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Abstract and Figures

Adolescent athletes are particularly vulnerable to stress. The current study aimed to monitor one of the most popular and accessible stress markers, heart rate variability (HRV), and its associations with training load and sleep duration in young swimmers during an 11-week training period to evaluate its relevance as a tool for monitoring overtraining. National-level swimmers (n = 22, age 14.3 ± 1.0 years) of sprint and middle distance events followed individually structured training programs prescribed by their swimming coach with the main intention of preparing for the national championships. HRV after awakening, during sleep and training were recorded daily. There was a consistent ~4.5% reduction in HRV after 3–5 consecutive days of high (>6 km/day) swimming volume, and an inverse relationship of HRV with large (>7.0 km/day) shifts in total training load (r = −0.35, p < 0.05). Day-to-day HRV did not significantly correlate with training volume or sleep duration. Taken together, these findings suggest that the value of HRV fluctuations in estimating the balance between the magnitude of a young athlete’s physical load and their tolerance is limited on a day-to-day basis, while under sharply increased or extended training load the lower HRV becomes an important indicator of potential overtraining.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Daily Resting Heart Rate Variability in Adolescent
Swimmers during 11 Weeks of Training
Sigitas Kamandulis 1, Antanas Juodsnukis 1, Jurate Stanislovaitiene 1, Ilona Judita Zuoziene 1,
Andrius Bogdelis 1, Mantas Mickevicius 1, Nerijus Eimantas 1, Audrius Snieckus 1, *,
Bjørn Harald Olstad 2and Tomas Venckunas 1
1Institute of Sports Science and Innovation, Lithuanian Sports University, 44221 Kaunas, Lithuania; (S.K.); (A.J.); (J.S.); (I.J.Z.); (A.B.); (M.M.); (N.E.); (T.V.)
2Institute of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, 0863 Oslo, Norway;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +370-37-302-621
Received: 5 March 2020; Accepted: 20 March 2020; Published: 22 March 2020
Adolescent athletes are particularly vulnerable to stress. The current study aimed to
monitor one of the most popular and accessible stress markers, heart rate variability (HRV), and its
associations with training load and sleep duration in young swimmers during an 11-week training
period to evaluate its relevance as a tool for monitoring overtraining. National-level swimmers
(n =22, age 14.3
1.0 years) of sprint and middle distance events followed individually structured
training programs prescribed by their swimming coach with the main intention of preparing for the
national championships. HRV after awakening, during sleep and training were recorded daily. There
was a consistent ~4.5% reduction in HRV after 3–5 consecutive days of high (>6 km/day) swimming
volume, and an inverse relationship of HRV with large (>7.0 km/day) shifts in total training load
(r =
0.35, p<0.05). Day-to-day HRV did not significantly correlate with training volume or sleep
duration. Taken together, these findings suggest that the value of HRV fluctuations in estimating the
balance between the magnitude of a young athlete’s physical load and their tolerance is limited on
a day-to-day basis, while under sharply increased or extended training load the lower HRV becomes
an important indicator of potential overtraining.
autonomic nervous system; competitive swimming; high-intensity exercise; sleep;
training volume
1. Introduction
For training to be eective, it is essential to have both appropriate planning and to implement
a training load monitoring and adjustment system that includes biofeedback [
]. Sport practitioners
are constantly looking for ways to most objectively, quickly, and cost-eectively design individualized
training programs. Such programs are based on the individual adaptation, as reflected by the
recuperation (restitution) and super-compensation of the body functions during the recovery period
after training sessions, to maximize long-term gains in performance while at the same time avoiding
excessive fatigue, overtraining and injuries. For a successful design of such programs, it is important
to use integrated training monitoring tools that allow recording variables representing changes in
whole-body functional state, rather than fluctuations of very specific/isolated markers. One marker of
the functional status of an organism, that gives an indication of the balance between the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous system, is heart rate variability (HRV). This indicator has recently
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,17, 2097; doi:10.3390/ijerph17062097
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become quite popular and has been associated with numerous conditions ranging from sleep quality
to sports performance [26].
HRV represents fluctuations in electrocardiogram (ECG) R–R time interval and reflects cardiac
regulation by the autonomic nervous system based on the instantaneous sum eects of sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems in response to both physical and psychological stimuli [
]. Exercise activates
the sympathetic nervous system, causing an increase in myocardial contractility and vasoconstriction
of peripheral blood vessels, which are moderated by the parasympathetic nervous system [
]. Recent
reviews suggest that HRV biofeedback is a method that is eective and safe, and is easy to learn
and apply to improve sport performance [
]. It has also been highlighted that HRV may reflect the
training-induced level of stress and recovery, which has encouraged regular HRV monitoring [
However, it has also been shown that overload training leading to overreaching has little eect on
resting HRV or increased postexercise HRV, and that day-to-day load variability was not related to
HRV (for review, see Bellinger et al., [
]). Thus, although HRV has been investigated extensively, its
practical use in everyday training remains controversial [2,3].
Handling individual training-induced responses is particularly relevant in such sports as
swimming, where the risk of overreaching and overtraining is high because of the very large
volume and monotonous training loads and early specialization by athletes [
]. As reviewed by
Koenig et al. [
], although HRV monitoring in swimming may have some beneficial outcomes, it is
also recognized that there is a lack of translational approaches to apply the current evidence to general
practice. Several recent studies demonstrated the relationships between the autonomic nervous system,
performance, and fatigue, showing that HRV responses appeared to depend on the training status,
age, and environmental factors of the athletes [
]. However, the vastly dierent populations and
contexts of these studies create uncertainty about the interpretation of their findings, which may partly
explain why sport practitioners are still reluctant to incorporate HRV monitoring into their arsenal of
training tools.
Because of the above considerations, we feel that the utility of HRV as a training load monitoring
tool requires further examination in young competitive swimmers. Adolescents were selected for
the investigation because they may be particularly vulnerable to overreaching because of their
structural, biomechanical, and, consequently, functional alterations related to the intrinsic eects
of rapid somatic growth and development [
]. Adolescence is also associated with increased
sensitivity to environmental conditions (stress related to school activities, relationships with parents,
friends, etc.) and therefore it is particularly important to control stress and recovery in competitive
athletes of this age. Better understanding of training-specific HRV responses may optimize athletic
activity and prevent the development of long-lasting fatigue. The main aim of this study was therefore
to analyze HRV associations with training load and sleep duration during the 11-week training
macrocycle of young swimmers. We hypothesized that HRV measurements would be feasible during
the preparatory training period of young swimmers, that total training volume and high-intensity (HI)
training volume would be inversely correlated with HRV, and that sleep duration would be directly
correlated with HRV.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Twenty-five adolescent swimmers at national level from the same swimming school were initially
recruited to the study. The inclusion criteria were: (1) healthy, (2) absence of any clinical history of
neuromuscular disorders within preceding year, (3) regular swimming training of at least 5 years;
(4) competitive at least at national level, and (5) early or middle adolescence (13–16 years). However,
three athletes were excluded because of inconsistent R–R interval measurements. The characteristics
of the participants for whom data were analyzed (n =22) are shown in Table 1. Athletes were
following periodized training programs that were individually developed and prescribed by their
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swimming coach with the main intention of preparing them for the national swimming championships.
This period of training had been preceded by a nonathletic period of passive rest during the summer
holiday and a transition period from rest to regular training that comprised light training 4–5 times per
week for two weeks. A standard training week comprised 5–7 swimming sessions, most of which
were held in the afternoons on Mondays to Fridays (the days they all attended lessons in the school
during the morning hours), and some sessions in the mornings during the week. Just before each
afternoon swimming session, participants performed dry-land mobility and strength exercises of
30–45 min in duration. Training required a minimum of 8 hours per week. There was a substantial
variation in training compliance (76.0
17.2%), but the athletes with low compliance (two below
50%) were not excluded from the analyses because load variability was considered as a factor in HRV.
