molecular abundance of water
ice in molecular clouds (Boogert et al. 2015), and likely in the
outer protoplanetary discs, H2O/H 104, and the hydrogen-to-
refractory mass ratio of approximately 100 in the ISM (Spitzer
2008) imply a refractory-to-water mass ratio 104/(18 ×100) 5
in the discs beyond the snow line. The differences we find in
terms of water abundance of the ices incorporated into the comet
67P could be caused by one of two different scenarios. The first
hypothesis is that the water abundance of the ices incorporated
into comet 67P were lower than the ISM value. This is supported
by observations indicating a 104abundance of the water sub-
limated from ices in the hot corinos of Solar-type protostars
(Ceccarelli et al. 2000;Visser et al. 2013). Another hypothe-
sis is that comet 67P lost some water in its formation. These
results imply water-trapping mechanisms that are more efficient
in possible asteroidal chondritic parents than in comets (Lorek
et al. 2016), a negligible water loss by the catastrophic collisions
fragmenting asteroids into chondrites (unless CI-chondrites after
their formation were enriched with water to values higher than
the ISM average), and a relatively uniform radial distribution of
water ice in the protoplanetary disc beyond the snow line, con-
sistent with the idea that significant radial mixing of the disc
explains the minerals found in comets (Fulle et al. 2017;Ogliore
et al. 2009).
Acknowledgements. We thank the anonymous referee for having significantly
improved the manuscript. OSIRIS was built by a consortium of the Max-Planck
Institut für Sonnensystemforschüng, in Güttingen, Germany, CISAS University
of Padova, Italy, the Laboratoire de Astrophysique de Marseille, France, the
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Granada, Spain, the Research and
Scientific Support Department of the European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, the Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial, Madrid, Spain,
the Universidad Politechnica de Madrid, Spain, the Department of Physics
and Astronomy of Uppsala University, Sweden, and the Institut für Daten-
technik und Kommunikationsnetze der Technischen Universitat Braunschweig,
Germany. The support of the national funding agencies of Germany (DLR),
France (CNES), Italy (ASI), Spain (MEC), Sweden (SNSB), and the ESA
Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the ESA teams at
ESAC, ESOC and ESTEC for their work in support of the Rosetta mission. We
made use of Arcgis 10.3.1 software together with the Matlab, Java, and ImageJ
software to perform our analysis. I.T. acknowledges the support from project
GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00003 “Cosmic effects and hazards”.
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1Center of Studies and Activities for Space (CISAS) “G. Colombo”,
University of Padova, Via Venezia 15, 35131 Padova, Italy
2INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Via Tiepolo 11, 38121
Trieste, Italy
3INAF Astronomical observatory of Padova, Vicolo
dell’Osservatorio 5, 35122 Padova, Italy
4Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei”, University
of Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy
5CNR-IFN UOS Padova LUXOR, Via Trasea 7, 35131 Padova, Italy
6Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Via Giovanni
Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova, Italy
7Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei”, University
of Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 3, 35122 Padova, Italy
8Physics Department, Allison Laboratory, Auburn University,
Auburn AL 36849, USA
9University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France
10 LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS,
Univ. Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, UPMC Univ. Paris
06, Sorbonne Universités, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon,
11 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Justusvon-Liebig-
Weg 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
12 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIS), c/Glorieta de la
Astronomia s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
13 Insitut für Geophysik und extraterrestrische Physik, Technische Uni-
versität Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstraße 3, 38106 Braunschweig,
14 Deutches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institüt für
Planetenforschung, Rutherfordstraße 26, 12489 Berlin, Germany
15 Operations Department, European Space Astronomy Center/ESA,
Camino bajo del Castillo s/n, 28692 Villanueva de la Canada
(Madrid), Spain
16 CSFK Konkoly Observatory, H1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege M. ut
15-17, Hungary
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P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Appendix A: Boulder height measurements
Fig. A.1. Time evolution of the boulder height. The histogram shows the average height measurements for each boulder. As shown in the legend,
the results are divided into five time periods to better represent the trend.
Table A.1. Summary of the boulder height measurements.
# Image UTC S i e L H δH
() () (m) (m) (m)
1 21/08/14 16:42:56 1 80.5 55.3 50.0 8.4 0.8
22/08/14 8:42:50 1 44.1 36.2 8.3 8.6 1.9
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 83.9 47.1 86.1 9.1 0.9
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 70.5 31.7 25.7 9.1 0.8
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 72.4 34.3 28.8 9.1 0.8
30/08/14 2:42:53 2 42.4 11.5 8.3 9.1 1.5
30/08/14 3:42:53 2 35.3 10.2 6.8 9.6 1.8
10/09/24 11:54:24 3 50.9 41.7 12.1 9.8 1.1
22/09/14 21:09:48 3 40.3 56.3 8.1 9.5 2.1
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 61.5 26.5 15.1 8.2 0.7
2 22/08/14 8:42:50 1 40.7 26.8 9.0 10.5 1.9
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 70.8 32.2 32.1 11.2 0.8
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 65.9 29.0 24.6 11.1 0.9
01/09/14 16:42:53 2 36.9 26.3 8.3 11.1 1.9
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 45.5 56.3 11.9 11.7 1.8
22/09/14 21:09:48 3 45.0 63.1 11.5 11.5 2.1
10/12/14 6:29:11 4 79.0 14.6 62.3 12.1 0.7
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 59.8 27.5 18.9 11.1 0.8
3 21/08/14 19:42:54 1 46.7 19.1 6.4 6.0 1.5
28/08/14 20:42:53 2 73.8 46.3 22.4 6.5 0.7
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 70.6 33.9 18.5 6.5 0.7
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 76.0 37.1 27.9 6.9 0.7
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 74.7 37.4 23.7 6.5 0.7
30/08/14 2:42:53 2 45.7 33.5 7.2 7.0 1.6
30/08/14 3:42:53 2 30.9 15.9 4.2 7.0 2.2
31/08/14 15:42:53 2 45.1 12.1 7.4 7.4 1.5
01/09/14 16:42:53 2 41.0 20.7 6.5 7.5 1.5
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 40.6 56.1 6.0 7.0 2.0
22/09/14 21:09:48 3 37.4 58.8 5.7 7.5 2.3
Table A.1. continued.
# Image UTC S i e L H δH
() () (m) (m) (m)
10/12/14 6:29:11 4 77.0 14.2 33.3 7.7 0.7
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 57.1 30.1 9.7 6.3 0.8
4 21/08/14 19:42:54 1 24.4 19.6 5.9 13.0 3.6
22/08/14 8:42:50 1 51.3 33.0 16.5 13.2 1.5
28/08/14 20:42:53 2 66.7 43.4 31.8 13.7 1.1
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 77.1 38.4 61.5 14.1 0.9
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 64.1 25.4 29.0 14.1 1.0
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 60.6 23.5 24.1 13.6 1.0
31/08/14 15:42:53 2 43.4 10.3 13.3 14.1 1.7
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 47.4 51.0 15.6 14.3 1.5
10/12/14 6:29:11 4 75.5 15.6 57.4 14.8 0.7
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 60.1 28.6 23.4 13.5 0.8
5 21/08/14 19:42:54 1 43.9 25.3 10.1 10.5 1.8
22/08/14 8:42:50 1 45.7 30.7 11.0 10.8 1.7
28/08/14 20:42:53 2 68.4 45.8 28.8 11.4 1.0
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 69.5 31.3 29.7 11.1 0.8
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 67.2 28.5 26.6 11.2 0.9
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 76.4 38.4 45.6 11.0 0.8
30/08/14 2:42:53 2 44.6 21.2 11.3 11.4 1.5
31/08/14 15:42:53 2 42.6 10.8 10.8 11.8 1.7
01/09/14 16:42:53 2 43.0 33.6 11.1 11.9 1.7
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 44.1 52.8 11.5 11.9 1.7
Notes. For each boulder (#), the date of the image from which the height
is calculated, the corresponding UTC as reported in the file name (this
time not corrected for S/C drift and leap seconds), the corresponding
subset (S), the incidence angle (i), the emission angle (e), the measured
length of the shadow (L), and the measured height of the boulder (H)
with the associated average error bar (δH).
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A&A 636, A91 (2020)
Table A.1. continued.
# Image UTC S i e L H δH
() () (m) (m) (m)
10/12/14 6:29:11 3 81.1 14.3 78.6 12.4 0.8
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 57.0 30.1 17.6 11.4 0.8
6 21/08/14 16:42:56 1 65.6 49.2 62.0 28.1 1.6
21/08/14 19:42:54 1 55.2 30.3 40.0 27.8 1.7
22/08/14 8:42:50 1 49.3 37.5 32.5 28.0 2.0
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 59.5 22.4 48.8 28.7 1.3
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 68.6 30.0 73.2 28.7 1.3
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 66.5 27.3 65.8 28.7 1.3
30/08/14 2:42:53 2 48.9 11.2 32.6 28.4 1.5
30/08/14 3:42:53 2 39.4 15.5 23.4 28.4 2.0
31/08/14 15:42:53 2 49.6 4.9 33.4 28.4 1.6
01/09/14 16:42:53 2 48.5 37.7 32.8 29.0 1.8
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 58.4 41.4 48.3 29.7 1.3
22/09/14 21:09:48 3 55.4 53.7 41.3 28.5 1.6
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 62.3 26.8 52.8 27.7 1.1
7 21/08/14 19:42:54 1 49.4 26.7 18.2 15.6 1.7
29/08/14 20:42:53 2 77.1 39.4 71.7 16.4 1.0
29/08/14 21:42:53 2 69.8 30.9 43.8 16.1 1.0
29/08/14 23:12:53 2 40.0 18.6 13.5 16.1 1.8
10/09/14 11:54:24 3 44.9 45.7 16.9 17.0 1.6
22/09/14 21:09:48 3 48.1 46.5 18.5 16.6 1.4
10/12/14 6:29:11 4 68.9 22.9 44.9 17.3 0.7
19/06/16 11:09:40 5 66.5 25.1 36.6 15.9 0.8
8 29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 75.5 37.0 21.7 5.6 0.6
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 59.9 20.9 10.3 6.0 0.9
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 49.8 23.4 6.9 5.8 1.2
10/9/2014 11:54:24 3 49.6 40.2 7.8 6.6 1.1
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 52.7 34.4 8.0 6.1 0.9
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 61.0 32.7 12.3 6.8 0.6
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 62.8 25.7 11.3 5.8 0.6
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 86.0 62.2 83.0 5.8 0.8
9 29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 65.8 28.6 24.9 11.2 0.9
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 72.2 32.8 35.6 11.4 0.8
10/9/2014 11:54:24 3 50.0 47.2 14.3 12.0 1.3
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 57.6 57.3 18.7 11.9 1.3
10 29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 54.4 43.9 6.1 4.4 1.3
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 62.9 28.6 7.7 3.9 0.8
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 67.7 30.2 9.6 3.9 0.7
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 53.0 24.7 5.9 4.5 1.1
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 49.0 22.0 4.5 3.9 1.2
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 56.6 5.6 6.5 4.3 0.9
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 53.8 39.6 6.0 4.4 1.2
10/9/2014 11:54:24 3 60.1 45.4 8.4 4.8 0.8
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 51.9 51.8 5.8 4.5 1.2
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 74.6 29.3 12.0 3.3 0.4
11 21/08/2014 19:42:54 1 62.7 42.2 57.1 29.5 1.6
21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 56.6 34.6 45.3 29.8 1.7
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 59.4 51.0 50.7 30.0 1.8
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 58.4 34.7 49.1 30.2 1.5
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 50.5 12.0 37.8 31.2 1.5
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 61.2 23.2 55.6 30.6 1.4
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 60.2 21.3 53.2 30.5 1.4
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 59.4 18.2 50.6 30.0 1.5
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 57.5 49.6 47.9 30.5 1.7
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 59.2 43.5 52.1 31.0 1.3
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 65.5 26.1 69.2 31.5 1.1
Table A.1. continued.