Swimmers specialized in events of dierent strokes at short to middle distances and had at least 5 years
of swimming training experience. All participants and their parents signed an informed consent form
prior to participation. The study was approved by the relevant bioethics committee of the Lithuanian
Sports University (No. BEK-KIN(B)-2019-184). The study was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki.
Table 1. Characteristics of the participants (mean and standard deviation).
Variable Male (n =7) Female (n =15) Total (n =22)
Age, years 15.4 (0.7) 13.8 (0.6) ˆ 14.3 (1.0)
Height, cm 179.5 (6.0) 165.1 (6.7) ˆ 169.7 (9.3)
Weight, kg 65.5 (6.7) 56.5 (6.1) ˆ 59.4 (7.5)
Body fat, % 10.8 (3.9) 21.5 (3.8) ˆ 18.1 (6.3)
Knee extension peak torque, Nm/s
197.3 (20.7) 141.4 (27.5) ˆ 159.2 (36.6)
Vertical jump height, cm 40.2 (2.1) 31.2 (3.3) ˆ 33.8 (5.1)
VO2peak, mL/min/kg 47.8 (5.0) 38.8 (6.8) ˆ 41.6 (7.5)
Tanner II, n (%) 1 (14.3 %) 2 (13.3 %) 3 (13.6 %)
Tanner III, n (%) 5 (71.4 %) 11 (73.4 %) 16 (72.8 %)
Tanner IV, n (%) 1 (14.3 %) 2 (13.3 %) 3 (13.6 %)
Note: ˆ p<0.05 vs. male.
2.2. Study Design
The swimmers were followed for 77 days of the preseason training period (September to November)
of which 11 days were preplanned to be without training sessions. HRV and sleep duration were
measured daily by the athletes themselves. The intensity and volume of the training load of each
swimmer were recorded daily by the swimming coaches in the athlete’s training log and then provided
to the researchers. The training loads were not adjusted or corrected as a result of the data collected in
the framework of the current study, and decisions to select training loads, modalities, intensities etc.,
were completely at the discretion of the athletes’ coaches. During the period of the study, the swimmers
took part in 2–3 local competitions. One week before the experimental period, participants were
familiarized with the use and proper fitting of heart rate and sleep monitoring devices, their somatic
maturational status was verified by experienced medical stausing the Tanner scale [
]. We evaluated
participants’ body height (Anthropometry Martin, GPM Siber-Hegner, Geneva, Switzerland), body
weight and fat percentage (Tanita, model TBF 300; Tokyo, Japan), jump height (Power Timer Testing
System, Newest, Finland), dominant leg knee extension strength at angular speed 30
(System 3;
Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, NY, USA), and VO
on a stationary cycling ergometer (Ergoline,
Windhagen, Germany) using a portable breath-by-breath analyzer (Oxygen Mobile; Jaeger/VIASYS
Healthcare, Hoechberg, Germany).
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2.3. Training Load Monitoring
The specific swimming training was performed in a 25-m standard swimming pool and was
stratified according to heart rate (HR) into intensity zones 1 to 4: <139 beats/min (bpm) for Zone 1,
10 bpm for Zone 2, 170
10 bpm for Zone 3, and >181 bpm for Zone 4; sprints with maximal
exertion level were classified as Zone 5. The intensity control was based on criterion speed individually
directed by coach in conjunction with pulse count using a chronometer “Alpha” (Sport-Thieme,
Grasleben, Germany) for 15 s after distinct swimming tasks. All swimmers were experienced in
manually measuring pulse. Swimming at Zones 4 and 5 was considered HI training. Total swimming
volume and HI swimming volume were analyzed as distance covered during the training period.
2.4. HRV Measurement
Over the 11 consecutive weeks of their preparatory training period, swimmers daily measured
their HRV in the supine position for 2 min immediately after awakening in the morning by positioning
an H10 Bluetooth HR strap (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) paired with a freely available smartphone
application (Elite HRV, Ashville, NC, USA) on their chest. This system has been used previously
for daily measurement of HRV [
]. We analyzed the square root of the mean sum of the squared
dierences between R–R intervals (RMSSD), which was converted by logarithmic transformation
(lnRMSSD) to avoid outliers and simplify the analyses, as suggested by Nakamura et al. [
]. Data
files were visually inspected for artefacts, and corrections made manually if necessary. Both RMSSD
and lnRMSSD are recognized markers of parasympathetic activity and are the preferred HRV markers
for field-based monitoring [2].
2.5. Sleep Monitoring
During the study, all participants slept in their homes and went to bed at around 11 pm. Participants
wore an activity monitoring bracelet on the wrist of their nondominant hand every night. Daily sleep
duration was monitored by a commercially available wrist-worn sleep/activity tracker, Mi band 2 [
Moderate intraclass correlation coecients (ICC) of 0.62–0.75 have been reported for the Mi Band 2
sleep duration assessment [24].
2.6. Statistical Analyses
All variables are expressed in terms of mean
standard deviation (SD). Levene’s test was used to
test the homogeneity of variances. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used for checking distribution
normality. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the eects of time on
dependent values (load, HI load, sleep, RMSSD and lmRMSSD) across weeks or days during the
training period. If a significant main eect was found, the significance of the dierence between means
was estimated by applying paired t-tests. Statistical power (observed power, OP) was calculated and
presented where appropriate. During the monitoring period, there were 23 cases when individual
swimmers had 3–5 consecutive days of high total training volume (>6 km/day), and 24 cases of 3–5
consecutive days of passive rest not related to injuries or illnesses (on several occasions for some
individuals). These cases were analyzed separately by comparing HRV at the beginning and end of
each period using paired t-tests. An independent t-test was used for comparisons of baseline values
between females and males. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Pearson’s correlation (r)
was used to quantify the relationship between each daily RMSSD or lnRMSSD and the previous day’s
training variables. The correlation was considered strong if r>0.5; moderate if r=0.3–0.5; and weak if
r=0.1–0.3 [
]. All data analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics software (v.22; IBM Corp.,
Armonk, NY, USA).
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3. Results
Body weight, height, and dry-land performance were higher in males than in females and fat
percentage was lower in males than in females (both p<0.05) (Table 1). Because HRV and maturation
level were not gender dependent, all the data were pooled for the analysis.
3.1. Training Volume
Total swimming training volume was 232.1
81.7 km during the 11 weeks, with training at HI
(combined zones 4 and 5) comprising 6.7
4% of total swimming volume. There was a significant
week-by-week variation in total swimming volume, with the highest peak at week 6 (>6.0 km/per day,
p<0.05, OP =0.99) (Figure 1). Peaks of the swimming volume that reached HI zones were evident
in weeks 4, 8, and 9 (about 0.5 km/per day, p<0.05, OP =0.65). Total training volume was reduced
on Wednesdays (p<0.05 compared with Mondays and Tuesdays, OP =0.95) and Saturdays (p<0.05
compared with any other day, OP =0.99), with usually no load on Sundays. HI swimming volume did
not vary significantly between days within a week.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12
day, p < 0.05, OP = 0.99) (Figure 1). Peaks of the swimming volume that reached HI zones were
evident in weeks 4, 8, and 9 (about 0.5 km/per day, p < 0.05, OP = 0.65). Total training volume was
reduced on Wednesdays (p < 0.05 compared with Mondays and Tuesdays, OP = 0.95) and Saturdays
(p < 0.05 compared with any other day, OP = 0.99), with usually no load on Sundays. HI swimming
volume did not vary significantly between days within a week.
Figure 1. Total (a, b) and high-intensity (c, d) training volume, sleep (e, f) and lnRMSSD (g, h) in
swimmers across the training period (average ± SD). Note: # p < 0.05 vs. previous value.
3.2. Sleep
Average duration of sleep ranged from 7.32 ± 1.04 to 8.73 ± 0.69 h per day between subjects,
with no change in weekly sleep duration over the training period (Figure 1). Within a week,
swimmers were getting less sleep on Mondays compared with any other day (p < 0.05 in all cases, OP
= 0.99) and particularly compared with Sundays (>1 h, p < 0.05).