# Image UTC S i e L H δH
() () (m) (m) (m)
12 21/08/2014 19:42:54 1 66.7 47.4 40.1 17.2 1.3
21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 62.0 37.0 32.0 17.0 1.3
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 66.0 54.9 39.1 17.4 1.4
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 60.9 39.4 32.4 18.0 1.2
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 62.9 26.3 34.9 17.8 1.1
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 61.1 22.7 32.2 17.7 1.1
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 55.3 24.2 26.1 18.1 1.3
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 60.6 20.0 32.2 18.1 1.2
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 59.8 50.4 31.1 18.1 1.4
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 62.4 41.6 35.4 18.5 1.0
13 21/08/2014 16:42:56 1 71.9 54.2 52.0 17.0 1.2
21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 64.1 42.0 35.0 17.0 1.3
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 66.7 57.8 39.0 16.8 1.4
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 65.6 34.5 37.6 17.0 1.1
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 35.2 13.0 12.1 17.1 2.0
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 66.6 13.0 39.9 17.2 1.1
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 66.4 26.7 41.3 18.1 1.0
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 60.0 24.1 31.5 18.2 1.2
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 67.3 25.4 43.1 18.0 1.1
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 64.9 55.8 37.7 17.6 1.3
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 67.1 38.1 42.9 18.1 0.9
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 79.3 30.4 90.0 17.0 1.0
14 21/08/2014 19:42:54 1 69.8 51.9 47.5 17.5 1.3
21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 65.2 41.3 37.9 17.5 1.3
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 76.9 68.0 74.5 17.4 1.4
28/08/2014 20:42:53 2 45.7 19.3 18.5 18.1 1.5
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 66.6 41.8 40.8 17.6 1.1
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 35.3 7.8 12.8 18.1 1.9
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 42.2 15.0 16.4 18.1 1.6
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 62.2 13.6 34.5 18.2 1.1
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 67.4 28.2 43.8 18.2 1.0
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 64.7 28.3 38.8 18.3 1.1
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 69.9 26.8 50.6 18.5 1.1
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 67.9 56.7 46.7 19.0 1.3
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 71.2 38.7 55.1 18.7 0.9
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 53.1 39.9 25.6 19.2 1.1
19/06/2016 15:30:03 5 69.3 16.6 47.2 17.8 0.8
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 65.4 42.9 38.1 17.4 0.8
15 29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 54.9 34.5 31.3 22.0 1.4
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 64.9 32.4 59.1 21.6 1.1
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 62.0 25.7 41.4 22.1 1.2
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 56.3 21.1 32.1 21.4 1.3
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 65.6 19.8 47.2 21.4 1.2
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 64.8 54.0 46.8 22.0 1.4
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 71.8 43.6 67.7 22.3 1.0
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 69.8 44.3 42.6 20.0 0.9
16 21/08/2014 19:42:54 1 58.4 44.0 28.3 17.4 1.5
21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 52.7 37.5 22.8 17.3 1.7
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 71.3 65.9 51.0 17.3 1.4
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 55.1 28.3 25.3 17.6 1.3
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 50.4 13.2 21.8 18.0 1.3
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 55.5 19.3 26.3 18.1 1.2
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 53.4 14.9 23.9 17.7 1.2
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 57.7 16.8 29.1 18.4 1.2
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 52.7 11.5 24 18.3 1.2
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 59.4 25.4 31.1 18.4 1.3
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 57.7 53.1 28.8 18.2 1.6
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 60.3 35.2 32.6 18.6 1.0
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P. Cambianica et al.: Time evolution of dust in the Hapi region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Table A.1. continued.
# Image UTC S i e L H δH
() () (m) (m) (m)
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 68.2 24.8 47.8 19.1 0.8
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 79.4 20.9 93.0 17.4 1.0
19/06/2016 15:30:03 5 73.4 13.1 59.2 17.6 0.8
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 70.3 50.0 49.3 17.7 0.9
17 21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 57.1 38.8 16.2 10.5 1.4
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 41.4 2.7 10.0 11.3 1.4
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 47.1 8.6 11.9 11.1 1.2
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 64.2 23.4 23.0 11.1 0.9
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 56.2 16.4 16.8 11.2 1.1
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 56.7 21.6 17.3 11.4 1.2
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 64.0 40.3 24.2 11.8 0.8
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 49.9 43.1 14.6 12.3 1.1
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 78.0 23.1 51.0 10.8 0.7
19/06/2016 15:30:03 5 70.8 15.5 29.7 10.4 0.6
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 62.0 40.0 19.9 10.6 0.7
18 21/08/2014 19:42:54 1 75.7 50.6 14.3 3.6 0.7
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 67.8 55.0 13.5 5.5 1.0
29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 63.0 37.5 11.4 5.8 0.9
29/08/2014 20:42:53 2 45.8 8.2 5.3 5.2 1.2
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 61.0 27.6 10.5 5.8 0.9
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 72.8 35.4 13.1 4.1 0.6
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 66.9 27.9 10.2 4.3 0.7
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 67.7 29.5 12.5 5.1 0.7
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 71.9 24.6 19.1 6.2 0.7
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 68.0 54.3 12.9 5.2 0.9
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 75.7 44.9 22.1 5.6 0.5
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 65.3 27.8 13.3 6.2 0.5
19/06/2016 15:30:03 5 74.3 12.7 16.0 4.5 0.4
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 68.5 50.4 11.2 4.4 0.6
19 29/08/2014 14:42:55 2 57.0 28.7 17.0 11.1 1.1
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 53.8 14.7 14.5 10.6 1.1
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 60.5 24.6 18.0 10.2 1.0
30/08/2014 3:42:53 2 65.0 24.1 21.8 10.2 0.9
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 63.6 36.2 21.1 10.5 1.1
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 67.3 30.8 26.4 11.1 0.7
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 59.4 32.7 19.6 11.6 0.7
19/06/2016 11:09:40 5 78.9 19.3 51.0 10.0 0.6
19/06/2016 15:30:03 5 75.5 17.6 36.3 9.4 0.5
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 70.3 40.7 27.5 9.9 0.6
20 21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 60.6 29.6 9.3 5.2 1.0
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 66.6 48.3 12.8 5.5 1.0
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 73.5 35.2 20.6 6.1 0.6
31/08/2014 15:42:53 2 60.5 15.4 11.5 6.5 0.9
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 65.4 48.0 13.1 6.0 0.9
21 21/08/2014 20:42:54 1 68.1 38.7 20.2 8.1 0.9
22/08/2014 8:42:50 1 65.9 47.0 18.1 8.1 1.0
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 54.6 16.4 12.2 8.7 1.0
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 54.6 41.9 12.6 8.9 1.3
10/12/2014 6:29:11 4 46.2 45.8 10.0 9.6 1.2
30/09/2016 3:37:09 6 76.7 52.4 33.7 8.0 0.6
22 28/08/2014 20:42:53 2 72.9 45.7 11.4 3.5 0.6
29/08/2014 21:42:53 2 73.1 34.8 11.2 3.4 0.6
29/08/2014 23:12:53 2 74.6 36.6 12.2 3.4 0.5
30/08/2014 2:42:53 2 44.0 25.7 3.3 3.4 1.5
1/9/2014 16:42:53 2 37.1 31.6 3.0 4.0 1.9
10/9/2014 11:54:24 3 45.0 51.9 4.0 4.0 1.5
22/09/2014 21:09:48 3 51.3 57.3 5.1 4.1 1.4
A91, page 13 of 13
... We thus look for morphological changes in the region comparing pre-and post-perihelion images. We found that, conversely to other highly active southern hemisphere regions like Anhur and Khonsu, Wosret has experienced minor morphological changes: a cluster of bright outcrops at longitude -16.8 • and latitude -15.15 • (feature A in Fig. 3.8), a cavity at longitude -24.1 • and To estimate the dimension of these features and their evolution over time, we applied a method develop on the shadow length by Arthur (1974); Chappelow and Sharpton (2002) and already successfully applied previously on comet 67P in Hapi and Anubis Cambianica et al., 2020), Khonsu , and Anhur regions (Fornasier et al., 2019a): ...
... In fact, about half (245 out of 499) of the bright spots have a surface < 2 m 2 , 178 < 1 m 2 , and about 120 < 0.5 m 2 , and most of them have neutral to moderate, or even negative, spectral slope values. This analysis support the findings of Ciarniello et al. (2022) and Fulle et al. (2020) who deduced that the bright spots on comets are exposure of the primordial water-ice-enriched blocks (WEB) forming, together with the refractory matrix, cometary nuclei, and whose dominant size is of the order of 0.5-1 m. WEBs should be formed of water ice rich pebbles mixed with drier material, and exposed to the nucleus surface when the cometary activity erodes the dust mantle. ...
... Our extensive study of exposed bright ice-rich spots on comet 67P shows that ice only accounts for a tiny fraction of the top layer of the dark, refractory surface and finds that bright spots, activity and morphological changes are correlated. Our findings also support the conclusion of Ciarniello et al. 2022;Fulle et al. 2020 that bright spots are exposed primordial water-ice-enriched blocks, which formed as a mixture of ice rich pebbles and drier materials and exposed due to comet activity. Moreover, our catalog of bright spots contain a number of spectrally blue spots whose high reflectance factor mostly matched pure water ice samples, which indicates that these spots formed by water recondensation into frost instead of outcrops of underlying dirty ice. ...
Full-text available
Small bodies - comets, asteroids, TNOs are relics of the planetesimals that formed during the early stages of the Solar System and thus, studying these objects is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of the Solar System. We are currently living in the golden age for the exploration of small bodies that includes many recent and ongoing space missions, of which the Rosetta mission has conducted the most detailed study of a comet so far and gathered an enormous amount of data on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, some of which deserve a closer investigation.My thesis applies a multidisciplinary approach to the investigation of the primitive surface of comet 67P/CG, com-bining analysis of observational data and laboratory experiments. During the first half of my thesis, I studied the morphology, spectrophotometry and activity of comet 67P through the analysis of over one thousand Rosetta/OSIRIS images taken between 2014 and 2016, some of which are high resolution images that had not yet been published in literature. On the other hand, the second half of the thesis was dedicated to producing and measuring the spectra of different types of analogs of icy cometary surfaces. Our research focused on a number of regions of interest on the surface: the Wosret region on the small lobe of the comet, including the two final landing sites of the Philae lander; and the bright spots enriched in water ice exposed to the comet surface.Our study of the Wosret region indicates that the surface layer of the small lobe of comet 67P may consist of more consolidated materials and have lower volatile content than the big lobe, which supports the hypothesis that comet 67P is the result of a merge between two independently formed bodies. We also confirmed that water ice had been exposed at Philae’s second touchdown point in Wosret, implying that comet 67P’s surface is made of low strength materials that covers highly ice-rich subsurface layers, which helps provide constraints for future space missions to comets. In addition to the ice exposed due to Philae, we also identified approximately 700 bright ice-rich spots that were seen from 2014 to 2016, some of which are correlated with cometary activity and surface changes. About 1/10 of the spots have unusually blue spectral slope compared to most other spots, whose high reflectance factor mostly matched pure water ice/frost samples, indicating that these “blue” spots formed by water recondensation into frost instead of outcrops of underlying dirty ice. On the other hand, measurements of other types of icy surface analog show that the reflectance of a mixture between a dark component and a bright component is controlled by three parameters: volume fraction of the dark particles, grain size of the dark and bright particles, therefore determining the composition of a “dirty” icy surface is a complicated process that requires constraining the grain size.6
... These two fundamental paradoxes were ignored until today by models of comets enveloped in crusts/mantles, so that the fact they confirm that the nucleus mass is dominated by ices has little physical basis and is in practice a repetition of their main assumption [14,15]. In particular, crust/mantle models [14] cannot explain the measured erosion in Hapi's smooth plains of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P hereafter) [16]; coma models based on a size and time-independent power law of the dust size distribution [15] are inconsistent with the measured 67P dust size distribution [10,[17][18][19] and strongly underestimate the 67P dust fallout [20,21] which necessarily implies a low water mass fraction in 67P nucleus [20,22]. Moreover, these models [14,23,24] were unable to fit the steep water loss rate versus the heliocentric distance observed by the ESA Rosetta mission at 67P [25,26], unless a time and space-dependent crust thickness is assumed [27], making the crust models dependent on thousands of free parameters, i.e., unable to predict anything. ...
... The condition D < E provides an upper limit of δ w , which is δ w < 5 at 67P perihelion, and δ w < 10 4 at r h ≥ 3 au, Equations (6) and (7). Equation (7) predicts the erosion rate actually measured in 67P's Hapi smooth plains at r h ≈ 3 au [16], and implies a dust ejection rate much larger than measured by Rosetta's GIADA experiment [19] because most ejected dust falls back on the nucleus due to the low gas density in 67P coma [20,32]. ...