3.3. Resting HRV (lnRMSSD)
During the training period, the group average values of HR, RMSSD, and lnRMSSD were 68.6 ±
6.9 bpm, 73.0 ± 24.7 ms, and 4.23 ± 0.35 ms, respectively. Weekly variation in resting lnRMSSD
reached significance in weeks 5 and 6 (p < 0.05 compared with the previous week) (Figure 1) but was
generally minimal and usually did not coincide with training volume peaks. Interestingly, morning
lnRMSSD showed a progressive decrease within each week from a peak on Sundays and Mondays
to the lowest values on Fridays (p < 0.05, OP = 0.98). In addition, lnRMSSD decreased from 4.52 ± 1.91
to 4.32 ± 1.73 ms after 3–5 days of high total training volume (> 6 km/day), and increased from 4.09 ±
1.63 to 4.29 ± 1.54 ms after 3–5 days of rest (p < 0.05 in both cases).
Figure 1.
Total (
) and high-intensity (
) training volume, sleep (
) and lnRMSSD (
) in
swimmers across the training period (average ±SD). Note: # p<0.05 vs. previous value.
3.2. Sleep
Average duration of sleep ranged from 7.32
1.04 to 8.73
0.69 h per day between subjects, with
no change in weekly sleep duration over the training period (Figure 1). Within a week, swimmers
were getting less sleep on Mondays compared with any other day (p<0.05 in all cases, OP =0.99) and
particularly compared with Sundays (>1 h, p<0.05).
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3.3. Resting HRV (lnRMSSD)
During the training period, the group average values of HR, RMSSD, and lnRMSSD were
68.6 ±6.9 bpm
, 73.0
24.7 ms, and 4.23
0.35 ms, respectively. Weekly variation in resting lnRMSSD
reached significance in weeks 5 and 6 (p<0.05 compared with the previous week) (Figure 1) but was
generally minimal and usually did not coincide with training volume peaks. Interestingly, morning
lnRMSSD showed a progressive decrease within each week from a peak on Sundays and Mondays to
the lowest values on Fridays (p<0.05, OP =0.98). In addition, lnRMSSD decreased from
4.52 ±1.91
1.73 ms after 3–5 days of high total training volume (>6 km/day), and increased from
4.09 ±1.63
to 4.29 ±1.54 ms after 3–5 days of rest (p<0.05 in both cases).
3.4. Correlations between Daily HRV, Training Volume, and Sleep Quantity
Individual day-to-day lnRMSSD values varied up to 50% across the training period (p<0.05)
(Table 2). There was a weak inverse correlation (r>
0.10) of lnRMSSD with total swimming volume
for 14 of the 22 subjects, which reached significance in only five swimmers (r>
0.27, p<0.05).
The correlations of lnRMSSD day-to-day variability with HI training volume or sleep volume were even
more trivial and unpredictably shifted from positive to inverse depending on the subject. A moderate
inverse relationship was detected between lnRMSSD and large shifts in total training volume (r=
p<0.05 in cases of a >7.0 km/day swimming volume increase/decrease) (Figure 2). No significant
correlations were detected between lnRMSSD and small or moderate fluctuations (increase/decrease
by >3.0 or >5.0 km/day) in total volume or HI training volume.
Table 2.
Individual values of R–R intervals (RMSSD) converted by logarithmic transformation
(lnRMSSD) across the training period and correlations (Correl) with total and high-intensity (HI)
training and sleep duration.
LnRMSDD, ms Correl LnRMSDD
No Gender Average Max Min SD CV% Training Volume HI Volume Sleep
1 M 4.30 4.91 3.61 0.29 6.7 0.05 0.02 0.01
2 M 4.25 4.88 2.20 0.36 8.5 0.22 0.24 0.13
3 M 4.53 4.99 4.04 0.21 4.6 0.07 0.03 0.13
4 M 3.90 5.19 3.18 0.44 11.3 0.05 0.28 0.03
5 M 4.61 5.08 4.13 0.20 4.3 0.31 #0.11 0.02
6 M 4.47 5.24 3.71 0.35 7.8 0.18 0.05 0.08
7 M 4.18 4.92 3.78 0.25 6.0 0.09 0.11 0.22
8 F 4.62 5.05 3.91 0.24 5.2 0.08 0.30 0.17
9 F 4.12 4.85 3.00 0.37 9.0 0.28 #0.04 0.06
10 F 3.60 4.43 2.30 0.44 12.2 0.20 0.01 0.00
11 F 3.38 4.29 2.40 0.41 12.1 0.22 0.12 0.06
12 F 3.65 3.99 3.22 0.18 4.9 0.20 0.06 0.08
13 F 4.26 5.00 3.26 0.31 7.3 0.05 0.25 0.27
14 F 3.80 5.06 2.48 0.59 15.5 0.17 0.23 0.41 #
15 F 4.84 5.32 4.20 0.23 4.8 0.03 0.21 0.04
16 F 4.21 4.69 3.56 0.23 5.5 0.06 0.10 0.16
17 F 4.59 5.13 3.71 0.36 7.8 0.16 0.15 0.05
18 F 4.03 5.00 3.26 0.38 9.4 0.27 #0.02 0.08
19 F 4.19 4.68 3.09 0.29 6.9 0.29 #0.26 0.30 #
20 F 3.95 4.89 2.83 0.55 13.9 0.45 #0.03 0.26
21 F 4.23 4.90 3.4 0.35 8.3 0.16 0.21 0.04
22 F 4.01 5.32 3.18 0.37 9.2 0.17 0.03 0.21
Mean 4.17 4.90 3.29 0.34 8.1 0.17 0.06 0.04
SD 0.37 0.33 0.59 0.11 3.1
Note: M, male; F, female; SD, standard deviation; CV, coecient of variation; HI, high-intensity training volume;
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Figure 2. Correlations between individual values of RMSSD shifts and total (a, b, c) or high-intensity
(HI, d) training volume shifts. Note: * p < 0.05.
4. Discussion
The main finding of the study was a quite consistent reduction in HRV in response to markedly
increased training load such as a sharp increase in training volume or maintenance of high training
volume for 3–5 consecutive days. By contrast, day-to-day HRV in general reflected poorly
swimming training volume or sleep quantity, although this was also highly individual. These
findings suggest that measurement of morning HRV under home-based conditions could be
included as an indicator of the balance between the magnitude of the physical load and the young
athlete’s tolerance capacity within the intensified training periods.
The data obtained in the present study support the current understanding that HRV monitoring
does not allow the separation and classification of dierent subcategories of stress, but may be
useful in helping the practitioner to recognize the overall fatigue level [26,27]. It is quite well
established that one of the most popular HRV indexes, lnRMSSD, decreases considerably in
response to extreme loading, reflecting decreased vagal (parasympathetic) heart control, and this is
often associated with athlete fatigue and impaired performance [2,7,16,28–31]. Our study found that
during the days when training volume was high, lnRMSSD on the following morning was lower
than weekend values. Bearing in mind that our subjects were young but otherwise well-trained
swimmers who were expected to cope well with individual programs adapted to their age, gender,
training history, and ability level, the data suggest that observed fluctuations in HRV are of practical
value in sports training. Similar results have been observed in a number of studies that required
extended cardiac demands in response to endurance exercise training [16,29,32]. For instance,
alterations in resting autonomic function as reflected by changed HRV have been associated with
functional overreaching in triathletes [33] or injury incidence in swimmers [15].
In the setting of the current study, it was expected that day-to-day HRV monitoring would help
detect stress and recovery levels in young swimmers over the preparatory training period of 11
weeks. With this information in hand, coaches would be able to more precisely prescribe the training
loads for each workout according to the athlete’s condition in a given timeframe and hence better
prevent young athletes from excessive fatigue and insufficient recovery, leading to overloading,
overreaching, overtraining, and associated negative outcomes such as staleness, injuries, or lack of
progress. There was no significant instability of resting HRV in any of the subjects during the whole
Figure 2.
Correlations between individual values of RMSSD shifts and total (
) or high-intensity
(HI, d) training volume shifts. Note: * p<0.05.
4. Discussion
The main finding of the study was a quite consistent reduction in HRV in response to markedly
increased training load such as a sharp increase in training volume or maintenance of high training
volume for 3–5 consecutive days. By contrast, day-to-day HRV in general reflected poorly swimming
training volume or sleep quantity, although this was also highly individual. These findings suggest
that measurement of morning HRV under home-based conditions could be included as an indicator of
the balance between the magnitude of the physical load and the young athlete’s tolerance capacity
within the intensified training periods.
The data obtained in the present study support the current understanding that HRV monitoring
does not allow the separation and classification of dierent subcategories of stress, but may be useful in
helping the practitioner to recognize the overall fatigue level [
]. It is quite well established that one
of the most popular HRV indexes, lnRMSSD, decreases considerably in response to extreme loading,
reflecting decreased vagal (parasympathetic) heart control, and this is often associated with athlete
fatigue and impaired performance [
]. Our study found that during the days when training
volume was high, lnRMSSD on the following morning was lower than weekend values. Bearing
in mind that our subjects were young but otherwise well-trained swimmers who were expected to
cope well with individual programs adapted to their age, gender, training history, and ability level,
the data suggest that observed fluctuations in HRV are of practical value in sports training. Similar
results have been observed in a number of studies that required extended cardiac demands in response
to endurance exercise training [
]. For instance, alterations in resting autonomic function as
reflected by changed HRV have been associated with functional overreaching in triathletes [
] or
injury incidence in swimmers [15].
In the setting of the current study, it was expected that day-to-day HRV monitoring would help
detect stress and recovery levels in young swimmers over the preparatory training period of 11 weeks.
With this information in hand, coaches would be able to more precisely prescribe the training loads
for each workout according to the athlete’s condition in a given timeframe and hence better prevent
young athletes from excessive fatigue and insucient recovery, leading to overloading, overreaching,
overtraining, and associated negative outcomes such as staleness, injuries, or lack of progress. There
was no significant instability of resting HRV in any of the subjects during the whole monitoring period,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,17, 2097 8 of 12
indicating that excessive training loads had been avoided. However, for the optimization of progress
in performance, sucient training loads are required during at least some of the weekly training
sessions (as after several consecutive days of intensified training, or HI training), and thus it could
be speculated that some degree of the change in resting HRV should be desirable as indicating the
triggering of beneficial adaptations. On a group level, daily lnRMSSD variations did not correlate
well with the previous day’s load and there was frequently inconsistent shifting of lnRMSSD in the
direction opposite to that expected. Individual changes were more predictable, but still the change
was significant in only five of the 22 subjects (<25%). Possible reasons for such discrepancies between
the individual and group level analyses have been described comprehensively elsewhere [
and include large interindividual dierences between athletes in HRV parameters at baseline, HRV
changes during training, age, gender, perceived eorts, and anxiety. Of interest, we noted a tendency
of daily HRV variability to better reflect training load in the adolescents with low adherence to training
and low total swimming load in general; in addition, greater vagal activity was associated with smaller
fluctuations lnRMSSD across training days.
It was rather unexpected that values of day-to-day HRV (lnRMSSD) did not correlate with the
duration of night sleep. Sleep is indispensable for recovery and performance progress in athletes [
It is well established that the autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the modulation
of cardiovascular functions during the onset of sleep and in transition between sleep phases [
However, variation in the duration of sleep did not emerge as a significant influence on regulation
of the autonomic nervous system in the current study, which included no external manipulation of
sleeping patterns. However, it could hypothetically be that the association was masked because of the
timing of HRV measurement, which occurred not during the night sleep but only for 2 min after the
morning awakening. It is also possible that HRV is more sensitive to sleep quality and consistency
rather than the total duration of sleep [
], but analysis of this was outside the scope of the current study.
For the sake of simplicity, we used easily accessible devices and limited HRV analyses to the single
parameter of RMSSD, which was transformed to lnRMSSD. Measuring RMSSD alone might not give
a full picture of the mechanisms underlying changes in cardiac autonomic regulation [
]. However,
we consider that simplicity of monitoring and its interpretation are essential to encourage usage of
HRV measurement as a valid tool in sports practice. HRV recording is relatively straightforward
because numerous free applications have been developed for regular smartphones [
]. In addition,
although the recorded HRV data could be available almost instantaneously to the coach or other sta
of the sports team for inspection, analysis, and feedback, the interpretation of HRV and its changes is
not simple because response magnitude and timing are individually determined by multiple factors
including biological variation, emotions, and training context [2,27,4042].
4.1. Limitations
Several limitations of the current study should be acknowledged. Although the subjects
participated in several sessions devoted to learning the HRV recording procedure and a one-week
familiarization period, the data from which were not included in the analysis, it was not possible
to monitor the HRV measurement procedure during the study to ensure that it had always been
conducted correctly. However, the familiar home environment and absence of the researchers allowed
the procedure to be at least well standardized and to obtain data not aected by additional stressors.
It could well be that timing of the HRV measurements did not allow estimation of the real impact
of the training loads on HRV, because the training sessions were typically half a day apart from the
HRV recordings; i.e., subjects might have either fully or partially recovered from the most recent
training session after the night’s rest (with additional recuperation until the next workout), or they had
accumulated additional stress during the day up to training. These aspects might have diminished the
reported associations between training loads and HRV.
Circadian rhythms have also been linked to HRV [
]. The subjects in the current study, all
schoolchildren, were waking up and measuring HRV in the morning at quite consistent times during
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,17, 2097 9 of 12
the week (except in some rare cases when they had training sessions early in the morning) but later
on weekends. Both of these factors possibly contributed to variability or bias of the recorded data,
with the longer sleep duration during weekends aecting HRV not only because of the longer rest, but
also because of the later time of the measurement, and the more relaxed approach when there were no
school activities or training sessions planned.
We neither controlled nor recorded the subjects’ diet, fluid, and food supplementation but the HRV
measurements were always conducted in the fasted state just after awakening, which mitigates the
possible eects of fluctuations in dietary intake during the previous day. Finally, biochemical measures
of stress such as cortisol to testosterone ratios would possibly have been useful in the interpretation of
the relationship of HRV with training loads and recovery [45].
4.2. Practical Application and Recommendations
Morning HRV could be consistently and reliably recorded on a daily basis by young (teenage
schoolchildren) competitive athletes in their home environment by means of commercially available
monitors and without supervision from parents, coaches or researchers. Morning HRV appears to be
a potential marker of the internal training load during the intensified training of young swimmers.
However, morning HRV weakly reflected the day-to-day fluctuations of training volume or intensity.
Therefore, simultaneous collection of additional subjective self-reported data such as perceived exertion
of each of the training sessions, as well as perceived sleep quality, amount of stress, muscle fatigue
and soreness by using customized questionnaires on a daily basis could be recommended for the
more thorough evaluation of the changes in athletes’ wellness [
] which could be of use in making
decisions for the adjustments in training loads. More demanding training load monitoring tools, such
as biochemical markers [4749], could be considered to be included into the training monitoring.