... A significant self-heating in the northern 67P hemisphere in polar summer [24] may explain the 67P water-driven activity onset at r h ≈ 4.1 au [18], but cannot increase much the water loss rate. The measured Hapi's color [21] and the erosion E H measured in Hapi's A H ≈ 0.2 km 2 [16] provide anyway a direct explanation of the high water loss rates in 2014. In fact, water-distributed sources release the water loss rate Q s = A H ρ d E H /(δ d + 1) [20], where δ d ≈ 100 is the refractory-to-ice mass ratio of Hapi's dust (previous section). ...
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Recent data of molecular clouds and protoplanetary disks constrain the composition and structure of the disk and planetesimals. Laboratory experiments suggest that dust accretion in disks stops at pebble sizes. Sublimation and recondensation of water ice at the disk water-snow line suggest that pebbles split into water-rich and water-poor ones. The same conclusion has been recently reached by models of cometary activity consistent with the structure of porous Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) and of porous dust collected by the Stardust and Rosetta missions. The observation of crystalline water ice in protoplanetary disks by the Herschel satellite, the erosion of comets, and the seasonal evolution of the nucleus color require that the two pebble families have a water-ice mass fraction close to 33% and 2%, respectively. Here, we show that the diversity of comets is thus due to random mixtures with different area fractions Ap and Ar of water-poor and water-rich pebbles, predicting most of the data observed in comets: why the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in cometary water correlates to the ratio Ap/Ar, which pebbles dominate the activity of Dynamically New Comets (DNCs), what is the origin of cometary outbursts, why comets cannot be collisional products, and why the brightness evolution of DNCs during their first approach to the Sun is actually unpredictable.
... To date, only a few studies have attempted to quantify sediment transport rates on 67P (X. Hu et al., 2017;P. Cambianica et al., 2020P. Cambianica et al., , 2021. Similar to previous studies, our work targets the smooth terrains of 67PS, which include the smooth plains, pitted plains, and cauliflower plain morphologies defined by Birch et al. (2017). The smooth terrains also host the most rapid changes on 67P that Rosetta observed Birch et al., 2019;El-Maarry et al., ...
... Previous research has investigated the topographic evolution of smooth terrains by measuring the shadow lengths for large, stationary boulders within these terrains (P. Cambianica et al., 2020Cambianica et al., , 2021; however, this technique only provides a height estimate in the immediate vicinity of the boulders. Our results are consistent to within error with the shadow length estimates of Cambianica et al. (2021) over the specific boulders of interest (highlighted in Figure S1 in Supporting Information S1) within region R8. ...
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Plain Language Summary Comets are composed of some of the most primitive materials in the solar system, having spent most of their lifetimes in the far reaches of the outer solar system, shielded from the Sun's radiation. Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) are a class of comets that get pulled into the inner solar system due to Jupiter's gravity. While JFCs still preserve abundant primordial materials, their new orbits expose them to significantly higher solar insolation, resulting in sublimation‐driven surface activity. The processes driving this activity, however, need to be better constrained. Observations of comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko's (a JFC) surface indicate that particles are ejected from its southern hemisphere through sublimation, and a significant fraction eventually descends as “airfall,” covering its northern terrains. To investigate this south‐to‐north material transfer during the comet's perihelion passage, we measured material redistribution within its largest “airfall” deposit. However, our findings do not align with this expected trend. Instead, we show that local‐scale processes substantially impact the erosion and accumulation of material, with one area experiencing net erosion while another nearby region, just a few meters away, sees sediment buildup. Our analysis highlights the complex interplay of processes shaping Comet 67P's surface and likely comets more generally.
... We now discuss various aspects of this scenario in the light of other investigations in the literature. Cambianica et al. ( 2020 ) attempted to determine the thickness of the material deposited in Hapi during one perihelion passage by measuring the length of shadows cast by boulders. Their average for 10 boulders suggests the addition of a 1 . ...
... 4 -m thick layer, but unfortunately the error bars for all individual boulders are as large or larger than the reported deposition thickness. We therefore consider our proposed deposition ( ∼ 0 . 1 m) consistent with the measurements of Cambianica et al. ( 2020 ). ...
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Between 2014 December 31 and 2015 March 17, the OSIRIS cameras on Rosetta documented the growth of a 140 m wide and 0.5 m deep depression in the Hapi region on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. This shallow pit is one of several that later formed elsewhere on the comet, all in smooth terrain that primarily is the result of airfall of coma particles. We have compiled observations of this region in Hapi by the microwave instrument MIRO on Rosetta, acquired during October and November 2014. We use thermophysical and radiative transfer models in order to reproduce the MIRO observations. This allows us to place constraints on the thermal inertia, diffusivity, chemical composition, stratification, extinction coefficients, and scattering properties of the surface material, and how they evolved during the months prior to pit formation. The results are placed in context through long–term comet nucleus evolution modelling. We propose that: 1) MIRO observes signatures that are consistent with a solid–state greenhouse effect in airfall material; 2) CO2 ice is sufficiently close to the surface to have a measurable effect on MIRO antenna temperatures, and likely is responsible for the pit formation in Hapi observed by OSIRIS; 3) the pressure at the CO2 sublimation front is sufficiently strong to expel dust and water ice outwards, and to compress comet material inwards, thereby causing the near–surface compaction observed by CONSERT, SESAME, and groundbased radar, manifested as the ‘consolidated terrain’ texture observed by OSIRIS.
... This process was already observed in earlier experiments (e.g., Grün et al., 1993;Kührt and Keller, 1994;Lämmerzahl et al., 1995) and could be a source of dust that covers substantial parts of the surface of 67P (Lai et al., 2016;Thomas et al., 2015a). It must be noted that significant amounts of dust are redeposited on 67P and substantial dust blankets do not have to have formed in situ on the comet's surface (Cambianica et al., 2020;El-Maarry et al., 2016;Kramer and Noack, 2015;Lai et al., 2017). ...