5. Conclusions
This study showed a quite consistent reduction in HRV in response to markedly increased training
loads for several consecutive days. Although highly individual, day-to-day fluctuations in the morning
HRV was not consistently associated with swimming training volume or sleep quantity. Taken together,
these findings suggest that HRV fluctuations have limited value to quantify the balance between
the magnitude of the physical load and young athletes’ tolerance capacity, although under sharply
increased training load or extended periods of high volume training conditions, it may play a relatively
important role.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, S.K., T.V; methodology, A.S., M.M., N.E., J.S.; investigation, A.J., A.B.,
J.S., A.S., I.J.Z., M.M; formal analysis, A.J., M.M, A.B., N.E; writing—original draft preparation, S.K., B.H.O. and
T.V.; writing—review and editing, S.K., B.H.O. and TV.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Authors wish to thank Justas Achramaviˇcius, Žaneta Tautvyd
e, Rasa Duškinien
e, Aušra
e, Dita Kareckien
e, Ram
unas Leonas, Dainius Mažutaitis, J
e Povilaitien
e, Rimvydas Šalˇcius for their
assistance with data collection. We also are very thankful to the athletes for their active participation, and we also
would like to express our sincere thanks to the administrative staof Kaunas Swimming School.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... As for "apnea" and "hypopnea", respectively, the former is delimited by cessation of airflow for at least 10 s, while the latter by reduction in airflow by at least 30% for at least 10 s with decrease in oxygen saturation. AHI values of [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30], and >30 with associated symptoms (e.g., excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, impaired cognition, or a spouse's report of disruptive snoring) indicate mild, moderate, and severe OSA, respectively [4]; or OSA is defined as an AHI ≥ 15, regardless of the associated symptoms [5]. Meta-analyses have reported that OSA is associated with diabetes mellitus [6], stroke [7], total cardiovascular diseases [7], and all-cause mortality [8]. ...
... The correlation was considered to be strong if r > 0.5, moderate if r = 0.3-0.5, and weak if r = 0.1-0.3 [27]. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to analyze the association between HRV indices and the AHI after adjustment for covariates [28]. ...
... The log LF/HF power ratio was determined to evaluate sympathovagal balance. A low log LF/HF power ratio reflects parasympathetic dominance, whereas a high log LF/HF power ratio indicates sympathetic dominance and low vagal activation [27]. A significantly decreased overall HRV exhibits a pattern of parasympathetic loss (lower RMSSD, PNN50, and HF power) with sympathetic overdrive (higher LF) and sympathovagal imbalance (higher log LF/HF power ratio) [16]. ...
Full-text available
Background and Objectives: Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is a noninvasive method used to examine autonomic system function, and the clinical applications of HRV analysis have been well documented. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between HRV and the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) in patients referred for polysomnography (PSG) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis. Materials and Methods: Patients underwent whole-night PSG. Data on nocturnal HRV and AHI were analyzed. We determined the correlation of time- and frequency-domain parameters of HRV with the AHI. Results: A total of 62 participants (50 men and 12 women) were enrolled. The mean age, body mass index (BMI), neck circumference, and AHI score of the patients were 44.4 ± 11.5 years, 28.7 ± 5.2, 40.2 ± 4.8 cm, and 32.1 ± 27.0, respectively. The log root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats (RMSSD) were negatively correlated with BMI (p = 0.034) and neck circumference (p = 0.003). The log absolute power of the low-frequency band over high-frequency band (LF/HF) ratio was positively correlated with the AHI (p = 0.006). A higher log LF/HF power ratio (β = 5.01, p = 0.029) and BMI (β = 2.20, p < 0.001) were associated with a higher AHI value in multiple linear regression analysis. Conclusions: A higher log LF/HF power ratio and BMI were positively and significantly associated with the AHI during whole-night PSG in adult patients.
... The functional status level is an integral indicator characterizing the degree of various body systems functioning, and characterizes students' readiness to perform physical activities of varying power and intensity (Cid et al., 2019;Kamandulis et al., 2020;Kolokoltsev et al., 2021). ...
... noted, there is a slight increase in physical performance, an increase in the contribution of the autonomous circuit of cardiac rhythm regulation, vegetative balance stabilization and an increase in the parasympathetic regulation contribution. Similar positive changes in vegetative regulation have been noted by other researchers (Cid et al., 2019;Kamandulis et. al., 2020;Guzii et al., 2021). ...
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Improving the methods of the body vegetative disorders correction with the use of swimming seems relevant and timely. Purpose: studying a prolonged course of physical activity in an aquatic environment effect on the vegetative support of the body in university students using the heart rate variability method. Materials and methods. 47 young men-1-2 year students of three universities from Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) were included in the experiment. Heart rate variability registration was carried out by the diagnostic complex «Poly-Spectrum» (Neurosoft, Ivanovo) in the supine position. The standard characteristics of heart rate variability were studied. The registration of indicators was carried out before the start of classes and after a four-month swimming course with a frequency of classes 1 time per week lasting 60 minutes. One-factor analysis of variance ANOVA was used to compare these samples with each other. Results. It is established that before the start of swimming classes, vegetative support is characterized by a certain increase in the tension of regulatory mechanisms and a decrease in functional reserves, which is associated with high educational and psycho-emotional activity of junior studying years students. After exposure to four-month weekly cyclic physical activity in the form of swimming, stabilization of parameters is observed in the field of the autonomous regulation circuit contribution strengthening, the predominance of normotonia, a decrease in the stress index and an increase in physical performance among the studied university students. Conclusions. Taking into account the positive effect of swimming on the body of those engaged in it, it can be recommended for vegetative disorders and improving physical performance correction in junior high school students under the control of the heart rate variability method.
... Participants underwent overnight PSG (EMBLA N7000 system, Embla Inc., Broomfield, CO, USA). The PSG collects electrophysiological signals for heart activity analysis, pulse oximetry readings, airflow by using nasal pressure and oronasal thermal sensors, body position, actigraphy data, and thoracic and abdominal movements [23]. The electrocardiogram (EKG) signals from the PSG were downloaded for HRV analysis. ...
... The mean HRV indexes were calculated for every episode. Data files were visually inspected for artifacts [23]. ...
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(1) Background: Snoring is a cardinal symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and has been suggested to potentially increase sympathetic activity. On the other hand, sleep itself usually leads to a decrease in sympathetic activity. Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is a non-invasive technique used to assess autonomic nervous system function. However, there is limited research on the combined impact of sleep and snoring on sympathetic activity in individuals with OSA, particularly during the first hour of sleep (non-rapid eye movement sleep). The current study aims to investigate the net effect of sleep and snoring on sympathetic activity and explore factors that might contribute to increased sympathetic activity in individuals with OSA during the first hour of sleep. (2) Methods: The participants were referred from the outpatient department for OSA diagnosis and underwent whole-night polysomnography (PSG). Electrocardiogram (EKG) data from the PSG were downloaded for HRV analysis. HRV measurements were conducted in both the time and frequency domain, including the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats (RMSSD) and the ratio of the absolute power of the low-frequency (LF) band (0.04–0.15 Hz) to the absolute power of the high-frequency (HF) band (0.15–0.4 Hz) (LF/HF ratio), respectively. (3) Results: A total of 45 participants (38 men and 7 women) were included in the analysis. The RMSSD gradually increased from 0–5 min to 50–60 min (p = 0.024), while the LF/HF ratio decreased (p < 0.001) during the first hour of sleep (non-rapid eye movement sleep). The LF/HF ratios of the “S” (snoring) episodes were compared with those of the pre-S episodes. An elevated LF/HF ratio during the S episode was associated with the first snoring episode occurring more than 20 min after lying down to sleep (Odds ratio, OR = 10.9, p = 0.004) and with patients diagnosed with severe OSA (OR = 5.01, p = 0.045), as determined by logistic regression. (4) Conclusions: The study observed an increase in the value of RMSSD and a decrease in the value of the LF/HF ratio during the first hour of sleep for patients with OSA. Higher LF/HF ratios were associated with the first occurrence of snoring while lying down for more than 20 min and with patients with severe OSA.
... Регулярні заняття фізичними вправами та спортом сприяють функціональним та структурним змінам центральних та периферичних механізмів роботи серцево-судинної системи. У дослідженнях, що порівнюють ВСР між малорухливими та активними суб'єктами або спортсменами різних видів спорту, показано різні профілі ВСР, що говорить про можливість моніторингу показників ВСР для покращення фізичних та фізіологічних станів [38,54]. Незважаючи на застосування різних методик, основними статистичними результатами, були вищі середні значення SDNN, Індекс SDNN, pNN50, RMSSD, SDNN, SDRR та HF, падає потужність спектра LF у групі активно фізичних людей і спортсменів [32,38,55]. ...