Despite a wealth of information from observations and experiments, the chemical and physical properties of cometary nuclei are not yet fully understood. The work presented here is intended to contribute to a better understanding of the processes on the surface of cometary nuclei by means of experiments in the laboratory. Special attention is given to the influence of sublimating volatiles in variable amounts. For this purpose, a number of consecutive laboratory experiments were performed with the aim to reproduce morphological features as observed on the surface of comets. The obtained results were used to draw conclusions about how representative the different material combinations in the laboratory are with respect to chemical and physical characteristics of a comet. This work combines three experimental studies, each published in peer-reviewed journals. The first series of experiments tested which mixtures of mineralic and volatile components were suitable as analogs in the laboratory. SiO2 dust, fly ash and water ice were tested. Of particular interest were the tensile strength and the cohesion of mixtures of these materials as functions of grain shape, mixing ratio, and at temperatures below 150 K. For this purpose, cylindrical samples of various mixtures of these components were prepared and their average tensile strength was determined by using the Brazilian disk test method. It was found that the tensile strength of two-component mixtures is dominated by that component with the higher tensile strength. The experiments also showed that it is possible to prepare cometary analogues of spherical fly ash and ice particles with an average tensile strength of a few hundred pascals. For the second study, the previously characterized fly ash-ice mixtures were placed in a vacuum sublimation chamber and insolated with a light source for several hours. Different morphologies evolved and were depended on the insolation flux, insolation angle, and sample composition. Large amounts of ice caused rapid sublimation of the samples and the development of exotic morphologies. With decreasing ice content, the occurrence of episodic collapse events or outbursts increased, resulting in a rough surface texture of the samples. In addition, a dust layer formed on the surface that reduced or prevented further sublimation processes. The third study extended the experiments of the second study by enriching the water ice particles with organic components. The amino acid glycine and the organic salt sodium acetate were used. Both are components that have been detected on comets and represented cometary organic components in the laboratory. The experiments showed that organic components have a distinct adhesive effect on the samples when the ice sublimates. Dominant morphological alterations of the samples surfaces are no longer due to collapse events or outbursts, but by a loss of volume of the ice-depleted remains and due to the formation of shrinkage fractures on the sample surface. The morphologies produced in the experiment indicate that an ice content of >25 mass% (>40 vol%) is likely at the surface and near-surface layers of a comet. The amount of only a few percent of organic material is sufficient to adhesively solidify the ice-depleted comet surface and cause the formation of fracture patterns.
... Protoplanetary disk observations 29 suggest the presence of clouds of ice-rich dust segregated from ice-poor grains. Crystalline water ice detected in protoplanetary disks 30 is consistent with water-ice recondensation 31 possibly forming pebbles enriched in water ice with respect to the average in molecular clouds 32 , that is, stickier than water-ice-poor pebbles. These facts, coupled with the complex evolution of the protoplanetary disk 33 , may favour the formation of WEBs during the gravitational collapse triggered by streaming instabilities that formed comets and planets 10 . ...
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Comets evolve due to sublimation of ices embedded inside porous dust, triggering dust emission (that is, erosion) followed by mass loss, mass redistribution and surface modifications. Surface changes were revealed by the Deep Impact and Stardust NExT missions for comet 9P/Tempel 1 (ref. 1), and a full inventory of the processes modifying cometary nuclei was provided by Rosetta while it escorted comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko for approximately two years2–4. Such observations also showed puzzling water-ice-rich spots that stood out as patches optically brighter and spectrally bluer than the average cometary surface5–9. These are up to tens of metres large and indicate macroscopic compositional dishomogeneities apparently in contrast with the structural homogeneity above centimetre scales of pebble-made nuclei10. Here we show that the occurrence of blue patches determines the seasonal variability of the nucleus colour4,11,12 and gives insight into the internal structure of comets. We define a new model that links the centimetre-sized pebbles composing the nucleus10 and driving cometary activity13,14 to metre-sized water-ice-enriched blocks embedded in a drier matrix. The emergence of blue patches is due to the matrix erosion driven by CO2-ice sublimation that exposes the water-ice-enriched blocks, which in turn are eroded by water-ice sublimation when exposed to sunlight. Our model explains the observed seasonal evolution of the nucleus and reconciles the available data at micro (sub-centimetre) and macro (metre) scales. The seasonal colour variations of comet 67P’s nucleus observed in the visible wavelengths by the VIRTIS mapping spectrometer throughout the whole Rosetta mission are driven by the evolution of metre-scale water-enriched blocks homogeneously distributed across the nucleus, periodically exposed to sunlight by CO2 sublimation.
The Rosetta mission escorted comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for approximately two years including the perihelion passage (1.24 au, August 2015), allowing us to monitor the seasonal evolution of the water and carbon dioxide loss rates. Here, we model 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko water and carbon dioxide production as measured by the Rosina experiment during the entire escort phase by applying the Water-ice-Enriched Block (WEB) model, namely a structural and activity model for a nucleus made of pebbles. Furthermore, we compare the surface temperature distribution inferred by VIRTIS-M observations in August 2014 (≈3.5 au inbound, northern summer) with the expected temperatures from our simulations in the nucleus’ northern hemisphere, investigating the relevance of self-illumination effects in the comet ‘neck’ and assessing the active area extent during the northern summer. Our simulations imply that: 1) water production at perihelion is mostly from the dehydration of water-poor pebbles, continuously exposed by CO2-driven erosion; 2) at large heliocentric distances outbound the water loss rate is dominated by the self-cleaning of fallout deposits; 3) the outbound steep decrease of the water production curve with heliocentric distance results from the progressive reduction of the nucleus water-active area, as predicted by the proposed model; 4) in August 2014 the water production is dominated by distributed sources, originating in the active ‘neck’; 5) distributed sources originating in water-ice-rich exposures dominate the water production approximately up to the inbound equinox; 6) the time evolution of the CO2 loss rate during the Rosetta escort phase is consistent with the WEB model.
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Aims . We present the most extensive catalog of exposures of volatiles on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus generated from observations acquired with the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) on board the Rosetta mission. We investigate the volatile exposure distribution across the nucleus, their size distribution, and their spectral slope evolution. Methods . We analyzed medium- and high-resolution images acquired with the Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of OSIRIS at several wavelengths in the 250–1000 nm range, investigating images from 109 different color sequences taken between August 2014 and September 2016, and covering spatial resolution from a few m px ⁻¹ to 0.1 m px ⁻¹ . To identify the icy bright spots, we adopted the following criteria: (i) they should be at least 50% brighter than the comet dark terrain; (ii) they should have neutral to moderate spectral slope values in the visible range (535–882 nm); (iii) they should be larger than 3 pixels. Results . We identified more than 600 volatile exposures on the comet, and we analyzed them in a homogeneous way. Bright spots are found isolated on the nucleus or grouped in clusters, usually at the bottom of cliffs, and most of them are small, typically a few square meters or smaller. The isolated ones are observed in different types of morphological terrains, including smooth surfaces, on top of boulders, or close to irregular structures. Several of them are clearly correlated with the cometary activity, being the sources of jets or appearing after an activity event. We note a number of peculiar exposures of volatiles with negative spectral slope values in the high-resolution post-perihelion images, which we interpret as the presence of large ice grains (> 1000 µm) or local frosts condensation. We observe a clear difference both in the spectral slope and in the area distributions of the bright spots pre- and post-perihelion, with these last having lower average spectral slope values and a smaller size, with a median surface of 0.7 m ² , even if the size difference is mainly due to the higher resolution achieved post-perihelion. The minimum duration of the bright spots shows three clusters: an area-independent cluster dominated by short-lifetime frosts; an area-independent cluster with lifetime of 0.5–2 days, probably associated with the seasonal fallout of dehydrated chunks; and an area-dependent cluster with lifetime longer than 2 days consistent with water-driven erosion of the nucleus. Conclusions . Even if numerous bright spots are detected, the total surface of exposed water ice is less than 50 000 m ² , which is 0.1% of the total 67P nucleus surface. This confirms that the surface of comet 67P is dominated by refractory dark terrains, while exposed ice occupies only a tiny fraction. High spatial resolution is mandatory to identify ice on cometary nuclei surfaces. Moreover, the abundance of volatile exposures is six times less in the small lobe than in the big lobe, adding additional evidence to the hypothesis that comet 67P is composed of two distinct bodies. The fact that the majority of the bright spots identified have a surface lower than 1 m ² supports a model in which water ice enriched blocks (WEBs) of 0.5–1 m size should be homogeneously distributed in the cometary nucleus embedded in a refractory matrix.
We show that if comets (or any small icy planetesimals such as Kuiper belt objects) are composed of pebble piles, their internal radiogenic as well as geochemical heating results in considerably different evolutionary outcomes compared to similar past studies. We utilize a 1D thermo-physical evolution code, modified to include state-of-the-art empirical measurements of pebble thermal conductivity and compression, the latter obtained through a new laboratory experiment presented here for the first time. Results indicate that due to the low pebble thermal conductivity, the peak temperatures attained during evolution are much higher than in any previous study given the same formation time. Assuming meteoritic radiogenic abundances, we find that only extremely small, sub-kilometre comets have the potential to retain the primordial, uniform and thermally unprocessed composition from which they formed. Comets with radii in excess of about 20 km are typically swept by rapid and energetically powerful aqueous hydration reactions. Across the full range of comet sizes and formation times, evolutions result in the processing and differentiation of various volatile species, and a radially heterogeneous nucleus stucture. Our computations however also indicate that the assumed fraction of radionuclides is a pivotal free parameter, because isotopic analyses of the only available cometary samples suggest that no 26Al was ever present in comet 81P/Wild 2. We show that if comets formed early in the protoplanetary disc (within 1-3 Myr), the radionuclide abundances indeed must be much smaller than those typically assumed based on meteoritic samples. We discuss the importance of our findings for the formation, present-day attributes and future research of comets.
Modeling the interior of a planet is difficult because the small number of measured parameters is insufficient to constrain the many variables involved in describing the interior structure and composition. One solution is to invoke additional constraints based on arguments about how the planet formed. However, a planet’s actual structure and composition may hold clues to its formation which would be lost if this structure were not allowed by the initial assumptions. It is therefore interesting to explore the space of allowable compositions and structures in order to better understand which cosmogonic constraints are absolutely necessary. To this end, we describe a code for generating random, monotonic, density distributions, ρ(r), that fit a given mass, radius, and moment of inertia. Integrating the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium gives the pressure, P(r), at each point in the body. We then provide three algorithms for generating a monotonic temperature distribution, T(r), and an associated composition that is consistent with the ρ−P relation, and realistic equations of state. We apply this code to Uranus as a proof of concept, and show that the ratio of rock to water cannot be much larger than 2.
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Aims. We provide a detailed quantitative analysis of isolated boulder fields situated in three different regions of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Imhotep, Hapi, and Hatmehit. This is done to supply a useful method for analyzing the morphology of the boulders and to characterize the regions themselves. Methods. We used OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera images with a spatial scale smaller than 2 m px ⁻¹ and analyzed the size-frequency distribution and the cumulative fractional area per boulder population. In addition, we correlated shape parameters, such as circularity and solidity, with both the spatial and the size-frequency distribution of the three populations. Results. We identified 11 811 boulders in the Imhotep, Hapi, and Hatmehit regions. We found that the Hatmehit and Imhotep areas show power indices in the range of −2.3/−2.7. These values could represent a transition between gravitational events caused by thermal weathering and sublimation, and material formed during collapses that has undergone sublimation. The Hapi area is characterized by a lower power index (−1.2/−1.7), suggesting that those boulders have a different origin. They can be the result of material formed during gravitational events and collapses that has undergone continuous fragmentation. We calculated the cumulative fractional area (CFA) in order to investigate how the area is covered by boulders as a function of their sizes. The Hatmehit and Imhotep regions show a CFA that is well fit by a power law. In contrast, the Hapi area does not show the same trend. We analyzed the fractal distributions, finding that the populations seem to be fractal at all dimensions, except for the Hapi distribution, which shows a possible fractal behavior for small dimensions only. Finally, the average values of the shape parameters reveal solid and roundish boulders in all populations we studied.