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Aim: Study and comparative characteristics based on the data of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis of athletes specializing in pair-group acrobatics, taking into account age, features of sexual dimorphism at various stages of multi-year training Materials and Methods: Acrobats of both sexes, of different sports qualifications, of the following stages of long-term training took part in the study: 1) group of training 9-11 years old: girls (n=38), boys (n=38); 2) sports improvement groups aged 12-15: girls (n=36), boys (n=36); 3) groups of higher sports skills aged 16-23: girls (n=32), boys (n=32). Results: A gender comparison was made between groups of acrobats aged 9-11 years, but no statistically significant differences between girls and boys were found (р>0.05). Comparative characteristics of boys 12-15 and 16-20 years old shows a statistical difference (p 0.5). Conclusions: In each of the age and gender groups, at different stages of multi-year improvement, acrobats with a different type of regulation – central or autonomous – were identified. The correlation analysis of the 12-15-year-old age group allowed us to obtain the following results: a high and medium degree of correlation between LF and TP indicators in both girls and boys (r=0.82 and r=0.66, respectively). A relationship between VLF and TP indicators was also revealed, in girls r=0.78 and in boys r=0.72.
... Previous studies have reported increased total sleep time and deep sleep, and reduced REM sleep, after moderatehigh intensity exercise sessions [16], and this was associated with an overall improvement in sleep quality [46]. However, other studies state that these parameters are somewhat difficult to evaluate in sport interventions, as there is a lack of consensus on sleep quality parameter evaluation [71], with sleep quantity in other studies remaining inconclusive, as reported for an 11-week swimming training program in adolescents, which found no significant differences [33]. Nevertheless, even in patients with sleep impairments, most studies reflect slightly significant improved sleep quality, which is mostly self-reported by participants and involves longer training programs [34,85]. ...
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Performing outdoor activities in blue spaces can help improve human health and mental well-being by reducing stress and promoting social relationships. The number of people surviving cancer has increased globally to experience this disease as a life-changing and chronic condition with physical and psychosocial symptoms that have negative impacts on their quality of life. While there has been a growth of programs in green spaces to meet the needs of cancer patients, such as follow-up post-treatment care, support groups and physical activity programs, very few studies have examined the effects of activities involving the sea for the health and well-being of oncology patients. This is the first study to evaluate whether different outdoor activities in blue spaces can benefit oncological patients' physical and mental health using smartwatches, sphygmomanometers and Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaires. We assessed changes in blood pressure, heart rate, sleep quality and mental health of 16 patients after twelve sessions of three different activities (walking, beach and snorkelling) and four sessions of a control activity. While no significant differences between activities were observed in terms of the data gathered by the smartwatches, a gradient of positive results for human mental health was observed towards exposure to a blue space, assessed through POMS questionnaires. Results show that exposure to blue spaces contributes to tension and anger reduction and improves the vigour mood state of oncology patients. No significant increases in patients' heart rate were recorded after the beach and snorkelling activities, with results similar to the control activity, suggesting that the contribution may be to participants’ relaxation.
... Регулярні заняття фізичними вправами та спортом сприяють функціональним та структурним змінам центральних та периферичних механізмів роботи серцево-судинної системи. У дослідженнях, що порівнюють ВСР між малорухливими та активними суб'єктами або спортсменами різних видів спорту, показано різні профілі ВСР, що говорить про можливість моніторингу показників ВСР для покращення фізичних та фізіологічних станів [38,54]. Незважаючи на застосування різних методик, основними статистичними результатами, були вищі середні значення SDNN, Індекс SDNN, pNN50, RMSSD, SDNN, SDRR та HF, падає потужність спектра LF у групі активно фізичних людей і спортсменів [32,38,55]. ...
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Мета. Аналіз фізіологічних основ і оцінки ефективності застосування показників варіабельності серцевого ритму у спортсменів. Методи.Системно-функціональний аналіз спеціальної літератури та матеріалів мережі Інтернет ((PubMed, Google Scholar) )за останні десять років. Результати. Науковий доробок щодо вивчення варіабельності серцевого ритму у спортсменів є доволі значним. Регулярні заняття фізичними вправами та спортом сприяють функціональним та структурним змінам центральних та периферичних механізмів роботи серцево-судинної системи. У дослідженнях, що порівнюють варіабельність серцевого ритму між малорухливими та активними суб'єктами або спортсменами різних видів спорту, показано різні профілі варіабельності серцевого ритму, що говорить про можливість моніторингу показників ВСР для покращення фізичних та фізіологічних станів. Варіабельність серцевого ритму відразу після фізичного навантаження відображає характерні реакції, які вказують, чи навантаження відповідає атлетичній підготовленості спортсмена, але у спортсменів високої кваліфікації на витривалість та/або спортсменів з багаторічною історією тренувань, алгоритм змін показників варіабельності серцевого ритму не завжди відповідає загальноприйнятим. Інтенсивність вправ є основним фактором, що впливає на варіабельність серцевого ритму, при цьому більша інтенсивність викликає нижчу варіабельності серцевого ритму під час фізичного навантаження, а об’єм м'язів, які приймають участь при тренуванні / або енерговитрати є визначальними факторами парасимпатичної реактивації після тренування. «Повна автономна дистонія» у більшості спортсменів з перетренуванням відображає більш розвинуту стадію дезадаптації, пов'язану з пригніченою регуляторною функцією автономної нервової системи, як симпатичного, так і вагусного впливу. Висновок. Отже, на сьогодні недостатньо експериментальних робіт, які могли б пояснити механізми змін варіабельності серцевого ритму при інтенсивних і тривалих тренуваннях у спортсменів високої кваліфікації. Про те, це дало б змогу розширити застосування результатів діагностики варіабельності серцевого ритму у спортсменів для планування тривалості, частоти та інтенсивності фізичних навантажень.
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Swimming, an Olympic sport with diverse distances and energy systems, requires early specialization for elite success. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a fundamental method used by swimmers to enhance performance, offering both aerobic and anaerobic benefits. This study aimed to examine the effects of a 12-week HIIT program with varying volumes on adolescent swimmers’ performance parameters. A total of 50 participants were divided into three groups High Intensity Low Volume (HILV), Moderate Intensity Moderate Volume (MIMV), Low Intensity High Volume (LIHV), and their training sessions consisted of 10 sets with 60 s rest intervals between repetitions and 3 min rest intervals between sets. The intensity was determined based on a pre-test 100 m times. The results indicate significant improvements in anthropometric measurements, including weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and body fat percentage, within each group, with no significant differences between groups. Swimming performance for various distances (50 m, 100 m, 200 m, and 800 m) showed significant temporal improvements in all groups, with stroke parameters such as stroke rate and length also exhibiting significant improvements (p < 0.05). Resting heart rate and swimming performance at 100 m and 200 m differed significantly between groups, highlighting the impact of training volume on specific outcomes. In conclusion, this study highlights the positive impact of interval training on the swimming time (50 m, 100 m, 200 m, and 800 m), stroke rate (SR), strokes per length (SPL), stroke length (SL), Borg scale (BS) for various distances, emphasizing the need for tailored training programs to maximize their development and potential.
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Purpose: Quantifying training intensity provides a comprehensive understanding of the training stimulus. Recent technological advances may have improved the feasibility of using heart-rate (HR) monitoring in swimming. However, the implementation of HR monitoring is yet to be assessed longitudinally in the daily training environment of swimmers. This study aimed to assess the implementation of HR by comparing the training-intensity distribution from an external measure, planned volume at set intensities (PVSI), with the internal training-intensity distribution measured using time in HR zones. Methods: Using a longitudinal observational design, 10 competitive swimmers (8 male and 2 female, age: 22.0 [2.3] y, Fédération Internationale de Natation point score: 842.9 [58.5], mean [SD]) were monitored daily for 6 months. Each session, HR data, and coached-planned and athlete-reported session rating of perceived exertion (Modified Category Ratio 10 scale) were recorded. Based on previously determined training zones from an incremental step test, PVSI was calculated using the planned distance and planned intensity of each swim bout. Training-intensity distributions were analyzed using a linear mixed model (lme4). Results: The model revealed a small to moderate relationship between PVSI and time in HR zone, based on the Nakagawa R-squared value (range .14-.42). Conclusions: Training-intensity distribution differed between the internal measure (ie, HR) and the external measure of intensity (ie, PVSI). This demonstrates that internal and planned external measures of intensity cannot be used interchangeably to monitor training. Further research should explore how to best integrate these measures to better understand training in swimming.
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Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is used as an indicator of cardiovascular health and overall fitness. Clinically, RHR is measured from beat-to-beat heart rate data during the day when the body is at rest (RHRrest), typically for ≥ 5 minutes. In this paper, we have compared the RHR measurements done at multiple instances in a single day namely, [Formula: see text], RHR immediately after waking up (RHRmorning) and RHR during sleep (RHRsleep). The significance of measuring RHRsleep and why it can be used as a potential replacement for the conventional methods is analysed through an experimental study in this paper. The results obtained using the proposed method stands out in terms of repeatability. RHR measurements were taken for 3 instances on a single day for 9 subjects on 5 alternate workdays. A comparative analysis was performed by measuring the repeatability coefficient (RC) and Standard Deviation (SD) on the RHR measurements taken during multiple instances for each subject separately. The average RC and SD over the 5 alternate workdays was 5 bpm and SD was 2 bpm for RHRslep. For RHRrest and RHRmorning, the average RC was 12 bpm and 11 bpm and the average SD was 5 bpm and 4 bpm respectively, which is comparatively higher. Hence this method can be potentially adopted instead of the conventional methods as the RHRsleep parameter is more reliable and precise due to its repeatable nature.
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In athletes, spectral analysis of HR variability (HRV) has been shown capable to detect the adaptational changes in sympatho-vagal control attending physical training. So far, studies investigated autonomic nervous system (ANS) changes occurring with endurance training, whereas adaptations to markedly different exercise modes, for example, strength training, have never been investigated. We assessed the changes in cardiac ANS parameters during long-term training in weight lifters of the Italian team preparing for the European Championship, where athletes competed for obtaining the pass for Olympic Games. We investigated nine athletes. Subject trained 3 sessions/day, 6 days a week. The intensity of strength exercises varied from 70% to 95% 1 RM. Training load (TL) was calculated as: volume (min) × intensity (%1RM).All ANS parameters were significantly and highly correlated on an individual basis to the dose of exercise with a second-order regression model (r2 ranged from 0.96 to 0.99; P < 0.001). The low-frequency (LF) component of HRV and LF/HF ratio showed an initial increase with the progression of TL and then a decrease, resembling a bell-shaped curve with a minimum at the highest TL. The high-frequency (HF) component of HRV and R-R interval showed a reciprocal pattern, with an initial decrease with progression of TL followed by an increase, resembling an U-shaped curve with a maximum at the highest TL. These adaptations were at the opposite to those previously reported in endurance athletes. These results suggest that in Olympic weight lifters, ANS adaptations to training are dose-related on individual basis and that ANS adaptations are mainly sport-specific.
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Commercial sleep devices and mobile-phone applications for scoring sleep are gaining ground. In order to provide reliable information about the quantity and/or quality of sleep, their performance needs to be assessed against the current gold standard, i.e., polysomnography (PSG; measuring brain, eye, and muscle activity). Here, we assessed some commercially available sleep trackers, namely an activity tracker; Mi band (Xiaomi, Beijing, China), a scientific actigraph: Motionwatch 8 (CamNTech, Cambridge, UK), and a much-used mobile phone application: Sleep Cycle (Northcube, Gothenburg, Sweden). We recorded 27 nights in healthy sleepers using PSG and these devices and compared the results. Surprisingly, all devices had poor agreement with the PSG gold standard. Sleep parameter comparisons revealed that, specifically, the Mi band and the Sleep Cycle application had difficulties in detecting wake periods which negatively affected their total sleep time and sleep-efficiency estimations. However, all 3 devices were good in detecting the most basic parameter, the actual time in bed. In summary, our results suggest that, to date, the available sleep trackers do not provide meaningful sleep analysis but may be interesting for simply tracking time in bed. A much closer interaction with the scientific field seems necessary if reliable information shall be derived from such devices in the future.
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The physiological role and relevance of the mechanisms sustaining circadian rhythms have been acknowledged. Abnormalities of the circadian and/or sleep-wakefulness cycles can result in major metabolic disorders or behavioral/professional inadequacies and stand as independent risk factors for metabolic, psychiatric, and cerebrovascular disorders and early markers of disease. Neuroimaging and clinical evidence have documented functional interactions between autonomic (ANS) and CNS structures that are described by a concept model (Central Autonomic Network) based on the brain-heart two-way interplay. The circadian rhythms of autonomic function, ANS-mediated processes, and ANS/CNS interaction appear to be sources of variability adding to a variety of environmental factors, and may become crucial when considering the ANS major role in internal environment constancy and adaptation that are fundamental to homeostasis. The CNS/ANS interaction has not yet obtained full attention and systematic investigation remains overdue.
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Purpose To compare the acute physiological responses of three different very low-volume cycling sessions (6 × 5 s, 3 × 30 s, and 3 × 60 s) and their dependence on age and training status. Methods Subjects were untrained young men (mean ± SD; age 22.3 ± 4.6 years, VO2peak 42.4 ± 5.5 ml/kg/min, n = 10), older untrained men (69.9 ± 6.3 years, 26.5 ± 7.6 ml/kg/min, n = 11), and endurance-trained cyclists (26.4 ± 9.4 years, 55.4 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min, n = 10). Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and electrically stimulated knee extension torque, and low-frequency fatigue, as ratio of stimulation torques at 20–100 Hz (P20/100), were measured only 24 h after exercise. Serum testosterone (Te) and blood lactate concentrations were measured only 1 h after exercise. Results All protocols increased the blood lactate concentration and decreased MVC and P20/100 in young men, but especially young untrained men. In old untrained men, 6 × 5 s decreased P20/100 but not MVC. Te increased after 3 × 30 s and 3 × 60 s in young untrained men and after 3 × 60 s in older untrained men. The increase in Te correlated with responses of blood lactate concentration, MVC, and P20/100 only in old untrained men. Conclusions As little as 6 × 5 s all-out cycling induced fatigue in young and old untrained and endurance-trained cyclists. Slightly higher-volume sessions with longer intervals, however, suppressed contractile function more markedly and also transiently increased serum testosterone concentration in untrained men.
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Objective: In two independent study arms, we determine the effects of strength training (ST) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) overload on cardiac autonomic modulation by measuring heart rate (HR) and vagal heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: In the study, 37 well-trained athletes (ST: 7 female, 12 male; HIIT: 9 female, 9 male) were subjected to orthostatic tests (HR and HRV recordings) each day during a 4-day baseline period, a 6-day overload microcycle, and a 4-day recovery period. Discipline-specific performance was assessed before and 1 and 4 days after training. Results: Following ST overload, supine HR, and vagal HRV (Ln RMSSD) were clearly increased and decreased (small effects), respectively, and the standing recordings remained unchanged. In contrast, HIIT overload resulted in decreased HR and increased Ln RMSSD in the standing position (small effects), whereas supine recordings remained unaltered. During the recovery period, these responses were reversed (ST: small effects, HIIT: trivial to small effects). The correlations between changes in HR, vagal HRV measures, and performance were weak or inconsistent. At the group and individual levels, moderate to strong negative correlations were found between HR and Ln RMSSD when analyzing changes between testing days (ST: supine and standing position, HIIT: standing position) and individual time series, respectively. Use of rolling 2-4-day averages enabled more precise estimation of mean changes with smaller confidence intervals compared to single-day values of HR or Ln RMSSD. However, the use of averaged values displayed unclear effects for evaluating associations between HR, vagal HRV measures, and performance changes, and have the potential to be detrimental for classification of individual short-term responses. Schneider et al. HRV Monitoring During Overload Training Conclusion: Measures of HR and Ln RMSSD during an orthostatic test could reveal different autonomic responses following ST or HIIT which may not be discovered by supine or standing measures alone. However, these autonomic changes were not consistently related to short-term changes in performance and the use of rolling averages may alter these relationships differently on group and individual level.