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The radio science experiment RSI on-board Rosetta determined the mass of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko at the start of the prime mission from 2014 August to November (GM = 666.2 ± 0.2 m³ s⁻² or 9982 ± 3 × 10¹² kg) and shortly before the end of the mission from 2016 July to September (GM = 665.5 ± 0.1 m³ s⁻² or 9971.5 ± 1.5 × 10¹² kg). The mass-loss is ΔM = 10.5 ± 3.4·10⁹ kg, about 0.1 per cent of the nucleus mass. Almost 50 per cent of the mass-loss occurred during the 32 d before and 62 d after perihelion. The nucleus mass combined with the new very precise nucleus volume of 18.56 ± 0.02 km³ yields a bulk density of 537.8 ± 0.6 kg m⁻³. This low bulk density suggests that the nucleus is highly porous. The porosity is constrained by the observed bulk density, the density of ices, mostly water ice, and the density of compacted nucleus dust material. For a range of compacted dust material density from 2000 to 3500 kg m⁻³, the porosity varies between 65–79 per cent when the dust-to-ice mass ratio Fnucleus for the nucleus body lies in the range 3 ≤ Fnucleus ≤ 7. The nucleus is thus a highly porous very dusty body with very little ice. The total mass-loss ΔM puts hard constraints on the models of interpretation of the observations from other instruments on Rosetta. The loss from gas, based on ROSINA and MIRO observations, suggests that Fcoma, the dust-to-gas mass ratio of cometary matter in the coma beyond the Hill sphere of the nucleus is of the order of Fcoma ≤ 0.5 and therefore at least six times, and perhaps as much as 14 times, smaller than Fnucleus. It seems that the lost gas mass was overestimated by the instruments. The lost gas mass shall be 5.25 × 10⁹ kg for Fcoma = 1. For any other gas mass values > 5.25 × 10⁹ kg Fcoma is < 1. Most of the lifted dust mass will not leave the cometary Hill sphere but falls back to the nucleus. For 3 ≤ Fnucleus ≤ 7 and Fcoma = 0.5, the fallback mass is between 1.8·ΔM and 4.3·ΔM.
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Knowledge of the surface temperature distribution on a comet’s nucleus and its temporal evolution at different timescales is key to constraining its thermophysical properties and understanding the physical processes that take place at and below the surface. Here we report on time-resolved maps of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko retrieved on the basis of infrared data acquired by the Visible InfraRed and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) onboard the Rosetta orbiter in 2014, over a roughly two-month period in the pre-perihelion phase at heliocentric distances between 3.62 and 3.31 au from the Sun. We find that at a spatial resolution ≤15 m per pixel, the measured temperatures point out the major effect that self-heating, due to the complex shape of the nucleus, has on the diurnal temperature variation. The bilobate nucleus of comet 67P also induces daytime shadowing effects, which result in large thermal gradients. Over longer periods, VIRTIS-derived temperature values reveal seasonal changes driven by decreasing heliocentric distance combined with an increasing abundance of ice within the uppermost centimetre-thick layer, which implies the possibility of having a largely pristine nucleus interior already in the shallow subsurface.
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We review the complex relationship between the dust-to-gas mass ratio usually estimated in the material lost by comets, and the refractory-to-ice mass ratio inside the nucleus, which constrains the origin of comets. Such a relationship is dominated by the mass transfer from the perihelion erosion to fallout over most of the nucleus surface. This makes the refractory-to-ice mass ratio inside the nucleus up to 10 times larger than the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the lost material, because the lost material is missing most of the refractories which were inside the pristine nucleus before the erosion. We review the refractory-to-ice mass ratios available for the comet nuclei visited by space missions, and for the Kuiper Belt Objects with well-defined bulk density, finding the 1-σ lower limit of 3. Therefore, comets and KBOs may have less water than CI-chondrites, as predicted by models of comet formation by the gravitational collapse of cm-sized pebbles driven by streaming instabilities in the protoplanetary disc.
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While the structural complexity of cometary comae is already recognizable from telescopic observations1, the innermost region, within a few radii of the nucleus, was not resolved until spacecraft exploration became a reality2,3. The dust coma displays jet-like features of enhanced brightness superposed on a diffuse background1,4,5. Some features can be traced to specific areas on the nucleus, and result conceivably from locally enhanced outgassing and/or dust emission6–8. However, diffuse or even uniform activity over topographic concavity can converge to produce jet-like features9,10. Therefore, linking observed coma morphology to the distribution of activity on the nucleus is difficult11,12. Here, we study the emergence of dust activity at sunrise on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko using high-resolution, stereo images from the OSIRIS camera onboard the Rosetta spacecraft, where the sources and formation of the jet-like features are resolved. We perform numerical simulations to show that the ambient dust coma is driven by pervasive but non-uniform water outgassing from the homogeneous surface layer. Physical collimations of gas and dust flows occur at local maxima of insolation and also via topographic focusing. Coma structures are projected to exhibit jet-like features that vary with the perspective of the observer. For an irregular comet such as 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, near-nucleus coma structures can be concealed in the shadow of the nucleus, which further complicates the picture. Images of 67P's nucleus from the Rosetta spacecraft, together with numerical simulations, show that the jet-like features of cometary comae can be produced by diffuse activity focused by the nucleus topography as well as non-uniform insolation over the surface.
By using the Rosetta/OSIRIS-NAC data set taken in 2014 August, we focus on the neck region, called Hapi, located on 67P Churyumov–Gerasimenko’s Northern hemisphere. The gravitational potential and slopes of Hapi, coupled with the geological unit identification and the boulder size–frequency distributions, support the interpretation that both taluses and gravitational accumulation deposits observable on Hapi are the result of multiple cliff collapses that occurred at different times. By contrast, the fine-particle deposits observable in the central part of the study area are made of aggregates coming from the Southern hemisphere and deposited during each perihelion passage. Both the consolidated terrains on the western part of Hapi, as well as the centrally aligned ridge made of boulder-like features, suggest that Hapi is in structural continuity with the onion-like structure of the main lobe of 67P. Despite the dusty blanket observable on Hapi, its terrains are characterized by water-ice-rich components that, once repeatedly and rapidly illuminated, sublimate, hence resulting in the strong jet activity observed in 2014 August.
Remote sensing observations of dust particles ejected from comets provide important hints on the intimate nature of the materials composing these primitive objects. The measurement of dust coma backscattering ratio, BSR, defined as the ratio of the reflectance at phase angle 0 ◦ and 30 ◦ , helps tuning theoretical models aimed at solving the inverse scattering problem deriving information on the nature of the ejected particles. The Rosetta/OSIRIS camera sampled the coma phase function of comet 67P, with four series acquired at low phase angles from 2015 January to 2016 May. We also added previously published data to our analysis to increase the temporal resolution of our findings. We measured a BSR in the range ∼ [1.7-3.6], broader than the range found in literature from ground-based observations of other comets. We found that during the post-perihelion phase, the BSR is systematically larger than the classical cometary dust values only for nucleocentric distances smaller than ∼ 100 km. We explain this trend in terms of a cloud of chunks orbiting the nucleus at distances < 100 km ejected during perihelion and slowly collapsing on the nucleus over a few months because of the coma gas drag. This also implies that the threshold particle size for the dust phase function to become similar to the nucleus phase function is between 2.5 mm and 0.1 m, taking into account previous Rosetta findings.