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The aims of the present study were to a) examine recovery time-course and b) analyze the usefulness of the Hooper-Index (wellness index) and resting heart rate variability (HRV) in professional soccer players during an in-season phase. The Hooper-Index and resting HRV were collected on matchday and on the four following days in three consecutive in-season weeks in nine players (25.2±4.3-years). The usefulness of monitoring variables was assessed by a) comparing noise (typical error, TE) to the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) (TE/SWC) and b) comparing match-related changes (i.e., signal) to TE (i.e., signal-to-noise ratio). Between-days standardized differences in the changes of Hooper-Index and HRV were compared to the SWC using magnitude-based inferences. The magnitudes of TE were small and moderate for the Hooper-Index and HRV, respectively. The Hooper-Index showed to be more useful than HRV for monitoring match-induced fatigue as having a lower TE/SWC (3.1 versus 4.4) and a higher signal-to-noise ratio (5.5 versus 1.5). Small-to-very large (range of effect sizes, 0.48; 2.43, confidence limits [0.22; 2.91]) and moderate-to-large (-1.71; -0.61 [-2.44; -0.03]) detrimental changes in Hooper-Index and HRV, respectively, were observed on the days following matchday. While group analyses showed a similar pattern for recovery time-course, more individual players responded similarly when tracked using the Hooper -Index compared to when they were tracked using HRV. An inverse moderate within-individual relationship was observed between changes in the Hooper index and HRV (r=-0.41, [-0.60, 0.18]). The Hooper index is an easy-to-use, no-cost, and non-invasive monitoring tool and seems promising for tracking match-induced fatigue during in the season in professional soccer.
Commercial sleep devices and mobile-phone applications for scoring sleep are gaining ground. In order to provide reliable information about the quantity and/or quality of sleep, their performance needs to be assessed against the current gold-standard, i.e. polysomnography (PSG; measuring brain, eye and muscle activity). We here assessed some commercially available sleep trackers, namely; a commercial activity tracker: Mi band (Xiaomi, BJ, CHN), a scientific actigraph: Motionwatch 8 (CamNTech, CB, UK), and a much used sleep application: Sleep Cycle (Northcube, GOT, SE). We recorded 27 nights in healthy sleepers using PSG and these devices. Surprisingly, all devices had very poor agreement with the gold standard. Sleep parameter comparisons revealed that specifically the Mi band and the sleep cycle application had difficulties in detecting wake periods which negatively affected the total sleep time and sleep efficiency estimations. However, all 3 devices were good in detecting the most basic parameter, the actual time in bed. In summary, our results suggest that, to-date; available sleep trackers do not provide meaningful sleep analysis but may be interesting for simply tracking times in bed. A much closer interaction with the scientific field seems necessary if reliable information shall be derived from such devices in the future.
Objective: To examine agreement between multiple commercial activity monitors (CAMs) and a validated actigraph to measure sleep. Methods: Thirty adults without sleep disorders wore an Actiwatch Spectrum (AW) and alternated wearing 6 CAMs for one 24-h period each (Fitbit Alta, Jawbone Up3, Misfit Shine 2, Polar A360, Samsung Gear Fit2, Xiaomi Mi Band 2). Total sleep time (TST) and wake after sleep onset (WASO) were compared between edited AW and unedited CAM outputs. Comparisons between AW and CAM data were made via paired t-tests, mean absolute percent error (MAPE) calculations, and intra-class correlations (ICC). Intra-model reliability was performed in 10 participants who wore a pair of each AW and CAM model. Results: Fitbit, Jawbone, Misfit, and Xiaomi overestimated TST relative to AW (53.7–80.4 min, P ≤ .001). WASO was underestimated by Fitbit, Misfit, Samsung and Xiaomi devices (15.0–27.9 min; P ≤ .004) and overestimated by Polar (27.7 min, P ≤ .001). MAPEs ranged from 5.1% (Samsung) to 25.4% (Misfit) for TST and from 36.6% (Fitbit) to 165.1% (Polar) for WASO. TST ICCs ranged from .00 (Polar) to .92 (Samsung), while WASO ICCs ranged from .38 (Misfit) to .69 (Samsung). Differences were similar between poor sleepers (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index global score >5; n = 10) and good sleepers. Intra-model reliability analyses revealed minimal between-pair differences and high ICCs. Conclusions: Agreement between CAMs and AW varied by device, with greater agreement observed for TST than WASO. While reliable, variability in agreement across CAMs with traditional actigraphy may complicate the interpretation of CAM data obtained for clinical or research purposes.
This case study reports the training of an elite 25-km open-water swimmer and the daily heart rate variability (HRV) changes during the 19-week period leading to his world champion title. Training load was collected every day and resting HRV was recorded every morning. The swimmer’s characteristics were V̇O2max: 58.5 ml·min−1·kg−1, maximal heart rate: 178 beats per minute, and maximal ventilation: 170 L·min−1. Weekly training volume was 85±21 km, 39±8% was at [La]b<2 mmol · L−1 (Z1), 53±8% was at [La]b 2–4 mmol·L−1 (Z2), and 8±4% was at [La]b>4 mmol·L−1 (Z3). In the supine position, the increase in training volume and Z2 training were related to increases in rMSSD and HF. In the standing position, an increase in parasympathetic activity and decrease in sympathetic activity were observed when Z1 training increased. Seasonal changes indicated higher values in the LF/HF ratio during taper, whereas higher values in parasympathetic indices were observed in heavy workload periods. This study reports extreme load of an elite ultra-endurance swimmer. Improvements in parasympathetic indices with increasing Z2 volume indicate that this training zone was useful to improve cardiac autonomic activity, whereas Z1 training reduced sympathetic activity.
Even though sleep has been shown to be influenced by athletes’ training status, the association with resting heart rate and heart rate variability remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare the changes in and relationships between resting heart rate, heart rate variability and sleep characteristics across a female collegiate cross‐country season. Ten NCAA Division I collegiate female cross‐country athletes (mean ± SD; age, 19 ± 1 year; height, 167.6 ± 7.6 cm; body mass, 57.7 ± 10.2 kg; VO2max, 53.3 ± 5.9 ml kg−1 min−1) participated in this study. Resting heart rate, heart rate variability and the percentage of time in slow wave sleep were captured using a wrist‐worn multisensor sleep device throughout the 2016 competitive cross‐country season (12 weeks). Linear mixed‐effects models and magnitudebased inferences were used to assess differences between each week. Pearson product moment correlations were used to investigate relationships between variables. Resting heart rate at the end of the season, specifically during weeks 10–12 (mean ± SE; week 10, 48 ± 2; week 11, 48 ± 3; week 12, 48 ± 3), showed a practically meaningful increase compared to the beginning of the season, weeks 2–4 (week 2, 44 ± 2; week 3, 45 ± 2; week 4, 44 ± 2). Higher resting heart rate (r = 0.55) and lower heart rate variability (r = −0.62) were largely associated with an increase in percentage of time spent in slow wave sleep. These data suggest that when physiological state was impaired, meaning the physiological restorative demand was higher, the percentage of time in slow wave sleep was increased to ensure recovery. Thus, it is important to implement sleep hygiene strategies to promote adequate slow wave sleep when the body needs physiological restoration.